#lech titanic
reinerslawyer · 1 year
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SHINGEKI NO KYOJIN Eren in Brave Volunteers
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leonard-watch-kun · 3 months
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jasontoddssuper · 8 months
Afro-dominican Jason Todd headcanons
I politely ask that people who adhere to the first three Robins and Damian being 'the core Batkids' trope,age gap shippers-with aus included-and people who're overly s*xual about Jason dni with this post.I would not appreciate your support and would rather you just block me,sorry!
Both sets of his grandparents were inmigrants who made sure to teach their kids their culture and Bruce,Talia and Alfred did research so he could still grow up in it after he was adopted so he's not disconnected from his heritage like you'd expect
Is darkskinned with a big nose,full lips,green eyes and shoulder length black dreads with one of them being white from the Lazarus Pit.As Robin,he wore his hair short and natural(By which i mean his classic curls but even thicker)
Dosen't speak spanish super often but still enough that it's a consistent part of his speech patterns and dosen't really have an accent since he's so good at both it and english
90s/2000s anime kid but specifically watched the eps/read the mangas in latino spanish whenever he could(Definitely a merch collector too!!Not anything weird though,i feel the need to say that,he just loves buying volumes and figures and replicas of weapons and plushies-That last one is a secret though)
Has his pre-reboot Robin characterization but got a bad rep and victim blamed anyway because of antiblackness and xenophobia
Bullying Tim for being a gringo is one of his favorite hobby's
Duke and him compare their similar yet different experiences with blackness and got along even quicker than canon in solidarity
Since i have him be a mentor to my verse's Damian Teen Titans generation,he's closest to Nell out of all the members(other than Damian obvs)
Takes great care of his hair and will sometimes wear red beads-He actually has a couple of sets in different shades!!
Says his favorite color is red because it represents blood on his country's flag and nobody can tell wether he's joking or not
Sometimes feels guilty for 'being a stereotype' due to the whole born to poor parents who were also addicts and being a rude asshole with anger issues and thrist for violence but rarely lets it get to him because he thinks he's coolest mf to ever exist(But we all know he's actually a boyloser)
Not a huge aave user but he does say 'deadass' fairly often and enjoys euphemisms from it
Love his country's cuisine-especially flan,it's tied with neapolitan ice cream as his favorite dessert-but his favorite type of latino food is mexican!Tres Leches cake and tacos and burritos and mexican hot chocolate and all that make his mouth water like Atlantis
Wears traditional festive clothes for special events and if he can't,he'll just refuse to go("I'm not going out in public in that!" "It's literally a tux???" "You call that a tux?It dosen't even have shoulder pads!Don't patronize me,Dickald.")
An alt music kinda guy but does love bachata for nostalgia reasons and has some songs memorized
Adores dominican folklore and uses it's horror myths for inspo as Red Hood
Thinks 'Showing affection means you aren't tough!' is gringo nonsense so he's pretty open about it if he likes someone,be it platonic or romantic
The only thing him and Kyle can agree on is that latinos are superior
This last one isn't a headcanon but a fun coincidence-His birthday is the same day as Dominican Restoration Day!!
I'd love reblogs on this because i hardly ever see latino Jason content that's not racist but don't feel obliaged if you don't want to!!♡
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Tal día como hoy 10 de abril ...
2019: Se hace pública la primera fotografía de un agujero, ubicado en el centro de la galaxia M87. Captado por el Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), un telescopio 'virtual' tan grande como toda la Tierra.
2013: El gobierno de Uruguay aprueba la Ley de matrimonio igualitario.
2010: Se estrella un avión Tupolev Tu-154 en la base aérea de Smolensk (Rusia), durante el aterrizaje. Falleciendo sus 96 ocupantes, entre ellos el presidente polaco Lech Kaczynski y la cúpula militar del ejército polaco.
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2003: Saquean el Museo Nacional de Bagdad, durante la segunda guerra del golfo Pérsico.
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1972: Guerrilleros del ERP ejecutan a Oberdan Sallustro, director general de la empresa Fiat Concord, tras 20 días de secuestro en Buenos Aires (Argentina).
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1925: Se publica por primera vez la novela "The Great Gatsby", de F. Scott Fitzgerald en Nueva York (Estados Unidos)
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1912: El transatlántico Titanic parte del puerto de Southampton (Reino Unido) rumbo a Nueva York (Estados Unidos).
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1825: Se abre al público el primer hotel en Hawái.
1815: Entra en erupción el volcán Tambora en las islas menores de la Sonda (Indonesia), causando más de 82.000 muertos y numerosos daños materiales.
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1710: Entra en vigor el Estatuto de Ana en Reino Unido, la primera ley sobre copyright.
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thecollegerations · 6 months
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Apple strudel
I struggle to grasp this dearest, and i mean that literally. The moment I reach to grab the treat it comes apart in sheets, as If I'm skinning alive a victim from a horror movie. The skin is paper thin, the sheet looks as if I could build lanterns out of them and send them to long-lost lovers from distant lands…I should answer her calls, actually. 
Simply Picking up the confection it squirms and wiggles, not yet coming to grasp to it’s doom. Holding the amalgamation. it reminds if an apple pie that was dumped during a rain storm, Sad and broken, soft and flimsy.
Taking a bite The theory about the apple pie is true, I also pity the poor thing clearly past its prime. But as sad as I saw it I was not expecting the the forceful punch of the apple after. It feels as If I took a bite of fall, the leaves, the bitter air, the white woman and their pumpkin spice lattes. It was pleasant and oddly timeless. I would rate it as a festive flavor Yankee candle  
Pastry Cream
Dear god, I fear what humanity has created; never in the 18 years of my life have i been fearful of being eaten, but as I stare down this…this THING, I can only hope i am spared. Simply looking at it scares me all I can compare it to is the blob. The texture concerns me as I feel if I touch the creature, I will become absorbed. 
As much as I tremble with fear writing, I hope my family will find my will and burn the remaining evidence I hold. I slowly approach the creamy blob dipping my finger in it. If I was blind, I may have mistaken it for mashed potatoes but I am not blind therefore, i have the advantage. 
Immdently after taking a lick of the cream on my finger, I cum to learn the errors of my way. “How could i be so blind?” I cry out as i fall to my knees, tears flowing from my eyes. The shame is almost unbearable. Yet I crawl back to the container of the creamy ooze, digging my finger back in. consuming every last drop as I haven't eaten in years. Have I eaten? When was the last time I ate? Wait, why am I unable to rember what I was doing before this…Hello? I didn't agree to this...This is not what she promised me it was only supposed to be present!
It’s best to ignore what happened. The taste was very sweet and practically melted on my tongue, and I would totally recommend this to a friend I would rate this cream one delicious existential crisis.  Is anyone there…?
Creme Brulee
Similar to the cream on both looks and taste. The only difference I could find was the addition of sugar adding a nice crunch. Almost as if I was crunching on a bunch of keyboard keys. As well as a nice caramel leche flavor, I wished people tasted like this. I would rate this crunch a real munch.
As I hold the hold the churro in my hand the only thought that comes to my mind is how this is what a giant must feel. The small cylinder log is perfectly ensnared within my hand, cowering as I bring it closer to its doom. As I a titan eater of words ready to consume the pitiful shape. 
It resembles a small wooden log, covered in a sugary substance I can only infer as an ancient infection from long ago. Simply touching it infects my skin, I can't imagine what the possible long-term effect could be. The smell is unimaginable, I fear what it could be
Taking a bite, crushing the outer shell of the armor I reach the soft core. The infection runs too deep, corrupting the innards with sugar or possibly cinnamon, violating my mouth with a tasty flavor. My only regret was not being able to dip it remains in molten chocolate.
I would rate this deceptive treat an outbreak in the making, I may not make it from this one…
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adreecal · 10 months
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¿Qué rollito primavera?
Dani Flow
From lrapuato, mami
El antro está lleno, pero llego y más se llena (más se llena)
Cuando llego se levanta la cadena (prra)
Tu novio se gana en año y medio mi quincena
La niña obscena, no le da pena (no le da, no le da)
Pu-Pu-Puta, arrímame tu culo, pero ya
Tiene casa, pero no tiene que llegar (no, no, no, no)
Puta, arrímame tu culo, pero ya
Se mueven más rico las que no tienen papá (puta, puta, prr)
Pu-Pu-Pu-Puta, arrímame tu culo, pero ya (pero ya)
Tiene casa, pero no tiene que llegar (no, no, no, no)
Pu-Puta, arrímame tu culo, pero ya
Se mueven más rico las que no tienen papá
Qué rico te mueves, hija de tu puta madre (prr)
Eres una perra, solo falta que me ladres (ita-ta-tá!)
Ese culo es Troya por la manera en que arde (arde)
Un chingo de morros, pero solamente un Daniel (Dani Flow, prr)
Tengo la pingona que me cuelga como taco de billar
Esas chichis están ricas, al chile, yo las vi ya (yo las vi ya)
Es-Este reggaetón en la tele no va a sonar
Y si suena es porque soy una verga, no hay más qué hablar
Me la mamas, y no mames, es el golazo de James (igolazo!)
Me encanta cuando lo lames, te voy a dar el jarabe
Nadie me cambia los planes, ni a los Jóvenes Titanes (no, no, no)
Si te parto el ano es para que el pito me embarres (ouh, shit)
Em-Em-Embárramelo todo y escúpeme en la boca (prra)
Sabes que nadie como tu papi te provoca
Le gusta meterse coca, es una motherfucka
Y está calientota como lava del Popoca
Pu-Pu-Puta, arrímame tu culo, pero ya (pero ya)
Tiene casa, pero no tiene que llegar
Puta, arrímame tu culo, pero ya
Se mueven más rico las que no tienen papá (puta, puta; aprobada)
Pu-Pu-Pu-Puta, arrímame tu culo, pero ya
Tiene casa, pero no tiene que llegar (no, no, no)
Pu-Puta, arrímame tu culo, pero ya
Se mueven más rico las que no tienen papá
Abre-Abre-Abre-Abre las dos patas, te voy a dejar los tenis puestos, obvio
Para que sea fácil correr si llega tu novio (jajajaja)
Al Rey del Morbo nadie le quitará el podio
Te chupo la vagina, niña, con todo y microbios, delicioso
Si va atronar, que truene (que truene)
Te la meto el sábado y te la saco hasta el jueves
Vente con tu prima, para las dos tengo pene (lo verás)
El puercototote, pero siempre con higiene
Te quito con los dientes blancotes ese Michael Kors
Yo no me vacuné, ay, qué rico que tengas tos
Tó-Tó-Tóseme, yo quiero la infección (yeah, yeah)
A mí se me para hasta con la escena lésbica en la peli de Buzz
Te hizo falta tu papá, por eso quieres que te pegue (que te pegue)
Terminas llorando, pero me gusta que ruegues
Te paro los dos balones como Marc-André ter Stegen (iporterazo!)
Qué chichotas, ¿de casualidad no sueltan leche?
Pu-Pu-Puta, arrímame tu culo, pero ya (pero ya)
Tiene casa, pero no tiene que llegar (no, no, no, no)
Puta, arrímame tu culo, pero ya
Se mueven más rico las que no tienen papá (puta, puta)
Pu-Pu-Pu-Puta, arrímame tu culo, pero ya (pero ya)
Tiene casa, pero no tiene que llegar
Pu-Puta, arrímame tu culo, pero ya
Se mueven más rico las que no tienen papá (ita-ta-tá!)
Dani Flow
El único Rey del Morbo
From Irapuato, Guanajuato
Tu villano favorito, mami
Dani Flow
2000 siempre, el perreo que no caduca
Y el beat es mío, por si acaso
What's up?
Y el príncipe del bellaqueo, Dani Flow
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Lookit patrick scramble to recover this narrative now. Look at him skittering around Profound Bond telling people to Message Me. Nono, he won't say it on main where people can correct them. He corrals people into DM to fill their heads with lies and anxieties.
Patrick, you just saw, actually, what happened. You saw your own plans backfire. Everything you claimed about me being fake just got proven *wrong.* *You* are the irrevocably dumb motherfucker that didn't know what was going on here for the last FIVE YEARS.
But since I know Shatner and Mark P are STILL hate crawling my blog, I wanted to let them know that @/tfw2point0 is a huge factor in this. If you guys wanted that to stay quiet, you probably shouldn't have had him in your SM secretary's ear.
Anyway don't forget to ask Mark Pellegrino, everyone, if he confirms or denies the contents of his late 2017 communications in group chat and 1:1 regarding an attack on Misha's Career by Travis.
Hey!! Mark Pellegrino, Shatner, Travis!! Go thank Patrick. :)
And you know. You can lie to the newbies 1:1 right now. Sure. But eventually, they're gonna hear about TAW. Eventually, they're gonna look it up. Hell, eventually they'll find me there, since I was the one who got his ass blacklisted, and man you worked REAL hard to bring that on Mark P and Shatner today.
So I mean, enjoy having them for a year or two until somebody educates them on history and what new following you're trying to groom up from losing your own realizes you're a lying lech.
Genuinely impressive that in trying to disprove me not only did you prove everything in the attacked masterpost was true but you titanically fucked over Mark Pellegrino. Good work.
Just like I said even. I show up, clear my throat behind my new icon, and Mark yeets. And boy oh boy did he fuckin yeet yesterday. And so did Shatner when he actually got control of his account from his SM manager again. Mark's braindamaged heckle was under the association I was gone. Cuz you know what? He HAD been talked to about that. He just didn't know my new twitter. Like I said. In my fucking post. But the second he did boy did he teleport, didn't he.
Like damn I don't like Mark either but I kept it mostly quiet beyond the Mark P B GoN joke and damn you stupid motherfuckers ran right to Shatner's socials thinking you had something to drag on main and all you guys got was a lost job, and two VERY pissed off worried actors you just blew up.
If you had been TRYING to hurt Mark P and Shatner I'd be like GOOD ON YOU BOI but no you thought you were doing some shit here with me and realized you're 5 years behind on who's legally entangled with the SPN crew.
Once again I'm left cycling on "what a dumb bastard." dude literally directly verified two things in the post he was trying to counter. The ones on video he can't counter. What, on god's green earth, does he believe he can disprove about me at this point
sending the jared stans to defend a jared hater that attacked him professionally calling him an abusive druggie and alcoholic on main to his fans and shit during all this-- because you don't like my factual coverage of things like ratings-- truly. Magnificent dumbfuckery.
Cannot. Believe. This dude. Literally verified I'm legit. By trying to shit his pants. Because he didn't get the last FIVE FUCKING YEARS OF EVENTS WITH THE CAST AND CREW.
Five years. Let me emphasize the capital level of OBLIVIOUS NOBODY you are that you JUST NOW FIGURED OUT I was at the core of blacklisttaw when I started the trend, you NEVER tapped the brake to think what that fucking entails, and you NEVER stopped running your mouth long enough to make sure you weren't defending rape apologists.
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hoodharlow · 1 year
i promise this is going somewhere but i just wanted to say that first before it started off so vulgar. anyway i get really horny right before my period starts but i never truly think about it until i'm bleeding and like oh ya that makes sense. ANYWAY i keep thinking about mena and cal in the same situation where she's making him make her cum like 3/4 times every time she's about to start her period and one day calum's like "oh do you have tampons and pads? i'm at the store already picking up groceries" and she's like "uhmm i don't know? i think i have some pads?" so calum's like "okay! i'll grab a few of both before i come over" but she's still so confused. then calum gets home and nico runs over to mami mena making grabby hands at her and instantly she picks her up but questions cal about the tampons/pads and he's like "well yesterday you made me go 2 rounds back to back and i..." he stopped bc nico was still there and said "plus i ate dessert after, so you're about to start your days. you always get like this, i'm not complaining! just making sure you're set" and she was too stunned to speak.. completely overwhelmed by the idea that this man knew her like the back of his own hand and got extremely turned on right there... anyway i need a man like that😭
ANON HOW DID YOU KNOW I WAS PLANNING ON MAKING CAL AND MENA FWB (like they wait until after this christmas)
but even before they become fwb they just get each other and cal knows when she's on her period lol that also how he knows he got her pregnant with hood baby #2 laskjdksal
omg yes, the one time he's at target with nico, cal stocks up on the goods (condoms and mena's pads/tampons) becase mena is on set and cal has nothing better to do. nico, fortunately, doesn't see the condoms so she doesn't ask about them but she does see the tampon box. so cal has to explain to his toddler what pads and tampons are but he just says that her mami mena gets tummy aches and needs them. nico forgets about it bc cal buys some ice cream pints bc mami mena would riot if she doesn't have her expensive dulce de leche ice cream and nico takes advantage gets her fave paletas de fresa and her hot cheetos (yes nico eats hot cheetos). but when they get home mena is 😭🥺😭🥺😭🥺 bc she's v emo that cal thought of her and nico is like "mami okay?" and mena just nods and hugs her. then nico goes to watch teen titans (the og cartoon). cal literally comforts mena and they make out in the walk in pantry so nico doesn't see them lol
oh and he also gets her midol bc she gets bad cramps.
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jjsavesherself · 10 months
16/06/23 (5/100)
do my taxes
order textbooks for summer semester
Word of the Day:
The Pleiades, also known as The Seven Sisters, Messier 45, is an asterism and an open star cluster in the constellation Taurus. At a distance of about 444 light years. The name of the Pleiades comes from Ancient Greek: Πλειάδες. The Pleiades were the seven sister-nymphs, companions of Artemis, daughter of the titan Atlas (known for philosophy, mathematics and astronomy). The name Pleiades is derived from the name of their mother, Pleione (an oceanid nymph). The myth of the seven sisters includes Zeus changing them into stars to protect them from Orion.
Song of the Day:
My Day:
6:00am - woke and took meds, then went back to sleep
7:30am - woke for the second time, got out of bed
8:00am - did my taxes & got the mail
9:00am - drank some lemonade + made coffee (Dulce de leche sweetened w/ honey) & ordered my philosophy text online for my Contemporary World Views and Christianity course (What's Your Worldview? : An interactive approach to life's big questions by James Anderson)
9:30am - made breakfast (waffle w/ a banana & peach yogurt) & read for a bit (Foyle's Philavery) + started my very own philavery hehe
12:00pm - showered and did some self-care
Spent the rest of the day doing self reflection, reading, and researching (finally have an idea for a new novel!!!)
We ordered donairs for dinner :)
** will be spending the weekend relaxing and spending time with my family, will continue productivity journey on Monday <3
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jartitameteneis · 2 years
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Me levanto, desayunamos y me invita a dormir la siesta a su lado.
Ya no le gustan las fotos, cumplió 90 años. Una jefe mía me dijo que yo porqué subía fotos con ella enferma...
Y sí, está achacadita, pero es un roble. Los que la conocen saben lo vanidosa y hermosa que fue. Yo salía con ella y nos paraban a decirme que si era la actriz de 'Titanic'.
Me la llevaba a mis trabajos y a mis eventos. La acreditaba como periodista y solo una vez, Arturo Calle preguntó qué hacía una abuela en el lanzamiento de su nueva colección. La miró y le dijo: -Usted está muy elegante, señora. Y ella respondió: -Gracias. Mi nieto me trajo. Yo seguí: -Disculpe, no tenía con quién dejarla. "Tranquilos, bienvenidos", sonrió. -Sufría yo por dentro-.
También nos disfrazábamos en Halloween.
Usó tacones hasta los 85 años, maquillaje y tintura dorada. Sus ojos azules ya miran tristes. Ya no quiere ni esmalte rojo en las uñas. La baño y ella misma desconoce su cuerpo y me dice: -Mijo, mire cómo estoy de acabada. Yo me volteo porque no puedo llorar delante de ella y le cambio el tema y la animo y le traigo su leche caliente con Ensure. Y respiro porque es muy difícil ver que una persona que hizo tantas cosas en su vida, que estudió Contaduría en una época en donde las mujeres no tenían derecho a nada, trabajó en la Contraloría General de la República hasta pensionarse, educó, cocinó, tejió, pintó..., ahora solo espera el llamado de Dios y lo anhela a diario. Me dicen conocidos que si estoy preparado. Yo les digo que sí. A veces no sé, porque me levanto asustado cuando no la oigo roncar y se me paraliza el corazón de imaginarme su partida. Y no sabría a quién llamar primero cuando pase.
Discuto con ella porque no come. Con mucha dificultad le cuchareo. Hace un tiempo, me enviaban seguido a la Policía y hasta me demandaron mis vecinos por abandono y maltrato. Pero les dije: -Yo tengo que trabajar, estudiar, hacer mi vida y construir mi futuro, porque ella se va y yo me quedo. Lo entendieron con el paso de los 10 años que ha estado a mi cargo. No se amañó en un hogar geriátrico. Y yo decidí que debe estar en su casa. La que ella trabajó por conseguir. Esa fue la voluntad de mi mamá cuando falleció aquí mismo. "Cuídala", me dijo.
Créditos a su autor.
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cartelheir · 2 years
THE LITTLE THINGS ;   muse questionnaire .
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favourite tea .     pat’s not a tea person.   she tried many that others recommended in hopes to make her calmer  ( chamomile,  mint,  lavender,  matcha,  etc ),  but never noticed much of a difference. favourite coffee .     just black with a little bit of sugar most days,  though she really enjoys some iced mocha with very dark chocolate when she feels like indulging. favourite sweet snack .     chocolate or dulce de leche churros are her favorite sweets,  no contest.   other than that,  she’s not a huge fan of sugary sweets,  but loves anything chocolate. favourite savory snack .     cherry tomato salad  ( yes she thinks that’s a snack ). favourite flowers .     dahlia,  marigolds,  and classic red roses. favourite colors .     bright red,  blood red,  deep red.   other than every shade of red you can think of,  she also loves gold and bronze;  a warm tones girl all the way. favourite fruit .     technically,  tomatoes.   otherwise peaches & strawberries. favourite vegetable .     aspargus and cauliflower. favourite season .     summer!!!!! favourite time of the day .     dusk,  or otherwise midnight. favourite kind of weather .     sunny,  warm and dry. love language to give .     gift-giving and physical touch. love languages to receive .     all of them lmao.   but specially the same ones she gives;  gift-giving and physical touch. specific niche love languages .     unprompted acts of kindness and affection;  pat doesn’t have to be asked to do nice things for her partner.   a massage when they seem tense, or a comforting touch when they’re upset,  bringing them coffee in the morning,  buying a gift on a random day just because it reminded her of them.   with platonic relationships she’s not as touchy or considerate about small everyday things,  but she’s very generous with money,  be it by lending some and not actually expecting it in return or paying for their share when they go out together. favourite hobbies .     singing  ( a passion she’s slowly but surely getting back to,  and she’s very talented ),  playing guitar and piano,  working out,  shopping  ( jewelry and vintage cars are her favorites ),  hanging out with friends  ( aka gossiping ),  playing chess when she wants to show off she’s smart,  reality tv when alone or with people who won’t judge her for it. favourite books .     pat isn’t a huge recreational reader.   every once in a while a good book can grab her attention,  but she wouldn’t be able to name a favorite. favourite movies .     coco,  the fox and the hound,  scarface,  carrie  ( the 80s one ),  titanic  ( if you make fun of her she WILL be offended ),  bonnie & clyde. favourite songs .     she goes back and forth a lot,  but de nada sirve has a special place in her heart.   it’s just a classic from her childhood. favourite musician .     i’m not even gonna get into this rn because i feel like i gotta be period appropriate and i just don’t want to do research 😂 favourite animals .     cats!!!   from big wild cats to house cats,  pat just loves felines.   in her main verse she owns two african servals,  but in just about every verse i can think of pat has at least one cat. favourite insects .     if an insect gets near her she’ll kill it :/ favourite terrain .     deserts are home to her,  and she finds them stunning.   she also has a fondness for the beach.
tagged by .    stolen from someone at some point
tagging .     @streetsofsecrets​,  @sleazygoing​,  @bornfornothin​,  @deathdippedingold​,  @crestazul​,  @exspiritment​,  @crimewrought​,  all my mutuals pls steal it and tag me!
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soleilnomoon · 2 years
🍭✨🍨sticky & sweet 🧁✨🍭 - a milestone event !
hello, hello 💛it’s finally time for another milestone event! i didn’t expect to have one so soon tbh, but that’s just how life goes; the other day i saw that i had 555 followers at exactly 3:33 a.m. (spooky, but also extremely lucky?) and now that i have 564 followers, i want to show my appreciation for each one of you. when i first made this blog, it was really just to get back in the groove of writing — how i write off of tumblr is vastly different, actually — and to sort of experiment with various style of prose, so it’s been a learning curve and a fun journey writing, plus everyone’s been so cool so that’s been a plus 🥰 anyway, i present to you 🍭✨🍨sticky & sweet 🧁✨🍭 a 555+ followers event. i will write drabbles & ficlets/scenarios, and i will take requests for characters from one piece, jujutsu kaisen, attack on titan, & obey me.
please don’t forget to check out my rules before sending requests 💕
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i’ve had a terrible sweet tooth lately, so that’s partly the inspiration behind this event’s theme. please choose a topping (it’s ok to request multiple), 3 to 5 items from the main menu and/or special menu (it’s ok to request multiple/combination from both lists), and one item from the secret menu (one character from the fandom of your choice). also, if you want me to choose for you, just let me know.
example: “hi! i would like to order an eclair, a chocolate truffle, and taffy with whipped cream and #1 (zoro) from the side menu.”
the event will run from 08.14.22 (today) until 11.05.22, so be sure to get your requests in before it finishes.
current status: closed.
masterlist of requests
i. please choose one character from either one piece, jjk, aot, or obey me — if you’re feeling indecisive, you can toss a few names my way and i’ll pick at random.
ii. you can send multiple requests (but please consider requesting different characters if you do.)
iii. if there’s a preferred gender you want me to write the reader as, please let me know.
iv. since the event is more or less a nsfw one, i will only write for canonically adult characters; i’m not budging on that.
v. this is an 18+ event, so minors please do not interact, thank you.
✨ place your orders & enjoy a lil’ sugar rush✨
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⁎ whipped cream - fluff
⁎ honey - angst
⁎ caramel - smut
⁎ poppy seeds - hurt / comfort
items on the main menu:
crepe // early morning
eclair  // holding hands
macaron // party
cafecito // tongue kisses
pain au chocolat // hug from behind
apple strudel // body warmth
chocolate truffle // missed opportunity
tres leches // bite marks
strawberry cake // candle wax
flan // knife
dulce de leche roll // “stop running.”
meringue cookie // fingertips
konpeitō // denial
parfait // stargazing
white chocolate // “i have to go.”
dark chocolate // bind
milk chocolate // slow dancing
coconut cake // card game
fudge // “it’s too late.”
toffee // tongue-tied
glazed donut // “stay.”
cupcake // toxic
cafe con leche // first date
gingersnap cookie // rumors
cheesecake bar // sharing dessert
fruit tart // “don’t give me that look.”
cinnamon roll // wrist kiss
churro // choke
licorice // argument
mocha latte // fake dating or marriage of convenience
tiramisu // breakup
lemon bar // secrets
scone // betrayal
sorbet // “don’t leave.”
brownie // blush
chocolate mousse // “i can’t do this right now.”
jelly bean // kneel
lollipop // neck kiss
peppermint // nightmare
lemon drop // confession
cotton candy // possessive
marshmallow // lingering touch
jawbreaker // “move.”
taffy // “open your mouth.”
candy necklace // praise
gumdrop // “did i tell you to stop?”
shortbread cookie // slap
cobbler // “we’re in public.”
frozen yogurt // only one bed
angel food cake roll // late night drink
items on the special menu | ✨🍬 new 🍩✨
banana bread // “say my name.”
cake pop // massage
funnel cake // hopeful
sugar cookie // precious
donut hole // straddle
popsicle // desire
sponge cake // taste
peanut brittle // inside joke
gingerbread cookie // “need help with that?”
ice cream sundae // strip
palmier cookie // dream
blan manje // control
key lime pie // starlight
muffin // “i’ve never done this before.”
nougat // punishment
oatmeal raisin cookie // “behave.”
neapolitan rose cake // enemies to lovers
red velvet cupcake // shower
strawberry shortcake // reunion
anmitsu // first love
creme brulee // revenge
arroz con dulce  // push
springtime beignets & berries // dinner
ice cream cake // “don’t cover your mouth, i want to hear you.”
brown sugar pound cake // champagne
peach turnover // sunrise
rum cake // rest
affogato // devious
tembleque // “don’t stop.”
pastelito de guayaba // cuddle
cream puff // “shut the hell up.”
buñuelo // erratic
items on the secret menu:
one piece
jujutsu kaisen
attack on titan
obey me
other fandom *  — just ask and i’ll let you know if i write for them
(only choose one character per request, please and thank you).
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: The Hyades (Kingdom of Ichor)
*from left to right: Coronis, Phaesyle, Cleea, Phaeo, & Eudora
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Nicknames- The Blue Sisters by Aphrodite
The Rainmakers, The Maidens of Rain by the people of Olympius
Age(s)- 22 through 17 (immortal)
Location- Corfu, Olympius
Personalities- They all have a strong sense of sisterhood & they're calm, stoic, & introverted. Coronis (the oldest) is the most loving and maternal with Phaeo being the most sensitive. Cleea is uniquely individual & artistic. Phaesyle is the bookworm intellect while Eudora is an old soul.
As goddesses of the seasonal rains, they all have the standard abilities of a goddess- except shapeshifting. Because their mom is an oceanic nymph, they all inherited the trait to breathe underwater, but they don't form tails. Other shared powers/abilities include hydrokinesis or water manipulation in all its forms- ice, snow, vapor. They can use water for healing & they can also generate rainstorms as well as tidal waves. They also have limited aerokinesis and nephelokinesis (cloud manipulation).
The sisters' main address is in the state of Corfu where they all live in a gorgeous mansion built out of marble & moonstone with their mother Aethra (an oceanic nymph). They also have a property in the Underwater realm built out of pearl & sea stone. The Hyades often spend time in Corinth where they visit their father Atlas (Titan god of strength & endurance). They have also visited Olympius' capital, New Olympus, where they often spend time in the Lunar district. The inside of the main house gives off a starry night vibe (with dark blues, purples, silvers, & gold). There are lots of floor-to-ceiling windows, a skylight, opal and obsidian countertops, velvet & satin furniture, and a grand chandelier dripping with white diamonds & blue sapphires. The sisters and their mom own many pets including hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas, bichon frises, & bernese mountain dogs.
The sisters & their mom have a strong close relationship with the shared grief and trauma they all went through. Their little brother Hyas died several years ago, but sometimes it feels as though it was yesterday. He was an adventurous precocious young kid who was the center of their universe. The sisters (Coronis especially) treated him more like a son than a little brother. They loved spending time with him as a family- doing activities like stargazing, cloud surfing, hunting, surfing, camping, and visiting aquariums. The day where their mother gave him permission to go hunting alone fills them all with regret. Hyas was only 10 when he died, attacked by a lion. It was said that they all (including their mother) continuously wept for an entire year. Now, they all have some comfort with knowing that his soul is in Elysium, probably cloud surfing with his wide toothy grin. The sisters & their mother all wear silver locket bracelets which contain some of his ashes.
It's safe to say that the death of Hyas led to the fracture of their once tight knit family. Their father completely shut down emotionally & metally and their parents eventually divorced. The sisters now check on him from time to time- bringing him food, doing household chores, & making sure that he's going to his appointments with his therapist. Coronis does water healing treatments, mellowing out Atlas' mind fog whenever he has nightmares about Hyas.
They all like their mother's aguapanela (a sugarcane drink). Cleea loves the toasted marshmallow chocolate milkshakes from The Frozen Spoon while Eudora likes the coconut tres leche milkshake. Coronis' go-to drink is a blue sapphire while Phaesyle likes the aqua pearl & Phaeo likes rum punch. They all like the olympian sized blueberry açaí splash from The Roasted Bean.
They have a big breakfast with their mother every morning. Some go-to dishes include strapatsada (scrambled eggs cooked with tomatoes), avocado toast, rizogalo, cayeye, gialetia (corn pancakes topped with powdered sugar, cinnamon, & honey), and changua (egg & milk soup). The sisters also likes their dad's blueberry french toast!
The Hyades are distant with their extended family. They haven't seen their paternal grandparents Clymene (Titaness of fame & renown) and Iapetus (Titan god of mortality, pain, & death) in almost a century. They also haven't hung out with their older half sister Calypso in a while, but they're still kept in the loop with her on Fatestagram. They don't hang out with their cousins Aidos (goddess of shame, modesty, humility, & respect) Deucalion (Deuce), Prophasis (goddess of excuses) or Pyrrha. The sisters barely know their uncles Epimetheus (Titan god of afterthought), Menoetius (Titan god of rage, violence, & rash actions), and Prometheus (Titan god of forethought).
Phaesyle helped her dad with the development of his aerospace engineering school. She loved seeing the excitement on his face & hearing the enthusiasm in his voice. For a moment, it was like how he was before his punishment & their brother's passing.
Cleea admires Selene (Titaness of the moon) & even sometimes babysits her youngest kids. She's also a member of Urania's (muse of astronomy) stargazing club.
Eudora once had a crush on Astraeus (Titan god of dusk). She even had dreams of him becoming her stepfather.
The Hyades are head of a festival held in Corfu around the middle of autumn- The Monsoon Festival. It celebrates water itself (specifically the rain) as a blessing from the gods & giving thanks to the rain for the plentiful harvests. The festival includes a massive swim race in the ocean, a boat race, food, live concerts, and fireworks. They also enjoy the Blue Moon festival in the Underwater realm.
Some of their favorite desserts include the blueberry macarons & coconut baklava from Hollyhock's Bakery, cholados colombianos, cocadas blancas, and merengon de fresas.
They're friends with Aetna (goddess of volcanoes), Nephele (goddess of clouds), Aerin (goddess of the ethereal), Eos (Titaness of dawn), Neféloma (goddess of space & dark matter), Nerissa (goddess of jellyfish), The Muses, and Pasithea (goddess of hallucinations & relaxation). They're also cool with Calypso's mother, Coralie. The Hyades admire The Pleiades as well as their mother Pleione (Titaness of sailing & stars), The Ourea (esteemed mountain gods), and Tethys (Titaness of freshwater & clouds)
The sisters like their mom's new boyfriend Evangelos who's a merman. The sisters have weekly dinners with him and their mom. They are huge fans of his imperial lobster tails with spicy seaweed & kale salad.
They're aware that their father is seeing Hesperis (goddess of the evening & sunset). When they try bringing up the topic about their relationship to him, Atlas shuts down, not wanting to talk about it.
The sisters are also in business together- they have a jewelry brand, specializing in minimalist astronomy themed designs called Stella Ferrea. They have also released a make-up palette called Celestial Dust.
As far as the sisters' romantic lives, Eudora has a girlfriend- a nephelai named Zoë. Phaeo has been talking with a cyclops named Elio on Fatestagram for a few weeks. She really likes him. The rest of the sisters aren't dating & Coronis recently ended things with her long term boyfriend Hylas.
Some of their favorite foods include aborrajado (fried banana dumplings filled with cheese & guava), mondongo, chorizo con arepa, mole de queso, & patacones.
In their free time, they all have shared interests like swimming, surfing, deep sea diving, dancing (ballet and merengue), yoga, cloud surfing, & stargazing. The sisters also have separate interests. Coronis is taking mixology classes (taught by the god of wine, Dionysus). Cleea's into fashion & make-up, so she checks out the classes at the community center in downtown New Olympus that is taught by one of The Graces, Thalia. Phaesyle loves science (astronomy) and writing, being a huge fan of the goddesses Astrape & Bronte's science fiction books. She sometimes writes short stories in her journal and has thought about attending the goddess Philyra's writing workshop for aspiring writers. Phaeo (aside from jewelry making) has also gotten into tech & blacksmithing. Eudora has gotten into amateur bodybuilding and even runs a fitness vlog on PanopTube.
"There's a difference between just getting wet and feeling the rain."
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lechet · 6 months
did you guys know that a call of duty game has a very accurate titanic map (but with zombies)
and no one thought to tell lech this
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hala2021 · 9 months
Esa es mi vida
La verdad que todo esto del vaciamiento de Obsba, mi obra social, me ha afectado. ¡Sí! Me lo dijo una amiga, que los sindicatos de trabajo estaban robando el dinero. Y ayer encontré una noticia que decía que Obsba va derecho a la quiebra. Por eso no hay doctores; el sistema de salud está colapsando. Todo es un robo; aquí viene bien el dicho "sálvese quien pueda". Me veo como dentro del Titanic. Claro, debes ver la película para entender de qué hablo.
Por todo lo expuesto, pensé qué hacer con mis muelas. La cuestión es que en un lugar, una odontóloga me dijo que debía tratarme las caries. Yo me dejé estar y fui este viernes a Obsba. Ahi, el doctor miró la panoramica y me mandó a cirugía, para que me extraigan dos muelas. Y me dijeron en recepción que no hay turnos. Me comentaron de un prestador, cerca de mi casa. Fui y me dieron turno para finales de agosto. Yo sentía miedo de la infección, pero en casa me detuve a pensar... Si con la misma panorámica, una doctora me dijo que debo hacerme tratar las caries; y otro doctor, que debo extraerme las muelas, es evidente de que algo está fallando. Uno de los dos miente. Entonces, no confié en el profesional de Obsba, porque me atendió tan rápido, como si quisiera deshacerse de mí, de inmediato. Yo lo veía salir del consultorio, porque esperé varias horas. Abría la puerta, siempre con el celular en la mano. Al ver la panorámica y las indicaciones de la otra odontóloga, me dijo que la conocía, muy suelto de cuerpo. Yo pensaba: "pero este tipo, ¡qué piensa!, ¡acaso cree que es una cita sentimental!". Y encima me preguntó por qué no me seguí atendiendo con la misma doctora. Y senti ganas de decirle: "¡a vos qué te importa! ¡Hacé tu trabajo!". Pero después le comenté que debía pagarle aparte y que en Obsba tengo incluido el tratamiento. Claro, esos doctores piensan que no pagamos la obra social, que es gratis. Hoy por hoy, es mejor ir a un hospital público.
Resumiendo todo lo anterior, pensé qué podía hacer. Y decidí averiguar en un lugar privado, en donde debes pagar todo, hasta la consulta. Me atendió una chica, muy amable. Me sacó una placa y me dijo que iba a intentar salvar una de las muelas. Lo último será la extracción. Y me encantó su atención. ¡Ah! Y no me olvidaba de contarte lo de Emergencias, que no quisieron extraerme las muelas, porque el doctor me dijo que el sistema está colapsado. En una palabra, la mayoría está robando. Y a eso me refiero cuando hablo de una mayoría corrupta.
El tratamiento de mi boca me costará fortunas y encima algunas personas me piden dinero. Yo soy profesora, no vivo de rentas.
Ayer fui al club y me hizo bien. Hice algo con los aparatos. El ambiente del club es muy tranquilo. Ahi van solo a entrenar. Salí y fui al vestuario de damas. Me di una ducha relajante y no tuve tiempo de ponerme la leche de limpieza y la crema nutritiva. En el club estoy mejor que en mi casa. En mi hogar está todo roto y siento mucho frío.
En fin... ¡Qué más quieres que te cuente! Esa es mi vida...
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gonzalo-obes · 1 year
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Lunes de Pascua, Día Internacional de la Homeopatía, Día Mundial del Síndrome de West, Año Internacional del Mijo y Año Internacional del Diálogo como Garantía de Paz.
San Terencio.
Tal día como hoy en el año 1710: Entra en vigor el Estatuto de Ana en Reino Unido, la primera ley sobre copyright.
En 1815: Entra en erupción el volcán Tambora en las islas menores de la Sonda (Indonesia), causando más de 82.000 muertos y numerosos daños materiales.
En 1825: Se abre al público el primer hotel en Hawái.
En 1912: El transatlántico Titanic parte del puerto de Southampton (Reino Unido) rumbo a Nueva York.
En 1925: Se publica por primera vez la novela The Great Gatsby, de F. Scott Fitzgerald en Nueva York.
En 1972: Guerrilleros del ERP ejecutan a Oberdan Sallustro, director general de la empresa Fiat Concord, tras 20 días de secuestro en Buenos Aires.
En 2003: Saquean el Museo Nacional de Bagdad, durante la segunda guerra del golfo Pérsico.
En 2010: Se estrella un avión Tupolev Tu-154 en la base aérea de Smolensk (Rusia), durante el aterrizaje. Falleciendo sus 96 ocupantes, entre ellos el presidente polaco Lech Kaczynski y la cúpula militar del ejército polaco.
En 2019: Se hace pública la primera fotografía de un agujero, ubicado en el centro de la galaxia M87. Captado por el Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), un telescopio 'virtual' tan grande como toda la Tierra.
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