#lee child
fandomnerd9602 · 3 months
Reacher and Y/N walk the scene of a crime…
Reacher: why do we get partnered up so often?
Y/N: because I’m the brains and you’re both brain and brawn
Reacher: right.
Y/N: met a nice gal a couple towns over
Reacher: really? Who?
Y/N: officer Roscoe. You know her?
Reacher: uhh…
Roscoe: hey baby I came by to…hey Jack
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mysharona1987 · 3 months
With all due respect Alan (and you genuinely seem like a great guy): But Reacher goes from town to town killing dudes, fighting super dark police corruption while once in a while having super hot sex with a super hot chick.
That ain’t something you letting little Kayden watch instead of Paw Patrol.
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Two ways I’d describe the “Reacher” series (as someone who has read a few of the books):
1) Imagine if BBC Sherlock replaced Benedict Cumberbatch with either Channing Tatum, Chris Hemsworth or Jason Momoa. They also updated Sherlock to match the change in the actor’s physicality.
2) A cheesy romance novel where the protagonist is the hot, beefy, badass man with a mysterious background instead of the headstrong, intelligent woman who can fix him.
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khakilike · 4 months
“Assholes snapped my toothbrush in half. Now I own nothing.”
Jack Reacher, Reacher S02E01 "ATM"
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poetfades2black · 4 months
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“I’m not a vagrant. I’m a hobo. Big difference.” - jack reacher
(quick sketch for my beloved <3)
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ma-pi-ma · 1 year
Se sei in dubbio, tieni semplicemente la bocca chiusa.
Lee Child
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'Assholes snapped my toothbrush in half. Now I own nothing'. Reacher, Jack Reacher 2024. Prime Video.
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imdonnalynn · 3 months
Why no love for Reacher and Neagley?
These two have a closer relationship than the average marriage.
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I couldn't find a gif from the season 2 finale when they gave their airshake, but it felt to me like Neagley wanted to close that distance to actually touch him. And Reacher actually looks hopeful that she might finally feel comfortable to make the contact, but she doesn't and he's fine, she's fine, they're fine.
Reacher is very attentive to Neagley compared to anyone else.
I haven't read any of the books completely but I've read snippets, went back and forth with book fans. I heard there's a few occasions where Reacher and Neagley do physically touch and even once for like several solid minutes. I confess I found the passage and it was special.
Reacher season 2 is over. They're already filming season 3 and based off what little plot there is I don't know if we'll hear from or see Neagley next season.
Reacher is supposed to have a wild card season where he operates alone. No family, friends, colleagues anything familiar so I imagine it's from one of those plotted books.
This was a middle of the night couldn't sleep waiting to get sleepy again posts but it still makes sense 😴
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nade2308 · 5 months
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Took him on a stroll while in Köln because I wanted to have two of my favorite things in the world together (the city and Jack Reacher) and then got him on a train (sorry, Jack, it wasn't a bus).
I only started reading this book last week and finished it this morning, and there are so many things that I want to say about it, but I don't know where to start.
In the end, I decided to go with my thoughts on the book vs the movie and that is: absolutely love the direction they took the movie in. But I wouldn't say no to them making this book into a season for the show, because there are scenes that I absolutely want to see (and weren't in the movie).
Overall, a fun read (as is always when I read the Reacher books) and I absolutely enjoyed it.
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fandomnerd9602 · 3 months
Rusty Compass
Jack Reacher x Sibling!Reader
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The neon sign of the Rusty Compass bar cast a jaundiced glow across Jack Reacher's face. He nursed a beer – his third, probably, judging by the empty bottles lining the counter. Rain splattered against the window, washing away the neon in blurry streaks. Not a bad night for a ghost town, Reacher thought, swirling the last drops of his beer.
Then, the bell above the door jangled. A gust of wind swept in, carrying with it the scent of wet asphalt and teenage angst. A skinny figure stood silhouetted in the doorway, blinking against the sudden brightness. Reacher squinted, a flicker of amusement dancing in his eyes.
"You lost, kid?" he rumbled, his voice as gruff as his military background.
The figure stepped into the light, revealing a mop of rain-soaked hair and wide, eyes that seemed to hold the weight of the world. It was a young kid , barely sixteen, face pale and drawn. Yet there was a stubborn echo of Reacher's own face in there too.
"Are you Jack Reacher?" the person asked, with a voice barely a whisper.
Reacher raised an eyebrow, surprised by the question. He wasn't exactly in the habit of advertising himself. "Depends who's asking," he drawled, playing along.
The young adult took a shaky breath. "My name is Y/N. Y/N Reacher. I'm your sibling."
The words hung in the air, heavy and unexpected. Reacher had no siblings besides Joe, or so he thought. His past was a tangled mess, buried deep within him like a scar. This kid, with their haunted yet familiar eyes, was dredging up memories he'd spent years suppressing.
Silence stretched between them, thick with unspoken questions. Rain hammered against the roof, a drumming accompaniment to the internal war raging within Reacher. Curiosity battled distrust, a tug-of-war played out in the depths of his gaze.
Finally, he sighed, the sound like a weary sigh of an old mountain. "Get yourself a lemonade, kid," he muttered, gesturing to the bartender. "Let's talk."
The next few hours were a blur of stolen glances and hesitant words. Y/N, it turned out, was the result of an indiscretion, a secret Reacher never knew existed. Y/N spoke of a childhood spent in shadows, a mother's love a fragile shield against a harsh world. They spoke of searching, of yearning for a connection that felt undeserved.
Reacher listened, the calluses on his soul softening with each story. He saw himself in Y/N’s eyes, the same hunger for belonging, the same wariness of trust. It was a mirror he couldn't ignore, a reflection of the man he could have been, should have been.
By the time the bar closed, a silent pact had been forged. Reacher wouldn't turn this scrawny kid away, wouldn't let them wander the same lonely road he once had. He wouldn't be the father the kid never had, but maybe, just maybe, he could be the sibling he never knew was needed.
They stepped out into the rain, the moon a pale smudge behind the thick clouds. The road ahead was still shrouded in mist, but it didn't look like an endless escape anymore. It looked like a shared journey, two Reachers, bound by blood and circumstance, carving their own path through the storm. And for the first time in years, Jack Reacher didn't feel alone.
The Rusty Compass faded into the darkness, leaving behind the echo of unspoken promises and the flicker of a fragile hope. The rain kept falling like a baptism, washing away the past and paving the way for the new. Jack Reacher, the lone wolf, had found his pack. And sometimes, that’s all the shelter you needed from the storm.
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amaclucky13 · 1 month
Reacher - What Happens in Atlantic City
Reacher, love interests, and bathrooms. Is this going to be a thing?
What is it with Reacher and bathrooms? I mean, dude… Well, this episode was highly entertaining. Others from their unit are missing. Dixon has just received the message after a long undercover op. The minute she does, she rushes to their sides. Further cementing why they’re all so worried because some of them aren’t answering their phones. As clearly, when they call and ask for each other’s…
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For anyone who is watching the “Reacher” show, the season I’m most excited for is season 3 since that’s probably going to adapt the novel “Tripwire”. Literally, Jack Reacher survives a bullet since his pectoral muscle was so thick the bullet did not make it past his rib cage. And if you don’t believe me, I literally copy and pasted the entry from the Wiki page lol.
Just…imagine the show adapting that scene.
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tdciago · 5 months
Thrillers, Mysteries, and Lee Child
DOT: We're trying to raise money to expand thrillers and mysteries...Lee Child and the like.
"His pen name 'Lee' comes from a family joke about a heard mispronunciation of the name of Renault's Le Car, as 'Lee Car'. Calling anything 'Lee' became a family gag. His daughter, Ruth, was 'lee child'."
I believe Lee Child was chosen specifically for this dialogue to foreshadow the kidnapping of "lee child," Scotty Lyon.
We know from previews that Scotty will be playing drums in the Olmsteads' garage. I think Lars Olmstead is going to offer up Scotty to Roy, for money to pay off his debts.
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mister-killjoy · 3 months
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reacher-jack-mp · 4 months
"For a military cop, walking into a bar is like a batter stepping to the plate…short of a shotgun, a pool cue is the best barroom weapon ever invented…"
Lee Child, Echo Burning, 2001
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