#lee minhyung fanfiction
writemekpop · 10 months
Bad Baby | Mark Lee
Summary: Mark starts acting tough to get your attention... so when you dare him to hook up with you, he doesn't back down.
Genre: Best friend Mark, college AU, friends to lovers AU, feat. hottie Jaemin
Word count: 0.7k
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You heard your best friend Mark’s drawl and ran to open the front door. Balloons saying ‘24th Birthday’ filled your hallway.
“Jaemin’s arriving in fifteen minutes, I need you to make me look good-“ you said.
As soon as you saw him, the words stopped dead on your tongue.
Your sweet, pure, best friend Mark was transformed. There was no pale pink hoodie, no cowlick of hair, and definitely no grin.
Instead, you saw a tall boy in front of you, leaning on the doorframe, his dark eyes checking you out with cool interest. A black tracksuit hugged his lean body. It was Mark – a different Mark.
“Hey shawty,” he said, nodding.
You blushed at his unflinching stare. “Mark? Why are you so-“
“So what?” he asked, kicking off his shoes.
“So… not-Mark?” you said.
He shrugged. “Don’t know whatchu mean.”
Swaggering into your kitchen, he opened a can of beer and gulped it down thirstily. The Mark you knew wouldn’t even drink champagne at New Year’s.
Frustrated, you grabbed his spiky hair and fluffed it around. “I don’t- like it-“
Mark caught your hand in his, gazing at you. “You got an opinion on my hair, huh?”
Your eyes widened. You had to admit, it was the kind of thing you would only say about your boyfriend. “No…” you said, stepping away. “I don’t care what you look like- buddy-“
Mark frowned a little, like your cold reaction had hurt him. That was when you realised what was going on. You’d been pining after Jaemin, the hardest boy in the year, for ages. You’d always suspected your best friend Mark had a little crush on you, but frustratingly, he wouldn’t admit it.
Mark was acting like Jaemin to win you over!
In that moment, you knew what you had to do. If he wanted to be hard, so would you.
You looked up at him through your lashes. “Planning on hooking up with anyone tonight?” you said.
Mark chewed his lip. “Maybe.”
You toyed with the string of his hoodie. “Coz I was thinking… you and me should get it on.” You smirked. “I’m hot, you’re hot – why the hell shouldn’t we?”
Mark’s face reddened. “I mean- I’m game if you are.”
You leaned in to Mark’s ear. “Meet me upstairs.”
Five minutes later, you and Mark were sitting on your bed. Laughing lightly, you moved so you were sitting on his lap, straddling him. Mark gulped.
You gazed deep into his brown eyes. “Won’t you kiss me?”
“Of- course-“ Mark stuttered, but sweat was trickling down the side of his face. Your heart was racing. How far was this game going to go? You had expected Mark to give in a long time ago…
Mark leaned in. A few inches more, and his lips would touch yours. You could feel his hot breath on your face. Lightening was flashing up and down your body.
Mark’s lips just brushed yours- then he sprang away, gripping his head in his hands. “Alright!” he said. “I’m not a roadman! I’m not- tough! You win!”
He was fiddling nervously with the cuff of his hoodie. “I’m a dumb romantic, okay? I want the first time I kiss you… to be special. I want there to be candles, and roses, and I want us to say I love you.” He blushed. “I don’t want to… do stuff… yet.”
You crawled over to Mark and pulled him into a hug so tight it knocked the breath out of both of you. “I don’t want you to be tough, Marky. I love you just the way you are – cute and nerdy and scared of fifteen rated films,” you said, laughing.
Mark looked at you, serious now. “You… love me?”
“Of course, you idiot,” you say. “It’s always been you.”
Mark hugged you this time, nuzzling into your neck in a way that sends shivers down your spine. “When you talk about how great Jaemin is, it makes me wanna punch something,” he says.
“Jaemin who?” you said, and Mark laughed.
Mark rested his hands on your shoulders, pink lips pushed into a smirk. “Seriously though. Jaemin can’t give you half of what I can give you.”
You smile, leaning in. “Why don’t you show me, Marky?”
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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sunshyni · 9 months
Docinho azedo
Sinopse: qualquer um podia ver que Mark e Mia nasceram um para o outro. Eles estudaram na mesma universidade, exerciam a mesma profissão e até trabalhavam juntos, no mesmíssimo andar, e o melhor de tudo – que rufem os tambores! – estavam noivos há pouco mais de um mês! A situação muda quando os pombinhos são forçados a competirem entre si num duelo para além de desafiador. O que os faz ponderar: “Em quanto tempo aproximadamente aquele docinho guardado no fundo da geladeira pode azedar?” P.S. Não estamos falando de geladeiras. Gênero: fluffy shortfic. Contagem de palavras: 1.078. Notas: e não é que debutei por aqui? KKKKKK Tô com vergonha de postar isso aqui diante de tanto escritor talentoso no Tumblr 👉👈 Mas bora lá! Originalmente, essa fic era para ser postada somente no spirit (se quiser dar uma olhadinha nela por lá é só acessar o link😉), no entanto resolvi tentar a sorte nesse querido aplicativo, boa leitura e espero que vocês gostem! OBS: me inspirei nos posts de alguns perfis maravilhosos que acompanho, como a @mealcandy e a @ncdreaming🍓 Bônus: playlist da fic 🍪
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Prólogo – Macio feito pêssego 🍑
Mia Berry e Mark Lee eram um casal atípico, enquanto pombinhos desapaixonados ao redor do mundo todo consentiam em apenas uma coisa: papeis de divórcio, o double M, como os amigos mais próximos estavam habituados a se referirem ao casal, dificilmente discordava. Isso não quer dizer, em hipótese alguma, que eles tinham se acostumado, eles, sem a menor sombra de dúvida, se amavam e sentiam prazer em comprovar o sentimento sempre que possível, igual Mark fazia naquele instante.
O Lee desferia beijos na face quente de Berry, “desferia” pois os selares eram violentamente carinhosos, fazendo com que Mia vergasse o tronco para trás, mas não a ponto de cair, já que um braço de Mark a amparou no primeiro sinal dessa possibilidade ser efetuada. Mia puxou o tecido da camiseta branca que o noivo vestia, separando a peça do abdome, ambos molhados devido ao mergulho que eles fizeram no riacho próximo da casa da avó de Mia.
— Pervertida — Ele provocou, os rostos perto o bastante para completar um beijo arrastado, daqueles de telenovela, no entanto Mark tombou a cabeça para trás inesperadamente, contemplando o céu ausente de nuvens, azul feito a cor dos pequenos carros que adornavam uma das camisas sociais preferidas do maior — Me prometa que vamos morar no interior quando envelhecermos.
“Ah então ele vai jogar assim” Mia pensou, sorrindo contra o pescoço do noivo que ofereceu o mindinho da mão direita para selarem a promessa, eles entrelaçaram os dedos mínimos, unindo os polegares em seguida como num carimbo, Mark plantou um beijinho nas mãos ligadas uma na outra, insatisfeito com a validação dupla.
— Já conseguimos convencer minha vó de que dormimos juntos — O rosto dele se iluminou com um sorriso capaz de ofuscar o Sol — O primeiro item da lista já foi riscado, então... Acho que é algo plausível.
— E o restante dos itens da lista? — O Lee inquiriu como quem não quer nada ao mesmo tempo em que retirava de uma sacola, um pêssego rosinha e fresco, um presente do representante da associação dos jovens garotos. Vantagens de ter crescido numa província? Não havia nenhum residente da cidadezinha que Mia não conhecesse, portanto sempre que regressava para sua terra natal, ela era recebida com uma série de presentes como os pêssegos ou até mesmo licores que a faziam choramingar.
— Acho que eu já consigo fazer grandes coisas dormindo com você.
Mark cobriu o peitoral com as mãos, a boca ligeiramente aberta, olhos direcionados para a futura esposa que não fazia a mínima ideia do motivo daquela observação intensa, por esse motivo, durante um bom intervalo de tempo eles permaneceram imóveis, havendo somente o som das águas do rio e o canto incessante dos pássaros entre eles.
— Larga de ser atirada — Com a mão em concha, Mark alcançou a água doce e cristalina que batia nos seus tornozelos (por estarem sentados sobre uma pedra), jogando água em uma Mia espantada com a cabecinha perversa que seu cônjuge poderia ter, ela nem se importou com os pingos de água que acertaram seu pêssego acidentalmente.
— Eu não estava falando com malícia! — Protestou em meio a uma risada contagiante que fez os olhos castanhos de Mark se enrugarem nos cantos. As frutas mordidas voltaram para a sacola, o Lee segurou as mãos um tanto trêmulas de sua noiva, talvez fosse pelas pupilas dilatadas perceptíveis pelos raios solares ou pelo conjunto Mark Lee, paisagem e Sol, existia algo de muito encantador nas bochechas aquecidas e rosadas que recebiam as palmas de Mia com ternura.
— Aham, tô sabendo — Incitou, conduzindo-a para dentro das águas vagarosamente, cada passo para trás acompanhado por sorrisos bobos do moreno.
— Gelado — Ela sussurrou, envolvendo os braços ao redor do pescoço do noivo ao passo que Mark capturava seus lábios naquele beijo suspenso minutos antes, os lábios macios se movendo sobre os dela com volúpia e delonga, hesitante em encerrar o toque suave.
— Docinho — O Lee tinha razão. Não existia melhor palavra que retratasse o amor deles. Mark e Mia viviam um amor docinho de fruta.
— Deveríamos estar dormindo — Murmurou Mark, se ajeitando sobre as roupas de cama do antigo quarto de Mia — Vamos acordar a sua vó.
— Relaxa — Replicou Mia no mesmo volume de voz, compenetrada — É só não fazer muito barulho.
Havia uma superstição na qual Mia ouvia desde criança que dizia que se você pintasse as unhas do seu amado com bálsamo e a cor persistisse até a primeira nevasca, o casal estava fadado a viver o resto dos seus dias juntos, portanto Mark estava sentado de pernas cruzadas à frente do seu primeiro amor, que espalhava a pastinha rubra no dedo mínimo do garoto com um cotonete.
— Não vai durar até a primeira nevasca — A respiração dele tocou a pele dela quando Berry elevou o olhar.
— Eu sei — Sorriu, finalizando seu trabalho ao cobrir o mindinho de Mark com papel filme transparente a fim da coloração agir mais depressa — Mas e daí? Eu não preciso de muita comprovação pra saber que eu vou me casar com você, eu já tenho isso.
Sacudiu os dedos da mão esquerda, como costumava fazer ao exibir o anel de noivado para colegas, em que uma pedrinha rosa em formato de coração tremeluzia no seu centro. Mark esboçou um sorriso, curvando o corpo de Mia perigosamente até que suas costas encontrassem o colchão, o olhar brincalhão jamais se esvaindo da sua expressão.
— O que foi mesmo que você disse? — Ele questionou, envolto numa falsa deliberação — Ah, é só não fazer barulho, né?
Mia soltou um risinho baixo enquanto Mark em cima de si plantava um beijo na ponta do nariz alheio. Os dois só conseguiram sair daquela névoa de paixão quando o celular de Mia trepidou, sobressaltando-os, ela tateou cegamente em busca do aparelho e quando finalmente o encontrou, seu namorado não ousou mover um músculo, dizendo sem a necessidade de palavras que estava afim de fuxicar o e-mail recente.
— Engraçadinha — Foi a reação do Lee com a imagem de plano de fundo, dele dormindo serenamente ainda vestindo uma de suas gravatas peculiares.
Ambos estranharam o fato da mensagem ter sido encaminhada para apenas o casal.
“Caro senhor Lee e Cara senhorita Berry,
Por favor, preciso que compareçam até o meu escritório amanhã, sem falta.
Cordialmente, Johnny Suh.”
Por que raios o filho do presidente estava enviando um e-mail num domingo à noite? Eles não tinham ideia. Tinham certeza de uma coisa entretanto, a de que eles estavam encrencados aparentemente.
— Merda — Deixaram escapar em uníssono.
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(Créditos para a @ch9xhleye por essa artezinha de pêssego tão fofinha❤️)
Não sei quando vou atualizar, mas é isso! KKKKKK
Beijinhos açucarados! 🍬🍬🍬
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sixzeroes · 5 months
(teaser) boundaries.
summary | love knows no bounds—but the truth is, love needs to learn when to not cross the boundary and when to just let go.
information | alpha!mark x beta!reader(f); friends-to-strangers?-to-friends-to-lovers, a/b/o au, tba; profanity, tba; 0.7k words for teaser.
status | still writing.
warning!! the actual fic is going to contain renhyuck (typical abo dynamic) and a hint of jeno x karina (both betas), so if you do not like it when idols are paired together, i suggest steering clear of this fic! thank u 🫶🫶 also, currently at ~5k words but i'm projecting this to be ard ~7k at most lol !
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mark lee: You busy?
The next time you see Mark, it’s two days later on a Friday evening. 
“Hey, sorry for texting you so late.” His voice is warm, contrary to the cool autumn breeze. It’s nearing ten p.m. but annoyance is the last thing on your mind. “What were you up to?”
You stick your hands into your sweater pockets. “Nothing much. Doing some readings. You?” 
Mark brushes his bangs back. “A dinner party with the BCSA execs. I managed to leave before they headed out for round two at someone’s house.” 
“You didn’t feel like going?”
“Nah.” He shakes his head. “I’d rather be hanging out with you.”
Okay. You don’t ask about Renjun. 
Neither you nor Mark say anything for the first few minutes of the walk, simply following the main path on campus. It’s serene, with a few students here and there, and several raccoons hiding out near the garbage bins. The streetlights dimly illuminate the route but it’s enough to wade through the darkness. You can hear Mark humming the tune to a song you don’t know. 
“This reminds me of middle school,” says Mark. “I remember walking you home one night, after a bunch of us decided to go to the beach.” 
You remember as well. “Yeah, and then you ended up sleeping over because it was one in the morning.” A soft snort leaves your nose. “My dad was shocked to see you on the couch the next day.” 
Mark chuckles at the fond memory. “Are your parents well? I know our mothers contact each other from time to time, but I haven’t seen them in ages.” 
You lightly massage your nape. “They’re doing good, I guess. My mom’s still working as an anchor for CBC, but my dad switched companies recently. He’s working at some well-established realty firm now.” The two of you turn left. “How about yours?”
“Mm, they’re good too.” Mark grins. “They’re still working at the same law firm. I think they’re dead set on staying until their retirements.” 
“That’s cool,” is all you can think of. 
“Yeah. Hey, want some ice cream? My treat.”
You spot CCOMAZ, the reputable ice cream brand everyone is always raving about. The last time you had it was in first year and frankly, you don’t remember how it tasted. “Sure, but I can pay for my own.” 
Mark holds the door open for you. “It’s okay. My treat since you agreed to hangout with me at ten p.m.” 
Your lips quirk into a small smile. 
You end up getting the lavender honey flavour, while Mark goes for the caramel one. It’s a little pricey, considering it’s a small, family-owned brand, but it tastes good nonetheless. 
“Oh, I gotta go.” says Mark, reading a text from his phone. “Renjun forgot his keys and Chenle is at a retreat, so I need to let him in.” 
The omega is mentioned briefly but something in you churns. A thorn pricks the corner of your heart; feels like guilt, although you’re not sure why. It’s not like you have a crush on Mark or anything, so Renjun shouldn’t feel threatened. 
Whoa. You stop yourself for a second. What’s with the escalation?
“Y/N? You good?” 
You glance at Mark, whose face is painted with worry. You breathe out a response. “Yeah, yeah. Sorry, got a brain freeze. I’ll, uh, see you in CLST, I guess?” 
Mark frowns. “No, let me walk you home first.”
“But Renjun?” 
“Renjun can wait in the lobby,” he shrugs. 
You’re a little concerned at Mark’s comment but choose to not dwell on it. Instead, you jokingly push him towards the bus stops. “Just go, Mark. I live on campus, so I’ll be fine. You shouldn’t keep him waiting.” 
The frown never leaves Mark’s face, but he relents and nods. “I’ll see you on Monday, then. Get home safe. Text me when you’re home.” 
“Okay mom,” you tease. “Thanks for the ice cream!”
Mark beams from afar. The imagery blends in with the numerous memories you have of teenager Mark, dressed in his school uniform, bidding you goodbye after dropping you off at home. For the first time in years, you wonder what it would’ve been like if the two of you never grew apart.
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svwu · 1 year
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after breaking the 'no dating' rule in their band, y/n and donghyuck end up in a messy breakup right before their first world tour. the ex-lovers decide to remain a couple in the public light in hopes of a successful first tour —║THE DREAM TEAM║𐀔ʾʾ
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⚠︎ 3XR ⚠︎ is a band based in Los Angeles, California and was formed by five best friends in the confinement of their homes. they released their debut single 'Tongue Tied' in 2019 and gained worldwide recognition with their mini album 'FULLBORN' in 2021. the band consists of Y/N, RENJUN, JENO, HAECHAN, AND JAEMIN
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /ᐠ。ꞈ。マ
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“this is the dream job with the dream people. it doesn't get better than this.”
✮ Y/N . . . ( leader, lead guitarist, and often provides supporting vocals ) . . . was the one who built the band from scratch and worked closely with haechan to create their songs before bringing in their close friends mark and chenle to help. they have the tendency to overwork themselves and often rely on haechan for comfort. y/n and haechan have been dating for three years. y/n is hardworking but bubbly on camera and is extremely passionate about music
____ ▭ ▬ y/n chose jeno as their closest friend
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“we haven't been in the industry for long, but we belong here, and we're going to dominate.”
✮ HAECHAN . . . ( drummer and lead vocalist, real name is 'donghyuck' ) . . . has the odd tendency to impulsively lie whenever he's on camera and is usually playfully slapped by his bandmates when he does so. he's a ball of sunshine that fills the air with his positivity, and when he's on the drums, he plays like if it were his last day on earth. pre-debut, haechan worked closely with y/n to create their songs before bringing in their close friends mark and chenle to help. haechan was the one who confessed to y/n first in 2020 and released their relationship status to the public a year later in 2021. they have been dating for three years
____ ▭ ▬ haechan chose jaemin as his closest friend
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“sharing the stage with my best friends...wow, it really doesn't get better than that.”
✮ JENO . . . ( bassist, main rapper, and face of the group ) . . . is noted the 'most popular member' in the band. out of all the members, jeno has the most contracts with modeling agency and does a lot of independent promotions. jeno has a stage presence that is unforgettable and a smile that makes it impossible to not swoon over him. a poll taken in 2022 showed that 56% of their fans got into 3XR because of jeno's pretty face
____ ▭ ▬ jeno chose y/n as his closest friend
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა
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“i don't know why renjun would put a 'no dating' rule when we're all so clearly obsessed with each other.”
✮ JAEMIN . . . ( rhythm guitarist, lead vocalist and lead rapper ) . . . doesn't post often on social media, but still has many fans that would die for him due to his relaxed composure and charmisma on stage. one smile is known to make fans fall onto their knees, so jaemin knows when to use it lightly. out of all the members, jaemin dies his hair the most, but lately it only switches between black, brown, and a specific shade of blue
____ ▭ ▬ jaemin chose haechan as his closest friend
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (๑ↀᆺↀ๑)
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“after thirteen years, you'd all hate spending time with them too. that's more than half my life, i need a break.”
✮ RENJUN . . . ( keyboardist and main vocalist ) . . . is the most active member on twitter yet still isn't verified (he almost has as many followers as y/n. make it make sense?). renjun is the oldest out of the five yet is often overlooked because he doesn't want to show up to promotions LMAO. as much as he bickers with all the members, he would trade the world and more for them. he wishes they would never break apart and had a 'no dating' in place to which donghyuck broke nearly a few weeks after. he's their relationship's #1 supporter though (or so he says). renjun carries most of 3XR's songs with his heavenly vocals and low rasps and gets the most praise out of all the members
____ ▭ ▬ renjun didn't choose who was his closest friend because none of them chose him. he called them all pricks and claimed mark and chenle as his best friends instead
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .└(=^‥^=)┘
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“i'm the most talented person i know...wait don't put that, i might get cancelled.”
✮ MARK :: one of the two designated producers for 3XR. he was made fun of in elementary school for being friends with the younger kids, but he was glad he stuck with them. aside from being a producer, he sometimes helps donghyuck out with lyrics. lately mark has been trying to put out singles of his own, and sometimes he is featured in 3XR's title tracks
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Q )) >
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“i'm pretty proud of all my accomplishments. i think everyone should be proud of what they accomplished.”
✮ CHENLE :: the only one that currently attends university while also working under 3XR's team to create future hits. while taking online classes, he and mark produce future hits for 3XR, and if you listen closely enough, you would be able to hear some of his vocals in the background of their songs. he also produce and writes songs for other bands and soloists such as AleXa, Betcha, and Death and All His Friends. his dream is to make it as a singer, but right now, he's completely content with where he is
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“no comment.”
✮ JISUNG :: played an important role in 3XR's rise to fame. he became 3XR's manager ever since the group was formed because despite being clumsy, jisung knew how to get things done and the band always put their faith in him. on the contrary to the other seven, jisung hates being in the public light, so he does his best to cover up and keep hidden as much as possible. he has no idea how Timers (3XR's fandom name) have started getting his photos, but then he realized it was because mark kept forgetting to crop him out of photos
. . . 3XR'S VIPS :: @sunflowerhae @luvlyjaemin @flower-lise @dolcetraditora @flwrtbz @mrkleelvr @aj13-29 @marklexleaf @xxxhyuck @skyfvlls @oc-helps @sseastar @minjiville @jeminiepabo @nycol-ie @lokideadontheinside @ppeachyttae @officiallyunofficialperson @minavenue @itsyaapollochild @cocoa-bitter @1800-mark @daegalfangirl @skrtbeepbeep @frickyratz @ikyk-leeknow @bbnana @sunshine-skz @binky-bean @virgospace @junjungsunwoo @yunho-1999 @teddy-cheol @chenfleur @eneiyri @noidnoentry @deny4l4 @dulltint @seongwhaffels @wooyoung-a @kimaya2209 @sunfics @fullsunfluff @lyleo @justalildumpling
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literaryoongi · 1 year
Not strong enough
Snippet. Words: 263 Genre: Angst, angst, angst. And there’s love. “The world is ending but I prefer to end up with you”.
The Last of Us Universe! Mark Lee.
The boy held you closer while tears escaped from your eyes. The pain in your leg was bad, but knowing the time together with him is coming to an end, was far worse. Your hands look for his in the dark, sobs overpower your body and breathing feels impossible.
“Shh, it’s okay, baby”, says Mark as he presses your head against his chest.
“I’m going to die, it’s not okay”, your response comes filled with anger and desperation. Salty tears wet his shirt, making the blood seem even darker.
“I’m here, I’ll always be”, his voice sounds hoarse and you cry even harder, “I’m not strong enough to be without you, so if you go, I go with you”.
You’re quick to separate from him, hands whipping the tears away from your eyes and cheeks. He looks exhausted, drops of -what seem to be blood- adorn from his temple to his neck, blood from the stalker that had attacked you just yet. No infected was supposed to be there, according to what Seulgi had said to you, they had already patrolled this part of the town.
“What are you talking about?”, you ask him, filled with fear. He grabs the gun from the floor and presses it against his temple. You freeze in your place, not even daring to breathe. “Mark… put that down”, you try to slowing take it away from him and you wince from the pain in your leg.
“If you go, I go”, he repeats and you bite your lip to stop a whimper from coming out. “I mean it”.
I just finished watching The Last of Us and daMN, I just can see this guy in that universe. This is just a snippet from what I’m writing. I don’t know when I’ll post it, but I will!
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littlesqoia · 2 years
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© littlesqoia, 2022.
disclaimer: age gap (f older; m younger), smoke and cigarettes, mentions of food, again lack of dialogues because that’s how i write lmao
Grey wasn’t his favorite pigment out of the spectrum of colors. Nor was it the complexion of ashes, the texture of smoke, and the smell of burning recollections and thoughts. It felt dreary. Being used to the blurring image of him as the kid with a goofy smile and toothy grins, Mark lee wasn’t a big fan of such aspects. He wasn’t and supposedly not to, according to the belief of those around him.
Yet, here he is. Smoke wafting around his cold features, the presence of it was sharpening. It was as if the ludicrous gas lines against the sharpness of his jawline, the dryness of his plump edges, and the little growing hairs around the base of his cheek. Being the utmost definition he detests. His lips puckered slightly, letting the awful grey color disperse into one with the gust of wind.
“Mark Lee!! Dinner’s ready, honey”
Edges of sharp black sphere pointed slightly, the movement of his eyes tremble as it waters more than none after hearing the angelic voice. His mom’s voice. There was always a sense of guilt from the perspective of reckless teenagers whenever his mom’s voice appeared as he took another whiff.
“Coming!” He replied, throwing the used cigarettes as he runs down the stairs. He blinks a few times, the action brings enough confidence in him that it could be enough to hide those little red lines around his eyes due to the smoke. A facade of his usual toothy grin glued on his face almost automatically, his mom shrugged to no apprehension.
As the boy in his usual orange beanie sit down, his nostrils scarcely flared to the gradually spreading scent of burnt chicken and curry. He lazily chewed on his bottom lips out of habit, feeling the sudden urge to check the kitchen and see if his mom was cooking something worth longer consideration for him.
Yet, as the troubled boy yearned for standing up, a voice managed to stop him from doing so.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure your mom’s a great cook”
It was soothing, to say the least. Not a breath to be wasted and not a vocal to be too assertive, it was a voice Mark never heard of. To say it was quite angelic, perhaps it wouldn’t be such a wrong word to describe it by. He threw a glance behind him, noticing a slightly tall woman leaning on the tone of the dining chair. He tilted his head, eyebrows perched to express the unrest feeling he has as he glance up and down at the unknown woman.
Oh, she was older.
“I’m Y/N, your new neighbor in town,” the woman announced softly. Perhaps, Mark was being too over-analyzing, or too questioning, or perhaps even, Mark was just being himself as he realizes the way her eyes glints under the dim dining light. How the hazel mixed colors match perfectly well with the color of his dining room. There was an unknown feeling of interest to know more, to dive more into the depth of something unknown. If it could be addicting, than perhaps the boy wouldn’t mind such distractions.
“I’m Mark.” He replied with a smile.
This time, a genuine one.
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softjaehyvn · 3 years
sunset lovers | mark lee
— angst
mark and you both loved the sunset.
the one moment, where you would visit your best friend at his place and would sit down on his huge balcony to watch the sun go down slowly - that was the moment you couldn’t wait to happen every single day.
usually, both of you would do your assignments together there - eating a lot of chocolate, chips and more sweet things - while you enjoyed the surroundings get darker and darker with each minute passing.
the sunset reminded you of how your relationship to mark slowly went down. it all happened very slowly - like the sunset.
it was your fault, though. you were the one who developed feelings for the young male. you were the one who misunderstood his affection and you were the one who confessed.
he was the one who told you that he wasn’t feeling the same.
the times where you two spent all time possible together were the time that you counted as the beautiful day - everyone was happy; content. the day you confessed and he rejected, that was the time you counted as the dark night that followed a beautiful day.
now, you were sitting in your own balcony, cuddled up in blankets when you look up to the dark sky, smiling at the memories of happy moments you shared with the guy you loved...
before everything went down like the sunset each night.
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main taglist ! @wownajaemin @n8dlesoupguk @winniet @loviehyuck
part of the collab with @hangsxng
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kaffeinic · 3 years
7:43pm | Mark
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You smiled at Mark as he gently squeezed your hand in his own. He had been grasping onto it when the plane landed, your bags found their way to you, and you left the airport. He breathed in the air through his nose in a very dramatic Marky fashion.
“You really missed Vancouver that much?” You asked. He looked down at you and grinned.
“Of course I did! Look around, Y/n.” He gestured at the bustling scene around you. It was just after dusk, and most people were going home or out for food. The stores that lined the street glowed beautifully with warm light. “It’s gorgeous - like you.” You rolled your eyes at his cheesy comment.
“Very smooth.” You said. Mark continued to take in everything around the two of you. “Did you want to check in to the hotel?”
“Can we eat after?” He asked. You giggled.
“Of course, you dork.” You booped his nose as you answered, and his cheeks took on a rosy hue. You glanced around, really taking it in as the two of you walked to the hotel. “You know,” You started, “This whole place screams you, Mark.” He looked at you in confusion.
“What does that mean?”
“I can’t explain it. It’s just - the feeling I’m getting here, it’s the same as when I’m with you. So... It’s just very you to me.��� You said, hugging his arm. He stopped and moved to stand in front of you.
“Y/n?” Mark said. You stared at him, watching his eyes sparkle.
“I love you. I really, really love you.” He said. You felt heat rush to your cheeks, looking away.
“I love you, too.”
My first Mark post! Also, technically my first NCT/SuperM post. 💕 I hope you enjoyed.
* DISCLAIMER: I do not own any gifs/photos used in this post. I do own the written content. Do NOT repost/edit. *
🏷 @g-bean • @hoshithehamster • @johnnys-wifeu • @pyr-owo-maniac • @ethereal-chanracha • @midnatwlp • @dreamyskzen • @yoongi--enthusiast • @woozi-is-164-cm
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Content x Trigger Warning: Mention of a panic attack, a toxic relationship, mention of death, mention of Anger issues. Angst.
Summary: You’ve been in a fight with your boyfriend and everyday just seems to get worse, so you decide to leave but not leave this way.
Note: Don’t read if you feel sensitive about any of the topics written on the content section or anything similar to it.
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Inspiration from July by Noah Cyrus
“Just stop being so needy!” Mark exclaims in annoyance.
His brows furrowed and red showed in his eyes. 
“You’re just tired Mark, let me help” you reply calmly and as you walk towards him, he gently pushes you back but even in that gentleness you feel the strong grip he placed on your shirt, a grip meant for your skin.
You gulp with panic rushing down your body. “Mark, please” you try to help him. He was tired physically and mentally, you wanted to be there for him but he’s not letting you in when you thought you’ve been inside his walls for years now.
“Y/n...please stop! I don’t need your care, just stop” he screams, his voice faltering in the end. The beating of your heart fastens, is it really time to leave? you thought to yourself.
 You couldn’t handle the pain he’s been giving.
He’s been doing this for a month now and you weren’t just leaving a five-year relationship because of one fight but turns out, this wasn’t just a fight between the two of you.
 It’s a fight between yourselves, your minds.
 You feel the way the air in your lungs seem to disappear, your face turns colourless. You try to calm yourself but your breathing turns faster. You shake your head trying to fight the feeling. 
Slowly, you drop down the ground. You were having a panic attack. 
“This again!” Mark exclaims and even when he saw the way your eyes watered and your hands shook, he continued to get angry. “Stop being so needy! Stop being such a cry baby! Crying isn’t getting you anywhere!” 
Mark had anger issues, he blanks out and anger takes over him. 
He doesn’t notice how your hands fall on your sides.
“You know what?” He screams more. “Leave!”
As he said that word, you fainted. You’re head falling impact-fully on the hard floor and your skin getting scratched by it’s texture. Mark snaps back to reality and the worry in his eyes appears.
He kneels down and shakes you but no response, he places two of his fingers on the pulse near your neck. 
He waits but nothing.
When he asked you to leave, you did.
You left.
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vangguk21 · 4 years
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☆★ ’ you make me feel alive
› capa para doação. ’ ⋆
 totalmente inspirada em “locked out of heaven” vulgo musica perfeita do bruno mars 
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writemekpop · 4 years
Shower Thoughts | Mark Lee
Pairing: Mark Lee x Reader
Summary: Your boyfriend Mark comes home exhausted and sweaty after practice. He agrees to take a shower... but only if you shower with him.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 0.8k
Gif: @beloved
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You’re sitting on the worn couch in your apartment. It’s past 11PM, and you’re waiting up for your boyfriend Mark.
When you hear the front door opening, you can’t help but smile. “Hey Marky,” you say as he trudges into the living room.
Your heart swells at the sight of him. He is wearing a baggy T shirt and sweatpants, and chestnut hair is streaked with sweat.
Mark doesn’t say anything; he just slumps onto the couch and buries his head in your lap. His hands slide onto your hips, scrunching your silk night dress in his fingers.
You rub your hands soothingly over his broad shoulders. “Practice was tough today, huh?”
Mark mumbles his agreement into your lap. He pulls your hand from his back and places it on top of his head, and you know exactly what he’s silently requesting.
You agree, of course, and bury your fingers in his soft hair. Mark moans appreciatively when you lightly drag your nails over his scalp.
After a while, Mark turns around in your lap, so that he’s facing up towards you. He’s bleary-eyed and stubble shades his upper lip.
You run your finger up his jaw, then across his pillowy lips. Mark giggles at your touch, and soon you’re giggling too.
You notice the beads of sweat on his forehead, and frown. “Mark, baby, you need to take a shower.”
Mark pouts his lips and whines, “Nooooo, don’t make me… too tired.”
“Mark Lee...” you say, raising one eyebrow.
Mark heaves himself up. He takes your hands in his and stares down at your intertwined fingers like they hold all the answers in the universe. 
“Alright babe, I’ll shower… but only if you shower with me.” He grins cheekily and flicks a glance up to you.
“Fine! But no funny business,” you chuckle.
Mark holds onto you tight and you walk-shuffle into the bathroom, one double-person.
Mark peels off his T shirt and sweatpants and flings them into the laundry basket. You pull off your night dress, and Mark blushes when he sees you’re wearing nothing underneath. Even after a year of dating, he’s still shy.
You step into the shower after Mark and close your eyes as the hot water caresses you. Mark leans forwards and rests his head on your shoulder. His lips graze your collar bone, and every so often, he places soft kisses onto your wet skin.
You take the opportunity to rub some cherry-scented shampoo into his dark hair. You run your soapy fingers down the strong muscles of his back and give his butt a playful squeeze.
“Yo… what you doing!” Mark yelps, but you can hear him smiling.
You continue to massage his back for a while, humming random melodies.
Out of the blue, Mark wraps his hands around your waist and pulls you in for a hug. Your wet body presses against his, and you can feel his heartbeat through your skin.
His grip is tight, and you can tell by the way his fingers dig into your skin that he really needs you right now. You know he’s been going through a lot at work, so you just let him hold you.
You stand like this, two shivering statues, till the water runs cold. Then, you gently lead him out of the shower.
You pick up a fluffy blue towel and wrap it around your body. You hold out the matching pink one, and Mark smiles as he takes it from you.
“Go and get dressed, I’ll be out in a sec,” you murmur. Mark nods and walks into the bedroom.
You brush your hair and slip your night dress back on. When you’re all dry, you walk into the bedroom.
Mark is snoring softly, curled up in the bedcover. His hair is still damp and his dark pyjamas cling to his body.
You slip under the covers next to him. Mark shifts slightly and cracks open one eye. “Shh, baby. Go back to sleep,” you whisper.
You lie on your side, facing away from Mark and letting your muscles relax. You set your alarm and switch your phone to silent.
You feel Mark’s hand curl over your waist, and he gently pulls you until you’re lying on your back.
Mark shuffles closer towards you and places his head over your heart. Drips from his damp hair seep into your night dress, but you don’t complain. You feel so warm, so loved.
“I’m sorry for not spending enough time with you,” Mark mumbles into your chest, eyes still closed. “I know I don’t give you the attention you deserve, but I don’t know what I’d do without you. I love you Y/n, I really do.”
Your heart swells and you pull Mark closer.  
“I love you too Mark. I really do.”
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lovestrucked-again · 4 years
[5:45pm] Masterlist / Mark Lee
The day Mark left, you were in distraught. He hadn’t mentioned anything to you even though your friendship had been since childhood. He just suddenly stopped showing up at school, stopped replying to your texts, deactivated all his social media. He just disappeared.
And a year had slowly passed, just like that. You had figured out how to cope with the communication being suddenly cut. And to be honest, you knew it was inevitable right? You knew he liked you as a friend even if you wanted more, nothing would’ve worked.
But one day, it happened. Tv screens were filtered with flashing signs, sirens wailing in the streets of the empty suburbs while the city bustled with people’s screams. Houses were broken into, roads were jammed with cars, shops were abandoned by staff. The world was finally descending into chaos.
You were driving that day, stuck in traffic, when you felt it. The steering wheel was no longer in your control and you could only see the trees swaying on the sides of the road. The first siren went off, followed by a car horn.
You ran straight to the small flat you called home, ignoring all the screams around you. Fumbling for the keys in your pocket you looked around the street. People were everywhere, running around in circles. While everyone was leaving their houses, here you were, trying to get in.
You turned the TV on and stared. It’s over you thought as your legs gave in and you fell on the floor.
A day had passed before the doorbell rang, but you couldn’t move to answer it. Your body had gone completely numb and cramped that all you could do, was lift your head and watch. The bell rang again followed by banging and yelling. Dumbass didn’t even try turning the handle, you thought, remembering the door was still unlocked.
“Y/N! Are you in there?!” The voice sounding a little familiar, you peeked up from your curled up position, waiting for the door to open. The person continued banging for a few minutes before the handle finally turned and the door flung open.
Mark was here. The same boy you had lost ages ago. He was taller now, hair dyed a greeny blue hue, lost in his breath with sweat dripping down the side of his face.
“Y/N.” The silence of your response was killing him and he could only stand still, waiting for your reaction. You stared at him, the pain in your body completely gone now, wanting to stand up and envelope him.
“Why are you here?” You asked, pushing yourself to sit upright.
“I’m sorry.”
“I don’t want you here.” You said, fighting against the pain your heart felt seeing him again.
“Please Y/N,” He whispered, slowly approaching you and crouching in front of you.
“I promised you, remember?” He says brushing the small strands of hair behind your ear.
“If the world was ending, you’d come over right?”
“What sort of question is that?” Mark laughed
“I’m serious!” You said, slapping his arm.
“Ow, that hurt.” He whined, holding his arm to his chest. You instinctively pulled his arm closer to you and began rubbing it, trying to soothe the pain.
“And yes, I promise I will..”
“Yeah and you know I don’t break those.”
“Let me stay the night.” He mumbled, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close to him, head laying in the crook of your neck. A tear landed on the side of your collar.
“Okay,” you said, knowing there’d be no reason why you’d have to say goodbye again as the world around you slowly crumbled.
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nightnightuniverse · 4 years
late night snacks; mark lee
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summary: where mark is your roommate and his midnight snacks start to bring you two together
category: fluff
word count: 539
this is my first time posting anything in a while so i hope y’all enjoy!! <3
In the dark moments of the night, is when you hear the soft footsteps of your roommate. It’s almost become routine, hearing him wake up at random times, only to start making himself snacks to satisfy his odd urges. There a plenty of moments where you’ve pondered to yourself, what would happen if you were to join him? You’ve had your fair share of interactions, but never during the dangerous hours of the night.
When the sun hits the horizon, there’s an unspoken agreement to leave one another alone. Too afraid of what actions could come if the slightest thing were to change.
Tonight was different. You could feel it in the air. In the way his footsteps halted before your door, and in the way your hand reached for the doorknob to join him.
The hallway was dim but you could see the small rays of light coming from the kitchen. Banging pans and running water was all it took for you to know that Mark was in the kitchen. With bated breath you crossed the threshold into the beginning of something different.
“I made some extra ramen for you, if you want some.” You could see Marks shoulders slightly shaking with nerves of having finally been able to lure you out of your room after all this time. Tilting your head in confusion you slowly saw him turn around. Donning that ridiculous ‘kiss the chef’ apron Hyuck had gotten for him as a gift. You realize now that all those nights were an invitation, and not the unspoken agreement you’d thought it was. Everything started to piece together.
Silently you took the extra bowl placed on the counter for you. The aroma of chicken ramen floating between the two of you and filling up the atmosphere. You could hear one of the counter chairs being pulled out as Mark settled into the space next to you. Pretending that you couldn’t see his eyes staring at you while your body leaned against the counter. Choosing to focus on the food before you, as looking at the warm meal was easier than answering all the questions in his eyes.
You don’t know why you were so nervous, all it was were two bowls of ramen. So why did it feel like everything changed? In the time that you sat there wondering about all the what ifs, Mark could feel the tension rising.
“ You know, I don’t think I heard you say thank you for the ramen Y/N. “
Your shoulders shot up in surprise, already having an apology on hand to tell him. Before you had a chance to say anything Mark quickly cut you off with a slightly awkward cough.
“ ...Just read the apron, if you really can't think of anything else.”
A smile spread on your lips as you nervously pulled him closer to you, using the apron as a placeholder. In those few moments you used to gaze into his eyes, the space between the two of you closed and it was like the world snapped back into light. The kiss was something unexpected, yet somehow long awaited.
“ Mark your breath smells like ramen”
“Just shut up and enjoy it, besides you have ramen breath too.”
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mxrcayong · 4 years
let it unfold - chapter ten
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chapter ten
Her heart felt like it dropped from the top of the empire state building to the sidewalk once she got a call from Yuta, begging her to come to the studio. She hasn’t been responding to anything from their numbers, and for the most part, she noticed they respected it by not calling. It only alarmed her when the NCT boys had called her over ten times in the five minutes she went to the bathroom in the pub.
“Uhm, Jun, Edward – I really have to go now.” She quickly ran to the people she came here with, “I think some of my friends are in trouble.”
“We only just got here!” Jun slurred, already drunk. Edward – oh, sensible Edward – was quick to tell Katie to go and that he’ll take care of his fiancée. She practically sprinted out of the crowded club, ignoring the grunts or the complaints from the people she accidentally pushed.
She quickly typed up her google maps and clicked on her saved ‘nct dance’ address, revealing to her the quickest way to the familiar studio from the unfamiliar pub. It said it would be the metro; so Katie sprinted her way to the metro. The train was almost empty; but she couldn’t sit. Her thoughts were racing, her knees were shaking. She couldn’t sit still and the train felt longer than the flight to Canada.
The minute she got into the lobby of the practice building, the security guards regarded her panicked state and hesitantly approached – ready to escort her out. But then they remembered her face; the photo of the girl who was always with every NCT photo sheet for each security checkpoint. She looked desperate, looking at one of the security guards in their eyes and pleaded for her entrance. It wasn’t the security guard she is close to, but she’s hoping their kind enough to see how panicked she is.
And they did; they scanned their ID for her allowance to the practice floors, where she printed to the room where some of the boys were waiting patiently – but obviously distressed.
“What happened?” She asked, getting the boys attention who were quick to jump on their feet – inching closer but quickly backing away, knowing in panicked situations; it’s best to give people space.
“Yuta, Tae, and Johnny are in there.” Jaehyun quickly responded, “They’re trying to talk to him but he passed out and then got mad and then now he’s crying and he needs you.”
This is my fault, was the only thing running through Katie’s brain, this is all my fault. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. She gave Jaehyun a quick hug and ruffled Haechan’s hair due to his position next to the door and him quietly greeting her with the smallest ‘hello noona’ she’s ever heard from him.
She knocked twice on the door, taking a deep breath – her heart feeling heavy and as if someone was clenching it and squeezing it in their hands.
“Who is it?” He heard Taeyong loudly ask as someone quietly hyperventilated in the back.
She sighed, “It’s me.”
“Come in please!” Yuta called almost immediately, recognizing the voice from the very first syllable. Within minutes, the boys all gave Katie a quick hug and left the room; leaving Mark and Katie alone together.
She carefully approached him; he looked broken. He was pale, he had eyebags that were far too low compared to normal, he looked thin and frail - he clearly hasn’t been sleeping or eating enough. It was almost as if a predator approaching a prey from behind; Mark appearing much smaller than Katie despite him being taller than her.
She was scared to touch him – what if it made it worse? She was frozen, now sitting next to him – what felt like miles between them was really a few inches.
“W-w-w-hy’d you leave?” He croaked out, now looking into her eyes. In her life, she’s never seen Mark cry this hard; he usually tries to hide his emotions physically even if he talks through it. “Wh-what did I do wrong? Please, I never meant to hurt you.” His eyes were red and pleading.
She slowly moved, making sure she’s now sitting in front of you. “You did nothing wrong.”
“Then why did you leave?” His sadness seemed to turn more intro frustration as he raised his voice. “I love you, Katie. I love you so fucking much - it’s not even funny.” Before Katie could answer, he continued. “You are the only fucking fully comforting thing in my life! You remind me I’m human when I’m treated like a robot. The boys, I love them so much, but sometimes they’re associated with work. You’re associated with love and happiness and…I just, I don’t want anybody but you.” He broke down more, “But I get it! My lifestyle, right? I’m a fucking robot. I don’t deserve this happiness.” He started getting angry
Katie quickly jumped to her knees, now slightly taller than Mark who was in the fetal position. Her palm raised up to his cheek, wiping away the stray tears while soothing his thumb. “No, my love, no.” The use of the pet name calmed Mark down already, who started nuzzling his head into her palm like a lost puppy. “I left because you deserve to be happy and I heard about some stuff regarding how I may be messing with your work. I don’t want to get between that.”
“I was busy with work because I was convincing the management to let me stay with you.” He sighed, “Hell, I was about to tell you the day after that they agreed but you messaged me…that…” He started to cry again.
“No, baby, no,” Katie quickly interjected, “no, no, no, I didn’t know that.”
“Then why didn’t you ask? I thought we told each other everything.”
She sighed, “I made a mistake, Mark. I also knew you’re too kind – you’re way too kind that you’d lie to make me feel better, you’d feel stuck with me.”
“I always choose to be with you.” He mumbled, now looking up at her eyes. “If its you or being an idol, it’s no question. I still have the boys – they’ll always be my friends. I can perform on youtube, I can perform in the states. But I can’t be with anybody like you. There’s nobody like you.”
Katie seemed to stutter; unclear on how to answer. “I never want to make you have that choice.”
“I rather have that choice than none at all.” Mark mumbled, not breaking eye-contact with Katie. His beautiful brown eyes – no matter how tired – broke her.
She let out a side chuckle, biting the side of her lip, “Can I kiss you?”
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kenmarcadeblues · 4 years
happy birthday to my halloween lumark fic that was super fun to write~ i cant believe it’s been a year,, i’m so glad that they’re in a group together again!
Summary: The first day of November brings a confused not-so-morning of fried rice and glitter. (or lumark in: “i just woke up in a stranger’s bed and i’m half naked, i can’t remember anything about yesterday besides that the party was great and that i got absolutely wasted AND OH MY GOD THERE IS A HOT PERSON NEXT TO ME AND THEY ARE NOT WEARING MUCH WHAT DID WE DO LAST NIGHT” - the au)
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sassy-author · 3 years
a date; that’s all it took [markxoc]
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genre: bestfriends-au / young-adult / fluff / romance word count: 4.5k+
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Best friends. Mark and Soyeon were exactly that;  Bickering about the most random ordeal whilst having each other's back at all times. 
Best friends ask for favours. Mark did just that.   Best friends help each other out.  Soyeon did just that.
A romantic date, a little night stroll under the beautiful city lights, And the dreaded big f word.  No not f*** but Feelings. Yeah this one.  Add all these to the equation and you are in for a whirlwind. 
Follow the story of Mark and Soyeon; a romantic cliché which pictures the correlation between friendship, secrecy, selflessness, fluff and love.
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“Come on Yeon, just this once, please.”  Mark pleaded, as he put on his most innocent doe-eyed expression in front of his best friend. Soyeon could only roll her eyes at his attempt before shaking her head for the nth time that afternoon.
“No means no Mark. There’s no way in hell that I’ll agree to this. It’s just plain weird.” Soyeon forced a shudder upon herself as she thought back at his ungodly request. Mark whined at her words, grabbing her arm tightly like a child. She sent him a glare once again: “You’re acting like a teenager. You’ve had girls in the past, why should I go on a mock-up date with you this time.”
“Tsk. You know that all I did was sleep around, but this time, I want to make things right. I don’t think that rambling on about how I could make her feel good in bed would be a good choice of conversation, more so on a first date.” Mark reasoned out and Soyeon could not help but mentally agree with him yet, he was still putting her in the weirdest situation.
“Fair enough, but don’t you think that going on a romantic date with your best friend is just awkward and a source for problems?” Soyeon grimaced, confident in her reasoning as both her mind and heart for once agreed that this was nowhere near a good idea – better said, it would be plain torture towards her feelings.
“I beg to differ.” Mark cleared his throat as he took an oddly professional stance. “See, in my opinion, you would be perfect. We already know each other which will facilitate the whole ‘pretend’ aspect, you don’t have to worry about me being a creep and I don’t have to worry about you getting the wrong idea or being clingy. You get to spend time with your best friend, with a free dinner as a cherry on top. I don’t see where problems could arise.”
“Yeah but what about fee-.” Soyeon sighed as Mark’s grin wouldn’t budge before she finally conceded to her own dismay. “Fine. But it’s only once. This Friday.”
Mark immediately enclosed her in a tight bear hug which she had no choice but to reciprocate. A series of grateful words that honestly made no sense altogether escaped his lips whilst she tried her best to keep her neutral composure. ‘You’re so stupid Kang Soyeon,’ she scolded herself.
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“You’re so stupid Kang Soyeon.”
“Gee, Jungwoo, thank you, those are the exact words I wanted to hear.” Soyeon groaned as her forehead collided with the table in an attempt to punish herself. Jungwoo sighed at his friend‘s predicament and could only pat her back slowly.
“Why didn’t you say no?”
“Cause you think I didn’t? But we both know him and how persistent he can be.”
“Still, you shouldn’t have agreed. Mark is denser than wood, I can only imagine how this date will go. He will be all charming and you will be all melting and then poof, midnight hits and he takes you home, all happy that he got his said ‘mock-up’ date whilst you get home to your feelings all mashed up like gravy.”
“Stop telling me things I already know. I came to you for support not this – I knew that I should have gone to Donghyuk.”
“Now we both know that Hyuk would have been worst to you.” Soyeon groaned again, poking Jungwoo’s side which made the latter yelp. “Stop being so violent woman!” Jungwoo brought his friend closer in his embrace as he squeezed her shoulder. “I don’t know what to say, to me this is emotional suicide.”
“I know but let’s see it in another light, at least I’ll get to see how it would have been to date Mark. Then hopefully, I’ll be able to turn the page completely when he’ll start dating Minah.” Though Soyeon expressed those words with confidence, her darkened pupils showed how distraught she really was.
“Whatever floats your boat Yeon… I’ll be there with Hyuk holding a big bucket of Vanilla Pecan ice cream when it’s time.”
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To Soyeon’s dismay, Friday came sooner than later. Fixing her hair subconsciously as she gave herself a final look in the mirror, she took a deep breath as her inner voice was giving a pep-talk.
‘It’s going to be okay. You are just going out for dinner with your best friend. Nothing odd about that, nothing special about it either. No strings attached. Just regular dinner, where he’ll be pretending to be your boyfriend, but that’s okay cause you are there only to guide him through the night. That’s it.’ 
-Knock Knock-
“One minute!” Dressed in a beautiful and flowy yellow dress, paired with summer sandals and a white kimono-coat, Soyeon grabbed her purse, which was conveniently a gift from Mark two years prior.
Opening the door swiftly, she was greeted by a stunning bouquet of champagne roses, her favourites. Unbeknownst to her, a sincere glimmer found her eyes as she looked up to her best friend who wore his signature goofy grin. He handed her the bouquet immediately while she took in a discrete sniff out of the beautifully assorted flowers.
“Thanks, Mark. Let me just put these in a vase.” Soyeon made her way into her apartment once again but stopped a few steps in as she didn’t feel Mark follow her in. “Stop standing there as if it’s your first time here dummy!”
“Yeoooon!” He whined. “You have to pretend remember.” Soyeon rolled her eyes but complied to her best friend’s silly antic.
“Mark, please come in. You can sit on the couch, make yourself comfortable, I won’t be long.” She sent him a forced smile since, though those words sounded very off coming from her, they ran perfectly given their situation.
Mark grinned at her compliance and did as told, knowing his way around her place like the back of his hand. Soyeon really did not take long since she conveniently had an empty vase on the kitchen’s counter. Barely five minutes later, she went to find him in the living room and off they were on their date.
“You look very pretty tonight, Soyeon.” Mark’s words could pass for a whisper while his gaze remained focused on the busy streets of Seoul that night, but she heard them perfectly.
“Thank you, Mark, you don’t look too shabby yourself.” He chuckled at her words. “I hope that you are hungry, the place I’m taking you to is famous for its gourmet dishes but particularly for its assorted desserts options.”
By the way he formulated his sentences, Soyeon knew that he was trying very hard not to fall into their usual tones and bickering. Despite the tight pinch she felt to her heart, knowing that he was doing all this for someone else, she bit back her tongue and played along. “Oh really. And where is this too-good-to-be-true restaurant?”
“Who said that it was a restaurant?” Mark’s playful self took a step forward before he winced at himself. “I mean – it’s a surprise.”
“Mark, it’s okay. Be yourself. You want her to like you for who you really are.”
Mark gulped inadvertently at Soyeon’s thoughtful words, anxiety pricking at his veins, but nodded slowly, deeply thankful that she agreed to be there for him, as she always did.  
Despite his goofy and clumsy personality, Mark had always been very much of a gentleman in disguise towards Soyeon, getting her door, tucking her chair, making sure she was served first, and the list goes on. Yet, that night, his attention to details made her heart pace way too fast, faster than it usually would in his presence – maybe because of the pressing theme that flooded their date, or simply because Mark was that charming and she was just that trapped.  
Skimming through the menu, Soyeon concluded that Mark did choose a very adequate restaurant for a romantic date. The décor was awfully aesthetic – with vintage tones and the right amount of semi-formal semi-casual vibe going on. The menu displayed a wide choice of Western-Asian fusion cuisine with prices that would avoid making him seem like a cheapskate as well as a show-off – indeed the perfect spot. Bringing her out of her thoughts, Mark asked:
“Found anything that you want?”
“Not yet, there are just so many mouth-watering choices. Do you have any recommendations for me?”
Mark rubbed the back of his head, showing his contrasting bashful nature, one of his annoyingly endearing habits which Soyeon adored. “Well, to be honest with you, I’ve never been here. But I heard only good reviews about this place.”
A waiter came back to their table at this very moment to ask if they were ready to order and Soyeon seized this opportunity to take a mini breather for herself and follow her gut-feeling choice.
“I’ll have the alfredo pasta paired with the house’s secret Korean kimchi sauce. A glass of red wine as well thank you.” Soyeon closed her menu and politely handed it back to the waiter as the latter turned his attention to Mark this time, who seemed to have been caught off-guard.
“Euh… I’ll take the lamb steak, medium rare, mushroom sauce accompanied by the black-bean infused potato purée.” Mark nodded once, as if agreeing with his own choice as he handed the menu back to the waiter as well.
“What about your drink sir?”
Mark was about to speak when Soyeon interrupted him short: “He’ll take a glass of sparkling water with a slice of lemon on top. Thank you.”
Mark could not help the beam that found his lips as Soyeon bit her lower lip upon realising that she had fallen out of the pretence for a few seconds. He mouthed to her a small; ‘It’s okay,’ whilst the waiter recited their order before disappearing further into the restaurant.
A comfortable silence settled between the two of them but Soyeon could see that Mark was trying to find his words. Sighing quietly, she leaned on her elbows, joining her hands beneath her chin, showing her utmost attention to her best friend.
“Mark, stop stressing. Your date will be fine.”
“Easy for you to say, you’ve dated before. My conversations with woman have been very limited, particularly when I’m struggling to get out of their grip when I happen to have fallen asleep at their place the previous night.”
“Urg, spare me the details please.”
“Sorry… it’s just that I don’t know what to talk about. Worst, what if I slip up and give off the jerk vibe all over again.”
“Oh please, you may have slept around but it doesn’t mean that you are a player Lee Minhyung.” It’s only then that Mark dared meet her gaze, catching himself in a mesmerising fall into her hazel pupils. “You’ve always set boundaries with those women and really you are not a bad guy. You just have to be yourself. Minah seems to be a sweet girl. And she would not have agreed to go on a date with you if she did not find you remotely close to her type as well. So, stop scrutinising yourself like that.”
“I know that but, I’m not even able to bring somewhat of an interesting conversation up between us, how am I going to manage with her.” Soyeon shook her head slowly as her right hand reached across the table to flick his forehead. “Ouch, that hurts.”
“You can’t think of something to talk because we already know each other. Pretending can get you only this far. I know that this might not be the mock-up date you thought it would be but really, I want you to realise that all you have to do is be yourself, get to know her, show your genuine interest and you’ll be good to go.”
Mark was still pouting as his fingers lingered upon his forehead but he nevertheless nodded. Left to contemplate upon his best friend’s advice, the waiter came back with their drinks, informing them that their dishes wouldn’t be long either.
In an attempt to lift the mood, Soyeon held up her glass and nodded towards Mark for him to do the same.
“A toast to you, my best friend, who has finally decided to take his chance at dating.” Mark chuckled, letting his glass glide towards Soyeon’s until the blissful clink was heard.
“And to you, Yeon, my best friend, who is still breaking hearts and has been ever since she was born.” Soyeon threw him an appalled look as they both sipped on their drink.
“What do you mean by that Lee Minhyung?”
“Oh please, guys line up to date you, yet you never spare them a single glance. I’ve seen you date for sure, but it was never out of interest, well yeah it was, but I’d say more out of curiosity than attraction.”
Soyeon’s cheeks reddened as if she had been caught red-handed when in reality, it was not the first time that Mark had brought the subject up within their years of friendship. In Mark’s eyes, she was such an easy-going and down-to-earth young woman, guys would have to be crazy if they didn’t let their heads turn while passing by her down the street. She exuded such a girl-crush aura and the fact that she was totally kind and forgiving was a plus. Of course, she had quite the hot temper and a killer punch, but she never meant ill. Most importantly, she always took the time out of her busy day to be there for her friends, Mark in particular out of their circle, which is most probably why they were still joint at the hip, even after nearly a decade.
“We’ve been over this Mark; I just don’t see myself as the dating type. It’s too much of a hassle, too much drama, too much feelings. I already have you, Jungwoo and Donghyuk to deal with, I think that this is enough testosterone to last me a lifetime.”
“Always the same old excuse.”
Soyeon could only chuckle, hoping that this would be enough of a response for Mark to drop the subject. To be honest, she was not completely lying, it’s true that she never saw herself as the dating type – but this was only because she had fallen into the habit of having Mark around and she’d gladly admit that she could only blame herself for that.
The waiter finally brought their order and it looked awfully delicious, the fancy plating and the sweet aroma that filled their table was enough to make their mouths water. Soyeon immediately seized her cutlery and dived into her dish only to stop short due to the inadvertent flash that came from Mark’s phone.
“Oops.” Is all he said as he looked back at the picture - he had just taken of her whilst she was about to taste the creamy tagliatelle.
“You’re insufferable Lee Minhyung.”
“That’s why you love me Kang Soyeon.” He said automatically, a grin apparent on his face before he dived into his dish as well.
‘Oh, if only you knew,’ she thought to herself as a comfortable silence settled between them once again.
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“Who knew that a scoop of chocolate ice cream, a matcha crème brûlée and a sweet red-bean rice cake would go well together? I’m so full.” Mark rubbed his slightly bloated stomach with a grin whilst Soyeon chuckled at his demeanour. It was still rather early; well it was only half past ten and the weather that night called for a little stroll. Mark grabbed Soyeon’s hand naturally, lacing their fingers comfortably as he tugged a little onto her arm. “Let’s go for a walk.”
Darting a soft glance down at their fingers, Soyeon bit down on her lower lip. ‘Let’s enjoy this just for tonight Kang Soyeon.’ Taking a right turn down the street, they got onto a closed-off night market street. The bustling noise and random groups of people walking around made this night even more memorable. Ranging from the starry lights hung above their heads to the random store owner shouting out about discounts on counterfeit products, Soyeon knew that she would remember it all. But mostly, the warmth that Mark’s palm exuded against hers, the occasional glances that he would send her way, making sure that she wasn’t cold, or simply his regularly yet soundly breathing that was so close yet so far - she would keep it all in memory.
“Hey look a photobooth, let’s go!”
Soyeon chuckled as Mark dragged her across the street. Selecting a few different frames, some cartoony, some classy; they both posed, each shot sillier than the other until they were satisfied with the outcome of their momentary modelling gig. Hastily waiting outside the booth for the pictures to be printed, Mark was the first to grab the two 4x4 sheets, holding them up as he analysed their faces. Soyeon got on her tippy toes as Mark purposefully held his hands higher to prevent her from seeing the pictures. After a few pinches and pokes here and there, Mark finally conceded and they both reviewed their pictures with soft smiles upon their faces.
“Look at your face on this one, you look like a rat.”
“I look like a rat; you look like a rat.” Mark argued back before handing her one of the sheets. As she reached out to take it, he moved his hand away, chuckling a little. Back and forth, this went on, until Mark’s hand was held up high above their heads whilst Soyeon was again on her tippy toes, trying to reach up in vain. “Shorty.” He said teasingly, catching her attention suddenly.
Feeling his breath way too close, Soyeon angled her face towards his and indeed, he was too close to comfort, way too close. Noticing the proximity as well, Mark’s eyes widened ever so slightly before they dove deep into Soyeon’s hazel pupils. Soyeon looked at him tenderly, nearly falling deeper than she already was when his minty breath caught her off-guard once again. Darting her eyes for few seconds to his lips, a shiver went down her spine before her rational senses kicked in, enabling her to reluctantly take a step back, hoping that her wondering eyes had gone unnoticed.
Wordlessly, Mark finally handed her the sheet which she robotically tucked in her purse. Though Mark’s hand found its way back to hers, she held it in a way to prevent him from lacing their fingers. Proceeding back on their steps, fifteen minutes later, they were back in the car, buckling up as Mark drove her home. The silence was comfortable but spoke loudly, only they were both unkeen to listen.
Though they had dropped the whole pretence during dinner, Mark insisted on walking up the apartment complex with her. As they reached her door, she dismissed him with their usual friendly hug, only this time, he dropped a soft peck to her forehead before breaking away.
“Thanks for tonight Yeon, good night, I hope that you have a sweet nightmare.”
Soyeon playfully pinched his cheek before turning on her heels, ignoring the ongoing thumping of her heart as they finally called it a night on what she could only think of as a bittersweet closure.
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Sunday night, Mark video calls Soyeon as usual, ranting about his weekend and how Donghyuk will be the death of him for always being so loud and hyper. Soyeon mentions her tight schedule for the week as she was about to take a new project at the bank and they both eventually fall into a random banter about ice cream. Eventually laughing their asses off at the most random thing, Soyeon bit down on her lower lip as her mind decided to remind her right then that his date with Minah was the very next day. ‘Be a supportive best friend Kang Soyeon.’
“Are you ready for tomorrow?”
“Euh… yeah I guess.” Mark was taken aback by her mention of the topic but Soyeon took it as a continuation to his uneasiness about the whole dating ordeal.
“Come on Minhyung, be confident. You’ll be good tomorrow. I know. I believe in you.” Soyeon sent him a meaningful smile through the camera but Mark seemed unconvinced. Better said he seemed to be debating. “Mark what’s wrong?”
“I-” Mark closed his eyes tightly and cursed at himself lowly which only confused Soyeon further.
“Mark it’s okay, it’s me, there’s nothing you can’t talk about with me.”
Sighing, Mark finally threw caution to the wind: “Remember Friday, when we were looking at the pictures and then we were awfully close, and then at some point euh… you looked at my lips and then you immediately took a step back. What was that about?”
Though Mark’s weekend had been the same as the previous ones in appearances, he had actually been troubled for the whole of the two days, this precise moment haunting his mind like a moth to a flame. At some point, he tried persuading himself that he was reading too much into it, but he knew that look, he knew it way too well. Above all, he knew her; Soyeon was physically distant in her mannerism for the remainder of that night. He hadn’t brought it up then, but he felt it immediately.
Soyeon’s silence showed that she was clearly taken aback by his words, but before she could think twice about an escape, a forced laugh that seemed more natural than she could ever hope for escaped her lips. “Oh my god Lee Minhyung, please don’t tell me that you thought that I wanted to kiss you. Gee, one of the lights reflected behind you which made the corner of your lip shine. I thought that you had some dried-up sauce at the corner there, turns out you didn’t. That’s it.”
‘What a stupid excuse Kang Soyeon.’ She mentally cursed at herself, praying that Mark would buy into her lame excuse.
“Oh, I see.” Mark simply said. It was clear to him that Soyeon was lying but he preferred to leave it at that since there was just so much he could say or do via video call.
Exchanging a few more words about the upcoming week again, they finally cut the call. Soyeon finally released a sigh as her heart had picked up its pace by fear of being caught. Mark, on the other hand, was left more troubled and confused than he was prior to voicing his concern. Though he knew that she had just spat a big fat lie, the disappointment weighing down on his confused mind spoke louder than he could admit at that point.
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Despite her tight schedule, Soyeon decided to work from home. Mark’s question haunted her mind all through the night, so much that she had nightmares about it. Waking up with a certain conviction that she had and would be more careful of her actions and choice of words around her best friend from then onwards, Soyeon tried to keep herself busy with business emails.
At noon, Jungwoo called her.
“Yeoooooooooooooon. How are you?”
“I’m good, what about you?”
“Should I believe this lie?”
“Stop nagging me will you.”
“Whatever you say, but tonight, Donghyuk and I are coming over with some ice cream and a good zombie movie. And I won’t take no for an answer.”
Soyeon sighed but a smile tugged her lips ever-so-slightly upwards, thankful that she wouldn’t have to be alone that night, left to contemplate the fact that Mark would be taking Minah out to the same restaurant, most probably stroll around the same street and eventually settle for a second date, a third, a fourth and so on.
“Sure, as long as you bring me gummy bears as well.”
“You’ve got yourself a deal.”
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Soyeon had just got out of the shower when a knock resonated at her door. Throwing a quick look at the clock that hung in the middle of her living room, she frowned slightly.
“You guys came earlier than planned.” She said hurriedly as she opened the door swiftly. Her breath was caught short though as Mark looked at her, puzzled. “What are you doing here?”
“Who were you expecting?” He questioned back; an eyebrow lifted.
“Jungwoo and Donghyuk are coming over for a movie.” She answered simply, moving away from the door for him to get in, but he wouldn’t budge. She looked at him questioningly: “Shouldn’t you be getting ready for your date Mark?”
“I’m sorry. Really. I just need to make sure of something.” And just like that, Mark bridged the small distance between them capturing her lips with his in a tender kiss. It happened fast but his lips moulded perfectly into hers. His left hand cupped her cheek while the right one wrapped around the small of her back, bringing her body closer to his. And that’s when she finally gave in, her hands made their way to his collar, kissing him back sweetly.
Soyeon’s mind was shouting at her for letting her guard down but she could not help but melt into the smooth exchange that she had always yearned for. The kiss lasted for only a few more seconds before they finally broke away. Her mind was hazy, and pupils dilated but she immediately asked, rather breathless: “What was that?”
“I could ask you the same question Kang Soyeon.” Mark said sternly, taking a small step back.
“What do you m-”
“You can’t tell me that it meant nothing; you wanted to kiss me that night. Well I just did it for you.”
“Why would you do that- I never asked you to- Why?”
“Because I wanted to.” Mark sighed as he tentatively reached out to grab her hands into his. “I like you Soyeon. You are my best friend, but I like you like you. This might not be the best timing taking into consideration that I asked for your help to date someone else, but I like you. I really do. Heck, you wouldn’t leave my mind at all throughout the whole weekend, and it wasn’t the first time this happened. I always tried to dismiss the idea because it’s us, I didn’t want to risk it but when you looked at me that way, I thought what if? What if I happened to cross your mind once in a while as well? What if you dismissed the idea just like me? But mostly, what if we could cross the line and it worked? I know that you don’t do the whole dat-“
Before he could finish his overly long confession, Soyeon stood on her tippy toes and kissed him again, only this time, the kiss was shorter but meaningful enough for him to smile against her lips before they broke away.
“I like you too, dummy.”
“So, what now?” Mark asked innocently as he leaned his forehead against hers in the cutest way possible, a beam present on his face.
“Well, I wasn’t lying when I said that I am not the dating type…” Mark frowned immediately at her words. “But for you and with you, I’d do anything.”
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