#lee seunghoon gif
zhaozi · 15 days
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Something’s wrong😂
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fatenumberfor · 2 years
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mostlyfate · 2 years
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wowscheekies · 2 years
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This song is so good it's truely a big summer hit. It brings happiness even though it was just released it just has that power. (Part two coming after this post)
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Yoon 😂
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ourtwentyfcr · 2 years
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—winner 'holiday' comeback trailer
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mancrushallweek · 2 years
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blu-joons · 2 years
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He loves having his attention on you, but he loves having your attention on him just a little bit more. Seunghoon knows that out of anyone in a room, he’s usually the one that you’ll be looking out for most of all.
Both of you were childish, and so everyone knew that bickering was inevitable between the two of you. It was always a laugh for those around you whenever the two of you bickered because it was like watching kids arguing with one another with how mean and irritated you were towards each other.
Cheering you up was always a priority for Seunghoon whenever he could tell that you needed comforting. His biggest priority when comforting you was putting the smile back on your face, he didn’t do it straight away, Seunghoon let you have your rant or your sob, and then he’d try and cheer you up again.
One of the perks of Seunghoon’s carefree attitude was that you usually got your way, but on the odd occasion, he could be pretty stubborn. Seunghoon liked to think that he was always right, but you knew that that definitely wasn’t true. At times you had to get quite loud and quite firm with him to get him to see that he was wrong, and even then, he was pretty reluctant to actually agree with you that he was wrong too.
It was inevitable with a character like Seunghoon that the two of you got pretty close pretty quickly, he was bright, and he was vibrant which drew you in. He never ran out of things to say around you, he had plenty of questions lined up that he wanted to ask you to be able to get to know you more, and you always had a reply. His character made it inevitable for you to get along with Seunghoon from the get-go.
Seunghoon’s family were huge fans of yours, especially his sisters loved to have you around. Almost as soon as you arrived at the family home you would be snatched away from Seunghoon and taken by the two of them so that you could have a catch up. Luckily for Seunghoon, he was relieved more than anything else that as well as being his best friend, you were incredibly close with both of his sisters too.
You didn’t care about being seen out and about, the two of you did absolutely anything whenever you hung out. If people wanted to pay attention to you both, then you let them, and if people wanted to take photos of the two of you, you didn’t care, just as long as their articles were honest about you both.
The two of you had a habit of laughing even when no one else with you was. You both knew the way to tickle one another, even if what you had said didn’t end up tickling anyone else. If Seunghoon told a joke too, you’d usually be the one to give him a reaction, just like how he always reacted to you as well.
You’d lost count of how many inside jokes you had with Seunghoon if you were completely honest. Every single time you were with him you found yourself laughing, it felt like the impossible for you to be able to remember all of the inside jokes that you had together because there were simply so many of them.
He knew he had the character and the charm to beat any of your friends who even dared try to take his spot as your best friend. He never got jealous because he was sharp, if someone even tried to suggest that they were your best friend then Seunghoon wouldn’t be able to stop himself from saying something back to them and making sure that they were put right back in their rightful place again.
Seunghoon got a kick out of making you laugh, the sillier he was the better too. He didn’t care what he looked like in front of you, no matter how much of a mood you were in, or how upset you were, Seunghoon knew that with a little bit of effort from him then he’d definitely be able to crack a smile on your face.
He loved how you went along with anything because you knew just how sharp and impulsive Seunghoon was. In a matter of minutes, he could think of somewhere and then suddenly decide to go there or think of something and suddenly have the things to be able to do it. If there was one person that would go with him or do something with him, it was you, you got used pretty quickly to have impulsive he was.
The two of you first met whilst you were in school, pretty much from the start of your very first day. You were on the same team during a game getting to know each other, and from there you soon became glued to each other’s sides throughout your years at school, and for the many years after you left too.
What you got was no different to the Seunghoon that everyone else got, although some people struggled to believe it, he was chaotic as he appeared on camera when he spent time with you off it too.
Seunghoon was obsessed with your personality and just how ideal you were to suit him. You were like two peas in a pod together, everyone knew you both more as a team then they did knowing you as individuals.
As much as he lives for the moment, Seunghoon loves reminiscing with you a surprising amount too about your earlier years. If an old memory pops into his head, then he’ll ask you if you remember it, but what he enjoys doing the most is looking back through old photos of the two of you that you’d kept hold of.
Most of the time Seunghoon will ask you about nonsense, deciding to talk about anything just to keep you both talking. He doesn’t like silence and will ask you anything just to be able to keep things going.
Saved on his phone Seunghoon has plenty of TikToks that feature you, usually using you as his dummy before giving it a go with the other members. If it worked with you, then it was a great idea, and if it didn’t work, then at least watching the video back would give the two of you a good laugh at yourselves.
By far Seunghoon is your biggest fan, if there’s only one person by your side, it’ll definitely be him. As much as he loves to joke around with you, when there’s something important happening for you, he’ll be there. Even if he gets a little shy admitting it, Seunghoon cares about you more than you’ll ever know.
You often found yourself pulled away by Seunghoon when he impulsively decided to go on a trip. Quite often you’d get a sudden message to tell you to pack a bag as he had somewhere that he wanted to explore.
Although at times the two of you were opposites at times, you still somehow managed to fit together like a jigsaw.
If he’s not giddy enough at the studio, things will get ten times worse for the poor boys when you show up too. Seunghoon loves having you there and letting you see as much as he can of what they’re up to.
Being able to solve your problem is the most important thing for Seunghoon whenever he tries to give you any sort of advice.
He loves to try and annoy you with affection, Seunghoon will often try and tickle you to make you smile or poke somewhere around your body to try and get your attention if you’re not listening to him.
You were his constant, Seunghoon couldn’t remember a time without you there.
Seunghoon loves to try and crash at your place for the night whenever the two o you hang out together. He knows at your place you have no choice but to look after him which he definitely makes the most of.
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ipo4r · 1 year
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chicken-fifi · 2 years
Hoony (Winner) Drabble - Kidnapped
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Description: You get kidnapped by him
Warnings: kidnapping, obsessive!Hoony,
Word Count: 291 words
The musty taste of the rag in your mouth was unbearable. With your hands behind your back and the blindfold over your eyes, you weren’t sure where you were or where you were going. If the continuous bumping along the road was any indication, you were no longer in the city or the suburbs.
There was sudden braking and then a complete stop, causing you to slide back along the truck bed. That’s right. You were in a truck. And you knew who the truck belonged to. Only one person ever had the bed this clean. The rear opened and hands grabbed your legs pulling you towards them before hoisting you over their shoulder. 
“I hope the ride wasn’t too bumpy,” Seunghoon said, closing the door again and beginning to walk.
The blood was rushing to your giving you a massive headache. You groaned at the pounding sensation as he continued his trek before opening a door to what you could only assume was a building and going inside. There were a few more doors opened and then he was going some stairs. It was cold and damp, there was a cement floor based on the sound of his footsteps. He set you down but before you could even try to move away, metal snapped shut around your ankles.
With the cold material pressed against your skin, you were slightly comforted by the warm feeling of his fingers undoing the ropes and removing the blindfold. You hated feeling comforted by that.
“There,” he sighed. “Welcome home!”
You shifted away from him, bumping into a bedpost.
Seunghoon stood up, seemingly proud of himself. He gave you a sickly-sweet smile before speaking, “You’re going to love it here. Just you and me.”
Tagging: @iamthecabbage@confusedchildsstuff@multistan-kpopfanfics if you would like to be tagged and aren't please let me know!
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cheninipan · 5 months
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zhaozi · 2 years
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when marimba rhythms start to play dance with me, make me sway
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fatenumberfor · 2 years
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220710 i love u | 2seung
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mostlyfate · 2 years
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— Hoony:・゚✧ I LOVE U (220709)
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wowscheekies · 2 years
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Part two of the winner mv set!
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andrearicci · 3 months
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nome completo. andrea “seunghoon” ricci lee • parente olimpiano. apollo • idade. trinta e quatro anos • chalé. 7 • nível. III • tempo de estadia no acampamento. 20 anos • esporte. membro individual do arco e flecha • instrutor. combate corpo a corpo • altura. 181cm • cor dos olhos. castanho-claro • cor do cabelo. preto • porte físico. atlético • aparência. seria possível alguém ter uma aparência calorosa? iluminada? andrea é assim, parece que brilha o tempo todo e deixa o ambiente sempre quentinho, seus cabelos naturalmente pretos é contrário a característica física mais comum entre os filhos de apollo, mas isso não apaga, em nada, a visão iluminada de andrea, a pele é levemente bronzeada, mais pro dourado, dizem que é por pegar sol demais, mas também pode ser porque nasceu com esse aspecto praiano, os olhos castanhos quase beira o dourado de tão claros, ainda que sejam tão pequenos que desaparecem quando ele sorri. possui sardas na região dos ombros e seguindo até o peito, há pequenos sinais na região do nariz e das maçãs do rosto também, além de algumas pintinhas em várias partes do corpo. alto e com corpo bem atlético, ele gosta de manter o condicionamento físico, e isso parte pelo fato de querer ser um bom guerreiro para proteger seus irmãos e os demais semideuses, além de ser muito forte, mas isso é por causa da energia solar que corre em seu corpo.
traços de personalidade: 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐉 + caloroso, autoconfiante. - teimoso, introvertido.
(mais informações abaixo)
RECANALIZAÇÃO SOLAR - Absorve a energia solar durante todo o período que estiver em contato com a luz do sol, dessa forma, é capaz de recanalizar essa energia absorvida para uma variedade de propósitos relacionados. Tem a força aumentada, pois as células são alimentadas com energia solar e isso aumenta a sua capacidade física, consequentemente possui uma resistência limitada, enquanto tiver energia solar correndo pelo seu corpo, possui proteção necessária que faz com que seja capaz de suportar o impacto de um caminhão de dezoito rodas. É capaz de projetar calor, podendo aumentar o calor do local, sendo capaz também de projetar ou absorver calor do corpo das pessoas. E como arma, ele pode fazer rajadas de energia solar sair de suas mãos com cerca de 20 toneladas de força, mas apenas enquanto houver energia solar correndo pelo seu corpo, isso mostra que a limitação do poder é que não dá pra usar o aumento de força e a rajada de energia ao mesmo tempo, é preciso escolher o que fazer, pois a energia solar em seu corpo, dependendo do ambiente e do clima que está, pode não ser suficiente. E por último, ele se torna imune a calor e, consequentemente, ao fogo, pois o seu metabolismo é todo adaptado para suportar a energia solar que é absorvida por ele.
HABILIDADES - força sobre-humana e fator de cura acima do normal.
ARCO ENERGIZADO E ALJAVA COM FLECHAS INFINITAS - Arco feito 100% da energia do sol, parece ser feito de ouro, possui apenas cabo, a corda se materializa quando uma flecha é colocada no mesmo, a flecha ganha o dobro de força e se torna flamejante independente do atributo. Aljava é leve e de tamanho médio, feito de prata azulada, contem flechas infinitas de raio, estas longas e mesmo depois de lançadas ainda brilham e conduzem luz solar.
FLECHAS ELEMENTAIS - são flechas de ouro imperial com funções diversas de acordo com os elementos minerais e naturais de água, terra, fogo e ar. Possui desde a função sonora, pontas explosivas, bomba de fumaça, gás lacrimogêneo, spray ácido, ventosa, cabo ou fio, cimento, bola, elétrica destruidora, líquida, foguete ou bumerangue, se modificam de acordo com a ponta escolhida, que é equipada na ponta de sua aljava.
Tudo começou com uma criança deixada em um cesto na porta de um convento em Sirmione, o nome registrado na ficha de adoção era SeungHoon, um nome apenas, sem sobrenome e sem uma história por trás disso, mas era o que estava escrito em um pedaço de papel sobre o corpo desse bebê. Essa criança cresceu até os cinco anos fugindo do convento para ir de bicicleta até o Lago da Garda, aproveitar o azul brilhante das águas que só eram daquele jeito por causa do degelo dos Alpes, visitando as grutas de Catulo, que eram as ruínas que sobrou de uma cidade romana do começo do milênio. Ainda criança, tinha um forte interesse em história e uma paixão descomunal por deuses e seres mitológicos, ainda que tivesse uma dificuldade enorme de aprender, não conseguia manter a atenção e não conseguia aprender a ler de forma alguma.
A família Ricci Lee é formada por um casal de diplomatas que trabalhavam sempre envolvidos com países que estavam em conflito, mas que decidiu se afastar disso quando escolheram ser pais e adotaram dez crianças, de diferentes nacionalidades, nenhum biológico, todos filhos de pais desaparecidos ou mortos, que mereciam uma segunda chance na vida. Entre eles está Andrea com os seus cinco anos de idade, o nome foi escolhido por uma freira (que não conseguia pronunciar o nome coreano) e acabou sendo mantido pela família adotiva, porque era o único nome que ele conhecia. A história de Andrea começou no norte da Itália e terminou no Brasil, especificamente no nordeste do país, onde passou a viver com a família enquanto o pai adotivo trabalhava na capital do país, em Brasília, sendo essa a única ponte mantida entre os Ricci Lee, Aracaju e Brasília. Ali ficou até os seus catorze anos. Sendo a única criança sem uma história, sendo ela resumida apenas a criança deixada dentro de um cesto na porta de um convento, acabou sendo a mais desapegada a família. Também era a que mais causava problemas, recebeu o diagnóstico de dislexia e TDA, também começou a fazer terapia quando começou a contar histórias pros pais de seres mitológicos andando entre os humanos, como a história de um centauro no praia do refúgio ou um pégasos caminhando no pier do lago paranoá.
Com baixas notas na escola e sequentes visitas dos pais na escola, começou a ter várias punições e vivia de castigo, mas se esforçou tanto que conseguiu o seu tão sonhado presente: uma viagem aos Estados Unidos, um pacote que levaria ele aos museus e o levaria a tão sonhada ida até a Disney. Ainda era menor de idade, então a viagem dele teve que ter um adulto e a escolha foi de seu pai, que parecia animado de conhecer um pouco mais sobre o seu filho, mas um acidente acabou interrompendo tudo.
Foi em um brinquedo no parque do resort ao lado, que caiu e resultou na morte de cinco pessoas, Andrea foi visto como um pequeno milagre por ser o único sobrevivente e, consequentemente, ficou sozinho no país com o corpo de seu pai em um necrotério, o garoto recebeu a visita de um assistente social que não demorou para se mostrar como um sátiro, que explicou tudo sobre ele ser um semideus, filho de Apolo e que tinha um lugar seguro para ele no país, um acampamento, que não só cuidaria dele como também lhe ensinaria a lidar com os monstros que seriam frequentes. Quando a sua mãe chegou, tudo já estava preparado e foi aí que Andrea começou a frequentar o acampamento e compreender melhor a sua verdadeira história, se tornar adulto acabou lhe ajudando a simplesmente não ter mais que explicar o porquê de morar no Brasil e continuar frequentando um acampamento em Nova Iorque, o garoto inventou roupa, medalhas e muitas coisas que pudessem se assemelhar a imagem que os pais conheciam de um lugar como aquele, mal sabendo eles que estava se tornando um jovem guerreiro.
Quando terminou o ensino médio, fez o vestibular e conseguiu uma bolsa de atleta para a universidade de Nova Iorque, sendo essa a desculpa perfeita para simplesmente viver próximo do seu novo lar. Estava trabalhando em um museu quando recebeu o chamado de Dionísio, chegando no acampamento com uma mala e a sua pequena cacatua rosa. Agora Andrea não sabia quando poderia ver a sua família de novo, já fazia alguns anos que não tinha tanto contato com eles, ainda carregando o trauma do que realmente aconteceu naquele brinquedo, da figura daquele monstro e o que ele tinha feito com o corpo frágil de seu pai, sendo esse o motivo de ter se tornado mais próximo deles, e também mais protetor.
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