tumbler-polls · 2 months
Roughly 12% of the world's population is left-handed. However, left-handedness is more common among queer than cishet people, and Tumblr is a predominantly queer website 🤔
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lefty-of-the-day · 1 month
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Today's (potential) Lefty of the Day is Luke Skywalker from Star Wars,
Although he does typicall fight with his Saber and Blaster with his right. He does eat with his left (and according to IMDB is even seen throwing with his left at one point)
Also Mark Hamil who plays him is Left Handed so I feel like that should count for something.
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fruityroth · 6 months
Just something on why representation matters: even the smallest bit of seemingly the most miniscule part of someone's identity being shown will make someone out there happy. It can be the most minor thing in the world to you, but someone, somewhere, will be absolutely ecstatic to see a part of themselves in one of their favorite characters.
Example: I seriously love left-handed characters. As a lefty, this is super cool to me. Seeing someone who uses their left hand in media will always make me smile, and it makes me feel more connected to the characters. Some examples: Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Sephiroth, and, of course, Link. Like, this is why I loved The Legend of Zelda so much as a kid. Link has historically been left-handed since the very first game. Seeing Link pick up the Master Sword in his left hand, being called the Left-Handed Hero, and generally just be awesome while also being a lefty, makes me giddy to this day. It's just such a positive representation of left-handedness, and that probably doesn't matter to *anyone* that didn't grow up as a southpaw, but it makes me happy.
That's also why it's a shame that he's no longer left-handed. Not only do I feel less connected to the character who was, for the longest time, my absolute favorite hero (a pot-smashing, grass-cutting role model, one could say), but it also feels like they cut out a core part of his identity with that small change.
I especially felt disconnected after reading about why they made the change. Apparently, according to an interview, they switched for wii motion controls, since people hold the wii remote in their right hand regardless of "hand preference" (those were the exact words used). I, uh...I don't! I have, and always will, hold a wiimote in my left hand. Learning that *this* was the reason for them cutting out such an enormous part of the identity of my childhood role model, the Paragon of what lefties could be, seriously pissed me off. And again, this probably doesn't matter in the least to anyone who isn't a lefty.
In short: diversity, inclusion, and representation don't have to be massive. It doesn't have to take up the core of a character's story arc. Even something as simple as the character's *dominant hand* can make people feel seen.
This is also why I don't like it when people say not to have representation for representation's sake. "Oh, it's just tokenism if you say that a character's gay and do nothing about it!" No. No, it's not. It increases diversity, it makes people feel closer to your characters and story, it gives positive representation of usually marginalized people (including lefties until recently, believe it or not!), and it adds an extra layer of depth to this collection of traits that you're passing off as a person.
Even if there's an argument to be made that a character is just the "token gay," or the "token PoC," or whatever, it also shows that people from those communities are capable of living normal lives in society, rather than conforming to whatever stereotypes apply to them. I would much rather a writer add an identity to a character and then not mention it much than they try to make a story arc around it that comes off as anything-phobic.
Again, in short: representation matters. Never say it doesn't.
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dracaspina · 4 months
Most of the Muppets are left-handed because most puppeteers are right-handed. They usually gesture with their left hands, but this is most obvious when playing instruments. (If you don't know, on guitar-like instruments you strum with your dominant hand.)
Kermit? Plays banjo left-handed.
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The Electric Mayhem? Left-handed guitar and bass.
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All the Muppets are lefties!
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Listen. LISTEN.
The best thing about being left-handed is that when you're sitting next to someone who isn't
Honestly, it's the best thing about it
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stinkbrat · 1 month
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Drawing my bearded dragon left handed because she’s laying on my right arm
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bootleg-nessie · 3 months
You know what was really fun? Prejudice against left handed people. I hope that it makes a comeback sometime soon
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thisautistic · 6 months
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we got a lefty protag! we love to see it!
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uptoolateart · 1 year
Of course he's left-handed - historically a symbol of being off-kilter, crazy, unnatural, even demonic. To this day, we still code our characters in these ways.
(No hate to lefties - there are a lot of beloved lefties in my family!!!)
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Alright fellow lefties
After having a déjà vu moment with a customer where we had the exact same conversation we've had before about me being left-handed, I can't help but wonder.
Please reblog if you vote. Thanks!
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rotten666bones · 9 days
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lefty-of-the-day · 6 months
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Today's Lefty of the Day is the Medicine Seller from Mononoke
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poetryorchard · 1 year
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join bee & nashira next saturday for a workshop on communal care! 🍍🍲🍑🧱
sign up here
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derseprinceoftbd · 2 months
When I'm in a "letting the perfect be the enemy of the good" competition and my opponent is John Gaius:
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Seriously though, he's coming off as a perfectly ridiculous leftist caricature-and this isn't infighting, my political views are not left kr right, but a secret, more deranged thing. Like his conspiratorialism, his distrust of the clearly incredibly beneficial efforts of the powerful, it's all so perfect-but I don't know if it was intended to be at all! Like, I'm a Menardite, which is a thing I made up that means "I believe you can literally read anything into any piece of art at all as long as you can muster up 200+ words supporting it", and I may be reading my own bizarre views into this, like he may be actually intended to come off as correct and more tragic and far less funny and typical in his awfulness, I genuinely don't know, but I see no problem with my interpretation.
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botto-b-bobbs · 3 months
I think that as lefties we shouldn't indiscriminately hate on Adam Smith. While yes, he was an old white dude and he came up with capitalism, he also didn't fully endorse it and even pointed out some clear problems driving from mass production and the division of labor. Like bro really said "This is division of labor, it increases production and it's useful, but it also hurts the individual workers involved" and Capitalists were like "ooh it increases production" and refused to care about anything else he said.
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pointless-letters · 8 months
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“Sir, this is a Nandos.”
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