#lei natural
nyaam · 1 year
Eu não aceito esta sociedade esquisita com linguagem esquisita, eu prefiro viver no mundo Natural. E esperar que eventualmente toda a loucura social passe e entremos numa nova era.
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unkn0wnvariable · 2 months
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Feeding Swan
A mute swan foraging for food amongst duckweed, on the water at Summer Leys nature reserve.
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soracities · 1 year
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Yi Lei, from "Nature Aria" (trans. Tracy K. Smith and Changtai Bi) [transcript in ALT]
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A lovely European Robin, a common species David was very eager to finally see. (Last month in Madrid)
📸 by David Lei Photography
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bocadosdefilosofia · 1 month
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«Es cierto por tanto que la piedad es un sentimiento natural que, moderando en cada individuo la actividad de amor de sí mismo, concurre a la conservación mutua de toda la especie. Es ella la que, sin reflexión, nos lleva en socorro de aquellos a quienes vemos sufrir; es ella la que, en el estado de naturaleza, hace de leyes, de costumbres y de virtud, con la ventaja de que nadie se siente tentado a desobedecer a su dulce voz: es ella la que hará desistir a todo salvaje robusto a quitar a un débil niño, o a un viejo inválido, su subsistencia adquirida con esfuerzo, si él mismo espera poder encontrar la suya en otra parte; es ella la que, en lugar de esta máxima sublime de justicia razonada, haz con otro lo que quieras que hagan contigo, inspira a todos los hombres esta otra máxima de bondad natural mucho menos perfecta, pero más útil quizá que la precedente: Haz tu bien con el menor mal posible para otro.»
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: «Discurso sobre el origen y fundamentos de la desigualdad entre los hombres», en Discurso sobre las ciencias y las artes / Discurso sobre el origen de la desigualdad entre los hombres. Alianza Editorial, págs. 150-151. Madrid, 2012.
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sitting-on-me-bum · 1 year
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Tibetan snowcock - Mount Everest
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amazinlei · 2 years
Follower: *running up to Lamb at the corner of my screen*
Me: If this is another request to make you a bowl of poop, I’m going to sacrifice you right here and now, so get on with it!
Follower: Um... glorious leader, I just wanted to say... I like you.  No wait, I love you!  Will you hold a wedding ceremony?
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laymen often comment that the primal forces of magic in fact seem rather underpowered; that it is only by marrying two or more of them together that one can achieve any kind of usefulness. this is the result of abandoning depth for breadth, but an understandable decision. the difficulty encountered is that in order to excel, truly excel at any one primal force, one must alter their understanding of reality fundamentally.
mages of space view the world as expanses, more easily manipulated once grasped, for good and for ill—they become impossible to disorient, but extremely dense objects feel, to their magic, like impossibly vast distances. time mages, on the other hand, eschew distance and see everything as a long line of history. a mage of time can take that line and follow it back to its source, or use it to choose the future they find most preferable.
to a mage of light, the world becomes not space or time or air or gravity, but rather: a series of laws. of facts, and extrapolations following the facts. but seeing is only the first step: the second is daring to take one's own pen and strike out the lines of the contract deemed undesirable.
it is then perhaps unsurprising that the students of light were the ones who set their sights so high. believing fully in their own right to determination, they identified the chief bottleneck in their abilities and sought to remove it. each magical force filters through a divinity—save now for one. the mages of light have killed their god.
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friendofcars · 1 year
we need to have a conversation about the miniature plane and the white night horror that bookend the dream thieves
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peaceforthesoul · 26 days
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unkn0wnvariable · 2 months
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Mute Swan and Cygnets
A mute swan with two cygnets out for a swim in the rain, at Summer Leys nature reserve.
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aclockmaker · 4 months
just some quick raven cycle au thoughts Under the Cut
Nancy is hunting Welsh kings, pouring over maps of Indiana sketching ley lines. When she talks, people listen.
Steve sacrifices himself to the Upside Down (agrees to be its hands and eyes) to save Dustin and Erica. Let’s say Henry Creel is hunting ley lines too and he tries to perform some really dangerous ritual and that’s when Steve made his sacrifice. It’s not as sinister as the UD on the show, it’s more like a mirror-verse of their town but with the addition of a magic forest everywhere. But still—Steve is possessed by it, sometimes.
Robin comes from a family of psychics but she’s not one, she’s a mirror, she reflects back and increases the power of any psychic—or any magician, so she’ll sit with her back touching Steve’s while he reads tarot cards, or hold his hand while he looks into the depths of a cup of coffee and tries to see what the Upside Down is asking of him today.
Eddie who pulled his electric guitar out of a dream. A thief, just like his dad. He takes things for Steve: a new deck of cards, a pair of tennis shoes, salve for the scars Steve has around his neck, the perfect hair product.
There’s all this magical stuff happening in town, like cars turning up flipped over with no one in them and undamaged, and it’s clear that the ley line is troubled—eventually they learn that Tommy H is taking things from the Upside Down just like Eddie, except he’s draining its energy. Tommy has like a field full of tricked out cars that he’s stolen. He basically does all of it to get Steve’s attention, and he has this rivalry with Eddie because of it.
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dopescissorscashwagon · 10 months
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Matt Ley : One of the best lightning shows of the year for SE Wyoming!⚡️⚡️⚡️ Was incredibly fortunate to capture this moment #wywx
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bocadosdefilosofia · 3 months
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«Como ser racional y, por tanto, perteneciente al mundo inteligible, no puede el hombre pensar nunca la causalidad de su propia voluntad sino bajo la idea de libertad, pues la independencia de las causas determinantes del mundo sensible (independencia que la razón tiene siempre que atribuirse) es libertad. Con la idea de la libertad hállase, empero, inseparablemente unido el concepto de autonomía, y con éste principio universal de la moralidad, que sirve de fundamento a la idea de todas las acciones de seres racionales, del mismo modo que la ley natural sirve de fundamento a todos los fenómenos.»
Immanuel Kant: Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres. Ed. Espasa-Calpe, pág. 121. Madrid, 1983.
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dangermousie · 2 years
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Whenever LBY goes extra murdery, I feel so delighted!
Also, ahahahah this is him working out his courting woes! This is one way to de-stress!
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Courting is his work? Bwahahahah
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Murder Boy working off his frustrations. I love him with all my heart and soul!
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tatufairy · 1 year
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Earth fairy 🧚🏼‍♀️ ✨
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