#lemon magic
marigoldwitch · 1 year
Common Food 🍋 Magical Properties
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Purification, love, and friendship are just a few of the most popular uses for lemon in magical practices. As well as longevity. It’s most associated with summertime, and with its bright yellow color and summertime associations you’d think it’d also correspond with the sun, but it’s actual planetary correspondence is the moon.
🍋 You can add a slice of lemon to your moon water, to use for cleansing second hand items, charms and other objects.
🍋 Add a slice of lemon to tea being shared among friends to strengthen the bonds of friendship, or in a purification or cleansing tea.
🍋 Hang dried lemon slices to bring blessings and good luck into your home.
🍋 You can use lemon peels (and the flowers from lemon trees) in love spells; most notably in spells involving platonic love.
🍋 Add dried crushed lemon peels to any poppet for magic related to friendship, blessings, luck, happiness, and self love.
🍋 Add lemon to your bath during a full moon to help boost manifestation spells or rituals. You can also do this when making moon water too.
🍋 Use lemon seeds in spells intended to “grow” or manifest something related to love or friendship. Or in spells that you foresee will take a bit of time to manifest.
Lemon is also known for being high in vitamin C, which helps boost your immune system. It’s used in teas and elixirs to help fight against common colds and flu. It’s high in dietary fiber so it’s also known to help aid in healthy digestion. It’s high vitamin C content also helps promote a healthy heart and liver.
Whether you’re making tea, having a bath, or using poppet magic lemons can be used in a wide variety of ways from the mundane to the magical.
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fanggrimoire · 9 months
Lemon scented perfume as a quick aura cleanser
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stagewitch · 2 years
Lemon Veil for Fighting Negative Thoughts and Energies
Similar to carrying black crystals this spell/ritual/practice aims to absorb negative energy.
For this practice you will need a head covering and fully dried piece(s) of lemon peel. Prepare your components as you see fit.
Metaphysically, lemon can be used as a sponge for negative energies. By placing lemon peel in a head covering, securing with clips or pins if needed, you are putting a negative energy sponge right up next to the source of the negative thoughts and internal energies. You are also protecting yourself from outside negative energies by having the barrier of the head covering as well as the reinforcement of the lemon peel.
If meditation or visualization is helpful in your practice you can, at intervals or when a negative thought pops into your head, visualize that thought as having a physical form, for example a black smoke or liquid, and it being pulled towards the lemon peel and absorbed by it.
If necessary lemon peel can be replaced with lemon imagery, such as embroidery, beading, etc on the head covering.
Full head covering could be replaced with pins, headbands, clips or hair ties though this will weaken protection from external negative energies.
For more info on the correspondences of lemon, check out this post -
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augus24k · 2 years
no se como escribir no se puede x mas q intento intento no me sale :(
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foodandfolklore · 6 months
The Three Lemons
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Something compelled me to look up stories about lemons today. Lemons have a lot of uses in cooking and witchcraft. Lemons and lemon juice are often known for their Souring properties, and will be used in souring spells. A kind of spell or hex where you look to make someone's life or relationships unpleasant. But Lemons also have strong cleansing and purification properties. Steeping some lemon zest in hot water makes a great base for a cleansing spray.
Lemons have lots of magical properties. Beauty, Love, Romance, Friendship, Fidelity, Banishing, Protection; they are also related to the sun and solar energy so expect Joy, Energy, Positivity, Open Mind, Health and Longevity. And a lot more, seriously. Lemon Trees are able to produce lemons year round; often called four seasons fruit. So lemons are always in season, always full of energy.
This story was translated from Italian to English by Esther Singleton in the book The Goldenrod Fairy Book in 1903. I want to give you a heads up now that one of the characters is a black person, written in a time when black people were not written as equals to white characters. However, there are still a few little nuances about this story I found interesting. The first being that she is called 'black' and not some other word or slur common for the time. That is not editing done on my part, that is the word chosen by the original author. Yes she is referred to as 'Black Slave' most of the time instead of being given a name. But none of the characters had names.
However, that's about all it has going for it in regards to black representation. I physically recoiled a bit at the implication that being a slave is a choice, you just need to work harder. And of course the villain is the black person victimizing a poor, pretty white girl and taking advantage of the kindness of the white man. If you're wondering why I'm sharing such a story, please check out my previous post.
That said, I want to focus on the Lemons and the beauty and love that come from them. This is ultimately a story about a man finding his perfect wife. The most beautiful, kind person ever. Maybe cut open a lemon for your own magic to help harness beauty and love energy.
THE King of Terra Longa had an only son, who was the apple of his eye, and on whom he built all his hopes. He felt he was growing an old man, and the great desire of his life was to see his son happily married before he died. But, unfortunately, the young Prince was of a very different mind, and if a woman was as much as mentioned in his presence, he got up and left the room, and refused to come back till the conversation had turned on some other subject.
Neither his father’s tears and entreaties, nor the counsel and advice of the statesmen and courtiers round the King’s throne, would make him consider the subject of matrimony. But nothing happens so often as the unexpected, and a mere trifle will change the history of nations. One day, as the Prince was cutting a cream tart in half and attending more to the conversation that was going on than to what he was doing, he cut his finger with his knife.
The blood spurted out and fell on the cream, and the mixture of colour was so beautiful that the Prince was seized on the spot with the desire to find a wife with a complexion like the cream and blood. He said to the King: “Dear father, if I do not find a bride who is red and white like this, then it is all over with me. Hitherto no woman has ever caused my heart a single flutter, but now I long for this red and white maiden, as I have never longed for anything in my life before. Permit me, therefore, to go in search of my ideal, for if I do not find her I shall die.”
At first his father was much startled and grieved at his words, and tried hard to dissuade his son from setting out on such a futile journey, but when he saw that his remonstrances were of no avail, and that he might as well have spoken to the winds, he said: “Go, my son, since your heart is so set on the journey; take money and whatever else you desire with you, and hasten back with all speed to your poor father, who will be disconsolate till you return.”
So the Prince set out on his travels, and wandered through fields and woods, over mountains and through valleys, visiting different countries 160and nations, always keeping his eyes open for the maiden of his dreams. But he sought in vain, for though he left no stone unturned, nowhere could he find the blooming image he had painted in his mind’s eye. From kingdom to kingdom he roamed, and at last he came to the Island of the Wild Women.
Here he met an old dame who was as thin as a scarecrow, and with the ugliest face he had ever seen. The Prince told her at once what brought him to the island, and when the old woman had heard his tale, and all the dangers and sufferings he had gone through, her heart melted with pity, and she said: “My son, let me warn you to fly from hence with all speed, for if my three daughters, who live on human flesh, find you here, you are a lost man. They will certainly eat you raw, or roast you for their next meal. Make haste to leave this place as quickly as you can, and I promise you won’t be gone far before you meet your fate.”
When the Prince heard her words he took to his heels, and, without as much as bidding the old creature farewell, he ran without stopping till he came to a different country, where he met another 161old woman even uglier than the first. To her, too, he confided the history and object of his wanderings, but she answered him as the other had done: “You had better make haste to get away from here, unless you wish to provide my daughters, the little man-eaters, with a meal; but not far from this spot you will meet your fate.”
As soon as the poor Prince heard her words he set off running at full speed, and didn’t pause for a moment till he came upon another old woman, who was sitting under a tree with a basket on her arm full of cakes and other dainties.
The Prince made her a polite bow, and commenced at once to tell her his story. This time the old woman comforted him with friendly words, and made him sit down and eat a good breakfast. When he had finished his meal she presented him with three lemons, which looked as if they had just been cut from the tree, and along with the fruit a beautiful knife, saying, as she gave them to him: “You may go home as fast as you like, for you have got what you sought; when you are close to your father’s kingdom, stop at the first well you come to, and cut one of the lemons in half: a fairy will come out of it, and say to you: ‘Give me something to drink.’ Then you must get her some water as quickly as you can, for if you don’t she will disappear like quicksilver, and if you don’t succeed with the first or second, you must be sure not to let the third fairy escape, but hand her the water in a moment, for she is the wife of your heart’s desire.”
The Prince joyfully kissed her hairy old hand, which felt exactly like the back of a porcupine, and, thanking the old dame heartily for her kindness, he bade her farewell, and left the country with all speed. After many dangers by sea and land, he arrived safely about a day’s journey from his own kingdom. Here on a lovely heath, shaded by beautiful old trees, the Prince dismounted at a well, the running of whose crystal waters sounded like a bell, calling people to come and refresh themselves. The Prince sat down on a carpet formed of tender green grass and lovely coloured flowers, and, taking the knife out of its sheath, he cut the first lemon open. In a moment, like a flash of lightning, a beautiful girl stood before him, as 163white as milk and as red as a strawberry, and she said to him, “Give me something to drink.”
The Prince, quite dazzled and bewildered by the beauty of the fairy, did not give her the water quickly enough, and to his great grief she vanished almost as soon as she had appeared.
The same thing happened when he cut the second lemon open, and the Prince exclaimed in despair, “I am the most unlucky creature in the world. Twice have I let my luck escape me — but courage! I have still a third chance, and there is luck in odd numbers; this knife shall either be the means of securing my happiness, or it shall put an end to my griefs.”
With these words he cut the third lemon open, and out stepped the third fairy, and said, as the others had done, “Give me something to drink.”
This time the Prince handed the fairly a glass of water as quick as lightning, and in a moment a lovely girl stood before him, as white as cream and as red as blood. Her hair was golden, her mouth like a rosebud, and her eyes shone like two stars. In one word, she was as beautiful as the day, and she looked as good as she was beautiful, and as charming as she was good. The Prince 164could not contain his admiration, and said: “Am I asleep or awake, or are my eyes bewitched; for how can such a lovely creature have been contained in the bitter rind of this yellow lemon?”
But when he had at last convinced himself that the beautiful apparition before him was no dream, but sober reality, he kissed the fairy tenderly, and said many charming things to her. He begged her to be his wife. “But,” he said, “I will not take you back to my father’s kingdom without the splendour worthy of your beauty, or without the escort fitting for my queen. Therefore, let me beg of you to remain in the meantime in the hollow of this leafy oak, which looks as if it had been made for a hiding-place, and there await my return. You may be sure I will come back to you as quickly as I can, and will then lead you to my kingdom with the retinue and following that befits your position;” and so saying he bade his beautiful bride farewell, and set forth on his journey.
When he had gone, the fairy climbed up into one of the forks of the tree, and from there watched all that was going on around her. Before many minutes had passed a black slave girl arrived at the well with a pitcher for water. She was just going to dip the jug in the waves when she perceived the face of the fairy reflected in the water, and thinking it was her own reflection she saw, she stared back with a cry of surprise, exclaiming at the same time, “What, unhappy Lucia, you are as beautiful as all that, and yet your mistress sends you to the well to get water, and you submit to her conduct?”
With these words she broke the jug and returned home. But when her mistress asked her why she had not done her duty she replied, “I went to the well, and broke the pitcher by mistake against a big stone.”
The woman restrained her anger as well as she could, and on the following day gave the girl a beautiful china jug, and told her to go to the well and fill it with water. But when she came to the well, and once more saw the lovely reflection there, she heaved a deep sigh, and said, “I will no longer be a slave, for I am not ugly as I have always thought I was; on the contrary, I am lovely and charming, and it is ridiculous that I should be made to fetch water from the well!” With these 166words she broke the jug into a hundred pieces, and when she got home she told her mistress that a donkey had passed by and had kicked the jug and broken it to pieces.
When the woman heard about this fresh accident she lost her temper, and, seizing a broom, she beat the girl to within an inch of her life; then handing her a leather bottle, she said, “Now go as quickly as you can, you useless creature, and bring me back the bottle full of water. Don’t dawdle on the way, and if anything happens this time I’ll give you another beating that you won’t forget in a hurry.”
The slave-girl ran with all her might back to the well and filled the bottle full of water, but once more catching sight of the lovely reflection, she said, “I would be a fool to go on drawing water; it would be far better and more fitting that I should marry. From this moment I refuse to serve my mistress any longer.” With these words she took a pin that she wore in her hair and pierced the leather bottle with it, so that it became exactly like a fountain, with the water spurting out in every direction. Here the fairy, who had been watching the black girl’s ridiculous behavior, could contain her mirth no longer, and burst into a hearty laugh.
When the slave heard the sound of laughter she looked to see where it came from, and, when she caught sight of the girl hidden in the tree, she said to herself, “So you are the cause of my mistress nearly beating me to death, are you? but wait a little, and I’ll be even with you yet;” but to the fairy she said, “What are you doing up there, my beautiful maid?”
The fairy, who was politeness itself, told the black girl everything there was to tell, and ended up by saying she was going to marry a charming prince, and was only awaiting his return with a suitable escort and retinue to accompany him to his father’s kingdom.
When the black slave heard this, a wicked plan entered into her head, and she said: “Oh, if you are expecting your bridegroom’s return, let me come up beside you and comb your locks in order to make you even fairer than you are.”
The fairy answered, “You are most welcome to come,” and stretched down her hand, which looked like a piece of crystal set in ebony, as she helped the slave up. As soon as the black creature began to comb the fairy’s hair she stuck her hairpin into her skull, hoping in this way she would kill her on the spot.
But as soon as the fairy felt the prick of the pin she called out, “Dove, dove!” and in a moment she was changed into a dove, and flew away right up into the sky.
When the Prince returned with his suite and train he could hardly believe his eyes when he beheld, instead of the lovely maid he had left behind in the hollow of the tree, the form of the ugly black slave-girl.
But when the wicked creature perceived the Prince’s distress and amazement she said: “Don’t be surprised, dear Prince, for it is I, your Lucia, but I have been bewitched by an evil magician, and turned from a fair and lovely maiden into the ugly black marble statue you see before you.”
The poor Prince, not knowing how to help himself, made the best of a bad business, and after the black girl had got down from the tree he had her dressed in the splendid clothes he had brought with him for his bride; and when she had been made to look as well as she could, he set forth with her to meet the King and Queen, who were to meet the young couple a few miles from their home.
When his father and mother perceived the folly their son had committed, and how that he who had travelled so far in search of a white dove had only returned with a black crow, they could hardly restrain their disgust and disappointment. But, seeing the thing was done, and that there was no help for it, they abandoned their throne to the young couple, and a gold crown was placed on the slave’s woolly head. The wedding was held with much pomp and ceremony, and everyone far and wide was invited to the feast.
Now it happened that while the King’s cook was preparing all the dainty dishes for the wedding banquet a beautiful dove flew in at the kitchen window and said:
“Tell me, cook, oh! tell me true,   What do the King and his black bride do?”
At first the cook paid no attention to the words of the bird; but when the dove had repeated them a second and a third time, he ran into the banqueting hall and told the assembled company what the bird had said. When the bride heard the words of the dove’s song, she ordered the bird to be caught on the spot and roasted. The cook did as he was told, seized the bird, and wrung its neck, and, when he had plucked its feathers, he threw them out of the kitchen window. A few days afterwards, on the spot where the feathers had been thrown, a beautiful lemon tree sprang up, which grew and blossomed as you looked at it.
Now it happened one day that the King was looking out of his window, and saw the tree, which he never remembered to have noticed before. He immediately called the cook before him, and asked him when and by whom the tree had been planted. When he had heard the whole story from the chief cook, he gave orders that no one, under pain of death, should touch the tree, and that it should be tended and watered carefully every day.
In a very short time three lemons appeared on the tree exactly the same as those the old woman had given the Prince, and he had them plucked at once and brought to his room. Here he shut himself up with a tumbler full of water, and with the same knife that he had used before, and which he always wore at his side, he began to cut the lemons in half. As before, the first and second fairy escaped him; but when he had cut the third lemon open, and given the fairy some water to drink, as she requested, she changed into the beautiful girl whom he had left behind in the hollow of the tree, and from her he learnt the whole history of the black slave’s misdeeds.
The King’ s joy was beyond words at this new stroke of fortune, and he could hardly realise that his bride was really the beautiful girl who stood before him, and not the ugly black creature who had deceived him so wickedly. After he had dressed her in the most costly garments, and kissed her tenderly, he took his fairy bride by the hand and led her into the throne-room, where all the court were assembled. Then the King addressed his courtiers and said: “Tell me, all of you, what punishment does the person deserve who has ill-treated this beautiful lady?” Whereupon one replied: “She deserves a breakfast of stones;” another: “A draught of poison;” and a third said: “She should be rolled down a hill in a barrel with sharp spikes inside it.”
At last the King called the black Queen to him and asked her what punishment she would propose.
“The wicked creature,” she answered, “who could harm so fair a vision should be burnt to death and her ashes scattered to the four winds.”
When the King heard her words, he said: “You have pronounced your own doom, for it was you, and no other, you vile wretch, who did my beautiful bride so much wrong. Know now that this is the lovely maid whose head you pierced with your hairpin, and she, too, was the beautiful dove you had so cruelly caught and roasted. But as you have done unto others, so it shall be done unto you, and as you showed no mercy, neither shall it be shown you.”
With these words he had the black slave seized and thrown alive into a huge bonfire, and when she was burned to ashes they were scattered to the four winds from the top of the high watch-tower. But the King and his fair wife lived happily ever afterwards; and if only you and I knew where to find the kingdom of Terra Longa, I believe we should find them living there still.
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froqpi-art · 3 months
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mash! mash! mash!
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seneon · 3 months
Can you make Mash x female reader please.
That when Finn and the other want to know why Mash doesn't love lemon like she do to him. And they got answer from Mash that because he protect reader love
sink into each other ──── mash burnedead x fem! reader.
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about. mash actually has a lover, and his friends are to find out about it very soon. | 560+ words. fluffy romantic.
notes. if mash don't want lemon i'll have her tyvm
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mash burnedead does not return lemon irvine's feelings. how so and why? though the girl doesn't mind that he does not return her feelings back, she promised to always be by mash's side.
she might be oblivious that he does not like her back, but finn and dot could easily tell that mash is not someone of romantical feelings. lance is always suspicious of mash, his mind telling him that there is at least one female that he has had a crush on before. it is impossible that there is none.
to everyone else, they could tell that lemon's efforts of trying to open up mash's heart and at least rent a day or two is impossible. there was never a possibility in the first place. and they felt bad for the girl who tries her hardest to impress or seduce mash.
there was one odd day, where mash is oddly missing from classes. the last time anyone has ever seen him was finn, which mash was eating two cream puffs. he noticed there was a bento wrapped in a very beautiful wine red cloth.
so finn told his friends about the beautifully clothed bento box. and they started sharing suspicions with each other. but nothing came to mind. there was nothing that could date back to mash even owning a fancy piece of cloth. they didn't want to simply suspect him either.
that is, when lance's suspicions came true.
he was walking through the corridors beside the garden and caught a sight at the corner of his eyes. upon having high principals, his curiosity overtook him and he went to poke his nose into the scene.
shock immediately arise, lance's jaw dropping as far as they could. metaphorically, it dropped to the ground, eyes widened until they might fall out. right in front of him, was a scene of his beloved rival and friend wrapping his arms around a student who is dressed in lang's uniform.
when that student broke the hug, it shocked lance even more. with beautiful hair and beautiful eyes that stared into mash's honey ones. she smiled widely and adding more shock to the crown, mash smiled back, although tiny and barely visible. yet it was enough for lance to understand the scenario.
"w-whaaaaat..!" a voice beside lance said in pure shock too, as lance looked beside to find finn's jaw dropped to the ground. "that's what the fancy bento is for??"
lance looked at the two, noticing the girl's hands that held a bento, a box wrapped in cream puff cloth. then to mash, who held the said bento with fancy wrapping.
very soon, you and mash exchanged bento boxes. the burnedead then embraced you in a hug, allowing your body to sink into his. just like that, both bodies were sinking into each other as each second passed.
you are a mage from a prestigious family with two lines on your face. it would only make sense if you sensed two other mages watching you. so in the hug, you slowly slid your through mash's coat and shoot a little spell from your fingers at lance and finn.
"mash, your friends have come to find you."
there was no hiding your relationship with mash anymore. and mash's friends now understand why he doesn't return her feelings to lemon, for mash burnedead already has someone to lean on.
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© SENEON 2024 ♰ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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milkbabbit · 8 months
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~shu cream funky love~
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miharuki · 2 months
hello again angels
𝕽𝖆𝖞𝖓𝖊 𝕬𝖒𝖊𝖘
(x reader)
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Let's imagine something?
You were trying on fake rabbit ears to see how they looked on you, just to see how they would look on you. But then Rayne appeared in the room after long hours of work.
He enters the room only to observe you with rabbit ears, and to make it worse, or better, you were only wearing a dress shirt. You had just taken a shower and wanted to try on the strip.
"Rayne?" The boy just stares at you silently, with his neutral face.
"You okay?" Your words are cut off as you're thrown onto the bed. Let's just say that night you were a great bunny for Rayne. The hours of work helped Rayne a lot to vent his frustration on you, his pretty bunny who obeys him so well, who accepts him so well, so well that the next day you felt soreness; your legs were aching. You promised yourself not to wear the rabbit ears again, putting them away in the drawer.
But it doesn't stay tucked away for long, does it? Who are you to deny a request from Rayne? He only wants to see his precious obedient bunny, after all.
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bibbim-nim · 2 months
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Bling-bang-bang-born~ I'm gonna go insane with this song being on repeat in my head ever since it dropped
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doctaaaaaaaar · 2 months
Why everyone should watch Mashle. ooooo you wanna watch it so baddddd OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo
thanks Melon for showing me this masterpiece
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And these are for my rarepair that apparently no one else ships
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and to close off:
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luxthestrange · 2 months
MASHLE Incorrect quotes#12 MAWWIAGE
Razor*Laying face down on the floor*
Mash: So Y/n said they liked you?
Razor, muffled: Yeah
Mash: ...and you asked them to marry you?
Razor: Yeah
Mash: …and... How’d they react?
Razor: Dunno, I ran before I could scare them even more-
In the girl's wing
Y/n, kicking in the door to the Lemon’s room with four bottles of champagne: Lemon! Babe! Holy shit! I'm gonna get married!
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introspectivememories · 3 months
been watching mashle and oh my god, the eugenics???? the way lance's parents were so ready to give up their daughter??? no second thought???? just "why did this child have to be born to us?"???? um everyone talking in mash's face about how non-magic people are inherently worthless???? the triple line dude fucking making dolls out of people and somehow no one??? is??? checking him???? and then when questioned immediately jumping into "well humans are little more than mindless beasts and i will become a creator deity and reshape the world in my liking!"????? the, um, corruption in the government??? the way this story is so clearly "h*rry p*tter if it was actually funny"??? the slytherin coded characters are blood purists???? they took out hufflepuff??? one of the magia lupus' mage's powerset was just big shuriken???? another one is rip off kisame???? lance is a siscon and the first thing mash says is "that doesn't make it better"???? lemon is genuinely so fuckin funny??? dot is incel-coded but like in a funny way??? dot says that lance is playing life on "easy mode" cause lance has a good face??? dot likes tea??? dot has good manners??? everybody only has one spell they can use??? finn ames is like if you transported is regular human into this stupid ass world??? i think the old man and the cop have explored each others bodies.
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nootnootles · 3 months
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I've been cooking some mashfinn doodles :) I hope everyone is enjoying season 2! I sure am
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mugiwara-shuenobi · 6 months
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froqpi-art · 4 months
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yippee mashle season 2!! 💪✨
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