#len lama
eyeofthelama · 3 months
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tigerrampage · 1 year
Kuroku Ugoku feat. Kagamine Rin - sunzriver
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gr8brandz · 10 months
APEXEL Lensa Super Wide Angle Lens 0.45X + Macro Smartphone - APL-0.45WM https://tokopedia.link/hYBJFJpYXAb - https://shope.ee/2q0KU8LzGL     ==================================================== Spesifikasi: Tipe Lensa Macro: 12.5X Wide: 0.45X Material Body Lensa: Aluminium Klip: Plastik Dimensi Lensa Wide Angle Diameter: 5 cm Lensa Macro Angle Diameter: 4 cm Diameter Lubang untuk Lensa Kamera Ponsel: 21 mm Deskripsi Anda ingin mendapatkan foto yang bagus hanya bermodalkan smartphone saja? Hal tersebut tidaklah mustahil, karena kini telah hadir aksesoris lensa kamera smartphone dari APEXEL. Hadir dengan dua jenis lensa, wide angle lens dan macro, yang dapat Anda gunakan di beragam tipe smartphone yang beredar di pasaran, baik itu Android maupun iPhone karena mekanisme pemasangan lensa menggunakan sistem klip di bodi smartphone. Fitur Lensa Makro atau Wide Aksesoris kamera ini mengusung dua jenis lensa yakni macro dan wide. Untuk makro cocok sekali digunakan untuk memotret objek kecil seperti serang, bunga maupun foto produk ukuran kecil. Untuk macro lensa sendiri mampu melakukan pembesaran hingga 12.5X. Sementara lensa wide 0.45X ini cocok untuk digunakan foto pemandangan. Cocok Untuk Banyak Tipe HP Cara menggunakan cukup memasang klip lensa ini pada ponsel Anda, lalu sejajarkan posisi lensa dengan letak kamera ponsel Anda. Aksesoris ini bisa digunakan di hampir semua smartphone Android dan iPhone. Aman Digunakan Anda tak perlu khawatir, body smartphhone Anda akan lecet ketika menggunakan lensa kamera ini. Klip lensa ini telah dibekali karet penahan guna mengurangi gesekan antara lensa dengan bodi belakang dan layar perangkat Anda. Material Berkualitas Bodi maupun Lensa kamera smartphone ini dibekali bahan berkualitas sehingga lebih awet untuk pemakaian jangka lama. Isi Kemasan 1 x APEXEL Lensa Super Wide Angle Lens 0.45X + Macro Smartphone - APL-0.45WM 1 x Klip 1 x Pouch ==================================================== https://shope.ee/A9lt8Dkz3M   https://tokopedia.link/vfg3UqLVZzb
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gelora · 2 years
Dirogol sepupu perempuan - Part 5
Kak Pija yg berahi dgn tindakan ku mghisap lembut puting tetek nya, menekan2 teteknya lbh dlm lg sambil tangannya menarik tangan ku ke celah kelengkang nya yg dah basah dgn nafas nya yg mengelodak kuat menahan nafsu. Aku yg sedikit lemas dgn teteknya yg menutup lubang hidung ku mnjilat2 dan mgigit manja putik teteknya. Kak Pija jd tak keruan, dia mmbantu memegang tangan ku yg dicelah kelengkang nya td menekan tangan ku lbh kuat lg di cipapnya yg basah dan berbulu.
Aku mmberi tumpuan penuh diteteknya yg aku hisap dan jilat dgn menyerahkan tangan ku ditangan nya. Cipap berbulu nipis nya semakin basah. Aku semakin geram dgn cipap nya, nak sj aku gentil2 bijik kelentit nya tp aku sedar yg aku 'sdg tidur'. Aku menahan rasa.
Tiba2 Kak Pija bangun, dia mghalakan mulut nya ke kote ku sambil punggung nya bergerak dan mengangkang ke muka ku. Dia mmbetul2kan posisi 69 spy 2 betisnya dibwh batal kepala ku cipap nya tepat dimulutku. Ditekan cipapnya ke mulutku sambil jari nya mencuit2 pp ku spy aku bertindak tidak mmbatu. Sambil tangan nya sblh lg di kote tu dia mula mghisap kote ku.
Aku sedar ini peluangku utk membuka mata luas melihat dlm sedar dan jelas yg dinamakan cipap perempuan. Aku mghidu bau kurang enak air lendir dr cipap Kak Pija. Didpn mata ku jelas lubang dubur Kak Pija yg merah dan terkemut rapi berbunga. Aku hidu bau duburnya, bau nikmat berahi yg menghairahkan aku. Sewaktu dia mgangkat punggung nya aku lihat jelas didpn mata ku merah bijik kelentit nya yg cantik glowing
dikepit tembam pp cipap berbulu nya yg basah berlendir spt putih telur yg aku telan setiap pg bersama merahnya.
Aku nekad akan mghisap dan mnjilat bijik kelentit dan dubur nya bila punggung yg terangkat ni turun ke mulut ku nanti. Kak Pija mgangkat ke2 kaki ku, dikepit 2 kaki ku dibawah ketiak nya spy memudahkan lg dia kerja meneroka nya ke kelengkang ku.
Kak Pija semakin berselera dan bernafsu di kelengkang ku. Dihisapnya telur ku dan dijilatnya sekali sekala telur hgga ke dubur ku. Aku yg dah xdpt menahan rasa, terus keluarkan lidah menanti turunnya cipap Kak Pija ke mulutku. Bila bersentuh shj bijik kelentit nya dilidah ku, jari tangan Kak Pija mncuit2 pp ke spy aku bertindak didlm len ku. Aku terus mmbuka mulut menadah cipap yg terpekap ke mulut ku. Aku keluarkan lidah sambil mnjilat2 bijik kelentit dan lubnag cipap yg berlendir tu.
Aku benar2 menikmati penerokaan Kak Pija dikelengkang ku sdg dia semakin kuat menekan2 dan mengelek2 cipapnya dimulut ku. Aku yg dah lama bermimpi kini beraksi sdiri di alam nyata dgn c jelita Kak Pija yg mewah dgn nafsu dan haruman. Aku dah tak tertahan lg keghairahan dan berahi ku, terasa spt ada sesuatu yg nak keluar dr kote ku yg berada dlm mulut Kak Pija. Semakin keras kote ku semakin kuat Kak Pija mghisap kote ku. Sdg Kak Pija pula semakin kuat mengelak2kan cipapnya dan dubur nya diatas lidah ku yg ku jelir dr td.
Aku semakin tak kuat menahan gelodak dikote ku dgn melipat kaki ku sdg Kak Pija meletakan jari nya diduburku bermain2 telur dan duburku dgn air liur nya. Aku sekali sekala mghisap bijik kelentit dan pp cipapnya kuat. Aku jgk meletakan ibu jari tangan ku menekan2 dubur Kak Pija. Semakin lama kami semakin kuat menekan satu sama lain hgga aku dah xmampu menahan sakit dikote ku dan aku lepaskan ntah apa yg tersekat dikepala kote tu. Punggung Kak Pija pula mengeletar mengigil menekan cipapnya memekap ke dlm mulutnya hgga terpacut cairan panas ke dlm mulut ku. Stlh lama menekan dan mengejang, aku melepaskan tubuhku terkulai sdg Kak Pija masih di atas berposisi terbalik 69 dgn tubuhku.
Aku terus terlena menyambung tidurku yg terganggu td.
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Ondolinde –
I nyelle orontion ondonen nandeo,
Ellirenna a tira – yareo eleni tasse.
I esse vistanen renello i vanwa na
Surinen ville i quetta ve asto.
Tamba ve indo i nyelle ondonen.
Ondolindenya, i lama loaron!
Mi hyelle moresse nillireo
Niqua enyalie le, a inya Ondolinde .
Ondolinde –
Eleni-helinci anyela lantar
Yulmanna orontinen hecil tellumarillor.
Nahtar lepsenyar tercenime carcar.
Lepsinen fea voro i vanwie hira.
Ondolinde –
Ondosse i lumeva vinga hautaina,
Ya si na rambar isilme-lindalesse.
I lireo quetta vanw’ ar pustaina:
Ramalye, mal lama len uva nanqueta...
Ondolinde –
I nyelle orontion ondonen nandeo...
Eleni-helinci anyela lantar...
Ondosse i lumeva vinga hautaina...
Ondolinde , Ondolinde , Ondolinde ...
Гондолин – каменный колокол горной долины.
В небо посмотришь – там звезды былого
Выткали тонким узором забытое имя.
Ветер пригоршней пепла развеял забытое слово...
Бьется, как сердце, каменный колокол.
Эхо столетий – Гондолин, Гондолин...
В зеркале неба безлунною полночью
Стынет твое отражение, Гондолин...
Гондолин – горной чаши неба осколок.
Звездные льдинки со звоном наземь слетают,
Ранят прозрачные пальцы об острые скалы.
Ощупью прошлое ищет душа слепая.
Гондолин - камнем застывшая времени пена,
Ставшая гордыми стенами музыка света,
Слово забытой, оборванной песни...
Крикнешь - но эхо не даст ответа...
Бьется, как сердце, каменный колокол,
Эхо столетий - Гондолин... Гондолин...
В зеркале неба безлунною полночью
Стынет твое отражение, Гондолин...
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harunokijournal · 10 months
Mlihat Kak Risol cerita jdi pngen cerita juga.
Actually gue juga berencana naroh ini di sini (soalnya sempet pengen gue pindahin dari acc rambling lama ke acc twt yg _noyuki tpi lupa mulu)
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Saa, hajimeyou! Perjalanan Setsuna-Kana Raizael dari masa ke masa 🤸‍♂️ (warning banyak gambar bikin sakit mata, gue serius soalnya riil jelek banget ya Allah)
Jdi gue pertama kali bikin SetsuKana dari kelas 7. Iyh jdi sbenernya udah lama banget, malah mereka berdua hitungannya OC pertama gue.
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Jadi desain awalnya gini.
Gue lupa2 inget konsep awalnya gimana but iirc mereka bukan sodara kembar. Mirip, tpi bukan. Rada influenced by vocaloid aka karena dulu gue demen banget sama vocaloid jadilah mereka berdua. Kalo gue ga salah yg rambut hijau itu Setsuna (kudunya toska tapi pensil warna gue terbatas jadilah gitu, tpi di pikiran gue warna rambut dia toska—probably ngikutin Hatsune Miku). Trus yg rambut biru gelap itu Kana (yg ini agaknya ngikutin Kaito, gatau knapa). Sekali lagi gainget knapa tapi mereka konsepnya kayak ... cermin? Mirip2 Rin-Len yg katanya emang cerminan masing2 gitu2 lah.
Di sini mereka berdua masih nameless (or probably I got them names in my head tapi memori gue jelek jadi gue gainget nama mereka di sini siapa)
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Lalu pas kelas 8 gue mulai mngenal ibis paint x. Masih nameless, then warna rambutnya "Kana" waktu itu ganti. Kalo yg ini gue inget gue gambar buat merayakan ultah gue (kayaknya mereka punya tanggal lahir yg sama kayak gue asalnya dari sini alias Lya 14 taun why tf you give them the same bday date as us).
Warnanya nusuk banget demi ya Allah gimana bisa gue gambar kayak gini /merenung/.
But dari sini gue udah nentuin basic personality mereka. Dinamika sun (Setsuna) & moon (Kana) gitu2
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LALU TIBALAH PADA MASA2 PALING CRINGE alias masa mereka berdua gue lempar ke fandom biesdi sebagai anak kembar.
Aga malu tapi biarlah—di sini mereka udah ada namanya. Sekali lagi ini cringe banget ya Allah tapi gue ngasih mereka nama SAMA KAYAK NICKNAME IRL GUE. Kek yaampun udah gitu sampe taun ini bulan kapan gitu mereka berdua namanya kayak gitu (Vira (Setsuna) & Avi (Kana)). Gue yakin sampe kapanpun gue akan tetap malu pada fakta ini.
Anyway cringenya blum berhenti di sana sih. Back to pmbicaraan abt them being in bsdoc fandom, mereka berdua ceritanya anak Port Mafia gitu (dandanannya hitam2 skarang gue bertanya2 knapa Lya 14-15 taun ga kepikiran buat ngasih baju yg lebih berwarna).
Both of them have abilities, abilitynya ga saling berkaitan tapi mereka bisa bikin itu jadi berkaitan (?) Idk something like that. Seinget gue Vira abilitynya mirip punya Acuy trus Avi abilitynya mirip punya Odsk (gue lupa detailnya gimana, nama abilitynya apalagi). Jadi kek Vira eksekutor yg turun ke lapangan, Avi kerja di balik layar.
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Tpi cringe gini2 sbenernya aga bagus juga si. Gue terjun ke fandom ini gegara join gc pecinta bsd di wa (trnyata mereka sekalian nge-rp jadi oc masing2 di sana). Personality sama dinamika mereka berdua bisa dikembangin karena gue rajin terlibat sama anak2 gc ini (nge-rp, gambar, collab, gitu2). Konsep, sifat, dan dinamika SetsuKana yg awalnya basic banget gue kembangin lewat sini.
(Tmi banget tpi dulu gue ngepair Vira (Setsuna) sama G0gol. Iyh yume pertama gue (dulu gatau sebutannya yume), yg mana sbenernya hubungan mereka masih sama ga jelasnya kalo dibandingkan sama yg skarang (udh karam)).
(Tmi juga Akira-Osya-Saya lahir dari fandom ini. Akira punya hubungan darah sama si kembar, tpi mereka ga pernah ketemu. Osya-Saya malah gapunya hubungan samsek sama mereka berdua, tpi seinget gue Saya kenal sama Akira).
Lalu gue lupa tepatnya kapan, either akhir 2019 ato 2020 gitu (pokoknya gue udah SMA), gue mutusin keluar dari fandom bsdoc for some reasons. Tentunya anak2 ini gue tarik, lalu gue bikinin universe sendiri. Tiga oc yg gue sebutin sebelumnya gue bawa juga, dan entah apa yg merasuki Lya 15/16 tahun, dia (gue) mutusin bikin mereka jadi sodara (dipikir2 lagi masih aga kocak dan amat sangat maksa tapi syukurlah lorenya bisa gue sempurnain sekitar taun kemaren biar mulus).
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Enih desain rombakannya mereka berdua pasca keluar dari fandom bsdoc (mata gue akhirnya terbuka dan menyadari toska-ungu gelap sebagai warna rambut sangat ngejreng dan tidak baik untuk kesehatan mata. Tbh udah bagus dikit meski mata dan anatominya masi abal2). Kayaknya ini mereka masih SMP, gue ingetnya gue pengen bikin mereka jadi anak SMP tpi habis itu berubah pikiran dan menetapkan mereka jadi anak SMA aja.
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Tbh gue merasa kurang cocok sama seragam itu jadi akhirnya gue ganti (yang mana akhirnya gue jadiin permanen, oc lain yg sekolah di sekolah mereka seragamnya juga kayak gini).
Vira (Setsuna) tuh konsepnya delinquent, tipe2 anak bandel yg dasi sama blazer aja ga dipasang bener2. Sementara Avi (Kana) konsepnya diligent, tipe2 anak rajin di kelas. Vira pake plester di wajahnya karena luka (hobi brgelud, mmang ni anak gaada anggun2nya samsek jadi cewe), sementara Avi pake buat nemenin Vira aja, biar matching gitu www. Mereka akur (kadang berantem tpi ga lama akur lagi), ke mana2 bareng terus meski jadi bikin orang bingung karena wajah mereka mirip.
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Betul puncaknya adalah yg sekarang, taun 2023. Gambar ini gue buat untuk mengumumkan mereka yang akhirnya ganti nama (dari Vira-Avi Raizael jadi Setsuna-Kana Raizael). Gegara ini gue kudu ngerevisi semua fic yg featuring mereka berdua di ao3 (dan fic2 yumean gue karena Setsuna gue pake ngeyume), tpi atleast gue jadi smakin nyaman ngocehin mereka berdua (awalnya pas nyadar aga ga begitu nyaman karena namanya sama, kalo diliat orang awam kesannya gue kayak ngomongin diri sendiri—padahal BUKAN).
Anyway gue juga mulai ngedevelop future!setting mereka berdua (pada dasarnya gue bikin universe bokumono (僕らの物語) cuman buat senang2, tipe2 SoL, yg mana alurnya bisa gue setir ke mana aja). Tapi karena mulai bosen (dikit) jadi dikit2 gue mulai nyoba ngembangin juga.
Rencana pertama gue tuh tentang Kana yang meninggal di umur 19 (gue cerita ini ke temen, kalo membaca reaksi dia waktu itu kalo kita bisa ketemu irl agaknya gue udah dipukul sama dia). Meninggalnya gegara kecelakaan, di depan Setsuna, yg bikin Setsuna akhirnya jadi rada pemurung. (Sebenernya rencana ini impulsif banget soalnya kek tetiba muncul pas gue lagi mandi dan immediately gue langsung setuju???)
(Tmi (lagi), lore bnal!Setsuna mau dan bisa kerja di perpus padahal dia ga demen baca tuh asalnya dari sini. Makanya kalo nulis yumefic di bunal gue kadang suka nyelipin hint tentang Kana; seseorang yang disayang banget sama Setsuna, seseorang yang entah di mana, seseorang yang ternyata udah pergi duluan.)
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Lalu gue memutuskan bikin Kanachang pake kacamata! Wkwk yg ini juga impulsif, tapi lucu. Kek sejak kelas 2 SMA Kana nyadar penglihatan dia jadi aga kabur pas ngeliatin papan tulis, jadilah dia periksa (trnyata emang minus, jadi dia mulai pake kacamata).
Yeah 3 taun pake kacamata lalu mninggoy /digebuk massa/
Jadi bgitulah, perjalanan mereka berdua develop dari unnamed OCs sampe jadi kayak sekarang. Feels like gue tumbuh besar bersama mereka soalnya ... apa ya, itu udah dari gue kelas 7. Umur gue waktu itu 13 dan sekarang gue 19, udah 6 taun lebih wow ...
Karena mereka yg paling lama juga jadinya gue kek ... paling sayang sama mereka? Especially Setsuna soalnya hitungannya dia ocsona gue, but I love them equally!!! Gue sayang banget pls gue bakal melakukan apa aja untuk melindungi mereka berdua ;;;;;;;
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sslloowwbbuurrnn · 1 year
Summer Reading #1: The Perfection of Yoga by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda
   My hot girl summer reading pile is off to a slow but steady start. I’m on holiday for a fortnight, which is the perfect opportunity for me to read this pile of books I’ve been growing all year, and I’m gonna blog about it cos I can. Welcome.
   I am currently slowly reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, to be consumed one bite at a time. Will keep this one going alongside the others which I will zoom through, and it’s full of tasty nuggets of wisdom that I’ll share as I go. Comparable (from my perspective) to reading the Biblical book of Proverbs. Other texts that I’m chipping through include the Secular Buddhism podcast by Noah Rasheta, and I’m about to dig into Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay C. Gibson. I’ve recently listened to an interview with her which covered the basic concepts, so it’s fresh in my brain. These are worth mentioning from the get go as they’re all pretty philosophical and certainly influencing the lens through which I read these other books, and for my own purposes I want to share bits and pieces from these as I digest them. I’m consuming these texts and observing how they alter my perspective as they sink into my brain. It reminds me of an excerpt from Listening, a R.A.P. Ferreira track with a spoken sample from jazz pianist Hal Galper:
“You have to be listening 28 hours a day. One of the things I count on in my teaching is that everyone has been listening, so that once I make a point, the ring of truth occurs. They say, "Oh, I've heard that," or, "I've felt that”.”
   He might be speaking on music theory, but it resonates with me as I learn new concepts and then come to understand them as they become relevant in my life. I’m excited for this collection of books. It’s also my personal project as I spend this fortnight alone with my parents and after a very busy start to the new year - I’m gonna return home all wise and enlightened and shit.    Noah Rasheta shares a quote from the Dalai Lama at the beginning of each podcast episode which I feel is relevant too:
“Do not try to use what you learn from Buddhism to be a better Buddhist, use it to be a better whatever you already are.”
   I like this as it reflects my attitude while reading the books that I am. I was wrapped up in the harmful control of Christianity for most of my life so I’m not really interested in rushing into another religion, but I am curious and seeking self improvement, and I’m excited that my learnings don’t need to fit within some kind of box. My mind is more malleable than it used to be, and I am open to whatever advice is going to help me become a more empathetic and caring member of this human community. I’m inspired to write too as it will help me remember what I learn; it’s fun to look back on my journaling and writing; and my partner is a passionate writer and it has re-awoken that in me a little. It’s a purely self-serving project but I hope other people enjoy my musings too. So without further ado, let’s jump in the deep end and criticise a religious text.
   Today I finished The Perfection of Yoga by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda. It’s a very short book, elaborating on concepts around yoga and excerpts from the Bhagavad-gitā, which I received for free from some Hare Krishnas at some point. Have been looking forward to reading it as I love yoga and I wanted to understand more about its cultural background, but as it turns out that is not really what the book is about at all. I didn’t learn anything about the practice of yoga as I understand it, but I certainly understand the Hare Krishna religious practice more than I did.    As a brief preface, my previous experiences with the Hare Krishnas include great food and bumping into annoying airheads on Cuba St. At every interaction they’ve really buttered me up and tried to win me over. The funniest interaction was one handing me a copy of the Bhagavad-gitā on the street as a “gift”, but as I walked away they were like “oh sorry, that’s $10”. I tried to return the book then, telling them I’m a poor student and I have no cash. They pulled out an eftpos machine. I can’t remember if it was this interaction or another one, but I also tried to decline the book due to religious differences as I was a Christian at the time. But then they went on about how much they love Christians and think we’re kind and wonderful. One way or another I was too spineless and ended up buying a copy of the Bhagavad-gitā. I tried to read it but as it was worshipping another god in the text, I put it down as it didn’t fit with my beliefs. Years later I grabbed this mini one on yoga.    The other context I had going into reading this was that my partner recently told me about his brief time being involved with them years ago. While he felt the food and chanting was good and elements of their beliefs, he concluded the Hare Krishna movement served mostly as a way to scoop up the hippies of the 60s, and that it is taking advantage of young, directionless people, and separating them from their relationships and personal interests in a cult-like manner. After reading The Perfection of Yoga, I can understand why he came to that conclusion.    The author Prabhupāda explains that the only way to achieve the perfection of yoga is by 24/7 thinking of Krsna (moving into Krishna Consciousness) and essentially shutting yourself off to material desires, striving only for spiritual desires and Krsna. You should only eat enough to live, sleep 6 hours a night, and ideally live in complete isolation. Everything you do must be dedicated to Krsna. Enjoying food is one of these material desires (aka sinful, worldly pleasures), so if you prepare something tasty it should only be done for Krsna as an offering, and in Krsna’s mercy he will allow you to eat it. Sex is permitted as well, but all these things are seen as necessary chores to keep your earthly vessel alive. Celibacy is encouraged and if you choose this, sitting alone with even your mother, sister, or daughter is a risk that should be avoided. You should remove material temptations from your life as much as possible. What’s really important is your soul, and time on earth is seen as temporary and your body is not your true self. Your life on earth should ideally be spent only seeking Krsna so that when your body dies your soul can either reach their version of a heaven, (which is again Krishna Consciousness I believe), or if you don’t achieve perfection you will return to earth in a new body to pick up where you left off.    There are numerous other conditions one should adhere to which really shocked me, but it can be summarised as living in absolute disconnection from the world, no attachment to anything material/physical (the “illusion”), and whole dedication to the spiritual through Krishna Consciousness (the “reality”). This all reads to me as control and manipulation, encouraging ill health, eating disorders, inviting sexual and other abuse, cult behaviour, and creating a group of people ready to be inducted straight into Nazi-dom. The use of the words “pure” and “perfection” throughout this text are alarming, and to achieve this perfection is realistically unattainable. It also provides an alluring escapism from dealing with anything going on earth. The text actively encourages isolation - even if they have a family, some Indian devotees will leave their wife and children at age 40 or 50 (I can’t recall exactly and I can’t find the passage) and go to live in isolation and spend the rest of their earthly life seeking Krsna. To me this lifestyle just produces airhead zombies, and another flavour of hippies who lean dangerously close to Nazi ideology and use their beliefs as an excuse to disengage from any responsibilities as a society dweller.    It’s worth acknowledging that the Hare Krishna belief system is not the only one that encourages this isolation from society, I think there’s a version of this ideology present in most religions, whether god-ordained or skewed by followers to suit their wants. The world is a pretty overwhelming place so it’s understandable why this lifestyle is appealing to people. But even so, I’m shocked by the extremity of theses parameters outlined in this book.    The Perfection of Yoga was a short, interesting read, and definitely not what I was expecting at all. But I’m glad I read it, was more accessible for me than the Bhagavad-gitā, and it feels good to learn about other religions. I’ve spent most of my life as a Christian and never learning a thing about other religions, despite being vehemently opposed to them. Now I can wholeheartedly dislike the Hare Krishna movement and back it up. And I’ve gained an appetite to learn more, particularly about the harm caused by this movement, their complex ideas around reincarnation, and personally George Harrison’s album “All Things Must Pass”. If this movement really picked up momentum in the west around the 60s/70s, having ex-Beatle George Harrison releasing a whole ass chart-topping mainstream album worshiping Krishna must’ve really helped their cause.
   Next on my reading list is Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake, a book all about fungi, and Jesus and John Wayne by Kristin Kobes De Mez, which is about how American white nationalism has steered western Christianity into the Trump loving beast it is today. Gonna read these in tandem since they’re quite a contrast, and neither are the kind that I want to race through without having a good chew.
   I’d close with an excerpt from today’s book, except I don’t think there was actually a single passage that I really liked or agreed with... So I’ll close with something from Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations instead:
“Men seek retreats for themselves - in the country, by the sea, in the hills - and you yourself are particularly prone to this yearning. But all this is quite unphilosophic, when it is open to you, at any time you want, to retreat into yourself. No retreat offers someone more quiet and relaxation than that into his own mind, especially if he can dip into thoughts there which put him at immediate and complete ease: and by ease I simply mean a well-ordered life. So constantly give yourself this retreat, and renew yourself. The doctrines you will visit there should be few and fundamental, sufficient at one meeting to wash away all your pain and send you back free of resentment at what you must rejoin.”
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piki-exe · 2 months
Dear English fans,
Utatane Piko and SF-A2 Miki are NOT siblings!
Here’s what I mean:
(I just discovered this misinformation spread because of an old talkloid shitpost on YouTube and I’m responding to this from the perspective of the Japanese fandom. These two are not well known overseas but on Nico Nico Douga, 9 times out of 10, they’re often shipped together. Gobou-P and Mahiruno-P are great examples. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with it; it’s a cute headcannon for them to be brother and sister, but it’s typically unusual. Allow me to explain for the sake of my talkloid series and in general.)
Yes, Utatane Piko and SF-A2 Miki were owned initially by the same company called HEARTFAST back in 2008-2009. This company went bankrupt and the site no longer exists. That much is true.
Miku and Luka are siblings in the sense that they’re both from Crypton and were also originally meant to be counterparts, but those two are completely different and are not “blood related”.
Miki’s quality took a hit from the lack of funding hence her infamous pitching (ta, wa, etc.) and volume issues (soft a, i, loud o, e), even though at the time she had a wider range than Miku and was among one of the most realistic banks. I think Miki tuners should take pride; because if you can tune her, then it’s very worth it and it makes using newer banks feel like cakewalk.
Piko got luckier with quality but he also suffers some phoneme clipping issues, like the N\ squeak or his dampened “da” and “ga”.
It was an awful shame they got split up and overshadowed by other releases. I don’t know if we could petition AHS to purchase Piko from Sony today but we could try. His provider is still active and well, and survived a kidney transplant thanks to his mother.
The Voice Providers:
Miki Furukawa from the band Supercar and later LAMA is from Hachinohe in Aomori Prefecture. (That’s in northern Japan just under the shores of Hokkaido.) She was born February 19th, 1979. Her signature bass guitar is the rare Yamaha SBV-800MF (SB-5a/7a and SBV-550) in blue.
Piko, on the other hand, is from Kobe, in the Kansai region just south of Tokyo (yes, he has the accent!). He was born March 11th, 1988. His start to fame was covering classic vocaloid songs since supecell’s “Love is War” on Nico Nico Douga and the amazing fact that he could sing as both genders with his best friend Sekihan (who has his own band). He’s physically very attractive and is still mistaken for a girl in short glimpses (to his amusement), but he has made it clear he is not gay and likes women (in fact, he’s very quick to remove a heavy wig). If he does “drag” then I’ve noticed it’s usually in a funny trolling sense or as a talent.
I’ve been listening these two practically my whole life along with Yuri Masada and Fukase from Sekai no Owari, because I’m a music junky, and they’re absolutely worth looking into.
Piko and Miki are almost a decade and half a nation apart, they were only under the same music label Ki/oon Records for a while. They’ve most likely never even met.
If they have met, I’ve rarely if ever heard Piko speak of his bank, let alone Miki. I know he has a copy of his own bank, and he's made music with Miku, Gumi, Rin and Len before (Chuutoro-P). Piko is still doing music work, streams, and YouTube now. Miki’s getting her SynthV release in December 2024 and she is doing quiet live shows and fashion work.
(In my series I decided to make them 1 year apart similar to their release dates.)
Their Designs:
While they are counterparts, no part of them is essentially “blood related”.
Piko’s iconic hair is the same as his mother’s to honour her, Utatane’s cowlick is just to differentiate.
Vocaloid Miki was about to have the similar short hair as in real life. I know this because I bought her artbook with KYMG’s concept designs. Supercar made a lot of laid back rock and almost meditative, space-like/romantic songs you could groove out/fall asleep to, hence her space theme. Furukawa has a cover of Saihate so you could tell she enjoyed Miku’s kz/Livetune era with songs like “Light Song” and “Packaged” (2008).
Piko’s entire design is specifically based on the discontinued (sigh) Yamaha RGX-A2 electric guitar in aircraft grey (other colours red, black, and dark blue), the aux jack to usb tail on the hem of his outfit falls with the computer instrument metaphor. It makes sense the two would be guitar and bass, since Miki is primarily a bassist who can sing and use a keyboard.
These two also have the same robotic joint markings, Piko’s are just harder to see because of his black sleeves and because his legs are covered, but people forget the elbow areas on the sleeves are actually transparent.
In conclusion:
Yamaha (I believe) wanted to launch an “Artist Edition” series at the time based on real musicians. The voices were Miki (Furukawa), Piko, Gakupo Kamui (Gakt), and Lily (Yuri Masada). If there were others, I don’t remember, but the “development code” thing was likely Heartfast’s idea pertaining to this theme by giving the two prototype sci-fi joints.
If the western fandom’s definition of “siblings” is by same company umbrella, then I accept that. Otherwise, I personally ship them very hard here because they’re totally unrelated and my goal is to give them the love they deserved and spread the word.
I hope this rant was educational.
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eyeofthelama · 6 months
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Welcome back, it's time for pots.
Or, in normal, non-acronym form, Prisoners Of The Sun.
This is the second part of a duology, so go read me review of The Seven Crystal Balls first, or don't, I don't care particularly.
We pick up just after where the last book left off, Tintin & Haddock have arrived in Peru, and, after a talk with the police, Haddock getting attacked by a lama, and meeting the Thompsons, the Pachacamac, the ship which transported Calculus to Peru, arrives, and promptly has a quarantine declared for two cases of yellow fever.
Now Tintin immediately assumes those cases are fabricated, and sneaks aboard the ship anyway, finds Calculas, but gets caught by Small, who explains that he has been sentenced to death for wearing Rascar Capac's bracelet.
Tintin punches Small in the face and jumps off the Pachacamac, and with the help of Haddock, retunes to shore, and promptly runs off while Haddock calls the police, who refuse to respond to a kidnapping, because it's 4 in the morning, but the Thompsons do, and promptly run off into the distance and do nothing.
Haddock catches up to Tintin, who was following Calculus, who had been taken off the boat, and onto a train, which Tintin didn't go on, in order to let Haddock catch up.
After a quick train sabotage, Tintin saves an orange-seller, Zorrino, who promptly agrees to be ther guide, so off into the wilderness they go.
One walk later, Zorrino gets kidnapped while Tintin sleeps, whom they recover with violence, adn then Snowy gets kidnapped by a Condor, Tintin promptly murders it, scales a cliff, recovers Snowy, and descends by Conder #2, whom is not shot dead, despite Haddock's best attempts.
On they go, into the mountains, Haddock triggers a avalanche, gets caught in it, is revived by alcohol, promptly cartwheels down an mountain and kills four peaple
Eventually, after a heap of jungle difficulties, a whole lot more murder, and some ants, we get to a waterfall, which Tintin&Co must cross in order to get to the temple, so a rope is thrown across, Zorrino crosses first, then Haddock, then the rope breaks as Tintin crosses, sending them through the waterfall into a secret passage behind it.
Haddock & Zorrino join Tintin behind the waterfall, and they traverse the cave network, until finding a Inca tomb, which they promptly break out of, and get themselves caught by the Incas, they're still around, in defiance of logic and history, and get themselves sentenced to death, but, as a special treat, they get to choose the date and time of their death, within the next 30 days…
Now imprisoned, Haddock promptly tries and fails to smoke, and Tintin fights Snowy for a newspaper, gets it, and promptly formulates a plan, which they do not tell Haddock.
The next day, Tintin arranges the date for their execution, and they get a free upgrade to their "hotel room" for it. which Haddock proceeds to unpromptly celebrate by jumping over a table, and then pulling out the window-bars, just in time for them to be taken for execution.
So, how do they get out of this situation, tied up, on a bonfire, no-one around to save them.
Why, with the power of the sun of course!
So, the bonfire was to be lit via a magnifying lens, that would concentrate the light of the sun into sufficient heat to light the fire, but, that newspaper from 3 paragraphs ago contained the date and time of a solar eclipse, which prevents the fire being lit, and the Incas take it as a sign from said sun that Tintin&Co deserve to live, they free them, Haddock almost dies, all's nicely wrapped up.
Here we find problems, none of them have any depth, Small, the Prince, Zorrino, none of them really have anything worth talking about, so I won't.
Things I like
I don't tend to talk about the art, because it somewhat stayed consistent in quality for a bit, but here we've got a noticeable improvement in the fine details, there are almost no panels with just a plain colour background (I counted just one in the entire book), they're all nicely detailed, particularly with the foliage in the jungle segment of the book
Things I don't
You know the drill, in fact, you know it so well, I'm not going to bother introducing it from now on.
The sun comes up at <4:30
Haddock shrugs off being catapulted into a cactus
Snowy is carried down a mountain in a very unsafe way
Tintin&Co only make it into the temple via utter chance
Now, here's an actual criticism, or rather, an opportunity for me to indulge in some recreational mathematics.
Tintin&Co are saved by a solar eclipse, now, let's work out how likely it would be for one to happen.
First off, what kind of eclipse are we looking at?
From what I can tell, it's a total eclipse, and they occur once every 375 years (approximately) , and last around
Now, that sounds like very bad odds, and it is, and made even worse by the fact that a solar eclipse doesn't last very long.
However, Tintin&Co were given a 30-day period to pick from, so we can count it falling that as a success condition.
Before we get into the proper maths, I must forewarn you, I'm very lazy, and will not do this at all properly
So, there are around 12.17 30-day periods in a year:
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And then we've got 4562.5 of those periods over the whole 375 years
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Now, we've got all we need, just to put it together
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Oh look, it's not a nice number, what a surprise, but it roughly equals a 0.0219% chance, or Rather Low.
Now, it's quite clear that this is
Troublesome bits
Once more, there was nothing blatant, but, if you catch anything, please place it in the comments/tags/reblogs/likes/this running joke is getting bad/them.
Silly bits
Tintin is racist
Tintin goes tracking in the Peruvian wilderness in a suit and jumper
Tintin is a firearms licence inspector
Haddock murders four peaple
Haddock risks his life for his hat, due to the lack of local hatters
Magic glowing rocks
The Thom(p)sons, on their hunt for Tintin&Co, visit the Eiffel Tower, go down a mine, visit the Egyptian pyramids, observe some bumper-cars, and walk the
The Incans go for the Scandinavian method of prisoning
The substance in the crystal balls from the last book may have been cocaine
All in all, it's a good Tintin book, satisfyingly wraps up threads established in the first book, with a fresh and interesting setting.
Eclipse Data
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gr8brandz · 10 months
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APEXEL Lensa Super Wide Angle Lens 0.45X + Macro Smartphone - APL-0.45WM https://tokopedia.link/hYBJFJpYXAb - https://shope.ee/2q0KU8LzGL     ==================================================== Spesifikasi: Tipe Lensa Macro: 12.5X Wide: 0.45X Material Body Lensa: Aluminium Klip: Plastik Dimensi Lensa Wide Angle Diameter: 5 cm Lensa Macro Angle Diameter: 4 cm Diameter Lubang untuk Lensa Kamera Ponsel: 21 mm Deskripsi Anda ingin mendapatkan foto yang bagus hanya bermodalkan smartphone saja? Hal tersebut tidaklah mustahil, karena kini telah hadir aksesoris lensa kamera smartphone dari APEXEL. Hadir dengan dua jenis lensa, wide angle lens dan macro, yang dapat Anda gunakan di beragam tipe smartphone yang beredar di pasaran, baik itu Android maupun iPhone karena mekanisme pemasangan lensa menggunakan sistem klip di bodi smartphone. Fitur Lensa Makro atau Wide Aksesoris kamera ini mengusung dua jenis lensa yakni macro dan wide. Untuk makro cocok sekali digunakan untuk memotret objek kecil seperti serang, bunga maupun foto produk ukuran kecil. Untuk macro lensa sendiri mampu melakukan pembesaran hingga 12.5X. Sementara lensa wide 0.45X ini cocok untuk digunakan foto pemandangan. Cocok Untuk Banyak Tipe HP Cara menggunakan cukup memasang klip lensa ini pada ponsel Anda, lalu sejajarkan posisi lensa dengan letak kamera ponsel Anda. Aksesoris ini bisa digunakan di hampir semua smartphone Android dan iPhone. Aman Digunakan Anda tak perlu khawatir, body smartphhone Anda akan lecet ketika menggunakan lensa kamera ini. Klip lensa ini telah dibekali karet penahan guna mengurangi gesekan antara lensa dengan bodi belakang dan layar perangkat Anda. Material Berkualitas Bodi maupun Lensa kamera smartphone ini dibekali bahan berkualitas sehingga lebih awet untuk pemakaian jangka lama. Isi Kemasan 1 x APEXEL Lensa Super Wide Angle Lens 0.45X + Macro Smartphone - APL-0.45WM 1 x Klip 1 x Pouch ==================================================== https://shope.ee/A9lt8Dkz3M   https://tokopedia.link/vfg3UqLVZzb
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rendersfarm · 1 year
RenderMan version 25 released
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Pixar has announced the release of RenderMan version 25. New features include:
A completely new denoising technology developed by Disney Research using machine learning.
Improved convergence and interactivity using the XPU renderer
XPU outputs now include full support for LPEs and arbitrary AOVs
Improved stylisation looks toolset including improved toon shading, hatching, line distortion and UX
Progressive Pixels – Fractional first iteration display for improved image feedback with XPU, especially with very heavy models or volumes.
New Texture Cache – Improved performance on GPUs if the texture cache needs to do out-of-core texture lookups or is memory constrained.
Camera Controls – XPU now supports many controls of Pixar Camera, including depth of field and lens aberration.
USD Improvements – Houdini Solaris support has been improved with advancements in MaterialX, camera controls, motion blur, and more.
New Patterns – Extend your look development with new color and bump nodes.
Better Convergence – XPU support for Russian Roulette, Ray Depth, and more.
Bridge Updates – Houdini 19.5 and Katana 6 are now supported.
Deformation Motion Blur – XPU now supports full deformation motion blur, enabling studios to use XPU to generate fast quality control renders.
MaterialX Lama Improvements – ILM’s material layering system gets a new iridescence material response and improved physical accuracy.
Preset Browser – Native QT support in Blender.
New Presets – New collections for fur, hair, stylization, diverse skin, and more.
Light Baking – Improved global illumination baking by up to 2x, as well as additional controls for controlling resolution.
VFX Reference Platform – Updated to the 2021 standard.
In the CG industry, SuperRenders Farm is a cloud rendering service and render farm. SuperRenders Farm support for RenderMan rendering. We are offering a free $25 trial to every new user, let’s start rendering your impressive work now!
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tcclsblog · 1 year
0 Tsa-Tsa - the small statue you can wear in an amulet or sometimes bigger - of Lama Tsongkhapa made. Rinpoche also wanted to go to visit the stupa of his Buddhist teacher Phra Mahathongkum outside of Bangkok. So off we went, a handful of students and Rinpoche to Bangkok for a sort of “pilgrimage”.   We took a tour, visited some temples in Bangkok, and did the usual touristy things. In my mind, I thought the main purpose of the trip was to ensure that the Tsa-Tsa was made and the visit to the stupa. Anything touristy just seemed so worldly and not in line with MY idea of a pilgrimage. You can then understand how frustrated I was. There they were, my fellow pilgrims and Rinpoche, inside a jewellery shop in a shopping mall, spending what seemed like forever looking at jade and various precious and semi-precious stones. I decided to wait outside the shop, noticeably bored and wondering, "what am I doing here?" Rinpoche came out of the shop and said to me, “Do you know what I am thinking about?” I shook my head. He said, “I am visualising a Buddha encrusted with all the jewels in this shop made as an offering for the benefit of all beings. Every situation you are in, even mundane things like shopping can be Dharma practice. It all depends on the mind.”  What Rinpoche taught all of us through numerous outings to supermarkets, shops, restaurants was that, in particular as lay practitioners, it is vital that the practise of Dharma goes beyond the allocated prayer and ritual times. It should be incorporated as much as possible into all aspects of our daily life. Whether rejoicing at the people who made the roads or invented aeroplanes, making offerings of beautiful sights, seeing strangers as we travel anywhere as mothers in our previous lives, or secretly taking on the suffering of others when we see people in need as part of tong-len, questioning whether a car is truly an inherently existent car...all these lessons of how our Dharma practice turns out to be like and that it depends so much on what we do with our minds. All these came from our travels with Rinpoche.  We may not remember to do this all the time, but even just once in a day seems cause for rejoicing and encouraging ourselves to do more to make this a habit - the habit of living the Dharma to transform our minds and bring us closer to the truth.
21 Nov 2021
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nadianantama · 1 year
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Aku mau cerita kenapa aku suka banget nyobain kendaraan umum. Jelas karena hemat. Alasan lainnya adalah mengatasi kepanikan aku. Aku pernah beberapa kali nangis di kendaraan umum karena panik.
Saat itu usiaku sudah 17 tahun kalo tidak salah ingat. Aku menaiki len D yang aku tumpangi di depan terminal Joyoboyo menuju ke arah rumahku. Lama tak segera berangkat angkot tersebut. Langit mulai gelap menandakan waktu Magrib tiba. Benar saja adzan Maghrib berkumandang. Aku mulai resah gelisah. Tak terasa air mata jatuh.
Kulihat kanan dan kiri, mengapa tidak ada penumpang lagi, kapan angkot ini akan berangkat pikirku. Aku merasa beberapa penumpang melihatku menangis dan sedikit menenangkan aku. Setelahnya angkotpun jalan, sembari diri masih berusaha menguasai.
Satu tahun lalu, perjalanan pertama aku dari Turen ke Surabaya. Memang suka agak pilih transportasi bus di saat musim hujan. Saat itu aku kurang perhitungan. Perjalanan kumulai setelah adzan ashar. Menaiki bus kecil dari Turen ke terminal Gadang. Hujan yang awalnya rintik berubah jadi sangat deras.
Perjalanan memakan waktu satu jam setengah hampir. Saat turun aku sudah berniat untuk memesan ojek lewat aplikasi. Hal itu kuurungkan seketika karena hujan terlalu lebat. Langkah kaki yang awalnya mencari tempat berteduh langsung berbelok menaiki angkot. AMG jika aku tak salah ingat. Dengan kondisi seperti itu naik angkot memang paling masuk akal. Tidak ada ojek aplikasi yang mau ambil penumpang di daerah terminal.
Aku duduk di dekat pintu. Apa yang terjadi padaku? Saat masuk daerah rawan genangan, akulah korbannya. Terciprat air genangan ke sebagian badanku. Astaghfirullah 🥲. Alhamdulilah bapak sopir peka. Saat penumpang di sebelah sopir turun, aku di suruh duduk di depan.
Malang cukup padat bahkan macet saat hujan dan banjir. Alhasil 2 jam terjebak di kemacetan Malang kota menuju ke terminal Arjosari. Aku turun disambut oleh adzan magrib.
Suasana kacau, aku belum tau medan. Terlalu banyak orang berteriak di luar terminal dan hujan masih menemani. Aku salah naik bus. Bukan bus patas yang aku tumpangi melainkan bus ekonomi. Aku mencoba menenangkan diriku hingga aku lupa untuk bergerak keluar. Bus berjalan dan ya kembali aku menangis. Menangis karena salah perhitungan.
Di bus itu aku belajar bahwa naik ekonomi sangat ekonomis cuma gak lewat tol, ini sih yang bikin aku nangis. Soalnya aku menghitung aku sampai di Surabaya dalam 1 jam jika naik patas yang berakhir 2 jam perjalanan, ditambah jalannya bus yang bikin harap-harap cemas.
Rasa resah yang membuat aku belajar untuk lebih bersiap dan membiasakan diri.
#5CC2023 #5CC3 #bentangpustaka #writingcareerclass #careerclass
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