#les mis film
aaronstveit · 1 month
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They were schoolboys Never held a gun Fighting for a new world That would rise up like the sun...
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truly the most egregious part of the 2012 Les Mis is that they changed Valjean’s line from
“It’s the story of those who always loved you, your mother gave her life for you then gave you to my keeping.”
“it’s the story, of one who turned from hating. The man who only learned to love when you were in his keeping.”
LIKE?????!! How dare they remove Valjean specifically mentioning Fantine’s sacrifice and putting that before he mentions his own part in the story?? How dare they make Valjean imply that it was only when Cosette came into his keeping that he stopped hating everything and learned to love WHEN THE FUCKING BISHOP IS THE REASON FOR THE GODDAMN SEASON????
Like OF COURSE Cosette softened Valjean, of course he became a better man when he became her father, of course their relationship is important.
But this story would not have happened without the love of the bishop and it was his love that rekindled the love that was dormant in Valjean’s heart. And it was Fantine that fanned that flame, then Cosette’s that kept it steady.
I just hate how flat it makes Valjean’s story seem. “It’s the story, of those who always loved you.” Is THE answer Cosette has been searching for her whole life. I wish they’d kept it in instead of feeling like the audience would only feel fulfilled by Valjean’s story if he only mentioned his direct relationship to Cosette.
Whatever idk. It’s a good Les Mis for a lot of reasons, but a bad one for a lot of reasons too 🥲
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lesmisscraper · 24 days
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Tumblr now got the Cat Boop o Meter but almost 12 years ago, Les Mis already had one.
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czerwonykasztelanic · 3 months
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La Liberté ou la Mort! Acrylic on canvas. Somehow managed to exceed my own expectations.
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astriexxe · 2 months
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minusforty · 17 days
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He was a charming young man capable of terrible things
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kenobihater · 8 months
i don't think there's a way to fix les mis 2012 even if they did a full director's cut, of which i have heard no plans for. like even if they add and restructure some shit, you cannot get around the awful vocal performances from jackman and crowe and the fucking bizarre cinematography that i really need to make a post on. those two things (vocals and visuals) are the lenses thru which we experience the story. you would have to reshoot the entire movie to make it good. that said, if they DO release a director's cut you KNOW i'm gonna buy that shit bc i am still incredibly bitter about drink with me being shortened. that's all i want from a theoretical director's cut. idc about it being "a good movie" bc it's not and never will be, but i DO care abt blagden putting his entire pussy into that performance and then having his big moment left on the cutting room floor
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huntmavs · 1 year
11 years later and aaron tveit as enjolras is still serving cunt
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petrovna-zamo · 8 months
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demon4dilfs · 7 months
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nibblyssacrifice · 6 months
im having enjolras/grantaire brainrot
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aaronstveit · 11 days
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To whom did this anarchical scoffer unite himself in this phalanx of absolute minds? To the most absolute. In what manner had Enjolras subjugated him? By his ideas? No. By his character. A phenomenon which is often observable. A sceptic who adheres to a believer is as simple as the law of complementary colors. That which we lack attracts us. No one loves the light like the blind man. The dwarf adores the drum-major. The toad always has his eyes fixed on heaven. Why? In order to watch the bird in its flight. Grantaire, in whom writhed doubt, loved to watch faith soar in Enjolras. He had need of Enjolras. That chaste, healthy, firm, upright, hard, candid nature charmed him, without his being clearly aware of it, and without the idea of explaining it to himself having occurred to him.
— Victor Hugo, Les Misérables
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pureanonofficial · 1 year
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - Authority Reasserts Its Rights, LM 1.8.4 (Les Miserables 1978)
“There is no longer any Monsieur le Maire here!”
Jean Valjean made no attempt to disengage the hand which grasped the collar of his coat. He said:—
Javert interrupted him: “Call me Mr. Inspector.”
“Monsieur,” said Jean Valjean, “I should like to say a word to you in private.”
“Aloud! Say it aloud!” replied Javert; “people are in the habit of talking aloud to me.”
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lesmisscraper · 11 months
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secretdazedragon · 2 years
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“Yes Cosette, forbid me now to die.”
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nusta · 14 days
In questi giorni mi sono concessa un poco di libertà in più e mi sono presa delle ferie. Dico sempre che dovrei farlo più spesso, come per molte delle altre cose che mi fanno stare bene. Tra il dire e il fare, però, bisogna che mi organizzi meglio >_<
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Ho giocato a carte per ore come quando ero piccola, a Macchiavelli (con due C perché a casa mia l'ho sempre chiamato così e quindi ormai è ribattezzato u_u), ho fatto morbide sculture color pastello, ho mangiato cose buone, ho camminato tra piante cariche di foglioline nuove e fiorellini. Avrei voluto rotolarmi nell'erba come F., il cagnolino della mia amica G., ma mi sono trattenuta ^_^
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Ho letto (anche un libro tutto di fila, come mi capita di rado ormai, ma questi di Bianca Pitzorno erano racconti brevi di quelli come le ciliegie, che uno tira l'altro, anche perché le protagoniste erano quelle di Ascolta il mio cuore e quindi ero già affezionata dalla prima pagina, e quella mattina sul balcone si stava proprio bene *_*)
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Ho girovagato per librerie e piccole mostre di illustrazione (avremmo voluto andare alla fiera del libro per ragazzi, ma non siamo riuscite :( sarà per un'altra volta), ho passato del tempo insieme a chi amo e insieme a me stessa e ho ricaricato un poco le energie. Stasera ho anche disegnato, che era da qualche tempo che avevo perso il ritmo, e sulla scia dell'entusiasmo e delle riflessioni su un post sui modi di incanalare l'energia mi sono detta che era proprio il momento di ricominciare u_u
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(P.s. questo è di Anna Kaźmierak, una delle autrici esposte che mi è piaciuta di più - se siete in centro a Bologna passate dalla Salaborsa, dura fino al 5 maggio)
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(questo invece è mio - da un selfie di ieri mattina nel verde *_*)
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Insomma, in questi primi giorni di primavera mi sono sentita come la rosellina che avevo preso un mese fa, che sembrava bruciata dal freddo e dalla mancanza d'acqua e che invece ha messo su le foglioline nuove dopo che l'ho comunque interrata in uno dei vasi in cui avevo spazio. Per i fiori vedremo. Chissà se il quadrifoglio che ha trovato G. porterà anche un poco di fortuna. Intanto ci ha portato un sorriso in quel momento di scoperta fortuita, e forse forse basta questo, in realtà.
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