#les vampires t shirt
alexar60 · 9 months
Le musicien fantôme
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L’averse me réveilla subitement. Karen ne semblait pas dormir non plus. Ses yeux mi-clos laissèrent plutôt à penser qu’elle somnolait. Soudain, je réalisai une chose importante. Elle leva la tête en même temps que moi.
Merde, le coffre !
Aussitôt, je me levai et sortis de la tente suivi par ma compagne. Effectivement, j’avais oublié la bâche de la petite carriole attachée à mon vélo. Elle servait pour mettre nos affaires pendant notre voyage. C’était l’idée de Karen que de faire un road-trip entre Prague et Paris…à bicyclette. C’était aussi son idée du camping sauvage. Surtout que nous étions perdus en pleine campagne autrichienne.
Bien qu’elle fut déjà rempli et nos affaires trempées, je m’acharnai à recouvrir la carriole. Karen récupéra son sac fourre-tout pour en sortir une lampe qui m’aida à y voir mieux. Tout-à-coup un éclair illumina le ciel. Je vis la foudre tomber sur un arbre qui prit feu instantanément. En dessous, notre tente n’échappa à l’incendie, s’enflammant aussi rapidement que l’éclair suivant, qui était déjà à plusieurs kilomètres.
Pétrifiés par cet accident naturel, trempés, fatigués, nous restâmes à regarder la tente se réduire en cendre. Cependant, la pluie continuait de tomber. Ma copine regarda son téléphone, il n’y avait pas de réseau. Le mien était resté à côté de mon sac de couchage…dans la tente, avec mes papiers, mon portefeuille… Bref, je me retrouvai perdu dans un pays étranger sans papier.
Il y avait un mur ! Je me souviens qu’il y avait un mur plus loin quand nous sommes arrivés, dit Karen.
Hé ?
Qui dit mur, dit maison. Ajouta-t-elle en haussant les épaules. C’est évident !
Nous partîmes éclairés par les lampes de nos vélos. La charrette que je tirai parut lourde à cause de l’eau. Aussi, je me retrouvai à aller moins vite que mon amie. Après quelques kilomètres, nous aperçûmes le fameux mur. Il nous a suffi de le longer pour trouver son entrée. La chance fut de notre côté car la grille n’était pas fermée.
Dès lors, nous pénétrâmes dans l’enceinte. Curieusement, des lampadaires éclairaient la route amenant à un grand manoir. Avec ses tours sur le côté, il aurait eu sa place parmi les châteaux de la Loire. Nous descendîmes et posâmes nos vélos contre un muret, avant de grimper un escalier. La porte principale était grande ouverte. Le hall éclairé par un lustre semblait vide si ce n’est cet étrange personnage habillé d’un costume de domestique. Il restait debout, les jambes raides, le dos droit tel un mannequin de devanture.
Karen expliqua nos déboires dans un allemand imparfait. Mais, l’homme sourit et répondit en français. Je trouvais que sa barbiche n’allait pas avec sa tenue de maitre d’hôtel.
Soyez les bienvenus, le concert va bientôt commencer.
Il nous pria de le suivre. Aussitôt nous entrâmes dans une grande salle aux plafonds profonds. Une vingtaine de personnes attendaient silencieusement, assis sur des chaises aux pieds de fer. Nous étions en plein contraste avec eux. Nous étions trempés, les cheveux dégoulinant d’eau. Je portais un bermuda et un sweet-shirt à capuche, Karen était habillée d’un short et d’un pull marin. Tandis que les vêtements des spectateurs semblaient sortir des plus grands magasins de vêtements de luxe de Paris ou de Vienne.
Je me retournai pour demander une serviette, mais notre hôte était déjà parti. Alors, nous avançâmes sous les regards curieux. Ils semblaient blafards, le teint d’une pâleur extrême. Tout leur corps parut voilé. De même, un léger bourdonnement agaça mon esprit. Nous marchâmes dans un silence glacial. Hélas, les deux seules places disponibles étaient devant. Elles n’attendaient que nous.
A ton avis, c’est quel genre de spectacle, murmura ma chérie.
Le bal des vampires, répondis-je.
Elle pouffa de rire, mais fut réprimandée par un « chut » qui imposa de nouveau le silence. C’est à ce moment qu’une porte, au fond de la salle, s’ouvrit. Un homme de taille moyenne, le visage jeune, les cheveux bruns coiffés en arrière, le regard d’un bleu profond, entra. Il avait aussi le visage blanc, et une sorte de voile se déplaça en même temps que lui. Je remarquai la présence d’un piano.
Cependant, le musicien tenait un violon. Il posa son instrument sur son épaule, et à l’aide son archet, il commença à jouer. Dès les premières notes, je fus subjugué par la musique. Elle m’envahissait, me prenait les tripes. Il jouait merveilleusement bien. Il impressionnait si bien que je ne pus retenir une larme, je sentis un frisson parcourir les poils de mes bras. J’écoutais dieu qui jouait du violon.
Il joua de tout, Chopin, Haendel, Brahms, Vivaldi, Tchaïkovski…Chaque mouvement était juste et touchait le cœur. Chaque note reflétait sur le mur, se transformait en personnage et dansait au rythme de la musique. Elle racontait une histoire. Mon amie posa sa tête sur mon épaule tout en serrant mon bras. Elle était fascinée par cette harmonie. Jamais nous n’aurions pensé écouter pareil concerto et jamais, nous n’aurions pensé ressentir autant d’émotion en écoutant un artiste jouer. Etonnamment, peut-être par respect, personne n’applaudissait entre les morceaux.
Je ne peux dire combien de temps cela dura exactement. Il finit son concert par le canon de Pachelbel. Encore une fois, sa musique toucha les âmes. Il glissait avec son archet sur les cordes de son violon. Je ne réalisai pas que personne ne jouait au piano. Il était seul et pourtant, j’entendais aussi le piano jouer.
Puis, il s’arrêta subitement. Il écarta les bras en croix avant de baisser la tête en signe de remerciement et de salut. Je me mis à applaudir, accompagné par Karen. Surpris de ne pas entendre les autres, faire de même, je tournai la tête et fus stupéfait de ne voir personne. Il ne restait que des chaises vides.
Où sont-ils passés ? demanda ma compagne.
Et lui ? demandai-je aussi en pointant le doigt vers la petite estrade.
Le violoniste avait aussi disparu. Je ne m’étais pas non plus rendu compte que les bourdonnements venaient de cesser. Nous restâmes abasourdis et seuls dans la salle qui devint  tout-à-coup immense.
Soudain, trois gros coups résonnèrent, puis un rire…un rire glacial…un rire qu’on n’oublie pas. Karen se colla à moi. Nous regardâmes les portes mais personne n’entra. Nous restâmes un long moment dans le silence à attendre sans savoir quoi faire. Nous entendîmes un oiseau piailler. Dès lors, nous comprîmes que le jour se levait. Nous profitâmes de cet instant pour quitter la salle. Mon amie constata les énormes toiles d’araignées un peu partout dans la salle et le hall. Je découvris la porte à moitié abimée, Nous quittâmes le lieu qui paraissait abandonnée. D’ailleurs la majeure partie des fenêtres n’avait plus de carreau intact. Cependant, j’aperçus un rideau s’écarter mais aucune silhouette visible.
La pluie ayant cessé, nous pûmes regagner un village proche. On nous dirigea vers un poste de police, car j’avais besoin de déclarer la perte de mes papiers suite à l’incendie de la tente. Je racontai en anglais notre nuit. Le policier demanda à mon amie, ensuite à un traducteur leur version. Il semblait horriblement embêté. Il se leva discuta avec un collègue, prit ma déposition, au moins pour l’assurance, et nous conseilla un bon hôtel restaurant.
Après une douche, un peu de repos, nous descendîmes nous restaurer. La patronne, qui parlait français, nous interpela tout en nous installant à une table.
Donc, vous avez passé la nuit au Rotes Herrenhaus? Tout le monde a peur d’aller là-bas. Il parait qu’il est hanté.
Mais, il est bien habité ? Questionna mon amie.
Ah non ! Plus depuis au moins la guerre.
Nous restâmes muets tout en la dévisageant. Nous ne savions pas si elle se moquait de nous, si elle avait discuté avec les policiers, les seuls qui étaient au courant de notre nuit. Mais elle interrompit notre silence :
Il parait que le dernier propriétaire était si bon musicien qu’un jour, le diable serait venu lui proposer un défi musical. S’il gagnait, il obtiendrait ce qu’il voudrait. Mais s’il perdait, son âme et son don appartiendrait au diable. Il aurait gagné, mais le diable, mauvais perdant, lui vola tout, le poussant au suicide. Ce qui l’envoya en enfer. Le diable, se sentant coupable d’avoir obtenu une âme aussi facilement, accepta qu’il revienne dans son château chaque nuit d’orage pour jouer.
Et il y a eu un orage cette nuit. Ajouta-t-elle avec un petit sourire.
Je remerciais la dame pour ses explications, ajoutant que c’était une belle histoire. Je préférais laisser cette histoire aux légendes du coin. D’ailleurs, Karen était d’accord : Confirmer une histoire de fantôme pouvait nous être nuisible ainsi qu’au fantôme. Dès lors, je pris le menu et commandai une escalope viennoise. Elle était succulente.
Alex@r60 – août 2023
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kafkaguy · 18 days
ethan. i chose whatever music asks you haven’t done yet.
hi kieren im kind of obsessed with u. there are a lot that i havent done but some of them i cant be bothered to answer/genuinely cannot answer or the answer is just no so here's the ones i like <3
Do you listen to more oldies or more current stuff? A mix of both but leaning more to oldies, the majority of my favourite songs and artists are either from the 60s & 70s era, or the 90s & 00s era <3 
Would you wear a t-shirt of a band you're not into? Probably not, even if the design is cool i only wear band tshirts if i care abt the band. But if someone gave me an artist tshirt as a gift, i’d wear it AND listen to the artist it depicts 👍
Is there an artist or song that you like, despite being of a genre you don't usually like? I like all genres i don't discriminate. i’m bisexual 
A song or album from the 50s or earlier: this compilation album of old japanese pop 1950-1951… discovered through mash playlists
A song or album from the 60s: 1-800-are-you-experienced by jimi hendrix 1967 :) 
A song or album from the 70s: Born to run by BRUCIE 1975 raaaagghhhhhh 
A song or album from the 80s: King of rock by run-dmc 1985 💪💥
A song or album from the 90s Call the doctor by sleater-kinney 1996
A song or album from the 2000s: Cheap pop for the elite by kore. ydro., 2006
 A song or album from the 2010s: TRANSANGELIC EXODUS BY EZRA FURMAN 2018. GOAT
Do you and your partner/best friend share a special song? One you’d call “our song”? unfortunately for my boyfriend and i it is the predatory wasp of the palisades is out to get us by sufjan stevens which is indicative of how normal we both are 
Do you play any instruments? I’ve been “learning” the bass for about 2 years but havent made much progress but i can do basic riffs and improvise a little 
Who’s your favorite fictional band or artist? Marceline The Vampire 
When was the last time you cried when listening to a song, if ever? I couldn’t tell you the last time a song made me properly cry but i sort of cried listening to come on in yesterday because i was having a category 5 peter tork moment 
Your favorite artist from your city/state/country? At the moment its marina spanou and based on her lyrics i think she is literally from the same area of athens as me <3
A song you like in a language you don’t speak:
A song you like with lyrics in two or more languages:
songs that are symbolic of a time when i was literally and without exaggeration in the trenches. korean & english
Do you enjoy musicals? If so, what’s your favorite? Top 5: fiddler on the roof, jesus christ superstar, newsies, les miserables, hadestown.
Have you watched any musician’s biopics? Do you have a favorite? I’M NOT THERE DIRECTED BY TODD HAYNES MY NUMBER 1 ☝️ even if i am not the biggest bob dylan girl out there i fucking love that movie so much 
Do you listen to music when it's raining or do you stop to hear the sound of the rain? Im answerin this question cos i like it. If its raining really hard i take out my headphones and turn my music up so i can hear it out loud blended with the sound of the rain <3
Do you prefer live recordings or studio recordings? LIVE RECORDINGS ARE MY BEST FRIENDS. I dont know if i prefer them but theres something so comcorting and beautiful of hearing live stuff so yeah <3
Okay these were the questions i cared about. thank you i love you . heheheheh
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aleksiev-lyuben · 1 year
(Graham) “Yes, I mean it. You are the worst mistake I’ve ever made.” “Stop doing that. It’s turning me on.” “Don’t cry, I hate when you cry.” “You’re mine and only mine. I don’t want to share you.” “Everyone wanted to give up on me, except you.” “Did you just kiss me ?” (je les ship pas du tout)
“Yes, I mean it. You are the worst mistake I’ve ever made.”
Lyuben ferme les yeux, comme si il voulait laisser couler les larmes qui n’apparaissaient pas aux coins de ses paupières. Evidemment que c’est une erreur, évidemment qu’il s’est encore emballé trop vite, évidemment qu’il est trop à supporter, évidemment. C’est tout ce à quoi il est bon de toute manière: ne pas être bon. La colère monte d’une traite à l’intérieur de lui. En colère contre lui-même pour n’avoir pas su encore une fois être à la hauteur, et en colère contre Graham pour lui avait fait croire pendant un instant qu’il aurait pu l’être. « Alors dégage de chez moi. Qu’est-ce que tu attends, si c'était une erreur à ce point-là? » La tristesse de Lyuben teinte le fond de sa voix tandis que la colère prend le dessus sur ses propos. Le regard de Graham est indéchiffrable. Il n’acquiesce pas, il ne dit rien. Comme si il était triste lui aussi, mais aussi choqué de voir ce visage chez le vampire, comme si il venait de découvrir quelqu’un qu’il n’a jamais croisé. Pourquoi le loup-garou lui fait ça? Pourquoi faut-il encore une fois qu’on arrache son coeur à Lyuben? Graham ne bouge pas. Pourquoi il ne bouge pas? Pourquoi est-ce qu’il ne fout pas le camp tout de suite? Lyuben fait un tracé de cent pas nerveux entre les quatre murs de la cuisine. Graham ne bouge pas. « DEGAGE! » Cette fois-ci Lyuben hurle sur Graham, d’une voix que celui-ci n’avait jamais entendu non plus. Graham commence finalement à partir. Pourquoi est-ce qu’il s’en va? Pourquoi est-ce qu’il fait ça? Lyuben perd la tête. La colère grimpe au point de non retour. Lyuben envoie valser la table de la cuisine contre le mur et celle-ci s’explose dans un fracas retentissant, laissant des traces sur la peinture blanche. Lyuben entend les battements du coeur de Graham disparaitre au loin, et la colère s’évapore au fur et mesure que le son se fait plus faible. La tristesse prend brutalement sa place. Le vampire se laisse glisser sur le sol. Il laisse tomber son visage recouvert de cheveux blonds entre ses mains, se blâmant une nouvelle fois de tout ressentir aussi intensément.
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“Stop doing that. It’s turning me on.”
Jamais « Le Monde de Dory » n’avait été si sexy. L’un des dessins animés préférés de Lyuben, qu'il avait presque forcé son petit-ami à regarder, et pourtant le vampire n’a jamais été aussi déconcentré. Normal en même temps… Graham est là, avachi dans son canapé, avec son odeur de loup-garou, de weed, et de chocolat, due à la tablette qu’il a partagé avec le vampire tout à l’heure. « Tu viens de rater le moment où Claire Chazal aide Dory à sortir. » Graham riposte, alors que la main de Lyuben s’aventure plus haut sur sa cuisse. Le vampire approche son visage près de l’oreille de Graham qu’il mordille pour l’embêter. « Je savais pas que les poissons te faisaient autant d’effet. » Le loup-garou rajoute, daignant finalement tourner le visage faire son petit-ami en demande d’affection. Il tourne la tête donc, la parfaite occasion pour Lyuben de se jeter sur ses lèvres et de l’embrasser. C’est pas tout, mais ça commençait à devenir long. Une heure de film et zéro baiser. Comment pouvait-il tenir plus longtemps? Le loup-garou lui rend son baiser, et les lèvres de Lyuben continuent de se faire plus insistante tandis que la main qui faisait semblant d’être innocente sur la cuisse de son petit-ami remonte en dessous de sa ceinture. La tension est à son comble. Il sent Graham céder contre lui, et ce dernier joue avec le bord du t-shirt du vampire qu’il fait remonter au dessus de sa tête. Lyuben le coupe soudainement. « Attends! » Graham lève un sourcil, et le blond se penche de l’autre côté du canapé pour trouver la télécommande et éteint finalement la télévision. « Je veux pas traumatiser Dory. » Lyuben ajoute en ricanant, avant de se jeter sur Graham.
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“Don’t cry, I hate when you cry.”
Si Lyuben n’est pas fier de son propre état, il aime encore moins l’air qui se dessine sur le visage de Graham. « Alors arrête de me regarder. » Le bulgare renvoie un peu agressivement, n’arrivant quand même pas à stopper la tristesse qui s’évapore par chaque pore de lui. Ce n’est pas la première fois que Graham assiste à une de ses phases, mais il préfère encore qu'il le voit dans des moments improbables, où il veut partir au Vatican, ou quand il veut vendre sa maison pour acheter un temple. Pas les moments de dysphorie trop intenses où il aimerait juste se terrer dans un coin pour mourir. Comme maintenant, recroquevillé au bord de la route, en pleine nuit, à la sortie de Lima. « Je peux me retourner si tu veux qu’on ait l’air d’idiots, mais je te laisse pas Boucles d’Or. » Et ainsi Graham s’exécute, et rejoint Lyuben au sol, s'asseyant dos à lui. Lyuben lève enfin la tête pour constater l’absence du visage de son copain de brique dans son champ de vison. Avec ça, le brun a réussi à lui arracher un prémisse de sourire. « Merci. » Marmonne discrètement le bulgare, en examinant la position de son petit-ami devant lui « Et on reste comme ça combien de temps ? Parce qu’on va vite être à court d’activité. » Demande le Norvégien l’air de rien. Et c’est une vraie bonne question. Quelle est la suite de cette situation? Lyuben est un peu mitigé, et son esprit part dans une rapide quête de ce dont il aurait besoin maintenant. Et après un léger temps d’hésitation, le grand blond s'avance et installe simplement sa tête dans le creux du cou de Graham en soupirant. « Je veux juste rester comme ça un petit peu, si ça t’embête pas. » Lyuben souffle contre lui. Le contact lui fait du bien, et c’est plus facile, quand il ne voit pas que son état attriste Graham autant que lui. Ce dernier passe sa main au dessus de son épaule pour glisser ses doigts dans les cheveux de Lyuben, lui offrant encore un peu plus de réconfort. « On reste comme ça un petit peu, ça me va. »
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“You’re mine and only mine. I don’t want to share you.”
Lyuben sentirait son coeur se serrer si il avait encore un coeur qui fonctionne. Comment il arriverait à partir après ça et laisser son petit-ami tout seul? Sa petite tête pas contente et ses mots tendres lui donnent plus qu'envie de rester. En même temps, si il n’y va pas… Esma pourrait lui en vouloir. Est-ce que c’est ça dont il s’agit? Est-ce que c’est à propos d’Esmera? « Est-ce que tu serais pas un petit peu jaloux? » Lyuben demande avec prudence, tandis qu’il enfile son sweat pour sortir, affichant sa petite moue taquine en direction de Graham qui semble un peu renfrogné. « J’aime moyennement que tu passes autant de temps avec une fille pour qui t’avais des sentiments y a encore 5 minutes. » Lyuben est surpris. « Déjà, ça fait pas 5 minutes ça fait des mois. Et aujourd’hui je suis complètement à toi comme tu l’as dit. » Le vampire renchérit, alors qu’il s’approche de Graham qui se tient les bras croisés, l’air encore que partiellement convaincu. Le bulgare tire gentiment les bras de son petit-ami mécontent pour les mettre autour de lui. « Promis juré je rentre vite. » Le vampire pose tendrement ses lèvres sur celles de Graham qui semble finalement un peu se relâcher. Lyuben sourit. Le loup-garou est décidément trop mignon quand il a un petit peu de jalousie dans les yeux. Ça met des petits coeurs dans ceux de Lyuben. Si Graham les regardait là tout de suite, il saurait qu’il n’aurait rien à craindre. Boucle d’or est définitivement raide dingue de lui. 
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“Everyone wanted to give up on me, except you.”
Le vampire retient sa respiration. L’aveu de Graham le démonte plus qu’il n’aimerait l’admettre. Il se reconnaît dans ses paroles à cause de tous les abandons qu’il a lui-même déjà encaissé. Il n’a pas envie d’imaginer le loup-garou ressentir ça. Par dessus tout, il n’a pas envie d’être une nouvelle déception parmi les autres, pour Graham. Il ne mérite pas ça. « J’ai pas envie de t’abandonner. » Lyuben murmure, des larmes dans la voix, meurtri d’avance par ce qu’il s’apprête à faire. Tout simplement parce qu’il connaît le “mais”. Le “mais” étant le choix que Nia l’a forcé à faire. C’était Graham ou elle, et c’était devant ce dilemme qu’il s’était retrouvé. Si la demande de Nia sonnait comme une vengeance, Lyuben avait bien trop peur des conséquences si il n’allait pas dans son sens. Comment dire à Graham qu’il ne l’avait pas choisi? Aucune raison ne semblait suffisante pour justifier la peine qu’ils allaient tous les deux ressentir à cause d’elle… Mais quel père n’écouterait pas sa fille? « T’as pas envie mais tu vas quand même le faire. Te fatigues pas, j’ai compris avant que tu le dises. » Renvoie Graham avec un rire cynique. C’était comme si Lyuben pouvait voir les murs autour de son petit-ami se reconstruire d’un coup. Toutes les briques qui se replacent pour former une barrière entre eux. Graham s’est fermé pour de bon et c’est terminé. Lyuben est déjà allé au bout sans le vouloir. « Je suis tellement désolé... mais Nia a besoin de moi. » Le vampire admet finalement en sentant le poids de ses mots peser lourd sur ses épaules. Nia a besoin de lui, c’est ce sur quoi le blondinet doit se concentrer pour bien ancrer en lui qu’il doit agir en père: Laisser ses sentiments de côté pour le bien de son bébé. Même si il a l’impression de s’arracher le coeur. Il ne sait pas qui de Graham ou lui mettrait le plus de temps à s’en remettre.
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“Did you just kiss me ?”
Il s’était passé presqu’une demie-heure depuis que Lyuben et Graham avaient échangé ces messages et s’étaient mutuellement avoués qu’il ne s’agissait pas vraiment d’amitié entre eux. Cela faisait donc un quart d’heure qu’ils s’étaient retrouvés chez le vampire après ces aveux. Un temps qui avait fini par être affreusement long avant que l’un des deux ne fasse le premier pas, et Lyuben avait fini par craquer de manière originale. C’est vrai qu’il aurait pu attendre que Graham avale sa gorgée de bière pour l’embrasser, mais bon il s’était lancé, c’était maintenant ou jamais. Il ne sait pas vraiment si il a bien fait, maintenant que Graham lui pose cette question… « Pardon? J’aurais pas dû? » Le vampire commence à paniquer et le brun n’a même pas eu le temps d’en placer une.  Il pose sa bière et croise les bras, observant le bulgare sur-réagir. « Je suis désolé c’est qu’avec nos messages je m’étais dit qu’il fallait sauter le pas à un moment donné et nous on était là et on buvait notre bière comme si de rien n’était fallait que je le fasse et tu…. » A son tour de se faire couper dans son élan par Graham qui lui rend son baiser. Vachement mieux que le premier d’ailleurs qui avait un goût formel de panique et de surprise. Celui-ci est plein de chaleur, de laisser aller… Lyuben ferme les yeux, et laisse ses lèvres bouger au rythme de celles de Graham, les mains de ce dernier venant se plaquer dans son dos pour le rapprocher de lui. Quand le visage de Graham se décale finalement, Lyuben soupire. « On peut dire que c’était ça notre premier baiser? » Le vampire demande, un peu embêté. Graham sourit. « Non, c’est plus drôle de dire que t’étais tellement pressé de m’embrasser que tu m’as même pas laissé avaler ma bière. » 
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shouta-edits · 4 months
Hi, it's the Therese fictive from the Blood Moon Coterie, I wanted to say thank you for that moodboard.
Also, if it's not too much trouble, my other system mates said I should ask for a fashion kit for myself, and they won't leave me alone about it so
Could I get a fashion kit for myself (Therese Voerman, from Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines, fictive)? I tend to like goth/dark academia style things, more masc leaning cuts, and possibly around a 3X in women's/whatever the equivalent is in men's if you can? Thank you so much in advance!
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hekateinhell · 1 year
here, have the soothing thought I went to sleep with last night, of Armand drowning in one of Lestat's old hair metal t-shirts from the 80's. Because you just know Monsieur le Rockstar has a whole collection he can't bear to part with, even if they are getting ratty with age, and Armand isn't above stealing one just because of how it winds him up. They're tight on Lestat but the collars gape delightfully on Armand and leave plenty of clavicle exposed. (also whenever they happens they end up in a heated debate about whether giving Vince Neil the dark gift would fix his vocals, given the blood enhances so much, or if the world is doomed to shitty motley crue renunion tours for the rest of eternity. Poor Louis sometimes has to step in and referee)
Listen... I have written Armand wearing a Shout at the Devil '83 concert t-shirt lmao because the irony of Daniel having literally spent twelve years shouting at the devil is too delicious to pass up.
YES to Armand stealing Lestat's shirts and making them look better.
NO to Vince Neil's vocals getting the vampire glow-up. I'm convinced the Blood would not take properly in that instance and then we really would be doomed to shitty Mötley Crüe reunions for all eternity.
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marie-swriting · 1 year
Plus Jamais - Stefan Salvatore
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Résumé : Toi et Stefan couchez ensemble depuis quelques mois, mais vous n'avez pas officialisé. Vous voulez plus, mais vous avez peur que votre relation finisse comme celles que vous avez déjà vécues.
Warnings : mention de sexe, mais rien d'explicite, angst, mention de relations passées qui ne sont pas saines, mention de meurtres, dites-moi si j'ai oublié d'autres warnings !
Nombre de mots : 2,2k
Version Wattpad
Version anglaise sur Tumblr
Chanson qui m'a inspiré : Fingers Crossed par Trevor Daniel & Julia Michaels
Vérifiant que Stefan est toujours endormi, tu quittes le lit. Tu fais tout ton possible pour ne pas faire de bruit, te maudissant à chaque fois que tu fais craquer légèrement le plancher. Tu prends mes vêtements et te rhabille en vitesse. Tu réajustes ton tee-shirt alors que tu te diriges vers la porte d'entrée du manoir des Salvatore. Tu es sur le point de tourner la poignée quand une voix te fait sursauter :
- Tu pars encore en douce ?
- Je ne pars pas en douce, je rétorque à Damon. Et puis, qu'est-ce que tu veux dire par "encore" ?
- S'il te plaît, commence-t-il en levant les yeux au ciel. Ça fait deux mois que tu vois mon frère tous les soirs et que tu te tires le matin comme une voleuse. Je pensais que ça deviendrait sérieux à un moment.
- Eh bien, c'est pas le cas. Je dois y aller, les filles m'attendent.
- Passe le bonjour à Elena pour moi.
- Au revoir, Damon, tu t'exclames sans écouter sa dernière phrase.
Tu montes dans ma voiture et roules jusqu'à chez Caroline, tentant de ne pas montrer que la conversation avec Damon t'a troublé. Bien évidemment, tu savais que Stefan et toi, n'étiez pas discrets. Vous êtes des vampires de plus de cent ans alors vous ne vous voyez pas en douce comme des adolescents, mais personne ne sait que vous passez presque toutes vos nuits ensemble. Mais ça ne regarde seulement lui et toi. Vous n'avez de comptes à rendre à personne. Vous savez ce que vous faites. Enfin, tu espères.
En arrivant chez ta meilleure amie, tu réalises que tu es la dernière. Elles ont déjà commencé à manger les snacks. Avec le temps, elles ont appris à ne plus t'attendre. Elles savent que tu es rarement à l'heure. Tu ne leurs en veux pas de démarrer sans toi. Tu ferais pareil. Rapidement, tu te rajoutes à la conversation en mangeant les chocolats présents sur la table.
Tu passes toute mon après-midi avec Caroline, Bonnie et Elena à discuter de tout et de rien, à regarder des films et à faire d'autres activités. Tu les connais que depuis un an et demi, mais Tu t'es vite rapprochée d'elles. Vous avez toute suite accroché à ton plus grand bonheur.
Alors que Caroline raconte un potin de la ville, tu te propose pour faire réchauffer la pizza que vous avez commandé vers les midis. Tu quittes le salon et vas dans la cuisine. Tu mets les parts au micro-onde. Quand elles sont prêtes, tu prends l'assiette en main. Tu n'as pas le temps de mettre un pied en dehors de la cuisine que Caroline court vers toi alors que Bonnie et Elena tentent de l'arrêter. Tu fronces les sourcils ne comprenant pas ce qu'il se passe. C'est quand Caroline te tend mon téléphone affichant un nouveau message de Stefan que tu comprends l'agitation.
- Quand est-ce que t'allais nous le dire ?! s'offusque Caroline alors que tu essayes de paraître détendue.
- Il n'y a rien à dire.
- Tu rigoles, j'espère ! "Tu passes la nuit chez moi ou je viens te voir ?" et t'appelles ça rien ? Tu allais nous le cacher pendant combien de temps ?
- Caroline, elle a le droit à sa vie privée, lui rappelle Bonnie.
- Et toi, tu allais nous le dire quand pour Klaus ? demandes-tu à Caroline, lui faisant ouvrir grand les yeux alors que Bonnie et Elena la regardent, choquées. Oui, il me l'a dit.
- Ne change pas de sujet !
- N'en fait pas tout une affaire, Caroline, proteste Elena.
- Vous n'êtes pas sérieuses ? Vous ne pouvez pas me dire que vous ne voulez pas en savoir plus après ce SMS ?
- Seulement si Y/N le veut, lui répond Bonnie.
- Comme j'ai dit, il n'y a rien à dire. Oui, on se voit quelques fois les soirs. Mais c'est une fois de temps en temps. Rien de sérieux.
- Attends, c'est donc toi ? te demande Elena qui vient d'avoir une illumination. Damon m'a dit qu'une femme n'arrêtait pas de quitter la chambre de Stefan avant le début du jour. Je pensais pas que c'était toi.
- Pas besoin d'en faire tout un plat.
- Eh attends à nouveau, tu nous dis "quelques fois" ? Damon m'a dit que c'était presque tous les soirs ! Sur une semaine, il doit y avoir qu'une nuit où Stefan est vraiment seul, d'après lui.
- Vraiment autant ? rigole Caroline, étonnée.
- Parfois on ne fait que parler, lui réponds-tu avant de regarder tes trois amies. Bon, vous arrêtez de parler de notre vie privée ? Je ne veux pas en discuter plus longtemps !
- Je comprends pas comment ça se fait que vous n'êtes toujours pas passés au stade au-dessus, dit Bonnie alors que tu soupires.
- Peut-être qu'on a pas envie. Honnêtement, ça me va comme on fait. Je ne sais pas si j'ai vraiment envie d'être en couple à nouveau. Et il n'a jamais parlé de rendre ça sérieux.
- Et pourquoi pas ? te questionne Elena.
- Pour ma part, j'ai presque jamais eu de chance en amour. Mon premier petit ami, enfin prétendant comme on disait, je l'ai tué car je venais d'être transformée et j'ai perdu le contrôle. Le deuxième, il a voulu me tuer quand il a appris que j'étais un vampire. Quant au troisième, on était dans une relation toxique. J'ai testé l'amour et ce n'est pas fait pour moi.
- Toi et Stefan, vous êtes faits pour être ensemble, t'assure Bonnie.
- Je ne sais pas...
- Oh, les regards que vous vous lancez ne mentent pas ! Vous devez être ensemble, s'exclame Caroline.
- On verra. Je ne veux pas qu'il se sente forcé et que..., commences-tu doucement et Elena devine la fin de ta phrase.
- Ça gâche tout ?
- En quelque sorte.
- Parlez-en. Ça se trouve il veut être avec toi, aussi.
Ne voulant pas plus en parler, tu fais en sorte de changer de sujet en rappelant que les pizzas ont dû refroidir, encore. Tu as bien vu que Caroline voulait continuer à en parler, mais un regard noir de Bonnie l'a empêché de le faire. Tu l'en remercies mentalement. Toutefois, le reste de votre journée, tu ne cesses de te repasser en boucle leur avis sur la situation. Il est vrai que tu aimerais bien rendre votre "relation" officielle, mais si ce n'était pas réciproque, tu ne saurais pas où te mettre. De plus, tu as peur que ta prochaine malédiction en amour soit toi gâchant la relation. Après ta dernière histoire, tu t'étais dit que jamais tu te remettrais en couple, mais il a fallu que Stefan et toi vous vous embrassez une fois puis que vous couchez ensemble pour remettre cette idée en question.
La nuit tombée, tu rejoins Stefan chez lui. Il vous faut peu de temps pour que la situation bascule. Quand vous avez fini, tu décides de briser un peu la narration en restant jusqu'à ce qu'il se réveille. Tu ne dors pas, réfléchissant à comment tu vas mener la conversation. Plus le temps passe et plus l'angoisse se fait ressentir. Tu essayes de penser aux pires scénarios et tu espère qu'ils ne se produiront jamais. Tu ne le supporterais pas.
Vers les sept heures du matin, tu sens Stefan remuer doucement à côté de toi. Quand il ouvre les yeux, tu le vois froncer les sourcils quand il remarque que tu es encore allongée à côté de lui. Tu tournes la tête et lui souris tendrement, essayant de paraître détendue.
- Tu es là ?
- Je pensais que ça te ferait plaisir, dis-tu en riant nerveusement.
- Désolé, je me suis mal exprimé. Je ne me plains pas, mais je m'attendais à tomber sur une place vide, comme d'habitude.
- J'ai... J'ai décidé de changer ça. Ça ne te dérange pas, j'espère ?
- Pas du tout, t'inquiète, te sourit-il.
- Stefan, je voulais te parler.
- Je t'écoute.
- Est-ce que tu penses qu'un jour on pourrait passer au stade au-dessus ? Pas que ça me dérange ce qu'on fait, loin de là ! Mais on a passé tellement de temps ensemble ces deux derniers mois et on a jamais précisé si... s'il pouvait y avoir une évolution dans notre relation.
- Je ne m'attendais pas à cette question, avoue Stefan en s'adossant contre la tête de lit.
- Ne te sens pas forcé de faire quoique ce soit ! Je veux juste savoir où on en est.
- Oui, c'est compréhensible. Mais, je dois t'avouer que je ne sais pas. J'adore être avec toi, dire le contraire serait un mensonge, mais je ne sais pas si je suis prêt à me lancer dans une nouvelle relation. Katherine m'a manipulé, Elena est tombée amoureuse de mon frère. Je ne dis pas que tu pourrais faire pareil, mais je ne veux pas revire ces situations ou quelque chose de similaire. Je suis désolé si je t'ai donné un espoir qu'on pourrait être ensemble. J'espère que tu comprends.
- Je comprends, ne t'inquiète pas, lui assures-tu d'un air détaché. Je suis... contente que la situation soit clarifiée... Je dois y aller, j'ai quelque chose à faire chez moi.
Tu vois Stefan se retenir de dire quelque chose, mais tu n'y prêtes pas plus attention et quittes le lit. Tu prends tes affaires sur le sol, mais cette fois au lieu de t'habiller discrètement, tu te dépêches, voulant vite partir. Tu savais qu'il y avait un risque qu'il te repousse mais au fond de moi, tu avais un espoir que ça ne soit pas le cas. Apparemment, tu n'as même plus besoin d'être en couple pour avoir cet horrible pincement au cœur quand tu te sens trahie. Il ne te doit rien, tu le sais, mais ça fait mal. Tu le salues rapidement et pars presque en courant du manoir.
Tu t'es isolée toute la journée. Tu as uniquement parlé à Elena par messages. Sinon, tu n'as presque pas jeté un coup d'œil à ton téléphone. Tu as préféré te perdre dans tes livres, te détachant totalement de ta réalité et de tes problèmes.
Vers les dix-neuf heures, tu regardes si tu as reçu des notifications et tu es surprise de voir plusieurs appels manqués de Stefan. Tu les supprime, ne voulant pas vraiment lui parler. Tu sais que ses raisons de te repousser sont valides. Tu le comprends, tu as ces mêmes peurs, mais tu pensais que vous en parleriez au moins un peu plus. Après, il est vrai que tu as vite coupé court à la discussion, ne supportant pas l'idée d'avoir tout ruiné. Tu t'apprêtes à retourner à ta lecture quand on frappe à ta porte. Sans trop de motivation, tu décides d'ouvrir. Tes yeux s'ouvrent en grand quand tu vois Stefan face à toi. Il a l'air d'être nerveux et de... s'en vouloir ? Il demande à entrer, tu l'invites. Quand tu fermes la porte, vous restez devant vous regardant fixement. Vous n'allez pas dans une autre pièce de la maison. Tu es trop embarrassée pour lui proposer de s'assoir sur le canapé, la conversation de ce matin se rejouant encore dans ma tête. Tu as vraiment été bête à écouter les filles ! Maintenant, c'est tendu entre vous, ce que tu ne voulais pas.
- Je m'excuse pour ce matin, commence-t-il.
- Tu n'as pas besoin, Stefan.
- Non, je te dois des excuses. Je veux passer au stade au-dessus aussi. Quand je me suis réveillé et que je t'ai vu à côté de moi, j'ai commencé à réaliser que je veux être avec toi tout comme toi. Elena m'a dit que tu souhaitais plus, même si tu m'as dit que tu voulais juste savoir.
- Ne me prends pas en pitié, s'il te plait, le supplies-tu, encore plus humiliée.
- Ce n'est pas le cas. J'aime être avec toi. J'aime les moments qu'on a passés, surtout les soirs où on a juste parlé et appris à se connaitre. Je n'avais jamais ressenti une aussi grande connexion avec quelqu'un d'autre. Mais...
- Tu ne veux pas avoir le cœur brisé à nouveau, dis-tu devinant la fin de sa phrase. Je comprends. J'ai cette peur aussi. On a pas vraiment été chanceux en amour, on dirait.
- Ouais, rigole-t-il doucement. Mais j'ai envie d'essayer. Je t'ai repoussé par peur, mais le moment où je l'ai fait, je me suis maudit. Inconsciemment, j'attendais que ce moment, mais je n'ai pas su le remarquer.
- Tes peurs ont parlé pour toi, c'est légitime. Ça a été pareil pour moi hier quand les filles m'en ont parlé, le rassures-tu. Mais avec toi, j'ai envie de surmonter ces peurs. Tu es la première personne avec qui j'ai envie de le faire. J'ai pas envie de passer à côté d'une relation qui pourrait être magnifique juste car mes anciennes blessures sont encore un peu présentes.
- Moi non plus. J'ai assez confiance en toi pour laisser mes peurs de côté. Je veux vraiment qu'on soit ensemble.
Ces dernières phrases te font ressentir une joie immense. Sans réfléchir, tu l'embrasses. Contrairement aux baisers que vous avez déjà partagés, celui-ci est rempli d'amour et de tendresse. Stefan te rapproche de lui en mettant ses mains sur tes hanches. Après quelques secondes, vous vous séparez, mais vos fronts restent collés.
- Tu ne t'enfuiras plus le matin ? veut s'assurer Stefan, un sourire au visage que tu lui rends.
- Plus jamais.
{Ceci est mon blog secondaire donc je répondrai aux commentaires sous le pseudo @marie-sworld}
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vault-heck · 1 year
get to know meee
tagged by @bokatan- thank you! A million years later but I'm here & tagging @sleeplessincarcosa @bluepriestess & @dads-typo (sorry if you've already been tagged and no pressure!)
Nickname: LJ
Sign: Sagittarius
Last Google Search: Brendan Eich (don't recommend)
Song stuck in my head: Mango by Cheem
Sleep: 8-10ish to 4-6ish
Dream Job: .... Orville Peck impersonator I simply do not dream of labor
Wearing: there's this pair of joggers at target right now that are the ugliest green you've ever seen and they match nothing. Of course I bought them immediately (pockets are big and the fabric is sturdy. super comfy). And a black t-shirt
Favorite Song: right now it's either this or the Hozier version
Favorite Instrument: to play, piano or drums. To listen? I truly can't pick
Aesthetic: like a greenhouse in a vampire's mansion that people squat in
Favorite Authors: James Baldwin, Ursula K. Le Guin, N.K. Jemisin, Octavia Butler, Charlie Jane Anders
Favorite Colour: black or green, especially olive/deep greens
Favorite animal sound: hard to choose one but I can't get over how porcupines sound
Last song: Ageispolis by Aphex Twin
Last series: I just rewatched OFMD as usual, lmao
Random: I started some seeds indoors and they sprouted! And then it snowed. I'm going to have to get some bigger pots to keep them inside for a few more weeks I guess
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zorume-star · 9 months
Mystérieux Inconnu de Noir Vêtu
« Il avait tout pour plaire. Tout pour que personne ne le lâche du regard. Tout pour attirer. Lumière, regards, tout était absorbé par le mystérieux inconnu de noir vêtu. Il était la nuit, le vortex qui aspirait tout autour de lui. Des cheveux noirs légèrement ondulés, parfaitement coiffés. Une veste de cuir noir de jais par dessus son t-shirt noir. Un jean noir. Des bottines noires lustrées. Tout était noir comme la nuit, sauf sa peau. Elle était pâle, presque bleutée. Son visage caché sous des Ray-Ban. Tout était noir et les lycéen·nes ne voyaient que lui. »
— One Shot Vampire Diaries (livres).
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4rainynite · 3 years
Infinity Train Headcanons
Just a bunch of Infinity Train headcanons I've come up with, I'm only doing five per character so it won't too long. I'm mainly gonna focus on the passenger characters and do the denizens later on. Majority of them have been posted on @infinity-train-headcanons already (awesome blog by the way), but whatever here we go:
The reason Tulip loves onions so much is because when her mother was pregnant she craved onions a lot. Mrs. Olsen thinks onions are okay at best, but Tulip loves them.
Tulip is fairly athletic (that explains why she could do all those stunts on the train), but prefers gaming and coding. Her classmates that are on sports teams are greatly annoyed that she won't join.
Despite Lake being gone she can still take pictures of herself on cameras or through a selfie (and sometimes see herself in water), because those are images not reflections.
Tulip would so adopt a corgi and name him “Atticus the 2nd” and put miniature crowns on him.
When Tulip goes to Oshkosh she'll based her game on her adventures on the train. Not only will it be super popular, but some of the other campers and counselors will suggest some cars because some of them were passengers as well.
After, Lake left she accidently started a revolution in the Chrome Car. In the end (in a future fanfic of mine) there will be peace and Lake and a certain group of passengers will help.
Lake won't be able to start school immediately (due to Tulip being in middle school and Jesse being in high school) , but she is able to do homeschooling. Come next school year she'll be at school with Jesse
Lake lives in the Cosay's attic. They've tried to convince her/him/them (other pronouns) to take the guest room, but Lake's cool with it. Mainly, because she/he/they gets a view of the lake she/he/ they named themselves after.
Lake is super into art! It's mainly abstract and black, but she loves it! The problem is Jesse's parents have to buy the spray paint for her.
Lake loves traveling to new places and Jesse brings her/him/them along when the swim team travels to different places.
After, the train Jesse decides to join theatre class/club. He mainly gets background or understudy parts, but he loves to sing.
Is a Chicken Choice Judy fan and gets Lake and Nate into them. Jesse and Lake theorize that Chicken Choice Judy were passengers at one point.
Jesse becomes closer with his swim team to be friends, he is currently co-captain.
Jesse really misses Alan Dracula, so, Lake got him one of those deer plushies as a gift. Jesse put glasses on it and named it Alan Dracula the Second and Cuddliest.
Jesse always picks vampire movies during movie night at the Cosay house. I believe he really likes vampires .
Grace's parents so would've sent her to boarding school after the shoplifting thing instead of just talking to her.
Grace will be the last former Apex member to leave the train due to her number still being high. In the meantime she still helps passengers lower their numbers.
There is no way Grace was the only person to form a cult on the Infinity Train. Grace's was just the longest surviving one of eight years, I won't explain why Grace's was the longest due to... cult stuff.
Grace rarely got to see her maternal grandparents, due to her mother wanting to reject her low-class upbringing. From what little memories she had, Grace misses them.
Grace regrets what she put Hazel through and wants her back, but she knows her leaving was for the best no matter how much it hurts.
I don't know why but I see Hazel as a vegetarian.
When Tuba found her she was a baby, not a baby turtle, a baby- baby.
She and Amelia will be close, but will never have a true mother - daughter relationship. I know Amelia is trying to get better, but she admitted she's not a caretaker.
She'll sing Tuba's Lullaby to comfort herself in stressful situations and whenever she feels she'll forget her.
Hazel will be adopted by Ryan and Min-Gi when she gets off the train and Tulip, Lake, Jesse, and Nate will be like siblings to her. Okay, okay, okay, I know that's a very long shot, but Hazel deserves happiness!
Was a boy scout or took a survival class, I mean how else would he know about frostbite in Le Chat Chalet Car.
Probably went to way too many funerals as a child. I'm going by what he said to Hazel about neighbors brining casseroles.
Simon would get into fights with his teachers and classmates about being right about every little thing, even as a he was a narcissist.
Simon so had a crush on Grace way before their 'awkward middle school kiss' . After, Grace's betrayal whatever feelings he had were gone.
Was a fantasy nerd and wanted to be a fantasy writer. His trilogy book would've had his character based off himself being made a king.
Ryan and his youngest brother are the only two in their family who wear glasses.
Is still on good terms with his ex-girlfriends (Disco Girl, Punk Girl, and Hippie Girl). Yeah, they broke up, but Ryan wasn't their worse ex and was nice to them. They love telling Min-Gi embarrassing dating stories.
He most likely had suicidal thoughts, once off the train he tells Min-Gi and gets help through therapy.
Despite not gaining attention during his solo gigs he did make a friend or two during his stops like the lesbian couple at the party in the Twin Tapes. Which helps spread Chicken Choice Judy's music.
Ryan is very strong despite his scrawny appearance, due to carrying equipment, changing tires, and other heavy lifting activities.
Was diagnosed with dyslexia at an early age. His parents worried this would hamper him so they would hire a tutor after school when he wasn't playing with Ryan.
Is a really good cook, but his main specialties are Korean dishes (his mother taught him) and breakfast food (working at Dumpty's Diner).
Has an artistic side, but rarely used it except for the Chicken Choice Judy t-shirt. Later on he designs the covers for CCJ's CDs.
He most likely has a bunch of older cousins. I think Mr. and Mrs. Parks had Min-Gi late, so he's the baby of the cousins.
To me Min-Gi never shown in interest in dating or romance. His parents tried to set him up a few of their co-workers' daughters, but nothing ever happened afterwards. He does love Ryan though.
I believe Amelia will get off the train, but when she does majority of her friends and family and friends will be gone and will return to the train.
Amelia will allow Hazel to play with the denizens while she works on the train. She may not be a caretaker, but she remembers being a child and children need to have fun.
I think Amelia was jealous of Min-Gi and Ryan, since the two remind her of Alrick and herself in their youth and what could've been if he lived. She dubs them 'Destiny Rubbish Duet'.
Amelia would monitor the Snow Car frequently to make sure One would never leave or any passengers interacted with him. But, the one time in thirty years she set her clock on the wrong time to wake up, allowing Tulip to find One-One.
The day Amelia picked out her wedding dress was the same day she got the news of Alrick's passing.
Well, that was a long post. I may do more in the future, so I'll just end it here.
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raindancer2004 · 3 years
House Rules
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Word Count: 2,241 Demetri x reader Oneshot Warnings: Fluff, a little NSFW
The idea for this one came from a post of @wallwriterstuff​ & the conversation that followed with @volturidoll13​
Demetri met Y/N when he met Gianna after one of the Art classes, she took on a Thursday night. Aro didn’t like the idea of Gianna walking home alone in the dark and had asked Demetri to go meet her. He knew Y/N was his mate the moment he saw her; his throat burned at the smell of her blood but the need to taste her was overruled by his desire to protect her. Y/N was attracted to him the moment she saw him. He had given her a warm smile and his voice had made her weak in the knees. He walked her home that night too; in fact, every Thursday night he walked Y/N home before he and Gianna continued on their way to the castle.
Demetri had taken Y/N out on a few dates before telling her that he was a vampire and she was his mate, his one true love “So you mean I’m the key to your ‘happily ever after’?” She asked and he chuckled “Yes, exactly” He replied smiling at her “Ooh I don’t know Demetri…forever is such a long time. What if I get bored of you?” He knew she was teasing him but feigned offense anyway, his hand going to his unbeating heart “You wound me, Y/N” She laughed a little “I’m sure someone as old and strong as you will survive” She gave him a wink, he growled low and replied “I would never get bored of you nor would I ever allow you to get bored of me” One of his hands moved up her thigh, his little finger brushed her clothed centre as he nibbled her ear before placing a kiss below it, she bit her lip to supress a moan escaping them. He smiled against her skin “I can’t wait till you’re beneath me and I can hear all those little noises you’re going make whilst I’m inside you” He whispered “Me neither…but I don’t have sex on a third date” She whispered back “You’re sure about that? I can tell you’re aroused” He replied low “You’re not playing fair…Vampire” She breathed the last word and tapped his nose “I never said I would sweetheart” He kissed her cheek “Come on. I’ll take you home” He added and helped her with her coat.
A month later Demetri moved Y/N into the castle with him, excited that he was finally getting to live with his mate. Y/N was amazed by the size of Demetri’s quarters and liked the natural colour scheme of the room, a blood red rug in front of the fireplace accentuated the room.
“I need to discuss some things with you now that you’re living with me” Demetri said taking her hands in his “Ok, I’m all ears” She smiled at him “House rules; 1. Every other Wednesday between 12 and 2pm, please do not leave our quarters as it’s ‘tour’ day. The next ‘tour’ is this Wednesday” “Ahh, yes. Human take out day. I’ll be sure to stay here” She replied “2. Please do not leave the castle without me or Gianna with you. I need to know you’re safe” She nodded “Only the two rules?” She teased “3. Trouserless Tuesdays, where pants are optional” Demetri says, winking at her “By optional you mean it’s negotiable?” She asked “No. It’s not negotiable. As I said pants are optional on Trouserless Tuesdays” He smiled at her and she shook her head “You’re terrible” “Maybe, but I’m all yours” He replied and kissed her.
“Are you ready for family movie night?” Demetri called out “Yep. Whenever you are” She replied walking out of the walk-in closet dressed in her ‘Tinkerbell’ pyjamas and a pair of Giraffe slippers “What the F…” He trails off as he eyes her from head to toe “Are you wearing those downstairs?” “If you don’t accept me wearing my Disney pyjamas and giraffe slippers, then I’ve agreed to be railed by the wrong vampire for all eternity” She responded, Demetri’s mouth dropped open in shock. He shook his head and moved to stand in front of her “I accept you, no matter what you wear mi amore” He replied and captured her lips in a sweet kiss. “So, what’s this about agreeing to be railed by a vampire for all eternity?” He asked, one eyebrow raised “I thought that was part of the ‘mate’ package you offered me. Was I wrong?” She replied looking up at him through her lashes as she took her bottom lip between her teeth. He growled low and deep, his thumb removing her lip from her teeth as he captured her lips with his in a passionate kiss. “You weren’t wrong, I just don’t remember using that phrase” “Well, you are getting on a bit. I hear memory problems are common with the…ancient” She whispered the last word, teasing him again. He chuckled and scooped her up and put her over his shoulder and slapped her ass “Ooh” He dropped her carefully onto the bed and climbed on top of her, propping his weight on his elbows and rolled his hips against her, the button of his jeans rubbing her clit. “You should respect your elders, young one” He replied and kissed her again “And if I don’t?” She bit his bottom lip “I could make you” He bit her lip in return “That sounds like it could be fun…oh ancient one” She replied smiling at him “Is that my new nickname?” “Yep, seeing as you called me young one” “You started it sweetheart” He smiled and rolled off her and kissed her cheek “We’ll finish this later” He said and smacked her ass as she got off the bed “Counting on it” She turned and blew him a kiss.
He went into the closet to change into a pair of lounge pants and a t-shirt. “Come on movie night’s about to start and you old people have trouble staying awake the later it gets” She called over her shoulder, smirking “Kids today. They have no respect. I blame the parents” He retorted with a smirk on his own.
He took her hand in his and they made their down to the family room ready for movie night “What are those on your feet?” Felix asked shocked as Y/N and Demetri sat beside him on the sofa “Felix meet Eddie and Annie” She replied and wiggled her feet, Felix laughed “Y-you named th-them?” “Don’t laugh at her” Demetri warned him “But she named her slippers D” Felix continued to laugh “Felix” He growled low “I think it’s endearing” Demetri added and wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close “Just ignore him, we do” Alec called out as she snuggled into Demetri’s side.
Y/N decided to buy Demetri a present and gave them to him upon his return from a two-day mission “Welcome home Dem. I’ve missed you” She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck “I’ve missed you too sweetheart” Demetri replied, kissing her. “I’ve got you a gift” She led him over to the sofa and handed him a large gift bag. He opened the gift bag and removed a box, lifting the lid revealed a pair of Wolf slippers “I’ve even named them for you ‘Fang and Hunter’” She smiled at him, he smiled back at her, although he seemed nervous “You don’t like them Dem?” She asked “It’s not that. I love them thank you. It’s just vampires and Wolves don’t really get along” He replied “Oh, Oh…sorry I-I didn’t know. I just thought as Wolves are predators and you’re a predator, they’d be perfect” She apologised and seemed sad “Oh no, sweetheart. It’s ok really but Master Caius will have my head if he sees me in these!" He replied and pulled her onto his lap, holding her close and kissing her cheek.
Demetri decided he’d wear his slippers around his room, that way Y/N was happy and Caius couldn’t kill him. Y/N took pictures of him in his new Wolf slippers on her phone as well as a few of them together in their slippers “We’re making memories Demi” She smiled at him and he melted inside as he enjoyed making memories with her, even if some are a little silly.
“House Rule Number 4. We only wear our animal slippers in our room” Demetri tells her as he looks into her eyes “Ok, that sounds good…something just for us” She agreed and kissed him. He liked that he had made her smile and that she understood that the new house rule meant they were keeping something as innocent as Wolf slippers a secret from Caius.
However, Demetri became a little stressed at the situation he found himself in because the love of his immortal life had bought him a gift; one which he loved and seeing that noone had ever bought him a gift before, they meant something to him but the problem was if anyone knew the Wolf slippers existed and Caius found out, he would surely torture him in some way.
Felix entered Demetri’s room one evening to see the couple sitting on the sofa watching a movie in their pyjamas and slippers. “Not you too D?” Felix asked as he sat on the other sofa “Y/N got them for me and they’re quite comfortable actually” Demetri replied waving his feet about “Did you name them too?” Felix’s tone was a teasing one “No, I named them before I gave them to him” Y/N responded and Felix started laughing, so much so Y/N thought he may actually wet himself “You tell anyone Fe & I’ll kill you” Felix nodded but continued to laugh.
Y/N enjoyed living with her vampire mate as there was never a dull moment in the castle especially with Demetri to keep her company. She enjoyed the sunset picnics on the castle roof, the shared bubble baths and showers as they always led to something more. Date nights were always fun no matter who planned them.
The masters needed Demetri to track a coven in England and Caius made a special trip to the tracker’s room. He knocked on the door and entered “Good evening Demetri” “Good evening master” He replied and bowed “I need you to track that small coven in England” Demetri concentrated for a moment before replying “They are currently in Oxford, master.” Caius nodded “Thank you but I must ask what on earth are those on your feet?” He asked “Y/N bought me the Wolf slippers as a gift, she owns Giraffe ones” Dem replied “I know, I’ve seen hers but why would she buy you Wolf slippers?” Caius asked “Wolves are predators and I am a predator and she thought they’d be perfect” Dem responded, Caius nodded “I understand but I’m not sure I like them though. They are not to be worn around the castle” “Yes master” Demetri agreed, knowing he had no plans to do so. “Nice pyjamas” Caius smirked when he saw Y/N leave the bathroom in Beige pyjamas with Cocktail Glasses and Palm Trees on, that just so happened to match Demetri’s “Thank you Caius, they’re known ‘couple pyjamas.’ It allows couples to wear matching nightwear” Y/N responded and bowed her head a little. Caius found it amusing that the World’s Best Tracker and his human mate wore matching pyjamas. ‘How sweet’ he thought to himself.
Caius decided to punish Demetri in an interesting way after he discovered Demetri’s Wolf slippers. Demetri was over 1000 years old and found himself ‘grounded’ and ‘remanded’ to his shared room with Y/N for one week. “Use this upcoming week to bond more with Y/N” “I will thank you” Demetri replied, Caius smiled and left the room.
The week Demetri spent in his room with Y/N was one of the best weeks of his life, that Demetri could recall; they did become closer, their bond strengthening as a result. They binged watched TV shows and films and well as reading silently on their own or sometimes aloud to each other. They also spent many intimate moments together, neither one able to get enough of the other.
“It’s Tuesday why are you wearing trousers? Have you forgotten House Rule number 3?” Demetri asked as Y/N walked out of the bathroom “I remember House Rule number 3 and these are not trousers. These are Capri Pants” She replied smiling & twirling “Pants? What the EVER-loving hell are those?” Demetri says as he looks at her “Panties, I’ve heard of those. Yours are currently on our bedroom floor…” He winked and nodded over his shoulder “…But pants? Never heard of them” “So, that’s where my panties went?” She replied, winking at him and he growled at her. Before she knew what was happening, he was in front of her and she felt him tear her pants off “Hey” She cried out “Trouserless Tuesday” He replied and gestured to his naked lower half before pushing her against the wall; lifting her up, her legs wrapping around his waist as he entered her in one slow long stroke “Ahh…” She breathed “See, this is why we have House Rule number 3” He continued to thrust in and out of her slowly, making love to her “Oh, unrestricted access to one another?” He nodded at her “I think Tuesdays may just be my favourite day of the week” She added with a wink “Mine too sweetheart. Mine too.”
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mansions-maiden · 3 years
Hiiii I'm your new follower xD
I love your writing esp mc birthday and that pool scenario 😂😂😂
May i ask something hilarious or whatever you can write ? xD my hubby is arthur. Maybe some funny scenario like mc and arthur switch body or something xD but it up to you hehehe
Btw nice to meet you ❤️❤️❤️
 here you go! Thank you so much for requesting this! it’s so precious and I had to admit , it was both hard and rewarding at the same time!  Hope it fits you imagination! nice to meet you too! ❤✨
 Arthur switching bodies with MC
the day before:
Arthur was there , with his big grin on his face as he invited his frenemy Theo and mc to the bar. “ what is the big deal? Why are you inviting me with you? “ mc asked Arthur as she gazed suspiciously at Arthur. “ I just want to treat you for helping me solve the cases! is it too much to ask? “ he asked with a confident grin. Mc sighed and they went to the bar. They drank to their heart’s content that night and went back to mansion and retired in their rooms
the next day:
[note: “Arthur(she) ‘ means that Arthur is in MC’s body and MC( he) means MC is in Arthur’s body. But the pronouns he and she refer to their original gender only throughout the story.   IF their normal names i.e. Arthur and mc are present, they are in their own bodies. ]
MC(he) woke up as soon as the morning rays spilt into the bedroom.  She  went to the bathroom to freshen up when suddenly her heart stopped beating for a second as soon as she looked at the mirror. Her eyes widened up as she saw her reflection in the mirror ! “ h- how ? wait- what is this!? “ she ran out of the bathroom in bewildered state.  Voila!  she was in Arthur’s room! She dashed out of the room and opened the doors of her room violently, only to find her physical body  sleeping there.  she  began to wake  ‘herself’  up violently. “Arthur ! Arthur! wake up ! “  
“ mmm.. who is mimicking my voice? And why am I standing there?? “ the voice  mumbled half asleep. but the drowsiness was gone as soon as they realized that their voice  was a  female voice.. “ wait! Why am I speaking like a girl?! I AM ARTHUR ! this is a dream right? “ Arthur spoke in MC’s voice , jolting up.
“thank goodness ! my speculation is right! you are Arthur!  it seem as if  our bodies have been switched ! “ MC spoke in Arthur’s voice . Arthur(she) and mc(he) looked at each other for a second to wrap their heads around the situation.
Then Arthur(she) showed a mischievous grin. “ Oh! If that’s the condition, now I am in your body!  Oh well, it’s gonna be a fun day! “ Arthur(she)  spoke as he sprang out of the bed and rushed out of the room. MC(he) ran after him to stop him .  “wait! we need to find a solution to this! we can’t be like this forever! “ she exclaimed.
“ oh c’mon MC! Can’t we have fun while we still can? It’s a now or never chance! “ Arthur(she) exclaimed while giving a wide grin. “ And I also wanna have a little fun with the residents” he continued.  
“ no- no. DON’T DO ANYTHING MISCHIEVOUS!  “  mc (he) exclaimed loudly. But alas! It was too late  for he was already running in the hallways.
Arthur(she) barged into comte’s room where he was talking with Leonardo.
Comte and Leonardo were visibly bewildered as they saw Arthur(she) in comte’s room. “ hey comte and Leo! Do you know who I am?”   “ MC? “ both leo and comte asked. “ voila! I’m here to greet you ! “  Arthur(she) chirped as he showed his tongue  out to them and went out of his room.  Comte and Leonardo looked at each other feeling confused.
“ Is she okay? Do you think she collided with the table or something? “ Leonardo asked  as he looked at comte. Comte couldn’t do anything but shrug his shoulders as he looked at the door Arthur(she) barged in from.
MC(he)  was there watching the craziness unfold in the mansion and facepalmed knowing there’s nothing she can do to stop Arthur(she) today..
MC(he) began walking down the hallways and that’s when Sebastian called out for her.  “ Sir Arthur! “ she didn’t respond.. “Arthur! Wait! This time you can’t escape from le comte! “ ‘wait what? why is he coming towards me?’ MC(he) thought as she looked around and then a gasp of realization escaped from her mouth “ Ahh! I am Arthur..” she sighed in resignation in turned around. “ Why is he calling for me ? “ MC(he) asked in a curious tone.  “ Did you forget?. I saw the blood stain on your shirt yesterday. you were drinking from the town women again. Weren’t you? “ Sebastian asked as he tapped his shoes against the wooden floor. ‘ oh right.. Now I gotta deal with this..’ MC(he) sighed again as she started heading towards comte’s room.  
She rapped the door promptly before getting a quiet “come in” voice from behind the door.  Comte stood up and came towards MC(he) and asked “ I refrained you from drinking from the townspeople frequently , didn’t I ? “ he asked as he studied mc(he) .
She opened her mouth and say that she wasn’t the one who did it. But then comte wouldn’t believe it. Unable to come up with an answer and embarrassment that  surfaced due to ‘his ‘ actions, mc(he)’s cheeks flushed a bright red.
“ Why are your cheeks red? Do you fever or anything? “ comte asked and stretched out his hand to check MC(he)'s temperature.  Feeling flustered, MC(he) quickly turned her head to the side.  
“ oh- it it’s nothing. Well then, I’ll tell Arthur not to drink from women again. “ she said unconsciously. “ wait what? “ comte asked again.
“ oh nothing. I said I would refrain myself from drinking from town people again.. “ she laughed nervously and dashed out of the room.
‘oh damn.. he’s been nothing but trouble since morning.. ‘ she mumbled leaning against the wall when she saw Theodorus coming towards her. “ oh yeah! Arthur drew sketches on Theo’s face when Theo passed out from drinking yesterday.. “ she clicked her tongue when Theodorus saw her.  mc(he) was about to turn back and run away when Theo exclaimed .
“ Arthur wait! I gotta teach you a lesson for messing with me! “  ‘ oh shoot! here goes nothing!’ mc(he)  began dashing off at the speed of light as Theo began running towards mc(he). Arthur(she) saw what was happening in the hallway and began laughing so hard he fell onto the ground. MC(he) glared at Arthur(she) as she was running and motioned her hand across her throat, a sign intended directly to Arthur(she). (sign showing that she’s gonna kill him)  But MC(he) was saved thanks to Vincent. She thanked Vincent as if her life has been granted again to live.
Later, Arthur (she) was searching the mansion for Mozart and Isaac. He found them both together in the library.  “ Hey Wolfie! And Newty! fancy meeting you both here. “  Mozart and Isaac were visibly displeased on hearing those names. “ MC? did you get hit by something? Or did Arthur tell you to call us with those names? “ both of them asked from the couch they were sitting on. “ C’mon now ! I wanted to call you both with those names for quite a time now, but today seems to be that day ! “ Arthur(she) said as he sat himself onto the sofa. 
 MC(he) was searching for Arthur(she) so that he doesn’t make things difficult for her further.  That’s when she found Leo and comte discussing something. she heard her name in the discussion. she got curious and asked what happened . comte said that mc was acting strange today and that mc was being mischievous. But they did love that side of her.  
MC, while listening to this, also decided to have some fun while she’s there in Arthur’s body.
Mc(he) began searching for Theodorus . When she found him, she went to him and said,  " Hey Theo, I wanna tell your brother how I drink from women tomorrow practically. He looked at the stain on my shirt curiously when I came back from my outing yesterday. What do you say? Should I teach him? " while winking at Theo.
Theo growled as he said, " don't you dare! " . " Aww c'mon buddy! Don't be so overprotective. I will tell him anytime tomorrow. " Mc(he) said as she patted Theo's shoulder and went away at the speed of light.
(Theo wanting to protect Vincent from world is cute and hilarious).
Meanwhile with Arthur(she):
Arthur never got a chance to tease Theo fully as he was always cautious around Arthur. So he decided to take advantage of the situation.
Arthur(she) took Leo's cat Lumiére along with him and went to find Theo.
" Theo! Look here! " Arthur (she) shouted as he found Theo in garden. As soon as Theo looked around, Arthur (she) released Lumiére onto Theo and Theo was on 'fight or flight mode' all of a sudden when Lumiére landed on him. He ended up crashing into the flower pots and got yeeted into the fountain. " Hondje! What the hell! Just wait there! " Theo exclaimed as he rose from the fountain, wet with the fountain water.
Arthur (she) was there on the grass rolling with laughter. But he started running off in mansion 's direction, still clutching his stomach and laughing hysterically when Theo started running towards him.
He stopped by comte’s room and told to comte, “ C- Comte. I wanted to tell you this for a long time..” he said as he fidgeted. “ What is it Cherie? “ comte asked with a curious gaze. “ I -I  have liked you since the day I saw you . But I didn’t know what to do with my feelings. I have tried so hard to deny, but I can’t deny it anymore. “ Arthur(she) said, trying to hide his laughter.
Comte was astounded by the confession.  “you’re kidding me right? “ comte asked as he stared at Arthur(she) .  “ No comte. I’m telling the truth. And now, I’m so embarrassed. I will go ! “ Arthur(she) came out of comte’s room and began laughing while mumbling, “ good luck dealing with comte tomorrow mc”.  still laughing, He went away.
The morning turned into afternoon as the weird atmosphere in the mansion can be felt by every resident. During lunch, every vampire was given rouge as usual. But today, everyone was looking at Arthur(she) as if he had grown horns on his head.
Arthur(she) , not giving a care, poured rouge into his glass up to the brim and began drinking it. Mc(he) was visibly cringing at the sight .
"Are you alright MC? Why are you drinking rouge despite being human? " Napoleon and Jean asked with concern. Arthur(she) then came to know what he had done and clicked his tongue.
"o-oh! I just wanted to taste it! Don't mind it at all. !" Arthur(she) exclaimed . Everyone shrugged and began eating. Vincent saw that MC(he) was looking a little uncomfortable. "Is everything alright Arthur? You look uncomfortable.." he asked.
" yeah I'm alright. It's just that I'm not feeling too good. " MC (he) told.
"something's definitely wrong with cherié and Arthur today. They're acting weird" Comte said.
“yeah, I can’t believe that she’s got guts to trick me” Theo scowled at Arthur(she) as he was eating.
"Today morning, MC came into Comte's room and showed tongue to us telling that it's her way of greeting us." Leonardo told and MC(he)'s cheeks flushed with embarrassment.  ( ‘I’m gonna make him pay’ ) MC (he) smiled to herself mischievously as she exactly knew what to do.
the day had passed by in a blink of an eye and all of them were retiring for sleep.
once back in Arthur’s room, MC(he) took out the rouge bottle that she had bought from the kitchen and smiled to herself  dangerously before falling into the bed and wandering off to dreamland.  (don’t worry. It’s not dangerous literally. But yeah, it is dangerous for  Arthur :P)
Next day:
Both of them woke up and found that they were back in their own bodies.
When Arthur came out, comte, while coming across him, saw Arthur and told, “ I see that you didn’t listen to me yet again. Now you don’t have permission to go out for the week. Only then you can stop drinking from people” Comte smiled a little and went away.
“ wait...What? But I didn’t go out yesterday at all! “ he said to himself and looked down. Then he found the blood stains on his shirt. “ Oh this little vixen! It seems as if she had spilt the rouge on purpose! “ he exclaimed with bewilderment.  Theo came to Arthur at that instant hearing his voice and shouted. “ hey Arthur! If  I found you were teaching such things to Vincent, I’m gonna throw you out  “ and went away. Arthur was still surprised by the things done by MC. 
MC was woken up by the gentle rapping of her room door. “ mm.. who is it? “ she asked in sleepy voice as she got the answer. “ It’s me comte. Can you open the door? “  she immediately straightened up her clothes and went to open the door. “  MC, I want to ask you something. “ comte asked with a hesitant voice.
MC: “what is it comte? “
comte:  “ Are you sure about the words you told yesterday? “
MC: “ what did I say? “
comte: “ what? you said that you had loved me right from the moment you me. didn’t you? “
Mc was astonished and she began blushing deep red.
MC: “ n-no comte. It wasn’t me.. It was Arthur. “   mc began explaining yesterday’s details to comte, from the moment they realized they had switched their bodies to  the night. Comte was relieved knowing nothing had happened.
comte: “ oh. That’s why you- I mean your apparent self was acting weird. Not that I dislike it though..” comte said as he laughed wholeheartedly and ruffled her  hair. 
And that’s how another mysterious day had passed at mansion.
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adhd-demetri · 3 years
Caregiver!Felix x Age regressing/dreaming!Reader
Suggested by: @vampires-lullaby
Note: this story is NOT for k1nksters! please keep your k1nks to yourself!
Playgrounds and the sniffles
It was a lovely autumn evening. The crisp cool air outside swirled around with the leaves. The chilly air making it's way into your room gave you a sense of comfort. It was finally autumn!
You had your stuffie wrapped tightly in your arms as you watched from your window. You could feel yourself slipping into your baby like state of mind. Thankfully you were with your caregiver Felix so you felt safe.
You scooted away from the window and started to play with your little stuffie on a colorful foam mat that had letters and numbers on it. You heard the door to your room open and you looked up to see your caregiver.
"Hey little one. Playing with your stuffed animal?" He asked leaning down and picking you up. Thanks to his strength, he was able to pick you up without trouble. You loved it when he picked you up, it made you feel even smaller than you were if that was even possible!
You nodded.
"It's a bit cold out but you've been cooped up in here since morning. Would you like to go to a park and play?" Your eyes lit up and you ferociously shook your head yes. You loved the park!
You loved to play on the swing sets and the slides! You tried to climb the monkey bars before on your own but Felix refused to let you.
"Alright little one, but first you have to put on some warmer clothes. You cannot go running around in those. Especially since it'll make your cold worse." You didn't understand what the big deal was! It was just a short sleeved shirt and shorts? How cold could it be outside?
You opened your mouth to protest but a stern look from him made you shut it quickly.
You grumbled but gave in anyway. Felix sat you back down and you ran to your closet. You pulled out a long sleeve shirt with some shorts to go with it. On the middle of the shirt was your favorite cartoon character and the shorts would match perfectly with it!
" No no no little one! Not that. It's to cold for shorts. The shirt is fine though." You pouted and stomped your foot angrily. You wanted to wear the shorts! They made it easy to move around the playground and you wanted to match too!
"(Y/n)! Unless you want to sit in the time out corner I would suggest you lose your attitude."
You could feel yourself becoming angry. You could feel warm tears begin to trickle as you puckered your lip. A tantrum in the making?
Felix sighed. He knew he'd regret this decision later but if it meant keeping you from throwing a tantrum then so be it.
"Alright fine, but you will end up getting sick though. So don't say I didn't warn you little one." He said to you as he pulled on his cloak and gloves.
You quickly threw on your clothes while Felix found your shoes and a pair of thick socks. You couldn't wait to play! You were going to bring your stuffie too so you can play with them on the slides!
Once everything was ready, Felix snatched you up and out you both went.
The air swirled around you. You could feel the coldness tickle your cheeks as you both sped towards the playground.
Once there, he let you down and you scrambled to the swing. Felix of course was right behind you.
You grabbed onto his cloak and gave it a gentle tug. He looked down at you and you pointed to the brightly colored swings.
"Do you want me to push you on the swings?"
"Alright come on. Pick which swing you want!" He said while you led him over to them.
You picked out the perfect one! Your feet barely touched the ground and it was one of the more comfortable swings as well.
You got yourself all snug. You could feel the swing being pulled back and the sudden whoosh of cool air around you. Felix pushed you as you glided through the air higher and higher.
"Felix can I jump and you catch me? Please?!!" You asked.
Felix thought for a moment.
"Yes. On the count of 3 your going to jump. Ok?"
You jumped off the swing and landed directly into his arms. You laughed with joy as he then spun your around in his arms like a toddler before setting you on the ground.
"I wanna go on the slide!" You exclaimed while jumping up and down excitedly.
"Tell you what. Normally I'd follow you because your a little danger magnet. But if you listen to me, then I'll let you play by yourself today. Sound like a deal?"
"Alright now listen close. You cannot run because its starting to sprinkle. The bigger slides and playsets are off limits. And do not go on the monkey bars. Remember what happened last time?" He said sternly with his arms crossed.
Last time you played on the monkey bars, you slipped off one and hurt your knee badly. Luckily Felix had a small first aid kit hidden in his cloak. He had cleaned off your knee and fixed it up with him giving it a little kiss to make it feel better.
You shook your head yes. He smiled, pleased with your answer. He walked over to the bench near the edge of the playground while pulling out a book from his cloak and sat down.
You took off to the brightly colored spiral slide. It was your favorite slide because it went the fastest out of all of them!
You managed to get up the slide and you let your little stuffie go down first. They slid down the slide and you followed after them! You could feel the cold and slightly wet air against your face as you went down the spiral slide.
You repeated this until your eyes landed on the monkey bars. You know you shouldn't play on them but sometimes rules were meant to be broken right? You'd make sure you didn't hurt yourself like last time!
You giggled as your got to your stuffie and took off to the monkey bars. You quickly peaked over to your caregiver. He was more into his book than he was you at the moment.
You stretched out your arms and jumped onto the first bar as soon as you got up the steps. So far so good!
You could see a rather deep puddle below the middle. It did scare you for a moment but you knew you could make it across without falling in!
You swung back and forth then grabbed onto the other bar. You continued this little pattern with determination.
You got to the middle when your nose started to run. Your fingers were starting to hurt and lose their grip when you let out a sneeze. You managed to hold on somehow, which was a relief for you.
Quickly you swung yourself to the next bar only to sneeze again. The sprinkling of rain didn't help you either as your hands slipped from the bar and plummeted straight into the ice cold water!
You coughed and spat out the icy cold water as you were being pulled out of the deep puddle by Felix.
"Sorry to cut playtime in half but we have to get you back NOW" Felix said sounding rather aggravated. You whimpered feeling really bad about disobeying him.
He simply sighed. Felix pulled off his cloak and wrapped you up in it with only your face sticking out from the hood. He forced your head into his shoulder as he sped off.
He snatched your stuffie too as he passed by the spot where you left them, which you were grateful for. You would be heart broken if he left your mini friend.
The trip home was so cold you could hear your own teeth chattering together as your caregiver ran back.
It didn't take long for you guys to get home. By the time you got there, you were having horrible coughing fits.
Your cold have finally flared up tenfold and it was making you very cranky.
Maybe you should've listened to Felix about wearing warmer clothes after all and stayed off the monkey bars.
Before you knew it, you were in your pajamas and under a pile of thick warm blankets with your stuffie tucked safely in your arms.
Felix had stripped you of your wet clothes and was now running to grab cough medicine.
"Hang on, I'm gonna get you some cough medicine. Your coughing way to hard. Also sounds like you've got mucous in your chest too."
You simply nodded and snuggled yourself under the covers. Before you knew it, Felix was in front of you with that horrid liquid and a spoon.
You instinctively hid your mouth under the covers as he poured the thick nasty stuff into the spoon. He seemed to have seen that too. He thought of a way to lighten the mood. Then it struck him!
"Are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way this time?" He asked as he smiled down at you.
You narrowed your eyes at him.
"Nuh! Gross!" You whined.
"Ah so hard way it is!" Felix's smile turned into a smirk as he disappeared from your view.
You quickly realized that this meant something horrible! Before you could act, your covers were suddenly gone.
You felt his hands suddenly ticking you like crazy! You let out a squeak as you tossed and turned trying to escape him but to no avail. You laughed and squirmed under his merciless hands.
He stopped suddenly while you gasped for air.
"Gonna take your medicine now or do I have to tickle you again my little one? Choose wisley." He said while playfully teasing you with the spoon by hovering it over your head. His other hand resting on your belly, ready to go again if you decided to fight with him.
You pouted once you realised you wouldn't be able to handle another tickling attack.
"Fine." You said angrily while crossing your arms. He gave you a gentle head pat and you gulped down the nasty stuff. It tasted gross and felt even worse going down! Yuck!
You scrunched up your face which didn't go unnoticed by Felix. You looked up at him, he had a rather devilish smirk on his own face as he watched your expressions. You knew he liked to torment you in small ways and got a little kick out of it too. This one definitely one of those times.
You stuck your tongue out at him which only made him chuckle.
"Don't worry. I'll get you something to wash that down. Which one would you like? Your favorite sippy cup or baby bottle? I also have those kiddie cups with your favorite cartoon characters on it if you'd like that instead?" He asked you while covering you back up with the blankets.
"Alright and what do you want to drink?"
"(Favorite drink)!"
"Now you sit tight and don't move to much ok? Can't risk my little one getting an ouchie while sick." He said before disappearing again.
Before you knew it, he was back again with your drink which you happily took. It seemed to sooth the icky feeling in your throat.
Felix scooted you over on the king size bed and hopped in himself. His arms snaked around your mid section and he pulled you close to him. You felt safe.
"I think you've had a bit to much excitement today. Considering you disobeyed me and got yourself even sicker than before. I'll let it slide this time since you need to rest."
You simply nodded feeling your eyes grow heavy. The blankets with his combined grip seemed to sooth you greatly. You still coughed here and there but not as bad as before.
Turning over, you snuggled yourself into his chest as his arms shifted and pulled you tightly to him. You felt something rubbery poke at your mouth. Instinctively you open your mouth and in pops your pacifier Felix had gotten you.
Felix started to hum a little lullaby and before you knew it, you fell asleep.
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Need to vent some writer's overload off before starting on The Boy King again, so here's a list of random funny/interesting bits from the King Arthur thing, which I have elected to call The Matter of Britain:
The main characters of The Boy King are literally an Englishman (Arthur), a Welshman (Kay), an Irishman (Bedivere) and a Scotsman (Gawain).
At one point in Le Fay Morgause tells Morgan about the whole 'sleeping with Arthur to sire Mordred' thing, and Morgan genuinely has to figure out if the reason she's grossed out by it is because she's gay or because of the incest. Needless to say when Nimue is just as grossed out Morgan's relieved it's not just her.
Speaking of Morgan, not only does she act a lot like Guinevere's jilted ex, but when she got sent to the nunnery by Uther (in an attempt to curb her alleged affairs, which backfired dramatically) Guinevere ingratiated herself to Uriens and basically took over raising Ywain and Morfydd, so at various points pre-Morgan trying to kill Arthur they genuinely do act like divorced wives fighting over custody of their kids.
One fun thing I did re:Kay is adapting his Culhwch-era superpowers. Most of them make it through intact and are the result of Merlin doing unethical magical science on him, but one I kinda had to change is the 'grow a hundred times his own height' one, because... why isn't this guy in every battle? Regardless, what I came up with instead is this: Kay, in touching any man-made structure, is able to extend his consciousness to the entire structure, essentially being able to 'see' anything that happens in it. Rather naturally, this makes him invaluable as both a seneschal and a spymaster, but not as useful on the battlefield as growing to the size of a small tree.
One of the subtler jokes is that the Ladies of the Lake, whilst strange and unknowable to the POV characters, are remarkably... modern, to us. Gawain describes their 'strange, ethereal way of dress', and assuming I do it right it takes you a while to realise he's talking about a t-shirt and hotpants. Arthur mentions their 'perculiar manner of speech' because they're talking about things like insurance deposits and compound interest. Morgan is completely stunned that they practice democracy for three of their four heads of state.
Guinevere has a coterie of knights serving her directly, like in a lot of the myths. The key difference here is that a great many of them are women, and Guinevere herself is no particular slouch at defending herself - she's not going to singlehandedly defeat an army any time soon, but she's a pretty skilled archer and has been in her fair share of tussles. In fact, her and Arthur meet on the battlefield outside her father's castle, where she's serving as her father's squire. Hilariously, however, Arthur doesn't recognise her until years later, when she brings up an argument they had on the battlefield and he realises he'd called his bride-to-be ugly and instantly regrets all his decisions.
Nimue's probably the character I've changed the most from the ""originals"" - she's Arthur's half-sister and the younger sister of Morgause and Morgan, for one, and only barely affiliated with Avalon for another. Her relationship with Merlin is... complicated, and how she traps him is equally so, but she's also way more effective a Gandalf figure than him, in that she actually helps Arthur figure out how to use Excalibur instead of just throwing him an ungodly powerful weapon and telling him to deal.
Although one really funny bit with her is that, after she traps Merlin in a tree/cave, she shows up at Camelot and asks Arthur for the Court Sorcerer job, citing as her qualifications 'I locked your last Court Sorcerer in a tree'. Several of Arthur’s more dickish knights, not believing that a mere woman could possibly defeat Merlin, go out in search of him and are all promptly killed by Morgan. Arthur, on the other hand, is not as bummed about Merlin being gone as he might have been, largely because he knows Merlin is... well, Merlin.
For a long while I was iffy on what to do with Gaheris and Agravaine, but then Chronicles of Darkness casually mentioned the idea of Agravaine: Vampire Slayer, so now I’m only iffy on what to do with Gaheris.
I need to do way more research on this before it becomes more than a passing fancy, but one idea I keep coming towards is that, when Arthur visits Ireland, he’s kinda blown away by how... not a shithole it is. Because, like, unlike in The Warlord Chronicles, 6th Century Ireland was at the beginning of what a lot of historians call Ireland’s Golden Age, largely because Ireland was mostly unaffected by the fall of the Roman Empire and the ensuing collapse. Most of the sources we have from those time periods were made in Irish monasteries, and the island was essentially the one bright spot in Europe's Dark Age. Take that, combine it with the general sense that some form of magic is causing technology to advance at a rate faster than can be expected - hence why people go from the occasional full suit of chainmail to full plate armour in about 30 years - and Ireland’s practically a utopia, a utopia that's peeking over the proverbial wall of the Irish Sea at Britain and going "...You cool? Because you don't seem cool, what with all the screaming and stabbing each other." In fact, I may go so far as to say that a lot of Arthur's ideas for Camelot are made in childhood visits to Ireland, but all of this requires a more in-depth look at 6th Century Ireland than I'm currently able to do, although I will get round to it eventually.
And that's my list of ten. If you have any questions about the things on it, or if there's a specific part of the Arthurian mythos you want to know about, please send me an ask - seriously, I'm at that point in the writing process where I kinda need someone to vent off to, and my brother's sustained enough of my ramblings.
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crazyfreckledginger · 4 years
Mozart x Reader - “Dating Amadeus Mozart Would Include...”
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Requested by anon: “Hey, can I ask for an imagine of what daiting Mozart would be like?” + “Hewo. Can I request an imagine of what dating Mozart would be like?”
A/N: Sorry this took so long!! T-T speaking of long, this headcanon turned out to be ridiculously long, apologies!!
Warning: smut at the end.
You were a vampire who was old friends with Le Comte.
Having broken contact for a long while, it was quite a surprise when you popped into the mansion one day to visit him.
Quite the pleasant surprise for him. 
He even
You met all the other residents then and some were much nicer than others.
One in particular was a little too friendly.
*cough cough* Arthur.
But it did shock you how rude some of them could be.
Truth be told, it did strike you how incredibly rude Theo was specifically because of how stunning and arrogantly attractive he was. 
Mozart was the second on your ‘rude list’, he was so cold with sculpture-like beauty and it was captivating.
His demeanor was the only thing that made you look away from him because how can one be so beautiful and so RUDE!!
You met Leoardo as well and you understood how he was such a close friend to Le Comte.
You weren’t as close to the pureblood, being somewhat of a lone wolf and the fact that you weren’t a pureblood yourself. 
And since you didn’t like all the trouble and danger that came with that higher vampire status so you both agreed to steer away from each other and he’d come to visit when the coast was clear.
Leonardo was one of the decent ones so far and you knew he was a good guy only because he was a good acquaintance with Le Comte.
The latter saw this and proposed that you should accompany Sebastian when he goes into town to buy groceries.
It didn’t seem like much but it would be a good first step to getting more comfortable in the place. 
You had the unfortunate luck of sharing the carriage ride with Mozart. 
It was comforting having Sebastian there since he made the atmosphere less awkward.
Curiously, Mozart seemed on edge being in the carriage, you didn’t know what that was about but you didn’t bring it up, knowing he’ll throw a witty or salty comment your way.
Mozart begrudgingly came out when you were in town and muttered something under his breath, walking away.
Seeing your confused expression, Sebastian explained that the pianist needed a little walk in town to buy more paper since he ran out of sheets. 
How can one of the most famous pianists up to date have such a foul attitude?
You gave him the benefit of the doubt though.
Only because he kept quiet for the ride.
Helping Sebastian made you feel great, you felt like you can give a bit back for the trouble Comte went through for organising a room -- even just letting you stay.
But also because this was a new town and it made you feel a little more at ease, you had a feeling you’ll be staying here for a while.
The sun was starting to set by the time the three of you had come back together and started heading home in the carriage. 
The next few days were surprisingly quiet, even Theo wasn’t as mean.
Apparently, any impression from the first to the last isn’t relevant to him at all.
It was one night where Arthur asked for some Rouge at an ungodly hour of the night after feeling peckish, you didn’t want to bother Sebastian with how much more work he had decided to take on.
So you did it for him. 
And you could get a secret treat as you were there hehe. 
Unfortunately for you, Mozart was down there as well, getting a little energy boost while he was writing.
And even more unfortunate for you, the door locked on it’s own, and not wanting to be on Comte’s bad side, and, since the door was one of the primary things that kept the smell of blood in.
Having heard that there are a few residents that have an unstable control over their thirst, you decided that you wouldn’t break the door down for their sake.
There was no need for a commotion.
You would have been more peeved off but you knew what they were going through, you were there before.
So you were both stuck in the basement, among blood.
Maybe Arthur would have noticed you didn’t return with his drink and come find you? 
Well, he didn’t and he just fell asleep. 
Most probably dreaming of women.
However, this nearly sleepless night of yours actually made you and Mozart closer.
Turns out the rude pianist you met was actually nice under that cold and reserved nature of his.
You were tolerating each other now and slowly learning about each other. 
Sebastian found the both of you in the morning, your cheek against his shoulder, his head leaning against the wall as you slept on the floor.
Needless to say you were both embarrassed when Sebastian woke the both of you up.
He raised an eyebrow at you, remembering how you came up to him a few days ago, desperately wanting to know why some of the residents were so handsome but so BLUNT!
After that, Mozart surprised everyone when he asked for your help, wanting to have your advice on a new piece he had been working on because something didn’t sound right.
A month or so passed and you were getting on with everyone in the mansion.
Even Theo!
Well, it was come and go.
Everyone knew at that point that Mozart had grown quite fond of you. 
You were still confused and steered clear of Arthur because you were sure you were
Comte had requested the residents to attend a ball one of his old friends was hosting  just for good fortune.
It was chaos when everyone was getting ready and then having to sort out the carriages.
But finally, you all arrived.
You hadn’t been to one of these fancy parties in a long while. 
Being a little intimidated, you subtly gravitated towards Mozart since you felt a little more comfortable around him.
He didn’t protest when you clung onto his arm.
And he couldn’t care less if anyone had any ideas about the both of you, at least no one would try to get close -- or so he thought.
That evening, it was the first time you saw Mozart playing a complete piece, let alone three or four for the audience.
It was indescribably captivating, and noticing yourself be so entranced with his performance -- like everyone else, your ears started to burn as your cheeks flushed. 
You realised you liked him more than an acquaintance, friend, any word that described a platonic relationship.
When he finished, everyone applauded him and you needed to turn back to your drink, wanting to down these emotions you didn't want to have. 
It didn't work, it only made Mozars chest inexplicably tighten as he turned around to see your back. 
He shook it off as he removed himself from the piano. 
Almost instantly, he was swarmed with people. 
You expected as much and downed your drink. 
Just as you place your drink down, leaned back in your chair and started breathing easily, someone slid Jean's now-empty seats beside you.
Lazily, you looked over and perceived a man you couldn’t recognise.
“Do I know you?” you inquired, bitterness invisible under your tone.
He had a look in his eyes that showed that he knew exactly what he was doing.
“Not yet,” he smirked. You raised an eyebrow in disbelief.
“Not ever,” you retorted, standing up.
But he grasped your wrist.
“Don’t be impolite now love, let’s finish our conversation.” his smooth, calming voice was a shocking contrast with his very tight grip against your skin.
“This conversation is finished,” A familiar voice interrupted the conversation, slapping his arm away with strong force.
Said man’s arm slid around your waist and pulled you into their chest. 
From the corner of your eye, you recognised the silver hair and relief washed over you. 
“Go away.” Mozart glared at the man.
Whilst trying to maintain his dignity -- or the little he had left -- the man slowly stood up, glancing at the both of you and walking away.
“Thank you,” you murmured. 
“Are you avoiding me?” he whispered. 
“No,” you turned around with flushed cheeks.
Watching the look in your eyes that was holding an emotion that made his heart lurch, though he didn’t understand why it made him feel that way.
He held your hand, dragging you into another empty room.
“What’s wrong?” you inquired when he closed the door. 
His hands clasped around your upper arms and his eyes scanned you like he was checking for injuries.
When in fact he was trying to understand the look you were giving him.
“Why did you look at me like that?” he stared at you suspiciously.
Your cheeks burned yet again.
“No reason.” you decided to hug him, it still made you flustered but you didn’t want him to see your face.
Mozart slowly returned it, a little shy himself. 
After a bit, one of his hands released it’s hold from around your shoulder and his fingers grasped your chin. 
Your eyes widened, knowing what he was about to do.
His breathing caught in his throat once he gazed over your face.
You were gorgeous. 
Wow, he was really in love with you.
No matter how much he tried to deny it and suppress it.
When it’s real, you can’t walk away.
Your eyes glanced down to his lips and you leaned in, kissing him softly. 
His grip tightened around you, and he deepened the kiss, cupping your cheek to keep you close.
You spent the next few minutes in each other’s embrace when the kiss ended. 
“We should go back, everyone must be wondering where we are.” you murmured.
He hummed in response, squeezing your hand and following you outside.
And that’s how it all began.
Needless to say that at this point, no one was really surprised at this point that you were dating, Mozart was obviously smitten with you from the beginning.
He became more protective of you than before for obvious reasons.
Mozart isn’t the most comfortable with PDA, if you want to hold his hand in public, however, he won’t complain.
The vampire loves it when you cuddle up on his chest, bury your face in his neck or chest. 
You like placing his head in your lap and playing with his hair.
Also wearing his shirts with nothing under it. 
A lot of talking before you go to sleep, about everything and everything.
Always going on trips into town with him when he needs anything because of how he gets in carriages. 
You do tease him to this day about it just to see him a little grumpy but he loves you too much to get mad at you.
Always bringing him coffee when he’s working hard on a piece and sometimes massaging his shoulders when he’s been so tense hovering over his piano.
Sometimes dragging him into bed when he’s worked so much and you want to cuddle.
When you go get rouge, you always pop by his room and give him a portion, you always make sure he eats enough and it means you can spend your lunch break with him.
Neither of you really get jealous of anyone, of course there are some exceptions. 
Mozart does get annoyed when Arthur flirts with you, it gets under his skin.
You’ve also become really good friends with Jean, and whenever you have an argument, you go to him for advice after cooling down since he’s known your boyfriend for longer.
He does spoil you alot.
And communication has become easier in your relationship but there are always rough patches right?
Mozart isn’t the best at comforting you when something happens, but he does a good job at changing the subject and your state of mind.
He can really take your mind off of things. 
Again, communication is still not the easiest for him so expressing what’s on his mind or emotions can be a little on the difficult side.
Teaching you how to play the piano. 
Tiny back hugs when you’re in the mood to prepare food for him.
He picks up your favourite meals as well and will try his hand at making them for you. 
Mozart is a really soft soul and he’s always so considerate and observant, he knows when something has happened but not always the best at guessing what that might be.
He always wants to make sure you’re happy, so he’s down for anything you want.
Mostly sweet sex that can be a little bit on the rougher side in terms of pace.
Mozart is okay with experimenting so you’re always trying something new.
He has relatively high sex drive but he’s so good at hiding it that it looks like it’s not that high. 
Hickies on you, he can be pretty kinky when he wants.
Going down on you is a regular thing if you’re into that. 
Pulling his hair and digging your nails in his back. 
Slow, sensual, fast, rough, whichever you want, he loves all of them.
Whatever time of the day you guys want.
He doesn’t like quickies though, it’s too rushed and not satisfying. 
You guys can go for a while.
Whenever you guys are finished for the time being, he likes kissing you roughly for a few moments, savouring the last sliver of lust that was left over before cuddling and taking care of each other until you fell asleep in each other’s arms.
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Knock Knock. Who’s There? (Jasonette) (continuation of The Most Vibriant Color)
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Orange. Orange was the color of pill bottles, the eyes of vampiric bats in the night, and the tint of the orange plastics that polluted the earth. Orange was the color of a shirt Jason Todd was trying to pack. The voices finally broke him into going to Paris and now he needed to pack. Jason had no idea how long he would be there, but he also had no plans of returning to Gotham anytime soon. Dick walked into the room, “Dickie boy, what’s up?”
The older adoptee stared at his brother, “Are you sure you want to leave? You just got back.”
Jason didn’t just want to go, he needed to leave. If the pit madness didn’t drive him insane, the constant way Bruce and Dick treated him like he was a bomb just waiting to explode would. They claimed they missed him, mourned him, wept oh so many tears, but in the end they had just replaced him. Jason would never be Dick; he knew it; Bruce knew it; hell, Dick himself said he would never be good enough.
The steel blue orbs bore into Jason’s making him shift uncomfortably, “Then it will feel like I never came back,” he laughed but Dick found no humor in his words, “Listen Dick, I’m not you. I’m going to be fine.”
Jason wasn’t fine, not right now, not in Gotham. He was suffocating. Loneliness was a silent killer, one worse then the Joker. Jason knew it would kill him all over again if he didn’t do anything to stop it. Dick didn’t understand, he was the golden child. Dick was the first, the better Robin, the most charming, respectful, and kind one of the Bat’s kids. He lived a good life in the circus with his family and then immediately be adopted by one of, if not, the richest men in the world. Dick didn’t grow up on the streets, he wasn’t treated like an outsider in his adopted family, he wasn’t toyed with, frayed, bruised, ripped, or mutilated like Jason. A stranger in his own body is what Jason was.
All of these feeling were internalized of course. What’s the point of talking about the emptiness that plagued him, when everyone was already moved on? Jason had no purpose anymore. Why would Bruce miss one of his thousand kids? Jason was just another passion project... right? Did he serve any real purpose to begin with? All of these thoughts stuck with Jason. No matter how much he wished they would just go away, they would stay ever fervently whirling like a tornado inside Jason’s psyche. The only way to escape them was to leave. They’d have to, if they didn’t Jason didn’t know what he’d do. This is his last hope to try and just be a kid again. A luxury Jason was never given, this is the time where Jason reclaims the innocence that was stolen from him.
He swore it. He meant it. He was going to live it.
After Dick had finally left the room, Jason finished packing. This was the final piece to the puzzle that was Jason’s future. Gotham would lose Jason Todd again, this time by choice. What good did his return do anyway. Gotham could live without Red Hood, she could live without another troubled kid, she could live with one of her kids living without her. Gotham couldn’t live with one of her babies dying again in front of her. Paris craved chaos and by Kawamii was Jason going to raise hell while he’s there. Gotham knew this, so she passed one of her favorite boys to Paris in hopes of his life being preserved. Paris welcomed him with open arms too. What about a baker’s daughter?
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Orange. A color of insincerity, empty calories, a color without substance. Orange was a color that would haunt Marinette. Everywhere she turned an Ex-friend and a liar would be there trying to gain her attention. The liar spun beautiful tales of her exploits, but she also created terrors to ruin Marinette. The pathetic excuse of a reporter pestered her into helping her tabloid of a blog, “Come on! Get me an interview with Ladybug!” She would shout, “I have to know about what happened with Rena and Carapace!”
“For the last time, Alya, I’m not in anyway, shape, or form obligated to help you. I’ve made myself very clear in stating that we aren’t friends. You talk bad about me, try to ruin my commission website, and on top of all of that you expe- no, demand something of me?!?” Marinette was furious. The insolence Alya repeatedly shown to her angered her to new bounds, “You think you are in a position to be speaking to me at this moment? Alya, I’m tired of this routine you have taken accustomed to falling into. Just because you forgot your own actions, doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten nor forgiven you for. If you come by the bakery again, I’ll put a restraining order on you in school and outside. You have become a stalker, I don’t want anything todo with you.” 
Marinette had to take deep breaths and close her eyes to calm herself down. 1... 2... 3... repeat. 1... 2... 3... repeat until calm. She could not risk akumitization, it was not an option. Ladybug couldn’t be compromised. Emotions are a luxury that Marinette cannot be awarded. Alya on the other hand, she had no control and abused that.
Once Marinette had opened her eyes, she saw a purple little butterfly touch and be absorbed by Alya’s frames. The exchange between the supervillain and Alya was brief, he didn’t have to say much before the glow of power overtook the glasses sporting journalist. Marinette thought to herself, ‘I can never catch a break, can I?’
Marinette ran, commanding the people to evacuate, to the nearest locker to hide and change in. Tikki has taken no time to change and showcase her new look. Ladybug had outgrown the red and black, polka dotted, skin tight, spandex. She was much too mature for that now. Ladybug was layered in body armor, away with the pigtails that feigned innocence. Her hair was now loosely pulled back by two braids with the rest of her hair down, now her suit was a majority of black. Marinette’s mask’s colors had been inverted. Ladybug was a guardian of the order, a leader, a symbol, she needed to update her look.
She existed the locker, yo-yo in hand. Ladybug swung to higher ground. She had no information on the powers of this akuma, it was time to play everyone’s favorite: the waiting game. This also allowed for Char Noir to get here in time. In the beginning Chat was a little pushy and childish, but after 5 years of fighting he became jaded and more serious in his role. He got himself a girlfriend that didn’t work out but she was there, became a better friend, and more importantly a friend. Chat was tired, the only reason he was still fighting is because of Ladybug. His lady needed someone to balance her out, so until they can find his replacement they’re stuck.
After 5 minutes of waiting and observing, Chat had arrived, “What’s the status? What happened Bugsboo?”
“The akuma’s in her glasses. Alya, was told off by Marinette apparently and couldn’t handle it. And before you say something about Marinette instigating, Alya was harassing her about an interview with me. I will not give her an interview either. She doesn’t want to fact check, fine. I don’t want to give her an interview.”
Chat sighed. This whole situation was getting out of hand. He lost Marinette. Alya is on a warpath. Lila keeps harassing him. Maybe it was time to build his ark while the flood rages. He’s exhausted of playing middleman, of losing important people, he’s tired of fighting. After this he would beg Marinette to accept his apology, but if she didn’t want to he’d understand. This was going on for long enough.
The fight itself only took around 30 minutes. Once the cure was done, Alya awoke to see Ladybug staring her down. Alya didn’t seem to get that Ladybug was infact angry at her, “Ladybug! Can I get an interview?”
“I believe Marinette had told you I wouldn’t be giving you anymore interviews,” she said with venom, she hadn’t meant to but it was seeping out. “I saw the messages you and the rest of you class sent her. All of the hate, I know you tried to ruin her website. And for the last time, I do not know a Lia Rogatonie or whatever her name is. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to leave. Bug Out!”
Alya was left stunned. Tears stained the cheeks of the “reporter” and she realized that she had been live-streaming the exchange. All of Alya’s followers had seen her be chewed out by the savior of Paris and Chat had only nodded. It wasn’t long after Ladybug left that Chat went in the opposite direction.
Marinette landed in an ally by the airport. She had to run home now that school was cancelled. Not actively paying attention to her surroundings, she had run into a large man. He was about 6’0 (182.88 cm) and all muscle. His jet black hair had a white streak going through it, he was devilishly handsome, and his eyes. Oh god, his eyes. They were clear blue, however, there was green infringing on them. It was a sickly green too. Marinette almost drooled at the sight of the Grecian god standing before her.
He had stumbled a bit but she had fell completely on her bottom. Marinette’s face was the same shade of her old suit design. Eventually the man had helped her up with an extended hand, “Are you okay?” He asked in rapid English.
If it wasn’t for all of the lessons Jagged and Penny had given her, she wouldn’t have understood a lick of anything he said, “Umm, I’m fine. T-Thank you,” she responded in accented English.
“You wouldn’t have the directions for Le Grand Paris would you,” he switched the language on her. “That’s where I’m staying, I got lost.”
“Oh, yes of course! I could help you get there, Monsieur...” she waited for him to fill the blanks.
“Jason,” He supplied, “Jason Todd.”
She outstretched her hand again, “Marinette Dupain-Cheng,” she said with her blindingly bright smile.
The sun was setting. A gorgeous orange glow was cast over the two as they walked towards Le Grand Paris. Each thought the other as etherial being and fell into comfortable conversation. This would be the start of a beautiful friendship and possibly romance.
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A/N: This was one of my favorite things to write. Thank you to everyone who likes, comments, reblogs, and thank you for sending in the asks. They make my day like you wouldn’t believe. I never expected this many people would actually like the word vomit that comes from my mind. Also, special thanks to @/abrx2002 for the idea to make this series dealing with the entire rainbow! I was just going to do red, but now I’m doing the whole rainbow. If the series isnt done by purple, I’ll do more colors. Also if I didn’t tag you, it’s because I can only tag 50 people at a time. However, I’ll tag you in the comments!
Tag list: @abrx2002 @amayakans @mystery-5-5 @normal-piece-of-shit @st0rmy-w1th1n @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog @g-arya @smolplantmum @rayray384 @rosa97 @drarryismylife101 @kris-pines04 @black-streak @storyteller-d @weird-pale-blonde-person @maribat-shenanigans @vivilakitty @mycupisbroken @zalladane @gingerdaile @18-fandoms-unite-08 @seraphichana @zebrabaker @northernbluetongue @jardimazul @ranger-gothamite @grimmhallow31 @finallyaniguana @persephonebutkore @rarity36 @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @hell-or-high-waters @moonlightstar64 @raisuke06 @evil-cricket @starwindmaden @kuroko26 @primeemeraldheiress @ladysblackcat @senpaiweird @loveswifi @2sunchild2 @timetomakeanewwish @theyellowfeverexperience @iloontjeboontje @vgirl-10123 @vixen-uchiha @winter-gardenflower @yokizu @risingmoonyue @semaalcocer-blog
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