#let him be loved
The Tragedy of Teru: An Unnecessarily Long Thesis
I’ve seen some people ask: why the sudden change in Teru? Why did he suddenly go from a total menace who was okay with choking Mob to unconsciousness to a good guy/best friend type whose moral axis now completely revolves around Mob? I’ve seen some people claim that Teru’s redemption was so sudden that it’s unconvincing.
I don’t think the redemption was a sudden shift in Teru’s character. Actually, it’s the most natural progression for him. Consider Teru’s life circumstances. His parents completely abandoned him with no remorse. It wasn’t even because of Claw, they were just “busy” and moved overseas. He has no one to look after him at home. His relationships at school are largely superficial. He probably has severe attachment issues because of childhood neglect. He has no connections, no one truly rooting for him.
It’s an extremely shitty situation—but Teru convinces himself that he’s okay. In fact, he’s better than okay. He’s doing great. He’s doing the best because he’s better than everyone else—he has psychic powers, he’s popular, he’s talented in pretty much everything. Why would he need people to love and care for him when he has everything else “average” people dream of?
And so Teru’s entire emotional state revolves around a shaky thesis: that he’s better than everyone else. The main character. Main characters don’t need families. They don’t need love and support. Teru’s too superior for those things. And he HAS to be superior, because if he’s not, if he’s like everyone else, then he has to acknowledge the facts: that his parents left him, that there’s no clear cut purpose for his life, he’s completely alone, and there’s nothing he can do about it.  
If Teru’s the main character, then trauma and abandonment are just part of a tragic backstory---necessary hardships that will pave the way for all the great and superior things that Teru is destined to do. Whereas “average” people don’t have tragic backstories. When “average” people are abused and abandoned, it’s not part of some epic tale. It’s just sad. If Teru’s average, then the trauma is meaningless. Purposeless. 
And the weight of that is just too much for him to bear.
And so he dates girls he doesn’t like, and he cheats on tests, and he wins at sports, and he runs a gang. And he copes. For a while, it works.
And then it doesn’t.
Enter Shigeo Kageyama.
Mob’s existence rocks Teru’s world. The idea that there’s another natural child esper as powerful as him shatters his core belief that psychic powers made him the main character. Not only that, but Mob withstands all of Teru’s attacks, and refuses to fight back--a move that Teru finds insulting.
When Mob insists that psychic powers are average, and that Teru’s average, Teru is enraged. (“You’re the only one who can make that point. And that’s why your very existence pisses me off!”)
Finally Mob puts the nail in the coffin: “You and I are the same. We both have no self-confidence.” Up until this point, I believe that NO ONE has genuinely seen through Teru like Mob does, or, at least, they didn’t point it out. Mob sees Teru for who he is: a sad and insecure kid with no real connections. And THAT’S what makes Teru put him in a chokehold.
In a move of infinite kindness, Mob refuses to use his powers against Teru. Only when Mob is knocked unconscious are his true powers revealed. Teru then sees how outmatched he was from the very beginning, and how intentional Mob’s pacifism was towards him.
Teru did nothing but try to hurt Mob, but Mob refused to hurt him back. This is probably the most intentional love and care Teru’s received in a long time.
It’s a turning point. Because here’s the thing about Teru: he latches on to any gesture of genuine kindness and holds onto it for dear life. Mob’s kindness is enough to make Teru completely reject his old ideals.
Teru’s emotional state depended on the idea that he’s superior, but now that this belief has been dismantled, he needs a new life purpose to fill the vacuum, something else to distract from the loneliness in his life. And Mob has given Teru a new purpose: to be a good person. A kind person. Teru wants to be Kageyama’s rival—not in terms of psychic power—but in terms of kindness. (That’s why Teru claims to have won against ???% even though he’s clearly overpowered. He was talking about winning a contest of kindness, about repaying the kindness Mob showed him when they met by refusing to use his psychic powers to hurt ???%---even when ???% was hurting him).
So, Teru’s new purpose: kindness and doing good for the world. It’s a good purpose to have. And Teru is good at being kind. He risks his life to fight Claw just because he cares about Mob. He takes down Claw’s splinter organizations all on his own. He fills in at spirits and such for probably negligible pay when Mob trains for the race. He gives advice. He practices intentional humility (sometimes). He always says thank you.
And, of course, he puts his life on the line to stop ???%’s rampage and get through to Mob. He almost dies to save every last civilian.
Teru is good at being good. He is the type of person who spins every stray thread of kindness he receives into gold. He multiplies every rare gesture of love tenfold. It’s a beautiful example of how the human spirit can withstand so much neglect and agony and evil and still come out good in the end. Teru’s name means “brilliance,” and his whole character is about shining a brilliant light into the darkness that surrounds him.
As much as I’d like to believe that’s the whole picture, it’s not. There’s a darker, sadder side to Teru’s redemption
Don’t get me wrong, I believe that Teru cares about his friends very much and is a genuinely kind and good person. BUT that’s not the only reason he’s kind and good. I believe that Teru is so obsessed with being good/putting Mob on a pedestal because “being good” is his new coping mechanism.
See, his coping mechanism before was being superior and having refined psychic powers. But, since Kageyama dismantled that, he found a new purpose: being good. And he uses the pursuit of being good to distract from his empty apartment, neglectful parents, and lack of personal connections.
And isn’t there something so utterly heartbreaking about that? Think about Teru single-handedly taking down all of Claw’s splinter organizations. Think of him spending constant hours refining his psychic powers to be able to beat the bad guys. Going into the forest to meditate to “improve” himself. Training the awakening lab kids. Working out until he is more ripped than any 13-year-old should be. All of it, he probably enjoys, but is it not also a distraction? Is he doing these things solely to become better or also to busy himself and fill the days? Anything to not be by himself, tiny and alone in an empty apartment with strange noises and the bleak reality that there is no one, no one who will even know if Claw sneaks into his house and kills him.
Teru is a tragic character. At the beginning of the story, he is a menace who is completely alone. He is then redeemed. He orients his life towards being good--and gains some meaningful connections, but at the end of the story, Teru is still functionally alone most of the time. Though they care for each other very much, Mob and Teru don’t really hang out in canon. (Fanbook) They’re not even on a first name basis. Teru comes by Reigen’s office sometimes, but not often. He still has no one at home to care for him.
At the end of it all,—months and months later—Teru still has to ask for the occasional hang out with Mob. He is sipping tea sadly when Mob talks about his friendship with Tsubomi, jealous. And then he will go home to an empty apartment, alone. There is no one to take care of him when he is sick. There is no one to discipline him, or tell him “no,” or to prepare him for his first date, or to help him apply for college.
And doesn’t that go against the usual abandoned child narrative? Where the abandoned and neglected child ends the story with so many deep connections and so much love pouring into them that they can barely breathe? Where is that love for Teru? He is doing everything right. He is repaying all of the love and kindness he has ever received, so why is he still alone?
Teru never talks about any friendships besides Mob or adult influences besides Reigen. I truly believe Teru is still relying on his sparse interactions with Mob and Reigen to stay afloat emotionally. And he’s not used to kindnesses---when Reigen takes him to the amusement park, he’s overly thankful (”Reigen-san, you went to all this trouble”) And Teru literally idolizes Mob for the kindness Mob has given him. But this is kind of heartbreaking too.
No child should have to subsist on stray inklings of love and support. Love should not be a limited resource. One of the reasons that Teru treasures kindnesses so much is because he knows that gestures of love towards him are few and far between.
It’s no life for a kid. Teru should have a support system that gives him so much love casually that he’s not afraid to let it slip through his fingers. He shouldn’t have to be overly thankful for kind gestures, he doesn’t have to say “you went to all this trouble,” after someone takes him on a fun summer excursion. Teru should be loved so much that he forgets to say thanks. Love should be an expectation, not just a treasure.
Maybe this is why I’m constantly reading fics where Teru is adopted or where he spends a lot of time with the Kageyamas. Because in canon (especially manga canon), Teru’s ending is incredibly tragic. I really love the way ONE wrote him, and I’m not complaining about the ending---I think it’s great. But I want to see this boy happy. There’s something so sad about someone who loves so much but never gets what they deserve. 
But fanfiction exists! So write him having happy moments. Write Teru at the water park. Write Teru being hugged by Reigen before his graduation. Write him planting a tree. Write him having his first kiss in the rain. Write him going to cosmetology school and becoming a hairdresser. Write Reigen saving up for Teru’s college fund. 
Write Teru experiencing all of the love and joy and beautiful things because he deserves them. I will read all of your fic just put it in my inbox. I will do anything to see this boy be loved.
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hainethehero · 2 months
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I don't know exactly which comic this is from but the sentiment remains the same.
Steve Rogers has never had a moment's peace in his entire life ever since he got the serum. He's been in fight mode every day. He's been made to follow orders from the 40s and into the future. And before the argument is made that "well, that's what he signed up for" let me stop you right there.
The government and SHIELD saw Steve's morality as one of his weaknesses and capitalized on it. He can never say no, not when innocent lives are at stake. So they keep him on a leash. They keep him working and busy because they know, he can never say no to them.
And the only time he's ever been selfish was when he realized that Bucky was still alive. He literally committed treason for Bucky who ironically was the only man who's ever treated Steve Rogers kindly. The only one who saw Steve for Steve and loved him unconditionally because of it. Even after he got the serum, he never treated Steve like he was some kind of robot. Or some other inanimate object to be ogled & touched and tested.
And Steve himself is fighting with his own sense of morality and his duty to saving innocents. He's not an inherently selfish person but he has those little moments when he just wants to live. Just wants to be Steve Rogers and not Captain America. It's not that he hates the job. But he's sure as hell getting tired of being a lackey for the government and never seeing an ounce of compassion or understanding for it.
He doesn't expect thanks or gratitude. But for once, it would be nice if someone was kind to him. If the world would be kind to him. If the world could give Steve Rogers a chance.
Yeah. That would be nice.
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parroset · 4 months
Aaravos getting his hair braided by The Merciful One because he deserves love!
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These two make me sick.
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robertdowneyjjr · 6 months
bucky had always been the one to take care of other people. growing up with a younger sister meant he always played the role of the protector. he fended off boys that weren’t good enough for becca, he took the blame when she broke their parents’ finest china, and he gave her his share of food when their family was struggling to make ends meet. being best friends with a mouthy punk meant he always played the role of the guardian. he cleaned up the wounds that steve got from his countless fights, he made bullies cower for picking on someone smaller than them, and he sniped off enemies before they could attack the captain first.
he liked taking care of people. it’s what he was good at, and he knew those he cared for appreciated and loved him for it. as long as his loved ones were well cared for, then bucky was happy.
but then he fell and became trapped in seventy years of pain and cruelty.
after he escaped, he spent a long time trying to find the pieces of himself that he had lost. when steve found him again, he told him, “you’re bucky barnes. you protect us. you take care of me and everyone you love.”
he didn’t feel like he was any of those things.
james buchanan barnes couldn’t be any of those things. after all, how could he take care of anyone, when he couldn’t even take care of himself?
when he meets tony, james realizes that he doesn’t need to be any of those things.
he doesn’t need to always be strong and have his walls up. with tony, james can let his guard down and just feel. he doesn’t need to step in and take responsibility for another person’s actions to defuse a situation. with tony, james has someone who could help him figure out solutions to any problems he might face. he doesn’t have to look over his own shoulders all while looking out for everyone else on a mission. with tony, james has eyes in the sky constantly watching his back for him. he doesn’t need to ignore his own needs to indulge someone else. with tony, james learns to be a little selfish, to put himself first, to love himself more.
he has tony; his protector, his guardian angel. james loves that tony is there to take care of him, and he is happy.
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Nah. You're not telling me you can put my baby boy through all this and then kill him in the end. Nope. How bloody cruel can you be??
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duffers i am under your bed
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miniwolfie02 · 2 years
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chvoswxtch · 11 months
Girlie I guess we’re on the comfort kick at the moment…… can a girl request (oh shit I don’t even know if your requests are open, ignore this if they aren’t 😂) our big tough guy Frank Castle coming home one morning after a night of beating up the baddies and just needing to be comforted by his girl? Like, could you imagine? He’s quiet and achy and doesn’t say he wants to be held but girl we know this man and could clock his need for comfort from a mile away…… let this man be soft and held and caressed and told he’s loved and worthy and I’m sorry I’m rambling I’ll stop now, love you kthxbyebye
nonnie I am such an idiot bc I SWORE I answered this during my celebration bc I wrote something very similar to this for it but then I realized I hadn't answered this bc it was still sitting in my inbox 🙃
skjdsh I am so sorry to leave you hanging babes, but the good news is I did write something like this for the celebration, and you can find it here :)
pls forgive me, love you sm <3
also...if this didn't satisfy your hunger for frankie comfort and you need a full course meal of it...my requests are opening back up june 1st...just...throwing that out there...
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patchesofuniverse · 2 years
An AU I will never write, starting before S4
In one of Mike’s few letters to Will, he excitedly writes about Hellfire and Eddie.
Will regrets leaving his D&D books with Erica, because if the Party can move on without him, then maybe he should move on too.
One day, Will notices another boy working on a character sheet in the library. He introduces himself, and says he used to play. The boy invites him to join their new campaign that starts next month.
None of them will ever replace Mike, but he enjoys feeling like part of a group again. At least it’s a distraction.
Will starts hanging out with John more and more, just the two of them. John’s a beanstalk with angular cheekbones and shaggy brown hair. Will alternately tries to convince himself that he doesn’t have a type, or that John is just a friend like Mike.
But John returns Will’s glances, and touches, and eventually a soft, tentative kiss. They’re both shaking when they break apart. Will almost stops breathing until John ducks his head and smiles, shyly.
Will still freaks out when Mike’s visit approaches. He’s not completely over Mike. He’s terrified of how he’ll feel when they’re face to face again, and terrified that John will notice and hate him too.
John, demonstrating slightly more perception than Will is used to from his friends, starts the conversation. He admits he’s a little jealous, and a lot worried. He holds Will while they talk through both of their feelings.
Will is still hurt when Mike brushes him off at the airport, but the sting is dulled and doesn’t reach as deep as it might. Will’s D&D group meets them at the roller rink, so he doesn’t have to be the third wheel all day.
They remember that it’s his birthday.
El still gets taken. Will still gives the speech to Mike in the car, and it’s cathartic to get those feelings out. In the aftermath, he realizes that he’s more afraid of how Mike will see him now, but not of whether Mike will love him back.
Will calls John from a payphone during their drive to Hawkins. They can’t talk long, but he apologizes for his sudden disappearance. He asks John not to give up on him, even if he’s gone for a while.
John tells him there’s not a chance.
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pain-is-too-tired · 2 years
We're Recording Gold Now
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Brain go brrr with lyrics.
Jon just everyone's lil punching bag poor guy 😔
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I love going through Al Ewing X-Men Red tweets and getting a surprise Nova like damn man you really are my fave
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nova-rpv · 3 months
death leech shadoo.....
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design by @galaxylover06
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dragonpyre · 3 months
If the Lazarus pit can restore lost limbs and bones and shit, would that mean it also restores wisdom teeth?
What I’m saying is, assuming Jason had his wisdom teeth out early (like I did), he’d have to get them out AGAIN before enacting his 5D chess revenge plan on Batman
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readerconfused · 3 months
Mr D insisting that Percy's name is Peter and immediately afterwards yelling at the demigods to get the hell out of the camp I LOVE THIS GOD
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ritsatoru · 4 months
grades are important
grades are importan
grades are importa
grades are import
grades are impor
grades are impo
grades are imp
grades are im
grades are i
grades are
grades ar
grades a
gojo s
gojo sa
gojo sat
gojo sato
gojo sator
gojo satoru
gojo satoru my love
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pariahsden · 3 months
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"This is Rosie, the most darling, delightful, and dangerous Overlord this side of the Pentagram."
"Oh, always such a charmer."
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theoldkyokodied · 7 months
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The Allegiance of the Ascended Vampire and the New God of Magic
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