theblackdahliaemporium · 10 months
Dealing In Death: A Quick Guide To Death Magick
On the surface that might sound kind of scary, even downright evil, but I assure you it’s the farthest thing from. In this blog I will attempt to give you an in-site into the basics of death work. Please know that every witch does things their own unique way, so for the purposes of this work I will be trying to explain things in as unified a fashion as I can. This is intended to essentially be a starting point to bounce off of.
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• Death Energy •
Death energy, simply put is energy called from death and death symbols. It’s about stillness, endings, and the deconstructing and reconstructing processes. It’s about using what’s in the past to fertilize what’s new and grow something that has purpose in the next step of your life. It’s about the acceptance of inevitability and what we can’t change to bring about what we can. Many practitioners call on death energy in everyday spell work the same way you would any other energy. In that sense it’s not to different from life energy.
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• Cemetery Work •
For a lot of death witches, doing work in a cemetery or graveyard is a must, although there are those that don’t, a great deal more either do or will do when they get the chance. Lots goes into this type of work though and a thorough study on the subject should be done before pursuing this type of magick. However, some key points to remember are to always be respectful, obey the laws and rules of your land regarding the resting places, and listen to what the dead tell you.
It’s very important to recognize that there are always going to be practitioners that have their own unique rules on this subject, but the best way to know if the dead favor something or not is to ask them. What rules you inevitably believe should revolve around what the dead are comfortable with. That said, some of these rules are shared amongst practitioners. I have compiled a list below with some of them. Remember, this is very basic and what a practitioner adds or changes is up to them.
Typically these are the oldest spirits in the cemetery and are in charge of maintaining order. Most offerings include things like coins, drink, bread, or apples.
It’s important to let the spirits know what your intentions are. Will you be doing magick at the crossroads, magick at a grave, or foraging? The gatekeeper should let you know through energy what is acceptable. Remember each Cemetery is different and has different rules over all.
Gifts on a grave belong to the spirit dwelling there. It’s okay to pick up things like trash, or moldy flowers in still water but, rocks, dried or fresh flowers, feathers, etc should be left alone.
Try not to walk near the headstone of a grave (you’re walking on their body. Try to stay near the feet and always say excuse me politely if you have to step on it), always ask for a spirits help never demand it, and always bring them an offering as a thank you.
If you’re gathering dirt, sticks, or plants from a cemetery, even if it’s not on a grave, and you get a feeling like you shouldn’t touch it, then don’t. Spirits will always let you know what they want to keep. Obey that or it’s theft.
Being polite and thanking your hosts is always a must in general and can bring good energies between you and the dead. Especially if you intend on going back to work at that Cemetery.
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• Necromancy •
Another common staple amongst death workers and arguably one of the most misunderstood practices. Simply put, this practice is divination with the dead. It’s all about connecting to and asking the dead for answers from the beyond. Lots of that used to be done in the cemetery and as a result many wild and fantastic rumors about zombie creation were formed, but that’s far from the truth. There were indeed many radical understandings within the practices history however but as science matured so did the knowledge on what this practice actually was.
While necromancy is still done in cemeteries even today, it’s not a must. Calling fourth a spirit can be done a number of ways and will definitely alter and change based on the witch. Some working maybe more cultural than others, and some may be more complex. The uniqueness of these practices can number well into the double digits and is always interesting to learn. Some of the most common spirit summoning techniques (aside from going directly to someone’s grave) are the spirit board, a mirror, and the pendulum. As for how these spirits are called, that too can differ from witch to witch. Most often though, it can involve candles or crystals as an energy source, a personal item or favored item like food, and/or the spirits name. It can be as simple as physically calling out to the abyss, beckoning the spirit forward or as elaborate a ritual as calling in the four directional guardians or a guide to lead them to you.
Regardless of how it’s done, it’s always a good rule of thumb to be respectful to them. Don’t demand from them, ask instead, and offer gratitude and an offering when you end the session.
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• Deity and Spirit Guides •
Lots of death workers may worship deity just like any other practitioner. However the deity they are generally more drawn to are often either associated with the underworld or a psychopomp, like Osiris, Hades, Anubis, or Hecate. However they may also be a deity tide in some way to the personification of death, much like Thanatos.
Even if the witch chooses not to utilize deity they can still conjure up spiritual guides of some sort. These guides can be something as common as ancestral spirits or even animal spirits. Most common animal guides often have some death association and symbolism to them. So animals like Black cats, bats, vultures, owls, crows and ravens are quite popular.
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• Bones & Body Parts •
Its not uncommon to see bones on the altars of death witches. Many beliefs around these tools and what they represent circulate within the community. For some specific animal bones it’s believed you can use that animal spirit and energy. Other beliefs revolve not around the animal itself but rather the type of bone, as each one has its own unique symbolism attached to it. The possibilities are near limitless and for most death practitioners they are a very necessary tool within the craft. Some practitioners even collect additional things like insect exoskeletons, animal skins, and preserved body parts like a rabbits foot.
DISCLAIMER! People should be made aware that it’s always encouraged for all materials to be ethnically sourced. Any form of unlawful collection or cruelty is frowned upon and not condoned within the community.
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• Conclusion •
As started above, these are just some of the basics of death work within the pagan community and serves as a starting point to bounce off of. It’s very important to do your own research and come to your own conclusions regarding this craft and always remember to obey your local laws. Death work can be very fulfilling but not when it’s done under illegal circumstances.
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satanourunholylord · 1 year
good resources on theistic satanism for beginners?
- The Infernal Gospel, Rev. Cain
- The Satanic Scriptures, Peter H. Gilmore
- The Unholy Bible - Rev. Cain
- At Satan’s Altar, Marie Ravensoul
In Satan’s Honour
Spiritual Satanist
Theistic Satanism
Black Goat Cabal
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Devil Worshipper
Satan’s Den
Aleister Nacht
In Praise of Satan
Satanism and Me
Please also educate yourself on how to identify and avoid cults, and be aware of extreme right wing groups including (but not limited to) Joy of Satan and Order of Nine Angles.
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saccharinesensuality · 3 months
Traditional Witchcraft, Vampirism and we who are Succubi/Incubi in human form overlap if you think about it. Witches in many cultures are still seen as inhuman (often demonic) souls with human skin that fly out to drink people's 🩸 or life force. In page 161 of Vampyre Magick, the fangsmith Father Sebastian writes of astral projection as "The Flight Of The Succubus". This is similar to hedge riding in traditional witchcraft, just without the psychedelics of flying ointment.
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raven-runes · 2 years
How to curse a person or an institution
This spell has been crafted (and used) specifically as an anti-sexist/anti-patriarchal curse but may be tailored to other situations.
You will need:
a safe space
candles or incense (optional)
a piece of paper
matches or a lighter
a small fire-proof dish or bowl
something pointy and sharp (a bobby/hair pin, a nail, a thorn, a claw discarded by an animal etc.)
Find or create a sacred space. This is essentially a magical safe space. Ideally somewhere you are (and feel) safe and where you won't be interrupted. You can make the boundaries tangible by marking them out (drawing a circle, marking each cardinal point with an object, finding a space in nature which is marked out by different trees or rocks etc.)
Open the ritual by welcoming the assistance/help of something greater than yourself (your community, ancestors, a deity, a pantheon, Nature, the Earth, etc. Whatever speaks to you). If you use candles or incense, light them at this point.
Write down the name of the person/institution you want to curse, fold the paper, and place it in the bowl or dish.
Put yourself into a state of focus/concentration (meditation, music, entheogens, by staring into fire or candles, etc.). Allow yourself to feel the feelings of anger, hatred, bitterness, injustice, sadness etc. elicited by the person or institution you want to curse. Embrace these emotions, this darkness, without judgement. The rawer, the better. If tears come, don't wipe them off.
Focus your feelings into the edge of your sharp object (pin, thorn, claw, nail, etc.) Because of the nature of the curse (anti-sexist, anti-patriarchal), perhaps something which symbolises historic oppression of women would make it more powerful: a bobby/hair pin or edge of a clothes hanger, for e.g.
Place some of your spit or a tear on the edge of the object (other possibility: blood, depending on your path/on your level of comfort)
Pierce the folded piece of paper while focussing all of your emotions on the person you want to curse. Either speak your mind in stream-of-consciousness or use a pre-written formula you've come up with (I can help with that if needed). Call upon a greater power (fellow witches, a particular community, a deity, a pantheon, Nature, the Earth, etc). If a deity: favour a 'dark' or revenge deity. If the forces of nature: the wind, storms, thunder, the fires of the earth, etc. Optional: ask other trusted witches to accompany you and lend you their energy or carry out the same ritual, either at a distance or in person.
Light the paper and watch it burn in the bowl or saucer. Let your own anger simmer and boil over while you watch the paper burn.
Scatter the ashes in the wind or blow them out the window.
Thank nature/deities/ancestors etc. for guiding/helping you, blow out the candles (if you used any) and close your sacred space.
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achillean-heartbeat · 3 months
i need help and wisdom from followers of Lord Beelzebub
i think beelzebub is reaching out to me.
the other day i got triggered so bad. it had been a long while since i was holding myself off from reaching this low again but i ended up crying for a full 2 hours while praying for Hecate to help me "become the master of myself and stop letting my reactions control me."
I had been feeling like beelzebub had been teaching out for a while, but i still had doubts because it didnt make sense to me that he would be. A few days ago i dreamt a short dark foggy dream and there was a light that shocked me awake and i said his name while waking up. I was so confused because i dont even read much about him in my daily life. I feel lik i should have taken this as a definitive sign but i kept brushing it off.
Back to my prayer to Hecate. The very next day after it, i kept seeing flies the whole day at work. With food related work its normal but we put up a very strong fly repellent and there is usually not one fly. There was flies EVERYWHERE and they stuck to everything. I took a five minute break wgile eating caramel ice cream and decided to think about beelzebub. specifically, i thought, "if i were to work with him, what can i even put up as offerings?" and the moment i thought that, a fly came and started eating ice cream from the edge of the cup.
the rest of the day at work i keot thinking about it and when my dad came to pick me up from work, there was a bee holding on for dear life to the winshield. there was a literal storm out. i dont know how in the laws of physics did it hold on. but it did.
when we parked i told my dad to go up without me and i picked the bee up and searched for flowers where there was other bees. i felt so bad we took her far away from its hive. so i put her there beside another bee.
I came back home and finally decided to research beelzebub, and to my surprise, he has the power to help with exactly what i asked from Hecate. So i thought... is it possible Hecate referred me (??) to him? Like does that happen between deities?
So after reading for the entire evening about beelzebub, i was in awe of him but a bit scared of everyone saying you should be really educated before contacting him because there is risk of somethig bad happening.
i fell asleep while reading about him and i had the most agitating dream i have ever lived. first of all, i kept being stuck in a loop of trying to wake up inside the dream, but it was just not working. at some point i think i was mentally awake but physically stuck. like i could hear myself grunting with effort to get up. i sleep on my stomach so i was facing the floor. somehow i was able to slightly raise my head and i instantly saw a tall slim dark figure in the corner of my eye. i instantly brought my head back down cuz i was scared shitless. i know this dreaming experience is common (i think they call it lucid dreaming?) but i have NEVER experienced this. i have friends who have but never me.
the next part of the dream was even crazier. i have a huge painting of a woman having a mental breakdown in my living room. i dreamt that i saw a firefly crawl from below it and light up (the living rooms light was off in the dream) and when i saw it, suddenly i saw a thousand of them light up from under the painting. in my dream, my mom comes in and takes off the painting to reveal an entire colony of fireflies and they were flying everywhere. my mom took a lighter and said "we have to burn it its ruined!" while crying and i kept holding her hand telling her no maybe theres a way to fix this then i looked down and saw that there was firefly eggs laid in the literal paintings fabric. then i woke up.
is this beelzebub reaching out to me?
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accidentalslayer · 1 month
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cryptcoffee · 1 year
Ways to connect with death
《Tips from a death witch》
Death is a divine force to say the least. The large equalizer that does not discriminate, everyone has to meet their end someday. As a death witch, I work with the power of death and spirits in order to help them move on, and make my own life beneficial. If you are a death witch or simply wish to get closer with your own mortality, here are ways to incorporate death magick in your day to day life!
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💫 Visit graveyards! The easiest way to get known to death is to tread on its domain every now and then. Sit by the graves, read their names, let their memory live on. Make sure your graveyard etiquette is on point, some spirits do not like being disturbed.
💫 Be aware of your own mortality. It can be depressing to some, but as the saying goes, "memento mori". Remember you will die someday, so accept that fact and live your life to the fullest.
💫 Research death itself. The symbolism behind flowers, herbs, foods... how death is treated in different cultures, what certain symbols seen on graves mean,... death is everywhere, although we may not be aware of it until we actively search for it.
💫 Research deities of death. If deity worship is your cup of tea, research deities that are tied to death. Every culture has them, so you won't have to look far to find a few.
——— 🌿
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candorwitch · 1 year
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An edit of the sigil of Prince Stolas with mugwort, a star chart, and a galaxy, reflecting his domains
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freespiritlilith · 9 months
Please don’t act like this puritanical christofascist:
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First of all that this is about “Lilith appropriation” something this jew can tell you is not real 😭
Can not believe I have read an opinion This Stupid holy shit 😭 PLEASE GO EAT THE ROCKS YOU CRAVE FUCKIN CHRISTOFASCIST ASSHOLE… LUCIFER SPITS AND PISSES ON FUCKS LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shit on this opinion hehe 🌬️🙏💋
what honestly gets me is that like😭😭😭my poor punic ancestors religion were horribly interpreted and manifested in my other ancestors religion and i KNOW we shouldnt be shitting on judaism for appropriating and BASTARDIZING the gods of rival peoples in the region at the time so like?😭like can we please PLEASE think critically and also CHILL THE FUCK OUT with the ENTITLEMENT to OTHER people’s RELIGION 😭 shitty smelly stinky op has every right to voice this shit opinion likewise i have every right to voice my shitty one too😭😭😭 except mine is perfect and cool and awesome and Lucifer and Lilith and Azazel and all the sexies We Love To Fuck :3
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sistersatan · 1 year
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satanourunholylord · 1 year
Lucien Greaves' (Founder of The Satanic Temple) opinion on Jewish people:
(Antisemitism TW)
(Note: I don't agree with this. However, I want the information to be shared as much as possible so that people can make up their own minds on whether they want to support Greaves/TST or not. I recognise that TST as a group does a lot of good, but I personally can't see past this)
“Like, I think it’s okay to hate Jews if you hate them because they’re Jewish and they wear a stupid fuckin’ frisbie on their head [correct term: yarmulke or kippah] and walk around [and] think their God’s chosen people, but it’s not okay to hate somebody [‘born of Jewish blood’] just because their parents were stupid fuckin’ Jews and wore stupid frisbies on their head and thought the Jews were God’s chosen people […] Not everybody of Jewish blood is okay with me, it depends on if they follow the Jewish, uh… […] Satanic Jews are fine”
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© l-h-p
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theblackdahliaemporium · 10 months
Organs in Witchcraft
Warning! this post will discuss animal remains such as organ, how to collect and utilise them in your craft. Viewer discretion is advised.
Acquiring organs
- removing organs
Organ correspondence
- organ list
In closing
This post will go into working with organs and why you might choose to do so, as well as collecting the organs and their meanings.
It should go without saying if you feel like this isn’t right for you and your path that is perfectly fine. There will be substations of organs listed below for those who aren’t comfortable working with actual organs.
Like when using any animal remains it’s important that if you feel like the animal is unhappy with your actions then don’t continue.
I normally say a little prayer then try and get a sense of the energy score taking anything home.
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Acquiring organs
When acquiring organs there are a couple of ethical considerations that tend to be present. Depending on your personal beliefs and opinions you’ll haft to navigate those individually. The two main options are visiting a local butchers or happening upon a newly deceased animal. The former is a far more pleasant experience but due to ethical reasons a lot of practitioners have issue with purchasing animal remains.
If you preform the task of collecting your own organs please take care to use PPE and efficiently wash away all bodily fluids preferably in an outside area. I’d recommend the use of a bucket and hose for this. A lot of species are protected and thus you cannot own any part of them so always do research.
removing organs
Normally you’d want to make a shallow incision with a scalpel from the sternum to the navel. wearing gloves remove the organs you wish to use using the scalpel as needed. If you’re lucky enough to have a freezer for taxidermy/ animal remains. Freezing is an excellent way of preserving remains that otherwise would degrade. I cannot stress enough if you do not have PPE or you’re unable to use a scalpel please do not try this. there are alternatives that can be used in place of organs.
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Organ correspondences
Each organ has its own function/s and therefore also has individual uses in witchcraft. worldwide animal remains have been used ritualistically for thousands of years. And we can still utilise them today. Below are a list of organs, their uses and substitutions.
Brain - thought, mental health, emotion, intelligence, personality
Substitution - walnut
Typically this organ is a little difficult to acquire and damages the animals skull so I don’t work with the actual organ itself. Rather the energy.
Eyes - perception, focus
Substitution - cherries
Eyes are excellent to add into workings where someone needs to see something. Typically to see their own failings.
Heart - love, feeling, heartbreak, affection, passion, romance
Substitution - beetroot
One of the most versatile organs, the heart can be used in most workings involving relationships, lust, heartbreak and to target peoples core.
Intestines - messaging, changes, break down situations, regulation, defence
Substitution - vining plants
Normally intestines are used in my practise to bind and defend against something. Or to change a situation.
Kidney - purification, balance, banishment, stability
Substitution - kidney beans
Great to bring aspects of stability to a situation or person.
Liver - change, creation, gathering/collection
Substitution - bulbs/tubers
The most versatile organ in my experience. You can use it for pretty much anything.
Lungs - breath, life, movement,
Substitution - wide leafs/roots
If you wish to bring in new life to a situation while ridding the old stagnant energy lugs are great option.
Stomach - motion, destruction, change, action
Substitution - cookoo pint/carnivorous plants
Typically used in bane, represents destruction of a situation. Can be used to uproot and change someone’s life.
Tongue - communication, gossip, speech
Substitution - romano pepper
Can prevent those who like to lie and talk behind backs. Fold the tongue and hammer into the earth with a tag lock.
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In closing
using organs is definitely not for everyone. But I hope this post was useful to someone. They are very good if you wish to target a certain organ that may be struggling for a little extra support. But always seek medical attention, magick is not a fix all and shouldn’t be treat as such.
Thank you for reading!
Sources: Just Theo Pictures: All images used are from Google image search
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What the story of The Fall means to me, and how I relate to it.
One of my favorite tumblr creators I've stumbled upon has these really awesome journaling prompts and I thought to share some of my writing on this post of zeirs in particular. Faces of Lucifer #2 talks about Lucifer being the Fallen Angel. Where some may think Lucifer is prone to evil and dispassion, there is no other that can understand the need for tender benevolence, protection and a shoulder to lean on when you are hurt, betrayed and drown trodden.
Zey provide a few prompts and other information. I highly recommend searching zeir page and enjoying their writing prompts! (Credits at end of Journal)
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Since a good amount of my time in the Luciferian faith is spent scrutinizing over Christ worshiping scripture, I want to start by dissecting A scripture from Ezekiel, and two statements pulled from a Christ worshiping minister.
First I’ll start with the scripture:
“You were the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God…You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones. You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you. Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, O guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones. Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings” (Ezekiel 28:12–17 NIV).”
I can’t help but feel bitter when I read this. From the mouth of the Christ God, he agrees, stating that Lucifer was the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect beauty. The Christ God anointed him as a protector, The Christ God had given Lucifer a place in Eden. Lucifer was loved, and given love before jealousy and feelings of inadequacy took everything from him.
“Since Lucifer had been the model of perfection, what sort of sin led to his fall? His heart became proud because of his incredible beauty. Lucifer allowed his perfection to be the cause of his corruption.”
Lucifer’s great “evil”, is Pride. Pride in himself, in what the Christ God had indeed created knowingly... Lucifer also had ‘corrupted his wisdom with splendor’ which sounds a lot like “You were being too creative with your resources; we are feeling pretty wasteful and incompetent in comparison so….we can’t have that..”
I also don’t think Lucifer LET these things be the cause of his corruption… If you can really call any of this corrupt. I feel like there was no reason to fight against these accusations. Lucifer has and always will be the light bringer, a Harold of truth. Lucifer had no reason to fight his own authenticity.
After all why spend time squabbling over what is true and righteous? He must have known all along that this would happen eventually and he would just live for himself, un-apologetically, to be his highest and more perfect self.
Other angels fell with him...
“Scripture tells us that he took one-third of the angels (see Revelation 12:4)”
If my math is right, Revelation 5:11 says the angelic host was 10,000 x 10,000, which would equal 100,000,000 angels in the heavens and 33,333,333(.33) left when Lucifer was cast from heaven.
Whether or not these numbers are true, as they are stated by the bible, it seems as if Lucifer was not the only being that was affected by the unfairly contradictory nature of the Christ God.
The story of The Fall is only more proof of the nature between Lucifer and the Christ God for me. There is nothing that can convince me that the true nature of the Christ God is an ugly mess. Lucifer has and always will be the Truth.
I have had to think for a little bit on how I relate to this and how I would like to talk present those thoughts, I don’t like digging up old bones, but if there is something I have learned from Luciferianism is that there will usually always have to be hurt before we heal. It can be scary, but I am not alone in the process.
I have been a “Zero contact” family member for a long while. This is for several reasons, one of which is being un-apologetically myself. I spoke many truths into my home growing up, all of them fell on deaf ears, these truths had to do with lots of abuse and things that didn’t make sense. I needed explanations, I needed love, I needed honesty.
I stood by my truths, and I found closure in different ways, but these truths and independence led to some of my first fall-outs in my family.
At first, I remember feeling nothing but anger. Of course, this anger was veiled hurt, betrayal and abandonment. How can the same people tell me that they love me so much, so unconditionally and then turn around and tell me they hate the way I feel? Hate the way I think? Hate me?
Slowly but surely over the years all contact has been severed.
I still feel the loneliness, and jealousy of others that have not been forgotten and left behind by the people that are supposed to cherish them. However, I can find comfort and love from those that choose to be in my life, including the love of Lucifer, which I feel like I was truly meant for and those like myself. The warmth of his light can usually make my darkest days just a little more bearable. I know I can be understood, and I know he is always there for those that need him.
I did not know cosmic love until I found Luciferianism. What an absolute gift it is.
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Gustave Doré, Paradise Lost, Book I (1866): “Him the Almighty Power / Hurled headlong flaming from th’ ethereal sky.” (I.44-45) . Sigil of Lucifer divider by: @peculiar-666 Journal Prompts by: @czortofbaldmountain "Faces of Lucifer #2"
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lady-color · 2 years
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celestial-gold · 3 months
would highly suggest y'all preemptively block @ex-satanist-for-christ because theyre going through the satanist tags looking for people to send shitty conversion youtube videos to. and a reminder, dont click those links! they may look like youtube links but there's also the risk they could be other things riddled with viruses and malware
proselytization is unethical, get fucked dipshit
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