#life is brutal
mylittlestory883 · 1 year
Czasami potrafię poczuć się lepiej, ale zaraz z powrotem spadam na dno.
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tanczysz-z-demonem · 1 month
Obojętne już mi jest czy ktoś mnie zrani czy zniszczy. I tak już jestem nikim...
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preciousrassy · 2 years
I honestly think people shouldn’t work on Friday, Friday should be a weekend. We work Monday to Thursday. 4 days of work and 3 days off .. it’s sounds fair to me
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cierpienieduszy · 11 months
Nienawidzę kurwa życia, ludzi i jakichkolwiek relacji japierdole.
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seiraheron · 9 months
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I finally finished the main quest of Tears of the Kingdom! ;D I never thought I would genuinely start liking Zelda as a character, but hell, here we are. I'm totally going to be a part of Linktober this year.
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erinkeifer · 4 months
I started writing a fluffy and sweet Anakin x Reader Christmas Special today, but in the meantime, I got hit by the most brutal period since the dawn of time, and the boy I had plans with stood me up and he's not responding, so I threw it into the draft version and now I'm writing brutal, hateful smut. That's how life works.
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michelleleewise · 10 months
i’ve requested something twice because i wasn’t sure if you got it but i figured it would’ve been posted by now. if you don’t want to write it just say so
Well hello anon. Now, to be honest this comes across as very entitled.....but it may not have been meant that way so, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and kinda give you a peak into my life as of today......
Number one- I work a full time job, so I'm pretty constantly running around work like a maniac at any given time.
Number 2- I have 3 children.... all girls and one who is autistic, so to say they take a pretty decent amount of time is an understatement.
Number 3- now, not many people know about this, but I'm going to share it with you just so you can get the entire picture..... i am currently going through a divorce from my husband of 17 years because he decided to "meet" other women if you get my drift.
Soooooo, I am now working, taking care of 3 children, and dealing with the emotional fallout that comes with 17 years of my life washed down the drain for some passing fancy and doing all of it BY MYSELF. my mom passed away last year, my step father stopped speaking to me about a month after, I have no contact with my biological father because he's a toxic pos who decided I wasn't good enough because I'm not a male, my brothers took his side. I have only a few close friends I speak to on the regular so everything is sitting and swirling in my head non stop.
Now don't get me wrong, I love and adore ALL of my followers, ALL of my asks, ALL of you guy's requests are very very important to me. I'm working towards getting them done, I really am. But I'm not a machine. I can't pump out fics like it's nothing. I put alot of thought into each one, I make sure eveyone gets exactly what they ask for.
So I guess all I'm asking is be patient with me, because I am trying.
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tamaosia · 19 days
Nadzieja , wschód słońca, otwiera oczy ohh pełne rozczarowań. Znów je zamknęła w swojej beznadzieji , kurwa czemu nikt jej nie powiedział, że przez życie przejść będziemy musieli .
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sadheartkillme · 2 months
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A smile appears on my face, no one can see what's inside. My wrists, thighs and stomach are mutilated. I cover myself with a sweatshirt and long pants. In his head he only thinks: "why am I alive", "why am I alive", "When will I die?" "It does not make sense". Nobody will help me with this. I would like to live and be happy, but how to do it? Will I ever experience happiness?
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sadark-angel · 2 years
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slowacki06 · 4 months
Niech ktoś zabierze ten ból agonii...
Mówili że jestem silna ale czy siłą jest rozpadanie się po cząsteczkę co dzień i umiejętność zachowania pozornego uśmiechu?
Jeśli tak, to kiedy przyjdzie dzień że i uśmiech a właściwie krzywizna uśmiechającej śmieci i zostanie rozpacz a wszyscy powiedzą
"Kys nie mogę na ciebie patrzeć"
Czekam dnia gdy agonia się skończy na zawsze
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mylittlestory883 · 1 year
Najgorsze uczucie jest wtedy, gdy za kimś tęsknisz, a jednocześnie nie chcesz go z powrotem w swoim życiu…
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fretbored34 · 1 year
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What do you mean these aren’t the lyrics?!
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wine-sluts · 2 months
Not allowed to kill myself so fuck it we ball.
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cierpienieduszy · 1 month
Boje się życia.
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mustbebunnys · 2 months
“Don’t ask if I’m okay. I’m okay. But if everyone starts asking if I’m okay, I might start crying.”
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