#lighting will bovino
piristephes · 11 months
"Vem Apolo" / "Here comes Apollo"
Vem a praia, o jovem Deus vestido em túnica Úmida e bela, enlaces de ouro e prata A pele reluzente é bronze e o sol poente conjura Sombras da besta que desliza sobre as areias alvas De Delfos rica em rios, os Deuses de corpo bovino.
Vem Apolo, recém-nascido, usurpador e assassino Bradou a temível serpente, seu corpo erguendo-se da Terra Sua mãe. Pois a tudo ela gera, horrores e deleites. Em minhas presas seu corpo descansará, eterno!
A ameaça encontra os belos ouvidos, o ar se enche de Fulgor branco, queimando o vento a cada passo dado Hélio repousa no oceano, mas a luz não cessou Em dardejantes raios empunha-se o jovem deus, desafiador A serpente desce sobre ele, mortífera e faminta como Os leões que vagueiam as encostas em busca de vítimas Ornadas em lã e balindo, indefesas Mas os olhos da criança são os de um lobo, e sua mão é forte Como as palmeiras sempre-verdes de Delos O cabelo dele esvoaça, o bote alcança o nada Altivo, vem Apolo com seu arco atroz de prata Apenas morte a aguarda, declarou o filho de Zeus Um desígnio final, tal como a seta que se dispara Do arco, rompendo o vento em calor e perfurando a carne de Píton, nascida de Gaia.
A água da maré alcança seus calcanhares, a fera caída e um rosto Coroado com um halo de fulgor e certeza Os pássaros de Delfos cantam sua melodia, acompanhando sua voz Apolo ergue seu arco, vitorioso em seus esforços e declara: Eis o filho de Leto, que afasta os males. Povo de Delfos, aqui estou.
Canções entoadas ao vento vieram ao seu encontro Coroas e perfumes, incenso e fumaça Apolo vagueou seu caminho até o fluxo da Castália Até entre-fendas recuar o corpo da temível serpente Lavado, ele contemplou feliz, sua gente.
The young God dressed in tunic, comes to the beach Moist and beautiful, links of gold and silver The gleaming skin is bronze and the setting Sun conjures Shadows of the beast that slides over the white sands From Delphi rich in rivers, the bovine-bodied Gods.
Comes Apollo, newborn, usurper and murderer Cried the fearsome Serpent, their body rising from the Earth Their mother. For everything She generates, horrors and delights. In my fangs his body will rest, eternal! Threat meets the lovely ears, the air fills with White glow, burning wind with every step taken Helios rests in the ocean, but the light has not ceased In darting bolts wields the young God, defiant
The serpent descends upon him, deadly and hungry as The lions that roam the slopes in search of victims Woolen and bleating, helpless But the child's eyes are those of a wolf, and his hand is strong. Like the evergreen palms of Delos
His hair blows, the fangs reach nothing Highly, comes Apollo with his atrocious silver bow Only death awaits thee, declared the son of Zeus A final design, like the arrow that shoots From the bow, breaking the wind into heat and piercing the flesh of Python, Gaea-born.
The tides reach His heels, the fallen beast and a face Crowned with a halo of radiance and certainty The birds of Delphi sing thy melody, accompanying thy voice Apollo raises his bow, victorious in his efforts, and declares: Behold the son of Leto, who wards off evils. People of Delphi, here I am.
Songs in the wind came to meet Him Crowns and perfumes, incense and smoke Apollo wandered his way down to the Castalia stream Till between crevices retreated the body of the fearsome serpent Clean, he contemplated happily, his people.
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the-seduction-anon · 5 months
Which Aesthetic™ Color are you?
You, frankly, are a goddamn delight. You bring light with you wherever you go, and whether you're aware of it or not, you're the life of the party. Despite your flamboyant nature, you're surprisingly soft. You give the sweetest gifts, and are probably the best amateur masseuse of your friend group. Those closest to you see this softness, and love you for it. Remember this when you are called "too much": there is no such thing as too much of you. People who say those things are just too small to have the space for your light. Don't tone it down, just find people who will treasure every piece of you.
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"I wasn't sure about these results, at first, but the more I read, the more it sounded like me."
Tagged by: @lightning-will-bovino
Tagging: @multimuse-citadel, @within-the-resort, @dark-hybrid-ninja, @moonxsuncelestials, @the-mysticandmodern-world, @tobys-multiverse-official @prxnce-of-chxos and anyone else who wants to do it.
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masterdisastre · 2 years
11, 17, 34, 47, 58 for the ask game!!
11 what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
I've learned a lot about flower meaning and hanakotoba, I even used this knowledge to plan my second tattoo. Also because my bestie loves flower meaning and we were getting matching tattoos, SOOO... Oh, and I learnt that one of the plans to make Hitler lose his followers was to give him female hormones to mess up his voice, but it has never been done.
I do too much research I guess LOL but my autistic brain won't allow me to post unchecked facts, even if it's the distance between a random bar and a gym.
17 what is your favorite line you’ve ever written?
"I'm breathing, Yuri thought as he scoffed at the two, I'm breathing again." or "Reborn, then, small Atlas. He seemed to be old in his infant body, crushed by the weight of whatever he was facing to tame Dino Cavallone."
34 how do you name characters and places?
I look for existing places and rely on name meaning sites. Unless I have other reasons to name them some way. I named a character -Viola Bovino my beloved- from Shakespeare because one of the known members of her family is named Romeo, and Otabek's sister is named Yulia because I giggle everytime I imagine Victor hearing Yuuri call her "YuRia". The man would light up like the damns sun. And Farookh, obviously, is all for Freddie.
47 what story are you most proud of?
April, Come She Will. I was struggling a lot, and by a lot I mean I often had to forcefully stop myself from crashing my car on purpose. I hung on because I wanted to end it before leaving, and in the end it gave me the time to find someone to hold my hand.
58 what is the last thing that a fic made you google when you were writing it?
El Paso.
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thegalaxyoffice · 2 months
Brings a small chocolate heart-shape cake and light spicy gyudon. "Chocolate to feel good and food to warm you up."
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Vera take the small gift "Thank you Lambo for that and sorry that I act cold and lonely sometime"
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gazeta24br · 1 year
O Natal e o Ano Novo estão próximos, principalmente nesta época, é comum encontrar uma variedade de comidas calóricas nas confraternizações, com preparos majoritariamente compostos por carboidratos e gorduras. Ao longo do ano, muitas pessoas buscam manter uma alimentação equilibrada para manter os hábitos saudáveis e isso não deve ser diferente agora. Apesar das guloseimas e bebidas, comuns nas ceias, um bom planejamento alimentar e a consciência das escolhas são as melhores opções para a construção e a manutenção de hábitos saudáveis, que impactam diretamente no processo de emagrecimento e na manutenção do peso. A nutricionista e líder da equipe de Nutrição da healthtech Liti, Bruna Tamborim, que também é especialista em gastronomia inclusiva, compartilha dicas fundamentais para auxiliar neste período. Equilíbrio  Privar-se de tudo pode ser um gatilho para aumentar a vontade de comer alimentos ricos em carboidratos nos dias seguintes às ceias. Exagerar não é uma boa escolha, pois comer mais do que o habitual pode desencadear problemas gastrointestinais, como azia, náusea, dor e dilatação abdominal, além de prejudicar a qualidade do sono, que refletirá em indisposição e cansaço. Encontrar um meio termo neste período é fundamental para continuar saudável. Substitua de maneira saudável O primeiro passo é realizar substituições sutis, que não impactarão no sabor final dos pratos. Para as entradas, diversifique as opções de vegetais. Monte saladas bem coloridas, use as frutas in natura para saborizar e as secas como decoração, assim o consumo delas será moderado. As castanhas são excelentes fontes de gorduras boas. Disponha-as em porções pequenas, pois são muito calóricas. Para os pratos principais, opte por cortes de proteínas magras, que são menos gordurosas, de fácil digestão e aumentam a sensação de saciedade, como lombo suíno, pernil, chester, peru e filé mignon bovino. Atente-se à forma de preparo e aos molhos. Na mesa de sobremesa, além dos doces, coloque opções de frutas. As vermelhas, por exemplo, presentes nas festas de fim de ano, além de deliciosas, possuem propriedades antioxidantes. Não se esqueça de ofertar água. As opções saborizadas são aromáticas e refrescantes e ainda completam a decoração da mesa. Entre o Natal e o Ano Novo Volte ao ritmo normal na janela entre as duas confraternizações. Ajuste os horários das refeições, mantenha a ingestão de proteínas, legumes, verduras e frutas, aumente o consumo de água e pratique atividades físicas regularmente. Mãos na massa A especialista em gastronomia inclusiva lista algumas receitas de pratos saborosos para uma ceia saudável, mas sem deixar de lado os bons hábitos alimentares.   Risoto festivo Ingredientes: 1 cebola pequena bem picada; 1 dente de alho amassado; 1 xícara de chá de brócolis separados em buquê e cozidos; 1 copo de iogurte proteico; 1/2 xícara de chá de tomates secos cortados em tiras; 1/2 xícara de chá de castanhas-do-pará cortadas em lascas; 2 colheres de sopa de azeite; 2 xícaras de chá de arroz. Modo de preparo: Lave o arroz e reserve; Aqueça o azeite e refogue o alho e a cebola; Acrescente o arroz e deixe dourar por cerca de 3 minutos; Adicione 4 xícaras de chá de água fervente; Cozinhe em fogo baixo, tampado, por cerca de 15 minutos ou até secar; Deixe descansar por 10 minutos. Misture ao arroz, os brócolis, os tomates secos, as castanhas-do-pará e o iogurte.   Salada coleslaw light Ingredientes: 250 g de repolho verde/couve-branca ou couve-coração (1/4 unidade média); 250 g de repolho roxo/couve-roxa (1/4 unidade média); 60 g de iogurte proteico sem sabor (1/4 xícara); 36 g de mostarda tipo Dijon (3 colheres de chá); 10 g de vinagre de maçã (2 colheres de chá); 5 g de molho de pimenta, como Tabasco (opcional);  1 colher de chá de pimenta-preta/pimenta-do-reino a gosto; Sal a gosto. Modo de preparo: Prepare os repolhos/couves: primeiro, retire as folhas externas e da
nificadas. Em seguida, com o auxílio de uma faca afiada, corte o repolho/couve ao meio e remova o núcleo rígido; Pique os repolhos/couves: com o auxílio de uma faca afiada, pique os repolhos/couves em fatias finas, entre 3 a 5 mm. É possível utilizar o mandolin para cortar os repolhos em fatias bem finas; Misture os vegetais em uma tigela grande. Preparo do molho Em uma tigela pequena coloque o iogurte, a mostarda, o vinagre de maçã e o molho de pimenta (opcional). Bata com um batedor/fouet até que forme uma mistura homogênea; Adicione o molho na mistura de vegetais e mexa bem, até que todos os vegetais estejam cobertos pelo molho. Em seguida, adicione a pimenta-do-reino/pimenta-preta e o sal a gosto. Por fim, cubra com plástico filme e leve para refrigerar, por no mínimo 1 hora. Obs.: também pode ser adicionado abobrinha ralada, a gosto de cada um.   Panacota proteica Ingredientes: 4 folhas de gelatina incolor; Água gelada; Adoçante stévia a gosto; 5 colheres de sopa de leite desnatado Itambé Pro (13g de proteína); 2 potes de iogurte proteico desnatado sem sabor natural; 2 colheres de chá de extrato de baunilha. Para a calda 200g de morangos amassados; 1 copo de suco de limão; Stévia a gosto. Modo de preparo Em um prato raso mergulhe as folhas de gelatina em água fria; Enquanto isso, coloque a stévia e o leite em uma pequena panela e mexa em fogo brando; Tire a gelatina da água e misture com o leite quente. Deixe esfriar por 10 minutos; Em um liquidificador bata a mistura com o iogurte e o extrato de baunilha até incorporar todos os ingredientes; Separe em 6 porções e deixe esfriar por cerca de três horas. Preparo da calda  Misture os morangos amassados com o suco de limão e a stévia. Peneire e reserve; Para servir, desenforme o panacota em um prato individual; Coloque a calda gentilmente em cima de cada porção e decore com as frutas vermelhas.   Sobre a Liti A Liti, primeira healthtech que foca em resolver a dor do sobrepeso e da obesidade no Brasil. A jornada é 100% online e conta com o apoio de uma equipe multidisciplinar (médicos, nutricionistas, cientistas comportamentais e educadores físicos). A empresa desenvolveu uma balança proprietária de bioimpedância com alto nível de precisão para medir o percentual de gordura e massa magra. Conectada ao app da Liti, possibilita um profundo entendimento sobre como o paciente reage ao plano alimentar (dieta com composições diferentes de grupos de alimentos), levando a uma alta precisão clínica e individualizada. Além disso, a inteligência artificial e os dados de big data, interpretados pelos profissionais da equipe, são usados para avaliar qual caminho é mais eficaz para a perda do peso com foco na saúde e no bem-estar dos pacientes.  
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"What do you think Shiro?" Lambo pointed at a pair of fake black bunny ears on his head with a smile. "Yuki gave it to me."
Shiro looked at the ears and then looked at Lambo. He wanted to make a smart ass comment, but he kept it to himself. "They are very cute." He smiles and runs a hand through his hair. "Did my sis give you anything else?"
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lightofthedeep · 5 years
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The Stranger Things meme is old but you know what? KHR deserves it and it’s been awhile --
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I hope this isn't too troublesome but could I get a post like the Among Us ask but with the Vongola giving hugs?
Lambo: loves to give hugs. Having spent his early childhood with a nanny who was under strict instructions by the Bovinos not to give him any affection, hugs mean a lot to him.
Tsuna: is soft and warm with his affection. His hugs are gentle and solid. He likes to lean against his family members or touch them lightly--a hand on the shoulder, leg, arm or shoulder.
Gokudera: isn't as liberal with his hugging, but never turns away someone who comes to him for a hug.
Mukuro: isn't quite so good at giving hugs randomly. If the kids have a nightmare, or any of his family are feeling particularly down or upset, he'll comfort them with a hug. But otherwise if his family want a hug from him, they'll have to hug him first.
Hibari: he'll accept hugs so long as they last no longer than a minute (Yamamoto often gets smacked for holding on too long). Prefers to express his love through his bonds and brief touches. Will give hugs to better the spirits of his family, if it's needed to cheer them up. If caught in the right mood on the right day, he can be convinced to cuddle.
Yamamoto: is earnest with his hugs, pulling them close and nuzzling against their hair. Likes to hold the embrace for as long as he can, which often exasperates certain recipients of his hugs. After Lambo, he is the one who gives the most hugs.
Ryohei: does not quite know how to give a gentle hug. Is known to squish his family members with his tight grip.
Chrome: is sweet with her hugs, and enjoys cuddling with her family members.
Squalo: much like most of the Varia, traditional affection isn't exactly his strong suit. But he'll let his family members lounge against him, and he'll give Fran or Bel a one-armed hug if they're needy for attention. Expresses his affection by running fingers through his family members' hair or by squeezing the back of their necks.
Levi: thanks to Lambo, is a little more open to giving and receiving hugs, but most of the time he still has to be pestered into giving hugs. After a few glasses of wine, or some pouty gazes from the kids, he can be coerced into cuddling.
Belphegor: Expresses his affection with roughhousing and headlocks. When he's in a docile mood, he'll give one-armed hugs and light noogies.
Fran: will return embraces if he's given one, but like the rest of the Varia, doesn't really go out of his way to give hugs. Will seek out hugs if he's feeling particularly anxious. Expresses his affection with insults and pinches.
Mammon: usually quips that hugs cost money, but it's one of the few things he doesn't charge for. The greatest expression of his love is when he lets his family splurge without complaining. He's been known to give out the occasional hug.
Lussuria: is the only Varia member who freely gives out hugs. It depends on the day and the mood of his family on how they react to his affection.
Xanxus: has only ever given a few hugs--to the kids when they were rescued from being kidnapped, and to his men when he's nearly lost them because of a mission. Will sometimes tolerate hugs from his family, and he has to be in a pretty chill mood to cuddle. Much like Hibari, he prefers to express his love through his bonds.
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sciatu · 3 years
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Le grotte di Pantalica, la pietra di Gela per verificare l’arrivo del Solstizio d’inverno, i disegni delle grotte di Levanzo, resti di un villaggio preistorico ad Enna, i megaliti di Agrimusco, il villaggio preistorico di Lipari, la Sesi del Re di Pantelleria
Prima che il tempo iniziasse, c’era un tempo che gli uomini misuravano seguendo la natura. Nella Sicilia di allora gli uomini vivevano in grotte o piccole case di pietre addossate l’una sull’altra circondate da foreste senza fine dove abitavano animali che non esistono più come piccoli elefanti e feroci lupi. Gli uomini di allora erano circondati da fenomeni che non conoscevano ma sopravvivevano grazie alla natura che dava loro tutto quello di cui avevano bisogno. Disegnavano figure di uomini ed animali nei loro riti esoterici per invocare l’arrivo delle mandrie o la cattura di qualche cervo o bovino. Per comprendere quando era il tempo giusto per seminare, creavano orologi astrali come la pietra forata di Gela dove potevano osservare il sole tramontare nel suo esatto centro durante il solstizio d’inverno, quando le tenebre finivano di crescere e lentamente tornava la luce e con essa i raccolti. Costruivano inoltre delle piramidi di pietre come quelle nei pressi dell’Etna o i Sesi di Pantelleria, anche loro basati su concetti astronomici che davano certezze sul passare delle stagioni e l’arrivo del momento della semina. Inoltre incominciarono a seppellire i loro morti in piccole tombe scavate nella roccia e allo stesso modo costruirono città nascoste nelle gole dei monti. Quando arrivarono gli uomini che conoscevano il tempo e avevano dato un nome alle stelle, continuarono a vivere negli stessi luoghi dei primi abitatori dell’isola, ma dimenticarono presto i loro riti e gli orologi e le mappe stellare nascoste tra i monoliti degli altipiani e le foreste dell’Etna.
Before time began, there was a time that men measured by following nature. In Sicily at the time, men lived in caves or small stone houses leaning against each other, surrounded by endless forests where animals that no longer existed such as small elephants and ferocious wolves lived. The men of that time were surrounded by phenomena that they did not know but survived thanks to nature that gave them everything they needed. They drew figures of men and animals in their esoteric rites to invoke the arrival of the herds or the capture of some deer or cattle. To understand when it was the right time to sow, they created astral clocks such as the pierced stone of Gela where they could watch the sun set in its exact center during the winter solstice, when the darkness stopped growing and the light slowly returned and with it, the crops. They also built pyramids of stones such as those near Etna or the Sesi of Pantelleria, also based on astronomical concepts that gave certainties about the passing of the seasons and the arrival of the moment of sowing. They also began to bury their dead in small rock-cut tombs and similarly built cities hidden in the gorges of the mountains. When the men who knew the time and had named the stars arrived, they continued to live in the same places as the first inhabitants of the island, but soon forgot their rituals and clocks and star maps hidden among the monoliths of the highlands and the forests of Etna.
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the-seduction-anon · 2 years
Where should you go kissed?
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you are made of light. your cheeks hurt from grinning, sun-kissed and lifting in a bubbling laugh. you should be kissed there. and often. a reminder that you are a joy to be around, and that your smiling face is a gift.
Tagging: @dark-hybrid-ninja, @hoshi-neko-hikari, @weirdgayenby, @multimuse-citadel, @lightning-will-bovino and anybody else who wants to do it.
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lightning-will-bovino said:
“Your smile lights up the room, did you know that?” (To Arwin)
♚ “No, not until I met you I'm sure it shows much brighter when i see you in the room.”Arwin was sitting with Lambo in the gardens, he had a disagreement with his father again and it made him upset, so he hid here by himself and cried until lambo came to wipe his tears away and made him feel loved and safe most of all happy.
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hopeswriting · 4 years
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FANDOM: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
EVENT: Flufftober 2020 
PROMPT: Compliments
AUTHOR: @hopeswriting
PAIRING: Chrome & Lambo
Chrome and Lambo unexpectedly meet at the park.
WORDS: 770
Chrome pats herself on the back for immediately recalling the name of the cow child upon seeing him. Not that he is easy to forget, on the contrary.
He’s kind of sticking out right now, with his black afro, and horns, and his cow theme clothes, all by himself in the park.
He walks pitifully right by the bench she’s sat on, kicking his feet and grumbling. He whips around just as he is about to walk past her entirely.
Lambo points her accusingly, Lightning flames sparkling around his horns. There’s clear defiance in his eyes, in every features of his face, in the way he’s poised, and in his entire demeanor, really.
Chrome truly admires how much space he’s always willing to take—all the space he can and more—without never second-guessing himself for a second.
“Hi, my name’s Chrome.”
Lambo falters. “Are you... Tsuna-nii’s friend?”
Chrome blinks. “I’m... on your side,” she settles on.
Mukuro pokes her pettily, but they are, aren’t they? To some extent anyway. Chrome certainly isn’t wearing the Vongola Ring out of fashion sense.
But Boss’ friends? Maybe one day.
Lambo climbs on the bench, sits besides her like they’re the best of friends now.
“I’m The Great Lambo, a hitman from the Bovino famiglia, and I’ll be the one to defeat Stupid Reborn.”
“The Sun Arcobaleno?”
Lambo jumps to his feet, actually making her tense for a second. “I will, I will! Don’t underestimate me.” He takes grenades out of his hair, two in each hand. “With these weapons Boss gave me, one day for sure—”
Chrome snatches the grenades from him, too brutally maybe because he freezes.
“You can’t show them around like that Lambo-san, not here.” She glances around them, but thankfully no one seems to have noticed. “You should be more careful with them too. They could have slipped from your hands and exploded on you.”
Chrome holds the grenades back to him in her open hands, a light layer of Mist around them just in case. Lambo hides one back in his hair slowly, side-eyeing her somewhat... distrustfully?
“These are real bombs.”
Chrome tilts her head. “Yes, I know? You’re a hitman, aren’t you?”
“I am.” He perks up, hides two more grenades with more pep. “And I’ll beat Stupid Reborn ass back to hell one day.”
Chrome winces internally, while Muckuro chuckles, delighted. She pinches him in a chiding manner.
“It’s a very big dream to have.”
“It’s not a dream, it’s Lambo’s ambition.”
“It’s a very big ambition to devote yourself to.”
Lambo hides the last of his grenades, and straightens his back pretentiously. “I’m not afraid.”
Chrome smiles. “No, I guess you wouldn’t be. You’re very brave after all.”
Lambo blinks. “Lambo is?”
“I saw you step in the Lightning arena during the Varia battles. It must have been really scary to you.” Something like baited hope takes over his face, and a bit of wonder. “And then you walked off his Lightning attack. You’re very strong too, aren’t you?”
Lambo puts his hands on his hips, throws back his head. He bursts out laughing, red dusting his cheek.
“Of course I am,” he screams, attracting eyes their way. “The Great Lambo is the Strongest Man in the World.”
Chrome covers her mouth with her hand to muffle her laugh. She leans back against the bench, puts her bento on her lap.
It completely slipped out of her mind, what with this unexpected encounter.
“Are you lying?”
Chrome needs a second to realize the quiet voice is Lambo’s. He plays with his tail, his head ducked down and his eyes stuck to his feet.
“Of course not,” she says as softly as him. “I wish I could have as great ambitions as yours. The fact you can really speaks of your strong mind to me.”
Lambo smiles. His Lightning flames buzz all around him, flickers of green flashing briefly here and there. They seep through her skirt when he puts his hand on her thigh, shock her in a ticklish way.
“You’re nice, I like you. Want to become The Great Lambo’s subordinate?”
“No, thank you.”
“Lambo is hungry too.”
Chrome chuckles. She opens her bento, puts the lid aside hesitantly. “I don’t mind, but—” Lambo snatches two takoyaki and stuffs them in his mouth “—I did it myself.”
He gulps them down without having chewed nearly often enough, snatches another takoyaki and swallows it even quicker.
“It’s good, but Mama’s are better. If you become The Great Lambo’s subordinate, I’ll ask Mama to teach you.”
Chrome laughs. “No, thank you.”
I feel like Mukuro would just hang at the back of Chrome’s mind whenever he can, experiencing the outside world through her eyes, making sarcastic comments through whatever way they communicate with each other.
Not words, or, like, a voice in her head. More like vibes, sensation like touch, or the flow of their flames, or something else.
And yeah, it’s... Not Great complimenting Lambo on how great of a hitman he’d be, but, well, he is a hitman. Wants to grow to be one anyway, so, you know.
Thank you for reading. Any and all review are appreciated ^^.
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Embrace Your Fears ✲ Phasmophobia (Lambo Bovino)
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📑 Table of Contents
Genre: Crack, Friendship, Family
Word Count: 1,068
Pairing: Reader, Lambo
World: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
✲ Fear of… ghosts.
Most people didn’t believe that ghosts or spirits exist. They think it’s just another fairy tale, summed up to the imagination. And when they encounter something that can only be credited as a ghost, they say it’s just their minds playing tricks. Really, they are in denial.
But, what about those who believe in them?
The house came into view; an old rundown two-story home. Other than the cobwebs and dust, it actually looked quite normal, just old. Of course, in the pitch black of night, with no light but the stars overhead, it seemed a lot creepier. The house was abandoned, had been for some fifty years now and, apparently, it was haunted.
Nearby neighbors have reported several incidents where they heard yells and cries, as well as footsteps and, on occasion, they also heard chains. Why were Tsuna and company standing in front of a haunted house at ten at night, carrying sleeping equipment and trying to get up enough courage to go inside?
Everyone had met up at Tsuna’s house for a ‘study party’, but instead of studying, they all ended up chatting about various subjects. By Reborn’s prodding, Haru ended up bringing up a story that was going around her school.
“There’s a rumor going around Haru’s school!” she announced, loud enough to catch the attention of everyone in the room. “There’s a house on the other side of town.”
“Che. What’s so great about that?” Gokudera scoffed, turning his head away from her.
“Let Haru finish!” she said loudly, glaring at him. “This house is haunted!”
“You actually believe in ghosts?” Gokudera scoffed again. “How childish.”
Haru began to fume, yelling at Gokudera who got angry and started yelling back.
While they argued in the background, Reborn smirked, pulling his fedora down to cover his shining eyes. “Prove it.”
The squabbling teens froze, staring at Reborn in confusion. You and Tsuna exchanged looks, knowing full well that he was plotting something.
“Hahi? What do you mean?”
Reborn looked up, his smirk growing, “Gokudera; Prove ghosts don’t exist. Haru; prove ghosts do exist.”
“How the hell are we going to do that?”
“All of you are going to stay the night in the haunted house.” Reborn left no room for protests, threatening Tsuna, Yourself, and Gokudera.
And there they were, stopping just outside the door. Reborn jumped onto the rotting wooden railing. “I’m putting each of you into pairs. You’ll each have your own portion of the house.”
“Y-You’re splitting us up?” Tsuna questioned. He was happy, because he may be paired with Kyoko, but also worried and afraid at the idea of being split from the rest of the group.
“Lambo-san wants to go home!” Lambo sniffed, clutching tightly onto Tsuna’s pant leg. Tears built up in his green orbs, but he was fighting to hold them back.
“No.” Reborn said blankly, “The groups are…”
You sat on the blue sleeping bag in one of the bedrooms on the second floor. Lambo was curled up against your side, fast asleep. He had been pretty scared at first, but once you got the lantern on and gave him some candy, he calmed down and eventually fell asleep. It had been about two hours since they arrived at the supposedly haunted house, but nothing had happened so far. It was completely silent throughout the house, eerily quite. The only sound was the wind blowing the leaf-less dead trees outside.
You doubted there was anything in the house, and if there was, you doubted it would make itself known so soon, especially with so many people there. From what you had heard, ghosts usually didn’t start messing with people until they were around for at least twenty-four hours. And besides, they weren’t moving into the house, simply visiting for the night.
Lambo shifted beside you, eyes opening slowly as his small hands rubbed the sleep away. He sat up straight, blinking at his surroundings. His green orbs grew wide in size and he scrambled up onto your lap, holding tightly onto your shirt.
Your arms wrapped around his small form and you looked down in surprise. “What’s wrong?”
“L-Lambo-san heard something…!” he whispered, looking around the room fearfully.
“What’d you hear?”
“Lambo-san doesn’t know!”
You resisted the urge to facepalm. “Are you sure you weren’t dreaming? Or hearing things maybe? Old houses often make odd noises.”
“Lambo-san didn’t dream it! It woke Lambo-san!”
You sighed, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath before looking down at him. “What did it sound like?”
“Woosh!” Lambo jumped off your lap and began running around in circles, his arms out straight. “Like Lambo-san is flying!”
You sweatdropped, about to retort when you were cut off by the sound of chains clinking together. Lambo froze in fear. Your eyes narrowed at the bedroom door. The sound got louder and you could faintly make out the sound of footsteps approaching. A shadow appeared under the crack and the sounds suddenly stopped. Lambo shook like a leaf as the door slowly creaked open.
Standing in the doorway was not a human being.
Boots, brown in color. No legs. No stomach or chest. The only visible part was the head, which had an eerie light blue glow around it. Its eyes were literally black holes. It had no mouth or nose, and its face was as white as freshly fallen snow. A thick metal chain was wrapped around its non-existent neck, stopping halfway down its not-there body. The end of it looked as if it had been forcefully broken.
“Gotta… Stay… Calm…” Lambo sniffed before breaking out into a fit of cries so loud, you were sure it reached the shores of America. He sifted through his afro and bulled out the 10-year-bazooka.
When the smoke cleared, there was fifteen-year-old Lambo sitting on the floor looking disoriented. His green orbs shifted to you and a smile made its way onto his lips. “Ahh, Y/N-chan.” His eyes shifted to take in his surroundings and he blanched, realizing where he was. Turning around slowly, his eyes fell on the ghostly creature. Tears formed in his eyes and he sniffed before letting out a wail and attaching himself to your middle.
The door suddenly slammed shut and you heard Reborn snickering in the hallway. You made a mental note to kill Reborn when this was all over.
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thehandworld · 4 years
1. ( ALIAS / NAME ) ——   Emi or Emiko
2.  ( BIRTHDAY ) ——  January 29
3.  ( ZODIAC SIGN ) ——   Aquarius 
4.  ( HEIGHT ) ——    1,58m
5.  ( HOBBIES ) —— RP, gaming, watching animes, reading mangas and light novels
6.  ( FAVORITE COLOR ) ——  Blue and Purple
7.  ( FAVORITE BOOKS ) —— The Mists of Avalon
8.  ( LAST SONG LISTENED TO ) —— How Close you are (Ed from Akin) from Eddie Van Der Meer Cover ~
9.  ( LAST FILM OR SHOW WATCHED ) —— Overlord season 3 and High School Prodigies Have It Easy Even In Another World
10.  ( INSPIRATION FOR MUSE(S) ) —— Oh god... My inspiration comes from my mood, that is why I’m certain that it’s the reason behind all the angst LOL. Jokes a part. The start to play on the muses are basically if I’m feeling them or not, if I think I can pull them out or not, if I understand them enough to play them. Mostly end up as canon-divergent tho... What keeps me on them is because I love them, if it’s not a used muse it’s because I want to try it more, if it’s because it’s a used muse, it’s because I want to keep going and found out more faces of them. The exciting feeling of finding and discovering about them is what inspires me for them. 
Enjoying this chance I should say I’m not the fastest to reply things, not because of inspiration, sometimes I do have inspiration to play anything. But... I don’t feel like it, either something bad happened and it ruined my mood to play or just because I can’t feel like answering. The process of me answering something starts with me wanting to answer, and whenever I disappear is because I can’t bring myself to answer.
11.  ( STORY BEHIND URL ) - (thehandworld)  —— Funny enough? I have a real life RP group called The Hand, the original was: The Hand That Fuck Us, because my boyfriend is the game master and is always fucking us on RP. The meaning of the The Hand World come from that, it was like my world and I’m the hand that pull the strings over then. I thought that it fit perfectly with the multi-muse.
Tagged by: @lightning-will-bovino
Tagging: @domina-noctisim, @ask-kurusu-syo, @sinnersall, @playeroneiswinning, @x-blood-bound-chronicles-x and whoever wants to do this ~
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'¥' (Yuki's turn)
Yuki pondered playing with her hair for a moment before getting a great idea. "How about you do what I do!! You have to model something from my closet!" She giggles and nudges Lambo toward her walk in closet full of cutesy girly clothes.
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cielofics · 4 years
(Old) ICMSAR Omake II
WARNING(S): OCC's, Parent!bashing, depressing!thoughts, suicidal!tendencies,
NOTES: "Japanese" "Italian" Thinking 'Tsuna's eye speak' [Written Text] -Ghost speak-
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Amano Akira does.
On a bright, sunny morning; when the trees are whistling, birds are chirping, one can certainly say that it is a very peaceful morning for the citizens of Namimori.
-Or not.
Now why would anybody, so early in the morning, be shouting such threats to our dear favorite sadistic hitman tutor?
For that my dear readers, we need to go back in time
Usually, the Sawada household is known to be the noisiest house ever in Namimori due to the exotic people living there together. Gunshots, yelling, bombs, grenade could be seen flying all over the house and no matter the time, any of those could be heard. So why is that it's deadly silent now?
Maybe it could be because Sawada Ienari is away for a soccer match or maybe because the Sawada Nana is taking for a friend who fell ill and will be staying with her? Maybe it's because Fuuta, and I-pin and Bianchi are currently staying at Nebesa for who knows what reason?
But that makes no sense since there are other exotic members still present in the household. Sawada Tsunayoshi with his demon-in-disguise partner, Reborn, the ever faithful and loyal puppy, Gokudera Hayato, the oblivious to the core baseball player, Yamamoto Takeshi, the snotty and the loudest/youngest member, Lambo Bovino, the pineapple family, Rokudo Mukuro and Chrome Dokuro and lastly the skylark, Hibari Kyoya.
Why is it that Gokudera is not having a one-sided fight with Yamamoto? Why is Lambo not trying to kill Reborn? Why are Mukuro and Kyoya not fighting? Why is Chrome fidgeting more? Why is Reborn not trying to do anything sadistic?
Why is Sawada Tsunayoshi emitting such a dangerous KI?
Maybe that seems to be the reason why everyone is silent. Maybe the strong bloodlust emitting from the usually kind and cheerful brunet is the cause to everyone's unusual behavior.
Reborn, who is forever going to deny of even being a teensy tiny bit of scared from the brunet, decided to break the silence.
"Tsuna... is something wrong?" asked Reborn albeit hesitantly. Considering how Tsuna was mercilessly cutting the vegetables as though they were human heads was plainly... terrifying. What's more, you could definitely hear words that the brunet is muttering like murder, maid dress, grenades, reptiles, wild animals etc.  
Tsuna stopped cutting vegetables and Reborn swore that he saw an imaginary light bulb appear on the brunet's head.
"Ne Reborn..." asked Tsuna. Everyone straightened further; not liking how sickeningly sweet the brunet's voice sounded.  
"Do you want to help me murd- I mean tort- I mean tutor, Ienari?"
He definitely was about to say "murder" and "torture," wasn't he?!
Silence prevailed again. Most probably to let the sentence sink in.
Once it did, all hell broke loose.
Gokudera, Chrome and Yamamoto froze. Lambo spit out the drink he was drinking that landed on Gokudera's face yet he did not do a thing. Mukuro and Kyoya widened their eyes. Reborn looked at Tsuna with a weird glint in his eyes.
Everybody thought of one thing. Is he finally going to take revenge?
"Sure... but why" Reborn asked tilting his fedora upwards to meet his partner's eyes, which, by the way, were cold as ice.
"Stress Relieving." That one word was enough to bring chills within the rest.
Tsuna started chuckling evilly and everyone else could only pray to God to never be subjugated to Tsuna's punishment when he wants to 'relieve stress.'
'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' The Next Day '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'
XXX.....[3 A.M].....XXX
2 demons entered a certain blonde's room, who was blissfully unaware of his impending doom. The two demons glanced at each other and one took out a rope while the other a duct tape. It was then, you could clearly see the smirk on their faces as they proceeded towards the blonde.
This will be fun...
XXX.....[6 A.M].....XXX
Ring¬ Ring¬
The alarm sounded and the sleepy and unaware blonde tried his best to shut the dame alarm while failing miserably. Once he got tired, he opened his eyes to find where he kept his alarm when he noticed that he wasn't on his soft, comfy bed but rather at a really hard and rocky surface... while hanging upside down.
Completely woken up, he loked around and noticed him hanging off a cliff thats 100ft tall! Trying to move around, he finally took notice of something that would definitely put him to shame....
"WAH! WHY AM I WEARING A MAID'S COSTUME?!" he yelled, trying his best to think it's his imagination.
Now that did not seem friendly. He was afraid of what he would see... hesitantly he craned his necks towards the bottom and...
Reborn could only think of one person that could be capable of doing this and so he screamed at the top of his lungs, "REBORN, I"LL KILL YOU!!"
-And that my friends brings us back to the present.
"Ciaossu!" Reborn's voice resounded from the top of the cliff
"Can't you see you are hanging on a cliff?" Reborn's condescending voice came.
"Just because..."
A bullet grazed past Ienari's cheek. "Shut up, this is training punishment. Good luck on survival."
Without letting Ienari say anything, Reborn disappeared. He hung there for a while when he heard something being cut. When he noticed, his eyes bulged out.
He yelled, while keeping his eyes at the contraption slowly cutting the rope he's being hung with.
While Ienari was shouting and yelling and begging for help, Tsuna and Reborn could be seen observing from the distance while drinking their favorite coffees. Others who with them could only pity the victim.... now did they?
Reborn decided that yes, Tsuna was fun being around with, especially if they had to torture Ienari. But I wonder who taught him to be this sadistic? After all, how is it possible for a kind, innocent and shy brunet to be able to complete this?
He saw how Ienari was running around like a headless chicken in a torn up maid dress with supposedly extinct species of animals following after him. He could also see Tsunayoshi filming this entire thing from various angles. Let's not even mention the fact that Ienari just so happens to be running with people glancing at him and taking pictures while whispering some embarrassing things for Ienari, if the blush on Ienari's face isn't proof enough, Reborn doesn't knows what else can be.
Reborn can also say that Tsuna is pretty strong by himself. If carrying pepper sprays, tasers knockout darts in his watch (where did he get that?), darts filled with poison and sedatives (again, where does he gets all these stuff from?) combined with other weapons in his bottomless pocket... Tsuna's a waking arsenal. Hell, he managed to keep a gun in there! Not to mention, he's somehow using all those weapons he has to make Ienari's life more miserable...
"Tsuna, where did you get all of these... killing gadgets from?"
Tsuna merely smiled innocently in response. That smile would be convincing if he wasn't holding a poison filled darts and aiming it for his brother...
"2 technicians in Nebesa created these upon my request," Reborn cursed those stupid technicians for that. "They even created a robots army to ward off any mafias or stupid beings."
Reborn didn't ask for more. Nebesa was strong, Reborn decided. He just didn't how strong. He returned his attention to Ienari who was screaming his lungs out as the extinct wild species of animals were coming closer to him.
Reborn looked as a Jaguar came to Tsuna and dipped its head in submission.
"Aki! There you are!" Tsuna said pleased, handing the camera to Reborn to continue taking the movie.
"You keep a Jaguar as a pet?"
"Not just a Jaguar but also an Owl named "Kyo" which is used for keeping a look out for enemies and a medium size black bird named "Shi" that I use for replying etc, you've already met Shi remember? When we started the playtime activity of ours? I also have a lion named "NaTsu," if you're wondering."
"...What do you use the Jaguar and lion for?"
"Scaring enemies. They're quite useful. And they have a name!"
Reborn merely nodded and decided to ignore the Jaguar that was purring. He didn't even know they could purred. He directed his attention to his student who was now being cornered by the animals.
"Tsuna, make sure to give me a copy of the film later onwards," Reborn said mischievously.
It was then that Reborn noticed a red blinking light coming from Tsunayoshi's touch screen phone (where did he even get that from?). Reborn blinked twice before clarifying,
"Is the film by any chance being..."
Tsuna's smirked widened, "Live filming. Broadcasted around the whole world."
"You're really sadistic aren't you?" Reborn asked pleased.
Tsuna spared a glance at Reborn before smiling evilly, "Wait till you hear how Nebesa was formed..."
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