#like bulldogs aren’t actually more aggressive
doberbutts · 1 year
Do you have an opinion on whether or not silver labrador retrievers are actually purebred labs? I know they’re not allowed to be show dogs due to their color, but some of the things I’ve read about the controversy of silver labs, particularly on the labrador retriever club’s website, sound really aggressive (and tbh rude) in their opinion that silver labs aren’t real labs.
Purebred? Probably not.
So my problem is twofold. The first is that of all the off colors, dilute is not one that has historically existed within the breed once true to type. This means unless a random mutation happened- which CAN happen (see albino dobes and panda GSDs)- it's not possible for purebred labs to be or carry dilute.
The other problem I have is that once you breed back to type for three or more generations, most dog breed genetics tests will test that dog as purebred. We see this happening in other impossible-to-be-pure colors, such as merle poodles and bulldogs. So pointing to an embark or other test that says purebred is less "proof" at this point because most of these dogs are so far from what would have been the original cross that they will test as functionally purebred even if they are not technically by dog breed standards.
This is the lab club's page on silver labs and does not seem rude or aggressive to me? They are of the opinion that these are mixed breed dogs due to the same thing I just said- historically labs have never been dilute once they were officially labs. As a result, it's genuinely not possible outside of random mutation or cross breeding to have dilute in the breed. This means that cross breeding would have to happen as the most likely source, and also that is easily explained when examining the origins of the silver lab.
This is actually pretty verbatim for the merle chihuahua, which is thought to have come from mixing with merle-possible breeds relatively recently or, at the very least, well after the breed was established as purebred. The major difference is that the members of the chihuahua club held a vote on whether to accept merle chihuahuas as purebred and the answer was "no good dog is a bad color", so they were allowed within breed standard. Noteably, chihuahuas are capable of producing all colors, with no restrictions outside of ensuring good pigment, compared to labs which are possible in more than just red, chocolate, and black but are restricted to just those three.
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silyabeeodess · 1 year
FusionFall Headcanons: Tech Wings
The description for the Tech Wings reveal that they aren’t Dexter’s machines, but rather were created by Fuse from discarded parts.  From a closer look at some of the concept art, it seems that some of those parts might have come from Dexbots, or at least an early version of them, as the chests of the Tech Wings is a very close match--if larger and with a few altered details to the design.  
The Tech Wings are based largely on bats, more specifically carnivorous ones like the Fishing Bulldog Bat.  I say this and not, for instance, the vampire bat due to their methods of attack.  Vampire bats strike from the ground, then bite and lick the blood from their prey.  A bat like the Fishing Bulldog, meanwhile, will snatch up its prey and eat it entirely.  This better fits the Tech Wings since they typically attack while still in the air--either firing ultrasonic waves at their targets or raking them with the claws of their feet.  I see it possible for them to snatch up soldiers only to drop them from daunting heights as well. While their teeth are blunt, they also still have a fierce bite.
Despite this, according to their concept art, they actually flap their wings more like a dragon as opposed to a bat.  This is because they aren’t nearly as agile/flexible, being largely mechanical, and lack both the fingers and stretched skin of real bats.  They’re fast flyers, but lack the same level of maneuverability.      
They utilize more fusion matter itself in their creations, as evidenced by their wings.  Unfortunately for them, while this makes their wings more nimble compared to other parts of their bodies, it also leaves them more exposed to imaginary energy (IE).  Attacking their wings to down them is a good strategy, as they have difficulty walking.        
The Wild Wings are the higher-evolved form of the Tech Wings. “Answering to no one,” they seem to be a bit much for anyone other than Fuse himself to handle, even the fusions leading his army. They are extremely powerful and aggressive, and aren’t easily intimidated by anything.  According to the Wild Wings’ description, Mojo Jojo has a lot of trouble dealing with these fusion monsters in-particular.  The mission “Making Friends with Mojo (Part 1 of 4)”, reveals that they, along with the Doom Diggers, try to steal Mojo’s technology. While his personal army can face them on a level playing field in the skies, unlike most other fusion fighters, the Wild Wings are simply too powerful--to the point that it can take multiple fighters to take them down.  It’s better for highly-skilled soldiers to face them as, if the numbers are reversed, a group of Wild Wings can overwhelm a fusion fighter very easily. 
We see from the events of the Future that the Tech Wings were able to survival the length of the war. Already being made of various spare parts, they didn’t need the same level of maintenance required of other fusion monsters based on Dexter’s robots.  If anything, parts left behind from the ruins of Tech Square and Dexter’s forces would only give them more material to piece themselves together from. 
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jdgo51 · 2 months
How Would Jesus Handle Life Drainers?
Today's inspiration comes from:
Healthy Conflict, Peaceful Life
by Donna Jones
"'One of my friends likes to use the term life drainers for people who aren’t concerned about conflict resolution or relationship reconciliation, but whose primary intention is to prove they are right.
They drain joy and peace because we engage with them — often for days, weeks, or months — in the hopes of finding unity, solutions, or understanding, only to discover they aren’t interested in these things at all. They leave us emotionally, relationally, and spiritually spent.
Life drainers say things like “I don’t think wrong things; therefore, the way I see this issue is right.” (I actually heard someone say this once.) Even if a life drainer doesn’t come right out and verbalize this belief, they think it.
Life drainers are often critical and controlling. They see compromise as a last resort (if they consider compromise at all) since their goal is to prove they know best. Relationships are secondary.
Listening to another’s perspective is a waste of time for them. After all, why listen to someone else when you’re certain your way is the only way? They’d much prefer — in fact, they often demand — that you listen to them. Life drainers are starved bulldogs with fresh meat; they bite and simply will not let things go. If a life drainer can’t control, a life drainer will find something to criticize and then leave.
Sometimes life drainers are easy to spot; they’re contentious from the start. Other times, though, life-draining tendencies lie dormant. You won’t know someone is a life drainer so long as you both agree. But the moment you don’t see eye to eye — bam! — the life drainer won’t stop until you admit they are right.
Years ago, a man at a church we attended became disgruntled over a decision the pastoral team made. Instead of seeking first to understand, he called one of the pastors in a huff.
The parishioner was demanding and full of rage from the moment the conversation began: “Did you say such and such in the meeting where you made the decision? Yes or no?”
The pastor stayed calm in the face of unjust anger. “I think if you knew more of the context surrounding the decision, it would help clarify things. Let’s meet for coffee so I can explain more fully.”
“Just answer the question. Did you say __________? Yes or no? Yes or no?” the man commanded, his voice rising with every word. “As I mentioned, there is context surrounding what was said that’s important to know. We’re brothers in Christ. Let’s meet for coffee.” “I don’t want to meet you. I want you to answer the question: yes or no?”
You probably guessed the disgruntled church member was more interested in proving his point than in maintaining unity. You probably also guessed that he left the church.
Life drainers are not always aggressive though. Sometimes life drainers suck the joy out of relationships using more passive means. For example, consider Emily and Pam. They were the best of friends.
Until they weren’t.
Without warning, Emily stopped returning Pam’s calls or texts.
Pam left voice mail messages and countless texts asking Emily what she’d done wrong. She apologized for anything she might have said or done, though she honestly had no idea what might have offended her friend to the point of being completely cut off.
We can disagree without being disagreeable.
Desperate to resolve whatever conflict had come between them, Pam knocked on Emily’s door unannounced.
“Emily, you’re my dear friend. Please tell me what I did. I want to make this right,” Pam pleaded.
“You should know what you did. If you don’t know, I’m not going to tell you,” Emily said dryly before shutting the door, leaving Pam standing alone on the porch.
Pam left heartbroken.
And Pam remained heartbroken, pierced by rejection until a wise friend gave her godly advice:
“Some people want to hold on to their grudge more than they want to hold on to their relationship. If you sincerely did all you could to reconcile, and yet the other person doesn’t want to, move on.
You did what is right before God. That’s your only responsibility.”
No matter what you dub them — pot stirrers, life drainers, or some other name of your own making — these folks haven’t grasped how to disagree without being disagreeable. Yet it’s vital to take a good look in the mirror. An honest assessment might reveal that we can be the pot stirrer. We may be the life drainer.
If we find that drama seems to follow us wherever we go, or if we find ourselves constantly irritated at others, we likely need to make some changes. We don’t have to be a pot stirrer. We don’t have to be a life drainer.
We can learn new, healthier, holier ways of handling disagreements.
And we don’t we have to allow pot-stirring, life-draining folks to control our lives with their incessant need to bring chaos into our calm. We can disagree without being disagreeable.
Of course, the natural question is how.
And, as always, the answer is found by looking at Jesus.
Jesus, the Life Giver
In Jesus’ day the Pharisees were the ultimate pot stirrers. And life drainers. Everywhere Jesus went the Pharisees challenged Him, attempted to stir up the crowd against Him, or some combination of both. If a group of Pharisees was present, conflict was not far behind.
How did Jesus respond to an almost constant barrage of opposition? Jesus was never unkind or unloving. However, Jesus didn’t have an insatiable need for everyone to like Him, which freed Him to seek to please the Father above all else. When confronted with conflict, more often than not Jesus calmly spoke truth and left it at that.
Jesus did not over-engage with people who had no real interest in finding peace and reconciliation. But Jesus didn’t under-engage with them either.
Jesus depended on His relationship with the Father to know when to speak, when to remain silent, when to stay, when to leave, and when to graciously let others leave.
We can do the same.
Conflict can drive us to the foot of the cross. It can provide an opportunity for us to live in dependence on our heavenly Father, who promises to give wisdom to those who ask. Instead of relying on resolution strategies (which have their place), sometimes conflict forces us to rely on our resurrected Savior. God knows when we should keep trying and when we should quit. He knows when it’s wise to walk away and when it’s wise to run.
As a general rule, though, if a person constantly dredges up drama, it’s usually best to keep them at arm’s length. And if a person is consistently more interested in proving their point than improving your relationship, it’s usually wisest to love them from a distance. These types of people have no real interest in unity, conflict resolution, or relational reconciliation.
To handle conflict like Jesus, we do our part to be at peace with all people — while also acknowledging that not everyone will want to be at peace with us."
Excerpted with permission from Healthy Conflict, Peaceful Life by Donna Jones, copyright Donna Jones.
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petculiars · 2 years
Interesting St. Bernard Facts You Should Know
New Post has been published on https://www.petculiars.com/interesting-st-bernard-facts-you-should-know/
Interesting St. Bernard Facts You Should Know
When thinking about St. Bernards, the image that first pops into the heads of most people is that of a massive dog that stands on top of a mountain, covered in snow and with a small cask around its neck. In fact, experts say that this breed was not actually used a lot for hauling brandy and helping people get down from the mountain. Even so, they do make for amazing rescue dogs. But outside of their ability to help people, these awesome creatures have some other notable characteristics. Let’s strip the St. Bernard of all the mystery and find out more about this very interesting dog.
The name of the breed wasn’t always St. Bernard
Although St. Bernard is considered a breed originating from Switzerland, historians say it most likely came to Switzerland around 2,000 years ago, brought by Romans. This breed is believed to have spawned when some local mountain breeds were bred with what are known as modern-day mastiffs, the Molossers. The older names of this breed were Bauernhund, which means farm dog, and Talhund, meaning valley dog. The name of the breed actually came from a monk that was canonized as a saint in 1124.
You might also like my articles on other breeds like the Redtick Coonhound, the Johnson American Bulldog, and the Long Haired Dalmatian.
His name was Bernard de Menthon and a mountain pass was named after him. It took a few hundred years for St. Bernards to be brought to the St. Bernard Pass hospice where their task was to provide companionship, protection, and also rescue stranded travelers. The pass gave them their name and it stuck.
It doesn’t take a lot of maintenance to take care of their amazing coats
You’ve probably noticed that some St. Bernards have a very short coat, while others have a very long one. This is in fact due to an interesting reason. In the search for a longer, thicker coat for their dogs, as a way of protecting them throughout very cold seasons, monks also crossed the St. Bernard dogs with the Newfoundlands, a breed with amazing fur. This didn’t go very well as snow and ice started to get trapped in the long coat, making the dogs even more uncomfortable than they previously were.
Even so, regardless of the length of hair in your St. Bernard’s fur, you won’t have to spend a lot to take care of it. You won’t even have to bathe the dog all that often, considering that the coat has a protective oil, which keeps the water out. In fact, this dog is known to have no problem with going as much as eight weeks without a single bath and you shouldn’t even try to bathe it more than once a week. What you should do instead is to constantly brush them to prevent the coat from matting.
They are great in big families and around other pets
St. Bernards are known as one of the biggest breeds of dogs in the world, with a weight of anywhere between 120 and 180 pounds and a height between 26 and 31 inches at the shoulder. Although they are commonly known as mountain heroes, they also have a more gentle side and almost endless patience with other dogs, humans of all sizes, and even cats. If you’re looking for a large dog but you’re a cat owner or have small children, then St. Bernard is the perfect breed to go for, as they show almost no aggressive traits.
The worst a St. Bernard will usually do is knock over furniture and people while playing, although dogs within one breed can have some unique personality characteristics. Although St. Bernards will basically act like puppies throughout their lives, they aren’t exactly hyperactive so you don’t have to worry about having to run after them. They are, in fact, very lazy and will usually only walk if they have to.
Get ready with having drool everywhere
The St. Bernard dog has a pretty unusual head shape. This, along with the loose skin around its lips and a jaw with a unique shape, leads to huge amounts of drool spilling everywhere. To make sure they don’t drool so much, make sure you keep your dog as cool as possible, have a drool rag around at all times, and keep the pup outside while cooking. Although they are pretty messy dogs, they do make up for this with playfulness and a lot of affection. If you can stand a great deal of drool around the house, then there is no reason not to get one of these great dogs.
The Brady cask carrying part is basically a myth
Experts say that St. Bernards never had a cask of Brady around their neck to help travelers that get stranded. In fact, this myth came to life when a young painter named Edwin Landseer drew two St. Bernards with the casks around their necks, in a painting named Alpine Mastiffs Reanimating a Distressed Traveler. He was also the one to say that the casks were full of Brady and things just picked up from there. In reality, although St. Bernards might have casks while on the mountain, these are usually filled with water and food.
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
It’s Pretty
Pairing: Sirius Black x Female!Reader 
Warnings: death, fighting, swearing, fluff
Word Count: 1k
Summary: Y/N is newly pregnant and Sirius is over the moon. Then, the unexpected happens.
A/N: I usually post imagines on Mondays, but I wrote this last night and couldn’t wait!
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Lounging on the couch with my head in Sirius’s lap, we go over baby names. I’m only less than a handful of months along, so we’re keeping the news a secret until we’re certain it’s safe. The only people who know are Remus and Harry. We told Remus because he’s our oldest friend and Sirius accidentally exploded when Remus came over the other day. The man-made it through from the door and Sirius just let it out. It came as quite a shock to me too and I’m the pregnant one. Harry was planned. We wrote to him asking to be the godfather, it only seems fair. Sirius pushed for Remus for a while, but with his responsibilities to the Order, I felt Harry was the best choice.
Ever since we found out, it’s all Sirius can talk about. When everyone comes over for meetings he has to bite his tongue. I’m afraid the meetings' firewhiskey sessions will perhaps be my worst enemy one day. Sirius loves to blab. Recently, he’s been talking about names all hours of the day and sometimes randomly in the middle of the night. No seriously- no pun intended- he’ll wake me up in the middle of the night when he’s thought of “the most perfect name for the little guy.” We don’t even know if it’s a boy yet.
“Alexi,” I announce for a boy.
Sirius cowers, his face scrunched like a bulldog. “Alexi? What are we Russian?”
“It’s pretty!” I defend.
“I won’t let my son have a pretty name,” he mocks. “It’ll be handsome and strong!”
I roll my eyes. “And Sirius isn’t pretty?”
“It’s majestic,” he corrects.
I hum, “oh! What about Torryn?”
He taps his finger against his chin, pondering it over. “Not too shabby. Better than Alexi...” He remarks slyly. “We always do-”
“We’re not naming it James!” I repeat, yet again. “Let Harry have that one.”
“Fine...” he grumbles, all pouty. “What if it’s a girl?”
“Sheridan,” I answer.
“So now we’re Irish?!” He sighs deeply, resting his head back dramatically on the couch.
“Do you have any bright ideas?!” I challenge playfully.
“Cressida,” he states calmly.
“Cressida...” I repeat, thinking it over.
“You like it?” Sirius smiles, petting my hair gently as he looks down at me.
“Yes actually,” I admit. “It’s pretty!”
“Don’t sound so surprised,” he laughs, leaning in for a kiss.
The sound of the front door causes Sirius and I to leap up from our position. My heart pounds in my chest. We weren’t expecting visitors today. The sound of footsteps, a series of them, brings me panic. Sirius immediately blocks me from the archway, protecting me. His wand is raised in front of him in one hand and the other grips my hand behind him. Then, Remus and Tonks turn the corner panting.
“Quick! It’s Harry and the other kids!”
“What?!” Sirius and I say in unison.
“They’re... They’re at the ministry!” Remus pants. “The prophecy!”
Sirius curses under his breath and starts down the hall the way they came with our friends. I follow the trio without a second thought.
“You’re not going!” Sirius shouts just before we reach the door.
“I’m coming Sirius!” I yell at my husband.
“Y/N!” He whips around angrily.
Tonks and Remus move aside, creating a clear path between me and my husband.
“I’m not even showing yet!” I defend.
“You’re pregnant!” Sirius reminds sharply.
Tonks gasps, her hand flying up to her mouth. Remus whispers something to her. Probably along the lines of ‘sorry, I couldn’t tell you.’
“And you’re an idiot,” I fire back, stifling my laughter. “Looks like we both have a gamble!”
Sirius rushes down the hall to me and cups my face in his hands pleadingly. “I can’t lose you.”
“Then you should be able to understand why I can’t let you go without me,” I claim quietly, placing my hands over his. “I can’t wait here doing nothing when I know you’re out there risking your life! It’s not just your life Sirius, it’s both of ours. It’s always you and me.”
He exhales deeply, lowering his head as he struggles with the internal debate going through his mind. “Okay,” he mumbles reluctantly. Rushing, he plants a kiss on my lips and takes my hand.
I sprint to huddle behind a bolder with Ginny beside me. She’s brilliant, I’ll give her that. Granted, I could already tell after hearing her subtle comments at dinner that never failed to make me laugh.
Remus runs into view with Hermione and I take the opportunity to hand over Ginny. “Remus, watch them!”
“Y/N! Where are you going?!” He shouts, leaving the girls hidden to stop me.
“I have to help my husband and godson! I can’t just stand there!” I argue, marching aww.
“No!” He grabs my wrist and yanks me down behind a rock. “Sirius wouldn’t want you to!”
“Since when have I ever listened to him?!” I move to stand.
Remus yanks me back down, much to my annoyance. “You have your child to think about!”
“I am thinking of them!” I hiss at my oldest friend. “I won’t let them grow up without a father!”
His eyes pour into mine, awestruck. It’s highly unlike me to argue with him or anyone who isn’t my husband I suppose. Taking the chance now that he’s a little more compliant, I rise to my feet. Sirius and Harry fight off Lucius on the giant boulder in the center of the room. I run to join them urgently.
“Avada kedavra!”
I halt upon hearing the horrific words echo in the room. My eyes scan the room for the source and I spot Bellatrix towering above the rest of us, a wickedly grin on her face. I follow her eyesight to the center, to my husband. He has an unfamiliar blank stare in his eyes as he peers at Harry. Out of my peripheral vision, Remus runs past me. Before he can reach the pair, Sirius slips away into the archway.
“No!” I scream at the top of my lungs. “No!” I cry.
Kingsley wraps his arms around me, keeping me back. I fight him off, aggressively. “Let go of me!”
“No, no don’t let her win!” He warns in my ear.
I wail as my legs give out on me and I slip to the ground. “No,” I cry toward the ceiling.
“Get her out of here!” Shouts Remus.
I hear Bellatrix’s laugh ringing throughout the room. Something in my snaps and my tears stop altogether. Kingsley reaches to apparate me home, but I snatch my wand off the ground beside me and runoff. I follow Bellatrix out into the crevice she escaped through.
“Y/N!” Everyone calls after me panicked.
“I killed Sirius Black!” The crazy lunatic repeats like a song as she skips through the Ministry. “I killed Sirius Black!”
“You raging bitch!” I yell as I shoot a spell her way and missing.
“Aw cousin-in-law coming to get me?!” She mocks, continuing her celebration.
Bellatrix falls to the floor with a yelp. I continue my spell, putting at much focus as I can into her. She flails on the tile in pain, screaming. I wonder if it reminds her of torture in Azkaban. I sure hope it does.
I ease up on the spell, lower my wand to her chest. Catching her breath, she peers at me terrified. As she should be because now I’m the raging bitch. She thinks she’s evil because she was filled with hate. Well, now I’m filled with hate!
Pointing my wand directly at her chest, I smile wickedly at the woman who killed my love. Just two words and everything will be set fair and square.
“Aw, afraid of me now?” I tease with a mocking pout.
“I don’t need a blood traitor feeling sorry for me!” She bites.
I snicker, amused by her pointless insults. Swiftly, I kneel down on the floor beside her, getting in her face. I point my wand at her chest and dig it into the skin intimidatingly. Then, I hit her where I’m certain it will hurt.
“You’ll never be anything more than just another loyal follower,” I remind her smoothly with a smile on my face. “He will never want you. You alone will never be enough for him. You can try everything in your power, but the Dark Lord will never love you.”
She pushes back against my wand. “How dare-”
I slap her hard, causing her face to snap to the side. “Tell me how it feels Bella! Tell me how it feels to be worth nothing in eyes of the person you love! Because I wouldn’t know that feeling! Because unlike you, the man I loved, loved me in return!”
“Go to Hell!” She screams in my face.
“I’ll see you there!” I laugh, leaping to my feet and ready to kill the bitch.
“No Y/N!” I hear Remus shout a distance away.
“What is this?” I hear a sly voice question directly behind me.
I glance over my shoulder to be met with Voldemort. Bellatrix laughs loudly.
“Y/N, it’s been too long,” he smiles wickedly. “You’ve grown up so much!” He pauses for a moment, then his eyes fall to my stomach. “And you’re with child, how wonderful.”
I remain silent, restraining myself from doing something rash. The Dark Lord slithers toward me with a smile. Remus and the others stay back, ready to intervene if necessary, but don’t want to cause anything detrimental.
“You know, it’s not too late to join my ranks,” Voldemort whispers to me as he circles me.
“Never,” I stand my ground, knowing it may cost my life.
“Pity, you have such potential,” he mutters disappointedly, starring into my eyes.
He stays for a moment and I can see the wheels turning in his mind. Reaching up, he brushes the back of his hand against my cheek. Then, he sighs and turns to walk away.
“Aren’t you gonna kill her?!” Bellatrix whines, following after him.
The Dark Lord halts and snaps his attention to her, “are you questioning me?!”
The sound of blasting fire as people arrive through the fireplaces signal Voldemort that he must depart. Voices erupt once they see him for themselves.
Voldemort looks to me. “The honor of being my right hand is always open to you, Y/N,” he purrs before disappearing into a cloud of broken glass.
I fall to my knees, utterly exhausted. Tears well up in my eyes and soon I feel arms around me. I glance to my side and Harry’s head rests on my shoulder. I turn to face him, wrapping my arms around him. His head falls to my lap and he wails. I lean over him, protecting him from the world as I’ve always done. I didn’t just lose a husband, he lost a godfather. The realization hits me hard, we’re each other’s only family now.
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shapeshiftingmenace · 3 years
Fact checking people who hate pitbulls due to misinformation:
Pitbulls aren't supposed to be human aggressive. They were bred to be exclusively animal aggressive, and have a high prey drive. This is so much of a factor in a regular pittie that UKC disqualifies the dog if an American Pit Bull Terrier is aggressive towards humans. They also get put down if they attack trainers or other humans when used for dogfights. (UKC American Pit Bull Terrier breed standards)
Pitbulls are no more likely to attack someone than any other dog, and are actually horrible guard dogs because they're so nice to strangers (I can confirm this, as I have a pitbull and she loves meeting new people). (this is mentioned in the UKC breed standards, linked above)
The term "pitbull" encompasses multiple breeds, not just the APBT. A few of these breeds include the American Pit Bull Terrier, the American bulldog, the American Staffordshire Terrier, and others, including mutts with any of these breeds in their lineage (Wikipedia page that outlines the term "pit bull"). It's essentially racism for dogs in areas that ban pitbull type dogs, as it's specifically used for breed specific legislation (or BSL).
This is more general since it includes other breeds, but I see a lot of people say "nanny dogs" aren't an actual category of dog. You'd be correct, it's not an official term for dog breeds. It's just a way for people to classify which breeds are good with children, hence the term "nanny dog" (this list includes pitbulls, St. Bernards, and Newfoundlands); in their home country of England, Staffordshire Bull Terriers are nicknamed "nanny dogs" because they're so gentle with children. (Hill's pet breed information for the SBT)
Some shelter statistics: 1.2 million dogs get euthanized in shelters every year, and 40% of those are pitbulls, meaning nearly half a million pitties get put down every year. 75% of municipal shelters put down pitbulls immediately after they come in, not even giving them a chance to find a family. (From The Gentle Pit)
I see people spreading a LOT of misinformation regarding pitbulls and it's really sad. They're extremely sweet dogs and don't deserve the reputation they have. They're just as loving as any other breed, in some cases more loving. They're also extremely loyal dogs. Let's stop spreading misinformation, shall we?
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sunshinewrit-ing · 3 years
Writing Fictional Domesticated Dogs
ig: @sunshine.writingPlease keep in mind that this guide is geared towards writers, and there really isn’t any information for if you’re planning on actually adopting a dog!
Choosing a Dog for Your Character
When it comes to choosing the type of dog that you want to appear in your writing, there are a few things to keep in mind. Not every dog is the same and there are hundreds of different breeds of dogs, along with different requirements for the pets. They also have their own personalities and come with their own traumas.
1. Where did your character get the dog from (or how)?
The most common place people get dogs from are shelters and professional breeders, and that could be the case for your character. If the dog was bought from a breeder, it’s probably going to be purebred. If it was adopted from the shelter, it could possibly be purebred but it’s probably going to be a mix of several different types of breeds. If your character didn’t adopt or buy their dog, then they might’ve found it as a stray, or it could’ve been a gift from a friend or a loved one. Maybe your character got them in a more unconventional way, but that’s something that you need to decide on.
2. What breed of dog is it? 
There are hundreds of different breeds of dogs so if you decided that your character’s dog is purebred, you need to decide what breed you prefer, or what breed suits your character better. The AKC has seven main groups for the classification of dog breeds, so it might be helpful to start by choosing which group’s temperament and activity level would work better with the character’s personality, living conditions, and job. The groups are: 
If the dog was adopted from the shelter or acquired in another way, you’ll have to decide what breeds it has in it and you’ll probably have to research the breeds separately. Once you do some research, you should combine it together to figure out what the overall temperament of the dog is going to be.
A side note if you’re looking at pit bulls is that pit bull is not a specific breed, but a collection of breeds that have been misidentified and lumped into the same category. If you’re planning to include a pitbull as your character’s pet, maybe instead do some research into the American Staffordshire terrier or some of the other breeds classified as pit bulls such as the Bull Terrier, Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog, Cane Corso, or American Bulldog.
3. Giving it a personality
Dogs aren’t just animals that need to be taken on walks, pet, and fed as they usually appear in books, and they all have their unique individual personalities. A lot of the time, their personalities depending on their breed and what they’ve been through in their life. In a lot of ways, dogs also really do take after their owners as well so adding in small similarities between your character and their dog is a good way to not only add detail but to develop the relationship between them. 
It’s really important to keep in mind what happened to the dog when they were a puppy because that really does have an impact on their personality in their adult years. For instance, a dog who grew up ignored and neglected would probably be more independent. One that was abused by people or other animals could be insecure and a dog that grew up fighting in a ring could be aggressive or overly confident. 
4. Quirks
Most dogs will probably have some sort of quirk or something that they do that isn’t something super common whether that be a trick taught by their owner or something as simple as a sploot. Maybe the dog likes to walk around and grunt as though it’s talking or maybe it knows how to open the fridge and bring something back. It could also have more negative quirks like maybe your character’s dog has really bad anxiety when it’s windy or barks when it sees a duck but doesn’t bark at anything else. Their quirk could also be a medical issue like maybe they were born with Dwarfism or Vitiligo, or maybe they’re missing a limb. 
5. Don’t forget to give them a name!
Incorporating the Dog into your Writing
Something that I find frustrating when dogs (or pets in general) are mentioned in books or short stories is that they don’t really play any specific role and are just there. Dogs are man’s best friend and usually play a very large role in our lives (unless you’re allergic to them or just a cat person). If your character has a dog, you should show the bond between owner and animal. How much they love each other, how they coexist, and even the frustrations that the owner might have when their dog is being disobedient. Or on the flip side, if the owner doesn’t love their animals (even if the owner hates it), that could be subtly entered into the story as an additional detail. Aside from the relationship between dog and owner, the dog’s personality should be shown through its actions when your character interacts with it.
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certainmiraclefun · 3 years
When arriving on the scene of a fire, emergency crews have to make quick, on-the-spot decisions for approaching the situation. Arguably, one of the most crucial determinations that needs to be made is which hose lines are best suited for the circumstances. Fire severity, type of property, amount of required hose, and suppression tactics are all factors that influence what size and type of hose should be used. Choose correctly; the blaze has a better chance of being contained. Get it wrong; the situation can take a turn for the worse. Two essential hoses operated by firefighters are attack and supply hoses. In this article, the BullDog Hose team highlights why hose size matters when approaching a fire.
Attack Lines
Attack hoses, such as BullDog’s Hi-Combat II®, Firepower II™, Ultima™, and Fireguard™, are designed to tackle fires in their beginning stages and offer flexible approaches to different types of fires. The most common attack line sizes that fire departments deploy are 1.75 inches and 2.5 inches. Both sizes have pros and cons, depending on the situation at hand. Deciding to work with one format over the other can dictate the effectiveness of the initial suppression efforts. Smaller diameter hoses require much higher pressure to move lower volumes of water.
When working with the 1.75-inch hose, it is most useful for taking on residential and vehicle fires. This hose size is much lighter and more maneuverable than the 2.5-inch line. A more compact design makes it easier for firefighters to move the line through hallways, stairwells, and small rooms. Generally, this hose can be operated by two to three firefighters and can deliver water around 140 to 200 gallons per minute (gpm). So this is the desired hose to utilize when suppressing smaller fires. Being relatively easier to manage, 1.75-inch hoses tend to be a ‘catch-all’ when first responding to a fire. If attempting to tackle larger blazes, the 2.5-inch attack hose should be fielded.
A 2.5-inch hose line is the best choice when responding to more significant commercial buildings and exterior fires. With the ability to deliver high volumes of water at 200 to 300 gpm, this hose can take on more of the fire load than the smaller 1.75-inch attack line. The 2.5-inch hose can be more challenging to control in smaller spaces and is commonly handled by three to four firefighters.
Supply Lines
Keeping the attack lines charged and operating at their best efficiency all depends on the supply hoses. These hoses, like BullDog’s Hi-Vol® and Hi-Vol TPU™, can be found in sizes ranging from 3 to 6 inches in diameter. The bigger supply lines move high volumes of water from hydrants and fire engines to the attack lines. With the larger diameter, supply hoses can carry more water at lower pressures. Relocating supply lines can be difficult once the water begins flowing.
Fire fighting is one of the professions that keeps our nation thriving. But, fire departments around America have to select the best hoses every year. Budgets might change and the seasons grow warmer, but safety is of utmost importance. However, not every fire hose works the same due to the fires they have to fight. So, let’s learn about the big differences between municipal and industrial fire hoses.
Municipal Fire Hoses
Municipal Fire Hoses are designed for fire fighting that requires kink resistance and critical water flow. Being lightweight is key, as these hoses often have to deal with shifting terrain and various on-the-job changes. While older and more standard municipal fire hoses are maximized for normal wear and tear, what about the specialty hoses?
There are a variety of municipal fire hoses on the market to solve any problem your fire department or town might be facing. Need hoses to be more cost conscious, solutions are available. What about municipal hoses needed to reach high rise or raised angle structures? There are fire hoses for that as well.
Pumping to high-rise buildings in cities vs. rural settings is also a concern faced by these same municipal fire hoses. Depending on the structures you protect, you will need to consult with your hose supplier to find out which one works the best for you.
Industrial Fire Hoses
Industrial Fire Hoses pack a little more punch than the typical municipal fire hose. They feature far superior heat and abrasion resistance. Plus, they tend to be able to support issues concerning oil, fuel and chemicals far greater than the typical municipal fire hose. The industrial fire hoses tend to be flexible and lightweight as well.
These fire hoses also tend to be optimized to be maintenance free. While that doesn’t mean you won’t have to take care of industrial fire hoses, it means maintenance demands will be fewer. The practical uses of the industrial fire hoses remain the same in theory. You’re going to transfer liquid, washdown areas and generally solve problems.
However, municipal fire fighting hose belong to the typical mental image you have day-to-day fire fighting. Meanwhile, industrial fire hoses are used on air strips, military bases, heavy industrial factories and related business areas.
What kind of fire fighting hose are you going to need?
As time marches on deeper into the year and your budget deadline grows close, you will have to address your fire fighting needs. No one wants to be the person that reaches for a fire hose only not have it be suited for the purpose at hand. Whether you’re outfitting your local rural fire department or keeping an auto plant safe, you must know the differences between municipal and industrial fire hoses.
Is there really a best fire fighting hose?
Well, it depends on the environment and overall purpose. Industrial forestry fire hose can fight all sorts of fires started by various things, but they do this in fixed environments.
Municipal fire hoses save towns money. They also are ready to suction water out of unusual water resources. Then, there is the method of actual dispersing the fire.
A municipal fire hose extinguishes a fire with limited structural damage and loss of life. The industrial fire fighting hose keeps fire from accelerating. Stopping the acceleration means it doesn’t spread to other structures that might combust in a short amount of time. The power in an industrial fire hose will keep a plane from exploding, but it also can punch holes in an unstable wall during a house fire.
In the end, the best fire hose is determined by the purpose and the individual. Keep reading and visiting Bulldog Hose to learn more about the world of fire fighting hose.
Fire hoses are constantly in demand in our ever-changing world. But, if you’re trying to meet a municipal budget, where do you turn? Your friends at BullDog Hose have been helping fire departments around the US and Canada discover their perfect work balance. Finding the needs to meet safety with the durable hoses that would break a fire department’s budget.
Big Hoses that don’t break the bank
When people think of fire hoses, their background changes their opinion of them. Older veteran firefighters remember the thick monstrous hoses of the 1970s that made high-rises difficult to navigate. While most fire houses have gotten rid of those bulky behemoths, what are they doing in 2021?
The answer is simple for many fire fighters and fire departments around the US and Canada. They’re struggling with big hoses from a bygone era that aren’t getting the job done. Couplings are worn or a little off. If that wasn’t enough, the same fire fighters are having to keep up with changing fire fighting standards.
What is the right size hose for fire fighting and attack?
Fire fighting and fire attack have several unique demands. First, they have to be able to be used and save lives. Second, the fire fighting hose costs can’t break the Department’s budget. Finally, they have to be perfectly adapted to fit and attack fires in the most accurate way.
The idea of big fire needs big water is traditionally heard in fire fighting. That has lead to the majority of fire departments purchasing larger hoses ala something with a 2 1/2 inch handline. While this standard was applied for years without any consideration towards fire fighting needs, the National Fire Academy found a formula to help you pick the best hose.
Length x Width / 3  x Rate of Involvement
So, let’s say you have a 25 foot length of hose and the width of a building is 40 feet that is 25% on fire.
25 x 40 = 1,000 square feet
1,000 divided by 3 is 333.3
333 x .25 = 83.25 gallons per minute.
The benefits of knowing the right size suction hose formula
The NFA formula allows fire departments to measure and understand what they need on the fly. While this is helpful for online and in-person shopping, these modern mathematic applications help your Fire Department save money. Times are tough and budgets aren’t what they used to be, but every municipality and bigger city needs fire fighting materials.
BullDog Hose has Fire Hoses for Sale
At BullDog Hose, we have many fire hoses for sale. But, which is best for you? While we’ve discussed the need to keep an eye for the best fit, provided a formula to figure out your needs and guided you in your journey…what’s next?
Examine our Top 5 hoses for Fire Departments
Attack Fire Hoses
Hi-Combat II
Supply Line Fire Hoses
General Fire Hoses
While browsing the marine hose for Sale, don’t forget to look at the Fireguards
Fireguards are a very aggressive fire hose meant for interior attack. Too often, we see Fire Departments only concentrating on their immediate needs for external fires. The special weave and flexibility of the Fire Guard aids transport and helps for specialized fire fighting. During the summer, public fire fighting statements have shown that that fireguards can assist with waterside related fire needs.
Don’t forget to check out the fire nozzles. Do you need a fog nozzle or a smoothbore nozzle?
Smoothbore nozzles have an open path from coupling to nozzle tip. If you want to create different kinds of streaming patterns, you’re going to want a fog nozzle. The traditional firefighter will find what they need with a smoothbore nozzle. However, there is an added benefit to having the ability to apply different kinds of pressure depending on what a situation needs.
You have a choice in purchasing municipal fire hose, make sure you pick the best with BullDog Hose.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Doctor Who: What Makes a Great One-Off Character?
Some Doctor Who characters are intended for greatness; some are intended to be killed off at the end of their first episode. Writers have a lot more control over the second than the first. What remains true for all characters, is the tension that exists between their function in the story and their potential to affect it. Even a guard who simply runs into a room to get shot could have dragged the story in another direction, should they be allowed (this stock background character was the inspiration for Terry Pratchett’s City Watch novels).
Successful one-off characters aren’t necessarily those who break away from their function, (or even those who aren’t strictly required, for example Binro the Heretic in ‘The Ribos Operation’), but those who make a story soar to another level entirely. More often, what makes them work is when their function in the story is disguised. There are plenty of ways to do this and most of them intersect: casting, costume, dialogue, performance…
Let’s first address the latter. Does the actor need to get under the skin of the character to create a nuanced and layered take that resonates utterly with the audience?
Nope. Doctor Who frequently embraces camp. Sometimes camp holds Doctor Who at gunpoint and sings piano ballads at it. The results vary. Richard Briers’ possessed Chief Caretaker in ‘Paradise Towers’ undermines the production (while not a production striving for kitchen sink realism, Briers’ parody-like performance still cuts against its Brechtian leanings) whereas Graham Crowden’s Soldeed is heightened and ridiculous among similar performances.
Other great examples of this stock character, which I am calling Ham-Err Horror without apology, include Professor Zaroff in ‘The Underwater Menace’ (intended to be driven mad by the death of his family, only for this to be cut from the script, rendering the character inexplicably inexplicable) and John Lumic from ‘Rise of the Cybermen’ (inspired to create the Cybermen by a fear of death, with actor Roger Lloyd-Pack citing Dick Cheney as an inspiration for the performance, but remembered mainly for the ripe delivery of lines such as ‘And how will you do that from beyond the grave?’).
Sometimes you don’t even need dialogue. Christopher Bowen, as Mordred in ‘Battlefield’, commits to a maniacal laugh so long that there’s a cut to another scene in the middle of it.
And yet there are places where camp or over-the-top villains work unironically, and some of the most hospitable are the Tom Baker stories of 1975-1977. Harrison Chase, Magnus Greel, Morbius, the Master… these characters fit into the Grand Guignol tradition of heightened and melodramatic performances (Just because something is dark and morbid doesn’t stop it being ludicrously tragic). As the tone of these stories is pitched at gothic melodrama though, the characters and setting cohere.
Returning to ‘Battlefield’, while there are some great individual performances from one-off characters, they’re not quite pulling in the same direction (Jean Marsh as Morgaine is playing an inter-dimensional sorceress as if it’s real, Marcus Gilbert as Ancelyn is saying ‘This is ridiculous, and that’s great’ and pulling along Angela Bruce’s Bambera in that direction too). ‘Battlefield’ is fun, but also disjointed.
Read more
Doctor Who: Ranking Every Single Companion Departure
By Andrew Blair
It’s a Sin’s Doctor Who Crossover Pays Tribute to Remembrance of the Daleks Actor
By Louisa Mellor
Some characters get by on the strength of costume or make-up, such as the Destroyer (also from ‘Battlefield’) or the Zygons. Broton, the latter’s leader, is a successful character who operates purely as a function rather than an individual. Played with haughty relish by John Woodnutt, Broton is a visual triumph, with the costume a collaboration between costume designer Jim Acheson, visual effects designer John Friedlander and director Douglas Camfield. At its best, ‘Terror of the Zygons’ oozes with tension and atmosphere, with some fantastic design work and enjoyable pulp runaround. This all distracts the viewer from Broton being a colossal idiot. Indulging in clichés such as explaining his entire plot, putting characters in easily escapable situations and assuming the Doctor is dead without proof, Broton has to do these for the story to unfold according to Doctor Who’s format. Fortunately few people watch ‘Terror of the Zygons’ for Broton’s unique take on planetary subjugation.
Some clichés exist specifically because that character has worked well in previous stories. Frequently in Doctor Who somebody would sacrifice themselves to save the day, someone else would comment on this, and everybody would look solemn for a few seconds before immediately moving on with their lives. ‘The Ark in Space’ features two people sacrificing themselves to save humanity, one with a quip about his union and the other fighting possession, and in 1975, a single line noting these acts was enough.
In 2005, TV had changed, and so Doctor Who threw more weight behind these deaths (boosted by Russell T. Davies’ seemingly effortless ability to generate a whole human life by adding three adjectives per character to the scripts). Jabe in ‘The End of the World’, Gwyneth in ‘An Unquiet Dead’, Pete Tyler in ‘Father’s Day’… these sacrifices were dwelt on, their weight became cumulative. From this, a subgenre of Almost Companions emerged with Lynda in ‘The Parting of the Ways’, Astrid in ‘Voyage of the Damned’ and Rita in ‘The God Complex’: all too doomed to step on board. Eventually the show acknowledged this with the Eleventh Doctor standing over the body of Lorna Bucket and observing “They’re always brave.”
Doctor Who was commentating on itself as early as its second series (in ‘The Rescue’ David Whittaker created Koquillion, a monster in a rubber suit that turned out to actually be a man in a rubber monster costume). In the 1980s, Doctor Who had become increasingly continuity-heavy, but what its final few series managed successfully was to comment on Doctor Who without making the stories’ success dependent on this. Characters such as Captain Cook offer up twisted reflections of the Doctor, with the Chief Clown, Josiah Samuel Smith and Commander Millington all tapping into the historical influences on the show, but crucially the stories still work if you’re not familiar with all this.
‘Ghostlight’, the most densely packed version of this approach,is still entertaining even if you don’t know what is going on. It’s played with such conviction and unity, with each character managing to feel both heavily symbolic but with a sense of inner-life. This is generally true of the Seventh Doctor’s era supporting characters, especially the guy who snaps “I can’t do anything without my list now can I?” in ‘The Happiness Patrol’.
But as we’ve seen, a standout character doesn’t have to be multi-faceted. Not every henchman can be Packer from ‘The Invasion’ (he’s not only sadistic and cruel, but Peter Halliday really commits to the undignified flapping when things go wrong), but most stock characters in Doctor Who work by being given ‘a bit’.
Usually this stems from their plot function. Harrison Chase, in ‘The Seeds of Doom’ is a plant collector and obsessive because the story is based around aggressive plant-creatures, and needs a simple way to bring the main human antagonist into the adventure. Here though it’s more than that. Lesser examples of this trick can be seen with Tarun Capel in ‘Robots of Death’, where his obsession with robots isn’t as unsettling as Chase’s obsession with plants (and then further down the line we have Magnus Greel in ‘Talons of Weng-Chieng’, who is evil because the story needs a bad guy). In ‘Seeds of Doom’, time is devoted to the idea of a man who considers plant life superior to humanity, and the script and actor Tony Beckley really commit to the comedy and horror of this idea. That’s his ‘bit’.
Perhaps the finest example of turning a character’s basic function into pure entertainment is Duggan in ‘City of Death’. Douglas Adams and Graham Williams, rewriting David Fisher’s scripts about aliens in Monte Carlo, took a Bulldog Drummond-inspired detective character and realised his primary function in the script was to be the muscle for the Doctor and Romana.
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There are other elements of of ‘City of Death’ that poke fun at television’s contrivances (The guard’s throwaway line saying Captain Tancredi will “be here instantly” just before the door opens, for example) and Duggan’s repeatedly punching people unconscious to move the plot along is not only revealed to be an example of Chekhov’s Gun, whereby it’s the solution to the whole story, but also the source of the best sight gag in Doctor Who when Duggan opens a wine bottle by simply smashing it open off the bar. Without providing him with much in the way of depth or backstory, by leaning into the character’s story function to almost absurd levels, ‘City of Death’ creates one of the most memorable supporting characters in Doctor Who history.
The post Doctor Who: What Makes a Great One-Off Character? appeared first on Den of Geek.
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bush-viper-cutie · 4 years
“Aunt Marge Visits” || YEAR 3 – Ch.2 (HP au)
                              Chapter List
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Day posted: 7/14/2020
Word count: 3,063
Relationship: EVENTUAL severus X oc (slow burn)
Rating: E for everyone
Warnings: none
A/N: This is my first fan fic I’m writing mainly as a way to practice. This is a retelling of the hp books with an inserted character. Although most every character will be written about, this is mostly for the pro snape fandom. Please do not fear, although this is a severus x oc story, it is an incredibly slow burn as I do not intend for them to get together at all until after the final book events. Chapters will be posted twice a week.
This derivative work follows the events of the Harry Potter books by Jk Rowling and is intended as a fun way to practice my writing. Thank you for reading :D
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
Heather let Hedwig and Errol out of their cages, not wanted them to hoot or screech while Aunt Marge was over, “Go to the Burrow for a week. You’ll have a much better week than we will.” Heather opened the window for them.
Harry was making sure all their stuff was in the floorboards, when he remembered the growling book under the dresser, “What do we do about that?”
Heather moved one of the boxes slightly to see if it’d come out and to her horror, it had chewed through into the very box she had pulled away, “It’s in here!”
Harry opened the box flaps and looked inside, “It’s asleep,” he whispered, “Hand me my belt.”
She handed it over and watched him make a loop and lean inside. There was a growl and a quick yelp from Harry followed by a sigh of relief. He took out the growling book, bound together by the belt, and placed it under the floorboard as well with the other one.
“COME DOWN NOW!” Aunt Petunia called from bellow.
“Why do we have to greet her? She hates us.”
“Because she loves making fun of us,” Heather held the door open for Harry and they both made their way downstairs.
Heather stood next to Dudley and snorted trying to hold in a laugh at his stupid necktie. Dudley turned to her and stomped on her foot suddenly.
“Quiet! She’s coming,” Aunt Petunia opened the door and smiled, “Welcome!”
There was a CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH of the gravel and then Aunt Marge was in full view as she walked through the open door, looking as if she smelled something foul and sour in the air. She gave a polite smile to Aunt Petunia and set her chunky dog down on the ground, opening her arms wide to hug Dudley.
“MY DUDDERS!” she scooped him up with both arms and squeezed very tight.
Dudley’s feet dangled and it was amazing watching Dudely’s self-restraint. Heather knew he wanted to yell and scream to be put down, but he had a mission, and the reward for it was dessert, no doubt. Aunt Marge finally set him down and turned to Heather and Harry, frowning like she’d found what smelled so awful.
“Marge, there’s some tea in the kitchen,” Aunt Petunia quickly led her away from them.
Uncle Vernon came through the door next, carrying all her cases. “Carry these to your room,” he pushed the luggage at them.
“Our room?” Heather looked at Harry urgently.
“Isn’t she staying – ”
Uncle Vernon closed the door and grinned, “It must have SLIPped my mind. There’s a tent set up for you two in the back.” He made his hand into a chubby walking man motion, “So walk these on up and do as you’re told for the week. Then it won’t SLIP my mind what our deal was.” He left them in hall and closed the door to the living room.
Heather kicked one of the cases, “We should have known.”
They split the workload and dragged everything upstairs and set it in the corner of the room. Luckily, they didn’t get their brooms out and the loose floorboard was right under the bed. Ripper – the favorite bulldog Aunt Mare took everywhere – hopped right onto the floor mattress and growled when she tried to kick him off.
“We get to keep our pillows. At least.” Harry grabbed them both and they headed back downstairs to set up the tent.
After the last rod was in place and all the spiders were kindly removed by Harry, they washed their hands and sat for dinner, across the table from Aunt Marge and Dudley. At first she pretended not to notice them, until Heather decided to go for seconds.
“I see that school of yours hasn’t taught you a thing,” she moved the bowl of cooked greens towards her. “Gluttons and freeloaders. The pair of you.”
It was hilarious, watching Aunt Marge yell at them about eating too much as she spooned a mountain of gravy into her mouth. All while Dudley laughed with his mouth open at them.
“Petunia, you should write to them – obviously their lessons aren’t sticking. Maybe it’s time for a more aggressive approach.”
The rest of the week went more or less like how it always went. Once a day she offered to beat them to “really show them who’s in charge,” or would comment on their appearance. Despite complaining about them eating every time they did so – which was only twice a day – she commented on how weak they looked and how it had to do with their genes.
Twice she had to stop Harry from talking back. She knew every time Aunt Marge bordered on bashing their parents, Harry was ready to giver her a piece of his mind. She often times looked at Aunt Petunia, to see how she reacted to almost being insulted since she was the one actually related to them. If she was bothered by it, she never showed it, nodding and agreeing with everything Aunt Marge said about them.
“In breeding they take those things very seriously,” she was saying to Uncle Vernon over dinner that night, “You can’t make any old mut a dam or a sire, or the whelp will turn out ill-tempered and bad-mannered.” She looked at them, “Which must have been the case. Just compare these two to my sweet Dudders over here – ”
Just then Aunt Marge’s whine glass exploded, covering her in red wine and staining her overly embroidered suit jacket and brown top. Everyone but Aunt Marge looked at Heather and Harry – though mostly Harry since he’s always the one to lose his cool first.
“I’m so sorry, Petunia. Sometimes I forget my own strength,” she laughed. “One of those two can get me something. I’m sure they’re capable of at least that.”
Heather and Harry walked into the kitchen together, gave her a couple of napkins, and excused themselves from the table. They walked out of the room and ran outside. Heather made sure the glass door was closed shut and dove into the tent after Harry.
He was curled up in the corner with his arms crossed, “I know. The forms. I’m sorry.”
“Harry…” she sat down close to him, “I hate when she says that stuff too… But you shouldn’t care what she thinks or says about… about them. Even if she calls them muts.”
“You only don’t like it ‘cause you hate hearing about them! You don’t even care what anyone says, good or bad.”
Heather clenched her jaw, knowing they were bordering on an uncomfortable subject for her. “I just… We have to live our life now. And that means going to Hogsmeade. The past is the past and nothing anyone says now or ever will change that.”
“It does change things!” he sat up and smacked his hand on his pillow, “You act like they left us on purpose – ”
“But they didn’t! They were taken from us! They didn’t leave you – ”
“Harry I SWEAR – ”
“But you have no problem leaving them!” Harry frowned and wiped tears from his eyes, letting silence fall on them for several minutes. “You’re the one whose leaving them.”
Heather punched his shoulder as hard as she could and ripped the tent flap open, “I’m sleeping outside tonight. Until you APPOLOGIZE.”
She stood up and stepped out, zipping the flap as fast as she could and walked over to the far left of the house, away from all the windows and from view of the tent. She fell onto the dirt and started sobbing, kicking the fence as hard as she could until a crack appeared in the perfectly white picket fence.
“I’m not leaving them,” she growled into the wind.
There was a rock to her left and she imagined angrily flinging the rock over the fence and hearing it smash to pieces onto the street and before her eyes she watched it follow her exact imagined trajectory. She heard it hit the street on the other side and skid a few feet before hitting something hard. Her anxiety about being caught doing magic ruined the moment, knowing two accounts of underage magic would be showing up for the evening. Two more than what was allowed.
It only took an hour for Harry to apologize for what he said. Heather nodded but kept quiet the rest of the night and some of the morning. It was during breakfast that Harry finally made amends by offering up his slice of bacon to her, which she cheerfully accepted, despite the disgusted looks Aunt Marge was giving her.
“You’ll be lucky to find any kind of husband willing to put up with you,” she shook her head, “And if you want a wife you’ll fix that mop of yours atop your head!”
The twins nodded, not really knowing how else to respond to that kind of attack on their future selves. The day felt like a copy of the last, having to sit around the room near Aunt Marge while she barked orders and spit out insults.
Heather excused herself to the bathroom for the fourth time that day and headed upstairs. She was walking past their bedroom door when she heard a familiar clicking. She looked over the railing quickly before opening their door to a large majestic owl pecking at the closed window with a light green scroll tied to its leg.
She crossed the room and pulled the window open to allow for the owl to enter. It stretched it’s leg out and the second the rolled up letter was pulled free, it swept away, as if unable to be in the vicinity for much longer.
“WHERE IS SHE? You know drugs can be done at any age? I’d check the tank if I were you…”
Heather rolled her eyes at Aunt Marge and stuffed the letter in her pocket. She left the room quickly, closing the door behind her quietly and made her way back into the room where Aunt Marge was now commenting on Harry’s “glassy” eyes.
She could hear Harry muttering under his breath, “Focus on the form,” over and over to keep his cool. The only thing getter HER through it all was the fact today was Aunt Marge’s last day here. They would get their room back, she could study some more, take a long shower… and she’d get to clean that gross mattress Ripper had been sleeping in all week.
Heather and Harry were drawn back to reality by the snapping Aunt Petunia was doing to get their attention.
“Maybe they were dropped on their heads,” Aunt Marge howled with laughter.
“Go set the table,” Aunt Petunia called from the kitchen.
While Dudley entertained Aunt Marge – who had been slipping him twenties every so often throughout the week – and Uncle Vernon uncorked several whine bottles, they set the table and got it ready for Aunt Petunia’s fancy dinner. They all sat down and Heather and Harry watched everyone dig into the meal before they served themselves.
Sometimes Heather wished Aunt Petunia had been nicer to them, she admired her cooking and thought it would have been nice to learn from her, though she knew the reality was they wouldn’t be able to stand each other for even a second. If Heather complimented her cooking right then, she would have been sent away for mocking her somehow. In the end, their relationship is best left well alone, along with the rest of the Dursleys.
“Fancy some more, Marge?” Uncle Vernon held up the last bottle of red wine.
“A tiny bit more won’t hurt,” she pushed the glass and kept motioning for him to keep pouring until there was no more coming out. “That’s alright, then.”
Would it be so bad if they disappeared during dessert? She kept eyeing the door with Harry but Uncle Vernon made it incredibly clear they were not to move an inch, quietly slamming his fist down while his sister downed the wine.
“That hits the spot,” Aunt Marge set down her wine glass and pet Ripper under the table and looked at Dudley on his third cream cake serving, “Dudder’s you’ll be a healthy beast-of-a-man when you grow up, just you wait,” she winked at him. “But you two,” she started.
Heather noticed Harry start to mumble again, something about the broom servicing kits.
Aunt Marge pointed her cream-covered spoon at Heather, “Gotta watch out for ones like her in their teenage years. My horrid neighbor – the one I was telling you about, Petunia – she had a bitch once – she kept seeing all sorts of strays in the neighborhood, wondered why – well I knew just why. It was only a shock to her when her bitch gave birth to a dozen mutts – and who knows what dog was to blame.”
Heather clenched her jaw and squeezed her fork tight. They were all lucky Harry and her were going to Hogwarts, or she would’ve had nothing to lose just then.
Marge spooned some more cake into her mouth and turned to Harry next, “And this runty-one – what kind of boy is shorter than his sister – It must be to do with THAT blood.”
She was starting to jumble her words, but Harry understood her perfectly.
“What blood,” Harry asked, setting down his fork.
Heather looked at him with wide eyes, wishing she could flick his nose or ears or anything to keep him from starting something everyone at the table would regret, but mostly him. Dudley had now looked up from his cake again, grinning and happy to hear about how awful his cousins were.
Marge squinted her eyes at Harry, “That sister of yours, Petunia, was clearly a bad egg, but the rotten egg was obviously that Potter boy she ran off with. You’ve got the results of bad blood mixed with rotten blood right here, and you can see it in him.”
Harry shook his head and pushed the small cream lumps around his plate. Heather’s heart was beating out of her chest and sighed with relief at his calm reaction. She kicked his foot under the table and nodded her head slightly when he glanced over, trying to convey her approval.
“What was it this rotten Potter boy did, again?”
Aunt Petunia hesitated for a second, “Nothing, he had no job – ”
“Of course he didn’t, why would he. That layabout was nothing but a filthy bum – a pimple by societal standards – and good riddance. I’d say be thankful there’s no chance for them to be coming around begging for money but now look what they left behind. That Potter boy was filth – ”
“No. He wasn’t!” Harry slammed his fist down.
“MORE WINE, MARGE?” Uncle Vernon quickly stood and ran to the wine cabinet.
Marge ignored her brother, “What else would you call a good-for-nothing moocher who goes and kills himself and his wife and leaves you two accidents on the doorstep of two hardworking people too good and decent to kick you off their property, hmm?”
“He didn’t get anyone killed!” Harry stood, knocking his chair back.
“Oh, going to get all tough on me, are you boy?” Marge sneered and stabbed her spoon into her cake, “You and your sister are both ungrateful little RUNTS – ”
Heather looked up from her hands – previously pressed against her face in horror – and stared at Marge the same as everyone. She had suddenly stopped speaking and the red from her face was spreading down her neck and onto her hands. Everywhere she turned red, it looked like she was swelling like a great big balloon until her buttons all popped off her clothes and her belt buckle broke in two, allowing what little waist she had before to disappear entirely.
Heather stood as Marge began to lift from the table, grasping at the corners and looking around utterly confused.
“NO! MARGE!” Uncle Vernon came running back to the table and tried to sit her down into her seat.
She looked like a hot air balloon now, rising up out of her seat despite Uncle Vernon’s attempts at keeping her down – Aunt Petunia only looked on in horror with Dudley cowering behind her, looking at Harry and Heather.
Harry grabbed her wrist and pulled her away from the table and out into the hall. She made to run upstairs for the lock pick kit but just as Harry reached for the knob, the door burst open and all their things fell out.
The living room door was rattling as if someone was trying to get out – likely Uncle Vernon ready to yell at them – but despite there being no locks, it would not open. She couldn’t help but stare at Harry as he stuffed all his things in his trunk and then Heather’s. Did he know what he was doing? Did he mean to do it? She hadn’t seen anyone else use all that magic without a wand at school… and she hated to think it… but was he really the powerful wizard everyone claimed he was?
“Are you going to help?” Harry hissed at her.
“Wh-what are you doing? Why are you packing? We should get a hold of Mr. Weasley and ask how to reverse whatever spell you used – ”
“We’re LEAVING, Heather. Why would we stay here?”
She blinked and turned back to the door being pounded on heavily. Even the kitchen door was jammed shut with something.
“Leave where? Where would we go? We have no one!”
She pulled him up but he pushed passed her and ran up the stairs. She stood frozen in place as Harry collected their things from under the floorboard and came back, pouring their belongings into their trunks. He shoved her broom into her hands and dragged his trunk to the door, flinging it open – this time manually – and exited the house.
Just then the kitchen door flew open and Heather jumped, grabbing her case and following Harry out the door as Uncle Vernon yelled for them to come back and fix Marge. She ran to catch up to Harry, who now had his wand out and ready.
“Why do you have that out!”
“In case they try to stop us leaving. We aren’t ever coming back.”
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
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lolabean1998 · 4 years
This Better Work Part 7
Sweet Pea X OC
Summery; Hey guys, not sure how well this is going to go but I originally put it on Wattpad so its way long, but hopefully its not horrendous. Let me know what you think! So, it follows the story line kind of, it’s not exact but I have tried and it follows my OC Ali as she navigates through the hell that is Riverdale. Whilst struggling with financial, social and romantic difficulties, she has the added pressure of keeping up with school work and bonus of being thrown into the frightening world of the criminal underground.
Side Note; None of the gifs or pictures I use are mine, I’m not talented or smart enough to even begin an attempt at making my own. Thank you to those who have such abilities and if you don’t want me using them then please let me know so I can remove them for you. 
Word Count; 
"Hey Ali! Ali Cat! Why the hell are you siding with the Southside scumbags?" Reggie bellowed down the corridor at Ali as she threw her unneeded Chemistry and Geography books in her locker. 
"Really Reggie?" She questioned sternly, slamming her locker and spinning to face the jumped-up Bulldog. Being met by the whole squad, her arms folded as her eyebrows raised in amusement. 
"Are you serious? You got the whole damn squad out just to confront me about a HOODIE? A FUCKING HOODIE REGINALD? I'm not taking anyone’s side. I'm just trying to keep the peace. Something you clearly aren't capable of!" Ali bellowed. How dare he challenge me! 
"You need to get your affairs in order and get your head out of your arse, IT'S NOT A HAT!" Ali warned before slamming past him cutting through the see of Jocks. 
"I'm not the one wearing their clothes. That hoodie warm is it? Looks more like a snake skin if you ask me." He spat stopping Ali dead in her tracks. Her bag dropping to the ground as the last string of her temper snapped. She spun quickly on her heels storming back down the corridor towards Reggie. Her hand reached out grabbing his throat. Slamming him against the lockers. 
"Yes. Its very warm. But so is the River Vixens t-shirt underneath." Ali growled through gritted teeth. Her faces inches from his. 
"I live on the border so I'm neither one nor the other. I'm Both! Remember that before you open your mouth next time." Ali snarled. Her fingers curling round Reggies throat increasing the fear and disgust in his eyes. 
However, this didn't last long. A pair of strong arms wrapped around Ali's waist heaving her up and pulling her away from Reggie. 
"Settle down Ali Cat you nearly got yourself expelled." Jughead cautioned as he placed her on one of the sofas in the common room. All eyes on her. Betty and Toni arrived seconds later carrying Ali's bag. 
"Damn girl that was bad ass!" Toni exclaimed with an impressed smirk as she slumped besides Ali on the sofa. Ignoring the warning glare Jughead shot her.
“Don’t encourage her.” Jughead groaned.
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"I leave you alone for one minute and THIS is what you do?" Ali smirked handing Sweet Pea a beer before kneeling beside him to look at the boiler he had just stripped. He looked over at her with a boyish grin plastered across his face, before taking a large swig of his drink. Turning back to the boiler pieces scattered in front of them.
"I had to see what was broken. I know where it all goes. I'm not an idiot!" Sweet Pea replied nonchalantly, a cocky twinkle in his eyes. 
"Besides who are you to judge me? I'm not the one that nearly got myself kicked out for standing up for a bunch of actual gang members." He smirked shoving Ali's arm lightly. He loved spending the weekends helping her around the garage and fixing up her old run-down house. She made him laugh and he swore whenever he was around her, he felt as if his luck would change forever. But that was him. He knew there was no way she would feel the same way. They were friends. End of.
"You too good to say gangsters now?" Ali teased, her usually bright smile was brighter than ever and this time, it was real. 
"You know you've taken this apart only to find the whole damn thing needs replacing. Right?" She asked after a moments glance over the corroded parts.
"Yeah I know." Sweet Pea sighed. Knowing full well that this meant Ali and her family going without heating. 
"I'll think of something Ali Cat. Hey if worse comes to worst my caravan is always warm and I have room for three more." He smiled sympathetically. His words making Ali chuckle for a moment before she fell silent. Her eyes trained on the parts in front of her as if they would run away if she blinked. 
"Hey, Princess. It's going to be ok." Sweet Pea soothed, turning Ali's face to look directly at him. 
Her eyes welled with tears. For the first time ever, her guard was down. Her walls had fallen. There was no longer the endless reals of hope and joy that once resided in her eyes. Her bright, contagious smile had faded and all that was left was the fear and misery she had always hidden so well. Sweet Pea's heart broke at the sight of her feeling so vulnerable. Before he knew it he had wrapped her up in an enormous, warm bear hug. His chin resting on top of her head. His hand wrapped in her hair whilst the other pulled her deeper into the hug. He could feel the tears soaking through his t-shirt and onto his skin. They sat there for a moment. But when Ali pulled away her bright shining smile was back, her eyes filled with false happiness as she looked up at him.
"With all do respect Sweet Pea. You barely fit in that caravan. How would we ever fit around your giant ass." She replied, the thick sassy sarcasm flooding her voice like nothing had happened. Ali felt a rogue tear fall down her rosy cheek. Swiping it away with her finger tips, staring at it a moment before flicking it away. 
"Ugh gross I'm leaking. Think its time for my M.O.T." She complained. 
"Want a cup of tea?" She offered making her way to the kitchen before Sweet Pea had a chance to reply. 
Good job Ali. Cry in front of everyone like a fucking wimp. Good one dick head. Ali scolded herself, pottering around the kitchen for Tea and mugs.
"You know you don't have to be like that Ali. It's ok to cry." Sweet Pea soothed from the doorway.
"Why because I'm a girl? Because that's what girls do? I have nothing to be sad about. I have a roof over my head, amazing friends, a loving family and I'm a jack of all trades." Ali snapped. Who was he to say she was allowed to cry? 
"My tears are pointless and selfish. There are people in the world with far less than me so why should I allow myself to cry?" She continued, her words taking Sweet Pea back a step. 
"Ali I was just trying to help. No one, male or female should have to be an emotionless robot. Its ok to feel." He reasoned, trying to defuse the situation.
"So, NOW I’m an emotionless robot. Oh gee thanks Sweet Pea. I feel much better now!" Ali thundered, her eyes flooding with red mist as she glared aggressively at Sweet Pea. 
"You should go." She growled.
"I was just trying to help! You were sad so I tried to comfort you! How am I the bad guy?" Sweet Pea retaliated. Arms flailing angrily as he spoke. But Ali was a stone-cold bitch, it would take more than that to persuade her.
"Wow." Sweet Pea stepped back, his word quiet and upset. His heart crumbling to the floor at her last words. 
"You're right. I don’t know why I bothered helping such a pompous, stuck up Northsider anyway." He snapped before spinning sharply on his heels and strutting out the house. Slamming the front door in frustration as he went.
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"I mean, what a wanker! Can you believe the balls on that over-sized shoe lace?!" Ali ranted. She had been ranting to Cheryl for the last hour whilst they all made cookies for the local homeless shelter. 
"I told you Ali. Serpents are the scourge of Riverdale." Cheryl stated putting the last batch of cookies in the oven.
"Oh yeah? That including Topaz?" Ali smirked raising an inquisitive eyebrow. She had seen the two girls eyeing each other up all week at school. 
"Pffft please. She's Queen of the hobos". Cheryl snorted turning her face away from Ali so she wouldn't see how badly she was lying.
"Really? That's not what your eyes have been saying." Ali teased knowing full well what was going on in her best friends head. "You've been giving her your come to bed eyes all week." 
Ali's phone went off before she had a chance to reply. The song Sharp-dressed Man playing loudly from her jet black, well armoured Iphone. 
"What the fuck does Hiram Lodge want?" Ali mumbled wiping her hands before picking up her phone. 
"Hello Mr. Lodge, how can I help?" She answered politely.
"Ah Ali. I was wondering if you could do me a small favour? Unfortunately, I cant ask anyone else to do it as I cant have anyone catching word of this. Is that understood?" He asked carefully. He was up to something and since Ali needed the money, he knew she'd do it no questions asked.
"Of-course Mr. Lodge. I'll come round later to discuss this in further detail. Shall we say 6pm at the Pembroke?" Ali replied. It wasn’t the first time she'd done something under the radar like this for the Lodges. She knew the drill. 
"Perfect. I'll see you then. Oh and Ali, it is my understanding that you are in need of a new boiler. Is that correct?" He quickly stopped her before she hung up.
"Um. Yes Mr. Lodge, may I ask why?" Ali questioned curiously. "I'm sending a boiler round tomorrow. Someone will be there to fit it in at 11 o’clock sharp." He answered happily before hanging up.
"What was that all about?" Cheryl pondered, watching Ali jot something down on her phone.
"Hiram Lodge has a job for me and he's paying me with a boiler." Ali puzzled staring at her phone.
"That's not weird at all." Cheryl commented just as her phone began buzzing like crazy. 
"Oh my god what is with people today." She muttered grabbing her phone. "Yes, dear cousin." 
"Cheryl hi, I was wondering if you and Ali fancied going dancing at the White Wyrm tonight? I don’t want to go on my own." Betty responded sheepishly.
"Ali, want to go out dancing at the Wyrm tonight? Betty has something going on there." Cheryl muttered to Ali, her phone pressed to her chest muffling their voices. 
"Yeah I'm down providing we're drinking. I should be finished by about 7 so I'll come back here, and we can all get ready and eat at mine." Ali agreed, she needed a release.
"Be at Ali's for 7 we can get ready here. Toodles." Cheryl instructed before hanging up. 
"Ready to get the last batch of cookies out and hit the road?" She asked, skipping over to the oven when Ali nodded, her eyebrows still knitted in concern. 
"I'll grab the containers for them." Ali muttered disappearing to the storage room by the bathroom.
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lilmajorshawty · 5 years
Mars Through The Houses : El chico Romantico
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Mars In The First House : el Bulldog
(Gunna - Car Sick ft. NAV & Metro Boomin)
They can be Heavy, Domineering, and powerfully sexual and raw. something like a volcanic eruption, and it's searing steam and smoke burning threw your esophagus as it works it’s way down your intestines. these men can be rough. they aren’t the sweet ones or the ones with those soft hands. they carry themselves self protected and can seem as if they are irritated or enraged when they’re actually in the best mood. the men and women here can loathe people being too close, or two overly familiar with them especially if you seem shady or superficial. the men and women don’t know how to hide their feelings or disdain so often they can make some pretty blatant or genuine reactions to things that can at times hurt your feelings if your skin isn’t thick. these natives aren’t cold hearted, rather they are and have grown up in environments that pushed them to be tough, strong and conflict ready. they like honesty and usually dislike being directed or bullied into choices & can often lash out or react to people on sight making them seem unapproachable. romantically the men are direct and INTENSE. when they see something they like you best believe they’ll be eating. they don’t beat around the bush and can be very impulsive about getting things started. the women on the other hand are a bit more subtle and chill about their approach. they often use their beauty and sensuality to mend situations in their favor, but once they’ve booked their love interest they can be very sexually direct and often fall in the role of the initiator. women with this placement in their early years can feel a bit out of line with their femininity and might be insecure about this for sometimes until they claim their sexuality. once claimed these women are HOT, sensual and very intimidating, both physically and emotionally. mars in this house adds a level of strength and resolve in many women often pushing them in more traditionally masculine roles and also making them far more comfortable with aggression and volatile environments. the men can be strongly sexually driven but they often have a strong love for balance and strength In their partners. the love nature is often soooo passionate and these boys aren’t on the hunt as other fire houses, usually preferring one lover. that being said for both sexes, once the bridge is crossed and they’re betrayed or left they often have no issue moving on. the face and eyes tend to be fixed and tense, the face is often sporting a couple of scars or small acne here and there. the hair can be set set in it’s color. they can have a sort of arian look and may even seem like an aries rising but, the energy is far more raw. the first house gives more cardinal and even far more aggression to the natal mars. they can seem far more fiery and independent then their fellow mars and the sexuality seems to ooze of the native. can seem aggressive and mysterious. 
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Mars In The Second House : El niño Senual 
(Jungle - Beat 54)
They can be slow, sensual and bullheaded. something like a candle lit room, all the windows open as you feel the cool breezing wind blowing the rosemary scented candle scent around. these men are perplexing to say the least. sometimes they are all in, so interested and so decided and the next moment they have no opinion, no feeling or perspective on the matter. they can seem aloof or rather doe eyed at the feeling of contentment they’re are feeling. these men send mixed signals but make no mistake they’re as stable as they come. the mixed signals comes from their fear of being hurt and wasting time. they need and crave stability and oneness but often more than not people never are ready for the long-term. they are very patient and often tend to be amazing listeners and even finer gentlemen as they often had a strong foundation of their upbringing based om being courteous and respectable. they have a monstrous level of self control and this is how they seduce you in silence. they coil around you and wave their expressive eyes as they touch you in all the right places. they hate people that rush them and tend to do things in steps or phases rather than day by day; so you could be waiting a little while if you’re waiting for one to admit how he feels to you. women with this placement are stubborn as hell, the devil himself with god as his right hand wouldn’t be able to sway her mind. these women tend to be creatures of comfort and pleasure and normally you’ll notice in the way they present themselves that quite a bit of effort goes into hygiene, upkeep, and we can not forget clothes. both sexes love the lavish life and tend to be very business savvy, so you’ll often see them with everything they dreamt of and more due to how hard of workers they are. the women tend to be very sensitive at heart but the male version of this placement is not only moody but they’re veryyyy emotional. the women usually approach things slowly but know when to speed things up while the men will go as slow as molasses even as the deadline is approaching. the sexual nature is tender and sensual and these natives tend to like the build up and anticipation to sex, involving all 6 of the senses. unlike their 8th house counterpart they tend to like intimacy and sex in a large quantity, ever tiring of it due to their love of consistency. the throat can have scars or a more muscular veiny look for men and women. mars in this house is given lower sun venus traits and can make a natives mars seem more slow, steady and passive. 
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Mars In The Third House : El chico Flighty 
(Billy Idol - White wedding) 
They can be tantric, racing, and completely exhilarating. something like those nights you snuck out to go to that party you knew that special boy would be at. they often can leave you wondering, or leave you asking. these men seem like they are only here for the moment, waiting for the next mental highway. their sexuality is like a current and often what they want and need is unfamiliar. they just chase the tracks and end up in a new place, new people, new love, new sex, new feelings. they don’t get mad per say, they just have spurts of aggression that can come from nowhere. you see the third house makes emotions bounce about yet never does it confront them at the moment in time they should've been dealt with which is why everything can seem so intense during these spurts. these natives could be angry about something that happened years ago, yet because they never dealt with it that emotion upon return comes back far darker and far more wild than it was at the moment in time. They can love sex or be completely unmoved about it. everything is a psychological and often mental experience for them so in many ways it’s sort of like they take things as they go and never really waste to much time on the moment. the women sport the same energy here. They can be flighty and even a bit unattainable as they often actively pursue dead end situations as a means of maintain their freedom. they tend to adore communication and cerebral banter and honestly for both sexes, the mind is an aphrodisiac. one must be able to traverse the mind with them, and strip it’s layers to really rile them up sexually. the men and women can have strong arms and or arms that are rather well defined or muscular in it’s shape. men tend to have visible veins or even just very hairy or alpha looking hands and arms with this placement. and the manner of speech for both sexes can run from abrasive, to direct and blunt. the mind is often pretty restless and childlike, making these natives easily bored or irritable when stuck in a retentive space or situation. the women with this placement tend to be social chameleons and can easily charm their way through a crowd. the thing here is that mars in the third house women tend to be intimidating both mentally and spiritually as the mercurial energy allows their divine feminine a further reach in the world of the living. men can range from domineering or arrogant with this placement of mars. the thing to be said is that the men can be provocative and deeply magnetic with their charismatic gender neutral sensuality. although astrology doesn’t tell sexuality, I will say that this placement for mars gives many a very free attitude to sex. third house gives mars a rather detached and whimsical energy. the mars is covered in a more mercurial, buzzy energy making them seem anxious, restless and distressed. 
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Mars In The Fourth House : Mommas Boy
(Shanice - It’s for you)
They can be emotive, aloof, and a whirlpool of feeling. something between what we speak without words and something that we speak threw touch. they often need and crave touch. men with this position can be soulful and unpredictable. you never really see them coming, mainly because so much of what they feel behind the actions and stunts they pull is swimming somewhere in their heart. much of their motivation and reaction is all from their gut, deep in their soft bellies or rock hard abs lay the reason why they left you on read, or haven’t talked to you for 8 months after that one date you had at carabaos. you wont ever understand these men because they don’t really understand the waters either. these men tend to be ones to jump into physical intimacy as opposed to be communicative right away. it’s easier for them to convey through closeness and “heat.” many tend to be passive and rather side - to side with how they pursue love interest, sometimes being more bold one day and then ghosting days following. they don’t lack confidence, rather they just lack consistency so often times it can seem like they’re shyer then they actually are. These men tend to have emotional bonds with their home life that are rather aggressive or passionate in it’s building. and even more so they can be rather protective of their family and loved ones. the family is often one that has either a military, police, FBI, government, Doctor/hospital work, and or sports background. The women here tend to sport the above mentioned home traits and both men and women here can be far more blunt and assertive when at home than any where else. women with this placement can be strongly divine, often choosing reason above outright action unlike their male counterpart. the reactions are dealt with openly though which often causes the women of this placement to retreat into their shell more often than not due to wanting to maintain privacy. they often need an emotional connection before initiating any form of deeper contact and tend to for better or worse have a strong tie to the father in such a way that he shapes who and what she attracts and does in her life regarding more masculine types in her life. she can often be musically inclined and have quite the warm energy, women and or feminine men of this placement tend to be like honey sickle for masculine types. they often crave the nurturing and warm glow of these natives and can often grow very obsessive appetites for these natives. The chest region can either be more on the smaller side or more muscular shaped for both women and men here. parents where either too childish or too impulsive and self centered during childhood. that being said parents where passionate, intense and deeply protective. a more emotional/ watery nature can be added to the natal mars when in this house so it’ll often make the mars far more touchy/sensitive and cautious. 
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Mars In The fifth House : El chico apasionado 
(Zedd, Katy Perry - 365) 
They can be cunning, amorous and dubious. something in-between fast and ecstatic. Speed is the name of the attraction and it’s only second to how long they can wane and purr while the courting stage is starting. they adore the chase but also adore the moments of heartening longing. in most cases they can be overrun by their more impulsive desires and wants, often confusing these with things they actually need. The backs can be muscular and more roughly hewn for both men and women of this placement. in women this can show a women who is naturally full of radiant energy albeit in a more subtle way. she’s magnetic but joyful almost like a fairy. women here can often find themselves being a slave to the passion of the chase, often taking on more aggressive actions and personalities when getting what they want be it romantic or otherwise. men and women here tend to adore competition and the idea of feeling like they “might” have an equal even though deep down they crave the “idea” of it more than it’s “actuality” they can be passionate and deeply fixed sexually and tend to be deeply intertwined with their sexual partners. the fixed nature of this house adds an almost brick like level of concentration on romance and the pursuit of sex. they love to have it but even more so they can be extremely possessive and loyal once they've been cooed. the anger can run calm, and then become evasive much like a lion but once pushed beyond the nicking and scratching they can get VERY volatile. The children can be very Arian in their nature and either have a high concentration of mars or Scorpio In their own charts. domineering, wild and often hard to manage behavior is common in the child's early stages. all I can recommend is to make sure you keep a firm grip and remain steady otherwise those kids will run you over. relationships with the kids are often passionate and physically involved. these natives have a strong love for sports or physical activity and many can take up dancing or boxing as hobbies as they need to release that overabundance of energy. The sexual nature is dynamic and insatiable and these natives tend to need sex quite a bit. These men can be easy to spot, the smile is always cocky and smooth, they feel like they can have you, like you just can’t do without them. the women seem passive, yet behind the veil, their meticulous strokes of the hair, the low glare and glowing smile...they’re seducing you.  both men and women here are famous for falling out of love when they feel as though they aren't your main focus or obsession. they want to feel desired, in many ways they can confuse sexual chemistry with love but above all else they want to feel like two people can’t get enough of one another so often they live in a more romantic state of mind which often clouds their energies. they love hard but can often have turbulent love unions because of how “ON THE HUNT” they can be about love. adds a very dramatic, passionate, and dynamic attitude to the natal mars. often adds a fiery nature to the mars.
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Mars In The Sixth House : El chico perfecto
(PJ Harvey - One Line)
They can be attentive, earthy and dangerous. something so sweetly wrapped and decorated, with a very dubious and bare inside. They often seem so neatly packaged, the perfect smile, the most down to earth persona, soft eyes and that sweet compassionate hand. the thing is many men with this placement have two sides to them, MR. perfect and The darker lost boy. they don’t like to reveal anything messy so soon and in most ways they are so good at hiding their “human” qualities that you’ll almost feel lied to wants they start to shed their meticulous skin. they can often be strongly attached to the world and the trees, and nature itself for that matter. they truly are nature boys and take quite a bit of care to live healthy and well mannered lifestyles. that being said they maintain a barrier between the short and sweet and the deep and personal. they normally love things to be paced rather than all at once, so you’ll likely notice that they keep things very simple, especially in the beginning. they don’t do this to be sexy or seductive either, they just like to wear their mask as long as possible before the real them pops in. these men are hot, an aphrodisiac if you will. they can be very disarming with their innocent and genuine nature but they can also keep you on edge with how intense and sharp their real nature is. The women can be the lovely and sweet rose budding quietly alone away from all the flowers. these women don’t share the double nature of their male counterpart but can often give off a very virgin, innocent, pure energy whilst masking a deeper more earthy sensuality and sexuality underneath. they often are worker bees, both men and women of this placement. the women are often straight to the point and maintain a fair amount of distance. unlike their male counterpart being cordial or social for the sake of doing so isn’t their forte so in most cases you’ll notice these women isolating themselves or deeply focused in the newest mental gymnastic that’s caught their attention. cleanliness for both men and women here comes naturally and very rarely will you see them looking unkempt, that being said the boys and women here have a natural earthy look that can at times seem very old school or late 70′s. the girls often prefer longer hair styles and more relaxed on makeup. they tend to like masking or darker makeup as opposed to bright and sunny. the men tend to dress meticulously but also loathe sticking out to much. Both men and women here run the same on sex and tend to be the types who can go without it for years, but they do masturbate, and BOY do they love “self love” the girls and boys here tend to like sexual consistency and usually prefer it constantly when in a committed relationship. they both are very sexually open and can be quite kinky, but this is usually with people they’ve developed a routine with. in men or women that are homosexual this can show up as a strong turn on to anal play and even in straight women and men this can be a strong g-spot. the stomach and lower pelvis region can often be roughly defined or well muscular in it’s appearance. this house adds an earthy and rather mercurial nature to the mars sign. the native will be grounded and cerebral about how they go about reacting to things. the anger is often dealt with most at work or in work settings. office sexual encounters are common ground for those with Pluto, Uranus aspecting mars from this house. 
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Mars In The Seventh House : El chico encantador
(Sir Sly - High)
They can be Shy, Dominate, and a walking bag of contradictions. Something so romantic and magnetically so as if it were prom night all over again. These men can be sooooo charming, the grin, the small glimmer in their eyes when you’re around, the lighthearted charisma and the soft toned tone of their voice as they work your blood pressure. They tend to be far more observant and patient then they’re given credit for. some speculate mars in the 7th to make a native actively more aggressive in personal dealings but I must disagree. these natives are forceful and can be quite the aggressor in some situations but in many ways they prefer to be more passive and polite if anything. their charm lays in the fact that they can cater to ones sexual and most primal self without little to no effort. they bring out such an open and vibrant energy in others. They can be very secretive though and many of these men carry themselves in two ways, one for the camera and another behind the curtain. they can be sweet and the boy next door, but they are also domineering and insatiable. see mars in the 7th is about mirrors so as you can imagine men with this are constantly reverbing their good and bad side. they love innocent lovers and many tend to marry the sweet boy or gal that seems so “pure” the irony of this placement is that boy here tend to bring out aggression in their environment because they refuse to acknowledge the intensity within their own personality. Men here and women have a STRONG sex drive and need a physical expression of desire and intimacy often otherwise they can get very irritable and dismissive. the women here are similar to their male counter part but can seem like more of a Lilith than an eve. these women don’ t play submissive roles well and tend to need to be the top or the one in control in both her life and in her environment. these women have a sharp tongue and have an easy time turning a situation in her favor. many fall victim to her incredible sexual charisma and most people are often overwhelmed by this women’s sexual prowess and even more so her level of self confidence and deep built understanding of human nature. many of these women make brilliant detectives and do well in forensic work. Many of these women are very physically active and blessed with wonderful figures. mars in this house gives both men and women very strong glutes and a tight pelvic region. The marriages or partnerships for both sexes tend to BE intense. they normally rush into relationships fast unless mars is afflicted by Pluto/Saturn or Uranus or the 7th house is occupied by other planets. the energy goes into pursuing love and because of this these natives can sometimes confuse being “lonely” with being in “love” or confusing “good sex” with meaning that a person is good for you. These natives are very passionate almost second to mars in the 1st house natives, but they are normally VERY shy when they truly have feelings for someone. they unconsciously know the difference between a relationship they are chasing solely because of sex and one that is touching them on a deeper level and in those cases they become indecisive, escape artist or downright pulling a ghosting act. mars here in the 7th house is given a more Venusian sensuality, a calmer more passive disposition but also a more dynamic attitude in regards to one on ones. these natives love to argue, and they can often flirt via aggression, clowning or just by downright acting like school children. their aggressive nature comes out when they want someone, the can be hard to stop and be remarkably driven. for them love is worth all the haste and more 
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Mars In The Eighth House : El chico peligroso
(The Neighbourhood - Heaven) 
They can be dark, spiritual and full of vehemence. something like a horror movie, all the characters have met their maker and only one quiet beaker of hope remains, full of endless scars and turmoil yet thy prevail and survive the ruthlessness of life. These men are very sexy, let be honest they could make you sign away your soul without doing so much as a one motion stroke of their hips. they live intensely and carry a shoulder of burdens that most people would never be able to see unless they make it so. the energy is often so potent and powerful with this placement that these natives can seem unnerving or even a bit frightening to be around. the desire of sciences and even surgery is strong here for both sexes but since this is the house of death, run in’s with malefic spirits or sideways mediums can pose constant danger to these natives. sadly in some cases these natives might’ve experienced or might experience sexual violence of some kind or be the one inflicting it.( this is not the norm and this is only in very extreme cases) the soul is constantly dying of with this placement so often these natives can seem brand new every day. sex can often be a catharsis or a deeply soul shaking thing for these natives so most times they don’t have one night stands and usually have a average libido. they are very sexual and have a strong desire for it but they tend to burn out after one or two goes as sex is such a deep and soul transferring thing for them. the women are often sleek and hidden. they prefer to withhold themselves so they stand a better chance at escaping or distancing from a situation if need be. they’re often very guarded and carry themselves with a stark intensity and seriousness. both sexes crave a spiritual union more than a sexual one and normally remain celibate for years at a time until they meet a lover or person who truly can match their intensity. the genitallia can be veiny for men and either very tight for women or more natural looking(more hair and so on) both men and women here may have piercings around the area or just darker looking gentallia all together. the money matters can be hard fought and their may be some difficulty with shady money dealings with men in general. the death can be of Martian nature and could possibly be violent if other planets aren't in the house offsetting this.(sign cusps matters as well) cars, electrical appliances and robbers/ fights should be looked out for as these all are the realm of mars. these natives are fighters and normally fight death to the very end, if they do pass it’s likely because they felt it was there time. mars here adds plutonian energies making the native intense, secretive and emotionally overwhelming. both sexes tend to be hard to read and usually don’t readily open up to people no matter the circumstance, you can be with them for 100 years and only know 20% of the entire story. These natives want you at your worst, your most vulnerable and your most bare. they can be scary and might even scare you off at first with their blatant Tartarus like energy but they are used to it, not everyone can handle their energy or it’s weight. these natives tend to have a high libido in their longer committed relationships and can crave sex everyday and every moment once you’ve passed all their testing. 
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Mars In The ninth House : El chico sin límites
(Artic Monkeys - Knee Socks) 
They can be intellectual. Far out, and extremely grandeur. something like a waterfall that never stops pouring it’s blue gold. The men here can be VERY in love with anything unique, new or diverse. in many cases this can mean someone who’s physically different from them in any way, be it color, weight, lifestyles, age difference, and so on. These men are so sexy due to how expressive and authentic they are. in many ways they’ re more blunt and even more reckless than a mars in Sagittarius would normally be. they want it all and can sometimes express this in a selfish rather cool hearted way. they seem rude at first glance and might even give you the vibe that they’re snobbish or above you in some way. ironically this Is all an act as they deep down do value perspective and people who are “different” so because of that they normally try to remain as open and understanding to others as they can. They are super big on intelligence and can wow you with how deep their thought process is. men here are often conspiracy theorist with an ugly sexual appetite. Women here are opposite, sex for them is more for the experience and the feeling of triumph rather than the act itself. they love to see the world, from every view and every perspective so they naturally seek all sorts of emotional and physically stimulating interactions. they are like researchers always seeking to “understand” more than they did before. this placement in women can make them highly ambitious and bullheaded. for both sexes the thighs can either be large or muscular in size. often religion for better or worse is either loved with a passion or hated with a unnatural fury their isn't an in-between. these natives can be flighty when in relationships where to much of their desire is reciprocated back, so often their most memorable love unions consist of the lovers who either didn’t love them back or who can live without them. not to say men and women of this position can’t “love” fully, merely that they are complicated souls who yearn for passion that's grand but on terms that their love is almost hitting a wall. they want you to want them, but not so much all at once. they want the kind of love that grows and fluctuates up and down as it feels like they’ re truly growing that way. sexually these natives are gluttons, the women can drain their lovers dry depending on their moods and how “explorative” they’re feeling. men here can be a slave to their sex drive but for both  sexes the more they feel like you’re out of their reach or focused on other things the Crazier their desire for you gets. Mars in the 9th house is given a Jupiter like expansiveness, an open an ardent nature a carefree and rather flighty way of being. 
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Mars In The tenth House : El chico serio
(Ex: re New York) 
They can be Intimidating, Serious and sensual. Something like the cold leaves glossing your skin on the cloudy autumn evening, it’s running late but you’re still laying on the moist soil watching the winds spiral and howl in lament. These men can be heavy, heavier than any rock or building. they feel so sad and so somber even if they wear the mightiest smile. they have a smug nature to them, as if they are beyond the moment of time and have already deemed it to be an insufficient use of their day. they are so moving, yet so deeply disengaged with everyone around them. they’re often so aggressive and active publicly that they may seem immature or more youthful then they actually are in person. they can be earnest and steady but withholding. these men have a tendency to obsess on a person, especially when they find that their is a chemistry. undenounced to most people these men are so emotional and so sexually driven behind the stoic and flat facial expression. they want you, they crave you but they wont ever show you until they are safe, hidden in the den of your sheets, the blanket of your open arms. Only then will you see their raw and earthy sexuality bloom like the deadliest rose bud. They have very strong desires to build and form their careers often putting love and physical activity in the back burner. the men here can gain weight as their extreme focus on their work can often cause them to neglect the physical body(mars). they aren’t self conscious per say but they are self aware of how their actions or someone else actions might mean. these boys will likely seem unmoved or unbothered by you in person, only stealing intense glances and stares at you here and there but trust me behind the quiet they are deeply and intensely craving you, desiring you. even more than mars in the 8th these men can be a very serious and intense man to get involved with, so if they set their sights on you, get ready for the deepest love you’ve ever experienced. women with this placement are often gentle and caring, usually taking on a very private and secluded internet persona. they can seem warm and easy to get to know but you’ll soon realize that they wont hesitate to place work, school and family above you. they are often very observant and watchful souls who notice everything often reacting in silence as not to draw any attention to themselves. these women can attract unstable men or men who are often lost in some way, relying on the women to create foundation for their broken selves. as they get older the men they attract are more self secure and more mature but for both men and women here I warn you not to marry before your Saturn return and I also encourage you to take time jumping into sexual involvements as Saturn will punish you greatly if you have sex just for the sake of sex. the bones can be rather shaped in an athletic way, or the bone structure itself can just be very nicely built and sexual in it’s creation. this house adds Capricorn and Saturn/hades like attributes to mars often making the mars more cautious, slow moving and serious. sexual nature is heard to read. 
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Mars In The Eleventh house : El chico separado
(Aaliyah Feat. Drake Enough said)
They Can be separated, stoic, and profound. something cosmic but with a sadness inside their stars. these natives tend to be complicated to say the least. Mars here tends to make men seem like a closed folder, as much of what they do and how they do it seems almost as if it’s a robotic mannerism rather than an emotionally driven response. these men can be compassionate and deeply sincere but they often get uncomfortable by to much personal interaction. they prefer an ambiguous expression of sexuality and can often carry a very open, and ardent sexual nature. these men can seem flamboyant one moment and masculine the next, they’re in every sense of the word gender fluid and sexually fluid according to what and who catches their eye in the moment. these men tend to swim in a unique electric current and often move, and act in ways completely reverse or opposed to the natural flow of the world around them. Women with this placement tend to attract men or masculine women who are scientist types, or those whom have a more detached and rather impersonal physical and spiritual expression. women with this placement can be highly rational no matter how watery their natal mars and tend to prefer to keep and maintain a certain level of space and objectiveness in their dealing with the world around them. many women with this placement are strong activist and have passionate views about society as a whole. these women are enchanting due to their minds and their creative nature. Mars in this house adds a plethora of musical talent for women here in my personal experience, but for both men and women here friends with benefits situations tend to be more preferred as immediately jumping into romance tends to make them feel uneasy. the love nature is VERY deep. and these people tend to become very private and reclusive when in love, preferring to keep their romance to themselves. both men and women with this placement hate crowds and tend to be extremely to themselves. mars in this house can give strong calf muscles as well as strong ankles. there might also be scars on these areas as well. Mars here is given Aquarian/ uranian energy so often the natives are given more cerebral, detached and high to low physical energy. the friends are often masculine or more aggressor types. friendships are often passionate and can start and end very quickly. 
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Mars In The Twelfth House : el niño ilegible 
(Lana Del Rey - Freak) 
They can be innocent, blurry and intangible. Something like a cloudy sky, grand and encompassing, raindrops and cold winter air flowing across the brittle frozen grass as it makes a ominous wail. These men can be so intoxicating, their gentle and rather subdued nature, the hidden and rather quiet nature of their actions and expressions. they often are evasive, yet present. missing in action yet heavily felt. these men tend to be on the softer side of things no matter how masculine they are. that being said their aggression and anger is just around the corner and when it comes out these men can be VERY dangerous. the darkness in them is hidden amongst the clouds, and years upon years of repent trauma can come bursting from the scenes like a pool of molten lava. these men are very honest but are sexually ambiguous. they detach themselves constantly during sexual intercourse and can be very guarded sexually unless their is a deep spiritual and emotional connection reached. they don’t have the heart to tell you they aren’t in love any more so they’ll likely keep playing the role you need them to if it makes you feel safe and happy. these men sacrifice quite a bit and struggle with putting their foot down when there kindness is being taken for granted. they have a strong passion and universal love for everyone deep down and are very spiritually motivated by everything they do. women with this placement don’t share as dark of a temper but can find themselves playing a more passive or subdued role around men as they can feel uncomfortable claiming their more masculine side. so for women this causes their masculine shadow to be present in their actions making them seem more aggressive or more dynamic then they intend to at random moments. the women with this placement are very giving and loving, normally drawn deeply to children and the wildlife. men and women with this placement get burned out by interacting with people over long periods of time and tend to go into hibernation or disappear to regain their energy. when younger these natives can be blamed for a lot for things they don’t do but this is mostly due to them not mastering their more masculine side expressing itself unconsciously. the sexuality is deeply sensitive and lots of times a divine force keeps these natives sexually celibate for a very long time until they meet a lover who is more safe and kind to them and their soul. their earlier sexual encounters may be uncomfortable or sort of late blooming as mars is in the 12th house meaning it didn’t get to grow the same way the other kids(planets) did. the dreams can often be very vivid and physically involved. this can mean wet dreams that persist into adulthood, fighting and or war dreams, rape dreams, domination dreams or even just dreams involving death. mars in the 12th is indicative of past life trauma so often the dreams are fragmented happenings of previous lives which is why there is such a vivid representation. the feet can be veiny and or strong, activities like dancing and or martial arts can be a great outlet. these natives don’ t lack energy rather they just lack an outlet for their intensity and as a result they rely on being lethargic as opposed to actively burning their intense energy reserves. The bodies are often naturally muscular and well built without much effort as the natives carry their past life's physical prowess. a strong attraction to work in hospitals or jails is common and in many cases deep physical bonds with inmates or patients is common. mars in this house is given watery and very diluted qualities, the traits of the natal mars are amplified if a water mars and the traits of fire, air and earth mars are softened and made more hard to see or not readily available to the person. 
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ryanmeft · 4 years
Movie Review: Marriage Story
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One of the first things you’ll learn as you get older is that relationships don’t make a bit of sense. That’s not what you think when you’re young. That’s certainly not what Charlie and Nicole thought. They are in the middle of the end of a marriage when we meet them, a marriage that was founded on infatuation and high hopes, two things which are perfectly logical when you’re 21. We begin with a voice-over: Charlie is describing the good things about Nicole, and then Nicole describes the good things about Charlie. Over the course of the movie we will find that some of this is true, some is fancy, and some is wishful thinking.
By the time we meet Charlie and Nicole, played by Adam Driver and Scarlet Johansson, the divorce is already a thing that is going to happen. This is not a romantic comedy. Everything does not work out in the end. Noah Baumbach, who doesn’t make that kind of movie, establishes the inevitability of the outcome in subtle ways from the first shots. He shows us flashbacks of happier moments, then shows us the couple sitting at a marriage counselor’s office. Their postures are instructive. Charlie leans slightly forward, a sort of shrug-type look on his face, as if he doesn’t see what the big deal is---as if they can just work it out. Nicole leans away, her face a mask of pain and anger. Charlie doesn’t seem to notice. There is simply a feeling in the room, and viewers more attentive than Charlie know right away this film will be a rarity: a movie about a divorce where the divorce actually happens.
If you’re wondering why I find that so unique, think on what usually happens when a movie opens and a couple is on the edge of divorce. Things happen, hijinks ensue, and by the end they’ve gotten completely over whatever led them to that point to begin with.
Charlie runs a theatre company, one of the kinds that requires a lot of money be put in and puts little back out. When they were both young, Charlie gave Nicole her first big acting break, and she fell in love with him. It is never clear if the feeling was that deeply mutual. Nicole---and please forgive the stereotype here, for it is meant to be complimentary---Nicole loves in the way women do, truly and emotionally, the kind that is completely irrational and so steamrolls all rational considerations and thus removes many otherwise destructive doubts. Charlie loves her in a more utilitarian way common to men---he needs her more than he wants her, and is possessive of her the way he might be of a beloved pet. His true love is the theatre, where he can exercise total control over the outcome. A marriage does not offer him such power. Only in the case of their son Henry (Azhy Robertson) does he willingly relinquish control of a situation.
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Is either of these ways of loving wrong? That seems to be the question Baumbach would like us to be thinking about. Driver and Johansson turn in two of the most stunning performances of the year, each one fully embodying their character and their hopes, fears and flaws, to the point where which one you think is the jerk may largely depend on your own life experiences. You’d be hard-pressed to deny that Charlie is a good father---Nicole does not---and that her attempts to prove otherwise for custody reasons range from passive-aggressive to blatantly manipulative. These include visiting as many lawyers as she can to establish a conflict of interest so that they cannot represent Charlie and arranging it so that he cannot both work (and thus pay legal costs) and be with Henry at the times allowed him. Nicole is conflicted about this, but she is buoyed on by her lawyer (Laura Dern), who very obviously relishes her job and loves to crush her opponents; she declares that “God is the father and God didn’t even show up”, and enjoys every bit of damage done to Charlie far too much for it to be just professional. Notably, she insists he is an absentee father while Nicole insists he isn’t, because she can win more if he is.
Charlie, meanwhile, claims to want to take the high road and not to use lawyers at all. This is less because he is noble and more because he hates facing conflict head-on. He is quick to anger and blame, and by quick, I mean instant. There are no problems in his life that aren’t caused by Nicole’s stubbornness, which is how he sees it both when she’s really being stubborn and when she isn’t. He naturally adopts the bemused expression with her of someone who believes they are always right and fancies themselves as speaking to a child who simply cannot understand all the things the adults do. He is, in a nutshell, condescending as hell, and there’s no quicker way to set him off than to remove his control. He, too, lawyers up as the movie goes on, first with a nice-but-ineffectual family lawyer (Alan Alda) and then with a bulldog (Ray Liotta) who is every bit as vicious as the Dern character, shaming Nicole for a brief scene of nudity in her first film. Somehow, there are also moments of genuine warmth and humor, but I will not ruin them.
It’s the little decisions that make all of this so effective. Baumbach and his underrated cinematographer Robbie Ryan, who shot The Favourite with an emphasis on facial expressions, know just what to do when you have an actress as expressive as Johannsson: you point the camera at her and go for a coffee. I’m sure it’s not that simple. Yet when Johansson is called upon to give Nicole a speech, the camera almost always closes in on her, to capture every subtle nod or curl of the lip and every shy turn from the viewer, as well as moments of anger and passion. The modern camera is too often terrified of shooting the human face for very long, fearful of what emotions might get in that were not scripted and focus-grouped. Compare this with Charlie. Driver is a great actor for whom facial expressiveness is, well, not a strong suit, so Baumbach and Ryan shoot him at more of a remove, fitting his superiority complex. These choices make one of the more fascinating visual contrasts I’ve seen in film, ever.
Every tension in the film and in their lives, and there are oh so many, comes out in one giant argument that, unless you’ve spent your life under a rock or are lying, we’ve all had with someone at one point. A conversation begins and escalates. In no time minor issues have become apocalyptic. All pretenses fall and each person’s basic nature is laid bare and red-faced. “I can’t believe I have to know you forever!” screams Nicole. Charlie wishes she were dead. I dare not describe how the scene culminates, even though this is not a movie with any real spoilers. Baumbach, Driver and Johansson have, together, managed to capture the essence of a real fight on film, a scene where it is hard to believe they aren’t actually a crumbling married couple really enraged with one another. After the film ended, I found myself wondering about what their relationship must be like. It took me a few moments to remember that they were not a real couple.
 Verdict: Must-See
Note: I don’t use stars, but here are my possible verdicts.
Highly Recommended
Not Recommended
Avoid like the Plague
 You can follow Ryan's reviews on Facebook here:
 Or his tweets here:
All images are property of the people what own the movie.
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littlefrenchdog · 4 years
French Bulldog Frightened By Loud Noises? How To Fix.
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The sudden boom of lightning and thunder, cracks, and pops of fireworks that seem benign to you may sound like a world-shaking event to you little Frenchie. If your French Bulldog is trembling and shaking during storms or cowering in fear each fourth of July, here are several measures you can take to help. Researchers are not sure which part of a rainstorm triggers anxiety and fear in dogs Like in the case of fireworks, it may be the sound and light bursts. For some, it might be a shift in their daily routine. Others dogs may have more sensitive hearing than others. Individual dogs can experience changes in atmospheric pressure or could detect low-frequency thunderstorms well before we do. These can lead to anxiety even before the storm hits. It maybe even your behaviour around the loud noise. If you become anxious, your Frenchies will pick up on this also. A study from: Journal of Veterinary Behavior make the following observation on dogs anxiety. When the researchers looked at dogs which have been identified as anxious, it turned out why they're nearly twice as likely to show high noise sensitivity and anxiety responses to loud sounds as well. Moreover, if the dog were frightened of thunder, it also was possible that the dog would be scared of fireworks gunfire and other loud daily noises.
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Worried Frenchie
Most Common
French Bulldog Scared Of Thunder Even before the first flash of lightning, well-behaved dogs start to pace, pant sticking to their owners or hiding in the bathroom, or wedging themselves under the bed or tight space. In extreme cases, they may bite through drywall, chew rugs, and bust through doors in increasing fear. Reducing thunderstorm anxiety Most importantly, that constant patting or comforting your is often perceived by dogs as a reward for the fearful response— or confirmation that nervous reaction is appropriate. Alternatively, discipline will only intensify the anxiety of a frightened dog. Your behaviour around your Frenchie is essential. Try to be relaxed and project a calm vibe. Try to engage them in activities that they usually enjoy like, playing with there favourite toys. Change Locations Moving the location of your Frenchie can be remarkably effective, as it can help reduce the noise of the storm or make your dog less mindful of it. Some dogs like to hang out on the bathroom or under a fan whenever there is a storm As the "white noise" that the fan produces muffles the noises that disturb them. Letting your Frenchie access the basement or to a place without windows might have a similar impact. Many dogs consider that the closet or the space underneath the bed is particularly secure and safe. If your pet goes to his crate, attempt to cover it with a sheet to improve your sense of safety. But, leave the crate door open so that your Frenchie doesn't feel trapped. Use Conditioning Enable your Frenchie to connect something negative like a storm with something positive. Keep a toy hidden away and bring it out to play as they start to feel anxious about an incoming storm. Feed them with a special treat during these periods. This distracts their attention by enjoying the treat or toy throughout the storm and will slowly help to recondition their response to a storm. Desensitization Desensitization needs to happen on a gradual basis. You're mostly trying to get your Frenchie used to the sound of thunder and see this as normal. This would be typically done by playing a recorded thunderstorm at low volume and short periods at a time. The sound of the thunder must come sporadically to mimic real thunder. While this is happening to keep on eye on your Frenchies behaviour. Try to distract them while the noise is happening by playing fetch or doing some kind of enjoyable activity, as mention above. If your French Bulldog is too afraid to participate, you have to turn down the volume of your thunder noise and try again tomorrow. This can be a lengthy process that requires a great deal of dedication, but at the end of the day, your French Bulldog will be much more confident during a storm. https://youtu.be/9-PgOEoHAus French bulldog gets ready to rumble with thunder French Bulldog Scared of Fireworks Many dogs have trouble with the sight and sound of fireworks when they have not been desensitized as with thunderstorms. Some dogs, nevertheless, aren't used to such things, so the 4th of July may be a particularly traumatic holiday for your Frenchie and yourself. You may have heard of all of the pets that run away on the fourth of July than any other day, so you must take additional steps to ensure the wellbeing of your Frenchie. Keep an eye on your Frenchie during the commotion, and ensure your French Bulldog has the valid identification just in case they getaway. Your Frenchies perception of fireworks is different from other natural loud sounds, like thunder. Fireworks are lower to the ground, more vivid and followed by loud bangs, light and burning smell of gunpowder. The Fourth of July holiday can be a very stressful day for them. Following are some things you can do. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "littlefrenchd-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "Dog anxiety"; amzn_assoc_default_category = "All"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "5209a67449b3f666821c10529f7e962d"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; Before and On the Holiday Organize to have your Frenchie in a location where they won't be exposed to the loud fireworks show. Either a friend's or perhaps a family member residence or a dog daycare that your French Bulldog is acquainted with. If it is an unfamiliar environment for your Frenchie, take them there a couple of times in the days before the actual holiday, so that it won't come as a shock if you take him here on the fourth. When you can't take your Frenchie to a safe place from the fireworks, just have a kennel at home to make them feel secure. If you're not going to be home, make sure you have a friend or a dog sitter there to keep your French Bulldog company. Desensitization As above this works exactly the same as dealing with a Thunder Storm. Keeping it simple as not to repeat. Take the time, possibly three or four months and play your Frenchie recorded fireworks noise at a progressively louder volume before they eat, runs around, and also before attention and play. https://youtu.be/bi5kLPflJGg Upset about Fireworks
Medications for Dog Anxiety
Warning: Always consult your veterinarian before giving any medication to your dog. After your veterinarian has given your dog a checkup, they may recommend a dog anxiety medicine as part of your Frenchies care. Regardless of what medicine your vet selects, you will also have to put behaviour-modification processes in place to support your Frenchie to work through their fear. This is covered in the paragraphs above. Dogs generally need to be monitored for around four weeks before the efficacy of the drug is wholly shown, and therapy needs to be maintained for at minimum two months after an appropriate reaction has been detected. Anxiety Medications for Dogs AlprazolamAlprazolam is often used to aid dogs that become anxious throughout thunderstorms and fireworks, but can also be used for other forms of situational anxiety. AmitriptylineAmitriptyline could be given to help dogs through separation anxiety or more generalized anxiety. Buspirone Buspirone is a part of the anxiolytics class of azaperone. This medicine needs repeated use to be successful, so it is not beneficial for dogs suffering from situational anxieties such as a thunderstorm. Clomipramine Clomipramine is approved treatment for separating anxiety in dogs. Sileo Sileo helps to support dogs with noise sensitivity. Diazepam Diazepam does have a variety of uses in dogs, but it's most successful as an anti-anxiety medication, sedative, a hunger stimulant, as well as a seizure-control drug. Diazepam is used for anxiety to help with panic disorders such as severe noise avoidance. ReconcileReconcile is a treatment for separation anxiety in dogs Many forms of anxiety or behavioural problems (obsessive chewing, circling or self-mutilation, and even aggressiveness). Lorazepam Lorazepam should be administered to dogs in anticipation of an occurrence known to cause anxiety, for example, a thunderstorm. The medication could also be issued at the first indication that a dog becomes nervous. Paroxetine Paroxetine may be used for several anxiety-related symptoms, namely aggression noise sensitivity, and self-mutilation in dogs. Sertraline Sertraline may be prescribed for several anxiety-related issues, such as separation anxiety, thunderstorm and fireworks, and fear-based aggression.
Hopefully, with this information,you can help your little French Bulldog overcome any anxiety they have towards loud noises. More Reading French Bulldog Training(Opens in a new browser tab) Read the full article
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torrentab · 4 years
Does anyone else have this thing where you may be neutral or slightly dislike something innocuous, but then as soon as you see someone say you’re a bad person if you don’t like this thing you change to actively hating it?
In other news I now hate chihuahuas.
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junionigiri · 5 years
BNHA Rarepair Month - Day 21 - Coffee Shop AU
for @bnha-rarepair-month​
Summary: Yaoyorozu Momo, a third year neurosurgery resident, has just come from an exhausting duty and is looking for a caffeine fix. In her search for decent coffee, she comes across a new cafe across the street and its explosive owner.
Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Yaoyorozu Momo (BakuMomo)
Rating: T
Warnings/Notes: Part 1 of the Cafe/Hospital AU i’m workin’ on~~ hahaha if I ever finish it that is
Also available on AO3/FFNet!
Yaoyorozu Momo is tired. Although to say ‘tired’ is a severe understatement. Right now, though, she doesn’t even have the mental faculties to think of a better word to describe the state that she’s in.
A recap of the past 24 hours is as follows: Five brain surgeries, three of them emergencies, all of them on patients with mutation quirks that made their anatomies vastly different. A report on the genetics of brain cancer. An audit on the people that died or had gotten worse while in the wards. The looming in-service examinations for neurosurgery residents. And finally, just two hours, forty-five minutes of sleep for the past twenty-four hours, interrupted by calls from the ER. Momo would appreciate anyone who can give her a word precise and astute enough to describe how very… ‘tired’ she felt.
She has just hobbled out of the Hosu General Hospital, over six hours overtime, with her fellow resident Todoroki Shouto-kun taking over her shift and shooing her away. Now she’s lugging her large neurosurgery textbook under one arm, using her last remaining brain cells to figure out any decent place to have coffee and read her book until she collapses from exhaustion.
She hums thoughtfully as she stares at the complex of restaurants outside the hospital. Her favorite place, Satou’s Coffees and Cakes, is unfortunately closed on Sundays. Monoma’s Boulangerie et Pattiserie also has decent coffee, but it’s five blocks away. There’s nothing nearby but convenience stores and fastfood joints in front of her.
Really, she’d really rather not compromise her sense of taste just for a much needed shot of caffeine. Call her a ‘boujee’, if one must (and one Uraraka Ochako, OR nurse and her frequent assist, does frequently). Good, handcrafted brews usually come at a high price.
And right now there’s nowhere that serves any decent liquid form of caffeine. She sighs. Perhaps it’s better to head back to her apartment and brew herself a cup there, even though just thinking about making it and cleaning up after herself afterward is so, very tiring.
As she begins to walk to the direction of her condominium, she sees him for the first time.
She doesn’t know why he catches her eye in a fine Sunday morning such as this. Perhaps because he’s scowling so hard while wiping down the tables in front of the small cafe so aggressively that she worries he’ll destroy them. Perhaps it’s also the steady stream of expletives against germs and dirt that would give the Infectious Control services a run for their money.
Perhaps it’s also how the man looks, which is very distinctive. Fluffy, blonde hair that goes in all directions. Red eyes that remind Momo not of blood clots (which she’s had enough of), but of rubies. A nice pair of arms, with cuts of muscles that move nicely as he works on destroying the table with a dishrag. The front of his body is covered by a large, blue apron, but the doctor surmises that behind it is a nice, sturdy body to match those nice, sturdy arms. He isn’t any taller than her, but he looks more than able to carry her in his arms and to throw her against--
Her surprisingly debauched, sleep-deprived thoughts are jarringly interrupted by the man’s bark. “Oi, the fuck are you staring at?”
She’s suddenly face-to-face with the explosive blonde. Yes, explosive is the perfect adjective to describe him, his fiery eyes and hunkering gait. His jaw juts out forward as he continues his annoyed grumbling, much like one of the grumpy English bulldogs Momo’s kin kept back at the family estate.
“Oi, I’m talking to you, Ponytail. Fuckin’ staring at me like I’m a circus freak.” He jabs a finger at her shoulder, and she doesn’t even resist against its push. Now up close, Momo catches a whiff of caramel from his body, and she’s not sure if it’s a comically sweet body spray or his quirk.
She’s appalled by his unruly behavior and lack of manners, of course. Furthermore, she did not just suffer through four years of medical school and one year of grueling internship and three plus plus plus years of even more grueling neurosurgery residency to be baptized as merely Ponytail. She has all intentions of forming an intelligent, indignant remark, all aiming to improve his utterly repulsive conduct. “Excuse me? That’s---that’s Dr. Ponytail to you!”
The blonde clicks his tongue in annoyance and doesn’t back down. Maybe because despite how strong her comeback sounds in her head, it still comes out weak and kind of breathy, like she’s on the verge of a coma. “The hell’s wrong with you? Is your brain still inside your fucking skull, or did you leave it behind in the fuckin’ hospital?”
Momo holds her head in reflex. Wait, did she really just check if her brain was still there? Silly Momo, of course it’d still be there, if both her cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres and her brainstem aren’t there, then she wouldn’t be standing here, dumbly staring at this angry, attractive man as his abhorrent, stupidly attractive mouth dishes out one verbal abuse after another.
There’s a few seconds where the man stops talking and just stares at her with an unreadable expression in those ruby-red eyes. “Hey, I’m serious, do I gotta take you to the ER or something, Ponytail? I mean, Dr. Ponytail or whatever the fuck your name is.”
He’s beginning to reach out for her shoulder, perhaps in an attempt to steady her, but she moves away. Internally, she tries to shake off her sudden empty-headedness and straightens her posture, in what she hopes is a dignified stance. “I apologize. It’s rude of me to stare at you as you’re doing your job,” she manages to say without slurring.
“Yeah, no shit.” Still, the man’s visibly relieved that she’s finally acting like a responsive human being. She notices his eyes run over her from top-to-bottom, side-to-side. “Hosu General Neurosurgery,” he says flatly, as if making a show of how unimpressed he is of her ‘prestigious’ occupation.
There’s a moment of bewilderment when she wonders how he knew, followed by a mental face-palm as she realizes that she’s still wearing her rumpled scrub suit, still unchanged from the past duty.
“Must have been a long fuckin’ night, huh.” He scowls for a few moments, thinking deeply. Next moment he’s clicking his tongue in annoyance. “Come on,” is all he says before stomping his way into the cafe.
Momo manages a confused “Oh,” before she follows him. The signage still reads ‘Closed’, and the man doesn’t flip it to the other side.
The doctor looks around the cafe. It’s not large, and the ceilings are a little low, but the interiors look thoughtful and cozy and warm and she instantly feels better than she has when she left the hospital. Hues of warm oranges and browns meet her eyes and make her think of autumn. Paintings of what look like fireworks and other miscellaneous explosions hang neatly over the wood-paneled walls. White block letters are displayed at the front counter, spelling N T G C A F E.
Odd name for a cafe, but it fits such an explosive barista. As if to prove her point, the man growls at her to sit her ass down anywhere she likes. She gives him the best poisonous look that her tired visage can muster before she obliges.
She picks one of the desks a few steps away from the bar, and from her spot she once again stares at him as he works. A symphony of odd noises from the machines around him accompany his smooth movements. Momo is able to see the back of his broad shoulders, visibly flexing from within his tight black shirt as he tinkers with something or the other. Sees the intense look of concentration in those striking red eyes as he measures liquids in tiny little graded cups. She wonders passively if she’s ever watched anyone make coffee before, and if anyone should look so attractive making coffee the way he’s doing it then…
Oh, lord. She isn’t just staring. She’s ogling at him. Lecherously. Sleep deprivation hasn’t hit her this hard before. She turns away, hopefully before he notices.
She opens up her book and desperately tries to read something. Or at least, desperately tries to pretend to read something. She reads the same sentence about lymphomas over and over until she sees his lean figure enter her peripheral vision.
He sets a glass on a coaster in front of her wordlessly. “Drink,” is all he says, when she looks up at him questioningly.
If she’s being honest, she wants to tell him that every cell in her body is aching for a cup of warm coffee. A steaming one in a tasteful ceramic mug, as black as her hair, perhaps with a spoonful of muscovado sugar if she feels like it. Something comfortable to gently let her down from the light-headed somnolence taking over her brain.
But the coffee set in front of her is cold, with a fine layer of foam above it. She wonders if it’s actually a glass of beer, until she takes in the sweet, coffee scent. She catches herself on time, thankfully--she almost gave in to the impulse of wrinkling her nose in distaste.
She supposes that the most polite thing to do for this man who’s been cussing at her all morning is to at least take a sip of what seems to be his peace offering. So she does--gently, she takes a sip of the drink, and feels her mind… awaken.
Oh my goodness. As the liquid touches her tongue, she feels all her senses snap awake, like a splash of cold water on a hot day. A hint of sweetness fills her mouth, but she’s able to detect that isn’t from added sugar or dairy. It’s foamy and suave, so much so that Momo can’t help a satisfied noise escape from her throat at the first swallow.
Hearing the noise, the blonde man gives her a self-satisfied smirk. “That good, huh, Dr. Ponytail?”
“Yes--this is marvelous,” she tells him honestly, after daintily patting her upper lip free of foam. “The coffee’s crisp, naturally creamy. If I had to guess, it’s from the nitrogen you infused in the drink? It’s very elegantly done. From my first sip, I’m able to ascertain a higher coffee-to-water ratio, but it’s not bitter at all. The beans that you used are exquisite, if I had to guess, probably Arabica, or something from Southeast Asia… I suppose, given the name of your cafe, this is your house specialty?”
There’s a very small flicker of astonishment she sees in his eyes as she gives her honest appraisal of the coffee, but in the next moment he’s back to being irritatingly smug. “You got that right, brainy. Although I named this joint NTG ‘cause of my quirk, not ‘cause of my coffee.”
Momo hums in understanding. “So… you have a nitroglycerin quirk?”
He holds his hand up, shows off the slight sheen of his sweat over his skin. He causes harmless, noisy sparks to form from it. So that explains the sweet smell that hangs off him. “As for you… let me guess. Something to do with brains, I bet.”
She gives him a little teasing smile. “I don’t have a mentalist quirk, if that’s what you’re saying.”
“Nah. You don’t strike me as one of those mindfuckers.” He leers at her intensely, as if reading a particularly engaging thriller. She feels her cheeks redden under his gaze, and feels an impulse to train her eyes elsewhere.
After what seems like forever, he gives a low grumble that tickles her ears. “Might be a materialization quirk, I bet. Or something that lets you manipulate structures and shit.”
Her eyes widen in surprise. He smirks in response. “I’ll take that as a fuck yes. And before you ask, yes, I am a fuckin’ genius, myself.”
She pouts at him. “But how could you have guessed that? I didn’t use my quirk around you. At all. Unless… you’re stalking me?!”
He snaps at her. “Who’s fuckin’ stalking who?! You’re the one who stood staring at me like a mouth-breather!”
Valid comeback, but it doesn’t ease her discomfort. She’s painfully reminded of one of the patients she’d seen as a first year resident--a small, purple-haired guy with a sticky-hair quirk who they needed to see after he was beaten up for peeking in the women’s lockers of a local gym. Just remembering it makes her give in to the impulse to push her seat a little farther from the blonde barista, who has the gall to look as offended as she feels. “You say that, but I’ve been through awful things before. And you aren’t answering my question, Nitro.”
The man clicks his tongue in annoyance. “Geez. Whatever. Fuck.” He rubs his face, as if it’s too early for such bold accusations, and grumbles out, “You got the instinct for breaking down the components of something. That’s what material quirk users tend to do. Believe me, I know a freak who fucks around with fabrics and shit, and every time he touches cloth he’d go on and on about textiles and shit.”
Oh. That makes sense. Momo visibly relaxes and releases a breath from her relieved lungs. “I see… Well… I suppose you aren’t a stalker after all, Barista-san.”
Fabrics and shit -- that’s like her senior consultant, Dr. Hakamata. AKA Best Jeanist, the acclaimed neurosurgeon whose unparalleled genius, strict work ethic, and seamless sutures both inside and outside of the brain, have saved many a person’s life.
Also, the most toxic of all her consultants in the hospital. She thinks he’s brilliant, but just the sight of blue jeans makes her and even Todoroki go into arrhythmia. She tries to shake off that image from her head and focuses instead on the exquisite coffee, and the grumpy blonde sitting in front of her with his teeth bared.
“Yeah. There’s only one stalker in here, and it sure ain’t me.” He says this with an annoyingly self-satisfied smirk though. Before Momo can retort, the bell chimes from the door.
“Bakugou?” A melodic voice calls from the entrance. Momo watches as a smaller woman with dark hair, dark eyes, elongated earlobes, and an asymmetric fringe makes a show of freezing mid-stride. “Um… am I that late? I didn’t know we opened this early on Sundays.”
The man--Bakugou, Momo repeats in her head, smiling a little at how appropriate his name is for his larger-than-life personality--snarls at the employee. Really, can this man speak normally without making any dog-like sounds? “We ain’t open yet, fuckin’ Ears! Just that Ponytail here’s gonna die on the street if I didn’t give her coffee! And to answer your question, you’re fucking late, since I got here before you.”
Despite the verbal lashings, the girl doesn’t seem fazed in any shape or form. She shrugs off her leather jacket, showing off toned arms covered in tattoos, and puts her hand out in front of Momo. “So I guess you’re a special customer, Doc? I’m Jirou, I’m one of the part-timers here. Please ignore my stupid-ass boss. We’re happy to serve you.”
Momo smiles as politely as she can and takes her hand. “I’m Yaoyorozu Momo. But please, call me Momo. I work at Hosu Gen. And don’t worry, I’m enjoying myself here.”
“That’s good. I’m real worried that we won’t get any customers if we let our very polite cafe owner interact with the masses,” she says, nudging her grumpy boss at the shoulder, “so I’m relieved that you’re too spaced-out to be offended by this guy, Yaomomo.”
Momo laughs heartily at her remark. She doesn’t mind also being called Yaomomo--somehow, the playful name fits her, and fits the other girl’s personality for thinking of that. She has a feeling that she’ll like Jirou very much. “Oh, I’m offended enough, but thank you for your concern.”
“Whatever, Dr. Ponytail,” grumbles Bakugou under his breath. He stands up and almost pokes Jirou in her eyes with two fingers. “You. Start prepping the damn place. I gotta go in the office to do accounting shit.”
Jirou sarcastically salutes him like the world’s most reluctant soldier and leaves to dress up for work. Bakugou then turns his ruby-red eyes to Momo. “And you. Wouldn’t stand up if I were you. Just sit your ass down and drink up for as long as you need to.”
“A… all right,” stammers Momo, unsure if what came out of his mouth was an order, a threat, or a concerned plea. She watches as his strong figure moves towards the back of the counter, pulls off the apron over his head -- oh lord, that small bit of his back that she sees when he lifts his arms up are made of pure muscle -- and disappears into the office.
“So, Yaomomo--”
Momo yelps and whips her head to Jirou, who is now dressed in her barista regalia, consisting of a simple white collared shirt, jeans, and a similar navy blue apron. Somehow, the girl’s already got a broom out, ready to prepare for the day, and Momo hasn’t even noticed. Wait, how long has she been staring at Bakugou again?
“I see you’re enjoying the view,” continues Jirou, with an absolutely mischievous grin on her face, one that can only be described as shit-eating, if Momo allowed herself to use such vulgarities.
Momo covers her face in shame. Has she been that obvious? And since when has she picked up this unseemly habit of ogling? “Oh, I’m so embarrassed…” she mumbles. “It’s just, I don’t see that type of thing a lot outside the hospital, so…”
Yes, that must be it. It’s not that the staff of Hosu Gen are filled with unattractive people. Far from it, actually--some tabloids have made a feature about how unfairly attractive the doctors of their hospital are (admittedly, it’s not very good journalism). Todoroki-kun, who doesn’t show his face outside of work, even has a fan page made by his very enthusiastic patients. But seeing them everyday, under harsh and stressful conditions, doesn’t do anything for Momo’s interest in dating or even just a sense of attraction.
Jirou snorts, interrupting her flow of thought. “I get it. Baku-boss isn’t bad looking. Even I, a screaming lesbian, can attest to that as much. It’s just too bad he’s a nuke waiting to happen. Hey, maybe you should check out his brain or something--maybe there’s something there you have to chop off to make him… you know, not like that?”
Momo giggles. “You have a good point, Jirou-san!”
“I fucking heard that--get the fuck back to work, Ears!” bellows Bakugou from the office at the back.
Momo and Jirou look at each other and break out into muffled giggles. “Anyway, he’s right. I should get back to work,” the girl says, brandishing her broom in mock enthusiasm. “I also agree that you probably need to sit down as long as you like, Doc. I can tell that you just went through a tough tour of duty.”
“That bad?”
“Yeah.” Jirou raises her eyebrows and gives another salute. “We’re opening in a bit, so I hope it won’t be too messy. Say bye to us before you go home, okay?”
“All right,” Momo says, giving the blunt barista a little wave before she leaves her alone to do prep work. The young doctor then turns her attention back to the long-neglected neurosurgery textbook in front of her, and continues to struggle through the chapters.
Later, the cafe opens, and people start to mill about all around her. There aren’t many people coming in--it’s a Sunday morning after all, and the cafe is relatively new, so nothing and no-one stops her from nodding off in her seat. She’s finished the nitro cold brew by this time, and as refreshing as it is, all the exhaustion of the past week catches up to her. By what must be the fifteenth time her forehead hits the wooden surface of the desk, she smells caramel near her before she feels a not-so-gentle prod at her back.
She sits up, bleary-eyed, and stares at the explosive barista--no, cafe owner, who’s frowning down at her. “Oi, Ponytail. I think it’s time you went home.”
“Mmhm,” she replies quite eloquently, rubbing her eyes. “I’m not done studying yet…”
“If I let your stubborn ass study any longer, your brain’s gonna bleed out from hitting one of my tables.” He isn’t wearing his work clothes, she realizes, when he pulls her to her feet and grabs the heavy textbook from her. “Oi, Ears. You’re in charge while I’m gone. The place better be standing when I get back.”
“You got it, Baku-boss,” Jirou calls out nonchalantly. She looks up briefly and gives Momo a knowing smile before she writes out a name on a paper cup.
In the next moment, Bakugou is holding on to her arm quite roughly and is dragging her out of her seat. “B-Bakugou-san? What are you doing?” Momo manages to stammer out as he leads them out of the cafe.
“I’m kickin’ you out of the premises, is what,” he tells her gruffly as they reach the street. “Doctor or not, people aren’t allowed to pass out in my damn cafe. I don’t like taking paying customers to the fuckin’ ER. Now, where do you live?”
He makes an annoyed sound with his tongue and glares at her. “I need to make sure you get home without hurting your ass, Doc. Fuckin’ hell, doctors are the worst when it comes to taking care of themselves…”
There’s some animosity when he says the line about doctors. Momo wonders about this briefly before having second thoughts, and instead saying, “Oh, you don’t have to, really--”
Bakugou glares at her, teeth bared, with all the rage of a hungry wild animal who has had his meat stolen from him. “What, you think I’ll fucking stalk you or some shit like that? I though I’ve established that I’m not interested in you that way--”
“It’s not that,” Momo says, gritting her teeth a little for patience. “It’s just that… we’re literally a stone’s throw away from my home.”
She points to a particularly tall building a block away from where they’re standing--a residential complex built especially for doctors who need to be close to Hosu Gen for emergencies. It’s a little run-down, and the space isn’t as big as Momo is used to, but it’s convenient enough that she can sleep in a few precious minutes longer than if she lived in the Yaoyorozu Manor, which is four stations away.
Seeing the ridiculous proximity to his own cafe, Bakugou scowls and mutters something about her not saying so earlier. “Then get your ass the fuck back home, Dr. Ponytail. Ain’t moving from here til I see you there.”
“All right. That’s nice of you, Bakugou-san.” Momo gives him an amused smile. Odd that this barista, who gave her hell for breathing in the same space as him just a couple of hours before, is suddenly acting like a decent human being. Maybe Jirou’s right--there might be a switch inside his brain somewhere that needs to be rewired or something.
Bakugou only gives an annoyed tch and does a shooing motion. Momo takes this as her cue to start walking.
When she reaches the lobby and turns around, she sees Bakugou from a distance, still hulking about outside his cafe with his hands in his pockets. She gives him a quiet wave of a hand and a grateful smile. He just nods gruffly and goes back to the cafe without another word or gesture, as if she doesn’t exist.
Well. Isn’t he a rude one, thinks Momo as she makes her way to inside the condominium unit with a little annoyed scowl. Yet, when the guard asks her if something good happened today, she’s able to give a little smile and what the guard says is a mysterious twinkle in her eye.
When she wakes up from her duty-induced coma in the next sixteen hours, she makes up her mind to visit the NTG Cafe again.   
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