#like he was being more careful or pitiful of Tommy he would be alienated
the-mice-on-venus · 3 years
Ranboo just getting thrown into VC trying to figure out how to rp talking someone out of suicide
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/rp /j
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shushiyuii · 3 years
Oh my beloved that was very pog-
Gib another part for the zombie apocalypse one pwease :3?
Anything for my Dear Smoggy, Love you!
if you wish for a part three you may, but you're gonna have to give me an idea :3
Warnings: Zombies (Which will contain death and some heavy subjects, be warned), Soft vore.
Words: 1.7K+
It was obvious that the growl wasn’t human, the tone sounded so inhuman that it scared Tommy, not only that but his eyes, they screamed pure anger. Despite the small time of knowing Wilbur, he’d honestly grown quite attached to the man fairly quickly. Wilbur being the only one to treat him with proper kindness since the outbreak.
Three months without anybody he loved, three months of torture, three months without touch…
He didn’t love Wilbur but, he believed he could. He knew no ordinary survivor would protect him like Wilbur was now, so it made him think. ‘Maybe Wilbur grew attached too?’.
Wilbur’s mind was fuelled by panic, he couldn’t think straight. His urges are too strong. Hunger demanding satisfaction. But not for humans. For the deaths of the zombies, his mind screamed at him to protect the boy.
He didn’t know how he had grown so attached, perhaps it was that he was lonely for so long? He felt pity for the boy. He couldn’t be sure, he wasn’t sure what he was feeling, what emotion was screaming at him. He just knew that whatever was left of his lungs breathed with anger and his ‘heart’ raced.
“STAY BEHIND ME!”. He growled and pushed Tommy behind him, “What are you doing?! Are you trying to get killed?!” Tommy yelled at the top of his lungs. What on earth was this idiot trying to get killed?!
“I’M TRYING TO PROTECT YOU!”. Wilbur’s voice was no longer that soft and soothing voice, rather a distorted, alien-like voice. As if a drainpipe was trying to talk. Wilbur took a step back as the zombies came in closer to them.
“Tommy, get to the back end to the alley. Now!”. Wilbur’s voice was desperate. Tommy ran to the back as fast as possible, his lungs screaming and his chest aching, tears stung his eyes. He was scared, he didn’t know what to do. There was no way out of the alley, and they were surrounded.
The sounds of the zombies gave him a headache, what was he supposed to do?! He couldn’t do anything; he wouldn’t even be here right now if Wilbur hadn’t saved him.
Wilbur let out a monstrous roar, angering the zombies further into attacking the two, Tommy screamed at him to get back, Wilbur could hear the teenager’s fear for their safety. It scared Wilbur to hear such a tone from a normally happy kid.
It was probably apparent to Tommy by now that he wasn’t inheritably normal, but Tommy still reached out to him. So, the kid had grown attached himself, the hard and closed off one of the two had grown attached.
The kid had been lonely, scared. Without anybody but himself to care about. Wilbur couldn’t really blame him for such things. He was just a kid after all.
Tommy stared in horror as Wilbur let out a monstrous roar, he yelled out. He was scared, he didn’t know what was going to happen or what the fuck was going on…
And that fear only increased and Wilbur fell to the ground on his knees.
His knees gave out from under him as he fell to the ground in pain, his muscles ached. He couldn’t say it was hell though, he’d grown used to it after a while of doing so.
He noticed his once human-looking hands quickly turning into sharp claws, sharp enough to tear through flesh. Normal teeth turning too sharp like canines, one bite sharp enough to easily kill. His size grew.
Tommy didn’t know how much emotion he could handle in a day, but he was sure he was way past his limits, if he wasn’t horrified before he definitely was now. Wilbur once a normal size, turned gigantic. As tall as the buildings.
He could see his teeth, claws. His beanie had fallen off during his transformation, exposing the part of his head where he had an exposed skull. It was obvious to Tommy now, how Wilbur easily evaded those Zombies, the puzzle pieces fitting together. He was a Zombie himself.
As much as his mind screamed to hide from Wilbur, he knew it was a death wish. Not only that but if Wilbur was capable of communication and compassion. He wasn’t a normal Zombie or the fact that he had mentioned he was trying to protect Tommy.
So, Tommy had befriended a Zombie, funny.
Wilbur turned to look back at Tommy, he could see the pure fear in the boy’s eyes. He wanted to apologize for scaring him but there wasn’t much Wilbur could do at the current moment. He needed to quickly keep them safe.
He knelt down over to Tommy, the boy stepped back on instinct. He reached out his claw, carefully embracing Tommy in a fist, giving a small squeeze to reassure the boy but all he got were his screams and cries.
Wilbur felt the Zombies trying to crawl onto his legs, he stood up and immediately stomped down, killing whatever Zombies were once there. Tommy screamed again in fear, he brought the boy to his chest protectively. Hoping that this was enough to comfort the boy for a minute as he continued to destroy them.
There were way too many Zombies than Wilbur expected, every Stomp only brought, even more, to deal with, it was getting annoying. Every growl just made Tommy cling to his chest further than before, he wanted nothing but to comfort the boy, but his focus was just on killing and killing.
He realized that he probably wouldn’t be able to win this battle as the Zombies kept on increasing. His instinct screamed at him to roar but he held back that instinct, for Tommy and for the case of not luring anymore Zombies than he already had.
As his mind raced for a plan, he came to a conclusion.
He ran past the Zombies, the ground shaking under him with every step. Rubble of buildings falling as he passed. Normally he was careful, but he had nothing to lose, besides the small human currently in his arms.
He was probably halfway across the city when he finally got away from the Zombies. The boy in his arms crying his heart out. Once he realized, they were safe, he stopped. Taking a second to finally breathe after everything that had happened.
He scanned around for Zombies and found none so he finally sat down, his body slumping against the building behind him, it was uncomfortable, but it would do as he was tired as hell.
Tommy stopped crying as the loud sounds had stopped somewhat, he didn’t realize how tightly he had clung onto Wilbur. All he could hear were the sounds of birds and Wilbur’s breathes, maybe even a heartbeat?
After a moment, he let go of the hold he had on Wilbur’s clothes and looked back at the claws holding him. He could tell they were sharp, Wilbur could just easily kill him, but he didn’t, and the fact he was being held in a way that the claws would bring no harm to him.
He looked up at Wilbur, whose eyes were closed. But it was obvious to Tommy he was still awake, you had to be during an apocalypse and especially what had just happened.
“W-Wilbur?”, his eyes opened to look down at the boy in his claw, Tommy seemed to shrink down at the sight of his eyes, he couldn’t blame the boy for being scared. “Yes Tommy?”, his voice still distorted but softer and calmer.
“A-Are you a Zombie?”. Tommy shrunk back even further into his hand. Wilbur took in a deep breath and after a moment answered. “Yeah, I am. A weird one at that”.
Tommy’s face turned to slight curiosity, “H-how’d you become one?”, “Dunno, I don’t remember.”. “How are you able to grow gigantic?", “The same answer, it just came naturally I guess”.
The boy stopped talking but the fear slightly lifted from the boy’s face much to Wilbur’s relief. “Are you okay?”, he asked with concern. “F-fine, just scared”. Wilbur hummed in reply.
“You don’t have to be scared; I’ll protect you”. He squeezed Tommy gently, in reassurance. Tommy picked up on it this time. He could see a small smile plaster the boy’s features.
Night soon came, as it was apparent that the two were really tired. Wilbur could feel the boy slip in and out of consciousness in his hand. “Tired, Gremlin?”. He got a half sleepish, ‘Mhm’.
Wilbur hummed and picked up the boy, bringing him closer to his mouth. He opened his mouth and breathed out. Warm breath brought the boy out of his sleepish state and went to alert as he saw Wilbur’s mouth coming ever so closer.
“W-Wilbur!? What are you doing?!”. He screamed out, Wilbur closed his mouth and stared down at Tommy in confusion. “I thought you were tired?”, “Course I’m fucking tired but what the fuck are you trying to do?!”.
“Eat you?...”, “EAT ME?!”. He yelled out, “What do you mean eat me?!”. “Uh, do humans not at each other?”, “OF FUCKING COURSE NOT!”.
“Oh…”. Wilbur stumbled, confused. Since when did humans not eat each other? He thought since he could do it himself it was also a human trait. Turns out it wasn’t. Turns out humans’ control quite control their stomach acids as Tommy explained.
“Well-“ Wilbur coughed, “You still need to sleep Tommy”. He then opened his mouth and gently placed Tommy in much to his complaints. He licked the boy, tasting dirt and other things. “Wilbur!”, Tommy yelled out but got no response as Wilbur tilted his head back and swallowed.
Tommy felt as he couldn’t breathe as muscles pushed against him, he had no room to move, it didn’t help his claustrophobia. Not only that but Tommy was terrified, his mind raced with panic. He knew Wilbur wouldn’t hurt him, but his mind yelled at him anyways.
He soon fell into a larger space, his stomach. He pounded at the walls, begging to be let out but the walls only pressed against him, a soft rumbling of Wilbur’s body around him. Wilbur’s purring. Not only that but there were soft reassurances from Wilbur.
Well, maybe it wasn’t too bad, he was honestly really tired. He leaned against the wall, which was warm. Something he hasn’t quite have for a while, it was oddly comforting. He yawned and fell into a deep sleep, mumbling a goodnight.
Wilbur smiled as he finally felt the boy sleep, Tommy had been through a lot and needed the rest. Now Wilbur had to figure out what was going to happen next…
Wilbur: You need sleep Tommy.
Tommy: No
Wilbur: Yes *nom*
Also Tommy: *Sleeps*
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ka-writes · 3 years
Notes- Did I decide I was gonna write a fic at 2:00 AM? Yes yes I did... anyways I don’t have an archive account yet but I wanted to get it out there.... um here is chapter one of my space AU, because I absolutely fell in love with the AU.
Inspired by:
Humans are Space Velociraptors
Some kids come from storks, others come from crashed spaceships
By: mmmajora
Home Again, Home Again
By: teeth_eater
All works can be found on Ao3
Ohh also challenge if you wanna do it, fill in the Title! And another one... if you were an alien what question would you ask a human other than basic questions, like name and age.
Also suggestions are always appreciated! And if you wanna support my main blog it is kadoodle.. also I have no updating schedule so I will when I want to.
Warnings: Cussing, mentions of tight spaces and characters being trapped, mentions of corpses, and needles.
“Humans are [Insert text here]”
Chapter 1: Idiots kidnap the wrong kid..
Honestly, life hasn't been bad. His needs were met, most of the time, and he had a.. place to sleep…
Yeah no life wasn’t great.
Tommy was easily, barely, avoiding Social Services. Sleeping on benches and occasionally grass. He got whatever wasn’t wanted and had an official bag for the first time. He had some spare clothes, and no money. The authorities stopped looking for him after a while and the only main challenge was getting essentials.
No one would miss him. No one would look for him. Therefore he was the perfect target among many others. The only thing setting him apart was his sheer ability to survive, not a want, like many of the others, it was a fact he would survive. Not that his captors knew that of course.
Alternative: Tommy gets kidnapped by aliens and sbi rescues him.
He woke up in a cage.
Not a cell or a room, a fucking cage.
There were a few others in various cages around the room. All of which were either dead or close to it. Most of the ones still alive had been there for months, possibly years. No one knew of course.
The smell of rotting bodies stenched the place with a coppery coating. The room wasn’t large but not quite small. It was dull grey with layers of grime settling on the floor and cages. The room was long and skinny, lined with cages against either wall in a zig zag format. The only light was coming from the small door window, which happened to be positioned right in front of Tommy. It glowed a faint yellow and was blurry, not allowing Tommy to see into the hall.
Shadows would occasionally pass by the window. None ever stopped at it. Causing the ever growing hunger to grow more. Once one had stopped at the door, not for more than a second, before it screeched. It was inhuman and sounded like a hurt hawk from one of those nature documentaries. Tommy shoved his hands onto his ears and waited for it to stop. The thing chuckled, not like a human, but something close to it.
Tommy waited for what seemed like hours before something happened. The door opened, sliding into the ceiling. A weird looking creature stepped in. It looked like it had a porcelain mask over its face with a painted smiley face. There were no ears or hair, instead just more porcelain, which formed a spear which sat on shadows. The thing was wearing a lime green hoodie and black leather pants that seemingly faded into the creature's legs. The knees bent inwards causing it to look awfully awkward as it crouched near Tommy’s cage. The hands were long and lanky with no real palm. The creature also had a tail that looked close to how Tommy pictured a devil's tail to look. This was the first time in ages Tommy was glad to be behind bars.
The thing pointed at itself and said,
In the most heavily accented English Tommy had ever heard. That didn’t matter as much of the fact that the seemingly painted smile moved with the words.
The creature unlocked the cage and half dragged Tommy out of the cage into what Tommy presumed to be the lab. He noticed a window. The only thing for miles was stars. He was in space. He had been kidnapped by Aliens. Fuck.
Humans were a heavily avoided species. The things were what kids would expect to come out of their closet. They were feared, and for good reason.
The first ship to find Earth was ecstatic. Finding another intelligent species in what would’ve been deemed as a planetary desert was a scientific breakthrough. Causing the entirety of the media to go insane for a couple of years.. That was until the first ship ventured onto the planet. It was immediately shot down. The entire crew was killed and the entirety of the ship was destroyed in a matter of minutes. The ISF (Intergalactic Safety Force) deemed it as a no flight zone and claimed to punish anyone in the desert. Even so poachers smuggled humans and within days had their ship crashed.
The only ones allowed to take humans were scientists, who were specialized in taking care of difficult species. They were allowed to test on said species and do whatever they wanted, in the name of science of course. Most people didn’t care how they treated them and were really only interested in what could kill them.
Which is where Wilbur came in. He was a toxicologist, a scientist studying poisons, he also dealt with various potions and other chemical mixes. This knowledge is what gained his entry to the Dream Team Ship.
He had been testing on around nine different humans for the past six months on the celestial calendar. This time Dream, his boss and the captain, brought in a juvenile human. He was skinny and lanky. Clearly had been starving before being taken. He felt bad before shaking off his pity.
“V74 and V83. Make sure he can communicate beforehand.” Dream promptly stated before leaving the kid in the room.
Wilbur tried not to think about his terrified face, before he clipped on the translator. Usually it is worn on the back of the head, since humans brains are vastly different than most species, it is clipped to the left side of the head.
The translator looks like a simple device when in reality it took dozens of celestial years to perfect it. It’s a small silver disk that ingrains into the part of the brain that controls communicating. After the body gets used to the device it can translate any language into one you understand instantly.
It took a couple more years for the translator to incorporate the estimated 7,000 languages spoken on Earth. For a planet that has been isolated it has a more complex and diverse set of cultures and languages, than Pellucidian has had in centuries. To say Wilbur was jealous, wouldn’t be far from the truth. Not that he studied cultures for a living. It was something that always interested him.
He put the device on the kid’s head and grimaced at the pain that was on the kid’s face. He quickly dried up the blood and mixed a solution that would ease the pain. It was clear and tasted like water, which is the only way they got humans to take the pain reduction.
The kid relaxed for a spilt second before tending at the unfamiliar setting.
“Where am I?” He snapped, causing Wilbur to jump back a bit, before collecting himself and standing up.
“The Dream Team craft’s labatory.” The kid’s face flashed with panic for a split second, “You have two testings scheduled for today. It will go quickly.”
“Will it be painful?” The kid asked. As standard for testing, Wilbur ignored the question and measured the substances. He quickly cleaned the puncture spot before giving him the needle.
The kid winced in pain. Wilbur swiftly led him to the testing chair. It had restraints that moved with the patient's body, which prevented bruising while keeping them in place. Wilbur clicked them on and sat at the desk located to the left of the kid.
“What did you inject into me?” The kid asked clearly trying to fight off the anesthetic.
“A dosage of Lidocaine, which is an anesthetic for your species. It’s only to numb pain that may come with the solutions we will be using today.” The kid’s face flashed with a deeper panic than before, causing Wilbur to tense. “We won’t start yet, since we have a list of questions to go through before we begin.” Wilbur lied. He hated testing people, especially kids. Dream of course didn’t care, like the rest of the Dreamon species. It made him sick. That was when he made a split second decision. Hoping he could get a distress signal out, without alerting the other crew members. He was gonna get the kid off the ship, at the next stop of course. Which was in three celestial hours.
The kid scoffed, clearly not believing the lie. He paused a moment thinking over his options before he smirked,“Fine. Ask me what you want bitch-boy!” Wilbur gasped, clearly not anticipating the insult.
Chapter 1 End
1406 words
End notes: Why the hell does google docs make it so hard to copy and paste??
Also I had to do some intense googling for this... I hope you enjoyed!
(Also also this is my first ever fanfic... please give feedback and reblog!!)
Minor mistakes are forgiven... don’t expect me to be perfect... I am dyslexic.
Tommy: ....
Wilbur: ....
*intense starring*
Wilbur POV: I am kidnapping it.
Chapter 2:
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punksarahreese · 3 years
I don't know what I need + Marcy (marjan/nancy)
Need | Aftermath
PTSD!AU; after Tim’s death, Nancy has trouble even beginning to understand what she feels and Marjan wants to help
Prompt: “I don’t know what I need”
Word count: 1746
CW: Talk of death, allusion to the start of Nancy’s PTSD, crying
Paul had finally gone home, after their sparring match led to tears and comfort. When Marjan couldn’t hold herself up anymore, the weight of her grief too much, he had taken her in his arms no question. After a moment, he lowered them to the floor, holding Marjan as they both wept because punching couldn’t dispel as many feelings as crying did. They had stayed like that for a while, on the floor of the gym just trying to cope. It hurt because neither of them wanted to go home, home meant being alone with their thoughts and the reality of things. They had both left everything behind when they came to Austin, so their only support system in that moment was each other.
Still, they would have to go home eventually and it was getting rather late. After Paul had left to go take a quick shower, Marjan decided she would head home. She collected her things mindlessly, the only thing she could really think of was why. Why Tim? Why now? Why this way? It was all too much, made her question too many things about this line of work and the universe itself, and Marjan wanted nothing more than to sleep off the endless questions.
Marjan needed some time, she assumed, to properly process this. She would go home and she would pray, she would keep Tim in her thoughts and hope he finds an afterlife he deserves. She would help with the funeral and memorial set up, of course she would, but it would feel weird. She was struggling to come to terms with it and she knew it would be even worse for the others.
For those who knew him, had more time to spend getting to know him. They were becoming friendly, when the EMTs started spending more time around everyone during off hours, but she didn’t know much about him. He was selfless, kind, maybe a bit sarcastic; but he was a good EMT. He wanted to help people and he strived to do that, even at the risk of a reprimand.
Marjan knew this but she didn’t know him, not really. She didn’t know about his hometown, his favourite things, or what he did in his free time. She didn’t know that he had a partner back in Maryland, one who was waiting for their Masters program to end so they could move to Austin and be with Tim. She didn’t even know that he had a cat or that he had moved so far away to join the 126, risking so much for this job; just like she and Paul had.
There was one person who knew all of this. One person who knew Tim way better than the rest of the crew. Nancy had been absolutely wrecked when she realized what had happened. Marjan would never unhear those terrified screams, the way her friend’s hands flew to her mouth in disbelief and how Tommy had to hold her back. She was sobbing when they pulled her away, begging them to let her save him. She had to know there was nothing left, he was gone the second that fireball hit him, but Nancy didn’t want to admit it. Admitting it would mean she lost her best friend and the crew knew she couldn’t do that; not yet.
Maybe she would call Nancy later, once she got home and showered away the soot and sorrow of the day. Marjan ought to check in with her, she thought; she wasn’t sure if Nancy would have anyone during all of this and she shouldn’t have to be alone.
She was just passing the ambulance bay when a sound caught her attention. She thought her mind was playing tricks at first but after a second she figured it out. Her eyes travelled up to the source, Nancy was sitting on the bench in the back of the ambulance, her face hidden in her hands and her body wracking with sobs. She was hunched over painfully, as if she was trying to disappear into herself, and Marjan’s heart felt like it would break right then and there. She was hurting, probably more than any of them were, and she had no one to turn to in her worst moment.
Marjan didn’t think much of it as she dropped her bags, letting them clatter to the floor. The sound made Nancy look up, her cheeks darkening a bit as she realized she’d been caught. It was embarrassing, how she had no control over her emotions, but she couldn’t help it. She didn’t speak when Marjan hoisted herself up into the rig too. They stayed silent, even when the other woman sat down beside her and looked at her expectantly.
She wanted to ask if she was okay, the unspoken question hanging in the heavy air, but it never came out. There was no point; she knew Nancy wasn’t okay. None of this was and it wouldn’t be okay for a long time, that was just the harsh reality of it all.
Instead, Marjan just nudged her knee gently with her own, opening her arms, “C’mere, Nanc.”
Nancy only hesitated for a second before she accepted the hug, melting into the comfort because it was all she could do. Marjan always gave good hugs, strong ones that made one feel like they were more protected than they ever could be. It was soothing but Nancy was already overwhelmed, so maybe it was the gentle affection that had her harshly sobbing again.
It was a needed moment of vulnerability, a chance for her to let go over everything and just feel properly. Marjan knew that and she didn’t press at all, she just held the other woman close and hoped she could provide some comfort. Her sobs were heartbreaking and she couldn’t imagine the amount of pain she was in at that moment. Tim had been her best friend as far as everyone knew, certainly her closest colleague, and this whole situation was terrifying. She would hurt for a while, they all would, but Marjan knew this might impact Nancy’s life forever.
“Nancy,” she spoke as she rubbed her back gently, “I’ve got you.”
“H-he’s…” she interrupted herself with a little gasp for air, “He’s r-really gone, M-Marjan.”
“I know, I’m so sorry.”
They lapsed back into silence, save for the sound of crying and the occasional sniffle as she tried to calm herself down. There were no more comforting words to be said, none that would be helpful or unheard before anyway. Marjan just held the other woman in her arms, knowing the slumped over position would become uncomfortable after a while. She would stay for as long as Nancy needed, though, because it was the least she could do.
It was the latter who broke the silence again, after she roughly swiped at the tears sliding down her cheeks, “You… you can go, M-Mar. I d-don’t want to keep you h-here so late.”
“Nancy, you know I can’t leave you like this,” she replied immediately, “The least I can do is make sure you aren’t alone.”
“Unless you wanted to be,” Marjan added as an afterthought, “What do you need right now?”
Nancy couldn’t even begin to think of an answer to that. She needed that day to be all a dream, she needed her best friend to be alive and safe. No one could turn back time, though, and at the end of the day Tim would still be dead and she would be the last original member of the 126 EMS team. It was alienating and she knew work would be painful for a long time. Everyone would look at her in pity for weeks, not to mention how much more real it would become when they eventually had to replace him. She couldn’t focus on the present, not with the future being so uncertain, and she certainly couldn’t think about herself when her best friend died that day.
“I don’t-” she sighed shakily, “I don’t k-know what I need. I can’t-”
“Hey, it’s okay. Is there any way I can help? Even just for right now?”
Nancy looked up at Marjan, seeing no real pity in her eyes. Instead she was sad, clearly, but she didn’t look at Nancy like an unstable, injured animal like everyone else did. Marjan wanted to help like she always did, it was in her nature, and this was no different. Who was Nancy to deny a friend in this time when that’s what she needed the most?
“I-I don’t wanna… I don’t think I can be alone tonight…”
Marjan wanted to cry at the admission because she just sounded so broken, like even the thought of saying it out loud made her ashamed. Nancy was always helping people and keeping them safe but she had trouble asking for it herself. She needed a support system, Marjan realized, probably way more than she would ever let on.
“Okay,” Marjan gave her another gentle hug, “Would you like to stay at my place? You’re always welcome, you know that.”
“You’re sure?” Nancy didn’t want to intrude, much less overstep in any way. Her and Marjan were friends, yes, but she wasn’t sure how far that friendship went. She never knew where she stood in the crew, to be honest, and it made situations like this a bit awkward for Nancy.
“Of course, Nanc,” she nodded, “Whatever you need.”
It took a little more coaxing before Nancy felt ready to leave, even though she knew she desperately needed to be away from the station for a bit. It felt like she would be leaving Tim behind again, just like they did when they left the scene without him earlier. She didn’t mind when Marjan took her hand to lead her to her car, though, nor did she protest the way she helped her into the passenger seat. Taking care of people was how the other woman coped and Nancy knew that, plus maybe it was okay to surrender to the comfort for once. She trusted Marjan and knew being with her that night would help keep the thoughts at bay, even if it was just for the first day.
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kneamet · 3 years
Reader and Freddie Page have three sons. Freddie is very proud of the boys. He is a good father. It's Christmas. Reader is crying in the bedroom. She wants to run away with boys from her husband, but she knows her sons love their father. Freddie comes to her. He says he knows she is thinking of running away. He promises her that if she does, he won't rest until he finds her.
Trigger Warning: kidnapping, obsession, yandere.
Word Count: 
Character: Freddie Page/reader
Summary: You've been living in the house with your husband, Freddie, and your three sons for a long time. However, it's a pity that they don't know that you want to run away
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POV Your
You didn't like Freddie Page. Although that was an understatement, because sometimes, but lately more and more often, you felt a fierce hatred for him. You didn't understand him. He was the exact opposite of you, and he forced you to do it.
But you knew you had to restrain yourself. That you should break off your "friendship" early and do not do it, since Freddie needs a huge psychological and moral support. You really tried to help him. Understand his feelings. However, in the end, all your thoughts and common-sense motives were stuck in a post. You didn't know what to do with it or how to help him.
Trying to get him out of the ' 40s and the war that Freddie went through with a lot of hard work, you didn't realize that you were bumping into Page's hard back, because you didn't need to understand him. Including at the very beginning and pay attention to it. Why did you go to the damn pub in the first place? I wouldn't have run into trouble and an unbearable friend in the person of Freddie.
And it seemed like everything started out fine, you could even say that it was good. However, after the support and the fact that he told you everything was getting worse. Again, you shouldn't have mentioned who you work for in your conversations.
You didn't get approval for your work from anyone. Including from Freddie. Apparently, he didn't want to accept that a delicate and delicate girl like you would do such things. But for you, it was normal.
Since then, Paige has taken too much care of you, even though you've rarely crossed paths. Unless it was just this obsessive presence and behavior on Freddie's part that really scared you.
How can you, a free woman who has achieved her own goal, be told anything? And then you didn't care about him or his feelings. You were just saying what you had to say. After all, you're not a car or a pet, you need freedom of action.
"...So you get the point, right? I tried to do it, but in the end... " you tried to listen to Freddie's never-ending chatter about the war. It was alien to you, you didn't want to listen to his speeches.
You sighed softly and looked at the door that was open. So wanted her to have gone from here. I wanted to. Yes, and this obsession. Since when does he have to know your schedule for the day? You always thought it was suspicious, but you didn't show it. I didn't want to spoil his mood.
"...So that's it..." without stopping, he continued, without stopping waving his hands. That was one of his tricks. He was so emotional."...When the Captain called me to his side..."
And you sighed softly again. No, it will never stop.
But now. You sighed softly. You couldn't change anything now. The Freddie of the new age is not at all like the old Freddie, who, although he was eerily obtrusive, at least supported you.
And the new Freddie... You sighed softly again, lowering your head. The new Freddie was terrible. Everything in the new age was terrible, except for your sons.
You gave me a weak, forced smile. They were the only ones who made you feel better in this prison. Your three favorite boys. The best and the cleanest.
Roger, Arthur, and Tommy. Their dark hair was passed down from their father and their beautiful soft eyes from their mother. They were all so different, but so smart beyond their years. Roger, for example, loved to draw and wanted to devote his whole life to art. You always told and encouraged him to ensure that he continued to draw and didn't give up. Arthur liked to design different buildings of houses. Tommy, your youngest son, very much and you would even say that a very long time ago-I saw myself as a military man. He was always your husband's favorite. Your face twitched involuntarily at the thought of Freddie being your husband.
You didn't want to think about it. For you, he has always been and always will be your captor, which is unlikely to ever let you go, and it was sad. You so wanted to break free, to see the white light again and enjoy the clean and fresh air. But Freddie never let you out into the street. Simply put, he almost strangled you with his annoying concern.
It was so stuffy. So unpleasant and suffocating. He made you just some kind of flawed girl that even a simple man's job can not do. Although that's what you used to do.
You didn't exactly call what Freddie did a kidnapping. Although he did not bring you to him by your will. Simply put, he made you, which always made you really angry.
You wanted to escape. Run away from this suffocating man, from this weather, and live a wonderful life again. That would be it... naturally. And you'd take your favorite boys with you, too. The only pity is that they loved their father too much.
Suddenly, a door creaked softly behind you. It was wooden and though new, but Freddie was never smart enough to lubricate it. He didn't seem to get tired of the squeaks. What not to say about you.
It wasn't just your husband who made you marry him that annoyed you, but the damn house you spent so many nights in trying to comfort Paige. But at this moment, and for the past few years, he seemed disgusting to you.
Although at first you thought Freddie was cute, but only if he looks good. Inside, morally, he was terrible and disgusting.
POV Freddie
He loved you. I loved him with all my heart. With all that heart that was literally sewn at the seams with a thin thread and was previously ready to burst from injustice in his direction.
Freddie never understood why he was so unlucky in love. After all, with Esther, his former girlfriend. He pursed his lips. A disgusting girl. And why had he treated her so tenderly and soothingly? He didn't understand.
Although Paige knew that she was just a lecherous girl, that she was ready to go to bed with anyone, just with money beckoning. Like a dog. And it was disgusting. Very disgusting.
She didn't even help him. Never. I never tried to comfort him, or even listen to him. But here you are, you were just a goddess in his opinion. The goddess who helped him get rid of his diseases and pens. You were the first to help him and listen to him, trying to understand the essence of his nightmares. It wasn't for nothing that you spent so much time with him in this house before you were married.
"Are you sure you're okay?" the woman asked, raising her right eyebrow and slightly arching it in a small bump, looking from her patient's card to Freddie himself.
Page pursed his lips, closed his eyes, and clenched his sweat-soaked hand into a tight fist. He hated to talk about it. It was so disgusting. Yell about your problems to some other person who really doesn't even care about you.
Freddie has felt this many times. He knew that his psychologist didn't care about his problems, and she just wanted to throw the former shell-shocked soldier out of her expensive and rich house as soon as possible.
"I'm sure, Mrs. Rogers."
But now. He felt great right now. He had his favorite girl, who was also happy for him and loved him as much as he loved her.
Oh, how he adored her. He adored her cleanliness, social behavior, and moral support. Freddie knew she was perfect. An ideal, a beautiful lady, comparable only to a Goddess.
And now it was bitter to look at his beloved. The way she sits on the edge of the bed in a fit of anger, anger and sadness, thinking about something bad.
What could it be? Quick thoughts flashed through Freddie's mind, and he ran at a brisk pace across the room he shared with his wife.
It wasn't very big. And the interior was as simple as an instruction manual for assembling a cabinet. An ordinary bed, which was of medium hardness, on which were white sheets, which were currently covered with a dark blue canopy. A small nightstand next to the bed, a dark wood wardrobe that contained all of his clothes, and a small shelf with books and a TV. It was hard to get, but Freddie was still able to buy it back from his friend for a decidedly inexpensive price.
"My lady..." Freddie murmured softly, kneeling in front of his beloved. He couldn't resist looking at her beautiful face again. Elegant, inviting eyes, his beloved lips that responded with great excitement to his voluptuous kisses, soft hair.
"Lady, I know everything," Freddie suddenly spoke loudly, making his beloved understand her gaze. She looked at him with disbelieving, sheep-like eyes that were wide open.
"W-what do you mean?" haltingly, after a little crying, she asked Page his favorite, to which he only frowned. Why is his beloved lying to him? "I don't understand."
"I know you'll think about running away," Freddie said calmly, resting his head on your thin knees. He talked about it as if he were talking to his friends about the weather. It was frightening. "I know, I know everything. I know. Don't take me for a fool," the man smiled to himself as he stroked your thighs. "But know this, my lady. I give you a promise: if you try this, I swear I will stop at nothing to find you," Freddie said with a strange, obsessive tenderness in his voice.
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Hlvrai/Half Life Freemanverse Pokemon AU Guide
So I already made a post about the pokemon-verse version of Gorgeous Freeman (which you can see here, and explains his summer job as a zookeeper of a mini pokemon petting zoo)
But I mentioned in that post how it was actually taking place in the Half Life VR but the AI is Self Aware universe, since Gorgeous Freeman didn't want to stick around in the post-apocolyptic Combine invaded shithole of his own universe, and so exploited the Freemanverse Half Life Multiverse to switch to a less terrible place to live.
That being the HLVRAI universe, where the Combine never invaded (at least not yet) Below ive given basic descriptions of some of the universes, and listed some of the main characters pokemon. Particularly for the HLVRAI team and the different variations of Gordon Freeman.
The hlvrai team went through something sorta similar to the stream of having to survive escaping a facility as portals to other dimension dropped new species of monsters into the facility. But this time instead of aliens, they’re ultrabeasts (as seen in the sun and moon games) with headcrabs being a pre-evolution for the ultrabeast nihilego, though the rest of the Xen creatures would be new, previously unseen Ultrabeasts.
And with the help of their pokemon, the science team (plus Benry) need to escape with the help of their pokemon.
HLVRAI Gordon’s Pokemon Team:
Magmar--- HlVRAI Gordon’s Starter, and the only pokemon he begins the journey to escape black mesa with. The rest of his team being found along the way as he escapes. Magmar takes after Gordon quite a bit, being essentially a “what if Gordon was a pokemon” in personality and behavior. They’re also the most powerful pokemon on the science team in the earliest parts of the escape from black mesa. Since this universe is more realistic, with taking care of pokemon meaning having to actually take care of an animal day to day, with Gordon not being a super responsible dude, and not super competitive or hostile, he only has the one pokemon at first.
Magikarp--- Gordon found the thing at the first big water source he encountered as the science team was escaping Black Mesa, and before they really grasped how serious their situation was. Gordon took pity on the pokemon that had somehow found its way into a canal so far underground with no clear way out. And deciding “well we can’t just leave it here” he caught the magikarp, intending to let it go in a stream or river once they got outside. But it kept being way too dangerous to release the magikarp, especially once the shark Ultra Beasts started showing up. Magikarp was still a help in the water though, helping Gordon to swim faster despite being weighed down with the HEV suit. Hilariously though, the magikarp manages to go the entire Black Mesa adventure without evolving, despite Gordon repeatedly mentioning with increasing panic “A Gyrados would be really helpful right about now!!!”. It’s not until they’re at Tommy’s Chuck-e-cheese birthday party that Magikarp finally evolves into a huge gyrados in the middle of the dance floor.
Tommy’s Pokemon Team:
Shiny Arcanine--- its Sunkist! A pokemon Tommy Artificially made, and Tommy’s starter and only pokemon until the events of black mesa, though we don't actually see Sunkist until the time they got kidnapped by Forzen, so Tommy needs some pokemon in the meantime, which he find along the way. Tommy probably being the closest to a regular newbie pokemon trainer building a team through an adventure, often catching the pretty common pokemon without much knowledge or care of their battling ability instead of being picky.
Pidove---Gordon: "We should probably get more pokemon for our safety as well. Tommy, have you ever caught a pokemon in the wild before? Ever battled?"
Tommy: "...no"
Gordon: "Do you think we could teach you? like if we got you a pokemon?"
Tommy: "Do you want me to practice on that pidove?"
(random pidove out of nowhere)
Gordon: "You know what, yeah, that could work. Let’s have you catch that pidove".
Rattata---- another easy wild pokemon tommy picks up early on for his team, found in the black mesa ventilation system. Soon evolves into a raticate. 
Milcery---- found when they stop and have a coffee break, eventually evolves into a lemon cream star sweet Alcremie.
Solarok--- Found as the team was making their way through the big canyon.
Shiny Espurr--- soon evolves into a shiny male meowstic.
Sandsrew--- found in the desert near the minefield. 
Bubby’s Pokemon Team:
Being a test tube baby scientist who spent his entire life in Black Mesa, Bubby’s lived a pretty limited life, similar to the other limited artificial humans of Black Mesa. He was initially given pokemon purely for practical reasons related to his job, but over the adventure he gains a full team. Bubby actually has 2 starters, each given to him at the exact same time. But now that everyones dead, he can get more pokemon without repercussions. Something he does with a fair amount of gusto throughout the adventure.
Magneton--- one of Bubby’s “starters”. Beginning as a low level magnemite at the start, intended for use in helping to repair equipment, it eventually evolves and becomes a pretty formidable Magneton.
Shiny Ditto---- Bubby’s other “Starter”. These blue shiny dittos are clones made by Black Mesa. Mass produced and distributed to its employees to be used as a sort of multitool, transforming into pokemon relevant for whatever project the employee would happen to be working on and helping to keep overhead costs low for black mesa, as they would only have to maintain a small number of pokemon which could be used as a reference points for a ditto to transform into, rather than outfitting scientists with a full team. It takes awhile before ditto is able to transform into the Xen ultrabeasts, but once they do, there can be some dramatic consequences when they transform into the larger ones.
Golbat--- Dr. Bubbys first wild pokemon they were able to encounter and catch as a weak zubat. Bubby getting swept up in the fact that he can now catch his own pokemon after he sees Tommy catch the Pidove. Once it evolves into a Golbat it becomes helpful in stopping him and the other members of the science team from falling to their deaths, though it’s not large enough to really carry anyone, just slow their decent to not harmful levels.
Cacnea--- the first time Bubby gets to properly hang around outside, he catches the first pokemon he sees to celebrate. Which happens to be a Cacnea.
Elgyem--- another pokemon Bubby finds out in the desert, this time at night. Bubby mentioning how he always wanted one of these, having listened to other Black Mesa employees talk about sometimes watching them hang around the desert around the facility at night, making colorful glowing points in the desert. And it’s further used in the narrative as a way to bring up Bubby's dream to go to outer space.
Minior (light blue)--- when Dr Bubby has his epic riding a rocket into space moment, he comes back with a space rock as proof. Which just so happens to be a light blue minior.
Silvally (fire)--- found when they visit biological research, where other artificial pokemon and test tube scientists and prototypes could also be found.
Coomers Pokemon Team:
Hitmonchan--- Because of course the notorious boxing enthusiast would have a hitmonchan. He’s on the elderly side, and the only pokemon Coomer has at first, taking a little while to get back into the swing of battling. But they’re a real powerhouse once they do get into it.
Shiny Muk---- The giant pools of radioactive green slime all around black mesa are full of Grimer’s turned green by the toxic waste. Dr Coomer takes a liking to a particularly tough green muk. Coomer: Good news Gordon! I found a green slime I’m not horribly allergic to! Gordon: Dr. Coomer, That’s a Muk, you know those are still extremely poisonous right? Coomer: Hello Gordon!
Machamp--- One of the free roaming heavy lifter pokemon who help move cargo around in Black Mesa. was able to be captured by Coomer thanks to them not having any particular trainers and instead being just generally owned by Black Mesa.
Darnolds Pokemon Team:
Darnold never really gets into any fights, but can still see his pokemon milling about his lab.
Shuckle--- Pokemon well known for berry fermentation.
Polteageist--- Not quite Soda related, but close.
Golurk--- A replacement for Darnolds rocket boots. He basically goes "all this violence is too much for me" then brings out this huge golem pokemon, hops on it's back, and the golurk rockets away.
Benrys Pokemon Team:
Wobbuffet--- One of the typical pokemon often used by the black mesa security guards. Used most often in the early parts of the hlvrai pokemon adventure as the science team are still figuring out just how non-human Benry is. Benry uses his Wobbuffet in a trollish a way as possible, it being unclear for awhile if the pokemon even has any damaging moves or is purely defensive in the least helpful way possible. As we learn later however, This Wobbuffet is in fact Benry’s only genuine pokemon, and actually property of Black Mesa which he is expected to pick up, and then return at the beginning and end of his shifts.
Shiny Alolan Marowak--- One of the first big implications that Benry is not like the other Security guards. A pretty unfamiliar pokemon to the team so they don’t catch that it’s a shiny version of the pokemon. What they don’t find out until later however, is that this, and all the following bizarrely strong shiny blue pokemon Benry pulls out, are actually not real pokemon. They’re all artificial pokemon that Benry creates temporarily and are extensions of himself, similar to the Skeletons that run around.
Shiny Porygon Z--- artificial pokemon Benry Made temporarily for a single battle
Shiny Midnight Form Lycanroc--- artificial pokemon Benry Made temporarily for a single battle
Shiny Bisharp--- artificial pokemon Benry Made temporarily for a single battle
Shiny Tyrantrum---- artificial pokemon Benry Made temporarily for a single battle
Freemanverse Pokemon Narrative:
The freemanverse aspect comes in, in that the other Half Life Universes (Freemans mind, Origional Half Life, Speedrun HL, etc.) are all connected  simultaneously to the same "Xen" dimension through ultra wormholes, allowing them to travel between each others dimensions after their universes resonance cascades. Though most of the Gordons would return to their own universes for their versions of the events of Half Life 2-3+Alyx to stabilize heir respective wolds/ultraspaces, and most continuing to generally stick to their own realities afterwards.
For example, Original Gordon, who's happy with his friends rebuilding the world, and Freemans Mind Gordon, who's exploiting a power vacuum to take over their own pokemon world.
Black Mesa Security Guards and Scientists:
Consistent across the universes (including Hlvrai), the scientists and security guards of each universes forms of Black Mesa (Which Gordon can team up with briefly in the game as he goes along) have certain mechanics associated with them that shift from the original game to the pokemon universe. The Scientists will have potions that can be used on a teams pokemon and will often give helpful healing items to Gordon (and his companions if he has them), especially if the scientist must be escorted to another location.
The Security Guards will team up with Gordon for awhile and turn pokemon battles into double battles. With them always having 2 pokemon. First pokemon always being a Wobbuffet, which would draw enemy attention to it rather than Gordons pokemon and have a bunch of helpful stat lowering moves. After which they swap to one of 2 pokemon. A Rampardos Or A Bastiodon Along with having some implications that the canyons of Black Mesa were a good location for finding fossils.
Gorgeous Freeman’s Pokemon Team:
He’s only got one pokemon, a heracross with a longer than average horn named “Crowbar”. He is that guy who manages to make it through the whole adventure with just his starter/just the crowbar. Heracross can however, mega evolve.
Freemans Mind Pokemon Team:
For the Freemans Mind Gordon, probably the main reason he survived the black mesa incident and beyond was he was one of the only people in Black Mesa to have a full team of well balanced and leveled pokemon that he kept on himself at all times. his reasoning being “if you could intimidate almost anyone into doing whatever you want with just a bit of extra effort, why wouldn't you take that opportunity?”. Compared to most of his colleges, who would only have one or two at most, with even the military being pretty light on the number of pokemon per person. He is also pretty effective at using his pokemon for puzzle solving and finding shortcuts and the like.
Chatot--- Because talk like a pirate episode, plus him doing a lot of talking to himself that could be revised for the pokemon au as talking to the Chatot on his shoulder. The Chatot also takes the place of the “If only I had a grappling hook” running gag of having not taught Chatot the HM Fly, out of a mix of his own problem with motion sickness, and not wanting to look silly being carried by such a small pokemon.
Amoonguss--- This poison mushroom pokemon was picked as a reference to their running gag of his drug use, and Gordon would comment on stuff about being able to convert the pokemon’s poison to some “fun” hallucinogenic substances through some basic chemistry, ending up with essentially the same thing as regular hallucinogenic shrooms, which he did often during college. Though he also expresses admiration for poison types in general and being able to take down opponents much easier with Amoonguss’s status effect moves and how it’s often really the best way out of a number of jams he’s gotten into in the past.
Alakazam--- I'm just gonna put it bluntly, but this version of Gordon is pretty up his own butt with how goddamn smart he is. And the best pokemon for someone who’s all about being a smart guy is an alakazam. And it’s a pokemon he’s had for quite awhile, with it probably being the first pokemon he caught himself back when it was an Abra, and he would use it as bragging rights for how his first pokemon he caught was a particularly difficult one to catch. I was thinking though that this Particular Alakazam would be a bit of a straight man to Gordons over the top additude, being a bit sick of his shit and not being shy about showing it, though with still a pretty close bond regardless. Though as Gordon gets more paranoid throughout the adventure, part of his paranoia gets taken out on his alakazam, so that’s not super great. Alakazam also has another layer of “metagaming” too them. See, Alakazam still has the move teleport, as it’s Gordons primary alternative to using something like the move Fly (Which Gordon often brings up when complaining about not being able to fly, and “how was he supposed to know that he would find himself in the one specific situation where teleport, the much more effective alternative to most transportation needs, would be unusable”). But when the resonance cascade gets set off, instead of teleporting to the nearest town and escaping Black Mesa, they will instead teleport to a seemingly random place in Xen, often to get jumped by Ultrabeasts. Every so often as Gordon get’s some distance away from the ground Zero of the resonance cascade, he will have Alakazam try to teleport to see if they can escape yet. It never works, but he does meet some other versions of himself in Xen.
Shedninja--- a pokemon that’s invincible so long as the other pokemon doesn’t have any super effective moves? That sounds like an exploit that the Freemans Mind Gordon would be tempted to take advantage of. And a pokemon that doesn't need to eat or have any other expensive maintenance is also a big plus in a world where taking after a lot of pokemon can actually be a rather costly and time consuming affair, (hence why most others only have one or two pokemon and Freeman set’s himself apart a fair bit having 6 despite being a scientist and not a full time trainer).
Dracovish--- this one’s a bit less obvious of a pick, but it ties in with a mad science theme, and some comments he made about potentially picking up some of the human skeleton bones he found during his journey to sell to his friend. Which in pokemon universe, that maps pretty well with him having a bit of experience with collecting fossils, and would probably gush over how cool reviving pokemon from fossils is scientifically. But he would have gotten a bit ahead of himself with bring to life a Dracovish, at first being excited about combining pokemon together to make bigger, more powerful pokemon. But would end up with a somewhat sickly freak of nature and have learned a bit of a lesson about scientific hubris. Though didn’t learn that lesson super well because he would argue that he still came out with a huge badass and pretty powerful pokemon so “if you think about it he was really in the right all along… even if they have trouble breathing outside of water but can barely swim even in the water”. He’s also got a real soft spot in general for his Dracovish despite everything, as it’s kinda like a giant golden retriever in personality and behavior. Dracovish would also be a big help during water sections, as it’s big enough to take on the sharklike Xen monsters and can often help slowly ferry Gordon across waterways without him having to get wet.
Klefki--- Gordon has been picked on plenty for having a Klefki. A pretty “unmanly” and “childish” pokemon to have according to most. But Gordon would call those people idiots, because he taught his Klefki how to pick locks and pockets, and now klefki is like a puzzle solving wizard for a number of the problems Gordon goes through during Black Mesa and beyond. Locked door? Klefki can pick it. Unpickable door? Klefki can fly through any small gap to open the door from the other side. Need an extra leaver pulled or button pressed or something grabbed from somewhere up high? Klefki is there to help.
Speedrun Gordon Pokemon Team:
Crobat--- he owes a lot of his capacity to breeze through the adventures due to his crobat literally just flying him over almost every obstacle. He’s the only freeman of the group to really have a reliable flying pokemon able to carry him.
Electrode--- Because a big part of being able to speedrun half life involves using grenades to basically rocket jump, and no pokemon better resembles a bomb than an electrode.
Original Game Gordon’s Pokemon Team:
Rotom--- a standard company issue Rotom that goes along with the HEV suit. Talks to Gordon throughout the adventures, and officially becomes Gordons Rotom at the end of the events of Half Life 1, replacing the “as for the HEV suit, i think you’ve earned it” line the G-man says at the end of the game. So when he reappears for Half Life 2, it’s the Rotom that stays with him, and goes into the new mark 5 suit when he gets it from the resistance.
Rhyperior---Starts out as a rhyhorn and Gordons primary pokemon. Evolves into a rhydon near second half of the first HL game when Gordon started going up against tanks and armored vehicles. And evolves into a Rhyperior with the help of Eli and the other members of the resistance.
Victini--- an unassuming mythical pokemon, but it’s one of the main reasons why Original game Gordon is expected to be able to win against any opponent regardless of what strategy he uses. Is often outside it’s pokeball.
Metagross--- is given to Gordon as a beldum at the same time he gets the gravity gun. Eventually evolves into a metagross over the course of HL 2-3 and gains the ability to mega evolve. 
Unnamed Ultrabeast based on Antlion Guard---- instead of killing and extracting the pheromone pods from an antlion, the Pokemon version of Gordon instead uses an experimental Beast Ball created by the resistance to capture one of the larger Antlion ultra beasts and uses them to control/befriend the other Antlions.
Barney’s Pokemon Team: I figure Barney’s team would be pretty consistent across the Universes he appears in. Though he wouldn't always have much opportunity to use his pokemon. Especially in Gorgeous Freemans Au.
Rampardos---  he had them from back in his Black Mesa days as a security guard.
Starmie--- a replacement for the Chumtoad pet that fandoms often give Barney.
Alyx’s Pokemon Team:
Kommo-o--- Their replacement for their robot guardian “Dog”. Is a larger than average kommo-o, who otherwise behaves the same and is rarely ever in their pokeball.
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peakyblinderswhore · 4 years
My poor heart... your Finn imagine was sooooooo good!!!! Could you possibly do a part 2 to it where they make up or not maybe she gets with Isaiah or Michael all up to you
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A/N: since so many of you liked the first one, here’s a part two, as requested by a few in the comments and this anon here!
W/C: 1.9k
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You learnt up against a wall and cried. Finn had come running out looking for you but you had dipped in and out of alleyways and stayed away from lampposts, mostly so it didn’t illuminate how red and puffy your face was to others but also so Finn couldn’t find you.
He hadn’t always been one to think on his feet so he just ran down the street in hopes that you’d be waiting for him at the end of one. He did make it as far as the Garrison and gave the bartender a good talking to for having not served his girlfriend. Funny that only five minutes ago he was saying the exact opposite. 
Whenever you went down to the Garrison you never managed to catch any of the Shelby boys and when you did, Arthur was too drunk, Tommy was too busy being haunted by his dead true love, Michael was trying to overthrow his cousins with his ideas for the Shelby company in the states and Finn was never around to be seen. Mostly you tried to talk to one of them or join in but they didn’t know how to face you when they knew full well their youngest brother was leading you on.
When you got to the Garrison yourself, you were served a drink without even looking up from the bar. This was how you knew that Finn had been round doing his bit as best he could. 
Isaiah was the one who saw you, sitting by yourself. None of the other men on there would’ve touched you with a six-foot barge pole. 
“Hey, you okay?” he asked softly, noticing that Finn was nowhere to be seen.
You look up from where your head rested on the bar, your eyes had lessened but were still slightly puffy and Isaiah could see that they were strained.
“You could say, I’m having a mid-life crisis.”
“But you’re only 19…”
“My bad, a three-quarter life crisis.”
You flop back down into the position that you were in before, head on arms on the bar, hidden from the other men in there. Isaiah wasn’t stupid but he didn’t want to push you much further before finding out what was up.
“Your face is red,” he whispered, leaning closer to you, “you gonna tell me why you’re upset?”
“No,” you sulk.
“How about we settle in the snug and I’ll fetch you a drink.”
You agree, liking the sound of a dozen men not staring at you like you were an alien.
Trudging over to the snug, Isaiah opens the door for you and has whoever serves there now (you hadn’t taken much notice after Harry died) put your drink through the window to the two of you.
You drop yourself onto a seat in there and Isiah passes your drink over to you. You try not to slump over in your seat as you wouldn’t like it yourself if someone did the same to you after being kind enough to ask how you were. You sigh heavily as you come to terms with the fact that you’re going to have to tell Isiah what is happening since no one else will listen to you.
“Isaiah,” you begin, “Finn and I got into an argument.”
“I gathered that much. I don’t see you very often down the Garrison since Harry died, less so after dark.”
“Yeah, that’s another thing. How is it that not one of these men will say that I know a Shelby but the second that Finn and I get into an argument, he comes round and now they’re all scared of me like they were when I used to walk in with Finn and the other Shelby boys.”
You whimper, realising how pathetic you sound.
“Because they preferred Grace tending to them and they also preferred when women weren’t served in bars so with the new bartender and the lack of Finn as of recent, they blurred you out,” Isaiah says, sliding next to you on the seat.
You lean your head on his shoulder and he wraps an arm around your shoulder and he rubs up and down your arm, “You know, you should talk to him about it.”
You lift your head so he can see your expression as you raise an eyebrow and reply, “The fuck do you think I’ve been trying to do for months, Isaiah?”
He shrugs his shoulders, “I don’t know, I don’t live with the two of you.”
“I’ll tell you then,” you drop your head back, not wanting to face him in case you begin to cry again, “I waited up for Finn tonight. I don’t like waiting up for him and he knows it. I wouldn’t mind if it was every once in a while but it’s every night and I don’t know what to do about it anymore.”
“Don’t wait up?” Isaiah offers and you poke him in the abdomen before he can object.
“My point is,” you continue, “I waited up for him tonight; I haven’t in weeks. I’m pretty sure he thinks I’m out to argue with him every time we talk now. It’s never just a talk; it’s always a fight or a fight and a fuck to make up – even those don’t happen very much anymore.”
Isaiah chuckles at your words and you say, “Funny, eh? I told him Polly fucks more than I do and he said that me and him fuck too,” you quieten as you say, “I told him he fucks more without me than with me.”
Isaiah lets out a big blow of air, “Woah, you went there.”
You laugh lightly, “I did.”
A small silence was welcomed between the two of you where every now and then Isaiah would sip from his whiskey glass.
Looking down at you, Isaiah thinks before saying, “What do you want from all of this, with Finn, I mean?”
“I wanted what we had, you know?” Isaiah grabs your face, lightly pulling you up by your chin as you say, “A relationship. Something loving, maybe,” he pulls you closer, putting his glass down on the table in front of you before staring down at your lips, “some sex now and then… you know?”
At this statement, he closes the gap between your faces and presses his lips against yours. Before you can pull back he puts his hand on the back of your head and tangles it in your hair. You lightly moan at the sensation rippling through your scalp at the same time as your mouth moving against his.
Isaiah deepens the kiss, keeps a steady hand on the back of your head and moves a hand down to your thigh, inching it up and under your dress that had hitched up slightly. When his hand connected with your skin after finally moving your dress out of the way you made a split-second decision and pulled away, gasping at him. Well, at yourself too.
“Isaiah…” you pause, trying to come up with the words to explain yourself, leaving your mouth to move without words coming out.
He grins at you “I–”
You put up a hand, “No, Isaiah, that was lovely, but no.”
His smile falls and for a second you pity him, “Honey, I think you pitied me at that moment…” you wince at your own words, “but as much as I hate him sometimes, I still love Finn.”
Isaiah’s eyes turn dark, “he doesn’t care about you. He’s always out with other women, you said it yourself!”
You flinch at him raising his voice, “It’s not just me I’m thinking about now. Isaiah… I’m pregnant.”
He recoils from you, “Pregnant?”
“How, I thought you barely fucked him?”
You sigh, “the last time we fought he hadn’t been out too late and turned around my anger when he started flirting with whatever rude words I threw at him. It was a make-up fuck. Should’ve known better to be fucking honest, shouldn’t I?”
Isaiah scoffs at your words, “Nah, I was just testing you anyway. He’s out back waiting for the bartender to tell him it’s safe to come out.”
“Here,” he pulls you up by your hand before letting go and walking out and fetching Finn himself.
Finn appears at the door and Isaiah winks at you before putting his cap back on and walking out of the front doors.
Finn walks in and closes the door behind him so that the two of you had some privacy.
“Pregnant, eh?”
He stood wringing his hat in his hands for something to fiddle with while you crossed your arms and scowled at him.
He sighs, knowing that it’s going to take some talking to get out of this hole he’d dug for himself, “I do love you.”
You point your nose in the air and turn from him, “Doesn’t show.”
“But I do,” he reaches out to touch your arm but you step back, he looks down at coughs before saying, “I know, I know, that I fucked it up this time, real good.”
You scoff.
“But I also know that I really do love you. I don’t know what’s going through my head those times I fucked those whores.”
You wait, watching him as he says his peace.
“I’ve stopped since the last time we had sex. That was love, to me, love. I love you and I didn’t know how to come to terms with myself over it. I knew I loved you because I had a bad feeling whenever I tried with someone else. It might’ve been Polly sending me glares every now and then cause she manages to know before it’s even happened when women are pregnant.”
You can’t help but laugh a little at that one as you know first-hand that it was true.
He looks up, happy to hear you smile, you drop your arms and shake your head at him, “Come here.”
He walks over, pulls you in by your waist and kisses you full-on, emotion and all.
“I want to be yours and for you to be mine.”
“Oh, Finn,” you whisper to him, resting your forehead on his, “but we always have been. You’ve just been too blind to see it.”
“Marry me.”
You pull back, “What?”
“I mean, would you – marry me?”
“Finn… are you serious?”
“We’ll move into a bigger house together, somewhere for our child. I’ll have breakfast and dinner with you – I might have off days where I come home late or leave before dawn but you’ll know about them. I’ll send for Ada and Karl for you or see if Tommy can find Esme and the kids so you can learn off of them. Maybe Linda will take a shine to you now that you’re pregnant, she’s very good with Billy.”
You stand, eyes brimming with tears, “Oh Finn.”
“What? Are you saying no? Please don’t –”
You cover his mouth with your palm and smile widely at him, tears threatening to spill, “Of course I’ll marry you,” and you kiss him one more to quieten him.
“How about that new home, then?” you ask.
“Anything for you, now that I know what’s good for me.”
You laugh, “Polly tells you a few things before you made it here?”
You walk out hand in hand, your head resting on his arm, happy for how things turned out.
Maybe things do work out for the best after all.
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