#like it was Alex who grabbed the gun and handed it to Michael
ravens-words · 2 years
I can't live (if living is without you)
"He's dead," he said quietly, the words not carrying a hint of emotion. Dead.
He looked at Isobel first, then Max.
"Alex is dead."
AN: the sequel to this ficlet. This is the product of 2 am writing so please don't judge lol.
"Michael, where are you even going?!"
Michael dropped down on his knees, reaching inside the closet until his hand touched the metal of the safe Alex kept his guns inside.
"Enough, Isobel," he snapped. Michael lifted a hand and concentrated on opening it. What should have taken seconds took more than a minute, and by the end of it, he was slumped forward, sweat on his forehead and body shaking from exertion. He tried to open it, but to his horror, the door didn't budge. "No, no, no, no."
"Michael, stop. Just stop and talk to me for a second," Isobel exclaimed, walking over to him. She knelt beside him and he immediately turned to her. "Open it," he demanded. Even to his own ears, he sounded unhinged, out of control.
She immediately shook her head. "No way. Not when you don't even know what you're up against."
"Open it."
"Open it!"
"I said," she told him through gritted teeth, "no. I am not risking you."
"I'm going after him. It's up to you whether or not I'm armed when I do it."
Her eyes searched his face, head cocked to the side as if he was a puzzle she was trying to solve. "This is about Alex," she breathed out, shoulders slumping, "isn't it?"
It was only then that he realized in his desperation to go after the man he loved, he hadn't actually told Isobel much of anything.
"He's in trouble," he told her voice shaking, "I saw him, Iz. He was- he was scared," terrified, "I have to find him."
"No, you don't," she responded, and he was gearing up for a fight when she continued, "we have to find him. You're not doing this alone, Michael."
"Maybe you should sit this one out," Max said worriedly as he looked at him through the rearview mirror, "you look like hell."
Michael understood where his brother was coming from, he really did, but that didn't mean he didn't want to throttle him for even suggesting it. "If it were Liz-" he trailed off, letting it hang between them, until Max nodded. Isobel huffed and shared a look with Max, who merely shrugged.
"That's it?!" She exclaimed.
"He's got a point."
"You're both idiots," she said with a huff.
"If it were Kyle," Max started teasingly, then let out a yelp when her fist connected with his arm, "ow, I'm driving."
Michael raised an eyebrow and leaned forward. "Excuse me? Kyle?"
Max spared him a glance, his grin widening. "Yep."
Michael groaned. "Seriously, Iz? Valenti?"
Isobel glared at them both. "This isn’t the time to talk about this. Do I need to remind you that we’re looking for your boyfriend?
"We are looking for him," he shot back, "and you're avoiding the subject."
"Fine. I am. And we're done talking about Kyle and I."
Max snorted. "Good luck with that."
"How did you know?"
Michael opened his eyes to find Isobel peering down at him curiously. They'd stopped to grab snacks and fill up on fuel, and he'd somehow managed to fall asleep in the few minutes it had taken them to grab what they needed.
"Where's Max?"
She raised an eyebrow. "Now who's avoiding?"
He let out a sigh and sat up. Isobel reached in through the open window and ran her hand through his hair. "Talk to me."
"I don't know, Iz," he confessed, "but I saw him, and it didn't feel like a dream. It felt real."
She pursed her lips, then nodded. "How is it possible, though?"
He shook his head. "I don't know." Even as he said it, his hand subconsciously sought out the chain around his neck.
Isobel's sharp gaze zeroed in on the movement. "What's that?"
He hesitated, but then grabbed it, tugging it out from under his shirt.
"Michael," she whispered softly.
"He has the other half."
She put her hand on top of his and squeezed.
The pieces want to be together.
He'd said that to Alex all those years ago, and maybe that was why he could feel, after driving aimlessly through the desert for what felt like days, the pull once they got off the road in the middle of no where. "Stop," he said suddenly, and Max hit the breaks immediately.
The necklace around Michael's neck began to glow brighter.
Michael scrambled out of the car, breathless and aching as he spun around, searching for something, anything, to tell him where to go.
He found nothing. There was just desert, as far as the eye can see.
He fell to his knees, squeezing his eyes shut as he clutched at the pendant. "Where are you, Alex?" He muttered, "just tell me where you are. Please."
There was something nagging at him in the back of his head, but it was out of reach. Like it was somehow blocked.
Isobel's hand reached for his, probably to offer comfort, but what she gave him was so much more.
"Max, come help," Isobel shouted as she tried to keep Michael upright. Her brother was breathing hard, clutching at her hand desperately. He shuddered and gasped, mumbling words that were too low for her to hear.
"Max," she snapped angrily, looking back at him. He was looking at something ahead of her, mouth open and face ashen. When she whipped her head around to see what had rattled him, she nearly fell in her haste to get away- from the whole in the ground that was only getting bigger.
"What the hell?"
Max had finally seemed to get over his shock and pulled her up. Her hand slipped from around Michael's, and like a switch had been flipped, he jerked away, swaying dangerously close to the hole in the ground before he pulled himself up clumsily. Max grabbed him by the shirt and hauled him close.
Only then did she get a close look at his face. "Michael?"
"He's dead," he said quietly, the words not carrying a hint of emotion. Dead.
He looked at Isobel first, then Max.
"Alex is dead."
There was a moment, a single moment, of blissful numbness. Michael felt nothing. He couldn't think, couldn't breathe- hell, he couldn't even see anything. It was like he was suspended in time.
But then that moment was over, and pain flared up in his heart, growing and growing until it was all he could do to keep breathing.
There were voices around him, frantic and desperate. Hands tugged at his arms, maybe to get him to move, but he was rooted to the spot.
Alex was dead.
And Michael wished he was too.
Max gave up on trying to get through to his brother, and instead left him in Isobel's capable hands in favor of peering at the hole that had just opened up in the ground. It was about three feet in diameter, and deep.
Max took a breath, and turned to Isobel. "I'm going down there."
"The hell you are," she snapped at him, "we don't know what we're up against."
His eyes landed on Michael, who was on the ground, looking so painfully young and lost, then he looked back at Isobel. "I have to, Iz. For him."
She tensed, hands curling into fists, then nodded. "Fine. But I'm calling back up."
Max smiled halfheartedly and nodded.
He took a deep breath, then he jumped.
It took ten minutes for things to go to shit.
As he carried Alex's dead body into his arms and ran as fast as he could towards the exit, he wondered if he should have listened to Isobel and at least came up with a plan before he moved.
"Too late now," he panted quietly, diving to the left and flattening his body against the wall as best as he could.
One, two, three bullets ricocheted off the wall beside his head, and Max ducked before he made a run for it, only to stop abruptly.
"Hello, Max."
She took a step forward, eyes on Alex, and Max moved without thinking. He put Alex down gently, then stood up and lifted a hand, holding the alien in place as he advanced towards her.
His hands found her neck and he squeezed tightly.
She smirked.
He tightened his grip.
Blue tendrils of fire danced at his fingertips and for the first time since he encountered her, he saw fear in Tezca's eyes.
Isobel was about to follow Max into the pit, back up be dammed, when her boyfriend's car came screeching to a halt and Kyle, Liz, Jenna and Dallas flung their doors open and were beside her and Michael in two seconds.
"We need to go down there," she exclaimed, standing up. Kyle's hand landed on her shoulder, steadying her both literally and metaphorically.
"What the hell happened, Iz?"
"Alex is dead," she told them, not daring to look at their faces as Liz let out a sound that was halfway between a gasp and a sob and Kyle's breath stuttered in his chest, "and Max- he went in there about ten minutes ago. We need to go after him."
Michael came down with them. Isobel let shooting him worried looks as he dragged his body after them, as if on autopilot. It hurt to see him shut down like this, but, selfishly, she was glad he was still in shock, that he wasn't breaking yet. That would come later, and she only hoped they would be ready for it.
Michael dragged his feet after Isobel and Dallas, looking forward but unable to process anything. Isobel and Dallas spoke quietly, but he couldn't really hear them, or maybe he couldn't focus hard enough to understand.
They reached a narrow corridor, and Isobel let out a strangled gasp. She took off in a run, dropping down a few feet away beside Max's prone body.
Tezca was on the floor to Michael's left, eyes open but unseeing. She was dead.
He looked back at his brother, and that was when he saw him.
The next breath was punched out of his lungs, and he dropped down to his knees and crawled until he reached the prone body of the man he loved. His hands fluttered uselessly for a few seconds, then he let them settle on his chest.
His unmoving chest.
Michael dragged him close, until he was halfway into his lap, and cradled his head to his chest.
His hand touched Alex's cheek and he tapped the cool skin gently. "Wake up. Come on, wake up," he muttered, "you gotta wake up, okay, Alex? I'm gonna take you home."
Isobel touched his arm. "Michael-"
He flinched away from her and curled his body tighter around Alex's. "Wake up." He said the words again and again, hoping against hope that Alex would somehow listen to him and just wake up.
He didn't.
So he stroked his hair, and caressed his cheek and placed kisses on his closed eyelids, hoping that would wake him up.
It didn't.
"Michael, we have to go," Isobel said gently.
He shook his head.
"Michael, please," she begged him, holding his face in both hands and forcing his gaze to meet hers. "You have to let him go."
"Let Dallas-"
"No," he roared, pulling him closer against him, squeezing him to his chest protectively.
"He promised me," he told her frantically, "he promised me he'd-" his breath hitched, and he let his forehead fall onto Alex's.  "You promised me," he whispered into the air between their lips, "You promised you'd come home to me."
He clenched his hand into a fist against his still chest, and poured every ounce of strength he had into focusing on healing him.
"Michael, he's gone," Dallas said it gently, but it might as well have been a sledgehammer.
He looked up at Iz, eyes burning. "Help me save him."
"Michael, you don't have your powers."
He shook his head. "Help me."
Michael extended his hand, and Isobel, after only a second of hesitation, placed hers in it.
Isobel had never healed anything more than a superficial cut, and she regretted not practicing more immensely as she watched her brother try to resurrect the love of his life with his nonexistent powers, and was unable to even begin to reverse the damage.
Max was still unconscious, Dallas' efforts to wake him futile.
She let out a shuddering breath, slumping against the wall, spent.
Michael grabbed at her hand, desperate. "Iz, come on."
"Michael, I can't- I'm sorry, I can't."
"No," he whimpered, clawing at Alex's shirt, hand clenching and unclenching in the fabric. "No."
Isobel could do nothing but watch as Michael raged against reality, and then, abruptly, he stilled.
Isobel held her breath, tears threatening to fall as Michael lowered his head, burrowing into the crook of Alex's neck like a child. His body shook, barely noticeable at first, but then it grew, and he let out a harsh sob that seemed to tear its way out of his lungs.
She stopped trying to get him to leave, and though she wanted nothing more than to put her hands to her ears and block out the sounds of her brother's heartbreak, she didn't.
She didn't look away, either.
Which was when she noticed the glow.
It was faint at first, but it became brighter and brighter by the second.
And it was coming from Michael's hand.
"Michael," she breathed out, "Michael, your hand."
He didn't seem to hear her.
The glow became so bright she had to look away, and then- it was gone.
The silence that followed was deafening.
Then, it was broken by a sound she was pretty sure none of them expected to hear ever again.
Alex gasped, a deep breath in that ended in a cough, then another.
Michael's head shot up, his wide eyes meeting Isobel's. "Is he-?"
She dragged herself closer, one hand on Alex's neck, the other on his chest.
She let out a laugh and nodded. "He's alive," she muttered, shaking her head in wonder, "Michael, you saved him."
There were hands on his face, warm and familiar. He was surrounded by warmth, and the smell of home. When he opened his eyes, they immediately zeroed in on the too pale face hovering above him. He opened his mouth to speak, but all he could manage was a strangled cough. "Mi-" he struggled to say, and was cut off by a pair of lips slamming onto his in a bruising kiss that stole his breath away.
It was then that he noticed there were tears on his cheek. And they weren't his.
He struggled to sit up, and though Michael tried to stop him, he didn't succeed. Alex faced him, and wasted no time in pulling him into his arms, closing his eyes when his boyfriend buried his nose in his neck and seemed to breath him in. Alex pressed a kiss to his temple, ran his hand through his hair, but still, the tears didn't stop. Alex didn't mind.
He just tightened his hold on him.
"Not to break up this lovely moment," Isobel started, voice hoarse but attempting levity, "but we gotta go.”
Alex pulled Michael out of his hiding spot and held his face with both hands, touching his forehead to Michael's for one breath, then pulling away. "You okay? Can you get up?"
Michael nodded, laughing a little. "I'm not the one who was dead five minutes ago."
"No," he agreed, "but you did just bring someone back to life for the first time."
Michael sucked in a deep breath, and shuddered. "You were dead."
The words were quite, but they echoed like a gunshot in the tight space.
"I'm not anymore," he assured him, "you saved me. You brought me back."
"I brought you back," he repeated, as if to remind himself. Michael's eyes slammed shut, relief coming off him in waves. "I saved you," he whispered, smiling serenely as he swayed.
Alex tightened his arms around him just in time to keep him from falling to the ground. He struggled to keep them both standing, but Isobel helped by taking some of the weight off.
Dallas seemed to have just been able to wake Max, and the latter staggered the same way Michael did, but they managed to make it out of the hole.
Safe, and impossibly, all of them alive.
Michael woke up and instinctively tightened his arms the body sprawled on top of him. He tensed minutely, then opened his eyes slowly, blinking away the fog. He looked down and his breath hitched.
He was here.
God, he was here, and he was alive and next to him.
He turned onto his side, and though it took a herculean effort, he didn't wake him. He was content to simply watch him sleep.
When it became too much, when he couldn't not touch, he lifted his hand and lightly rested it on Alex's cheek, running his thumb back and forth.
Ten seconds later, Alex's eyes fluttered open, green meeting brown, and the love, the warmth, he saw there knocked the breath out of him.
"Hi," Alex whispered.
Michael breathed out, breathed in, then he moved his hand from his cheek to the back of his head and used that grip to bring him closer, until there was only a hair of space between their lips. They stayed like that for one breath, and in the next, they were kissing- Small, gentle kisses that slowly deepened and became more desperate. Without breaking the kiss, Michael moved slowly until he was hovering above him, one hand on each side of his head. Alex's hands gripped his waist tightly before he moved them to his back and pressed insistently, until Michael lowered himself on top of him fully. Their breathing synched, and the kisses came to a slow stop. For those few seconds, they were content to do nothing more than breathe.
"I thought I'd never see you again," Michael whispered hoarsely.
"I'm here," was Alex's breathless reply, "I'm right here."
"I don't want to live without you," he whispered into the skin of his cheek, before pressing a kiss there.
"You won't have to, Michael," he told him, followed by a little laugh full of wonder, "you brought me back."
Michael snaked one arm under Alex's head and used it to bring him closer as he eased himself onto his side.
Alex's wrapped one arm around him, and let the other rest on his chest, over his heart. "Hey, Michael?"
Alex pulled away, enough to be able to look at him, but still in the circle of his arms. He smiled softly. "I love you."
His breath hitched in his lungs and he shuddered, pressing a deep, bruising kiss to his lips.
"I love you, Michael Guerin."
"I love you, too," he managed to get out between kisses, "I love you so damn much."
"I know," Alex told him, hand going to his bare chest, where Michael could still see his handprint on the smooth skin, "I can feel it."
Michael put his hand on top of Alex's and grinned. "Good."
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capmanes · 3 years
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michael and alex scenes in episode three oh eight of season three
the tiny moments are what does it for me. alex briefly had his hand on michael’s shoulder after they got inside the truck (gif below). or the fact that it was alex who grabbed the gun and gave it to michael. also the fact that alex, listening intently, didn’t intervene until michael was getting emotional and about to shoot, which michael could have regretted if jones was telling the truth about him and max being linked). 
+ bonus/extras
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pastelwitchling · 3 years
Michael wants to know why Alex trusted Ramos.
Michael glanced over at Alex in the passenger seat, his chin rested on his palm. His lower lip was cut, his fingers and forearms were sliced into, there was a gash along his cheek, and a bruise just under one eye.
Michael’s hands tightened on the steering wheel the longer he looked at Alex, anger boiling just below the surface of his skin, mingling with an explosive power he was barely managing to keep at bay. They had just dropped Kyle off at the hospital with Liz after Alex had almost singlehandedly saved him from an impenetrable facility.
“I knew you’d be the one to save me,” Kyle had murmured with barely contained relief against Alex’s shoulder as he and Michael helped him into the car. Yet Alex had refused to get checked himself, explaining instead how he had been recruited into Deep Sky after Forrest had explicitly warned him against it.
“It was just something I had to do,” he’d said, and nothing else. Like Michael wasn’t worth the self-defense, the explanation. He’d been silent since, only speaking a few words of encouragement and comfort to Kyle as he’d left them, with an embrace and a promise to come back tomorrow to check in on him.
Alex sat still now, his brows pinched like he was studying a code that only he could see, his lips pursed, his free thumb scratching into his index finger. It was like he couldn’t even see Michael.
“You don’t have to worry,” Michael told him, if only to see his reaction. “Ramos is locked up in one of his own cells. We’ll get the Scooby gang together and figure out what to do with him tomorrow.”
Alex only hummed.
A moment, then, “You’ve been awfully quiet since we got Kyle to the hospital. You gonna tell me what’s going on in that head of yours?”
Alex shut his eyes, like Michael’s voice bothered him. “Guerin, please,” he said, not without a little edge. “Just give me a minute.”
Michael nodded once, slowly, his jaw clenched. “Mmm.”
A minute turned into ten, when they finally pulled into Alex’s driveway and Alex went to open the door with a distracted “Thanks.” He pulled at the handle, and the door was locked. “Guerin, the door –”
“Yeah, I know,” Michael said, turning in his seat to face him. “Talk to me, Private.”
His shoulders slumped, exasperated. “Oh come on, not now.”
“Yes now,” he said with an edge of his own. “He was holding a gun to your chest. Now, Alex.”
“I’m fine,” Alex insisted, “and I don’t want to talk about it.” He tried the handle again, and again it wouldn’t give. “Open the damn door, Guerin!”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Michael demanded. “And don’t give me the ‘secrecy is the price of admission’ crap that Long gave you. After everything, if you really think I’ll believe that some secret club rule would be enough to keep your mouth shut, then –”
“I get it, okay?” he snapped. “I was wrong, you were right. Again! Can you please just give it a rest?!”
Michael faltered, distracted, and Alex took the chance to open the car door. He stepped out, limping up to his porch and Michael followed.
“Hey!” he stormed after him and grabbed his arm, turning him around. “We’re not doing this,” he demanded, forcing his voice low but no less venomous. “You’re not running away from me just because it’s getting hard!”
“Don’t do that,” Alex said through grit teeth. “Don’t cling to the person I was when I was seventeen, Guerin! I’ve grown up, I’ve stuck around, you’re the one that chose someone else, so don’t blame me for who I was just because of your own guilt!”
He yanked his arm back and turned around. Michael followed him inside. “Why’d you trust him?” he demanded, his anger rising with something else, something pleading and desperate and raw. “Why’d you trust him?”
Why him and not me?
Alex had always managed to hear through his anger to the pain beneath, the hurt. This time, it seemed, he’d been wounded too deeply to see past his own misery.
“Fine!” he whipped around. “I get it, okay? I’m stupid, I’m stupid for trusting someone else that I shouldn’t have trusted! Flint, my dad, Forrest, Ramos – I’m an idiot! I should know better by now, but I guess I don’t!”
Michael watched, startled and hurt, as Alex paced his living room, his fists pressed to his temples. “He told me I wasn’t my father,” he rambled, looking for once in his life so lost that Michael didn’t know what to say or how to fix it. “He told me I was – I was different, that I was good, and I believed him, and I shouldn’t have, and I’m sorry, okay? Kyle almost died because of me and you were in danger and I had to push you away, and I’m so, so sorry!”
“Hey, hey,” Michael pulled Alex in against him, but Alex was shaking. “Alex, c-calm down.”
Alex inhaled a shuddering breath, his body tense and his hands trembling on Michael’s waist, clutching fistfuls of his shirt desperately as if terrified that he would fall apart if he let go.
Then in a cracking voice, he whispered, “I just wanted a family that – that wanted me,” and any remnants of Michael’s anger and fear fell away at once. His eyes fell shut and he held Alex closer, putting a hand in his hair, his arm around his waist tight.
“Okay,” he murmured, and pressed his face to the crook of Alex’s neck. “Okay, Alex, it’s okay. Breathe.”
“I thought I was doing good,” Alex whimpered, and Michael felt tears against shoulder. His heart shattered and he held Alex tighter. “I thought I was better than them.”
“Shh,” Michael pressed a soft kiss to Alex’s neck, his shoulder. “Just breathe, baby. You’re safe now. I’m here, you’re safe.”
Alex pressed his trembling lips to Michael’s shoulder to still them, and Michael exhaled with an open mouth against Alex’s skin. He dug his fingers deeper into Alex’s hair, reveling in the soft strands between his fingers, assuring him that Alex was here, safe and sound, in his arms.
Michael held him as he silently cried, held him until exhaustion took over and he fell asleep on the couch, his head on Michael’s lap. Then Michael took to looking for the first aid kit and cleaning Alex’s wounds. A horrifying thought came as he carefully took care to his cuts and the gash in his cheek. That Alex had not wanted his injuries tended to because he wanted to feel the pain. Because he thought he’d deserved it.
Michael pushed the ugly thought aside and pressed a gentle kiss to Alex’s bruise before he laid a small bag of ice across it. Alex must’ve been far more exhausted than he let on because he only whimpered at the sting, but did not wake.
While Alex slept, Michael felt like he was on autopilot. He took off Alex’s prosthetic, pulled a blanket from a closet and covered him, and went to make a big lunch as he knew Alex had probably not eaten properly either in too long.
All the while, his mind replayed past conversations he’d had with Alex, things he’d said and done since Forrest had left town.
I didn’t say I wasn’t going to do anything. I just don’t want you anywhere near whatever it is I decide to do.
He hadn’t been able to understand what Alex had meant, why he was keeping the information to himself. Now he realized it was because he’d had his own suspicions all along. He’d discovered the person he trusted had betrayed him, and he hadn’t wanted Michael in any danger. He hadn’t wanted his own pain on display, not even to the man he loved.
So he’d fought the battle himself. Like always.
“You’re still here,” Alex’s brows were furrowed with something like surprise as he stood in the kitchen doorway, on his crutches.
Michael shrugged a shoulder and offered half a smile. “Food’s ready. Hungry?”
“Uh –” Alex started, but his growling stomach was answer enough. A small, genuine smile came to Michael’s lips and he held out a hand to help Alex sit down, but he was already taking a stool. He was good at proving that he didn’t need anyone.
Michael looked down a moment, then filled a bowl for him. He sat down next to Alex as he ate, watching the way he gulped down the soup in minutes, too hungry to do anything else. When he was done, Michael was already pushing his own bowl towards him.
“Thanks,” he murmured, grabbing another spoonful when Michael reached out and brushed his hair back behind his ear. Alex tensed.
His words still echoed in Michael’s ears above all else. I just wanted a family that wanted me.
Michael said, “I want you.”
Once again, Alex seemed to read his words for the truth they were. His shoulders slumped. “I know.”
He sniffled, “I’m so sick of you jumping into the line of fire for me.”
Ale sighed, like he’d been expecting this. He returned to his food. “I don’t mind.”
“You should.”
“It’s you,” he said roughly, as if that was reason enough to get himself shot at.
“I’m not special.”
“You are to me.”
“And you’re everything to me,” Michael argued. Alex seemed at a loss. “If anything ever happened to you . . .” He shook his head, unable to even finish the thought. “You said you’d burn the world down. I’d make it beg for the flames.”
Alex searched his face. He seemed to realize that Michael was more serious than he’d ever been before because he slowly took his hand and kissed his knuckles.
He held Michael’s gaze steadily, his dark eyes calming Michael’s racing heart like nothing else could. Now he was the one holding on as Michael fell apart. “I’m sorry,” he said.
Michael nodded, brushing Alex’s chin with his thumb. When he felt like he could speak again, he said, “Me, too.”
I finally got around to writing this! Yaaay!
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beeexx · 3 years
A missing scene between Alex and Jones in episode 3x12, 3x13. You can also read it here.
“Oh hello.”  Alex stops in his tracks, can’t really help how his back rams straighter instinctively when he hears it, not exactly in fear but not exactly at ease either from the voice filling up the empty space of the room he’s agreed to stay in while he waits for Michael.
Max, or Jones who it really is tilts his head curiously to the side when Alex slowly turns, a smirk playing in the corner of his lip, eyes tracking Alex’s movements as he stops closer. Alex doesn’t take one back but he slowly grabs the gun a little tighter in his pocket, just to be sure. 
Jones looks exactly like Max does, it’s eerie coming face to face with the man that’s been tormenting them for weeks, and Alex’s seen files on Jones, pictures even, but nothing does quite prepare him for coming face to face with the man himself. He has a meaner edge to himself than what Max does, something a little unhinged lurking between the cracks as Alex watches him back, feeling very much like a prey being circulated by a lion as Jones hums thoughtfully to himself with alert eyes as he watches Alex in turn. He’s carrying the Lockheart machine in one hand and Alex’s insides clench painfully, something must have gone very wrong in the lab if he has it. He grabs the gun tighter in his back pocket to reassure himself and Jones’ smile widens. 
“Don’t be silly now Alex.” He waves his hand and the gun levitates out of his pocket and into Jones’s hand. He cocks it and aims, his finger twitching playfully on the trigger. Alex swallows, but it’s still not done in fright.
“I never liked guns, such an uncivilised weapon.” 
Alex lifts an eyebrow. 
“You murdered your whole planet, I don’t think you’re one to talk to me about being uncivilised.” Alex says, lets the sarcasm slip through and Jones chuckles.
“It was necessary.”
“Necessary? It was murder.” 
“It was war.” Jones corrects, a harder edge to his voice that Alex knows means he should shut up.
“It doesn’t make it any different what you call the cause, it was still murder, innocents died, you killed so you could rule, to be a dictator.” He levels Jones with an even look, dares him to argue. There is no point, they both know it’s true.
“You’re a man of war yourself Alex Manes, are you sure you’re the right person to judge me?” Alex clamps his mouth shut at that, grapples with the impulse to deny, feels shame burn through him hot and immediate as Jones smirks, eyes full of mirth at Alex’s reaction. He feels annoyance flare up at himself, at being so easily rattled. “You’ve invaded foreign countries, slaughtered civilians, watched innocents die while you stood by. You got blood on your hands, a lot of it.” 
Alex grits his teeth, shifts uncomfortably on his feet and fights down the urge to open his mouth. To do what he isn’t totally sure because beneath the annoyance at being played, hot shame still burns through him, flashes of warzones zapping through his mind and he gulps down the regret and pain, averting his eyes, something fierce unwillingly lodging itself in his throat. 
“Oh I’m not judging.” Jones says, tone almost gentle as he steps closer. This time Alex does step back and into the edge of the table unable to hide his unease. It’s strange to be this close to him, Jones doesn’t smell like Michael does, like the familiar sense of rain and he doesn’t smell like when he is close to Isobel and Max, faintly of the same sense of petrichor, but still not quite like Michael does. Jones tilts his head thoughtfully, sharp eyes flitting across Alex’s face. 
“You’re not afraid.” It’s not a question, it’s more of a statement than anything and Alex shakes his head because it’s the truth.
“Interesting, why is that I wonder?”
“You’re not the first person to try and kill me.” And that is the truth. Alex has been bullied and picked on most of his life, he’s been to war, he’s lost a leg and yet he’s never been more afraid than of his dad, his emotional manipulation, his fists, how he uprooted any sense of safety in Alex’s life, his harsh words and worse punishments, and so Jones really is just a small man in a long line of bullies in Alex’s life trying to incite fear, he is past it, he isn’t scared of dying and while Jones unsettles him it’s not the same shape of fear he grew up with. That fear he learnt to wear like an armour around him, that fear he nursed so he could survive. 
“Maybe but I would be quite happy to do it.” 
Alex nods, that he believes.
“But I won’t. Well not now anyway, it wouldn’t be fun to kill you without an audience. Ah Michael really fought so hard to keep you safe you know? It was almost admirable how he didn’t crack until I physically hurt him and then there I was, his defenses stripped away and all he could think about was protecting you. How pathetic, all that for a human too.” Alex looks up sharply at the mention of Michael’s name, the back of his neck prickling in fear. His fists clench but he holds himself still not totally at ease with Jones this close, aware of how fragile the moment between them really is, how unpredictable Jones is beneath the shrewd smile. 
“That’s the issue with all of you.” Jones waves his hand around theatrically and rolls his eyes. “You make it all so easy, all I have to do is threaten to kill one of you and you all fall in line. Love, caring, it makes terrible soldiers.” 
“I used to really think so too.” The words slip out and Jones raises an eyebrow, clearly not expecting it. 
“I used to have that exact message beaten into me and if you’ve been in Michael’s head you know all about awful fathers.” A pointed comment but Jones is listening, Alex can tell and it’s what he wants, and ever so slowly he angles his hand further along the desk, trying to feel for something, anything, that he can use as a weapon. “Well mine was the worst. Truly awful and he hated that I was gay and soft and liked music. God how he hated that. If you're beat enough as a kid you start to believe what you’re being told. So I did believe it for a long time, that feelings make you weak, that loving people makes you soft and feeble.” The tip of his fingers connect to a pen and it’s all Alex has, but it will have to do. Pens can be deadly if you know where to aim and all he needs is a second, it’s all he needs.
“I went to war believing that too by the way. That lost me a leg and a whole lot more of myself than I thought possible. Unlearning everything I was taught to believe growing up hasn’t been easy but you know being honest about how you feel, admitting your vulnerabilities makes you really courageous and I don’t think you’ve understood the importance of it yet.” 
Jones’ eyes are a little thoughtful and there’s a wrinkle in his forehead indicating that he’s thinking. Alex needs just a moment longer as he slides the pen forwards, grabs it quietly and angles his body so Jones won’t see. 
“So I’d say all my friends out there fighting you, they are all pretty powerful.”
Jones scoffs.
“Then they are all fools.” He mocks. “And they will all die.” 
“You forget, you said it yourself I am a killer too and if you touch Michael I will kill you myself.”
Jones’ face changes into a self satisfied grin as he gives Alex a once over.
“That’s cold, but I’m not surprised, there is something lurking just underneath the surface of you, I can-”
Alex doesn’t wait, like a wire snapping; he lunges forward and lashes out, jabs the pen into what he hopes is Jones' throat and grabs the machine out of his hands as Jones’ fall to his knees. He doesn’t wait to see if he aimed true, but Jones groans and stumbles where he is so Alex is sure he must have hit something painful enough to hurt. The machine feels heavy in his hand as he struggles away from Jones, feels uselessness pool in his stomach at the slow pace he’s going at and he’s almost at the door when he’s stopped in his tracks, invisible restraints keeping him in place.
“Ah Alex, Alex.” Jones’ voice is soft, condescending as he spins Alex around, his feet hanging free in the air, unable to reach the ground, the machine slipping from his hands and landing gently on the table close to where he was just standing. Jones gets to his feet, grumbling in pain as he pulls the pen out of his throat, blood dripping onto the floor in the process. Jones eyes it in disgust before he heals the wound and Alex feels the first prickle of real fear take shape at the top of his spine as he tries to keep his breathing under control.
“You really shouldn’t have done that.” If there ever was any warmth in Jones’ eyes it’s now all gone. His eyes are dark with fury and he towers closer to Alex with a look in his eyes that can only mean bad things.
“You really shouldn’t have done that.” Alex opens his mouth but no words get out as there is a sudden crushing force pushing against his windpipe. He tries to clutch at his throat but his hands won’t move and he chokes out a broken sound as the air begins to disappear. He feels lightheaded and weak and the pain is unbearable as Jones chokes him slowly with a smug smile as his company. The gaping chasm of pain that pushes down on him is excruciating and Alex feels terrified. 
It’s what makes Alex feel at his most weak, when he is scared. It’s the only time he doesn’t recognise himself in his body and Jones’ in a swift moment managed to pull out every insecurity he has. 
His eyes begin to close - 
There is a sudden beeping on the computer in the room and Jones’ attention wavers as he looks at the screen. It’s Michael, limping and leaning against the wall clutching at his side. Jones stops and stares for a moment, considers his next move before he shrugs, confident and secure in the notion that he’s somehow won.
“As much as I would enjoy this little meet the boyfriend moment with my son I got things to do. It was nice to meet you Alex, I’m sure I will see you around soon enough.” He winks and then he lets Alex down. He hits the ground hard and all air goes out of him as the pain of the impact shoots up his spine. He groans, his voice scratchy and for a moment he lies on the ground, just trying to catch his breath as Jones saunters off, whistling as he goes.
“Alex?!” Michael’s panicked shouting fills the room soon enough, the door slamming against the wall as he hurries inside.
“Alex?” He shouts again, voice full of terror as the absence of Alex grows larger. Alex groans again and Michael moves towards the sound immediately.
“Alex.” He breathes out, still panicked as he hurries forward, relief evident in his features as he gets to his knees in front of him, lifting his head up and gently placing it into his lap.
“Hi, hi, I’m fine.” Alex reassures him because there is something wild in Michael’s eyes at the moment, something that’s a little unhinged too. “Hi, I’m here, I’m okay.” He tries to coax Michael back to him, gently lifting his hand and cupping Michael’s cheek, thumb tracing circles into his skin that’s scratchy from shaving. Michael closes his eyes and exhales, places a kiss, and then another softly on the fluttering point of Alex’s pulse on his wrist, breathes in again before he opens his stormy eyes, hands unsteady with adrenaline. 
“I tried to warn you.” Michael’s voice breaks, guilt seeping into his features but Alex shakes his head.
“It’s fine, It’s okay Michael, I’m fine.”
“I-I.” Michael breaks off and his eyes water for a moment before he pulls himself together.
“I’m okay.” Alex reassures him again, lowering his voice and pressing a little harder into Michael’s cheek, trying to ground him back into the moment.
“Okay.” Michael finally exhales through his nose and musters up a wane smile before he shuffles around, helping Alex into a sitting position, their knees touching as they sit side by side on the dirty floor, backs against the desk breathing in sync, taking stock.
“I had a run in with Jones…” Alex begins because it seems to be the only logical thing to begin with and talking is a nice distraction from his sore body. It makes Michael stare straight ahead, a hard look taking over his face, expression pained.
“He’s not exactly father of the year.” He grits out. Alex nods and gently places a hand on Michael’s thigh, rubbing circles into tight muscles to try and ease some tension.
“Well, if we’re comparing fathers…” He jokes and it’s a terrible joke to make but Michael’s mouth twitches anyway into a small grin that tugs on Alex’s heart, so very Michael, so very much the handsome man he fell in love with. 
“Yeah, yeah.” Michael agrees and nudges their shoulders together playfully. 
If there is anyone that knows about terrible fathers it really is Alex so in his book Michael really has nothing to be ashamed of. 
“Oh my god Michael, what the hell happened to you?” Alex bursts out suddenly, after they’ve sat in a moment of comfortable silence together, his eyes widening as he takes in the state of Michael, blood all over his shirt, hunched forward, hiding his side. Alex gently takes his hands away and lifts the shirt up. He lets out a hiss at the state of skin that used to be soft which has now instead been patched badly together, blood seeping through the wound. Alex's stomach turns at the sights, feels all his protective instincts kick in. For a moment he has to fight back every urge he has to shut himself down and let his pragmatic and level headed side take over, to think of something he can do to protect this man from ever getting hurt.
“Might have gotten stabbed by an alien sword.”
It interrupts Alex’s racing thoughts and he lifts an eyebrow at the sarcasm. 
“Might have?” But his face is shrouded in concern and his eyes soften as he looks at Michael before he goes back in to take a closer look at the damage. 
“Definitely did, it’s a first on the bucket list. It’s fine, Max can heal me.” He reassures and cups Alex’s face, gently tipping it up so he can meet his eyes. “All I care about is you being safe.”
Alex’s annoyance at Michael’s lack of care for himself slips away when Michael looks at him like this, earth shattering and profound like Alex is the most important thing in the world. He’s still not sure what to do with that feeling, of being on the receiving end of such honest eyes and it makes him feel self conscious, like he isn’t enough or that he doesn’t deserve Michael looking at him like this. 
“Yeah, I’m safe.” He promises, voice only catching a little and cheeks only heating a little bit in embarrassment and overwhelming love for the man sitting by his side. If Michael notices he doesn’t seem to care and instead he tips his head forward and Alex meets him halfway, their foreheads resting against one another’s in a moment of quiet in a fight that’s been anything but.
“You smell like soot.” Alex whispers and Michael grimaces when he notices.
“Yeah, yeah, I guess I do.”
“So what now? Jones has the Lockheart machine.” 
Michael exhales again, frustrated it seems before he gently kisses Alex instead and all words die on Alex’s lip as he gets lost in the sensation of Michael, all his senses tingling. It’s a soft little kiss, yet it feels anything but and when Michael pulls back they both look a little bit surprised, fluster evident in both their eyes. Alex bites his lip.
“What was that for?” He asks and Michael shrugs.
“Just wanted to.”
Alex raises a pointed eyebrow and Michael huffs fondly.
“There is a new plan.” He begins.
“Yeah so…”
It’s a risky plan, Alex isn’t going to agree on anything else but they are running out of options and if Alex has learnt one thing this year it’s to trust Michael, with everything, even his heart that’s been walled up behind borders that’s felt impossible to breach. Yet here they are and so while it is risky, Alex can’t help but feel like they might just be fine at the end of the day.
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lambourngb · 3 years
a skeleton of something more [malex wip]
Inspired by the promo/trailer for season 3. Spoilers and speculation ahead. 
A tumblr work-in-progress
Pairing: Michael/Alex, Alex/Forrest
Summary: Alex goes undercover to seek out Deep Sky. Starts mid-2x13.
Alex leaned his back against the solid wood of his front door, letting the heavy oak take up his weight. He kept making the standard uneven bargain with his body, of giving just a little more, going through the motions for a little longer, and then it would be over. But the tally sheet his body held was long, overflowing with so many unfulfilled promises that it seemed ever more likely he would end this journey in the red. 
If it ever ended.
At least, tonight, he had haggled wisely for some space to breathe. On the other side of the door, he had managed to escape Forrest’s hopeful and not subtle attempts to follow him inside, toward the bedroom for a long-awaited reunion. A reunion that Alex had deftly avoided without a trace of guilt. He had used the bland excuse of fatigue from a long, cramped ride from Holloman Air Force Base to Roswell on a bus that had predated the ADA by a good thirty years. It was transparent but still true, written on every line of pain in his smile as he had said “Not tonight.” that even Forrest could read it, even if only Alex knew the real source of his fatigue. 
He waited several long moments, before turning to look out the peephole to watch Forrest’s Prius silently reverse out of his driveway. Exhaling out long and low, the tension he had started carrying a little more than a year ago slipped away, letting the calm certainty of safety of his house slip down his body as he released the facade. 
Alex was almost done with this assignment, he reminded himself, as he rubbed the back of his hand against his mouth, scrubbing away the taste of Forrest Long from earlier. 
Just a little while longer, and he will have enough good will built up to finally meet the leader of Deep Sky face-to-face, after all who could resist the request of a senior member, especially one with the last name of Long? It had been a lucky find that Alex had made in cleaning out his father’s house after his death, a ring and an old photo of the members. In washed out Kodak colors was the cabal of Deep Sky. Former military men with names Alex had memorized off the salvaged hard drives from the Caulfield prison. Linked not by overlapping time on the alien project, but what had become of their careers after their military service had ended. All of them vowing to carry on the protection of Earth against an alien threat, but without the oversight of the government. 
The photo in his dad’s desk had been expected, but the silver ring? He had remembered clutching it, his hands still sore from tearing down the shed with Michael, and feeling the imprint of the symbol press deep into his skin. Searing across what Mimi had called his long-love line, singular and deep on his palm. Searing even deeper inside with the recognition that the symbol matched the ring Forrest Long wore.
The genial historian with the loose-fitting cardigan and blue-streaked hair, who had shown flattering interest in Alex, had worn the same ring. Easy on his hand, flashing in the bright sunlight when he had eagerly met up with Alex at the paintball fields with sharpshooter skills. After that date had crashed and burned thanks to a mishmash of his father’s voice and the feeling he had whenever he thought about kissing someone, not Michael, well, Alex had figured that would be the last he would see of the man. 
It hadn’t been. 
Suddenly, Forrest was everywhere he was, the Crashdown, the Wild Pony. It should have been suspicious to Alex, after months of sharing the same town with the other man without a single encounter. His heart was still bounding uselessly after Michael, while his hands had been full of his suddenly feeble father, and he had missed the snare of the trap. Not just the one his father had laid. Then after his kidnapping, two things had become clear to Alex, his father would never change from the hateful man he was, and Alex’s heart would never change when it came to his feelings for Michael.
Alex pushed his leaden body away from the door, tottering on his feet for a moment before the new prosthesis shored up his balance and he took a deep breath for the strength to move forward.
Fuck. That was a mistake. 
His house smelled like rain. Michael. The unexpected consequence of having Michael watch over his house while he had moved around the country, playing up the role of the grieving scion of the Manes family legacy. After a year of brief trips back to Roswell and long stints on the road, the house now smelled like Michael. 
Alex sucked in greedy gulps of air, chasing the taste of green and petrichor with his tongue to wash away his previous actions at the bus stop. His security system, his reinforced door and window locks, the weight of his gun still tucked in his back holster, none of it made him feel as safe as the smell of Michael in his home. It was the smallest crumb of promise, but it filled him.
Moving toward the kitchen for a drink, he clocked the changes Michael had made in his absence. His heavier luggage, shipped ahead of him, was already stored, including the set of crutches and the charging station for his back-up prosthesis. The lights in the kitchen came on with a single touch, all of them bright. Dammit, Michael had fixed the two burnt out bulbs, along with the slightly weeping fitting on the sink faucet.
There was zero sign of neglect in his house, no matter where he looked. Not even the faintest trace of dust on his guitars. The house looked warm and well tended. Loved. 
The rush of tears welled in his throat, an impossibly large lump, as Alex fought to keep from breaking down. Don’t fucking cry, don’t do it, that’s for at night, he swore creatively at himself. Tears were only allowed under the cover of dark, in hotel rooms or visiting officer quarters, not in the middle of his brightly lit kitchen.
A knock sounded on the front door.
Abruptly, every drop of tortured longing was gone, as Alex straightened his shoulders and crossed the threshold back to the door. He pasted the right amount of faked aspiration mixed with real annoyance on his face as he yanked the door open, expecting to see Forrest back on his step with a weak excuse concocted to overcome the earlier rebuff.
Michael looked up in the porch light, his black hat in hand and his curls wild with nervous raking. “Uh, hi.” He scuffed his boots against the concrete before growing still under Alex’s gaze.
He looked over Michael’s shoulder nervously, for the distinctive truck that everyone in town knew belonged to Michael, but his driveway was empty.
“I parked a few streets over. I don’t think anyone saw me-” Michael’s explanation was cut off short as Alex grabbed his wrist and yanked him inside. Stumbling from Alex’s strong grip, Michael fell forward, and then back as the front door slammed shut with them both safely inside out of view. His mouth was still open in surprise as Alex covered his lips in a kiss. 
The surprise was short-lived. Michael came alive under the kiss, opening and yielding to Alex’s hungry lips and tongue. Alex brought his hands up into Michael’s curls, cupping his head protectively as he pressed Michael firmly against the door, drinking in every sound Michael was making. 
Hours before, he had kissed Forrest at the bus station, playing up the role of a dutiful boyfriend returning home. It was the tariff he paid with his body to get closer to the roots of Deep Sky, but this, feeling Michael whole and safe under his hands, tasting him now, that was sustenance. Lifeblood. There was an evolution of difference between the two, like comparing simple bacteria wiggling toward complexity and the finished product of a man, standing upright. 
It was both a reminder of why he was doing this and a reinstatement of focus, as he slowly broke the kiss with reluctance. Michael chased at his lips, his mouth red and wet, his eyes dark with want. He could feel the heat coming off of Michael’s thin brown shirt, his hands itched to pull it off, to descend back into the physical, but Alex knew that he owed Michael an explanation for earlier.
“I’m sorry about earlier. I didn’t know he was going to be there to meet my bus. I thought it would be okay for you to give me a ride,” Alex explained quietly, as he ran his hands from Michael’s neck down to his fingertips, drinking in all the changes that had happened while he was gone. Michael looked thinner to him, as if he wasn’t eating enough despite the healthy amount of work and money. “I guess he wanted to surprise me and thought it would be romantic.” 
Michael made a face at the idea of surprises ever being considered romantic, especially to Alex. He turned sweetly toward Alex’s palm, kissing the center as Alex pushed a stubborn curl out of his eyes. “Are you sure that’s all it was? He wasn’t testing you, was he?” 
“I don’t think so.” Alex couldn’t pull his hands away from Michael, and leaned in to kiss him again. It started soft and shallow, trading breaths with Michael, lips against lips, licking deep into his mouth as his previous weariness disappeared now that Michael was here. “He saw you watching us. Now that I’m back, he’s worried about losing my attention to you. He hasn’t hidden his jealousy that I asked you to watch my house last year.” 
“Did I look sufficiently broken-hearted?” The question was light, but Alex could hear the grain of truth under it.
“You did.” Alex closed his eyes, the guilt of the situation flooded back inside. The statue of his father looking down on him didn’t make him feel nearly as sick as having Michael’s eyes on him as he let Forrest kiss him in front of the town in a cinematic homecoming moment. It was a cruel reminder to Alex that he had never been able to give Michael that, a public welcome that spelled out who they were to each other, not once in ten plus years of deployments and duty station assignments. Trading a glance across the Wild Pony was as close as they came. “I wish it wasn’t like this, sneaking around, pretending-”
“Hey, I agreed to this, right at the very beginning when I was your only back-up. Remember?” 
“We were just friends back then, you couldn’t have known that things would end up like this.”
Michael laughed, his head tilted back against the door, casting an attractive line of his throat to his collarbone. “We’ve never been just friends, Alex, but I knew what I was signing up for when you told me what you planned to do to smoke out Deep Sky. We’re in this together.”
*** to be continued... here
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
By My Side (Part 5)
Tumblr media
Summary: The reader has finally hired a replacement manager and after a dinner with her family, she and Jensen confront some underlying feelings...
Pairing: Bodyguard!Jensen x reader
Square: Free Space
Word Count: 3,200ish
Warnings: mature (language, smut (m/f))
A/N: Enjoy!
A/N #2: Written for @spnkinkbingo​
You stretched as you woke the next morning, getting ready for the day of entertaining your family. You bumped into Jensen in the kitchen, a pair of jeans and a simple black henley on him. You smiled but he frowned and you instantly made a face.
“Y/N, don’t turn off your phone ever. It’s a rule, remember?” he said before returning to slurping up his cereal.
“Oh. Sorry. I forgot,” you said.
“Please try not to do it again,” he said. He finished with his bowl and you took the cereal from nearby, pouring yourself some. “Are you deciding on a new manager today?”
“Yeah. I was thinking of that David guy?”
“The british one?”
“No, that was the Mark one. He was scottish I think. I’m not positive,” you said.
“Is David the one that had that intern? The little guy?” he asked.
“Alex? No, he was his just his driver. It doesn’t matter. I was thinking of David. What do you think?”
“Why does it matter what I think?”
“You did full background checks on all of these guys,” you said. “Who do you trust?”
“Honestly?” he asked. “I like Jake.”
“The young one?”
“He lacks the experience of the others but I don’t see him screwing you over. He was a navy cadet in college. Had to drop out due to a knee injury. Him I trust. Not that I don’t the others but I got a good feeling from the kid.”
“I’ll take that into consideration,” you said. He stood and you grabbed the milk, Jensen wiping off his mouth. “Have fun with your sister.”
“She’s got a work thing at the moment but hopefully she wraps up soon and I can take her out for some fun for a bit. I’ll see you tonight,” he said.
“Later, Jay,” you said, getting a wave from him as he walked out. You poured the milk into your bowl and took out your phone, dialing and hearing a ring tone a few times.
“Hello?” the other end answered.
“Hi, Jake? This is Y/N Y/L/N. I was wondering if you were still interested in the manager position? If you are, you are in for a fun first day with that restaurant photo.”
“Mmm. Smells great in here,” hummed Jensen when he walked into the kitchen that evening. Your mom smiled and immediately rushed over, Jensen tensing up as she gave him a hug.
“Mom. Don’t bug Jensen,” you said.
“It’s alright,” he said, noticing your brothers were nowhere to be found. “Nice to meet you, Mrs. Y/L/N.”
“Oh his arms are even bigger than you said! He’s handsome too,” she said. You rolled your eyes as you worked over the pot at the stove, Chuck turning around beside you and chuckling. “Jensen, this is my husband, Chuck.”
“Nice to meet you sir,” said Jensen, holding out a hand.
“You know everything about us already, don’t you,” he said as he shook it.
“Pretty much,” said Jensen. “Y/N’s safety is important and knowing about her family is part of that.”
“Well we certainly feel a lot better with her hiring someone. We’ve never been fans of her living alone,” he said.
“Y/N is quite capable. I’m just here to stop those situations from ever happening,” said Jensen.
“You will be joining us to eat, won’t you? Y/N and Chuck are making us dinner,” said your mom.
“That’s very kind of you mam but-”
“I insist,” she said.
“Just let it go Jensen,” you said. “This’ll be done soon if you want to tell the guys.”
Your parents headed outside, Jensen taking up Chuck’s spot beside you and stirring the cooked vegetables in the pan.
“None of them have any idea about the fake kidnapping or anything else, do they.”
“Nope. Nothing besides what happened last night. Michael and Nick know about the manager thing but that’s it. I’d prefer to keep it that way,” you said. The timer went off and Jensen got it, pushing some of the food around with a wooden spoon.
“They won’t hear anything from me,” he said. “Smells delicious.”
“Thanks. How’d it go with your sister?” 
“Good. I need to discuss something with you later after your family is gone for the night.”
“Everything alright?” you asked. 
“We’ll talk about it later,” he said, the back door opening. “Let’s dig in while it’s hot.”
“Jensen,” you said, finding him out by the pool that night, his feet soaking in the water. “My folks and the wonder twins are gone for the night.”
“Wonder twins,” he chuckled. “They act differently when your parents are around.”
“You picked up on that huh.”
“It’s pretty obvious,” he said. You sat beside him and stuck your feet in, Jensen leaning back on his palms. 
“What’s going on big guy?”
“Are you asking as my boss or my friend?”
“Friend,” you said, bumping his shoulder. “What’s up?”
“My sister wasn’t too happy to see big brother on the news nearly getting shot at. She asked me to consider a different line of work,” he said.
“Oh,” you said.
“Yeah. I’m not quitting, just so you know. A random guy running from the cops doesn’t scare me. Only reason I was on the news was cause of you,” he said.
“There’s a but in there somewhere though.”
“No, not really,” he said. “Just wanted to talk to you about it.”
“So there’s no problem.”
“I like when there’s no problems,” he chuckled. “My job is a lot easier when it’s simple like that.”
“You still have your gun on you.”
“Precaution,” he said. He sat up and took it out from behind his back. “You ever shoot one?”
“Pretend but real no, I haven’t. Can I hold it?” you asked. He set it in your hands, watching you look it over for a moment.
“You’ve had gun training,” he said.
“First season went through a lot of that stuff on the show. We get refreshers,” you said. “Colt?”
“Yes it is,” he said. “You use a glock on your show I believe.” 
Your head popped up and he laughed.
“Yes, even I do occasionally watch TV. Nice gun safety. You never leave your finger on the trigger.”
“Not supposed to, even with a fake gun they taught us,” you said. You lifted it up and held it out, finding it to be heavier than the one you were used to. “I like the grip.”
“You’d probably like a smaller Colt, fit your hands better,” he said. You handed it back to him and he tucked it away. “You see where the safety was on it?”
“Yeah?” you said. He reached behind himself and took your hand, guiding it to the back holster. 
“If I can’t use this, grips on the right side. Take it out, flick off the safety, point and squeeze. It’s that simple.”
“I sincerely hope I never have to put that into practice,” you said as he dropped your hand. Your finger brushed against his back, Jensen frozen solid before you pulled away.
“Any day I don’t have to touch it is a good one,” he said, your hand settling back in your lap. “That...tickled was all.”
“Green beans and tickling. You got some funny forms of kryptonite, Ackles,” you said. 
“Beats actual kryptonite,” he said. “Been awhile since I’ve been tickled.”
“I bet you like it. Being able to feel vulnerable and safe with someone.”
“Doesn’t everyone?”
Your feet kicked in the water, a smile growing on your face. He bumped your shoulder and your turned your head. He looked different, a softness about him. 
“Are you happy?” you asked. 
“Are you happy? I...I don’t want you to feel like you have to choose this job over other things in life, like a relationship. You can have both, Jensen.”
“I’m lost.”
“I’m just saying...you can have a girlfriend and be my bodyguard. You don’t have to pick one or the other.”
“Girls get jealous,” he said. “In my experience. The hours are crap. The inconsistent schedule. I’m too…”
“Too what?”
“Last girlfriend I had...I can’t believe I’m telling you this.” He rubbed the back of his neck and you lightly nudged his foot in the water. “She thought I was too broken for a normal relationship.”
“I should have kept my mouth shut,” he mumbled. He started to stand but you grabbed his arm, Jensen sighing and turning to you. “What? I think she might have had a point.”
“I think that was horrible of her to say and I’m sorry she never saw the real you cause him? He is so not broken.”
“You have this perfect image of me. Strong and capable. Dominant. Alpha. In charge, gives no fucks. That’s the bodyguard. That’s not me.”
“I know. I know Jensen likes being tickled,” you said. He rolled his eyes but you caught his chin, Jensen swallowing. “I know he likes the touch of soft fleece and expensive navy boxer briefs. I know he likes classic rock and sleeping in and likes two cream, one sugar in his coffee. I know he talks to his parents every Thursday night for at least an hour. I know he’s quiet around people he doesn’t know and I know he opens up when he’s well and truly comfortable with someone. I know he’s kind and I know he has nightmares sometimes. I know he can play the piano and guitar and he sings in the shower when he’s happy and he checks on me at night and puts my blankets back on me and doesn’t say a word about it, even when I thought he hated me.”
“You pay attention to me,” he said quietly. “Even though you don’t like me around.”
“I don’t like the bodyguard. He’s okay sometimes but a bit much all the time. But Jensen...him I like. I like him alot.”
“You don’t know what I’ve done. What’s been done to me.”
“You’re not broken, Jensen. I’m never going to believe that so don’t even try.”
He put a hand on the back of your neck, pulling you in close, so close you could feel his breath  on your face. 
“You’re supposed to tell me I’m screwed up. We’re not supposed to be friends. Don’t you understand that?” he said. Your nose pressed against his, green eyes locked on yours.
“I don’t think I’ll ever understand that,” you said. “What do you want?”
“I can’t have what I want,” he breathed out.
“You might be wrong about that. Actually, I’m positive you are,” you said, his hand sliding up a few inches into your hair. “Stop being scared and just tell me what you want.”
He leaned in the last inch between you, gentle lips connecting with yours. He didn’t move for a few seconds, eyes opening when he inched away just slightly. You stared at him and you saw him get the message, another kiss landing on your lips, his free hand sliding around your back. Your arms went over his shoulders, Jensen leaving kitten kisses on you before connecting roughly, giving your whole body a squeeze.
“Bedroom,” you breathed out. He moved back long enough to take his feet out of the water. He hoisted you up and carried you inside, your arms and legs wrapped around him as you returned to kissing him. There was a light scratch from the stubble on his jaw and you tugged on his bottom lip, Jensen pausing as he tried to shut the door behind him with one hand. 
You took the opportunity to tease him, kissing under his jaw while he got the back door shut and locked, his hand slapping the alarm system and the little ping saying it was armed. He arched his neck back and spun around, pushing you up against the wall. You squeezed him tighter, getting gentle bites along your collar bone.
He tore the two of you away and rushed you upstairs, stepping up onto your bed and walking forward on his knees until he could lower you down to your back. His eyes looked darker but playful as he moved up and leaned over you.
“Condom?” he asked.
“I’m on medication,” you said. “You clean?”
“Yeah,” he said.
“Good cause I really don’t think I can wait any longer to do this,” he said. He tore off his shirt and you immediately shot your hands up to his chest, running your fingers down it. 
“You’re so damn hot,” you said. He rolled off the bed and dropped his pants, giving you time to get your shirt off. By the time your head wasn’t covered, you had a perfect view of his ass, creamy and perky. Your bra went off quickly, Jensen turning around and making you pause.
“What?” he asked, glancing down at himself and then you.
“Lucky me,” you said. He smirked and you kicked off your shorts and underwear, Jensen crawling back on the bed and hovering over you. You kissed him and he planted his forearm by your head, his other hand trailing down to your breast. He kneaded the flesh gently, swiping a thumb over the bud and getting a tiny gasp out of you. He teased the same nipple with light touches and twists before working the other one over.
By the time his hand made its way between your folds you were soaking wet already.
“How do you want it?” he murmured against your lips, circling your clit lightly with his thumb.
“Want what?” you asked, arching your hips up into his touch.
“Slow. Fast. What do you like?” he asked, kissing your jaw as your breath hitched. 
“Show me how you’ve imagined this going,” you said. He smiled and you felt the head of his cock brush you folds. He teased the head against your clit a few times before you reached down and were guiding him into your hole.
He was a smidge thicker than you were expecting and his length was perfect, solid, long but not too much. He surprised you by wrapping his arms around you pulling you to sit up on his lap, your legs hanging around his waist. He thrust his hips up and you bit your bottom lip, landing back down on him. He moved again and hit your g-spot, your jaw dropping.
“That’s the spot,” he murmured, kissing you as he started a slow and steady rhythm. You hung on for the ride, his hands on your thighs, thick cock pumping into you over and over and over again. You’d been able to play on your own and hit that spot but never with a guy, never had that low pressure simmering in your core.
God it was going to fucking destroy you when it hit.
You couldn’t wait.
You smiled as your nerves tingled, Jensen kissing you all over, his grip strong but everything else soft and gentle. His hair started to dampen with sweat and and you felt a layer cover your body, the steady pace getting you both closer. 
He was nipping at your shoulder when you rolled your hips, Jensen grunting lowly and burying his face in your neck. That was a sound you could definitely do with more of and you did the motion again, Jensen pushing you onto his cock this time. You both moaned, Jensen’s slow pace picking up just a hair.
You were rolling your hips when his tip pounded inside of you and the low pressure started to explode inside you. You gasped and weren’t even sure what the hell kind of sound you’d made, suddenly aware of hot wetness filling you up. Jensen tensed up and slowly started to stop moving, your breath finally coming back to you as he stilled. He dropped his forehead on your shoulder and panted, your hands running up and down his back, playing with his hair some.
You giggled, Jensen letting out one himself and you swore your heart couldn’t have melted any faster. You picked your head up as he did, giving him a long kiss. He rested his forehead on your own, a smile dancing across his face.
“That was the best sex of my fucking life,” you said. He smiled hard and lowered you back down to the bed, holding up a finger. He pulled out and took a few shaky steps before going into your bathroom. He returned with a washcloth, wiping you clean. He tossed it back in the bathroom before he bent down to his pants. You frowned, Jensen looking back as he unclipped his holster from his belt. He walked it over to the unused nightstand and set it on top before he slid next to you. You pushed the covers back and slid under the sheet together, Jensen rolling you close to him and up against his chest.
“I don’t hookup,” he said.
“Okay,” you said. You shut your eyes and burrowed in a bit closer, Jensen pulling you to use his chest as a pillow. “I really liked that. It was fun.”
“We should do it again sometime,” he said. He turned his head and you smiled, Jensen moving a stray piece of hair away from your cheek. 
“I would be much safer if you slept close by, wouldn’t I?” you asked coyly, Jensen already seeing through it.
“Oh yes, much safer.”
“Maybe you should sleep in here from now on...for safety.”
“In the name of safety, for sure,” he said, kissing your temple. “Real talk for a second. If this is just a hookup for you can you let me now over-”
You put a hand over his mouth and stared at him, slowly moving it away and giving him a kiss.
“I like you, Jensen. I really like you.”
He smiled and took your hand, laying it over his chest so you were holding him.
“Goodnight,” you said, kissing his shoulder.
“Night, Y/N,” he said, lightly dancing his fingers over your hip. “Sleep good.”
A/N: Read Part 6 here!
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wh0re-4-techno · 3 years
Description: Going to a party that Tommy told you about. Hopefully this will distract you from that kiss.
Warning(s): Drinking, that's about it. (Remember this is an AU where everyone is aged up so they're legally allowed to drink, don't be underage and drink!)
Words: 4396
Last part :: Next part
It's been a day, a single damn day since you've seen your Professor. A day since you've kissed him. How could you just walk into class on Thursday and act like nothing happened on between both of you.
But to no avail, there was no time to think about him, scrolling through your closet you couldn't find an outfit to wear.
"Hey, do you have anything I can wear?" You shout to Minx, still looking through your closet. It was becoming more frustrating to try to find something. "Maybe, just look through my closet." She tells you while putting on her eyeliner. "You should hurry up, I don't wanna be late for this party." You scroff at her while going to her closet.
Minx wore a black slip dress that flattered her body perfectly, you where slightly jealous of her and her looks. Wishing you could pull that dress off like she could.
Opening her closet doors, as soon as you rack through her clothes your eyes get fixated on a certain dress she had in the back, it was quite lovie.
As you pull it out, it was short. It had a 70's floral design, the sleeve flare out, and it was a low cut. This dress and some white heels would be gorgeous. But knowing this was a collage party, you shouldn't wear hears or white.
Minx looks over at you as she puts her mascara on, seeing as you picked that dress. "Oh that would look so cute on you, wear that." She throws her hands, basically tell you to put it on. You turn towards your side on the room and change into it. It fit like a damn glove. It was smooth and airy. And wasn't short enough that your ass was hanging out, it was perfect.
You quickly pull out your makeup and swiftly take your eyeliner out. Doing a rushed long wing look with red lipstick that matched the flowers on your dress. "Who was it that told you about this party?" Minx is putting on her shoes while asking you. "Um Tommy." You can't really focus on what she was asking as you're putting on false lashes. "Is that the brown haired one?" She questions while standing up.
Shoving back your makeup in it's container you tell her, "No its the blonde one." You go to your closet to get your party shoes, they were basically shoes that where messy with drink stains and you didn't mind to get them dirty.
Taking them out with a pair of socks, you put them on. Minx is already grabbing the keys and her phone. Ready to go. 
You rush yourself up with your keys and phone. Both of you out of the door and running down the stairs. "Tommy texted me the address, so I'll drive." You tell Minx while opening the main doors to your dorm. "Then just tell me the directions to the house." She walks beside you, "No it's my car we're talkin. I'm fucken driving." You bite down on your teeth, giving Minx a glare. She knew how protective you were over your car. She didn't exactly know why, but she didn't want to continue the small argument. "Fine." Heading to the parking lot to your car.
The both of you hustle in your car, she goes to the passenger seat while you turn on the car.
"Okay tell me where to go." You hand her your phone, the address was on google maps. "What time is it?" You ask while pulling out of the school lot and making it on the main road. "It's already past 10." She says while looking down at the directions. "Fuck were already late." She tells you to take a left. "Everyone shows up late and think it's going to be fun."
You slowly pull up to a frat house that was 7 block away from the campus. You could've walked if you wanted, but it already being dark it wasn't safe for you and Minx to be stumbling in the streets.
Looking for somewhere to park your car, you search and see that a house down you could park.
Both of you step out of the car, you turn it off with a beep. You pull out your phone as you meet Minx on the side walk, the two of you walk towards the frat house. Music blasting, even from outside you could hear them.
Y/n to Tommy:
Hey I just got here. Where u at?
Stepping through the lawn you already see a bunch of people hang outside with the classic red solo cups as they wandered around. Looking back down at your phone as Tommy messaged you back,
Tommy to Y/n:
I'm inside the kitchen with Toby
You turn off your phone as you make it to the door, Minx opens it for you.
As soon as the door opens you could smell the alcohol, almost taste. You hold onto Minx's arm as you two navigate through the party. "Tommy's in the kitchen." You have to speak loudly to Minx so she could hear you over the music and the other people taking. The house was packed to the brim.
Walking through, the floor was sticky from the drinks that spilled before hand. Passing through you watch as multiple people making out. Seeing that just made you think of Techno, you shouldn't be thinking of your teacher at a damn house party. You should be getting drunk and make out with a random person.
Making your way into the kitchen you see Tommy and Toby. Toby cheering on Tommy as he has a beer, presuming that he and this other fellow are shot gunning beers.
Tommy slams down the beer can, while yelling out victoriously. Toby pats Tommy on the back as he jumps up and down with excitement and probably being tipsy. But once he spots you he shouts, "Y/n com' here! Did you see that!" He yells in your face, which you have to cringe at how loud he was. He reaches out his arms for a hug which you happily took and hugged him back. You do the same with Toby. "So, how's the party going?" You ask Toby, who seems more sober then Tommy at the moment. "Really good! More people showed up the expected!" He smiles at you, "Do you want a drink?" He offers you, seeing as you didn't have a cup in your or Minx's hand.
Minx in the meantime is saying greetings Tommy, she laughs at what he's saying. Which is probably drunken rambling.
"Yeah. Whatcha got?" You look around the kitchen countertops. Seeing vodka to hard lemonade. Toby waves his arm across the countertop, "Literally anything you want we have." You think for a bit as you scan through the vast majority of drinks. "You know, I'll start off with a shot." You lean into Toby as it was becoming harder to hear as Tommy is shouting again about something, you weren't paying to much attention on him.
You feel someone slam the back of your back, not hard but it made you turn towards who was doing it. "That's what I'm talking about!" It was Wilbur, arm flung over your shoulder and in his other hand was a beer. "How long you've been here?" He asks, Toby is pouring multiple shots in colorful plastic. "Just arrived!" Minx answers for the both of you, she is now besides you, seeing that shots were being pour she asks if she could have one. Which Toby happily agrees with.
"You want one Wilbur?" Toby asks, handing out the shots to you and Minx. Wilbur shakes his head, saying no to them. Toby shrugs while taking one for himself. Wilbur removes his arm from your shoulder. "Ready! One, two, three-" Wilbur counts down for us.
Once he reaches three you put the plastic shot glass to your lips and swallowing the liquor. It burned down your throat, letting out a curse.
Minx shoots her eyes open, "Another?" She asks you and Toby. Toby seems on board, but you decline. You wanted to experience this party before becoming shit faced. "I'll grab a beer." You reach for a Bud Light. "Weak." Tommy snaps, he's behind you and throws his arm over to you.
Turning towards the tall drunken blonde. He rests his arm on your shoulder, just like Wilbur was doing moments ago. "I have some friends you should meet!" He yells while laughing, "Yeah?" He drinks from another beer can, of this poor boy going to have a terrible headache tomorrow morning.
"Totally!" His hand drops goes down your arm and takes a hold of your hand. He walks to you thorough the crowd of people whom all had a drink and dancing. You weren't quite sure if he was taking you out to dance or bring you to someone. Or if he even knew where to take you in the first place.
The music that was playing was some Michael Jackson you could get your groove on, you just wanted to dance with the crowed. But Tommy kept pulling you through the dance floor, so you where sure he was going to bring you to someone to meet. 
You reach the stairs that lead up the the second story, and that was by tht front door. But seeing as there was a group of people blocking it, believing that the person he was bringing you too was upstairs, but Tommy stops. "This is my friend Alex!" He sloppily says while getting a man's attention, who must be Alex. He has black hair that was tucked into a beanie, strange to have a beanie inside but you didn't question him upon it. "Alex this is Y/n!" Alex sticks his free hand for you the shake, which you do as Tommy takes a sip of his drink.
"I should bring Minx to meet you! She's gorgeous!" He tells Alex who nods his head to Tommy. Which he lets go of your hand and is running back to the kitchen to grab Minx.
"Sorry for my him. He gets really fucked at party's." Alex apologizes for Tommy's sake. "No it's fine, he's like this in class too." You chuckle at your own comment. "That's true. What class do you have together?" He asks while drinking from his drink, which was also a Bud Light. "History class. That boy can not shut up!" Both of you laugh.
He leans back to someone, "This is my friend Floris." He leans back to you, introducing you to another guy. He was tall with light brown hair, he also sticked out his arm to shake a welcome. You step up the stairs. "You can call me Fundy, everyone does." You mentally make a note of what he said.
You look up to see someone come down the stairs, his hair was a brown and he wore a multicolored sweater. He also had a goofy smile with his cheeks flushed with pink. Damn was he cute.
Alex taked notice that you were staring at something or even someone so he glances back. And beholds that it was one of his closest friends. "Y/n this is Karl!" He says with excitement, as Karl makes his way down Alex throws his arm around his shoulder. "Hi, my name is Karl- but he just told you that! Its nice to meet you Y/n." He chuckles at his little mix up, which you giggle at as well. You hold out your hand to shake his, he slight squeezed your hand once meeting.
"So, how long have you guys known Tommy?" You ask them while retracting you hand. Taking you swing of your beer. The music starts to muffle as it changes to the next song, which was softer. "I meet him through Wilbur." Fundy says, "He's in one of my classes too, English." Alex adds, the four of you turn back of the sound of Tommy's laugh, and before Karl could tell you how he knew the blonde boy.
Watching as he stumbles up at you with Minx in his hand, she gives you a small wave with her solo cup hand. The other still connected with Tommy's hand. "This is Minx everyone!" He shouts at us. "Hi I'm Alex." Alex greets her and so does Fundy, telling her the same thing he told you. Karl does a wave to greet her, as he was to up on the stair to shake her hand.
"It's a pleasure to meet you all." She flashes a smile to the three guys. "Y/n wanna dance?" She asks after smiling to the boys, but before you could answer Alex takes this opportunity into his own hands. "I would love to dance with you!" He makes his move, rushes past you. Minx just looks over Alex, conflicted as she asked you to dance but not some boy she didn't even know. But thinks for a few seconds as he quietly stands there waiting for her response. Praying that she would say yes. "Okay." He makes a fist, quietly say "Yes!" As he was proud of himself.
Before they head to the dance floor she turns to you, "I told you this was going to be fun!" You nod her off as she starts dancing to the music with Alex.
Going back to Tommy, Fundy, and Karl as they talk, Tommy is rather talking really loud as he couldn't hear himself. Fundy seems fine with him, patiently waiting for Tommy to complete his sentence. Karl has a questionable face as he's trying to figure out what he saying. "Y/n I have more people for you to meet!" Tommy looks over to you. You look at Fundy and Karl who gives off a sympathetic smile to you. Knowing that Tommy would be dragging you around this whole house. Surprisingly he knew a lot of people here. "See you later Fundy and Karl!" You say your good byes rather quickly.
He takes your hand again, you take another sip of your beer. This was going to be a long night if you don't get drunk quickly.
He's walking through the place, randomly pointing to people and telling you their name. Most of them you wouldn't remember tomorrow. But he spots someone important, "Meet my other friends, that's Clay!" He points to the guy who on the couch who wore a green hoodie, "And that's George." He slowly says, the other guy who was wearing a blue Tee-shirt whom started kissing Clay. "They seem nice." You simply say, turn back to Tommy who is giggling. "They are, you should talk to them after their lil situation" You nod to him. "Anyone else you want me to meet while where at it?" You ask him, he thinks for a moment.
"Yes! I have a friend named Nick. He's kind of mean, but very nice. Well next to you.." He loosely hangs onto you, his complement made him serious. It was really fun to see him like this. "Um- Let's find him!" He pulls you back.
Both of you walking for what seems like ages, you beer was coming to a close end. Tommy leads you to the kitchen once again, where he shouts out, "NICK!" He throws his hands up. The guy turned towards who said his name. Nick wore a grey sweatshirt. He was also next to Wilbur, they seemed to be having a conversation before Tommy abruptly ended it. "You HAVE to meet my good friend Y/n!" He emphasizes "have" which makes you giggle.
You walk towards Nick and greet him. His hands where in his pocket, he seemed a little shy. But Wilbur was there to refer to you, "She's cool." He says confidently, it does help Nick. "It's nice to meet you." You lean back into the kitchen island.
Tommy's cheeks were becoming pinker by the minute, the alcohol really getting to him.
"Did you meet Alex yet? Because he's dancing with Minx." Wilbur asks, pointing to them with his drink in hand. It was sweet that he was slightly concerned if you knew him yet, but as you look to the dance floor, aka the living room. Minx and Alex where jamming out together. "Yeah I just met him, he seem cool." You shrug off, "What're drinking?" You ask him. He gestures with his cup, "Oh some vodka with cranberry juice!"
You stare up at him, "Where the hell did you get cranberry juice?" You chuckle at him, which he joins in. "In the fridge of course. Do you want some?" You shake your head as a yes.
Looking back to Nick as Wilbur goes off to make you your drink. "How do you know Wilbur and Tommy?" He takes a sip of the beer he had in his hand. "In class. Tommy's in my English and Wilbur's in my technology class." He explains to you. His voice was very calm compared to the loudness of the party. "How do you know them?" He asks drinking out of his cup, Wilbur hands you your drink. He made that rather quickly. "Well Tommy, Wilbur, and Toby are in my History class. You know Toby right?" You have to tell to Nick as the music starts to get louder. But he nods a he's to your question.
The iconic song "September" by Earth, Wind & Fire starts play and the crowds starts going wild, singing the lyrics to the song.
Seeing as everyone was headed to the dance floor you ask, "Wanna go dancing?" The two men, who look at each other, then back at you with a smiles. Wilbur starts dancing his way to the living room and Nick soon follows you.
While in the living room you start mumbling out the lyrics as everyone one else does the same. Making your way to Minx who's more of the center of it all. She seems to be having a great time with Alex as they dance together and laughing as Alex holds his beer bottle as a microphone. Singing from his heart. But as she sees you she lets out a little yelp of excitement.
Soon all of you are singing to the song and having a blast. Normally you wouldn't have the energy to go out there dance, but as the alcohol takes over your nerves and that there were a lot of people there. It didn't seem to bother you. No one was watching you dance.
Looking out you see Tommy and Toby dancing together and singing their hearts out. It was a sight to be seen. Then watching Wilbur with a girl, who must of been his girlfriend he showed you last week. Karl and Alex are jamming out together as well.
They all had huge grin on their face, "DANCING IN SEPTEMBER!" The sea of drunken college students shout out into the crowd with little to no care, minx and you start jumping to the beat. Singing to each other. Our singing, along with everyone's is poor, but that didn't matter at the moment or to anyone.
But as the song comes to an end less people are singing it and starts to die down. The new song playing had a quick beat. Making people move their feet with the same fastness. You mouth out the words as you get closer with Minx, who is doing the same towards you.
Both of you bob your head to the music that was playing right in your ears.
As you dance your eyes keep looking over to Karl, who was dancing with Alex. They did seem like really good friends. But as you stare at them, Alex, of course looks over for second and seeing that you couldn't look away from Karl he made a plan. Getting closer to Karl to whisper something, you turn away quickly.
"I think Alex and Karl are coming over here!" You whispered yell at Minx, she turns to where the two guy used to be, but seeing them dance their way over to you.
"Evening ladies." Alex trys his hardest to say smoothly, which didn't really work for you, but Minx seems entertained. It might been the liquor, but she was digging this Alex dude.
For you Karl gestures for you to follow him, you walk with his hesitant at first but you two head to the couches.
You actually needed some time to relax after Tommy made to go through the whole damn frat house. "I know Tommy through Alex." Slightly confused at first, but realizing he was picking up the conversation you had at the stairs. "You and Alex are close?" It was a dumb question to ask, but seeing as his face light up was really cute. Definitely the alcohol speaking now, it was getting harder to focus too. "Yes! We've know eachother for years, he's like my best friend." Both of you watch as Alex and Minx dance together, it was a little funny watching them, they were probably hitting close to being drunken at that point.
"You're a good dance by the way!" He adds leaning back into the couch. You thank him for his complement. Both of you sit in silence, just staring off that the crowd.
He suddenly stands from the couch, "I'm getting a new drink. Anything I could get you?" He ask, slowly taking steps to the kitchen. "Another vodka cranberry please!" You shout to him.
While waiting for Karl to come back another man sits down next to you, he seems out of it. But as you look over to him you ask, "You're Clay right?" The man in the green sweatshirt looks at you confused for a couple of seconds before you clarify. "Tommy pointed you out." He has an 'oh' realization. "We didn't want to interrupt you and your boyfriend." Your drunken mind speaks before thinking. He has a second 'oh' reaction.
He runs his hand over hIs face sloppily, "Wait how do you know Tommy?" He lazily throws his head back. "He's in a class with me." It was becoming more annoying to tell everyone the same thing over and over again. And it was werid that they all knew who Tommy was.
More time passed as another song played, still waiting on Karl to get back - and speaking of the devil he appears from the crowd with two drinks in hand. But spotting Clay half passes out where he sat before him, it wasn't the best situation. He hand you your drink before saying, "Clay's already out? Fundy owes me 20 buck." He chuckles while whipping out his phone from his back pocket. "How the hell does everyone know each other?" You take a large gulp of your drink. The vodka going right through you body, making you relax.
"I don't really know?" He shrugs off with a giggle.
This couch becoming incredibly more comfortable. Starting to close your eyes as the music roared over.
You abruptly wake up, quickly looking around to see where you were. This wasn't your bed, but this wasn't even a bedroom.
This was your car.
"Holy fuck..." You breath out, glad you woke up in your car and not some random persons bed. And lucky as you look back to see if anyone else was in your card you see Minx. She had a coat over her that she wasn't wearing before walking in the party.
Turning back to the front, your eyes landing on what time it was. "11:26 a.m." Good that it wasn't past noon, but still surprised that no one ever tried to wake you up.
You look for you keys, which sat on your glove box. You turn in your car.
It was time to get back to the dorms and sleep this hangover in a comfortable bed, well how comfortable a dorm bed could be.
Your mind was foggy when I came to remembering what the hell happened last night, all you remember was talking to Karl before passing out on the couch. He must of moved you to the car at some point. Then you hear your phone ringing, why was it so damn loud? Squeezing your temple with your index and middle finger as your head rang from your phone.
Your hands search for the phone and grab it. It read out "Karl". You got his number last night? When?
You pick it up, "Good morning, did you wake up in your car?" He ask, well that kinda explains your situation. "Yeah, why?" You still ask to confirm your suspicions that he put you in your car. "Well last night you couldn't even walk straight and you never told me what dorm you lived in so that was my next best option. And I didn't want you to wake up in my bed and think that we did anything-" He rambles on, "Thank you." You stop him. "That was really kind of you." Driving out on the road, waking up Minx. Hearing her groan in confusion as to where she was. But as soon as she sees you she leans back down. "Why are we in your car?" She ask in a low tone, clearly still tired. You pull away from your phone. "I don't remember, but I'm glad none of us went drunk driving." She nods back as you continue to drive back to campus.
Putting your phone back to your ear, "Sorry Minx just woke up." You could hear him "oh" in the background. "Um who's coat is with her? Because she didn't have one when we came to the party." You turn in your parking lot. Your head pounding. "That's Alex's. I'll send you his number for her to return it." He quickly says. "Thanks again Karl. But I just got to my dorm so I'm going to pass out for the next few hours." You simple say while turning off your car.
"Good night Y/n." He says with a chuckle, which made you giggle a little. "Night." Ending the call you look back at Minx, who had a stupid grin plastered on her face. You question her on why, "Oh nothing..." She opens the door to get out. That cheek son of a bitch.
"And who was that?" You step out of your car. "No one." You could deal with Minx's little teasing about you and this guy. "Sure." She emphasizes the word.
Tag List:
@alexandrium @aplaintart @sadassflatass
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tarlos-spain · 2 years
Comfortember Day 6 - Falling leaves
Fandom: Roswell New Mexico
Pairing: Michael Guerin/Alex Manes
Characters: Michael Guerin, Alex Manes
You are my home and I put you in danger
After what happened with Jones, Michael is scared
Alex woke up, reached out her arm looking for Michael's body next to him, but he was not there. He sat up and looked for him in the room, but he couldn't find him boyfriend anywhere in the room.
It was starting to get cold, the months had passed, the summer had gone and the leaves on the trees had stripped them bare, but some things seemed not to have changed and Michael was one of them.
Everything had returned to normal among his family and friends, Jones was part of the past and for the first few days, the first few weeks, it seemed that the death of his father had affected him like it did everyone else; but he had not killed him and that seemed to have been enough to comfort him and calm his thoughts.
But Alex knew there was something else; he knew her boyfriend and he knew perfectly well that he was hiding something from him as usual.
Time, all it had done, was hide Michael's feelings and Alex had only waited for the moment when her boyfriend would explode.
He got up, Michel wasn't home. He threw a blanket over himself and went out onto the porch hoping that Michael hadn't decided to leave home and go to his trailer. When that happened, Guerin would hide, put his head in the ground because he felt like the worst person in the world and felt he had to punish himself somehow.
He breathed easier when he found him there, sitting on the porch steps.
He looked like a statue or maybe he had fallen asleep.
He walked over to him, sat down next to him and stared at him. He wasn't asleep, his gaze was fixed on the horizon.
He ran a hand over his shoulder and rubbed his back and kissed his cheek.
"I was scared when I didn't see you in bed." "I'm not going anywhere, Alex. I was totally sincere when I said you were my home. But there are times when I need to... I still can't get my head around the idea of..." Michael laughed sadly. "I have a hard time even thinking about it. My father is dead and I didn't wield the gun that killed him, but I was there, I watched him die, I let him die, Alex. I let my father die." "Have you had a nightmare again?" "I don't know if it's nightmares or my own mind telling me I have to suffer some punishment for what I did." "Jones...your father.... would have killed them all." "He would have killed you." Michael turned to Alex, his eyes covered with tears. He had never told him about that moment because he was too ashamed that he had allowed his father to enter his mind and steal what he loved most. "Alex, when I confronted him, when I tried to stop him..." "He almost killed you, Michael." Alex cupped both her cheeks in his hands and moved in for a shy kiss, as if afraid of hurting him. "I assure you I felt it. I felt that something had happened to you, I felt that you were hurt,in danger, I felt that you needed me and that I had to help you." "I would have killed you. I let Jones see how important you were...that you are to me and I was sure he would play that card against me."
Alex gave him another kiss and then another, the simple contact of his lips on Michael's was electrifying for both of them.
They stood there for a moment, Michael rested his forehead on Alex's and closed his eyes, to feel the warmth of his body as he embraced him.
"I'm here, Michael. That's happened and I'm here, we're both here, together, though we'd be closer together if you'd agree to move in with me for once."
Michael laughed and gave his boyfriend a little shove. He grabbed his hand and made nonsensical shapes over it.
"I don't know how you do it Alex, but no matter how scared I am, you always manage to calm me down, with you I always see things more clearly. Not that I feel good about what happened with my father. But if I have to choose between a dictator who wiped out an entire planet and the man I love and would give my own life for... There's nothing to choose, Alex, no need to think about it. I chose you from the first moment and I will choose you always."
Alex listened to him silently, attentive to his every word and little by little a smile crept on his lips.
The two gazed into the horizon for a moment longer, holding hands, embracing, together and very still, listening to each other's breathing, to the beat of each other's heart, which gradually fell into step with the rhythm of the other, just as their lives together had found the perfect rhythm.
"If I haven't dared to move in with you after all the times you've proposed," Michael breathed in and let the air out of his lungs little by little. "It's silly I know, but my father told me that I was a weak person and that I had no right to..." "Stop right there, Michael Guerin." Alex cut him off. "We've been together what, fifteen years?" "We haven't been together fifteen years." "But I've known you for fifteen years, I know how you think, I know why you decided to try your thing with Maria, why you threw me out of your side, why it's taken you so long to come back and why you're now trying to keep your distance from me." Michael smiled, "But I promise you, it's not going to be easy for you to get rid of me this time, because I know now, and I've never been more sure, that you love me. I know Michael Guerin is in love with me and I'm crazy about him. So forget what your father tried to make you believe. I know who you are, I know who I love and I know who I want to live with."
Michael hadn't expected that wonderful statement from his boyfriend. He had spent a good part of his life believing that he wasn't good enough to do anything worthwhile, that he wasn't who anyone expected him to be and when he looked in the mirror... Michael avoided looking in mirrors and disappointing himself.
But with Alex it was always different.
He watched him stand up and when he stood there still, he held out his hand and waited for Michael to do something.
"It's starting to get cold, Michael. If you want to catch a cold so I'll be taking care of you later, I'll do that no problem. But I prefer the idea that you take my hand, you understand that I'm offering to come in with me into the house, into your house and you come. What do you say Guerin, can we make some room between my things so you can put yours in?"
Michael's smile, while accepting her hand, warmed Alex's heart.
"I don't have much to bring me either, but I'll need a private place to put my workshop...you know." "Yeah your alien stuff that any of my co-workers would kill themselves to investigate."
Michael wrapped his arms around Alex's waist and they made their way inside the house.
"I rather think your coworkers would be willing to kill for investigating me." "That someone would dare touch you Guerin. You're mine and I want you alive. Which do you prefer, drawers or closet?" "How about coffee first?"
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litwitlady · 4 years
with you i serve, with you i fall down
Read on AO3.
Angst Prompt #3 - ‘Is that blood?’ (I PROMISE IT HAS A HAPPY ENDING)
Warnings: blood, minor physical violence, guns, gunshot wounds, mind games, mind control
‘We don’t have to do this today,’ Michael begs, eyes shifting back and forth between Isobel and Alex.
Isobel places her hand on his shoulder and tilts her head slightly, trying to make him understand. ‘There are innocent people inside, Michael. At last thirty heat signatures. We might be their only hope. We can’t wait for Max. He’s in California.’
‘We’ll be okay.’ Alex knows that’s not really enough, but it’s all he’s got at the moment.
Michael turns to him slowly. ‘You don’t know that. Me and Iz will go, Alex. Please stay here.’
‘You know that’s not the safest option. We’ve been over this already.’ Isobel tugs Michael’s eyes back to her. ‘There’s no cell reception in that building or even outside of that building. Leaving Alex here by himself cuts us off from communication. But having you out here means I’ll be able to reach you if something goes wrong.’
He makes a strangled noise and shakes his head. ‘Then you stay. Alex and I will go. You cannot ask me to watch the two people I love most on this planet - or any other fucking planet - walk into that building.’ He shrugs his shoulders and takes several steps away from them, needing the space to breathe. ‘I will not do that.’
Alex watches him walk away, kicking at the ground in frustration. Michael has never said the word ‘love’ to him. Not in the present tense, anyway. It makes him slightly dizzy. They’ve only just started finding their way back to each other. A friendship blooming gradually and finally able to talk to each like grown adults. Their future open and waiting for them.
Michael climbs into his truck and slams the door. But he doesn’t start the engine. Alex and Isobel watch him lean his head against the back glass and close his eyes. ‘He’s never going to agree to this.’ Isobel crosses her arms and stares at Alex. ‘It’s a terrible thing we’re asking him to do.’
‘None of us have a choice. I’m not willing to risk someone else’s life to keep my own safe. So, there’s no calling anyone else for help. And like you said, we can’t wait.’ Alex squares his shoulders, frowning. ‘I’ll go talk to him.’
‘No.’ She moves in front of Alex, blocking his way. ‘It needs to be me. Wait here.’
She slides into the truck next to Michael. He doesn’t acknowledge her presence. Just keeps his eyes shut and stays silent. ‘You know it has to be me and Alex, Michael.’ No reaction. ‘I’ve worked on my abilities more than you have. So, I’m better equipped, better armed. You know I’m right.’
Michael’s eyes open and he blinks several times at truck’s the rusting roof overhead. ‘I feel it deep in my gut, Isobel. Something bad’s going to happen if you leave me behind. We don’t have enough information.’ He turns his gaze out the window, focusing on Alex. ‘I love him too much, Iz. And you too.’ Angry tears burn down his cheeks.
‘You’re willing to risk all those lives - more than two dozen people - just because something might happen to me or Alex?’ She squeezes his knee. ‘I know you’re not. And we both know how this ends. So, if you want to sit and watch from the safety of your truck, that’s okay. But Alex and I are leaving.’
Isobel rejoins Alex by his Explorer, one last look over her shoulder at Michael. ‘We better get going. I don’t want to be inside that place after sundown.’
Alex checks that his gun is fully loaded. ‘What did you say to convince him?’
‘Honestly? Not a whole lot and I’m pretty sure he’s not convinced.’ She stuffs several bottles of acetone in Alex’s backpack next to his extra bullets. ‘He loves you, you know. I’m never sure how clear that is between you two.’ They hear a door slam shut and turn at the sound. Michael is on his way to them, sadness etched deep in the lines of his forehead. Alex sighs. ‘It’s much clearer these days.’
He’s left his hat behind and his curls swirl in the wind. ‘I don’t want you to go, but I won’t stop you either. But Isobel? At the first sign of trouble you scream for me. Do you understand?’
‘I promise. The first sign of trouble - even the inkling of trouble - and we’re out.’ She pulls him into a tight hug and whispers in his ear. ‘I’ll keep him safe. As best I can.’
Michael nods into her neck and watches Alex slip the backpack onto his shoulders. Isobel unfolds herself from him and Alex gives a little wave as he turns towards the concrete warehouse. But Michael reaches out and grabs his elbow, spinning him back around. ‘No, you don’t get to just walk away like that. Not anymore.’
He pushes the backpack off Alex’s shoulders and onto the ground. And then they fall into each other’s arms - Alex’s wrapped around Michael’s neck and Michael squeezing at Alex’s waist. Noses buried in hair and fingernails clawing at naked skin. So many words left unspoken but not a single one left unheard.
‘Don’t go playing hero, Alex. Sometimes running away is the right choice.’ Michael holds on tighter and glances towards Isobel who’s already at the electric fence, giving them their space. He pleads with his eyes and she mouths I promise one last time.
They pull apart. Hands lingering at collars and hemlines. Eyes blurry and hearts worried. Alex takes a couple of backwards steps, grabbing his backpack and then turns away. Joining Isobel at the fence and setting off together to whatever fate awaits them. Michael looks on completely and utterly helpless. He knows they are competent and well-armed. Smart and desperate to return to him. But that knowledge does absolutely nothing to ease the ache in his chest.
Once they disappear from sight, Michael heads back to his truck. He stands with his hand on the door handle for a long time, trying to convince himself to open the door and not do the thing his heart wants him to do. But his heart wins. Unlocking Alex’s Explorer with his telekinesis, he slides into the driver’s side seat and shuts the door behind him. It’s the most pathetic thing he’s ever done in his life, but he doesn’t care. That nagging feeling is still punching at his stomach and the smell of Alex surrounding him helps to calm his nerves.
The interior is immaculate. So clean it makes Michael roll his eyes. There’s nothing in the center console but two pens and a roll of quarters. The glove compartment offers only the owner’s manual and a flashlight. But when he reaches around into the seat pocket, he strikes gold. Michael smiles down at the cd case he pulls free. The title is written in Alex’s too-perfect script and black-inked sharpie - Desert Mix.
Starting the engine, Michael slides the cd into the disc player and waits. Static crackles through the speakers and then the soft strumming of an acoustic guitar, followed shortly by Alex’s own voice. And Michael knows these songs - remembers the lyrics scratched across the various notebooks tucked under the futon in the toolshed. He’s listened to Alex sing these songs over and over again in the bed of his truck underneath the starry sky more times than he can count. When they were still teenagers with all their dreams still alive and close enough to touch.
Thirty minutes pass and Alex’s songs have nearly lulled him to sleep when he feels the first twinge of fear. It’s faint and distant enough to not immediately alarm him. He just shifts into a more comfortable position and recloses his eyes. The second wash of fear is much stronger and arrives accompanied by Isobel’s screams echoing in his head. Within seconds he’s running harder than he ever has in his life, straight into his worst nightmare.
No doors exist in the building’s central door frame. Just a gaping hole daring him to enter. Which he doesn’t hesitate to do, especially once Isobel begins to chant help us help us help us through his thoughts. He checks behind every door he passes, but finds nothing until he arrives at a large open space. Bleak and gray, the roof leaking water onto the concrete. Isobel on her knees and Alex sitting flat in the center of the room. Farmer Jones behind them, deviant grin spread wide across his face. ‘Welcome, Michael. So glad you could join us.’
Michael’s heart sinks to the floor. He tries using his telekinesis but knows if Isobel has been rendered powerless, so has he. And with that reality before him, whatever hope he’d been trying to hang onto flees. ‘There were never any hostages, were there?’
Alex and Isobel shake their heads.
‘Front and center, Mikey! We’re going to play a little game.’ It points to a spot between Alex and Isobel. Michael has no choice so he steps forward. Stopping when he’s commanded to. ‘Well done. Now, take a good, long look at Isobel and Alex. Spend some time thinking about how much you love them. Let me know when you’re finished.’ He steps back, arms crossed over his chest and still grinning like a madman.
That’s when Michael sees the gun.
It’s Alex’s personal weapon. The one he keeps for protection. Protection he’s needed more than once in his life from those supposed to love him most.
Dragging his eyes down to Isobel, he can tell how broken she is despite the way she holds her shoulders back, strong and proud even in her despair. Her eyes are wet with tears, her chin lifted in rebellion. But he can no longer find her in his head, so Jones must have cut their communication.
Beside her is Alex. A dark red stain soaking the shoulder of his t-shirt. ‘Is that blood?’
‘Oh, don’t worry about that. Just a little scratch. Alex didn’t like my methods at first. But he’s since come around to see things my way.’ Alex’s jaw flexes and Michael watches him try to speak. But no sound leaves his mouth in spite of how hard he’s straining, veins in his neck throbbing with the effort.
‘Let them go and I’ll do whatever it is you want.’ Isobel and Alex both violently shake their heads. Michael ignores them. ‘Please.’
‘Can’t play the game with only one other person. Sorry.’ Jones rocks back on his heels, stuffing his hands in his pockets and shrugging.
‘Then let Alex go. He’s not one of us. Just a human who doesn’t belong here.’ Emotion chokes Michael’s voice which makes Jones’s eyes light up. Alex continues to shake his head, tears now trailing down his cheeks.
‘Everybody stays, Michael. Are you ready? You’re going to need this.’ He yanks the gun from the waistline of his pants and holds it out to Michael. ‘Go on, take it.’
Dread seeps deep into Michael’s bones, making him dizzy. He keeps his hands at his side and gulps loudly. Brain frantically searching for some way out of this horrific situation.
‘Now, Michael. Before you make me angry.’ Jones steps between Isobel and Alex, shoving the gun into his chest.
Michael takes the gun, hands beginning to shake. Eyes pleading with the monster in front of him, eyes avoiding the two people he can’t afford to lose at his feet.
Jones begins to walk in circles around the three of them. Slow and menacing. Taking his time and enjoying every sick second. ‘The game is simple. The rules easy to follow.’ He stops and puts one hand on Isobel’s shoulder, the other on Alex’s. ‘Your mind is a fascinating place, Michael. An electric minefield of love and suffering. Never a dull moment.’
He pauses for effect. Basking in his control and breathing in their terror. ‘This backwater planet has made you so soft and pliable. Imagine what you could have been had you grown up on our marvelous star.’ He feigns pity and then laughs. ‘But instead, you are this. Pathetic. Now you will pay the price for your mother’s wicked hubris. And the choices she made.’
Jones uses his power to raise Michael’s arm. The one whose hand is holding the gun. Michael fights like hell but it’s no use. The gun wobbles as Jones swings his arm back and forth. Pointing the gun first at Isobel and then at Alex. ‘So that’s the game! Your mother once had to make a decision and now her son will do the same. Isobel or Alex, Michael. You have five minutes or I shoot them both.’
Michael knows the moment his voice returns to him - his arm under his own control again as well. Jones smiles at him and Michael shakes his head. ‘I won’t do this.’ He tries to turn the gun on himself, but Jones just takes control again and laughs.
‘You will do this, Michael. Losing one is better than losing them both. And you’ll make it quick. I’ll make it sweet and so very slow.’ Jones tenderly cups Isobel’s cheek and runs his other hand through Alex’s hair. Michael watches as they both wince and shiver under his touch. ‘It’s not like we don’t know who you love the most. I mean, it’s no contest really.’ With a strike quicker than a snake, Jones backhands Alex square in his jaw, sending him crashing to the floor. Michael shouts and tries to go to him, but Jones holds him in place.
‘The lover. Well...the ex-lover, anyway. And the purest love you’ve ever felt.’ Jones wraps his fingers in Alex’s hair and yanks him back into a sitting position. His lip is split, blood flowing freely down his chin and dripping onto his t-shirt. All three of them are panting and openly weeping. Michael’s entire body covered in a cold sweat. None of the thoughts in his head coherent with no last minute save-the-day solutions presenting themselves. Wordlessly, he begins to pray.
Jones goes back to lapping the three of them. ‘In case you were wondering, they both desperately want you to choose themselves. Alex is begging you to pick him. Isobel is maybe less enthusiastic about offering herself, but that’s still what’s inside her head. Noble, really. And Max, well - he’s enjoying the show all the way from sunny California.’
He sits between Isobel and Alex like he’s preparing for some grotesque kindergarten story time. ‘It disgusts me how weak the three of you are. Born to wield such power and instead you’re this - something lesser than even toddlers back home. I blink and you can’t move. I blink again and your minds are easy to crawl inside. Another blink and you’ll do whatever I say.’ He tsks with his tongue and shakes his head. ‘And to think you were meant to save us all, Michael.’
He releases Michael again. ‘Choose. Your five minutes start now.’
Faced with an impossible choice, the decision is easy to make in the end. He’s able to talk but decides not to. Not with words anyway. Michael raises his eyes to Alex and then the gun. And Alex smiles. Because he knows it was always meant to end this way.
Michael thinks back to the first time he’d seen Alex in the hallways of their middle school. An unremarkable moment. Alex and Valenti laughing in a classroom doorway. Valenti grabbing his arm, ‘Who are you?’ And Alex smiling, waiting for his answer.
But the next barrage of memories collapses his lungs. The first time Alex had come to school with his ear pierced, the septum ring hanging from his nose. Always with Maria and Liz, right in the middle. The occasional what’s up, Guerin. Valenti slamming him into a row of lockers after the first rumors started to spread. And eventually, a stolen guitar.
His hand shakes violently. But Alex softly and nods his head. Resigned and ready for what comes next.
Michael takes a moment to step back inside the UFO Emporium. Bright Eyes playing through the speakers overhead. Not a soul in sight. Other than the prettiest boy he’s ever seen with a bigger heart that he could have ever dreamed. A flood of quick flashes - Alex naked beneath him, making out at the movie theater, the desert sky as Alex strums his guitar, Alex’s hair shorn to regulation, letters written and never sent, first glances after long absences, hands on hips and lips on necks, harsh words and bitter tears, i loved you and i think that you loved me, the toolshed destroyed, another soft smile and would you come home.
Michael pulls the trigger.
The gunshot ricochets around the cavernous warehouse, reverberating off the back of Michael’s molars. And then everything falls silent and time stops. Alex crumples to the floor, blood leaking from the hole in his forehead. Eyes dead and lifeless. Michael’s heart claws its way out of his chest and throws itself on Alex. Alongside a screaming Isobel who can move again, hand covering Alex’s wound trying to staunch the bleeding.
But it doesn’t matter because Alex Manes is dead.
Jones tugs the gun from Michael’s hand and pistol whips Isobel on the temple. She collapses across Alex’s unmoving chest. Then Michael is thrown through the air, landing with a thud against the cylinder block wall. He hears the crunch of his skull and then mercifully blacks out. The gunshot playing one last time through his mind before the world disappears.
Time inevitably continues to pass. Alex growing colder and colder as the seconds tick by.
Michael reawakens to Isobel’s gargled cries. Shouting his name over and over again, hoarse from the effort. Michael has no idea how long he’s been out. Looking around, Jones has vanished. A ghost in the night. He squints into the darkness, Isobel slumped over Alex still trying to save him. Beating at his chest and pressing her hand over his wound.
Alex remains dead.
And to think you were meant to save us all, Michael. That line replays in Michael’s head as he sits watching Isobel’s struggle. It’s those words that convinced him to choose Alex. He closes his eyes and goes to the place deep in his gut where his power lives. An electric minefield of love and suffering. He rests his mind, truly hushing it quiet for the first time in his life. Laying the love and suffering aside long enough to connect his brain with his power. Completing a circuit that his trauma had never allowed before.
Energy flares in his nerve endings, clearing all the muck and grime. He thinks of Isobel and easily slides into her mind. There’s chaos and panic and an overwhelming gut-wrenching fear. Bile rises in her throat. She’s convinced that both of them are dead and that she’s all alone in this hell house. Michael reaches out for her and settles her nerves. Sends his own energy through her arm and down into the palm of her hand. The one pushed tight to Alex’s forehead.
Michael concentrates on picturing Alex’s face, whole and happy. Warmth from his belly travels through his connection with Isobel and begins to weave Alex’s brain back together, one fiber at a time. He can feel Isobel gasp when the wound under her palm slowly smoothes away. Her fear subsides and big, choking gasps tear from her lungs the minute Alex’s eyes reopen and his chest rises. She starts to scream Michael’s name again, but this time for a very different reason.
He climbs to his feet and is amazed at how good he feels. Not drained at all - slightly light headed in a pleasant way. Alex sits up and Isobel pulls him into a tight hug, waving at Michael wildly with her free hand.
It takes Michael a moment to take that first step forward. Questions twist in his mind and he knows in his gut that his relationship with Alex will never be the same again. And while he’s excited for what comes next, he’s also terrified of what it might all mean. The overwhelming desire to feel Alex’s heartbeat eventually tugs him forward, though, and before long he’s dropping to his knees beside them.
Alex paws at him, crawling into his lap with Isobel not far behind - clinging to the both of them like she never intends to let go ever again. ‘I felt you, Michael. You did this. How?’
Michael feels Alex bury his nose in the crook of his neck and reaches out to pull Isobel closer. ‘What he said about me being meant to save everyone. It just clicked in my brain and I knew I could save us.’ He presses his lips into Alex’s temple. ‘But I had to choose Alex in case I was wrong and needed help.’ His voice cracks and falters, a sob catches his breath and Michael collapses into them. They hold him close while he cries. The crash of adrenaline and the weight of his choice catching up to him.
They sit tucked tight together for a long time while the sun sets outside.
‘Is he going to have a handprint on his forehead?’ Isobel asks, pushing Alex’s hair aside to see if his skin has started to glow.
‘I don’t know - I don’t think so.’ He cups Alex’s cheeks and inspects his face, finding nothing. ‘Do you feel any different?’
‘Yes. I feel you everywhere. All over me. Inside of me.’ He wraps his fingers around Michael’s wrists, gently knocking their foreheads together. ‘It’s hard to breathe around, actually.’
Michael laughs. ‘Well, I’m having a lot of feelings right now.’
‘About me.’ Alex smiles.
‘Yeah, baby. About you.’ Michael hovers his lips over Alex’s, waiting. Alex doesn’t hesitate to answer, instantly closing the gap between them. And when their mouths finally lock together, both whimper at the touch, kissing each other like it’s the first time all over again. Eager, a little shy, and once again filled with so much hope for their future.
Isobel stumbles to her feet to give them space. She’s still covered in Alex’s blood, needing fresh air. And desperately wants to call Max to explain everything. Reaching out with her mind, she searches for signs of Jones somewhere nearby but finds nothing. Glancing back at Michael, she supposes Jones must know what he’s awakened inside her brother. Michael - the savior. Honestly, she’s not really all that surprised.
Michael hugs Alex flush against him. ‘I’m going to do something, Alex. And you’re going to feel it.’
But Alex shushes him. ‘I already know. Are you sure?’
He nods and shuts his eyes as Alex pushes them as close together as they can get. Offering Michael everything he has to give. Michael smiles and whispers. ‘I love you.’
And Alex responds, ‘I know.’
Michael searches across the desert, not knowing exactly what he’s doing. But before long, he spots what he’s looking for - a mind signature frantically fleeing from his wrath. Alex puts on a hand over Michael’s heart and Michael snaps Jones’ neck, his mind signature blinking out as he crumples to the dirt. He reopens his eyes and looks down at Alex. ‘Let’s go home.’
They rejoin Isobel and Michael informs her that Jones is dead. She nods her head. ‘It was the right decision, Michael. I guess I just wish we’d been able to find out more about where we come from.’
‘We don’t need him for that. I took his mind from him, Iz, before I killed him. I know everything he knows. And we have a lot to talk about. But first, I’m taking Alex home and crawling into his bed for at least a week.’ He hugs Isobel and she looks at him like the marvel he truly is and always has been before climbing into her SUV and leaving them alone.
‘I haven’t said I’m sorry yet.’ Michael turns to Alex. ‘And before you say I don’t have to,’ he holds his hand up to Alex who is already trying to stop him, ‘let me finish.’ Alex reluctantly nods. ‘I know I made the right decision. But I’m so sorry that means you can close your eyes and picture what it looks like to watch me hold me a gun to your head and pull the trigger. Because I can’t fix that part.’
Saying it out loud breaks something inside of him. Something he’s not sure will ever heal. So, he doesn’t bother trying to stop the tears that burn down his cheeks.
Alex grabs his hands. ‘Look at me.’ He waits for Michael to meet his eye. It takes a while but eventually he gets there. ‘I have seen a lot of horrible things in my life. My father’s fists aimed at my face, his hammer breaking your hand. Friends - brothers - riddled with bullets and bleeding out in my arms. Innocent people dying at my hand, riddled with my bullets. My leg shredded to pieces on the side of a dirt road in Iraq.’
He pauses to take a breath. Michael threads their fingers together to give him comfort. ‘You pointing that gun at my head? It is an image that will stay with me. Forever. But not for the reasons you fear. Because you didn’t get to see your face in that moment. The steel and certainty in your eyes. The courage and the love. And the defiance, Michael. I knew I could trust you. I knew I’d open my eyes again and get the chance to tell you how much I love you.’
‘But it’s even better than that. Because now it’s like you’re tattooed underneath every inch of my skin. You’re the oxygen expanding my lungs and the blood pumping through my veins. Yes, you shot me, Michael. But when I opened my eyes, I was so much more than I was before. You gave me that and only you could have given me that.’
They push against each other, chest to chest. Fingers clawing at whatever purchase they can find. Nose in necks and the first flares of arousal spreading through their hips. The scent of rain and Alex’s shampoo mingling together for the first time in over a year.
Michael feels something insistent pressing between his shoulder blades. Reluctantly, he pulls away from Alex and turns to find his cell phone floating freely. He concentrates on his power and realizes it’s not coming from his mind. Alex laughs behind him as Michael yanks his phone out of the air, stunned into silence.
A death. A homecoming. Something bright and new.
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stayextrafrosty · 3 years
I’m Dying for a Taste of You: Chapter 5
Chapter Title: The Side Effects of You
Chapter Summary: Michael and Alex follow Caber out to the middle of nowhere and witness a horrific sight. Michael makes a decision regarding Alex that doesn't work out the way he hopes.
A/N:  I've officially planned out the rest of this story! I've never planned anything before and it feels strangely liberating. The remaining chapters will be longer (like this one) so I can wrap up the plot of this story in a reasonable amount of time. There's a pretty graphic depiction of blood and body horror in here so be warned. And we have the return of highly possessive Michael. So enjoy!
Kinks Explored: Somnophilia, bondage, wax play
Read on AO3 // Masterlist
Alex and Michael followed Caber out but lost sight of him as he wove through the cars. Alex watched Michael’s eyes as he glared at every small movement that Alex wouldn’t be able to see. He rested a hand on his arm.
“Just stay calm. He wouldn’t stray far from Alayna right? Are we really going to assume she just left?” Michael rolled his shoulders in response.
“I can still smell the creep. Wait here,” he said. He quickly unhooked the chain from Alex’s neck and he vanished. He was only gone for a moment before he was back and shoving a sweatshirt and gun into his arms. Alex raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t think I’d come here without having a way to arm you, did you?” Alex didn’t know what he thought. He had been perfectly willing to let Michael handle the fighting if need be.
What’s wrong with me? I never completely put my life in someone else’s hands. It’s stupid.
Alex pulled the sweatshirt on and wrapped the strap of the holster around his waist. Michael looked him over once and grabbed his hand, pulling him in a direction away from the club. Alex knew this would be faster to let Michael go alone, but he didn’t seem to be willing to do that.
His prosthesis made it hard to run. Michael seemed to be conscious of it but the pace he was walking certainly wasn’t easy. Alex just clenched his jaw and kept pace. He wondered if turning into a vampire would heal his leg. He assumed not but the rumor was that becoming a vampire healed everything. He had learned to live with it and it wasn’t as though it bothered him, but what would it be like to actually experience sensation again?
Michael gripped his hand tightly and seemed to slow his pace. Alex just squeezed his hand back as they walked. Michael was scanning over everything, occasionally lifting his head like a dog would, smelling the air. Alex wanted to chuckle but he figured he could tease him about it when they weren’t hunting a killer vampire.
“Hey,” Alex said softly, tugging on his arm. Michael stopped walking.
“I don’t know if Caber is the vampire behind the murders. But even if he’s not, I have to kill him for breaking the rules of the club.”
“Not that I doubt your abilities, but isn’t he way stronger than you?”
“I’m a lot more pissed off. I know you can’t smell it, but he’s surrounded by blood.” Alex nodded slowly and Michael turned to keep walking.
They were walking into an open field next to the club. The neon lights still obscured the stars and served as a beacon to find their way back. Not that Michael would get lost. The rocky New Mexico ground made Alex stumble but he never fell with Michael holding onto him.
The walk was silent except for the dirt under their feet. The darkness grew as they moved further into the opening. His eyes were adjusting slowly but the moon was absent so natural light was minimal. Alex looked up at the stars, wondering just how he had gotten into this mess.
He could just barely see the dip of the water retention hole. No water would be there now but the spring and the melting snow usually filled it. Michael sped up his walking again, pulling Alex along behind him. He was at a light jog by the time they got to the edge.
A small hint of light coming from one of the sewers caught his attention. The biggest one. He glanced at Michael who was hyper focused and glaring at the light.
“Stay here and I’ll be back,” he ordered quietly. Alex shook his head.
“There’s no way I’m letting you go down there alone. You gave me a gun for a reason,” he whispered back.
“I can smell a lot of blood. Whatever’s down there… I don’t think you should see it.”
“This is my job remember? I need to find the identity of who’s killing girls to clear your name. And I have a strong feeling it’s Caber.” Michael clenched his jaw and ran a hand through his hair.
“Dammit, fine.” He released Alex’s hand and lifted his to his mouth, biting it. Alex didn’t flinch as Michael lifted his bleeding hand and wiped it from his chin down his neck. He repeated the same motion on the other side. Alex raised an eyebrow.
“What’s all that for?” he asked.
“It’ll cover your smell for a little while. Hopefully long enough to get some useful information.” Michael started walking down slope to the basin. Alex watched after him for a moment before following. He stumbled a bit but Michael was right in front of him, looking over his shoulder as they walked.
When they finally made it down, Michael, grabbed his face gently. Even in the dark, his sharp features stood out. He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. It felt too much like a goodbye. When Michael tried to pull away, Alex grabbed his arm and yanked him back. Alex wasted no time running his fingers over his shoulders and up his neck to rest on his face. He kissed him again. Filling it with a promise of later that he wasn’t sure he would be able to keep.
Michael held him close for another few moments, sighing against his lips and hands slipping just under the sweatshirt so his fingers brushed over Alex’s skin.
“Stay behind me,” Michael mumbled. Alex nodded and they pulled apart. They walked as quietly as they could to the sewer opening, finding the grate cover set to the side of the hole. Michael had to duck slightly but it was wide enough for them to walk side by side. Alex followed him in, opting to stay only one step behind him as opposed to a few.
The light at the end of the tunnel pulsed and flickered every few seconds. Why would they light a fire in a place with almost no ventilation? Alex started to see the imperfections in the wall as they got closer. The tension in Michael’s shoulders refused to relax. Alex couldn’t smell what he did, but it must be torture.
They rounded the curve of the sewer, Michael trying to peak ahead before they accidentally walked out and gave themselves away. Alex grabbed his hand again, trying to make sure that he didn’t stumble too far forward. Michael squeezed his hand in a silent acknowledgment.
Suddenly he stopped and pressed himself against the wall as tightly as he could. He lifted a finger to his lips and inched his way along the stone. Alex tried to peak around his body but Michael kept him pressed back. Alex dropped his hand and reached for his gun. He finally picked up on the quiet talking.
“I promise baby girl, I’ll stop whenever you want. This is just a scene I’ve wanted to try,” he heard Caber say. His voice was weirdly gentle and reassuring.
“I don’t know if I like being tied up like this. I mean… what if you can’t stop?” A small voice squeaked out. They finally inched far enough that Alex could look around Michael.
Torches burned along the walls and in the center of the room. He watched a shirtless Caber walk around a stone slab. It was almost straight but rested at an angle with a girl who was still fully clothed chained to it. Alex chanced a look at Michael who looked sick to his stomach.
“You don’t trust me? I’m hurt. I promise you’ll enjoy this.” He stopped in front of the girl and leaned in, biting her shoulder. Her limbs pulled against the cuffs as she sighed in pleasure. Alex looked away. He started to feel hope. That maybe this girl wasn’t in danger, just at the mercy of some weird fantasy.
The tearing of fabric made him jump as his head jerked up to watch in horror as a knife ripped through her dress. She screamed and tried to cover herself but with her hands and legs restrained, she was helpless. Alex gripped the gun in his hand, ready to jump in and stop this.
“Stop! I don’t want this!”
“So you lied to me? That’s not very nice.” Alex could hear the sick joy he was getting from this. The girl’s eyes widened as he pressed the tip of the knife into her throat. She choked out a sob and desperately pulled at the cuffs.
Alex took less than a step towards them.
He thought he would go deaf from her scream.
Michael grabbed his arm.
“Your blood is for a good cause. Promise.”
Blood poured from the line running down her torso.
A hand clamped down over Alex’s mouth and pulled him back from the scene. His fingers trembled around the gun and his feet weren’t on the floor. Water spilled from his eyes and his stomach turned. The image burned into his mind replayed on every surface he looked at.
Michael held him so tightly he thought he might snap in half. But he also might fall apart otherwise. He mumbled soft hushing sounds into his ear. Telling him to wait for a bit longer. Michael pulled the gun from his hand and slipped it back into the holster on his hip.
Alex had seen the bodies after they had been drained. But they were never like what he just saw. He hadn’t considered what the other victims looked like while it was happening. Now he had a perfect visual. One that he couldn’t force away.
He could hear Michael mumbling words in his ear but couldn’t make any of them out. The light at the end of the tunnel was growing faint but even the dark couldn’t stop the replay of the knife cutting the girl open.
The night air brushed over his face, forcing him to finally blink. Tears still ran over his cheeks and the nausea hadn’t subsided. He struggled in Michael’s arms as his stomach flipped. He released him and Alex fell to his knees hurling. Sobs made his shoulders tremble and broke up the sounds of his emptying stomach.
Michael rubbed his back slowly, pulling him into his arms when he couldn’t puke anymore. They sat together as Alex cried, his eyes screwed shut, willing the image away.
“I know, I know. He won’t get away with this ok?” Michael reassured. But Alex couldn’t take it. The tears didn’t stop as he wrenched himself away from Michael, rage filling his body. “Alex—”
“I’m going to fucking kill him,” Alex growled out. He grabbed the gun and ran- as much as he could on shaking legs- back toward the entrance to the sewer. He didn’t get far before Michael was grabbing him again, arms wrapped around his waist as though he were a small child.
“You will die if you go back in there right now!”
“I don’t care! I’ll take that bastard with me!”
“Alex, listen to me! I will help you, ok? I will help you get rid of him but please, stop!”
“I can’t let him walk for another second!” Michael’s fingers dug into his waist as he was pulled back. Alex struggled but Michael held him fast. He was spun around to look at Michael’s face.
The background faded away and he couldn’t break eye contact. Michael’s eyes glowed bright red in the dark. His mark throbbed and he dropped the gun to the ground. His body relaxed and he struggled to remember what they were arguing about. Michael spoke slowly, but his mouth never moved.
Calm down. I’m here. Stop fighting.
And it was the best idea ever. Alex leaned in slowly and Michael pulled him to his chest. Soft kisses were dropped over his cheek and down his neck. He let his head roll to the side and eyes flutter shut.
Sleep. My love.
Light filtered in from the edges of the shade when Alex cracked open his eyes. He closed them again when he determined it was too bright. Feeling slowly returned to his body. The soft sheets were wrapped around him. Softer than normal cotton. They rested against skin all the way down his body. He was sore from the previous day but pleasantly so. He reached out and ran his fingers over the fabric before they brushed against another body. He turned over slowly and pulled his eyes open again.
Michael’s face was soft and his curls looked like a halo on the pillow where the light fell. Alex followed the lines of his face down his neck to his shoulders. He followed the hard lines until they disappeared under the covers at his waist.
Alex didn’t remember much after they followed Caber out of the club. It’s like there was a blank where memories should have been. Alex sighed and figured he would just ask Michael when he woke up.
He wanted the answers now but he couldn’t bring himself to disturb the peace that was the two of them in bed together. Alex reached out again, running his fingers over Michael’s cheek and over his neck. He snored softly and shifted under Alex’s touch but didn’t wake.
He scooted himself closer as his hand ran over his shoulder and down his side. He slipped his fingers under the sheet and pushed it away slowly. Alex kept his eyes on Michael’s face, making sure he didn’t wake up. He rolled him to his back carefully, leaning down and kissing his chest.
Michael was beautiful and Alex had known that since the first time they met. But now he had time to really take him in. He might have blushed if he had been awake but this was his time. His time to be selfish.
Alex kissed his chest, flicking his tongue over his nipples and watching them harden from the attention. Michael sighed in his sleep as he slowly worked his way down his torso. The lower he moved, the more Michael’s cock hardened.
“’lex…” Michael mumbled. Alex held in his laugh from the joy of knowing he could have this effect on him, even in his sleep. He let his fingers dance over his skin, barely brushing the surface. The hair on his chest tickled his fingers and face.
He moved lower, nipping gently at the skin on his hips. Michael’s breathing was picking up, and soft moans occasionally escaped. Alex wondered what he was dreaming about. He ran his hands down his arms and tickled the palms of his hands. Tracing his mouth along the V of his hips, Alex positioned himself between Michael’s legs.
Alex started slowly, taking the head of his half hard cock in his mouth. A small whimper made him grin. He scratched his sides gently, moving down to his hips and then legs. Michael’s mouth opened slightly as he sighed. Alex swirled his tongue around the head, tasting the pre cum that had started leaking.
He pushed Michael’s thighs apart slowly, running a finger along the crease of his ass. He sucked his cock in as deep as his gag reflex would allow. Michael whispered a broken sound that might have been his name. Alex teased his fingers around his hole as he wrapped his tongue around his cock as much as he could.
Alex kept watch on his face as he moved his head up and down at a steady pace. His free hand massaged his own growing erection as it throbbed and begged to be stimulated by something else.
If I wake him up, I’m sure he’d be more than willing to solve this problem.
Alex pushed the tip of his finger into Michael’s ass. He’d wanted to do this yesterday but he’d been spent. As fun as it had been to include Forrest, he needed to own Michael. Make sure he was the only one Michael wanted.
He released his cock from his mouth and ran his tongue down his shaft before sucking one of his balls into his mouth briefly. Michael’s eyebrows drew together along with a soft moan. Alex moved on quickly, pushing his tongue against his entrance alongside his finger. He only lingered a few seconds before pulling away. He glanced around the room and noticed a brand new bottle of lube on the dresser. He ran his eyes over Michael again and decided against pulling himself up and putting on his prosthesis just for that. He pulled his fingers out and spit on them before pushing them back in.
Alex kissed Michael’s thighs as his fingers moved in him slowly. He watched Michael’s cock jump every time he pushed in. He went back and forth between his legs, working his way back to his hips and the head of his now fully hard cock. Alex let his eyes flutter closed as he took Michael in his mouth again.
“Well this is certainly my favorite way to wake up,” a groggy voice mumbled. Fingers ran through Alex’s hair as he opened his eyes to find Michael smiling at him. He hummed around him and Michael sighed happily, gripping the strands of hair. “Fuck,” he breathed out.
Alex curved the two fingers buried in his ass, pressing against his prostate. Michael’s cock throbbed in his mouth as small moans slipped out. Michael let him take his time. Never thrusted though he could feel the way his legs were shaking.
“God Alex, I won’t last if you keep this up,” Michael joked, breathless. Alex released his cock from his lips and grinned up at him.
“Fine. Do me a favor and get the lube you so kindly picked up.” Michael smiled back as Alex pulled his fingers out. Michael moved quickly and was back on the bed kneeling next to Alex in no time at all.
Alex pushed himself up on his knees to meet him halfway. Michael cradled his face in his hands as their lips met softly. Alex reached of his hips, running his hands over them to the muscles in his lower back. He splayed them over as much skin as he could, feeling the muscles flex.
Michael licked at his lip before tugging on it gently, making Alex sigh. He ran his hands down to squeeze his ass before pushing a finger back in. Michael yanked their bodies flush against each other, save for the space where he was gripping both of their cocks and stroking at the same pace as Alex’s finger.
“I had never seen anything so beautiful. You sleeping next to me,” Alex said during a pause in their kisses. “Every part of you free for me to take. I couldn’t help myself.” Michael chuckled and Alex could have sworn his cheeks were dusted pink.
“You keep reminding me how much I don’t deserve you. But I refuse to let you go.” Michael nipped at his lip again, slightly elongated fangs catching the skin. Alex pulled his finger out of his ass and gripped his hips instead.
“The feeling is mutual,” Alex said. Then he pushed Michael onto his back again. He dragged his hands more roughly over his torso than he had earlier. Michael rolled into his touch and reached up to run his own hands down Alex’s arms. Alex didn’t allow it for long, grabbing his wrists and pinning them together above his head.
Michael’s fanged smile turned Alex on more than ever. Everything about Michael was perfect. He leaned down to press hungry kisses against his mouth that Michael gladly returned. Alex rubbed their cocks together, shuddering at the stickiness that leaked from both tips.
He grabbed the lube and pushed the cap open. He released Michael’s wrists but he never moved them as Alex coated himself. Michael’s eyes burned holes in his skin as they roamed his body. Alex closed the lube and tossed it aside. He grabbed Michael’s wrists again and let his now lube coated fingers slip inside him.
Michael moaned and rolled his hips. His noises cut short by Alex kissing him again. He moved his fingers quickly, spreading and twisting them to relax the muscles. But Alex was already impatient, and apparently so was Michael.
“Fuck Alex, I need you inside me,” he pleaded between kisses.
Alex pulled his fingers out roughly, making Michael yelp and grabbed his cock, pushing the head into his ass. Both of their mouths fell open at the tight squeeze. Alex rocked his hips slowly but his legs were shaking with need.
Michael wrapped his own legs around Alex’s hips and pulled him in. He thrusted forward, burying himself deep inside. Alex’s head fell to rest on Michael’s shoulder as they both moaned and panted.
Alex thrusted roughly again and again. His eyes closed, lost in the bliss of Michael clenching around him. He pressed his mouth to his shoulder and kissed once, twice, then bit. Michael met his next thrust, making them both gasp.
“Alex, please. I need to touch you,” Michael begged. Alex met his gaze before releasing him. Almost instantly his arms were around his neck, hands tangled in his hair, pulling their mouths together. Alex kept his rhythm steady but he was close and it wouldn’t stay that way much longer.
“You’re mine, Michael,” Alex said when they parted. “I don’t want you going to anyone else for anything, understand?” He watched as Michael’s eyes turned red and teeth extended. He tried to turn his face away but Alex grabbed his throat, forcing him to meet his eyes. “I refuse to let you go.”
Alex held Michael down by his throat. Knowing full well that if he wanted to, he could escape. He sat up and bent one of Michael’s legs back so he could hit deeper. They moaned together at the new angle. Michael grabbed himself and started stroking as Alex snapped his hips forward.
His mind was getting fuzzy. All he could focus on was chasing the edge that he wanted to fall over. He squeezed his hand around Michael’s throat tighter and watched as his back arched and his fist twisted into the sheets.
“Cum for me Michael,” Alex ordered. Michael moaned and grabbed his wrist, pulling his hand from his throat. Alex smirked down at him as he pressed his lips to the pulse point in his arm. “Go on baby. If you want it, it’s yours.”
Alex’s hips stuttered in their rhythm when he bit down. It hurt. So much more than usual. Alex hissed but kept his thrusts going. He cursed as he felt the pressure in his groin. Michael was staring up at him, eyes as red as the blood that escaped from the side of his mouth. He wanted to beg Michael to kill him. To turn him.
Michael released his wrist and pushed himself up with his free hand. Alex leaned in to rest his forehead against his. They panted together, chasing the relief that they both needed.
“Michael, I’m…” He didn’t have time to finish his sentence before he was filling Michael’s ass with his cum. Choking out a low moan and grabbing his legs, bending them back so he could pound into him. Michael’s ass gripped around him, sending waves of overstimulation to the rest of his body. His cock throbbed as it emptied itself.
“’lex…” Michael moaned out. A few more rough thrusts pushed him over the edge.
Michael’s back arched as his hand pumped his cock. He came over his abs and fist, moaning brokenly as Alex’s thrusts slowed. Alex pushed himself fully inside Michael before letting himself fall forward onto his chest. Michael squirmed beneath him, rubbing his cock against Alex’s stomach and grinding his ass against his hips where they were connected.
“Stop moving,” Alex mumbled, nuzzling his face into his chest.
“Can’t. You feel too good,” he replied though he did attempt to still his hips.
Alex lifted his head and rested his chin on Michael’s chest. He watched him curiously. The blood on his lips started to dry and he seemed to be biting his bottom lip to keep himself still. Alex leaned up and kissed him, pulling his lip from between his teeth. Fresh blood slipped over Alex’s tongue and he sighed happily.
“If you need more—” Alex started. Michael cut him off by flipping them over. The mess on his stomach was now covering Alex’s too. He grabbed his cock loosely and rubbed slowly, grinding his ass down.
Alex whimpered quietly but didn’t stop him. He ran his hands over his legs and hips, moving Michael back and forth. His cock throbbed from the continued stimulation but it wasn’t a bad feeling.
It wasn’t long before Michael was gasping and moaning above him, jerking himself off with shaking legs. Alex dug his fingers into his hips and thrusted his own up quickly. Their hips met a few times before Michael shuttered and came again with a low groan. There wasn’t nearly as much as the first time but his cum still made a mess between them.
Michael pulled himself off Alex carefully before rolling onto his back next to him. Alex turned his head to watch him run a hand through his hair and smile. The sun caught his hair again and Alex chuckled. Michael glanced in his direction with a raised eyebrow.
“You’re still the most stunning person I’ve ever seen.” Michael just rolled his eyes but Alex saw the small grin that snuck out.
“I’ve got nothing on you, hunter.” Alex blushed and Michael rolled onto his side, running a hand over his arm. “I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone as perfect as you. Even though you’re reckless and let me drink when you know you shouldn’t.”
“I just want you to be happy. And I want to be the one to make you happy.” Alex took the hand that was running over his arm and pulled it to his mouth, kissing his fingers.
They laid there for a couple hours, talking about nothing in particular. Michael teased Alex about their activities the previous night and Alex was reminded of the missing time in his memories.
“Hey, I can’t remember anything after we left the club. What happened?” Any part of Michael that had been relaxed tensed under Alex’s fingers. He sat up and pretty much jumped out of bed.
“I believe I promised you a warm bath. I’ll be right back.”
“Hey, wait a minute!” Michael was gone from the room before he finished speaking. Alex’s eyebrows drew together. What was he hiding? He had six days to solve the murders of the girls and he didn’t have time to worry if Michael was being honest.
He was almost certain it was Caber but couldn’t figure out why his gut insisted that. He needed proof if he was going to get Michael off the hook. Michael wandered back into the room a few minutes later with a cocky smile on his face. Alex didn’t have time to react before he was being scooped up into Michael’s arms and carried to the bathroom.
Michael’s tub was huge and had jets. He hadn’t used them last time he was here. But here he was, being set down into comfortably warm water with Michael sliding in behind him. His arms wrapped around his waist, pulling Alex against his chest. He kissed his shoulders and mark making Alex sigh.
This was obviously a distraction. Alex’s brain told him to just go with it. Michael would be happier if he did. Michael pressed a button on the side of the tub and the jets started shooting slightly warmer water. Alex tried to make sure he didn’t get lost in the therapeutic massage against his knee, just above where his missing leg was.
“Michael,” he mumbled out, letting his eyes drift closed for a moment. It would be so easy to just let it go…
“I’ll take care of you alright?” Michael said next to his ear. Alex slipped into the comfort of his arms. But only for a second.
He reached for the memories of last night again, only to come up blank. Something significant was cut from his recollection of the previous night.
“Michael. As much as I want to let you get away with the distraction, what happened after we followed Caber yesterday?” Alex leaned forward to put some distance between them. He looked over his shoulder at Michael.
His face was wrought with worry and nerves. He refused to look Alex in the eye as he grabbed the soap and lather his hands before rubbing the tension out of Alex’s shoulders. Michael washed slowly, digging his thumbs into the muscles. Alex sighed and looked away, allowing him time to think.
“You were horrified by what we found. So I took your memories,” he said quietly. For a minute, the only sounds were the water as it shifted with Michael’s movements.
Anger bubbled under Alex’s skin. Michael had told him he doesn’t use his powers like that. And now he’s gone and taken an entire evening of time from him. He wanted to jump up and run away but he was confined to the bath. He cursed his missing leg. Instead he gripped the sides of the tub until his knuckles turned white.
“Please understand Alex. I’ll tell you what you need to know but I wasn’t going to let you suffer with seeing visions.”
“You had no right to make that decision for me.”
“You were in a rage, Alex. I had to stop you. You didn’t handle what we found out well.” Alex paused but stood his ground. Even though it killed him to go against Michael.
“You’re going to give me every memory that you took back,” Alex said lowly. He glared at the white wall.
“No! You are going to do as I say Michael Guerin. Or I swear to god I will leave.”
Alex’s throat burned with the words. He knew it was an empty threat but he didn’t know how to make Michael understand the betrayal he felt. Michael had gone silent behind him, fingers frozen in place on his skin. Alex turned to look over his shoulder at him.
He met Michael’s red eyes. Fury rolled off of him as his fingers started to dig into Alex’s skin. He flinched at the sharp pain.
“Michael. Let go of me.” He finally blinked and looked down to where his fingers were. He released Alex but it didn’t last long. Alex was yanked back by his waist and Michael was burying his teeth in his mark.
Alex yelped at the sudden intrusion and tried to squirm away from Michael. Tears pricked at his eyes as Michael sucked at the skin. He wasn’t drinking. The way his jaw clenched and bit made the message clear. This was intended to hurt. Alex pushed as much as he could but Michael refused to release him. Then words began to float into his mind.
You are mine. You will not leave.
His brain demanded that he believe those words. That they were the only right solution. Michael detached from his throat and Alex scrambled to the other side of the tub. The fear creeped into his mind and he grabbed at his neck, as though to stop the bleeding even though there was none. Michael’s eyes glowed bright red.
“What is wrong with you?” Alex snapped.
At his voice, Michael seemed to slump back. His eyes blinked rapidly as the red faded. He looked around the bathroom as though he didn’t know where he was. His gaze finally landed on Alex, who shook even though the water was warm.
“I— Alex I—” He shot up and climbed out of the tub, grabbing the towel and slamming the door closed behind him. Alex jumped at the sound.
Alex finished washing himself before climbing out of the tub and siting on the edge. Had he gone too far? Did threatening to leave send Michael into a frenzy?
He looked around and while there were new handrails on the wall, he wouldn’t be able to maneuver himself back to the room without crawling. He stared at the closed door for a few minutes before deciding to ask for help.
“Michael,” he called. He wasn’t sure if Michael was still here but he hoped. He let his anger get the best of him. While he didn’t think he was in the wrong, he could have gone about it differently. The door squeaked open slowly. Not fulling opening. Alex took a breath, thankful he hadn’t left.
“I need help getting back to the room,” he said quietly.
“I’ll bring your prosthesis to you,” Michael mumbled out before starting to close the door.
“No. I want you to help me.” Alex knew what Michael was feeling. He needed to make sure he understood that Alex still trusted him. Michael hesitated before pushing the door open. He had put on a pair of sweats with a loose t-shirt and he wouldn’t look at Alex. Just offered his hand. He shoved back the embarrassment of his next demand. “No. Carry me.”
“It would be better if I just got your prosthesis. You don’t need to pretend like you want me to help.” Alex’s nose twitched in annoyance.
“Carry me,” he repeated more firmly. Michael finally met his eyes and he could see they were red from crying. His heart broke. “Please,” he begged quietly.
Michael moved slowly but lifted him into his arms. Alex wrapped his arms around his neck, resting his head on his shoulder. Michael held him securely. There was no danger of being dropped. He wouldn’t hurt him.
He was placed on the bed gently and Michael stepped away before he could stop him. He walked across the room to pick up his prosthesis and bring it to him. He set it on the ground next to Alex.
Alex grabbed his wrist before he could move again. He tried to get Michael to look at him but he simply refused. He tugged on his arm to bring him closer. Michael hated himself and Alex could tell.
“Can you bring me some clothes?” he asked quietly. Michael nodded and moved to the dresser, pulling out more sweats and another shirt. He handed them to Alex before beelining for the door. “Wait!” He froze just as he stepped into the hall.
“I want to talk. About yesterday. About what just happened. About us.” Alex pulled the sweats on, then the shirt. Michael stayed in the hall while he got dressed. Only turning once he was done. He moved back into the room, leaning against the dresser on the opposite side of the room. Alex sighed.
“I’m sorry I said I would leave. I didn’t mean it.” Michael’s eyes flicked up to him for a second.
“I… You shouldn’t apologize. You have every right to want to leave. I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did.”
“It hurt Michael. The way you bit me.” His eyes screwed shut and he gripped his arms.
“I know. And I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I did it. I just wanted to find a way to keep you here. Keep you with me.” Alex knew this. Knew that he had tried to compel him to stay. But he fought it back. He was here because he wanted to be.
“You tried to compel me. It didn’t work.” Michael looked up at him, confusion written all over his face.
“It did. You wouldn’t be here otherwise.” Alex shook his head.
“No, Michael. I resisted the compulsion.”
“That’s not possible.”
“You’re the one who told me I had to learn how to fight off the influence of the mark. So I did. Compulsion is no different.” Michael stared at him. Dumbfounded. A small smile broke on his face before it vanished again.
“You never fail to amaze me,” he said quietly before looking away again. Alex sighed.
“That doesn’t change the fact that you compelled my memories away yesterday. When I probably wasn’t prepared. You still had no right. I need all the information to make an accurate judgement,” Alex explained. Michael ran a hand through his hair and bounced one of his legs.
“I just wanted to protect you. I was scared you were going to get yourself killed.”
“I get that but I want them back, Michael. Then we can figure out what to do.” He looked at him and took a few steps toward the bed.
“We?” Alex’s shoulders relaxed for the first time since the bath. He gave Michael a small smile.
“Yes. We.”
Michael kneeled down in front of Alex and took one of his hands gently. Alex squeezed back in response. He lifted his free hand to rest on Michael’s face as he leaned down to kiss his forehead.
“I forgive you for taking my memories as long as you return them. And I forgive you for what happened earlier. I trust you Michael. That hasn’t changed.” Michael lifted his head and chased Alex’s lips, pressing soft kisses to them.
Alex allowed this for a long while. He could feel Michael’s hesitation and fear in the way his hands trembled. The pleading in his kisses that begged Alex to reconsider. Their lips slipped over each other easily, soft sighs breaking the silence.
When Michael finally pulled back, he took a deep breath and ran his hands up Alex’s arms. Placing his hands on his face and pressing their foreheads together made Alex feel safe. Michael spoke softly.
“The part of your memories I took was when Caber sacrificed a girl. You froze and I had to drag you out. Once you regained your senses you were determined to kill him. I used compulsion to calm you down then seal your memories.”
Alex nodded, placing his hands over Michael’s. He swallowed, suddenly nervous about what he would see. What if Michael was right and he couldn’t handle it? Sacrifice was far off from any of the hypotheses the police force had. He would need to convince them of a new motive and that Michael wasn’t part of it.
“Alex, I’m going to need you to look at me,” Michael said softly. Alex opened his eyes to get lost in the golden brown of Michael’s. He watched as they slowly shifted to a glowing red. Mesmerized, Alex leaned forward, lips brushing against Michael again.
Remember everything that happened before I compelled you.
Like he was speaking into his mind, Alex felt like the answers to the universe had been laid out before him. A realization that he had been reaching for but could never quite understand.
Images began flashing through his mind. Some were fuzzy as the nature of memories go but there was no mistaking the blood drenching every part of the vision in front of him. A girl chained to a stone slab, a knife, a cut down her body. He distantly felt Michael’s hands on him, holding him upright.
Michael’s hand covering his mouth to stop the scream was when things blurred. He couldn’t make out any of the walls. The sacrifice replayed over in his mind until the outside came into view. He remembered the disgust and anger. He felt himself throw up in the memory and he wanted to gag all over again.
Then he was raging, grabbing for a gun and Michael was yelling. They both were. Alex needed to calm down and Michael overpowered him. Then they were pressed together and Michael’s eyes were red.
Alex slumped forward into Michael’s arms, trying to control the urge to start puking again. He tried closing his eyes but the image of the knife running down the girl’s torso wouldn’t let up. It felt like it wasn’t as vivid as the previous night, as though he was already starting to forget.
Michael pressed kisses to his head and held him close. He had moved to sit next to him on the bed. He made soft hushing noises and Alex was grateful. He felt the anger rising again. At himself. At Michael. But mostly at Caber.
“Why did you stop me?” he asked once the nausea ebbed.
“Like I said yesterday. He would have been too strong. You would have died.”
Alex didn’t respond, not wanting to get into the same argument. He had always been prepared to die to protect people. He lost his leg protecting someone from a vampire and he would happily lose more limbs to rid the world of vampires like Caber.
“I know what you’re thinking. But my first instinct will always be to protect you.” Alex laughed humorlessly.
“That’s technically my instinct too. But you told me I should suppress it,” he pointed out.
“It’s different for me.” Alex snorted.
“How so?” Michael blushed and looked away from him.
“Because I brought you into this life. It’s my job to keep you safe. Besides, if I wasn’t there then you probably would have died that night we met.” Alex fell silent. Would Isobel have killed him? Everything that Michael said seemed to imply that she wouldn’t do something like that.
After a few moments of silence, Alex pulled away from Michael and grabbed his prosthesis. He rolled the sweats to above his knee and began the process of putting it on. He was acutely aware of Michael’s eyes on him but he tried to ignore it.
Once he was done he stood slowly, walking back and forth around the room to make sure he had put it on correctly. Then he rolled the sweats back down to cover it. He met Michael’s eyes and smiled.
“Let me make you some food,” Michael said, standing and offering Alex his hand. He took it and they moved downstairs together.
Michael made him pancakes and sausage and Alex would never not be surprised that he could cook so well. They tread carefully around their topics of conversation, wanting to wait until there wasn’t food in danger of going to waste.
Alex insisted on rinsing the dishes because Michael had cooked. But Michael was still intent on making up for attacking him. At least that’s what he assumed. He had grabbed everything before Alex even had time to stand. He had rolled his eyes and just decided to watch him.
His thoughts drifted to their activities in bed and he smiled. He would make sure to wake him up like that more often. His cock twitched and he shifted in his seat.
“Alex. I’m trying to give you a break after yesterday but I’m only a man.” Michael didn’t even look away from the plate he was scrubbing down. Alex felt the heat in his cheeks and tried to think of anything to stop the arousal.
Once the dishes had been placed in the washer, they both moved to the couch. In an effort to keep things serious, Alex sat across from Michael. As opposed to straddling his hips like he wanted to.
“Look, I know you’re pissed at me for stopping you yesterday,” Michael started. “But just because we saw him do it doesn’t mean you have evidence right?” Alex nodded.
“It’s unlikely they’ll take my word on anything. Especially considering it’s not a theory they had come up with yet.” He took a breath. “You were right to stop me yesterday. I still disagree with your methods.” Michael looked away from him. “What sacrifice was he performing?” Alex asked. Michael ran a hand over his jaw and shrugged.
“There’s a handful of old rituals that call for sacrifices but they haven’t been used for hundreds, maybe thousands of years. They’re generally regarded to not work.”
“Well what are they?” Michael glanced at him before pushing himself up from the couch. Alex raised an eyebrow as he walked to a bookcase he had never inspected too closely. He ran his finger over the spines of a few books before grabbing one with a green cover. Michael flipped through the pages before handing it to Alex.
“This is just a record of the rituals that have been performed. Most didn’t work.” Alex skimmed through the script that he could barely read. The page seemed to talk about reducing the sensitivity to light.
“But some did?”
“Yes. The one’s that worked,” Michael pulled the book from his hand and flipped to the back, “are here.” He handed it back and there were a total of maybe fifteen rituals. Some of them even seem to be repeated.
Healing Sun Sensitivity Fertility Sun Sensitivity Human Immortality Sun Sensitivity
Alex read over them again and again. None of them sounded like something Caber would be interested in. He ran his finger over the word ‘immortality.’
“There’s a way to turn a human immortal?” Michael swallowed and shook his head, as though he was trying to get rid of bad memory.
“This is just a list of rituals that worked. That doesn’t mean it went well. It requires a horrific amount of sacrifices and the human killed themselves after finding out.” Alex couldn’t even imagine how many people were required.
“What about this sun thing? It’s done the most.”
“It’s repeated every few hundred years. How do you think I can go outside without burning to ash. It’s a… less intense… ritual. Only requires a few people.” Alex’s eyes snapped up to Michael, appalled at the way he talked like their lives didn’t matter. “Alex. I can promise you that we only use the worst of the worst for it. That one’s not picky with who’s blood is used.”
Alex swallowed. He believed Michael that they picked horrible people for the sacrifice. But his stomach still turned at the thought. Some of the rituals had requirements. Was it something stereotypical like women virgins? Or were there other specifications. He shook his head and flipped through the pages more.
“None of those sound like something Caber would want.” Michael took the book from his hand again. “Hey—” Michael pressed his mouth to Alex’s to silence any protest. It didn’t linger long but it was enough to leave him wanting.
“I will help you with this. Isobel and Max both have books with more information. We have a week right?” Alex nodded. It didn’t sound like much time to him but Michael seemed confident.
“I just want to keep you safe,” Alex mumbled. Michael smiled and cradled his face in his hands.
“I know.”
Michael was right when he said that Isobel and Max had more resources. They both brought by more dusty old books than he had ever seen outside of an actual library. Isobel had even hung around most days to help them. Alex was not spared the lecture that he was sure Michael had heard already.
“Look. I don’t know what Michael told you but these kinds of relationships almost never end well. Someone will end up hurt or dead. I love Michael and I don’t want him getting killed because you decide you hate vampires after all.” Alex chose his own words carefully.
“I care about Michael. I’m trying to clear his name so people stop coming after him,” he insisted. She glared at him, as though trying to determine if he was telling her the truth.
“You’re smart, Manes. I don’t have to tell you that I could kill you if you so much as breathe the wrong way.” Alex hoped the fear that made a chill run down his spine didn’t show on his face. She sighed and pulled out her phone. She tapped a few times before she turned the phone to show him a picture.
He looked at a photo of Caber with a new girl. Happy and seemingly all heart eyes for her. The nausea returned. Isobel scrolled and showed another girl. Then another.
“I’ve been keeping an eye on him since that night Michael said you saw the sacrifice. I’ll send these to you. It’s not definitive proof but it should be enough to get the police to look into it right?” Alex was dumbfounded. She had done that for them? Maybe it was more accurate to say she had done it for Michael. She cleared her throat and he realized he hadn’t answered her.
“Uh, yea. It should be enough. Thank you,” he said. “These girls haven’t been reported missing or dead yet. If they had, the police would already be on the porch. I’ll run over there now.”
Before he had time to stand, the front door opened and Michael rushed in and slammed it behind him. Alex would have asked a question but there was a pounding on the door.
“Your friend is on me again. Claiming that I broke the deal.” Alex’s eyes widened and he rushed to the door. One of the girls had turned up. He looked back at Isobel. She wasn’t part of this but if she was seen with Michael, she might be pulled into it.
“Stay out of sight,” he ordered her.
Alex pulled the door open just enough to squeeze out. He didn’t think before shoving Kyle back and glaring.
“What are you doing here? I have two more days.”
“That was only if no one else turned up dead. But your little pet or whatever killed another girl.” Alex shook his head and felt his phone buzz in his pocket.
“No. He’s been with me the whole time!”
“Oh really? He wasn’t with you just now when I found him.” Kyle spoke like he won and Alex fumed. The accusation was meant to trip him up. He had used it on suspects before.
“Listen to me Kyle. He didn’t do this. But I know who did. If you’d let me come with you to the station then I could show the chief too.” He grabbed his phone from his pocket and saw three attachments from an unregistered number that he assumed was Isobel. He clicked on the message to the three pictures she had sent and handed his phone to Kyle. “Look. This is the guy you should be focused on. His name is Caber.”
Kyle clicked through the photos. Alex saw him swallow and clench his fist around his phone. He shoved the device back against Alex’s chest.
“Send these to me and I can look into it. The chief will be back in two days and you better have something we can act on.” He stormed back to his car and Alex watched him until he disappeared around the corner. Only then did he let his shoulders relax.
He opened the door again to Michael and Isobel sitting on the couch. They talked in hushed voices, Isobel glaring at Michael. They stopped talking when the door clicked shut again. Michael stood again and moved to wrap his arm around Alex’s shoulders.
“Look, Alex is doing everything he can. If you insist on helping why don’t you seduce that cop?” Alex raised an eyebrow as he looked between the siblings.
“He is hot,” she said in a curious voice.
“Do me a favor and don’t kill him,” Alex replied half as a joke. He would be lying if he said that it wasn’t something he was concerned about.
“Oh honey, no. Just want to take him for a ride. You can bet that he won’t hate vampires after that,” she said, smirking. Alex chuckled and looked over at Michael who had a disgusted look on his face.
“Thanks for the gross image, now get out,” Michael said, gesturing to the door. Isobel rolled her eyes.
“Fine. I’ll be back when I figure out where the next sacrifice is. I trust you two can keep yourself occupied until then.” Alex felt the heat on his cheeks from the suggestion. She seemed to float out of the house and he and Michael were alone again.
Michael ran his hands over Alex’s shoulders, rubbing circles into his muscles. He sighed and let himself relax back against Michael’s chest. He ran his mouth over his neck as he rubbed, kissing softly. As much as Alex wanted to let this continue, he still had things to do.
“Michael, I have to send some emails. Not to mention I have to try and narrow down the search area for Isobel.” Michael just hummed and sucked gently at his pulse point. Alex moaned softly and let his head roll to the side. He cursed Michael for being so good at distractions.
It took all of his will power to pull himself away from his wandering hands and mouth. Michael pouted and grabbed his arms again. Alex stood his ground and gave him a disapproving look.
“You’ve done nothing but work all week. It’s ok to take a break.” Alex just sighed.
“Working on a way to save your life might I remind you,” he said.
“I feel like I should be insulted that you think I wouldn’t be able to get away from that little police force.” Alex couldn’t help but crack a grin. Michael made fun of him often for the education the academy provided.
“I’ll feel better when I’ve cleared your name.” Michael watched him for a moment before releasing his arms. Alex smiled and leaned in to kiss his cheek. Then he made his way over to his open laptop at the kitchen table.
The house was mostly silent for about twenty minutes apart from Michael moving around upstairs. Alex sent the pictures to Kyle and was searching through the police data base to see if there were any patterns to where the victims were found. He marked another red dot on the map for the most recent discovery.
They had sent Isobel and Max to the sewer area where he and Michael had witnessed the sacrifice but there was no indication that Caber had been back since then. If the rituals were moving around, then there must be a pattern. He had always hated ‘connect the dots’ but it’s what his map was turning into.
He was so focused on his map that he didn’t hear Michael come downstairs. In fact he had no idea he was nearby at all until he felt a pair of hands running over his thighs under the table. He jumped slightly and pushed his chair back so he could look down.
Michael just grinned up at him, trying to play innocent. Alex could only watch as he nuzzled his thigh and traced his nose up to where his cock was tucked. Excitement made him twitch under the attention. Michael kissed him through the fabric of his sweats and Alex shuddered.
“Can I ask what you’re doing?” Alex said sarcastically.
“I’m doing nothing. Feel free to keep working,” he replied almost innocently. Alex rolled his eyes and tried to ignore him, reading through the reports again.
Michael’s hands wandered, squeezing and rubbing his legs and thighs. His mouth was focused on gently teasing the outline of Alex’s cock that was slowly hardening. Michael ran his hands up and hooked his fingers in the waist of his sweats. He tugged gently and Alex considered making difficult for him but was more content letting him have his way. He lifted himself and Michael slipped his sweats down his legs and eventually off.
Alex scrolled to the next page of information as Michael’s breath hit his skin. Soft kisses landed on the inside of his thigh and traveled upward at a torturously slow pace. Right as Alex thought he would feel the warm wet of his mouth around him, he moved to the other side, avoiding his now annoying erection completely.
He read the same line for the fifth time as Michael kissed up his other thigh and nibbled at a spot that made him whimper. Alex looked down at his fingers on the keyboard as they trembled. He clenched his fists and demanded his brain focus on the task at hand. But Michael was making it hard to ignore him.
He tapped a few letters into the search bar before Michael was breathing right next to his cock, making it twitch. He ran his lips over him lightly, barely touching at all. Alex dug his nails into his palms and tried to read another sentence.
“You didn’t even ask where I was earlier,” Michael said sweetly from between his legs.
“I didn’t realize I was supposed to.” Alex cursed the way his voice shook.
“I got you a present. Of sorts.” The way he said it made his skin burn. It was then Michael wrapped his mouth around him. Alex’s hands flew from the keys to his hair. His eyes fluttered closed and he leaned back in the chair, spreading his legs wider.
Michael worked him slowly, using his tongue to tease the tip while his hands roamed. One moved to cup his balls and run a finger over his ass. Alex’s hips rolled slightly at the stimulation. He pulled on Michael’s hair and felt the rumble of his groan around him.
“The present isn’t this torture right?” Alex gasped out. Michael released him with a wet sound that made Alex tug on his hair again.
“No, it’s not. But I thought I was being nice.” Alex looked down at him in time to watch him drag his tongue from the base of his cock to the head before swallowing him again. His hips jerked up and he moaned loudly.
“What made you think this was nice,” he scolded halfheartedly. He saw the glimmer of mischief in his eyes as he pushed a finger into his ass, making Alex squirm. Michael refused to answer him as he took his cock in until it hit the back of his throat. Alex cursed and let his head fall back again.
Michael picked up the pace and Alex was spiraling fast. The finger in his ass moved in time with the bobbing of Michael’s head. It occasionally curved to just brush over his prostate. The chair he was sitting on squeaked every time his hips rocked forward.
Michael pushed the chair back so he wasn’t under the table anymore. He grabbed Alex’s leg and lifted it over his shoulder. He repeated the same process with the other leg. Alex called out as the finger inside him curved up again. He gripped the edge of the chair to keep himself steady.
“Oh fuck,” Alex moaned out. Michael was too good at this. He sucked harder and Alex was sure he would be content letting him do this forever. His body screamed for more as Michael’s tongue swirled around the tip of his leaking cock. He teetered on the edge of orgasm and he wanted to move but Michael had him pinned.
“Michael please,” he begged. The fingers inside him spread open to make sure he was prepped. Michael took his cock to the back of his throat once, twice… then pulled off. Alex whimpered as he backed away, smirk on his face.
“I need you sensitive,” he said smugly. Alex’s cock throbbed as he tried to glare at Michael who swept him up in his arms.
Michael carried Alex to his bedroom and the smell of rain and lavender overwhelmed him. The room was dark except for the candles scattered about. Alex’s mouth opened but no words came out. How was he supposed to react? His heart pounded in his chest as his emotions ran wild. Then Michael spoke next to his ear.
“Who said I wasn’t a romantic?” His tone was teasing and he set Alex down on the bed. His hand ran over Alex’s face gently.
“What is all this?” Alex asked nervously. The little light the candles actually provided was enough to see his wicked smile. Michael grabbed the hem of his shirt and yanked it off him. He tossed it to the side before grabbing his throat and squeezing.
“I’m going to remind your body exactly who it belongs to.” It didn’t answer his question but he didn’t care. He trusted Michael.
He tugged Alex’s hands forward and positioned them as though he were praying. He walked to the other side of the room and pulled something out of a bag. When he stood in front of him again, he could make out the braiding of rope. Alex’s cock jumped as he remembered the way some people had been suspended at the club.
He had almost forgotten his desperation and need in the surprise of the candles. His hormones hit him full force and his hips rocked on the bed. Michael wrapped the rope around his wrists in a figure eight, occasionally tugging to make sure it wasn’t too tight. Alex thought about squirming to see his reaction but it was too late for that.
Michael pushed him back on the bed and pulled his arms up by the rope, tying the ends around the headboard. The rope was soft but if he pulled too much, there would be marks on his wrists.
“I feel like I should be concerned that you knew how to do that so efficiently,” Alex teased. He heard Michael chuckle in response.
“Isobel taught me a long time ago. She claimed it would be ‘good to know.’” Once Michael was satisfied with the knot he traced his hands down over Alex’s body, making him squirm. He pulled but the rope held him mostly in place. Michael made quick work of his prosthesis and Alex couldn’t help but smile at how good he had gotten at it. He didn’t get to dwell on the sweet thought for long before Michael was back to his torture.
Alex’s hips rolled as Michael’s nails scratched lightly at his hips before one hand wrapped around his aching cock. He moaned and pulled at his ropes again, whining when they didn’t move.
“Makes it harder to be a brat doesn’t it?” His breath caught in his throat as he looked down his body to where Michael was unbuttoning his shirt with one hand and stroking Alex with the other. Alex rocked his hips into Michael’s fist a few times before he released him. He shrugged his shirt off his shoulders and crawled onto the bed, hovering above Alex.
“I need you,” Alex begged. Michael traced his finger over Alex’s lips before slipping a couple over his tongue.
“I know what you need, baby,” he said tauntingly. Alex’s hips rolled as Michael dragged his fingers from his mouth and down his body, nails scratching his skin. “You’ll only feel what I want you to.”
Michael vanished from above him and Alex tugged on the ropes, needing some kind of stimulation. His hips jerked up into nothing. He whimpered out Michael’s name and heard him chuckle. He watched as Michael picked up one of the small white candles and carried it back to the bed slowly. He met Alex’s gaze.
“Stay very still for me.” Alex could only nod in response, unsure if he would actually be able to keep the promise.
Michael tipped the candle and poured the wax into his palm. He closed his fist slowly and opened it again before the wax could harden. Then he placed his hand over Alex’s chest and he hissed in surprise. It wasn’t ‘hot’ per say but the warmth seemed to spread throughout his body.
The wax cooled quickly as Michael pulled his hand away. Alex’s muscles in his arms flexed as he tugged at the ropes. Michael leaved over his face and pressed a soft kiss to his mouth, avoiding touching any other part of his body.
“How did that feel?” he mumbled against his lips. Alex’s body shook with need but he forced himself to answer anyway.
“Warm. Nice.” His voice was breathy.
“Good. Now close your eyes,” he ordered gently. Alex did as he was told and his skin buzzed as he felt Michael’s breath travel down his body.
He jerked when Michael flicked his nipple with his tongue. He could feel the precum leaking from his cock as it rolled down his length. Michael didn’t focus on his nipple for long before he pulled away. Alex was tempted to crack open his eyes and peak.
A sharp burn hit his sternum. It rolled down towards his navel as his back arched and he cried out. The heat rippled over his skin as though it was Michael’s venom but it eventually cooled. His breath left him in small gasps as he felt Michael’s fingers trace the same path as the heat.
Alex’s cock jumped again and he rolled his hips. He needed to be filled. He needed the relief.
“Michael, please,” he whimpered out.
“Have a little patience. Doesn’t this feel good?” His voice was next to his ear, making him shudder.
“It’s too much,” Alex panted.
“Oh but we’re just getting started,” Michael taunted.
Alex could see the flickering of the candle behind his eyelids. Michael’s finger traced over his jaw and chin, tilting his head back. Alex expected a kiss.
His arms yanked on the ropes as an intense burn settled in the hollow of his throat. He squeaked out a moan that was swallowed by Michael’s lips. His cock begged for stimulation as it twitched and leaked. The wax ran out from the dip in his throat and over his neck. Michael pulled away and dragged his fingers through the wax and over Alex’s collarbone.
The wax hadn’t cooled before the burned started on his sternum again. This time it ran all the way down to his navel and Alex couldn’t help but squirm. He heard Michael chuckle.
“Am I going to have to tie your legs down just to keep you still?” A hot drop splattered over his abs near his hips. He gasped and felt the rope rub welts into his skin as he pulled. Michael’s fingers, covered in hot wax, ran over his bicep and Alex’s hips jerked up again.
“I need you to fuck me Michael. Please, I’m begging.” Michael just repeated the same movement over his other arm.
“Not yet,” he said, voice sweeter than honey. Alex could visualize the smirk that he would be wearing. His tongue would be running over his canines, taunting him with the idea that he might bite him.
Another hot drop splattered on his hips and upper thighs. His legs shook as he tried to stay still. If he moved too much, the wax would run between his legs. He moaned as Michael poured a long line of heat over his other thigh and down to his knee. Alex moaned.
“Michael,” he whispered out, voice shaking.
His cock throbbed again and every part of his body felt like it was on fire. He imagined Michael between his legs as another pool of wax was poured over his thighs, closer to where his legs connected to his pelvis than before.
Alex called out as his hips rocked more, making the wax drip down and over his ass. The heat continued to burn through him and on his skin. He imagined Michael bending his knees back and thrusting into him raw.
Every rough movement would hit just the right place. He would fist his own cock until Michael replaced Alex’s hand with his own. He would bend over him before sinking his fangs into the mark and Alex would grab at his back, leaving red scratches.
“Alex,” Michael panted out next to his ear. Another hot drop hit his pelvis and Alex’s body spasmed.
“Fuck, Michael!” His cock jerked and cum shot over him, mixing with the still cooling wax. His orgasm moved through him in waves, all as Michael whispered in his ear.
“Good boy… good boy… All mine. You’re all mine…”
As Alex came down, the wax cracked on his skin with movement. His eyes fluttered open and he turned his head, looking for Michael. The other candles around the room made sharp angles on his face but he could still see the gentle smile.
Alex lifted his head as much as he could and Michael met him halfway, pressing their mouths together sweetly. Fangs caught his lip and he sighed happily. Michael stood slowly and undid the buckle on his belt. Alex drooled at the way he popped the button. He pushed his jeans down in full view of Alex who’s cock twitched again.
Precum glistened on the head of Michael’s cock as his wrapped his hand around himself and stroked a few times. Then he was moving to grab the lube from the dresser and slicking himself up with the hand not covered in wax. Alex rocked his hips slightly and Michael smiled as he settled between his legs.
He pressed two cool fingers against his hole and pushed them inside easily. Alex’s toes curled and he rolled his hips. Michael scissored his fingers a few times before pulling them out and pressing the head of his cock inside instead. Alex sighed and clenched his fists that were still restrained above him.
“Fuck baby. I’m not going to last long,” Michael said, running his hands over Alex’s thighs and hips. He rolled his hips again and looked up at him, pleading.
“That’s ok. Use me however you need.” Alex rolled his head to the side, making it clear that he really meant what he said. Whatever he needed. He glanced at Michael again, noting the glowing red of his eyes.
Michael thrust his hips forward, burying himself inside Alex. Alex’s mouth dropped open in a silent moan. He felt Michael bend over him and there was a tearing sound as his hands were freed.
As soon as his arms weren’t blocking the mark, Michael’s head was buried in his neck, kissing and licking the mark before biting. Alex’s eyes rolled back as he wrapped his arms around Michael, digging his nails into his skin.
Michael’s hips started to slam into him with little restraint. Alex could hardly make a noise as his own oversensitive cock rubbed against Michael’s abs. He dragged his nails down over Michael’s skin, feeling the growl it elicited from him.
Michael fucked him roughly as he licked away the blood from his throat. Alex could feel the throbbing as he did his best to match Michael’s thrusts. He moaned louder with every move and could feel a second orgasm building fast.
Michael’s fingers dug into his hips as he guided the movement of Alex’s hips. His tongue pressed the wounds closed before he sat up and grabbed Alex’s legs, bending them back so Alex was spread wide.
“Ah—fuck!” Alex grabbed himself and stroked, watching Michael’s face.
His heart raced as he watched Michael’s look of pure ecstasy. He was so attentive. So sweet. Smart. Snarky. Helpful. Devoted. Perfect. Loving…
Alex’s mind went blank as Michael adjusted his hips again to rub against the sweet spot on every thrust. He called out Michael’s name over and over again, more breathless every time until it was just noises of pleasure. Alex twisted his free hand into the sheets and gripped his own cock harder.
“Gunna… cum…” he managed to moan out between noises. Michael grunted above him and any rhythm he had left was gone as he slammed into him.
“Cum with me, baby,” Michael encouraged, breathless. A few hard thrusts later, Alex was shooting another line of cum onto his abs and chest as Michael filled him. Michael ground his hips against Alex’s ass and it only served to drag out both of their orgasms.
Eventually Michael pulled himself out and collapsed beside Alex. He removed the rope from Alex’s wrists but they were clearly bruised. Michael kissed the welts and held Alex’s hands to his chest as his eyes drifted closed.
Alex watched him, knowing he wasn’t asleep. He traced the lines of Michael’s face with his eyes. His heart thumped in his chest and he was sure Michael could hear it, though he never said anything.
The wax on Alex’s body cracked and fell off as he shifted closer to Michael. He gently tugged one of his hands out of Michael’s and ran his fingers over the scratchy stubble along his jaw and cheek. His eyes opened again and they just stared at each other for a moment.
Alex was the one to lean in, kissing him more gently than they ever had before. There was no rush and no desperation in the way their lips pressed together. Everything felt easy with Michael. Even though there was all this outside drama, being with Michael was the only thing that felt right now.
He thought back to old books and poems. Every description of falling in love was defined by a moment. Maybe it was sudden. Maybe it was slow. But this was his moment. In the way their lips moved, hands touched, and the completeness of his heart.
I love you.
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adiwriting · 4 years
Sunday Mornings 5/?
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Notes: This one is slightly more angsty than most as it’s a hurt/comfort ficlet dealing with Alex post a PTSD episode. But I felt it was still appropriate to include because who doesn’t need to see Michael being the soft, careful, loving boyfriend we all know he’s capable of being? And who doesn’t want to see Alex get loved on? 
Week 5: 
This is really not how Alex planned on spending their Sunday. In fact, Michael had specifically mounted a new television in their bedroom so that they could marathon Netflix from bed all day. They’d planned on grilling steaks for dinner and then were going to take a drive out to the desert to watch the stars like they used to when they were kids. 
In absolutely zero versions of his plans did he expect to be sitting on the couch numb and trying to come down from an episode as Michael switched back and forth from doting boyfriend wanting to make sure Alex was okay, and cleaning up the mess that has become the living room. 
See, approximately two hours ago, they’d been startled by a very large crash that had triggered a PTSD episode. Turns out, there was a leak in the roof and after the last few days of heavy rain, the water had eventually caused part of the ceiling to cave in. Which was all good and fine, nothing to panic over, truly. Except, for a moment Alex hadn’t been 30 years old and lying in bed with his boyfriend in his own home… Instead he’d been 17 and it hadn’t been a crash he’d heard, so much as the slamming of a door hitting the wall as it was thrown open. And that moment had been enough to cause Alex to be trapped in his brain for the next hour and a half. 
Michael had understood in a way nobody else could. When the crash first went off, Alex has a foggy recollection of Michael jumping out of bed instantly and using his powers to throw the dresser against the door. After that, Alex had dissociated. Everything was blank and the only reason he knows that he had a panic attack is the way his body now aches in a specific kind of exhaustion that only comes after being in full blown panic mode for an extended period of time. 
It’s funny, everyone is always careful around Alex with things like guns and fireworks. They always assume they understand what his PTSD triggers will be and relate it back to his time in the military. His triggers are both more complicated and simpler than that. They’re raised voices. Hands on his neck without warning. A hammer hitting a nail. And, apparently, the sound of the ceiling falling in. 
He sighs and runs his hands through his hair. He knows he needs to stand up and help Michael. The living room is filled with water and bits of plaster. There’s probably not any saving his keyboard, though Michael assures him that he can fix anything. The guitars had thankfully stayed dry despite their cases being soaked. There’s a crack in the coffee table and… 
Honestly, Alex can’t bring himself to care. The entire thing, all of this, feels so far away despite the fact that it’s happening right in front of him. 
He curls up on the sofa, lays his head down, and stares blankly ahead. 
“Why don’t you go back to bed,” Michael says, kneeling right in front of him. “I can get this all sorted out.” 
Alex just shrugs. He doesn’t move. He doesn’t say what he should — that he doesn’t want to be alone right now. That he just needs Michael to hold him for a while longer. It’s stupid. Michael is doing what he needs to be doing. He’s trying to stop the water from continuing to come into the house and do even more damage. If Alex was more aware, he would care. When Alex comes back to himself, he will care. And he’ll be appreciative that at least one of them was cognizant enough to act. 
But right now, Alex is alone and scared and just needs to feel like he’s loved by a single person in his life. 
Michael reaches out to place a hand to Alex’s cheek, careful not to get close to his neck. “I’m going to get the water to stop, the rest of this will keep until later, okay?” 
Alex nods. 
“I love you,” Michael tells him firmly. It’s exactly what he needs to hear, but the words get lost in a fog before they reach his aching heart. He simply nods again, knowing he’s supposed to be saying it back, but unable to find the words. 
Michael stares at him for another minute or two. Alex tries to call up the energy to say something, but he just can’t. Michael leans over and kisses his forehead before standing up and getting back to work. 
Michael could have been working for hours. Alex doesn’t really know. Time passes and Alex feels all of it and none of it. Each second feels like a stab in the heart and each breath in takes a conscious effort on his part. But then, the sun begins to peek through the clouds and Alex could have sworn that Michael said it wasn’t going to stop raining until the afternoon. Regardless, time passes and eventually Michael is in front of him, pulling on his hands until he stands up and Michael leads him back to bed. 
They are watching Netflix and Alex is settled in between Michael’s legs, laying back against his chest. Michael’s arms are around him, hugging him from behind while his chin rests on his shoulder. Every so often, Michael kisses his neck and whispers loving words into Alex’s ear. It’s exactly what he needed and he loves Michael that much more for knowing that without Alex having to ask. 
“I’m sorry I ruined our plans,” Alex whispers. It’s the first thing he’s said since the whole ceiling incident. 
“You didn’t ruin anything,” Michael assures him, nose nuzzling into his hair. Alex can feel Michael trying to get him to look at him, but he can’t, not yet. He’s still too embarrassed over the entire thing. Both for the panic attack, and for how clingy he’s been since. 
“We were supposed to go out and see the stars,” he argues. 
Michael grabs his chin and gently guides him until he’s looking out the window. A flash of lightning lights up the entire room. Has it been raining long? he wonders.
“You were saying?” Michael says. It’s soft, he’s still being careful with Alex, but Alex knows if he were to look at Michael right now, he would be wearing that smartass smirk of his.  
“I don’t want to be like this,” he admits. 
Faster than Alex can process, Michael moves and is sitting in front of him, staring him down. The energy in the air is crackling and Alex should probably be scared, but it’s Michael, so he’s not. 
He cradles his face with his hands and says very firmly, “You are not broken, Alex.” 
“But I—” he starts to argue but Michael cuts him off. 
“We all have shit. I wasn’t exactly chill when it happened either. There is nothing wrong with you.” 
Alex wants to believe him, but it’s hard. He can still remember the ways in which his dad used to taunt him for having panic attacks when he was younger. Alex knows that it’s not his fault that his dad used to beat him and now he has PTSD from it. He knows that. But knowing something is logically true and really feeling it are two very different things. 
“Listen, I can promise you that there is going to be a day where I lose my shit completely and you have to be the calm one taking care of my ass. And when that day happens, you’ll cuddle me, remind me that I’m loved, and do whatever else I need and never once judge me just as I don’t judge you,” Michael says with complete certainty. “We all deal with things in our own way. You and I had a shitty childhood, so of course we were triggered by a loud noise. That’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
“I just want to be past it,” Alex whispers, leaning his forehead against Michael’s. He closes his eyes and draws on Michael’s strength, it helps. 
“You are,” he whispers back. “You became so much better than the man he tried to raise. You’re strong and fierce and yet still open and vulnerable and loving. So fucking loving.” 
Alex takes a shuddering breath and allows Michael’s words to sink in. It’s easy for Alex to hear his dad’s voice in his head during his weakest moments… But even back when they were 17, Michael’s kind words always found a way to drown out his self-doubts. He takes several more calming breaths before he reaches out to wrap his arms around Michael’s shoulders. 
He opens his eyes again, starting to feel more like himself again. Michael smiles at him and gives the deepest sigh before saying, “You’re so fucking beautiful, I just can’t.”
Alex blushes at that. Michael’s hands are at his hips and his thumbs have snuck under his t-shirt to rub soft circles against his bare skin. 
“So what you’re saying is that you’re only with me for my looks?” he teases, tentatively, trying it out. 
Michael barks out a surprised laugh, moving until he’s straddling Alex. 
“Absolutely,” Michael says with one of his trademark cocky smiles. He runs his hands through Alex’s hair, settling at the back of his neck. 
Alex tilts his head up to kiss Michael. It’s a slow kiss. Neither of them push for more, but neither of them rush to pull away either. When they do finally come up for air, Alex realizes that he’s still pretty tired from the day’s events, but he feels back to normal at least. 
“Thank you for dealing with the ceiling,” he says, running his hands up and down Michael’s back, giving his boyfriend goosebumps. 
“It’s not dealt with yet,” he explains. “I fixed it enough that the living room wasn’t going to keep flooding, but tomorrow, I’m going to have to get up there and patch the roof properly.” 
“I can call somebody for that,” he tells him, wanting to make sure he doesn’t feel obligated. Tomorrow is Michael’s only other day off.
“Like hell you will.” Michael looks offended. “You think I want you calling Mrs. Ramsey’s son? I don’t need you mooning over some overjacked construction guy. I saw the way you used to look at him back in high school. No thanks. He does shitty work. Nobody is touching that roof but me.” 
“I did not used to moon over Conner,” Alex argues. 
Michael snorts at that and Alex rolls his eyes. 
Okay, perhaps he’d had a mild crush on Conner back in freshman year. Who hadn’t? Conner had been a senior and the star quarterback and anyone with eyes could see how attractive he was. But it wasn’t like Alex had ever even talked to the guy. 
“You just want me to moon over you,” Alex counters. 
Michael has been consistently spending his days off finding various projects around Alex’s house. First it had been fixing the fan in the bedroom. Next, he’d worked on the plumbing to make sure that the bathroom sink could get cold water. Currently, he’s been slowly replacing the bad floorboards around the house. Alex hasn’t complained. He loves coming home from work and seeing Michael deep in whatever project he’s working on… And Michael caught on after the third time Alex had practically jumped him. 
“Obviously,” Michael says, leaning in to give Alex another kiss before climbing off his lap and settling back against the headboard. 
“Are you going to wear an orange vest and one of those tight little shirts?” Alex asks, snuggling into Michael’s side as he picks up the remote and resumes playing the show they’ve been watching. 
“I’ll wear whatever you want me to, Babe,” Michael says, wrapping his arm around Alex and placing a kiss to the top of his head. 
Alex is suddenly overwhelmed with a feeling of love and safety and forever. 
“I love you.” 
“Yeah, you’d better,” Michael says with a laugh. “It’s gonna be hot as balls up on that roof.” 
Alex sits up and shakes his head. He’s serious. Michael’s amused smile fades into a soft one that Alex knows he reserves just for him. “I love you too.” 
Alex settles back into his arms and they watch the show until it reaches the opening credits. Alex is about to reach for the remote to skip past them when he hears Michael whisper a soft, “You scared me today.” 
Alex closes his eyes in shame. “I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t apologize, I’m not mad,” Michael says. “I just… I’m saying it wasn’t easy for me to watch you like that. I’m glad I was here and could help, but… it was still scary.” 
Alex takes a deep breath. Yeah. He’s sure it was. “I’ll talk to my doctor about adjusting my meds.”
Michael doesn’t say anything in response, but if the way he squeezes Alex’s arm is any indication, it’s the answer he’d needed to hear. 
The credits end and they both focus their attention back on the show. 
Tagged: @callieramics​​
As always if anyone wants to be tagged, let me know!
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cosmiceverafter · 4 years
Coffee & Cosmic Contemplation
Summary:  5 Times Alex woke Michael up + the one time Michael did instead. 
A/N: My first time writing a Five Things fic—of course, it had to be with Malex and needed to be fluffy. I love these two fools with my whole heart. Give us all of the soft moments! Enjoy! 
"Get up sleepy head." 
Michael groans yet smirks into the pillow from the sound of his boyfriend. His nose wrinkles up, "Do I smell bacon?"
Alex kisses his nose and ruffles his curls, "You sure do! Now up and at 'em." He’s humming the new song he has been working on; Michael can’t help but feel admiration for the guy. Alex is so talented. 
It doesn’t stop Michael from teasing him, though, “You’re so peppy in the mornin’.” 
“Well, it’s a beautiful day! What’s there not to like?”
“Uh, I can give you a list of reasons.” Living with his man definitely had its perks, but Michael was not nor ever would be, a morning person. "How about you just come back to bed instead, darlin'?"
"And burn the bacon I worked so hard on?"
Michael smiles slowly and winks, "I'd make it worth your while." 
Alex chuckles, "You always do." But to Michael's dismay, he's not lying down next to him in bed; he's going towards the kitchen, "Come on, before it gets cold."
He groans, why is Alex so excited about the food—that's usually his job, but Michael can't help but smile as he follows along. 
As he walks in, his feet freeze on the wooden cabin floor. 
Placed on their small circle table are eggs, bacon, toast, and orange juice. Fresh flowers from the meadow are in a vase at the center.
"Alex...this is beautiful. What's the special occasion?" 
"I love you," Alex replies, as he pulls out a chair, "is that not reason enough?"
It was all the reasons.  
"Wake up, wake up!" 
Michael groans into the pillow as Alex opens up the blinds. "Ten more minutes."
"No way, Guerin," Alex responds cheerfully. "Today is your first day of college!" 
"Remind me again why I agreed to this?"
Alex sits on the side of their bed and leans over to kiss his cheek, "Because you have a chance to do this and take some agricultural engineering classes. It’s the path you’ve always talked about." 
"How about next year?"
"Nope," Alex says, getting up to get Michael’s clothes ready for the day. "You've been going on about this for months, and I'm so happy for you.” He pauses. “Remember, some of us are going to the diner tonight to celebrate you." 
Michael props himself up at that, as he raises an eyebrow, "Like who? And why am I just hearing about this?"
"It's all Isobel's doing; she even invited Sanders." Alex smiles at him and holds up an outfit with a wink, “I thought you wouldn’t do well with the surprise.”
“You guessed right,” he says as he nods towards the plaid shirt with the brown belt. While he doesn’t love a lot of attention, Michael can’t help but smile; Sanders is practically family to him, and the fact that the others care about his life so much...well, it means a lot.
With a dramatic whine, Michael finally gets up to get ready. He takes the cup of coffee Alex is offering. 
"Can I drive you?" Alex asks with a beautiful smile as he holds his car keys up. "I just want to share this moment with you."  
"Baby," Michael says, putting his arms around Alex, "you know I'll go anywhere with you."
Their lips touch briefly. 
As they leave the cabin, Michael can’t help but feel excited about this new adventure. 
"Sweetheart, you're burning up." Michael hears Alex's soft voice, which breaks through his aches. 
"Ugh..." he replies, feeling miserable. 
Alex places a wet rag onto his forehead and says, "Open up."
"As much as I would love to comply with that request, I'm feeling a bit off today, baby."
Alex laughs and playfully nudges him, "Not for that, as hard as it is to resist.” He holds a thermometer up, “I need to take your temperature. Your sweat is all over the sheets."
"And not in a good way, I assume," Michael moans, opening his mouth. 
As the thermometer calculates his fate for the next few days, Alex runs his fingers through his curls. It's the best kind of comfort. Alex always seems to know what he needs, and when he needs it. 
"Damn, that's a high fever." Alex shows him the numbers, and Michael groans. "I'm taking the day off today. I'll see to it that you're feeling better in no time." 
“What if I’m contagious?
Alex shrugs, “So be it. I’ve made up my mind; I’m taking care of you.” 
"You're too good to me."
"I love you, too," Alex replies, "Now do me a favor and don't be a difficult patient for me." 
“Who me?”
Alex gives him a look, “Yes, you.” 
Michael crosses his heart, hoping not to die. 
"What?" Michael wakes, startled as he sits up in bed. 
The sun has barely come out, but the darkness still surrounds the bedroom. 
"I heard something."
"It's probably a damn animal," Michael groans, as he rubs his eyes. "The cabin is in the middle of nowhere, babe." 
"It's in the house!" Alex whispers.  
"Shit!" Michael gets up, with his arm stretched out. He vowed a long time ago to protect the man he loves and takes comfort in knowing Alex will always do the same. 
Alex is right next to him, reaching for his gun on the nightstand. 
They walk carefully down the hallway, and Michael can hear the banging in the kitchen. 
When they wrap around the corner, trash is all over the floor, black soot from the fireplace has made tracks, and feathers fly around from the couch pillows. 
"What the—"
That's when they see it. A big raccoon halfway stuffed into the trashcan. 
"Son of a bitch!" Michael calls out. The raccoon pops its masked face out and looks startled. 
Alex runs over to open the front door, and Michael gives it a soft nudge with his powers. 
"Yea, get!" He exclaims as the furry animal runs out of the cabin, then looks over at Alex. "I said it was an animal, didn't I?"
Alex sighs, looking at the mess everywhere, "Do you think we should keep him?"
Michael ignores that statement and starts cleaning up with his powers, too lazy to put in the effort. 
Damn, the great outdoors. 
Michael is in a deep sleep when he feels Alex’s fingers on his chest. He opens one eye and sees his love smiling down at him. 
“You’re awake,” Alex says softly, looking beautiful in the morning light. 
“I blame your fingers,” he yawns. 
Michael shakes his head, “Yup.” He grabs Alex’s hand and kissed the back of it, then his palm, before kissing each finger. “How dare you.”
“I know, what can I say...I’m insatiable for my alien.”
He smiles at that and feels all the love right back at his human, “I don’t blame you, babe. This alien is pretty damn irresistible.” 
“I won’t argue with that, especially with that tousled bedhead of yours,” Alex agrees with a smirk. He licks his bottom lip, “You know what those curls do to me.”
“I do.” Michael turns to face boyfriend, “Well, now that you woke me up, how about you get over here and tousle them up some more?”
Alex replies by straddling Michael and leans down to press his lips onto his own. He would never grow tired of this. Moving in with Alex had been the best decision of his life. “Gladly.” 
As he pulls Alex down to him even closer by his dog tag necklace, Michael plans ahead of time to stay horizontal for the rest of the morning.
There are many beautiful things here on earth, but the most beautiful of all is Alex Manes. 
Michael wakes up before Alex for once, and he cannot help but take in every inch—every detail of his love. 
From the messy hair to the curve of his nose, to those full lips, parted slightly. The morning sun is hitting his features just right, and it takes Michael’s breath away. Not for the first time. 
He’s so in love with this man and so grateful for these quiet moments together; they’re everything to him. Alex is everything to him, and Michael wants this forever. 
He leans over and presses a kiss to his sleeping beauty. 
Alex moans softly but smiles in his sleep. 
“Wake up, baby,” Michael says gently, kissing him on the cheek, the forehead, his nose. 
Alex’s eyes flutter open, and he gazes up at Michael. As Michael snuggles closer, he notices how warm and soft his love is. 
“Good morning.”
Their hands intertwine as Michael stays propped up on his elbow as he looks down at Alex. 
Alex squeezes his hand, “Morning.” He looks over towards the clock, “Damn, I guess I was tired.” 
“Every once in a while, it’s okay, babe,” Michael replies. “You must’ve needed it.”
Smiling, Alex strokes Michael’s face, “The fact that you’re awake before me is baffling.” 
Michael shrugs, “Gave me a chance to watch you sleep, for once.” 
“Did you enjoy that?”
“Always,” Michael answers, leaning down to press another kiss to those soft full lips. “Also, it got me thinking.”
“Hmm?” Alex says, momentarily lost within the kiss. “About what?”
“And what did you come up with during that realization?”
Michael feels his heart almost burst as he raises Alex’s left hand to his lips, “That I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” 
Alex’s beautiful eyes go wide, and he sits up. “Are you saying…?”
He nods, “Yes, I’m saying that I want to marry you, Alex Manes. That’s what I’ve always wanted.” Michael takes a deep breath, “When I look towards my future, you’re always there, standing by my side.” 
His love has tears forming in his eyes, “That’s what I see, too.” Michael’s heart skips a beat.
“So what do you say, Alex? Will you be my husband?”
“Yes, forever and always, yes!” They hug and kiss, share a few tears. All the pain from their past was worth it for this moment. Finally, Alex pulls away, “I have a confession, though.” 
“Uh, oh.”
“No, no,” Alex laughs. He leans over to his nightstand and pulls out a black box, then hands it over. 
Michael looks up at him and back at the box. “Is that…?”
“Just open it.” Inside is a metallic band—engraved with their first initials. “I was going to propose to you tonight. But I guess you beat me to it.” 
Of course, he was. The two of them were so connected that they must have sensed it was the right time. “It’s so beautiful. I love you, Alex Manes.”
“And I love you, Michael Guerin.”
They kiss, and Michael feels like he’s on top of the entire world. He smiles, knowing that this man beside him is why he is here on earth. 
Cheers to cosmic fate.
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spaceskam · 4 years
Michael had no right to be jealous and he knew that.
He was trying so damn hard not to be as he worked in the bunker alongside Alex and Forrest. It was definitely hard at first, but Alex was happier than Michael had ever seen him and he couldn’t bring himself to stop that. Well, technically, he’d tried to put himself out there for Alex three months prior after seeing them together for the first time, but Alex had said no. So now he was trying.
When they first brought Forrest into the situation, it was by accident. He’d been in the wrong place at the wrong time and saw too much alien shit to explain in any other way. However, now that they had him apart of the crew, he was helpful. He knew the best ways to skim through boring old documents and, after realizing it was indeed aliens, he had a lot of knowledge. That meant they did research together. Which was fine as long as they didn’t show any PDA.
However, today, Alex wasn’t in a good mood and that meant Forrest was trying to help.
“Stop it,” Alex said firmly. Michael tried to look over to them without making it obvious that that’s what he was doing. He could see Forrest leaning into Alex’s personal space, nudging his nose against his arm like a dog. “You’re distracting me.”
“Take a break, you’re stressing me out by proxy,” Forrest told him. Michael saw the way Alex’s lips almost tugged into a smile as he did his damnedest to keep serious. “C’mon, please?”
“I need to get through this and we can go home,” Alex told him. Home. Michael hated that. 
“I’d rather go home later and have you feeling good than go home earlier with hours of pent up stress,” Forrest said, smacking a kiss against his sweater-covered shoulder. “Let’s release that stress.”
“Oh yeah?” Alex asked, “How do you propose we do that?”
Michael felt his stomach drop, genuinely terrified they were going to kiss (or worse) in front of him. Which, he supposed he deserved. But still. The thought made him sick.
But, instead, Forrest stood up and walked towards the table in the middle of the room. Michael couldn’t help it as his eyes followed him in confusion. Forrest tapped away on his phone and Alex slowly turned his swivel chair to face him. He put his phone on the counter and swiftly turned to face Alex with a devious look.
“They’re gonna clean up your looks with all the lies and the books to make a citizen out of you,” Forrest started alongside the music that begun to play. Michael frowned.
“No, we’re not doing this right now,” Alex said despite his large smile. Forrest held out his hand for him.
“Because they sleep with a gun and keep an eye on you, son, so they can watch all the things you do,” Forrest went on, walking closer with a dumb swagger in his walk. Then he slammed his hands on Alex’s armrests, getting close to his face as Alex got more and more red. “Because the drugs never work, they gonna give you a smirk, ‘cause they got methods of keepin’ you clean.”
“They gonna rip up your heads, your aspirations to shreds, another cog in the murder machine,” Forrest sang. Then he grabbed Alex’s hands and pulled him to his feet, pulling them flush together before he started dancing on him like a dumbass. “They said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me!”
“I refuse to have a dance party right now!”
“They could care less as long as someone’ll bleed!”
“This is so unprofessional!”
“So darken your clothes, or strike a violent pose! Maybe they’ll leave you alone but not me!” Forrest sang, dipping Alex in a way that caused him to laugh so unexpectedly hard that even Michael was smiling.
Forrest did the same thing for the next verse, dancing around Alex and pestering him to try to get him to lighten up. Alex stayed pretty strong for the most part, just shaking his head at him. However, Alex kept looking over at Michael and it made him wonder if this was something they did often to blow off steam and Alex was only holding off because Michael was there.
Well, that just wasn’t an option.
“Will make them pay for the things they did!” Michael joined in on time, standing up and causing both of them to look at him in shock. Forrest collected himself much faster than Alex.
“They said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me!” Forrest and Michael said in unison, Michael doing his best to dance along if only to make Alex smile like that. “They could care less as long as someone’ll bleed!”
“C’mon, Alex!” Forrest urged, grabbing his hips and making him move a little. It would’ve normally driven Michael crazy, but Alex was staring at them both with so much affection that it was worth it.
“So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose! Maybe they’ll leave you alone but not me!” Alex scream-sang back, causing them both to cheer for him.
They all danced in a really embarrassing fashion to the instrumental break, bad air guitar and under-used headbanging and awkward shoulder movements all in full swing. Forrest spun Alex around and then surprisingly grabbed Michael to do the same, making it clear he was welcome to join their fun.
So they jumped around together, screaming along to a song Michael didn’t even realize he remembered all the words to. It was honestly the most fun he’d had in weeks and it was with his ex and his ex’s new boyfriend. Who would’ve guessed that?
Alex touched him and danced with him and Forrest didn't mind. In fact, Forrest danced with him too. It didn't make sense, but they were equals and trusted. There were no dirty looks shared no matter who touched whom, it was just fun. It clicked in Michael's head for the first time on what exactly was so great about this Forrest guy. He was fun.
"See, now didn't that help?" Forrest asked as the song ended and they found themselves catching their breath as if screaming and dancing for two minutes was an actual workout.
"Yeah," Alex said, smiling at them both with red cheeks and fond eyes, "Thanks."
"I think I need to have more dance parties," Michael agreed. Forrest nodded at him.
"Ultimate way to feel better, I promise. If Grey's Anatomy taught me anything, it was that," Forrest insisted. Michael laughed and that made Alex smile wider. "Okay, you two geniuses get back to reading, I'm gonna go pick up some food. A burger from the Crashdown sound good? No lettuce or pickles on yours, Alex, and extra cheese and hot sauce, no ketchup, on yours, Michael, right? And I'll get extra fries."
Michael nodded despite his shock that Forrest both knew his order and trusted him to be alone with Alex.
"Thanks, man," Michael said.
"I gotchu," Forrest said. He leaned forward and gave Alex a peck on the lips and for once Michael didn't want to strangle him for it. Then it was just the two of them.
"I get it now," Michael said, nodding, "I get why you like him."
"Are you going to steal my boyfriend, Guerin?" Alex teased. Michael snorted and shook his head.
"No, I'm just saying. You look happy and... Well, if I can't do that, I'm glad someone can. Happy looks good on you," Michael said. Alex smiled genuinely and nodded, reaching out to squeeze his arm gently.
"Thank you. It looks good on you too," Alex said. Michael knew that while he was happy enough right then, he'd never be truly happy without Alex. But it was too nice of a view to say anything about that.
"Let's get back to work."
They did work later than anticipated that night, but, when they left, everyone was still feeling good.
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pastelwitchling · 3 years
Based on the Roswell, New Mexico season 3 trailer. I’m just having some fun with it, I don’t think the second half of this fic is how the episode is going to go.
Alex’s heart started to hammer as the bus came to a stop. He exhaled slowly. He was back home. He was sure everything would ease back into place eventually.
He made sure he had his backpack and grabbed his duffel bag as the doors opened, and he stepped out. The clean, crisp Roswell air hit his face and eased some of the painful thumping in his chest. Until he looked up and found where he’d been let off.
Towering above him, Jesse Manes’ statue saluted him. It felt like mockery. Welcome home, son, it seemed to be saying. Back where I can see you.
Alex sighed, forcing his gaze down, to where Forrest Long stood with his hands in his pockets, watching him with a smirk at his lips.
“Captain Manes returns,” he said.
A smile tugged at Alex’s lips as they met each other halfway. “That’s retired Captain Manes, thank you,” he said as he wrapped his free arm around Forrest’s shoulders, Forrest’s arms coming around his waist. Alex pressed his face to Forrest’s scarf and deeply inhaled the smell of hay and fresh ink, letting it engulf him. He thought of barns and horses and pages with poetry and music notes scribbled into the margins. It made him laugh as he pulled back.
Forrest’s hand lingered on his waist underneath his jacket while Alex let his hand fall down Forrest’s arm, keeping him close.
“How was your trip?”
Alex hummed, managing to keep his smile in place even as it threatened to slip away. “Long,” he said. It was enough of a truth not to haunt him.
“But it’s over now, right?” Forrest said. “Your enlistment’s ended, they can’t ask you to talk to anymore recruits. I mean, seriously, who knew being awarded a Purple Heart meant you had to Captain America it up to all the troops?”
Alex nodded wordlessly. In truth, his enlistment had ended the day before he’d left, but he couldn’t really have told Forrest that he would be off for a year to dismantle the rest of Project Shepherd. It was a kind lie, a merciful one. Forrest was better off not knowing.
The gun Alex had taken to keeping at his hip weighed heavily, as if disagreeing with him. He ignored it.
Forrest brushed away his bangs, his fingers gently tracing down Alex’s cheek to his jaw. “I missed you.”
Alex sighed, letting himself lean into Forrest. “I missed you more.”
They smiled into their kiss, and Alex felt like a single window opened up in his chest, letting fresh air into his stifled heart. The kiss was long, and when they pulled back, Alex pulled Forrest in again to take comfort in the warmth of his jacket against his cheek.
He opened his eyes and his brows furrowed. Michael Guerin, on the other side of the street, was already walking away.
 Hours later found Alex in his garage, the door wide open to the cool autumn breeze and the birds’ chirping, as he rummaged through his many paint cans and his toolbox to look for more cleaning solution. Forrest had helped him air out his house, clean the furniture, until he had to leave no more than ten minutes ago for his work.
Alex didn’t mind it. He’d kept working, the strain on his already tired muscles a welcome relief from his mess of thoughts. He caught the scent of rain before he saw Michael stride into his garage from the corner of his eyes, his thumbs hooked in his belt. Over a year ago, he might’ve been apprehensive, but now he could only smile around Michael.
“Hey,” he greeted.
“Hi,” Michael said. His smile was too small, too polite, he was trying too hard to seem nonchalant.
Alex raised a brow. “Didn’t want to say hello at the bus stop?” At Michael’s glance, he said, “Yeah, I saw you. I assume you were there to see me? If not, it was one hell of a coincidence.”
“You looked busy,” was all Michael said on the matter. He sniffed. “So, where’s Long?”
Alex had turned his back to Michael again as he looked through his things. He couldn’t help the smile that split his lips. He knew that Michael must’ve waited to make sure Forrest was gone before he set foot in here.
But all he said was, “Work.”
Michael hummed. “That’s it, huh? Project Shepherd’s gone?”
Alex’s smile fell away at once. “Yeah,” he said, and even he could hear the dark satisfaction in his voice. “It’s dead. You should be thrilled.”
“It took you away for a year,” Michael said, seemingly unable and unwilling to hide the longing in his words this time. “I just hope the death was long and slow.”
Alex said nothing to this.
“You need any help?”
“Uhh,” he found the Windex he’d been looking for on a top shelf. “No, I’m good.”
He reached for it, and felt his shirt ride up.
“Just ‘cause,” Michael was saying, “I don’t really have to . . . be anywhere . . . what’s that?”
His words were stiff, suspicious. Alex looked over his shoulder and saw his eyes were narrowed at something on Alex’s back, where his shirt exposed naked skin. Naked, scarred skin.
Damn it.
Michael came up to him, reaching for the hem of his shirt as if planning to push it up and get a better view at Alex’s new injury.
Alex turned at once so that Michael’s hand met his stomach. He tugged his shirt down and said, “Nothing. It’s nothing.”
“That was a scar,” Michael said. “Did someone do that to you?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Alex insisted. “I’m fine, really.”
“Alex –”
“I got into a little trouble with some of my dad’s . . . more loyal soldiers.” He managed a smile. “I’m okay, really.”
Michael stared. “Then let me see.”
He gaped. “No!”
“Why not?!”
“Because I don’t want to talk about it anymore, okay?” he snapped, and Michael looked startled. He stepped back, hurt, and Alex’s shoulders slumped.
He pinched the bridge of his nose, an apology on the tip of his tongue, just as a sudden CLANK went off somewhere in the corner.
In an instant, Alex had turned to shield Michael, his gun raised and aimed . . . at a disturbed paint can lid that had popped open. He was shaking.
It wasn’t until he heard Michael’s shocked and quiet, “Alex . . .” that he realized where he was and brought his weapon down. Neither of them moved for a long time. Alex was frustrated and embarrassed, but beneath it all, he was still tense with nerves.
When he spoke, his voice was hoarse. “No matter where I went . . . there was an attack.” He shook his head. “The scar, I . . . I was sleeping, and one guy with a knife tried to . . . I found a vet who was willing to stitch me back together. I was hunted, Guerin. I had to stop them. I did things . . .”
His shoulders slumped and he holstered his weapon. He wiped his nose with the back of his hand. “I’ll be fine. I am fine.” He turned to face Michael who was watching him with an unreadable expression. “I’ve been through worse. I just need a minute to – to readjust, okay?” He sighed again, and it was steadier. “Okay?”
Michael visibly swallowed, then wrapped his arms around Alex, pulling him in. Alex stood surprised against him, the scent of rain engulfing him and filling him up without any effort. Michael slid a hand into his hair and pressed his lips to the crook of Alex’s neck.
“I’ll stay outside your place tonight,” he told him. “In my truck. I’ll guard you so you can get some sleep.”
Alex’s eyes burned. “I don’t need you to.”
Michael held him tighter. “I know. But I’m staying anyway. No one will touch you, Alex.”
Alex clenched his jaw to the warmth of Michael’s arms around him, his strong chest, the scratch of his stubble against his skin, the scent of his curls. All the windows in his chest opened, letting in the raging storm that came whenever Michael was around.
He’d spent a year beating down whatever was left of Project Shepherd, away from his brothers, his boyfriend . . . his Michael. He didn’t believe in rewards, but he would give himself this much. He wanted Michael to stay.
Alex melted against him, wrapping his arms around his waist as his lower lip trembled and a tear escaped down his cheek. He nodded, and Michael nuzzled the crook of his neck.
“Thanks, Guerin,” he whispered, and Michael’s hold turned unbearably tight.
Michael breathed, “Anything for you.”
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echo-bleu · 4 years
A little Manes brothers canon divergence for @eveningspirit ‘s birthday! I hope you like it :) It also happens to fit with today’s @alexmanesappreciation theme: legacy.
[concussions, mentions of vomiting, mentions of abuse, mentions of the shed scene]
The exact sequence of events that leads to him, Flint and Gregory sitting together on a mattress in the bared living room of a house he doesn't know will remain blurry in Alex's memory. He puts it on the massive concussion he sustained at the hands of his own father, because he was careless enough to let his guard drop for ten seconds and the bastard managed to sneak up on him.
He remembers waking up in his childhood home and almost throwing up on the floor of the basement at the goddamn awful feeling of being back there−or maybe that was just the concussion. Probably the concussion.
He'd suspected that his father was faking most of the consequences of his stroke for a while, and he'd known about the bug on his phone for days. He just didn't expect his father to act so fast, in the middle of the junkyard, when Alex was supposed to report back in the morning.
Maybe Jesse heard something in his voice down in the bunker. Alex let his emotions carry him away and said more than he meant to, so maybe his father figured out that he was made somehow. Either way, he got the drop on him, and Alex woke up with a killer headache, pissed off, confused, and, yes, scared. Even after all these years, after three tours overseas, his father still scares the shit out of him.
The one who greeted him upon waking up, however, was not his father. It was Flint, a gun in his hand and a hard look on his face. Alex's sudden hope that Flint was here to free him was squashed quickly at his sneer. He listened to Flint and their father argue up in the living room about where to keep him for hours−something about Jesse grabbing him too early, before things were ready−before Flint came to get him. He'd learned his lesson from last time, because he stayed out of range of Alex's zip-tied hands the whole way out of the house. Alex nearly fell down the stairs at least three times because of the dizziness, and threw up, with some satisfaction, on his father's shoes.
It's been days, but he's still dizzy and nauseous all the time, and the killer headache is a constant companion.
Greg's hands are on him, checking him over. He finds one of the bumps on his head and Alex flinches away, almost overbalancing off the mattress when the cuff on his wrist pulls him back. “Are you alright?” Greg murmurs. Alex nods, and immediately regrets it as it sends a spike of pain down his spine.
“What the fuck are you doing here, Greg?” Flint growls. For once, he doesn't have his gun in his hand. Alex realizes that it's because the gun is tucked in Greg's waistband and he frowns, trying to keep it in his line of sight just in case. He thinks Greg actually cares, that he's not in on this with Flint and their Dad, but if he's not, why is he here?
“Now that's a real funny story,” Greg smirks mirthlessly. “Why don't you sit down, Flint?” He formulates it as a question, but it's obviously an order. And in a situation where there's only one gun, ranks don't matter much. Greg is out of the Navy and Alex outranks both of them anyway. Flint slowly drops to the floor, just outside the mattress, and crosses both his legs and his arms petulantly.
“See, yesterday morning, I got a call,” Greg stars. “It's the funny thing about being the only one in our family Alex trusts enough to list as next of kin. You get these calls. I got one before,” he nods to Alex's leg. “No, two, actually. There was that one time−” Alex glares at him and he rolls his eyes. “Okay, okay, back to the point. I was told that Alex had been AWOL for 72 hours, and they were looking for him.”
Alex winces. Of course he already knows that crawling this way out of this one, even if everything ends well and no one dies, is going to be impossible. Being AWOL will earn him jail time, which is already bad, but if they start looking into his recent activities out of suspicion...well, he hopes to God that Liz has really emptied the lab, or things will get a hell of a lot more complicated.
Speaking of Liz...
Helena Ortecho was a surprise. There's a kind of irony in there, that Alex would be more surprised at being held captive by a woman he hasn't seen in over a decade than by his own family. He wonders what Liz would think of Helena being a kidnapper−or of her being more motherly to him that he's ever seen her be to Liz and Rosa. She watched Flint tie him up to a radiator without a word and then brought him food and clothes that weren't covered in vomit and dust, even getting Flint to briefly untie him at gunpoint to get his arm through the sleeve. Alex might have tried to seize the opportunity to fight back if he'd been able to see straight.
“Now I'm a good brother, and I know there's no way Alex would go AWOL without a good reason,” Greg continues. “Especially the day after he drove to the rez with a bunch of suspicious people who are supposedly his friends, and tells me he thinks that Dad has changed.”
Flint huffs.
“Yes,” Greg nods. “Either our baby brother really is more naive than we thought, or something fishy is going on.” Alex rolls his eyes, and Greg just glares at him.
The last few days, after getting to the house, are even more fuzzy. Alex remembers trying to push the mattress against the wall to get a better range of movement, and Flint coldly making him pull it back. He remembers pulling off his prosthetic, his stump swollen and sore from too much time with it on, and then trying to hit Flint with it the next time he came by, which earned him what is probably a second concussion from the butt of his brother's gun. He doesn't really remember anything since then. From the stubble on his face, it's been at least three days, but time is wonky and his mind unreliable.
Which brings him to now, and now has Greg sitting beside him on the mattress. Alex tries to blink away the confusion and sit up properly, wincing when his stump moves on the mattress. Days without a shrinker will make it a bitch to get back into the prosthetic.
Greg shifts. “I took a family emergency day, since that seemed to be the case, and I drove to Roswell. I had to look up my own brother's address in the phone book,” he glares again.
Alex throws his free hand up. “Hey, you're the one who didn't want to come.” His voice is weak and hoarse from disuse, and Greg looks more concerned than chastened.
“Right. I broke in−sorry, Alex, I'll replace the lock if you want me to. Alex's house was empty but his suitcase was still waiting on his bed. So I looked up Isobel Evans.”
“Really? Isobel?”
Greg shrugs. “I don't know what's going on between you, Guerin and Maria, but I'm not getting in the middle of it. Besides, Isobel seemed the most sensible of all of you.”
“You're just attracted to her,” Alex mutters.
“Alex, the choice I had was her or her brother. I know you're gay, but would you really go to Max Evans first?”
“I see your point,” Alex concedes, though he's still really not sure “sensible” is the adjective he'd use to describe Isobel. His muddled brain can't seem to come up with a better one, though, so he lets it go.
“All Isobel could tell me was that no one had seen you since you came back from the rez, but she got everyone moving to find you. Guerin went at it with Dad, got him to admit that he got to you first and Flint took you from him. Don't ask me how, I don't know.”
Isobel, Alex thinks after he's parsed all this−with at least a thirty-second delay. Isobel must have gone into their Dad's head, he would never have told them that willingly. But Greg doesn't know about aliens and there's no way he'll risk telling Flint something he could use against them, so he keeps quiet.
“After that, it wasn't hard to follow Flint here from his place,” Greg finishes. “I disarmed him once I confirmed you were here.”
Flint grunts. Alex looks over at him, amused. He's never been the best at self-defense, even when they were kids, too easily overtaken by his temper.
“Now will someone explain to me what's going on here?” Greg straightens up more, in a stance that looks relaxed but Alex can feel is fully vigilant. He may be missing part of the story, but he's a force to be reckoned with.
Alex and Flint exchange a glance. Somehow even as they stand on opposite sides of this fight, this decision−tell Greg about the aliens or try to lie their way through some kind of resolution−comes down to them. “Where's Helena?” Alex asks.
“In town,” Flint answers, some of the confrontation gone from his tone. “She won't be back for a few hours.”
“Who's Helena?” Greg asks.
“Flint's accomplice,” Alex answers. “Ironically also my friends' mom.”
“Which friends?” Greg frowns.
“Liz and Rosa. You remember them?”
Greg nods. “Rosa was the girl in Flint's year who died, right? Her mom is helping you?” he asks Flint.
Flint shrugs and looks at Alex again, trying to communicate something silently. Alex doesn't bother figuring out what it is. His head isn't quite clear enough to see all of the implications, but he already knows that there's no way Greg will settle for anything short of the truth. And Greg has always been very good at reading his brothers.
Plus, Greg is in control here, and he's been more than sympathetic to Alex since his injury. This could come out well for Alex, so he won't let Flint turn this to his advantage.
“Dad tried to take me down because I've become an inconvenience to his little genocide plan,” he says before Flint can stop him. “Flint thinks he can use me to get Michael to build him a bomb.”
That's the little he's gathered from Flint's talk with Dad the other day, and from Flint and Helena's interaction. He has no idea where Helena comes into it or how she learned about aliens, but he knows Flint's motivations well enough. They've been clear since Caulfield.
“Wait, genocide? Bomb?” Greg spits out in shock. Then he shakes his head, as if realizing that he shouldn't be surprised. “What the fuck are you doing, Flint?”
“They're invaders,” Flint says. “They're dangerous.” He's looking at Alex rather than Greg, as if he's trying to convince him. Alex wonders if he's not still trying to convince himself. Dad's twisted ideas coming from Flint's mouth sound so perverted and out of place.
“They're people,” Alex shoots back.
“They're aliens!”
“They're refugees!”
“Whoa,” Greg throws up his arms. “Am I missing something obvious or did you suddenly become a racist asshole? Are you even hearing yourself?” he asks Flint. Flint has the good grace to look a little abashed.
“Literal aliens,” Alex mutters. “We're talking about actual aliens.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
“Not even a little,” Alex sighs.
Greg closes his eyes. “Okay. Aliens. And Dad−”
“Wants to kill them all. Kept some of them prisoners for decades and experimented on them.”
Alex watches both Greg and Flint's face closely as he says that. Greg's is suitably horrified, but he doesn't know how to interpret Flint's expression. It's not disgust. It's not glee, either. He may be parroting Dad's rhetoric, but he's not lost to it.
“Dad was just trying to protect us,” he says. Not perfectly assured. The facade is cracking.
“Was?” Greg notices.
“He's been weaker, since the stroke.”
“You know he's faking the limp, right?” Alex asks.
A shadow goes through Flint's gaze. “Of course,” he says, but it's obviously a lie.
“Another lovely moment, finding out my father has been faking a disability for months when he hit me over the head with his cane,” Alex casually turns to Greg. Flint winces, glancing down at Alex's empty pant leg. “I love how well we communicate in this family.”
“Alex−” Flint starts.
“You don't get to say anything. You've been holding me chained up for days against my will. You've lost the right to tell me how great a family we are.”
“I'm still hung up over the alien thing, but I have to agree with Alex here,” Greg says. “What the fuck were you thinking, Flint?”
“He wants Michael to do something for him,” Alex says when Flint doesn't answer. “I don't even know why you'd think Michael will do anything. We're not together. And you're asking him to build a bomb designed to wipe out his entire species, Flint.”
“Wait, wait, Guerin's an alien?” Greg interrupts him.
“Yep,” Alex pops out the 'p'. “That's Dad's great threat to earth. Three orphan refugees who just want to live their life.”
“They're not alone,” Flint mutters, at the same time as Greg asks, “Three? Who else?”
“Max and Isobel Evans,” Alex smirks. The cat is out of the bag anyway, since Flint knows, and this little revenge feels good. Having one of his brothers on his side will feel good.
Greg blinks. “Okay,” he drawls out. “Let me get this straight. Guerin and the Evanses are aliens, even though they look just like us. And Dad knows about this, and wants to...wipe them out? And you're helping him?” he points to Flint.
“It's not just them,” Flint says. “We had specimens in Caulfield who could cause cancer with a simple touch, blow up whole buildings. They have dangerous powers.”
“And you have a gun,” Alex says. “How is it less dangerous than any of those powers? Powers, I should add, that Dad had no trouble using for his own agenda when it came to eliminating Jim Valenti.”
“Jim Valenti was killed by Subject N-38,” Flint frowns.
“And what, you think he went into his cell for fun? I have all the video surveillance, Flint. All the records. Decades of Dad and our grandfather randomly torturing people before going home for Sunday dinner.” From those surveillance tapes, he knows that Flint never had real contact with any of the prisoners. He never even went beyond the upper level, where he did the designs for his bomb. Alex spent hours and hours watching those tapes. “They're the same as us. Just people.”
“They want to wipe us out,” Flint says.
“They're my family,” Alex counters softly.
The shock on Flint's face would be comical, if it wasn't so painful. Greg's gaze on Alex is lost and sad. “They're more my family than you've ever been,” Alex adds for Flint.
He tries to mitigate that blow by putting a hand on Greg's arm, to show him that he doesn't mean him, but Greg shakes his head and gently moves away, guilt obvious on his face. Alex pushes through and leans his shoulder on Greg's, welcoming the support. His head is clearer now, but he's aching all over.
“Did you ever stop to think, when you were overseas?” he starts, his voice barely more than a whisper as he's trying to conserve some energy. “When you pointed your gun at insurgents or civilians or whoever it was that day you were ordered to contain or kill, did you stop and wonder who they were? If they had a life, too, a family? A brother?”
Flint looks away.
“Michael was the first person who really understood,” Alex continues. “He grew up in the system and he got the worse luck. He made me feel safe, for the first time since Mom left. He made me feel like I could get out of Roswell, escape Dad.”
“What happened?” Greg asks in a murmur.
“Dad found us,” Alex answers. “He didn't know what Michael was, but it didn't matter. He knew what I am. He started to choke me, and Michael tried to step in, so Dad took a hammer to Michael's hand.”
Neither of his brothers look shocked. Greg is clearly pained, and he drapes his arm around Alex's back in comfort, and Flint won't look at him, but they're not shocked. That's probably the saddest thing, that they all know exactly what Jesse Manes is capable of.
He waits until he's caught Flint's eyes again. “Michael's mother was in Caulfield,” he says. “He got to see her blow up with the building. He wanted to stay with her. He dreamed of going to college, but he stayed in Roswell because his sister needed him. He used to play the guitar while I sang, before Dad ruined his hand. That's the threat you're trying to eliminate, Flint.”
Flint swallows. “Did Dad really kill Jim?”
“I have the video on a secure network,” Alex nods. “We'd have to go to my place to show you, but yes. He did. I'm sorry,” he adds after a moment.
“Why are you sorry?”
“I'm sorry that Dad isn't the man you wish he was. I wished for something else for a long time, too.”
Flint stands up suddenly, and starts pacing. “I've read the reports,” he says. “The aliens attacked people when they arrived. And there's been thirteen murders in the last ten years done by aliens.”
Greg looks at Alex. “Is that true?”
“Yes,” Alex sighs. “They're people. No worse than us, but also no better. We found the murderer. He's dead now.”
“We're talking about a serial killer, Alex!” Flint loses his cool. “What if they're all like that?”
“What if they aren't?” Alex yells back. He regrets it as the sound rings painfully inside his head. “Tell me how many times you've heard that same question asked about Native men, Flint.”
Flint opens his mouth, and closes it again. He paces the length of the room faster, giving the edge of the mattress a kick when he passes by.
Greg clears his throat. “Can we go back to the bomb? What the fuck is it?”
“It's not really a bomb,” Flint says. “It's a chemical agent, designed to eliminate people who have specific DNA strands.”
Alex can almost see the cogs turn in Greg's head. “How do you plan on dispersing it?”
“My team designed an atomizer,” Flint explains. He looks hesitant, like he knows he shouldn't be talking about that but he can't quite remember why. They've got through to him at least a little, Alex realizes. “I just need someone to build it.”
“Michael,” Alex explains for Greg's benefit. “He's a mechanic. And a genius.”
“So it's not a sanctioned mission,” Greg raises his eyebrows. “You and Dad have been working on this for...how long? Years? A Manes family mission to commit genocide?”
“We're doing what needs to be done,” Flint stops pacing and stands at attention.
“By fucking kidnapping Alex? Flint, did you stop even once to think about what you're doing?”
“They got into Alex's head. I'm doing this for his own good.”
Alex lets himself fall back until he's lying down on the mattress, prompting his brothers to look at him. His headache is getting worse, not better. “His words, in your mouth,” he tells Flint. “I expected that from Clay. Not from you. Have you forgotten everything, Flint? All of Granddad and Granny's history lessons?”
Flint looks away. Greg seems to seize the opportunity, and he stands up and grabs Flint's arm. “Let Alex go, Flint.”
“I can't.”
“Do you remember the last time we were all at the house together?” Greg lowers his voice, almost as if he doesn't want Alex to hear, but the room is small. “We promised we'd look out for him,” he nods toward Alex. “That we wouldn't let Dad get to him again.”
“He shouldn't have come back to Roswell,” Flint sets his chin stubbornly.
“Maybe not. But he's still our brother. We need to stop failing him.”
For the first time, Flint truly looks torn. “I'm trying to protect him from the aliens,” he says slowly.
“I think you and I both knows that's not who we need to protect him from,” Greg says.
Alex resists the urge to retort that he can protect himself−his current situation would tend to disagree, although he swears he'll free himself the minute his head stops swimming−and finds himself feeling oddly touched.
Flint looks down at his shoes.
“Let him go, Flint.”
“Fine,” Flint finally relents. He grabs a key from his pocket and tosses it to Alex, who scrambles to open the cuff around his wrist.
He eyes the gun in Greg waistband again, trying to figure out if it's worth making a go at it, but he decides to trust Greg. It's not like he can stand up, anyway.
“What now?” he asks.
“We should really get you to a hospital,” Greg says.
“No. I need to see that Michael's okay. And I need to stop their plan,” he waves at Flint, including Helena and his father as well. He gives Flint a defiant look. “I can't let you harm them.”
“I know,” Flint sighs. “Helena's gone to bring Guerin here.”
“Will you stand down?” Alex asks him. “Let me do what I have to do?”
“I won't try to harm you,” Flint holds his empty hands up in a surrendering gesture. “Or your family,” he adds reluctantly.
“Good.” Alex turns to Greg and holds a hand up to be helped into a standing position. “You have a phone? I'm going to need it.”
“Who put you in charge?” Greg asks, amused. “You have a concussion, Alex, you need medical care.”
“I know. I'm doing to call my doctor,” Alex answers. “After I call Michael, anyway. Anyone know where my leg is? We have a lot of work to do.”
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caitlesshea · 4 years
she's bringin' the moon and stars to me
The long awaited follow up to this 
Alex doesn’t quite know how he does it but he finds them. All three of them. He didn’t even have to look far at first. Luckily his dad’s paranoia has been a longtime issue because three children showing up naked and mute in the desert definitely hit his radar.
It seems that’s where it ended though. After two were adopted and one went into the system his dad stopped tracking them, but Alex has their names and it is easy to find them. 
Mara’s son Rath, now Michael Guerin, lives in California and works for the SETI Institute, a fact that makes Alex chuckle. 
Mara’s niece, Princess Vilandra, now Isobel Evans, lives in Albuquerque, and has a successful event planning business. 
Mara’s nephew, Prince Zan, now Max Evans, lives in Albuquerque as well, and works as a cop for their local Sheriff's Department. 
Alex is torn. He wants to tell Mara that he’s found them, wants to show her pictures, but he doesn’t want to hurt her. 
On one hand, he has no idea how willing any of them will be to listen to him, or if they’ll even believe him, without him actually showing them proof. 
On the other hand, he has no idea how much time Mara has left, and if he can, he wants to at least show her Michael and the little he was able to find out about him. 
It’s nearly three in the morning the day before he’s set to fly to California when he walks up to her cell. She’s never been a heavy sleeper and to no one's surprise she’s awake when he gets there. 
“Alex.” Mara’s sweet voice carries through the glass. Sometimes he’s allowed inside of the cells but he doesn’t want to risk it tonight. 
“I have something to show you.” Alex says quietly as they take their places on the floor. It’s more comfortable for both of them to sit next to each other even with the glass separating them.
Mara’s eyes light up in a way they haven’t in years. She puts her hand on the glass and he mirrors the motion.
“You found them?” 
“I did.” 
Alex pulls out his phone and opens up the picture from Michael's employee bio and he presses the phone against the glass. Mara’s breath catches and he can see tears in her eyes. 
“Rath.” She whispers as her fingers trace over his face. 
“His name is Michael now.” Alex whispers and she says the name a few times, almost like she’s trying it out on her tongue. 
“He looks so much like his father. The same curly hair and the same golden eyes.” 
Alex smiles at the admission and takes the phone to show her pictures of Isobel and Max. Mara’s breath catches when she sees them. 
“He looks just like my brother.” Mara leans against the glass and looks tearfully up at Alex. 
“They’re Max and Isobel.”
“I like their names.” 
Alex nods and scrolls through the photos he was able to find of the three of them. Max’s and Michael’s social media pages are private but Isobel’s isn’t. 
“I fly to California tomorrow. I have an appointment scheduled with Michael.” Alex says after a moment. Mara jerks her head up to him.
“You’re going to see him?” 
“Yeah. I don’t know how it will go, but I’m going to try and convince him to come back to New Mexico with me.” 
“I have faith in you.” 
Alex falters for a moment. He doesn’t know how she does it, but Mara always seems to have the right thing to say. These declarations that she makes are so hard to swallow knowing how her life has been. 
“I’ll try my best.” 
She nods to him and he can tell she’s tired. He leaves to let her sleep, hoping it’s as peaceful as it can be. 
He makes it to California with relative ease, thanking the Air Force for an excuse to come out here and speak to the scientists at the SETI Institute. Even though Project Shephard is Classified, he was able to give them enough information to set up a meeting with Michael.
He follows the receptionist down the hallway until she knocks on Michael’s door.
“Dr. Guerin, Captain Manes is here to see you.” 
Alex walks into the office just as Michael is turning away from the window. It was one thing to have seen photos of Michael, to have watched videos of lectures he has given, but it was another thing entirely to be face to face with him.
His golden curls and even brighter eyes, washed in the sunlight pouring through the window, make him the most beautiful man Alex has ever seen. 
The fact that he’s seen Michael as a toddler in Mara’s memories makes what he’s about to say all the more frightening.
“Captain Manes.” Michael says in a whiskey laced voice as he holds out his hand.
“You can call me Alex.” Alex shakes his hand and sits where Michael has indicated.
Alex nods and pulls some folders out of his backpack.
“So, what brings an Air Force Captain all the way out here?” 
“Is this room secure?” Alex figures there’s no time to waste.
“What?” Michael startles for only a moment before skepticism takes over his face.
“Your office. Is it secure?” Alex asks as he takes a frequency jammer out of his backpack and places it on the table.
“Uh. Yeah it is.” Michael looks around and goes to pull the blinds closed. “What’s going on?”
“I would’ve liked to ease you into this. But I’m running out of time.”
“Time for what? I don’t even know you.” 
“I know. I’m sorry.” And Alex is. He has no idea how Michael will take this news. 
He knows when his father first brought him to Caulfield when he was young, he was horrified. And when Alex joined the Air Force and was finally given access to the data of Project Shepard he nearly threw up from reading everything. 
Michael nods once and Alex steels himself before launching into a shortened version of the truth. 
“There’s no easy way to say this and at the chance that you think I’m crazy and will probably call security, I think I’ll have to just say it quickly and then you can ask questions.” 
“I know you’re an alien. I know you were part of the 1947 crash in Roswell and that you and two others hatched out of stasis pods about twenty years ago. I know this because the government has been keeping the surviving Antarians from the crash at a prison in New Mexico. The prison is run by the Air Force and has been since the initial crash.”
Alex stops to take a breath and watches as all the color drains from Michael’s face. 
“Wha?” Michael paces as he turns back to him. “Who are you?” 
“I told you.” 
“No. I know what you told me. And the only reason that I’m not currently trying to kill you is that for some reason I believe you.”
“I - ”
“No. What I want to know is why you’re here. The Air Force certainly didn’t send you to have this conversation with me in my office, especially not without guns.” 
Alex looks at Michael, with his arms crossed and defenses way up, and decides that if Michael can believe him then he can share the truth. 
“Your mother is one of the prisoners.” Alex whispers and watches as Michael deflates with a look of pure abject terror on his face. 
“My mot - ” Michael can’t even say the word and Alex moves closer to him and holds up his hand.
“If you don’t believe me, believe her.”
Michael fits his palm to Alex’s and it glows a familiar red. As soon as he feels Michael enter his mind, his world explodes in colors. 
~ 1 year later ~
Alex watches as Mara takes a step off of their deck to put her toes in the sand. 
“Oh, Michael.” She says quietly, a look of awe on her face. “It’s even more beautiful than I imagined.” 
Alex smiles and thinks back to the year it took to get them to this point. After finally convincing Michael, and then Isobel and Max, to help him dismantle Project Shephard, they were able to save the remaining Antarian prisoners. Isobel’s mind warping skills and Max’s healing abilities went a long way in rescuing everyone. 
The others stayed in Albuquerque with Isobel and Max, while Mara came to California to live with Alex and Michael in their new beach bungalow. 
Tonight is their first night in their new house and Alex has never been happier. 
“Dinner’s ready.” Alex says as he walks out onto the deck. Mara smiles at him as she walks back inside, grabbing his shoulder in gratitude. 
“Hey.” Alex puts his arm around Michael’s waist and Michael smiles at him.
“Hey darlin’.” Michael kisses him like he always has, like he’s everything.
“Thank you.” Michael whispers when they break apart and lean their foreheads against each other’s. The golden light of the sun setting makes Michael’s curls glow. 
“For what?” 
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