#like she’s closer to mexico than she is our hometown
creatorofuniverses · 2 years
Gt July Day 19 – Same Size
Got my drabble done shockingly early today! This prompt just gave me such a clear cut idea, I knew exactly what I wanted to write. The context around this will probably happen later in the In Deep Waters story - a plot arc I haven’t written just yet - but this drabble should be readable enough on its own. ^^ Hope you like it!
I was standing in a park.
I knew this park. It was a small one in my hometown, closer to where I’d gone to college than where I’d grown up. There was a modest retention pond, surrounded by scraggly grass, some benches, and an actually tasteful layout of reddish-sand colored rocks. There were even a handful of trees littered about for shade. It was a fair amount of green for the typical arid climate of New Mexico.
New Mexico. Wait, what was I doing in New Mexico?
I looked around, my movements a bit sluggish, as if my mind was lagging behind a bit. The park seemed normal enough, but I wasn’t sure there was much beyond it. The sky was a murky, uniform shade of glowing grey.
Of course. I was dreaming. A fairly vivid, lucid dream, but I’d been having those lately. Well, we’d been having those.
I looked behind me and froze. Ewe stood there. She was dressed in her nightgown, barefooted, her fluffy black hair tousled and her dark eyes looking at me in bewilderment.
And she was shorter than I was.
She was downright adorable, actually, a little girl of nine, her face round and young. Her appearance was familiar in every way except for size. Normally she was big enough to pick me up in one hand. Now I could put her up on my shoulders if she wanted.
I couldn’t do anything but stare in shock as she hesitantly stepped towards me. She looked me over, all the way up to my face, before looking around at the park we were in. “Are we dreaming again?” she asked. I just nodded. “Where are we?”
“My home,” I answered, my voice sounding strange in the dream, or perhaps from the shock of us being the same size. Words came easier in dreams, however; I always dreamed in English, but I knew Ewe must dream in her own language. It didn’t seem to matter here. “Where I lived before the valley.”
Ewe’s eyes lit up. “With the other anatin!” she exclaimed in recognition. I smiled slightly. Ze’zien had pluralized my name as a way to refer to humans like me – the direct translation was “Little Ones” – and Ewe had caught onto it all too quickly. Ewe ran over, bare feet brushing through the grass, and put her hand against the trunk of a scrubby oak tree. She looked back at me with some confusion on her face. “I thought the anatin were little, like you.”
My smile turned somewhat dry. “Right now I think you’re little like me,” I answered.
She frowned slightly and looked up at the leaves on the oak. “But the trees are still… trees. Wouldn’t they seem really, really big to you?”
“Our trees are smaller,” I explained, as gently as I could. I was no scientist- I had no idea why the valley had giant people and giant trees and giant monsters that the rest of the world didn’t. I just knew that I’d never seen anything like Ewe’s valley outside of it. “Everything is smaller in the part of the world I came from.”
Ewe nodded, taking this in with all the seriousness a child her age could muster. “And the animals are different too, right?” she recalled.
“Yeah.” I looked towards the pond. “I used to come here and feed the ducks.”
As if summoned by my words, or perhaps my memories, there was a sudden quack. Ducks were in the pond, and in typical dream fashion they were suddenly there while feeling like they had always been there. Ewe’s mouth made a small ‘o’ shape before she broke out into a wide grin and all but flew down to the edge of the pond. I walked over at a slower pace, watching with no shortage of endearment as the ducks flocked to her, quacking happily amongst her delighted giggles. “They’re so round!” she announced in delight, crouching down at the edge of the pond. “They have feathers!”
“They do, yeah,” I agreed, unable to help but grin too. Her innocent enthusiasm was infectious. “I usually bring some lettuce to feed them.” I put a hand towards my back, out of habit more than expectation, and was surprised to find I had my backpack on me, just like any normal day of college. I looked down at myself, realizing for the first time that I was dressed in a t-shirt, shorts, and flip flops. I hadn’t seen myself in this kind of clothing for ages. Shrugging away the strange feeling that elicited, I swung my backpack around and unzipped it. Ewe watched all of this happen with open curiosity- which only grew as I pulled out a Ziploc bag full of lettuce and opened it. “Here,” I said, handing a couple of pieces to Ewe. It was still so surreal to be able to do that- she was like any other kid at this size. “They like being fed, and they’re not dangerous.”
“They’re cute!” she agreed. She took the lettuce and tentatively held out a piece, laughing in delight as a couple of the ducks snatched it in their beaks and gobbled it up. She was much less hesitant to feed some of the others with her next piece of lettuce. “I like these, um, d’ucks.” The word was obviously new on her tongue, but I was just impressed she remembered it. “They’re like the to’finel ch’kor at home.”
The world shifted around her last word.
We weren’t standing in the park anymore. We were at the shore of the lake, in the valley Ewe had been born and raised in, the sky still a uniform, glowing grey, the dark water stretching out beside us indefinitely. The ducks were now a cluster of to’finel ch’kor, which took the kelp Ewe was holding out of her hands with waving tentacles. She was dressed in furs now, and so was I; but we were still the same size.
I was the same size as the giants. It was disconcerting- even out here in the open, things looked somehow more normal and altogether stranger at the same time. The beach, which I knew was covered in rocks and boulders, seemed like a small pebble beach. The trees were tall but not enormous, just as tall as the trees in any old growth forest near the Pacific. I could probably wrap my arms all the way around some of their trunks, rather than being outsized by some of their leaves. The houses closest to the shore looked like normal houses rather than achingly huge buildings. A boat bobbed on the water nearby, big enough for two people maybe, though I had seen it before. It could fit a hundred human beings in it.
Ewe had noticed my size as well, though with seemingly much less disorientation. The benefit of being a kid, I supposed; she was always quicker to bounce back from things than I was. “Now you get to be my size!” she realized with some delight. “You’re as tall as a grown up!”
“I am a grown up,” I reminded her.
She just nodded, springing to her feet and coming to join me where I stood. “This dream is weird,” she decided. Understatement of the century right there. “But fun too. We should go see the village while you’re tall!”
Honestly, I’d heard of worse ideas. Shrugging lightly, I said, “Sure. Lead the way.” She beamed at me and ran over towards the wooden stairs leading up to the village. I followed, mostly amazed that I could keep up just by walking at a normal pace. Usually a single step of hers would have left me in the dust, but now… now I could see her for exactly what she was. Ewe was a young child, the baby of the village really (until I’d inadvertently stolen that title), and now that I was her size her enthusiasm felt normal and healthy rather than overwhelming. She was just a kid. It wasn’t like I’d ever forgotten that fact, but it was different when I was seeing her home from her own perspective.
When I first arrived in the valley, the village had reminded me of the small Alaskan towns I’d seen just prior to my catastrophic plummet into weirdness. Now, with everything at a way more functional size compared to me (or vice versa), that resemblance was even more striking. The fog, the trees, the red and black painted patterns on the houses, the staircases winding their ways up into the foothills of misty, forested mountains- all of it looked so much more normal when I could walk through it at the size it was meant for. I recognized familiar buildings as we passed and couldn’t help but stare, my memories of them clashing with the way they looked to me now.
Ewe led me up one of the staircases to probably the most familiar building in town. She hauled open the front door and I reached out a hand to help her, marveling that I could. I knew the door was heavy, way too heavy, an outright slab of solid timber; but I propped it open with a hand while she slipped inside, and followed her without so much as a sore shoulder from the action.
Then we were home.
Her home, and mine too, now that I was stuck in the valley for an indeterminate length of time. The fire was going in the hearth, warming the well-worn rug and comfortable cushioned bench in front of it. I could see into the kitchen, where a table with three chairs stood to one side. It looked all too small to me now, an efficient use of what little space they had in this windowless cabin, rather than the stretch of wood and space it had always seemed before. There was a doorway to our right, leading to her parents’ room, and a doorway to our left, leading to our room.
The room we were asleep in right now, actually, which was an extremely weird thought to have. I wandered over to the open doorway and stared at the empty bed, imagining the two of us in it- Ewe curled up on her side, a small kid in a bundle of blankets. Me, even tinier, probably held against her like a teddy bear. The knowledge of that truth clashed with the visual I had right now, standing in the doorway at the same height as any other villager.
A small, warm hand slipped into mine. I looked down to see Ewe holding my hand, her dark eyes staring into her bedroom with uncharacteristic focus. She looked thoughtful, as if the same ideas were plaguing her too. “Emy,” she said, her voice quiet, small. “I was happy when I thought you were my younger sibling.” She looked up at me, the action still so unusual for both of us, and added, “But I’m happy that you’re my older sibling, too.”
Emotion swelled inside me, and my throat suddenly felt a little tight. “Thanks, Ewe,” I said. I gripped her hand a little tighter, committing the feeling to memory. “I’m happy to be your older sibling.”
The dream faded soon after that, but I remembered it long after I woke up. We both did.
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yoomiii123 · 2 years
The Runaways - Part 3: To rescue a friend
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Read this on Fanfiction.net , AO3 , or right here on Tumblr!
Summary: Peter's PoV of the night he went back for Jasper.
Word Count: 2'625
Trigger Warnings: none
Rating: PG
“Look, there it is!”
A thousand crystals sparkled on Charlotte’s hand as she lifted it and pointed towards something in the distance. My eyes didn’t follow; my gaze captured by the bite mark between her thumb and index finger. We were so close now. With a bit of luck, I could be back before sunrise tomorrow, maybe even sooner. All I had to do, was—
The loud thump of Charlotte’s ornithology book being closed startled me from my thoughts. “You’re not listening at all, are you?”
“I’m sorry. Please, tell me about the log-bird you spotted.” I placed my arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer. The dry grass below us rustled as her body dragged over to mine.  
“Loggerhead shrike,” she corrected and placed her head on my chest. “But you’re not really interested in it.”
I smiled and placed a kiss on her forehead. “You’re interested, that’s good enough for me.”
“Usually, I would buy that, but you’ve been distracted for a while now. I told you we didn’t have to go this far south if it bothers you.”
It’s not Mexico that bothers me. It’s who’s down there.
I sighed and sat up. Charlotte slipped from my embrace and rolled over to her back, looking up at me. She was at ease, happier than I had ever dared to hope. The last four years had been everything she ever wanted, and she told me so regularly.
I had worried about running at first; about not being able to give her a home or something to hold on to, except for the few things we carried on our backs. But by the time we figured out that the world wasn’t at war, that this immortal existence wasn’t about constantly fighting for livestock, we had gotten used to it. She loved travelling, running up and down the continent, discovering something new every day. And I was more than happy to follow. To see something more of the world than just my small hometown in Arizona and the greater Monterrey area, where I had spent the first years of my second life.
But unlike Charlotte, who felt free like the birds—her newest obsession—, there was still something holding me back. I had done my best to confine that part of me to the darkest corners of my mind for the past five years, but with every happy moment we shared, it inched closer to the light. I hadn’t been able to lock it up again once we reached Texas. It was at the forefront of my consciousness now, ever present. This regret, this guilt over leaving my brother.
“I have to go back for him.” The words slipped out before I could stop them.
Charlotte responded immediately; her body tensed, and all serenity left her face. She was on her feet in an instant, arms crossed and eyes furious. “Absolutely not.”
I sighed. This conversation hadn’t been fun the first three times we had it and I doubted it would turn out differently this time around. But I couldn’t push it off any longer. “I owe it to him, Char. He saved your life. And mine, twice!”
“We owe him nothing. He didn’t save us; he just decided not to kill us. That’s the decent thing to do, Peter. Most of the vampires we met over the last years did the exact same thing, yet I don’t recall us owing them anything.”
“It’s different down there,” I tried again, though I already suspected it would be useless. She never saw a real battle and I was eternally thankful for that. But it also made justifying Jasper’s actions to her very difficult.
“That’s no excuse. You were down there too and yet you treated us with some respect. He didn’t care at all.”
That’s where you’re wrong, I thought. Jasper did care, she just didn’t see it. She wasn’t there for the fights. For the purges. She didn’t see the way his eyes mourned, the way he kept vigil over the burned bodies of his soldiers. But I did, and I was convinced he wouldn’t stay if he knew that Maria’s tales of war had been a lie.
“You’ve already made up your mind, haven’t you?” Charlotte spat. Her jaw was clenched tightly now, her expression unreadable. But her eyes revealed just how betrayed she felt.
And despite how much I cared for her, she was right. Nothing she could say was going to change my mind. I had lost brothers before; I had to try and save this one at least. “I can’t do this anymore if I don’t, Char. I can’t be happy knowing I didn’t even try to help him. The regret is eating me alive.”
“And what about me? Losing you is going to eat me alive.”
I had no words. I wasn’t going to lie to her and promise I would come back. I knew that there was a very real chance I wouldn’t. Even if I made it down to Monterrey without incidents, I could run into Maria first. Or one of her newborns. There even was a small risk that Jasper had a change of heart; that he would kill me the moment he laid eyes on me. I had spent countless days agonising over these possibilities, and I had come to terms with them. If there was the slightest chance that I could save my brother from another century of pointless war, I had to take it.
“So, you’re choosing him over me after all.” A tearless sob escaped Charlotte’s throat.
It pained me to see her like that. I wanted to hold and comfort her, but she recoiled, wrapping her own arms around her tiny body as if she was trying to keep herself together. “Don’t you dare touch me!”
I ran a hand over my face and turned my eyes to the sky, silently hoping to find an answer written somewhere in the clouds. But the blush-pink endlessness just stared back at me through the leafy canopy, wordless. There was no other way, nothing I could say to ease her pain. My actions were going to hurt her, and I was ready to accept that.
“At least let me come with you,” Charlotte whispered after a minute of agonizing silence. The sorrow in her voice went straight through my chest and clutched my dead heart, crushing it. She had come closer; was almost within reach of my arms now.
I closed my eyes and bit my lip. “No, I cannot risk that.”
“So, you can go and throw your life away to save a monster, and I cannot even try to protect the man I love?” Bitterness laced her words like a serpent’s sting.
“It’s safer this way. I won’t be able to focus on myself if you’re down there with me,” I replied, reaching for her hand again. She pulled it away.
“And if you don’t come back?”
I swallowed my grief down, but my voice still didn’t muster the encouragement I had hoped for. “You’ll figure it out. You’re strong. And smart. And we’ll always have the last five years.”
She was in my arms within the blink of an eye, wrapping hers around my waist so tightly I was glad she’d lost her newborn strength years ago. “You better come back. I don’t want to figure it out without you,” she muttered.
I rested my chin on the top of her head and memorized how it felt to hold her. Me either.
The sun had long gone when I left, my initial plans to be back before sunrise squashed by the sudden reality of losing my mate and leaving her to fend for herself. But despite all of the pain, my resolve didn’t waiver. I had to do this. Not just for Jasper, but also for us. I couldn’t spend an eternity living with regret. That wasn’t fair to myself or Charlotte.
I pushed my legs to the brink, only stopping once to replenish my strength before crossing the border. Avoiding big towns and keeping to the woods and mountains as far as possible, I worked my way towards Monterrey, praying to the only god I knew that Jasper would still be there. If he wasn’t, there was a good chance that this endeavour would end before I even had a chance to talk to him.
My worry spiked when I came across the scents of at least six vampires just a few minutes outside Valladares. There was no trace of Jasper and Maria with them, so either they had replaced me or there was another army this close to Monterrey. Either way, it didn’t bode well for me. I slowed down, paying more attention to my surroundings, keeping my eyes out for scouts. But there were none. I passed the Cerro Tía Chena to the west without hindrance and crossed through the valley towards the city just as the first light appeared on the horizon.
There were more tracks now, and they quickly mixed with the blood of humans starting their day. I made it halfway around the city before the sunlight became too worrisome and I had to hide in the poorly protected basement of a nearby farmhouse.
I crawled through the narrow window again at sundown, hungry and nervous. My scent had been lingering in the area for an entire day now. It was very likely that someone had followed it. The eerie feeling of eyes on my back didn’t disappear, despite me not being able to make out any red eyes in the small crowds of people going after their evening activities. Eventually, my thirst drove me to risk it. After running for five hours and hiding for almost triple of that, I was famished. And that one old woman walking her dog just smelled too good.
After carrying the corpse out to the Parque Nacional and burying her alongside her pet without incident, I was positive that my fears had been for naught. If someone was watching me, they would have attacked before I hunted on their territory. The thought was just as comforting as it was troubling. The chances that Maria and Jasper had moved on to God knew where were rising by the minute.
I checked the barn next, but it was abandoned too. There was only one more place I could go to now; a small cavern system to the south of the city. This was where I woke up after being turned. It was my last shot.
I had just crossed back around the city and disappeared in the trees of the forest, when I suddenly heard another set of inhumanly fast feet behind me. Someone had picked up my trail. After all these hours, my luck had run out.
I pushed on, hoping to find a small clearing or plateau ahead. A place where it would be easier to spot the attackers coming for me. But the other vampire was fast, he was closing in. At least his were the only steps I could perceive; my pursuer was alone. I jumped over a fallen log and hid behind the next best boulder I could find. There was no way I would outrun him—or her.
Just as I stopped, the forest suddenly turned silent. The other set of steps had disappeared as well, and there was nothing audible now, except for the distant buzzing of the city. Did I get away?
No, of course not. I realised my mistake a split-second too late, just as a white flash descended from the tree above and landed on the forest floor just a few feet away. My body instinctively braced itself for the attack as my eyes scanned the opponent for any weaknesses when I suddenly recognised him. His posture seemed off and his skin was even more mangled than when I last saw him, but there was no mistake. The man crouching in front of me like a wounded tiger was my former brother in arms. “Jasper?”
“So, it is you. I didn’t believe it at first when the scout told me a ‘tall gringo’ was walking around the city as if he owned the place.” The small smile that danced on his lips as he straightened up was enough for me to lower my guard fully. Still, there was a heavy air around him, trying to drag me down. I doubted that it was a conscious effort, he didn’t look like he was going to attack anymore. Still, it was odd for him to his control slack like that.
“Where’s the girl?” he asked before I could figure out the right way to greet him.
I smiled; he remembered her without contempt in his voice. This was a good sign. “Charlotte’s fine. She’s waiting for me up north. It was easier to do this without her.”
“I’m glad to hear that. You should go back to her, Peter. It isn’t a good time to be around here.”
“I will, after I’ve told you what I’ve come to say.”
Jasper’s eyes darted around, as if he was scanning the area for danger. Wasn’t this their territory anymore?
“You better be quick about it then. Maria has people watching me. It won’t be long before they find us, and you’ll best be on your way by then.”
I raised an eyebrow. Maria was watching him? Things certainly had changed. But he was right, there was time for questions later. After, I convinced him to come with me. Hopefully.
“She lied to us,” I started. “The world is not all territorial fights and newborn armies. Charlotte and I have been living peacefully for almost five years now. We haven’t seen a fight since we left here.”
Jasper’s eyes stopped racing and focused on me. “That’s impossible.”
“It’s not, I swear. There are covens up north too, but they coexist amicably. No bad blood and certainly no armies. Most of us live as nomads though, it’s easier to hunt when on the move. And it’s also quite fun to discover what the world has to offer. I saw snow for the first time a few years ago, it was quite the experience.”
“Coexist amicably?” he echoed, running a hand over his face in disbelief.
I nodded. “Yes. We’ve had a lot of interesting conversations. Some even invited us to hunt with them. It’s not at all like it is down here.”
“And the Volturi?”
“We haven’t heard a word of them either.” I carefully reached out a hand to touch his shoulder. Jasper flinched at first, but he didn’t brush it off. “Look, I know this place—Maria—is your home. But it doesn’t have to be. You could come with me, travel with us. Get away from this pointless war. We—”
Disbelief slipped from my tongue before I could stop it. “What?!”
“We should leave immediately, before Maria learns of this,” Jasper said. “Unless you changed your mind?”
“No, I— Of course, let’s go,” I stuttered, dumbfounded by how easy it had been to convince him.
My mind was still trying to wrap itself around what had happened as we ran down the mountain. Jasper led us in a big circle around the city before we headed north. And even though my legs were still tired from the sprint yesterday, running had never felt easier. The chains of regret that were holding me back for the last five years had been cut, I had my brother at my side again, and nothing would be able to stop us from leaving this wretched place behind. 
All I had to hope for now was that Charlotte would eventually forgive me for this.
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httphyucks · 3 years
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deliverydefresas · 3 years
moving step by step (together)
second and last thing i posted on wp that i haven't posted here ((i think)) feel free to ignore if you've read this on wattpad already, as i'm just posting it in case i need to refer to it later.
(not proofread. it never is)
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prompt(?): domestic!simbar deciding to move in together (toanothercountry)
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When her day began, she didn't imagine it'd end up the way it did. In fact, to Ámbar the day felt like an endless nightmare.
Between her washing machine breaking, one of her kitchen cloths accidentally catching on fire when she was making her breakfast, her car not starting and thus being late to her first class, forgetting an important paper at home and losing 1/5 of her grade for one of the toughest classes in her semester; Ámbar just wanted to call it a day and forget she even had to endure it.
"The professor told me he'd let me turn it the paper, as long as I added 10,000 words more; and hear this: he won't give me the 20% of the grade, but a 15%, tops." She still needed to get her laundry done, so she'd opted to come by Simón's loft (and Nico and Pedro's too) when her classes had ended. While she waited for it to be done, she'd grabbed a glass of wine while venting her boyfriend's ears off. "So now I need to find something to write about that's worth 1000 words of coherency, otherwise I'll be lucky to even have a 10%. And God knows I need it."
Simón kissed her head sympathetically, adjusting her head - previously leaning on his shoulder- a little bit closer to his neck. "You will, little gem. You're the smartest one in your class, I'm sure you'll find something and, it's penultimate semester, you can do it."
She groaned, "I wish it were as easy as that." He kissed her cheek this time, and she snuggled into him a bit more, needing his support to make her feel less stressed. "Enough of me, how was your day?"
He chuckled, "not as interesting as yours, I'm afraid. Did a little songwriting, had a video-call with a magazine, changed my sheets..." he winked at her, making her laugh.
"Aw, do you want me to give you a gold start? Maybe I should call your mom, tell her her little boy is a nice young man who makes his own bed." Simón leaned in to bite her cheek, causing her to and almost spill her wine all over the couch, and to prevent this, the red liquid ended up on her shirt. Technically, it was one of his, since today's clothes had been thrown in the washer with the rest of the laundry, but still, spilling wine on her clothes wasn't nice. "Simón!" she scoffed him, which only made him laugh at her. He told her to grab another of his old shirts, while he refilled her glass.
She stood up then, cursing him all the way to his room to grab one of the 'pajama' shirts he kept in his top drawer. Ámbar heard him call to her once she had put it on; "hey, is tacos okay with you for dinner? Or do you want me to order you something else?"
"What are the guys having?" she questioned, to prepare herself in case the others ordered less than what their stomachs wanted to eat, and later lead them to steal her food.
"Pedro's staying at Delfi's and Nico is out with his fling, so nothing." Simón answered her, entering his room with his cellphone at hand.
"Then the usual." She told him simply, her boyfriend nodded. "Hey, can I use your laptop to check my e-mail? My phone died."
Simón nodded again. "Sure. Hello? I would like to order two pastor gringas..." he left the room again, not before pointing at his desk, where his laptop was sitting on. She quickly turned it on, taking it to the living room to wait for Simón to finish the call.
Her boyfriend was one of those people who didn't put a password on the device itself, but on the archives in it (which were mostly lyrics, tracks, and unreleased songs), so it didn't take long until she had the browser opened.
Ámbar tried to ignore whatever Simón had open in his last tab, but the images displayed caught her attention.
No, it wasn't porn, nor was it anything compromising. At least not in that way.
Her boyfriend had a Real Estate website open, showing apartments in sale. However, that wasn't what surprised her – he'd talked about finding his own place before-, but that all the options listed Mexico City as their location.
He'd never mentioned moving back to Mexico. They'd planned vacations to his hometown Cancún, sure, but somehow in all their talks about the future she'd had assumed their plans took place in Buenos Aires, close to her family instead of his. She could deal with him going on tour for weeks – she didn't bear months as well as she did weeks, and for this he always flew her in- but to live in two different countries? How was their relationship supposed to work in that scenario? Would it even work out? Sure, she was almost over with her degree, but-
"Little gem," her eyes snapped from the screen to where Simón was standing, by the kitchen's door, "I ordered you an almond horchata, is that okay?" she kept staring at him. "What? Is my laptop giving you problems? Your mail?"
She sighed. "No, I actually haven't opened my mail yet." He gave her a confused look.
"Then what's it? You've been staring at the screen for at least two minutes."
"When were you planning on telling me you're moving to Mexico?"
His mouth shut, his eyes showed surprise and an underlying regret. "Uh... soon?"
"So it's true, then? You're moving there?" Ámbar didn't want her voice to sound as hurt as it did, but she couldn't conceal it, either. After all, this was her boyfriend, the guy she was in love with, and who she'd loved for years now... to imagine him living so far away from her, it hurt her deeply.
To find out like this, instead of from his own mouth, was like salt to the wound. Her already shitty day was turning for the worse.
Simón sighed, his demeanor showing he was ashamed of it. "It's an option." He pursed his lips slightly, walking over to the couch, taking the device off her lap to turn her body towards him. "I was planning on talking to you about this sooner than later, I promise."
"When? When you had already bought it? Or when I had to say goodbye at the airport?" she couldn't help but dab at him, her temper was talking for her right then, "and what do you mean with 'it's an option'? You're looking for a place already, surely it's more than simple 'option'."
Simón let out a sigh, a sign he wasn't sure how to explain it to her, "I- have you noticed how most of our label meetings have been taking place in México?" She nodded, it was hard not to. The boys and him didn't really leave the city unless they absolutely had to, which could be summed up in three reasons: touring, vacations, and meetings. She'd always frown a little when those meetings took place, because she couldn't really understand why they had to leave when their label had offices in BsAs, but never really dared to ask Simón, afraid she'd come out as clingy for not wanting him to leave her for a couple days.
"I just assumed all the 'important' people chose to meet there instead of flying down here."
He scratched his nape. "It's a little bigger than that. Their HQ has always been up there, and their offices here have worked on a smaller scale for years; however, they've wanted all their more... 'recognizable' artists to be closer for a while now."
"So, they're making you move there?"
"Yes and no. They've been nagging us since the beginning to move to Mexico City, but it's only now we've – well, I've- considered it as an option."
"Why? Don't Pedro and Nico want, too?"
Simón grimaced. "They've already been considering it for a couple of years." Oh. Now that she thought about it, Delfina had hinted multiple times over the months 'the possibility' of working in another country. She'd always assumed she meant taking international jobs for a short period while Pedro was out on tour too, but now she guessed she'd meant for her to imagine that possibility, too.
It seemed like she'd assumed lots of things, and it stung to know she'd been in the dark far longer than everyone else. Even Delfi – who'd been dating Pedro a considerably less time than she'd been with Simón- knew of this before her.
Which made her ask him once again. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"Because you're still in uni, little gem, and I didn't want to move somewhere else while you were here; I still don't. I had a plan, honestly; I was going to wait until you neared graduation to slowly get you used to the idea, and, well, I also wanted to wait in case we didn't work out." She pursed her lips as she was still mad, but knew he had a point. He always did.
"You could've talked to me sooner, though. We could've planned this way sooner, make it easier for both." Ámbar sighed out, trying to get her anger out with it.
"I know, I get it now, and I'm very sorry." He apologized sincerely, grabbing one of her hands to kiss it. "This in no way is me telling you I'm moving tomorrow and leaving you here, little gem, I'd never do that. Hell, I don't even think I could. It's just..."
"An option." She finished for him, sighing again. "I guess I- I don't know, maybe I could start looking at internships in CDMX? When- when would this take place anyway? And I have to talk to my mo-" her eyes widened, "God, my mom! What do I tell her if we go? She'll be all alone here!" Her voice sounded panicky even to her.
"Hey, it's okay, there's no hurry. We've already postponed this for years with the boys, another year or so won't change anything, in fact, we'll need all we can get to get papers and stuff in check. And your mom can always come with us if you're worried about her, no biggie." He told her, as if the three of them moving countries wasn't a big deal, or, y'know, extremely expensive.
"Do you seriously want my mom living with us, Simón?" she snapped at him, and immediately felt bad to do so. He was just trying to help her and then here she was, bitching on his offers. "Sorry, sorry. I'm just... overwhelmed, sorry." He shrugged it off.
"I was actually thinking of you two getting your own apartment but since you're oh so kindly offering to live together..." Her eyes widened once more, shocked. She hadn't realized she'd implied that. "... I guess we can either buy or rent one for ourselves and rent another for your mom."
"That's not what- I mean it's not necessary. An apartment for my mom and I would be okay if she even agrees to move."
Her boyfriend started pouting. "Are you saying you don't want to move in with me?"
"No, no, that's not what I mean-" she stopped talking once she saw a teasing grin on his face. "You're messing with me."
He shook his head, silently laughing as he reached out to sit her on his lap, hugging her waist tightly. "I'm not. I'm actually happy you asked me to move with you, so I don't have to when the time comes."
"I didn't ask you." She felt the need to point it out. "You just assumed I did."
"Because you assumed we'd live together. It's okay; if it were up to me I'd be living with you in a heartbeat, I've thought about it for a while."
She gulped. "You have?"
"Yeah, but since I'm living with two dudes and you're living with your mom... it just isn't viable." That got her thinking.
"Why haven't you gotten your own apartment yet? Any of you?"
Simón shrugged, leaning into their coffee table to grab their glasses. "Rent is cheaper when you divide into three, and all of us have been saving up to get our own pads for when we moved to CDMX."
"It was never a matter of 'if', was it? It was always a 'when' you moved." She already knew the answer, of course, so she didn't wait for him to answer. "What took you so long to do so? I'm sure you could've done so years ago, and now you're waiting for Delfi and I, I guess, but before? What held you back?"
He pondered it for a minute, didn't speak immediately. "Something always came up. At first, we didn't have enough money saved, then Nico's mom had an accident, Pedro wanting to stay until his little sister finished high school... then you. My guess is the universe was waiting for us to meet to let me leave the city." She couldn't help but laugh at this.
"You're such a corny guy."
"Only for you, little gem, only for you." Ámbar took a sip of her wine before snuggling closer to his chest, earning her a kiss on her hair. "So, are we doing this?"
She pushed the anxiety of the unknown to the back of her mind, she knew that if she overthought about it she'd find reasons not to. Instead, she took a deep breath, intoxicating herself with the smell of soap and lotion that lingered on her boyfriend all the time.
"Yeah," she sighed, "but we're doing this together."
"Together," he repeated, giving her hand another kiss. "I like the sound of that."
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sciencespies · 4 years
Researchers Reveal Hidden Details in Vermeer's 'Girl With a Pearl Earring'
Researchers Reveal Hidden Details in Vermeer's 'Girl With a Pearl Earring'
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On Tuesday, a team of researchers working with the Mauritshuis Museum in the Hague unveiled the results of its two-year examination of Johannes Vermeer’s Girl With a Pearl Earring.
Though the experts didn’t come any closer to discovering the figure’s much-debated identity, they were able to use modern imaging techniques to peer beneath the top layers of the finished painting in more detail than ever before.
The analysis revealed an array of previously unseen features: Per a press release, the mysterious sitter originally appeared not in a gray void, but in front of a dark green curtain. Vermeer also revised several elements of the work’s composition, including the position of the girl’s ear, the top of her headscarf and the back of her neck. Though invisible to the naked eye, the figure does, in fact, have eyelashes.
“We were able to find out so much about Vermeer’s materials and techniques, but we still don’t know exactly who the girl is,” project head and conservator Abbie Vandivere tells the Guardian’s Mark Brown. “It is good that some mysteries remain and everyone can speculate about her. It allows people their own personal interpretation of the girl; everyone feels their own connection with the way she meets your eyes.”
The artwork, completed around 1665, is one of Vermeer’s best-known works. Many of the 17th-century artist’s paintings center on women engaging in quotidian tasks such as reading, writing and playing musical instruments. In contrast, Girl With a Pearl Earring features an unnamed young woman looking over her shoulder to gaze directly at the viewer.
While it may seem like a conventional portrait, the 1665 work is actually a tronie, or painting that emphasizes character and costume over the depiction of a specific subject. According to the Essential Vermeer database, “The tronie furnished the artist [with] an opportunity to demonstrate his ability in rendering fine stuffs, an exotic garment or characteristic facial type.”
Vermeer’s eponymous girl wears a fashionable gold jacket, a blue-and-gold head scarf, and a large pearl earring. The scarf stood out to researchers analyzing the pigments used by the Dutch Golden Age giant, explains Vandivere in a video published by the Mauritshuis. The vibrant blue was derived from the semiprecious stone lapis lazuli, which was heated and ground up to produce a pigment.
“It’s surprising how much high quality ultramarine Vermeer used in the girl’s headscarf,” Vandivere tells the Associated Press’ Mike Corder. “This blue pigment was more valuable than gold in the 17th century.”
Blue wasn’t the only Girl With a Pearl Earring hue used that originated further afield, according to the Guardian. While the painting’s yellow and brown pigments could have been mined in Europe, the red used in the figure’s lips came from insects that lived on cacti in Mexico and South America. The white that highlights her eyes and earring was made from lead mined in England, and the dark blue in the background came from either Asian or North American indigo. Thanks to global trade, the pigments were likely all available for purchase in Vermeer’s hometown of Delft.
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Multispectral infrared reflectography revealed the under layers that Vermeer used to plan his painting.
(John Delaney and Kate Dooley / National Gallery of Art)
“So our question ‘Which materials did Vermeer use and where did they come from?’ not only tells us about where the pigments in Girl With a Pearl Earring come from, but also … about Dutch and world trade in the 17th century,” says Vandivere in the museum’s video.
The researchers mapped the painting’s pigments using modern imaging techniques. Additionally, they tested tiny fragments of paint removed from the artwork’s background in the 1990s, when it was last restored. The samples were embedded in resin and sliced in half to reveal the layers inside, yielding a mix of yellow and indigo pigments that had degraded in the light over time. Modern imaging also revealed the presence of faint, diagonal lines of lead white in the painting’s upper right corner. Together, the results show that when Vermeer first painted the Girl With a Pearl Earring, a dark green curtain was draped in its background.
Vermeer is famed for his use of light. In the painting, light reflects differently on the girl’s skin, lips, clothes and earring. The museum took a close look at the techniques the artist used to achieve the different effects: A thin brushstroke of white paint on the lower highlight of the earring reflects the collar, for instance, while a thicker daub of paint on the accessory’s top depicts the reflection of the light source.
Still, a lasting question remains: Who was the girl?
Speaking in an online presentation quoted by the Associated Press, Martine Gosselink, the Mauritshuis’ director, said, “No, sadly we didn’t find out who this young lady was and if she ever really existed. But we did get a little closer to her.”
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chasingshhadows · 5 years
RNM S01: A Progressive Review
I want to talk about diversity, representation, social issues, and the way Roswell New Mexico succeeds and fails in that particular department. It’s 2019 and we no longer live in a world where it’s acceptable to ignore the societal implications of the media we consume. That said, it’s also 2019, and Roswell is doing some things that place it far ahead of its peers in media in ways that make it an absolute pleasure to watch. Like honestly, I’m fucking thrilled with this show ok.
I’ve read and skimmed a lot of discussion about the ways in which RNM has failed to be this perfect paragon of progressive representation, and I’ve read/skimmed far less discussion – by both fans and TPTB – about the ways in which the show is trying to be better than its forebears.
However, there seems to be a wide divide between people recognizing the former and people recognizing the latter, and I very much believe it’s irresponsible to try to focus on either one without at least acknowledging the other. So I’m going to talk about those failures and successes, and I’m gonna zig-zag that line so that if you want to read about how I feel about one of those things, you’re gonna have to at least skim the other.
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I tried to be as concise as possible, but even so, this is rather long, mostly because I didn’t want to make several posts about this. I want to say what I have to say on the topic and then get back to the story because that’s really why I’m here.
Also to note: I understand – and I hope we all understand – that we are in the first season of this show. This means that they should have plenty of time to follow through on or fix many of the issues I will point out, but that also leaves room for them to torpedo many of the positives I’ll discuss. Just – please know that I know we’re only one season in, and anything could happen.
On lived race
This show does a fabulous job exploring how race intersects with these characters’ lives and how it plays an active role in shaping not only who they are, but how their story lines play out. With Liz & Arturo, their race – and immigration status – are openly discussed on screen and inform their decisions and how they present themselves to others, as well as how they are received by their town. This is, in fact, a major aspect of the first season arc/plot as a whole, not just as it pertains to Arturo & Liz (and Rosa), but as it pertains to all the characters, so it’s worth emphasizing.
With Maria, we see her discuss her race as a factor in her isolation from her hometown, as well as seeing how she owns it in the face of racist customers. With Kyle, we see his compassion as a fellow child of immigrants in treating Arturo off the books, and with his mother, we see her perspective on that situation based on her own experiences as a Hispanic immigrant. And with Mimi, we see, tho tangentially, how the intersection of her race and gender and the stereotyping around those have had a negative impact on her healthcare. Even what little we saw of Arizona was washed in her experiences as a Native woman, and her (rightful) disdain for white people.
On the other side of that coin, we have white characters, namely the three alien siblings, whose White Privilege plays an active role in their actions and how they conduct themselves. I know some people have frustrations that these three main characters were all cast as white, but I’ll be honest, after having seen 1.06 (Smells Like Teen Spirit), I would not have bought that any of these characters were a POC. Can you imagine a Black or Hispanic teen being thoughtless enough to frame a WOC – who also happens to be the daughter of a known undocumented immigrant – for the drug-induced vehicular manslaughter of two white girls and not expect the entire town to then turn on that family? Even as a teen, no POC would be race-blind enough to not have had that forethought. It would not be believable, without an immense amount of heavy lifting in the backstory, for a POC to have framed Rosa instead of either of the white women, to have made the decision to put her in the driver’s seat over the other two.
And in this way, the show also does an amazing job in showcasing how good, liberal white people can still be thoughtless where it concerns race. Especially at 17. The White Privilege of the alien siblings, and their lack of awareness of it, serves as a major negative driver of the show’s plot and is the root cause of much of the conflict throughout the first season. That’s real, that’s believable, and that’s important to show.
This, all of this, is vital in portraying accurate, true-to-life representations of how marginalized racial communities interact with each other and white populations, and also gives those communities characters they can point to that not only look like them, but also share their experiences – experiences which are unique to POC and also give white viewers a clearer picture of what it’s truly like to live in this country as a person of color.
On meaningful racial representation
I feel rather let down that the show didn’t follow through on Alex’s heritage in any of the meaningful ways that they did with the other POC on the show (see previous section). All of those characters had clear and explicit aspects of their narrative which centered their race as an part of their story – again, rightfully, as that is how it’s lived IRL. We got to see them express and experience their race as more than just the color of their skin. We didn’t get that with Alex. (or with Noah, but he’s a whole other story)
It’s particularly disappointing considering that Alex is the only POC on the show who passes (that we know of, ofc). Many people will be upset at my bringing this up, but it’s true and we should be talking about it. His ability to pass – the ability for anyone to look at him and not know immediately that he is of Native descent – does not in any way negate his POC identity. Not even remotely. Not a little bit, not at all. All it means is that as a POC, Alex has the ability to be spared from certain microaggressions experienced by others in his community. Not all, not even most, but some. But it also means that he is subject to microaggressions that others in his community will never experience – such as someone making disparaging comments about Natives as tho there aren’t any in the room, or by people assuming he’s “basically white” bc he looks white and erasing his heritage entirely. Those are experiences unique to his race that other Natives who don’t “pass” would never experience.
Roswell didn’t follow through on that this season. We saw no indication, other than the casting of his brother as a Native actor (which I was very pleased about, mind you), that Alex Manes is not as white as he appears. Portraying and giving accurate representation to POCs who pass is just as important as giving it to POCs who don’t.
On consent
WOW this show does a marvelous job at portraying how people should approach getting active and explicit consent from those around them. Active consent is so deeply ingrained in the foundation of this show that its absence is used as an indicator to the audience that something is very very wrong - and on more than one occasion. In order to pull that off, the show has had to set an abundantly clear standard for the type of consent that these characters should expect from each other when things are not horribly wrong, and that standard is appropriately high.
Max and Liz are the obvious duo with which this is explored. From the first, when Liz wants to kiss Max outside of the cave, he stops her because he’s concerned that her judgement may be impaired or impacted by the effects of his powers. He refuses to take advantage of that state, making a direct call to the behavior women wish we could expect from men when our own judgement may be impaired. This continues later when she asks to be left alone and he just immediately backs down and away, not pushing or persuading. He treats her word as law, as he should. We see even in his past, as a teenage white boy in 2008, that he consistently asked for Liz’s consent to even be in her presence.
We see it between Michael and Alex in very different but still very present ways. A lot of Michael and Alex’s communication is silent and, as such, so are their consent check-ins. Before their first kiss, you see Michael checking in with Alex, watching Alex’s body language as he approaches and making sure Alex is receptive before he goes for the kiss – and Alex is, clearly. Michael asks what Alex wants and Alex says that doesn’t matter while stepping toward Michael. Michael stops and looks at Alex and Alex continues to move closer, looking back and forth from Michael’s eyes to his lips. This type of silent communication and consent checks continues throughout the rest of the season, from the scene at the drive-in to the teenage scenes and on.
We also see clear attempts at getting explicit consent between Liz & Kyle, between Cam & Max, and even when Michael was guarding Maria at the gala (I can go get Liz if you want me to leave) and later when he approaches her following the events of 1.13.
This has honestly been so fucking cool to see like this, on a CW show especially, to see how easy and essential it is to get that consent in all situations. It’s an important representation that we don’t see laid out clearly enough in media today and I’m so fucking proud of Roswell for doing it so effectively.
On disability & erasure
This show started to do something that was really incredible in portraying one of the main characters as an amputee. We see his crutch, we see the way he moves with it, we see how he struggles with it, and we see how he is determined to life his life as an amputee, and not just despite it.
There was certainly plenty of room to improve in even that regard - specifically where it concerns coaching on exactly how a recent amputee might move their body and center their weight and whatnot, even, or maybe especially, if that person were trying to hide their struggle. But it’s clear that the show was trying to represent a type of character we don’t get to see often.
But then Alex loses the crutch. Rather suddenly and very cold turkey. This is not an accurate representation of how someone with a recent loss of limb would experience their recovery, no matter how much that person may want to hide it. Recovery takes time, it takes practice, and it includes bad days. We didn’t see any of that.
It's particularly frustrating considering the show gave themselves the perfect opportunity to do this transition far better and didn't take advantage of it. There was a six-week time jump between episodes 8 & 9. Had we seen Alex try to go without his crutch when he confronted Liz in ep 7, and then have to return to using it after the long day out, and again in episode 8 with his father - wouldn't it have been so amazing to see him collapse in his chair after Jesse leaves and rub his leg because he's been ignoring the pain all day in an attempt to intimidate his father? And then we could see him moving more independently after that six-week jump.
The show dropped the ball there, in my opinion. In a big way. That beautiful representation was given and then promptly taken away. And then the show set itself up perfectly to explore how the invisibility of disability can be experienced, and has not followed through on that at all. Quite literally the last indication at all that we get of Alex's amputation is Michael commenting on his having lost the crutch in episode 9.
One of the harsh truths of disability is that no matter how much one might try to ignore and hide that aspect of who they are, it will always be there and it will make itself known. It might be invisible to others, but Alex will experience it anyway, will be affected by it anyway. He may be able to do anything that anyone else can do, but he’s gonna have to work ten times harder at it. We should have gotten to see that.
This same problem of erasing disability happens with Michael’s hand in the last episode. Michael’s scars, what they prevented him from doing, how they affected his work - all of that was so important to see, and then he gets the unconsensual healing power of magic and suddenly he gets his happy place back. And as happy as I was as a Michael!Stan to see him find that, this sends a bad message, that people with disabilities just need to be “fixed” to be happy. And as I mentioned above and in other posts, it is wildly apparent that Max healing Michael’s hand without his consent is meant to be an indicator that Max is Very Not Okay and is a prelude to him literally going so mad with power that he kills himself to resurrect Rosa. That noted, from a representation standpoint, I wish another mechanism had been used to show that.
On unapologetic politicism
Roswell makes it absolutely clear where it stands on the political spectrum and who this show is for. This show exists in the post-2016 election, post-#MeToo era and it embraces that culture and does not shy away from being political, on everything from race, sexuality and misogyny to immigration status, gun control, and even research science. It uses context and even hero dialogue to make the audience aware of what is right and what is wrong on these topics, and it does so without ambiguity or nuance.
It (appropriately) paints ICE as the enemy of good, hardworking people in literally the first scene of the show. Liz starts ranting about being stopped because she’s Latina and I just did a little dance inside because Yaassss, these are my people. And the show doesn’t let up there - the shadow of ICE hangs over Arturo’s - and by extension, Liz’s - head the entire season in a way that makes the audience uncomfortable and angry on his behalf.
The show consistently, from multiple characters both in law enforcement and not, refers to undocumented immigrants, the homeless, and prostitutes as “the most vulnerable members” of society, and not as a scourge or a menace to that society. These are good, worthy people deserving of protection and justice. The show paints anyone who views differently as firmly In The Wrong, from the disgusting Wyatt Long to the self-righteous Sheriff Valenti.
The dialogue calls out everything from subtle racism in police descriptions to building a wall to #AllLivesMatter to fake news to the terrifying ease of buying a gun to homophobia to the president himself  - it does not hold back and it does not leave room for excuses or sympathy on the part of the more conservative characters.
Most of the dialogue on the show that wasn’t explicitly Alien-centric feels very organic in the ways that it makes offhand quips about immigration and racism and sexism and everything in between - that’s the way I and my friends speak and converse. That stuff just filters into our conversations about really anything because it’s always at the forefront of our minds. We call those things out when we see them and talk about idiots like they’re not sitting right in front of us (“I think that’s Hank speak for ‘he wasn’t white.’”) There aren’t a lot of shows that nail that so perfectly and the only one that’s coming to mind at the moment is Dear White People, which was the first I saw to pull this off so well.
This is media that doesn’t try to paint a picture of “there are good people on both sides.” This media isn’t playing middle ground, or trying to please everyone. It’s making a statement in these choices and it doesn’t shy away from pissing off toxic people - this media isn’t for them. Most popular successful media (*cough* MCU *cough*) achieves that status by very carefully toeing the line between left and right, by using subtext to attract progressive viewers while keeping the explicit storyline clean and moderate. Roswell doesn’t do that - its progressivism is explicit and unmissable, as it should be. And that makes it, truly, an absolute joy to watch.
On Maria’s arc
Maria DeLuca did not start this season as an extension of Michael’s - or anyone’s - storyline, and I’m incredibly frustrated that, narratively, that’s how she ended it. That’s easily my biggest disappointment regarding the season as a whole, exaggerated by the fact that Maria is a black woman and because of that, her storyline carries more weight than many of the others. This post does a good job of discussing why POC rep matters more, and while it focuses on race-bending (which this show has also done with Maria, in a positive way), I think it still makes the point that Any POC Rep will just always hit harder, good or bad.
When that Rep is good, it’s fantastic. When it’s bad, it’s terrible.
And for most of this season, it was hitting very very good well. Maria throughout most of the season was this fierce, beautiful firecracker of personality and suppressed issues. She had a history and a deep well of issues both pre- and post- the loss of one of her closest friends, followed by the physical separation from her other two best friends. She’s got an amazing relationship with a mother who is slowly losing grip and slipping away from her. Those things, how they shaped her, and how they expressed themselves made her relatable, tangible, and easy to love.
That was actually one of my favorite parts about her hooking up with Michael, that these were main characters seeking comfort and distraction in one another, rather than just with throwaway characters. Maria is her own person with her own story that we had already seen explored as an independent arc from any of the other main characters
However, that arc never quite got the same attention as Kyle’s or Alex’s and certainly not as much as Liz or the Pod Squad. A lot of that likely has to do with her ignorance of the alien presence in the town (which appears to be coming to a close, but I won’t speculate on that) and that makes sense, narratively. As she couldn’t be actively involved in pushing the alien mystery plot forward, there was only so much the show could do with her, and I think they did take advantage of what little wiggle room they had there.
That said, given that she’s the only black woman on the main cast, it’s very disappointing that she rounds out the season by being drugged, possessed, and either talking about, pushing away, or engaging with Michael. My own perspective on this show may revolve around Michael, but that doesn’t mean I think our black woman should share that fate narratively.
And I’ll note that characterization-wise, I understood the ways Maria’s thoughts and actions could become consumed and fixated on a love interest. Oh, holy wow, have I Been There. But allowing that - and essentially, only that, narratively for Maria at the end of the season, as the only MC black woman on the show - is a disservice to her character and the community she represents. Which is not to say that I take issue with how Michael and Maria come together at the end, either from a narrative or a character development standpoint; what I take issue with is that that is all we get of her in the later episodes. Maria deserved more, and so did we.
On fighting for WOC
One of my favorite things about this show is how the characters on this show again and again come to bat for the two main WOC, despite that both of them are portrayed as absolutely capable of fighting for themselves. Both Liz Ortecho and Maria DeLuca are shown to be strong, multifaceted, beautiful (neither because of nor in spite of their race - just beautiful, end of story), desirable, and worth fighting for - and unapologetically and undeniably women of color.
Our “main hero” Max makes it absolutely clear that he will Throw Down for Liz Ortecho. He risks his own life and the lives of his siblings to save her, and nearly torpedos those relationships entirely on her behalf. He loves her absolutely, flaws and all. And he acknowledges those flaws - he doesn’t put her on a pedestal or pretend she’s perfect - she doesn’t need to be for him to love and respect her.
We see Alex and Michael and Liz all show up for Maria at different points in the story, fighting on her behalf, defending her, and making the statement that Maria is precious and should be protected. More than that, through Michael’s eyes, we stand in awe of Maria DeLuca - she is a standout, she is impressive, she is powerful, and she is her own savior, every time. And through all of that, she is beautiful and desirable and absolutely worthy of being the center of attention.
These storylines and characterizations are unfortunately still incredibly rare for women of color in modern media. Women of color rarely get to be these fully fleshed out characters with their own backstory and own motivations, and even more rarely do we get to see them be viewed by others as special and valued. Roswell isn’t sidelining its WOC or centering their storylines around white men (my comments above re Maria’s last couple episodes notwithstanding). And that’s amazing and should be celebrated.
On aesthetics
No matter how important something is to the plot or how in-character it would be, the sociological aesthetics of media are still relevant. Plot-wise, the roundabout Wyatt leading to Maria leading to Noah was an interesting mechanism, and it makes sense, character-wise for Cam and then Isobel to suspect Maria’s involvement. And it makes sense, character-wise, for Liz to then defend Maria against those suspicions.
But - aesthetics matter. And watching a scene in which two white blonde women accuse a WOC of horrible crimes at another WOC is immensely uncomfortable and very tone-deaf. That wasn’t fun or engaging to watch, I don’t feel drawn into the mystery of it all in that moment, I feel pretty grossed out, actually. Because this show has set a standard for itself of being better than that, and in that scene, it failed its own test.
On bisexual representation
This one I’ve already talked about at length and having finished out the season, my feelings haven’t changed. This show does a damn fine job showing us a bisexual character living out his life, his pain, and his unhealthy but entirely relatable coping mechanisms. They don’t try to portray him as perfect because he’s not and he shouldn’t have to be for us to respect and love him.
On bi-baiting
I’ll admit to being disappointed that Isobel’s feelings for Rosa turned out to be artificial and driven by the man living her in mind. It took the whole situation from amazing bi rep to aggressively heterosexual. Not only was our queer woman not actually queer, but all of those feelings and attraction toward another woman were actually driven by a really toxic man that was actively violating Isobel to pursue that attraction.
Once again, the show started to give us something really fucking amazing - two bisexual main characters - and then appeared to take that away. We’ve been given no indication that Isobel’s attraction to Rosa was anything more than Noah in her head or that she herself is anything other than Very Straight.
This doesn’t diminish the amazing bi representation they’ve given us with Michael, but that amazing representation does not excuse or erase our having been baited into falling for another bisexual character only to find out it was all very likely a sham. While there are certainly not enough bisexual men in media, there is also not enough queer women at all. So dangling that in front of the audience before yanking it away is frustrating.
On respecting survivors
*Content Warning: sexual assault* 
So I’m going to talk as a survivor for a moment and explain how Holy Shit Muther Fucking Important it was to see another survivor being told that other people’s feelings and needs didn’t matter. What She needed mattered. I was sobbing through that scene because no one has ever told me that. No one ever told me that what I needed trumped other people’s comfort or anger or needs.
But Isobel got to hear that. She got to hear that her brothers’ needs Did Not Matter (and that, particularly, hits hard for me). The only thing that mattered was whatever She needed to get through this, to feel better, and to heal. She got to hear that taking care of herself was the most important thing, that she was allowed to be selfish and think of herself. She didn’t have to put others first, or make sure everyone got what they wanted. What they wanted is nothing compared to what she needs. I needed to hear that just as much as Isobel did.
The show did not shy away in facing just how violently violated Isobel was by her husband - body and mind. It doesn’t brush off what he did as just another evil act by an evil man - this was invasion of Isobel in every possible way by someone she loved and trusted.
And it doesn’t try to artificially portray her as too strong to care, or too weak to handle it. She’s strong, but she’s affected. She’s shattered inside, and she’s handling it. A lot of us know what that’s like in ways people that haven’t experienced it never could. And as someone who finds therapy in being understood, in seeing my experiences in media, this scene was everything I needed.
On villainizing POC
This one has sparked a lot of valid discourse. Media has a really ugly history of telling society who is good and who is bad based on casting choices and always always always making the villains the POC, particularly MOC. It’s unconscious bias leading to more unconscious bias, teaching viewers that we shouldn’t trust POC bc they’re always the bad guy.
It’s a problem and every additional casting choice like this contributes to that problem. No show or movie is immune to it simply because they had a good reason, or even because they wanted to give a POC a job. Studios can give POC jobs by writing roles for them from the beginning, rather than slotting them into damaging stereotypes.
While I do acknowledge that it is unfair and in many ways problematic to deny an actor a role simply because of their race, aesthetics matter. There has to be some forethought in the casting choices regarding the message that choice will send. If the desire is to have more POC characters, then write more POC characters.
And that’s another way in which Roswell doesn’t really succeed with Noah. While there’s at least mention of Noah’s race on the show, he falls into the same category as Alex in that we never see his race expressed or lived. They cast a South Asian actor to play a raceblind role, which means they cast a POC actor to play a white role. POC characters have different stories than white characters - Roswell dropped the ball on giving us that with Noah.
Roswell does a lot right where it concerns race on this show, and it is refreshing that our POC villain is far from the only POC on the show. That said, I was taught something in college that I will never forget:  oppression is a moving sidewalk. In order to work against it, you cannot stand still (i.e. casting POC on both sides). You must actively walk the other direction in order to affect change.
Like with the issue of Isobel’s baited bisexuality, giving us amazing representation in one hand doesn’t change that you’re using the other to flick our ear.
On centering queer stories
*hugs myself in delight* This is a big one and is probably the aspect that Roswell gets the most right. Both in impact, screen time, and even in literal scene-splitting, Roswell again and again makes it clear that Michael & Alex’s love story is just as vital and central to this story as Max & Liz’s. They intercut their scenes at numerous points, and characters even within the show compare how similarly their stories have played out. The two relationships experience major milestones on the same day on more than one occasion.
Michael and Alex’s relationship has depth. It has conflict, it has history, it has heartbreak. There is tension and pain and softness and love. It has laughter and safe spaces; it has big gestures and powerful words. These two men who crash together and fly apart but whose whole beings seem to orient toward the other and who, at the end of the day, are willing to let themselves be destroyed for their love.
This queer love story playing out on season 1 of Roswell has more foundation, development, chemistry, and payoff than some of the most romanticised straight couples in media history. It’s been a week since the finale and I’m still just utterly in awe at what we’ve been given here. Roswell is absolutely succeeding in giving us thorough, relatable, meaningful queer representation with Michael and Alex. They are not holding back or sidelining or tokenizing. And they are following through on narrative promises instead of just baiting or relying on subtext. And that’s…. so fucking insanely satisfying to finally get to see.
Ultimately, I’m far more happy with how the show treats its underrepresented identities and modern social issues than I am critical. Most of the content on this show is akin to looking in a mirror and seeing my own worldview reflected back. I am a queer progressive woman and a survivor, so many of these issues are personal for me.
But I’m also white, and my disabilities are not physical. As such, I am not and should not be the authority on some of these issues. I am more than open to feedback from those who feel I was either too harsh, or not harsh enough, where it concerns those issues.
But for now, this is essentially Chasing’s Progressive Review of Roswell New Mexico, Season 1. And now I’m gonna go roll around in meta and fanfic and gifsets for the next several months cuz I sure as hell ain’t done talking about this show.
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softlimefluff · 4 years
Good Together - Day 2: Hearts
“Alright, I just sent you the email, Han. Go check.”
Giorno laid his phone down on the table, picking up his tea mug to sip while his wife Helena took a seat next to him. It was already nighttime and they had spent a full day around Naples, going for coffee at Caffé Bar Mexico and going out for lunch to grab authentic pizza. 
“A quick fight up to Venice first, only a few days there since the flooding is still pretty bad—“
“Ari, look at the second night there!” Lena sat up, grinning. 
Peeking over, Ari saw they had arranged for a night to go hear Vivaldi’s Four Seasons live. He mouth popped open, grinning back. Having played violin for 20-some years, she had always wanted to hear Vivaldi’s works live in his hometown.
“Thank you!!! Aaa, thank you!!! I can’t wait!!”
Rohan smiled, returning to the list and scrolling down.
“A week in Florence. Good. Something about Florence feels more like home than Rome, but I’m sure you’re familiar, Gio~”
“Yes, and there’s better shopping, Han~ Can’t say I adore the bread there, but it’s a small trade for all the culture and beauty.”
Rohan chuckles softly, finding their final destination—a few days in Rome before retuning to Naples once more. Lena looks at Ari again, motioning to the list.
“We brought you home a little sooner because we have a surprise~ We’re hosting a Valentine’s Dinner for everyone and we want you two to be there. Your flight doesn’t leave until the 16th so there’s plenty of time to enjoy yourselves.”
“Really?? We’d love to come!!!” Grinning over at Rohan, Ari slips her hand into her husband’s and leans over to steal a kiss.
“Still all heart eyes, I see~~” 
Gio teases the couple, taking pride in his ribbing. They blush, pulling away slightly and Lena pushes Gio’s shoulder, lightly scolding him.
“They’re just married, Giogio! Let them have their moment.”
Rohan shrugs, keeping his hand in Ari’s. 
“What can I say, Don Giovanna?~ She’s captured my heart. There’s no going back.”
“Oh!” Ari’s eyes lit up, leaning forward. “Speaking of Hearts!!! Can we let our stands meet?? With the business of the wedding and planning, we never let them all meet each other! Can we?? Please??”
After thinking a moment, Giorno nods, calling GER out, then the others do the same, Wire, Heaven’s Door, and Hearts on Fire all popping out behind their users, looking curiously at one another. Gradually moving towards each other, the two pairs of stands meet up, Heaven to GER and Wire to Hearts. 
Reaching out, Wire and Hearts immediately grasp hands, friendly smiles growing as they encounter each other’s powers. Reaching her wires out, Wire wraps a few around Heart’s arms as the other stand opens her eye plate, orange light radiating out, a booster for happiness.
Going slower, Heaven’s Door approaches GER carefully, wondering if he has permission to read the stand. As he floats closer, GER stops the golden figure, shaking his head no. Giorno isn’t ready for those secrets to be revealed so soon. Pointing to the arrow shape in GER’s forehead, the other stand nods slowly, closing their eyes in acknowledgement. Because of their user’s conversations, Heaven’s Door knows about the stand arrow. Offering an arm out, GER provides a place for Heaven’s Door to rest, smiling slightly as they finally sit together. 
Once the four turn towards each other, offering happy smiles at their chance to finally meet, all return to their users, excited for the next time they’ll see each other again. 
Leaning into Rohan, Ari closes her eyes, resting on his chest. Hearts still takes a lot of power, but she’s gotten much better about keeping it out for longer. He kisses her forehead, wrapping an arm around her as protection.
“That went well, I believe.” Gio smiles, looking at everyone around the table. “We should let them meet Golden Swordsman and the Pistols soon as well. I think they would all get along. Stands seem to be happier when they find others like themselves.”
Nodding back, Rohan agrees, turning back to his phone once more.
“Looks like we leave early tomorrow… We should get to bed if we’re making our flight out to Venice.”
Gio nods again, gesturing to the kitchen.
“We’ll have coffee and food here, but if you need something, we transferred travel cash to your account. It should cover your meal and museum expenses.”
Leaning up, Ari looks at Helena and Giorno with a sleepy smile.
“We’re so grateful for all this. Honestly. Your hospitality and generosity. We can’t thank you enough for making our honeymoon a dream come true.”
“I couldn’t imagine anything less than this for the two of you…”
Lena pipes up, grinning. “We love you guys and wanted to treat you!!! I don’t think I’ve stopped talking about how excited I was for a whole month. Gio’s probably just glad it’s finally here~”
“You might be right, tesoro~” Gio leans over, pressing a soft kiss to Helena’s lips, savoring the moment.
“With that, it’s time for bed, I believe. Sleep well, you two. And have a wonderful trip. Keep us updated. We’re only a text away.”
Rohan stands, offering Gio a handshake, but getting scooped up instead in a hug. 
“Thank you, Giogio. We’ll send you pictures every day, alright?”
“It’s a deal, Han. Get some rest.”
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slingspeacea · 6 years
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a collection of research exploring the idea, that if not for wynonna earp’s low budget and physical filming location, purgatory and its key landmarks should have been based in the united states,            around the colorado river specifically.  !important: earp roleplayers are more than welcome to also adopt this divergence if they agree with it, and may 100% feel free to REBLOG this post. please remember when interacting with my character, in all verses, that they are from purgatory, colorado, and not from canada. if after reading this, you feel bothered, please let me know and we can absolutely follow writers’ show canon in our threads!!
☆  // WARNING!!
this divergence is strongly opinionated. the writers of the show have confirmed the plot setting for the television series wynonna earp, is in fact located in alberta, canada. i am 100% aware that alberta is absolute show canon. however, as a roleplayer, creative writer, and western fanatic, i can neither ignore, nor let wyatt earp and doc holliday’s history get completely washed away for the sake of filming convenience. make no mistake. i love the show, the storyline, and i love the characters immensely;  but because of both the comic book series, and nonfictional history, their story’s location does not make any sense to me or add up at all. 
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first, let’s begin with wyatt earp’s original routes and a few historical events. i’ve taken the time, and mapped wyatt and doc holliday’s trail out below in order. they were obviously riding on horseback and taking ferries or trains, so they wouldn’t have been using main roads or highways ( although busy trails later became paved highways and roads throughout america ). at only one point does wyatt travel through canada and it is during his two, long journeys to alaska. as you can see below, he really goes nowhere near alberta or calgary on his way to his next stop, seattle, washington. 
it would make way more sense for purgatory to be located somewhere in the united states, in one of the towns wyatt earp lived or stayed in for a prolonged period of time. not to mention the old west  is well... united states history, and all notable events regarding the old west happened in the states. the original 1993 wynonna earp comics even pay homage to places like tombstone ( and can i mention when the t.v series says they’re loosely based on the comics, they are hardly anything like them? like barely even remotely? ). it mentions white trash and trailer parks, hill billys, pabst blue ribbon, you name every southern stereotype, and they cover it. no surprise, it is based in america.
“ two u.s. marshals and a sheriff lie dead in san diablo, new mexico. when marshal wynonna earp hits the trail to bring the killers to justice, she uncovers connections to a devastating new drug...and a pack of redneck vampires! modern firepower and frontier justice --that's wynonna. “          wynonna earp, comic issue #1, summary.
but that’s totally besides the point, and another post probably worth making entirely. let’s get back to the real wyatt earp and docs holliday’s actual history. below are some maps, and i’ve linked bigger versions so they’re easier for y’all to see.
larger map images for reference:     a,   b,   c.
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exhibit one: map a.  ↳ this displays his route from dodge city in 1875, up until his last ride to los angeles where he would also die in 1923. this map is all prior to docs death specifically, which is extremely important. why? because doc had obvious connections to both constance clootie and bulshar. this has become even even more so evident in season 3. wyatt earp did not travel through canada until after docs actual death. this alone raises a red flag as someone who thinks placing purgatory in canada was an easy cop-out by show writers, and as someone who often ponders plot holes in the show’s storyline. 
another point i have to to stress, is that a majority of wyatt earp’s time with doc holliday throughout life was spent in the southwestern united states. their stomping grounds are where a majority of the route lines cross on the map, and they traveled between each of those cities, owning saloons, gambling, hunting outlaws, etc.. countless times. i’ll have more to add about this later under section iii, which heavily regards the revenants.
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exhibit two: map b. ↳ map b is probably the most important of all three. it depicts what his ride would have looked like from wrangell, ak to nome, and then from wrangell, ak to seattle, wa. google maps actually wouldn’t let me map the whole thing through from idaho and washington to alaska, because fun fact, you have to fly and take ferries to get around from the usa to those alaskan towns. phew, can you imagine wyatt’s adventure to alaska on horseback and water?? his wife actually tried to stop him from making the journey because she was pregnant at the time, but of course, he saw an opportunity for wealth and didn’t listen.
alberta is a far stretch out of the way. he would have had to go over or around the canadian rockies, and since he was traveling to and from alaska from either washington state and/or idaho with a clear destination in mind, it would make no logical sense whatsoever. the red triangle, accurately labeled show’s location wtf??  is where the show’s canon ghost river triangle is located. i know what you’re probably thinking, they never say it straight up in the series,             but writer’s confirmation aside, upon researching there is one particular episode which gave us show purgatory’s exact location right away. here is a picture of waverly in s01e03, with a map of purgatory. . . and here is another .... and now here is an actual, real map which indisputably matches waverly’s layout. note: those are not my screencaps, you can find the original post i got them from here !!
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exhibit three: map c. ↳ vildal, california is where he built his home in 1911.  the earps bought a small cottage in vidal, the only home they ever owned. beginning in 1911 and until Wyatt's health began to fail in 1928, Wyatt and sadie earp summered in Los Angeles and spent the rest of the year in the desert working their claims. The "happy days" mine was located in the whipple mountains a few miles north of vidal.  wyatt had some modest success with the happy days gold mine, and they lived on the slim proceeds of income from that and oil wells.  ( source:  wikipedia. )
so, my question is likely the biggest plot hole in the whole freaking television series. how the heck did wyatt’s family homestead end up all the way near calgary, alberta, canada?? the show writers ignore this entirely and uses an insane amount of liberties. wyatt never had any children to begin with, but if one wants to paint the picture of family, love, loyalty, and closeness as they do on the show, i would think that the earps would have remained somewhere closer to wyatt’s grave. at the very least in the same country.
the other major thing to take into consideration, is that by the time map b and map c were traveled, real doc holliday was also dead and no longer amongst the living. i bet your thinking,  ❝   okay so maybe vidal, california would have been an alright place for the show to take place, since that was wyatt’s actual only home.  ❞  and i totally agree, but the more i thought about making this wynonna’s hometown and ground zero for the homestead, the harder i could picture the gang there. problem is, the landscape is nothing but desert. it’s hot and arrid. in vidal there are there are no prairie winds, or great plains, or chinook rocky mountain sunsets. on the show we see mountains, rivers, forests, and more importantly, large amounts of snow. 
this leads the divergence trail back to none other than the myth, the man, and the legend, doc holliday. let’s dive a little more into his relationship with wyatt in the next section.
how wyatt and doc met in history & the show. ↳ earp had run two cowboys out of wichita earlier in 1878. during the summer, the two cowboys—accompanied by another two dozen men—rode into dodge and shot up the town while galloping down front street. they entered the long branch saloon, vandalized the room, and harassed the customers. hearing the commotion, earp burst through the front door, and before he could react, a large number of cowboys were pointing their guns at him. 
in another version, there were only three to five cowboys. in both stories, holliday was playing cards in the back of the room and upon seeing the commotion, drew his weapon and put his pistol at morrison's head, forcing him and his men to disarm, rescuing earp from a bad situation. no account of any such confrontation was reported by any of the dodge city newspapers at the time. whatever actually happened, earp credited holliday with saving his life that day, and the two men became friends.
how wyatt and doc actually parted ways in history. ↳  according to a letter written by former new mexico territory governor miguel otero, wyatt and holliday were eating at fat charlie's the retreat restaurant in albuquerque, "when holliday said something about earp becoming 'a damn jew-boy.' earp became angry and left…." holliday and dan tipton arrived in pueblo, colorado in late april 1882. ( source: wikipedia. )
doc’s death in real history. ↳ in 1887, prematurely gray and badly ailing, holliday made his way to the hotel glenwood, near the hot springs of glenwood springs, colorado. he hoped to take advantage of the reputed curative power of the waters, but the sulfurous fumes from the spring may have done his lungs more harm than good. as he lay dying, holliday is reported to have asked the nurse attending him for a shot of whiskey. when she told him no, he looked at his bootless feet, amused. the nurses said that his last words were, "this is funny.”  holliday died at 10am on november 8, 1887. he was 36.
wyatt visited sick doc before he died. ↳   wyatt heard of doc’s death shortly after he had died. he was close by in aspen, colorado at the time, and it’s thought that he may have visited doc before his death. josephine  earp told a story about sitting beside doc’s deathbed, but it’s thought that she may have confused this with another occasion ( because of old age ). she additionally gave an account of doc and wyatt’s last meeting in the lobby of a denver hotel. both men were quite upset and josie said that wyatt cried afterwards. there’s also a story that doc’s gun was also sent to wyatt although again not a lot of evidence to prove whether or not it’s true.
wynonna earp flashbacks. ↳   in s01e03, wyatt visited his bedside, where doc is very ill and lying down in a tent. it’s implied doc was resting, wyatt packed up his things for him, and dispite his sickness, earp keeps urging him to ride with him to purgatory. doc rejects knowing he can’t and says goodbye. this is likely right before he seeks out constance clootie for immortality, in whatever town they were in. there is no viable way his transformation could have happened in purgatory, because the church in wynonna’s vision quest later on was somewhere on the outskirts of town.
on the series, doc holliday had already come across constance clootie, and gained his immortality before the best friends had their argument and wyatt disowned him for becoming something of the devil’s work. wyatt also finally admits to his family being cursed. doc was also as equally heartbroken about wyatt’s opinion of his choice, and throughout the series, we see how deeply he considers and takes an earp’s opinion to heart. despite being set in modern years, and appended romantic aspects aside, his relationship with wynonna mirrors that of his and wyatts.  
consider that wyatt already killed constance clootie’s sons, and bulshar clootie is the man he was fixed on punishing for cursing him. it’s entirely plausible doc followed closely behind wyatt’s tail after being shunned, and that wherever wyatt was going was only a few days ride from doc’s staying place. the witch clootie admitted she turned doc ageless to hurt wyatt and succeeded, but we also know that where blushar goes, clootie is looking for vengeance. it’s conceivable to theorize certain suspicions such as, but not limited to; doc wanting take back his immortality due to wyatt’s rejection, and in turn while meeting clootie, got tossed with the final  seal into the well.
the “earp well” lol. ↳  we know doc winds up in a well , but it’s location seems to appear elsewhere from it’s original place on the earp property in season one’s pilot episode, to somewhere in a random forest, in s02ep08. the earp property is said by wynonna to be only 10 acres ( 0.125 sq miles ).  for a farm where you have to drive to get from point a to point b, this is not very large or inaccurate. all shots of the property are also mainly rolling farmland with no large forest vegetation resembling that of the well’s site. i’m going to chalk this discrepancy up to this scene having been in the pilot, having a low budget and limited choices for pilot filming location.
doc’s well was never on the actual earp property like some probably assume at first glance, but instead, somewhere else entirely. just go on ahead and re-watch. after retrieving peacemaker and talking to dolls, wynonna drives up to the purgatory town line, truck facing towards the town. it makes for a clear ( or not so clear ) clue hinting the well’s whereabouts. in s2ep08,  juan carlo takes wynonna outside of purgatory to the outskirts for her vision quest. the well is clearly located in that area and tied heavily to the flashback in the church. from a teen wynonna was a drifter. she could have stashed the gun in an abandoned well anywhere, somewhere safe, and no where too close to the homestead.  but here is another thought, doc and wynonna’s fates were entwined, so who knows? maybe she felt specifically drawn to that area and frequented there to clear her head when she was younger. merely a concept.
finally, bobos imprisonment in the well further proves it’s located elsewhere, since revenants can't step foot on earp land without being burned. this gives us some room to play for setting up wynonna earp’s story in colorado.
tying history and flashbacks together. ↳  this is where it gets complicated, where it’s hard to put things into words, and where my divergence really starts, because the show canon entirely ignores actual history when it comes to the true separation and deaths of both of these men.  we have no clue as to the location in either of these flashbacks on the show, but we do see wyatt is wearing a jacket and scarf. it’s apparently cold outside so there’s at least that to work with. the state of colorado has cold winters, which also works in this divergence’s favor.
if the real doc holliday died in glenn springs, colorado, and the real wyatt earp was in aspen, colorado around the time of his death, we could place purgatory somewhere in that area. doc faked his death on the series, between the time he decided he would became immortal, and the time he was thrown in the well shortly after. sewing these realities together puts purgatory in colorado. doc’s death would make the location default. in regards to the comic taking place in the deserts of the united states, this divergence will also have that covered later on.
the canadian show takes an extreme with creative freedoms and gives no resolution  whatsoever as to how wyatt earp somehow settled down in alberta, candada ( did they even do their fact checking?? ) or how every family member has lived there ever since. the actual wyatt earp had no children, and his home was and will always historically be in vidal, california. 
so, let’s make this more believable. what if in another universe that isn’t real history, but makes a hell of a lot more sense when unified with the show’s,            wyatt earp made a home in colorado after bulshar was buried?  not only close to where is thought to be his best friends grave, but where he can keep an eye on, and protect, bulshar’s remains until he dies? bobo moved him, but where were they prior? on the show wyatt is also said to have been partially involved in entombing bulshar’s body. therefore, this explanation would make 100% total sense as to why wyatt and his wife never made it to vidal, california. his life’s journey would have been stopped dead in its tracks, so he could keep the demon who cursed his family from the widows, and make sure bulshar never returned. one could claim, in a historically based, fictional western series, that wyatt earp built a ranch because of this, and settled down with his wife in a town called purgatory, colorado.
wyatt earp’s curse. ↳  the earp curse makes all people that wyatt earp had killed in his lifetime resurrect over and over again. those revenants can only be killed by the peacemaker which only the current heir can use.           wait a minute. wynonna voice: say whaaaat?? wyatt never killed multiple people in canada. at any point in history. how would the 77 people he killed even get to canada if revenants can’t leave the ghost river triangle in the first place??         can you say, major woops? this is personally my favorite fudge up.
the ghost river triangle. ↳  the ghost river triangle is an area of cursed land, partially framed by the splitting of the ghost river into two, that imprisons the resurrected outlaws killed by wyatt earp. should a revenant cross the boundary line, they experience hell on earth. to quote waverly, in leavin' on your mind: '...everything from the mountains to where the north and south ghost rivers meet, forms the ghost river triangle. it cuts through the big city, contains thousands of square miles of forest, foothills, prairie, the badlands. and all of it...cursed.'
forest, foothills, prairie, and badlands? yeah, if we want to place divergent purgatory somewhere in the united states to make the show a little more historically accurate, the ghost river triangle definitely parallels to none other than the colorado river. the colorado river runs through colorado, utah, arizona, nevada, california, and all the way down to mexico. at least three of those states were in fact, wyatt’s stomping grounds before and after his historically recorded vendetta ride. 
not to go with some total, mythical, movie cliche here, but in an alternative wynonna world set in the united states, the ghost river triangle could have also been named by the native americans who inhabited the land along the colorado river. factually, many parts of the colorado river are actually suspected to be haunted. let’s not get too carried away, though. alberta canada is in fact home of a real place called the ghost river valley, and there’s totally no disputing that.
wyatt’s vendetta ride ↳  in history the vendetta ride was a deadly search, where wyatt lead a federal posse for outlaw cowboys they believed had ambushed, and maimed virgil earp and killed morgan earp. the earp brothers had been attacked in retaliation for the deaths of three cowboys in the gunfight at the o.k. corral on october 26, 1881. from march 20 to april 15, 1882, the federal posse searched southeast cochise county, arizona territory for suspects in both virgil's and morgan's attacks. several suspects had been freed by the court, owing in some cases to legal technicalities and in others to the strength of alibis provided by cowboy confederates. up to this point, wyatt had relied on the legal system to bring the cowboys to justice. now he felt he had to take matters into his own hands.
i could be wrong, but i have a feeling the chase for bulshar is loosely based on this part of wyatt earp’s history. the parallel of his two own brothers dying, and two of clootie’s sons dying, is a little thought provoking, no? coincidental even? an eye for an eye, perhaps? there is a lot of wyatt’s history left to be uncovered and explored, and that’s if the show writers even decide to reveal anything else at all. on the show, wyatt got innocent people killed, there was one hell of a lot of collateral damage surrounding him. 
i feel 100% comfortable standing firmly by the headcanon that after wyatt was cursed and his brothers were killed, that he went on a tear after bulshar and destroyed anyone who got in his way. this is important, because these events could be tied to his life in tombstone, arizona, and the events which took place in and after the shootout at the OK corral. if he was cursed in tombstone, then there is no way around it,          one of the ghost river triangle’s points would have to begin there.
the revmap, i mean . . . revamp. ↳ below is a map which bases a divergent ghost river triangle heavily off of history. it takes into consideration doc holliday and wyatt earp’s routes, where doc’s last known whereabouts were, where wyatt would have killed the most men, and finally, his vendetta ride. in total the divergent river triangle’s perimeter is about 2,500 miles and takes 36 hours nonstop to drive. in contrast, the show’s ghost river triangle is 617 miles and takes about only an easy 12 hours to drive from point to point. purgatory is west of denver, and the homestead is about where the house icon is.   ( larger image version is here. )
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yeah okay, so the size may be of some issue, but vastness aside, there are three things this triangle does have, that the other doesn’t. firstly, historical accuracy. it includes nearly all of the areas where a number of wyatt’s targets made their peace. if we tie back to wyatt’s vendetta ride and the whole paralleling idea for a moment, many of the revenants who rode with bulshar would've died in various areas of colorado and the purgatory area. secondly, the terrain might aid with narrowing revenant whereabouts down. deserts and mountains surround a majority of these iconic towns.          and lastly another argument can be made that because some revenants do want to end the earp line, few might've simply migrated to colorado and placed themselves somewhere closer within wynonna’s line of fire.
i could continue ridiculously blabbering on and on about why i chose this location divergence for my character. everything from climate, to terrain, and how there are salt flats in utah nearby, or my really strong distaste for how the show writers erased wyatt earp and doc holliday’s real history,            but in honesty i think everything i’ve covered above nicely sums up my research and premise. anywhooo, that’s all for now folks, hope you enjoyed the read!
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Skating into Love
Summary: In which two people cross paths blossoming into a friendship filled with love, wonder, and skates. Ethan Dolan never knew he was missing someone until she showed up in his life with a big heart and love for hockey.
Characters: Ethan Dolan x Reader, brother!Clay Y/L/N x sister!Reader, Jessa (OFC), Grayson Dolan and Lisa Dolan (mentioned).
Words: 3.6k
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, mention of injury and a little angst.
Disclaimer: I only own the storyline and I guess the idea of the Jaguars. Ethan Dolan portrayed in this may not be the real personality of the real life Ethan.
A/N: In 2015 news of NWHL was released. For those who don’t know this is the National Women’s Hockey League which is equivalent to the NHL for women. It’s the first U.S Women’s hockey league to pay its players. I only recently learned about it and I’m so proud to know about it. It’s now the top level in women’s hockey with the only option previously the Canadian Women’s Hockey League (CWHL).
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You gazed over the open park waiting for the rest of the team to show up for off ice training that was mandatory. Your team was very well known for attending big tournaments and many of you being Olympic medalists helped also. You all originally came from difference locations around the world to play in a newer hockey league that was the female version of the NHL. Slowly it had gained popularity and teams since the year it was born nationally. You were the face of the Los Angeles Jaguars.
The Jersey was sported by many young female fans with the head of a fierce black jaguar roaring with claw marks in the background. The team colours with a deep forest green colour with black and silver and you all wore your jerseys with pride.
“Hey Cap.” Jessa spoke stepping up beside you wearing the away jersey with the silver dominant with the black jaguar head and green detailing.
You glanced to see the other seventeen Jaguars stretching out on the grass in small groups excitedly speaking to each other. There were a few new players on the team that were quickly becoming part of the family. The team was comprised of Canadian and American girls that were drafted from Universities and minor league hockey.
“Okay girls.” You spoke up straightening to your full height with your infamous steely gaze that spoke serious, “After we’re nice and stretched I want to run two miles before start building our strength.”
A few mumbles were heard before everyone returned to finishing up their stretches while you begin to converse with Jessa. You were captain of the team while Jessa was your assistant captain and your best friend.
“You think we can win this year?” Jessa asked helping you stretch forwards before you quickly helped her do the same.

“If the new girls can quickly pick up our plays then I’m sure we can.” You firmly replied, “Besides I have something fun planned.”

“You? Fun? While training.” Jessa snorted shaking her head, “You’re kind of a hard ass.”
“Okay I know I can be a little tough but still I still want the team to have fun and bond.”
“Let’s just get our run down.” Jessa giggled retying a shoelace.
You found the run to be exhilarating running from the park to the empty sidewalk near a beach that was empty in the early morning. You did see two forms coming up from the water to towels with surfboards. You turned away and focused on the cement below your feet as you continued on your path.
The new girls weren’t as in shape as the rest of you but with three team morning runs together they would get there. You were coated in a layer of sweat by the time you reached the area you had wanted to have fun. Near the park and the skatepark was an area you knew by heart growing up.
“What are we doing here?” Sam questioned scanning the brick wall a distance away with graffiti on it.
“We’re going to have fun.” You smiled gleefully. A few of your girls shared confused looks and mumbles before a beat up red truck stopped.
In the very back were two hockey nets, the team sticks and some balls and pucks to use. The needed equipment for your two goalies packed tight. The drivers door opened and a pair of sneakered feet stepped down.
“This is my brother Clay.” You happily spoke clapping your older brother on the back.
Your brother was more than six feet tall in height and muscular while still lean at the same time. He shared your hair colour, eye colour and your nose that you had inherited from your mother while he made a few more features that came from your Dad.
“Hi.” Clay spoke in his husky voice with just the slight hint of the Canadian accent you both faintly had.
Your parents met in their late teens while vacationing in Mexico years ago before beginning a long distance relationship. Your Dad is Canadian while your mother is America so you had dual citizenship and moved frequently between the two places you had called hometowns.
“I know we have some new girls on the team and I’ve kinda planned an event to donate money to charities tailored towards children.” You sheepishly spoke, “We’ll have a few scrimmages for the whole day with people that pay a minimum of one dollar to play.”
“I love this idea!” Sam exclaimed with a large grin.
“There’s a shit ton of team photos and sharpies if anyone wants an autograph. We’re having fun, bonding and doing something for the betterment of someone’s life.” You explained as Clay swiftly began to place the nets on the cement.
Everyone burst into movement setting up the nets at each side of the cement pad while setting up portage stick holders on the edges. A table with a cash box was set up while Clay parked the truck away away with a water tank and cups on the tailgate.
Within twenty minutes people were filling the area around the cement pad chattering about while your starting goalie dressed up in the minimum equipment. Your girls held their sticks in a semi circle around the net waiting for Sarah to give the go. With a nod everyone began to warm her up. You left them to walk over to the table where the line was beginning.
“Hi.” A sweet girl nervously spoke brushing her hair behind her ear, “How much?”

“Just a dollar. It’s going to a children’s charity.” You softly spoke as her family member dug in their pocket finding the money. You guided her to the sticks of her to grab. It went on until you had two lines of strangers to play the first game.
You took your place at centre staring into the eyes of one of your other centres with a playful glare. The puck dropped perfectly in between you two and the fun began.
Ethan and Grayson were taking advantage of the park on the cooler day thankful no one had come up to them. A football was tossed between them with jokes between the brothers before they heard feet and a gasp. Ethan tensed up waiting for the ambush of words.
“Oh my god!”
Grayson sent a look to Ethan before turning to meet the fan, they both adored the fan-base that they saw as family now. They absolutely loved meeting people but just wanted to be two kids from Jersey like before they started this career path.
“Hi.” Ethan spoke looking at the trio of teens standing there. Two females and one male both staring in their direction but it was like they weren’t seeing them.
“I can’t believe it!” The male spoke with awe painted in his eyes.

“Can we help you?” Grayson spoke instead.
Receiving barely a true glance into their eyes the trio mumbled before the middle girl stepped closer.
“Look I know you guys are the Dolan Twins and I adore you but Y/N Y/L/N is literally over there.” She spoke awed with almost a guilty expression, “She’s kinda my idol and to see her in person without a panel of glass between us is amazing.”
“Y/N?” Ethan questioned confused. The name was very familiar but he couldn’t place where he knew it.

“She’s practically the best hockey player in history.” The male quietly spoke up glancing at them, “Cara’s got her poster plastered on her wall and has this jersey she wears on game days and Y/N’s birthday.”
The trio took up in a run to the the group steadily growing near the massive cement pad that wasn’t used as often as it once was. Curious Ethan put the football into the bag before following the excited trio to the group. Once close the twins saw a game of road hockey being played. A few girls sporting jerseys that were wicked awesome with a few people in clothing of all colours.
“It’s a minimum of one dollar to play.” Ethan jumped at the sudden voice coming from his left. Sitting at a table with photos was a male he estimated was in his mid twenties.


“It’s for charity. You pay one dollar or more and get placed into a list of people wanting to play.” The guy explained, “I’m Clay Y/L/N.”
“Ethan and Grayson Dolan.” Ethan pointed to Gray as he said his name, “You’re the brother of-“
“Y/N. No you can’t get her number.” Clay spoke as if it was a common answer. 
“I’m going to watch for now.” Grayson spoke as he dug into his pocket for the wallet. He carefully took out fifty dollars to give Clay while Ethan did the same. 
“Are you sure you want to donate this much?”
“What’s it for?” Ethan asked curiously.
“It’s going to be split evenly and given to mainly children’s foundations.”
“That’s cool.” Grayson grinned as he moved to an open spot. Ethan followed just in time to see a gorgeous girl with a wide grin and kind eyes moving to kneel in front of a little girl on the edge of the cement.
“Hi. I’m Y/N, what’s your name sweetheart.”
Ethan blinked hearing your voice he now could confidently say was his new favourite sound especially when it was you. There was something about that intrigued Ethan and not because it was because you are beautiful it was more. It was like he had missing something his entire life and was only now seeing you could be that missing part.
“I’m Jenny.” The shaky voice of the girl spoke, “I don’t know how to play.”
“When I was your age I didn’t either. I actually was in figure skating for two years before I picked up a hockey stick. We all start somewhere. It’s for fun, and I think you’ll be really good.” You spoke as the girl bit her lip.
You watched the emotions fly over Jenny’s face before you starting you pulled your arm into the jersey to pull it off. You gently placed on the little girl before carefully making a knot in the side of the jersey to have it fit snugly on her body. You secured it with an extra hair holder and rolled the sleeved until they were out of the way.
“You an do this.” You firmly told the girl before gently pushing her towards the group. With nervous steps Jenny stepped onto the makeshift rink where she was welcomed warmly by the group.
Ethan noticed you wore an emerald coloured top with your team name and the number thirteen on the back of it. You had stepped back to cheer on Jenny before you accidentally bumped into Ethan.
“I’m so sorry.” You ushered as you turned to see the male standing behind you.
“It’s my fault.” Ethan admitted.
“I was the one that stepped back in a crowd this large.” You shook your head while Ethan scanned over your features with awe, he had never found someone so intensely kind and nice as you in a long time.
“This is a cool idea.” Ethan replied before internally groaning at the stupid statement. As per usual Ethan was becoming awkward but it was worse with you.
“Thanks.” You blushed looking at your feet.
“What made you think of this?”
“There was a little girl last year who had a wish to meet us and she had been really sick and unable to come. It sucked so I decided she still deserved to meet the team. We walk into the room to see this frail child hooked up to tubes in a bland white room.” You half smiled remembering her, “We were getting new jerseys so I had everyone sign my jersey and frame it to give it to her.”
Ethan was speechless as you continued to explain.
“She cried and I decided if any child had to stay in hospital they deserve to be a kid. The money will go to many organizations with most aiming to children’s hospital for needed care, toys and new decorating.”
Grayson noticed how taken Ethan was with you and how his eyes never strayed far and the reciprocation he saw from you.
“You’re incredible.” Ethan breathed.
“No I’m just an average human.” You chuckled looking down at your feet.
“What happened to the little girl?”

“She recovered about a few months ago so we invited her to one of our games and sit in the dressing room after.”
You carefully looked at him before it came to you on why he looked so familiar as the memories of a friend talking about these twins.
“You’re Ethan Dolan.” You blinked shocked.
“You know me?”
“I get tagged by my followers all the damn time to your photos and tweets!” You exclaimed, “I’ve been tagged in edits of us together!”
“Seriously!” Ethan exclaimed shocked while a blush formed on his cheeks. You both didn’t notice the flashes around you. You were too caught up in each other. You wouldn’t see the news until late that same night.
Famed Jaguar Y/N Y/L/N Caught with YouTuber Ethan of the Dolan Twins at Charity Event
Jaguar Captain Finds Love. Will It Survive?
Months later you tentatively began to hang out one on one with Ethan when you both were able to. You were often busy with training, practices and games while he was typically filming and editing with Grayson. However he always made sure to attend home games and a few away ones that were close to LA.
After filming a new video with Grayson with plans to watch your game that night technical difficulties happened. The edited footage malfunctioned erasing the edited version and instead had no editing down to the video. Regretfully Ethan had to explain he couldn’t come to the game.
Of course something bad happened.
“Ethan!” Ethan and Grayson’s mom exclaimed hurriedly coming into the warehouse. Lisa was distraught knowing Ethan would be cut up hearing the news.
“What?” Ethan shouted annoyed at the interruption.
“You haven’t looked at social media right?” Lisa asked coming into the editing room. She glanced at the energy drink sitting on the desk with distaste.
“No?” Ethan spoke fully removing the headphones from around his neck, “Why?”
Lisa was quiet as Ethan turned his phone on from the corner of the desk, within minutes Ethan noticed the mentions on Twitter. It was way more than usual so he clicked on the first one.
Username1: Oh my god! Do you think Ethan heard?!
Username 2: @/Username1 He’s in love with her, why wouldn’t he?
Username 3: It’s was nasty hit and totally illegal! poor @officaly/n_y/l/n but as least @jessa_m16 took the girl out!
The following tweets were similar increasing the panic until he finally came across a tweet from the LA Jaguars official account.
Los Angeles Jaguars: As many know Y/N was hit from behind in the third period of the game hitting her head and blacking out. As of now Y/N is being checked out by our trainer and medical professional
Los Angeles Jaguars:…before we decide if a hospital is in our best interest. Please pray for our Captain.
Ethan tearfully looked up at his mom before he tripped over his own feet racing to the doorway out of the office. Standing there holding his car keys was a shaken up Grayson. You were close with the Dolan family, something rare for Ethan to bring someone to meet his family so soon.
“She’ll be okay.” Grayson soothed shakily.
“What if she isn’t.” Ethan’s voice cracked but Grayson knew it was a shitty time to tease him about it. Slowly the family walked to the car to make on the trips Ethan decided felt like the longest drive in his life.
The ER was a mess with people sitting and nurses milling around the room with tired smiles and kind smiles. Ethan quickly saw Jessa sitting on the edge of a chair staring at the floor with half her equipment still on.
“Jessa.” Ethan breathed swiftly racing over to the brunette girl.
“Ethan.” Jessa jumped hearing the voice of the male that you had grown to love. Something you barely knew yourself but Jessa knew you almost better than you knew yourself.
“What happened?” Ethan sniffled.
“Y/N didn’t tell you because she didn’t want to worry you but the team we played are known for being violent and making illegal hits. She was on a breakaway about to pass to Sam when their number ten harshly caught up and checked her from behind. Her head hit the ice hard and she wasn’t responsive.” Jessa shakily explained, “It’s mostly a blur but a brawl happened.”
Jessa raised her bloody fist to show the steadily bad bruise forming on her knuckles earning a surprised look from both Ethan and Grayson. He had only just caught up to him.
“You punched the girl?” Ethan asked shocked.

“Nobody hurts my team. Especially my best friend.” Jessa winced shaking her fist as the sharp pain came back, “I’m suspended for two games.”
“Jessa!” Clay called out rushing over to the little group with a worried face, “I just spoke to the doctor. Y/N will make a full recovery but she has a concussion that she’ll be out for the rest of the regular season.”
“Has she woken up?” Ethan demanded.
Clay barely batted an eye at the sudden appearance of the twins that had become a fixture in the Y/L/N family. It wasn’t surprising when you wore sweaters belonging to Ethan when you were at home with the family visiting. Hell Ethan was a common face at Sunday dinners at least twice a month.
“Not yet but she’s stirring.” Clay spoke sending the trio in a sigh of relief, at least your were moving, “They expect she’ll wake up in a few hours. They didn’t cut this off.”
In his hand of the oversized team jersey that was made to fit over your equipment so it tended to drown in a little. Ethan was surprised when Clay handed it to him with a half smile.

“She loves you. Hold on to it for her.” Clay cleared his throat, “Now excuse me I have to call my parents before they see the news.”
Ethan collapsed into a chair near your bed an hour later, nearly delirious in both happiness and shock hearing that you loved him. You loved Ethan, the boy that was awkward as hell and spontaneous with a romantic heart. He couldn’t believe that the girl of his dreams, other than his celebrity crush Nicki Minaj, felt the same for him. If only you had told him yourself.
“Ethan?” You mumbled with a sharp wince. You groaned at the brightness of the lights that made you want to throw up.

“Y/N, oh my god you scared the shit out of me!” Ethan exclaimed lunging to grasp your hand tightly.

“What happened?” You hissed in pain.
“You were hit by number ten and hit your hard bad.”
“That b-bitch.” You grunted thankfully as Ethan helped you lean up a little, “You look like you’ve been crying Ethan.”
“Well that happens when the girl you love gets heavily injured and you weren’t there to help her. I was editing the stupid fucking video when my mom comes racing in to tell what happened. I saw the mentions and I thought I was going to have a panic attack. Can you imagine your worst nightmare of that one person you think every minute of every day possibly dying and you haven’t told her you love her?” Ethan began rambling, “I’ve never regretted anything as much as not telling you, showing you how much my heart beats solely for you. I love you so freaking much I went out of my mind.”
“I never expected to fall so irrevocably, deeply, and completely in love with someone so fast but I did. You brought vivid colour into my life when I first saw you in person. You hold my whole heart and I’m so fucking lucky to have you in-“
With a sharp wince and near puking moment you yanked Ethan down to your height before doing the one thing you had dreamed of for so long. You kissed him. You kissed with such passion you swore the light burst from the force of your love for him.
“Hmf-“ Ethan mumbled before sinking into bubble of love and kissing you just as passionately. His hand carefully crawled up you arm until his hand was encased in your hair at the back of you head.
When you pulled back with swollen lips that matched his you blinked noticing that it felt like the air was softer, sounds were sweeter and colours were so vivid. You felt like you were complete basking in the knowledge this boy was just as in love with you as you were for him.
“I love you too Ethan Dolan.” You whispered happily, “But I’d love you more if you shut the godforsaken blinds.”
Standing in the doorway unnoticed was Grayson, Jessa, Lisa and Clay. Grayson’s hand resting on the light switch that had dimmed the room. He was content letting you and Ethan believe your love was so powerful it shut the lights off. Besides there was nothing more fulfilling than seeing Ethan climb onto the bed and carefully rest you against his chest.
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didiletyouknooow · 6 years
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Back in the days in 2006....
Zooey was standing outside of the party location, the sun was about to go down. It was the night of her senior prom. But she needed some time off. Time to breath, time to think about the future. Although she didn't want to, she became very emotionally this night. While Sum 41's "Fat Lip" was playing inside and all of her student fellows were dancing and drinking, Zooey tried to fix what was going on in her mind right now.
School was over. All the days, weeks and sometimes even months she wished she could leave school, were over. Now she actually graduated from High School. Of course she was a bit proud of her grades, and of course she even felt a happy that she finally graduated. But that's it. While all the others were happily celebrating with their perfect families, she wasn't. There were only her mother and sister. Her father couldn't make it. He was too busy being on holidays with his new family. Since he left her mother and decided to start a new life and a new family, Zooey's family was destroyed. It didn't exist. At least it didn't exist anymore. Of course she had a wonderful childhood with growing up in a beautiful house and a huge garden. In the summertime she and her family went on holidays to Canada, New York or Florida. One time they even travelled to Mexico. But it all changed when Zooey was 13 and her father moved out. Since then her mother was a different person. She wasn't who she used to be before. Zooey needed years to understand that. During this difficult time her sister was her rock. Madison was one of the most important people in her life and the fact that Zooey wouldn't move to New York to study alongside her sister made her sad. Her dream of studying in New York wouldn't come true. No university in or near New York accepted her. Instead, it would be California. Far, far away. Zooey was afraid of moving out of her hometown, far away from her family and friends – even if her family wasn't existing anymore.
But maybe that's the way it is....sometimes you can't always get what you want, right?
Zooey looked up into the sky. It was a wonderful night in June, the sky was so clear and you could already notice the stars.
"So, this was it, hm?" a voice suddenly said and brought Zooey back to reality. It was Lisa, her high school friend. "Seems like that" Zooey nodded. "It's strange, isn't it? I mean, nine years of studying, crying, laughing and partying are over now? I mean, how often I wished school would be over soon when I was 14 or so....and now it's definitely over. Wow, still can't believe it"
Zooey listened to the words her best friend said. She was right. It was a strange feeling but it also meant independence and liberty. Now, they really could do whatever they want.
"Are you afraid of leaving Portland?" Lisa wanted to know. "Hm....a little bit. I mean, I have absolutely no clue how it will be like to leave our hometown....but, you know, that's life, right?" "It is! And although I'm totally afraid of what will come in the next months....I'm also very excited" Lisa was about to start studying in Chicago. Oh how Zooey wished she could at least study in Chicago since it was way closer to New York than Santa Barbara. "And what about Eric?!" Lisa wanted to know. "We'll make it....Of course it is a huge distance but I' m sure we'll make it. He will visit me every two months and I will visit him too....and then we'll see each other over Christmas again....so I guess that's a good plan on how to do the long distance relationship." "I'm sure you two will make it. I mean, if there is any couple who can actually make it through a long distance relationship then it's you!" Lisa smiled at her friend.
Zooey smiled. But although Lisa was right, Zooey wondered how reality would be like when Eric would live in Boston and she would live in California. She didn't know. All she knew was that she truly loved him. He was her first boyfriend and she was his first girlfriend. So they shared many "first times" together.
They met for the first time when Zooey was 15. It was a schools party. Her first, to be honest. She was so excited to go there. Of course she and her friends made plans what to wear, went shopping and did their make-up and hair together. At that time Zooey had a crush on Zach, a boy from her school who was few years older than her. But she never really talked to him, so she was truly hoping to get to know him a little bit better at this party. Of course this never happened because in the end she had to see with her own eyes how this guy made out with another girl. Of course Zooey cried and of course everyone was seeing it. But she didn't care. She just felt so heartbroken, she didn't care anymore. She wanted to die. Of course she didn't want to, but she felt like she did - typical teenage thing. In the end it was this red haired guy who brought her some water and asked her what happened. Even her friends couldn't talk to her because she was still crying. But somehow Eric managed it to calm Zooey down. He talked to her, told her some jokes and other funny stories and it worked out. In the end he even brought her home. He didn't ask her for a date within the next months although they saw each other regularly in school since they were in the same class. Before that, Eric never really caught her eye but after the party he did. Maybe they were both too shy to finally make the next step. It took them one year until Eric finally asked her out. On their first date they went to the cinema and had some ice cream. It lasted five more dates until they had their first kiss – at a party of some of Zooey's friends. Since then they were dating.
From now on it was totally common that Eric stayed with her and her family, had barbecue or accompanied her on the holidays with her mom and her older sister Madison. So over the next two years of school they became the favorite couple of the whole year. Zooey and Eric were the perfect example for true puppy love. None of her friends had such a relationship, like they had. And of course Zooey was in a way proud that she and Eric made the perfect couple. He was the Liam to her Noel, he was her cherry on top of everything. She truly loved him and could never ever imagine letting him go.
But everything was about to change after graduation. Eric would move to Boston to study at Boston University, and she would leave for California. She always dreamed about studying in New York, just like her sister did, but she since this wouldn't happen, she had to look for a plan b. So when she got a positive answer from the University of California in Santa Barbara she finally decided to do it. It wasn't an easy decision. She and Eric had such long night talks where they discussed every little detail. He didn't want her to move to California because it was just too far away. But he also didn't want to change his plans and decide against Boston. Eric also had the opportunity to study in San Francisco – which would at least mean that they both would live in the same state. But he didn't want to. He always dreamed of studying in Boston. So they both decided to follow their dreams.
"I wish I could move to New York" Zooey said after a few minutes of silence between the two girls. "Why?" "Because my sister lives there. I always wanted to go there but....sadly no university or college wants me....I mean, it's New York! Why wouldn't you live there?" "Well, let's wait and see. Maybe Santa Barbara isn't that bad at all" Lisa smiled at Zooey.
Maybe she was right, maybe Santa Barbara wasn't the wrong decision. And Zooey was still convinced that she and Eric would definitely rock their long distance relationship.
The two girls went back to the dance floor where Foo Fighter's "Times Like These" were playing and people were singing along. Eric was smiling at Zooey, took her hand and kissed her before singing the chorus in her ear.
"I've got another confession to make I'm your fool Everyone's got their chains to break Holdin' you If someone getting the best of you"
She was happy to have Eric by her side. She didn't know how she would have survived the past two years without him. He was the one that brought her back to life. And he was the one she didn't want to live without. Now she had to. But she was sure, that they could make it. It was only three years until Eric would move to California for his masters degree. What's the mater with three years being apart if you could move in together afterwards? Zooey smiled when thinking about their future together.
If she only would have known better....
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ask-the-phan-site · 3 years
Phan Cam: Some Hot Wheels... For Phantom Thieves
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>Handler’s Corners, Arizona, USA. We came here to investigate our possible next target: Sheriff Johnson. Something about taking his rules a little too far. I wonder what awaits us.
>After a drive, we arrive at some pizza diner.
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Ah, this looks like a good place to start our investigation.
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Yes, let’s. I can already smell those pizza pies all the way from here. Hey, can we get some while we’re here? We haven’t eaten anything since we left Phoenix.
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(reading a sign tapped on the front door) It says that due to COVID, they only do deliveries now.
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For real!? Well that sucks.
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I’ll make you all something later. Yusuke, where is he?
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He and his team will be here soon. I called them while we were in Phoenix and he said they were close by.
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Who are you guys talking about?
>Suddenly, the sound of cars could be heard coming. Then, several cars with a fire theme drive in... We recognize one of them.
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The Scorchers!? You called them here, Yusuke kun?
Fox: Yes.
Skull: Man, it’s like Thanksgiving all over again.
???? ??????: And his birthday.
>The driver side door opens and Taro Kitano, the leader of the Scorchers came out. The other Scorchers followed from their cars.
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So tell me... What’s Wheeler gotten himself into this time?
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Is now really a good time for this?
Taro Kitano: Can’t help it. But when Yusuke mentioned "Vert Wheeler” and “Handler’s Corners”, I had to see this for myself.
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Sounds like he just wanted to see his old friend.
Taro Kitano: I heard that. Me and Wheeler are many things, but we’re definitely not friends. Friendly rivals, maybe. But not friends... But I thought it wouldn’t hurt to check up on him after all these years and see what he’s up these days.
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So you did wanted to catch up with him.
Taro Kitano: More like catch up to him.
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So you’re the one I helped Kitano get that gift for? So it’s true? You bambinos are really the Phantom-
Taro Kitano: (sternly) I don’t think they need it to be shouted out, Vesuvius. We maybe the only ones out right now, but still, show some decency.
Vesuvius: Scusati. It’s just that me, Everest, and Krakatoa are huge fans of yours. We’ve followed your work since you took down Medjed. And since Thanksgiving, we were blown away to know we were at a place you had your latest heist. È stato magnifico.
Queen: (smiling) Sono contento di sapere che abbiamo ammiratori anche in gruppi come il tuo.
>Vesuvius almost fainted at what Queen said. I only know a little Italian from my Uncle Vincent, but it sounded good.
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Though I’m not sure why you would call us “kids”. Zenkichi is the oldest with a daughter of his own. Joker and some of the others are already in college.
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And the rest of us will be in college soon.
Vesuvius: I know. I couldn’t help it. Some of you are young than us.
Crow: It’s understandable.
Joker: If you are our fans, it makes me wonder what became of your car, Everest san.
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After learning that the leader of the Phantom Thieves just drove my car, I swore never to sit in the diver seat or use the stirring wheel again.
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So he took them out of his car. Now they on some sort of shrine we set up for you in Vesuvius’ room... And I probably shouldn’t have said that. You’re not weirded out by this, are you?
Joker: No, it’s fine.
Taro Kitano: But we will have to talk about that later. But for now, we should got on with what you needed our help with.
Vesuvius: (agitated whisper) And we’ll talk about the rules again.
>We tell Taro Kitano and the other Scorchers about our latest heist.
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So you want us to go after a guy who’s just doing his job?
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I know it seems odd, but that’s pretty much it. That’s why we’re asking around.
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We’re not going steal from him now, eh? We passed the sheriff station not that long ago.
Wolf: It’s a lot more complicated than that. Even I’m still trying to figure it out.
Taro Kitano: Yeah, I think Goemon said something about that. Something about an app on your phone.
Fox: (taking out his phone) Yes. To enter the sheriff’s Palace, we need not only his name, but the location of his Palace and what he sees it as.
Harrison Lau: That sound a lot to look for.
Crow: He has a Palace. We already entered his name. Now we just need to know where it is and what it is. What don’t know them, so we have to find out.
Taro Kitano: Sounds like a lot of guess work. What have you got so far?
Queen: All we could find what that his full name is John Johnson (not very original). He was born April 30 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He graduated from high school and got a high degree in college. He also served in the US Army for 11 years until he left due to injury to his leg. Since then, he moved here to his father’s hometown where he became the town sheriff.
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Sounds like he lead a charmed life.
Queen: But it doesn’t really tell us anything. That’s why we’re here to ask around people who know him. It won’t be easy since even small towns like this are not unaffected by the coronavirus.
Krakatoa: Won’t everyone think it odd for a bunch of out-of-towners asking around about their sheriff?
Panther: I’ve already come up with a good cover. We’re doing a story on small town life. Starting with its most prominent citizen... The law enforcement.
Harrison Lau: Are they really going to buy that?
Panther: That’s what we’re hoping would work. Unless you have anything else.
Taro Kitano: I have one, actually. As you know, the Scorchers are just getting into smaller races and street races until the return of the World Race on Highway 35... I say we found the location of our next small race that was inspired by the Thanksgiving Race at Racer Academy.
Mona: That sound good, too. Not as bad as Lady Ann’s, though.
Panther: But you have to admit, it makes a little more sense. But are you sure Vert Wheeler won’t find out about you being here.
Taro Kitano: As long as we don’t run into him or any of his teammates, it should be fine.
Jet Blaney: I didn’t know the Teku were here.
Taro Kitano: They’re not. Wheeler’s the leader of a new team here, or so I’m told. But I was also told that lately, he’s been helping the Teku again. Something about “Infinite Loop”. I don’t have all the details, let’s leave it at that. I don’t know if Wheeler’s back right now, but we still have to watch out for this Battle Force 5.
Joker: Then it’s settled. Let’s do our best and find some answers. We all meet back here in an hour. If we haven’t found anything before then, we try again tomorrow.
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So, are we ready?
Everyone: Ready!
>With that, we part for now. I go with Fox and Taro Kitano.
>We were walking through town when I noticed the sudden tension between Fox and Taro Kitano. I know I probably shouldn’t... But I decide to break the ice.
Joker: So... Nice weather we’re having. You don’t get stuff like this back in Tokyo.
Taro Kitano: Yeah, Los Angeles has the same problem with its smog and pollution.
Fox: Indeed. If I hadn’t left my sketchpad back at the camper, I would sketch this place.
Taro Kitano: I know... (still a little unsure) So... Umm... How’s Tokyo these days? Aside from the lockdowns. I haven’t been back since the Love Meets Bonds Festival.
Fox: It’s... Shiny... Like it normally is at night.
Taro Kitano: And you’re in college?
Fox: I’m finishing my first year.
Taro Kitano: And you’re dating someone?
Fox: Yes.
Taro Kitano: I see... So... What’s she like? ... Or he? ... Whichever goes well with you.
>Fox nods over to me.
Taro Kitano: I see. That’s cool. He seems like a good person to be around.
Fox: Yes. Ren helped me when I was in a slump and I helped him in return. After being with him all those times, we grow closer and closer and we realized how connected our hearts are. I know that there are versions of him where he is mostly with one of the girls (curse you ATLUS) and fan version with our male members and even his contractors, but this is one of the versions who’s with me.
Joker: And we’re happy about it. Though it is not cannon, we’re happy that in this fanmade timeline, me and Yusuke are together.
>Me and Fox hold hands with loving passion.
Taro Kitano: I’m happy for you. Both of you. Just try not to blow... Like it did... Twice.
Fox: Yes, we know after Mom, you were with Lani Tam, formally of the Wave Rippers.
Taro Kitano: Yeah, our relationship didn’t last very long. She said I was too hard to talk to. I understand that. I’m not normally the social type. I’m always more focused on my races than most other things. I’m trying to work on that. Not sure I’m ready to get into a relationship, but I’ll think about it... I’m sorry, it’s just, I’m still trying to get used to this. I left your mother before you were born and never knew about you. Then I learn about you, not knowing a thing about being a father.
Joker: I know how you feel.
Taro Kitano: Really? How so?
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Just trust me on this.
Taro Kitano: Okay.
Fox: Anyway, you may not have to be. I’m already a grown man. I’m happy with the way things are. I know the man who raised me was not who I thought he was, but I still have some respect for him for taking me in. I don’t think I’ll ever accept you as a father. Not yet, anyway. But we could start off as friends or brother-figures. How does that sound?
Taro Kitano: ... I guess being friends could work out.
Sophie: Then we should start off with introductions. (Sorry for eavesdropping.)
Joker: You think that will work?
Fox: We could try... Hello, my name Yusuke Kitagawa. My main subject is art.
Taro Kitano: Really? We’re doing this? (sighs) Alright... Taro Kitano, leader of the Scorchers. Just call me Taro... And could you stop strikethroughing me name? It’s already public on who the leader is and I won’t let anyone know who you are.
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A pleasure to meet you, Taro.
Taro: (slightly smiling) Same here... Not it’s your turn.
Joker: Alright. I’m Ren Amamiya, I live above a cafe, my mom’s an alien? ...
Sophie: In a lot of games, you don’t speak very much. Including about yourself.
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Yeah, that pretty much comes with being a silent protagonist.
>Suddenly, my phone rings.
Sophie: You have a text from Makoto and Haru.
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Me, Haru, and Jet kun found someone who might know a little about Sheriff Johnson.
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Okay, we’ll come to you and help you gather info.
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Thank you. We’re in front of the town library. We’ll meet you there.
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Alright, we’re on our way there now.
>End of chat.
Taro: Right, I guess we should exchange numbers while we’re at it.
>We nod and me and Fox exchange numbers with Taro.
Taro: Got it. Now we should go and see what the others want.
>With that, we go to the town library.
>Later on, we arrive at the town library where Queen, Noir, and Jet were waiting for us with... a young Asian boy.
Jet: So no fooling? You know something about Sheriff Johnson?
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As much as I am told by my friend, the Chosen One?
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Ch- Chosen One?
Monk Boy: Well, he does not wish to be called that.
Noir: I see. It’s that kind of story.
Monk Boy: We still wish him to lead us, but the path he has chosen seems to be leading him elsewhere. I wish I could fully understand it.
Jet: (a bit confused) You’re one odd kid.
Taro: We’re here.
Noir: You came.
Taro: So this kid knows something about the sheriff?
Queen: That’s what he said. Sort of.
Monk Boy: Hello, my name is Zen. I am mainly here to visit the Chosen One, but this town’s law enforcement was yelling at me saying, “Where is your dog-gone mask, kid!? Do you want to catch COVID!?”
Jet: (surprised) You don’t know about the pandemic? Where were you, under a rock?
Zen: I was actually in another dimension.
>We were silent by what he just said.
Zen: ... That was a joke.
Jet: (a bit relieved) Oh! It was a joke! (forced chuckle) I get it. I get it!
Queen: Anyway, what do you know about Sheriff Johnson?
Zen: Seeing as I am not a citizen of Handler’s Corners, all I can really tell you is what my friend told me. He said that the sheriff can be really gruff, but means well. However, there are times when he can get on his and his friends’ nerves. Particularly the leader of their group.
Noir: Really? How so?
Zen: Well... Whenever Vert Wheeler goes racing on the Salt Flats, it is usually Sheriff Johnson who pulls him over and scolds him for racing there, even though he is not above the speed limit and that it is not illegal to race there.
Taro: (a bit surprised) Wheeler?
Queen: I see. So Sheriff Johnson’s mainly on the Salt Flats making sure no one is on it.
Zen: That is all I know.
Joker: Very well. Thank you for your time.
>With that, we leave... Then the library door opens.
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Seriously, they deliver the books to us, but they expect us to return them ourselves? You know if they have someone pick up the books when they’re due back, then people wouldn’t have to leave them homes just to pay the fine.
Zen: It is to teach the library patrons about responsibility.
Headband-wearing Young Man: Or they’re just lazy themselves. So, anything happened while I was inside?
Zen: Well, some people where asking me about the sheriff.
Headband-wearing Young Man: Really? Who?
Zen: They were from out of time, just like me. Four of them looked around your age. With them where with two men.
Headband-wearing Young Man: Two men?
Zen: Yes. The men where wearing racing uniforms.
Headband-wearing Young Man: Racers in town? What’s that about? ... Maybe I should talk to Vert and the other about this.
>Back with us, Queen, Noir, and Jet leave to gather more info. Then, my phone rings.
Sophie: It’s from Ryuji and Ann.
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Yo. Me, Ann, and Krakatoa got somethin’. Wanna meet us with us?
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We’re on our way.
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Glad to hear it. We’re at the Drive In.
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They still have a drive-in movie theater here? This place really is a small town.
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Futaba says they’ve become quite popular again since the pandemic hit America. I’ll have to remember to take Ren to one sometime.
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Yeah, Harry told me he’s thinkin’ about takin’ Pete to one. If they can find one in New York City.
>End of chat.
>We go to Handler’s Corners Drive-In Cinema. We find Skull, Panther, and Krakatoa talking to a regal looking man. No doubt another out-of-towner like us.
Skull: For real? You’re royalty?
Panther: (in disbelief) That’s what all British people say.
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Now I’m just hurt. I can assure you that I am indeed royalty. Simon Ian Rhodes II, currently 188th in line for the throne, at your service.
Krakatoa: (also in disbelief) Sure you are.
Panther: Look, let’s just get this over with. You said you know something about Sheriff Johnson. The sooner we get some answers, the sooner we’ll be out of your hair (and mine).
Simon Ian Rhodes II: Well, most of what I know, I was told by my little brother that the sheriff can be a bit of a killjoy. He’s fart too much of a stickler for the rules. And some of those rules are actually a bit out of date... But if his problem is mostly with my little brother and his friends, I don’t mind what he does.
Skull: Dude, that’s a brutal thing to say. He’s your brother. Your little brother.
Simon Ian Rhodes II: Well, as long as he doesn’t get himself handcuffed and thrown behind bars which could cause a scandal in the family, it should be fine.
Krakatoa: Really?
Panther: Anything else?
Simon Ian Rhodes II: I believe there is... Your number. We could get together for some tea later.
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Excuse me!?
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I think that’s enough outta you, man.
Krakatoa: Seriously, and I thought real royals were suppose to be charming.
Simon Ian Rhodes II: (offended) I beg your pardon!? I should challenge you to a duel right here and now.
>This is bad. Better step in.
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If you’re going to challenge someone to a duel, challenge me, not my friends.
Simon Ian Rhodes II: !
Joker: But I have to warn you, I’ve studied about someone with great aim and my boyfriend taught me a thing or two with the sword.
Simon Ian Rhodes II: ... Never mind.
Taro: Good. Thank you for your time. Let’s go.
>With that, we leave.
Panther: (whisper) When this is over, that guy is so next.
Skull: (also whispering) No arguments from me.
Krakatoa: (also whispering) Same here.
>Back with Simon, his brother, who was watching the whole time, comes in.
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Shot down? So much for the charming older brother.
Simon: (upset) Sh- Shut it, Stanford.
Stanford: Though I have to admit, something was odd about them. I wonder if these are the people Zoom told us about.
Simon: Who cares. Did you get the tickets?
Stanford: They’re all right here. But I have to warn you, the only movie they had available is a musical. They said they would get more movies later on.
Simon: Very well.
>With that, Simon leaves... and Stanford gets out his phone and begins texting.
>Back with us, Skull, Panther, and Krakatoa go their way.
Taro: Well that guy was a bust.
Fox: I’m sure there are more places to look. Joker, check to see if anyone else found anything.
>I check my phone. It looks like Violet text me.
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Hey, Senpai! Me, Zenkichi, and Vesuvius found someone who actually knows Sheriff Johnson.
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That’s great, Sumire. We’ll be right over.
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Thanks. We’re at the Salt Flats. Bring plenty of sun screen.
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It’s not that hot and sunny. It’s still pretty much winter.
>The Salt Flats. We meet up with Violet, Wolf, and Vesuvius who were next to a car.
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Taro: That’s quite the car. Nice paint job, too. But why do I have the feeling that I’ve seen that driver somewhere before.
Violet: Ah, you’re here.
Wolf: These Sault Flats sure are something. Not sure why the stars are already out... The other admin’s really lazy, isn’t he?
???? ???????: Now what do we have here?
>The door window rules down... Taro has a look of surprised shock.
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Well, and here I thought my son decided to race his old man today. I guess you both have that kind of fire in you.
Taro: I’m still getting used to your son’s new element, too, Mr. Wheeler.
Wolf: You know each other?
Taro: Me and Jack Wheeler have crossed paths before. Mainly through his son.
Mr. Wheeler: Yeah, I remember Vert used to beat you in pretty much every race.
Taro: (standing his ground) Not every race... Just most. Sometimes I do beat him.
Joker: Not sure if that’s helping.
Mr. Wheeler: So, these fine folks here are telling me that you want to know about the sheriff. Care to explain why?
Taro: It’s for a race that me and the other Scorchers are setting up and Handler’s Corners sounded like the perfect place to have it.
Mr. Wheeler: And what does it have to do with Sheriff Johnson? If you wanna start a race here, you should talk to him first.
Wolf: We know. We just want to know a little about him before we talk to him so we’d know how to ask him. I would normally suggest the same thing you are since we’re both men of the law, but I prefer the more non-traditional approach.
Mr. Wheeler: Well, if you think so, alright. The first thing you should know about Sheriff Johnson is that he can be tough. But he is fair. Although, he does like to take the rules a little too seriously. Most folks around here are not too happy about it. I can see where they’re getting at. I mean, the way he treats his job, you’d think he was still in the army or something. Heh, probably why the twins were writing about him on that Phantom Thieves website.
Violet: Twins?
Mr. Wheeler: Just a couple of my son’s friends. I don’t know much about it, but I could tell those twins and their Russian friend are fans of theirs.
Fox: I see. I think you have told us plenty.
Mr. Wheeler: Already? Well, happy I could be of some help.
Wolf: Well, we’ll be seeing you.
Taro: See you soon.
>With that, we leave. Mr. Wheeler was curious and took out his flip phone and calls... his son.
Vert’s Voice: Hey dad, what’s up?
Mr. Wheeler: Vert, you’ll never guess who I just ran into today... Go ahead, guess.
Vert’s Voice Seriously? Okay... My high school science teacher?
Mr. Wheeler: Nope. Try again.
Vert’s Voice: Okay. Sarah Worthington, my ex-girlfriend?
Mr. Wheeler: Nope. Last chance.
Vert’s Voice: You never said how many chances I had. Can you at least give me a hint?
Mr. Wheeler: Alright. He’s an old flame and the last time you saw him was on TV where he was in a race at Racer Academy on Thanksgiving.
Vert’s Voice: Wait... Taro’s here!?
Mr. Wheeler: And from what I can tell, so is the rest of the Scorchers. They’re here in town with some other folks. They’ve been asking about Sheriff Johnson. I think it’s a little odd that those two friends of yours wrote about him online and they suddenly show about asking about him... I think your friends need a refresher course on Internet Safety and what they should be careful about posting stuff.
Vert’s Voice: Yeah, I’ll be sure to talk to them. Actually, my other friends told me about people in uniforms that looked like Scorcher Uniforms. And now learning that Taro’s here in Handler’s Corners, this can’t be some coincidence.
Mr. Wheeler: He said it was for a race they were setting up. But I don’t really but it. I don’t think you do, either.
Vert’s Voice: That’s right. I know Taro, this seems a little too odd even for him... I think this is something we should look into.
Mr. Wheeler: Even me?
Vert’s Voice: Not just yet. But we’ll call you if anything comes up.
Mr. Wheeler: Alright, but be careful. I don’t know what’s going on right now, but I get the feeling it’s more than just whatever you and your friends go through everyday.
Vert’s Voice: Dad, it’s me. Remember?
Mr. Wheeler: (smiling) Right, how could I forget?
>End of call.
>Back at the camper.
Joker: Sophia, let everyone know the hour has passed and that it’s time to meet back here.
Sophie: Will do.
>Later, the rest of us arrived back at the camper.
Crow: Okay, let’s go over what we’ve found out.
Queen: Me, Haru, and Jet found out that Sheriff Johnson usually frequents the Salt Flats because people race there. But even though people obey the speed limit and that it’s not a crime to race there, he still arrests and fines them for being there. I know it’s important to protect nature, but it sounds like he’s taking it too far.
Noir: Hear this, we have reason to believe that the Salt Flats is the location of the Palace.
Jet: You think?
Joker: We should try it.
>I take out my phone and open the Nav.
Joker: John Johnson and the Handler’s Corners Salt Flats.
Nav: Candidate found.
Joker: That confirms it.
Crow: We now have the who and the where, now we just need the what. Has anyone discovered more about the sheriff?
Panther: Obviously, we didn’t learn anything from that Brit.
Krakatoa: Yeah. Anyone else?
Violet: Me, Zenkichi, Ren senpai, Yusuke senpai, and Taro san found out that the sheriff acts like he’s still in the army. So maybe the Palace is something related to the military.
Skull: Well, the closest I could think of is an army base.
Joker: I’ll enter it. Army base...
Nav: Results found. Updating guidance system.
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We’ve got it! We’re in!
Taro: I take it that’s good.
Fox: That’s right. We can now enter the sheriff’s Palace.
Krakatoa: (a bit excited) Sweet. The sheriff’s heart’s as good as ours.
Queen: Maybe so, but not right away. For now, we can go in and see what it’s like.
Taro: Good. It would be unwise to just go in without fulling understanding the situation.
Joker: Right, then let’s get going.
>We all agree.
>Later, we were all at the Salt Flats.
Vesuvius: You’ll really let us come with you?
Skull: Well, it sounds like what you guys went through in this Highway 35 thing is a little to similar to ours. So we thought it couldn’t hurt.
Queen: Besides, we might need more skilled drivers with us just in case.
Harrison: So you guys have other skilled drivers besides your leader?
Mona: That’s right. Aside from Joker, Lady Panther, Queen, Crow, and Wolf are our best drivers.
Wayne: Really, eh? I would have thought Yusuke would be skilled, too, just like his old man, eh.
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It is mainly due to that I take after my mother. I am mainly an artist.
Taro: It’s true. I have seen it. But it never hurts to learn what you can about driving.
Mona: I don’t know. I still remember the last time Fox drove.
Taro: Really? What happened?
Queen: Let’s just say he still has a long way to go before we put him behind the wheel again.
Sophie: (confused) Wouldn’t it be easier just to show them the video? I found it on Oracle’s computer.
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Wait, you don’t have to do that!
>Too late.
>The Scorchers just saw the video and laughed a bit.
Wolf: (a bit shocked) How did you record that?
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It’s a long story.
Taro: Anyway, even though some of your might have some trouble driving, you might still have to do so. I’m guess you might even have to do it wherever we are going.
Fox: But as you just saw, we might have a problem with that.
Vesuvius: We can help with that. We’ll show you we’re just as good a teaching than Racer Academy.
Mona: That would actually be good for us. I guess we can take you up on that offer.
Vesuvius: Magnifico.
Mona: Joker’s your call.
Joker: We could use more help on driving. I know I already asked Zack and Ivy to help me with stuff like this, but I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt to get more.
Taro: They only know how to drive away from a heist when it’s over. But what about driving into it or into battle? Like we do.
Joker: I guess we can do that. But I’m not sure what we could give you in return.
Fox: I think I know.
Taro: What would that be?
Fox: I learned from the birthday gift you gave me that you still have much to learn about art.
Taro: Well, I’m learning from Vesuvius.
Vesuvius: Art is not my first subject, but I’m trying my best as most Italians could. Though, I’m guessing you want to take a try at it.
Fox: Indeed. I know as a racer, art does not mean much, but you never know when you might need it.
Taro: That’s true. When I was learning from your mother, I was sort of getting the hang of it... When I wasn’t... Well, you know.
Fox: I can assure you, I’m very professional and very taken. Of course, I wouldn’t mind a couple of assistants. Ren? Vesuvius?
Vesuvius: Well, I may not be there often, but I think I can help.
Joker: And you know you can count on me.
Taro: I think that would be great. Alright, you’re on.
>I think we made a deal here.
I am thou, thou art I… Thou hast acquired a new vow.
It shall become the wings of rebellion that breaketh thy chains of captivity.
With the birth of the Force Persona, I have obtained the winds of blessing that shall lead to freedom and new power…
Confidant: Taro Kitano
Arcana: Force (This Arcana is made up for this Confidant.)
Rank: 1
Ability: Ride Into Battle
Chance that enemies will be Down after a successful ambush.
Mona: Okay, let’s get in.
Everyone: Right!
>I was tapping on the app... when I heard something. It sounded like... engines... The Scorchers probably have their cars running.
>The familiar red wave passes over us. When it was over, there on the Salt Flats was a giant distorted-looking military base with search light going around. There were even some race-tracks running around including some loops.
(Insert Song: Welcome To The Jail)
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Oh my goodness! That’s suppose to be Sheriff Johnson’s view of a base?
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It totally looks like a race track. Guess the honorable sheriff isn’t as honorable as he claims to be.
Harrison: (surprised) Holy smokes. When did you guys change clothes on us?
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It is the our rebellious spirits made manifested. This becomes so when we enter the Medaverse.
Harrison: I see... Okay, I don’t.
Taro: Harrison, I think by now you should learn to go with it. You’ll hurt your head less.
Harrison: Now that’s harsh... But it’s kinda true.
Jet: So what do we do now? We go in or what?
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We’ll go in a little ways to get a feel of the layout. We’ll really sneak in the next time we come here.
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It’s time like this, I wish we still had those cars we had for that heist in Racer Academy. Whatever happened to them, by the way?
Oracle: Lavenza stored them in a part of the Velvet Room known as the “Impound Lot”. She said that whenever we need them, Joker was to let her know.
>As if on queue, the door to the Velvet Room appears.
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Leave it to me, I’ll get them.
>With that, I enter the Velvet Room.
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Welcome to the Velvet Room. First of all, I would like to congratulate on forming another bond today. And now, for your vehicles. Me and Jose have tuned them up and they are ready. You merely need to wait outside for him. But I sense something may happen. Your new bond will soon reconnect with an old bond. I wonder what may come of it. Be ready for anything that may happen.
>I nod and leave the Velvet Room.
>Back outside in the Palace.
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Oracle: And here come our cars!
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Here you go. I’ll expect payment for this.
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For real? We still gotta pay ya?
Jose: Don’t worry, I’ll just ask Miss Lavenza to put it on your tab.
Oracle: I didn’t know we had that.
Joker: It never occurred to me.
>With that, Jose leave, leaving Phantom Flyer, Flaming Kitty, Freedom’s Strike, and Howling Silver with us.
Wayne: So these are your cars, eh? I’d like to shake the hands of whoever designed them.
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That would be my hand.
Wayne: Really? You did a great work here, eh?
Oracle: Thanks. We should get together later and brainstorm later.
Wayne: I’ll think about it. Thanks.
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I’m glad to see us making friends. So, shall we move forward?
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Now the question is, who gonna drive me in?
Noir: I’ll do it. I’ll drive you.
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Please don’t and we’ll say you did.
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I’ll do it! I just got my license and can drive you.
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It’s true. I checked the records from her driving instructor. She extremely did well on the written and the practical exams.
Mona: Well if that’s true, I guess I can allow it. Okay, Violet, it’s up to you. Morgana, Transform!
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>With that, Violet, Skull, Noir, and Sophie get in the Mona Van. Fox and I are in Phantom Flyer, Panther and Queen are in Flaming Kitty, Crow and Wolf are in their respective cars Freedom’s Strike and Howling Silver, Oracle gets into Wayne’s Dodge Charger R/T, and the rest of the Scorchers get into their own cars. Then, we drive off towards the Palace... What we didn’t know was that we were being followed.
>After about a minute’s drive, we arrive at the entrance to the base. Thankfully, no Shadows in sight.
Oracle: No guards here. The gate is down, but it looks like we can try to get by without any problems.
Everest: I don’t know. I’ve seen enough spy movies to know that there’s always some kind of trap ahead.
>Me and Fox get out of my car and Taro gets out of his. We approach the guard booth when an automatic voice sounds.
Automatic Voice: Welcome to Area 05. By order of the General, all personal, army or otherwise, must have an entrance pass. Do you have an entrance pass? If so, please present it to the guard at the guard booth.
Taro: (confused) What guard?
Automatic Voice: It’s automated, you maggot. Everything’s automated these days.
Taro: (a light chuckle) So even someone as old fashion as Johnson is up to date. Not so much of a caveman.
Automatic Voice: Please do not speak ill of the General and please present your entrance pass.
Joker: We don’t have one. Do you know where to get one?
Automatic Voice: That’s classified. Please present your entrance pass.
Joker: But how are we suppose to get an entrance pass if we don’t know how to get one?
Automatic Voice: That’s classified. Please present your entrance pass.
Fox: I don’t think it’s going to be much help.
Taro: (getting irritated) Are you kidding me? This ‘automatic voice’ didn’t sound very automatic when it told me not to speak ill of their general. I guess I was wrong about this guy.
Automatic Voice: ... (sounding stern) This is your last warning: Please present your entrance pass or there will be consequences.
Fox: What do we do about this, Joker?
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>Go inside anyway. >Bust up the guard booth. >>Make a fake pass. >Find another way in.
Taro: That would work. Fox, are you up for the challenge?
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Indeed. It’ll be my finest work yet.
>I give Fox a Blank Card and he begins drawing away. A little later, Fox was finished with the fake pass.
Fox: I must warn you: Since I do not know what the entrance pass looks like, I had to work with what I imagined.
Joker: You did what you could, baby. Don’t worry.
Taro: Okay, let’s give it a shot.
>Taro takes the fake pass to the guard booth. Then, a scanner comes out and scans the fake pass.
Automatic Voice: I see... I almost bought the fake pass trick. Alright, you maggots, you had your chance! Everything maybe automated, we still have actual guards. Security!
>Then, two Shadows dressed like American soldiers appear.
Shadow 1: You want in, you’re gonna have to beat us.
Shadow 2: We’d wish you luck... But you don’t get any.
>With that, the Shadows transform.
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Taro: (a bit surprised) Yikes! ... Never thought I’d see an oni defend an American military base.
Panther: Nothing ever makes sense in the Metaverse. Persona!
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Queen: I’ll help you. Persona!
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Joker: Let’s do this together!
Fox: Always.
Joker and Fox: Persona!
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>Oni 1 uses Rampage. Oni 2 also uses Rampage. Carmen uses Lullaby and Oni 2 falls asleep. Johanna uses Marakukaja. Arsene uses Maeiga. It was a technical hit for Oni 2 which woke him up. Goemon uses Masukukaja. Oni 1 uses Snap on me. Luckily, I dodged it. Oni 2 uses Memory Blow. Queen and Fox both dodge it while Panther and I got hit. Fortunately, neither of us got inflicted with Forgetfulness. Carmen uses Maragion. Both Oni were Burned. Johanna uses Mafreila. It was a technical hit due to the Burn. Arsene uses Maeiga. Goemon uses Mabufula. Oni 1 uses Rampage. We all dodge it. The Burn eats away at his health. Oni 2 uses Giant Slice on Queen. The Burn also eats away at his health. Carmen uses Maragion. Johanna uses Mafreila. It was another technical hit. Arsene uses Maeiga. Goemon uses Mabufula. The Burn wears off on Oni 1 and he uses Snap on Panther. She dodges it. Oni 2 also recovers from the Burn and uses Snap on me. Carmen uses Lullaby. It doesn’t work on them this time. Johanna uses Marakukaja.
Oracle: Persona!
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Go! Power up!
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>Necronomicon casts Matarukaja on us. Arsene uses Masakunda. Goemon uses Masakukaja. Oni 1 uses Memory Blow. Panther, Queen, and Fox all dodge it, but I get hit and I Forget. Panther uses Harisen Recovery on me and Carmen uses Concentrate. Johanna uses Flash Bomb. Though they resisted the attack, Oni 1 became Dizzy. Arsene uses Maeiga. Goemon uses Mabufula. Oni 1 tries to attack Panther, but he misses due to him being Dizzy. Oni 2 uses Rampage. Queen and Fox dodge it. Carmen uses Maragidyne. Both Oni are seriously Burned. Johanna uses Mafreidyne. It was a technical hit. I use an Air Cannon on Oni 1 and Fox also uses one on Oni 2. Both were a technical hit and both Oni were now getting weaker. Both Oni uses Rampage. It was a critical hit on me. The Burn eat away at their health. Carmen uses Diarama on me. Johanna uses Marakukaja. I get back up and use a Rasetsu Ofuda. Goemon uses Masukukaja. Oni 1 recovers from the Burn and uses Snap on Panther. It was a critical hit. Oni 1 then uses Snap again on Fox. It was also a critical hit. Oni 1 then uses Ramapge. Oni 2 uses Giant Slice on me. Panther gets back up and Carmen uses Concentrate. Johanna uses Mafreidyne. Arsene uses Maeigaon. Both Oni were now really weak. Fox gets back up and Goemon uses Mabufudyne. Oni 2 was Frozen. Oni 1 uses Memory Blow. We all dodge it. Oni 2 is Frozen and cannot act. Carmen uses Blazing Hell. Both Oni are gone.
Automatic Voice: The first squad’s been taken down! Send for back-up!
>Two more Oni appear. Johanna uses Mafreidyne.
Oracle: I’ll do something about this!
>Neconomicon recovers some of our SP. Arsene uses Riot Gun. The Oni resist it. Goemon uses Mabufudyne. Both Oni are Frozen. Both Oni cannot act due to the Freeze. Panther fires her gun and both Oni shatter. Johanna uses Marakukaja. I use another Rasetsu Ofuda. Goemon uses Masukukaja. Oni 1 uses Rampage. We all dodge it. Oni 2 Giant Slice on Queen. She dodges it. Carmen uses Concentrate. Johanna uses Mafreidyne. Arsene uses Maeigaon. Goemon uses Mabufudyne. Oni 1 uses Rampage. So does Oni 2. Carmen uses Maragidyne. Oni 1 got Burned. Johanna uses Freidyne on Oni 1. It was a technical hit. Arsene uses Masukunda. Goemon uses Bufudyne on Oni 2. Oni 1 uses Snap on me. The Burn eats away at his health. Oni 2 uses Memory Blow. Me and Queen end up Forgetting. Panther uses Harisen Recovery on Queen. Carmen uses Lullaby. Both Oni are Sleeping. Johanna uses Freidyne on Oni 1. Another technical hit that woke him up and leaving him weak. I simply defend myself since I Forgot how to use my Persona. Fox uses an Alert Capsule on me. Oni 1 just hesitates as he recovers from the Burn. Oni 2 is still Asleep. Carmen uses Agidyne on Oni 1. Oni 1 is gone. Johanna uses Freidyne on Oni 2. Arsene uses Eigaon. Goemon uses Bufudyne which Freezes Oni 2. Oni 2 cannot move. Carmen uses Concentrate. Johanna uses Atomic Flare. This shatters Oni 2 with a technical hit which leaves him really weak. Arsene uses One-shot Kill. Though he resisted it, Oni 2′s health is still low. Goemon uses Bufudyne and Oni 2 is gone.
Automatic Voice: Damn, there goes another! Send in more!
>Another Oni appears.
Oracle: This looks like that last wave. But be careful, I don’t think this one’s a pushover.
>The Oni uses Charge.
Oracle: I’m sensing a big attack coming! Everyone, brace yourselves!
>We defend ourselves and the Oni uses Vorpal Blade.
Oracle: How do we deal with this one? Compared to this enemy, the others were just peons.
Taro: I have an idea, but I need you all to buy me some time.
Fox: We’ll buy you as much as you need.
>Taro gets back in his car and drives back a little. The Oni notices it.
Queen: We have to keep the enemy’s focus on us.
Panther: Will do! Dance, Carmen!
>Carmen uses Agidyne. Johanna uses Freidyne.
Oracle: Super move! Ultra charge!
>Necronomicon uses Charge and Concentrate on us. Arsene uses Eigaon. Taro backs up a little more. Goemon uses Bufudyne. The Oni uses Memory Blow. Fox Forgets how to use his Persona. Carmen uses Blazing Hell. The Oni is Burned. Johanna uses Atomic Flare. It was a technical hit. I use an Alert Capsule on Fox. Taro’s car then reveals its grapping hook. Goemon uses Bufudyne. The Oni uses Charge as the Burn eats away at his health. We all defend ourselves as Taro’s car begins to rev up. The Oni, who recovers from the Burn, uses One-shot Kill on Queen. Carmen uses Blazing Hell. Johanna uses Mediarahan. Arsene uses One-hot Kill. The Oni resisted.
Taro: Okay, here I come! BANZAI!!!
>Taro’s car then speeds into the Oni, knocking him down and leaving a lasting attack with the grappling hook.
Hold Up!
Fox: Well done, Taro!
Taro: (smiling) I have my moments.
Fox: Now, let us strike!
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>After the attack, the Oni was still up, but now extremely weak.
Fox: I’ll finish him off.
Joker: He’s all yours, baby.
Fox: Then let’s do this. Come, Goemon!
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>After that, the battle was over. We won.
Oracle: Nicely done!
Krakatoa: You do this sort of thing every heist?
Wolf: Pretty much. I’m surprised you guys aren’t reacting so much to this.
Taro: We’ve been to other dimensions, fought evil robots, dealt with secret organizations, met aliens. I think by now, nothing can surprise us anymore.
Automatic Voice: Really? ... Then how about this!
>Suddenly, more Shadows appear.
Oracle: This is bad. We don’t have the strength to take on more.
Skull: Damn, we can’t go on. Taro, can you do that thing you did earlier?
Taro: I don’t think my car can take much more.
Oracle: I know. If only we had some dues ex machina to help us now.
???? ???????: One dues ex machina comin’ up!
Phantom Thieves and Scorchers: !
>Suddenly, we hear some engines coming towards us.
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Taro: (a bit shocked) No way.
>The front car drives quickly to the Shadows and cuts them all down. Then, someone comes out of it.
Taro: (a bit unimpressed, but grateful) Don’t think you’re so hot just because you saved me today. I’m still the brighter flame here.
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Is that all you’ve gotta say to me after not seeing each other for years? I’m crushed.
Taro: Shut up.
Skull: But you gotta admit, that was sweet. Now I really can’t wait to get my license.
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Believe me, buddy, in the places we’ve been, we don’t need licenses.
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Aww, I should have thought of that one. That’s such a good one-liner.
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Next time, big brother. Next time.
Everest: (shocked) That skinny guy’s the older brother? I’ve heard of fraternal twins, but this is ridiculous.
>Then, Crow goes to the place where the Shadows were.
Joker: What’s up, Crow?
>Crow picks something up from the ground where the Shadows were. It was a file.
Crow: (opening the file) Looks like they dropped it. And look, entrance passes with plus one privileges. Enough for all of us. And there’s even a map.
Sophie: That’s great!
Mona: Well, that’s a couple of problems solved. But what about this one?
>He was nodding to Vert Wheeler and his friends.
Spinner Cortez: (confused) Us?
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If you’re thinking of doing something weird to us...
Queen: Actually, you all might be of some help to us.
Zoom Takazumi: (confused) Us?
Mona: Yes, you might be right. They live around here and know more about Sheriff Johnson than anyone. Especially the leader since he gets in trouble with him the most.
Vert Wheeler: So this is about the sheriff, isn’t it?
Oracle: We’ll have to talk about this later. If anymore Shadows show up, we won’ be able to take them.
Vert Wheeler: (now is just a little lost) Okay, you’ve lost me a little. What do you mean about shadows? Something tells me this Battle Zone isn’t like all the others we’ve been to... In fact, I don’t even think this is a Battle Zone.
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But you have to admit, it’s a lot more convenient since it’s practically next door.
>So, we all leave the Palace for now.
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(Sorry about chopping this picture. By now, Joker knows all the recipes collected through Persona 5 Scramble, now known as Strikers. You get the picture. (No pun intended.))
>Handler’s Corners Drive-In Cinema at night. After explaining everything to Battle Force 5, along with Vert’s father, Zen, and BF5′s other member, Tezz Volitov. I was about to make dinner.
Joker: (wondering) Let’s see. Beef. Pork. Egg. Onion. How does kushikatsu sound tonight?
Skull: Sweet. Haven’t had those in awhile.
Fox: I’ll help you with them.
Joker: Thanks, Yusuke.
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So, let me get this straight: You’re the Phantom Thieves who took Japan and the rest of the world by storm.
Oracle: (smiling proudly) That’s correct. Are you overwhelmed yet?
Tezz: I’m more interested in how you steal hearts.
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Same here. How do you guys do it? I mean, me and Tezz have learned about cognitive psience from some of Horizon High’s online classes before their server was gone for good.
Oracle: So you’ve read Mom’s research.
Sherman: (surprised) Your mom’s Wakaba Isshiki!?
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Whoa, watch there, little brother. I don’t think anyone in the drive-in heard you.
Sherman: Sorry. I’m just a big fan of your mother’s work. But I thought she died before she could finish it.
Oracle: I finished it for her.
Sherman: You did? That’s cool of you.
Tezz: I’m still not buying it, though. A world inside people’s hearts. It just doesn’t make sense and is highly illogical.
Wolf: (smiling) If only you could see it.
>Suddenly, the movie that was playing went into a musical number. Crow really liked it, but Agura was annoyed.
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This movie stinks. Stanford, couldn’t you have found something better?
Stanford: (upset) I already told you, there were only musicals available at the time. They won’t get any more movies until another time.
Crow: And could you please not say bad things about this movie. Quest Journey for Camelot is an animated classic. One of Warner Warmer Brothers’ greatest works.
Agura: Well, I suppose there are a few good points about this film. Including how they show that even a girl can be a knight. But that doesn’t make the songs any less annoying.
Panther: Well, they’re not as bad as the villain’s song. It’s way too forceful.
>Suddenly, Oracle’s laptop makes a ringing sound.
Sophie: We have an incoming call from... an unknown number?
Oracle: Unknown? Can you trace it?
Sophie: From what I can tell, it’s from nearby. According to the map, it’s some kind of garage.
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There’s only one garage in town that’s still in use... Mine... Put her on.
Taro: (a little confused) Her? I’ve heard rumors, but...
Sophie: Okay.
>The screen opens to a video phone.
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Finally, I have re-established contact with you. I could not reach you for some reason.
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Holy smoke! We already know aliens exist, but you really surprised us.
Queen: (being polite) Sage chan, I presume?
Sage: I am. But I do not know who you are.
Vert: Long story short: They’re here to do something about Sheriff Johnson. They even came with some old friends of mine.
Taro: Konichiwa, Sage chan.
Sage: Greetings. But I do not understand how they are going to do anything about the sheriff.
Oracle: (smiling) Ever heard of cognitive psience?
Sage: I have come a cross that term a few times, but I never looked into it.
Sophie: Me and Futaba know a few things. We could teach you.
Sage: I suppose I could use a little more learning.
Queen: Good. Because after what we’ve been through today, we’re going to need all the help we can get.
Zoom: Really, you want our help?
Mona: You pretty much know who we are, might as well. Besides, you guys know the sheriff better than anyone. Especially Vert.
Vert: That’s true. Although, I think stealing Sheriff Johnson’s heart may be a little too much.
Spinner: Vert, almost everyone in town kept telling the sheriff over and over again that he is taking his job way too far that it’s becoming a nuisance. But does he ever listen?
Vert: ... Okay, I think I see your point.
Taro: (laughing a bit) I guess somethings never change.
Vert: True. I’ve come a long way since my surf n’ turf days. We’ve come a long way since the World Race.
Taro: Yes. Now look at us. You have your team and as do I... And we’re still at it.
>Taro and Vert does a fist bump with a smile.
Spinner: Bromance at its best. And here I thought Zoom was the Mini-Vert.
Zoom: (threatening) Please don’t go there.
??????? ???????: What’s all that racket goin’ on here!?
>A light shined on us. Vert definitely knew who this was... And now, we do.
Vert: (smiling) Oh, boy. What did we do now?
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You know what you did, Wheeler. No talking durin' the movie.
Taro: (confused) Uh, this is a drive-in. Everyone’s hearing the movie either on their radios or phones with the windows rolled up. They can’t hear us.
Sheriff Johnson: Don’t get smart with me, fire hazard! I heard that you’re thinkin’ of havin’ a race here. Well, I say, forget it. This town’s already a mess with Wheeler and his group always tearin’ everythin’ up. We don’t need more.
Taro: (sounding cool) Well excuse me. I thought America was a free country and we can pretty much do whatever we want.
Vert: (smug) He’s pretty much got a point. We’re not doing anything wrong.
>It looked like Sheriff Johnson was about to pop a vain... But he composes himself.
Sheriff Johnson: You can’t dodge me forever, Wheeler. You and these hooligans... By the way, you should be careful. This gathering you lot are doing doesn’t look like social distancing to me.
Queen: We have plenty of hand sanitizer and we’re very careful not to cough or sneeze on one another. So you don’t have to worry.
>Sheriff Johnson starts gritting his teeth and lowers his his sunglasses.
Sheriff Johnson: I’ve got my eyes on you, maggots.
>Then he leaves.
Wolf: Yikes. I know I’m a law man myself, but this guy’s totally taking it too seriously.
Vert: You bet. Normally we’d just ignore him, but lately, he’s been getting more and more severe.
Agura: He’s right. Just the other day, he tried to arrest some old lady just because she forgot to put her mask on.
Zoom: And after that, he tried to handcuff me and Zen because we were racing on the Salt Flats and because Zen’s skateboard was jet propelled.
Zen: I do not understand why it is a crime to ride my skateboard.
Queen: Well, having jet engines on a skateboard does seem rather dangerous. But you clearly had some training to it.
Zen: Yes. I owe it all to Master Takeyasu. His memory will always live on in our hearts.
Zoom: That’s right.
Mr. Wheeler: If you think what the sheriff did to them was bad, yesterday, he fined me over $500 simply because my trailer was an eyesore. It’s just a regular old trailer in a trailer park.
Tezz: Though the red flames do seem rather too much.
Vert: (a little offended) Hey, I helped painted those flames!
Mr. Wheeler: And everyone in the trailer park loves it. I think Sheriff Johnson just sees everything that’s different and out of his control as a capital offense. I’d say he needs a change of heart.
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And he will with us around. So, will you and your team help us, Vert san?
Vert: A change to finally get Sheriff Johnson off our backs? We’re in. You can count on us.
Joker: Good. We’ll start soon. Bur for now, dinner is served.
>Me and Fox set a picnic table and we all sit down to eat and enjoy the movie. (Except Agura who still complained about the movie.)
>To be continued...
0 notes
newstfionline · 3 years
Friday, February 12, 2021
House managers wrap up case against Trump (Washington Post) House managers on Thursday wrapped up their case against former president Donald Trump, imploring the Senate to convict him while warning that he could stoke violence again. Trump’s legal team is poised to respond on Friday, arguing that he should be acquitted. They are expected to use only one of two allotted days. A verdict could come as early as the weekend. The developments came on the third day of an impeachment trial in which Democrats have charged Trump with “incitement of insurrection” for his role in the Jan. 6 violent takeover of the Capitol.
California Is Making Liberals Squirm (NYT) California is a remarkable place. It also has the highest poverty rate in the nation, when you factor in housing costs, and vies for the top spot in income inequality, too. The median price for a home in California is more than $700,000. As Bloomberg reported in 2019, the state has four of the nation’s five most expensive housing markets and a quarter of the nation’s homeless residents. In much of San Francisco, you can’t walk 20 feet without seeing a multicolored sign declaring that Black lives matter, kindness is everything and no human being is illegal. Those signs sit in yards zoned for single families, in communities that organize against efforts to add the new homes that would bring those values closer to reality. Poorer families—disproportionately nonwhite and immigrant—are pushed into long commutes, overcrowded housing and homelessness. Those inequalities have turned deadly during the pandemic. There is a danger—not just in California, but everywhere—that politics becomes an aesthetic rather than a program. It’s a danger on the right, where Donald Trump modeled a presidency that cared more about retweets than bills. But it’s also a danger on the left, where the symbols of progressivism are often preferred to the sacrifices and risks those ideals demand.
6 killed in 130-vehicle pileup on icy Texas interstate (AP) A massive crash involving more than 130 vehicles on an icy Texas interstate left six people dead and dozens injured Thursday amid a winter storm that dropped freezing rain, sleet and snow on parts of the U.S. At the scene of the crash on Interstate 35 near downtown Fort Worth, a tangle of semitrailers, cars and trucks had smashed into each other and had turned every which way, with some vehicles on top of others. The ice storm came as a polar vortex — swirling air that normally sits over the Earth’s poles — has moved near the U.S.-Canada border, resulting in colder weather farther south than usual, said Steve Goss, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service’s Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Oklahoma.
History of abuse for Mexican police unit in migrant massacre (AP) When state police in northern Mexico allegedly shot 19 people, including at least 14 Guatemalan migrants, to death in late January near the border with Texas, it was a tragedy that critics say authorities had been warned could come. In 2019, prosecutors charged that the same Tamaulipas state police unit, then operating under a different name, pulled eight people from their homes in the border city of Nuevo Laredo, posed them in clothing and vehicles to make them look like criminals, and shot them to death. Now, a dozen officers of the 150-member Special Operations Group, known by its Spanish initials as GOPES, have been ordered held for trial on charges they shot to death at least 14 Guatemalan migrants and two Mexicans on a rural road in the border township of Camargo. The bodies were then set afire and burned so badly that three other corpses are still awaiting identification. Authorities had ample warning of the problems in the unit, which was created last year from the remains of the special forces group accused of the 2019 killings and other atrocities. A federal legislator even filed a non-binding resolution in Mexico’s Congress in early January to protest beatings and robberies by the unit. “If back then they had done something, if any attention had been paid, perhaps today we would not be mourning the deaths of 19 people,” said Marco Antonio Mariño, vice president of the Tamaulipas Federation of Business Chambers.
Brazilian ballerina born without arms soars with her attitude (Reuters) When Vitória Bueno’s mother first dropped her off at ballet class, she worried about her five-year-old fitting in. Born without arms, Bueno’s dream of being a dancer seemed painfully unrealistic—especially in a small town in rural Brazil. But Bueno, now 16, focused on her assemblés, pirouettes and other technical challenges. She took up jazz and tap as well. Now a regular at the ballet academy in her hometown in the state of Minas Gerais, Bueno’s talent has made her a social media star and an inspiration to many. Watching her glide across the wooden stage, synchronized with her colleagues in a dazzle of green and white, it is easy to forget she dances without arms. More than just realizing a dream, the strength and flexibility gained through dance have proven crucial to Bueno, who does everything from brushing her teeth to picking items off the supermarket shelf with her feet. “There are things she can do with her feet that I can’t do with my hands,” said her stepfather, Jose Carlos Perreira. With over 150,000 Instagram followers, Bueno is glad to be a role model for others too. “We are more than our disabilities, so we have to chase our dreams,” she said, flashing a broad smile.
German children suffer from psychological issues in pandemic (AP) A new survey of children in Germany suggests that the stress and depravations of the coronavirus pandemic are taking a toll on their mental health, especially among those from underprivileged families, researchers said Wednesday. The study by the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf found about one in three German children are suffering from pandemic-related anxiety, depression or are exhibiting psychosomatic symptoms like headaches or stomach aches. Children and teenagers from poorer families and those with migrant roots are disproportionally affected, according to the study. “Children who were doing well before the pandemic and feel sheltered and comfortable within their families will get through this pandemic well,” said Ulrike Ravens-Sieberer, the head of the study and research director of the children’s psychiatric clinic at the university hospital.
Koo d’etat (Foreign Policy) Indian lawmakers are threatening to abandon Twitter in favor of Indian lookalike app Koo amid a dispute with the Silicon Valley company. The Indian government has ordered the removal of hundreds of Twitter accounts and posts in recent days over claims that users are spreading misinformation about ongoing farmer protests. On Wednesday, Twitter announced it would not comply with some takedown orders as it deemed them in contravention of Indian law. India’s IT ministry posted its displeasure with Twitter on rival app Koo, as a number of Indian leaders, including Trade Minister Piyush Goyal encouraged a Twitter exodus. The Koo app has seen a ten-fold increase in downloads as a result of the spat—a total of 3 million in the past two days.
They were accused of plotting to overthrow the Modi government. The evidence was planted, a new report says. (Washington Post) Key evidence against a group of Indian activists accused of plotting to overthrow the government was planted on a laptop seized by police, a new forensics report concludes, deepening doubts about a case viewed as a test of the rule of law under Prime Minister Narendra Modi. An attacker used malware to infiltrate a laptop belonging to one of the activists, Rona Wilson, before his arrest and deposited at least 10 incriminating letters on the computer, according to a report from Arsenal Consulting, a Massachusetts-based digital forensics firm that examined an electronic copy of the laptop at the request of Wilson’s lawyers. Many of the activists have been jailed for more than two years without trial under a stringent anti-terrorism law. Human rights groups and legal experts consider the case an attempt to suppress dissent in India, where government critics have faced intimidation, harassment and arrest during Modi’s tenure. Sudeep Pasbola, a lawyer representing Wilson, said the Arsenal report proved his client’s innocence and “destabilizes” the prosecution case against the activists. On Wednesday, Wilson’s lawyers included the report in a petition filed in the High Court of Bombay urging judges to dismiss the case against their client.
China to pull BBC News off the air, state broadcast regulator says (Washington Post) China’s broadcasting regulator has moved to pull BBC News off the air in the country over a “serious content violation,” the Chinese state news agency Xinhua reported Thursday. China’s National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA) said in an announcement on its website that the broadcaster, which is partly funded by the British state but editorially independent, had “undermined China’s national interests and ethnic solidarity.” The announcement, which arrived with the Lunar New Year holiday in China, followed recent disputes between Chinese officials and BBC News. It also came just a week after Britain’s media regulator pulled the Chinese state-run television channel CGTN off British airwaves because of alleged errors in an application to transfer its license to another company. In December, BBC News produced a report that alleged the forced labor of ethnic minority Uighurs in China’s cotton industry in Xinjiang. Chinese state media bristled at the work, calling it “fake news” and accusing the BBC of political bias.
Racialized surveillance (Foreign Policy) Following numerous reports of Chinese firms, including Huawei, singling out Uighurs in facial recognition, a Los Angeles Times/IPVM investigation found that Dahua, the world’s second-largest security camera manufacturer, provides Chinese police with “real-time warning for Uighurs” and informs them of “Uighurs with hidden terrorist inclinations.” In many parts of China, being Uighur is now effectively criminalized, with the few remaining Uighur residents of cities outside Xinjiang reporting routine harassment by police. The arrival of Uighurs, even mothers with children, in a new city or town prompts the arrival of the police and actions ranging from warnings to stay in their hotel or apartment to deportation back to Xinjiang. Dahua is rolling out its race-based systems to other countries, which may have their own least favored minorities to target.
Biden Announces Myanmar Sanctions (Foreign Policy) U.S. President Joe Biden has announced U.S. sanctions against Myanmar’s military junta, ten days after the military seized absolute power and arrested members of the country’s democratically-elected leadership. Biden is to freeze $1 billion in Myanmar’s state assets held in U.S. banks, with further sanctions expected to follow against a “first round of targets” this week. But Myanmar’s generals have endured sanctions before—including recent ones over the ethnic cleansing of its Rohingya minority—and so whatever the international community can muster is unlikely to dislodge them.
Digital siege: Internet cuts become favored tool of regimes (AP) When army generals in Myanmar staged a coup last week, they briefly cut internet access in an apparent attempt to stymie protests. In Uganda, residents couldn’t use Facebook, Twitter and other social media for weeks after a recent election. And in Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region, the internet has been down for months amid a wider conflict. Around the world, shutting down the internet has become an increasingly popular tactic of repressive and authoritarian regimes and some illiberal democracies. Digital rights groups say governments use them to stifle dissent, silence opposition voices or cover up human rights abuses. Regimes often cut online access in response to protests or civil unrest, particularly around elections, as they try to keep their grip on power by restricting the flow of information, researchers say. Last year there were 93 major internet shutdowns in 21 countries, according to a report by Top10VPN, a U.K.-based digital privacy and security research group. The list doesn’t include places like China and North Korea, where the government tightly controls or restricts the internet.
Japan Olympics chief who said women talk too much will resign over remarks, reports say (Washington Post) The head of the Tokyo Olympics organizing committee is set to resign, Japanese media reported on Thursday, after an uproar over sexist remarks he had made about women at a meeting last week. Mori, an 83-year-old former prime minister with a record of insensitive and sexist pronouncements, had tried to justify the lack of women at a senior level in the Japanese Olympic Committee by saying women talk too much at meetings and make them run on too long. The following day he apologized but showed no apparent remorse and said he had no intention of resigning. The comments provoked an unprecedented reaction in Japan, with more than 146,000 people signing an online petition calling on him to step down. Nearly 500 Olympic volunteers withdrew, and one poll found less than 7 percent of respondents thought Mori was qualified to continue in his role. The World Economic Forum ranks Japan 121st out of 153 countries in terms of gender parity, with the largest gender gap among advanced economies.
20 UN peacekeepers injured in an attack in central Mali (AP) An attack on a United Nations base in central Mali has injured at least 20 peacekeepers, the U.N. mission spokesman said Wednesday. The temporary U.N. base in Kerena, near Douentza, was the target of direct and indirect fire early Wednesday morning, Olivier Salgado said in a statement on Twitter. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack, but Islamic extremists linked to al-Qaida and the Islamic State group stage regular attacks on U.N. peacekeepers and soldiers.
Salesforce declares the 9-to-5 workday dead, will let some employees work remotely from now on (The Verge) Cloud computing company Salesforce is joining other Silicon Valley tech giants in announcing a substantial shift in how it allows its employees to work. In a blog post published Tuesday, the company says the “9-to-5 workday is dead” and that it will allow employees to choose one of three categories that dictate how often, if ever, they return to the office once it’s safe to do so. The company joins other tech firms like Facebook and Microsoft that have announced permanent work-from-home policies in response to the coronavirus pandemic. “As we enter a new year, we must continue to go forward with agility, creativity and a beginner’s mind—and that includes how we cultivate our culture. An immersive workspace is no longer limited to a desk in our Towers; the 9-to-5 workday is dead; and the employee experience is about more than ping-pong tables and snacks,” writes Brent Hyder, Salesforce’s chief people officer. “In our always-on, always-connected world, it no longer makes sense to expect employees to work an eight-hour shift and do their jobs successfully,” Hyder adds. “Whether you have a global team to manage across time zones, a project-based role that is busier or slower depending on the season, or simply have to balance personal and professional obligations throughout the day, workers need flexibility to be successful.”
At first cat lawyer was embarrassed. Then he realized we all could use a laugh. (Washington Post) As far as courtroom disclosures go, this one was unique: “I’m not a cat,” a Texas attorney claimed as his Zoom square displayed a fluffy white feline. At a routine civil forfeiture case hearing in Texas’ 394th Judicial District Court, Presidio County attorney Rod Ponton accidentally signed on with the cat filter, making the flummoxed attorney look like an adorable kitten. The 34-second clip of Ponton’s brief appearance as a cat immediately amused many and is becoming a viral hit. The prevalence of video chat platforms for court appearances has led to other unusual moments: A defendant in Sacramento appeared from a barber’s chair, a Florida burglary suspect tried to flirt his way out of trouble with a judge, and a lawyer in Peru was caught on camera naked after he stripped to have sex. But Tuesday’s video was the cat’s pajamas to many. Even Ponton, once he recovered from cat face and mortification, found humor in his proverbial 15 minutes of fame. “At first I was worried about it,” Ponton, 69, told The Washington Post on Tuesday, “but then I realized as it was going viral if the country could take a moment to laugh at my cat moment at my expense, I’ll take it. We’ve had a stressful year.”
0 notes
Senior Szn No. 2: Thoughts on Moving
~~ Full Disclosure: This post is quickly becoming an excuse to post all the beautiful parts of this state, so get ready for more pictures than actual words. But hey, a picture is worth a thousand words ;) ~~
I am 100% sure that when it comes down to pulling out of my driveway for the last time, I will bawl my freaking eyes out. That’s because despite being an Aquarius, I have emotions.
Let’s make this perfectly clear: these are my current thoughts on leaving New Mexico (AKA the land of enchantment). I am not saying that I currently hate my state or that I never had fun; on the contrary, I’ve enjoyed all eighteen years here. But it’s time to talk a bit about the current state of Albuquerque, NM. 
Yes, the same Albuquerque that brought the nation Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. The same Albuquerque that has (don’t fight me on this) the best green chile around. 
Because I don’t want to make this a post that seems to be hating on my hometown, I will begin with all the positives.
1. diversity and mexican/latin@ empowerment
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The OG homies and I at the local paleteria. Let me tell you, this is the place where I come to break my healthy eating. Also, that happens often.
In 2016, New Mexico was announced as having the largest Hispanic population at 47%, with California coming in second at 36%. So I guess you could say that we slay. 
From what I’ve mostly encountered in ABQ, being cultured is something to be extremely proud of. Albuquerque is filled with multiple perspectives, and we function. Now, I did say mostly, because I have encountered some dumbasses that thought calling me “lamb chops” and telling me my Greek father had to lower his standards to marry my Mexican mom was actually funny. But that kind of ideology is quickly shut down.
I thought this kind of inclusion was extremely common. In that sense, I guess I was in this naive bubble. When I spent the summer in California with my dad in 2016, I was a bit shocked by the state with the second highest population of Hispanics.
BTW, we were staying in Palo Alto, which is definitely important to mention. We had to drive to a separate city limit to eat flautas and Caldo de Rez, which we found weird. And then, as we drove down El Camino Real and took a random turn, we found a run down street that was filled with Spanish signs advertising hair salons, supermarkets, etc. The blatant street segregation was the biggest culture shock I’d ever received.
The only true purpose of that little rant was to emphasize how wonderful New Mexico is. Although there are definitely neighborhoods that are predominantly Hispanic, New Mexico’s roots proudly seep into culture and diversity. Good segway… :)
2. proud (albu)quirky culture
New Mexicans pride themselves when it comes to: breakfast burritos, green chile, luminarias, flamenco, and so on.
Now that I’ve stated the obvious, I’ll talk about my personal favorite part of Albu-quirky. Because of the diverse community that Albuquerque fosters, we have really cool and local spots to just chill and hangout. As I write this, I am thinking about the countless coffee shops and bookstores that display a bit it of our very common quirkiness.
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Pretty rad mural outside of Zendo. I often come here when I am trying to wear my cool new glasses and baby blue turtleneck, if you know what I mean. This mural is one of countless examples of beautiful downtown art.
When it comes to coffee shops, I think Albuquerque has a very desired vibe. After taking a few classes, I usually end up at Winning Coffee. Located right across the street from campus, Winning is where hippies come with their wild dogs while they gain insightful stories from homeless people. I’m not lying. it’s also located next to a movie poster store that features classics (even from Audrey Hepburn!). When you walk inside, you’re greeted by refreshing and new art on the wall with every passing week, a calendar filled with poetry slams, and a makeshift bookstore by a retired man who sells amazing vintage cover books for cheap. I mean, c’mon, what is not to love?
You see, other than Starbucks, most coffee shops around here aren’t chains, so they each have their own unique style and vibe. Depending on the mood, I may end up at Winning, or I may go down one block and sit in the bucolic setting that is Limonata (yes, like the drink). Here, you can enjoy homemade crepes and empanadas. And I don’t usually drink caffeine, but their chai’s are to die for.
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Limonata: “Good Food, Good Coffee, Good People”
Also, I can’t forget the fact that this obviously looks like a house, because it definitely was. The bathroom literally has a bath tub that they have expertly filled with plants to make you experience a jungle in a few minutes.
Heck, there’s a coffee shop in Taos called World Cup that has different currencies as its wallpaper. it’s literally a hole in the wall, and people simply pin new and refreshing culture on the wall for the heck of it.
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That adobe architecture though, am I right?
4. cheap concerts
Although I have not been to a concert in a hot second, that does not correlate to a decline in awesome ass shows in this city. In fact, this past summer Khalid came on over, and most of my friends hopped into the venue with at most an $80 ticket. (Let me point out that I am upset that I didn’t go and had I not been in another state I would have quickly hopped in as well)
I will admit it’s not always fun when an artist you really enjoy didn’t include New Mexico in their tour because they don’t think we’re in the country. BUT, the ones that do include us experience a great crowd. And, not being New York does have its perks. Cheap tickets for an unforgettable night? Perfect bargain.
I was in seventh grade when I attended my first concert. The tickets were $35 to see Sara Bareilles and OneRepublic. I went with my little sister and my friend and her mom. The venue was in our local casino, which includes an open view of the beautiful sky and a scenic landscape as the background. Right after the opening band, Harper Blynn (check out their collab with Sara Bareilles too), my sister and I went to their bus in an attempt to meet them, and meet them we did.
When they found out it was our first concert ever, they gave us a free signed copy of their CD, took pictures with us, and signed their names all over my seven-year-old sister’s arm in Sharpie. It was AWESOME.
5. badass nationwide events 
If there is one thing that New Mexico is known for, it is for our rad balloons. You know, as in hot air balloons?
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Every year, Albuquerque is home to the International Balloon Fiesta, where hot balloon aficionados can come and either display their artwork of a balloon, or sip some Piñon coffee and eat a breakfast burrito while watching each beautiful hot air ballon go up into the most spectacular sunrise.
Seriously, to come to this thing requires a lot of might from Burqueños. I mean, I enjoy watching the balloons over the interstate on my way to school, but I am never in the mood to wake up at four in the a.m. only to wait in an hour of traffic to battle for a parking spot a mile away from the park grounds. On top of that, you’re pretending not to freeze your ass off as you slyly inch closer to the balloons with fire.
This is not the only time Albuquerque is seen internationally. We also have the Lantern Festival in October, where people can enjoy a mini version of a hot air balloon (basically). But hey, that’s not all.
I had to talk about Festival Flamenco Internacional. OMG. What a week. Every June, the National Institute of Flamenco brings incredible flamenco artists to teach classes and perform. For a week in the year, people between New York and Japan fly to Albu-quirky to learn from the hottest (artistically and literally) artists.
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This picture has an incredible story, so hear me out. So all summer, my friends and I fundraised to see these amazing people and their art. Well, the opening night of the week, our director managed to sneak us into the very prestigious gala as waitresses and servers. After the amazing show where I spent the entire time internally crying, we returned to the party only to find our dance idols on the dance floor. They were regular people jamming to salsa music. It was so surreal! And then, our amazing director asked them for a picture with all of us. I am hugging Claudia Cruz to my left, who was one of my teachers for the week. Throughout the week, we had genuine conversations, and she even told me I was a good dancer with a followed wink. She messages me on facebook to remind me that I’m awesome and she can’t wait for the day to come when I visit her in Spain. Like, are you kidding me?!
(Also picture from left to right: Claudia Cruz, me, Sage, Marco Flores, Agueda Saavedra, Madison, and Jose Manuel Alvarez)
6. nature
This is another given that comes hand in hand with living in New Mexico. Although I will admit sometimes I may not be a complete outdoorsy person, I do genuinely enjoy the beauty of NM. I mean, the mountains that surround Albuquerque prevent pollution from reaching the sky that blesses the citizens with orange and red hues with every sunrise and sunset. Also, there are countless hikes to go on, and the view is spectacular. It’s a tradition with family and friends of ours to go on a weekly hike during the summer. Then, we go to Marble Brewery and enjoy tacos and beer (I don’t get any beer; oh well).
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This was the view after a hike on the mountains during Thanksgiving Break.
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Just a casual picture taken by my friend while hiking around Tent Rocks. Nothing too unusual, right?
Current Cons
Now that I’ve extensively covered all the amazing things that NM has to offer and have probably already lost several readers, I will go into the initial motivation behind this post. Although I admit now that after writing all the things from above, it seems like the list below doesn’t deserve to be mentioned. But trust me, it needs to be.
1. violence
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Albuquerque got recognition from the NYTimes, and not the good kind. BTW, this was published in 2014, and it claims that the “rate of violent crime in Albuquerque is nearly double the national average.”
Don’t get me wrong - violence in ABQ has always been present. Before, however, it was usually localized violence. By this, I guess I mean that if you knew the places to avoid, you didn’t ever have to actually witness the gang violence or the constant murders. In other words, you could live in Albuquerque reading of the violence but never having to ever witness it. 
Well, that has definitely changed.
During this past week, a homeless man has exposed himself to my dance class, my mom witnessed a man piss on the side of my neighbor’s house while walking our dog, and a lot more serious stuff (trigger warning ahead).
Specifically, a man was hanging onto the side of the bridge overlooking the major freeway for 13 hours. This happened literally right outside of my house. As we drove back form church, we saw a herd of policemen trying to calm this poor man down. He did not yield until 1 a.m., and he was transported to the hospital safely. It was absolutely horrible. Even worse?
Two days later, my friend told our group chat that her stepfather (who is a cop) had to respond to a call that a sixteen-year-old boy was on the side of a different bridge. As the cops approached the bridge, he jumped. He didn’t die; instead, he is faced with irrecoverable brain injury. 
Like you’ve got to be fucking kidding me right now. How the hell did Albuquerque become so violent? From the influx of desperate homeless people walking down Central, to the shooting that happened right outside of my dance institute, Albuquerque has definitely become a place where violence is beginning to occur on a regular basis. And the worst part? I think I am starting to become numb to it. It’s not normal to think these things are normal.
2. 49th in education
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So, this report is from 2017. Believe it or not, this is actually a step up from 2016. We were a solid last in the country for education. And I genuinely didn’t think that education in my state was that bad. That’s because, despite me absolutely despising my school, we are number one in the state for education. That means that while I was receiving a buttload of homework and a ridiculously difficult education, other public high schools would rank as an F on academic abilities. But do you know what I think of all of this? It’s fucked. 
I don’t know if this is nationwide, but I didn’t know it was not normal to spend most of the day studying for statewide tests. In other words, New Mexico had the SBA (Standardized Based Assessment). Most of my school day involved multiple choice questions and answering reading comprehension questions that would be featured on the annual standardized test. And trust me, it’s not the teacher’s faults. Most teachers were forced to stick to this because if students did not receive good scores, teachers and schools would be in major jeopardy. 
This kind of thinking didn’t end in elementary school. While I was supposed to be reading a new chapter for a striking English book in sixth grade, we’d instead sit in front of our computers, reading pointless passages about horses and spaceships that we gave no fucks over and were expected to write an analytical essay comparing the breed of horses with the flight of spaceships. You’re thinking, wtf? Exactly. It’s pointless.
**I am now begging you to actually click the link I am posting here, because it’s definitely the most important one here. Enjoy this slam poem, “Love Letter to Albuquerque Public Schools.” In it is Olivia Gatwood, a personal inspiration of mine that I got to meet and speak with in September and will see again in April.**
3. “land of entrapment” / “university near mom”
This one is really silly and I guess I put this as a comedic conclusion. I guess in a gruesome way, because of the education many teenagers receive, we seem trapped (bringing the infamous nickname above). I know that personally, before I actually took college courses outside of the state, I did not picture myself at any top-ranked college. In fact, some people around me don’t even consider a college. Not because they’re too lazy or not into higher education, but because it is not practical. It is not practical to attend college courses if you have family  members that need an income from you now, not in four years.
I hate when people judge other’s circumstances. Genuinely, Albuquerque students will often end up at the University of New Mexico, which is not a bad university at all. And yet, in this land of entrapment, it is also humorously deemed the “university near mom.”
I guess what I mean is that after all this effort and living in this weird ass situation of shootings and standardized testing, my generation still feels trapped, constantly looking to move. And that’s what happened to me. I was given a glimpse of what independence looked like, and I immediately jumped at the opportunity to leave New Mexico.
I’m glad I wrote this post. At the end of this, I wonder if anyone is actually left after this long rant that was both good and evil. And yet, I already see the day I miss this place coming sooner rather than later.
Thanks for sticking around. :)
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ahumanintraining · 7 years
oriented x 3
sometimes, it’s just the right person in the right place at the right time. —shallura, space cops au. (for @shalluraweek, day one: time; space.)
also read on: ffn // ao3 notes: for anyone who wants to know where the title came from, in medicine, one of the measures of consciousness is if a person is oriented to person, place, and time. and well… that’s relevant in this fic, i suppose.
Even many years later, his blue-and-green planet Earth never lost its charm.
Shiro tries to peer closer at his home planet, but almost bumps his nose into the window glass. He frowns slightly, suddenly feeling a little homesick.
After all, it’s been quite a while since he’s been back anywhere close to Earth. It would have been one thing of his chief had assigned him permanently at Earth’s police space station, but for the past few years, Shiro was shuffled back and forth across the galaxy and many light-years away from his hometown on Earth’s crust.
Today is his first day stationed back on Earth since half a decade ago. He is most certainly going to take up as much of the view as he can while he has it.
“Beautiful, huh?” a voice asks behind him.
“Yeah,” he replies without looking.
And then he looks and regrets he ever did so in the first place because his tongue slips and he repeats, “Yeah, beautiful,” with his wide eyes looking straight at hers like he’s dumbfounded by her oval deep blue eyes and generous ivory smile.
She laughs. “First time here?” she asks him.
“No,” he immediately blurts, half-stuttering because he’s relieved she didn’t notice his small misspeaking. “But this station’s changed a lot since I’ve last been here.” He points toward the parallel gray tracks across Earth’s atmosphere. “Those power network gridlines didn’t exist when I was on Earth — and that was only five years ago.”
“I mean, Earth was a pretty technology-primitive planet before finally opening to the intergalactical inventory exchanges eight years ago,” she says, taking a long sip from her cup and staring out the window for a while. His eyes start to wander, and he notices the three stars on her collar — indicating her rank as police captain. He tries to look over her shoulder and read her nametag from the angle he’s at, but she catches him staring at her before he could see.
He ducks his eyes away but he can’t help but return his eyes back to her smile.
“You’re from Earth, aren’t you?” she declares, almost accusatorily.
“I’m that obvious, huh?”
“Well, no,” she replies, gesturing to his ears. “Just that your ears are round.”
“Ah,” he says, watching her turn back to the window. He only notices her pointed ears then, as well as the magenta marks on her cheeks — quite honestly the only visible signs that he could differentiate himself from whatever alien species she is.
“An Earthling,” she repeats, as if testing the word on her tongue. She has an accent that reminds him of jasmine tea with the lightest amber honey.
“And what about you?” he asks, to fill the silence, but more likely because he’s curious.
“Altean by blood, wanderer by nature,” she tells him, as if rehearsed. She hears the pause in his voice and then turns to him with a small smile. “I could never stay in one place for too long,” she confides, leaning in toward him.
He holds his thought for just a second longer before he’s sure what to say. “Altea was one of the planets destroyed by the Galrans during the Great War,” he says softly. “I’m sorry.”
Her expression doesn’t crack, but he sees her eyes assuage. “That was a long time ago,” she replies, tucking a silver strand of hair behind her ear. “I suppose I haven’t yet found a new place to call home.”
She takes another sip from her cup, and he realizes only now that she’s standing close enough for him to smell her drink — a warm cinnamon aroma that reminds him a bit of horchata. Then she looks up at him again and smiles, noticing his eyes on her mug. She raises her drink to him. “Want to try?”
His right hand reaches up to take up her offer without further thought. He’s distracted by how small and round her nose is, how broad and strong her jaw is. While she exchanges the drink to his grasp, brushing hands briefly, he suddenly wishes he had used his left human hand rather than his metal one.
“Thank you,” he says, before raising the cup to his lips. The drink indeed tastes like it smells — but much creamier and thicker in substance, with a light tangy acid aftertaste he doesn’t expect.
“Quirple,” she explains. “A beverage from planet Fresia.” She looks him up and down, observing him under a quiet gaze. “How do you like it?”
“Reminds me of something I used to drink all the time on Earth,” he tells her. “I grew up in California, but just along the border of the United States and Mexico.” He bites his lip, catching himself. “Sorry,” he apologizes. “You have no idea what I’m talking about.”
She laughs softly, taking the drink back from his hand. “At least I know you’ll be great company during stakeouts.”
He groans at the word. “I hate that part of our job the most,” he admits. “Literally just waiting around and ninety-five percent of the time you find out nothing more except when the subject uses the bathroom.”
“You mean you don’t like being a Defender of the Universe?” she asks him with a smirk.
He gives her a crooked smile. “Is that what they call us now these days?” He looks back to the window, mulling over the words. “Has a nice ring to it.”
“At least that’s how they’re trying to sell our job to recruit new members,” she says, turning to lean her back against the wall.
He feels her eyes on him again, and he resists trying to catch her eyes.
“So what’s with this arm of yours?” she asks.
He knew she’d ask at some point about the arm. Everyone does.
“It’s kinda hot,” she adds.
Well. Not everyone says that.
He deflects a flushed smile to the ground, and then decides to tease things up a bit. “I work homicide,” he lies, off the top of his head.
“Do you now?” she inquires, crossing her arms and looking at him through thick eyelashes.
He’s terrible at lying. “Just missing persons.”
“Well, no need to pretend about that,” she tells him. “Missing persons is just as honorable and intense of a department.”
He laughs breathily. “Yeah,” he simply agrees.
He feels so comfortable with her that he almost slips and tells her about Matt, but then he holds his tongue, thinking that dropping a backstory about a missing team member might be much for a first conversation with a stranger.
“So what about you?” he asks instead.
“You mean what department I work for?” she replies. And when he nods, she tells him, “Homicide.”
“Ah,” he says. “No wonder you didn’t believe me. You would have already known me if I worked the same department.”
She grins. “Well even if I was in homicide, our training does teach us how to detect lies.”
His heart flutters when he realizes she was playing along with him. He snorts. “Clearly I didn’t pick up those skills at the garrison.”
“I’m sure you’re a skilled officer,” she assures him, tapping the stars on his collar. “They don’t just give these to just anyone in the force, captain.” She turns to him, putting down her mug onto the windowsill. “I just caught you off duty,” she tells him, nudging him to turn toward her. “Let’s have one more go.”
He can’t help the smile that stretches over his lips. “What do you want me to do?”
“I know you know this game,” she says. “Two truths and a lie.”
“How about you start?” she suggests, her eyes twinkling. “Tell me two truths and one lie, and I tell you which statement is the lie.”
He blinks, trying to think fast. He can’t think as clearly when she’s smiling so cutely like that.
“Okay then…” he says, in the meantime. “Okay. Got it. Two truths and one lie: Before joining the police force, I played competitive laser tag…  I’ve had this white tuft on my head since birth… and…” he drawls, as his smile widens, “…I think you’re very beautiful.”
Her eyebrow arches at his last sentence. He can’t meet her eyes for more than a second before becoming even more flushed.
“Well…” she says, looking a little embarrassed herself. “I can only presume that...” she thinks out loud, as she leans in closer to him. “…your white hair wasn’t congenital.”
She is so close. He holds his breath, but then remembers he has to tell her the answer.
“You’re right. It isn’t,” he tells her.
“I suppose that will be a story for another time,” she responds, looking at him as if trying to read his history off his eyes. She inhales after a moment, straightening. “Okay then,” she says. “My turn. Two truths and one lie.” She thinks for a bit, and then lists, “I work protective services… and my name is Allura… and I would really like to see you again.”
His eyes immediately drop to her nametag, but she covers it with her hand immediately.
“No cheating,” she teases.
He’s still processing the fact that he was so forward with her… and that she returned it back! Or perhaps… maybe he’s thinking much too optimistically about this and she’s just joking around with him again. He really hopes she’s not — especially now because he can’t think of anything but taking her on a date to watch the stars.
“Your name isn’t Allura, is it?” he asks. His heart is beating so so fast.
She gives him a soft smile before removing her hand to uncover her nametag.
Allura, it read.
She leans in. “And I work theft and recovery,” she murmurs, voice tickling his ear.
Then she withdraws, before she raises her hand to brush his bangs off to the side. Her hand continues to fall, trailing down his left arm until her fingers dangle loosely in his hand. She tucks a slip of paper into his palm, and she smiles up at him.
“Call me. I’ll meet you,” she tells him, before stepping away with a wink. “Just tell me a time and a space.”
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