#like themself/themselves/theirself
kiragecko · 6 months
Know Your Neopronouns
If you look around online, you can find lists of neopronouns. (Neopronouns are words that get can be used instead of 'he' or 'she' when refering to someone.) Most show just the first 2 terms (‘Ey/Em,’ or ‘Ze/Zim’). Few provide any info about how to pronounce them. And even less provide examples of how messy real usage is. This guide is an attempt to show how real people are using neopronouns. It’s based off the data of the 2020-2023 (Nonbinary) Gender Censuses.
English Pronoun Sets include:
Subject (the person acting) – ie. They
Object (the person the action is happening to) – ie. Them
Dependent Possessive (ownership, thing owned is named) - ie. Their
Independent Possessive (ownership, thing owned is not named) – ie. Theirs
Reflexive (action affecting the person who is acting) – ie. Themself
In a sentence:
They walked in and told me their name was Chris. I said hi, and showed them the name tags. They found theirs and put it on themself.
Neopronouns come in 3 flavours:
The first type is based off the most common English personal pronouns:
‘They/Them/Their/Theirs/Themself (or Themselves)’
This type of neopronoun usually mimics the ending sounds of one or more of the common pronoun sets. For example, ‘Ze/Zem’ pronouns are based on ‘he’ and ‘them.’
The second type includes pronouns not usually used as personal pronouns (like indefinite ('One'), neuter ('It'), or definite (‘that’)). It also includes neopronouns derived from them ('Thon').
The third type is based on various nouns not usually considered related to gender at all ('Star' or 'Pup'). These are called ‘nounself pronouns.’
I’ve listed both the common pronouns, as well as the most used neopronouns. For each entry, I include a variety of forms and spellings. I do my best to provide pronunciation. (I have not heard all of them pronounced, and what little I was able to find online might not match what real people are saying.) And I mention if they mimic feminine or masculine pronouns, singular they, indefinite pronouns, nouns, etc.
List of the 25 Most Common Pronouns Used By Nonbinary People in 2023 (According to the Gender Census):
Kit, Cat
Vae, Vey
Mew, Meow
Moon, Lun
Other pronouns with more than 30 users in the census (not included as separate entries)
That, Thing (that/that/thats/thats/thatself, thing/thing/things/things/thingself, that thing/that thing/that thing’s/that thing’s/that thing – 56 people)
Vamp (vamp/vamp/vamps/vamps/vampself – 54 people)
Sun, Sol (sun/sun/suns/suns/sunself, sol/sol/sols/sols/solself – 51 people)
Dey, Dae (dey/dem/deir/deirs/demself, dae/daem/daer/daers/daemself – 46 people)
Zey (zey/zem/zeir/zeirs/zemself – 46 people)
Per (per/per//per/pers/perself – 18 people)
Rot (rot/rot/rots/rots/rotself – 37 people)
Sie/Sier (sie/sier/sier/siers/sierself - 36 people)
Nya/Nyan (nya/nya/nyas/nyas/nyaself, nya/nyan/nyans/nyas/nyanself – 36 people)
Bug (bug/bug/bugs/bugs/bugself – 35 people)
Ix, X (ix/ix/ixs/ixs/ixself, x/x/xs/xs/xself – 34 people)
Ce (ce/cer/cer/cers/cerself – 33 people)
1. Singular They (They/Them)
Most common nonbinary pronoun set, this was used by 30,188 people in the 2023 Gender Census.
Usual Set:
They / Them / Their / Theirs / Themself (30,107 people) Pronunciation: ðeɪ / ðɛm / ðeɪɹ / ðeɪɹz / ðɛmsɛlf (dhay / dhem / dhayr / dhayrz / dhemself)
Nonstandard Sets:
They / Them / Their / Theirs / Themselves (67 people) Pronunciation: ðeɪ / ðɛm / ðeɪɹ / ðeɪɹz / ðɛmsɛlvz (dhay / dhem / dhayr / dhayrz / dhemselvz) Plural they.
They / Them / Their / Theirs / Theirself (3 people) Pronunciation: ðeɪ / ðɛm / ðeɪɹ / ðeɪɹz / ðɛɹsɛlf (dhay / dhem / dhayr / dhayrz / dherself) Nonstandard They
Using them when talking:
They walked in and told me their name was Chris. I said hi, and showed them the name tags. They found theirs and put it on themself.
Nonstandard sets:
They walked in and told me their name was Chris. I said hi, and showed them the name tags. They found theirs and put it on themselves.
They walked in and told me their name was Chris. I said hi, and showed them the name tags. They found theirs and put it on theirself.
2. Masculine Pronouns (He/Him)
Second most common nonbinary pronoun set, this was used by 17,182 people in the 2023 Gender Census.
Usual Set:
He / Him / His / His / Himself Pronunciation: hiː / hɪm / hɪz / hɪz / hɪmsɛlf (hee / him /hiz / hiz / himself)
Nonstandard Sets:
He / Him / His / His / Hisself Pronunciation: hiː / hɪm / hɪz / hɪz / hɪsɛlf (hee / him /hiz / hiz / hiself)
Using them when talking:
He walked in and told me his name was Chris. I said hi, and showed him the name tags. He found his and put it on himself.
Nonstandard set would end with: He found his and put it on hisself.
3. Feminine Pronouns (She/Her)
Third most common nonbinary pronoun set, this was used by 13,220 people in the 2023 Gender Census.
Usual Set:
She / Her / Her / Hers / Herself Pronunciation: ʃiː / hɚ / hɚ / hɚz / hɚsɛlf (shee / her /her / herz / herself)
Using them when talking:
She walked in and told me her name was Chris. I said hi, and showed her the name tags. She found hers and put it on herself.
4. Neuter Pronouns (It/It)
4th most common set of pronouns (up from 5th last year), and probably the most controversal. Seen as dehumanizing by many people, and as validating by others. (7,859 people)
Usual Set:
It / It /Its / Its / Itself Pronunciation: ɪt / ɪt / ɪts / ɪts / ɪtsɛlf (it / it / its / its / itself)
Using them when talking:
It walked in and told me its name was Chris. I said hi, and showed it the name tags. It found its and put it on itself.
5. Xe/Xem Pronouns
5th most common set of nonbinary pronouns, and the most popular neopronoun set. (4,649 people)
Usual Set:
Xe / Xem / Xyr / Xyrs / Xymself (4,504 people) Pronunciation: ziː / zɛm / zɚ / zɚz / zɛmsɛlf (zee / zem / zer / zerz / zemself) Based on: Singular They, with Feminine subject and possessive pronouns
Nonstandard Sets:
Xe / Xir / Xir / Xirs / Xirself (74 people) Pronunciation: ziː / zɚ / zɚ / zɚz / zɚsɛlf (zee / zer / zer / zerz / zerself) Based on: Feminine
Xe / Xim / Xis / Xis / Ximself (27 people) Pronunciation: ziː / zɪm / zɪz / zɪz / zɪmsɛlf (zee / zim / ziz / ziz / zimself) Based on: Masculine
Xe / Xem / Xir / Xirs / Xirself (23 people) Pronunciation: ziː / zɛm / zɚ / zɚz / zɚsɛlf (zee / zem / zer / zerz / zerself) Based on: Nonstandard They, with Feminine possessive pronouns
Subject - Xe (4604), Xie (18), Xi (10), Xy (9), Xhe (7)
Object - Xem (4508), Xim (38), Xym (10), Xiem (3) | Xir (38), Xer (24), Xyr (18), Xher (3)
Dep. Possessive - Xyr (4472), Xir (62), Xer (43), Xeir (23), Xier (5) | Xis (32)
Ind. Possessive - Xyrs (4469), Xirs (54), Xir's (4), Xers (42), Xeirs (22), Xiers (5), Xhers (3) | Xis (25) | Xir (7), Xyr (3)
Reflexive - Xemself (4495), Ximself (31), Xymself (9) | Xirself (42), Xerself (28), Xyrself (22), Xeirself (7)
Using them when talking:
Xe walked in and told me xyr name was Chris. I said hi, and showed xem the name tags. Xe found xyrs and put it on xymself.
Nonstandard sets:
Xe walked in and told me xir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed xir the name tags. Xe found xirs and put it on xirself.
Xe walked in and told me xis name was Chris. I said hi, and showed xim the name tags. Xe found xis and put it on ximself.
Xe walked in and told me xir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed xem the name tags. Xe found xirs and put it on xirself.
6. Faerself Pronouns (Fae/Faer)
6th most common set of pronouns, and the 2nd most popular neopronoun set. (2,662 people)
Usual Set:
Fae / Faer / Faer / Faers / Faeself (2,623) Pronunciation: feɪ / feɪɹ / feɪɹ / feɪɹz / feɪsɛlf (fay / fayr / fayr / fayrz / fayself) Based on: the noun Fae/Fairy, with Feminine object and possessive pronouns
Nonstandard Sets:
Fey / Fem / Feir / Feirs / Femself (10 people) Pronunciation: feɪ / fɛm / feɪɹ / feɪɹz / fɛmsɛlf (fay / fem / fayr / fayrz / femself) Based on: Singular They
Fey / Fem / Feir / Feirs / Feirself (9 people) Pronunciation: feɪ / fɛm / feɪɹ / feɪɹz / feɪɹsɛlf (fay / fem / fayr / fayrz / fayrself) Based on: Nonstandard They
Fey / Feyr / Feyr / Feyrs / Feyrself (6 people) Pronunciation: feɪ / feɪɹ / feɪɹ / feɪɹz / feɪɹsɛlf (fay / fayr / fayr / fayrz / fayrself) Based on: Feminine
Subject - Fae (2638), Fey (18)
Object -Faer (2625), Feyr (3) | Fem (14), Faem (7)
Dep. Possessive - Faer (2637), Feir (11), Feyr (7)
Ind. Possessive - Faers (2636), Feirs (11), Feyrs (6)| Faes (3)
Reflexive - Faeself (2625) | Faerself (7), Feirself (5), Feyrself (5) | Femself (7), Faemself (4)
Using them when talking:
Fae walked in and told me faer name was Chris. I said hi, and showed faer the name tags. Fae found faers and put it on faeself.
Nonstandard sets:
Fey walked in and told me feir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed fem the name tags. Fey found feirs and put it on femself.
Fey walked in and told me feir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed fem the name tags. Fey found feirs and put it on feirself.
Fey walked in and told me feyr name was Chris. I said hi, and showed feyr the name tags. Fey found feyrs and put it on feyrself.
7. Hir Pronouns (Ze or Sie/Hir)
The set associated with older users. Shi/Hir is also associated with the furry fandom and intersex people (who may consider it a completely different set. Research suggests there might have been drama in the 90s.) (2,190 people)
Usual Set:
Ze / Hir / Hir / Hirs / Hirself (2,148 people) Pronunciation: ziː / hiːɹ / hiːɹ / hiːɹz / hiːɹsɛlf (zee / heer / heer / heerz / heerself) Based on: Feminine, with a long ‘ee’ for all forms.
Nonstandard Sets:
Shi / Hir / Hir / Hirs / Hirself (34 people) Pronunciation: ʃaɪ / hiːɹ / hiːɹ / hiːɹz / hiːɹsɛlf (shy / heer / heer / heerz / heerself) Based on: Feminine, with the same long ‘ee.’
Subject - Ze (2107), Sie (30), Zie (6), Se (3) | Shi (26), Shy (6)
Object - Hir (2177), Hyr (9)
Dep. Possessive - Hir (2174), Hyr (8) | Hirs (5)
Ind. Possessive - Hirs (2177), Hyrs (7)
Reflexive - Hirself (2173), Hyrself (7) | Hemself (3)
Using them when talking:
Ze walked in and told me hir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed hir the name tags. Ze found hirs and put it on hirself.
Nonstandard set:
Shi walked in and told me hir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed hir the name tags. Shi found hirs and put it on hirself.
8. Elverson Pronouns (Ey/Em)
Very similar to Spivak pronouns (next), these ones have the subject pronoun (‘ey’) based on ‘they,’ rather than ‘he’ or ‘she.’ (2,056 people)
Usual Set:
Ey / Em / Eir / Eirs / Emself (2,037 people) Pronunciation: eɪ / ɛm / eɪɹ / eɪɹz / ɛmsɛlf (ay / em / ayr / ayrz / emself) Based on: Singular They
Nonstandard sets:
Ey / Em / Eir / Eirs / Eirself (10 people) Pronunciation: eɪ / ɛm / eɪɹ / eɪɹz / eɪɹsɛlf (ay / em / ayr / ayrz / ayrself) Based on: Nonstandard They
Subject - Ey (2051), Ei (3)
Object - Em (2048)
Dep. Possessive - Eir (2049)
Ind. Possessive - Eirs (2049)
Reflexive - Emself (2037), Eimself (3) | Eirself (11)
Using them when talking:
Ey walked in and told me eir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed em the name tags. Ey found eirs and put it on emself.
Nonstandard set would end with: Ey found eirs and put it on eirself.
9. Spivak Pronouns (E/Em)
The set most often named in articles explaining neopronouns. (1,624 people)
Usual Set:
E / Em / Eir / Eirs / Emself (1,575 people) Pronunciation: iː / ɛm / eɪɹ / eɪɹz / ɛmsɛlf (ee / em / ayr / ayrz / emself) Based on: Singular They, with Feminine/Masculine subject pronoun.
Nonstandard sets:
E / Em / Es / Es / Emself (13 people) Pronunciation: iː / ɛm / iːz / iːz / ɛmsɛlf (ee / em / eez / eez / emself) Based on: Masculine
Subject - E (1604), 'E (3) | En (7) | Em (8)
Object - Em (1600), Im (6) | E (5) |En (4)
Dep. Possessive - Eir (1577), Er (5) | Es (14), Is (5) | Ems (6) | Ens (4)
Ind. Possessive - Eirs (1576), Ers (5) | Es (10), Is (5), 'Is (3) | Ems (9) | Ens (3)
Reflexive - Emself (1593), Imself (4) | Eself (4) | Enself (4)
Using them when talking:
E walked in and told me eir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed em the name tags. E found eirs and put it on emself.
Nonstandard set:
E walked in and told me es name was Chris. I said hi, and showed em the name tags. E found es and put it on emself.
10. Lindsay Pronouns (Ae/Aer)  (344 people)
Very similar to Spivak and Elverson pronouns. Created for a scifi alien race in 1920.
Usual Set:
Ae / Aer / Aer / Aers / Aerself (236 people) Pronunciation: eɪ / eɪɹ / eɪɹ / eɪɹz / eɪɹsɛlf (ay / ayr / ayr / ayrz / ayrself) Based on: Feminine, with vowels similar to Singular They.
Nonstandard sets:
Ae / Aem / Aer / Aers / Aemself (22 people) Pronunciation: eɪ / ɛm / eɪɹ / eɪɹz / ɛmsɛlf (ay / em / ayr / ayrz / emself) Based on: Singular They
Ae / Aer / Aers / Aers / Aerself (20 people) Pronunciation: eɪ / eɪɹ / eɪɹz / eɪɹz / eɪɹsɛlf (ay / ayr / ayrz / ayrz / ayrself) Based on: Feminine, with possessives based on nouns.
Ae / Aem / Aer / Aers / Aerself (19 people) Pronunciation: eɪ / ɛm / eɪɹ / eɪɹz / eɪɹsɛlf (ay / em / ayr / ayrz / ayrself) Based on: Nonstandard They
Subject - Ae (328), Æ (4), Ay (4) | Aer (3)
Object - Aer (268) | Aem (44) | Ae (13)
Dep. Possessive - Aer (285), Ær (3), Aeir (5), Ayr (4) | Aers (24) | Aes (8)
Ind. Possessive - Aers (296), Aer's (4), Ærs (3), Aeirs (5), Ayrs (4) | Aer (6) | Aes (12)
Reflexive - Aerself (280), Ærself (3), Aeirself (3) | Aemself (25) | Aeself (14)
Using them when talking:
Ae walked in and told me aer name was Chris. I said hi, and showed aer the name tags. Ae found aers and put it on aerself.
Nonstandard sets:
Ae walked in and told me aer name was Chris. I said hi, and showed aem the name tags. Ae found aers and put it on aemself.
Ae walked in and told me aers name was Chris. I said hi, and showed aer the name tags. Ae found aers and put it on aerself.
Ae walked in and told me aer name was Chris. I said hi, and showed aem the name tags. Ae found aers and put it on aerself.
11. Ve/Ver Pronouns
These seem to be the neopronouns to play around with! Many of the sets here alternate masculine and feminine forms, sometimes in unpredictable ways. (304 people)
Usual Set:
Ve / Ver / Ver / Vers / Verself (70 people) Pronunciation: viː / vɚ / vɚ / vɚz / vɚsɛlf (vee / ver / ver / verz / verself) Based on: Feminine
Nonstandard Sets:
Ve / Ver / Vis / Vis / Verself (42 people) Pronunciation: viː / vɚ / vɪz / vɪz / vɚsɛlf (vee / ver / viz / viz / verself) Based on: Masculine and Feminine
Ve / Vem / Ver / Vers / Vemself (32 people) Pronunciation: viː / vɛm / vɚ / vɚz / vɛmsɛlf (vee / vem / ver / verz / vemself) Based on: Singular They
Ve / Vim / Vis / Vis / Vimself (30 people) Pronunciation: viː / vɪm / vɪz / vɪz / vɪmsɛlf (vee / vim / viz / viz / vimself) Based on: Masculine
Ve / Vem / Vir / Virs / Virself (29 people) Pronunciation: viː / vɛm / viːɹ / viːɹz / vɚsɛlf (vee / vem / veer / veerz / verself) Based on: Nonstandard They
Ve / Ver / Vis / Vers / Verself (22 people) Pronunciation: viː / vɚ / vɪz / vɚz / vɚsɛlf (vee / ver / viz / verz / verself) Based on: Feminine, with one Masculine possessive
Subject - Ve (230), Vi (59), Vy (4)
Object - Ver (90), Vir (57), Zher (6) | Vim (59), Vem (56), Vym (5) | Ven (8) | Vis (4)
Dep. Possessive - Vir (73), Ver (56), Veir (18), Vyr (10), Vier (4) | Vis (107) | Virs (4), Vers (3) | Vens (3)
Ind. Possessive - Virs (83), Vers (67), Veirs (18), Vyrs (9), Vaers (3) | Vis (92) | Vens (3)
Reflexive - Verself (100), Virself (75), Vyrself (5), Verrself (4) | Vimself (48), Vemself (33) | Viself (4), Veself (4) | Venself (6)
Using them when talking:
Ve walked in and told me ver name was Chris. I said hi, and showed ver the name tags. Ve found vers and put it on verself.
Nonstandard sets:
Ve walked in and told me vis name was Chris. I said hi, and showed ver the name tags. Ve found vis and put it on verself.
Ve walked in and told me ver name was Chris. I said hi, and showed vem the name tags. Ve found vers and put it on vemself.
Ve walked in and told me vis name was Chris. I said hi, and showed vim the name tags. Ve found vis and put it on vimself.
Ve walked in and told me vir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed vem the name tags. Ve found virs and put it on virself.
Ve walked in and told me vis name was Chris. I said hi, and showed ver the name tags. Ve found vers and put it on vimself.
12. Ze Pronouns
Pronounced almost identically to Xe pronouns, but derives from Ze/Hir pronouns (286 people)
Usual Set:
Ze / Zir / Zir / Zirs / Zirself (140 people) Pronunciation: ziː / ziːɹ / ziːɹ / ziːɹz / ziːɹsɛlf (zee / zeer / zeer / zeerz / zeerself) Based on: Ze/Hir, which is based on Feminine, with a long ‘ee’ for all forms.
Nonstandard Sets:
Ze / Zem / Zir / Zirs / Zemself (76 people) Pronunciation: ziː / zɛm / ziːɹ / ziːɹz / zɛmsɛlf (zee / zem / zeer / zeerz / zemself) Based on: Singular They
Ze / Zem / Zir / Zirs / Zirself (26 people) Pronunciation: ziː / zɛm / ziːɹ / ziːɹz / ziːɹsɛlf (zee / zem / zeer / zeerz / zeerself) Based on: Nonstandard They
Ze / Zim / Zis / Zis / Zimself (76 people) Pronunciation: ziː / zɪm / zɪz / zɪz / zɪmsɛlf (zee / zim / ziz / ziz / zimself) Based on: Masculine
Subject - Ze (237), Zie (27), Zhe (17), Zi (3)
Object - Zir (126), Zer (8), Zher (6) | Zem (83), Zim (31), Zhim (7)
Dep. Possessive - Zir (181), Zer (31), Zeir (20), Zyr (12), Zher (10), Zhir (3) | Zis (10) | Zirs (5)
Ind. Possessive - Zirs (178), Zers (31), Zeirs (22), Zyrs (12), Zhers (10), Zhirs (3) | Zis (8) | Zir (3)
Reflexive - Zirself (149), Zerself (14), Zherself (6), Zyrself (4), Zeirself (3) | Zemself (78), Zimself (25), Zymself (4), Zhimself (7) | Zeself (4)
Using them when talking:
Ze walked in and told me zir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed zir the name tags. Ze found zirs and put it on zirself.
Nonstandard sets:
Ze walked in and told me zir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed zem the name tags. Ze found zirs and put it on zemself.
Ze walked in and told me zir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed zem the name tags. Ze found zirs and put it on zirself.
Ze walked in and told me zis name was Chris. I said hi, and showed zim the name tags. Ze found zis and put it on zimself.
13. Star Pronouns
The most popular nounself pronouns (13th overall)! (157 people)
Usual Set:
Star / Star / Stars / Stars / Starself (133 people) Pronunciation: stɑɹ / stɑɹ / stɑɹz / stɑɹz / stɑɹsɛlf (star / star / starz / starz / starself) Based on: Nouns
Nonstandard Sets:
Usual Set: Star / Star / Star / Stars / Starself (9 people) Pronunciation: stɑɹ / stɑɹ / stɑɹ / stɑɹz / stɑɹsɛlf (star / star / star / starz / starself) Based on: Nouns, with possessives influenced by Feminine/Singular They
Subject - Star (150) | Sta (3)
Object - Star (144) | Stars (4)
Dep. Possessive - Stars (119), Star's (16) | Star (12)
Ind. Possessive - Stars (130), Star's (19)
Reflexive - Starself (150)
Using them when talking:
Star walked in and told me stars name was Chris. I said hi, and showed star the name tags. Star found stars and put it on starself.
Nonstandard sets:
Star walked in and told me star name was Chris. I said hi, and showed star the name tags. Star found stars and put it on starself.
14. Hy/Hym Pronouns
Pronounced identically to masculine pronouns. (130 people)
Usual Set:
Hy / Hym / Hys / Hys / Hymself (103 people) Pronunciation: hiː / hɪm / hɪz / hɪz / hɪmsɛlf (hee / him /hiz / hiz / himself) Based on: Masculine
Nonstandard Set:
Hey / Hem / Heir / Heirs / Hemself (9 people) Pronunciation: heɪ / hɛm / heɪɹ / heɪɹz / heɪɹsɛlf (hay / hem /hayr / hayrz / hemself) Based on: Singular They
Subject - Hy (97), He (10), Hie (5) | Hey (10)
Object - Hym (65), Hymn (44), Hem (15)
Dep. Possessive - Hys (97) | Heir (11), Hyr (3) | Hymns (4)
Ind. Possessive - Hys (97) | Heirs (1) | Hymns (5)
Reflexive - Hymself (58), Hymnself (46), Hemself (12)
Using them when talking:
Hy walked in and told me hys name was Chris. I said hi, and showed hym the name tags. Hy found hys and put it on hymself.
Nonstandard sets:
Hey walked in and told me heir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed hem the name tags. Hey found heirs and put it on hemself.
15. Thon Pronouns
One of the oldest neopronouns, dating to 1858. A contraction of 'that one'. Linguists and social reformers LOVED these pronouns, actual users are much rarer. (122 people)
Usual Set:
Thon / Thon / Thons / Thons / Thonself (104 people) Pronunciation: ðʌn / ðʌn / ðʌnz / ðʌnz / ðʌnsɛlf (dhuhn / dhuhn / dhuhnz / dhuhnz / dhuhnself – ‘the’ + n) Based on: One (Indefinite Pronoun), which works identically to nouns
Nonstandard Set:
Thon / Thon / Thon / Thons / Thonself (6 people) Pronunciation: ðʌn / ðʌn / ðʌn / ðʌnz / ðʌnsɛlf (dhuhn / dhuhn / dhuhn / dhuhnz / dhuhnself) Based on: One, with possessives influenced by Feminine/Singular They
Subject - Thon (119)
Object - Thon (114) | Thons (5)
Dep. Possessive - Thons (104), Thon's (5) | Thon (7)
Ind. Possessive - Thons (101), Thon's (12) | Thon (4)
Reflexive - Thonself (119)
Using them when talking:
Thon walked in and told me thons name was Chris. I said hi, and showed thon the name tags. Thon found thons and put it on thonself.
Nonstandard sets:
Thon walked in and told me thon name was Chris. I said hi, and showed thon the name tags. Thon found thons and put it on thonself.
16. Void Pronouns
The 2nd most popular nounself pronouns (16th overall) (117 people)
Usual Set:
Void / Void / Voids / Voids / Voidself (72 people) Pronunciation: voɪd / voɪd / voɪdz / voɪdz / voɪdsɛlf (voyd / voyd / voydz / voydz / voydself) Based on: Nouns (Void)
Nonstandard Sets:
Voi / Void / Voids / Voids / Voidself (69 people) Pronunciation: voɪ / voɪd / voɪdz / voɪdz / voɪdsɛlf (voy / voyd / voydz / voydz / voydself) Based on: Nouns (Void), with subject form shortened to better match established pronouns
Voi / Void / Void / Voids / Voidself (10 people) Pronunciation: voɪ / voɪd / voɪd / voɪdz / voɪdsɛlf (voy / voyd / voyd / voydz / voydself) Based on: Nouns (Void), with subject form shortened, and possessives influenced by Feminine/Singular They
Subject - Voi (108), Vo (3) | Void (80) | Vi (3)
Object - Void (180) | Voi (9)
Dep. Possessive - Voids (134), Void's (14) | Void (18) | Vois (14) | Voi (4)
Ind. Possessive - Voids (153), Void's (19) | Vois (12)
Reflexive - Voidself (181) | Voiself (9)
Using them when talking:
Void walked in and told me voids name was Chris. I said hi, and showed void the name tags. Void found voids and put it on voidself.
Nonstandard sets:
Voi walked in and told me voids name was Chris. I said hi, and showed void the name tags. Voi found voids and put it on voidself.
Voi walked in and told me void name was Chris. I said hi, and showed void the name tags. Voi found voids and put it on voidself.
17. Ne/Nem Pronouns
(114 people)
Usual Set:
Ne / Nem / Nir / Nirs / Nemself (61 people) Pronunciation: niː / nɛm / nɚ / nɚz / nɛmsɛlf (nee / nem / ner / nerz / nemself) Based on: Singular They, with Feminine subject and possessive pronouns
Nonstandard Sets:
Ne / Nim / Nis / Nis / Nimself (19 people) Pronunciation: niː / nɪm / nɪz / nɪz / nɪmsɛlf (nee / nim / niz / niz / nimself) Based on: Masculine
Ne / Nem / Nir / Nirs / Nirself (8 people) Pronunciation: niː / nɛm / nɚ / nɚz / nɚsɛlf (nee / nem / ner / nerz / nerself) Based on: Nonstandard They, with Feminine subject and possessive pronouns
Ne / Nem / Nems / Nems / Nemself (7 people) Pronunciation: niː / nɛm / nɛmz / nɛmz / nɛmsɛlf (nee / nem / nemz / nemz / nemself) Based on: Nouns
Subject - Ne (98), Nie (4), Ni (3)
Object - Nem (65), Nym (25), Nim (16)
Dep. Possessive - Nir (48), Neir (11), Nyr (10), Ner (7) | Nis (13), Nys (6) | Nems (3), Nims (3)
Ind. Possessive - Nirs (45), Neirs (11), Nyrs (9), Ners (5) | Nis (15), Nys (5) | Nems (5), Nims (4)
Reflexive - Nemself (68), Nymself (22), Nimself (15) | Nirself (5), Neirself (3), Nyrself (3)
Using them when talking:
Ne walked in and told me nir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed nem the name tags. Ne found nirs and put it on nemself.
Nonstandard sets:
Ne walked in and told me nis name was Chris. I said hi, and showed nim the name tags. Ne found nis and put it on nimself.
Ne walked in and told me nir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed nem the name tags. Ne found nirs and put it on nirself.
Ne walked in and told me nems name was Chris. I said hi, and showed nem the name tags. Ne found nems and put it on nemself.
18. Kit, Cat Pronouns
The first of the animal based pronouns! People using animal based pronouns frequently alternate between multiple sets - based off animals (kit, bug), their sounds (meow, caw), and their body parts (paw). (103 people)
Usual Set:
Kit / Kit / Kits / Kits / Kitself (60 people) Pronunciation: kɪt / kɪt / kɪts / kɪts / kɪtsɛlf (kit / kit / kits / kits / kitself) Based on: Nouns (Kit/Kitty)
Nonstandard Sets:
Cat / Cat / Cats / Cats / Catself (23 people) Pronunciation: kat / kat / kats / kats / katsɛlf (kat / kat / kats / kats / katself) Based on: Nouns (Cat)
Subject - Kit (69) | Kitty (6) | Cat (23)
Object - Kit (64) | Kits (3) | Kitty (8) | Cat (23)
Dep. Possessive - Kits (65), Kit's (3) | Kittys (4), Kitty's (3) | Cats (18), Cat's (4)
Ind. Possessive - Kits (62), Kit's (4) | Kitty's (4) | Kittens (3) | Cats (17), Cat's (6)
Reflexive - Kitself (67) | Kittyself (4) | Kittenself (4) | Catself (23)
Using them when talking:
Kit walked in and told me kits name was Chris. I said hi, and showed kit the name tags. Kit found kits and put it on kitself.
Nonstandard sets:
Cat walked in and told me cats name was Chris. I said hi, and showed cat the name tags. Cat found cats and put it on catself.
19. Pup Pronouns
(102 people)
Usual Set: Pup / Pup / Pups / Pups / Pupself (75 people) Pronunciation: pʌp / pʌp / pʌps / pʌps / pʌpsɛlf (puhp / puhp / puhps / puhps / puhpself) Based on: Nouns (Pup/Puppy)
Subject - Pup (85) | Dog (6), The Dog (5) | Mutt (4)
Object - Pup (75) | Pups (6)| Dog (5), The Dog (4) | Mutt (4)
Dep. Possessive - Pups (69), Pup's (12) | Dogs (3), The Dog's (4) | Mutts (4)
Ind. Possessive - Pups (69), Pup's (13) | Dogs (5), The Dog's (4) | Mutts (4)
Reflexive - Pupself (82) | Dogself (6) | Itself (4) | Muttself (4)
Using them when talking:
Pup walked in and told me pups name was Chris. I said hi, and showed pup the name tags. Pup found pups and put it on pupself.
20. Vae Pronouns
Ve pronouns have endless variations! These ones use a subject form based on They, rather than He/She, and seem to be influenced by Ae and Fae pronouns. (91 people)
Usual Set:
Vae / Vaem / Vaer / Vaers / Vaemself (42 people) Pronunciation: veɪ / vɛm / veɪɹ / veɪɹz / veɪmsɛlf (vay / vem / vayr / vayrz / vemself) Based on: Singular They
Nonstandard Sets:
Vae / Vaer / Vaer / Vaers / Vaerself (27 people) Pronunciation: veɪ / veɪɹ / veɪɹ / veɪɹz / veɪɹsɛlf (vay / vayr / vayr / vayrz / vayrself) Based on: Feminine
Vae / Vaem / Vaer / Vaers / Vaerself (11 people) Pronunciation: veɪ / vɛm / veɪɹ / veɪɹz / veɪɹsɛlf (vay / vem / vayr / vayrz / vayrself) Based on: Nonstandard They
Subject - Vae (63), Vey (24)
Object - Vem (26), Vaem (22) | Vaer (28) | Vae (3)
Dep. Possessive - Vaer (59), Veir (14), Ver (4)
Ind. Possessive - Vaers (58), Veirs (14), Vers (5)
Reflexive – Vaerself (37), Veirself (4) | Vymself (20), Vaemself (16) | Vaeself (4)
Using them when talking:
Vae walked in and told me vaer name was Chris. I said hi, and showed vaem the name tags. Vae found vaers and put it on vaemself.
Nonstandard sets:
Vae walked in and told me vaer name was Chris. I said hi, and showed vaer the name tags. Vae found vaers and put it on vaerself.
Vae walked in and told me vaer name was Chris. I said hi, and showed vaem the name tags. Vae found vaers and put it on vaerself.
21. Xey Pronouns
Xe pronouns also have a version based on They in the subject form. (91 people)
Usual Set:
Xey / Xem / Xeir / Xeirs / Xemself (37 people) Pronunciation: zeɪ / zɛm / zeɪɹ / zeɪɹz / zeɪmsɛlf (zay / zem / zayr / zayrz / zemself) Based on: Singular They
Nonstandard Sets:
Xey / Xem / Xeir / Xeirs / Xeirself (37 people) Pronunciation: zeɪ / zɛm / zeɪɹ / zeɪɹz / zeɪɹsɛlf (zay / zem / zayr / zayrz / zayrself) Based on: Nonstandard They
Xae / Xaem / Xaer / Xaers / Xaerself (11 people) Pronunciation: zeɪ / zeɪɹ / zeɪɹ / zeɪɹz / zeɪɹsɛlf (zay / zayr / zayr / zayrz / zayrself) Based on: Feminine
Subject - Xey (71), Xae (10)
Object - Xem (70), Xaem (4) | Xaer (4)
Dep. Possessive - Xeir (49), Xyr (12), Xaer (8), Xer (7), Xeyr (3)
Ind. Possessive - Xeirs (46), Xyrs (12), Xaers (7), Xers (7), Xeyrs (3)
Reflexive - Xemself (61), Xaemself (3) | Xeirself (5), Xaerself (4)
Using them when talking:
Xey walked in and told me xeir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed xem the name tags. Xey found xeirs and put it on xemself.
Nonstandard sets:
Xey walked in and told me xeir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed xem the name tags. Xey found xeirs and put it on xeirself.
Xae walked in and told me xaer name was Chris. I said hi, and showed xaer the name tags. Xae found xaers and put it on xaerself.
22. Mew Pronouns
These pronouns often alternate with Kit/Cat pronouns, or other cat sounds like Nyan or Purr (89 people)
Usual Set:
Mew / Mew / Mews / Mews / Mewself (48 people) Pronunciation: mjuː / mjuː / mjuːz / mjuːz / mjusɛlf (myoo / myoo / myooz / myooz / myooself) Based on: Nouns (Mew)
Nonstandard Sets:
Meow / Meow / Meows / Meows / Meowself (27 people) Pronunciation: mjaʊ or mi‧aʊ / mjaʊ / mjaʊz / mjaʊz / mjaʊsɛlf (myow / myow / myowz / myowz / myowself) Based on: Nouns (Meow)
Subject - Mew (53) | Meow (29) | Mrr (3)
Object - Mew (49) | Meow (29) | Mrrp (4)
Dep. Possessive - Mews (47) | Meows (25), Meow's (4) | Mrrps (3)
Ind. Possessive - Mews (45) | Meows (27), Meow's (4) | Mrrps (3)
Reflexive - Mewself (50) | Meowself (31) | Mrrpself (3)
Using them when talking:
Mew walked in and told me mews name was Chris. I said hi, and showed mew the name tags. Mew found mews and put it on mewself.
Nonstandard sets:
Meow walked in and told me meows name was Chris. I said hi, and showed meow the name tags. Meow found meows and put it on meowself.
23. Bun Pronouns
(71 people)
Usual Set:
Bun / Bun / Buns / Buns / Bunself (60 people) Pronunciation: bʌn / bʌn / bʌnz / bʌnz / bʌnsɛlf (buhn / buhn / buhnz / buhnz / buhnself) Based on: Nouns (Bunny)
Subject - Bun (69)
Object - Bun (69)
Dep. Possessive - Buns (59), Bun's (10)
Ind. Possessive - Buns (55), Bun's (10)
Reflexive - Bunself (68)
Using them when talking:
Bun walked in and told me buns name was Chris. I said hi, and showed bun the name tags. Bun found buns and put it on bunself.
24. Indefinite Pronouns (One)
The 'formal' option - this is what grammarians used to suggest (64 people)
Usual Set:
One / One / One's / One's / Oneself  (51 people) Pronunciation: wʌn / wʌn / wʌnz / wʌnz / wʌnsɛlf (wuhn / wuhn / wuhnz / wuhnz / wuhnself) Based on: Indefinite Pronoun
Subject - One (53), That One (7), This One (4)
Object - One (50), That One (8), This One (3)
Dep. Possessive - One's (30), Ones (23), That One's (6), This One's (3)
Ind. Possessive - One's (31), Ones (22), That One's (6)
Reflexive - Oneself (53), That One's Self (4)
Using them when talking:
One walked in and told me one's name was Chris. I said hi, and showed one the name tags. One found one's and put it on oneself.
25. Moon/Lun Pronouns
(57 people)
Usual Set:
Moon / Moon / Moons / Moons / Moonself (32 people) Pronunciation: muːn / muːn / muːnz / muːnz / muːnsɛlf (moon / moon / moonz / moonz / moonself) Based on: Nouns (Moon)
Nonstandard sets:
Lun / Lun / Luns / Luns / Lunself (9 people) Pronunciation: luːn / luːn / luːnz / luːnz / luːnsɛlf (loon / loon / loonz / loonz / loonself) Based on: Nouns (Lunar)
Subject - Moon (33) | Lun (9) | Lu (8)
Object - Moon (33) | Lun (10) | Luna (6) | Lunar (3)
Dep. Possessive - Moons (26), Moon's (8) | Luns (12)
Ind. Possessive - Moons (26), Moon's (7) | Luns (12)
Reflexive - Moonself (34) | Lunself (12) | Lunaself (4)
Using them when talking:
Moon walked in and told me moons name was Chris. I said hi, and showed moon the name tags. Moon found moons and put it on moonself.
Nonstandard sets:
Lun walked in and told me luns name was Chris. I said hi, and showed lun the name tags. Lun found luns and put it on lunself.
A note on defining sets:
Deciding what to consider a variant, and what to consider a different set altogether, wasn't easy.
Elverson and Spivak pronouns are mostly separated because of their history, and how (relatively) well known they are. I then tried to stay consistent, and separated things like 'ze' and 'zey' sets.
Animal and sound based nounself pronouns are grouped based on how difficult it was to separate them. A relatively high percentage of people wrote 'kit' and 'cat' forms into the same entry. Less people grouped 'mew' and 'nya' forms. And, while 'mew' and 'nya' forms were FREQUENTLY grouped with 'kit' and 'cat' forms, I kept them separate for my own sanity.
I am also VERY glad that 'sie/sier' pronouns didn't make the top 25. 'Sie', 'se', 'sea', 'ce', and 'ke' are probably unsortable without talking to their users individually. (There's at least three pronunciations in there - 'zee', see' and 'kee'!) But I love the 4 people using 'sir' as a pronoun. That amuses me!
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upslapmeal · 5 months
I've noticed that when it comes to reflexive pronouns (himself, myself, yourself etc.), there seem to be some variation in what people use as the singular they form. The main ones I've seen are
and I'm curious to see which is most common, and whether it varies depending on whether or not you personally use they/them pronouns. So with that in mind:
I would have liked to have added options for whether you are a native English speaker and for dialect but that would be way too many options so let me know in the tags!
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hello theythems. i have a question for you
by theythems i mean anybody who uses they pronouns whether Only they/them or in addition to other sets
what is your preferred Reflexive (ex. himself/herself/itself) pronoun?
like!!! HI I LOVE GRAMMAR I LOVE LINGUISTICS. i know "themselves" is most grammatically correct for a Group of people BUT. i want to know which of these is the most commonly USED for/by/about an individual
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lluzionz · 2 years
hello, may i have some headcanons of Kaeya and Itto with a Y/N who see theirself as a bad person (like they would blame theirself for everything, and even hate and feel angry of themselfs from stuff they did as a kid) thx for reading
Hello dear, I honestly don't know what to say to make you feel better. You are an amazing person (I'm sure you are even tho I don't know you) and you don't deserve to feel like this. You deserve to be happy. I love you <3
Kaeya, Itto x gn!reader
Tw: self hate, comfort
A/n: I really hope that this will help you feel a little better and I always be here if you need someone to talk to.
Hearing you crying your eyes out in your room, he didn't hesitate a moment as he opened the door and walked in and found you crawled up in your bed.
"Love, what is the matter? Why are you crying?" He asked you as he sat besides you, pulling you closer to him as he took your body in his arms.
At first, no words came out of your mouth, the only sound that came out of you was the sound of crying, but after Kaeya pressured you a little more by asking you why are you crying, you finally broke down and started telling him everything what you felt while sobbing.
"Because I'm a bad person Kaeya. Ever since I was a little kid, I keep on doing mistakes and hurting the people around me, mentally or physically. Many of my friends has gotted injured because of me, heck even you had gotted injured because of me. Because I wasn't strong enough to protect you, I wasn't good enough."
You couldn't even talk properly because of how much you were crying. All of the things you thought about yourself, rushed back to you, making you cry even harder. Kaeya just stood there, looking at you, waiting for you to stop saying such nonsense about yourself. "Y/N are you done saying such nonesense or you'll keep on talking?" Kaeya asked you, he sounded like he was annoyed of what you were saying.
"What?" You asked, finally looking up at him. "I asked why are you saying such things even tho nothing of what you said is true." He said as he placed his hnd on your chin and made you look at him. The only bad thing you did was believing in such nonesense and nothing else. Yes you may did some things wrong and ended up hurting the people around you but you are a human and humans make mistakes but they learn from them and improve. He continued as he stroke your skin.
"B-but I hurted people that I love, my friends, even you got hurted because of me!" You said again but Kaeya placed his index finger in you lips, shushing you so he continue talking. "Y/N can you please stay quiet and just listen to me? The fact that your friends got injured during the battle wasn't your fault, but theirs. They were the ones who were weak and couldn't even protect themselves. It was their fault, not yours and the same goes for me. I underestimare my opponet and ended up getting hurt and this wasn't your fault either." He said.
You lowered your head, embarrashed of what Kaeya was telling you bur he lifted you chip up once, forcing you to look at him. "Hey Y/N look at me. You are an incredible person with a wonderful personality. The only thing that you're doing wrong is not believing in yourself. This is your only fault, your low esteem." He said as tears started falling from your eyes once again.
For the first time in your life, you felt extremely happy that someone pointed out how amazing of a person you are. People used to tell you how lovely you were and how happy they were to have you around them but you always accused them of lying to you. But, for some reason, you believed him. He helped you realised the sourse of your self hate by pointing out your low self esteem when others tried to make you forget about your problems.
"I love you Kaeya." You comfessed as you placed your hand on his cheek, pulled him closer to you and gave him a kiss on the lips. Kaeya was shocked at first but quick to pull you closer by the waist and kiss you back. You pulled away from him, once you became breathless and Kaeya had a big grin on his face as he looked at you. "Someone has finally began to realise that they are the best thing that ever happened in my life and that I want them to see themselves as I see them. A pure perfection." He finished his sentence with a kiss on your forehead.
"Hey babe, what's wrong?" He asked as soon as he found you crying in your room. "Leave me alone Itto." You replied, without turning to face him. You were too tired from crying to pay any attention to him.
"But why are you crying?" He asked againas he sat next to you, putting a strand of hair behind your ear and stroking your cheek lightly. "Leave me alone Itto!" You yelled at him as you moved away from him. Itto got sturtled as he moved away from you. He didn't want to upset you any more.
"Can you at least tell me why are you crying?" He asked again, his voice was barely hearable. "Because I hate myself." You said in a low voice. You didn't want him to hear what you said. "What?" He asked as he moved closer to you once again in order to hear what you said.
"Because I hate myself Itto. I am a terrible person!" You got up from your bed and started yelling. All the emotions that you held inside all of this years came out at once, suffocating you. At this point, even the tears that were coming of your eyes had stopped. "I hate myself since I was little. Everything I did back then was wrong and even now nothing had changed. I am still the same horrible person that I used to be who keeps on doing mistakes and hurts people. Everyone around me is sad and it's all because of me. I hurt them. I even make you sad by telling you all of this. Gosh why am I so stupid. Why can't I do anything right? Why did you even chose to be with me Itto? Why did you choose to be with a useless person like me?" At this point, you couldn't even breath because of how much you were crying.
Itto on the other hand just sat there, looking at you without saying anything. What could he say? The way you talked and the things you said about yourself left him unable to even think of anything to say. Instead, he got up from your bed, grabbing you by the arm as he pulled you closer to him and hugged you as tightly as ge could. He gril was so tight that he almost broke your ribs but still, he didn't let go of you. He would never do something like this. Ever. Why? Because you were the best person that he knew and nothing you said earlier could change his mind.
Because nothing of that you said was true. He didn't know who made you think such terrible things about yourself but nothing of what you said was true, that was for sure. His arms wrapped tighter around you as he hid his face on the base of your neck, tears, his tears, wetting your neck. "Itto, why are you crying?" You asked as you wrapped your arms around his muscular body, running circules all over his back, soothingly.
"I'm crying because of what you said. Because everything you said is a lie. You are the best person I know and nothing you or anyone says can change my mind." He said. "I know that you see yourself as a bad person who keeps on doing mistakes and hurts people around you in the procces but this is not true at all. And I can prove that you. All you has to do is see yourself from my eyes. See how great of a person you are and how much you mean to me, to everyone around you, to every single person that loves you. See yourself from our point of you and then you understand who you really are. And that's definitely not the person you think you are.
Tears started streaming donw your face but this time it was for a different reason. This time your tears were because of happiness. Itto's words made you so happy that you couldn't stop crying. "Thank you Itto. Thank you so much. Your words means so much to me!" You cried as you hugged him tighter and rested you forehead on his shoulder. "Hey, hey Y/N, don't cry." Itto pulled away from you, causing you to step back and look at him. "I don't want you to cry Y/N. So please don't cry!" He said as he placed his hands on both of your cheeks and wiped your tears away. A chuckle escaped you as you placed your hands on top of his.
"Haha, Itto don't worry. I'm not sad anymore. This tears are tears of happiness." You said as a smile spread across your lips. "Oh so you're happy now?" Itto asked as he broke into a big smile. You nodded your head as Itto pulled you closer once again and lifted you in his arms, twirling you around as you laughed happily. Itto always had a way to make you smile even in your saddest moments and you were so thankfull for that. You were so thankfull to have him in your life even tho sometimes you felt you didn't deserve him. As if he heard your thoughts, he replied to what was bothering your mind. "You do deserve me Y/N. You deserve to be loved and I'll make sure to give you all the love I have and even more." He said as he squeezed you in his arms.
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evermorehqs · 2 months
Tumblr media
Marceline Abadeer is based on Marceline from Adventure Time. She is a 33 year old/immortal half-vampire/half-demon, aspiring musician, and uses she/they pronouns. She has the power of transformation, flight, and color consumption. Marceline is portrayed by Lex Scott Davis and she is taken.
Marceline hadn’t had the easiest of lives. Abandoned by her father when she was seven and being sent away by her mother after being overcome with a horrible illness, the young vampire spent most of her life fending for herself. But they found ways to survive and grow into their own without anyone to help them. They kept themself fed by drinking the color red from any objects they could find, they kept themself entertained by swiping a bass guitar during one of their perusals through the kingdom and beginning to write music about their life. Soon, they came across who would soon become her best friend, Bonnibel, and for a while… life was finally good until havoc began to run rampant in the Candy Kingdom, and with the arrival of Finn and Jake, everything seemed to just get complicated once more. Marcline didn't understand why you'd want to be around that; why focus on all the boring stuff when you could step back and have fun with your totally wicked awesome girlfriend? Bonnibel, invested in her work as always, blew her off… and it eventually formed a rift between the two that sent Marceline off in a fit of fury. Frustrated, hurt, and heartbroken, Marceline hid away from the chaos and the disappointment and tried to focus on theirself. Despite their frustration with the way things had ended, Marceline couldn’t help themselves when Bonnibel reached out for their help when her uncle returned to the Candy Kingdom. The two were able to work out their differences, realizing that their friendship was worth working out their disagreements while figuring out how to defeat the Glorb. Finn and Jake lead the charge but in a flash, a literal flash, everything changed. The boys, and many others, vanished from the land of Ooo. Marceline was left to help Bonnie, zapping themselves off to wherever it was their friends were. It was a whole fiasco finding them in Evermore, only to discover that they didn’t remember a thing about them or their land. To make matters worse, when they tried to return to Ooo and the Candy Kingdom… they ended up right back in town. So Marceline was forced to settle, something the vampire queen was not happy about. Bonnibel assured Marceline they would figure it out, restore everyone’s memories and get back home… but the vampire was reluctant to believe so, opting to focus on her music career while she let Bonnie handle all the smart stuff.
❀ Zarina Zarate: Zarina’s got a bite to them, that’s undeniable, and she is always down for a little bit of harmless mischief. Thank god someone around here wants to keep Marceline from dying of boredom! ❀ James 'Slightly' Zhao: A musician, like herself, but the kid is an amateur and lacks confidence. They don’t mind, though, because Marceline will always help out a fellow wannabe-rockstar. ❀ Rapunzel Gothel: Raps owns an art and paint studio in town and is always willing to hand over some extra red paints for Marceline to drink. The blonde reminds Marceline of Bonnie in a lot of ways, if the princess had gone into art instead of science.
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bugdogg · 8 months
eeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! 2, 4, 9, 31? :3c
Do they wear perfume/cologne? If so what scents do they prefer?
They do, it switches from different smells depending on outfit. Sometimes they like wearing sweet perfume, like fruity smells, nothing all that fancy when they're presenting more feminine. And other times they like using a woodsy cologne, thats sometimes citrus-y or sometimes earthy when wanting to present masculine. side note: They occasionally "borrow" Kara's cologne or Todo's and if asked will deny it profusely
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Do they enjoy baking?
They do because I DO. They love baking and they're better at it compared to cooking. I like to think they'd bake people things for special occasions or make someone's favorite pastry just to make them happy. Mizuki is very passionate about it and their favorite thing to make is cakes or sugar cookies w frosting. They aren't the best baker but everything turns out edible in the end, just not professional grade stuff.
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(im not drawing for all of them sorry <:3)
When they're sick what do they do to feel better?
They wrap themself in a giant blanket, cuddle with their plushes and watch stuff on their phone. They don't like getting others sick so they're persistent on being left alone to deal w it. I think they'd still Todo or the Matsu's home phone to ask someone to pick something up for them when their hungry (and because they start to get uncomfortable by theirself).
What superpower would you choose for them and what would they choose for themselves? If they have one would they choose something else?
I say they'd choose shape-shifting. They'd def wanna change forms just to experience life as a different species but they'd also do it to trick people for fun, not to hurt anyone just for silly pranks.
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butchdykekondraki · 4 months
Hello!! Hi!!!!!
I was wondering what ur opinion on themself-themselves vs theirself-theirselves because i go by all pronouns but only recently encountered a character who uses theirself (fanfic) which i thought was interesting because ive not seen that before, so i am now gathering information about what people think about both sets of pronouns mentioned above, you know??
Personally i think i prefer themself/ves to theirself/ves because its familiar and like looks prettier as a word to me idk but it would be cool to see what others think about these things :D
You should probably know the fanfic was fnad themed and i read it because of you 👍 thanks for the food.
ooo i've never actually seen that before!!!! interesting!! i like it :-D!!
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ultra-clashpects · 1 year
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The Rogue of Heart
The Rogue of Heart is someone who will struggle with their true personality and their likes or dislikes, repressing everything about themselves that they deem “weird” or “unlikable” to fit in. The Rogue of Heart at first will hide the things about themself that they don’t want or think the world wants to see, and they struggle to cope with their own feelings and emotions, instead thinking that they’re just overreacting even if they’re not.
They fear rejection of others for being unique, so they board it all up inside and put on a mask to pretend they’re “normal” like everyone else. The Rogue of Heart might act like theirself when alone, but the moment they realise someone else is there, they go back to pretending like they don’t care or feel.
The Rogue of Heart might have a secret journal of sorts, a place where they can vent all of their feelings and get the things they can’t say off their chest. The Rogue of Heart will have to learn that it’s okay to be weird and feel things, because that’s what living is about. They have to accept who they are as a person and be comfortable in their own skin, with their thoughts and feelings and opinions.
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eunxyeong · 1 year
i want to hold you close skin pressed against me tight lie still, and close your eyes girl as i whisper in your ear i want to fucking tear you apart
where: a strip club
plot drop: it’s a lock down
who: @fallingreborn​ & eun yeong
trigger warnings: death, blood, murder, sex mentions
it was said there was a threat roaming about. hunters terrorizing the midnight underground. that’s all eun had heard about for days. that had not been stopping them for doing what they wanted to. only for the first day, maybe two days, did they actually stay in place when they didn’t need to live. but that time had come and gone. no more were they going to simply be at someone else’s whims. the last time someone made them feel like that, they died. poor them. gone leaving a vacuum in their wake.
entertaining and annoying, all at the same time. but the vampire was used to such things. used to waves of annoyance and rage constantly lapping at the back of their mind. teeth aching with the need to tear something apart. oh, it had been sometime since eun got to hold them as they died. tasted the last of their heartbeat on their tongue. nectar. ambrosia.
this was the very reason the immortal was walking the streets at night once more. paying little mind to the drama surrounding the other supernaturals. daring hunters to come sniffing for him. they did not taste the best, but their deaths were just as good. eun didn’t need to eat them to tear them apart. hearts made fabulous gifts and they could think of a few people that would be happy to have navarro hearts in that moment. not just themself.
but for the moment, they were hungry. ravenous really. and bored. hungry and bored. they wanted some fun. some levity. something to pull them from the boredom, from the restlessness crawling through their veins.
which was why they found themselves at a club. a club that showed more skin than others. the beat of the music rhythmic and ponding. eun was always a pretty one. it made others susceptible to them. even the street-smart mortals fell for them. always so fun to pull them into a web that was made just for them.
strip clubs were the descendants of the burlesque club. from the red lanterns on the outside of buildings. they were entertaining and when someone had money, people willingly fell into their lap. eun had been so good for days. even the last time they tore out a throat, it had been from someone trying to mug them. terrible choice, really. but they were nearly desperate for the taste of something other than fear. they wanted hunger, the same the reflected in their eyes and this particular club was where they were going to find it.
what eun had not expected, was catching the scent of something that was more than body spray, sweat and desperation of those around him. the smell tickled a memory. it took a short amount of time to find the source. nothing seemed too far out of the ordinary. human but the scent was unique. special. nearly made the vampire’s mouth water. ache with familiarity but for the life of them, they did not recall them. without much thought or any true plan in his mind, eun simply put theirself near the other. life clearly rushed through their veins. humming with the warmth of the sun
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so eun took a seat. watched as the other’s body move like they could do it in their sleep. they felt like they knew them but could not recall their face. or their skin. maybe their screams… the mere thought of them, seemed to stir something deep in their soul…
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036: Into Thin Air
Neopronouns: they/them/their/themselves (or themself or theirself)
"They are going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as they get a fence set up around their yard so the puppy can go outside without them having to walk it. Their uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting them use, since they lost theirs. They're going to buy toys and train the puppy themselves.”
= = =
Mattil stared hard at the picture before them, struggling to pick out any identifiable features on the small, grainy photo.
But it was no use - - no amount of staring would make the picture quality any better, or make the person in the photo any more recognizable.
They finally had to give up, and lowered the picture away from their face. “I'm sorry,” Mattil said, “I can't tell.”
They could explain, “It could be him, but it could also be literally any other felin with grey wings and a blue crest, assuming he hadn't changed his presentation in the five years he'd been missing” but that didn't seem worth stating explicitly. Blue wings and a grey crest was the most popular combination for felin. There was no way to tell for sure if it was Jerris from just this single, (frankly crappy) photo taken from far away from the back. And they didn't feel like getting their hopes up for no reason.
You couldn't even see either of the felin's arms or even the shoulders, so there was no way to tell if they had both hands, or had a prosthetic.
It was actually starting to make Mattil mad, actually, the fact that such a terrible picture was what they'd been called all the way over here for.
Like, what, didn't they have any decent cameras over in Seorei? What was the point of a security camera if you couldn't actually see anything in it or recognize anyone?
The agent in charge, whose names Mattil had forgotten, shuffled xir yellow and brown wings with impatience, and sighed loudly.
Well, that was just rude. It's not like xi'd had to travel all the way to this stupid building just to be asked to stare at a grainy picture that could be literally anybody. Xi worked here. Xi as probably getting paid a lot to be annoyed. Mattil wasn't. They probably wouldn't even get any compensation for traveling here.
And why was the BAA even getting their hopes up like this? Jerris had disappeared five years ago. When the BAA had called Mattil, they'd made it sound like they'd actually found him, that he was alive.
But no, Mattil had to come all this way, in the cold, and for nothing! A stupid, crappy photograph that could be anyone, with nothing in particular to point to it being him except...
Except what? Mattil didn't even know! They'd just walked in, and the agent had handed them the photo, and asked if it was Jarris.
“Gu Mattil- -” The agent started to say, but Mattil cut xim off.
“It's /Som/ Mattil.” They corrected sharply, more sharply than they normally would, but this was more than a little absurd. “I'm an ancer.” For emphasis, they gestured to their clothes and makeup - - black and bright green and blue, with yellow highlights.
It was cold out, and barely warmer in the building than it was outside (the only difference was that there was no windchill, which at least was a positive) so they were wearing their long thick winter pants, waterproof boots, their winter coat, heavy gloves, their hat, and their hood.
Their partially extended wings had sleeves of their own, with green and blue tassels on the closed ends. All of their clothes were covered in repeating diamond formations of black, blue, green, and yellow.
It was the most brazen display of ancerity they could pull off without feathers of their own, and for this agent to just ignore that and instead speak to them like they were a child...
That was infuriating. What kid went around this brightly dressed?
The agent looked them up and down, xir eyes resting for a moment on their wings. Then xi met their gaze again, and said, not even bothering to hide the patronization dripping from xir voice, “Of course you are.”
Mattil saw red, and had to resist the urge to launch themselves across the table and spend the rest of their life in prison for assaulting an agent of the BAA.
Instead they shoved themselves out of their chair, and slammed the crappy picture they still held onto the table. “I'm going home now, if you don't have any more grainy pictures to shove in my face.” They said sarcastically.
They didn't wait for a response, they just turned and headed towards the door.
The agent only spoke when Mattil's hand was already pulled the door open, calling out shortly, “We'll call you in again if we have any further questions.”
Trying to get the last word in, and make it seem like them leaving was xir choice. Pathetic.
“Get a better krakking camera next time.” Mattil threw scornfully over their shoulder in response.
They stormed out into the short hallway, then out the door and into the wind-chilled cold.
Now they had to get all the way home without freezing to death, and for no good fucking reason, either.
Jerris had disappeared just a mile outside the city while flying over the forest. Why in all the levels of hell would he suddenly reappear on the other side of the world?
And why the hell was the BAA so interested in a missing-presumed-dead naturalist?
The more Mattil thought about it, on that long, arduous hike home, the more uneasy they became at the possibilities their mind was conjuring up to explain the connections.
Was Jerris really alive? Had he really disappeared at all? Why was the BAA so interested in him?
Just what, if anything, had their brother been up to before he disappeared to attract this kind of attention?
Had his disappearance really been an accident?
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clownsnake · 3 years
everyone’s always confused abt if you should use “themself” or “themselves” when talking about a person who uses they/them pronouns, but only Toby Fox was brave enough to consider
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cornflowercanine · 4 years
after 2 years of 8eing on tungle i finally added my age to my 8io lol
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bananonbinary · 2 years
As an enby who uses they/them, I gotta ask. do you use themself/themselves/theirself? I realized it varies for me. Like if I were referring to myself in 3rd person I’d say “they’ll do it theirself” to mean like, the Thanos meme. But I’d also say “they themselves was a parent” like “he himself was a parent”. Not saying that there’s a “correct” way for me personally since I’m not a grammar teacher, but I wonder how other enbies use it, and if there is a standard for singular they
i believe "themself" is the standard for singular they, because as another commenter pointed out, it's supposed to be the Direct Object form + self (ie, himself rather than hisself or heself), and it's what i use because i'm a bit pedantic about grammar. but i aint gonna start policing other people's preferences about it. i've certainly seen plenty of people use "themselves," even if it makes me ????? a bit each time.
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gendercensus · 3 years
Supplementary survey: they/them reflexives, The Sir/Ma’am Issue, and Spivak vs. Elverson
This short, clarifying survey ran from 4th until 24th April 2021. There were 2,998 usable responses. Unlike the annual Gender Census survey, this one was open to anyone of any gender, provided they lived in an English-speaking country.
It asked about two things:
They/them verbs and reflexives - basically whether people who prefer they/them pronouns prefer the reflexive to be themself or themselves, and which people feel is more “correct”.
Sir/ma’am/? - investigating why people use sir/ma’am in areas where it’s polite and common to do so, and whether there are any viable nonbinary or gender-neutral alternatives.
This blog post will also investigate the Spivak vs. Elverson issue, which was actually a separate poll that took place on two social networks.
Someone asked about themself vs. themselves, and it reminded me of some of the they/them issues that people ask about in feedback boxes and various confusions surrounding them.
Singular they - what is it, and when and how do people use it?
Plural they - what is it, and when and how do people use it?
What is the “correct” reflexive for each of these?
You can see the statistics in more detail here, but here’s the graph as an overview:
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Participants were asked a series of questions about singular they pronouns. Everyone was asked a “which is correct” question, and participants who sometimes or always like to be called ”they” were also asked about their personal preferences.
The graph is a view of only participants who sometimes or always like to be called “they”.
Verbs. As you can see, participants overwhelmingly (94.3%) wanted people to use plural verbs (”they are reading a book”) when talking about them in the third person - even though the percentage of people who thought that was the most “correct” form was a little lower (81.8%). This was lower because 11.4% of participants who preferred “they” answered “both are correct”.
Reflexives. People were much more likely to say that both themself and themselves were correct (28.3%), and more likely to have no preference between the two (17.4%). However, themself was still more popular overall at 59.3%, and 47.3% thought themself was grammatically correct.
You as a control. I also asked all participants whether yourself or yourselves was more correct when addressing one person as a kind of control question, because they is almost grammatically identical to you - it can refer to one person or multiple people, it takes plural verbs even when referring to/addressing one person, and in that situation only the reflexive changes. Many people who say that singular they is grammatically incorrect have no issues with singular you, so it seemed like something that might be interesting to compare. In the graph above you can see that 93.6% of people thought yourself was more correct; only 4.2% of they-accepting participants felt that both yourself and yourselves were equally correct when addressing one person.
There were a couple of things that came up several times in the comments:
“They is” is common in African-American Vernacular English (AAVE), and probably in other dialects too. As I don’t live in the US I’m pretty unfamiliar with this dialect, but either way that seems fine to me. It’s part of why I also asked for participants’ locations, because I wanted others to be able to download the results and see if some regions were more likely to use some words/constructions than others.
There were some alternatives to themself and themselves presented, such as theirself and theirsen. Both of these points lead nicely to the third...
The idea that any language choice is more “correct” than another is quite prescriptive. What feels correct or natural varies depending on a lot of factors, such as where in the world you learned English, and there is no such thing as objective correctness when it comes to such a broad and variable language as English.
I am aware of and agree with that third bullet point, so my asking which phrases were more “correct” was a bit of a trick question. It was a good way to get a feel for people’s linguistic instincts.
I also thought it was interesting that participants who never wanted to be called they were slightly more likely to side with the most popular view on what is “correct” across the board, and less likely to say “both are correct”.
I actually ran another version of this survey first and then scrapped the responses, because it was clear that my survey design was leading to some pretty confused and unhelpful data! Among other things, it asked participants whether they preferred singular or plural they for themselves and then directed them to particular questions based on their answer, and the comments suggested that people either didn’t really understand the distinction or meant different things by those terms, even though I had added help text.
This is my understanding:
Singular they is they/them pronouns when used to refer to one person. Verbs are usually plural (i.e. “they are” rather than “they is”), and themself and themselves are both common. Example usage: They are getting themself a cup of coffee. They bought themselves a nice new hat.
Plural they is they/them pronouns when used to refer to two or more people. Verbs are usually plural (i.e. “they are” rather than “they is”), and themselves is almost universal (with the exception of regional variations such as theirselves). Example usage: They are getting themselves some coffee together. They all bought hats for themselves.
Some plural/multiple people refer to themselves as “we” and prefer to be addressed as “they/themselves” (which they call plural they) because they are a group of individuals sharing one body.
The reason I initially asked directly about singular vs. plural they is because I was concerned that plural/multiple systems would cause some statistical confusion. Many plural people have asked me to add plural they to the checkbox list of pronouns in the annual survey, but since it has never been entered by over 1% of participants I have never had reason to do so. As far as I knew, the only difference between singular and plural they is the reflexive (themself for singular and themselves for plural), so I wanted to be able to investigate non-plural people in isolation, and I was curious to know about any trends or differences. I wanted to find out if I should be doing anything differently to ensure that Gender Census statistics are helpful.
So, I swapped out the badly-designed question for a straight-up checkbox, a “check this box if you’re plural/multiple” type of thing, with a note that participants should fill in the survey once per body wherever possible, and then I made some graphs.
Here you can see that plural systems were still more likely to prefer people to use themself to refer to them rather than themselves, though the margin is narrower:
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Plural participants were also more likely to say that they sometimes or never want people to refer to them as they, whereas non-plural people were more likely to want people to always refer to them as they (or they just feel fine about it):
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There’s not a lot in it, though. It’s all relatively evenly distributed, with no strong leader in either category there.
For the curious: 8.2% of participants checked the plural/multiple box.
In conclusion: plural and non-plural people alike all prefer people to use themself when referring to them in the third person using they/them pronouns, and I feel that there is probably no need to ask about plurality or separate out data from plural people in future. (Asking about this and seeing the responses did in part prompt me to start an anonymous feedback form for plural participants of the Gender Census, though.)
For several years participants have been asking me in the feedback box of the annual Gender Census survey to also ask about gender-inclusive or nonbinary-specific alternatives to sir and ma’am. I’ve largely not done anything about it, because when informally asking around I’ve generally had the response “just don’t say sir or ma’am, just leave it out altogether.” I live in the UK, where if someone calls you sir/ma’am you’re either looking at home in a fancy restaurant for billionnaires or you’re being made fun of - or sometimes both.
However, during this year’s annual survey while talking about it in a little more depth I learned that there are places in the world where sir/ma’am is very common, required for politeness, and basically inescapable. Nonbinary people in those areas are really struggling, because they do actually need a nonbinary-friendly stand-in for those terms - omitting the sir/ma’am isn’t an option.
Again, the location question was asked so that anyone else downloading the spreadsheet of responses can analyse by region to find out whether sir/ma’am is ubiquitous in particular regions and in which contexts it is used, and can even check whether there is a region-specific alternative to sir/ma’am emerging. I asked several questions about sir/ma’am, including about reasons/contexts and personal preferences, and some superficial analysis is included on the spreadsheet of responses.
But the juicy bit is the nonbinary-specific and gender-inclusive alternative words, right?
[The counting formula is case-sensitive so I made everything lowercase to make the count a little more accurate.]
Suggested gender-inclusive alternatives to sir/ma’am
mx - 4.1% (151)
friend - 2.2%
comrade - 1.2%
captain - 0.7%
ser - 0.5%
mate - 0.4%
m - 0.3%
per - 0.3%
boss - 0.3%
folks - 0.3% (9)
Suggested nonbinary-specific alternatives to sir/ma’am
mx - 8.3% (250)
mix - 0.7%
tiz - 0.5%
friend - 0.4%
ser - 0.4%
comrade - 0.3%
mixter - 0.3%
captain - 0.2%
ind - 0.2%
mir - 0.2% (6)
So it looks like Mx (pronounced “mix” or with a toneless vowel that sounds a bit like “mux”) is the clear winner in both categories. If you want to try to introduce a gender-neutral version of sir/ma’am in your area this one is probably your best bet.
This wasn’t part of the same survey! It was a Twitter poll and a Mastodon poll that ran for one week and ended today, and I’m putting it here because it has to go somewhere.
Sometimes people refer to the ey/em and e/em “versions” of the Spivak pronoun set, which makes my eyebrows do things, because they’re not both Spivak. They are distinct established pronoun sets with their own names.
Spivak - e/em/eir/eirs/emself - written about by Michael Spivak in the 1990s. [source: Nonbinary Wiki]
Elverson - ey/em/eir/eirs/emself - created by Christine M Elverson in the 1970s. [source: Nonbinary Wiki]
The Elverson set is older, but it’s less well-known for some reason, so they’re assumed to be variants of Spivak due to the similarity in spelling.
I was recently asked how we can know which is more popular, given the “oh this checkbox option is close enough, I’ll just choose that instead of typing in my very slightly different set” effect and the “hmm this checkbox option is very close to my set, I’m probably meant to choose this one” effect, plus the boost that checkbox options get with the “oh I hadn’t thought of that one but yeah, why not” effect. Spivak (e/em) is on the checkbox list of pronouns in the annual survey, so it appears to be much more popular than Elverson (ey/em)... but is it really?
I ran a poll on both Twitter and Mastodon, and then used a spreadsheet to extract the useful numbers. There were 141 relevant votes after one week. I wouldn’t usually make annual-survey-altering decisions based on a sample that small, but in this case the results are extremely decisive:
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It seems that the highest proportion of people who like at least one of the sets are happy for both to be used, at 48%. 45% prefer ey/em (Elverson) and 7% prefer e/em (Spivak). This is pretty stunning! I’ve been presenting e/em (Spivak) as a checkbox option on the Gender Census annual survey for years, possibly since the first survey in 2013, and because it’s a checkbox option it seems to be consistently a lot more popular than ey/em (Elverson). That’s 4.3% and 0.6% respectively in the 2021 survey. But this poll suggests that actually ey/em (Elverson) is much more popular when the two pronoun sets are viewed on a level playing field.
When you remove all “I don’t mind” votes, you get this:
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Over 6 times as many people prefered Elverson!
I will definitely be adding Elverson to the Gender Census next year, just so that we can split the e/em and ey/em votes and really get to the bottom of this.
Anyway, while we’re on the topic, ey/em takes singular verbs most of the time.
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ladymischievous · 2 years
More Dumb Headcanons
Been playing a little with some headcanon ideas for my WoL, Fray, and Myste during Shadowbringers. I did a shorter summary of ideas before here and decided to expand on some of them a bit. (I’m a little shy talking about FFXIV headcanon stuff.) Spoilers for SHB and DRK quests, just a warning to be safe. -o-o-o-
1.) Myste would likely be a ‘summoner’, conjuring simulacrum as summons and fairies. To get Fray to behave when they are getting carried away or are misbehaving he conjures an illusion of Leviathan. It startles Fray and he hates it, given his bad memories of the Leviathan fight.
2.) My WoL is an Astrologian and Dancer, they were originally an employee of the Gold Saucer. They hosted, played Triple Triad, performed for audiences, and had to be a bouncer on a number of occasions. 3.) In Holminster Switch the scions get to officially meet Fray for the first time after the WoL is Ko’d by Forgiven Dissonance. The WoL tells Fray to take the reins and acts as tank until the defeat of the Lightwarden, Philia. Fray immediately feels wrong at the idea of taking in anymore light from Lightwardens. His priority being the safety of the WoL, he’s suspicious of the Exarch and his motivations. (Differences between my WoL and Fray)
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4.) My WoL conjures simulacrum of both Fray and Myste after the fight with Eros. There had been growing worries since the battle with Titantia and Fray had been becoming more vocal in their concerns. Using the two simulacrum, the WoL was able to take some of the stress of the growing amount of aether off themselves for a while. This brought the Scions face to face with different sides of their comrade and friend. 5.) Fray normally keeps their face covered, they’d rather the scions not see their friend’s face. It’s from the incident at Whitebrim, where they revealed theirself as another part of the WoL. There’s a little guilt there, as they did have hopes that if the people there saw that part of their ‘beloved hero’, they’d turn away from them, freeing them. Fray’s helmet is knocked off at some point and afterwards, with some persistence, the WoL convinces them to not hide anymore, saying: “They have to accept us both or not at all.” 6.) Myste gets along well with Alisaie and Alphinaud. Alisaie takes the opportunity to try to get more information on the WoL, Alphinaud accuses her of invading his privacy but is just as curious. It ends up with the twins learning that the WoL has depression and deals with a lot of trauma. Things evolve into Myste hanging out with the twins and them having fun where and when they can. It’s nice for Alisaie and Alphinaud, eventually they rope Ryne into things too and help her open up and enjoy things. 7.) For a little while, not long after the two simulacrum are conjured, a couple of the Scions speculate Fray is the ‘evil side’ of the WoL. This gets quickly quashed by Fray themself when they catch wind of it. Fray claims that their power is fueled by love, something that confuses some of the Scions at first. “If I don’t love them, who else will?” sounds strange at first, given how many admire the WoL. But Fray corrects it by saying most love ‘the idea’ of the WoL, few actually know them. Fray loves them at their best and worst, unconditionally. That self love helps keep the WoL alive, prompting their sense of self preservation and motivating them to try to take care of their self. It’s needed or else they’ll keep giving themselves to others until there’s nothing left of them at all. This is a love that also does extend to those the WoL cares about. While prickly at first, Fray does care for their friends. It’s what drives them to protect what’s held precious to them over the idea of ‘the greater good’. Fray is a part of the WoL who is far more honest with their feelings and desires. Emotions can be ugly and complicated and are never simply ‘good or evil’. You can be angry and that might fuel you to do something good or love someone so strongly that you are willing to do something horrible to have them to yourself (Fray says, from experience, a little embarrassed at the admission). -o-o-o- That’s all for today, I hope it was a fun read. :D
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smolsidesandco · 3 years
Can have cg sides hcs? Even th dark ones plz an thanks u
Ackkkkkk i forgot to post this but,
Yeah! I would love to share some headcannons! I already have a lot for Janus just because I have written them as a cg, so I hope these are good!
• Janus is wonderful at helping smalls when they need to be distracted from icky thoughts.
• They have many textured baby and kid toys for the smol to choose from.
• They aren't a very strict cg but they do use the techniques of gentle parenting with the smol they're looking after.
• They're the go to side when it comes to a smol having a meltdown or tantrum. They're reassure them that what they feeling is valid and calmly talk to them about whats wrong and options they could choose to feel better or could use to get their emotions out.
• They tend to be able to find loops holes in the rules depending on specific scenarios that they would happily use to be able to sneak the smol a secret cookie or candy.
• When its time for a smol to go to bed they either team up with Roman to tell a nice bedtime story, full of voices and soft things. Or teaming up with Patton to gently rock and hum smols to bed.
• Normally they don't like having their scales touched, but if its for a smol, they tend to let that slide and let any smols use the textures to stim.
• They don't change their sarcastic sassy attitude when they're helping a smol. They don't do the whole baby talking either. They don't enjoy treating a smol like they don't know how to do anything.
• They'll keep an eye on the smol and ask them if they need help or if they would like some help. Reassuringly them that if they do, they would be happy to help and that its okay.
• If the smol their watching does something on their own, you can bet Janus is proud of them.
• "Oh my, you did all this yourself? Well you did a wonderful job on it!"
• They enjoy being a cg in the same way someone would regress to get a break from the big world.
• They can also make sure a smol is taking care of themself
• Patton is without a doubt a very snuggly and excited cg.
• They love baking for and with their smol!
• They absolutely let whatever smolntheir watching that they can link the batter off the spoon (much to logans dismay)
• They hold the smols hands and help them mix batter or cutting out cookie shapes!
• If its a bigger smol, they'll let you crack an egg and throw it away all by yourself!
• Patton falls into baby talking a lot whenever their watching a smol.
• Baby talking, plus helping the smol with most things.
• They tend to assume that the smol will need help with most things, and its almost second nature for them to help with everything.
• Patton is pretty good at watching younger smols. Older smalls tend to be harder for them to help, since they tend to want to do a lot of things theirself, but they tries their best.
• They love taking their smol kiddo outside to play.
• Having picnics and going to the park is one of their favorite activities! And they'll pack the smols favorite picnic safe food!
• Loves trying out cute pintrest food trends. And packing the smols lunch in cute themed lunch boxes.
• Surprisingly Logan helps Patton a lot with making food, and making it look really nice.
• Their logic states that a smol will be more inclined to eat their food, including veggies and the sorts, if it looks nice.
• Maybe a unicorn themed lunch will get a smol to eat their carrots. Or a sky themed one will get thoes mash potatoes off their plate.
• Logan has done quite a lot of research on this topic, especially if it due to helping the smol.
• For every smol they know, they plan/analyze/ and write down atleast five different lunch options and themes that would work the best based on the smols pallet and what they like.
• Of course this all also means they expect the smol to eat all their veggies and if you don't eat them you don't get dessert.
• Using the excuse of not liking the veggies seems impossible as well since each meal is catered to the person.
• They create schedules for the smol to follow, filled with times to eat, sleep, play, and even watch cartoons.
• They tend to be rather stuck on what they shedual is and won't take a straight up no when they say its bed time.
• Of course communicating and making sure there isn't any other reason or deeper meaning to the smol not wanting to do something they should is something they try to figure out first.
• They love watching documentaries with the smol!
• Especially ones about space, the ocean, or how something is made.
• They have many worksheets, learning games, and puzzles for the smol to work through with them if they would like.
• Another carer/baby sitter that loves puzzles is our favorite wacky ratboi.
• Surprisingly, seeing a smol is almost an instantaneous flip to them.
• While they're basically the same wacky fun uncle as normal, they know how unpleasant icky phrases or words can be when a safe space like this is involved.
• Its also nice for them because their brain sort of does it automatically, so its a well wanted break from all their intrusive thoughts.
• They will actively find every way they can to break the rules with a smol.
• Whether that be skipping bedtime, eating icecream for breakfast, eating so much candy.
• In their mind 'chaos needs to be chaos, and I rather the smol chaos happen around me so I can make sure the chaos doesn't hurt anyone'
• They don't mind letting the smol put glitter or whatever in their mustache.
• They work well with older smols who can jump around and do a lot of things with supervision.
• Watching horror movies or scary ghost shows is something they're happy to watch with the smol! (As long as the smol wants)
• They'll sneak any veggies you don't want off your plate and eat them for you.
• Mixing everytype of icecream sounds like a good idea right?
• 10000 percent make 'magical potions' with you with all the shampoo and soaps.
• Pranks galore
• When the smol isn't causing chaos or watching cartoons, Roman will make sure the smol feels like a royal.
• That includes dressing up, makeup, hair, and going on adventures!
• They love setting up little quest for the smol to go on and solve.
• Helping them defeat dragons, monsters, and all kinds of things!
• They work better with older smols but can watch a younger smol and be their princely knight to protect the baby royal!
• They like going outside and letting the smol explore with them.
• Sometimes in the woods looking for cool sticks and rocks to bring home and let Logan look over.
• Other times going on the nature trail at the park and saying its a serious quest.
• They don't activatively try to break the rules with the smol like Remus. They more so simply forget that they're are rules and things like bedtime for the smol.
• Arts and crafts are another fun thing they're good at with the smol. They have so many coloring books and craft supplies.
• Pretty much prepared for simple coloring, all the way to paper mache.
• Whenever a smol is afraid of something, they try to 'defeat it' whether its needing to spar and imaginary monster in the closet and sending them back home, or vanquishing the horrible spider by taking it away to a safe place.
• They sing songs and lullabies to help the smol calm down or sleep.
• Disney move marathons galore.
• So many spinny hugs.
• Virgil is the best with younger smols.
• They're less likely to wander away when they're not looking.
• Easier to help them when they need help
• They don't tend to want to do things by themselves. Which is good for them because just sitting there isn't good for their nerves.
• They tend to stay close by.
• Virgil is better with younger smols because they find them easier to watch in general.
• Its also a good time to wind down and focus on someone that isn't themself.
• They always have baby wipes and bandaids on hand.
• Isn't really the one for baby talking with a smol.
• They're really good with sounds and making sure the smol isn't overwhelmed by loudness or things being too quiet.
• Lives for creepy crawlies and Halloween things with their smol.
• Binge watching Tim Burton movies while eating rice crispies.
• Let's the smol cuddle up into their arms and sleep whenever they want.
• On occasion will let the smol wear their jacket.
• Is extremely careful when it comes to food and making sure the smol doesn't get hurt.
• Whenever the smol is scared they either call Roman to come be the knight or helps them feel safe by promising their fear is valid but they're safe. Virgil knows a lot about danger and scary things so they gotta know something about the scary thing
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