#like there’s details about her origin and story that I didn’t add yet
Camp Camp Commentary Notes - Season 1, Episode 1: Escape from Camp Campbell
This is the first in a series of posts detailing the various nuggets of behind-the-scenes info found in the commentaries of the Camp Camp Seasons 1 and 2 Blu-Ray. I aim to cover both the writer commentary and cast & crew commentary of every episode in the set (except the holiday specials because they don't have commentaries GRRRR)
Writer’s Commentary
Writers went back to touch up this episode after completing the initial 10 episodes, before going on to the bonus 2 episodes that were greenlit following the positive reception
This episode went through about 12-14 drafts before it was finalized
Pilots are very hard because they both need to be very good and hook the audience so they will want to watch more, you have to juggle introducing all the necessary characters and telling a single solid story
Doubly so since this was the crew’s first shot at writing for an episodic series, all their other efforts had been story-driven up to that point
Irony in that the title of the first episode is about wanting to leave the camp (or show) entirely
Max and David’s dynamic is perfectly set up within 8 lines of dialogue
In older versions of the pilot, Mr. Campbell never showed up in person, only in the introductory video that was later repurposed into promotional material
Most of what was taken out of the pilot ended up being reused in some way, including the intro and the teaser trailer
One of the primary goals was to establish early on that this is not a kids show, like some people who saw the early promo material thought it was
This is why Max swears less than 40 seconds in, and why the rabbit gets swooped up by Timothy earlier (although I’d argue you could make that joke in a more family-friendly show)
First RT series produced in more of a writer’s room style akin to The Simpsons
The writers would come up with episode ideas, divy up who’d want what story, they’d write a first draft, come back to it, workshop the script several times, rinse and repeat until it devolved into Miles and Jordan doing final punch-ups and trimming
This pipeline allowed for lots of easter eggs and background details to be slipped in
Then they effectively do a table-read of the script which allows them to add more
Starting in Season 2, they started recording writer’s room conversations, so if something funny came up and they wanted to add it, they wouldn’t just have to go off of memory
Putting all the campers in the activities field doing their activities seemed like a good way to establish all of their respective camps.
Challenger II is Miles’ favorite visual gag (as of 2018, at least)
Working with Lee Eddy and Travis Willingham was great, Lee especially since they had previously worked with her for Red V.S. Blue
Travis was the first person who recorded for the show, as part of the aforementioned introductory video, and he was great at riffing and ad-lib
What exactly Camp Campbell was was foggy initially (whether or not it advertised that it was a camp of all camps), and the initial pilot didn’t explain it very well because they had built an internal understanding of what it was and didn’t do a very good job conveying it to the audience.
Mr. Campbell really likes the Quartermaster
Looking back on the first episodes is very interesting, especially when you have been working on the show for years at that point, for example, Max’s bond with Nikki hasn’t been established yet, so he has to ask why she’d help him.
Not enough time for the full theme song (hence why no intro), so they thought having Gwen interrupt it was funny
The scene where Max, Neil, and Nikki are running was seemingly the origin of Neil’s raptor arms (oh, excuse me, T-rex arms)
Ed, Edd ‘n’ Eddy was used as a reference for things like this because the Eds each had distinct walk cycles befitting their personality
First Day buttons were included so the campers would have a means to get away from the counselors
The music sting as the bus is driving away is a nod to the Back to the Future theme
Cast and Crew Commentary
Michael jokes about a sequel or prequel called “Max Max/Maximum Max”
The scream Miles did when David gets hit by the bus gets used quite a bit
The more Max’s parents push him away, the more he tries to cling to him, according to Maggie
Episode was supposedly recorded March 2016, ironically one of the last ones recorded
Recording for the series started November of 2015
Handheld camera movements in the mess hall scene were added by animator Gil Calceta
Lee Eddy was the only person who auditioned for Gwen, the crew saw it as perfect casting
Laserdisc player is not big enough for laserdisc
Campbell’s lazy wear (for lack of a better term) was only made for the one shot, though it would later comeback in Season 4
Michael initially auditioned for Camp Camp not really knowing what it was, and his script was just some typical Max phrases
Older episodes, Max was pitched up because Michael hadn’t quite perfected the voice yet
There was no helicopter assest created, it’s off screen and only implied by Campbell being pulled up by the ladder
The scene of Nikki throwing the button took 3 days to animate
The line “Go to bitch, jail” in the Camp Camp Rap Rap was an ad-lib/outtake
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lurkingshan · 4 months
I Feel You Linger in the Air: Novel vs Drama 
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Happy IFYL special day! While I wait (not so) patiently for the special episode to become available for international viewers, I thought I would stop being lazy and get around to writing up my thoughts on the adaptation choices of the drama now that I’ve finally had a chance to read the original novel. 
First, let me just say: the novel is so fun. I’m so glad folks like @clairedaring and @pharawee talked about it on here and @waitmyturtles read it first and told me to jump on it, because I’ve had a really hard time with poorly translated y novels before and was definitely skeptical. But the story was excellent and the English translation was really solid, so a great time was had by all and I wasn’t even salty about spending eighteen American dollars on it. I didn’t think the novel was perfect (turtles can attest I had a few LOUD complaints) but it was a very enjoyable read. Shoutout to @bengiyo, @neuroticbookworm, and @wen-kexing-apologist as well for listening to me rant about Tee’s choices as I made my way through the novel. Bonus: if you have the chance to read this novel while vacationing in Thailand surrounded by plumeria trees and romantic scenery, I highly recommend. 
So, with that established, let’s talk about the adaptation! Adapting novels to a visual medium always comes with a lot of choices, and it’s not easy to make everything translate effectively. On the other hand, a live action drama can make some of what’s on the page feel even more vivid and new elements can be introduced that add to the canon. I’m on the record as both loving this show and feeling like there were some significant missteps in the writing, so I really wanted to understand the source material and how some of those choices were made. So here’s your spoiler alert for IFYL’s adaptation: it’s a real mixed bag of choices from our dear frenemy Tee Bundit, and all in service of one clear goal. 
I Feel You Linger in the Air, but Make It Sadder!
I’m going to break down the details below, but this is the TL; DR right here. Every choice Tee made in this adaptation was in service of transforming a relatively light and often comedic time travel romp into a story of deep melancholy and a thorough examination of queer pain. This is Tee’s whole schtick, so we can hardly be surprised; and yet I was kind of taken aback by how stark the difference in these stories felt even as a lot of the plot stayed the same. During the drama’s airing @respectthepetty talked about how this show was just too damn sad for her, and I gotta say, she was definitely picking up what Tee was putting down. YMMV on how sad you like your romance, but Tee Bundit is a very sad boy indeed.
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Let’s start here, because this is definitely my biggest grievance with Tee: he removed most of Jom’s personality from the book in order to give us a flatter, sadder version of him that fit better with a much more melancholy vision for this story. As it turns out, Jom was originally written to be smart, sassy, and very funny (h/t to @stuffnonsenseandotherthings whose post on this really got me interested in reading to see the difference). Novel Jom is a smartass who never misses the opportunity to work in a salty comment or express his frustration when things aren’t going his way, and he’s such an active character. He does not just sit back and let things happen to him; he thinks and he struggles and he tries. By comparison, show Jom just feels… vaguely confused, mildly depressed, and wildly passive most of the time. This is by no means a knock on Nonkul, who is a fantastic performer—these are clearly writing and directing choices and he is interpreting the character as instructed.
And it’s not just the removal of his core personality, either. Jom in the book has emotional intelligence and a stronger sense of connection to others. For one, he actually cares that Eung Phueng is his sister! Throughout the book, we see him dedicate time and energy to finding ways to care for his sister despite their different social stations; this dynamic is completely absent from the show, where Jom doesn’t even seem to remember Eung Phueng has his sister’s face most of the time. This was a major hole in the show and I still don’t really understand why Tee dropped the ball on it when there was so much material to drawn from in the book.
Winner: The novel, hands down. If you take nothing else away from this post, please take it as a recommendation to read the novel so you can experience Real Jom in all his sassy glory.
The Mythology 
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Now, I can’t really claim that either the novel or the show does a fantastic job with the mythology, because there’s a lot of hand waving in either case and some definite plot holes. But I will give the book credit for being upfront from the start: it didn’t really intend to explain it beyond giving us a little preamble about wormholes (yes, wormholes!) and for having Jom actually notice and care (and get very amusingly frustrated) that he didn’t understand what the wormhole wanted him to do or how to control it. He actually tried quite a lot in the book to figure it out, rather than just sitting around gazing morosely into the distance. In the end, the book tells us that Yai vowed to love Jom at first sight in every lifetime, which is a vow he made after the wormhole brought Jom to him but somehow affects the times that had already happened from our perspective. It’s a paradox that doesn’t fully make sense, but it is at least an explanation.
The show, by contrast, intentionally added layers to this mystery that it had no intention of resolving. The drawings opening up connections to the present, the ghostly visages haunting the characters, the glimpses of Jom in the future doing things we never saw in the original timeline, Mustache Yai kissing Jom in the water—all show inventions, and all setting up an expectation that some sense would be made of these clues. Which of course, never happened. Instead, these things were used to contribute to the spooky scary vibe and make everything feel sadder, and the show offered no explanation at all for why any of this happened.
Winner: It’s a draw since neither really did it well, but I’m staying salty with Tee for fucking with me.
Family Drama 
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Here is where we get into some of the stuff Tee added to the story that actually worked pretty well. One very smart adaptation choice: he made Yai and Eung Phueng siblings so that Yai would have a reason to be more involved in their household and able to interact much more with Jom in the early parts of the story; in the novel there is no connection between the households and Yai and Jom barely interact for the first several months after Jom arrives in the past. He also added a lot of family drama in the back half of the show: the struggles with Yai’s father, the shady uncle, the plot to force Yai to marry, and the big confrontation over Robert’s misdeeds are all show inventions, likely added both to pad out the story and make the relationship harder and sadder, and because he was looking for an alternate source of conflict since he was not doing Part 2 of the book (which takes place once Jom is yanked away again and shot back to the Commander Yai time period). 
Another major change from the novel to the show: in the novel, Yai’s plans to go study abroad were already set before Jom even got there, not something he won as a consolation in a negotiation over marriage. Which has some implications I’ll get into in the next section.
Winner: The drama, where the family dynamics were much more thoroughly explored. 
The Romance 
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As I mentioned above, Tee made a smart choice in bringing Yai more firmly into Jom’s orbit early in the story, but unfortunately, he didn’t do much with that advantage and actually failed to use some of what the novel gave him to work with. In the novel, Jom is much more aware of the attraction between him and Yai, very attuned to Yai’s flirting and their age gap, very aware of his own growing attachment to Yai, and thinking through the implications of all of it as it grows, which is a more natural and believable build up to their romance than in the show, where Jom seems distracted and unaware of Yai’s affections until they suddenly start jumping each other. That lack of romantic development in the show (which we discussed even as it was airing) was not because the material was not there for Tee to use in the book; he simply had other priorities and neglected to build it properly in show time.
That said, I have to give major credit to Tee for how he handled the romance once our leads were together and intimately involved. First, he really brought some of the scenes that were in the book to life in a way that still has me shook, like Yai’s drunken poetry recitation (credit must also be given to Bright for his eye work in that and many other scenes, what a stunner). And on top of that, the drama has some of the best physical intimacy scenes I have ever seen in any drama, full stop, and that is nearly all Tee and his creative team. He used elements from a few scenes in the book, but he remixed and amplified them to be a lot more powerful, and certainly much more artful and sensual than the sex scenes in the book. That olive oil masturbation scene? The show gets full credit, and the way the direction, editing, and performances so vividly painted their attraction to each other still gives me shivers when I think about it.
But anyway, back to bitching about Tee: one of the scenes that really stuck out for me like a sore thumb in the romance arc in the show was when Yai learns he will be going abroad and he and Jom discuss it in a curiously flat and emotionless way, with Yai acting like it’s no big deal for them to be separated for three years. I mentioned above that this was a change from the book: in the novel Yai was already set to go abroad before he ever met Jom, it was not a new surprise that came about after they were together. They discuss Yai’s impending departure twice in the book; once when Jom is still only Yai’s majordomo, and then once again when they are lovers. As you can imagine, the emotional tenor of these two scenes are quite different. And Tee used the wrong one for the show! I almost threw the book at the wall when I realized I was reading the verbatim dialogue from that scene in the show in the context of Yai and Jom hardly knowing each other yet, and then again when I got to the second conversation that was actually appropriate for two lovers who do not want to be parted. That has to be one of the most senseless adaptation mistakes I have ever seen. Tee Bundit, what is wrong with you!!
Lastly for this section, I will just note that the very long, drawn out goodbyes between Yai and Jom are also a show invention. In the book, Jom gets yanked to the next time period with no warning shortly after they get together and begins his next adventure with another Yai. Since Tee was ending the show here in this time period, he went in a different direction, having Jom and Yai much more aware of Jom fading and anticipating a separation so that he could (say it with me) make everything sadder. His choice to wallow for two entire episodes in sorrow and melancholy and to put much heavier focus on Yai’s despair was entirely his own, and so very on brand.  
Winner: It’s a draw. The book definitely writes the romantic arc more holistically and doesn’t have any of the missteps the drama does, but the show is so artful and the parts it gets right are so good I will remember them for the rest of my life. And I can’t pretend I’m not an angst monster at heart, so Tee’s sad af vision totally worked on me.
Sides and Queer Community
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Here is where Tee’s adaptation really shines, and I know others have discussed these changes before so I won’t go too deep on the details. But I absolutely have to give Tee props for taking tiny threads for these side characters in the books and building them into whole people that we actually care about. Especially in the case of Ming and Fong Kaew, Tee really made something of their extremely thin book stories to turn them into fan favorite characters with real growth arcs. I do think the book was better in the way it handled the fated connection between Fong Kaew and Khamsaen, but everything else about Fong Kaew’s story was deepened by the show. And Tee gets credit for adding so many meaningful stories for women characters in the first place, let alone developing a lesbian romance for Eung Pueng and Maey. He picked up on a tiny bit of subtext for underdeveloped characters in the book and ran with it, and it really enhanced the story. 
He also used side characters as a means to make this story feel all around more queer, not only by including additional queer romances but by building out a real sense of community and solidarity among the queer characters. Not only the addition of nods to real queer history, but the speakeasy, James’s explicit queerness, and Nuey the Green Queen are all Tee additions to the canon that really enhanced the story.
Winner: The drama and it’s not close. Well done, Tee!
That Ending
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One of my biggest interests in reading the novel was seeing how the ending with modern Yai is explained in the original source material, because I found the drama version of that scene so lacking. Well, it turns out, the novel did pretty much the same thing! The ending sequence of the book is even shorter than the scene in the show and similarly offers zero explanation for this new version of Yai or how he knows Jom before they jump each other and the story concludes. The main narrative ends there and the book then tacks on an epilogue explaining who this new Yai is, and it reads like an afterthought. Honestly, it felt to me like the writer ran out of steam and just didn’t bother to finish the story, and Tee did exactly the same thing. Which is kind of infuriating, because being able to fix stuff like that is one of the best things about a good adaptation. 
Winner: Absolutely no one, my kingdom for a proper ending to this story.
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So, my conclusions? 1) Tee Bundit is the saddest creator in Thai bl, hands down; 2) It’s a draw between which version of this story is better. The novel and drama both have different strengths and significant flaws, but both versions are compelling and had me on the edge of my seat. I highly recommend the book to anyone who is missing the show and wants another chance to revisit these characters, plus the added bonus of seeing Jom wrangle Commander Yai, something we are unlikely to ever see on our screens (though hope springs eternal besties!). If you do decide to give it a read, come talk to me about it! 
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archduchessofnowhere · 4 months
The Accidental Empress Reading Blog III: Very Belated Final Thoughts
After I brought up Pataki again last night I realized that I never finished to give you my opinion of her Sisi novel, so let’s say goodbye to the year with a final review! I originally had planned to make a detailed commentary of parts two and three as I did with the first part (you can read it here and here), but ultimately I decided to just write my final thoughts without going too much into detail since firstly, I don’t remember every detail of the plot anymore, and secondly, my main problems with this book can actually be boiled down to only two points.
My first major issue was something that I already noted on my previous posts about the novel: the pacing. The book is divided in three parts, each which makes up of about a third of the total length. Part one is set during August of 1853, and covers about four? five? days. I personally don’t think the engagement deserves that many pages, specially when you’re planning to cover Elisabeth’s life up until the Hungarian coronation of 1867: the part dragged on for what seemed like an eternity, and soon I was very bored. We already know Sisi is going to marry Franz, why did we need over a hundred and twenty pages to tell that? Let’s get over it quickly and jump to her being empress please!
… Is what I thought while reading part one, but that ended up being a monkey-paw wish, because from part two onwards the painfully slow pacing turns into INCREDIBLY FAST. The second part covers from September of 1853 until sometime after Rudolf’s birth (the timeline becomes foggy at this point and it’s not really clear anymore in which year we are), each chapter covering about a year. The change is jarringly noticeable: we go from having a detailed day-by-day story to entire months being described in sentences.
And the pacing gets even WORSE in part three, which covers from August of 1862 until the Hungarian coronation. You may be wondering, didn’t the previous part end in 1858? What happened in-between? Well, guess what. WE DON’T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED. Part two ends with Sisi’s “flight” from court, which in reality happened at the end of 1860, but in the Patakiverse after Rudolf’s birth. Part three starts with her returning to court after being away FOR FOUR UNINTERRUMPTED YEARS. I won’t go on details on how CRAZY this is: to summ it up, the real Elisabeth was away from court for two years, but she did came back to Vienna in-between her trips, and the last months of her “flight” she spent them within the borders of the empire. And she was always in contact with her husband and updated about her children! What annoys me so much of the four years off-page isn’t the inaccuracy however, but that Sisi comebacks with AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PERSONALITY, because the years away hardened her and made her more aware of how she can use her beauty for her own ends. A change I would’ve love to see happening ON PAGE! But no, the only thing we learn of Sisi’s years away from court is this:
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(Lobkowitz wasn’t even Elisabeth’s Oberhofmeister anymore at this point)
And to add insult to injury, this isn’t even the only time it happens! Because after we get two chapters set in 1862… WE HAVE ANOTHER FOUR YEARS TIMESKIP TO 1866 AAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
Sorry. I just didn’t like the pacing. Let’s move on to my second major issue: this is yet another Sisi story that revolves almost entirely around men.
I’ve complained about this before, but in general I don’t like how in fiction Elisabeth is often reduced to the relationships she had with the different men in her life. We know for a fact that she also had close relationships with many women: her mother, her sisters, her ladies-in-waiting, her daughter, other fellow royal women. So it’s deeply frustrating to me when these relationships are ignored in favor of, for exemple, a fictional affair with a man she was just friendly with. Which is exactly what this novel does.
In the first half of the book Sisi’s entire character revolves around Franz Josef: she starts out as a lovestruck teenager and as the story progresses she slowly falls out of love with him as she discovers that he won’t stand up to his mother for her and that he is cheating on her. During this part Sisi doesn’t have almost any positive relationship with a woman: her sister Helene completely disappears after part one. Her mother only returns a little before the end of the second part (in a very inaccurate scene that I still liked only because it redeemed Ludovika’s character). Archduchess Sophie is a stereotypical evil mother-in-law, Countess Esterhazy is the controlling “governess”, and her two ladies, Countesses Caroline Lamberg and Paula Bellegarde are depicted as scheming women who conspire against Sisi and try to seduce her husband (… what). Needless to say all these characters are incredibly shallow, because the only person that is given a somewhat more nuanced characterization is Franz Josef.
This trope of “every woman is out there to get our super special female protagonist” is already annoying on its own, but here is also accompanied by a lesser known trope that is equally annoying to me: “the only women who are good are the servant characters that have almost no character traits other than adoring our protagonist and serving her loyally”. Sisi has a (fictional) maid called Agata that accompanies her to Vienna, and is the only person who treats her well during the first half. But we know NOTHING of this maid other than she is Polish and she loves Sisi. She is a fictional character, you can give her a more important role if you want!
Meanwhile, the real life people that had important roles in Elisabeth’s life are also turned into this kind of character. Marie Festetics, who entered in service of the empress in 1872, was one of her closest ladies-in-waiting, and while we know that she did adore her mistress, she could also be very critical of her. In The Accidental Empress, Festetics is a lady-in-waiting since 1854, and her role is completely minimal. We are told (specially on the last part) that she is Sisi’s oldest and most faithful friend at court, but they interact so little on-page (and their moments together are always so bland) that it’s hard to buy. Worse of all, however, was the treatment of Ida Ferenczy: she only appears a couple of chapters before the book ends as a maid that Andrássy recommended. While Pataki keeps in her story that Ida was hired to help Sisi practice Hungarian, on page her only interactions with Sisi consist in fetching her things and receiving orders from her. In real life Ida was a gentry girl that amazingly managed to enter court despite her lack of noble ancestry (there is even a theory that she was actually infiltrated by Deák and Andrássy to influence the empress in favor of Hungary), and Elisabeth liked her so much that she CREATED a position for Ida (the reader of the empress) so she could stay in her staff. This is one of the cases in which the real Elisabeth asserted her agency and power in court, which the book completely takes away from her and by doing so destroys her special relationship with Ida!!!
So you remember how I said that in the first half of the book Sisi’s entire character revolves around Franz? Well that’s because in the second half her entire character revolves around Andrássy. Yep, this is one of those stories. I won’t go into details, but honestly it wasn’t even the made up affair what bothered me: it was the implication that Sisi only got involved with the Compromise because she got personally involved with Andrássy. Elisabeth isn’t allowed to have any sort of political ideas on he own, she must be guided, she must be told what to think by the men in her life. This role must always be fulfilled by a man, and that’s why we can’t have Ida Ferenczy or Marie Festetics discussing politics with Sisi, that’s why they are just background servants that only fetch her things and help her cover up an affair while Andrássy gets to be the dashing hero that saves Sisi for her trapping and passionless marriage.
And I’m just tired of this kind of narrative.
If you read until here, thank you! I’m incapable of writing short reviews. All this being say I do plan eventually read the sequel, solely out of an annoying completionist drive and because I’m curious if Pataki cared for and listened to any of the critics she received from people who like the real Elisabeth. Please let me know of you’d like another in-depth sort of commentary or prefer a general review!
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elleashling · 6 months
so i watched the fnaf movie and i have some thoughts. mostly not good but certainly some thoughts!
unpopular opinion but the fnaf movie was frustrating to me because i didn’t feel like it followed the lore at All. like i appreciated all the references (kicked my feet and scream whispered in the theater to my mom when i saw the racing game print on the shirt of the guy who dies in the kitchen) but like the overarching plot made no sense to me. here are some rambling points. long post incoming
Plot Fails IMO
why did afton kidnap garrett (who is nonexistent in the games afaik) from a Campground? this is completely unrelated to the typical afton kidnappings and seems like a major stretch
why is vanessa his (afton’s) daughter? this feels like they tried to smash steel wool lore and scott cawthon lore together and failed worse than steel wool failed at making security breach have a point
why do we care about the mike schmidt namedrop if it isn’t an alias for afton’s son like in the games? why does afton recognize the last name and specifically get mike to work the job, then say he didn’t want mike to even get involved. my brother in christ YOU INVOLVED HIM
yet another piece of media where afton randomly dies. except Different. i don’t understand what is going on here this isn’t how it happened it’s a literal rewriting of the canon lore
the drawings thing was also very odd. the whole point of the animatronics coming to kill you originally in 1 and 2 was BECAUSE they knew an adult had killed them and they thought mike was william. there was no special drawing mind control. felt once again like a steel wool lore transplant, extending control over vanny (vanessa) to the animatronics
Springtrap For Fanservice™️. god im so tired of this stop jamming him in places he wasn’t in to start with
when would this take place even? i estimated somewhere between 1 and 3, clearly fazbear’s shut down but it’s obviously not to the point of fnaf 3 yet? why do they need a guard then? idk
abby schmidt? who
Other Odd Stuff
there was a weird split between horrifying fates and drawn out gore and people being cut in half in impossible ways and….. cutting the tension in half by building a table fort and tickling a child to death. really? every single climatic buildup in this movie felt like it was followed by comedy
my mother pointed out watching this movie that it continues a trope “autistic child provides key help through special connection with main plot problem, and then is immediately cured”. i have to say i kind of agree because why else call her mentally ill at the beginning? go out of the way to show her being by herself drawing (which is FINE! it’s OKAY!!) and then socializing with other kids after the ghost deal is over?
mike schmidt dream plotline. why
what was the point of aunt jane???
vanessa throwing the pills away was probably illegal in multiple ways lmao
sigh… as a long term fnaf fan i really wanted to like this movie but it came off as a whole lot of fanservice and diluting the story for mainstream while blending the new owner’s lore in poorly. i liked fnaf when it ended at fnaf 6!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaahhhaggagah!!!!!!
if you want to contradict anything i said here (or if ur another big fan and you know smth i said is wrong lol) absolutely feel free i love lore and talking about it and if you love lore like me come chat and talk abt this w me!!!
tldr don’t get me wrong i enjoyed it for the references and the little details, matpat and cory and the living tombstone made me giggle, but i really thought they messed up the plot a Lot..
might add more in reblogs as i think of it
yeah anyways ill probably make another post rambling about all the references and stuff lol
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writingwithcolor · 2 years
Black girl test subject and Black parent stereotypes
Anonymous asked:
Whelp, I’m gonna get my Black card confiscated but, I need help with making my main Black girl’s family situation significantly less problematic. 
Black OP test subject, her father part of that
For some context, she has Retrograde amnesia which was induced by (spoiler) so she wouldn’t remember the event that awoken her powers and lived as a test subject during her days in an underground organization her father was a part of. She ends up joining a rival organization during a “rescue” mission and Her dad was an indirect antagonist for a short arc before becoming a morally nuanced person later on. 
War God Black Mother
Her mother on the other hand was reworked recently as her original take on her character felt way yikes for me and I made her more of an intelligent goddess of combat and wisdom than a battle-obsessed war god. I’m fresh out of ideas on what to do with her character apart from her wanting her daughter to follow along her footsteps but the she feels like she couldn’t hope to match up to her.
Neither had much time to look after her so she looks up to others who filled in similar parental roles like her partner and her best friend. 
Identity and internal issues
Now granted I’m debating if this sort of co-dependency is healthy since her internalized issues could become problematic later on. I didn’t want my story to come off as massive trauma fest (like stories such as worm) since she does seem like a generally happy and mostly well-adjusted individual if a bit sensitive sometimes. There’s some other Black woman characters with parents who are still with them and I wanna find ways to show this is the exception to the rule rather than yet another expected cliche.
First of all, and I know you were just joking, but never feel like you’re not “Black enough” just because you have things you’re questioning in your story. It’s always good to get another perspective and this blog is for all!  Now, to your story:
There are ways that I feel that you can improve this:
Handling suffering and hardships
I feel as if you have more “Authority” as a Black author if you wanted to cover such a topic area for a fellow Black character. However, you seem to purposely want to be careful about not overwhelming the character with hard times. 
For that reason, be mindful of how explicit you get with details of pain or torture, especially compared to other non-Black characters. Some things can be implied heavily or left to the imagination, with the focus instead pointed towards the impact, emotions and aftermath overall.
Alleviate moments of hardships with joy and relief. Add sweet amongst the bitter, whether that is in terms of:
Healing and making peace with the past and present
Having the support of therapy, family, friends, a romantic partner and/or a faithful animal companion
A happier ending and new beginnings
Add nuance
There’s some things that I don’t necessarily feel you even need to try to redeem (for example, a father who would allow his daughter to be a test subject). You could explain his possibly twisted reasoning, if you want, but it would not excuse it. However, characterization-wise, you can do your best to present multi-layered characters that are not just war-gods and Strong. 
See our other posts on stereotypes and the specific tropes you may have concerns about.
Show a diverse range of Black characters
For every possibly negative or typecast you have Black characters in, from Strong Black Women, a betraying Black father, and neglectful parents, show us Black characters that do not meet these traits or deal with being experiments, face explicit tragedies and heavy burdens.
~Mod Colette
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strawberrybyers · 2 years
idk thinking about what the cast has said and all the details throughout stranger things, volume 2 doesn’t add up! idk something’s off. vecna gets to your head. he alters reality. maybe they’re portraying the events in a weird way because it’s not reality? like the 2 day time jump was really awkward. the cut to nancy, steve, and robin going through donation boxes was not the next scene i was expecting. it felt like something in the middle was missing. also, i don’t know if it’s because it had been 3+ hours of intensity and action, then it moved to a more solemn tone quite awkwardly and quickly, but when hopper and el reunited, i didn’t feel as emotionally moved by it the way i thought i would. the energy felt a little off to the point i was anticipating something bad to happen. i kept thinking “oh shit vecna is messing with el this isn’t actually hopper”, but no the scene kept going. we then see mike hug hopper. i’m sure mike does care and love hopper, so him hugging hopper isn’t my issue, it’s the fact he hugs hopper and we understand he’s hugging him because he’s been gone, but we know with will they’ve been separated too but he couldn’t hug will and yet don’t know why? this is the beginning of my villain origin story i stg.
and why did they make el and mike have this big “i love you” issue and have it be mike’s only conflict then the season ends and he says “they’ve barely talked to each other”? they never talk about anything ever lmao. that’s what i don’t get about their relationship. the season starts off with mike not being able to say he loves her, but then is able to when will tells him he’s the heart? why did he have to hear that from will? el was literally in tears, begging him to say “i love you” and he still couldn’t say it, but i’m supposed to believe they’re an endgame couple? 😂 i understand they’re 14/15 years old, but lumax is written really well! even suzie and dustin who have only had 4 minutes of screen time together make more sense. el and mike just barely have any development in regards to their relationship. mike doesn’t have any character development at all. they literally assassinated his character for no reason lol. also, el’s arc has been about her finding autonomy and i thought the way they’ve written her discovery to independence, finding family and loving herself was really good. i just feel like her storyline doesn’t fit in with mike. i’m sorry but there’s not much there in my opinion. we’re going into season 5 and they still feel like two people who barely know each other.
and since when can el bring people back to life? why did karen have her own poster if she had like 5 minutes or less of screen time? a poster is an advertisement for the show. the poster is giving a hint as to what will happen in the plot, but karen isn’t even involved in the main plot. she’s completely oblivious to everything lol. then noah said they’re building up byler, but in what way were they building it up? if anything they just brought it down. will and mike barely even feel like friends anymore. why are we going into season 5 still dealing with the nancy/jonathan/steve love triangle? then the parallels between will and henry/vecna/001 couldn’t have been coincidental, right? they both talk about not being able to fit in. they both have experience with the upside down. they even have will dressed like the child version of henry. will is one of the main characters who has an intense tie to the upside down and yet it hasn’t been fully explored for 2 seasons. why did vecna keep him alive? vecna never even mentions will. i’m just wondering in a very delusional way if there’s something else at play? could it be that volume 2 feels so chaotic and messy because it’s supposed to be? i have no idea anymore does anyone have any thoughts
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As I’ve been (re)reading Once Upon a Broken Heart and The Ballad of Never After, I’ve been taking mental note of things that I’m curious to see either come back, or get specific explanations in the final book. I’m not deeply invested in all of these having an explanation, but I think it would be fun just to see what comes back around to the plot. (Also if Stephanie Garber has addressed any of these on social media, I’d like to hear!)
Spoilers under the cut:
I’ll start with the obvious one, an explanation about the apples Jacks is always eating. I’m actually not that invested in an explanation about “what” they do, I think we more or less know at this point that they help him curb his “urges” to kiss/kill. (and it’s notable that in the Hollow, he doesn’t need them). I am curious about where he gets them from though lol.
Prior to Evangeline’s marriage to Apollo, there were a couple of hints that Apollo hadn’t been planning on getting married (particularly from Tiberius), I wonder if we’ll get more details about Apollo before he met Evangeline in general.
On that note, why was Apollo being flayed, and by whom?
What makes the original Archer’s curse different from the one put on Apollo? Is Jacks ability to kill with a kiss just an extension of the Archer’s curse?
And on that note, how did Jacks and Lala become Fates, and why?
Evangeline’s daydream about a wedding using a pen in the curiosity shop “for finding dreams that don’t exist yet” didn’t stand out to me until my most recent read, but it has a Jacks and Evangeline wedding all over it. (We’ll see)
Who was Jacks dressed up at during Lala’s engagement party? (My pet theory was that he was dressed as The Assassin, because you know. Time Travel lol. But I don’t know that it’s a particularly viable theory)
The phoenix tree
Everything about the story curse, in general. Who cast it, why, how can it be broken, etc, etc, etc.
Also, please give me Jacks using a bow and arrow in the last book, it’s all I ask.
This is maybe more a reading that I’m just curious about being confirmed. Considering Jacks uncanny ability to show up when Evangeline is in trouble, I’m assuming their deal/her remaining bite mark allows him to know when she’s in danger. I think what’s notable about the end of The Ballad of Never After is that we see hints that Chaos/Castor attacked Jacks once the helm was taken off. I’m guessing Jacks was completely incapacitated when Apollo found Evangeline and erased her memories, otherwise, he would have interfered. 
I’ll probably add more as I think of them!
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laxmiree · 1 year
[CN] 5th Anniversary - Lucien (Star Plaza)
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a story that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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“In fact, whether it's camping or soaking in the hot springs later on, it's fine!”
“Because we are together 24 hours a day, always inseparable (ノ゚∀ ゚)⁠ノ”
“The scene we are experiencing right now, what do you think it looks like?”
“...Like us.”
“Like us who are sometimes catching up to each other, like us who are sometimes approaching each other, and like us who are sometimes becoming so far away.”
✧ 5th Anniversary Event | Prologue | Creative Workshop | King Fuk Street | Wonderland | Star Plaza (You’re here!) | Final Day- Heart Rain Lake | Roast! | Truth and Dare Pinball Machine | Random Event tidbits
(T/N: since every day basically follows the same routine of MC waking up in their hotel room to find Lucien not doing anything about his ‘report’ (lol), being suspicious about it, and then Lucien diverting her suspicion, for now I’ll only translate the main part of the story and add other parts (hotel room) later~)
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MC: Lucien, I just heard that the hotel's hot spring is finally open to the public!
MC: When we come back at night, let's take a dip together to relieve fatigue, shall we?
Lucien: Okay. I looked at the weather this morning, and it said no clouds today.
Lucien: It is highly recommended for couples to see the stars outdoors, so...
Lucien: Originally, I was going to take you camping.
Lucien: But it looks like the stars will have to step in line tonight.
MC: In fact, whether it's camping or soaking in the hot springs later on, it's fine!
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MC: Because we are together 24 hours a day, always inseparable (ノ゚∀ ゚)⁠ノ
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MC: It is indeed the largest shopping street in the park. It is really bustling!
MC: Luckily, I wear flat shoes so I can walk all day without any worries.
Lucien: Don't worry, there are many taxis here.
Lucien: If we get tired of walking, we can also take a taxi straight to the hotel.
MC: That's good to hear! Oh, I see.
MC: Next, I will use my strength without reservation to-
MC: Shopping and browsing like crazy!
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Lucien: Then my clever lady, let's go now.
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Although it was Lucien's suggestion to come here, we seemed to be just strolling around aimlessly.
This makes my previous doubts and suspicions even more puzzling…
So, I can't help but peek at him along the way, trying to find any "clues".
But this person who seems to have predicted my prediction is almost to the end of the street, and still did not act in a particular way          
…Is it true that I am overthinking?
But my instinct tells me otherwise.
I saw a long line in front of a store and thought about my previous experiences with long lines, so I took a peek at him again.
But Lucien didn't pay much attention and was about to pass the end of the queue.
At that moment, an idea came to my mind, and I stopped to point at the long line.
MC: Lucien, let's go over there, shall we? There seems to be some kind of event there.
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Lucien: Okay.
When we finally got in line, we got a clear idea of the event's rules from the promotional video playing on the wall.
This place is a mirror maze house. Participants need to start from different places and to find each other without stopping.
There are three chances to talk to each other on the way, and each time is limited to 15 seconds.
Clerk: If you two have understood the rules, get the walkie-talkie and get ready to go!
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Then, Lucien and I were taken to different entrances.
After lifting the curtain by myself, I saw countless mirrors, and there were also countless me in the mirrors.
Under the bright light, I took a few steps. I started to get "dizzy" and soon lost my way.
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MC: …It doesn't seem that simple.
I muttered in a low voice, and suddenly there was a noise on the intercom, followed by the sound of a familiar voice.
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Lucien: MC, can you hear me?
Lucien: Have you decided which food restaurant you want to visit at night?
Hearing him just casually chatting, I couldn't help but smile, and my initial nervousness slowly relaxed.
MC: I want to eat hot pot, but Professor Lucien… Don't you consider this a waste of precious contact time?
Lucien: For me, the walkie-talkie is just a way to talk to you.
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Lucien: So I didn't want to waste it on information exchange because we will surely encounter each other.
MC: Hahaha, that's true-
Without waiting for me to finish, there was a zap from the intercom, and the signal was automatically cut off.
MC: The staff is too accurate in timing. They don't even give one more extra second......
As I kept walking, I couldn't help but mutter in a low voice, while mentally figuring out what dishes I wanted to order for the hot pot tonight.
I don't know how long I walked, but I saw Lucien's figure finally appear in the mirror before me, and my heart rejoiced.
MC: Lucien!
I walked quickly toward him, but he turned around and disappeared when I was about to meet him.
So it was just a reflection in the mirror…
But now that he's in sight, it means we're very close.
With this in mind, I looked around and soon saw him again on the back left.
This time I ran directly toward Lucien, but once again, I ran into a dismayed version of myself in the mirror.
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MC: The mirror is too deceptive…
I secretly complained and continued to search for Lucien's figure without giving up–
Time passes, and I "pass by" Lucien again and again.
At times we were looking at each other in close proximity, and at other times I felt as if he wasn't looking at me.
The sudden distances and nearness gradually connected my inner confusion with my previous guesses.
Finally, I couldn't resist pressing the walkie-talkie.
MC: Lucien, I have a question. Have you been preparing something?
Across the walkie-talkie, there was a moment of silence and the sound of shallow breathing.
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Lucien: I have nothing prepared today.
I was stunned, and he seemed to be admitting many things implicitly.
The next thing that broke the moment's silence was the noise of the signal interruption. But soon, a third call came over the walkie-talkie.
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Lucien: MC, the scene we are experiencing right now, what do you think it looks like?
I did not stop, looking at the distant Lucien from me suddenly getting closer and farther away. I pursed my lips.
At this moment, many answers emerged in my mind and then condensed into the one and only answer.
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MC: ...Like us.
MC: Like us who are sometimes catching up to each other, like us who are sometimes approaching each other, and like us who are sometimes becoming so far away.
I seemed to understand something, so I kept running with firm steps. Because I knew that even though there were obstacles, we were always on the road to each other.
Soon, an all-too-familiar voice came from nearby.
Lucien: MC.
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Lucien: I always ask myself why I will come to your side.
Lucien: But I found that from start to finish, there was only one answer to this.
I subconsciously followed the sound, and after taking a step toward the glass on my side, Lucien miraculously appeared in front of me.
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This time, it is no longer the false illusion but the reality of each other.
[T/N: Final Day/Segment is after this!]
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choices-and-voices · 1 year
Hii can you please explain the real ending of Arthur in the legend? I've heard from it but never really knew the full story :)
~~~ Updated 01/05/2023 after some further reading on my part, because apparently I’m obsessed with Arthurian legend now 😅 ~~~
Hi Anon! No problem, here’s a summary. Disclaimer that I originally made this post using just the Encyclopaedia Britannica, but I now can’t find the articles I originally referenced & I kept coming across contradictions to them in other articles, so I’ve decided to cross-check everything against CliffNotes & sections of original text. If anyone reads this and finds things that still need correcting, please lmk ☺️.
The legend of King Arthur is set in 5th-6th century Britain, although the details of the time & the geography are more fiction than fact. As with all folklore, it developed over hundreds of years through a mostly oral storytelling tradition, so there’s no one version of it. However, most of our modern adaptations are based on a book called Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur), written in the 1400s by an English knight named Sir Thomas Malory. Malory basically compiled as many pre-existing stories about Arthur as he could, and also tweaked them to suit his time period. He was the first person to add a lot of the themes of chivalry and brotherhood that are now considered central to the legend. (As a side-note, Malory also went to great lengths to link the legend to his homeland, which can make his descriptions of geography even more confusing. He frequently mentions England and reports that Arthur became King of England by pulling the sword from the stone, when actually, ‘England’ didn’t exist yet in Arthur’s time. Instead, the island of England/Scotland/Wales was divided into many independent kingdoms, like Camelot and Carmelide, and the only way to collectively refer to them was as ‘Britain’. In this post, I’m going to be mirroring Malory’s language, but it’s worth noting that when he says England, it’s more accurate to say Britain, and when he says that Arthur was the King of England, it’s more accurate to say that Arthur was a King of Camelot who began to unify Britain through his influence & may have been destined to eventually rule it all. In fact, Camelot is usually identified as being in modern-day Wales rather than modern-day England. I know that all of this is tangential, but it confused me a lot during my reading & I wanted to help clarify it for other people, so 😊).
Le Morte d’Arthur sets up Arthur & Guinevere’s relationship very differently to Choices. For a start, they get betrothed earlier in the story, before the Knights of the Round Table are established – in fact, the physical Round Table & the first hundred of its knights are an engagement gift from Guinevere’s father. Secondly, they do know each other a little before they get betrothed – they meet a few months prior, while Arthur is helping defend Carmelide from attack – and although Arthur getting married is a political decision driven by his advisors, his choice of Guinevere as his wife is inarguably a personal decision driven by love. According to Malory, Arthur loved Guinevere from first sight & refused to let Merlin suggest any other brides when the time came, instead sending him to Guinevere’s father to ask him for her hand. We never really learn if Guinevere returns Arthur’s feelings, but honestly, the point is kinda moot – and that’s because, in perhaps the most important difference from Choices, Malory’s Arthur walks into the relationship knowing that Guinevere will betray him. When Merlin suggests choosing another bride, he explicitly warns Arthur that Guinevere will fall in love & cheat with a future Knight of the Round Table named Lancelot, and Arthur puts that aside, marries her anyway, and befriends Lancelot anyway.
I could go on such a long rant here about how complicated Merlin’s characterisation is in Le Morte d’Arthur – even more so than in Choices – and about what the symbolism might be of him making that prophecy & of Arthur ignoring it. But there’s tons more background reading that I’d have to do about that, and it’s also not the point of this post. Suffice to say, I think we’re given enough clues that Arthur ignores the prophecy not because he doesn’t believe it, but because he loves Guinevere and later Lancelot so much that he’d ignore anything just to have them by his side. When the two of them do start their affair, it’s stated that Arthur suspects what’s happening but ‘[won’t] hear of it’ from other people, particularly because of how much he loves & trusts Lancelot. It is left up to the reader whether that means that a) Arthur is deliberately overlooking the affair to protect his wife & friend or b) Arthur is burying his head in the sand about the affair happening – most critical sources go with Option A, but I personally think that both are presented as equally plausible. A similar trend continues throughout the book, with Arthur making several ambiguous decisions that Malory never directly explains, instead leaving us to judge him for ourselves. It’s quite a cool literary technique for a character who lives under public scrutiny, and who has had his story told in so many different ways over the years.
Before I move on, it’s also worth noting that Malory’s Arthur is… not quite as saintly as in Choices, so it’s not inconceivable that he’d struggle to handle the affair gracefully. Don’t get me wrong, he’s still incomparably noble & brave, but he’s also a young man under a lot of pressure who’s prone to dichotomous thinking, bursts of impulsivity, and difficulty telling people ‘no’. He himself has a few affairs between meeting Guinevere and marrying her, including one with a woman whom he doesn’t know is his half-sister with whom he conceives a son, Mordred. Like in Choices, Merlin then prophesies that Mordred will be Arthur’s downfall – more specifically, he prophesies that a boy with Mordred’s birthday will be Arthur’s downfall – but unlike in Choices, Arthur actually endorses Merlin’s horrific plan to prevent that. All baby boys with Mordred’s birthday are exiled to sea in a ship, until Fate, in one of its inevitable twists, sinks the ship and has Mordred wash up on shore. He eventually ends up in Camelot as a Knight of the Round Table, where he plays a big role in everything falling apart.
(And before we move on to that, just one more aside: the half-sister with whom Arthur conceives Mordred is not Morgana, although modern adaptations of the story often conflate the two characters. Her name is Morgause, and she also has four other sons – Arthur’s half-nephews – who are Gawain, Gareth, Agravaine, and Gaheris. I mention them not just because of the nod to Choices, but because they’re also very important in what happens next).
The trouble starts when Lancelot & Guinevere get extremely obvious about their affair, to the point where it becomes common knowledge among the Knights of the Round Table. Most of them ignore it, but there are two – Mordred & Agravaine – who insist on formally bringing it to Arthur’s attention, thus obligating him to deal with it. Arthur initially refuses to do anything unless somebody catches Lancelot & Guinevere ‘in the act’, but Mordred & Agravaine then suggest a plan to achieve that – they ask Arthur to spend a night away from the palace in the hope that Guinevere will invite Lancelot to her chambers, where Mordred & Agravaine will lie in wait for him. And this is the point at which Arthur makes his second ambiguous decision. The facts: Arthur agrees to the plan, and even tells Mordred & Agravaine to take more knights on their stakeout as backup, because Lancelot is more than capable of killing them in a rage. The question: Why would Arthur say that? Is he genuinely still unsure about whether an affair is happening, and eager for his wife & friend to be investigated and captured at any cost? Or is he trying to dissuade Mordred & Agravaine with threats about Lancelot’s wrath, while also making sure that there are witnesses to whatever happens so that nothing gets too out of hand? There are a couple of subtleties in Malory’s writing that might imply Option B – for a start, the conversation about the plan goes back & forth for a while, with Arthur giving three separate warnings about Lancelot before Mordred & Agravaine literally tell him to shut up and let them deal with it. So it’s not hard to read some reluctance in Arthur’s voice, and to consider that maybe he’s grasping at straws trying to stop this disaster he’s been backed into. Secondly, Mordred & Agravaine are explicitly said to be very unsubtle about their plan, to the point where Lancelot’s supporters at the Round Table suspect it and try to warn him. So it’s possible that Arthur is counting on Lancelot & Guinevere recognising and avoiding the trap, meaning that the stakeout will come to nothing and the ‘rumours’ of an affair may actually be put to rest. That said, it’s not like Arthur tries to warn Lancelot or Guinevere himself – sure, he can’t be seen to do that in public, but you’d think that he’d be able to catch Guinevere in private at least. Instead, he goes out hunting, Guinevere summons Lancelot to her chambers, and Lancelot goes, ignoring his supporters’ advice. The two of them are together when Mordred & Agravaine’s 14-knight party starts banging on the door, and everything immediately goes to hell. Lancelot & Guinevere know that they’ll be put to death for treason and agree that Lancelot should escape while he can, so he can return and save Guinevere later. Lancelot does make a show of wanting to resolve things peacefully – he says he’ll voluntarily stand trial in the morning if the knights let him walk away – but by now, everyone is raring for blood. Lancelot ends up killing all the knights except Mordred, who runs off wounded, then escapes Camelot with his supporters in tow. He does offer to take Guinevere with him now that her captors are dead, but interestingly, she turns him down – she actually says that he’s done a lot of harm by killing Arthur’s knights, and she doesn’t want him stealing her as well unless Arthur goes through with her death sentence. This is probably the first sign of doubt that we see from Guinevere, and it’s a cool, subtle hint of what’s to come.
Of course, Arthur does go through with Guinevere’s death sentence, and for once Malory actually explains his reasoning. Arthur has founded his entire reign on principles of honour and equality – on the idea that no one, not even a royal, is above morality or the law. Guinevere has committed treason – has even contributed to the deaths of 13 knights – and the punishment for treason is death, so Guinevere must die. What Malory does leave somewhat ambiguous is Arthur’s actual wishes for Guinevere & Lancelot. The facts: when Arthur first hears what’s happened from Mordred, he mainly expresses grief, both because Lancelot has torn the Round Table apart & because he now has no choice except to put Guinevere to death. He doesn’t express any anger until later, when Gawain tries to convince him to spare Guinevere in case her interactions with Lancelot have been misconstrued. At that point, Arthur says that Lancelot will have a ‘shameful death’ if he ever gets captured, and orders his knights to stand guard at Guinevere’s execution in case Lancelot attempts a rescue – even Gawain, who begs to be excused, and Gareth & Gaheris, who agree to be present but refuse to carry weapons. Now, it is possible that Arthur is doing all of this because he genuinely wants Guinevere & Lancelot dead. But there’s also another popular interpretation that actually, it’s all just for show – Arthur knows that Lancelot is going to rescue Guinevere, and by setting up a public execution with sympathetic guards, he’s maximising their chances of a successful escape while also ensuring he can’t be accused of letting them go. Essentially, he’s giving them a clean break away from Camelot, while also still trying to maintain the laws of the kingdom & his integrity as a king.
Of course, even if that is Arthur’s intention, this story is a tragedy & things can’t go according to plan. This time, the complicating factor is that Lancelot goes on a violent rampage while rescuing Guinevere, killing another 24 knights including the unarmed Gareth & Gaheris. When Arthur hears about this, he’s openly devastated, and I think it’s impossible to argue that he doesn’t have at least some anger for Lancelot from that point on. He does make an attempt to prevent further violence, asking his knights to shield Gawain from his brothers’ deaths so that he doesn’t swear a vow of vengeance, but when Gawain goes ahead with the vow Arthur is quick to offer support. He musters an army from across England and lays siege to Joyous Gard, where Lancelot has hunkered down with Guinevere, his original supporters, and an accumulated army of his own. What follows is an all-out civil war, and Arthur’s emotions are quickly torn from anger & righteousness to heartbreak & regret. There’s one particular scene burnt into my brain where he and Lancelot are duelling one-on-one, Lancelot refuses to kill him despite the fact that it would end the war, and Arthur just breaks down in tears, because he doesn’t want to be fighting anymore. Eventually, the Pope gets involved to bring about peace, and decrees that Lancelot & Guinevere be pardoned, that Guinevere be returned to Arthur, and that Lancelot be exiled to France. This leads to a tragic scene where Lancelot delivers Guinevere to Arthur before leaving England forever, and every single character cries except for one: Gawain. He refuses to retract his vow against Lancelot & insists on pursuing him to France with Arthur and his army, leaving England in the care of Mordred. Mordred, of course, has been out for trouble since the beginning, and this is the point at which he truly goes off the rails. He forges a letter saying that Arthur has died, gets himself officially coronated, tries to claim Guinevere as his wife (she refuses, fleeing to London & barricading herself in its Tower), and drums up discontent about Arthur’s past reign until public opinion is on his side. It helps that he also inherits most of Lancelot’s supporters, although a few of them do follow Lancelot to France.
When news of Mordred’s treason reaches Arthur & Gawain in France, they return to England to fight him. However, Gawain is already badly injured from repeatedly duelling Lancelot, who always refused to land the killing blow. On his deathbed, Gawain writes to Lancelot, granting him forgiveness and begging him to come to Arthur’s aid. And Lancelot does come, as fast as he can, but – he’s destined to arrive too late. On his final night alive, Arthur dreams of Gawain, who tells him that Lancelot will arrive in a month & that Arthur will die if he goes into battle before then. The next morning, Arthur meets Mordred on the battlefield to negotiate a month of ceasefire, but then a snake slithers out onto the field and a knight unthinkingly draws his sword to kill it, breaking the peace. Arthur rides into that battle knowing that he won’t come out alive, and watches in despair as all but one of his knights are also slain. Eventually, he sustains his mortal wound while killing Mordred. His only remaining knight, Sir Bedivere, tries to carry him to safety, but instead Arthur asks him to return Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake & to place Arthur in a boat being rowed by her attendants (including Morgana), who take him to their mystical isle of Avalon. In many versions of the legend, Arthur is said to still lie on Avalon under Morgana’s vigil, being healed from his wounds by a magical slumber from which he will eventually wake up immortal – a ‘once and future’ king. In Le Morte d’Arthur, that rumour does circulate, but Malory is ultimately clear about the fact that Arthur dies on Avalon, and is returned to a forest outside Camelot for a quiet burial. His throne is taken over by a distant half-nephew, his Order of the Round Table dies with its knights, and his dream of unity & honour across England dissolves. Guinevere, filled with grief & guilt, retreats from the world to join a convent, where Lancelot eventually finds her after his return. The two of them still love each other, but Guinevere refuses to renew their relationship, and Lancelot ends up joining a monastery himself as a way of honouring her & showing his remorse. When Guinevere gets sick a few years later, she prophesies that Lancelot will come to perform her funeral & to bury her beside Arthur, and sure enough Lancelot sees her death in a dream & rushes to her side. Six weeks later, he also dies of a broken heart, and is buried at Joyous Gard.
Whenever I revisit Le Morte d’Arthur, I’m always surprised by how subtle & complex a text it is, especially considering how long ago it was written. There are no clear heroes or villains; nobody is blameless in bringing about the tragedy, and yet nobody acts in a way we can’t sympathise with; nobody gets a happy ending at the expense of somebody else. But there is a general idea, reinforced over time by simpler adaptations, that Arthur is the member of the love triangle who suffers most. He loses not just his wife & his friend, but also his kingdom, his dream, and his life. Yes, he makes some questionable decisions along the way, but they’re all made for the sake of other people – he’s torn apart trying to simultaneously protect his loved ones, his country, and his ideals, whereas Lancelot & Guinevere precipitated everything by being publicly affectionate without any regard for the consequences. They also both get at least a chance at a future, while Arthur does not, and I think there’s a public sentiment that it’d be nice to see him end up happy for once. I’m personally really glad that Choices gives us that option, and it seems like some other readers feel the same way. Speaking of which, it’s also nice to see other readers interested in the original legend. Thank you so much for the ask 💕
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vacantgodling · 6 months
The Fool, The Magicuan, The Emperor, The Lovers, Justice, and The Sun !!
(Might send another ask later. It was a long list and I'm currently at a lecture lmao)
HENRIKEEEE firstly thank u secondly LMAO felt i usually do most of my tumblring whilst at work 💀
00. THE FOOL: BEGINNINGS (What is the opening line to your current work?) 
hilarious cuz i haven’t written the first chapter of paramour yet. however i am counting cage as a current novel/project (it’s gonna have 20 chapters so 💀 fanfiction be damned that’s a fucking book LMAO) so here’s the first line from that (and shameless plug u can read it here!
Sometime closer to dusk when the number of airplanes he could make out crossing the horizon was fewer and fewer, and the lights of Gibraltar’s closest neighboring city La Linea began to kiss the night with her bright lights, Lena came to find him.
01. THE MAGICIAN: SPARK OF MAGIC (What inspired you to write your novel?) 
going back to paramour tho honestly the biggest jumping off point where it slowly began to take shape was crimson peak. i remember really distinctly wanting to want a story of that vibe, with ghosts and mystery but then it eventually evolved into the form it’s in now by drawing from other inspiration sources. like it’s very much Not like how i initially thought it would be LMAO but i love this version more 💛
i’m just gonna put my influences slide from my powerpoint to fully illustrate but yeah like A Lot went into getting this wip started.
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a lot of it also hinges on the development of both hya as a character (being the first Real Asshole i’ve allowed myself to write as a protagonist) and his relationship with amon—also my desire to write a romance on My Terms just for me that I Liked. ive always felt like i had to write what other people wanted to see or what was good and wholesome but like. i can write whatever i want and this story was the first step in doing that.
04. THE EMPEROR: STRUCTURE (How do you plot your novels?) 
this is a bit of a complicated question only because it’s kind of… all over the place. but in general what i usually do is i make a VERY detailed outline of all the events i want to happen in the book. chapter by chapter the whole nine. like down to adding bits of dialogue, plugging in any exploratory pieces i wrote before hand for context or to add structure
(and what i mean by exploratory is like basically i don’t tend to plot immediately, i write small blurbs to understand the vibes and feels. a old piece on this blog somewhere (perhaps) is when i wrote about hya asking amon to come to the masquerade reception with him in an extremely roundabout way, but that was written WAAAAY back when i was first trying to understand their dynamic; hell amon didn’t even have a name! and now that scene has a proper slot in the outline in chapter 9 lmao).
but i literally do this so i can KNOW what the hell im doing. i’m not a pants-person by any means literally or figuratively, so i need to be able to see the vision.
once i have an outline fully written out i can either write from the beginning down (like i’m doing with cage rn) or i can do what i’m doing with paramour and write based on interest level. writing based on interest level is probably going to be how i write my original novels just because whenever i’ve tried to write straight down (like i have with donut wip) i tend to get mad stuck. and i think it’s because especially in first drafts of my original novels i tend to have certain scenes… fuzzier than others. i need the context of the other scenes around them to build them up. or those are worldbuilding holes etc etc. either way my og novels i tend to get stuck in cuz there’s more thinking involved lmao.
06. THE LOVERS: RELATIONSHIPS (What are your favorite relationships to write about, whether romantic, familial, or platonic?) 
romantic >>>>>>> familial/platonic.
i’m just a romantic at heart generally speaking.
but on a deep level i have a weird personal struggle (it’s the ‘ism) with family and friends so like… i just find them more difficult to write because i don’t really experience them “easily” in my own life? — or at the bare minimum they just spark less joy to me than romance to me. i want to get better at writing other kinds of relationships but i also think writing them just makes me feel lonely lmao.
11. JUSTICE: TRUTH (What is the 'truth' of your novel i.e the prevalent themes or overarching motifs?) 
🤔 i think the most prevalent theme of paramour is truth itself tbh. finding truth yes, and the power of truth in itself sure, but also cultivating the truth within yourself—you’ll only be happy when you live truthfully to your desires yknow?
19. THE SUN: POSITIVITY (What is your greatest writing strength or skill?)
pretty prose in itself. i think i’m really good at creating saccharine, deep descriptions of emotions and those kinds of sentences long winding and emotional really tickle my brain personally so i put the most OOMPH into them.
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
I know you said you liked seeing all the theories about Living each day like you’re already dead, but I wanted to add my own that I've been thinking about since I finished the fic!
My thoughts have added up to think, that D3ku did it all because he was jealous, that news article at the end said Ochako was Bakugous girlfriend, that makes me think D3ku was in love with her and was mad that she was with Bakugou, so he probably thought "if I can't have her nobody can"that kind of mentality!! So he killed Ochako made the press think Bakugou did it cause it was in his house and his girlfriend, then when Bakugou went to D3ku with the truth of him doing it, he killed Bakugou!! I mean that article said they couldn't get a statement from D3ku after he killed Bakugou in " self defense "!!!
Ooh you did such a good job on that fic that it has me thinking about it days later lol!!!
I hope you are having a good day/night or whenever you see this!!!
Ahhh Courtney thank you so so much for reading!! I loved reading your theory in the comments, and honestly that would’ve been such a good reason why but I kinda didn’t want Bakugou’s previous relationship to be happy?? Like when he says “you remind me/look like someone I used to know” it wasn’t supposed to be physically it was supposed to be like the energy? So full of life/happiness and yet this home has sucked all the happiness out of him?
Originally it was just supposed to be a non-con fic with Demon Bakugou, but apparently I can’t write non-con with Bakugou anymore so I made up a convoluted story in my head. I really wanted it to have Last Night in Soho vibes, where it has you guessing until the very last minute and I could’ve honestly made this into like a 30k fic and added all of these details in but unfortunately there are not enough hours in my day so😩
My thought was basically Ochako started a fling with Deku because she was unhappy in her relationship with Bakugou. He was working a lot, never home and in her mind she felt neglected. So she sought out comfort in Deku. But she doesn’t really feel like she can ever leave Bakugou, he’s the stability/constant in her life and every time she tries to get Deku to break up with his girlfriend he brushes her off. So of course, her resentment for Bakugou just continues to grow.
So when he said she tried so hard to make me the villain, it’s her basically feeling tied to Bakugou because she feels like she can’t ever leave him? And when he said he became the monster the media were portraying him as the murderer.
But when she went to Deku and said she’s finally leaving Bakugou because she’s pregnant with his baby, he flips. Says that it was only ever supposed to be a fling and that he doesn’t want to be with her. That he’s engaged to someone else and it’ll ruin him.
So of course Ochako, the scorned woman, tells Deku that she’s gonna tell his fiancé and he flips— choking her to kill her. Except it doesn’t kill her, she just passes out and he ends up stabbing her to death. But Bakugou comes in and sees her completely covered in blood and freaks, rushing over to try and save her but Deku is there and kills Bakugou too because Bakugou knows about their fling.
So the police and everyone think Bakugou killed her and then killed himself from shame/whatever, but it was Deku.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 1 year
Piggybacking off of your recent ask about Dr Edwards, the Grady storyline, and France. Do you think the Grady storyline originally meant to be much bigger? I skipped most of 5A because I was sad about Beth dying, and went on to 5B. I’m on 5x07 right now (delaying the inevitable), and in the beginning Rick is talking about how there are few enough guards for them to get in with the upper hand and kill them. So how much was the Grady memorial operation honestly, unless it got into touch with CRM or one of the bigger “government type” things that popped up in the latter seasons further post-apocalypse?
5x06 honestly felt so weird. I really enjoyed the episode, We haven’t really seen where Daryl and Carol were the entire season, but you could feel how heavy Daryl and Carol’s dialogue was. It also felt like it wasn’t actually saying what it wanted to. I’m kinda guessing a lot of that was to give a shock value when they shot Beth, but it also was just confusing. I was sad you didn’t have a 5x06 meta. If you could add that to you rewatch list, that would be awesome to hear the TD perspective. Especially with how it plays into Daryl’s evolution up to that point:)
I'll do my best to do a rewatch. My work life is super crazy right now, but we do still have (unfortunately) a lot of time before new TWD material airs.
But I DO have some 5x06 metas. They're just very old. I'd love to rewatch S5 after all this time and see what new things I can pick up.
Check out some 5x06 Metas here: https://twdmusicboxmystery.tumblr.com/post/165658806179/td-theories-by-season-s5-5x06-consumed
But to answer your question, I don't think Grady was ever a huge operation by itself. But I DO think they were entangled with the CRM. When Dawn talked about someone out there who was coming to rescue them, and Beth just thought she was delusional, I think Dawn was talking about the CRM. She'd been in contact with them and knew they took people in.
(I talk about this in detail here, when FTWD, ep 5x05 revealed a lot of this to us: https://twdmusicboxmystery.tumblr.com/post/185978887294/ftwd-5x05-analysis)
But we've also seen that they won't just take anyone and everyone in. Dawn was probably trying to convince them to come get all the Grady people, but she hadn't managed it, yet. Maybe they even promised her they would come rescue everyone, but they just hadn't yet and she didn't know when.
So, this is why we think Beth's story is very tied up with the CRM as well. If she ended up back at Gray after Coda, then she almost definitely ended up with the CRM eventually. And now, in the spinoff, Daryl is finally going to lock horns with the CRM in a big way. Or so we understand.
So yeah. Hope that helps. I've linked some relevant metas above. Thanks Nonny! Xoxo! 💌❣️
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missnight0wl · 1 year
Buckle up - there's a whole flood of datamined story chapters! Peregrine seems to be possessed, due to a cursed amulet. Don't know how to feel about all of this. I think I'd prefer for him to just have turned evil on his own, and not because of a cursed amulet. And Rakepick is nowhere to be seen during those chapters either. Sigh. And Merula took the crown from the sunken vault? There are so many unexplained issues. Coral key, Rakepick losing her pin... Curious what you make out of all of this!
First of all, sorry for the late reply!
Now, you might’ve seen this already, but I talked about the amulet already in this post, so I’m not gonna repeat myself. I just want to add that I agree with you, and I’d like it better if Peregrine turned evil “naturally”. I don’t know, the explanation with the cursed amulet simply feels lazy. Especially in its current form because JC is super sloppy about it. So, as a result, I feel like it doesn’t even explain much.
I also mentioned in the linked post that JC apparently ignores their previous plans for the story again. In one of the options in Azkaban, Rakepick can tell us that R wants to “save the world”, which suggests that R wants to execute Ryusaki’s original plan with traumatic memories. Yet it wasn’t even mentioned by Peregrine, so… I’m afraid it means we’d just have to accept that some things will not be explained at all. The Coral key is probably one of them. Rakepick losing her pin probably too… Although I had a random thought right now that maybe Peregrine used it to copy the pins for his members (I’m thinking here about these datamined models). I theorised in the past that Peregrine started using the Eye of Ra to further frame Rakepick, but I have to admit that I don’t have much hope for it anymore. I suppose it’s more likely that they decided to ruin this symbolism entirely.
There are a couple more things about the datamines you didn’t mention, but I want to address, but… I might make yet another separate post for that. But one thing you mentioned I do want to address is Merula taking the Crown from the Sunken Vault. Because… seriously? I mean, I was totally expecting that she did something in there, and I talked about it in my commentary post. But now it turns out that she simply drank some potion, so the curse in the Vault wouldn’t hurt her. And I have to ask:
Could the Sunken Vault be any lamer??
Like, JC already made it super lame. You just have to dive into the Black Lake and then you don’t even need any help because the Vault’s location was marked with the trident. Then, you have to blow up some rocks and fight Grindylows, but none of it is particularly difficult. And at last, you might get defeated by a pretty terrible curse, but you’re still not totally helpless in this situation because… there’s a potion to deal with it. A freaking potion.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure this potion was difficult to brew and whatnot. But… it just feels too simple. Couldn’t they at least say that Merula had to master Occlumency for that? Especially since there actually are hints about it in the plot (Merula seems to know a lot about Veritaserum, and it was even said in the game that Veritaserum can be used to learn Occlumency). Seriously, it’s so incredibly disappointing, in my opinion. But the Sunken Vault was quite disappointing in general, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.
And I think that’s it, at least for now! I’m sorry my reply is not more detailed, but as I said, the issue of Ryusaki’s amulet was already addressed separately. And I didn’t want to mix you there. On the other hand, the rest of the things on my mind is not really connected to what we talk about here. But if you’re curious about it, I hope you’ll stay tuned!
But anyway, I think the main conclusion we have to take from this is that… JC doesn’t really know what they’re doing anymore. It’s quite sad, but not surprising, I suppose.
Oh, and I'm also upset that Rakepick is not in the upcoming chapters :< I'd love to see her again, even if it'd be through more memories.
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lunathewafflelord · 1 year
Decided to go onto JumpStart and look at the old stories I had posted there back in 2014 and share them here
Shame that nothing new has been added to the stories and photos and jokes and questions page in a loooooong time, I hope someday they update that again since it was so much fun seeing what people made and it’d be great if the game got popular again
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I love how I just gave up on rhyming in the end and just said “I woke up back home. The end”
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(censored out my cousin’s name for privacy reasons) “Magic” was the name I gave my character when talking about her online since I didn’t want to call her my irl name online. Her name was my real life name but her name is now Iris. And yes, I am still working on this story concept but the characters have new names and designs. It was initially sort of a Toontown fanfiction but later became its own thing. 
Their names now:
Pixie Dust- Pixie Brooks, Big Books - Brianna Brooks, Crystal EyeJewel - Christine Gem, Fire Gem - Fiona Gem. Character with my cousin’s real name isn’t a character anymore and she was literally just my cousin but with magic powers, same with Magic who was just me with rainbow powers. Marissa’s name is likely Marissa Brooks now since she was Big Books’ cousin, but I haven’t written her into the current canon yet
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For some reason for a while when new stories were added the endings got cut off, so this and several other stories I and other have made had the ending cut off and since this was almost ten years ago now I don’t remember what the intended ending was I don’t think we’ll ever know what the full story was, rip. I’m surprised the staff never tried to fix this, since MANY stories had gotten cut off. Also, “there” instead of “their” XP 
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“she a” SHE A WHAT I WANT TO KNOW THE ENDING. I’m going to assume those 3 girls were in game friends of mine or maybe they were names I made up for the game, I don’t know.
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another cut off ending, which is a shame since I remember really liking this one when I made it. Going to assume the last sentence was supposed to end with “the baby was going to be a girl” but I don’t know.
This was a side profile of mine where my character was a boy and his name was Blake Feather to match my main character Alexandra PinkFeather (my name prior to becoming Maddy SilverDreamer) but I changed his name to Steve SilverDiamond after the dreaded character design update since I wanted to turn him into Steve from Minecraft and I changed Maddy to Alex SilverDiamond and I tried giving them white eyes to be like Herobrine to rebel against the change. Several years later and those ugly and poorly optimized character models are still being used, but the game is pretty fun. Shame not many people play anymore, my favorite part was chatting and exploring with my friends.
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I was REALLY proud of this one when I made it!!! Btw, Vanessa Bear was my cousin’s character. If only we had more text space when submitting stories, there were more details I had wanted to add but I ran out of room.
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What??? Did the ending get cut off since last time I read this one? The ending was different and I KNOW the ending was there since I had read it multiple times, it was something about the two sisters becoming famous in their town and being called the Magic Gems and when people saw them they’d say “There goes the Magic Gems”. Maybe I’m mixing it up with one of the other stories I wrote that all had very similar plots.
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Was the same story posted twice somehow but the endings changed? The people approving stories must have accidentally posted it twice with alterations to the ending. I know the staff sometimes altered parts of posted stories, like some lines were different in the golden flower story than how I originally wrote it. Weird.
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dreadnotau · 2 years
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Big (but sort of not big) announcement time! (At the bottom is a TL;DR if you don’t have time to read paragraphs of my ramblings.)
First thing’s first, I got into college!!! A lot of you probably don’t know, but it’s been a massive uphill battle to practice for the exams to enter the art college I wanted. It’s why I haven’t been posting basically anywhere but here since the year started. It was a lot of work and stress, but it paid off! I’m gonna be studying subjects and doing art things that I’m ACTUALLY interested in! No more are the days of dreading the next German test or pulling my hair out because of some bullshit math equations, from now on it’s just blood, sweat and tears poured into canvases, baby!
Joking aside, this is genuinely monumental for me. Though it DOES mean I’m gonna be pulled thin on my time and creative juices the moment the first semester starts, I’m still excited to keep working on Dread Not alongside the schoolwork I’ll inevitably have to do, too. This comic is, as I’ve said many times, my biggest passion project yet, and the fact that I stuck with it for over a year now is another thing I have to be very proud of.
But, in all honesty, this project wouldn’t even exist if it weren’t for my best friend, Meow! As some of you may know (or maybe noticed the changed bio), Meowchela is the co-author of Dread Not, and is the one who encouraged me to go through with a full comic telling of the story, (instead of just letting it sit idly in my brain like most of my Deltarune and Undertale AUs do, whoops) so, again, you have her to thank for all of this. She’s not directly involved with the creation of the pages (yet?), but she is the one who helped add many characters, sideplots, and satisfying conclusions to what was, originally, just an AU about Toriel, Asgore, Spade, Gaster, and Kris, as well as helping with designing characters both that appear later on and have appeared already (Rouxls’ fabulous design was made by her!)
The reason I bring this all up in detail now is because she is now OFFICIALLY credited as a co-author. I used to just mention her in posts and tags, as well as give her a special role in the discord server, but now she’s credited alongside me in the bios of both the Twitter and the Tumblr accounts! The reasons why she didn’t want to be credited until recently are her own, but I hope you all give her as warm a welcome as you gave me as a fellow author of Dread Not! She knows this story better than anyone (better than even me sometimes, whoops x2) and I hope we can all see it through to the end!
Don't take my word for it all, though, here's a statement from Meow:
Hello everyone! I'm Meow, who you now know as the co-author for Dread Not! I've been around for this project since the concept stages, and seeing all of your love and support for it means so much more than I can reliably say. You may now be wondering why I've been so silent despite being around for so long, and the answer to that is very personal. All I'll say is that it took a while to build up the courage to allow Kooki to even mention me by name (and trust me, he's wanted to since we made the blog!) and so having a proper credit like this is monumental. I'm happy to finally be more front and center for the project, even if still a litle nervous! =w=;;
Thank you for reading from the bottom of my heart. Seeing everyone being so kind about the comic is half the reason I came out of my shell in the first place. While it's true that without me the comic wouldn't exist, in turn my efforts would never have been realized had it not been for all of you! So thank you again, and I hope you're as excited for what's to come as I am!
And, lastly, and kind of least importantly (to me), I’ll be postponing this week’s page. Both so I can relax for 2 seconds after my exams, and so I can have more ready for the week after this one. I’m gonna be going on vacation soon, too, so I’ll try to have a page ready for posting while I’m away from home. And, if it’s not ready, it’ll just be postponed for a week, too. You guys have dealt with longer hiatuses, it shouldn’t be a big deal, right?
TL;DR: Kooki is in college now and October is gonna kick his ass. Meowchela is now officially credited as a co-author of Dread Not. This week’s page will be postponed so I can actually go touch grass for once.
Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for your continued support of this comic! Act 1 is in it’s last third, and progress on Act 2 is looking promising. Stay tuned!
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krissiefox · 1 year
Thoughts on Video Game Movies
Video game movies tend to have a poor reputation, due to either the fact that the self-insert interactive nature of video games doesn't always translate well to a linear third-person narrative, or that they get the goofy "big budget Hollywood treatment", where things are changed to the point of being almost unrecognizable. I fell like I haven't actually watched a lot of these, but I thought it would be fun to briefly write about the ones I recall:
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The 80s Super Mario Bros Movie: This one is definitely a classic example of "big budget goofy Hollywood" treatment. They changed so much that there is little left of the Mario world beyond character names and vague visual similarities. Despite this, I recall enjoying the film as a kid and teenager - I liked all the weird sci-fi stuff and gross looking fungus effects. But, to be fair, I haven't watched it since I was a teenager, so it's hard to say if I would enjoy it now.
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- Sonic The Movie (90s Anime OVA): This one has a lot of nostalgia for me, but looking at is an an adult I can say that most of the appeal it has is simply in the cool visuals, badass soundtrack and some nice fight scenes. The story feels very vague and simple, mostly just a vehicle to move through a series of cool looking set pieces and action moments - it really does feel like the script to a Sonic video game rather than a film. There's also some of the squicky stereotypical creepy anime stuff, like Robotnik trying to coerce a seemingly very young girl into marrying him, and having moments of her being sexually degraded for laughs (an accidental boob grab and a scene where Metal Sonic looks up her skirt). Definitely could have done without that shit.  Interestingly, it's said that that this was originally going to be an ongoing series, but it only made it to two episodes, so the American release of it merged the two episodes into a standalone movie. It's a good thing they titled this "Sonic The Movie" so that it wouldn't have the same name as the more recent "Sonic The Hedgehog" live action film. (yet, googling "Sonic The Movie" brings up the more recent one anyway...you're stupid, google. )
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- Red Faction: Origins:   now here's a more obscure one. I loved the Red Faction game on PlayStation 2, so when this was on TV in 2011, I was excited to see it.  Unfortunately, i can barely remember anything about the film today, so it clearly didn't leave much of an impression on me. I don't think it even had any of the characters from the game (such as Parker, Hendrix, etc).
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- Donkey Kong Country: The Legend of the Crystal Coconut:  - This was another I recall experiencing, but very little details about it. As a kid, I was having a friend over, and my parents let me pick out a movie for us to watch at Blockbuster or something. I chose this and we put it on that night, but my friend and I eventually lost interest and just started playing with LEGOS with the movie running in the background. I couldn't tell you anything about the story, but it was nice and colorful looking, at-least - faithful to the same 3D CGI look of the SNES games. At-least it made nice background sound for a fun childhood night with my friend? 
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-Wreck-It Ralph: This one might be cheating a little, because it's more about the general concept of video games, but it has so many cameos from real game characters I think it's fair to add it to this list. This is probably gonna be the best one here, too -  as it's just a fantastic film. Moving, funny, looks great, lovable characters, super catchy soundtrack. Definitely one I recommend watching if you've never seen it! 
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- Pixels: Speaking of games about movies - here's one I never watched. So why is it on my list? Well, it's one that bothered me just from seeing ads for it. Unlike Wreck It Ralph, which feels like a love letter to the world of gaming, this movies TV ads just felt so cynical, snarky and negative. It DOES feel like I'm being a little unfair by judging it without watching it, but I can only live so long (unless perhaps medical science finally defeats superstitious bullshit within my lifetime), so I'm not in a hurry to try  a movie I couldn't even enjoy the ads for. As a bonus note...I also actually have a copy of the ratchet & Clank movie in my collection, which I haven't gotten to watching yet. Perhaps when I get around to it, I can update this list with my thoughts on that one, as well.
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