#like wow look at where i’m at !! if freshman year of college jay could see herself now !!! it got better !!!
aturnoftheearth · 3 years
okay last trip post bc i made it home but uhhhh i cried my eyes out (in a good way) for like an hour and a half of my drive home aksjdkdkdkd
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xbeautifulunseenx · 4 years
The NYADA Vegans Club
Summary: A cute guy catches Blaine’s eye and draws him to a meeting of the NYADA Vegans Club. Except Blaine is very, definitely not a vegan.
Read on AO3
"This meeting of the NYADA Vegans Club is now in session!"
Blaine jumped as the sound of a gavel hitting wood cracked through the air. The NYADA Vegans Club? Had he heard that right?
When he had followed that hot freshman guy into the room, he'd hoped it would be a meeting for something much more in line with his interests. He couldn't honestly sit through a meeting of a club that actively promoted not eating cheese for a guy he knew nothing about. Could he?
"I see many new faces this year, so let's go around and introduce ourselves. I'm Jay, the president of the NYADA Vegans. I've been a vegan for six years. And you?" Jay gestured to where Blaine stood half in and half out the doorway. "Will you be joining us?"
Blaine saw the hot guy give a small laugh at his expense as he tried to decide whether he was coming or going.
Coming, he decided upon making eye contact with his new crush.
"I'm Blaine and being vegan is something I've dedicated my life to."
He didn't know where the lie came from, but there was no taking it back once it was out. He watched as the guy's friend —a cute, small, brunette — poked his arm and made no secret of winking pointedly in Blaine's direction.
Introductions continued around the room until Blaine learned that the hot guy was named Kurt, a baby vegan of just 6 months, and his friend was named Rachel, a fellow lifelong vegan.
Blaine hadn't given much consideration to what might happen at a vegan club meeting, so he couldn't say he was surprised when anti-animal product PSAs began playing on a large screen in the room. Shortly after the videos ended, they were instructed to break, and when the meeting resumed, they would be writing letters to local restaurants encouraging the use of more vegan products.
With the excuse of wanting to stretch his legs, Blaine walked over to where Kurt and Rachel were helping themselves to cups of almond milk and dairy-free cookies.
"There he is!" he heard Rachel whisper loudly to Kurt. "Say hi!"
"Oh my god, Rachel, way to be discreet. Hi," Kurt said, extending his hand toward Blaine. "I'm Kurt, and this is Rachel, who has yet to master the art of subtlety."
Kurt's hand felt warm and perfect in his. "Blaine."
"We remember. The lifelong vegan. Impressive."
"Yeah," Blaine said, trying not to wrinkle his nose at the lie. "Thanks. So are you two freshmen? I think I recognize you from orientation."
"Oh phew," Kurt pretended to wipe his brow. "I thought I recognized you from orientation, too, but I didn't want to be the first creep to admit it."
Blaine blushed and looked at his feet, trying to figure out how to run from the room and never see Kurt again without looking like too much of a loser.
"Relax, Blaine." Kurt laughed and put a reassuring hand on his bare forearm. "I was kidding."
"Oh thank god, I thought I was going to have to switch schools."
They all laughed at Blaine's dramatics and continued on with a light conversation. Blaine was thrilled to notice that Kurt's eyes lingered on him as they spoke, and that he laughed the loudest at Blaine's jokes.
They chatted through the letter writing activity and stayed long past the end of the meeting, discussing their histories with show choir and their favorite musicals and what their upcoming college career could hold in store.
When they finally parted to go home to apartments on opposite sides of the city, Blaine couldn't deny that following Kurt into that meeting was the best dumb choice he'd ever made.
Blaine went back for the next meeting, and then the next. The subject matter may have been less than stimulating, but the scenery was gorgeous and the conversation wasn't bad either. He and Kurt were having a great time getting to know each other, but neither came right out and flirted openly or made plans outside of Vegan Club. Instead, they sent each other looks with dopey smiles on their faces when they thought nobody was paying attention, and blushed bashfully when they were caught.
When it became clear that neither of them would be making any moves, Rachel took it upon herself to intervene. She invited Blaine over for a five course vegan meal at her and Kurt's loft, and he accepted immediately.
While Blaine saw the merits of vegan products, and had even thoroughly enjoyed some of the snacks offered at Vegan Club, he couldn't say he was looking forward to an entirely vegan meal. But he was one to try anything, and since Kurt — who somehow got more attractive every time they saw each other — was involved, he would definitely be trying Rachel's feast.
"Blaine's here!" he heard Rachel yell from the other side of the door. He tightened his already too-tight grasp on the wine he'd had his roommate buy for him and waited for someone to answer his knock.
The heavy door slid open, and Blaine couldn't decide if he should stare at Kurt or the apartment. Kurt, as usual, won out.
"You look amazing," he said as he pulled a surprised, but flattered, Kurt into a hug.
"Thank you, so do you."
"Your apartment is incredible," Blaine gushed, looking around. "It's giving me chic RENT vibes."
"Kurt decorated most of it," Rachel told him from her spot by the stove. She lifted the spoon she was holding. "Broccoli vegan cheddar soup! Are you ready to eat?"
It turned out that vegan cheddar was not exactly Blaine's preferred cheese. And that meatless meatloaf wasn't his preferred entrée. There was a little hope for the vegan strawberry cheesecake. At least, it looked mouthwatering.
"Kurt made this one," Rachel announced as she set the plates in front of them. "He worked on it all last night, so I'm sure it will be wonderful."
Blaine took a bite and closed his eyes with the overwhelming deliciousness of the cake.
"Wow, Kurt, I've never had a vegan dessert so good. You've got to share the recipe with me!"
Kurt shook his head. "Sorry, secret family recipe."
"Oh well, guess you'll just have to keep making it for me, then," Blaine teased. He stood and headed to the kitchen. "Shall I get the new bottle of wine from the fridge?"
"No!" Kurt said, a little too loudly, pushing back from the table and beating Blaine to the fridge, standing in front of it. "You're our guest. Please sit and I'll get it."
Blaine returned to the table to find Rachel trying her best to hide a laugh, but he didn't ask.
After the dessert plates were cleared, they settled on the couch to watch a movie. At first, Blaine had thought Rachel was acting as Kurt's wingman by asking him to their apartment for dinner and a movie, and that she'd do the classic "I'm going to bed" and slip away to leave the two men alone, but she never did. She stayed the entire movie, curled up on the other side of Kurt. Blaine rested his hand on the couch next to him, inching his way toward where Kurt's hand lay, brushing their fingers together every so often and sending a jolt of excitement though his arm. He wanted to chance putting an arm around Kurt, but with Rachel so close, it would have been awkward.
By the time he hugged the two roommates goodnight and left, Blaine knew he couldn't waste any more time. He was going to ask Kurt out.
After enduring another excruciatingly boring Vegan Club meeting, Blaine finally asked Kurt on a date. His heart soared when Kurt said yes without hesitation.
That Saturday evening, Blaine and Kurt met in front of the student center on campus. After overtly admiring each other for a few seconds, Kurt spoke up.
"I'm really glad you had the balls to ask me out. I put on a good show of confidence, but when it comes to boys, that's all it is — a show. If you hadn't asked, we'd probably still be staring at each other all cutesy and pretending we only like each other as friends two years down the road."
"I'm glad too, then. I'm not afraid to make big moves. They almost always backfire on me somehow, but…" he shrugged. "Can't win if you never play the game!"
Kurt gave a laugh-snort. "You're like a walking motivational poster."
"Kurt," Blaine said, looking at him seriously. "You've gotta risk it to get the biscuit."
Their laughter carried them all the way to the restaurant, a small bistro tucked away from most of the nearby foot traffic.
Cozied up in the round, plush booth where they were directed, the waiter interrupted their conversation to take their order.
"I'll have the house salad with balsamic vinaigrette and a cup of the vegan minestrone soup, please," Blaine said, longing for something more substantial, but selecting the only vegan options on the menu.
Kurt gave him a weird look, then ordered for himself. "I would like the filet mignon."
Blaine's smile faltered. "What? Kurt! Are you falling off the wagon?"
"I need to tell you something." Kurt turned to Blaine, their waiter temporarily forgotten. "I am not now, nor have I ever been, vegan. I was only at Vegan Club that night because I promised Rachel I would go with her to the first meeting. Then I couldn't stop going because of...well, you."
Kurt's face looked terrified, like he was worried Blaine might up and leave the date due to his confession. Instead, Blaine laughed.
"Oh, thank god!"
"What?" Kurt seemed confused yet relieved.
"I've never been vegan a day in my life either. I'd noticed you from day one of orientation and I thought you were the cutest guy I'd ever seen. So I followed you into Vegan Club without knowing it was Vegan Club, because I thought you'd be more likely to go out with me if we shared interests."
"Oh my god. You can't be serious." Kurt was wheeze-laughing so hard he collapsed into Blaine's chest. Blaine put his arms around Kurt and pulled him closer before remembering the waiter who was slowly backing away from their table with an amused expression.
"Wait!" Blaine called. "I'd like to change my order to the six cheese pizza, if that's okay."
That only made Kurt lose it even further. "I can't believe this." He settled down enough that he straightened out and looked into Blaine's eyes. "You're perfect."
"You're perfect," Blaine responded.
"And we're perfect together," they sang the Wicked line at the same time.
The magic of the moment led them into a tender first kiss that knocked them sideways until Blaine pulled back just enough to whisper, "That amazing cheesecake you made last week wasn't really vegan, was it?"
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haileyyanneupton · 4 years
❄ small - one chicago au ❄
Hailey Upton and Adam Ruzek have been friends for as long as they can remember. When Hailey leaves her prestigious private school to be with Adam in her junior year, she’s introduced to a new group of people who feel strangely like home. 
jay halstead x hailey upton adam ruzek x kim burgess kevin atwater x vanessa rojas kelly severide x stella kidd
masterlist | series masterlist
❄ one ❄
Hailey let out a loud huff as she hung upside down off of Adam’s bed one afternoon. She had been at her new school for two weeks and so far, she had spent one lunchtime locked inside a toilet cubicle, two in an empty classroom, three wandering the halls with a sandwich in hand and the rest in the janitors closet. She had attempted to talk to some people in her biology class but when they had ditched her in the hall, she had been too embarrassed to search for Adam and ask if she could sit with him. In the end he had managed to find out anyway — Hailey wasn’t very good at lying to Adam — leaving him to insist that she meet his friends.   
“Are you sure they’re not going to mind, Adam?” Hailey asked nervously, her hair strewn across the ground of his bedroom floor. “They seem really tight knit and —“ 
“You need to stress less, man,” Adam chuckled, glancing down that the girl from the head. “You also should probably sit up before all the blood rushes to your head.” 
“But hanging like a bat is fun.” 
“So is being conscious.” 
Hailey sighed loudly as she pushed her legs off of Adam’s bed and instead starfished out on the ground. She was nervous, but covered well — if she wanted to make Adam’s friends to like her, she was going to have to. Adam had always spoken highly of them, making Hailey worry that maybe they were too good for her. After all, she was just Hailey Upton. Plain old boring Hailey Upton. A knock sounded at Adam’s door as his mother pushed it open far enough for her to poke her head through, a warm smile on her face as she looked between Adam and Hailey.   
“Are you two hungry?” Pamela asked gently, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear. “I can fix something for you both if you want a snack or something.” 
Hailey looked to Adam who shrugged, his eyes tearing away from the textbook he had been pretending to read for the last hour. “I mean if you’re making something, I don’t think we’d be opposed.” 
“Well what do you want?” Pamela had an amused smirk on her face as she tutted playfully at her son for a moment. “Hailey?” 
“A hash brown.”
Pamela chuckled, nodding her head up and down. “Hash browns. I can do hash browns. What about dinner? What do you both want for dinner? I’m in a good mood today, so I may be inclined to make you whatever you want.” 
“Actually — I can’t stay for dinner tonight, Pam,” Hailey interjected with yet another sigh. “I promised my mom I’d help her this apple pie that she’s found the recipe for. She’s really excited about it — it’s kind of adorable.” 
Pamela smiled, though Hailey could see the fondness mixed in with worry in her eyes. They didn’t address it — they never addressed it — it was more of an unspoken fact at this point. In their neighbourhood, when things happened everybody locked their doors so that they could have plausible deniability — nobody wanted to get involved directly. Adam’s family had been the first ones to ever offer up a place of solace for Hailey, who was now the only child left at home after her brothers had left for college or to go and work — the first ones to ever actually acknowledge that something was going on. Hailey didn’t know if it was because Bob was a police officer or if it was because they were nice people breaking away from the sense of conformity that had been forced upon everybody on the street, but either way she didn’t mind. She liked it at Adam’s house. Hence why she spent most of her time there. Hell, she even had a key hanging off of her keychain for the Ruzek’s residence — she was family. 
As Adam’s mother went off to put on some of the frozen hash browns she had in the oven, Hailey pushed herself back up and off of the floor and made her way back up onto Adam’s bed as she picked up her math textbook and stared down at the problems on her page. They were just that — problems — problems that Hailey wanted to set on fire so that she didn’t have to deal with them. Unfortunately for her however, she had been informed by her mother earlier that week that apparently that wasn’t how pre-calculus worked.   
“Sometimes this stuff makes so much sense, and other times I feel like this sigma guy is going to try and eat me,” Hailey huffed angrily as she skimmed over the page and answered the very few problems she knew how to do. “Look! See? Doesn’t he look like he’s going to jump out of the page and try to swallow me whole?“ 
Adam chuckled at Hailey. “You’re doing better than me, at least. I’ve been staring at these chemical equations for days and if I don’t get them done tonight, Mr Ramirez is going to kick my ass. All I’m seeing is a bunch of letters — they mean nothin’ to me.” 
“Let me see.” Hailey peered over at the boy’s book, using her finger to scan over the words. “Those are easy. Give ‘em here, I’ll do them.” 
“You’re the best, Hailey.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Hailey grinned up at her friend. “I’m disappointed that it took you this long to work that out, doofus.” ❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ 
The next day back at school, Hailey waited anxiously out the front of her English classroom for Adam to come and find her and bring her to his friends. She drummed her fingers against her thigh as she looked around for the boy, about to chicken out and retreat to the janitor’s closet for yet another lunchtime when she saw the face of her best friend walking alongside a brunette girl. Hailey vaguely recognised her but couldn’t seem to put a name to the face, waving a hand politely in their direction as she pushed herself off of the wall. “Hailey, this is Kim. Kim, this is Hailey.” 
Kim grinned widely, waving hello to the blonde. “Hi! Sorry it took us so long to get here — Adam got himself locked in the lab and I had to come and rescue the idiot.” 
“Of course he did.” A small smile of amusement came onto Hailey’s lips as she rolled her eyes playfully. “Where — uhm — where are the others?” 
“They’re waiting in the art room,” Adam answered, putting an arm around Hailey as they began to walk, the man squeezing her into him comfortingly. “Quit being so nervous.” 
“Wow, Adam. I’m cured.” Hailey quipped back monotonously. “Thank you so much.” 
Adam smiled back at Hailey with an over-enthusiastically proud smile as Kim snickered from the other side of the man.   
“I like you already, Hailey.” 
As the three of them walked into the art room, closing the door behind them, Hailey was faced with a group of people all staring over at her. She instinctively moved a little bit closer to Adam as her heart skipped a beat, the girl clutching her books to her chest as she forced a smile. They seemed nice — they seemed really nice — would that mean that they wouldn’t like her because she didn’t always come across the same way? They seemed really close too, which worried Hailey. She wasn’t the type to gossip and she for sure wasn’t ever going to be able to have people over at her house in the situation that they’d want to hang out there. What would she tell them if they asked to have a study date at her house? Would any of them— 
“Hailey,” Adam hummed in the girl’s ear as she snapped out of her oncoming vortex of overthinking. “I promise they won’t bite.” 
Adam gave the girl an encouraging smile as she stepped further into the room, following Kim who naturally fell into place between another boy and an empty spot that Adam soon filled.   
“Guys, this is Hailey,” Adam introduced lightly as she found a spot on top of one of the tables, her books being placed down behind her as she smiled shyly. “She’s got this crazy idea that you guys aren’t going to want her around.” 
Kim gasped dramatically. “What? No! The more the merrier, girl!” 
Hailey’s smile remained but her gaze dropped to her hands which were sitting in her lap as she tried to make herself seem less rigid. It had been so long since she had really tried with anybody that she had forgotten how to, the prospect overwhelming her just a little bit. She was used to accepting that things usually didn’t work out — she really didn’t want to get her hopes up.   
“This is Kevin,” Adam pointed to the boy beside him as he gave a friendly nod. “You know Kim. Then there’s Jay, Kelly, Vanessa and Stella.” 
Hailey noticed that she was beside Vanessa who held a hand up for a high-five which she happily returned, her smile widening just a bit further. On her other side was a dark haired boy with green eyes that were impossible to miss, the colour of his shirt only bringing them out more — she was pretty sure she had caught his name as Jay.   
“I gotta go wash my hands in the bathroom,” Stella announced suddenly, looking at Vanessa and Kim who immediately stood up. “You wanna come with us, Hailey?” 
Hailey nodded gently, she too rising to her feet as she glanced back at the textbooks she had placed on the table. “Yeah, sure. Um — Adam, can you —“ 
“Don’t worry.” Jay placed a hand on the books, nodding once in the girl’s direction. “I’ll watch ‘em for you.” 
Hailey smiled gratefully at the boy before following the other three girls out of the art room and down the hall to where the bathrooms were. To her surprise, they were relatively empty — that was almost unheard of — with just the few freshman walking out after touching up their lip gloss.   
“Ugh,” Stella groaned as she turned the water on and ran her hands beneath it. “Man, I love Hot Cheetos but they stain my fingers so badly.” 
Kim chuckled lightly at the girl as she made some witty remark that earned another groan out of Stella while Hailey and Vanessa leaned up against the wall. Hailey had a leg propped up as she pulled her phone from her pocket, searching for something to do so that she didn’t feel so — uneasy. 
The feeling of someone kicking her foot lightly bought her attention back to the girl standing beside her. She had a warm smile on her face as she looked up at Hailey with a knowing look, her arms folded loosely together.   
“I get it, you know,” Vanessa started, causing Hailey’s eyebrows to knit together curiously. “I’ve been the new kid before. Twenty four times to be exact.” 
Hailey’s eyes widened in shock. “Twenty four times?” 
“Yeah,” Vanessa nodded with a light chuckle — it was obvious to Hailey that she had expected that reaction. “I’m a foster kid. Been in so many different homes at this point that I’ve lost count.” 
“That’s rough,” Hailey’s voice was light and sympathetic. “I’m sorry.” 
“Nah, don’t be. It’s alright. I just mean — you don’t have to be so nervous with us.” 
Hailey shot the girl a smile as she settled slightly, feeling better about the whole situation now that she had connected with Vanessa. By the time they had gotten back to the art room, the boys were throwing skittles across the room and trying to catch them in their mouths like idiots.   
Hailey resumed her position beside Jay once again, snorting lightly to herself as Adam nearly ran into a table after tripping over his own feet. When a skittle was thrown in Jay’s direction, he missed catching it in his mouth but instead managed to catch it against his chest with his hand, grinning as he turned it over. 
“Green,” Hailey observed, her lips curled upwards. “My favourite.” 
A certain sparkle could be seen in Jay’s eye as he held the skittle up by Hailey’s mouth, chuckling as the burst of flavour bought a beam to the girl’s features. As the rest of their lunch break came and went, Hailey felt much more at ease. For the first time in years, she finally had someone else she would be able to smile at in the halls — someone to say hello to in class. Even though she had only known them for an hour, she could tell she wanted to stick around. Besides — she could see how happy Adam was having all of his friends in one place.   
Maybe it was about time things started getting better for Hailey after all.
tag list: @ruzek-halstead @lissethsrojas @sammywiths @butterflies44 @upsteadheart @shawnscheeks @puckluck28 @karihighman @thetwit @azu1ang3188 @juu-series @justanotheronechicagofan @stinaax @stayupton @fullwattpadmusictree
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anna-justice · 4 years
When The Party’s Over - Upstead
Tumblr media
Summary: It’s New Years Eve and Jay isn’t a big fan of  Hailey’s boyfriend. (Booth vs. Hailey college addition)
Warnings: Physical/Mentioned sexual abuse, swearing…
Requested: No
“I think red is your color.” Kim says as Hailey pulls down the hem of the piece of fabric she’s wearing. Hailey shifts uncomfortably in front of the mirror as she looks to Vanessa, who is hiding her laughter with a pillow. “You have to wear that dress, you look amazing.” 
Hailey turns to her side and scoffs at the sight of her barely covered behind. “Kim, I’m not sure that this counts as a dress.” Kim frowns, sighing as she turns to search for the perfect dress for Hailey. 
“I don’t know Hailes, Rony would sure love to see you in it.” Vanessa says.
Hailey throws the now discarded dress at her from across the room, slipping into the next one from Kim. “I’m not sure I care what Rony thinks.” She smooths out the shimmery, dark blue material. “I do know that I like this.” She states, changing the subject. 
“So you are still going to break up with him then?” Kim asks, plopping down on the bed next to Vanessa. 
Hailey pulls her hair over her shoulder and gives herself a once over in the mirror. “Yeah.” She turns back to her friends, “The feelings have faded, I can’t pretend there is something there anymore.” 
“Good for you then.” Vanessa says, jumping up. The girls get themselves together, putting on their shoes and fixing any blemishes. Hailey’s phone buzzes and she smiles down at it. 
Jay: We still on for breakfast tomorrow? 
Hailey quickly types back a reply, but her grin did not go unnoticed. “Jay?” Kim asks, raising an eyebrow. She nods, sticking her phone is her clutch. 
Vanessa sighs, “I can’t wait to see the look on his face when he sees you tonight.” Kim giggles as Hailey swats at Vanessa’s arm. 
Jay had been Hailey’s best friend for years. They met the first day of classes their freshman year, Hailey a Criminal Justice major and Jay still undeclared. They clicked right away. It’s actually how she met Kim, she began dating Jay’s friend Adam and they quickly became friends. Then she met Kevin, who pledged the same frat as Jay and Adam. Vanessa was the last to be added, she met Hailey in Constitutional Law. Hailey loved her friends like family, because they were. That was something they all had in common, they each had a reason for needing the others. And even though Hailey had the most amazing friend group anyone could ask for, none of them were Jay. 
It had always been a running joke between girls that Jay had feelings for Hailey. She of course always dismissed them, especially when she began dating Rony around eight months ago. But to Kim and Vanessa, he only added more fuel to the fire. He and Jay couldn’t stand each other, which was part of the reason that Hailey was ending things, even though she would never admit that to anybody. Hailey hadn’t told Jay that she was planning on breaking up with Rony, and she really wasn’t sure why. She told herself it was because she didn’t want to be influenced by his obvious opinion, but she was even without talking to him about it. 
“Alright, let’s go.” Vanessa says, pulling the door to her and Hailey’s shared apartment open. Hailey grabbed her clutch off her bed and followed them out the door, into the endless party that was Chicago. 
Jay grinned at his phone. 
Hailey <3 : For sure, I’ll be ready at 9.
He shoved his phone back in his pocket. He thought back to freshman year when their little tradition started. Hailey had gotten rejected at the annual Alpha Delt New Year’s party by the upperclassmen she was crushing on. She got so drunk that they didn’t even make it to midnight, and she rang in the new year vomiting in the bathroom of Jay’s quad dorm. Instead of letting her wallow the next morning, Jay insisted that they get up and get breakfast. After that they decided to get breakfast after every big party they attended together, especially New Years, as to not let the other one give into their hangover. 
“Man,” Adam says, pulling Jay out of his trance, “This is getting pathetic.” 
Jay collapsed on the couch behind him, pretending to be clueless about Adam’s dig. “What?” 
Adam tosses Jay a beer, “Just tell her already.” He takes a swig of his own, “This whole pining thing is not a good look for you.” 
Jay fakes offense, “Wow Adame, that hurts.” He touches his hand to his chest, Adam chuckles. “And I am not pining. I’m just...silently awaiting the day that she realizes she is in love with me.” Adam gives him a pointed look. “Okay, I’m pining, but what do you care?” 
“I hate seeing my best friend in pain.” Adam says, struggling to keep hold of his somber expression. Before Jay can respond, Adam’s phone dings. “That’s Kevin, we’re late. Come on.” Jay stands, grabbing his jacket and wallets and follows Adam out the door. 
Hailey walked in the already crowded frat house and immediately began her search for Rony. Part of her felt bad for ruining his night, but she knew that if she didn’t do it tonight, she never would. She even purposefully didn’t come with him, as to not have to pretend she was happy. The middle of a party was the perfect place, quick and painless, he would probably be drunk and she could easily fade into the crowd. 
After several minutes of wandering around the sea of wasted college students, she found her way back to her friends. Kim and Vanessa held questioning gazes as she approached, but Hailey shook her head. 
Jay noticed the exchange, the way he notices everything Hailey does. “Where’s Rony?” He shouts over the music.
Hailey just shrugs, “No clue.” Jay nods, knowing that his voice would betray him, it wouldn’t be the first time he said something stupid like “good” or “thank God.” 
Thankfully, everyone decides to move on, the clock continues the approach midnight and Hailey is very aware of Rony’s non-existence. She wasn’t upset, more angry. There was no feeling of sadness, she had no feelings for him, but it was odd that she had not seen him the entire night when he insisted that she come in the first place. She would have come anyway, but as of right now, she was present by his invitation. 
Hailey excused herself from the group, saying she was yet again, going to look for Rony. Jay watched her closely, seeing that she looked more aggravated than hurt as she walked away. Hailey made her way to the staircase, ascending slowly as she looked through the crowd below her. She ran over to her “It’s not you, it’s me,” speech in her head as she searched, wanting to get the damn thing over with already. 
Once at the top, she wandered from room to room, finding most of them locked. Smart boys. She thought. When she reached a door that was not locked, she swung it open to reveal a shirtless Rony on top of a girl with very little clothing on. “What the hell Rony?” She yelled, and his head whipped around. 
His eyes looked panicked, “Hailey, baby, it’s not what it looks like.”
Hailey scoffs as the girl slides out from under him, grabbing her abandoned clothes and running for the door. “Wow, what a line. Got anything better?” She spit. 
Rony rushed past her and shut the door, turning to look at her. “I’m so sorry, I lo-”
“We’re done Rony.” 
Hailey attempted to walk around him but he grabbed her arm, “No, please, let’s talk.”
His grip tightened. “Rony that hurts,” she said, ripping her hand away, but he still wouldn’t let her past him. “I was going to end it anyway, there is nothing to ‘talk’ about.” 
“When I say we’re going to talk, we are going to talk.” Hailey was shocked, Rony’s temper had always been bad, but this was a side of him she had never seen. He backed her across the room until her exposed back hit the cold dresser. “You know, you look amazing tonight.” He said, placing his hand on her hip.
Hailey sucked in a breath, “Let me go Rony.” He dug his fingers into her side and Hailey gasped in pain. 
He pressed his weight into her, she was pinned against the dresser, he smiled and brought his face down to hers. “No.” Hailey thrashed, trying to get out of his grip, she tried to scream, but he delivered a harsh blow to her cheek. “Shut up.” She continued to wiggle around, her shouts muffled under his large hand. He grabbed her tight by her arms and slammed her harm against the wall, her head ricocheting off it. 
She tried to call out again, but her head was spinning. She could smell the alcohol on his breath as he attached his lips to her neck. Hailey tried to push him off her, but he punched her square in the jaw, sending her flying into the dresser beside her before hitting the ground. She kicked and squirmed as he climbed on top of her, Rony responded by hitting her over and over again. He pressed his leg between her knees to separate them, it was then she began to cry, she felt so helpless, she had no strength left. “Rony, please, don’t…” He pushed her hand over her mouth once more, muffling her final scream. 
Jay kept his eyes trained on the staircase as soon as she disappeared, which he realized was a while ago. Part of him wanted to go find her, but he knew she was probably with Rony somewhere, doing something he didn’t want to see. Jay shuddered at the thought, the possibility itself making him want to punch a wall. 
Finally his curiosity got the best of him, he made his way to the stairs, not bothering to give an explanation to any of his friends. He had a bad feeling, and when it came to Hailey, that was all he needed. 
When he made it to the stairs, he discovered the same thing as Hailey did: locked door after locked door. When he reached the end of the hallway, he heard the sound of muffled screams. Jay threw the door open to find a bloody Hailey with her dress hitched up over her hips underneath Rony. He saw red, he ripped Rony off of her and slammed him into the wall. 
Hailey wasn’t exactly sure what was going on, she could barely see through her teary eyes, but she recognized Jay, who was using Rony as a punching bag. Hailey backed herself up against the opposite wall, trying to slow her breathing, but she couldn’t, she needed him. “Jay…” She whimpered. 
That was all it took to pull Jay out of his rage, he was immediately at her side. He wrapped his arms around her and Hailey held on for dear life. He ran his fingers through her hair as she cried. He had absolutely no idea what to do, he knew he wanted to kill Rony, but that was it. 
Hailey gripped him harder, “He-He was going to,” She said, hiccuping. 
“Shhh, I know.” He said, his heart clenching in his chest. He held her tighter, if that was even possible. “I know.” 
The two sat there for what felt like hours, Jay trying to calm Hailey, which was proving to be ineffective. Some time later, the rest of their friends began to look for them. Adam was the first to find them. He spotted the blood on the carpet, and then on the wall. “What the-Jay?” He yelled, “Holy shit, what happened?” He knelt down next to him. 
Not long after, Kim came running in, “Hailey!” She looked over Hailey, who was now drifting in and out of consciousness. “We need to get her to the hospital now.” Adam nodded and called 911, Jay also told him to call the police, because he was making sure that Rony was going down, for some reason or another. 
The ambulance ride was agonizingly slow, Jay found himself waiting in the ER for hours for an update. A doctor finally came to tell him that she was fine, they suspected bleeding in her brain, but all her scans came back clean. Jay followed him to her room, finding her awake when he got there. “Hailes,” He said, rushing to her side. 
“Hi,” She said sheepishly as he took her hand. 
Jay searched her face, the bruising leaving evidence of the terrible event. “How are you?” 
“Thankful.” She said quickly, “Thank you...For pulling him off me, if you hadn’t-”
Jay saw her eyes fill with tears, “I know, I know.” 
Hailey nodded, “So I guess we are going to have to raincheck on breakfast.” 
Jay chuckled and Hailey cracked a slight smile. Hailey was able to check out the next morning, Jay drove her home, because he sat with her the whole night. Hailey thought back to her conversation with Vanessa earlier that night…
“I can’t wait to see the look on his face when he sees you tonight.” Vanessa said.
Hailey stared at Jay, finally seeing what everyone else saw. He had saved her, stayed with her, comforted her. He was like a knight in shining armor. Her gaze met her favorite set of green eyes and in that moment, Hailey Upton knew she was falling for Jay Halstead.
A/N: Part 2?
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
can you give us...Ryan's Attempt At Poem? :')
CW: Strong language, siblings being shit to each other just ‘cause. Crude references to consensual spice.
TIMELINE: Danny is 21 and a junior in college, Ryan is 19 and a freshman. Takes place one year and three months prior to abduction, about one year before Danny meets Nate for the first time.
“Dan, get in here and help me out!”
Danny groans, rolling his eyes. “Sorry, guys,” He says into the mic on the little headset he’s wearing. “Little brother needs me.”
“Man, fuck your little brother.” That’s Cam, who isn’t exactly Danny’s friend, but he plays all the same video games and Danny likes teaming up with him. Cam always racks up just an insane kill count.
Danny has a painful crush on him, like being a high schooler all over again. It doesn’t help that he’s Danny’s lab partner in his chemistry course, so they sit in incredibly painful proximity to one another twice a week for an hour.
“Careful, Cameron, if you say fuck you too loudly around Ryan Michaelson, he absolutely will,” Perry says, laughter along his voice. “Then you’d learn about a whole new world, buddy.”
“Hey, if Ryan Michaelson asked me to, I probably would want to discover a whole new world,” Cam replies, apparently unbothered. “I mean. Look, there’s pretty, and then there’s Ryan fucking Michaelson.”
“Ugh, gross, you guys. He’s my brother.”
“Yeah, but, like… you’d understand, right?”
Danny sighs dramatically, making it loud enough to carry through the mike. His heart races, just a little, as he says, “But what if I wanted to show you  whole new world, Cam?”
There’s a silence, and then everyone starts laughing, and Danny is elated that nobody took him seriously, but also disappointed that Cameron didn’t take him seriously. 
Stop getting crushes on straight guys, Danny, you know it’s not going to work.
He’d sort of thought being gay as hell would mean he only wanted to actually be with actual gay guys, but… it doesn’t always happen that way. Whatever. Cam wouldn’t have noticed him even if he was gay, anyway - he was in a frat or some shit and Danny figured he probably wears way too much eyeliner for the frat guys to put up with.
But he looks really fucking good in eyeliner.
“Danny!” Ryan calls again, louder this time. “You and I both know you’re not playing right now, you’re just, like, talking shit with those guys - come help!”
“Okay, I mean it, I’m gone for now. I’ll tell him you all sent your fucking love and kisses and whatnot,” Danny says, brightly.
“Definitely tell him we sent our kisses,” Perry says. “Jesus fuck, Ryan Michaelson is hot.”
“Yeah, yeah, later, Dan. We’ll tell you how hot your brother is when you get back.”
“… well now I’m not coming back.”
“No! We need you! You’re the second-best shot on the team! Only Cam does a better job than you.”
“Wow, what a compliment,” Danny says dryly. “I think I might melt into the fucking floor.”
“Little Danny-puddle,” Cam says, slightly soft, and Danny’s throat nearly closes up. Then he just logs out before he say something embarrassing, tossing his mic onto the coffee table and standing up, stretching his limbs. Ryan’s in the guest room this weekend - Danny had gotten a two-bedroom apartment specifically so Ryan could stay over whenever. 
Mom and Dad fucking hated when Ryan stayed here, and that was half the reason to invite him. 
“All right, dumbass, what do you need?” Danny says as he sticks his head through the door to Ryan’s room. He’s on his stomach on the bed, squinting at his laptop, head titled.
“I need help. I want to write Remy a poem for Valentine’s Day.”
“Oh, my God. I am way too gay to help you write a poem for a girl, Ryan. Especially for fucking Remy fucking Alleman, the bitch.”
“Man, fuck you. Remy’s fucking gorgeous and sarcastic and French and like the smartest person I know.”
“What about me?”
“Danny, you are neither French nor particularly smart, but I’ll give you sarcastic.”
“I’m at least gorgeous, though, right?”
“Nah, man, you’re ugly as shit. All those freckles?” Ryan pokes Danny in the cheek, just over his cheekbone, and laughs when Danny shoves him so hard he rolled off the bed and hit with a thump. “Ow! Fine, I take it back! You’re… acceptably attractive under certain circumstances!”
“Thank you. That’s all I ask you to say.” Danny flutters his eyelashes, then holds out his hand to help Ryan back up onto the bed. “So why do you want my help, for real?”
“Well… Gay guys are good at romantic shit, right?”
Danny blinks at him. “Have you met me?”
“… fair point. You’re a dumbass on a good day. Well… you’re all I got, so come over here and look at it, tell me what you think. I want to, like, handwrite it on this really pretty paper I got, and then I’m gonna roll it up like it’s a scroll and tie it to a rose she’s gonna find in that tree we used to climb when we started dating. Does that sound romantic?”
“Yeah, that sounds like a fucking Hallmark card. Let me see.”
Danny flops down to look at the words sitting in the open Word document on the screen. 
“My gaming friends think you’re super hot, you know,” He says, sidelong. “Perry and Jay and Cam and shit.”
Ryan shrugs. “Everyone thinks I’m hot. Comes with being so fucking hot all the time.”
“I hate you.”
“I hate you, too,” Ryan says primly. “And don’t you forget it.”
“How could I forget anything about you, you never leave me the fuck alone. Okay, so your poem.” Danny looks at the computer screen, gnawing on his lower lip, thinking. “Oh, man. This is… terrible.”
“Is it really?” Ryan scoots closer. “Like, too terrible to show her?”
“No you should definitely show her, she is going to fall on her ass laughing, and I want to be there to see it.” Danny’s mouth moves as he rereads it - he’s never been the best reader, although he does well enough reading for school. “Yeah, no, this sucks absolute donkey ass.”
“Shit.” Ryan deflates, a little, and Danny looks at him sidelong. “I just wanted to do something romantic.”
“Ryan, this is romantic. It’s just also terrible. It can be both things.”
“Yeah, but she’s French. They, like, get poetry and shit.”
“She’s French-Canadian, for starters, and don’t ever call her French to her face or she’ll kick you in it. Just give her your terrible poem and the rose and stuff. It’s romantic as hell, Ryan. She’ll laugh but she’ll keep the poem for-fucking-ever, I guarantee it.”
“You think?”
“I know, Ryan. Okay, I’ll help you maybe move some stuff around. I don’t know shit about poetry, but I mean… I can try. We’ll work on it together, get it the best it’s gonna be from the Michaelson boys.”
“So… still terrible.”
“Yeah, but what are you gonna do? If she cared about poetry, she’d date a fucking English major, right?”
“Right. But… but.” Ryan hesitates, just the barest hint of real vulnerability on his face. “She’ll still like it, even if it sucks, right?”
“She likes you even though you suck,” Danny pointed out helpfully.
“Hey now, of the two of us in the room who suck-”
“Shut up, asshole. Let’s get this done so I can get back to gaming, we’re doing really well in the rankings. Cam is talking about doing a couple semi-pro bits, like, signing up for meets where there’s money on the line.”
“Well if Cameron says to do it, of course you have to, God forbid you remember Cameron doesn’t even know you exist. Oooh, let’s write a poem for Cam for Valentine’s. ‘My hair is red, my eyes are blue, when I’m sucking dick, I think about you-’“
“Ryan, shut the fuck up! I do not think about Cam every time!”
Ryan brightens. “So… how often would you say you do? Ballpark estimate.”
Danny groans. “I’m going to punch you in the face. In the face, Ryan.”
“Mmmn, I’d look super hot with a black eye and we both know it. Anyway, help me with the poem first, I need to, like, learn some kind of penmanship or whatever so this doesn’t look like shit.”
“… yeah, okay.”
The two brothers settled in next to each other to consider the next line.
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ohfrickfanfic · 7 years
Home For The Holidays
Pairing: Virgin Tyler x Reader
You've been working for the Joseph family for a few months as a live-in housekeeper and nanny for their two youngest children, eleven-year-old Jay, and fifteen-year-old Madison. You love your job; it's so easy. The Joseph's are tidy people, so the cleaning doesn't take long at all, and Jay and Madison are the sweetest kids. You just have to help them with their homework after school, give them a snack, and make sure they don't get into any trouble. Plus, the pay it great.
It's Saturday morning, you and the Joseph family are eating a breakfast of pancakes and bacon together at the kitchen table when suddenly the door opens.
"Hey guys," you hear a voice say, looking up to see a gorgeous boy clad in a black, short sleeve button down shirt, black basketball shorts with two white horizontal stripes along the bottom, black leggings underneath, a red beanie hat, and a red backpack with white straps. You can't take your eyes off him.
"Ty!" Madison and Jay screech, running to hug him.
"Tyler, we weren't expecting you home for Christmas break until tomorrow. What a pleasant surprise!" Mrs. Joseph exclaims.
"We're glad to have you home, son," Mr. Joseph adds. "Where's your brother?"
"There was a snow storm headed towards the area near our school, so I decided to leave a day early, but you know Zack, he's stubborn and said he was still leaving tomorrow. Who's this?" Tyler says, eyeing you.
"Oh, this is Y/N. She’s our wonderful, live-in housekeeper and nanny. She just started a few months ago. And Y/N, this is our oldest son, Tyler. He's been away at his second year of college with his younger brother, Zack, who's in his freshman year. Hopefully he makes it before the storm tomorrow and you can meet him too."
Second year of college. Well, at least I know he's legal now.
"Hi," you smile flirtatiously, hoping no one else notices the look of want in your eyes.
"Hey," he smiles back, looking away shyly, cheeks flushed.
"Your dad and I were going to take the kids to the museum after breakfast. You’re welcome to join us," says Mrs. Joseph.
No, please stay
"Thanks, mom, but I'm just gonna relax at home if that's okay. I'm tired from the drive."
"That's fine, honey. Come join us for breakfast; you must be starving."
Tyler takes off his red beanie and backpack, hanging them on the coat rack near the door. He then kicks off his shoes and takes the empty seat to your right. You reach to grab the orange juice, your leg brushing against his. You feel his body tense up and you turn to look at him to find his lips pursed tight.
Did I just imagine that?  
You decided to try it again, this time on purpose, obvious and playful. He does it again, shifting in his seat.
The family leaves the table to finish getting ready, leaving you at the table with Tyler to finish eating. You keep feeling him stealing glances at you and decide to have some fun, dragging your finger through the syrup on your plate and bringing it up to your lips, sliding it into your mouth to suck off the syrup. Tyler clears his throat, shifting in his seat again as the sound of footsteps get closer to the kitchen.
"Okay, we're heading out now," Mrs. Joseph says. “Y/N, if you could just clean up breakfast and do sheets today, that would be great. Tyler, be a gentleman and help her out."
Oh, I got something he can help me out with
"So… what do you wanna do now that everyone's gone?" you tease.
"Uhhh, I'm gonna help you with chores and then I was planning on just hanging out and playing video games,” he says, sounding slightly confused as he helps load the dishwasher.
"Oh ok," you say, disappointed he didn't take your bait. "What are you gonna play?"
"Mario Kart 64," he says, closing the dishwasher.
"Mind if I watch?"
"Uhhh, sure," he says, sounding nervous.
Upon entering his room, you see rows of trophies above his bed. You've lived with the Joseph's for a few months, but you never had any reason to go into Tyler's room before, so you've never seen them all.
"Wow, are these all yours?” you ask, crawling on his bed to get a better look.
"Ummm, yeah. I play basketball," he says, swallowing hard, his hands palming at his thighs nervously as he stands near his bed.
"You must be very talented," you say teasingly while looking at Tyler, still on all fours on his bed.
"Yeah, I guess," he says biting his lip, his hands quickly clasping in front of his basketball shorts as he tries to disguise his growing bulge, his eyes still glued to you.
"C'mere," you flirt, kneeling on the edge of his bed now. He stays put. "C'mere Tyler. I don't bite... I mean, unless you’re into that," you tease. He smiles, taking a step forward to stand in front of you.
"I see that way you look at me, ya know. And I see the effect I'm having on you right now," you say, trailing your hand up his inner thigh, palming his bulge through his shorts. He lets out a shaky breath, his head rolling back just slightly as he does, his bulge hardening by the second. "Mmmm, and I can feel the effect I'm having on you too."
"Oh frick," he moans as you pull him down on top of you on his bed. You crash your mouth against his and tease your tongue along his lips until he finally lets you in,  darting his tongue sloppily into your mouth. You grab onto his shirt, pulling for leverage as you roll the two of you over to straddle him. You unbutton his shirt and kiss down his tattooed chest and down his stomach, stopping at his waistband before kissing back up and sliding your hand into his boxers, gripping his length. You can feel his heart rate and his breath quickening beneath your lips.
"Oh frick, oh frick," he breathes out rapidly, gripping the comforter on either side of him, borderline hyperventilating.
"Why are you so nervous? It's not like anyone is gonna catch us, Tyler; we have the house to ourselves. They won't be back for hours. They're at the museum looking at rocks and dinosaur bones, meanwhile I'm touching your rock-hard cock and we're gonna bone." You laugh at your own pun. "You're acting like you've never had a girl in your bed before. Just relax.”
There’s a long pause.
"Because I haven't." Tyler finally speaks up.
"What?" you ask, unsure if he's saying what you think he's saying.
"I haven't — I haven't had a girl in my bed. I'm... I'm… a... a virgin," he admits.
"Fucking Christ, Tyler! Why didn't you say something? I'm sorry!" you exclaim while climbing off him, embarrassed by your own actions of unknowingly seducing this poor virgin.
"No," he says, pulling you back, "I want this."
"Tyler, how old are you?" you ask
"Just turned twenty-one on the first, why?”
"Ok, sorry. Just making sure you weren't some underage genius who got accepted early into college," you laugh. "Sorry, I'm just shocked. You're so gorgeous, I don't know how it's possible."
"No," he laughs, blushing. "It's just that waiting until marriage has always been instilled in me since I was a kid, from Church and from my parents, but lately I've been thinking, like, how long can I really wait? I don't even have a girlfriend, never mind getting married, and, like, what if I never get married? I'm supposed to be a virgin forever? So I'm telling you the truth when I say I want this. I can't wait anymore. As long as you’re okay being with a virgin that is?"
"I'm okay with it as long as you are,” you answer.  So, what have you done with a girl?"
"Well, I kissed a girl once and she put her hand in my pants," he laughs nervously.
"Tyler, wait, are you referring to me, two minutes ago? No way! You had never even kissed a girl before?"
"Nope. But I wanna do it again," he smiles.
You bring your lips to his, straddling him again. "One more question," you say, breaking the kiss. "What's with saying frick?"
"Umm, I've never been allowed to swear and I've always tried my best to obey my parent’s rules, so it's just a habit. I say frick instead of… of… you know."
"Mmmmm, so you like to obey?" you ask suggestively.
"Yes," he smirks, squirming under you.
"Okay, well, since you like to obey so much, there will be no more 'frick'. It's ‘fuck’! Don't censor yourself, got it?" you bark.
"Got it," he responds, biting his lip.
"Good. Let’s have a little practice run," you say, slipping your hand past his waistband and back into his boxers. "So what do you want me to do to you?"
"Uhhh, fr —  fuck, I-I want you to... to… fu... fuck me," he moans.
"Mmmmm, much better, see how much hotter that is? Mmmmm. you listen so well. Tyler," you whine, slowly pumping your hand over his length, still inside his pants. "Hey, let's get these off of you." You slip your fingers under the waistbands of his clothing, pulling down, as he lifts his hips off the bed to help. You pull them all the way down to his ankles, taking them off completely.
"Cute red socks," you smile, crawling back up over his body. You keep your head low, dipping down lower as you approach his length. You run a slow lick from the base to the tip, grasping his length, lifting it from its place tight against his stomach, and continue to lick over the slit where his precum has gathered, tasting him. You slide your mouth over the head, teasing with your tongue under the tip before moving your mouth down, bobbing over his length.
"Fuck," he pants, propping himself up on his elbows, looking down at you.
"You like watching me suck your cock, Tyler?"
" God yessss," he whines.
"MMMmmmm listen to you. Somehow I don't think your mommy and daddy would approve of that use of the word," you tease, licking up his length. "Here, you wanna watch? Gimme your hands; hold my hair back," you say, guiding his hands into your hair. He obliges, leaning back and grasping your hair tighter than you would have expected him to.
"Mmmmm, Tyler!" you exclaim, surprised he's coming out of his shell. You bob over his length only a few times before you feel a warmness suddenly spilling into your mouth.
"Sorry, your mouth just felt so fucking good," he pants.
"It's ok. It was your first time, it's to be expected. Just warn me next time," you smile, wiping the corner of your mouth.  "Besides, now you get to play with me until you’re ready to go again," you smirk, pulling your shirt over your head.
Tyler looks like a deer in headlights. "Don't just stare, Tyler, touch me," you say, grabbing his hand and bringing it to your breast. Tyler scoots closer to you, placing his free hand on your other breast and massaging them through your bra while he kisses you. He then reaches behind you, fumbling with your bra clasp.
"Here, let me help you with that," you breathe between deep kisses, unclasping your bra and slowly sliding it off your shoulders.
Tyler quickly resumes touching you, and your mouths find each other’s again. You fall back down on the bed, Tyler on top of you. He moves his mouth to your neck, trailing wet kisses to your chest. His tongue finds your nipple and he licks and sucks softly as he cups both your breasts.
You place your hands on his shoulders, lightly pressing down to silently suggest he go lower. He obliges, slowly kissing down your body as you squirm under him. He stops at your waistband, looking at you for reassurance.
"Keep going," you whine encouragingly. He slips his fingers under your waistband, tugging your pants and panties down together, pulling them off. He teases the small strip of hair above your slit with his finger. "You like?" you ask, dragging your teeth over your bottom lip.
"Yeah," he breathes. "It looks so good."
"And it tastes even better," you suggest.
"Can I?" he asks
"You better," you smirk. He trails his fingers down in between your wet folds, finding your entrance and sliding them into you, moving them in and out.
"Uhhhh, fuck, that's good. Now try curling them like this," you groan, modeling the motion."
"Like this?" he asks, doing just as you said.
"Fuck... yeah… Tyler… just like that. Don't stop," you moan, fisting the comforter. "Tongue!" you bark, unable to form a full sentence. He obeys, licking teasing circles around your clit, driving you insane, before placing wet, open-mouthed kisses on your clit, sucking lightly. "Fuck, Tyler, where does a virgin learn... to… to uhhhh… eat pussy like this?” you moan.
"Uhhh, in his dorm watching porn I guess," he laughs. "Mmmm, you're dripping all over my bed," he says, looking down to where his fingers are still pumping inside of you, licking his lips.
"That means... uhhh... uhhh… fuck! That means you're doing it right," you moan, but you can't take it anymore, you need to feel his dick in you now.
You prop yourself up on your elbows, using your hands to then pull yourself up into a sitting position. You grab Tyler's wrists, pulling his fingers from you and push him down on the bed. You straddle him, bringing his fingers that were inside you to your mouth, tasting yourself.  Tyler's eyes go wide.
"Oh FUCK! That's hot," he whines. You pull his fingers from your mouth, letting his hand trail lightly down your body before pinning his hands to either side of his head. "Ummm, do you have a condom?" he pants.
"No, do you? But I am on birth control," you reply.
"No, I don't either. Ummm, fuck it. I don't even care. Fuck me!" he begs.
Bringing your feet underneath you and grasping his length, you guide him into your entrance, slowly sliding down his length. His mouth opens but no sound comes out as his eyes roll back.
"God damn, Tyler, you're letting all these girls miss out on this dick?” You moan, riding him.
"Mmmm, you like it?" he teases
"Fuck yes!" you exclaim, slamming down on him, your skin clapping together. Tyler lets out a loud moan as his eyes dart to the left. Your eyes follow his gaze to the full-length mirror on the back of his door, catching your reflection.
"Mmmmm, you like watching me fuck you, Tyler?"
"God you have no fucking idea how much," he breathes, reaching for his phone on the nightstand, then pointing it at you.
"Fuck, Tyler, are you recording this? You're fucking filthy! Recording me taking your virginity like this," you tease. "Keep it going, I'm so close! You gotta record me coming for you." Tyler unexpectedly thrusts up deep inside of you. "Oh fuck! Tyler, do that again!" He obeys, causing you to moan his name loudly.
"I'm gonna cum," he whines.
"mmmmmm, good boy, you remembered to tell me," you tease. "Me too."
You feel Tyler's warmth pooling inside you as you ride out your orgasm, collapsing down onto him and rolling off to his side.
"I'm saving that for later," he smiles, out of breath as he stops the recording.
"So how was it?" you ask. "Was it everything you expected?”
"I didn't know it was possible for anything to feel that good; that was incredible," he huffs, still trying to catch his breath.
"Come on now, get up. I gotta get this comforter washed, dried, and back on your bed before your parents get home."
The two of you play Mario Kart 64 until the comforter is done, and he helps you put it back on his bed.
"We should probably head back downstairs now. Your family will probably be back any minute," you say.
Back in the living room, the two of you sit on the couch and put the T.V. on.
"So, what do you think your parents would do if they found out?" you tease
"Ummm, fire you!" he laughs. His smile, his laugh… it's just too perfect, and you find yourself kissing him again, only to be interrupted by the sound of keys jingling in the door. You tear apart from each other, jumping to opposite ends of the couch, as his family walks through the door.
"Hey, Tyler. Your brother just called, he said he's sorry he should have listened to you because now he's snowed in. Do you know when the next school break is? I really want to see him," Mrs. Joseph asks.
"Not soon enough," Tyler says, sneaking a look at you.
Back to School is pt.2 to this
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junker-town · 5 years
Jay Williams on Zion Williamson, LaMelo Ball, and the high school player who could compete in the NBA today
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A Q&A with former Duke star Jay Williams.
ESPN broadcaster and former Duke star Jay Williams spoke to SB Nation on behalf on the McDonald’s All-American Game this week. You can find the rosters for the game here. The 2019 McDonald’s All-American Game takes place on March 27, 2019 at State Farm Arena in Atlanta.
There’s a lot of high school All-American games these days. The Nike Hoops Summit. The Jordan Brand Classic. Why is the McDonald’s Game still special?
It’s the McDonald’s All-American Game! There’s so much prestige behind it. It’s just in such high regard. I know there are a lot of other games, and this is said with all do respect, but when you look at the lineage of this game, that’s what excites me. There’s something about the past being associated with the future. When you look down t he list of names of people who have played in this game, from Magic Johnson to Isiah Thomas to LeBron James to Kevin Durant, Anthony Davis, Kobe Bryant, Vince Carter. The best of the best have all participated in this game.
From the kids’ perspective, and for myself, I was lucky to be named on the 40 Greatest McDonald’s All-American list — I don’t know how that happened, but I’m happy it did — it was the first moment I recognized that I actually had what it took to potentially get to that next level. Because as much as people tell you, this is a possibility, have you ever thought about the league, it wasn’t until I got that letter with that McDonald’s logo on it inviting me to the game to participate with the best of the best, that it confirmed the thought that I actually am seeing that light. I’m getting one step closer to accomplishing my dream of being a professional athlete.
What was it like for you to play in that game?
It was a moment of confirmation and validation for me. I had been hearing about Jonathan Bender, and Carlos Boozer, and Jason Gardner, and all those guys that we had as McDonald’s All-Americans in 1999, it wasn’t until I stepped on the court and played against them that it validated I really did belong here. That I had a chance to be pretty special if I kept working.
It was my first step into the national spotlight. It was my first time being on an interview with 50 cameras and reporters around him. It was my first time realizing this moment is my first step of the dream I always wanted to get a taste of. Now the journey really starts.
There are a lot of different opinions on who the best player in the country is this year. James Wiseman. Cole Anthony. Vernon Carey Jr. Anthony Edwards. Who do you think it is? Or who are you most excited to see?
I look at basketball the way you do. It’s all one vertical to me. I don’t really compartmentalize and put players in high school, college, or the pros. For everybody, it’s physically and mentally, where are you? How do you evolve? Where’s your game at?
I don’t want to get into who’s the No. 1 player. The player who is the most electrifying to me is Cole Anthony. I always joke with Greg, like man, this kid has all that extra stuff. And Greg had a lot of stuff to him, but Cole just has it. How competitive he is, the fire he plays with, his talent level, and just the way he approaches the game.
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Vernon Carey is special, too. Same with Wiseman. I don’t want to take away from any of them. But I feel the player is most NBA ready right now is Cole.
I feel like Cole could come into any NBA team and compete. I would love to see Cole Anthony go against Russell Westbrook. I would love to see Cole Anthony go against Kyrie Irving. I’m not saying Cole is better than those guys, because he’s not currently. But wow, the upside he has and the way he plays right now, you would see a battle. He wouldn’t back down from that challenge. That mentality of Cole is what affects me about him the most.
Speaking of McDonald’s All-Americans, Duke has some good ones this year. Zion Williamson, RJ Barrett, Cam Reddish and Tre Jones. It reminds me of your title winning team in 2001 with yourself, Boozer, Dunleavy and Battier. How do you think those two teams stack up?
Do you want me answer this with my analyst had or as Jay Williams?
I want you to answer it as Jay Williams.
I think they’re talented players. I don’t think they’d be able to compete with us.
I’m always going to say that because I’m competitive. I know who I was as a player. Now look, Zion and RJ and Cam and Tre are very, very special. I’m not sure if Tre would have guarded me or if they would have put a taller defender on me. But I know what I brought to the table. I know what kind of offensive sets we ran, with Shane Battier and I in the high screen. I know how Boozer is — him being a perennial All-Star. I know Dunleavy is 6’10.
If it was our freshman year, I don’t know how it would be. We obviously had another year of maturity our sophomore year, the season you’re asking about. We had another year to learn how to play. What these guys are doing right now as freshmen is ridiculous. I don’t know if we could have done that right out of the gate our freshmen year. But I think our sophomore year, once we matured, we were at a different level than this team. Again, they are freshmen, we were sophomores.
It seems like Zion Williamson towers over the whole sport this year. What have your impressions been of him?
Look, Zion Williamson is Zion. Whenever you give somebody just one name, you know they’re doing something pretty spectacular. Think about one name people. Madonna. Prince. Zion. He’s in that category for what he’s brought to the sport.
We don’t see people who are 6’7 who weight 285 pounds that can dance on a bubble and not pop it. His dexterity and how nimble he is, his ability to finish over the top of people or underneath people with his footwork, we haven’t really seen an athlete like that maybe other than LeBron James. And you can make the argument that he’s more freakishly athletic than LeBron James.
R.J. Barrett has almost missed as many shots this season as Zion has taken. Can Duke win the national title if that continues to happen?
Yeah, because RJ is going to need to do that. RJ is the catalyst for that team offensively. Zion can attack the rim offensively in different ways, but when it comes down to it in half court offense, especially with Tre Jones out, Zion needs to be that penetrator who gets to the rim and creates shots. RJ is a volume shooter right now. Can he be more efficient? Yes. But right now, you need him to attack.
With Tre Jones coming back in to the picture, they need to get Cam Reddish to be more dynamic. He needs to be more than just a shooter. But if they continue to move in that different, with RJ not taking 30 shots per game, but maybe in the low 20s, this team has the all the talent in the world. There’s no team that’s more talented than Duke.
LaMelo Ball has said he wants to play big time college basketball at a school like Duke, UNC, Kansas or Kentucky. Should he be allowed to play? Do you want to see him in college basketball?
I want LaMelo to do whatever LaMelo wants to do. I think the amount of pressure on him creates a really fascinating situation.
For Lonzo, he was already established within the college basketball community. He was already on his way out for the draft. LiAngelo, I think you saw it affected him, granted he wasn’t the same quality of basketball player as Lonzo and LaMelo. I think Melo is supremely talented. His talent speaks for itself. I think his game still needs to evolve and mature.
One of the gifts and curses of coming to college basketball is that he’ll automatically be a target. He’ll be a target for networks to market and hype. There will be a lot of hysteria around him wherever he goes. The question is, at the age of 17, 16, he’s already put himself into that threshold of being a celebrity. Now, when your game starts to get broken down and criticized, how do you deal with that? It’s on a national level now, but it’s not being broken down every single night, like playing at Duke, UNC or UCLA will do.
I wonder how he’ll handle that psychologically. That’s where we’re at right now with this generation. We’re asking kids to grow up a lot quicker now. That’s a really tough position to be in. I think Melo is talented, but the hype around him is going to be challenging.
Most underrated NBA prospect in college today?
I think people are forgetting about Darius Garland because of the knee injury. He reminds me a little bit of CP3 with his understanding of the game. Darius has that. We won’t talk about him this year because he’s not going to play, but we’ll talk about him in the draft because of his ability to lead and make the game easier for other people, as long as he’s healthy.
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