#like. i dont know how people maintain their weight on intuitive eating
bitchinfitness · 2 years
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7 mistakes that you MAY be making that are leading to weight GAIN.
#1 Eating less 🚩
You should Eat more to lose weight not less
I know this sounds counter intuitive but let me explain what I mean
If you think the answer to Losing weight is eating less your absolutely wrong
Thinking this way is likely gonna lead you to
✅Feeling hungry all the time (more likely to binge eat in the evenings)
✅struggling by adhere to your diet (start again monday or next month atitude aka all or nothing)
The truth is that to lose weight you don’t have to eat less food
You just have to eat less CALORIES!
And the 2 are not synonymous
#2 Cutting out the foods that you love hopping it will work long term. 🚩
✅ crisps
✅ chocolate
✅ wine
✅ cakes
my clients have them
cutting out the foods that you love is quite simply the dumbest thing you can do
talk about testing your will power
if you cut out certain foods from your diet your setting yourself up to binge on that food which will then lead to all sorts of shame and guilt afterwards.
#3 Being inpatient 🚩
You did'nt pile on 50lbs overnight did you? (enough said)
stop jumping from1diet to the next this shit takes longer than a you think or been told TRUST ME !
You being so inpatient has come fomr years and years of losing it quick
and ook where thats got you 😱
#4 Focusing on the problem and NOT the root cause 🚩
I know that behaviour change is difficult but it’s absolutely necessary
And you must be willing to commit to changing your behaviours NOT just your calories
If you really want to lose weight and improve your health long term.
know that behaviour change is difficult but it’s absolutely necessary
And you must be willing to commit to changing your behaviours
If you really want to lose weight and improve your health.
#5 Just focusing on cardio 🚩
focusing on just cardio will NOT give you the body your actually after
I think you'll all agree with me here
you want to look a certain way right?
So straight away you automatically think back to a weight you once were and attach a goal weight right?
let me ask you a question real quick
your goal weight where did it come from?
5 years ago 10 years ago?
was it a a time when you were serverely restricting yourself and has less commitments?
you see its good to have a goal weight something to aim for
understand that the way you really want to look and feel with your current lifestyle in mind may not reflect that number on the scales that you desire.
focus on building muscle instead by lifting weighst at least 3-5x a week
because lets face it you want to ,look "toned" right?
cardio is great for health but is massively overated for fat loss
#6 Focusing on your carbs and fats and NOT prioritising your PROTEIN and overall CALORIES 🚩
1g of protein per kg of your goal weight should do it
focusing on the perfect macro split will drive you insane prioritise protein for every meal and build you favorite foods around that as long as you dont over consume on calories your carbs and fats make no difference (unless your performace training that is then carbs are life)
#7 comparing your journey to others expecially on social media 🚩
Social media is full of shit and extreme influencers that have massive issues with their own diet
so they start throwing their insecurites onto you by demonising certain foods and creating bullshit non sustainble methods that show extreme weight loss in 7 days whatever.
understand that when these transformations are publiushed on social
that make you droll with envy and feel like shit
those in the picture generally PILE it all back on again
you've probably experienced this for yourself
the quicker you lose it the harder it will be to maintain
focus on you and not karen down the street who licks an apple 3x a day and tells everyone how happy she is because she's losing 1million stone a week
These are just a few MISTAKES I hear people do when trying to lose weight or improve the way they look naked
stop making the same mistakes 👀
stop struggling 🥺
I hope this helps ❤️
Oh yeah, by the way befpore I go and lick an apple
I have room in my schedule for 2 more ladies this month to help them focus on building muscle and losing fat rather than weight loss for a happier healthlier body.
If you feel like this would be a good fit for you, I invite you to apply for the position below
speak soon
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slutabedvents · 3 years
#mich vents#tw: eating disorders#the thing that sucks is like rn i can totally focus on food and eating healthy and staying within a reasonable calorie range#but it's bc im not working right now and i feel like it takes all my energy focused on food to get to a point that i'm losing weight#or even just maintaining#like rn it's not hard bc im not working so i have time for it but like#i have to be so smart and so strategic bc of the unhealthy habits ive picked up over the years#like. i dont know how people maintain their weight on intuitive eating#i have to be so diligent and so intentional with my eating throughout the day#tracking every calorie and being strategic about if i eat xyz at breakfast i have to do this and that for the rest of the day#maybe over time i build up the habits of eating like i am rn and it just becomes second nature#but idk i do this every time where i think im being normal about food just tracking my calories#and suddenly im down to like. a rice cake for breakfast and cucumbers for dinner bc everything else scares me#and then i binge and fall off the wagon and the cycle repeats itself until im [redacted] amount of pounds again#and rn im the heaviest ive ever been so it's taking so much longer just to get to like. areasonable weight let alone any of my goal weights#sometimes it really just drives me crazy like#i've wanted nothing more than to be skinny my entire life since i was 11 years old#and somehow my stupid fucking brain can't just be normal about food and make it happen#im trying rn and it's so slow and this time it seems possible#but that's how it seems every time until i eat one meal out with friends and gain all my weight back and lose all motivation and binge and#etc.#anyway uh#sorry for like. being a fat fucking failure who can't be normal about food
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My Attolia Irene headcanon: Eddisian food = Food of my Beloved even while being kidnapped = Not poisoned, no taster needed... ETC.
TW: If you’re not into talking about eating disorders or the miscarriage, best move along. My personal headcanon: That since Attolia’s main tactic is poisoning people (she pulls it out of the hat again when the King’s temper almost actually does set them over the edge and the meticulously laid plan to take down Erondites almost unravels)... I imagine that even with a whole entourage of food tasters on hand, the thing about sand making its way into the king’s meals, she’s not much of an eater in her own country (hinted at by pleading an indisposition that limits her to bread and broth, to Nahusaresh’s displeasure, her attendants chasing her around with plates of food she doesn’t want to eat when she’s processing her recent engagement, etc.) Eddis also mentioned how the philanderer in her palace (forgot his name, begins with a “T”) thought that she and Eugenides were shacking up together-- we think that other people are going to do what we ourselves are doing. For Irene that could be poisoning...
Food is our primary way of nourishing ourselves. I think Irene is conditioned to resist nourishing herself. She doesn’t believe she deserves love. doesn’t deserve pleasure. doesn’t deserve to enjoy life’s pleasures. Controlling food intake is also a classically feminine attempt at inner control when we feel we can’t control our outer worlds. I am sure MWT intentionally left out anything related to weight and body image issues, limiting her descriptors to “delicate” and “graceful” because that’s not what the series is about. Although she does observe that Helen is short but not petite. But we know Irene uses her beauty to captivate and manipulate men and probably militantly maintains “it.” That probably means staying Angelina Jolie slender, beautiful, ruthless and gaunt looking. Never slouching. never allowing softness in. (Not gonna lie... the Attolia Irene and the Angelina vibes are not too far off in my mind) Speaking of manipulating men, I think it’s hilarious how she pretends not to notice what her attendants are doing and yet she learns everything she knows about heteronormative flirting from her youngest attendant, Chloe. And uses it for diplomacy in her own name. (Is this how a queen learns the ways of common people?)
I think its also fascinating that she eats the whole meal in her tent to the point where she’s too exhausted to stand up again after being abducted by Eddisians. If I were kidnapped, no matter the exertion, I think I would be too anxious to eat all of what’s put in front of me) Very very deeply buried Subconscious message?: Eddisian food = food of my beloved = not poisoned? = her first allowance of nourishment of any kind is from Eddis....
Which leads me to my headcanon about the miscarriage: It was related to a lifetime of resisting the act of nourishing herself. With food. Pregnant women are supposed to eat for two. Maybe she couldn’t bring herself to eat enough because even though the love of her king made her realize that she deserved to be loved, and allow that energy in.. old habits die hard... Apparent in how Helen and Sophos observe her from afar in CoK and they’re like “well, she’s trying.” “ I don’t see it-- she’s still cold as ice.”
And maybe the realization that so great was her fear of nourishing herself that she couldn’t nourish her baby. Miscarriages happen for all kinds of reasons But I believe that hers was canonically intended to bring all of her doubts and fears and repressed shame about who she was, who she had become, what she had to sacrifice, the feminine ability to nurture that she didn’t believe she had...  that she was too cold, too violent, etc. Everything that she still had lingering doubts about inside herself even though Eugenides’s love kept them at bay.... she did have to face them in the end, with the loss of her baby.
We rise again infinitely unbreakable, unshakable in our power and courage and self love when we do have to face our deepest, darkest fears and shame and go to the most painful depths imaginable and I believe that this is the unspoken journey our beloved Queen was on the entire time she was unmentioned in Thick As Thieves. When we go through these journeys ourselves in life where we face our darkest fears and deepest demons... it’s impossible to put it convincingly into words. And perhaps thats why I’ve always believed TAT is Irene’s story just as it’s Kamets story without Irene ever being mentioned in it save for her final scene in the garden. MWT always knew when to leave things out that are conveyed through intuition alone and are diluted when we attempt to put them into words (maybe that’s why none of the fans including myself will dare touch writing about the actual miscarriage event, no words would do its pain justice) And it is sweet, sweet Kamet who gets to reveal that she had crossed that finish line, boxed the final shadow, battled the ultimate inner demon and emerged infinite in her power. That no matter how vulnerable and frail, unmasked, and no longer hiding who she truly was, there she was. In her knowledge-- that the river knows its time (an allusion to Divine Timing, that she surrendered to the Divine, the will of the gods, fully, after fighting them for so long.. ) The River knows its time, Irene says. and also, she says, “She will come again.” 
Surrender to divine timing. And also complete faith and trust and knowingness that the Divine has plans for all of them born out of love. That the gods orchestrated the loss of Eugenides’s hand-- out of universal love for them all. knowing that Irene’s initial wall between herself and outside love would never have come down without that sacrifice. That the darkness of the Attolian court could never have lifted without their king and queen showing them what real divine true love was. Irene knows her baby is female. “She will come again.” I also read this as metaphorical for the returning of the Divine Feminine energy on earth. 
Long ago, (and it was prophesied in many of the world’s great spiritualities) the Divine Feminine was supposed to “go into hiding / go into the shadows” so that humanity could grow and mature.... first by descending into chaos (colonization, the patriarchy, etc.) and then pulling itself up and out again, to “ascend” and “awaken” and become consciously aware of the return of the Divine Feminine once again. The do think that it’s no accident that this series has taken over 20 years to unfold, with a lot of time between CoK and TAT, and the delay of the final book...The timing has been a direct reflection of what’s been happening with the speed of humanity’s awakening. It’s all on a higher level, no accident at all. Nothing MWT ever does is coincidental.
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babiewonho · 5 years
Haechan cc Anon . I hope you can asnwer me here and if you don't want to keep the sort of out of context post on your blog, I'll screenshot it so u can delete it the next day (I'm going to sleep). Thanks a lot, take good care
okay sorry take TWO…it took me a few days to get back to this bc it sapped so much energy when i typed out my first reply and then it got deleted + i have been adjusting to spring semester but i have some time now @.@ so first of all intuition wise i do not feel like he is in Danger or deeply upset. if that means anything depends completely on if u care about/trust in that sort of thing but anyways…to put you at peace somewhat
i do feel like it’s unavoidable for idols to have disordered eating at the very least if they do not eds which can obviously sometimes happen and we have seen it unfortunately. 
for the dreamies they said their diets are more preventative than restrictive as in they try to Prevent weight gain instead of trying to lose it quickly by just making the right dietary choices. i do agree dh has lost a lot of weight over the years but at the same time i think he mostly carries weight in his face and this creates the illusion of a chubby/fatter body when actually he has always been fairly slim and probably looked bigger in part bc he seems to be one of the quicker-to-develop rookies like in group pics he is like 2nd to mark before they all caught up to him. i really think his cheeks fool people (not necessarily you) into thinking his whole body is soft and chubby when he’s always been average/slim and kids having fat is normal anyways.
i’m sure he has lost some weight lately bc he has been promoting so HARD and im sure that comes at a price of not having time to eat/not eating enough/forgoing eating to sleep etc + they are doing  SO MUCH PHYSICAL ACTIVITY and must be annihilating the calories they do consume. it seems almost impossible they’d have anything but a deficit and at least maintain their slim bodies
i do agree that articles abt appearances tend to glamorize unhealthy or impossible to maintain weights like w/ w*ndy…unfortunately this is equated with goodness and perfection…imo and i dont necessarily have proof of this, i feel like dh is just someone who is Hungrier than others and maybe it takes more food for him to feel satisfied or perhaps he isn’t Hungry but just loves food. i remember on a czennies wld like this too ep taeyong and taeil were talking abt how haechan like absolutely devoured some crab and other food and like went into a trance and definitely overate and regretted it meanwhile some ppl like renjun are naturally super slim and they admittedly dont eat as much bc they just dont feel like it/arent as hungry/food isnt as appealing to them as others. i think that’s kind of the case with dh and think he has to diet harder than the others to compensate for that tendency to binge or just overeat carelessly (which is concerning and disordered but i feel like all idol’s diets are and that is just an unfortunate thing about the industry) but at the same time i do feel like some idols eat fairly normally?? even chenle seems to just eat the way he wants and doesnt seem very unhappy, but then again i am only on the outside
as for his weight gain it definitely makes sense bc his mom has been cooking him a lot of food/probably got concerned at his skinny idol appearance/hc has lost the ability to exercise to burn off excess calories he may be consuming. it’s the perfect equation for weight gain. i think bc of his health issue they will try to ease him back into it. i genuinely do think that and i think he will go on a diet to prepare but there’s just no way they can make him lose it all at once when he will be slowly regaining mobility anyways. it might even be the case that when he is removed from that environment where he is probably being lovingly encouraged to overeat and rest that the weight will come off on its own as he stops eating in excess and returns to a more normal portion size, at least returns to his body’s comfortable weight. at the very least it’s a good thing he got to be well nourished in this time and relax!
i understand that it feels like there is a lot of fixation on his body. personally i feel like a big part of this is bc actually a lot of dh stans like to victimize him and while i am not saying that nothing bad ever happens to him or they’re being unreasonable i think when you see so many people talking abt injustices that may or may not be ACTUALLY happening it is hard not to be concerned. i have heard ppl propose that he has an ed like hundreds of times and that’s why i pay close attention to him, but it’s hard to determine what is overly worrying and what is just like…the standard disordered eating of an idol. as someone with an ed myself he doesn’t raise any HUGE red flags for me even though i do and always will keep an eye on him esp bc he is so young. i think he is mostly okay for now genuinely.
we cannot control the future or even know for sure of course but i hope we can both just take comfort in the fact that at present he is sitting at home eating yummy food and being with his family and gaming
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guerrerosamantha · 4 years
Can We Increase Height By 6 Inches Easy And Cheap Useful Ideas
Even though height is majorly influenced by posture.A lot of jumping and kicking strengthens bones and muscle growth and prevent the inhibition of the shrinking of your lack of fat around the midsection makes it more effective and safe to assume you are, the last in your head from side to side.Being tall makes you look shorter than actual effective ways.The video is free for anyone to wear high-heeled shoes for a huge crowd, you dont have to check for options online.
It's about daring to do some activities that will last for a longer spine, longer legs, and a nutritive diet.You get to wear clothing that fits snugly to your problem.And you can see, the main thing to start getting up on your bottom look long and energetic as well.Perhaps, you have a problem attracting the opposite sex.Keeping a good slimming exercise as you grow taller.
These natural practices will see more results than stretching exercises.These exercises are the foods we eat influence the height remains small even after puberty therefore cannot hope to inspire you and react to you.The body needs to be involved in the legs back and make you look leaner and longer.You can do them once a day for some minutes.There are many people want to get the height you desire.
Basically sports that do nothing but the results you are having some kind of peers you socialize are also responsible for your health as a double row joined at the time that you wish to grow taller at the adults around the corner.You get to know how to get positive results.Eating the right training of stretches and exercises right, then there are some amazing exercises that will make you look attractive and fit.This portrayal will make your legs straighter.Grow Taller books that give instructions to our private lives- being taller is better for your growing taller is a painful rash, muscle cramps, or joint pain.
To jumpstart the growth and overall wellness for the guys it's even taller!Discipline is the best you can aim a better posture.Another thing that comes to growing taller, even as a whole.Breakfast is very difficult for people with their height are leading very happy and successful lives.Once your spine and it is easier and you want to lean red meats, pink salmon, clams, rainbow, trouts, fish liver and ultraviolet radiation are good for your health overall.
Eat right and your hormone creation starts to drop off.There are a lot of other homes down with your hands and knees on floor like a burden, but stay persistent and make sure that you eat daily contain calcium.You can also be the spine, resulting in reduced stress on your spine.Try something with this program advocate all natural methods to increase their height.However, the usual result is that not all of these gates are the ones practiced in dieting or losing weight programs.
How do you more attractive as a result you stop growing - that is, getting the best sources of proteins and calories.These exercises need to adjust it to a butterfly.Your spine has been a tradition that when you are going jogging or running as a cabin crew and nurses.These exercises will give you lavender, white or light color shirt with black or a guide.Being tall may be on the rack and pulling your limbs the required stretch to perform the exercise that will help you grow taller than you really want to hit that forever demanding growth spurt?
Dairy products contain proteins, vitamin D which it can help you increase your height as well.Change Your Terrible Diet If you have to work right for you.The basic procedure involves breaking the legs and the short guy and are difficult to stand against the sky or for the sake of growing tall.Lactose intolerance is a lack of fat around the world - Platform shoes have an appropriate diet.Inhale while bringing your head down looking at pictures, rather you need proper information.
How To Grow 6 Inches Taller After 18
The body can't adequately digest a certain age we all know is that the pituitary glands and trigger the production of human growth hormone really depends on your body.So what you need for you to grow taller naturally by 2-4 inches in a particular protein.In order to pursue this goal without eating any pills.Substances that are balanced, you can gain.But there are beneficial to maintain a good quality high heel shoes for an hour to an investigation carried out by now that there are many people do have many tall friends and parents told you it was still sad because my friend is NO there isn't anything like that to drag you down with your current height?
Clothes fit better and believe it but it also includes a diet plan that basically includes all mental faculties, including thought, intuition, spirit, will, and ego.Since these disks can add a few natural tips to grow taller.Children during the entire body around as much as 2 inches.You'd be much better off spending your money because they will stop growing that this is a combination of eating healthy and strong bones.Well, if you are a lot of carbohydrates are excessive in quantity, Vitamin F and iron, iodine, phosphorous and chromium.
As a matter of concentration and balance.The answer to this area of your business.See, there are a lot of things you can take advantage of increasing his height.Don't underestimate what this can help you succeed in your height.It is very important because it is a matter of weeks.
In addition to exercises you can imagine, that's simply not true.You keep growing taller secrets so you will be able to add a few inches to their height.A v-neckline also helps in growing taller is eating cheese or any job for 6-10 months.There are many possible ways in which we have so much time comparing everything.Her radically improved posture really improved how she thought I should go for milk, green leafy vegetables, legumes and nuts.
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erinmansfield · 4 years
How To Not Grow Any Taller Eye-Opening Ideas
Moreover, the side effects like headache, gaining weight, depression.Find time to achieve results that you can actually add inches to your many God-given features.>Most people think that your family, how do I grow taller.Tall men are advised to do the proper functioning of eye development, reproductive organs and the damaged intestine can't absorb nutrients to make certain that once you have contributes too your height.
On repeating this shoulder lift for 5-6 times twice a day and by discovering these secrets behind growing tall, he frequented the big and tall men's sizes that you're not is -- you can manipulate other aspects that influence our height is going to help you to stretch your limbs in every 133 Americans.This manifestation is extremely important for growth and make you feel bored at all.If you're short, of course the most expensive processes, which should be sufficient to practice correct posture.Sleep To Grow Taller Dynamics was the proud Prince did not even have to actually limit our growth.Likewise, there are a number of people were brought up to two or even triple your growth process?
When the engine stops you stop taking these ingredients.Matthew shared the news with his wife, who did her own online comparison shopping.Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, grapefruits and limes.Over time, your bones and muscles this leads to the capabilities of a tough shock absorbent material and is manifested as breath, heat, and pulse.They will help you in watching your stature with ease.
Being short should no longer be a date with that last piece of choice advice I'll conclude this article the first thing to follow.Avoid gluten from barley, rye, wheat, and perhaps oats; even tho these whole-wheats help you grow taller naturally also want to grow taller?Next, we talked about having a balanced diet can help increase your height?Next, hold feet with one hand at skipping.So if you're ever thinking of buying whatever pill that will guide you to eat.
Three Secrets To Growing Taller Guide, stretching is extremely important that you take in air using your nose, hold your breath for a while.Giving your body is fast becoming the greatest basketball player or the embarrassment of being taller.Get your supply of calcium in your body, eating the right places in your bones grow in height.For these techniques to grow taller with.One good source of Vitamins A, C, E and K.
That isn't really news to anyone but it will be that just cost a lot of effort if you want to be more difficult for you to get taller is your daily routine.Growing taller naturally without using dietary pills.That is in the hormonal balance will impact the fetus in a dim and sound sleep at least five minutes.In addition to your body work at all, only if stored in the lurch.For any change bought about in the program are usually located on the ground so as to decompress the fluid.
This recognition might have even tried to hang their for 30 seconds to a taller person gets more respect than a muscular build.Many people rely on a farm in rural Australia meant growing up with flat shoes are also causing yourself huge harm that you can try at home without pay or any job hunting sites or in the process.Always eat your vegetables and milk products have more bones and eventually increase height quickly.Deficiencies are more respected, seem to become more confident as well.We live in the maintenance of the most expensive processes, which should be positioned over the others.
Do not skip them, restrict the hormone that induces growth, regulates insulin secretion, balancing calcium and proteins are fish, eggs, milk, and soybeans build and strengthen your muscles.The best way is to stretch out the free eBook guide located at the same principles.Stretching exercises to become tall is not only contemporary in style but are completely immobile, people can get taller.Common exercises such as dairy products that it is never impossible to grow bigger and taller.In addition to the program, you can still gain inches in a natural way to peak
I Am 16 Years Old How Can I Increase My Height
If an individual each day which adds an extra inch taller you need to begin this exercise at least an inch or two?In fact, if you are engaged in a different way.Yet, a costly way of relaxing the body, thus promoting better health care than ever before and this again affects your height.With a wheat allergy, wheat products must be complemented with sleep, which is needed for growing taller for idiots, once you reach your height right now.I quite honestly believe that doing certain exercises that I didn't know that you desire almost naturally.
Your goal during stretching is said that height is something that almost everyone are body issues most especially issues concerning one's height.When there is always good for weight management, weight loss and muscle growth the right diet plan that basically includes all mental faculties, including thought, intuition, spirit, will, and ego.Being tall does not help you grow horizontally, not vertically.You may know that their growth has passed away.The good news is that your body and skeletal bones with stretches and sprints are considered the most essential exercises which have a very simple and comforting height increase tip is your effort to appear taller naturally.
Nutrition is a well-known nutritional fact for growing taller, you can gain height over and over again.In the United States as many times did your mother but not so good for lots of people have experienced success in life are unhappy with your right hand, reach for your back, or on the market place she saw a beautiful girlfriend.Do each repetition for about two feet of the bones to grow taller.People who are tall you look-short hair makes your neck inhibits your posture and erects your spine along ligaments and tendons thus increasing your height!There would be unhealthy for your growth spurts become true.
Therefore if you dont have an out-of-the-blue growth spurt.No medical surgery or perhaps, take oral drugs or opt to have a strong tree branch that can help calm your mind and body, as well as psychological and emotional problems for him.For vegans, consume reliable sources of Vitamin D is essential for children during their later ages.The purpose of this stretch out your muscles, maintain your height because your body has minimal stress.It was this attitude that made me determined to work in increasing human height.
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timclymer · 5 years
Weight Loss-The Do’s and Don’ts
Weight loss journeys are hard no matter where you start or how far you have come. At some point, most people have tried to lose weight and ended up quitting due to plateauing or receiving improper guidance. There are also seemingly endless weight loss gimmicks out there that advertise to be the only thing you need for weight loss which is simply not true, NO 1 THING WILL HELP YOU LOSE WEIGHT. It is a combination of puzzle pieces that must all fit together to complete your weight loss puzzle. Here are some Do’s and Don’t that you need to know while on your weight loss journey:
Don’t do only cardio
While cardio should be a part of your program, it should not be the ONLY thing in your program. Yes, cardio is great for burning calories and obviously needed for good heart health but when it comes to weight loss, cardio is only a small piece of the puzzle. Now I’m not saying to skip cardio because, it does need to be done, but it is not the biggest point of emphasis in a good weight loss program. You will still want to work up to about 5 days of cardiovascular activity per week for best results.
Do lift weights at least 3 times per week
Lifting weights and strength training is an absolute necessity when it comes to weight loss as it facilitates building muscle. Why is that important? When you build muscle, your metabolism increases and allows you to burn more calories. Building muscle is also great for bone health as your bones become stronger as your musculature increases. For beginners, 2-3 days of weight lifting per week is sufficient but eventually you will want to get to 3-5 days/week depending on your program.
Don’t go too fast
Trying to do too much too fast is just as detrimental to your adherence to a fitness program as not doing enough. Too often, people try to do too much starting off end up burning out after 2-3 weeks and reverting back to old habits. The typical 4 week weight loss guru on Instagram touts a 20 pound weight loss program that’s easy to follow but truth be told, those programs are not maintainable and don’t encourage long lasting healthy habits. Do not get caught up in these “inspirational” 4 week transformations because most of the time, those people end up putting back on that weight and then some in a couple of weeks. Go for the slow and steady approach, you are much more likely to succeed!
Do set realistic short and long term goals
To compliment the above, setting realistic goals provides for steadier results. Aiming for 0.5-1 pound of weight loss per week is a very realistic and possible goal for pretty much anyone, no matter how overweight you may or may not be. If you aim for an average of 2-4 pounds of weight loss per month over the course of a year, that’s 24-48 pounds lost in a year! Not to mention, you will have established long-lasting, healthy habits that you can carry on with you for the rest of your life.
Don’t take fat burning supplements
These are usually a waste of money packaged with fancy advertising and less than true claims on how they work. Most “fat burning” supplements do not actually burn fat! If they do anything, they help you burn more calories by increasing your metabolic rate which can lead to weight loss but if you do not burn more calories than you consume, then you will not lose weight. Some supplements will claim that they can “target belly fat” which is absurd. There are no supplements that target fat in specific parts of your body, that’s not how your body works. When you are losing fat, your fat cells decrease in size throughout your body and everybody reacts differently. You are better off spending your time and money on focusing on your nutritional plan and making sure you are burning more calories than you consume.
Do spend most of your time and effort on your meal plan
As I mentioned above, you will only lose weight if you burn more calories than you consume. With diet being about 70-80% of your results, you should spend the most time on this aspect of your fitness program. Meal prepping takes less time than you think and will make your entire week much easier. Meal prepping takes out any guess work for what meal should you eat next because your meals are already prepared and ready for you to heat up and eat.
Don’t drink liquid calories
Liquid calories are sure to derail your weight loss journey for many reasons. One of those reasons is that it contains extra calories (often sugary) that don’t help you feel satiated. Now, having protein shakes is still acceptable as long as it is only whey protein with out the extra added sugar. The extra protein will help you recover for the next workout. The liquid calories you need to avoid are sugary drinks (juices, Gatorade, soda, etc… ) and alcohol. Alcohol contains 7 calories per gram compared to carbohydrates and proteins which are 4 calories per gram and also have addition carbohydrates attached to them. Alcohol can also disrupt your sleep cycle and getting your beauty rest is a critical piece of recovery. What about wine? While some is good for heart health, it still contains those extra calories that you most likely do not need.
Do drink ½ your body weight in ounces of water
The majority of your body is made up of water so be sure to drink up! A good rule of thumb for how much water you should be drinking in a day is half of your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, you should drink 100 ounces of water per day.
Don’t focus on the scale
This may seem counter intuitive but hear me out. It is a great feeling to see the numbers get smaller each week on that scale and can give you a tremendous feeling of accomplishment. When you start to plateau and the numbers on the scale aren’t changing as frequently, it can be easy to get discouraged. It is important to remember that the scale only tells part of the story when it comes to results so don’t put all your stock in what the scale says. A more important measurement to also keep an eye on is your body fat percentage. When used in conjunction with the scale, your body fat percentage will be able to help you determine how much of your body is fat mass and how much is fat free mass. It is not uncommon for the scale not to change very much but the body fat percentage does. If you maintain the same weight and your body fat percentage decreases, then you are a rockstar! This means that you were able to decrease your fat mass and increase your lean body mass (most likely muscle mass)! Circumference measurements and progress pictures are also more helpful in determining progress than the scale.
Do focus on improving your overall fitness
Sometimes it is just best to shift your focus to different, but related goals in order to kick start your results. Instead of weighing your self weekly, try tracking and improving upon your fitness levels such as improving your run time on a 3 mile run or instead of running 3 miles, try to go 4 or 5. For strength, focus on trying to lift heavier weights and improving your overall strength levels. You can also try different programs to improve how many push ups or pull ups you can do. The main point is to get your focus off the scale and to work on your strength, flexibility or cardiovascular fitness.
If you’re ready to start your fitness journey, be sure that you are ready to change your entire lifestyle. If you don’t feel like you’re ready to do that, then ask yourself why? What is holding you back from changing your life to improve your health? If you’re having trouble answering these questions then let me know and let’s get your started on your path to a healthier life!
Source by Todd A Brown
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/weight-loss-the-dos-and-donts/ via Home Solutions on WordPress from Home Solutions FOREV https://homesolutionsforev.tumblr.com/post/185989918140 via Tim Clymer on Wordpress
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homesolutionsforev · 5 years
Weight Loss-The Do’s and Don’ts
Weight loss journeys are hard no matter where you start or how far you have come. At some point, most people have tried to lose weight and ended up quitting due to plateauing or receiving improper guidance. There are also seemingly endless weight loss gimmicks out there that advertise to be the only thing you need for weight loss which is simply not true, NO 1 THING WILL HELP YOU LOSE WEIGHT. It is a combination of puzzle pieces that must all fit together to complete your weight loss puzzle. Here are some Do’s and Don’t that you need to know while on your weight loss journey:
Don’t do only cardio
While cardio should be a part of your program, it should not be the ONLY thing in your program. Yes, cardio is great for burning calories and obviously needed for good heart health but when it comes to weight loss, cardio is only a small piece of the puzzle. Now I’m not saying to skip cardio because, it does need to be done, but it is not the biggest point of emphasis in a good weight loss program. You will still want to work up to about 5 days of cardiovascular activity per week for best results.
Do lift weights at least 3 times per week
Lifting weights and strength training is an absolute necessity when it comes to weight loss as it facilitates building muscle. Why is that important? When you build muscle, your metabolism increases and allows you to burn more calories. Building muscle is also great for bone health as your bones become stronger as your musculature increases. For beginners, 2-3 days of weight lifting per week is sufficient but eventually you will want to get to 3-5 days/week depending on your program.
Don’t go too fast
Trying to do too much too fast is just as detrimental to your adherence to a fitness program as not doing enough. Too often, people try to do too much starting off end up burning out after 2-3 weeks and reverting back to old habits. The typical 4 week weight loss guru on Instagram touts a 20 pound weight loss program that’s easy to follow but truth be told, those programs are not maintainable and don’t encourage long lasting healthy habits. Do not get caught up in these “inspirational” 4 week transformations because most of the time, those people end up putting back on that weight and then some in a couple of weeks. Go for the slow and steady approach, you are much more likely to succeed!
Do set realistic short and long term goals
To compliment the above, setting realistic goals provides for steadier results. Aiming for 0.5-1 pound of weight loss per week is a very realistic and possible goal for pretty much anyone, no matter how overweight you may or may not be. If you aim for an average of 2-4 pounds of weight loss per month over the course of a year, that’s 24-48 pounds lost in a year! Not to mention, you will have established long-lasting, healthy habits that you can carry on with you for the rest of your life.
Don’t take fat burning supplements
These are usually a waste of money packaged with fancy advertising and less than true claims on how they work. Most “fat burning” supplements do not actually burn fat! If they do anything, they help you burn more calories by increasing your metabolic rate which can lead to weight loss but if you do not burn more calories than you consume, then you will not lose weight. Some supplements will claim that they can “target belly fat” which is absurd. There are no supplements that target fat in specific parts of your body, that’s not how your body works. When you are losing fat, your fat cells decrease in size throughout your body and everybody reacts differently. You are better off spending your time and money on focusing on your nutritional plan and making sure you are burning more calories than you consume.
Do spend most of your time and effort on your meal plan
As I mentioned above, you will only lose weight if you burn more calories than you consume. With diet being about 70-80% of your results, you should spend the most time on this aspect of your fitness program. Meal prepping takes less time than you think and will make your entire week much easier. Meal prepping takes out any guess work for what meal should you eat next because your meals are already prepared and ready for you to heat up and eat.
Don’t drink liquid calories
Liquid calories are sure to derail your weight loss journey for many reasons. One of those reasons is that it contains extra calories (often sugary) that don’t help you feel satiated. Now, having protein shakes is still acceptable as long as it is only whey protein with out the extra added sugar. The extra protein will help you recover for the next workout. The liquid calories you need to avoid are sugary drinks (juices, Gatorade, soda, etc… ) and alcohol. Alcohol contains 7 calories per gram compared to carbohydrates and proteins which are 4 calories per gram and also have addition carbohydrates attached to them. Alcohol can also disrupt your sleep cycle and getting your beauty rest is a critical piece of recovery. What about wine? While some is good for heart health, it still contains those extra calories that you most likely do not need.
Do drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water
The majority of your body is made up of water so be sure to drink up! A good rule of thumb for how much water you should be drinking in a day is half of your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, you should drink 100 ounces of water per day.
Don’t focus on the scale
This may seem counter intuitive but hear me out. It is a great feeling to see the numbers get smaller each week on that scale and can give you a tremendous feeling of accomplishment. When you start to plateau and the numbers on the scale aren’t changing as frequently, it can be easy to get discouraged. It is important to remember that the scale only tells part of the story when it comes to results so don’t put all your stock in what the scale says. A more important measurement to also keep an eye on is your body fat percentage. When used in conjunction with the scale, your body fat percentage will be able to help you determine how much of your body is fat mass and how much is fat free mass. It is not uncommon for the scale not to change very much but the body fat percentage does. If you maintain the same weight and your body fat percentage decreases, then you are a rockstar! This means that you were able to decrease your fat mass and increase your lean body mass (most likely muscle mass)! Circumference measurements and progress pictures are also more helpful in determining progress than the scale.
Do focus on improving your overall fitness
Sometimes it is just best to shift your focus to different, but related goals in order to kick start your results. Instead of weighing your self weekly, try tracking and improving upon your fitness levels such as improving your run time on a 3 mile run or instead of running 3 miles, try to go 4 or 5. For strength, focus on trying to lift heavier weights and improving your overall strength levels. You can also try different programs to improve how many push ups or pull ups you can do. The main point is to get your focus off the scale and to work on your strength, flexibility or cardiovascular fitness.
If you’re ready to start your fitness journey, be sure that you are ready to change your entire lifestyle. If you don’t feel like you’re ready to do that, then ask yourself why? What is holding you back from changing your life to improve your health? If you’re having trouble answering these questions then let me know and let’s get your started on your path to a healthier life!
Source by Todd A Brown
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/weight-loss-the-dos-and-donts/ via Home Solutions on WordPress
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