#lions gate
funky-astrologer · 9 months
The Astrology of Wealth, Success, Abundance and Prosperity⭐️
The poll isn’t quite over yet, but here is a post I think is a wonderful theme right now! Enjoy 💫
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1) Jupiter is of course going to be the first planet associated with these themes being the planet of luck, wealth, and good fortune. Jupiter denotes areas of growth and expansion that we are blessed with and destined for.
Jupiter bestows divine blessings.
What to look for in the chart:
•Jupiter in the 2nd house/8th house, or conjunct any angles (1st/4th/7th/12th)
If Jupiter is placed in either the 2nd house of finance, or the 8th house of wealth, then there is greater potential for the individual to attain financial prosperity and success. The 2nd house will bring more opportunities to align with financial growth and abundance, whereas the 8th house will bring opportunities to network with others and expand ones wealth through the intimate interactions with others, i.e, being a financial advisor or accountant. These are great placements for financial abundance and can assist one with financial goals. Often times, these people will end up retiring early or be on a path to greater financial freedom and independence much easier. The universe blesses the finances here and supports financial growth much easier. If Jupiter is conjunct the angles, there is an increased likelihood of being recognized for opportunities. Jupiter on the 1st house can easily bring about recognition and the way these people interact with the world is expansive, they are able to create connections anywhere and may be blessed with a pleasing and inviting appearance as well that makes others want to engage with and assist. If Jupiter is on the 4th house, then it brings support from loved ones and the person will feel supported and blessed by the universe. This is likely a state of being that just feels natural, and the individual will feel like they are being supported no matter what, and this of course can be amplified by the sign and other aspects. If Jupiter were in the 7th house, the individual would feel that they are blessed in relationships. The closer to the 7th house cusp, the better as this will greatly increase the potential for supportive relationships--the kind that would take care of you if you were in need. These individuals may be able to influence others easily and should make sure to network whenever possible as this will benefit the themes of wealth, abundance, success and prosperity greatly. if Jupiter were in the 10th house/conjunct the Midheaven this could lend very well to public recognition and the chances of succeeding later in life are greatly supported. There is a potential to become wise with the ability to offer services to others and give generously. This is a great placement for entrepreneurial pursuits as it indicates that opportunities for career advancement will come easier. Networking with this placement is important as it will open up opportunities for expansion in terms of success and achievements.
I have Jupiter in my 3rd house conjunct my Cancer 4th house and I have really been able to build a community here for the last 10 years through my writing which I am so thankful for. 💫🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
• Any conjunctions being made with Jupiter
When Jupiter is making any conjunction to planets, whether major or minor--there is an increase of potential for Jupiter to expand that planets energies. If it be with Venus--there is an increase of potential for loving, supportive and positive relationships--even popularity depending on the sign, house and other aspects. If it be with Pluto, this typically allows Jupiter to help the individual grow through and overcome major challenges in a much easier manner. There is a great potential for wealth to come from this conjunction as it seeks to expand past the limitations of oneself in every way--especially materially. If it be with Mercury, the individual can easily find innate wisdom to draw upon for inspiration, divine guidance and ideas. These people have the potential to be great speakers and make excellent healers as well if Mercury is placed in a sign such as Gemini or Virgo.
• Jupiter being in domicile or exaltation
If Jupiter is domicile--in its home sign of Sagittarius, in Pisces (traditional ruler), or in Cancer (exalted placement), then this will denote extra strength to Jupiter and bring blessings and abundance in a much easier manner. In Sagittarius, wealth is present and expands everywhere and to everything. In Pisces, there is an abundance of divine guidance and inspiration that leaves the person feeling in alignment with the universe most of their life. In Cancer, there is an endless amount of support from loved ones and an energy of being supported and taken care of by the universe. By default, Jupiter will also enjoy being in the houses ruled by these signs--so the 4th house, the 9th house and the 12th house. These Jupiter placements often have a sense of being divinely guided and supported and as such there is an innate trust in life that can manifest wonderfully.
⭐️Celebrity Mention: Shakira - Jupiter in the 2nd house in Taurus trine 10th house Mercury and Mars in Capricorn (exalted Mars)
• Jupiter transits being made to planets or angles
If Jupiter is moving over the angles or is making a prominent aspect to an inner or outer planet, then blessings typically follow in whatever manner the two planets may most easily express themselves. If Jupiter is moving over the 1st house ascendant, then the individual will be received more easily and may form connections with others through the energy of Jupiter. That is to say, that by cultivating a demeanor kindness, openness and generosity Jupiter will bestow blessings and enable the individual to experience greater satisfaction in whatever way will most easily and readily manifest. If Jupiter is moving over the natal 10th house midheaven, then there is increased visibility for the individual and the chance to be recognized and rewarded for one's talents or skills. There may also be the chance to expand the career endeavors and greater potential for success and achievements. If Jupiter were to be moving over the natal Mars, then the individual will find themselves being much more active and motivated toward goals and there is greater ambition and drive. If there is even a trine being made from transiting Jupiter to the natal planets, there is a greater possibility that the individual will experience abundance and opportunities. If that trine were to Venus, then networking and cultivating relationships would become a way for opportunities to manifest. Any positive aspects from transiting Jupiter to the natal chart will bring about increased abundance when the energy is connected with.
2) The 2nd house & 8th house are the astrological houses of finances and wealth, respectively. Wealth can be generated in both houses, but there is a material balance that needs to be upheld. That is to say, wealth is better maintained here when the individual is also using it to the benefit of those around them.
Wealth and financial prosperity are ever-present opportunities here.
What to look for in the chart:
• Planets in either house, especially Venus, Jupiter or Pluto
With any planet placed here, especially the ones mentioned above (as Venus & Pluto are the natural rulers of the houses), there is an increased potential for financial prosperity and success to be experienced. By using the energy of the planet placed in the houses, the individual may be able to experience more abundance, luck and opportunities. If it be Venus, then through relationships, a strong value system, aesthetics and feminine receptivity, the individual has a greater potential for wealth to be generated. There is often a relationship that benefits the individual in a financial sense and enables them to live comfortably. This could mean through union with another person, such as marriage, a living situation, or even a sugar mama/daddy kinda thing. Venus likes the energy of living with ease, and when it comes to finances, the same energy will apply, and financial prosperity will manifest much easier. If Venus is in detriment or fall, such as in Aries/Scorpio, or Virgo, then financial prosperity is still a potential, but it may be something that inherently feels tied to self-worth and the individual may spend a lot of time and effort proving their worth. The key here is to relax and let go of attachment to outcome and focus on what it is you love and enjoy. Now, if Jupiter be in the 2nd or 8th house, then again, the potential for wealth is much greater and financial opportunities will present themselves easier and more frequently in life. If Jupiter is in the 2nd house, the key is to be open and generous in the realm of finance. In the 8th house, it's similar but there is more of a need to do good in terms of how money and finances are used. This is the house of others' finances, and this placement has the potential to use the resources of others in a not-so-great way, this is the lower end of the spectrum. On the better end, this is a placement of generosity that bestows an ability to help and assist others financially, such as mentorship. If Pluto is in either house, there is a need to be mindful and conscious of how money, resources, and finances are being used. This is because Pluto is the planet of the unconscious, and hidden motives. So, using financial resources in a way that contributes in a beneficial way to everyone involved is ideal. I say everyone because the 2nd-8th houses both involve others. Nonetheless, the capacity for wealth is increased very powerfully and the individual can be a strategist, capable of understanding the ways to utilize resources and constantly planning ways and methods to reach financial goals. There is great determination and drive here.
• Transits being made into the 2nd or 8th house of the natal chart or solar/lunar return charts
Transits here can help pinpoint financial opportunities and ways finances may shift or be affected. Let's say that transit Pluto is moving through the natal 2nd house. This could be an indication that finances are changing and undergoing a transition. It could be intense and life altering for sure but will ultimately be for the greater good. Now, this can apply in the natal chart or in the return charts--even in the progressed chart if you want to really dig deep. Transits being made into these houses in any of the charts indicate a shift in finances and by utilizing the energy of the planet, you will be able to bring about the highest outcome. Now, let's say that Jupiter is transiting the natal 2nd house--okay sure, you have an increased potential for financial abundance, but how do you actually manifest it? Well, look to the house in the natal chart or even the solar or lunar return chart to see where Jupiter is placed at. If it's placed in your natal 7th house, then hone in on your ability to connect with others. Start surrounding yourself with people you admire and people you know will support you. By doing this, you are using the natural energies present within the chart and they will better manifest themselves in whatever way transit Jupiter wants them to. Now, let's say that Uranus is transiting the natal 8th house, this will be a time that you may easily experience lapses in financial judgment. There is greater risk of assets and resources not being handled well here. By tuning into the energy of Uranus within the natal chart--and even the solar return chart or progressed chart--you will be able to better understand how the energy wants to manifest into your life. So, to sum this paragraph up, pay attention to the natural positions of the planets in the natal chart to better navigate and understand the transits being made into the 2nd and 8th houses. These transits can be tricky at first, but by using the knowledge of what is already known about the planet, i.e., the position in the natal and solar return charts--it will manifest better results.
3) The 10th house is the astrological house of success and connects to the energy of prosperity that comes from disciplined and consistent efforts toward ones goals.
Whatever it touches will manifest in the long-term.
What to look for in the chart:
•Planets in the 10th house, especially the Sun, Venus, Jupiter or Saturn
Whenever there are planets such as the ones above in the natal 10th house, in the solar return or even in the progressed chart, there is increased potential for material success. If it be the Sun, then the individual will experience a greater sense of satisfaction in career as well as recognition. This is typically a placement of fame. If it be Venus, there is the likelihood that career opportunities for advancement will come easier and be made manifest through the help of others, i.e., networking and building relationships. This placement may find that they leave old careers on generally good terms and end up being able to connect with others in the realm of career easily. If it be Jupiter, then there is the potential to really expand the horizons and dream BIG. Individuals with this placement are destined to succeed and they are supported by the universe when it comes to material achievements and successes. If Saturn is in the 10th house, being the natural position for Saturn, this brings the potential to remain disciplined through the process of achievement. Often, these individuals manifest great success later in life and will have cultivated a lot of wisdom and resources. Many celebrities have 10th house placements. If the 10th house is prominent in the natal chart, or if it is prominent in the solar return--or even progressed chart, the energies of material success are amplified and the potential for prosperity is inherent.
⭐️Celebrity Mention: Leonardo DiCaprio - 10th house Saturn, his Oscar came at a much later time than we all expected, but it was well earned and solidified his sense of success and achievement I'm sure.
•Transits being made into the 10th house of the natal chart and/or solar & lunar return charts
Transits being made into the 10th house can help pinpoint career opportunities and opportunities in general for success to manifest. Let's say that Mars is transiting the natal 10th house, this can indicate that there is more drive and ambition present manifest goals. This could be incredibly helpful in terms of acting as a motivating force and success will often come in some form or shape.
✨Pro tip (as mentioned previously): Look to where the natural position is of the transiting planet within the natal chart to better understand how the transit wants to manifest individually
4) The North Node. Arguably the most prominent point in the chart that denotes an individuals life experience, this is the point of destiny. It is what we are fated to experience in this life, as granted by the stars.
What to look for in the chart:
• The North Node conjunct any planet
This is important as it plays a key role in the development of an individual. If success is being sought out, ultimately it will have to face the energy of the North Node. Whatever touches the North Node becomes prominent in the life experience and there will be a calling toward that life theme. Say that the North Node is conjunct Mars. This indicates that the individual is destined for self-expression and to live passionately. They will be incredibly driven and motivated to achieve whatever it is they are after and will be supported through this with strength and determination.
• The house position and the ruling planet of the north node
This is going to be important as it pretty much sums up the area/s of your life that will have a lasting impact because it is fated to be experienced. Furthermore, by looking to the ruler of the North Node and any aspects it is making, there can be a greater understanding of the ways in which one can thrive.
If the North Node is in the 5th house in Libra, then where are the Sun and Venus at and are they making any notable aspects?
⭐️Celebrity Mention: Beyoncé Knowles- Cancer North Node in the 10th house at 29 degrees conjunct Leo Mars. She was very much destined for fame and recognition. The ruling planet of her North Node is the Moon and is Scorpio in her 2nd house, this indicates she has been able to live very comfortably as a result, but it took overcoming many personal challenges surrounding her self-worth.
• Transits being made to the North Node
By observing transits being made to the North Node, there is a greater potential to come into alignment with one’s purpose which can contribute to success. Let’s say that transit Venus is on the natal or solar return North Node, it could indicate a transition within social circles and relationships, it could also indicate a time of financial support. If the planet transiting the North Node happens to be Uranus, it could pin point a turning point in life and a redirection or repurpose. It could be said that we do not have a singular purpose, but rather our purpose shifts over the course of our lives. This transit in particular could represent a changing of one’s purpose for sure. Remember that the outer planets transit over angles and points much longer than the inner planets, so the transits bring results over a longer period of time. Remember that transits can be used for making predictions and should be used if you want to time something astrologically!
So that’s that! I hope you enjoyed and found this insightful!
As always, I offer natal chart readings, solar return chart readings, and lunar return chart readings if you would like me to dissect your chart for you. I can tell you all about how to bring success and abundance into your life! ✨
If you have any questions I am here! Have a great rest of your day and week. Happy Lions Gate 🌅❤️‍🔥
Remember to enjoy this cosmic journey, and know you’re doing just fine 💫
Chart Readings Below 🖤
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artist-issues · 4 months
Snow’s more likeable in the movie. And you know what I think it is?
Coriolanus’ actions are clearly self-serving in the book, where you can hear his thoughts. But in the movie, you can’t hear his thoughts. So you, the audience, get manipulated by the Snow Charm.
I feel like since we’re in Coriolanus’ head for the entire book, it’s kind of easy (or it was for me) to be like, “why does Lucy Gray love him at all?” He so obviously is doing everything for his own interests, even the things that are beneficial to her.
But then that’s the thing. Lucy Gray’s not in his head. And she’s fresh, I mean fresh, off of Billy Taupe, family-lover, stabbing her in the back and stomping on her heart and getting her shipped off to die a nightmarish death. So she’s in this place of unbelievable hurt and vulnerability, not just because of her circumstances, but because of what one guy did to the heart he should’ve been protecting.
And then in waltzes a blonde-and-blue hero who is not only willing to treat her like a human being and help her survive, but also?? He’s starving too?? He can relate to her? He can understand her? And believe in her? And protect her at great personal risk?
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At least. That’s all she knows is happening, because she doesn’t know his life or his circumstances. She can’t see the inside of his brain, or everything he stands to lose if he loses her. So to her, all of his actions after their meeting are just the right medicine for her recently-crippled heart.
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“pure as the driven snow” is not just a clever play on words from a good songwriter. Lucy Gray genuinely admires him for being that. He fed her, got to know her, washed her mother’s dress, gave her his mother’s compact, stood up for her against the Capitol’s prejudices against non-Capitol citizens, believed in her, lost everything for her, and came to find her.
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From inside his head, we know he did a lot of that because he had no choice, or because he stood to gain something. But from outside his head, Coriolanus Snow looks like he’s loving Lucy Gray out of the purity of his heart. He looks like he’s everything Lucy Gray needs.
(I also think that Tom Blyth played him with, and Mitchell Lesslie/Michael Arndt, wrote Movie Snow to have a little more genuine attachment to Lucy Gray and vulnerability than the Book Snow had, and Rachel Zegler played Movie Lucy Gray/the writers wrote Movie Lucy Gray to be less broken, and less wholeheartedly-believing in Snow than Book Lucy Gray was for most of the story. But that’s beside my current point.)
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harlronica · 1 year
Pleiadian Starseeds
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Starseed's are advanced hybrid human beings that originate as a celestial light source of consciousness from star systems outside of our solar sun, representing the expansional extraterrestrial hosted platforms of their consciousness, and capacities to hold greater missions on Earth not defined by human limitations.
It's important to note that you can tune into any Starseed origin. If you relate more to an origin that's not in your chart you can still hone the energy of this origin. The origins found in your chart are related to your upmost spiritual mission in this incarnation and depending on where they are located that origin will be your most supreme mission and guiding light force within the particular sign/house/planet.
Pleiades is made up of seven hot b-type stars. Very luminous, blue-open star clusters with beautiful reflection nebula's. This origin is influenced by the love and unity of The Virgin Companions of Artemis: The Seven Sisters, The Seven Doves, The Seven Cows, and The Seven Hathor's in Egyptian Mythology.
*The Mission of The Pleiadians*
A Pleiadean alignment in your natal chart would represent the compassionate divine union of the spirit within your being as your primary mythology to the planet. Your mission being deeply committed to being the spiritual healers of Earth.
Many indigo children incarnated from Pleiades. Specifically those born during 1998 to 2008; belonging to the Omega Generation. This is the last "pure" indigo generation. These people are hybrids of indigo/crystal children and are referred to as "the flame throwers" - mainly incarnating under fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. This generation seeks justice and oneness for all; upset with how the previous generations left the world.
Mostly represented under the zodiac sign Leo. Leo is the zodiac represented by Archangel Michael; although it is Aries/Taurus that runs along the Pleiades degrees, and Aldebaran/The Blue Rays/The Family of Michael run along the Taurus degrees. This energy is still honed through the zodiac sign Leo alone. Being the utmost representation of The Family of Michael. Pleiadeans also use The Lion's Gate Portal to incarnate. The true dates of this portal range anywhere from late Cancer to early Leo degrees. This is why many true Pleiadean origins have a cluster chart of Cancer/Leo, but there is usually a direct Pleiadean alignment through Aries/Taurus elsewhere in the natal chart. This doesn't have to be the case. You can be of true Pleiadean origin just through the Aries/Taurus degree markers with no Cancer/Leo placements present.
Through your Pleiadian origin you will experience a profound ascended state of the 5th dimension; bringing forth revelations of purification with the power to burn, the ability to transform, and the power to sustain life. These are the stars of fire, the stars of spirit, the stars of creation.
The most empathic and compassionate Starseed origin. Drawn to humanitarian efforts, nurturing, healing, spiritual guidance, and assisting other souls in their ascension process.
Powerful energy workers, highly psychic, intuitive, and sensitive. This origin is that of the spirit guides that assist with the spiritual evolution on the planet the most.
Pleiadians rule the heart chakra and are the ones that are the most concerned with unconditional love and unity.
This origin is the most affected by the astrological transitions of the moon; along with Sirius and Hydra origins. These origins fully embody the energy of the moon and are constantly in tune with her.
Most Pleiadian's are incarnating from the stargate Alcyone - the heart of Pleiades that holds the 4th/6th density/dimensional future parallel prototype of our Earth called Tara.
Those who have this origin alignment in their natal chart hold the gateway to the higher harmonic universe of our planetary existence and history of its evolution.
The Pleiadian's are a council within the Guardian Alliance that represent specific grid points on the planet that activate within its celestial alignment.
Pleiadian's were the most influential in the 2nd seeding of Lemuria. Many of this origin are deeply connected to Lyra. Even if a Lyra origin alignment is not present in the natal chart.
Many cultures and Galactic Civilizations believe that Pleiades is the true birthplace of the souls of the star people.
Pleiadians hold a profound connection to Archangel Michael and many will feel as if they are direct descendants and part of The Family of Michael (Aldebaran/The Blue Rays) even if there is no direct alignment with Aldebaran in the natal chart. This energy can be honed through Pleiadian origins alone.
Those with a direct/fixed Pleiadian origin alignment will have Aries and/or Taurus placements in their chart. Aries carrying the spiritual warrior energy of Pleiades and Taurus carrying the energy of unconditional love and unity.
Indigo children incarnated from Pleiades are usually born under fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius (as mentioned above.) With the majority being born under Cancer/Leo suns as they use The Lions Gate portal to incarnate. High degrees of Aries will be of Pleiadian origin, Leo origins are aligned to the Regulus Starseed origin (The Family of Archangel Raphael.) Sagittarius is linked to Shaula, Lyra, and The Sagittarius A Incarnates which make up the Lyran council.
Indigo Angel's Book: https://www.lulu.com/shop/indigoangel-amanda-jane-demarco/how-to-read-celestial-akashic-starseed-origins-lunar-edition/paperback/product-1qkdn6jj.html?page=1&pageSize=4
My Starseed Origin Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/starseedoriginreadings
For business inquiries and Starseed origin readings please email [email protected] ! I accept paypal/venmo and do not require payment until after the reading.
*Starseed Origin Chart Readings*
Planetary Starseed Origin Reading: for $27 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found within your astrological planets (along with any alignments found within your North/South Node, Lilith, Chiron, ASC, Midheaven, Fortune, Vertex, ect.) . You will also receive a full detailed description of where each Starseed origin is located at in your natal chart and what this means for you; along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each origin. For this reading it is required that you provide your exact time, date of birth, and location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both your Sidereal/Vedic and Western/Tropical Astrology charts.
Twin Flame Starseed Origin Reading: for $47 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found in both you and your twin flame/counterparts astrological chart (along with any alignments found within your North/South Node, Lilith, Chiron, ASC, Midheaven, Fortune, Vertex, ect.) You will receive a full detailed description of where each origin is aligned in both you and your counterpart's chart; along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each origin and what it means for the both of you. For this reading it is required that you provide you and your counterpart's exact time, date of birth, and location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both you and your counterpart's Sidereal/Vedic and Western/Tropical Astrology charts.
Planetary Degree and House Starseed Origin Reading: for $27 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found in your astrological chart along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each origin. This reading will tell you what Starseed origin your planets are connected to through house/degree placements. (Ex: having Mars in Cancer to the 29 degree means that your Mars is in alignment with Hydra. Having Mars in Cancer to the 29 degree while also having Mars in 12th house means that Mars is now overlapping the Andromeda Starseed origin as the Andromeda Galaxy is connected to the 12th house and runs along 29 degree Aquarius before moving into Pisces. Meaning that since Mars is positioned in the 12th house while also being in 29 degree Cancer, Mars is in alignment with both Hydra and Andromeda.) For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time, date of birth, and location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on your Western/Tropical astrological chart unless the reader requests otherwise.
Full Starseed Origin Chart Reading: for $47 this is a combination of the Planetary Origin Reading, and the Planetary Degree/House Reading. All information listed above for both readings will be included in this one. This reading does not include the Twin Flame Starseed Origin Reading. For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time, date of birth, and location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both your Sidereal/Vedic and Western/Tropical Astrology charts.
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cooki3face · 9 months
spirit baby reading 🍼
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pile three:
🍼~ the sun could be significant here, the summer, outside activities, the pool, water. Someone could be a water sign or you’re meant to have a water sign child and they may really enjoy water activities or the summer months.
🍼~ Angel numbers: 557,665,666,781,888,99,200,11
🍼~ food could be really significant, vegetables, I’m getting eggplant as well. You could be working towards eating healthier or may have found you’re interested in holistic medicine or holistic health. Gut health could be significant as well.
🍼~ you could be pregnant already or manifesting being pregnant and may want to introduce more plant based meals during your pregnancy or eat a healthier more balanced diet. I do see a child who may like a lot of vegetables or may be good with lots of different food groups.
You could be manifesting a financial opportunity or are someone whose really work oriented as well. I’m seeing a job in social media or someone being a social media influencer. I’m hearing a baby here telling you that their arrival or their place in your life may give you more financial opportunities or add to your career. You could be interested in being a TikTok mom or even starting a YouTube channel or something of the sort. When I was channeling the message about food I thought about baby led weaning and how the moms make their babies cute plates of food so they can try different foods and different textures or that TikTok mom who makes meals for her baby and films her eating it and shares recipes and talks about if she liked it and how she responded to the different textures. I forget her name but you know what I’m talking about if you’re on TikTok the baby and her mom are very popular.
You could be worried about the outcome of a certain situation here I see a lot of anxiety regarding something you’re building or how capable or able you will be do to what you want to do moving forward within this upcoming season. You could be worried about money/finances or even just the possibility of having all that it is that you’re manifesting. You could be manifesting riches or prosperity, good long term relationships or breaking generational curses. All of these things that you’re manifesting you haven’t seen around you or you weren’t raised in an environment where these things were the norm but I’m hearing spirit and the baby telling you not to worry and that there will always be solutions.
You could be recovering from heart break or loss or there has been heart break or loss within your life that has really affected the way you see the world and how much you believe you’re able to have or how deserving of the things you want you are. Someone could’ve never seen real love or healthy relationships growing up and this is something that you want for yourself. Someone could have had bad luck with love and relationships in the past and you want a healthy relationship for yourself or are craving romantic love and partnership and you may need to be reminded that just because it’s been one way a long time doesn’t mean it will always be that way. Something that really helped me was putting myself in the mindset or putting myself in the energy of being open to and welcoming things that are very long term and serious. “I won’t be a gf/bf anymore, I’m going to be a wife” “I won’t be settling for short term, unhealthy relationships anymore because I am only going to receive healthy long term life commitments now.” Etc etc.
And, I see all of these things coming in for you if you manifest them right. You’re going to be looking at your life VERY soon and looking at how far you’ve come and how much you’ve gotten that you had been wishing for. All of this abundance, financial success/independence, emotional support from friends and in romantic relationships. I see with the nine of cups upright fulfillment and wish fulfillments being yours here. Right now at this moment you’re learning a lot of lessons and in the process of awakening so that you can apply what you learned to your life and teach others or guide others at some point. Someone could be coming into your life soon or you may meet someone whether this be a friend or a lover or a family member who may also collaborate with you and help you, support you, and build you up in the ways that matter.
There could’ve been some unfairness, or some lack of accountability that came from you or someone else. There could’ve been a situation that caused you to lose something, caused someone to walk out of your life or caused you to walk out of someone else’s and I see this potentially getting better as time progresses. Time heals all wounds and when something is taken from you the universe will bring you something else. When doors close, new doors will open. I see you needing to really turn inwards and become aware of your self limiting beliefs and behaviors so that you can become the person you want to be within your life and achieve the things that you want.
I always say you have to meet the universe half way. When we want something, when we ask the universe for something we have to decide to become of service to the universe ourselves, we have to do the inner work, we have to flourish and become better so that we can give back to the universe and give back to the other people who live on the earth who need our help and our support. I’m not talking about things just like charity or something and physical tangible ways of giving back to people and those in need I’m also talking about giving back wisdom, giving back solace, giving back love and guidance in exchange for the universe loving us unconditionally, guiding us, and bringing us peace and abundance for our hardship.
A new job opportunity or a new financial opportunity could be coming in for you as well as your manifestations. You could need to turn inwards and self isolate as well. You could be feeling called to take a break from social media or stop talking to some people around you or switch up the company that you keep and if that is the case then I advise you to take that step and do just that. There’s really a need to turn inwards and take accountability for our behavior, dig up trauma, dig up insecurities, understand the part we played in other peoples lives and the roles that people play in ours. Personal transformation and change is underway. And this is going to take a lot of purging. People going away, things coming to the service like insecurities and fears. Go do something great with your life. Go find out who you are and what’s really going on within yourself and within your mind so that you may improve and step into the energy of your higher self. He or she is waiting for you. All the things you dream of, there is a version of you who already has all of those things and has had them for a very long time. You wouldn’t dream of any of those things or desire any of those things if there wasn’t a version of you who already had them. Nothing can stop you but you.
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sayhoneysiren · 2 years
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thescorpionmonarch · 9 months
That lionsgate is starting to show up now for us over the next month and then sets the tone for the last 1/3rd of the year (but a lot of it in the next 2 months)
A lot of us feel in-between two states. Seeing things begin and end at the same time. So it can feel either isolating, lonely, or confusing. A lot is being decluttered and rearranged. Could even be literal like a need to declutter and rearranged but confused on the full picture on how to go about it.
Relationship states are changing. Some are gone or finally healed from in some way. Some are coming back in with a new vibe (some which include forgiveness reconcilling). Some that exist already are about to get very close. Either due to healing toxic patterns with each other or a need to commit more (some in romantic connections are going to live together, have a kid, to get engaged, or get married soon). Professional connections are getting stronger and more trustworthy. New relationships also entering the chat in all forms. Job routines changing. Career upgrades. Career development. Job changes. Material wealth changes (leaving and coming in).
555 redudantly all over the place is being spotted. Routines are changing. Diets are changing. Sleep pattern changes. Dream themes are changing or progressing. Clairsentience is strong. Like a need for spirits and celestials (like angels for example) to be touchy Feely with you. Socialize with you. They pop up in dreams, like not just messaging in dreams, they are coming up with forms that you can see in dreams and in your minds eye.might get chills/goosebumps a lot in a way that mimics how they are touching you exactly. (Who has touchy Feely family members with less personal space as a culture because the family and ancestors in spirit still behave that way).
Might be extra tired. Need to add an hour or two of sleep. May lack an appetite a bit. May wake up in the middle of the night to a dream to remember or interpret it.
Some may feel compelled to fast a whole day or 2. Some just intermittent fasting.
Fun fact. Fasting 4 hours or more before bedtime increases the odds of a vivid dream that you can remember. May feel extra thirsty right now. Might need to urinate a lot.
Intuitive Healers and Teachers need to rest more. Take a break from your work (as passionate/obsessed on the subject as you are, I get it). Like do calming activities ir actually sleep extra. Your financial and physical needs will be provided for. Other people around you (spirit teams too) have to pick up the duties right now. Some people need to spiritually wake up or grow and can only do so if you rest and let them work it through. Don't block other people's spiritual blessings and abundance please.
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tommydashwood · 6 months
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calicocauldron · 11 months
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danizmomota · 6 months
currently at House of Blues for the Lion’s Gate concert
edit: and Fear Factory
edit 2: and Lacuna Coil
its loud here lol
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2mysticmoons · 2 years
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Lion's Gate Portal 8/8/2022 ♾🦁♌
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funky-astrologer · 9 months
Cosmic News in Leo Season🌅💫✨
Hi friends, I hope you are doing well!! You may or may not be familiar with the cosmic alignment happening right now known as the Lions Gate. I just wanted to share it with you in case you aren’t aware and hopefully with this knowledge, you will experience some joy and insights in the days to come :)
I’ll be honest…I didn’t know what the “Lions Gate Portal” was or why the hell it mattered for a long time, but after doing some research I felt that I wanted to bring it to your attention as well. Hopefully you can find something here to resonate with, and if not—that’s perfectly okay! You are doing just fine❤️❤️❤️🌅
Consider this a festivity in the spiritual world that can be celebrated to bring in abundance and manifestations ✨💫
Here is some background:
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Here are some interesting links and sources for you to check out if you would like to dive deeper or know more!
What Makes Sirius, the Dog Star, So Special? | Ancient Origins (ancient-origins.net)
Image source: Orion's Belt: Stars, Myths, Constellation, Facts, Location – Constellation Guide (constellation-guide.com)
Lion's Gate Portal: What It Is + What Its Opening Means | mindbodygreen
💫If you are not following me on Instagram, I would love for you to head over and check out some of my posts! I’m a little unsure about Instagram and I don’t know how I feel about it yet, I wanna stay here with you guys for the majority of the time! But go leave a like on a post you like the most, it’ll help me out a bunch!😊
IG : @Abloombeautifully
💫I am offering services on Etsy, and for the month of August — all purchases will receive a free onyx necklace, and all natal chart readings will receive this along with a free Astrology oil for your Sun sign! I am now offering a 24-48 hour timeframe!
Check that out if you can, I know you’ll love it ✨❤️
That’s all for this post! Thanks for being here <3
I hope you’ve enjoyed and have a great week wherever you are! 💫💫💫
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may0tuna · 2 years
so I read Justin H Min's birth chart placements...
ok idk if yall believe in astrology or sum shit but today is the peak of the Lion's Gate Portal and as part of my meditation, i realized that i have been attracted to the some of the worst kind of people to be in a relationship with. I see red flags and ignore the hell out of them yet when a good guy comes along, i ignore them too.
Starting last year, i have been noticing a lot of Piscean men coming into my life - and it has been a crazy experience. They pay attention to you and you don't feel the need to explain things because they have reached this level of maturity that does not attract drama. It's really addicting!
Then, I realized Justin H Min is a Pisces. Then, I took a good look at his birth chart placements and studied it and realized that this dude right here is the kind of boyfriend who will hold a boom box over his head at arm's length, rock serenading you while he stands outside your bedroom/apartment window.
Justin's Venus is in Aquarius which means that he would most likely fall in love with someone who can strike up a good intellectual conversation. This also means he loves deep talks and prolly hates (or tolerates) small talk. I wanna meet him so bad - or at least someone with the same birth chart placements as he is bc i deserved to be love bombed 🥺
Not to mention, he has 4 Capricorn placements in his chart which means that he will most likely spoil you and that they're always in for the long haul when it comes to relationships. He may be a bit traditional when it comes to dating but tbh something a little more conventional could be a good thing.
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Disclaimer: yea i know that astrology has not been proven by science but who cares? why live a life where you only believe in things backed up by science, that's boring. Also, yes, i know that placements in birth charts also affect people's personalities and i'm not trying to say all men with their sun in Pisces are the same.
also you can check celebrities' birth charts online for those asking haha Tumblr only allows your main acc for replies so
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felix-the-cat · 2 years
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Monday, August 8, 2022 (Lion’s Gate Portal 8/8) – 8:19 p.m.
Peace at last. As our energy pours onto the planet, you are learning how to tap into it and reconcile the past. You are able to live in the present moment and are in the midst of a most auspicious journey. We have begun to bring about the awareness of the ages.
No longer are people being fooled by the charade that is playing before them. No longer are they content to just sit idly by and watch the show. Now is the time the Lion Roars for he has begun to learn of the things of this world and is no longer interested in changing the world, only himself.
Tonight, we will begin with a simple exercise of purity. You will look deep within your vessel and merely observe anything that may be out of alignment. Simply observe, casting all judgement aside. Awareness is the key that unlocks the door to a New Day.
We have begun to upgrade your consciousness and your earth vessel is holding so much more light than you ever thought possible. Tonight, we are going to unleash the beast within so that you may learn to control your anger. You will be shown how to live peacefully in a chaotic realm for you understand that this is all a show designed to wake the masses.
Once transformed into the lion the sheep is no more. You begin to view the world around you with New Eyes and a fresh perspective. You have begun to see beyond the illusion and are now eager to create a New Day.
This is what we are doing here. We are here to show you how to dwell in the intensity and use this lion’s energy to create a whole new world. Things will not be returning to normal because it was a falsely constructed reality designed to keep you off balance.
Go within and get balanced. Return your mind to receiver mode and once the switch is flipped you are now free to create a whole new reality alongside us. We have come at this time to form a partnership with all who wish to participate. Are you one of them?
We have traveled long distances to observe and interact with you and things are about to get very interesting. You have learned how to manipulate this world with the power of your words and actions. You guard your thoughts well, as you should, for you understand that what you think and give passion to you create.
Now is the time to begin again. Arrive in each moment refreshed and renewed in the knowing that you are on a temporary stop in the twilight zone as the world sorts itself out. Things are coming into focus on a level you never dreamed possible.
You have begun to see beyond the veil unto a world that is abundant with peace and creation. No longer are people allowing themselves to be divided. The people are coming together with one voice and declaring the end of the old world order and are calling forth a new reality.
You have begun to feel the compassion for humanity that was so often lacking in your everyday encounters. You have become a blessing to all you encounter and are raising the vibration of the planet exponentially.
Thank you for being here and doing your part to bring about the New Idea that is emerging. Peace be with you in your travels…
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brightandblossom · 8 months
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Treating myself to a coconut matcha latte and manifesting session this Sunday morning!
I am ready to embrace abundance. In money, relationships and my passions. My success will find me easily and I will be ready and happy to recieve it.
I already feel like positive changes are happening for me in all realms of my life... and I am excited for it to continue.
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s0urce--flow · 8 months
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~ Solar ○ Power ~
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