#liyue qixing
lotus-pear · 1 year
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2am ganyu doodle since i can't sleep <3
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bluelead35 · 1 year
the wind, the mountains, and the sea (zhongli.)
zhongli x gn!reader who is part of the liyue qixing and has an anemo vision. 
fluff, sfw, and domestic sweetness. (also posted on a03)
words: 1k
synposis: history is all too easily forgotten, and it is up to storytellers to tell the youth of liyue, but also sometimes, retired archons need reminders. 
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“As the night takes its final bow, listen to the wind and how it sings to the sea.” A voice spoke softly, as their hands were placed carefully and comfortably in their lap, as they sat with their knees together and legs folded. Bright young eyes stared at them, as they watched their every move. They spoke with a soft voice, and gently smiled at the children gathered around the harbor. Their parents had let them run off for the night in harbor, knowing that they’d entrusted the Qixing, and their commander. The commander was a storyteller just as they were concerned with the matters of the milieth. 
The softness of the wind swirling through the crowds, as the commander told the youth of Liyue past stories of legends that their parents had already known. Their eyes sparkled just like the stars within the night, as they began their last story of the night. 
“The sea of blue flowers would always giggle and dance to the wind’s song. The wind would arrive everyday at sunrise and sunset to entertain these flowers. But of course, the mountains grew jealous of the wind. You see the mountains could not sing like the wind, and the mountains weren’t as carefree, but the mountains had deeply fallen in love with the flowers.” 
“But the wind represents bards, right? How could the mountains compete with it??” A young child shouted out, as the commander raised her hand to mouth before laughing softly. They smiled at the children, and adjusted their sitting position to continue. 
“Well you see the wind was always carefree. The wind did not have a place to call home, as it would always wander everywhere, but stuck in the same cycle. The wind wanted to win the flowers’ admiration to grant a blessing of freedom, something both the mountains and the wind wanted.” They explained, as the child widened their eyes and exclaimed. 
Just as the child was about to speak once more, a figure stepped behind the storyteller, and pressed a finger to his lips. His golden eyes reminded the children of a tale the storyteller told earlier that night about how the archon of liyue still lives with us and as one of us. His long brown hair was tied in a ponytail, and his suit was neutral tones, with blacks and browns, complimenting the commander’s choice of attire. His hands were concealed with black gloves and rings adorning his thumbs. 
The commander pretended not to sense a new presence with the crowd, they continued with their story, this time, getting into the storyteller role. 
“You see children, the mountains were constant. The wind blew only when happiness and peace was at its peak and longed to be free to blow anytime and the flowers were able to grant that wish, and through song those flowers would bloom blessings, but the mountains did something, that no one would have expected. Not even the heavens.” “Or Lady Ningguang??” ��Even her Tiansheng.” 
“As the mountains gathered up its friends, the adepti, our little friends I’ve told you about before, the mountains began to practice singing. The adepti were shocked at this, as Cloud Retainer and Mountain Shaper flapped their wings in shock. Moon Carver stomped his hooves in absolute astonment, and because of this beautiful sound that was produced. Even so that the wind was taken aback. You see the wind tell the mountains, “My, trying to steal my spot are you? Listen, I want the sea of flowers to grant me the blessing of freedom.” The wind exclaimed, as the mountains roared, “Well I’d like freedom too, but most importantly, I want them to release in my presence.”’ 
“To this, the flowers  interrupted, ‘Why do you fight? You two can produce a wonderful song together, then I will see if I will grant you the wishes.’ and so the two quickly stopped their fighting and began to sing.” The commander began to sing a tune that almost brought tears to his eyes, and the children to sleep. They took notice of their growing tired selfs as the parents came to collect them. 
“And so with this tune, the flowers granted the wind to blow whenever it wanted, and the mountains their love. The end.” 
The parents chuckled at their children smiling and waving bye sleepily. The commander waved bye to them, as they got to up greet the figure. They folded their arms, an anemo vision dangling at their hip. They raised their eyebrows, and tapped their fingers on their forearm. 
“Well you are quite the storyteller.” He chuckled, offering them his coat, as they smiled, and wrapped it around their shoulders. The seabreeze danced in between them, as the two began to stroll around Liyue. Despite it being late at night, lights were still on, but people had retired for the night. They sighed, listening to the wind softly, as they met eye contact. 
“I try to be, Mr. Zhongli. All too easily  history will be forgotten, and these children won’t have anything to pass down to theirs.” They explained, “And besides, you need reminders once in a while, don’t you?” They teased, bumping their shoulder into his. 
“Well yes, but I don’t technically recall my friend Barbatos caring too much about Guizhong.”  Zhongli explained, as the commander sighed. 
“It’s to keep the children engaged and to teach them about how glaze lilies respond to song.” They chuckled, their hands finding each other all too naturally. Zhongli stopped in his tracks to look at the commander who caught off guard. 
“But  you do tell a good story. I’m sure Guizhong would be glad to know, I finally settled for the wind after her passing. She always told me how the mountains and the wind were perfect together.” Zhongli explained, as he began to lean in. 
They laughed, throwing their arms around his neck, as a golden hue began to rise above the city, their faces shining like gold, “It’s because you two that her favorite song was born, so I wouldn’t blame her.” They closed the distance. 
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bunnnyblossoms · 2 months
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Wow omg THE Qixing itself wow 💅
Keqing - personifycosplay (instagram)
Ganyu - cherri.cola.cos (instagram)
Photography - yuki_cat_captures (instagram)
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eulyin · 1 year
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Quite an old Genshin fancollab with little Kouhai \o/~ We brewed a little story about Ningguang, Keqing,& Ganyu and here's my part ovo)7 You can read the fic here: [Link] 
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yuniemaki · 1 year
on the entymology of the Liyue Qixing 璃月七星 & its links to astrology
The naming of Liyue's ruling body, the 璃月七星 / "Seven Stars of Liyue", has links to Chinese astrology and the types of characters in the Qixing.
Theoretically, with these links, we can speculate on the characteristics & possible roles of the unrevealed members of the Qixing. This is based on the 紫微斗數 (Zǐwēi dòushù), a form of fortune-telling in China.
The Ziwei Doushu is part of the study of destiny in China (命学Mìng xué), which is closely intertwined with the stars. In this form of fortune-telling, your whole life and future can be read in the stars. It's drawn in a circle like Mona's astrology readings:
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And it's probably one of the inspirations for the concept of how “your fate is written in the stars of Teyvat” in Genshin.
Historically astrologers have always played a big role in imperial courts, reading the fate of the emperor in the stars and predicting his successor.
Each of the Qixing titles are named after individual stars in the Big Dipper/北斗(Běidǒu), and bear a different name in ancient Chinese astrology, referred to as a "patron star". Of note, the Qixing's patron stars are all within the 14 major stars which are used to perform readings (except Tianquan & Tianji). Many of these stars symbolise wealth, so I won’t touch on money too much. We alrea dy know the Qixing are the cream of the crop, after all.
In the Ziwei Doushu, the stars of the Big Dipper and the Sagittarius constellation are used to form 144 permutations of natal charts, or birth charts. It's since increased as stars from the BaZi and other astrology practices were implemented into the Ziwei Doushu as well.
The North Star is known as the Emperor Star, and all the stars are "subjects" led by the "emperor". The constellations are viewed as a kingdom, with each constellation performing a role in the empire in service to the emperor.
Different texts represent the Beidou differently, but it has been called the "chariot on which the emperor rides", and that it sits above the Kunlun Mountains (where gods are said to live).
An excerpt from the book The Astromonical Chronicles compiled by Ma Xu describes what concept each star represents in the constellation:
Tianshu: sky
Tianxuan: land
Tianji: human
Tianquan: time
Yuheng: sound
Kaiyang: rhythm
Yaoguang: star
The arched polar area where the individual stars of the Qixing is located is the political center of the heavenly society.
It is located close to the 天理 [tiānlǐ]: divine justice, or it can also be loosely translated as (天)heavenly (理)principles.
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Let's zoom in a little on Beidou:
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Notice that the stars located in a arch-formation around the heavenly principles are the dimmest stars: Tianquan, Tianji, Tianxuan and Tianxuan. They are also the stars with the word 天(sky, heavenly) in them.
As we'll see later, these four stars handle more covert/strategic affairs in the speculated structure of the Qixing, while the Yaoguang, Yuheng and Kaiyang appear to fill more executive/operational roles.
Let's start with the stars we already know - Tianquan and Yuheng.
天权 [tiān quán]
Patron star: 文曲星 [wén qǔ xīng], lit.”cultural song”
The wenqu star is associated with 天理 [tiānlǐ]: divine justice, or it can also be loosely translated as (天)heavenly (理)principles.
The star is associated with wisdom, intelligence, elegance and knowledge. Culture, being a long-lasting part of society, could be loosely read to reflect Ningguang’s desire to leave a legacy.
The Tianquan is 1 of 2 stars which is not in the 14 major stars of the Ziwei Doushu. Instead, the Wenqu star is one of the six lucky stars that represent luck in your life, which could be a nod to how Ningguang is not your typical Qixing candidate, since she rose to the position through hard work. Or, it could signify that the position of Tianquan can be fulfilled by any qualified person.
玉衡 [yù héng]
Patron star: 廉贞星 [lián zhēn xīng], which can be loosely translated as "integrity, faithfulness"
The lianzhen star is associated with 公关 gōngguān = public relations. This star is stubborn and persistent, representing change and variation, making it difficult to pin down. It's also associated with due diligence, novel thinking and career performance.
Keqing's role of land management seems to differ slightly from the patron star's reputation, although you could take a leap and posit that estate and livelihood management would require a lot of PR to balance people’s needs.
However, the overall personality type the patron star represents seems to fit Keqing's core traits well.
天枢 [tiān shū]
Patron star: 贪狼星 [Tān láng xīng] lit. “Wolf Star”
The tanlang star is associated with multiple masks, guises, and being clever, shrewd. With this star, disasters and happiness rise and fall, intertwined with each other. Often, the individual born under this star is affable and able to build friendships very quickly.
We don't know too much about Uncle Tian's work as the Tianshu beyond security and intelligence, but we do know he did consider Yelan as a potential successor, and she is known for her many guises and shrewdness.
Based on these 3, which seem to be generally accurate to the characters in their roles, we can guess that the other Qixing members would have these characteristics:
天璇 [Tiān xuán]
Patron star: 巨门星 [Jù mén xīng] lit. “giant gate”
The jumen star represents 暗 [àn] = secrets, and 明爭暗鬥 [míngzhēng'àndòu] = both open and covert strife. It was once known as the Dark Star. People of this star are unsociable.
The Tianshu handles intelligence & security i.e. what is most likely external affairs. The Tianxuan could therefore be his internal affairs counterpart, who handles the Qixing’s private issues. After all, the Tianxuan is a bit like an opposite to the Tianshu, and we might probably never know who the Tianxuan is since the intelligence they work with would be highly confidential based on the patron star.
天玑 [Tiān jī]
Patron star: 禄存星 [Lù cún ] closest lit. “keep good fortune”
This star signifies honour, rank, and life. It has the ability to remove adversity and distress, and interestingly, is able to mediate the negative energies the Yuheng star might bring.
Perhaps the Tianji is like the treasurer of the Qixing. Someone needs to manage the government budget, and this star is very strongly associated with wealth and financial management.
The Tianji is the other star not in the 14 major stars of the Ziwei Doushu. It’s found within one of the palaces in the Ziwei Doushu’s interpretation of the constellations, but I haven’t found any particular significance on that.
开阳 [kāi yáng]
Patron star: 武曲星 [wǔ qū xīng] closest lit. “martial/fierce song”
Not to be confused with the Tianquan's patron star (wenqu). Wuqu star is a little bit similar to the Wenqu star, both are about decision making and policies, though Wuqu is less cultured and more unsociable.
The Wuqu star also represents analysis of a situation and making clear-headed decisions and also… the 廟堂 [miàotáng] = imperial court.
The Kaiyang would appear to fit a judge role, if there is a court. Given that Yanfei is a lawyer, there is probably some kind of court in the Ministry of Civil Affairs which the Kaiyang would preside over and uphold the law set by the Tianquan.
Due to the similarities between wenqu and wuqu, I'd also speculate that the Kaiyang may be groomed to be the potential successor to the Tianquan, since they both work in law enforcement and I highly doubt they'd allow any rich Tom, Dick or Harry to suddenly manage the laws of Liyue.
摇光 [yáo guāng]
Patron star: 破军星 [pò jūn xīng] lit. “Break the enemy”
Akin to 戰將 zhànjiàng = a war/battle general/commander/leader
Very interesting that this star is all about war and is typically seen as a misfortune. Although Keqing seems to lead the Millelith in crisis from what we see, it could be just because she is a Vision holder.
The Yaoguang is likely in charge of the Millelith and Liyue's military forces overall, from recruitment to training.
Ziwei Doushu Astrology
Flourish Astrology
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lavenderfumes · 2 years
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Who got lucky and brought the Cocogoat home recently? ❅
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lonyku · 2 years
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Cryo Ningguang
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peachpassionfruit · 10 months
let me die still loving, and so never die [preview]
“for thus did i become the guarantor of people’s hard work, wisdom, and future. this is the trust i have placed in them. betray it, and you taint my blood.”
mortals could ascend no further into the sky than from the confines of the jade chamber. they must not reach the heights comparable to those of the gods.
you could hardly say you understood what it meant to be devoted. religion, built around the illusory idea of a deity, merely gives its followers something to be faithful to. to instill hope, and to restore strength. to resign your soul as prayers to the sky, as if leveling with the stars is something unimaginable for mere followers.
that was most unbelievable for you. you were here, out on the balcony of the jade chamber, and the sky seemed as close as a touch away. as if you could reach out your hands and handle the glowing moon with a brush of your fingertips. if faith was salvation, if it was what kept hope alive in the citizens of liyue, you were sure your god would forgive you for believing there might be a place of your own in the grand sky before you.
not proofread, just a little snippet <3 it’s 4.7k words and i’m not even halfway through with the story i want to tell
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boredandelusive · 2 years
Before It's Too Late - IX (9).
Little reminder: If you would like to join the taglist, you are more than welcome to comment as such. I've gained a little attention from those who enjoy SAGAU content, but feel obligated to comment and reblog.
CW: Angst, slight cliffhanger
"What was with that look back there, Signora?" Childe asked as both of them stepped off their boats and into the docks of Snezhnaya, knowing they had somewhere specific to go.
"Childe, don't tell me you are such a fool you did not recognize the Creator's ring on the Traveler's finger," Signora glanced at the man, though he scoffed.
"I noticed, but just as I was about to ask her more about it, you made me leave. Even then, I had my own suspicions when Lumine and I fought at the Golden House." He says in annoyance.
"Any sort of suspicions you have about her will be brought up once we confide in the Tsaritsa. Until then, Childe, it would be best to keep your mouth quiet. You may spew out nonsense before you say any truth."
"La Signora, Tartaglia, what brings you to me at this hour?" The Tsaritsa asked as she watched two of her loyal Harbingers walk to her throne.
"We have Morax's gnosis, as per the contract between you both." Signora says and holds it out to the Archon. She took it from the woman, not moving an inch.
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"Is that all from you both?" She asked as she observed the object in her hand, then smiled at the gnosis in return.
"Not all, Tsaritsa. The Traveler you've come to despise... we think she might have Creator Sister Laila's ring, the true ring." Hearing those words from Childe's mouth caught her attention, making the woman place the gnosis on the table beside her throne.
"Impossible," she interjects, causing the two to grow confused. "If Laila were here, she would be the first to embrace us once more, just as she had when she created humanity. She would not shroud away from her Archons," the Tsaritsa sounded like she denied the idea of Laila not reuniting with her very creations.
"We thought so, too, for a time. However, when I fought the Traveler at the golden house, she pulled out this weird-looking weapon. It tore through my Foul Legacy Transformation with a singular blast. When I released Osial from under Morax's spears, a singular shot killed him in an instant." Childe continued, making her stand from her throne.
"If that is the case, then I will task you, along with the other Harbingers, to bring her back here. I will know it when I see her," moving away from her throne, she dismissed them both and left the room.
"Laila, when you meet with the Qixing and the Adepti, what are you going to tell them?" Paimon asked as she floated around Lumine mindlessly. "Are you gonna tell them about your sister?"
"I'll have no choice but to. If they allow Faleon to come and bring what I need, then I would not need their help. My sister gets weaker by the second, and if she turns into a witch before she could give her power to me, which insures Teyvat would not fall, then humans die out in months. There is a reason I've also called upon the Acting Grandmaster from Mondstadt." Laila explains as the two leave Liyue Harbor.
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"And the plan is to meet them all today?" Lumine asked next, which the creator hummed in response. "I wish you the best of luck." Though the traveler had not forgotten her brother in the mix of this, she knew the fate of Teyvat could help them reunite.
As Laila once again took over Lumine's body, she looked at the sky for a moment. Once she could see the sun setting, she began walking toward the designated meeting place. Seeing as Nantianmen was in the adeptal bode, no one passed through, out of respect. It also meant the statue of the Three were nearby.
Hearing the flapping of wings, Laila sat down at the stone table first before seeing the adepti sit down. "If you would kindly give the Liyue Qixing a moment, they had to bring the Acting Grandmaster with them," she says as a floating tea pot hovered in front of them. "Tea, anyone?"
Watching as Xiao appeared, Laila thought for a moment. "They'll be here in two minutes, and then I will explain everything. I owe you that much," she says and stands up from the seat. Hearing as the adepti stayed quiet, Madame Ping arrived with the three Qixing, Jean included.
"Now that you've all arrived, I will start by explaining what a soul gem is. It is tied to everything, including the reason I left." As she opened her hand, a small crystal formed, something that looked foreign to them all. "This soul gem is inside my ring, and if it gets destroyed, I die."
As she set it on the table, she continued. "However, there is more to this little thing than meets the eye. If you'll notice, a soul gem shines as a sign of purity, that the person who owns it still has hope. If a soul gem grows tainted, a grief seed is the one thing that clears it." Seeing the looks of confusion on their faces, she continued.
"Because of this, I am a magical girl, someone who fights a never-ending battle against witches, creatures of despair. This soul gem is the opposite of a grief seed, which comes from a witch. My sisters and I are magical girls, and before we created Teyvat, we fought side-by-side." She says before calming down enough.
"Your Grace, if it is a difficult topic for you, you don't have to tell us." Ganyu noticed her uneasiness, but she shook her head.
"When the three of us first created Teyvat, we had the intent of creating seven acolytes to sit in the thrones of Celestia. If anything happened to us, these seven would have enough power to deal with witches together. When it came time to choose the Archons, every single god I had created wanted to be an Archon. Not out of power, but because it gives a direct link to us." She continued.
"Almost 1000 years before the Archon War, I suspected something to be wrong with my sister. Each time I asked about her, she denied anything of being wrong. I can't remember the day, but when I checked on her after she made an abnormally large star, she turned into a witch. I had to put an end to her before she could destroy Tevyat. That is the reason I left." Laila says before looking at the adepti.
"If that's the case, why have you returned now, of all times?" Keqing asked skeptically, seeing as though she couldn't quite believe Laila yet.
"Because Mayla is going through the same thing. Her soul gem is tainted enough that if I free her from the preservation chamber she's in, she may very well turn into a witch that could destroy this universe. Mayla created the ground, the crops, the first to show how to harvest. I'm sure within the past few centuries, not as many plants have bloomed as once before. If she does, most cooking ingredients become unusable." It was a lot to say at the moment, so she kept quiet for the moment.
"Your Grace, Mondstadt has an ongoing festival in the Divine's names," Jean points out, which Laila nods in response. "Surely, those have helped a bit with your sister's gem, wouldn't it?" If she heard that her efforts didn't help, and how they were useless, but she shook her head.
"They helped, but only for a short time. Teyvat was once a singular nation, not divided like it is now. If you wanted to help, all the nations would need to hold a festival together. Even then, if that worked, it wouldn't hold for long." it hurt to admit the truth, but if Mayla didn't have long, Teyvat would crumble when she turns into a witch.
"If I may, can I ask what you plan to do next?" Xiao spoke up, though the question left her quiet for a moment.
"I still plan to leave. Truthfully, I grew dissatisfied with this world. Maybe I expected too much, but until I have a reason to continue looking over Teyvat and the others connected, I don't see a reason to stay here." She thought aloud, which the faces of everyone dampened with sadness. "Then again, if my travels through Teyvat proves it has changed since the start of the Archon War, I might change my mind."
"If we were to move the statue to Liyue Harbor," Ningguang starts, which Laila hums.
"Geo and Dendro slimes. Many people underestimate their strength, but though the adepti cannot lift the statues, the slimes can. They were meant to be the original guides of Teyvat, and as such, they will follow you wherever you lead them to," Laila answers before looking at the sky again. "None of you have seen a witch, have you? Not up close."
"I believe it is safe to say we have not," Jean adds next, making the woman hum for a moment.
"Would you like to? By my abilities, I can share memories with anyone I choose to. I should remind you, just in case, that this is a memory. I know it was never fully discussed, the truth behind my sister's death. That day was the reason I left, but it was also the reason the Archon War began."
The world around them was covered in a temporary darkness, followed immediately by the sun above them.
"Carin? Come on, I thought we were supposed to visit the gods again. They should've chosen who the higher gods are by now." Laila says as she sees her sister putting stars into the sky again. "Why do you work on the stars at this hour?"
"Laila... do you honestly think the thousands of gods you've created could choose only 7 to follow us?" Those words weren't something Carin would usually say, though her youngest sister noticed how slow her movements have gotten.
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"I don't get it... What's wrong?" Laila asked as she stepped closer to her sister, though she could tell something was wrong. "Sister, is something the matter?"
"Laila, please extend my apologies to Mayla and to the gods who wait for us." As Carin set her soul gem on the table, Laila rushed to the sight of the tainted gem, deflating at the sight.
Using her abilities, Laila conjured a hammer to destroy Carin. Raising her arms, black mist seeped out of the tainted gem. Turning behind her, Laila watched as her sister's body fell to the ground. The sound of crying rang out through Celestia. The growing size of a witch tore through the architecture of the castle as the day grew to night.
Just as the banquet of gods approached the gates, the skies above turned into a cloudy night. The sound of marching soldiers in front of them caught the gods' attention, though further sight proved 2D soldiers marched down the stairs of Celestia. Such a sight could've been considered a march to execution.
The floating stars around the witch formed into red spider lilies, a beautiful march to an execution. But even then, what was beautiful never lasts. Laughter broke the silence as the soldiers around her started attacking the gods. An impenetrable shield protected the gods, though Laila pursued the witch toward Teyvat. 
Unrealistic tears fell from the eyes of the witch, as if she cried as her soldiers tried killing the gods, though her efforts were in vain. "In here, quickly," Mayla's voice demanded of the gods, all of them listening without a second thought. 
"Sister, please!" Laila called out, though the witch showed no effort to stop. The tears that fell from the witch's eyes burned the bridge behind her, severing the stairs from the floating heaven. 
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TAG LIST - @atsukawolfcat @lilqi @magica-ren @karmawonders @sheepispink
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ceebiejeebiess · 2 years
ningguang raiding the liyue qixing mini fridge
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she ate keqing’s sandwich
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"Every journey has its final day. Don't rush!"
-Zhongli, Genshin Impact
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Zhongli: Chayantou
Photo and Edit: by me
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Visit my Instagram to see more cosplay related photography
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veridian--sparks52 · 1 year
Ningguang will be the Next Geo Archon | Theory
Disclaimer: Yes I know the whole point of the Liyue quest was that the people of that nation don't need a god to rule over them.
BUT considering the rules and restrictions put in place by the heavenly principles, I think it naive for Zhongli to up and leave. I believe there will be repercussions for Zhongli (unless he already made a deal with them?) or Liyue as a whole. Let's keep in mind, too, that every nation that went against the rule of the Archons was destroyed by Celestia.
So, I believe, Celestia/Heavenly Principles in some future interlude chapter or mini arc, will impose a new archon on Liyue. I don't believe anyone will fight or kill to get this role, as we've been given no indication of someone wanting the role to that extent. A fatui member might possibly go for it, but their whole shtick is fighting against the rule of the Archons. So far, a vast majority of Liyue is still mourning Rex Lapis, therefor mentally blocking out most of the populace from even thinking one of them could obtain godhood (as well has giving us an indication that the people of Liyue are still very much religious). All the adepti know of Zhongli's wishes, and wouldn't dare undo his work. And the known divine entities (like Dvalin, Yae Miko) and the other Archons are too busy with their own issues and nations to think about conquering Liyue. This really just leaves the Liyue Qixing; of which Keqing hates idolizing the gods, Ganyu is an adeptus, and Yelan has no desire for that level of power.
This leaves Ningguang.
Ningguang is a powerhouse of elemental ability, economic understanding, and leadership capabilities.
-> In cut scenes during the Liyue archon quest, she demonstrated extreme skill with creating a massive Jade Screen for everyone to fight on as well as support artillery
-> She had the ability to command the entire old Jade Chamber to use as a floating battle fortress (as well as making herself float??)
-> She built the old Jade Chamber from scratch; requiring insane levels of patience, persistence, economic understanding and prowess, and a deep understanding of architecture
-> She is a member (one of seven) of the Liyue Qixing; the ruling body of Liyue. This alone is a testament to her diplomatic and political skills. She is routinely seen making public speeches and generally conversing with the common folk of the nation's harbor
-> She got her vision of all things by reawakening a powerless vision while planning to auction it off and daydreaming of the riches it would yield. If that's not a sign of a child of the god of commerce, I don't know what is
-> In sacrificing the old jade chamber she: helped reach a new found ally ship with the adepti, and subsequently made them gain a new respect for humanity. This showed she has a respect for the old ways, while also understanding new paths needed to be forged; and most importantly she showed she would always put her people before herself and her dreams. In creating a new jade chamber, she not only stayed true to herself, but gave the people back a symbol of power, pride, and identity
-> Unrelated to story given points: Ningguag also appears in the major story trailer, Travail. *She* is the ambassador for Liyue. As of 3.3, she is the only 4 star of the bunch. Many players have also noted how powerful she is for a 4 star, and how she can be made as a damage character or defense, basically attesting to her versatility even in gameplay
Considering all of the above points, I think Ningguang is the perfect candidate to be the next Geo Archon. She shares many base attributes that Zhongli had (brute geo strength, a deep love for Liyue, insane understands of the economy), and is already in a powerful leadership position.
As for *how* she would become the next archon? I'm unsure. But, I'll reiterate my previous point by saying, due to what we know of how Celestia dealt with godless nations in the past, it's unlikely Liyue will be the in the clear forever. Something has to give.
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hongchenzhu · 1 year
Imagine the New Grand Sage of Sumeru is not a student of the Akademia and also not from Sumeru
This idea popped into my brain a few days ago.
After the event of 3.3 Nahida is trying to find the best person for the title of Grand Sage, and at this moment you turn up. A lawyer from Liyue also works for Liyue Qixing.
Nahide overheard your conversation about your views and opinions about the former Grand Sage and what the Akademia can do for the people of Sumeru. And Nahide is like you are the perfect person for the title of Grand Sage so for the next three days she and Cyno are stalking you and finding more info about you before she asks you to be the new Grand Sage.
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kikufukuk · 1 year
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yaoyao 🐇💚
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qxiao · 1 year
◈Troublesome Work◈
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Summary: Beidou is the boss of the most popular tattoo parlour in all of Liyue, just a quick look into what a normal day could look like.
Mentions of Zhongli, Kazuha, Xiao, Xiao x traveller (just a lil tho), mentions of Itto and Razor (they’re brothers). Tattoo artist au, slight gang au, more modern au.
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A/N: Ok so i saw a fan art of a tattoo artist au of beidou and zhongli and got inspired to write this, THIS IS NOT PROOFREAD, so sorry for the mistakes. I rlly didn’t know how to end it so-
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ˏ 𓏧 𓏲 𓏲 𓏲 𓋒 𓏲 𓏲 𓏲 𓏲 𓏧 ˎ
Walking through the door, slowly inhaling the bitter smell of smoke, Beidou strutted through past the long line of costumers. Slipping through the back door before throwing her bag into her locker as she took a long puff out of the cig between her fingers.
Grabbing her gloves, she stubbed the cig out and threw it in the trash before swinging the door right open, coming face to face with a line of needy costumers. Making her way to the front, clipboard in hand, greeting the people before her with a smile.
“Welcome to The Crux everyone! Sorry for the wait, walk in’s please keep to the right, people who had an appointment to the left.”
As the sounds of shuffling feet and displeased grunts slowly started to fade, Beidou called out name after name, sending people to their rightful tattoo artists before assisting the walk-in’s, handing them over to which ever artist was free.
That’s how most days went by, before they even knew it, lunch hour had came around and the parlour emptied out as the other employees made their way to the break room.
Upon closing up for the next hour, a hefty sigh made Beidou chuckled as she turned around to face their best artist. Zhongli.
“I do not understand why so many people are getting glaze lilies these days. If I hear one more person ask for one I’ll send them off for Kazuha to handle.”
Bursting out in laughter, the ex-captain was amused about how frustrated the old archon was, after all, you’d think a 6000 year old god wouldn’t be ruffled up over a bunch of silly flower tats.
Beidou loved days like these, annoying the hell out of Zhongli before retiring to check up on Kazuha’s new designs. She was about to head to the lunch room before the front door busted open. With the sound of heavy feet running towards her, Beidou let out a groan before she opened up the janitors closet, threw the two hooligans who busted through inside and made her way to the front. Just as an officer walks up.
“Good evening there ma’am, have u happened to see two males, both with silver hair, go around these parts? We have reason to believe that they are part of the Arataki gang.”
Putting up her best face, and most striking grin, “Ah actually, i did see two people run by the shop, i believe they went down that alley.” She lied, pointing down the block.
“Thank you ma’am, have a wonderful evening.”
“You too officer” you too.
After insuring the officer left, Zhongli sighed as he unlocked the closet, only to have two monstrous boys fall out, face flat on the ground.
“Hah… You two have got to keep out of trouble! The Qixing AND the Kujou Clan are after you!”
Slow grunts escaped from the taller one’s mouth. Before standing up and putting on the most shit eating grin.
“Exactly! And we haven’t been caught no?”
Beidou made dead eye contact with him, scowling. “Listen here Itto, you better be more careful ya here me? And you cant keep dragging your poor brother into this.”
The Oni rolled his eyes, before placing a firm hand on his sidekick’s shoulder, “Razor’s fineeee, plus he wants to be here, don’t you?” He asked, looking intensively at the younger.
“Yup! Razor likes being with Itto!” He replied with a toothy smile. Itto chuckling as he patted his head.
“See? we’re fine, no need to worry, i’m always 2 steps ahead of that Sara chick.” 
Zhongli shook his head before letting the door open to the break room. Cheers and greetings were shouted as their captain stepped through.
Beidou laughed as she grabbed a beer, scanning her eyes through the crowd before laying falling on a short stub of white hair, making her way through, she slung an arm around kazuha’s neck as she peered over his shoulder, looking at his latest sketches.
“Hello there captain, there seems to have been quite a crowd today.” Seeming displeased with the bunch of fangirls that stood outside his workstation, before being shooed out of the store.
Beidou rolled her eyes, already all to familiar with the multiple fanclubs created for her most popular tattooists. Both Zhongli and Kazuha was already used to the attention, however Xiao, Zhongli’s new assistant, wasn’t all that prepared for the unrequited love. Who happened to be on his phone, he always was. No one’s actually seen him eat anything, speaking of which neither has Zhongli… Oh whatever it was none of her business what they did with their break time. Xiao did however pique her interests when his face suddenly burst bright red, his eyes looked stunned, and his mouth hung open.
“My my, what’s got the brilliantly tough Xiao so riled up?”, the adeptus happened to be going through all the gifts he received throughout the day. Piles on piles of pretty boxes filled with chocolate or any sort of other trinkets. Usually Xiao would just go through them and throw them out or give them away, so it’s quite a surprise to see him stare at one for more then a minute, none the less blush at a letter.
“Oooh who’s it from? Is it a girl you’re interested in?” Beidou teased.
“N-no.”, he stuttered, still somewhat flustered, “I just wasn’t expecting a gift from a certain someone is all.”
it immediately clicked 
“So… You and Traveller huh?” She raised an eyebrow, already knowing the answer. I mean cmon, the traveller is the only person ( besides Zhongli ) that could just drop by his work station and NOT receive a scowl.
Xiao turning even redder than before, could hardly even force out coherent sentences.
“I..N-no…We’re not..”
“Yea sure you’re not but i can sure as hell see you want to be.” Beidou spat out quite bluntly, not even letting Xiao a second to protest before getting up and going to the bar to get a bottle. Leaving Xiao in the dust, left with his conflicting feelings.
Although today was almost like any other day, Beidou still treasured these moments. The chants to chug being encouraged to Razor. Xiao quietly sipping some tea with Zhongli, who was telling ancient stories to anyone that’ll listen. Kazuha mindlessly looking out the window to the sea. The bustling sounds, warm lighting, bittersweet aroma, and familiar faces made Beidou remember why she loved the crux, why she loved her work and the people she worked with.
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A/N: I’m really only posting becuz i haven’t posted in 6 months and this has been sitting in the drafts for almost a year 😭
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yuniemaki · 1 year
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Ningguang | Gold Leaf and Pearly Jade
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