thelockwoodroyals · 3 years
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“You told her she was a mistake?” Nell was furious. No, furious was too gentle of an emotion compared to what she was.
“I did not,” Flynn returned, his tiredness obvious in his tone. “I would never tell her that.”
“But you implied it! She asked you and you had the chance to dissuade her, but you didn’t. You let her believe the worst thing a child could ever believe of themselves.”
Flynn wanted to disagree, but he knew he couldn’t. He had stayed silent at the worst time and let his daughter believe she was unwanted. But was she? “I couldn’t lie to her, Nell.”
Pure rage formed on Nell’s features and he was genuinely afraid of what she might do next. “I have dealt with your selfishness since the moment that we met. You told me you loved another women and a took it in stride. You have never loved me despite my unwavering support and misguided love for you. I have watched you build yourself a home out of the walls you’ve put up against the world and only ever asked to be invited in to visit, but now this is about so much more than me. I pleaded and begged you not to destroy whatever faith the people of this country had in you, yet you refused to trust me. I watched you shatter any hope our oldest had at inheriting a decent report with our people, all for your own ego and pride. I have done nothing but support you and stand by your side for over half of my life, but I am done. You do not get to make my children feel inferior the way you have made me feel. You do not get to break them as you’ve done to me. I will not let them suffer as I have at your hands.”
“What are you saying?” His voice was so lacking in emotion that it surprised even him. “You want a divorce?”
A manic laugh escaped Nell’s throat. “You would love that, wouldn’t you? No Flynn, you won’t be rid of me that easily. The children are mine and I will never let you take them from me. I know the way this works. But I will not ruin our children’s minds by pretending any longer. This marriage has been over for years, but I am through with the charade in front of the kids. They will know what we have become; strangers.”
“And if I don’t agree?”
“Flynn,” she gave such sickeningly sweet smile . “We both know you need me far more than I need you.”
He knew it was true. He couldn’t manage the kingdom without her at his side or there would likely be a revolution against him. Leila had said it best: Nell was the true King of Whitebridge. “Then we are through here?”
She let out one last exasperated breath and nodded. “Yes Flynn, we’ve been through for a long time now.”
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thelockwoodroyals · 3 years
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“Well look who it is: The Royal Mistake!”
Stella felt herself tense, but forced a deep and steadying breath. “What the heck do you want?”
The girl sneered as she rested her fists on her tiny hips. “I want you to get out of my sight. I don’t need to be seeing such trash around here.”
“Listen,” Stella nearly growled. “I don’t even know your name, but I know you’re nothing. In the grand scheme of things, you don’t matter. Someday, I’ll forget all about you and your cruelty, but you’ll never forget me. I am a princess and I am so much more than you will ever be.”
“Did your mommy tell you all of that?” The girl smirked. “Figures that the Royal Mistake had to run to her mom for help!”
“If you call me that one more time, you’re going to regret it.”
The girl’s eyebrows raised ever so slightly. “What are you gonna do about it, Royal Mis-”
And with that Stella’s small fist was in her face.
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thelockwoodroyals · 3 years
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“I heard she’s here on scholarship!”
“It makes sense, I mean how else could she have gotten in?”
“Exactly! Have you seen some of the clothes she wears? They reek of second handedness.”
Corrine tried as best she could to tune out the girls currently mocking her not ten feet away from her face, but it was damn near impossible. She knew it would come out eventually that she was less than wealthy, but knowing and accepting were two different things. She had tried her best to hide everything that would possibly give her away, but the press was relentless when it came to the Royals and those associated with them. She hadn’t seen Seb since the world found out about her financial status, but he had told her at least a hundred times that it meant nothing to him. He made it easy to believe that it didn’t matter, but these girls proved that it did.
“It’s only a matter of time before he dumps her like the trash she is.”
“I heard the king told him he had to! It makes sense, not wanting to associate with literal peasants.”
“He’s too nice to ever say it to her face, but we all know he’s thinking it.”
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thelockwoodroyals · 3 years
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“How could you?”
Travis shut the door to her bedroom behind them, something her parents never allowed, and crossed the room to take her hands in his. “You really believe those photos?”
Cassia pulled her hands away and began pacing her room. “How could I not? They show you and another girl looking awfully close.”
Travis shook his head. “She’s just a friend, Cass. You know you’re the only one for me.”
She turned back to look at him, searching his face for some sort of sign he was being honest with her. “I want to believe you but…”
“But nothing!” He interjected. “It’s you that I love, Cass!”
She froze. “What did you just say?” They hadn’t ever said those words to one another and she felt her heart pick up speed, butterflies exploding in her chest. The words sounded so foreign to her ears, not having heard them since Adrian had left her. She didn’t hear them spoken between her parents and though her mother uttered them to her often, their meaning was much different then.
“I said I love you Cassia, and you’re the only one that I love.”
She didn’t hear the emptiness behind the words or the obvious pleading in his tone, she only heard the words she had missed more than anything. “I love you too,” she spoke, hoping that saying it would make it true.
“So we can put all of this behind us?” Travis nearly begged.
“Of course,” she decided quickly. He loved her, and she loved him. And Cassia would do anything for the people she loved.
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thelockwoodroyals · 3 years
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“Stell?” Cassia knocked on her sister’s door where there was still a light on much too late at night. “What are you doing still awake?”
Stella looked up at her big sister and brushed away the tears off of her cheeks. “It’s Mama and Papa again.”
Cassia sighed. She had heard her parents arguing herself just a little while ago and she knew that they had gone to separate rooms for the night. “They were arguing again, huh?”
The little girl nodded. “I don’t get why the have to fight so much! I thought they love each other.”
“They do!” Cassia quickly assured her. “We’ve talked about this before, Stell. Just because they fight doesn’t mean that they don’t love one another.”
“Have they always been like this?” Stella asked softly.
Cassia thought about it. She remembered a time where her mother and father both were nothing but kind to one another and they spent all of their time with her and Sebastian. Even when Callen was young, they were still a close knit family until they had gone with their mother on a beach trip one day. Their mom had told them that their father was busy “trying to make things right,” but she never understood what that meant. Things changed after that trip, and even more after Stella was born, but she couldn’t tell her baby sister that.
“They have had their differences before,” she explained carefully. “But they have also always made sure to show us how much they love us. You know that, right?”
She nodded slowly. “Mama always tells me I’m her little star. And Papa tries to tell me stories at least once a week. I just wish that they didn’t fight with each other so much.”
“I know,” Cassia agreed. She was quite sick of listening to her parent fighting as well. “But it’s time for you to be getting some sleep, little princess.”
“Will you read me a story?” Stella asked with babydoll eyes that she knew her sister would never refuse.
“Alright,” Cassia rolled her eyes lovingly. “But only one and then it’s bedtime.”
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thelockwoodroyals · 3 years
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“You lied to me,” Cass stated quite matter of factly as Travis returned to the sitting room. “You asked me to trust you, and I did, and you lied to me.”
“What are to talking about babe?” Travis asked, fear obvious in his voice. “Of course you can trust me.”
“Then why is your ‘mother’ asking if you’re still on for your date tomorrow evening?”
Travis’s eyes went wide as he finally noticed his phone in her hands. “You read my texts?”
She shrugged. “It kept going off and I got a bad feeling. Obviously I was right to.”
“My mom… she and I have a date tomorrow for dinner. That’s all, babe.”
“Since when does your mother call you ‘snookums’? And why are you sending her pictures of your…”
“Okay!” Travis interrupted. “Fine, you caught me. I’ve made a huge mistake and I’m so so fucking sorry for it, babe. If you would just hear me out, I swear I-“
“You what?” She asked as she tossed his phone on the table carelessly. “You’re so fucking sorry and it won’t happen again, right? I’ve heard that before. You told me that first girl you got papped with was just a friend, but clearly it was more. And that girl at school? The black haired beauty? She was just a friend too, wasn’t she? I might be naïve Travis, but I’m not an idiot. I know when I’m being taken advantage of.”
“Do you?” He asked coldly. “Because the way I see it, you’re the only one who”s hurt here. I thought we had a good thing going, but clearly you were more invested than I was.”
She stared at him for a moment as she fought back the tears rushing to her eyes. “You’ve been using me this whole time, haven’t you?”
He let out a pitying laugh. “Cass, a word of advice? Pay a little more attention.”
“But you said you loved me,” she whispered pathetically.
“Words are just that,” he sighed. “You don’t have to mean them to say them.”
She straightened her back and pulled herself together as much as she possibly could. “Goodbye, Travis. You are no longer welcome here at Redmore Palace. I trust you can find your way out.”
He laughed and nodded. “It’s been fun, Your Royal Highness. See you around.”
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thelockwoodroyals · 3 years
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The soft repetitive knocking at his door was driving Flynn insane. Clearly whoever was on the other side of it was not taking his ignorance as an answer, so he finally boomed for them to enter.
“Papa?” A small voice came from the slightly cracked door. It was his youngest and most stubborn child and he suddenly felt a tinge of regret he couldn’t determine the source of.
“I’m very busy Stella,” he sighed as he motioned for her to come in. “What is it?”
Stella stood before her father and mustered up all of her courage. “I need to ask you something, and I really really really need you to be honest with me please.”
He sighed at her childish insistence and nodded. “Very well. Go on.”
She began pulling at a thread on the front of her skirt nervously and tried to regain her confidence. “There was this girl on the playground who told me something, something pretty awful, but Callen said it isn’t true. He told me she was just jealous and that girls like her are always jealous of girls like me, and I guess I believe him, it’s just what she said was so awful and I can’t get it out of my head no matter how hard I try and I know I should just let it go but I just can’t because that’s not me and you always say we should be ourselves so I’m trying but it’s really hard and I-“
“Stella!” He interrupted, annoyance slipping into his tone. “I don’t have time for this! Ask what you need to and we can be done with it.”
He swore he saw her eyes fill up with tears before she blinked them away. “Was I a mistake?”
He felt her words like a physical punch to the gut. “What?”
“Was I a mistake?” She repeated, her voice shaking this time.
He had tried to prepare himself for whatever question she may ask, but he never thought she would ask this one. He thought about the day Nell told him she was pregnant again and felt the shame he always did. He knew she had been so happy, but he couldn’t even bring himself to smile at the news. And then there was That Night. The first of the now many times they slept in separate rooms. He had been an idiot and all but accused her of getting pregnant again on purpose, and she had shut him out of their room for the first time. All of their fights seemed to stem back to that night and he felt anger rising in his throat.
But then he looked at his daughter in front of him and felt that familiar shame again. None of this was her fault. She was an innocent victim of circumstance and he had the opportunity to finally make things right with her. She was the spitting image of Nell with his blonde hair and she was living proof that they had once been able to make it work. He never loved Nell the way he should have, but maybe he could love their daughter. He SHOULD love their daughter. Why did he have to force himself to love their daughter? Had he really fallen so far? What had changed in him to make him this way? He thought of his own father and was hit by another wave of shame, knowing how disappointed in him he must be.
“It- it’s okay Papa,” she smiled softly with tears streaming down her face. “You don’t have to answer. I understand.”
And with that, she was gone.
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thelockwoodroyals · 3 years
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“Cal? Can I talk to you about something?”
Callen turned away from the show he was watching, slightly annoyed at the interruption until he saw the look on his little sister’s face. He paused the tv and focused his full attention on her. “Sure, squirt. Shoot.”
“Okay, you have to pinky swear not to tell mama or papa about this, got it?”
He smirked at her but held his pinky out all the same. “I swear.” He knew one half of that promise could be easily kept as their father never seemed to have time for talking to them, but he would wait to hear what she had to say before keeping his promise of not telling their mother. Stella had never ratted him out, so he hoped he could return the favor.
“So there’s this girl I know who stood up against a bully,” she sighed. Her face was scrunched up in concentration and he wanted to pinch her cheeks the way she hated more than anything, but instead he nodded and motioned for her to continue. “The bully is an older girl and she said something really mean to the other girl, but the other girl didn’t really know what she meant. Then the other other girl-“
“Hold up,” Callen interrupted. “I never thought I’d say this but this is too many girls.”
Stella rolled her eyes. “The bully told the girl she was a mistake. That she wasn’t supposed to exist.”
Callen sat up straighter and searched his baby sister’s eyes for any sort of signs. “This isn’t about another girl, is it Stell?”
Stella’s eyes suddenly filled with tears and she refused to meet his gaze. “Is it true?”
Anger boiled in him and he forced himself to swallow the swears he was so close to spewing. “Who is this girl?”
“You didn’t answer the question,” she pleaded softly. “Is it true?”
“Of course it’s not true,” Callen scoffed. “How could you even think that?”
“Papa doesn’t like me.”
“Papa doesn’t like any of us,” he instinctively snarked. He immediately knew it was the wrong thing to say. “Stell, this girl is nothing but a brat! She doesn’t know what she’s talking about and she’s more than likely just jealous of you!”
She sniffled and wiped the tears from her eyes stubbornly. “She said people call me ‘The Royal Mistake’.”
He was suddenly very glad that their father refused to let them have computers in the palace and that his sister was too young for a phone. He had never heard anyone refer to his baby sister that way, but that didn’t mean much. Everyone knew how close the two were and they would be idiots to ever slander her in hearing distance of him. “There have been a lot of Royal Mistakes Stella, but I promise you’re not one of them.”
She smiled softly and let out a sigh. “I’m not telling you who said it.”
He laughed and shook his head. “Can I give you some advice then?”
She pursed her lips and nodded. “I guess so.”
“Make sure she never says it again.”
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thelockwoodroyals · 3 years
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Spotted: the youngest Prince of Whitebridge swapping spit with one of his classmates on school grounds! It seems our young prince is growing up rather quickly and isn’t afraid to let the world know.
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thelockwoodroyals · 3 years
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Looks like Prince Callen has wasted no time in finding a new girl! Photographers spotted HRH with a mystery blonde girl this afternoon and it seems neither of them have any qualms with public affection.
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thelockwoodroyals · 3 years
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Prince Callen was spotted with his girlfriend perusing a local garden this afternoon, but it seems that there may be trouble in teenage paradise. HRH was seen seemingly breaking up with the poor girl in public as she left the encounter in tears according to some witnesses.
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thelockwoodroyals · 3 years
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It was nothing. That’s what Cassia kept repeating to herself as she watched her boyfriend Travis “talking” with a black haired beauty. He loved her and he would never flirt with another girl, never mind in public! She was being paranoid and she needed to get a hold of herself. He loved her.
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thelockwoodroyals · 3 years
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Another One: It looks like Prince Callen is moving on... again. At this point, we are running out of things to say for the prince and his new girls!
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thelockwoodroyals · 3 years
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Friends to Lovers Round Two
Princess Ainsley and long time best friend Lady Kaylie announced their romantic relationship today via Simstagram. We are so incredibly happy for the couple and look forward to the growth of their relationship.
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thelockwoodroyals · 3 years
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“Good evening Mr. Keaton,” Nell greeted the older man as she entered his office. “You are just the man I was hoping to see.”
“How may I help you, Your Majesty?” He tried to hide the sense of impatience behind his words, but Nell was far too perceptive to leave it unnoticed.
“I have been concerned about the approval ratings lately. I had a word with my husband about them, but he told me he had already spoken to you about it.”
Arthur nodded. “Yes, His Majesty and I did discuss it. However, you know that all of my meeting with His Majesty are-“
“Confidential. Yes, I am aware. I was only wondering what you yourself have noticed while out at obligations. I obviously have not been able to attend as many with the little ones now, so I was hoping you could let me know what I am missing.”
“Of course,” he all but sneered. “The people haven’t seemed to pay much mind to the emails as far as I can tell.”
Bullshit. Nell had been outside of the palace enough recently to know that everyone was furious about the King’s indifference to the job. She knew that some were even calling for his abdication. So why was Keaton lying to her?
“You needn’t worry yourself with these things, Your Majesty,” Arthur went on. “As Queen, your job is more symbolic than anything. Worrying will only give you wrinkles. Taking care of the children should be your first priority.”
Nell saw red. Who the hell did this man think he was telling her, the Queen of Whitebridge, what she should and shouldn’t be concerning herself with? And to tell her to mind the children of all things! “Thank you Mr. Keaton,” she smiled softly. “Have a pleasant evening.”
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thelockwoodroyals · 3 years
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Another princess joins the royal family! Her Royal Highness Princess Stella Luna Lockwood was born this morning and both baby and mother are reportedly doing wonderfully.
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