#loki and sigyn aesthetic
shambelle97 · 1 year
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La splendida figura di Sigyn varcava l’ingresso del palazzo in compagnia dell’affascinante marito e signore indiscusso delle menzogne.
Quella sera si sarebbe tenuto un banchetto in onore della loro ultima impresa.
Una battaglia per la salvaguardia di Alfheim, assediata dai Nibelunghi.
Ovvero un’antica stirpe di nani e avidi cacciatori di tesori.
Le spericolate gesta dei due principi permisero di guadagnarsi la loro fiducia.
Odino fu lesto a consegnare la medaglia al valore ai propri figli e abili condottieri dell’esercito.
Ciò avvenne anche nei confronti di Lady Sif, i Tre Guerrieri e il resto degli Einherjar.
Il pubblico applaudì con grande giubilo, iniziando ad aprire il ricevimento.
Canti e balli accompagnarono la festa.
I bardi guidati da Bragi dedicarono varie poesie nei riguardi di Thor e Loki, lodandoli per la tenacia e forza.
L’idromele scorreva a fiumi, dilettando gli intrepidi guerrieri Æsir nella degustazione.
Fandral adocchiò l’esile sagoma della moglie del Dio dell’Inganno, avviando una conversazione con quest’ultima.
L’audace cavaliere dai capelli biondi faticava ancora a credere che fosse la sposa di uno scaltro bugiardo, portatore di sventura.
Non si sarebbe mai posto alcun problema a conquistarla.
“La festa è di vostro gradimento?”
Proferì, ponendole cordialmente una domanda.
“Oh, assolutamente.”
Assentì la giovane dama in attesa del consorte.
Egli era intento a conversare col fratello maggiore delle ultime strategie ricorse in battaglia.
Tale scenario osò infastidirlo, costringendo l’oscuro principe ad interrompere il dialogo.
“Mia adorata e splendida moglie: costui osa disturbarti?”
Chiese affilato e tagliente come la lama del proprio pugnale.
Il Guizzante assunse un’aria ostile, lanciandogli uno sguardo torvo.
Lingua D’Argento la prese sottobraccio, allontanandosi dall’irritante guerriero.
Si cimentarono in una lenta danza, accompagnata da note musicali.
“Dovrei forse rammentarti a chi appartieni?”
Esordì l’Ingannatore con una nota possessiva nella voce.
“Ha solamente chiesto se la festa fosse di mio gradimento, nulla di più.”
Ribatté la vanir, tentando di rassicurarlo.
L’Ase ghermì i suoi fianchi in maniera possessiva.
Il tarlo della gelosia fu lesto a torturarlo sadicamente come un’infezione.
Sigyn avvertì di avere le guance in fiamme, iniziando a tremare.
Un devastante effetto scaturito dalla troppa vicinanza col Dio.
La trascinò fuori da quel trambusto, sostando vicino ad una colonna...desiderava averla solo per sé.
Baciò il candido collo di lei, inchiodandola al muro.
Un’ardente bramosia, impossibile da controllare.
Un fuoco distruttivo e bruciante che fluiva sin dentro le viscere.
“Cosa ti succede, amore mio?”
Mormorò in preda alla libidine, emettendo lievi gemiti.
“Nessun uomo oserà mai avvicinarsi a te.”
Sussurrò di rimando, denotando la propria possessività.
Non le sarebbe mai sfuggita.
Nessuno l’avrebbe presa; tantomeno toccare la pelle ribelle della sua preziosa donna.
Li avrebbe spezzati come fiammiferi.
Il pensiero di quel povero sciocco che provava a sedurla lo rese iracondo.
Solo lui poteva disporre di un simile privilegio.
Essere il suo unico uomo e amante.
Un corrosivo e potente veleno che le scorreva nelle vene, scaturito da un morso di serpente.
E Loki aveva una certa familiarità con tali creature, manifestandone innate caratteristiche.
I baci scambiati si intensificarono, costringendo i due sposi ad abbandonare i vasti corridoi del castello.
Giunsero nella sontuosa camera da letto, sbarazzandosi dei loro indumenti cerimoniali.
L’immagine eterea della bella moglie la faceva assomigliare ad uno splendido cigno.
Saggiò famelico le sue dolci e morbide labbra, paragonandole al miele più gustoso.
Labbra seriche, vellutate e ammalianti.
Gravò sopra di lei, graffiandole la carne.
Un feroce e sagace lupo dal manto nero, pronto a sfoderarne gli artigli.
Catturare la preda ad ogni costo era parte integrante della volitiva e astuta natura del cadetto.
Lo sguardo verde e liquido del consorte osò scrutarla, mettendola in soggezione.
“Appartieni a me, piccola figlia di Vanaheim: vedi di rammentarlo in eterno.”
Ribadì risoluto, ansimando a causa della lussuria.
Costei annuì silente, abbandonandosi ai tocchi stregati del moro.
Mani affusolate ed eleganti, totalmente in grado di captare i punti giusti con estrema sapienza.
L’oscuro mago di Asgard si insinuò subdolo, godendo a pieno della fanciulla.
Roventi brividi invasero i loro corpi, lasciandoli a corto di fiato.
Raggiunsero il culmine del piacere, accasciandosi sui setosi cuscini del capezzale.
Le bocche arrossate e gonfie, stabilirono un nuovo ed erotico contatto.
“Non lasciare che l’eccessiva gelosia avveleni il tuo animo.”
Suggerì la Dea della Fedeltà, disegnando piccoli cerchi immaginari sul torace glabro dell’uomo.
“Detesto chi osa appropriarsi di ciò che è mio, adorabile principessina...non lascerò che degli stolti omuncoli abbiano l’ardire di mettere le mani su di te.”
Dichiarò con fermezza, arrotolando le ciocche lucenti attorno al dito.
Conquistarla si era rivelato più arduo del previsto, costringendoli a patire varie peripezie.
Dovettero pagare l’alto prezzo di un esilio in terra straniera: un angolo sperduto e dimenticato dalle stesse divinità che popolavano l’Yggdrasill.
“Ti apparterrò sempre, Dio degli Inganni: ho giurato in onore del nostro vincolo matrimoniale. Ho concesso la mia fedeltà a colui solo ed esclusivamente per amore.”
Garantì l’Amica della Vittoria, guardandolo dritto negli occhi.
L’imbroglione sfoggiò un ghigno malizioso, divorando avido la bocca rosea e soffice della giovane.
Continuarono a viziarsi, finché il sonno non li accolse tra le proprie braccia.
Si sarebbero amati fino al crepuscolo degli Dei.
Un legame solido e duraturo, stabilito da un eterno vincolo scarlatto.
One Shot:
~ Mischief And Fidelity ~
Name Chapter:
~ Snake Bite ~
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astridlovessigyn · 27 days
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My sweet Goddess. ❤️
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logyn-aesthetic · 1 year
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A transformed photo from the album cover of crash test dummies Oooh La La. in memory of 1 of Sigyns first comic book appearance.
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tyrsfire · 2 years
"Burning, stinging pain,
Like fire in my veins.
Curled around me, the serpents tail.
Gushing venom over my body so frail.
Agony, grief.. I must've felt,
Disappeared in a beaming light.
It must be my end, it gave me a fright.
No! There she was, my healing hands.
Holding a bowl as my defence.
Soothing me, that sweet creature, my wife,
For she is the love of my life."
Poem: Loki's savior -Babette Kuijpers
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goddessoflove-s · 2 months
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sigyn-foxyposts · 1 year
Next is of course Sigyn, I couldn't wait! I think I'll do mostly goddesses first :]
**✿❀.・゜゜・✧・゚: *✧・゚:*.・゜゜・❀✿**
Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg (1817)
"Loki And Sigyn"
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Karl Gebhard (1892)
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Harry George Theaker
"Sigyn, Loki's Wife"
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Mabel H. Cummings (1901)
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Howard David Johnson (2014)
"The punishment of Loki"
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A part of the Wagner opera trading cards (1882)
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Karl Ehrenberg (1890)
"Loki and Sigyn"
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Ludwig Pietsch (1856)
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Gordon Browne (1913)
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edelweissbarnes · 2 years
Hello again readers!
Here the chapter one.
Just to be clear, I'm a bookworm and I love mythology, my story is inspired by it but I'd like to mix some fantasy and some comics and MCU references...I'm sorry to "disappoint" you but the Loki I picture here in this story, in aesthetical appearance, is not the MCU Loki (even though I genuinely love MCU Loki and Mr Tom Hiddleston, of course). I hope you appreciate the story as much as I loved writing it.
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Chapter 1 - Vanaheimr
The old and crumbling well at the east end of the royal palace gardens has always been one of my favourite places in all of Vanaheimr. Surrounded by the most diverse species of flowers and herbs, it still holds the most beautiful memories of my youth...
It was there that I saw, for the first time, the reflection of the lives of the inhabitants of Midgard.
It happened on a time when I had managed to escape from one of the tedious etiquette lessons of Guðlaug, my teacher. Once outside, in the fresh air, quick as a fox and barefoot as a savage I started running until I reached my little corner of paradise. I cared little about how to make useless little conversations or how to make the perfect bow, the call of my seiðr pulsing violently through my veins was instead extremely more inviting.
As it was then, with a golden flash, the surface of the water inside the well has become a kind of mirror where images, at first blurred and then gradually clearer, reflect, showing me faces, gestures, emotions, heartaches and stories of people who lived on another plane of existence, mortals, with a predetermined time to live, suffer, rejoice and love.
"Sigyn...I knew I would find you here..."
The sweet, melodious voice of Hnoss, my sister, brings me back to the present.
I turn slowly to look at her as she approaches, her golden hair framing her delicate face, illuminating the gaze of her hazel eyes, while a light, sky-blue dress wraps her luscious body.
It is impossible not to see the resemblance to our mother, Freya, the goddess of beauty.
" come, mother want to see you, she said that Aunt Gerðr send something for you and you must open it before you leave for Asgard" she says softly holding out her hand to help me up from my improvised bed of flowers. I smile back at her, taking her hand, and at the mention of my favourite aunt and her gift, a burst of curiosity arises within me. We walk back towards the palace, giggling.
As anticipated by my sister, our mother was waiting for me in the hall of her private chambers but I literally saw her smile fade from her face as soon as she saw me arrive completely dishevelled, my skirt soiled with dirt and grass, my hair tousled.
"Oh by the gods, Sigyn, you are a princess of Vanaheimr, You must start behaving like one! No more barefoot running in the gardens, no more climbing trees or riding your horse bareback.." she says seriously
"But mother...Svartr hates to be saddled..." I retort, receiving from my mother a look that suggests it is unwise to interrupt her.
I lower my head whispering "I'm sorry mother".
Suddenly she approaches me and take both of my hands.
"I know you are frightened and agitated... being presented at the Allfather's court is not a privilege granted to many... and you, Sigyn, have been chosen among all to represent the Vanir people there..." she speaks to me softly, while one of her hand tilt my chin up. She had understood my turmoil and also my desire to escape to the gardens to imprint well in my heart the sensations that those places always gave me. Once in Odin's court, who knows when I would be able to return home, to see my sisters and my family again. The idea of being forced to abandon everything I knew and gave me comfort destabilised me a lot.
I sigh " what if I...what if I disappoint you mother? If I disappoint our people?" I stutter " what if I'm not good enough?... I'm not beautiful as you or well spoken as Hnoss or sweet like Gersemi...what if I'm not good enough for be a maiden in waiting for lady Frigg?" My eyes tear up as I speak all of my doubts.
I feel her arms cage me in a tight embrace " shhhh...don't cry my child, you'll be perfect...you're so beautiful and kind and you could never disappoint me or your father or our people. Remember that they choose you. lady Frigg can't wait to meet you and you'll learn so many thing that I can't teach you here..."
I take a deep breath of my mother's scent, as if it were the last time I could smell it. I then feel her delicate fingers wipe away the tears that have slipped down my cheeks.
" go get ready, in a couple of hours we have to leave and before we do, there is a surprise for you..." she whispers before giving me a kiss on the forehead and letting me go.
As soon as she let me go, I went to my rooms, where Dagný, one of my mother's maids, was preparing my bath.
After I freshen up Dagný takes an immense amount of time to dress me and style my hair.
The moment she puts the brush down we hear a knock at the door.
"Come in," I murmur while running my hands over my corset, smoothing the fabric to calm my anxiety
"Where's my little sparrow?" Thunders a deep male voice as the door swings open. I turn towards the door and get up running towards the tall man wrapped in a bear fur.
"Daddy!" I say with transport, hugging him." I didn't think you'd make it back before I left."
" what do you take me for little sparrow? I couldn't not say goodbye to my little girl. Besides, your aunt Gerðr would have killed me if I hadn't brought you your present in time," he murmurs, smoothing his beard before making a box appear in front of me with a silver glint.
"How are Aunt Gerðr and Uncle Freyr?" I ask my father before turning to the box in front of me.
"They're fine, they're sorry they couldn't be there for your court debut" he murmurs in reply, he knows well from the glint in my eyes how excited and intrigued I am by the gift.
I let my fingers open the ribbons allowing me to finally see what's inside.
With a gasp, I bring my hands to my mouth as a thin tiara with a pattern of small, delicately intertwined, golden leaves reveals itself before my eyes.
"It's beautiful" I murmur meekly while my hands tremble.
"It's made for suits you..." my mother says, entering my room, I look up and see her encouraging smile before her slender fingers take the tiara from the box and place it on my head.
I turn to look at myself in the large mirror and the girl looking back does not look like me.
The golden dress she wears wraps her body like a glove, the corset emphasises her slim waist while the soft long skirt makes her figure tall and slender. The features of her face are delicate, feminine, a sprinkling of freckles colours her cheeks and her small nose, her eyes are as blue as the stormy sea while her honey ginger hair slides down her shoulders to frame her face while the tiara on her head gives her an ethereal, regal look.
"It's time" my mother says before giving my father a loving look and a peck on the cheek. I hugges him and then I follow my mother outside before she call for Heimdall to open the Bifrost.
I look around one last time as the rainbow bridge open before us taking us to the reign of the Aesir and my new home: Asgard.
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vanaheimprincess · 5 months
tag dump / 1/?
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dani-musings · 15 days
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ANNOUNCEMENT: ✨I’m so happy to announce that my short story inspired by the Norse Myths has been accepted for publication in The Mythic Circle by The Mythopoeic Society! 🤩
This tale about Loki and Sigyn that I wrote is really special to my heart and I can’t wait to share it with the world! ☺️♥️
Here’s a moodboard that I made to capture the story’s aesthetic and aura and here’s a short blurb:
the story’s blurb: Sigyn, the wife of Loki & goddess of mercy & loyalty, considers whether she is being admirably loyal or foolish for staying by her husband’s side. If she stays, she loses the future of her eternal life. If she leaves Loki, she risks losing him forever.💔✨
I’ll keep everyone posted about this publication and when & where you can get your copy! 📚
Thank you all for your support! 🥰 My (published) author adventures are just beginning! 🌟
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exilethegame · 2 years
Is there an iconic/classic piece of art or media that you associate with each of the main cast that sums them up on an aesthetic level for you as the writer? (for me, I associate Freedom w/ the ecstasy of st teresa)
THE ECSTASY OF ST TERESA YOU SAY??? Oh my god I am so obsessed with that statue that it isn't even funny. I wrote an entire essay about the most obscure topic ever in a cultures class just to have the excuse of talking about it 💀
Anywho-- I selected the art based on meaning instead of aesthetics. I didn't really realize I was doing it until half way through, and then I decided to just stick with it.
CW: Blood/gore
MC: Fallen Angel by Alexandre Cabanel
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Vethna: The Hesitant Fianceé by Auguste Telamouche
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Nikke: The Return of Marcus Sextus by Pierre-Narcisse Guérin
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Jost: Clytemnestra Hesitates Before Killing the Sleeping Agamemnon by Pierre-Narcisse Guérin
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Amilia: Apollo and Daphne by Bernini
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Sabir: The Death of Caesar by Jean-Léon Gérôme.
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Syfyn: Requiescat by Briton Rivière vs. Lady Justice by Raf Grassetti
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Freedom: Tamara and Demon by Konstantin Makovsky.
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Marcelle: Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan by Ilya Repin.
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Emeline: Pietá by Michelangelo
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Esmerelda: Loki and Sigyn by Marten Eskil OR The Execution of Lady Jean Grey by Paul Delaroche...
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Trystan: Saturn Devouring His Son by Francisco de Goya
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Aridivus Naulvonte: Sacrifice of Isaac by Caravaggio.
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loveloki555 · 5 months
Boudoir design for Lady Sigyn
A boudoir is a woman's private sitting room or salon in a furnished residence, usually between the dining room and the bedroom, but can also refer to a woman's private bedroom.
A cognate of the English "bower", historically, the boudoir formed part of the private suite of rooms of a "lady" or upper-class woman, for bathing and dressing, adjacent to her bedchamber, being the female equivalent of the male cabinet. In later periods, the boudoir was used as a private drawing room, and was used for other activities, such as embroidery or spending time with one's romantic partner.
Since Loki has just become the God of Stories and, as a result, the Emperor of the Multiverse… he can create his own castle for himself and his new wife.
I will be happy to present the boudoir design for Lady Sigyn. For Lady Sigyn, we will consider the boudoir as places for her own use like bedroom, living room, bathroom, dressing room...
While I think Loki's citadel would have been quite dark in color, I think part of it would have had a completely different aesthetic for his wife's use.
So let's go for our tour.
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First - enterning to her part of citadel.
Beautiful bright colors, stained glass windows with effect of illusions, nice couches for those waiting, and a golden elevator.
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After going up the golden elevator, we have a beautiful living room for guests. Modern, cozy style in a winter tone. Sigyn loves winter as she was born during this time of year. Comfortable sofas to welcome guests, a table on which to place treats and drinks. Windows have a wonderful part of illusion, clean air and winter landscapes. The living room also serves as a dining room. You can eat all your meals there. Lady Sigyn can eat alone or with her husband.
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Next we go to Lady Sigyn's private library. Like her husband, she loves reading. But on the way, we have place of meditation. Greenhouse with stained glass and exotic plants. A nice place to reflect among nature.
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From the greenhouse we are now at the library. A beautiful library with a warm fireplace and pink flowers.
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While places like the living room, greenhouse and library can still be considered somewhat accessible to guests… now we go to the private rooms. Now we go to bedroom.
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Lady Sigyn has a beautiful place with a rain illusion window where she can lie comfortably and watch movies like The Lion King or listening of music.
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Another part of the bedroom contains illusions in window about the effect of the city and its lights. Lady Sigyn has a comfortable bed, sofas and beautiful lamps.
Next to the bedroom there are three rooms - two-piece bathroom, two-piece dressing room and private swimming pool - Lady Sigyn loves swimming.
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The bathroom consists of two rooms - one with a bathtub and the other with only a washbasin. The place with the sink is used for quickly and daily hygiene. The place with a bathtub is for morning and evening baths.
Next we go to the dressing room consists of two rooms - a part for make-up and hairstyles and a part where dresses and outfits are stored.
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Lady Sigyn loves swimming, so she loves to have own swimming pool. The swimming pool is located in a beautiful, sunny room with white walls among green plants. An additional place is a spacious terrace and a scarf swing.
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Thank you for the tour of Lady Sigyn's boudoir. I hope that tour was nice for you.
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shambelle97 · 1 year
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𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐲𝐧 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬
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astridlovessigyn · 1 month
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Praise be to the Goddess of Victory, Loyalty and Constancy. ❤️
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annachum · 9 months
Okay so
A number of people thought 616! Sigyn be all this pastel royalty core aesthetic
If you look at the older Marvel Comics featuring Sigyn
Before marrying 616! Loki ( by masque )
She wore predominant shades of purple and pink
But after THAT
She wore predominant shades of gold and green
What if she eventually developed a more gothic edge - like mixing goth elements with the flower elements
And then as she meets other Sigyn variants
She began to re discover who she really was and dress in some of the styles she used to dress
Classic! Sigyn defo is more of a Nordic valkyre/volva style
Kinda like in badass valkyrie armour ans volva themed attires, accessories and patterns
She defo gives several much needed advice to the other Sigyn variants in tow
MCU! Sigyn is more of a glam faerie aesthetic
Her fave colors are pink, purple and gold
Ever since she got together with Loki, she incorporated some more greens in her wardrobe, but not completely overtaking her styles
It's kinda like a symbolism that MCU! Sigyn embraces that her Loki becomes a big part of her life, instead of how 616! Loki sadly wants to control every aspect of 616! Sigyn's life ( 616! Loki is THE WORST )
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emeraldxphoenix · 4 months
тнιѕ ρσѕт ιѕ α ωσяк ιи ρяσgяεѕѕ, вυт ιи α иυтѕнεll: I'м чσωzα, чσυ cαи αlѕσ ƒιиd мε σνεя σи ѕσмεωнεяεвεтωεεияαgε, αиd тнιѕ вlσg ιѕ cσмρlεтεlч иεω ѕσ ρlѕ вε ραтιεит ωιтн мε.
мσяε dεεтѕ вεlσω тнε cυт. ѕмσσcнεѕ <3
about | memes | aesthetic | visage | headcanons | open starters
Full name: Loki Odinson Laufeyson Friggason
Aliases: God of Mischief, Trickster God, God of Lies, God of Chaos, Prince of Asgard, God of Stories, the Heart of Yggdrasil
Age: verse dependent
Gender/Pronouns: genderfluid (tends towards male-presenting), any pronouns
Sexuality: Pansexual & panromantic
Religion: can a god have a religion?
Abilities: [WIP]
Traits: Narcissistic, Selfish, Cunning, Capricious, Mischievous, Manipulative, Seductive, Ambitious, Chaotic, Hedonistic, Dramatic, Intelligent, Self-sabotaging, Lonely, Traumatised, Desperate for Acceptance, Self-hating
Relationship status: single, open to relationships (poly or exclusive) with or without strings attached
Loved ones: Thor (brother) , Frigga (mother, deceased), -Odin (father, deceased)-, -Hela (sister, deceased)-, Mobius (friend, verse dependent), Slyvie (Loki variant, verse dependent), Oouroborus (friend, verse dependent), Casey (friend, verse dependent), B-15 (friend, verse dependent)
Face claims:
Primary: Tom Hiddleston
Alternative: Jessica De Gouw , Katie McGrath , Constance Wu
Affiliations (we adore)
Sigyn as writen by @cffidelityy
Ophelia as writen by @theresastargirl
Sigyn as written by @victoriousfidelity
(and also Katie on any blog because til death do us part @wcrriorhearts )
1. I’m no sweet dream but I’m a hell of a night: Main MCU timeline
Follows the events of the main MCU timeline, ending with their death at the hands of Thanos in Infinity War.
2. And if you don’t recognise yourself that means you did it right: Variant & God of Stories
Follows the divergent timeline explored in the Loki TV series, including their time at the TVA and afterwards as The One Who Remains. (Note that, to enable writing post Loki S2E6, Loki learns how to project duplicates of himself within timelines and across space.)
3. I was born with a spirit running wild; I've got to go on further than I've ever gone: what if Loki survived Thanos?
Follows the events of the main MCU timeline, however they manage to survive the encounter with Thanos in Infinity War and flee as far as they can from the mad titan and his war.
4. NEW You better sharpen up your knives; if you want to make it through the night: Mythology
More closely tied to the events of Norse mythology.
[ Closed verses:
Rescued AU - with victoriousfidelity - and I'm just getting colour back into my face
Reincarnated AU - with victoriusfidelity - but on a wednesday in a cafe i watch it begin again
Rules at a glance:
mutuals only
i don't write smut
no god-modding or other stupid shit
i don't write suicide related stuff
there's gonna be spoilers, the show has been out long enough that i'm not tagging them
i'm 30+ okay don't lets make things uncomfortable with ages
You gotta have rules or anything about or something otherwise it's not happening
if you don't know then ASK
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goddessoflove-s · 2 months
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