#loki doesn't have the grasp yet on his powers
lucianalight · 18 days
Arrogance vs. Humility: Thor
There's an interesting post circling in fandom with many great metas and povs and it inspired me to expand on one of its threads. I have made a new post so the length and a different direction of meta doesn't bother op. I have also divided this meta into two parts. The first one is titled Thor because it is mainly an analysis of og Thor and og Loki in Thor 2011 . The second part will analyze Loki series for those who are interested.
Initially what sparked this meta was @tori-artemis (Artemis)' tags under an addition by @geehollow (Hollow). Initially I only wanted to write a short answer but I'm doomed by the narrative so I thought to first see what science has to say and I came across an interesting study and decided to use it in my analysis.
I used colors to quote each person because I'm going to quote two people, a study(indented) and add my own thoughts and I can't keep tagging or writing their names :P :D
So without further ado let's start. The topic was about the vice of Thor vs Loki. While perhaps the goal of the og post was to analyze the the topic through the concept of seven sins and virtues I don't intend to do that because it doesn't include every possible personality trait and it's not accurate enough from a psychological pov.
Vice is the first trait one should consider when creating a character. Vices embody the vibe that sparked the character in your mind, and in turn spark virtues, goals, backstories, everything. Of course it's different when dealing with characters inspired by already existing mythos, that already carry traits one has to grasp.
In the MCU, Thor's initial vice was arrogance. Deep seated arrogance born of being the golden prince, revered and indulged. Loki's initial vice was also arrogance, but born of thinking he's smartest than everyone else, due to having had to act covertly in order to get what he wants because he is not revered and not indulged. For both of them these are things we can and should infer during the first movie.
As you've read Hollow states that the vice of both Thor and Loki was arrogance but in different ways. Artemis wouldn't call Loki's arrogance because Loki clearly behaves in a different way than other arrogant characters like Thor and Tony Stark. Therefore we must first define arrogance.
According to a new study there are three types of arrogance that can be dissected into 6 components.
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Individual arrogance: an inflated opinion of one’s abilities, traits, or accomplishments compared to objective truths; Comparative arrogance: an inflated ranking of one’s abilities, traits, or accomplishments compared to other people Antagonistic arrogance: the denigration or derision of others based on an assumption of superiority. The types and components of arrogance depicted in Figure 1 are meaningful together because some of the concepts seem to implicate others. One cannot be overconfident about one’s knowledge in a domain (second-largest box) without first having some relevant limitation in knowledge about that domain (largest box); if one disparages others unfairly (smallest box), one is likely to fail to take their perspective and, further, one is likely to believe in one’s superiority compared to them (third- and second-smallest boxes, respectively); and so on. Therefore, the position of each component in the figure reflects a close dependency. Yet, it is possible for causation to flow from smaller to larger boxes, as well. For example, if one hates an individual for any reason, one might be motivated to underrate their capabilities or motives.
From this definition we can say that both Thor and Loki have levels of arrogance from the start but while Thor until the point Odin banishes him has checked all the six components in the picture, Loki is at a level two.
Thor with limited knowledge and an overestimation of his power decides to go to Jotunheim. He resists the disagreements about his limits and chances and fails to consider perspectives of his friends, his brother and father and Jotuns. He considers himself and his race superior to others and insults and criticizes Jotuns and his father. Loki on the other hand has overestimated his knowledge, abilities and whether or not everything goes according to his plan.
After his banishment, Thor comes down from the level of his hubris. When he fails to lift Mjolnir and after Loki's visit, he realizes that his rash actions had terrible consequences not just for him but for his family too. He's left alone and powerless. He doesn't see himself superior to these humans anymore. Jane helps him see things from different perspectives and as weak as a human he learns his limits. He knows he doesn't have the power to fight the Destroyer so he tries to do the only thing he can do, apologize to his brother. And when it seems that Thor's dying, he doesn't care about glory or what tales Asgard would say of his bravery. All he thinks about is that Jane is safe and that humility and selflessness restores his power. Loki though, in his desperation for acceptance, has made all the wrong choices.
Just as Thor overestimated his power, his physical strength and fighting skills in his attack to Jotunheim, Loki overestimates his power which is his intelligence and planning skills.
Loki in his arrogance thinks he can stage and ruin a heist, prevent Thor's rampage, and get rid of Laufey and Jotunheim through his usual method of solo strategies. He learns consequences when his plans inevitably stumble into variables he hadn't accounted for–the guard taking too much time in warning Odin, learning he's a rejected Jotun prince, being actually made regent, the Warriors Three and Sif and Heimdall betraying him. It's not the fact that he grew up learning underhandedness was his most effective method, it's that in the MCU he applied it presumably for the first time to real big events and had to deal with the consequences.
Loki lacks foresight. Like he lacks seeing all of the possible outcomes of his own schemes. That's how he ends up in a lot of messes in the first Thor film. So yeah - he definitely doesn't fully think things through as much as he'd like to believe himself to. Tbf he's not psychic. But it's more of an over reliance on his schemes working perfectly. That he doesn't consider all of the possible ways that those schemes can go south real fast (and end up doing so). So to me...it's less of it being arrogance of his own intellect and more like his over reliance on the schemes themselves. As well as an overestimation of his own control over the situation. Which *could* be considered arrogance... tho I don't think the film really displays it as such. Or it's just not very *clear* in displaying it as arrogance - like aside from occasionally calling Thor an oaf basically(which tbf he's kinda right with that assessment). And like - considering humans and Jotuns as weak and inferior at best - and monstrous at worst(which is less of a character vice and more of a symptom of Asgard's imperialism).
According to the definition of arrogance, what Artemis describes is in fact a complete list of all the reasons why Loki is arrogant. I also like to add that even the imperialism that causes Asgardians to be biased toward other races is rooted in political arrogance and their sense of superiority(Although we can argue that Loki up until his conversation with Odin, did not believe the Asgardian propaganda as he asked why the truth was hidden from him. It was only after he thought his parents see Jotuns a monsters that he tried to radically separate himself from his race).
Like many aspects in this movie, these brothers are once again a yin and yang to each other. Thor's brawn against Loki's brain. Thor's strength represents Odin's warrior side and he is praised for it. While Loki's wit represents Odin's cleverness but unlike Thor, Loki isn't appreciated for a trait in which he is similar to his father and that's sth he wants to change.
Loki has a good plan, but he fails to consider how his action seem shady to those who didn't like and suspected him. And how that can motivate them to betray him. Everything would have gone according to his plan otherwise. He had managed to trick and kill Laufey, he unleashed Bifrost on those race of "monsters" and he had bested Thor in the battle of brain vs brawn. He was pinned but he thought he had won. He was at the top of arrogance level in his grief and madness.
"Look at you, the mighty Thor, with all your strength, and what good does it to you now, huh?"
He didn't consider that Thor, hot headed Thor who looked down on other races and tried to solve everything by throwing a hammer at it, would try to think his way out of this situation to save the people he previously hated.
In my eyes, Odin's banishment, Jane's and Selvig's and Darcy's companionships are only the stakes that make him walk in the shoes of the other side of the violence, but the real wake up call is seeing Loki behaving and talking as Thor used to.
Thor 1 is the origin story of both Thor and Loki, young princes who discover they were still untested, and Avengers 2012 shows the progression of their arcs after their vice has been exploited with one differing element: a support net being present or absent. Thor always had a support net, Loki never did, and their intertwined story shows exactly how in real life people go down their respective paths.
So if Loki's vice is arrogance why he doesn't behave like Thor or Tony?
Bc tbh I probably wouldn't have even thought of arrogance as a vice for Loki. Like my initial reaction was ''wait no that's Thor". But when phrased like the above... it makes a lot of sense. Like tbh I don't know if I'd call it arrogance in his own intelligence - while he's certainly clever he never seems to overbearing about it. Not in the way similarly clever + arrogant characters like Tony Stark display it anyways. Loki never really... seems particularly arrogant?? Like I wouldn't call him humble either but... arrogance just seems a bit exaggerated tbh. I'd say he definitely has pride... tho I'm not sure I'd call it a vice. Bc let's consider other characters that are clearly written to display arrogance at various levels. Like. Anakin is arrogant. Tony Stark is arrogant. Theon Greyjoy was arrogant. And then there's Thor. And like I know there are probably levels to this and it could be argued that Loki's on the less extreme side...But for a character to be arrogant there's almost always like an indicator to that arrogance in said character's personality? Like something about the way they carry themselves... something in the way they display their genuine belief that they're The Best. I don't really see that with Loki. Again I wouldn't call him humble... but he doesn't have *that* attitude I guess. Compared to Anakin ''I would even stop ppl from dying!'' Skywalker. Or Thor 'throws violent tantrum after dad said no to war w/ Jotunheim' Odinson. Or like... half the shit that comes out of Tony Stark's mouth. XD
Yes Loki doesn't have that attitude. That's because individual differences in unawareness of intellectual limits and personality traits affect how the components of arrogance show themselves in people.
We can illustrate potential relations between personality variables and Components 2 (unawareness of knowledge limitations), 4 (failure to consider the perspectives of others), and 5 (a feeling of superiority). Related to Component 2, Schaefer, Williams, Goodie, and Campbell (2004) examined how the Big Five can predict overconfidence in one’s performance. Only the trait of extraversion correlated with overconfidence (the difference between accuracy and confidence). The extraversion factor may be most related to the aspect of arrogance involving inflated self-appraisal relative to objective reality (Lee & Ashton, 2018). There also have been occasional findings of relations between overconfidence and other Big Five traits like openness to experience and agreeableness
Thor and Tony are both extroverts, so their arrogance or at least the part that involves inflated self-appraisal shows itself through overconfident extrovert behavior. That doesn't mean that Loki doesn't act overconfident. It just shows itself in more subtle ways, like the way he stares at his opponent and in his knowing grin. He's less like boastful I'm-the-best-and-I'm-going-to-beat-you, and more like silent I'm-so-smart-and-you've-fallen-for-my-plan.
Even in Avengers when Loki acts arrogantly more than any other time, his real arrogance is not in the way he presents himself to humans in Stuttgart. That was just theatrics. His arrogance is in the way he grins every time his plans work. In Avengers Loki is in his most arrogant state because he's being influenced by the scepter. The same scepter that can bring the worst of every person in its vicinity which almost made Tony and Steve fight, and even Thor reverted back to his old self calling humans petty and tiny. I also like to mention that it was Tony who understood Loki the most and one of the reasons was because he saw the same arrogance of himself in Loki.
Avengers 2012, Dark World and the stories that followed should have picked up the threads left from the first movie and continued the progression of the vice (flaws+virtues+background) Vs consequences. Some of them did. Some of them did not.
Tldr: both Thor's and Loki's vices were arrogance built in different ways and their arcs showcased how society's (=worldbuilding) support influences the consequences of the same vice until the franchise was rebooted (=different worldbuilding and vices)
Source: Foundations of Arrogance: A Broad Survey and Framework for Research
Next: Loki
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One thing I never got about the TV show or comics is the vortex and while Dream says they are naturally reoccurring and have nothing to do with him in that regard I find that confusing since Unity didn't become the vortex due to the sole reason of Dream being trapped and Rose didn't become the vortex until Dream was free. It feels like a huge plothole to me and also another thing I don't understand is why wasn't Unity's and Desire's family line dream children like Daniel.
to answer the second question first, since that's the one i can give a concrete answer for! daniel was a very unique situation
the show and the comic have two different explanations for what made daniel half dream, i think the show was a lot simpler and easier to grasp, but both are explainable
in show canon, daniel is half dream because his father straight up was a dream - hector was already dead by the time daniel was conceived. lyta is the only physical parent here, the rest is dreamstuff
in comic canon, lyta was pregnant before hector died, but she then spent years and years in that dream, extending her pregnancy far beyond the nine months it should normally take, and that much exposure to the dreaming while being formed (in an unnatural way bc it was so drawn out) made daniel half dream
as far as unity and desire's daughter goes, that's more of a demigod situation? she was conceived in a dream because unity was asleep, but desire isn't just a regular parent, and conception when it concerns the endless is a weird topic altogether (desire doesn't really have dna this is canonically a thought baby sort of situation). given how the endless interact with each others' realms, i'd imagine just desire being part of the equation cancelled out any influence dream might have had here. and aside from that, it was a normal pregnancy that took place in the waking world, for a normal duration of time - the walkers aren't 100% human but they aren't really any % dream
and then we get to the next part of this - being half dream isn't the only thing that made daniel daniel. dream chose daniel for this, appointed him as successor when he visited lyta in season of mists
and daniel as a toddler trailed dream sand behind him and had the ability to walk into the dreaming, but he was still half human, and still not yet a perfect successor to dream of the endless
until kindly ones, when loki stole him and killed him. daniel-dream tells lyta in the wake that that fire burned away his human half, leaving only the immortal dream
and for a final piece, morpheus gave him the emerald. granted, this probably wasn't a necessary step, i think it was a gesture to help him control his powers a bit better when first ascending. but it was yet another thing that made the universe mark him as the person to ascend if the original incarnation of dream died
which are all things that set him apart from miranda walker (or her mother, in show canon)
as far as vortexes go, honestly that's something i wish either the show or the comics told us more about, there's so little lore or explanation on it
but if you want my educated guess - there's a difference between dream not making the vortexes and dream having nothing to do with them
vortexes are naturally occuring, yes, but in a healthy dreaming, a living dreamscape. they are an inevitable consequence of the way the dreaming works - an entire universe of minds, all forming a dimension together, with no knowledge that they are doing it together, the natural push and pull and chaos of such a place, somewhere you're going to find a place where it's the most concentrated, the eye of the storm that everything else is swirling around. part of dream's job is to keep that great ocean relatively level, so you don't end up with whirlpools - and since he doesn't make them and doesn't know how they're formed, sometimes that means you just need to manually get rid of them whenever they show up
but you also won't get whirlpools if you drain the ocean of water
which is what cutting dream off from the dreaming did. the endless and their realms aren't wholly separate entities, a part of dream is the dreaming and a part of the dreaming is dream. when you cut a being in half like that, by keeping dream magically shut out from the realm, they've both lost vital functions, and they'll both be weaker and hurting for it. and we see, in both the comics and the show, the effect that dream's imprisonment for that long had on the dreaming - it's broken and dead. and dream himself is equally lacking in power and life (show dream especially, he is visibly starving)
and the doll's house arc doesn't begin until dream breaks the ruby, and gets back all the power contained within it. even with dream physically back in the dreaming, they both needed time to recover fully before anything like a vortex could form
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digitalagepulao · 7 months
Did Wukong ever help Loki defeat Thor and take his owers and soul? And how did they do that?
Wukong wasn't in the scene quite yet for that, but he does have a good laugh about it when he hears the story!
As for how Loki did it, well he learned to steal divine powers soon after his trip across India and Central Asia. it's about the time he fully grasped the nature of Fate and the concept of Dharma. it's also connected to an attempt of a deity to "deal" with him by, separating his human part into a young child and his Giant/God part into a beast that could be trapped. he reunites both sides of himself of course, but he learns how the deity did it and how to do the same to others.
So, Loki misleads Thrúd into becoming her teacher behind her family's back, and by encouraging her to wield all her powers, he steals her divinity and leaves her all but mortal. Thor finds out pretty much right away (hard to miss smth this monumental after all), and using Thrúd as bait, Loki uses his reappearance in Asgard and the threat of killing his faughter to get Thor to go all out, and thus do the same power snatch to him.
Thor is still a father after all, and he won't lose another child. And that's exactly what Loki is counting on.
So while he's vulnerable, Loki uses his theatrical skills to pretend he smashed Thor's head in with Mjolnir (which he also steals lmao), while he syphons his soul into the hammer and absconds.
Little secret for only Loki and Odin is, that was just a clone of him; the real him was going for the mask piece, which Odin snagged before Loki could. They have a chummy (read very sugarcoated bitterness) conversation though, Odin thinking Loki's masterplan was to create a ruckus for the mask. Fool Odin, Loki just wanted to keep him busy while he finished his move with Thor and Thrúd.
So now Asgard is one powerhouse deity down, Thrúd is all but mortal and thus useless to Odin and no longer a viable pawn for him, and with meither, Sif has little to no incentive to play along to Odin's wants and might even be persuaded to ditch Asgard. All in one day's work.
Of course, Kratos and Atreus and the others are less than impressed, what with taking out Thor is sure to make Odin unpredictable and cornered, but Loki doesn't care for their approval. All he has eyes for is his end goal. If Odin gets snappy, then all the less chances that the group can stop Ragnarok. And well, now that he made his move, all of Asgard's eyes will be on Loki, goving the others plenty of space to do whatever they want to before the last act.
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lokiswifeduh · 2 years
I’m okay now
Pairings: wanda x dark!sister!reader, loki x reader
warnings: grief, mourning, mention of Thanos, mind control, choking, maybe language? knowing me probably, mention of Odin, evil!reader. I don’t think there's anything else. 
A/n: I literally love this idea. it’s kinda rushed because I worked in an hour. BUT, I hope y'all like it. Let me know if you want a part two!!
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You knew you should’ve listened. The people around you and the small voice in the back of your head telling you to stop. But love drove you into this place, as did grief. Even now, as you studied a certain spell, surrounded by lifeless trees in a field of death, you only had one purpose on your mind. To get him back. 
“Y/n!” You turned, seeing Wanda land beside you, her palms glowing a bright crimson. “Give me the Darkhold.” She held out her hand, making you shake your head and grip the book tighter, “It’s not yours anymore. You gave up.” “I came to my senses.” Wanda corrected you. “I chose to live my life and not be filled with anguish which is what will destroy you.” You walked toward her slightly, your own power flooding your hand with a green energy. “I suggest you leave.” Wanda stepped closer as well, showing you she was not scared. “You know they’re scared of you.” Quirking an eyebrow, you listened as she talked about the so called friends and family you had left behind after the final battle against Thanos. “Natasha, Bucky,” She paused taking a deep breath, “Thor won’t even consider talking to you.” You scoffed, turning your back to your sister. “He was always jealous of Loki.” Your power sank back down, no longer threatened by Wanda. “I’m not surprised he doesn't want him back.” “You think he doesn't?” Wanda raised her voice slightly. Staying silent, you confirmed her question. “He loved him. Loki was his brother-” “And he was my husband!!” You turned back, shouting so loud a couple of crows flew away from the dead tree branches. “I’ve lived without him before. When he faked his death. But this..” You shook your head, gulping. “He always came back.” Wanda’s eyes softened as she came forward, attempting to grasp your hand. You let her, cold blackened fingers mixing with her warm touch. A tear slipped down your cheek as you lifted your gaze to her. “It’s been six years and...he hasn't come back.”
Your sister snaked her hand up and behind your neck, bringing you to her chest. Her big sister instincts kicking in. After Pietro had died, you and Wanda were left to the care of the Avengers. Training and fighting beside them to take down HYDRA and any other entity that threatened the Earth. 
Along the way you met Loki who had been under the supervision of Thor. Showing him that he could become a trusted citizen of Earth. One thing led to another and he proposed, both of you having a beautiful ceremony in the gardens of Asgard. It was a shock when Odin actually allowed it. 
Yet now, as you twist the wedding band around your finger, you don’t feel the happiness you once did. You feel misery, and suffering. “No.” Shaking your head, you back away from your sister. Breaking the hold her arms had around you. “You won’t change my mind.” “You can turn back now. You can stop this before it gets out of hand.” Wanda tried to convince you but you just kept shaking your head. “I can’t.” You gulped. 
“Why?” The redhead questioned, “Just come home and we can talk about-” “I can’t stop because I'm already there.” 
Wanda’s brows furrowed, “What are you talking about?” You straitened your stance, holding your head high as you lifted your hand. Green wisps surrounded the air until Wanda could see everything. There was your ticket to so called happiness. America Chavez, stuck in a paralyzing trance, waiting. 
Wanda gulped, recognizing the child she had once terrorized. “Let her go.”
You laughed, walking over and behind the teenager with a smirk. “You think I’m going to make the same mistakes as you? No.” Bringing a hand up to the side of the girls head. “Loki is alive.” You placed two fingers on her temple, an array of green energy surrounding the three of you. “In every other universe but ours.” 
Wanda watched through your powers as Variants of you and Loki laughed, make dinner together, and kissed in the passionate way you once did. Taking your hand away, it all disappeared. “I will get him back.” You lifted your palm, green surrounding Wanda’s body in a hold as she was heaved into the air. 
“Y/n!!” Your sister shouted, her body being crushed by your tight lock. “What happens to the other Y/n that he loves?!” Her breathing was shallow, but your hard glare scared her more than the diminishing oxygen in her chest. “What happens to her?!”
“She’s just a step in the path to being with him again.” With a whisk of your arm, Wanda was sent back to the compound, out of your way. 
You turned to America, controlling her mind to bring you to the certain Universe you had been spying on for a couple of weeks. A bright electric star created a pathway as you looked to the other side. The familiar golden hallways and the sound of Loki’s laughter filled your heart. 
“And with that step,” you saw other you holding onto Loki’s neck as he carried her into their shared bedroom. “I’ll crush her.”
You walked through the portal, your link on America instantly breaking as it shut behind you. 
“Loki!!” The other you giggled, “Come back,” holding out her hands in a grabbing motion. 
Stepping through the door, just enough to see, you watched as Loki shed himself of his armor, leaving him in only a loose pair of sweatpants. “I’ll just be away for a minute darling.” He disappeared into the bathroom, making you enter and the other you had no idea. 
Your power swarmed your fingers as you raised your hand, instantly cutting off the oxygen to her throat. Her chokes and sputters could hardly be heard over the running water in the bathroom, easier for you. 
Finally, you made yourself visible, her eyes going wide. “What..” She choked, “What the..he-hell.”
You smirked, lifting her higher as she struggled to intake air. “You’re going to go to sleep, and I’ll wake you when I see fit.” The other you tried to shake her head but before she could protest you placed her in a deep sleep, moving your hand so her body couldn’t be seen. 
“Darling?” Loki yelled from the next room, making your head snap in his direction. Moving quickly, you changed your attire. The once dark green suit was now a flowing night gown. Your fingers were a regular skin tone and your hair was tied into two long braids like she had. 
“Yes?” You tried to sound as normal as possible but the crack in your voice broke through.  The bathroom door opened, showing you Loki for the first time in over six years. His raven hair was down, surrounding his neck and shoulders. A smile turned his lips up as he looked at you. Looking at you with those gorgeous green eyes you had missed gazing into. “Are you alright?” He questioned, his expression softening slightly. 
You nodded, not being able to hide a tear that fell upon your cheek. “My love.” Loki moved forward, wrapping his arms around your fragile body. “What ever is the matter?” You missed this. His touch. The way his skin was always cold compared to your once heated body. You missed the way his back would relax under your touch. His lips came up to your forehead, leaving a long kiss on the crown of your head. 
“I just...” You gulped, looking up to your husband. “I missed you.” “While I was in the restroom?” Letting out a laugh, you nodded. “It sounds silly.” Loki shook his head, “You could never sound silly. Not to me.” He peered his head, bringing his lips to yours. You wrapped your hands around his neck, your mouth moving in sync with his. He pulled away reluctantly, “I love you, Y/n Laufeyson.”
You let out a breath, closing your eyes tightly before meeting his. “I love you.”
He held you tighter, pressing your head tightly to his pale chest, “Are you sure you're alright?”
You bobbed your head up and down, now finding happiness in twisting your wedding band around your finger. You breathed in the scent of vanilla and pine, feeling at home. “I’m sure. I’m okay now.”
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Trust Me
Whumptober 2021: #4. "Do You Trust Me?", #5. Betrayal, #19. Bleeding, #26. Fallen
Fandom: Marvel, Avengers, Loki x Reader
Word Count: 1091
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As you found yourself on an alien planet, dangling off the side of a cliff two hundred feet off the ground, the only thought that ran through your head was Huh. This is definitely not how I expected to die. It wasn’t as if S.H.I.E.L.D. agents had a good track record of dying peacefully in their sleep but falling off a cliff wasn’t such a common occurrence either. Since becoming an agent, you had always assumed you would give your life in battle for a teammate or sacrifice yourself to help save the world. And even after Director Fury had assigned you to be the S.H.I.E.L.D. emissary to Asgard, you had expanded the list of possible deaths to include things like intergalactic eels, getting sucked out into space, or accidently eating a fruit that was deadly to Midgardians. But death by falling off a cliff still had never crossed your mind.
Yet, here you were, barely managing to hold on to a ledge with one hand while the other hand clasped the golden box you had been tasked with retrieving. Or more specifically, you had been tasked with retrieving the magic amulet contained within the golden box. Thor had tried to explain exactly what it did, but all the space magic hocus pocus went right over your head. But you had gotten the gist of things: amulet was powerful = mustn’t fall into the wrong hands.
And so, while Thor had distracted the guards, you and Loki had snuck into the Vanaheim warehouse to steal the box. Everything had gone according to plan, until something tripped you during your escape and you slid off the side of the cliff. Luckily, you had managed to grab a small ledge that jutted out of the cliffside, stopping your descent. However, you knew neither the ledge nor your arm could hold out forever.
Loki was on his knees peering over the edge of the cliff, his face a mixture of fear and uncertainty. He glanced between your two occupied hands and called down to you, “I can’t help you while you are holding the box. Hand it to me, then I can pull you up by your free hand.”
“I can’t do that. Thor made me promise to guard the amulet and never let it out of my possession.”
“Well, I think he would make an exception in this case. And you can have it back as soon as you have ground beneath your feet again.” Suddenly, your hand that was grasping the ledge slipped a few centimeters as some small rocks broke off under your clenched fingers. You and Loki locked eyes, both pairs frantic with panic, knowing there wasn’t much time left. He leaned over the cliff on his stomach, reaching his hand towards you. “Please, let me help you! For once, just trust me!”
You stared at him a moment longer, then gently tossed the box into his outstretched hand. As soon as it was securely in his grasp, all panic drained from his face as it was replaced by the sly, pretentious smirk you had come to know all too well. Loki flipped his hair back as he raised himself up to his knees, sneering down his nose at your still dangling form below him. “Sorry my dear. It hurts, doesn't it? Being lied to. But you know, God of Mischief and all that. You really should be more careful about who you trust in the future.” He glanced down at the long drop beneath you. “Well, if there was a future for you. Now if you excuse me, I have a galaxy to conquer.”
With that, he stood and began to turn away from the edge of the cliff, opening the box as he did. BANG! The box exploded into hundreds of tiny, jagged shards just as you had rigged it to do. You heard Loki scream in agony as the metal pieces tore into him. He whipped around and you saw that his hands and face had taken the brunt of the damage. The worst of the injuries were a large piece of shrapnel that had embedded itself into the bottom of his chin and another slightly smaller piece which was sticking out of his now ruined eye socket. You laughed humorlessly as you realized it made him look like a cheap imitation of Odin. Oh, he’s going to despise that!
As Loki glared down at you, blood dripping like rain on your face, you pulled the amulet from your jacket with a cruel smile. His one good eye widened in amazement. You yelled up to him, “If you recall, I never said I trusted you, you asshole! I figured you would try and pull something like this, so I removed the amulet and used one of my explosives to booby trap the box. After knowing you for this long, did you really think I would forget about all your tricks?”
“Ah, but it seems you forgot about this one!” His face was a mask of fury as he dramatically waved his hands in your direction. Nothing happened.
Loki looked down at his hands in confusion, not comprehending why his magic hadn’t worked. You laughed harshly. “I didn’t forget but it seems you did! Thor said that that specific box was used to hide the amulet because it blocks magic. Which means that as long as all those tiny pieces are still lodged in your face, you can’t access your magic! You’re completely powerless!” You watched as he tried again and again to get the slightest spark of magic, but it was no use.
Finally, he gave up and hissed down at you. “So, what now? There’s nothing else you can do. You’re out of options. Just hand me the amulet and I might just look past this little indiscretion and still save your traitorous hide. After all, I am the only one who can help you. You’re dead without me.”
“You’re wrong, Loki.” You stared back unflinchingly. “There was never anyone here who would help me. I was dead the moment I fell off the edge of this cliff.”
Tucking the amulet close to your chest, you let go of the ledge. As you fell, some sick, twisted part of you was kind of glad that the last image you would ever see was Loki’s wounded, bloody face full of astonishment and disbelief. You had finally pulled one over on the trickster god. You just hoped Thor would find your body with the amulet before Loki did.
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Here's another reason why claiming Loki is power hungry or needs control is ridiculous. We've already been shown what happens when Loki got power when he replaced Odin. What did do? He made sure the infinity stones were kept far apart and lessened Asgard's military interventionism. He had all the opportunity in the world to not only to tighten Asgard rule over the nine but to seek out the other Infinity Stones. Do you really think anyone would have questioned "Odin" wanting powerful objects?
I wasn't happy about that, to be honest. Loki could have made an extraordinary King and it would have been amazing to go from that scene in TDW where he's sitting on the throne (and it is implied dark days are ahead)... to him being a good and benevolent King, ruling all Realms by only intervening when asked to, with him returning the Casket to Jotunheim and forming a real alliance this time (not that joke of a "peace" treaty Odin forced on them), with the people on Asgard being happy with the change...
Imagine that Thor returns after he finds out it's not Odin on that throne and he sees that things are much better now, wouldn't that be like a slap on the face for Odin? To have their sons go to Norway and not only make him accountable but tell him that with Loki on the throne things have improved significantly?
Ah, if only. We would have needed the writers and directors to be Loki fans but alas they were not.
So what we got instead was Loki disguised as Odin, eating grapes in his bathrobes and watching theatre plays. All this non-interventionism and him keeping the Tesseract safe in the vault and far from Thanos' grasp and the people on Asgard thriving are things we need to mention in our meta because the movie doesn't take a damn second to talk about them. They could have removed 85% of the jokes and Hulk's ass (and Planet Hulk as a whole) so they could keep a few scenes where Loki is allowed to talk about it.
We have Thor telling him the realms are in chaos (what is that supposed to mean? They're out of Asgard's control? And that's a bad thing?) and plotting their demise while Odin eats grapes. Why can't Loki explain why he has chosen not to get involved? By not allowing him to do so it is implied that he just doesn't care, that he's so full of himself he'd rather watch a play about his life than attend his duties as King. And add to that the fact that Odin is later framed as a good father and a good king (what a joke) which only makes matters worse.
I feel we make the plot better in our meta than it is shown in the movie. The Asgardians wouldn't have been surprised to hear Odin wanted more power or more relics or more interventionism, and yeah according to the people who see Loki as just a villain he could have done that and much worse given that he was King for years, and yet he did none of that. But it doesn't matter, the characters don't mention it, his brother makes a fool of him instead, his father is framed as good and in the end in Sakaar what we get is Loki's characterization completely retconned - you see, any good Loki does doesn't matter, the only things that define him are the bad ones.
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Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 13
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even if you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the stark tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 7,224
Warnings: angst, some unreliable narrator, and… closure.
A/N: this is the last chapter of the series (besides the epilogue) and so the secret message of the song will not be at the top of the post but rather at the bottom. A perfect closer. Thank you so much for reading this, I worked so hard to write it and I am so happy that I get to finish it with you guys. I am so emotional right now.
A/N: a special thank you @chrissquares for the amazing dividers she made me, and to @nacho-bucky for beta reading all of this!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
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Loki sat in his room on his soft bed; he used the soft delicate covers under his fingers to ground himself as he drifted into his thoughts.
He loved you, he loves you, he will always love you. He knew that, there was no hiding it. There was no hiding the feeling that erupts within him whenever he sees you smile at him, or when you touched him and everything else faded away but your touch, or even the feeling thumping in his chest when he spent the day without you.
He was in love- it was as simple as that.
You loved him, you love him. He knew that, you never let him doubt it when you saw him doubt himself at the very beginning of the relationship. He was clever enough to know that you never lied to him.
Will you continue loving him when you will give it all up? When this is all over?
"You what?" Loki was sitting on your couch and you were curled up against him, you fiddled with your shiny new necklace, a bright smile on your face as you looked up at him through your lashes.
"I love you, Loki." You straightened up a bit more so you could get a better look at him. "I really do."
"You love the necklace I got you," He stated, looking at the empty box on the table and then back at your passionate eyes. He was scared of what he saw there, he must have heard you wrong because you made no sense to him. You always surprised him like that.
"Yes, I do love the necklace." You chuckled a bit and then you took his hand in yours, forcing him to look at you. "But I was talking about you. I love you. It's as simple as that."
But it was not simple, not to him.
"No but. I just love you. I loved you even before we got together." You held both of his hands now. Understanding flashed in your eyes as you saw what lay behind his. "Don't you ever doubt that."
He squeezed your hands and leaned in to kiss you softly. He knew he loved you. But when he pulled back the words died in his throat. He opened his mouth only to close it shut. Emotions like the ones you introduced him to never came easy to him.
"I know." You said. And of course you know- you always do.
He sighed in thankfulness and you brought him to you again with your hand on his cold cheek.
He will find a way to tell you someday.
So why would you want to leave him- forget his trace on your life? He wondered to himself. People fleeting from his life wasn't something unfamiliar to him, but he has never been so sure of someone staying than you, ever since he found you on that fateful rainy day and every day that has passed since he never thought you would leave him out of your own will.
Being wrong about people did not happen often to him, he could read everyone but you didn't make sense to him now.
A shutting of the door knocked him out of his own head and of course there you were, studying him before you quietly approached him and sat on the bed.
Silence spread as you looked around the room, noting the various large bookshelves with the clearly well loved books.
"Your room is nice, it's very you," you commented over the deafening silence, you couldn't bear it.
"I always figured you'd like my book collection, and the balcony. I thought I could read to you while we are drinking your favourite tea and sitting out there. We could laugh at all the oafs that passed right below us." He let out a humorless chuckle.
"That sounds like a perfect day." You bit your lip nervously.
"Then why would you give that up?" now you turned to face him, you failed to notice the unshed tears on his face.
"Loki," you choked on your words. "I don't plan to give that up, I don't plan on giving you up!"
"But you heard what he said! And you want to go through with that nonsense, when I told you that I will figure out a way for him to leave you alone." He ran his fingers through his hair. "Do you really want to get rid of your powers that bad that you don't mind losing me, or even your Avengers family?"
"I don't want to lose anyone, I just can't stay with these powers inside of me when now for the first time I know exactly how they feel and what they do- I don't want that poisoning me. It's like a wine stained dress and I don't want to- I can't wear it anymore. I can't Loki." You went to take his hand but he slipped beyond your reaches. You scoffed and went and this time took his hands to get him to look at you. "But just like you said, I believe that you can and will find a way out of this, I know you will find a way for me to get all of my memories back- I don't doubt it one bit because you are brilliant and more so determined. So this is the way that I can lose my powers but keep everything else that I love so so deeply."
"No, no but- I love you, Loki, and I would never give you up out of will especially after all those times you got taken from me and even when you left me. I will never let you go away. I know you can do this- and that is why I want to go through with this. I want to lose my powers, you called it ever since we met again at the tower- that is not my life, and these powers aren't mine. And that is my decision. Which is why I need you to understand me right now, I need you to understand that I'm not going to lose you, and that I still love you forever and always."
Loki couldn't help then, but remember you in your favourite dress standing with him and staring at the sunset, he told you he would always remember that moment-and he did, but it wasn't until now that he realized what you were asking him.
You never took your eyes away from his. You could see the battle inside of him when he finally relaxed in your grasp and pulled you tightly into a hug. But sometimes a hug is just an excuse to hide your face. You didn't see the tear that slipped from his eye.
"As you wish, darling."
"You're insane, you are completely insane." Steve shook his head and looked between you and Loki, before talking to the god. "How come you are okay with this? No, this is insane."
"Steve, I understand you're scared but Loki will find a way to bring me back- it will all be okay. It might take some time but I will be back here making sassy jokes at you in no time." You walked to him and wrapped your arms around him.
"Punk it'll be alright, just think of it like when you put me under again in Wakanda." Bucky chimed in and he wasn't wrong- but for Steve it only made it worse, first Bucky couldn't remember him and he lost him for a long time and now if you go through with your plan then you won't remember him either. How can he be okay with it?
"Loki, don't you have anything to say here?" The captain walked away from your hug. The god averted his eyes to the floor; he opened his mouth calculating his words.
"It's her choice captain, I had my own reservations regarding it," Loki now looked directly at the captain. "But all I want is what's best for her, I will do what is needed."
"What about Odin, huh? He can't just do whatever he wants- so what if he wants to take away your powers! I will fight him if I have to, he can't force you to do anything."
"Well Steve, my father might actually send an-"
"I never knew that was an option, I never thought I would be able to live like I used to- without my powers. I know you can get me out of this, I know Loki can get me out of it but I want this. I agree to this." You cut Thor off and brought the attention back to you. Tony rose up then.
"How do you know that you can bring her memories back, mischief?"
Loki scoffed.
"I only lost the battle of New York because I wanted to so give me and my magic more credit." Then Loki surprised you and walked towards the door. "Captain, if I may?"
Loki gestured outside and you were surprised at how Steve went without any issue. The door closed behind the two of them.
It was a while later that they came back and you could see Steve's eyes were red.
"Why don't we order pizza and you can pick a movie to watch?" he suggested. You nodded at him and you could say that you didn't tear up then but that would be a lie.
So there you sat with your friends- with your family, and you ate pizza and laughed at the movie. You talked about everything and nothing. You lay against Steve's chest and he hugged you as the movie kept playing.
You treasured every second with them. You knew you will come back to them soon enough but it didn't make you any less emotional during the entire night.
Just because you will not remember forgetting anyone of them, just because you won't feel the lack, doesn't mean you won't miss them.
You fidgeted with Loki besides you as you got ready to enter the room that will end all of this.
"Are you sure this is what you want?" Loki rubbed your back and took both of your hands to stop you from fidgeting.
"Yes, I don't know why I'm so nervous."
"It's okay to be nervous my love, but I will take care of you."
"I know you will." You shyly smiled up at him and returned his hug. "I trust you."
Loki opened the doors and walked with you inside. The throne room looked the same and yet for you it felt the difference all the same. Walking with a different form of dread into the cold room and a loud beating heart- you couldn't deny the fear that still lingered there.
"So, you finally came. Step to the side my son." You scoffed at that when Odin rose from the throne, stepped down, and raised his long staff.
"Wait!" you yelled and grabbed Loki into a hug. "I'm going to miss you, even if I won't know it. Promise you'll get me back Loki, promise you will set it all back to normal." You didn't look at him.
"I love you, more than I ever thought I could. I know I claimed it impossible but I have fallen in love with you all over and over again." He pulled back to cup your face and whispered in a weak voice. "I don't know how to say goodbye to you."
"There's only one way I'd accept it." You smiled at him through the tears, "If you've ever loved me, say it like you are going to come back."
That brought a small chuckle out of Loki.
"Well then my love, it really was enchanting to meet you." he held your hand and bowed before you. "I'll see you around, my love."
You smiled widely as you curtsied and brought him back for a kiss. It was slow, delicate, and yet it held every emotion you needed to show and every ounce of love you needed to feel.
"I'll see you in a minute, Loki."
With a soft smile he stepped back from you, his own smile faded though when his father raised the staff and he heard a chant in the background and he sent an old ancient extortion spell your way. You kept your eyes on Loki, smiling at him and memorizing him. He will get you back, you will get him back. You had no doubt about it.
His eyes teared up but he watched you.
You watched him until the pain hit you and settled in your brain, until your eyes felt foggy when you looked on at the man in front of you, until white blinded your vision and everything turned black.
Opening your eyes slowly you saw the golden sun rays seep into the room from your window as you woke up. You stretched out on the bed and reached your hand out to your side and it was cold. You looked at your hand and at the space next to you, why would you reach out there? Something at the back of your mind felt odd but you shook your head- who was for some reason aching, and got out of the bed in your apartment.
You mind felt foggy, you couldn't remember even getting to bed but you must still be tired- you just need to wake up fully. It'll all focus up in a minute surely- you had no doubt about it.
You smiled to yourself as you heated water for your tea; the routine was familiar to you and helped you clear your head. You took the time to look around your apartment, it wasn't much but it was yours. You still remembered when you first moved to New York- it was so loud and foreign but you refused to let it take over you and so instead you let it be a new chapter, a new beginning, you let it change you into who you wanted to be.
You snapped out of your thought and made your tea like you always did, it was a Saturday morning and you couldn't wait to have a chill day in, reaching out into the cabinet for another glass, but you faltered- you must have forgotten that you already made your tea.
Sitting on the couch you saw the flowers on the table they were dying of thirst- you were never good with flowers, which is why you never got any. It was probably time to throw the flowers away, so you groaned before getting up and discarding them in the bin.
Finally settling on the comfortable couch you turned on the TV and flipped through the channels until you found your favourite show. Sighing, you sipped on the tea and enjoyed the content feeling this warm moment gave you.
Loki lay on the headrest of the bed in his bedroom. It was morning now, it's been a day since you disappeared. By morning gone was any trace of you from his life, and yet you still were all over him, he couldn't find a part of him that you didn't touch. He could never wash you away.
He saw you all around his bedroom now, with countless books open and scattered on his desk, his bed, and the entire floor. He searched all of them, trying to find what you told him he would.
But now all he found was an answer he did not want to think about. So he sat and stared at the wall.
The knock on the door hardly startled him, and he was not surprised when Thor closed the door behind him and leaned against it.
"How are you doing, brother?" Thor stayed put, noticing the blank look in his brother's eyes and the books that seemed to block his way forward. "Were you up all night?"
"How could I sleep?" he let out a bitter chuckle.
"Did you manage to find something?" Loki rubbed his eyes, he didn't know how to answer that question. His lonely heart was already starting to grow colder with each hollowed hour that passed through him. He sank into his mind again.
The captain followed him outside of the room you were in. he could feel his frustration and it matched his- just almost.
"What, Loki?" Loki continued walking forward until he found a vacant room where no one will see the two of them. The soldier stopped at the door for a moment, but once he stepped through then Loki closed the door shut behind him.
"I want to show you something, captain." Loki turned to him. Steve stood taller, his blue eyes were questioning when he saw what laid in Loki's eyes, it was the first time he was sure what he saw in the trickster was real. "But you are not going to like it."
"I suppose I did find an answer." He replied to Thor, remembering back to two nights ago, when he found the way out. Just not for him.
"Well, that is tremendous news!" Thor's smile dropped when Loki did not smile with him. "What is wrong then?"
"What do you want to show me?" Loki walked to Steve with two arms open and up in the air. "Did you manage to find something?"
"I want to show you a time from before you knew her, you see, I have always loved her- but I want you to see this before we talk." Loki asked him a silent question and Steve nodded when Loki put his hands on his temples and he felt a buzz course through him before he found himself sitting in an apartment he had never seen before and there you were sitting next to Loki- you looked so much younger, so did the god.
Steve continued watching the intimate moment between the two of you, he watched the way you looked at the god and the way Loki in turn looked at you when you didn't face him.
He almost felt uncomfortable, knowing that Loki out of all people was letting him look through his own mind and memories. And then he heard you.
"I could never be a hero." His look of confusion matched that of Loki who was talking to you on the couch. He could only assume that you did not know about Loki being a god back then.
That was when he really looked at you- seeing you. He opened his mouth and closed it, his heart sank when he realized what he saw in you that was so different. You were so… light, rather than heavy. Your eyes were brighter, and more innocent- more hopeful. And mostly you were just-clean. Clean of all the blood that you have seen with your powers, clean of all the guilt and hatred. He knew you were happy with them-he knew you felt the same way as he did- but you were different here, there was no weight above your shoulders and you were clean of it all and all that was left was peace and calm inside of you. He never saw that in you. As happy as you were with him and the rest of the avengers, and as much as he knew you, he never knew you like that- he never saw who you were before.
He took a moment to look at you again, promising to himself he will remember you like this- he knew now why Loki showed him this.
"Loki, get me out." He whispered with a defeated look on his face. A moment later he was back in a vacant room with Loki. "Is that what you want?"
"Do you understand me now, Captain?" Loki nodded and lowered his eyes a bit.
"I do." Steve refused to shed the tears he felt behind his eyes.
"I have decided to let her go." He struggled with getting the words out, but he knew he would follow through with his decision- it's what's best for you.
"You what? Loki, what do you mean you are letting her go?"
"I am not going to chase after her and get her back to me- that will only lead to bad things." Loki stood up from the bed and started to whisk the books away and back on their shelves. The night was long but he knew all that he needed to know now.
"Brother, she counted on you getting her back! She trusted you with that!" Thor has seen his brother act without a thought in rare times, but now it is clear that he has thought of it for a while and yet despite of all of its nonsense he still decided to act on that.
"She trusted me to protect her, so I am. Don't you think she deserves a life free of dangers and worries?"
Thor looked at his brother and shook his head, looking down.
"Perhaps she does, but perhaps you deserve a life full of love too. Perhaps you will get that once you stop self sabotaging any good thing that comes your way."
Thor walked out the door, leaving Loki in that empty room.
The rain kept pouring all around you as you walked through the park in the dark. You didn't know what it was about the rain, but somehow you found your peace in the middle of the storm, the more the rain gushed around, dancing with the wind, the more you felt calm surrounding you. You let yourself drown in the rain that surrounded you now until you could breathe again- standing there with your umbrella you decided to sit on a bench you found up ahead, you often found yourself sitting there all alone when you felt something was missing from your life.
You sat there in silence, letting the rain soak through you without it ever touching you. You opened your coat pocket and looked at the letter that was inside the open envelope. You've had to make up your mind at some point, every part of you should say yes and you knew that it did with every time you reread the message that was written inside. You were still a bit nervous, it was exciting so of course you were a bit nervous. You knew you would not say no to this opportunity, no matter where it came from. With a small secret smile you put it back inside of your coat. You brushed the place on your neck where a necklace should be and got up to head home, and as you looked up to the stars you could almost see a twinkle in the sky, from the brightest star in the sky.
"Do you think it's a wise idea, Tony?" Steve sat in the genius' office. Tony shrugged at that.
"It's been two months Steve, I can't take it and I know you can't too!" he took off his glasses. "Don't you want her back?"
"Of course I do Tony, but I saw her- she seemed really happy."
"She was happy with us too!" Tony threw back the whiskey in his glass before filling up another one.
"Pour me one too," Steve said and ignored Tony's look. He was too tired, they all were. "But I think maybe Loki was right to choose what he did."
"Then call this a loophole! As long as we keep it up, she won't notice a thing and then we will all get what we want. We can keep an act up and soon enough it will be like nothing's changed." Tony raised an eyebrow at him before drinking from his glass. Steve downed his- it didn't faze him at all but he wished it would.
"Okay then, do it."
"Already did." Tony smirked and Steve just groaned at his friend.
"Of course you did."
"Now we just wait, my letter was pretty convincing so I am sure she will get here soon, and then she will be home in no time." Steve clucked his glass with Tony's before walking out of his office and getting on with the stuff he had to do that day.
He took the elevator down to the ground floor and looked through the paperwork he had in his hands when the doors opened. He stepped outside only to see you walking to the receptionist's desk. He stood there staring at you as if he hadn't been tracking you for months, he noticed all the ticks you had when you were nervous. That's when he snapped out of it and went to get you before the Stark worker could talk or, even worse, recognize you. He could feel his own emotions bursting inside of him and he held himself back from taking you into his arms and hugging you.
When you looked into his eye and he saw that you didn't recognize him- not really- it hurt him more than he thought it would.
"Hi." Was all he managed to let out.
"Hi, Captain Rogers," you smiled at him and he found himself returning the smile. "It's an honour to meet you."
"Please call me Steve." He rushed out and then bit his tongue.
"Steve," you repeated and you were about to turn your head to talk to the Stark Industries worker when Steve stopped you.
"You're Y/N, right? You have a meeting with Pepper."
"Yeah I am, how did you-"
"I will take you to her." He turned to the worker and nodded briefly, "it's fine."
"Captain, I need her to sign in first-"
"The captain said we are okay here." You looked behind you to find a blonde agent that you recognized from the TV as Sharon. She looked at you for a moment, looked behind you, and then she sent you a small smile.
"I'll walk you up, is that okay?" you looked back at him again and you nodded, you didn't know why but those blue eyes seemed so… kind. Your nerves were already put at bay because he started talking to you.
"Yes, thank you Steve." You smiled at him again before he walked you back to the elevator.
When the doors closed you broke the silence, for some reason you could feel his nerves rise- you could see it in him, in the small ticks. "Don't you have other stuff you should do?"
He laughed a bit at that and you called that a win. Steve thought back to the day he met you.
"Yeah, but you seem much nicer."
"How can you tell if I'm nice or not? I never said I was nice, maybe I am mean and evil."
"No offence, kid, but you don't seem too threatening to me," You scoffed at him, and you didn't know why the chemistry between you was so natural, but you didn't care.
"How can you be so sure? I could be threatening, or I could even be a spy!" you raised an eyebrow at him when he laughed again, this time harder.
"I could still take you down if you are, it's easy." He had a shit eating grin on his face that you didn't like. Steve was waiting for you to retort back.
"Oh just fuck off!" you shook your head but then you burst out laughing when Steve replied, you were so much brighter and he loved it.
He missed you so much.
You felt a bit lightheaded as Steve walked you through the halls, you walked with him as he told you that he will take you to the kitchen. It was eerily empty. The couches seemed so inviting and the floor to ceiling windows showed a stunning view that you could stand there and watch all day, now you wished that you didn't have the interview because all you wanted to do was stay right where you were.
Steve was worried about you though.
"Hey, are you okay? Is this too much for you?" He asked and you furrowed your eyebrows when you saw the concern in his eyes.
"It's fine, I am probably just worried about the meeting with Mrs. Potts, that must be why I have a headache." You ignored his other question and while it did seem odd to you how easy he interacted with you, you didn't question it- he always seemed kind on TV.
"Come on, I will get you some water from the kitchen."
When you entered the kitchen you realized where you actually were.
"Is this the Avengers' private quarters?" Steve faltered for a bit and when words failed him he decided to just nod. He cleared his throat before turning to you with a glass of water.
"You really didn't have to bring me here, I would hate to waste your time and intrude!" you took a sip. "I also don't want to be late for my meeting, which I already am…"
At the cringe in your voice he pulled out his phone and texted Tony about your situation, making sure no one will be around you just yet in case you will get overwhelmed. He couldn't know how the spell Odin put on you would respond to that.
"I talked to Pepper, don't worry about that, you don't need to worry when you are with me." He looked serious enough that you nodded and continued sipping on the water, you could already feel the headache fade away, Steve continued. "And you can feel comfortable here, I'm sure you will get the job so you will be here a lot- if you want, that is."
"Why would I be here?" Steve wanted to curse at himself for saying too much, of course you didn't know that detail- you shouldn't know that. Hell, you probably didn't know the details of what you will do- Tony could have bullshitted anything to get you to come here even when you had no reason for being chosen.
He couldn't help himself, he felt as if nothing has changed by the way you act and talk around him, but it was hard to remember that a lot has changed for him.
"Well, umm you see- it's in the job description- working for Pepper and all, it just makes sense that you will be here too because she is here a lot." He stuttered when you still had a look of confusion on your face, your head tilting a bit, you couldn't quite place him. "And also- Tony, they are husband and wife of course and- and he might need help too. Stark Industries is his after all so, that is what I meant, that's all."
"Okay…" you tentatively replied, noticing the blush that came up his flustered cheeks. He was trustworthy, so it is probably true. "I guess that I don't actually know why I am here- but this is an opportunity that I couldn't miss out on. I don’t know why he chose me or how he even knows me but- I want to be here, I just do."
The words seemed distant from you, and you looked to the ground not noticing the small relaxed smile Steve let out.
"Well, I'm sure you will fit right in here. Let's get you to Pepper then."
His smile only prompted your own and you let him take you to her, hopefully this will be a new start for you, and hopefully it will also quiet the small tingles you started getting in your head ever since you got that letter.
A month later you woke up to an alarm clock. You turned to your side and stopped yourself when your hand went forward. The alarm drew you out of your thoughts and you twisted around again to turn it off. You got up to start your day before you had to go to work.
You looked at your wardrobe before you decided to try out the shirt you got yesterday you couldn't help but buy it. It was in this beautiful shade of green that you were compelled to get it. You paired it with a tight black skirt and walked to your dresser. Opening it, you noticed a glimmer shining from the daylight that came through your window. You got out all the boxes and stuff that was blocking whatever it was from your view- you really needed to clean all of it, but you didn't care- you just wanted to get to that small box.
Like you thought- it indeed was a box. It was old, the golden glaze of it darkened but it was still beautiful.
"Now where did you come from?" you wondered aloud and you sat on your bed when you decided to open the delicate box. It was a bit heavy in your hand, you didn't know what it was made of but it seemed unreal- it was so naturally out of place with its beauty. You opened it slowly and in there you found a necklace, it was golden and unlike the box it was still shining. The symbol engraved onto it seemed so familiar and yet you could not remember where it is from, it was different from anything you have seen before, you must have bought it ancients ago. You must have. It took your breath away when you picked it up, so you needed air. You went out into your living room and there you sat on the couch, staring at it. Your mind was racing, no- it was searching- you didn't know what for, and tingles spread throughout your whole body.
You put it on and fiddled with it, the light weight of it on your chest was comforting as it lay right next to your heart.
You didn't notice the smile that lit up your face until you looked into the mirror before getting out of the door and heading to the Avengers tower.
Loki prepared himself as he walked the Bifrost leading to where Heimdall stood. He tried to calm his breathing and his racing heart, he felt as if he was going to pass out from the nerves. He just needed to get this over with fast.
Heimdall did not acknowledge the solemn look on the prince's face as he got ready to go to earth. He barely bothered to hide the dark circles beneath his eyes that could only be described as numb. With the black suit he was wearing one would think he was grieving, and maybe in a way- he was.
Loki fixed himself to stand up straighter and got ready for his journey. All he planned to do was go to the Tower, just to check on how everything has wrapped up quickly before leaving, and maybe in a way he wanted to be there one last time and see other people who are also living a life without you.
He nodded briefly to Heimdall and in a few second he was in the Avengers Tower, right on the top of it. He took the elevator down and when he didn't see anyone in the living room he called out to the AI and asked for Steve's location. He was a few floors down rather than in the Avengers' quarters.
He took the stairs down. The hall room was fairly empty. Different elevators stopped at the floor that was a pass-through to the Avengers center from the Stark Industries. At the other end of the floor there was a balcony that looked over the skyline of the daylight, it will be easier to call for Heimdall from there- it will be faster.
He walked forward and saw Steve and Natasha leaning against the main desk of the security guard.
He nodded to Steve when he spotted him, but Steve's eyes only widened when he saw the god.
"Hello, Captain." He nodded to Natasha who had the same surprised look on her face. "Ms. Romanoff."
"Loki what are you doing here?"
"I just wanted to come here to check how you were dealing with the group that took the weapons." The group that took you. Loki smiled shortly.
"Loki you should probably go-" the blond suggested and went towards Loki to try and lead him backwards to where he came from. Before Loki could question him, the redhead spoke up.
"Y/N is here, she is on her way here." Loki looked at Natasha and then at Steve who was standing in front of him.
"What?" Loki stammered, "Does she-"
"No, she doesn't know a thing, I promise." The god studied the soldier, his eyes sharper now.
"Then why is she coming here?"
"We hired her a month ago, so she could work here and we will see her." Natasha explained simply, blunt as always. He was thankful for that right now but he sent daggers towards Steve.
"I thought we had an agreement- that you understood."
"We didn't know you were coming. I do understand, and I promise that she is still safe, and she is having a peaceful happy life- she works for Pepper, not with us directly." Steve was quick to reply. "It was just too hard to say goodbye."
"You were not the only one who had to say goodbye." Loki's eyes were blank and Steve could see the hurt that seeped through. "But well then, I should go. I'm happy you got her back."
Steve stopped him when Loki moved to walk towards the balcony at the other end of the floor.
"Loki, you can come back too." Steve sighed, trying to get the god to agree to come back- he saw you being happy, but he also saw how you were lost- just lacking something a bit, he knew Loki was that something.
"No, I cannot. I'm a god- I could never give her the peace she deserves." Loki shook his head and lowered his blue eyes. He passed Steve and walked ahead when the elevator dinged and he looked up at the same time as you got out of it and walked towards Steve. When your eyes met his you stopped in your place.
Loki always loved when you wore his colours and now here you were- wearing his colours when you did not even know him. Only a couple of feet away, you stood in front of him and the world stood still.
You got out of the elevator and were walking towards Steve when you saw the person that was just a few steps away, in front of you. You were in the middle of the hall and yet you couldn't move yourself away, you couldn't stop staring at him.
You knew him, how couldn't you? You knew he wasn't from here, but he was different- it wasn't because you knew he was a god, but rather the feeling that came along with him and it felt as if it sucked you in.
You tried to snap out of it and you could suddenly breathe again.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to stare," you looked up again at the god who kept staring at you. Loki's eyes were wide, scared, in awe of finally seeing you again. Of seeing you not recognizing him. Before your mind could catch up you continued. "I'm Y/N."
You stretched your hand and walked forward a bit, waiting for him to shake your hand as you now stood a mere step apart. You got nervous when he didn't shake it, why did you want to shake his hand in the first place? You did not know.
Before you could take your hand back, his cold hand squeezed yours and you relaxed again, smiling shyly at him.
"It's nice meeting you." It's like you could see it all inside the shade of blue in his eyes when he smiled back.
He caught sight of the necklace you were wearing and he looked back up at you.
"That's a beautiful necklace." He said and you blushed at the compliment, his voice affected you in a way it probably shouldn't. You then realized you were still holding his hand and you took it back and fiddled with the necklace instead. You didn't see the hurt and disappointment in Loki's eyes when he too lowered his hand.
"Yeah, it's really pretty- I found it and I guess I just forgot where it came from," you looked back up at Loki who had an unreadable expression on his face and you didn't know why but- "but I still love it."
Loki swallowed and tried to form words while your own words were affecting him in ways you didn't even know.
You didn't know why you were so affected by him, he was so beautiful and your heart was speeding up and yet you felt so calm now, so relaxed, so- whole? You didn't want to break whatever it was that you felt right now, too curious by this feeling to recognize the two avengers that stood a couple of feet behind Loki.
"I heard you were working here, do you like it here?" he looked at you fondly, he just had to ask- he had to know that you really were happy like this, even if he is not in your life.
"Yeah, I do. I am so happy that I get to work here with Pepper!" you smiled at him, tucking your hair behind your ears.
"I'm happy to hear that, then. It's good that you are happy."
"The job is amazing," you chuckled. "But if you decide to throw another invasion, I hope you will think of me, I'd love to be your right hand woman."
He laughed and you treasured that look, you liked his laugh.
"As you wish, darling." He needed to let you move on, but he didn't know how to say it. "I won't keep you any longer, and I should go, but- it was enchanting to meet you, love."
You frowned at that, not wanting him to go. But you still had a silver of hope left inside you that maybe he will come back again.
"I hope I'll see you again, Loki." You smiled at him and he returned the smile. He looked you up and down, smiling softly at you again, before he did the hardest thing he had to do and walked past you.
You turned to watch him go, yet your mind was screaming something incoherent at you as if he was slipping away from your reach.
Loki walked out into the balcony with a heavy heart, but at least he got to see you again one last time, at least he got to see you smile and hear you laugh one last time. At least he knew you were happy now, and at least he got to call you his love one last time. He looked back at you as he got taken away and he found comfort he hadn't gotten before in your smile. And he knew it will be okay.
You still looked at him when you saw him get taken away by the bifrost, and smiled when he sent you one last look.
Then you turned your head back, touching the golden necklace again you smiled to yourself and stepped forward.
"She lost him, but she found herself, and somehow that was everything."
Tags: @ayybtch @buckys-other-punk @chaoticpete @madcrazy50 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @the-departed-potato @rogerrhqpsody @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love @percabethismyotp14
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mimisempai · 3 years
I can read you like an open book
5 times where Loki refuses to see that he has been found out by Mobius and once where he accepts it
Lokius has so much potential. How not to be tempted?
🌈 Happy Pride month ! 🌈
To celebrate, 1 day, 1 story.
Be ready for smiles, laugh, fluff, tooth rotthing fluff, positive vibes and a lot of love!
1798 words - Rating G
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"I'm Agent Mobius, by the way."
I don't care about your name. I'm Loki, God of Mischief, you moron!
The man with the ridiculous mustache looked suspiciously innocent.
Loki asked him in his most indifferent tone, "Are you taking me somewhere to kill me?"
The man, Mobius, answered in the quietest way possible, "No. That's where you just were. I'm taking you some place to talk."
Loki harrumphed and retorted, "I don't like to talk.
Without losing his smile, Mobius replied, "But you do like to lie, which you just did."
Seeing that Loki didn't bother to answer, he continued, a cheeky sparkle in his eye, "Because we both know you love to talk."
He had the audacity to add, emphasizing his words with his hands, "Talkie-talkie."
Loki was boiling inside, but he wouldn't allow this jerk to see his anger.
How could this fool have seen through to him? No way!
Yes he liked to talk! So what? He had a voice so he might as well use it. At least he never said stupid things.
Sure, he liked to twist the truth, but when you're the god of mischief, was that so surprising?
Anyway, nobody had discovered his biggest secret, his biggest lie, that was the most important.
He discreetly scanned the man in front of him who now seemed a little less inoffensive.
They were in a room devoid of any decor, sitting face to face, separated by a table.
Loki decided to attack. He could be accused of lying, but not of not facing the truth.
He asked Mobius with a defiant look, "What do you want from me?"
Mobius inhaled, as if to give himself courage, "Well, let's start with a little cooperation."
No, that's not going to happen, buddy.
Loki was a god and a god doesn't cooperate.
He replied with a smirk, "Not my forte.
There he was again, that piercing blue-gray gaze that seemed to see much more than Loki believed. Accompanied by that smile that gauged him.
Mobius paused and for a moment Loki thought he knew how to stage himself as well as Loki.
The rascal continued, "Even when you're wooing someone powerful you intend to betray?"
How could he know that? Nobody knew about Thanos! Even Thor didn't know about it!
Don't show anything Loki! Don't show him he's right.
The bastard insisted, as if it were insignificant. "Come on."
Loki, took his most superior and closed look before answering.
"You don't know anything about me."
That's it, move on you moron!
"Maybe I'd like to learn."
What does he mean, he'd like to learn?
No way, Loki wouldn't be fooled.
No one really wanted to know who Loki was.
Those who wanted to know him only wanted it to get something out of him.
He wouldn't be fooled by that smile and that look. Even though...
He shook his head not to let such thoughts linger
Since Mobius seemed to want to know his theory so badly, Loki was more than happy to explain it to him, it was time to show off as much as he could with his jumpsuit.
He straightened his head and said in an emphatic tone, "For nearly every living thing, choice breeds shame and uncertainty and regret. There's a fork in every road, yet the wrong path is always taken."
He looked at Mobius defiantly.
So you're not such a smartass now, huh?
"Good. Yeah."
He had the nerve!
Loki was right not to believe that this man really wanted to know him, it was just to taunt him and put him in his place.
Mobius continued, "You said nearly every living thing ," he paused, and once again his eyes seemed to see further than Loki wanted to show.
He added, cheekily, "so I'm guessing you don't fall into that category?
Show nothing. Show nothing.
You didn't expect anything, Loki, so you're not disappointed.
Loki began to snicker. Sarcasm, one of his favorite weapons.
"The Time-Keepers have built quite the circus, and I see the clowns are playing their parts to perfection."
In case you didn't understand, I'm talking about you, the clown, that's you, buffoon!
Mobius started to laugh. A totally genuine laugh.
"Big metaphor guy. I love it."
Genuine but derisive of course.
The rascal continued, "Makes you sound super smart."
Loki couldn't let it go and retorted, "I am smart."
"I know."
Two words, and the tone was no longer taunting.
I know.
Two words said in a firm voice, without a smile, with an intense look in his eyes.
I know.
For once Loki didn't bother to wrap his words in circumlocutions, too disturbed by the implication of those two words. He simply replied, "Okay."
Loki didn't know what Mobius' goal was in showing him his failures, but if it was to piss him off, he had achieved it, yet Loki was not going to show him.
Just as he was not going to show him how his questions affected him.
"Do you enjoy hurting people?"
"Making them feel small?
No .
"Making them feel afraid?"
No. Stop. Answer him Loki.
"Your games don't frighten me."
But Mobius didn't seem to want to stop.
"Making them feel little?"
Loki couldn't help but retort with more vehemence, "I know what I am."
Mobius raised an eyebrow and asked defiantly, "A murderer?"
Knowing that if he let go, he would show Mobius how much he was affected by what he said, Loki shot back, "A liberator."
And the man had the audacity to reply, "Of eyeballs, maybe."
His words were accompanied on the screen by a video that showed Loki cutting out a man's eye.
Mobius continued, "Look at that smile. You are enjoying that. Did you enjoy hurting them?"
No. No. No. It was the mind stone. It wasn't me.
No! Shut up Loki! No one can know, not even him, get a grip!
Chin up, straight face, sardonic smile.
"I don't have to play this game. I'm a god."
Yes, that's what I am, a god. You won't take that away from me.
"Of what, again? Mischief, right?"
So what? I may not summon thunder, but I am powerful. In my own way.
The man then added, "Yeah. I don't see anything very mischievous about this."
Of course, since it wasn't him. But how could he tell anyone that he, the great Loki, had been under the influence of someone, that he had been manipulated by a stone.
He replied in a bitter voice, "No, I don't suppose you do."
Mobius sighed. He seemed almost disappointed.
Loki wondered why he felt a tightness in his chest. The same one he felt every time he knew he had disappointed his mother. The difference was that he had only known Mobius for a few hours.
Loki was devastated.
His mother had died. She had died by his hand. At least because of him.
Mobius had continued to confront him with his failings.
Sitting on the floor, Loki no longer had the strength to stand up or fight back.
"You weren't born to be king, Loki."
Of course I was.
Even he was beginning not to believe it anymore.
"You were born to cause pain and suffering and death. That's how it is, that's how it was, that's how it will be. All so that others can achieve their best versions of themselves."
He looked up at the screen where the Avengers were displayed one by one. The instruments of his defeat. The defeat he felt burning right now.
He asked with a broken voice, "What is this place?"
Mobius didn't answer, just walked over and held out his hand and said, "Come on."
No more taunting in his voice, no more mockery, just compassion? Loki looked up to see if what he heard in the voice was showing on the other man's face.
He read the same compassion.
Weakened by what he had just discovered about his mother, Loki found himself wanting to grasp that hand, to believe what he read in those eyes.  For a moment, he listened to himself, grabbed the hand and stood up.
But he was Loki, God of Mischief, so he snatched the small device from Mobius' pocket
Mobius had just come back into the room, Loki was distraught.
Sitting on the floor with his hands in his head, he raised it at the sound of his tormentor's voice.
The man approached him gently and said, "Nowhere left to run."
I don't want to go. I don't want to go anymore. I don't want to be that Loki anymore. I don't want to go back.
"I can't go back, can I? Back to my timeline."
Can I be me here? Really me? What I want to be.
For the first time since he knew himself, Loki felt a compulsion to tell the truth.
Looking Mobius in the eye, he said softly, "I don't enjoy hurting people."
He paused, "I..." he exhaled sharply and repeated again, "I don't enjoy it."
For the first time, he really wanted to convince someone that he wasn't the monster everyone thought he was. Now that he had started talking, it was like he couldn't stop. He continued, "I do it because I have to, because I've had to."
Mobius looked at him with those caring eyes he had had earlier and another feeling he couldn't read.
He replied softly, "Okay, explain that to me."
Loki swallowed, this was the moment of truth.
"Because it's part of the illusion. It's the cruel, elaborate trick conjured by the weak to inspire fear."
Mobius simply nodded, before adding in a tone filled with understanding, "A desperate play for control. You do know yourself."
Loki bit his lip and added in a breath, "A villain."
He exhaled again.
"That's not how I see it.
Once again Mobius held out his hand to help him up, and this time Loki didn't hesitate to take it. Once on his feet, he didn't want to let go of that hand, the only non-violent human contact he'd had in years. He didn't even realize that he was tightening his fingers on Mobius'.
He asked the question that had been burning in his mind, "If I'm not the villain, then what am I?"
They still hadn't let go of each other's hands and now Mobius' thumb was gently stroking the back of Loki's hand.
Mobius tilted his head a little, seeking Loki's gaze even more.
He said with that smile that Loki was beginning to appreciate, "I don't know, but we could search together, if you want."
Loki nodded slowly and answered with a slight smile. The first sincere smile devoid of any trickery.
The real Loki smile. _________
Not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
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i-lionheart · 3 years
Here for You | Loki x Reader fluff
"There are moments that the words don't reach. There's a grace too powerful to name. We push away what we can never understand; we push away the unimaginable." -Hamilton, "It's Quiet Uptown"
After an emotional night, Loki's partner leaves her Avengers Tower apartment, showing up in need of comfort at Loki's door.
before you read: loki x reader, 1.5k words, reader is afab nonbinary, angst, emotional hurt/comfort, partial nudity (non-sexual), cuddling/spooning, discussion of gender dysphoria, period mention, body dysphoria, discussion of depression, suicidal thoughts, and self harm.
tw: gender dysphoria, period mention, partial nudity (non-sexual), depression mention, suicidal thoughts, self harm mention. @ me if there's anything I forgot.
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You padded down the hallway, clutching the stuffed animal and baby blanket that had protected you from your demons since you were a child. Since your apartments were right next to each other, it was only a short distance to Loki's door; when you reached it, you knocked quickly and stood there, anxiously chewing your the inside of your cheek as you waited.
You heard his heavy footsteps crossing the apartment. Though his voice was muffled by the door separating the two of you, the annoyance was unmistakable. "Thor, I told you, I'm-"
He opened the door. His words cut off abruptly as he realized that it wasn't, in fact, his older brother bothering him in the middle of the night. His heart and facial expression melted as he looked you up and down, taking in your disheveled appearance. You stared back at him nervously, unable to verbally express what you needed from him now that he was actually standing in front of you.
Luckily, you didn't have to.
In a heartbeat, Loki had crossed the threshold of his apartment, pulling you into a tight embrace. He pressed your head to his chest and you melted into him, the tears that had escaped you all night finally beginning to flow. "It's all right, darling," he murmured. "It's all right. I'm here now. It's all right."
The two of you stood there for a moment that felt like an eternity, your entire world reduced to the feeling of being in each others' arms, Loki caressing you and whispering soft reassurances. Once the waterfall of your tears had slowed to a mere trickle, Loki said, "All right. You're coming inside." He bent down and hooked one arm under your knees, lifting you into his arms as easily as if you were a child. You squeaked in surprise and buried your head in his chest, eliciting a small chuckle from the trickster god as he carried you into his apartment and eased the door shut behind you. He didn't put you down until the two of you were in his bedroom, when he pulled back the soft covers of his king-size bed and set you gently on the gold satin sheets. He climbed in beside you and pulled the covers up around you both, once again pulling you to his chest.
"You don't have to tell me what's going on," he said, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "But if you want to talk about it, I'm here to listen."
"It's my stupid period," you grumbled into his chest.
"What?" he said. "I thought you haven't had one for months now - didn't Strange get that sorted?"
"Yeah, but the hormones are still a fucking roller coaster."
"You mortals and your pesky bodies," he muttered into your hair. You couldn't help but giggle, despite your sadness. "What is it doing to you this time, darling?'
"Gender," you grumbled. "I'm fine with my body. I like my body. Or at least, most of the time I do, and then my hormones go insane and I hate it."
"Wishing you were a shapeshifter again, hmm?" Loki said. You nodded. "If I could give up my powers to you I'd do it in a heartbeat, dearest." You chuckled, in spite of yourself. "Thanks, babe."
"No problem," he replied. The two of you lay in comfortable silence for a moment, glad to just be in each other's presence. He caressed you gently - your hair, your arms, your back - then paused in confusion when he felt a seam under your shirt. He had never known you to wear a bra under your pajamas, especially given how much you hated to wear them during the day.
"Darling?" he asked, cautiously.
"Are you binding right now?"
"Yeah, but it's fine, I-"
"No, it's not," he cut you off sternly. "You know you're not supposed to. It's unsafe."
"Since when do you care about safety?"
"Since you tried to sleep in a binder. Sit up. It's coming off."
"Loki, really-"
"Now. You could do with some skin to skin anyways." His tone left no room for argument. Grudgingly, you pushed yourself into a sitting position, as did he.
"Arms up," he commanded. You rolled your eyes and did as he said, feeling like a toddler who needed their parents' help to get dressed. He lifted your shirt and gently pulled it over your head, then gathered it into a ball and tossed it on his floor. He removed your binder equally gently, careful not let the elastic snap or pinch, and tossed it on the floor on top of your shirt.
"Satisfied?" you said sarcastically.
"Not quite yet." He grasped the collar of the black t-shirt he was wearing and pulled it over his head in one fluid motion, adding it to the pile of clothing on his floor.
Though you had seen it a thousand times, you took in the sight of his chest, drinking in every inch of his skin. He caught your eye as you stared at him, and grinned. You blushed. "See something you like, pet?" he teased.
"Oh, shut up," you retorted as the two of you laid back down, snuggling into him again. He was right - the feeling of his skin, his strong arms wrapped around you, was incredibly soothing.
"I needed this," you murmured.
"I know."
A pause.
"I hate this body so much, sometimes. Like, I'm mostly okay with it, even proud of it, and then..."
You trailed off. He stroked your hair, whispering into it. "Take your time, love, it's all right."
You took a deep breath, gathering your thoughts, and continued shakily. "It's just... sometimes, I look in the mirror, and I look at my face, and I feel so happy - my reflection matches who I am, I look like myself - and then I see my body and I remember and I just..." You swallowed thickly, fighting back tears. "I just want to die, sometimes. I wish I didn't have to exist and face every day in a body that's not mine, I want to hurt it, scar it, make it bleed. Anything to show that it doesn't belong to me, to make it pay. I hate it. And I know I shouldn't hurt myself, I know I gave that up a long time ago, but that urge never leaves. I hate it, I hate it so much. I know it's not right, but that voice never goes away, it just gets quiet enough to ignore until the next time something triggers it and I have to fight it again. It never stops, Loki. Never." Your tears were flowing freely now. You took a shuddering breath. "I'm just so, so tired of always fighting. I want peace. But I don't think I'll ever have it."
"Oh, pet." he said softly. "How long were you feeling like this before you came to get me?"
"Hours," you admitted, feeling small.
"Oh, darling," he said. You heard the pain in his voice, and knew that what he really meant was I'm sorry.
"It's going to be okay," he said, voice ever so tender, tracing wandering patterns on your skin. "I know it's hard, but you are strong. You are a fighter, and you will make it through this. I promise you. And I will do everything I can to help."
"Really, dearest. You never have to face this alone again. I'm right by your side. In fact, this settles it. You're moving in with me. Tomorrow."
"What?" You pulled away from him, startled, and looked up to see dead seriousness on his face.
"What about it, pet? You practically live here already."
"Loki, the others can barely accept the fact that we're together. We can't move in together. Tony will have a heart attack."
Loki grinned wickedly. "Good."
You slapped his arm playfully, scolding him. "No, it's not good. If Tony had a heart attack, the arc reactor would probably flatten half of Manhattan." He chuckled appreciatively. "Why's it so pressing for me to move in, anyway? Most days you hardly spend a second without me."
He paused, giving you a long, searching look. "Isn't it obvious?
"No." You looked away, avoiding the discomfort of his scrutiny.
"Look at me." You didn't move. He reached out and cupped your face in his large hand, lifting your chin. "Look at me, dearest," he repeated, softer this time. You tore your eyes away from the empty space you had fixed them on and looked at him, afraid of what you'd see. He looked back at you tenderly, eyes full of compassion and the thing you had been most afraid of seeing.
Love. His eyes were full of love.
"You spent an unnecessarily long time tonight fighting this alone, because I wasn't with you. I wasn't there to help you when you needed me." He stroked your cheek with his thumb, voice tight with emotion. "I cannot let that happen again."
"Loki," you breathed. "You care that much?"
"Oh, darling, of course I do," he said. "Of course I do. And I promise that you will never have to face these thoughts alone again."
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It's currently 3 am and I should sleep, but i just saw your post of request ideas. So wanted to ask you if you could do a Loki x teen!Reader. Where the reader meets Loki in some way and she touches him and connect their souls 'cause she has powers she doesn't know about. And then some day she's in pain or smth and Loki feels it and comes to her. And she finds out she just can connect her soul with someone she trusts. And loki is all sweet ? And angst maby. Please and thank you. Hope it's ok.
Hello lovely! Here is what I have so far. I will be posting this on my wall as well, and I will probably continue for at the very least one more part. I hope you like it, and I hope you get some sleep!! <3
              The ground beneath your feet trembles as the latest villain of New York decides they are powerful enough to take on the Avengers. Living in the city you thought you would get used to this, but every time is different and equally terrifying. Your parents have suggested that you all move. A suggestion you have constantly protested till you were blue in the face. Despite all the danger, you feel as though it is where you belong.
             A team of nanobots cling together as they tear a hole in the wall in front of you. Before you could react, the nanobots swarm over your body and carry you out of the window of your high school. The wind ripples through your hair as your screams illuminate the sky around you. Then suddenly you are falling. The nanobots let go of you right over the chaos of moving cars and frantic people not paying attention.
             Two arms grab you from impending death and a sense of calm washes over you. Looking into an ocean of blue eyes, you find them looking into your (Y/E/C) orbs. An unnatural electricity travels from your skin into his fingertips. It is as if a part of you knows this man, but yet you’ve never met before. Despite the calming sensation radiating off of him, your heart begins to flutter at an irregular rate. Excitement, longing, and safety overwhelms your system as you feel the possibility of fainting approach.
“Hold on a moment little bird.” His accent leaks into your conscious and you find yourself releasing a breath you’ve been holding. “We are almost there.”
             Tearing your eyes from his, you try to take in the rest of his appearance. He is lean but still a little muscular. Shiny, long dark hair flows in the wind behind him like smoke. His face is slender and you swear you’ve seen him before, but you can’t quite put your finger on it.
             You’re time is cut too short, to your dismay. The mystery man returns you to the front of your high school. His careful touch directs you to sit on the steps leading to the front set of doors. You look into his eyes one last time and feel a pain of sadness heave from your chest. All you want to do is stay in his arms and stare into his eyes.
“Oh my god!” Your best friend Cami exclaims behind you. “Loki just saved your life!”
“Who?” You slowly stand up with Cami’s help. Still dazed, but your eyes don’t leave him until he is out of view.
“You know! Loki is Thor’s brother, the Avenger. Super muscular, hot, and strong.”
             Loki just saved your life. A god you barely knew but somehow felt like you did. He stopped what he was doing and saved you, out of anyone else in New York. That kind of stuff just didn’t happen right? It just happened by chance, that must be the reason. Though, no matter how hard you try to convince yourself, there is something in the way it felt to be around him that you couldn’t shake.
Two Years Later
             Walking home from the latest dance club, you think about how much fun you’ve had tonight. Today was your 17th birthday and Cami took you out dancing because she knows it is your favorite thing to do.  You’ve always loved how the music can sway your body. For you it is much more of the feeling of the music versus the lyrics.
             You turn down an alley leading to a shortcut to your apartment a few blocks down. Normally you don’t walk alone at night or you get a cab, but there it is really hard to get a cab this late at night. Besides, it isn’t too terribly far of a walk.
             Two men lounge against an old rotting dumpster in the middle of the alley. They talk to each other in hushed whispers that sends an unsettling shiver up your spine. Everything about this feels wrong and you go to turn around when they spot you.
“Hey, don’t walk away from us!” The man shouts. “We know you saw us. Let’s just chat.”
             Attempting to sprint in heals is not a good plan. No one can actually do it and it is a good way to lose one’s balance. Thankfully you catch yourself before you completely fall to the ground, but it allows the men extra time to get to you.
             One grabs you by the arm and pulls your body close to his. You can smell the tobacco seeping from his clothes into your nostrils. You’ve never been one to like the smell, your uncle smokes and would often blow the residue in your face. The smell has left you extremely nauseous and sensitive over the years.
You almost don’t notice the gun the second man pulls out from his belt. As your mind detects what is going on, the man holding you grabs for your purse. It is small but does happen to carry your credit card, and a few twenty-dollar bills. You don’t put up much of a fight. You’ve always been told that if someone had a gun and wanted your purse, to just give it to them. It’s not worth your life.
“What do you think Hal?” The man with the gun asks. “Think we should let her go so easily? Or should we have some fun first?”
             A lump forms in the back of your throat as you process what he is saying. Limb paralyzing fear immobilizes your body. Your mind is screaming at your legs to move, but they don’t obey the command. The man holding you pulls out a knife and gently grazes the cool metal against your cheek.
“Pretty girls sting.” The man Hal sings. “But so do boys with broken wings.”
             A cool sharp pain congregates on your face, your cheek. The man holding the knife slowly cuts your skin deep enough for blood to slowly drip from your pierced skin. As an inhuman sound erupts from your throat, the second man covers his hand over your mouth and grabs it to keep from moving. Tears stream down your face. Forming a new gloss over your cut, causing it to sting worse than before.
             You can now feel the flat part of the blade float over your collarbone. The man removes it like before, and you await the next cut on your flesh. But it never comes. In fact the men release you from their grasps and you see them running for their lives down the alley. It occurs to you that you should be running too. If there is something scary enough to make them run, then you definitely do not want to stick around.
             However, your body still does not want to comply with your thoughts. One step in that direction sends your body tumbling to the concrete below. But like the second cut of the knife, you do not feel your body meet the ground. Instead two familiar arms catch you and curl you closer to their owner.
“You have some explaining to do, little bird.”
             You wake up in your own bed and in a fresh set of pajamas from your drawer. Remembering what happened in the alley your hand shoots up to your cheek. Feeling all around your skin; you expect to find stitches, an open cut, or at the least a scar. There is nothing. In disbelief you stand up and rush to a mirror in your room, but it only confirms the impossible.
“You should lay back down.” A deep alluring voice from behind makes you jump from your skin. “There is a chance you could be in shock.”
             Whipping your head around you come face to face with him once again. Your mysterious man that saved you in the clouds, Loki. Examining him, you see that very little has changed. His frame is still lean but muscular, tall, and his dark hair rests around his shoulders. Every inch of him calls out to you like before and you feel instantly safe.
“Why are you here? How did you know I was in trouble?” Your voice is horse, barely over a whisper but just as strong.
“I should be asking you that question.” Loki takes a step closer to you slowly, trying not to startle you. “Two years ago I started being able to sense when you are in trouble or scared. Most of the time is was false alarms. You getting in trouble at school, or with your parents, when you are watching a scary movie. Of which you probably should stop watching, I don’t think it is very healthy for your heart to experience such distress.”
             Loki’s movements continue, slow and methodical. As if he is approaching a wild beast and does not want to provoke it. The closer he gets the more intoxicated by his presence you are. Once he stops just a few inches from you, you finally process what he said.
“What are you saying?”
“I think you linked us. I don’t think you are an ordinary human like everyone else. There is something…” He smiles before continuing, “extraordinary about you. And I mean that in the best of ways.”
             Nothing could keep away the dash of blush that filters through your cheeks. Obviously Loki noticed it as well and a greater smile crosses his lips. You are hit with another wave of intoxication as you revisit the pleasure of how close he is to you. Before you could say or do anything, you feel your legs threaten to give way. Loki notices this too and gently helps you back to your bed.
             Loki peels back the covers on your mattress as you slip underneath them. A new sense of fear engulfs you at the possibility that he will leave. That he will disappear out your window and you’ll never see him again. Or at the very least, another two years.
“Please don’t go.” You’re voice sounds like a begging child. Signaling, you direct Loki to lay down next to you in your bed. He quickly obliges like he had no intention of leaving at all.
“How do you know where I live?” You ask.
“Don’t be frightened okay?” Loki’s fingers lightly trace your arm in a back-and-forth motion. “After the first intense episode of your distress, I was worried and wanted to check on you. I got your address from a… friend.” You smile as you get the feeling the person he is referring to isn’t entirely his buddy. “Then it just became a habit. At night I would visit to give me some peace of mind that you are safe. It’s strange, I’ve never cared so much for a mortal to stay alive.”
“But you said I’m different.” You interject and Loki just nods in agreement. “When you saved me a couple years ago, and even right now, I feel this connection like I know you. Or that I am supposed to know you. I swear almost every night I have dreams about you.”
             Loki’s soft chuckles lightly move your bed. Unsure of what could be so funny, you knit your eyebrows together and look up at his perfect god-like face. How is it possible for one person to be this gorgeous?
“I know you dream about me.” Loki tries to contain his laughter. “I’ve heard you call my name a few times. It is very fun for me.”
             You playfully smack his chest. Of which just makes him laugh more than before. Not able to resist the contagiousness of his laugh, you join in too as you hide your face in the side of his body. An uncontrollable heat spreads through your face and you would be embarrassed for him to see.
             But Loki doesn’t let you off the hook that easily. Knowing that you are virtually unmovable, Loki positions his body to shrink down to your eye level. His beautiful blue eyes pierce yours, bypassing your wards and right into your soul. Never have you met someone who can make your toes curl by just one look.
“Before two years ago I didn’t know what was missing.” Loki’s soft voice brushes against your nose, drawing you in. “I thought just watching over you during the night… I thought it was enough. But being this close. I don’t think I can leave.”
“Then don’t.” Your words are so soft, you’re not sure you actually said them.
             Loki’s fingers move some free hairs from your face, and you are reminded of how he is only a few inches away from you. Uncontrollably, your heart begins to race and you wonder if he can feel it too. If he does, Loki offers no indication of the sort.
As he tucks the last bit behind your ear his hand rests on the side of your face. His thumb strokes the skin just below your eye before his finger traces the line of your jaw. Keeping near the section that joins your neck, his fingers explore that part of you as well. Little electrical butterflies are left behind in their place, exciting every cell in your body.
Loki’s lips cautiously brush against yours. Lighting the ignition, you close your eyes and deepen the kiss. You become suddenly afraid he may take his initial action back. But those fears are chased away by Loki pulling your body closer to his own. Your limbs intertwine with his as you both attempt to close any gap between.
Still not satisfied with the perceived distance, Loki partially hovers his body over yours as his free hand travels down your waist. Meanwhile, you run your fingers though his locks of dark hair. Pulling on a strand or two, you find that he secretly loves it. Even though he may deny it later.
Your body glides with his as your heartbeats rise with new demands. Then suddenly there is nothing but air around you. Loki is gone. Taking the opportunity to catch your breath, you look around your room and find Loki sitting on your window sill. His breaking is has heavy as your own.
“I’m sorry.” He manages to say.
             Suddenly you feel very exposed. All your clothing is in tact but you’ve never felt more naked. Does he regret what happened? Is he going to leave? Will he ever come back?
“Don’t mistake my apology as a sign of regret.” It’s like he can read your mind, or at least your face. “I just… I can be dangerous if I get carried away. I don’t think I could bare something happening to you, especially at my hand.”
             You nod, trying to decide if you believe him. Loki is almost out of your room, only one simple move and he can disappear well into the night. But he doesn’t. Instead, Loki slips back into your room and watches your eyes intently for a sign to stop. His body reposition next to yours and you rest your head against his chest as his arms warp around you protectively.
“Sleep, little bird.” Loki’s voice draws you to sleep. “Tomorrow we will figure out how special you truly are.”
Chapter 2
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dictionarywrites · 6 years
Part 1 - In Brought to Justice, Loki seems to believe that his and Steve's relationship is primarily a result of the magic that binds them together as opposed to something like love or real affection, and seems to be perfectly content with that. Steve, on the other hand, doesn't want to pursue the relationship any further for exactly that same reason.
Part 2 - So while we mostly see Loki pursuing Steve and would therefore assume that Loki has stronger feelings for Steve than Steve does for him, I think it’s actually the other way around. Would you agree with that? (Man, I am WAY too invested in this series)
That’s definitely a really good question, and I think that sort of concern - the extent to which the attraction and, more importantly, the affection is real on each side - is gonna come up in their respective therapy sessions later on. 
See, on the one hand, I would most certainly agree that a lot of Loki’s attraction to Steve is based on the magic that binds him. He’s very much someone who, when something is thrown onto him, whether that something be good or bad, he kind of just… Takes it. Moulds his life around it. Accepts it. As much as he complains about having no freedom left in his life, in many ways, he’s never had all that much freedom. 
Loki has constantly and consistently been trapped by destiny. He always knew he would never be king. He always knew his family life would never be permanent. He always knew his eyes would begin to fail him. 
These are cosmic truths that Loki often denies to himself, but knows are true nonetheless, and they’re truths he tries to put aside. All the Norse gods, in my portrayal, have some foreknowledge of what is to come, but the vast majority of them do their best to burn that awful, awful knowledge far from the forefronts of their minds. Loki barely considers himself as a person with free will or choices - he thinks of most of the life around him as things that happen to him, as things he must do, because that is how things are. 
So when Loki is just put on his knees in front of Steve Rogers… He does what he thinks is expected of him. He lets himself like Steve, and trust him. He accepts the whole situation for what he GENUINELY BELIEVES it is - completely inevitable. He would rather embrace the pleasure of the matter while it can be grasped at, because he knows, in the end, it won’t last. And the thing is, he likes Steve. Genuinely likes him, thinks that he’s honourable and noble, but also strong and capable of making difficult decisions, and Loki feels very connected to him - but ultimately, he’s also pursuing this connection because he belives it will happen.
Now, in comparison, let’s look at Steve.
A lot of his character arc in canon (I’m going to focus on the MCU) has to do with his personal autonomy. In the beginning, Steve is sick as a fucking dog - his entire body is failing on about fifty different levels, and yet Steve is still fighting. He goes from doctor’s office to doctor’s office, demanding to be allowed to make his own free choice to enlist; he gets into fights in alleyways.
He chooses to be good, despite the nastiness of the world around him. He chooses to enlist, despite his health issues. He chooses to throw himself on that grenade, regardless of the sacrifice. 
And when he’s given the serum? Steve uses his new strength to protect others, and save others. One of the super powerful things about Steve’s procedure in comparison to that of Bucky’s is that like, at the end of it all, Steve CHOSE to have the serum put into him. For Bucky, however, there was no choice, no personal autonomy: there was pain, and trauma, and an aggressive rewriting of who he was at his core. 
One of the reasons Steve is Captain America is that fundamentally, he believes in liberty, and he believes in liberty for everybody. He believes in second chances; he believes in giving people the chance to do the right thing, the chance to get off the lift and back out of a fight they’ll lose; he believes in free choice and autonomy over all.
But then, God, who should be fucking thrown into his lap but a guy whose autonomy is actively dangerous to himself, if not to others around him? Like, the moral conundrum Loki posed really mockingly in the beginning is pretty much exactly the problem he’s having.
No matter what he’s done - and especially as it unfolds that Loki didn’t have much of a choice in the whole invasion of Earth - it’s impossible for Steve to just condemn Loki to death, or to let Loki go out and kill people. So he needs to keep some control over him, but then, frustratingly, Loki is exactly what he didn’t expect. Steve was expecting a monstrous, murder-hungry little bastard who was gonna be sneaking and conniving his way out from under all the orders Steve gave him.
Instead, he’s got… This guy. Lonely, and sad, and fiercely intelligent, who seems to get Steve’s whole deal right off the bat, and who is angry and is capable of a lot of nasty shit, but he also seems to be capable of good, in the end. And Steve? He doesn’t believe in destiny.
He believes in free choices, and love, and kindness, and ultimately? He would rather put Loki’s health and happiness before him and Loki banging, every time, regardless of how much Loki insists the two can go side by side. 
So the two of them definitely both like each other, but I don’t think either of them are completely willing to face the Actual Life Consequences of it yet. 
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