Imagine Asriel always seeing you as the one that got away.
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You were the last person that Asriel had expected to come walking through the door out of the cold, into his laboratory. It was even more surprising that you had Lyra with you, the two most important people that had ever entered his life, together. Marissa - Lyra looked so much like her - had only been a rebound and that’s why she hated him so, because she knew, she knew that to him, you were the one that gotten away.
Your eyes still sparkled as brightly as the day that they had when you two first met, back in the days at the college when you had fallen in love. Before Asriel’s studies took him one way, and your own another.
“Asriel,” You said, and that voice brought to mind so many things. Even if it did sound older, it was definitely you. It was like the past twenty years had barely happened. It was like you were both still in the grand libraries, sitting side by side, more focused on the fact that your legs were touching rather than what you were meant to be writing. Sneaking around beneath the Professor’s noses. Making out in the broom cupboards -
It was enough to make him forget about the arguments that you had, the ones that merely started as debates and then would get increasingly personal until you were yelling at each other and your demons were on the verge of attacking. It was enough to make him forget how you had taken a different study partner in one of your shared classes and he had stewed about it for months, thinking up plans on how to hurt him, on how to make you notice him again. It was enough to make him forget how much his heart ached when someone made you smile when all it seemed like he could do was make you frown.
“Y/N....” He said, his demon perking up when it saw yours coming through the door. They regarded each other with suspicion, apprehension. Lyra was smiling at him. Lyra looked happy to see him. But when all that he could say was your name and not look away from your face, she looked up at you as well, confusion written across her features, her very mother-like features.
“Evening, Asriel,” You said, putting a comforting hand on Lyra’s shoulder. That motion, that affection that you put upon his daughter, that made him turn away. He did not care for much in this world. But that - that stung, that brought tears to his eyes. “I believe you two have a lot to talk about. I’ll be off.”
“Wait, you’re not staying?” Lyra asked.
“I told you I’d deliver you safely, but I can’t stay.”
“Please,” Asriel said, those big blue eyes boring back into yours. “At least stay for supper.”
You debated it. The familiar habit of sucking on your lower lip. “Fine. For Supper.”
Requested by: Anonymous
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burnpheonix04 · 2 years
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Map of Lourdes + Registration #lourdes #lorda #maria #virginmary #viergemarie #mariedenazareth #religous #religioustravel #religion #religiao #miracle #pyrenees #eglise #kirche #church #coatofarms #francia @ktotelevision #francecatholique @cnewsofficiel #frenchculture #religiouslife #religioustravel #saintemarie #france #francia #europacultura #europe #europatour #frenchcity #tourism #frenchtourism @redbubbleartists #redbubble_promotion https://www.instagram.com/p/CjjOlOUouBO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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columboscreens · 1 year
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mazojo · 2 years
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I wish soulmate shit was real I wish hero and dark overlord happened in real life I wish
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lescroniques · 5 months
Les nenes i adolescents tenen més risc de patir violència en línea
Aquesta franja d’edat no se sent identificada en els rols de víctima i agressor, alerta un informe de Save the Children Save the Children Des del 2011 fins al 2022 s’han presentat 3.308 denúncies per delictes cibernètics cap a infants i adolescents a Catalunya. El 56% d’aquestes víctimes eren nenes i adolescents. Save The Children alerta a l’informe No és amor que internet és un mitjà més per…
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crisicsgames · 11 months
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viagginoriente23 · 1 year
Viaggi Bhutan | Tour Bhutan 2023 - Viagginoriente
Viaggi Bhutan: la terra del drago del tuono
Il Bhutan è una piccola nazione situata nella catena montuosa dell'Himalaya, tra l'India e la Cina. Conosciuto come il "Regno del Drago del Tuono", il Bhutan è una delle nazioni più isolate e meno conosciute del mondo. Tuttavia, non lasciatevi ingannare dalla sua piccola dimensione, poiché il Bhutan offre un'esperienza unica e affascinante ai visitatori.
Una delle cose più sorprendenti del Bhutan è il suo approccio alla felicità nazionale. Invece di misurare il successo del paese in base al PIL, il Bhutan ha adottato il concetto di "Felicita Interna Lorda" (FIL). Questa misura tiene conto del benessere spirituale, fisico e sociale dei cittadini. Grazie a questo approccio, il Bhutan è diventato noto come uno dei paesi più felici al mondo.
La cultura bhutanese è ricca di tradizioni uniche e affascinanti. La danza e la musica tradizionali sono particolarmente importanti nella cultura bhutanese. Ogni anno si svolge il festival Tsechu, dove la popolazione si riunisce per celebrare la cultura bhutanese attraverso balli, musica e abbigliamento tradizionale.
Tour Bhutan
La natura è uno dei punti di forza del Bhutan. Il paese ha una vasta gamma di fauna e flora che lo rende un paradiso per gli amanti della natura. Le montagne dell'Himalaya offrono una vista mozzafiato e il paese è anche sede di numerosi parchi nazionali e riserve naturali, dove si possono trovare tigri, leopardi, orsi e una vasta gamma di uccelli e piante.
La religione ha un ruolo molto importante nella vita quotidiana del Bhutan. Il buddismo è la religione predominante e il paese è disseminato di templi e monasteri buddisti. Il monastero di Taktsang, noto anche come il "nido della tigre", è uno dei luoghi più sacri del Bhutan e rappresenta una delle attrazioni turistiche più visitate del paese.
Infine, il Bhutan è un luogo dove il passato e il presente si incontrano. Nonostante il progresso tecnologico e la modernizzazione del paese, il Bhutan continua a mantenere le sue tradizioni e la sua cultura unica. Se state cercando un luogo dove poter scappare dallo stress della vita quotidiana e immergervi in una cultura affascinante e incontaminata, il Bhutan è il luogo perfetto per voi.
In conclusione, il Bhutan è una nazione straordinaria che offre un'esperienza unica e indimenticabile ai visitatori. Con la sua cultura ricca, la natura mozzafiato, la spiritualità e l'approccio unico alla felicità nazionale, il Bhutan è un luogo che non deluderà le vostre aspettative. Se state cercando una destinazione esotica e affascinante, non esitate a visitare il Bhutan!
#Viaggi Bhutan: la terra del drago del tuono#Il Bhutan è una piccola nazione situata nella catena montuosa dell'Himalaya#tra l'India e la Cina. Conosciuto come il “Regno del Drago del Tuono”#il Bhutan è una delle nazioni più isolate e meno conosciute del mondo. Tuttavia#non lasciatevi ingannare dalla sua piccola dimensione#poiché il Bhutan offre un'esperienza unica e affascinante ai visitatori.#Una delle cose più sorprendenti del Bhutan è il suo approccio alla felicità nazionale. Invece di misurare il successo del paese in base al#il Bhutan ha adottato il concetto di “Felicita Interna Lorda” (FIL). Questa misura tiene conto del benessere spirituale#fisico e sociale dei cittadini. Grazie a questo approccio#il Bhutan è diventato noto come uno dei paesi più felici al mondo.#La cultura bhutanese è ricca di tradizioni uniche e affascinanti. La danza e la musica tradizionali sono particolarmente importanti nella c#dove la popolazione si riunisce per celebrare la cultura bhutanese attraverso balli#musica e abbigliamento tradizionale.#Tour Bhutan#La natura è uno dei punti di forza del Bhutan. Il paese ha una vasta gamma di fauna e flora che lo rende un paradiso per gli amanti della n#dove si possono trovare tigri#leopardi#orsi e una vasta gamma di uccelli e piante.#La religione ha un ruolo molto importante nella vita quotidiana del Bhutan. Il buddismo è la religione predominante e il paese è disseminat#noto anche come il “nido della tigre”#è uno dei luoghi più sacri del Bhutan e rappresenta una delle attrazioni turistiche più visitate del paese.#Infine#il Bhutan è un luogo dove il passato e il presente si incontrano. Nonostante il progresso tecnologico e la modernizzazione del paese#il Bhutan continua a mantenere le sue tradizioni e la sua cultura unica. Se state cercando un luogo dove poter scappare dallo stress della#il Bhutan è il luogo perfetto per voi.#In conclusione#il Bhutan è una nazione straordinaria che offre un'esperienza unica e indimenticabile ai visitatori. Con la sua cultura ricca#la natura mozzafiato#la spiritualità e l'approccio unico alla felicità nazionale#il Bhutan è un luogo che non deluderà le vostre aspettative. Se state cercando una destinazione esotica e affascinante
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t0rschlusspan1k · 1 year
Malnàtt | Carmina Pagana (2005) | Lorda Nera
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staryus · 2 years
Depressions been kicking my butt today even despite taking a while 8 inch dildo 😩😞
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hana-loves-bumblebees · 8 months
Jojo, všichni už známe a milujeme duo anděl a čert/démon/zmetek pekelnej, ale co teprve čert a vodník??
Chci vánoční pohádku o tom, jak spolu žijou čert a vodník sami v těsné blízkosti, vodník v nějakém rybníčku a čert v polorozpadlé chalupě/mlýně/jiné budově s krbem, a taky se maj už dlouhé roky rádi, ale nemůžou se dotknout jeden druhého, protože by je to bolelo, páč milujem ten angst.
No a jednoho dne se u nich objeví náhodný princ, který potřebuje pomocníky na výpravu za princeznou, a z nějakého důvodu (věštba, předpověď osudu, anebo prostě proto, že mu čert šlohl svačinu) si vybral je. Oni nechcou, ale princ jim vyhrožuje, že jejich malý koutek světa zabaví a prodá, ve stylu Lorda Farquaada, chápem. Tak musí souhlasit.
Tak teda jdou na výpravu. Jednoduché to není, protože princ je nafoukanej a sobeckej až hanba, jelikož mu všichni u dvora líbali zadek, a princeznu, pro kterou jedou, ani nemiluje, jen se chce prokázat a vychloubat se tím, jak ji zachránil. Čert s vodníkem ho ale důkladně převychovají, a u toho se celou dobu chovají jako dlouholetý manželský pár. Princ se tak naučí naslouchat lidem, být k nim laskavý, být skromný a nevychloubat se, být trpělivý, umět přiložit ruku k dílu a tak podobně.
Navíc se ale naučí, co znamená láska. Živě vidím tu scénu:
Vesnické dítě, ukazujíc na čerta a vodníka: to jsou tví rodiče?
Princ: cože?? Ne?? Ani nejsou pár??
Dítě: fakt? Chovají se úplně jako moje máma a táta
Princ, hledíc, jak se čert s vodníkem hádají: ale oni se hádají?
Dítě: no jo, ale to je protože se mají rádi
Čert a vodník, mezitím: *přestali se hádat a jen se na sebe láskyplně dívají, natahujíc špičky prstů, ale zastavujíc těsně, než by se dotkli*
Princ, kterého to trklo až teď: !!!
Princi totiž dojde, že jeho rodiče se nemilují a nejsou šťastní, protože jejich svazek je přesně jako ten, do kterého se teď žene on - že jeho otec zachránil jeho matku prostě proto, že byla krásná a urozená a on ji chtěl za manželku, aby se mohl všem chlubit, jak odvážně ji ‘zachránil’ (což jemu i jeho manželce, a vlastně oběma jejich urozeným rodinám, připadalo naprosto normální).
Takže princ zachrání princeznu, ale ne proto, že by ji chtěl za ženu, ale prostě proto, že chce udělat dobrou věc. Poté svým i jejím rodičům řekne, že už nechce dodržovat tuto tradici, která jen dělá královské děti do smrti nešťastnými a princeznu pošle zpátky do jejího království. Tím si vyslouží obdiv náhodné kouzelné postavy, která mu slíbí splnit přání. Princ toto přání přenechá čertovi s vodníkem, a ti, unaveni z nekonečně dlouhého života, ve kterém sledují, jak jejich lidští přátelé umírají, a z toho, že se nemůžou ani dotknout, si přejí stát se lidmi. Na toto naváže nejhezčí scéna pohádky, kdy se ti dva konečně poprvé dotknou a rozbrečí se. Princ se pak rozhodne svůj nástup na trůn ještě oddálit, a pomůže svým adoptivním rodičům zvelebit jejich bydliště. Možná se z něj stane sedlák/mlynář, kdo ví. Anebo z něj bude jeden z nejmoudřejších panovníků, kterého jeho dva oblíbení rádci neváhají okřiknout, když chce udělat nějakou blbost.
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funishment-time · 12 days
for the ask game, Toko Fukawa :D
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you got it! i'll include Syo as well. this is a bit Incoherent, but with any luck you all can Parse what i mean
Sexuality Headcanon: Toko's...tough, because she's got so much going on. regardless, i think if you strip everything away she's genuinely Bisexual, as is Syo. they lean towards Men, but Komaru is special. additionally, i say "comphet" for a lot of the girls, but in Toki's case it's a bit different: hers was less societal and more the abuse of her peers and parents. had she never met Komaru it may have never occurred to her that she could love and partner up with a Woman.
brief aside on this: i don't think Toko would ever identify as gay or queer or anything remotely accurate or healthy (ha). nor would Syo, but Syo would probably use a Slur as a label to get a rise out of people, avatar of rebellion and grunge that she is. Toki in particular is on my list of personal "what are you, gay or something?" characters while actively being married to a woman, next to Miu and a few others. good times
Gender Headcanon: okay, hear me out on this one, and sorry if this doesn't make sense, but...
the Fukawas are generally cis to me, though i've imagined a few scenarios where they're trans. when they're cis, however, i headcanon that, if they're with Komaru, only Toko ends up actually being cis. Syo becomes a sort of...genderweird she/her because she sees herself as the fantasy-masc Byakuya to Komaru's femininity. for lack of a better term: Syo thinks of herself as Komaru's husband (hersband...) a lot.
i have no idea how else to explain this without getting mildly NSFW. my thoughts on it aren't really pornographic so much as, like, Psychosexual? you know? and i want to keep the blog somewhat PG-13, so i'll leave it there!
A ship I have with said character: i am a diehard Tokomaru shipper and they're probably the one OTP i don't like splitting up in the whole franchise. they have a game together. they are the Girls of all time
A BROTP I have with said character: i've always loved the idea of Komaru being the entryway into Toko genuinely befriending (or at least earning the tolerance of) a lot of her fellow survivors in the main timeline. i do think Makoto would sincerely be Toko's pal, though, and i adore positioning him as the sweet bachelor brother-in-law in their nasty little family
A NOTP I have with said character: are there people out there who genuinely ship Fukawa System x Byakuya? if so...i'm sorry, but why? whyyyy. again, i try to Live and let Live in this fandom, but lorda mercy you chose poorly in this case, no offense
A random headcanon: to expand on my previous point...i will add, however, that my Fukawa Headcanons generally don't exclude Byakuya. i've said before that, for me, the Fukawas never really lose their crush on him, but it becomes purely, well, NSFW. if you excuse me being blunt for a moment: they still want to rail him, he figures in many of their fantasies, but they don't want to wake up next to him, and they certainly don't want to have his kids or make him breakfast.
Komaru, however, is the Fukawas' WIFE. she is Love, she is Healing, and she is their very best friend at her core beyond all the romance. she is pancakes and shitty manga and joy. Toko (and Syo) may not dream of Komaru kicking them around, but they do dream of creating a peaceful life with her. well...as peaceful as things can get in that timeline. some shit is always Happening
anyway: and Komaru just accepts this, because she knows she's got the girl(s) in the end!
General Opinion over said character: 10/10 i love my Toki so very much. Toki kinnie 4 life. stinky little insect creature. vile and perfect and lovable
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las-microfisuras · 6 months
"En su eterno desvío, el peregrino debe dosificar su locura para poder manejarla."
- Cees Nooteboom, 533 días. Siruela. Trad: Isabel-Clara Lorda Vidal.
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aristotels · 1 month
i wish i could translate everything in this article to my international followers because. I cannot even begin. Croatian politics, the parliament elections taking place on the world circus day, ava karabatić coming back into politics
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kasja93 · 11 months
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O 1 nad ranem obudził mnie rumor. Moja pierwsza myśl: „Jerry zrzucił tablet ze stolika”, ale patrze… Nie… Stoi normalnie. W półmroku (śpię przy zapalonej lampie solnej by nie nadepnąć uszaka jakbym w nocy musiała wstać) patrze coś leży na podłodze. Druga myśl „Co jest? Czy to figurka funko pop Star Lorda spadła z regału?”. Wstałam zapaliłam światło i doznałam małego załamania nerwowego. Spadła półka z czterema doniczkami 💀 sprzątania co nie miara. Jak zaczęłam się krzątać odważna Ruda wypełzła spod łóżka i musiałam ją przeganiać by nie zjadła, którejś z roślin. Są trujące! Po ogarnięciu wszystkiego wróciłam do łóżka.
Rano zaś nakarmiłam uszate dziady i zabrałam się za sprzątanie i mycie podłóg. W świetle dnia oceniłam szkody i na szczęście tylko doniczka od storczyka baby ucierpiała. W ogóle mam go półtora roku. Kupiłam go w obi na wyprzedaży za chyba 5 zł bo już mu kwiatki opadały. Przez ten czas zwiększył ilość liści oraz korzeni czterokrotnie oraz dwa razy mi kwitnął. Zwiedził również Szwecję, Norwegię, Niemcy, Czechy oraz pół Polski bo zabrałam go w trasę, gdy zaczął kwitnąć. Teraz też pojawiły się dwa kikutki zatem albo będą dwa pędy kwiatowe albo będzie się rozmnażał :)
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Gdy zadzwonił pan z serwisu, że Toyota jest już gotowa do odbioru wypożyczyłam znów tą samą corsę co wczoraj. Na szczęście nikt jej nie wziął. Podjechałam na wyznaczony parking niemal naprzeciwko serwisu i pożegnałam środkowym palcem to barachło. Poszłam z buta do serwisu, odebrałam moje kochane autko i pojechałam na małe zakupy. Storczyk dostał nową doniczkę. Postanowiłam też podejść po raz drugi do mieszkania ze Starcem Rowleya - poprzedni nie przeżył moich trzytygodniowych wyjazdów. Tego maluszka kupiłam w Biedronce:
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W mojej ocenie rokował najlepiej spośród swojego rodzeństwa w sklepie. Kupiłam też koszule nocną w truskawki oraz śliczną bluzeczkę w Pepco.
Wróciłam do domu i zrobiło mi się niedobrze… Zrobiłam sobie jajecznicę z porem. Do tego wzięłam sobie cztery mikro kromeczki z dwoma plasterkami niskokalorycznej wędliny z kurczaka.
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Jedzenie „rosło mi w ustach”, ale zmusiłam się do zjedzenia. Z każdym kęsem miałam w głowie burdel większy, niż po katastofie w Czarnobylu. Czułam się okropnie…
Rozwiesiłam pranie i położyłam się na łóżku. Zasnęłam na cztery godziny i po przebudzeniu nie wiedziałam gdzie jestem. Po chwili skołowania doszłam do siebie. Dolałam wody uszakom, które by the way są na mnie obrażone. No… może nie Jerry bo on generalnie mnie unika jak tylko może, ale Rudzik ewidentnie ma coś do mnie. Nie daje się pogłaskać, ostentacyjnie wstaje z dywanu, gdy się na nim położę i ogólnie wyżywa się na kartonach. Najwyraźniej coś źle zrobiłam i taka jest moja kara 🤷🏼‍♀️ humorzaste dziady i tyle!
Psychicznie nie jest u mnie źle, jeśli chodzi o wszystko poza ed. Większa dawka działa bez zarzutu. Nie mam złych myśli i czuje wewnętrzny spokój. Nie dostaje już flash backów z Wietnamu w randomowych momentach. Depresja narazie też łba nie podnosi. Zaburzenia odżywania mają imprezkę a wręcz pieprzony festiwal. Na szczęście nie potrafię wywołać u siebie wymiotów a tabletki przeczyszczające spakowałam do kartonu, który czeka w piwnicy na podróż na wieś. Wyrzuty sumienia jakie mam po zjedzeniu tej śmiesznej jajecznicy są wielkie jak Matuszka Rosija.
Brawo Tato! Odjebałeś numer roku wczoraj!
Choć tak naprawdę winić powinnam tylko siebie i swój chory łeb… Mam nadzieje, że jutro będzie lepiej. Chociaż troszeczkę. Tak źle się już dawno nie czułam.
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drifftingg · 12 hours
Jestem kurwa demonis pan ciemności książę mroku sługa potężnego króla Hadesu belzebuba lorda ciemności imperatora zła samego LUCYFERAAAAA bUAAAAAAAA
Obdarzony dwoma parami pięknych motylich skrzydeł demoniczny sługus szatana zaraz będzie się wybierał pobiegać
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sulphuryasecretcloset · 10 months
How Mose stopped worrying and learned to love Leo
“Listen, I need to go do something.” She says.
Mose nods. He knows that means Zev'sonya is off some place where Hutts aren't welcome. While neither of them like it, there are some situations that are just made easier by him staying behind. She will be back. Or he'll come get her. “Understood, Lorda.”
Zev'sonya adjusts her cloak and seems ready to leave right away. He's not surprised. She never did like to waste time. “I'll be back in about five hours, if things go without a hitch.”
“Have fun watching the kids while I'm gone.”
Now those words do puzzle Mose. Junior has been asleep for over a week now. Without the little green one to keep her company, she tends to sleep a lot more. Mose is aware of how it is far more normal for a Huttlet to sleep for months, even years, rather than be awake and active like Junior has been, mostly due to the strain of their growing bodies and their fragile minds, but he finds himself missing her. The feeling of her breathing and occasionally twitching is reassuring, but he still misses her exploring new places with her innocence and enthusiasm. Why would... Wait, Zev said kids. KidS. Plural. Which means... she does not intend to bring her human.
Mose draws a sharp breath, meaning to object rather harshly, when Zev'sonya has the audacity to wink at him, actually wink at him, and he stares with a slack jaw as she trots off with a far too smug cackle. She has definitely been spending far too much time around humans!
And speaking of which... Mose slowly turns his head and, as dreaded, finds himself looking down at Leo, who is grinning up at him like an excited child about to go out on the most wonderful adventure. While there is no denying that the eternally cheerful blond has had a very positive effect on Zev, easing a lot of the burning anger she had at life, he is also the most talkative and energetic soul Mose has ever met. He sighs. This is going to be a very long day.
Ignoring Leo is what Mose usually does and it works for the first couple of hours: Leo talks while Mose pretends he can't hear him. Others would take the hint, but the blond merely keeps chattering away and tries to get Mose to engage with a wide variety of topics. Humans, such troublesome creatures. How many times in history have they set the Galaxy on fire by now?
“Let's go into town!” Leo declares, very loud and with that eternal grin on his face. Hours of basically talking to himself must finally be getting boring even to him.
Mose scowls. “No.” The ship is parked a safe distance from the small town that seems to be beckoning the blond and Mose is perfectly happy to stay right there and laze about until Zev returns. There is no reason for them to head into town.
“Come onnnnnn, Mose. Pretty please?”
Mose doesn't hesitate. “No.”
Leo's eyes narrow a tiny fraction for the briefest of moments, then he shrugs and smiles. “Well, you can stay here, but I'm going. And going alone, you know I might get into trouble, stuff like that happens, and Zev is not going to be happy that you let me wander into danger by myself, you know. What if I get hurt? Oh, she won't like that at all. She will be quite disappointed in you.”
Once again the audacity of a biped has Mose slack-jawed and staring, then he sighs and has little choice but to trail after Leo marching towards the town with a jaunty whistle. Zev would indeed be very upset if something bad was to happen to her idiot, and Leo is bound to get into some kind of trouble if he is allowed to spend time in town without supervision. Mose toys briefly with the idea of merely grabbing him and holding him down with his tail until she returns, but something tells him that Leo would be whining so loudly his ears would bleed, and punching him unconscious is too risky with that frail human skull of his.
Turns out that heading into town achieves the impossible; Leo turns even more talkative. And determined to use every credit he has in his pockets once he finds the marked place.
“What do you think about this?” “Do you think she'd like these double-bladed ones?” “Hey, this would look cool on you.” “Wow, can you believe the price of these?” “Check this out, I would look awesome in this!” “Maybe we should get some of these for Junior?” “I'm telling you; the ship could use a little colour inside.” “A man, or a Hutt, can never have too many blankets.”
It never ends. Mose is going to get back at Zev for this.
Leo has grabbed a dangerous amount of candy to buy from a horribly decorated cart when he grins up at Mose. “What do you want? My treat.”
Mose glares. “Ylesian white worms.” He deserves tasty snacks for putting up with this.
Minutes later, Mose is rummaging his left hand around in the big glass container he's carrying under his right arm until he has a big haul of worms in his grip. He shoves them into his mouth as he shuffles along after the still talking Leo and wonders how Zev is doing. He knows she can look after herself, but he still worries. She's so awfully impulsive...
Lost in thought, he doesn't notice how Leo turns a corner, freezes and stops talking mid-sentence.
Mose nearly smacks into the man's back due to the sudden and unexpected stop and he's about to ask what the hell is wrong with him when he sees what Leo sees: five stormtrooper helmets on top of wooden sticks stuck in the ground. There are pools of dark, coagulated blood on the ground under the helmets.
For a long time they just stand there, staring, until Mose can't handle the tension. Or the complete absence of a smile on Leo's face. “Did you know them...?”
Leo keeps his gaze on the helmets and answers in a too quiet voice. “I don't know. I can't see their operating numbers.” The green eyes that are usually bright with mischief are dark and solemn.
Silence follows his words and Mose awkwardly remembers a time when he'd asked Zev if there wasn't a way to shut Leo up and she had replied that the only thing worse than a talking Leo is a silent one, and he's now inclined to agree. This is making Mose's hide crawl with unease.
“Maybe they deserved this.” Leo suddenly says in that too quiet manner. “Maybe. A lot of them were not good people and they did a lot of bad things.” A hard swallow. “But... not all of them. Mikey only joined because his family told him to. Kiergan joined so he wouldn't end up in jail with his brothers. Hauroko, it was the only way she could go after her dream. Corin, he didn't have a choice at all. Kinnon, Jana, Heiden, Mokae, Cordè, none of them would have deserved this, but the ones hunting down Troopers these days wouldn't have cared and put their heads on spikes anyway.”
Mose had entered a mercenary's hut with Zev once, years ago, and found himself surrounded by eight Hutt skulls mounted on the man's walls. Knowing that the Hutts were probably cruel cretins who deserved it had not made the sight any less unsettling. But this situation does give Mose the opportunity to ask something he's been wondering about for a very long time. “Why did 'you' join?”
Leo, Leave-it, whatever you want to call him, has never struck Mose as an imperial fanatic or a war monger. Why would someone like Leo join the stormtroopers?
“Back home where I grew up, they were portrayed as the heroes.” Leo says, still staring at the helmets. “In the news, everything we saw and read, they were the good guys. They were the ones who saved others from mercs and pirates and all kinds of scum. My dad was in complete awe of them. If it hadn't been for him not wanting to leave my mom and me, he would have joined in a heartbeat. We were mere miners, nobodies, while the guys in white kept everyone in the Galaxy safe.” Leo finally closes his eyes. “After my father died, I decided I wanted to do some good before I followed him into the afterlife. I was already sick by then, my mom too, so I knew I had limited time. Becoming a stormtrooper meant I could afford medicine for my mom, travel the Galaxy and see other planets while helping other people as well. I thought it was the best idea ever. By the time I realized the truth, it was too late. I needed the credits for mom's medicine, I didn't want to leave Kiergan and Hauroko to face danger alone, and after my mom died, they were all the family I had left so I had to keep them safe at least. I couldn't leave.”
Mose doesn't know what to say. He feels bad for asking, but he can definitely relate to wanting to protect your friend even if it means risking your own life.
Leo turns away from the helmets. “I've changed my mind. Let's just go back to the ship.”
Just as Leo walks by him, Mose looks over at the blond. “Are you okay?” It's a stupid question, of course he's not, but he still asks as an awkward gesture to show concern.
Pausing next to him but keeping his gaze on the horizon, Leo sighs. “Yeah. I just forgot.” And before Mose can ask him what he'd forgotten, the human continues. “I forgot for a moment that every single soul on this planet hates me.”
Again, Mose can relate only too well and he knows how bad of a feeling that is. It's the worst kind. It makes you feel endlessly lonely. And worthless. But it's not true. “I don't hate you.” He offers.
That causes Leo to glance up at him with a ghost of a sad smile. “Really?” There is fragile hope in that simple word.
“Yeah.” Mose confirms, shifting the glass container to his other arm to reach out with his right hand and he gives him a couple of worm-free pats on the blond head. “Really.”
Leo's smile turns into something so warm and grateful that it makes Mose's heart clench in a way that usually only happens around Junior and the little green man. Fine, he can be a little nicer to him. After all, Leo's basically a kid too by Hutt standards.
“Higher!” Leo's voice demands.
“Then stop squirming!” Mose snaps back.
“I'm not squirming.”
“Yes, you are.”
Zev'sonya frowns as she approaches the ship and hears her two companions arguing from somewhere on the other side of the craft. What is going on? Rounding the front of the ship, what she sees makes even less sense than anything she could have conjured up as possible scenarios.
Leo and Mose are both frozen, staring at her, but what makes it odd is the fact that Mose has pulled himself as high up as he can, has his hands under Leo's arms and is holding him up to face the panel just under the transparisteel of the cockpit.
Blinking, Zev'sonya only absently registers that the grey panel in front of Leo has the outline of what looks to be a drawing of a yellow twi'lek and that his hands are clutching a can of spray paint each, because she's too startled by the sight of him hastily slurping the tail of what looks to be a white worm into his mouth.
“Lorda, you're back...” Mose says awkwardly, slowly lowering Leo to the ground.
“What is going on here?” Zev'sonya demands to know.
“We're decorating the ship!” Leo declares through some hasty chewing.
“Decorating the...” Zev'sonya echoes, struggling to believe what she's hearing in addition to what she's seeing. At least Mose has the decency to look embarrassed. Leo just looks delighted at the sight of her. “I leave for half a day and you both lose your minds?!”
“Aw, come on!” Leo whines. “All the cool ships have decorations.”
“We got bored.” Mose mumbles.
She stares at them for several long seconds, trying to digest the weirdness of it all until she decides she can't. This is just too weird. Zev'sonya turns on her heel and stalks inside the ship. Starting up the engines, she gives them just enough time to scramble on board before Zev'sonya shuts the doors and takes off towards space.
It is hours later when she allows Leo into the cockpit and only after he has brushed his teeth twice. “I can't believe you ate worms.”
“You know,” her idiot says with a big grin, slouching in the co-pilot seat with one leg over the arm-rest, “if you really want to pull off the act as a culinary expert, you're going to have to be more open to new foods. I'm telling you; Mose is right. They're really good. Spicy with a hint of liquorice.”
Zev'sonya glances over at him without turning her head. “And if you want to pull off the act as a stupid blond, you need to stop using big words like 'culinary'.” Leo laughs, not bothered at all, as usual. He then sits up properly and leans a little forward towards her with a grin. “So, are you going to tell me what you were up to today? It wasn't a job, right? Was it an evil scheme for me and Mose to spend time together so that he'd grow dangerously fond of me and we'd become best buddies? Because if it was, I can tell you it really worked!”
Fighting back a smile, Zev'sonya turns her gaze to the stars ahead. There would be no need to make Mose like Leo because she knows he already likes him just fine. She never would have brought Leo on board the ship if that wasn't the case, her selfish heart be damned. As much as the idiot annoys him at times, Mose has shown Leo far more patience and leniency than most souls they have encountered in their years together. He even gave his approval of their relationship before Zev'sonya could handle mere the thought of it. “It was a private errand.”
“Roger that.” Leo says, instantly backing off by slouching back in his seat and flinging his leg over the arm rest again. “Oh, for your information; once we park some place, me and my buddy are finishing the art work on the ship. Just so you know. We cannot be stopped!”
“I had my chip turned off.” Zev'sonya says, gaze firmly locked straight ahead. Yet, even without looking at him, she senses Leo freezing up before deflating from having inhaled a lot of air to cover a grand speech about his and Mose's plans. “Wh...” He sits up straight again and his reflection in the transparisteel shows his confusion and concern. “What?”
“You heard me.” Zev'sonya feels a clench of unease in her gut. Had it been a mistake? She glares over at him. “Didn't you say last week that you'd always dreamed about having kids?”
“Yeah.” Leo blurts out. “But, like, I wasn't... It's not... Didn't you then tell me it would be crime for me to breed and pass on my stupidity?”
Zev'sonya nods. “It would. Which is why I'm going to make sure our kid inherits my intelligence.”
Eerily enough, Leo goes quiet for a moment. He looks down at where his hands are nervously fidgeting and clears his throat. “Zev. Are you sure? It would change everything. And... I might not be around to-”
“Shut up.” Zev'sonya snaps. She knows he is thinking about the death sentence hanging over his head, is worrying about the thought of her having to raise a child alone, but Leo seriously needs to get through his thick skull that she is not going to let him die.
“No.” Leo counters, his voice firm with unbreakable stubbornness. “Dammit, if you want me to even consider this, I need to know that you have really thought this through. I love how impulsive you are, Zev, but this is the one thing I can't have you decide on a whim. I can't. Okay?”
Zev'sonya takes a calming breath before facing her idiot once more. “Fine. Listen up; I want this too. I know what I'm getting myself into. And even without you, I wouldn't be alone. I've got Mose. I've got Din and Corin. I know Kiergan and the others will love any child that is part you. Happy? I even had the doctor do research on Miner's Lung to make sure it was safe for a kid.” She scowls at him. “But that is just stupid talk because we'll both be there all the way. End of discussion.”
Leo stares at her with disbelief and growing giddiness before he breaks into a wide grin and nods.
“Good.” Zev'sonya leans back in her seat. “Now the only problem is that we have to wait two days before we can get to work on this.” She makes a face. “I can't believe you ate those worms.” “What?” Leo suddenly looks devastated. “But-”
“Your mouth is not getting anywhere near me with worm-breath.”
“I brushed my teeth! Twice!”
“I don't care! Worm-breath!”
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