#los borgia
recycledmoviecostumes · 6 months
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This beautiful green and yellow coat was almost certainly created for the 1949 film Prince of Foxes, where Wanda Hendrix wore it as Camilla Verano. The costume was later seen in Lucrèce Borgia in 1953 on an extra, and in 1977, Maureen Kerwin wore the ensemble as Lucrèce Borgia in the second episode of Les Borgia ou le sang doré. In 2006, the costume still appeared in beautiful condition in Los Borgia on Maria Valverde as Lucrecia Borgia, and finally, in 2016, it was worn by Annabel Scholey as Contessina de’ Bardi in Medici: Masters of Florence. 
This costume has been used for 67 years and is likely still in use, which makes it the longest continual usage of a costume that Recycled Movie Costumes has been able to record.
Costume Credit: Lucia, Katie S.
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earlgodwin · 2 months
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MARÍA VALVERDE as LUCREZIA BORGIA LOS BORGIA (2006) — Directed by Antonio Hernández
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dailyborgia · 6 months
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LOS BORGIA (2006) dir. Antonio Hernández
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userscenery · 1 year
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Los Borgia (2006) dir. Antonio Hernández
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prideandprejudice · 2 years
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CESARE AND LUCREZIA BORGIA: Los Borgia (2006) | The Borgias (2011-2013)
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forest-enchantress · 1 month
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Here is a #268 gifs of María Valverde in Los Borgia. All of these gifs were made by me from scratch, so do not redistribute or claim them as your own. If using, please give this a like and reblog!
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perioddramapolls · 3 months
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Period dramas dresses tournament: White dresses Round 3- Group C: Lucrezia Borgia, The Borgias (gifset) vs Amalia de los Robles, Bugambilia
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kevotsuka · 4 months
My propaganda esta funcionando: https://www.tumblr.com/kevotsuka/737423912855552000?source=share
Viva el Pedro/Fermín/Alonso
Soy débil a los chicos lindos con una gran carga de tensión homoerotica y NO SOY INMUNE A LA PROPAGANDA. Así es como terminaré acogiendo a pedro como mi favorito el proximo año, probablemente
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lostinfic · 6 months
Have you watched the other Borgia show I think called Borgia? And if so is the Lucrezia and cesera relationship even close to as good as Francis and hollidays portrayal?
Hi! I haven’t watched the other shows, from what I’ve heard their relationship isn’t as integral to the show, and doesn’t have a consistant arc like on The Borgias.
Anyone who watched the other Borgia shows can confirm/deny?
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janesemel · 9 months
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Tudor Week Day 2: Favorite Female Tudor Family Member / January 1536, the autopsy of Catherine of Aragon
Ocean Vuong, On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous / Maria Valverde, Los Borgias / Natalie Grueninger, Catherine of Aragon’s arrival in England / Adolph Hirémy-Hirschl, The Birth of Venus / Ocean Vuong, The Last Prom Queen in Antarctica / Lucas Horenbout, Katherine of Aragon with a monkey / W.H. Auden, A Certain World: A Commonplace Book / Unknown Italian Artist, Roman Charity: Cimon and Pero / Church of Saint-Pierre, Dragon swallowing a Christian / Sylvia Plath, Three Women: A Poem for Three Voices / Maria Valverde, Los Borgias / Hilary Mantel, Wolf Hall / J Kirk Richards, Angel Descending / Anne Sexton, Mercy Street / The White Bear, Death Becomes / Gwendolyn, The Goddess Tree / Hilary Mantel, Wolf Hall / Dorothea Tanning, La Descente dans la rue (Down into the Streets) / Hilary Mantel, Wolf Hall / Saint Benedict, Regvla emblematica sancti Benedicti / Hans Bellmer, Les Jeux de la Poupée / Anne Sexton, The Sickness Unto Death / Sergei Parajanov, The Color of Pomegranates / Rainer Maria Rilke, Enlightened Heart / Chanakya / PBS, The Six Wives of Henry VIII / Tanya Marcuse, Fallen Photos / Headline, The Oredigger / Marian Wawrzeniecki, Old Truth Lies in Books / Anne Sexton, Mercy Street
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A lock of the hair of Lucrezia Borgia in the Ambrosian Library in Milan, Italy
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«Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Milano.
In una piccola teca è conservato un tesoro.
Un garbuglio di sottili fili gialli che formano un intreccio ad anello verso l’estremità. Niente di che all'apparenza, forse solo una reliquia; e invece se vai a fondo scopri che dietro c'è un mondo. Una storia d'amore bellissima quanto proibita, tra un dotto umanista e una ragazza tormentata. Per viverla bisogna spostarci un po' più ad est, e tornare indietro nel tempo, tanti e tanti anni fa.
Ferrara 1502. Quel giorno, alla corte ducale, erano attesi giovani poeti e letterati.
Per il ragazzo era un'occasione d'oro. Poteva finalmente mettersi in mostra e farsi notare dalla duchessa. Se tutto fosse andato come sperava, avrebbe avuto anche l'occasione di entrare nella sua cerchia ristretta di letterati. Lei amava gli artisti, e ovviamente far parte del suo "circolo" era garanzia di fama e ricchezza. Così giunse il suo momento. Il ragazzo entrò in sala e la vide. Conosceva la duchessa solo per sentito dire, e che fosse molto bella lo sapeva già, gliel'avevano ripetuto un milione di volte. Quello che lo sbalordì e lo lasciò senza parole fu che fosse così bella. Il poeta ci mise un po' di tempo a presentarsi, letteralmente folgorato dal bagliore della giovane duchessa. I suoi capelli biondi splendevano, illuminati dai raggi del sole che filtravano dalle grandi vetrate del palazzo. Già quei capelli, come si può dimenticarli? Non ci riuscì, e continuò a pensare a lei anche le ore successive all'incontro. Anche i giorni dopo. Anche le settimane dopo.
La duchessa era il suo pensiero fisso. Si invaghì così tanto da giungere a cambiare la struttura della sua prima opera che stava per uscire in quel periodo. La modificò sulla base di quel suo nuovo invaghimento. Un uomo che apriva il suo cuore verso l'amore più sincero e appassionato. E quando l'opera, chiamata "Gli Asolani", uscì, il poeta ne regalò subito una copia alla duchessa, che rimase positivamente colpita. Cominciarono a frequentarsi sempre più spesso, i due innamorati clandestini, e intrapresero una relazione platonica ma appassionata.
Poi però arrivò la peste e il poeta fu costretto a scappare dalla città. Lei rimase. Non poteva la duchessa abbandonare il suo popolo decimato. E tanto platonicamente quanto si erano frequentati di persona, così iniziarono un rapporto epistolare a distanza fatto di bellissime lettere d'amore. Lui però aveva ancora quel pensiero fisso: i capelli di lei, e glielo scrisse. Alla fine lei non mancò di compiere un gesto fortemente simbolico: si tagliò una ciocca dei suoi amati capelli e la inviò insieme a una lettera. Quando lui la ricevette, la tenne stretta a se, e la volle conservare per sempre all'interno di uno scrigno, che ormai era il più prezioso di tutti i tesori che possedeva. Quello che conteneva le lettere d'amore della duchessa.
I due non si rividero mai più ma continuarono a scriversi ancora per sedici anni. Poi lei morì giovanissima e lui divenne Cardinale. Uomo di chiesa e personaggio di spicco dell'Umanesimo italiano, famoso ancora oggi con il nome di Pietro Bembo.
Come quella ciocca di capelli sia giunta a Milano, non lo sa nessuno. Ma forse un motivo c'è.
Se la guardi all’interno della piccola teca, noti che è ancora perfettamente conservata, liscia e fresca come se fosse stata appena recisa.
Ecco, pare che in alcune notti, se osservi bene attraverso le finestre della Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, scorgi un bagliore. Una luce intensa che proviene dalla stanza dove è conservata la bionda treccia. Dicono che sia proprio la duchessa, che arriva e legge le lettere del suo amato Pietro Bembo, non prima di aver pettinato la propria ciocca di capelli.
Poi se ne va, svanisce in un educato silenzio, ma felice perché si è sentita amata. Lei, la discussa e tormentata duchessa di Ferrara, Lucrezia Borgia»
Roberto Colombo
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dailyborgia · 1 year
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Holliday Grainger · The Borgias (2011-2013) María Valverde · Los Borgia (2006) Isolda Dychauk · Borgia (2011-2014)
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asoiaf-fancasts · 2 months
Rhaenyra Targaryen - Fancasts
Age: 07 - 33
08 [Mother’s Death]
14 [Tourney]
17 [Marriage to Laenor]
23 [Marriage to Daemon]
32 - 33 [Civil War]
Appearance: She is beautiful with the Valyrian look and small lips. After her first 3 children she retained the weight from their pregnancies having a thick waist. She is dressed richly and is often wearing rings.
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Character: Elizabeth Murray [Younger]
Actress: Cara Jenkins
Movie: Belle [2013]
[She was 8/9 during filming so good for Rhaenyra when her mother dies and she is declared heir to when her father marries Alicent. She is pretty with pale skin, blonde hair and small lips.She wears mid 18th century clothes ish.]
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Character: Katherine Woodville
Actress: Elsa Houben
Show: The White Queen [2013]
[Unknown age, looks to be around 8 - 10 years old so good for when Rhaenyra is declared heir till her first half brother is born. She is pretty with fair skin, blonde hair and a small mouth. She unfortunately is only shown in one scene clearly. She wears a 15th century ish dress.]
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Character: Violetta Giurgiu
Actress: Anamaria Vartolomei
Movie: My Little Princess [2011]
[She was 11 during the filming of this movie so good for a year before he sweet half sister was born. She is pretty with blonde hair, pale skin and small lips. She wears modern clothes that are still good for close ups.]
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Character: White Queen [Younger]
Actress: Amelia Crouch
Movie: Alice Through the Looking Glass [2016]
[She was between the ages of 10 - 12 during the filming of this movie. So, good for when her half brother and sister were born. She has light blonde hair, has small lips and is pretty. She wears fantasy clothes.]
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Character: Lucrecia Borgia
Actress: María Valverde
Movie: Los Borgia [2006]
[She was 18 - 19 during this movie so the right age for Rhaenyra when she’s married to Laenor. She’s pretty and has small lips and blonde hair that is a bit too golden. She unfortunately has brown eyes and is not “thick of waist”. She wears 15th century Italian ish clothes.]
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Actress: Catherine Howard
Actress: Tamzin Merchant
Show: The Tudors [2007] [Season 3 & 4]
[She was 22 - 23 during this show so good for her during the start of her marriage to Daemon although she does have a love interest that more suits Harwin and is playing a character of an age with Rhaenyra when she was with Harwin. She’s pretty. She has lighter blonde but golden hair and small lips. Unfortunately she is quite skinny and not thick of waist. She wears Tudor ish clothes.]
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Character: Queen Jadwiga of Poland
Actress: Dagmara Bryzek
Show: The Crown of the Kings [2018]
[She’s 22 - 25 during this show so a good age for Rhaenyra during her marriage to Daemon. Her hair is brown and obviously not correct for Rhaenyra but with some editing I do think this fancast could be really good. She has pale skin, a rounder face and small ish lips. She isn’t plus sized but she is “thick of waist” compared to the other actresses. She wears 14th century polish clothes.]
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Character(s): Lucrecia Borgia & Constance Chatterly
Actress: Holliday Grainger
Show: The Borgias [2011]
Movie: Lady Chatterley’s Lover [2015]
[She was 22 - 25 during the show and was 26 - 27 in the movie so good for during her marriage to Daemon. She is blonde although a bit more golden than I imagined her hair and has relatively smaller lips. She has a rounder face in the movie but is unfortunately skinny in both. She wears 15th century Italian clothes in the show and in the movie she wears late 1920’s clothing.]
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Character: Catherine the Great
Actress: Yuliya Snigir
Show: Catherine the Great [2015]
[Suggested by: ???]
[She was 31/32 during this movie to the right age for her at the start of the war. She wears a silver wig, has a round ish face and small lips but unfortunately isn’t really “thick of waist”. She wears 18th century clothes.]
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sejanuspiinth · 9 months
SEMI - PRIVATE COMMISSION — by clicking on the source link find a purchasable download for 370 gifs, all made from scratch by myself, of maria valverde in los borgia. maria is white and is currently 36 years old, but was around 18 years old at the time of filming of this film. i don’t care what you do with these, just don’t be gross and don’t claim them as your own. if possible, give this post a reblog. thank you !
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forest-enchantress · 1 month
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Here is a #268 gifs of María Valverde in Los Borgia. All of these gifs were made by me from scratch, so do not redistribute or claim them as your own. If using, please give this a like and reblog!
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earlgodwin · 7 days
omg i read blood and beauty and its sequel last week bc it had been on my reading list for months!!!! and is this a safe space where i can just say that it hit the nail on the head for all of the borgias without unnecessarily vilifying one or the other (i mean basically considering how most writers hold some vendetta against juan) and i loved how u could really see lucrezia's growth from her childhood innocence to being forced to mature and grow up AND obsessed w any media that portrays cesare as ferocious and sharp and ruthless and juan finally got his flowers bc they obv showed his flaws but without making him the big bad evil when instead he also started off a kid but ended up being dragged to the bottom of the river by his father's ambitions 😔
i wish the 2nd book had progressed a little further to lucrezia's childbirth bed death so the story could come full circle and sometimes the pov switching was confusing for me but aside from that, the borgias will always be famous to meeeeeeeee and i love a good book that portrays them well!
ive been on the hunt for more borgia-centric books so if u have any recs......... <3
zaynab omg hello!!!!! i was kinda waiting for someone to talk to me about this book because it's my absolute #1 favorite historical fiction book <3
i'm so happy you enjoyed reading it! the way miss dunant brilliantly humanized the borgia family by creating striking and compelling narratives for them was truly *chef's kiss*. it's safe to say that her portrayal of them has even made her my favorite author as well (and made me want to check out her other work, lol). the way she made them so sympathetic is truly admirable to me, which is also a standout aspect of the book as we manage to develop a deep understanding of their motivations and complexities through her nuanced portrayal, you know? i say it could've been done more when it came to lucrezia, as she is truly one of the most compelling figures in history (and my all-time favorite). i'm not criticizing dunant for lucrezia's portrayal!! but it's more like i wished she added more of lucrezia's lore...but alas! other books did her more justice, i must say!
my favorite theme of the book is the immense love the pope has for his children. the way [spoiler] juan was taken too soon from him is profoundly melancholic and it added emotional depth to the story and it highlighted the power of a father's love and the devastating impact of losing a beloved child. also, YEAH, the book felt like a breath of fresh air when it came to juan borgia! he was unfairly demonized with no reliable narrative and mostly used as a prop to hype up cesare at his expense *yawns*… but dunant made him an individual, likable character in the book, countering the unjust treatment he always receives. her portrayal of him allowed us to discover the vulnerability and sensitivity that lie beneath his outwardly arrogant and handsome demeanor. we really can't help but feel deep empathy and pity for him as we read about his inner struggles and emotional depth. he became a truly compelling and sympathetic figure within the borgia family, especially when his death is met with cruelty and brutality. the tragic nature of his demise evokes an even stronger sense of empathy and sorrow in the narrative of juan losing himself and being overwhelmed by the heavy task he was entrusted with…
and cesare, of course, was portrayed as that sulking, bitter, cruel but incredibly intelligent, cunning, and charming guy! lowkey a recurring theme for him, but the flavor in making him extra dark in the slayest way possible made me insane in a very positive way! you should watch "los borgia (2006)" for a delicious portrayal of cesare (and personally, i think it's the most historically accurate).
more books? i'd recommended emma lucas's 'lucrezia borgia' and maria bellonci's 'life and times of lucrezia borgia' - both are biographies btw! their work is a solid read, very unbiased without any manipulation of the letters about/between the siblings to push certain narratives (hello sarah bradford!!), well-researched, sheds light on the family's complex relationships and their rise to power, and is highly sympathetic to all of them. you won't be disappointed!!
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for historical fiction, i'd recommend mario puzo's 'the family' ...you will never be disappointed after all it's by the dude who wrote the godfather!
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i hope you enjoy them <333 i'll be waiting for your feedback :)
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