#loss weight
danielstock · 1 year
What are some easy and effective exercises for weight loss?
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1. Cardio
Cardio is obviously the first exercise for weight loss and is great if you’re not currently doing any kind of cardio already. There are many different types of cardio, including walking, running, swimming, cycling, and others. If you want to lose weight, make sure you keep your heart rate going at about 70 percent of your maximum heart rate. When you do cardio, try to go for 30 minutes at a time three times per week and cut down on high calorie foods throughout the day.
2. Strength Training
Strength training is one of the best ways to burn fat and build muscle mass while working out. While we often think of lifting weights as being only for men, women benefit just as much from lifting weights as they do men. Women should lift heavier than men, and aim for anywhere between 8 and 12 repetitions per set. You don’t have to lift heavy weights either; using bodyweight is fine. You can start off with simple pushups and planks, then move onto squats and lunges. You can even use dumbbells or kettle bells if you prefer. All these exercises should be done two or three times per week.
3. Plyometric Push-Ups
Plyometrics is an awesome way to get leaner fast. These workouts work your entire upper body and lower body simultaneously, meaning you’re able to target specific muscles and get results faster. Start with five sets of 10 reps each. Do these two or three times per month.
4. Full Body Jumping Rope Workout
Jumping rope burns calories and builds stamina. Try jumping rope twice a week with a total minimum of 20 minutes of jumping. Use the technique where you skip rope in front of your feet and jump over both ropes. Make sure to hold yourself steady and perform jumps of 30 seconds or longer.
5. Yoga
Yoga is great for building flexibility, strength, balance, and endurance. If you really want to increase your strength, yoga is the perfect workout. To add variety to your routine, focus on strengthening your core while performing yoga poses. Practicing yoga can help you become stronger, healthier, and more flexible.
Do You Want Weight Loss Fast : Secret
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maryannecantrelli · 1 year
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health999 · 2 years
Secret no.2
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mariajones-world · 1 year
Keto Diet Recipes #6
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glebskf · 9 months
hello ! still on my (tw: weightloss) weightloss journey !
just weight myself annnnnd : 55,1kg ! still a lot (for a 1m53 girl) but im making some improvement
i already lose weight since yesterday ? even if i weight myself at night
ill try tomorrow with my morning weight and will still update yall !
(even if theres not a lot of person outta here, its kind of helping me)
bye 🩷
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pieknachudosc · 17 days
Hejka zaczynam od nowa znowu chyba będę liczyć kalorie ale raczej nie jakoś obsesyjnie, chcę zrzucić trochę wagi no zobaczymy:)
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k-0-iiii · 1 year
I’m so happy, I’ve lost 7kg in 2 weeks!!
sw: 69kg
cw: 62kg
gw: 50kg
^ - ^
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Today's total cal is 396. I'm really proud of myself. I keep promise myself to not binging and i did it. I'm really happy about this. I'm fasting all the day and i drink a lot of water, a cup of americano, and strawberry milk with lactose free. I'm proud of myself. If I keep it up I'm gonna lose a lot weight until summer. I want to be 38 but I'm 44,5kg. I just want to see my bones. Not the fat arms or thighs. I want to be a skinny girl. I always throwing everything i ate and my face is really bloated. I hate this. I literally throw everything I throw like everything until I only throw my salivia. But now I just want this to be stop and just drink water, tea, coffe or milk. When i eat something my stomach is hurt and i ended up throwing until i feel dizzy. I keep promise myself to not binging again 'cause i always ended up feeling sad and throwing up. But i can't keep doing this. I'm on a diet rn. Bye. I'll update tomorrow! Btw english isn't my first language so be nice to me! Love u guys a lot! <3
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nicolehatefood · 10 months
Omg guys I’ve got the best plan I’ve ever had. So when my mum will gives me food I will chew it and throw it to the trash. I’ll try this for 2-3 and I hope it works.
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What role does Lean Bliss play in supporting overall well-being beyond weight management? Lean Bliss goes beyond traditional weight management supplements by playing a multifaceted role in supporting overall well-being. Here are several ways in which Lean Bliss contributes to a holistic approach to health:
Metabolism Support: Lean Bliss contains ingredients that are thought to support metabolism. A well-functioning metabolism is not only crucial for weight management but also plays a role in overall energy levels and vitality.
Energy Boost: The supplement is designed to provide an energy boost, aiding individuals in maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle. Increased energy levels can contribute to improved mood and motivation.
Stress Management: Lean Bliss acknowledges the connection between emotional well-being and physical health. It may address stress-related factors, including emotional eating, promoting a balanced mental state.
Adaptability to Lifestyles: Recognizing that individuals lead diverse lifestyles, Lean Bliss is formulated to be adaptable. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, a professional with a hectic schedule, or someone with specific dietary preferences, the supplement aims to seamlessly integrate into various routines.
Comprehensive Ingredients: The selection of natural ingredients in Lean Bliss is chosen for their potential to benefit overall health. These ingredients may have antioxidant properties, support immune function, and contribute to the body's general well-being.
Mental and Emotional Wellness: Beyond physical aspects, Lean Bliss may address mental and emotional aspects of wellness. This includes promoting a positive mindset, reducing stress, and supporting emotional resilience.
Educational Resources: Lean Bliss often provides educational materials and guides to help users understand the broader aspects of well-being. This commitment to user education empowers individuals to make informed choices about their health.
By addressing various facets of health and wellness, Lean Bliss positions itself as a comprehensive supplement that supports users in their journey towards overall well-being. Users are encouraged to explore the product's features and benefits to determine how it aligns with their individual health goals.
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motionlessinone · 3 months
Ive had so many problems with my period that it's finally motivated me to lose weight and be more healthy. Hoping my body will be better for it 🩷🩷
Did first workout earlier and i actually think i may die 🥺
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mariajones-world · 1 year
Keto Recipes #5
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fitnessadvices · 1 year
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katehernandeza · 1 year
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phylip95 · 1 year
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Do you want to discover the easiest and fastest way to lose weight? Click here - https://sites.google.com/view/weightloss-supplement2023/home
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drturkaa · 8 months
🇬🇧 Are you looking to transform your life with a simple and non-surgical weight loss solution? The Allurion Gastric Balloon in Istanbul is the choice for you! No downtime, no surgery, and effective results. Trust in our unparalleled expertise for a transformative journey.
🇩🇪 Suchen Sie nach einer einfachen und nicht-chirurgischen Gewichtsabnahme-Lösung? Der Allurion Magenballon in Istanbul ist die richtige Wahl für Sie! Keine Ausfallzeiten, keine Operation und effektive Ergebnisse. Vertrauen Sie auf unsere unübertroffene Expertise für eine transformative Reise.
🇫🇷 Vous cherchez à transformer votre vie avec une solution de perte de poids simple et non chirurgicale ? Le ballon gastrique Allurion à Istanbul est le choix pour vous ! Aucun temps d'arrêt, aucune chirurgie, et des résultats efficaces. Faites confiance à notre expertise inégalée pour un voyage transformateur.
🇮🇹 Stai cercando di trasformare la tua vita con una soluzione di perdita di peso semplice e non chirurgica? Il palloncino gastrico Allurion a Istanbul è la scelta giusta per te! Nessun tempo di fermo, nessuna chirurgia e risultati efficaci. Fidati della nostra competenza senza pari per un viaggio trasformativo.
🇪🇸 ¿Buscas transformar tu vida con una solución para perder peso simple y sin cirugía? ¡El balón gástrico Allurion en Estambul es la elección para ti! Sin tiempo de inactividad, sin cirugía y resultados efectivos. Confía en nuestra experiencia sin igual para un viaje transformador.
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