#lost in my head
fluffyhairedboy · 7 months
..I want..I need..I crave.. physical intimacy..nothing fancy..a hug, a pat on the head, cuddles, the stroke of a finger over the back of my palm..platonic or non platonic never really matters. Just knowing that I have a connection with another..warmth
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yesthechaos · 21 days
Heart made of glass, my mind of stone.
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liliumiul · 1 year
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infpisme · 10 months
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onthewaytosomewhere · 3 months
Thinky thoughts about Alex Claremont-Diaz
Ok, so I was flipping through tumblr earlier today and saw this gif with text, and it gave me some thoughts about Alex
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Usually, during this scene, I must be too busy thinking about the Paris scene from the movie and the whole "I can't believe how wrong I was about you" or the part in the 'A mass of fools and knaves' email chain where he talks about wanting to know Henry more and 'How was I so wrong?'
So today, it must have just been a perfect storm of having Alex in my head for fic writing and that particular line that got me thinking. We know that Alex has plenty of thoughts about attempting to reign himself in or being told things that equate to him being "too much." On top of the various ways, he questions himself about being "enough" which tugs at my heartstrings on most days.
But back to "too much" and this particular line from the interview scene from the 'Yay, we're best bros' tour. Alex has all these thoughts about the "too much" in his head, and then to hear Henry commenting about his "opinions" and "loudness" - I got to wondering about how much did that screw with his head. Maybe even more after the hospital scene and finding out that Henry doesn't actually hate him.
He already had the whole "I fucked up and now I need to make it better" going on, so it's possibly that maybe it might have stuck even more of a chord. It's also possible, I guess, since he is a 20-something dude (whether you use the book or the aged-up age in the movie), that he was so wrapped up in the resentful "why do I have to do this" mentality that it just rolled off his back. This option also seems pretty crappy for him, as it at least implies that he's used to hearing these kinds of things. Either option seems pretty crap really.
So anyway, yeah, I saw a gif I've seen a ton of times b4 today, and the text made me all thinky about Alex.
TL:DR This gif made me think about Alex and his "too much" thoughts and made me feel for him.
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whydoyoudothisme · 4 months
we’re on the phone and he’s not talking to me but his phone is vibrating and he’s laughing…
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yoan-le-grall · 6 months
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mrpicasso-face · 12 hours
I'm jealous.
It must be so nice
Walking along,
Head in the clouds
A song on your lips.
The world moves on.
We move on.
But there's something
About this.
I haven't seen you in a long time,
Not sure I'd want to
If I'm honest.
I think,
I know,
I'd rather just stay a ghost.
Just a blurred face in your mind,
If I even exist there,
That you can't quite remember
But haven't completely forgot.
I'd rather keep my distance
Blend into the fog between your thoughts.
The corpse just
Got up
And started walking.
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You took this photo posted it on your story. I feel warm inside. You ride your motorcycle always posting pictures. Sometimes I get my fantasies in my mind ones I read about you just over here living them.. you are my brother in law and yet I look at you sometimes in your hazel gold eyes…… and almost find you attractive you spend to much time with me. You talk to me so differently now days it is almost as if you enjoy my company you used randomly visit me before your brother got uncomfortable… oh my goodness words coming out my mouth and the thoughts in my mind sometimes are no better.
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strawberriesunsets · 2 days
i don’t even know
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lolathestoryteller · 7 months
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star crossed thoughts
Might there be somebody else, who is gazing at the stars with the same fascination as I?
Maybe they too are lost in thought, or maybe they don’t think of anything at all and simply watch.
How those magical suns millions of miles away never fail to shine.
How they brighten even the blackest of nights.
I’m sure there is somebody, gazing up like I do, wondering like I do.
I think of unknown realms, of adventures and stories. My eyes set on the stars, for they always comfort my racing mind.
May they forever gleam and glow, to bring to all those light, who too gaze up in wonder.
The stars will guide us through.
- lolathestoryteller
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sweetiesshortstories · 3 months
I was doing so well with my writing. I was getting so much accomplished during the break. Then…every character in my mind started crying. It didn’t matter what scene I tried to write, every time I envisioned any character, they were crying.
Now, all day today, I’ve wanted to cry.
Im not sure why. There’s nothing unusual, or different. But something inside of me is immensely heavy. So heavy, it’s bled into the worlds I escape in. Their skies weep, because I refuse to. I can’t. I need to know why first, I need to understand why I feel this way before I can feel comfortable with it, and embrace it. I can’t get swept away. Not again.
Maybe, I’ll sit with one of my characters while they cry. That could be safest.
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letterstoear · 2 months
My little peeps, we have hit 100 followers!!! I'm very thankful that so many of you enjoy my jewelry and writing. It makes me so happy to see. Now, I honestly have no ideas on how to celebrate this. Any ideas????
Should I host another giveaway or write custom letters for you guys??
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xstrangemindx · 10 months
I want to be somebody.
But I’m nobody.
~ jv
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