#love how sylvie was supposed to be a love interest from the get go like every other female character ever
I see you hate Sylvie so much and the Loki TV show too. why?
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Okay, lemme break it down into a final, once-and-for-all peace speaking on the issue of the series and Sylvie. I'll try to make this as painless as possible.
1- Looking at it beyond the surface, she's not really interesting. The term 'Mary Sue' gets thrown around a lot with Sylvie, and I kind of have to agree. She seems to be little more than a trope checklist. -Sad background that motivates her actions? Check. -Deep down she just wants to be loved? Check. -Inexplicable instant "chemistry" with the male lead? Check. -She's just so super special and important? Check.
But even so, there have been others with similar Sue-ish backgrounds that the MCU has managed to make into pretty decent characters, like Scarlet Witch in WandaVision. Arguably, both characters share some traits, but the writers of Wanda (at least before Multiverse of Mehhness) clearly knew how to bring those ideas into a twisted story of learning how to confront the past and to mourn with a character who still had something to learn.
In contrast, Sylvie really doesn't have any flaws to turn into a deep character study, does she? I think that's her second-biggest detriment (see below for the biggest). A good character is never perfect. A good character had flaws, wants, drives, and other things that make them imperfect but relatable. Sylvie is incredibly unrelatable.
Truly I believe she was written for the stans as a self-insert. She isn't even a decent one. I read fanfics on here with amazing examples of a good insert character, so it clearly can be done. Again, Sylvie ain't it.
2- Sylvie's existence both mocks the comics as well as Norse mythology as a whole. Most of us anti-sylkis know this already, but in Norse mythology AND the Marvel canon that goes beyond the MCU, Loki has had several lovers and wives. Loki married and had three children with Angreboda, and then went on to have twins with wife Sigyn. In the comics, he also had a lover named Amora the Enchantress (which we ALMOST got in the MCU before her cameo was cut). Any one of these three would've made a fantastic romantic plot for Loki if the MCU *really* had the compulsion to go that route.
Alas, instead, the MCU kind of bastardized Amora, Sigyn, as well as another character from the comics named Sylvie, and combined them into TV!Sylvie. This not only means we will likely never see Amora or Sigyn in the MCU, it means they were replaced by an inferior on the same level as Randy from That 70s Show, who was also a sucky character created for the fans as an amalgamation of pre-existing characters.
3- She's just another in a long line of Loki-abusers. Like, does she ever comfort him after all he does for her? Does she even really listen to him? Because from what I saw there was just a lot of this happening between them:
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Jesus, lady. What has he done to make you such a jerk to him? I get you're supposed to be a #GuuurlBoss but that doesn't mean "be a total cunt to a man whenever you feel like it."
After all this time, if we really had to have a Loki character study series, why doesn't he get some respite from the fact that basically everyone he knows has either been cryptic and mysterious to him at best, and hostile/violent/malicious to him at worst?
THIS is probably the single biggest reason I loathe Sylvie. We're suppose to believe she's just being Miss Independent when she's really just bringing the poor god down even more than most. I feel like if she met Thor, he'd get upset at seeing how she treats him, and he'd be confused by how easily Loki just accepts it all.
4- I'm becoming more convinced Tom's only doing the show out of obligation, and that his creativity is being tossed aside for the sake of the series. I normally don't like to speculate like some others do, but with more people (like Zoe Saldana) coming out and saying they felt repeatedly stifled by the MCU's yuckity-yucks in terms of character development, I definitely believe they're telling Tom to shut up and read the script. I mean, the guy probably knows as much Norse/Loki mythology as any scholar by this time, and he seems to be a really creative person by nature. They're tossing out a whole trove of potential.
I get he's got a family now and he needs to bring in some bacon, but 1- he and his fiancee are both prolific actors who could probably get any roles they wanted. Hell, Zawe's about to enter the MCU herself when The Marvels come out later this year. If she has a larger role in the next few phases, I hope to god they treat her better than they've treated Tom and Zoe and other actors. But I doubt it. 2- he's probably already richer than God
He's almost certainly trapped by contractual obligations at this point, and that fucking sucks, and yes, I blame the tv show for this.
So, in conclusion: this really is a train wreck of a show hidden behind a lot of smoke and mirrors. I'm not sorry to say it. Sylvie lacks any kind of genuine depth, and the writers seem both lost on where to take Loki's character arcs, and not interested.
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docholligay · 5 months
I like people, I think it would be fair to say. Not even in the way you might describe a social butterfly, or someone who is necessarily good with people,* but in the way that someone loves art. I like listening people, I like watching them, I love hearing about what strangers do with their lives, I love eavesdropping on the little bits of people’s lives that they share into the open air and I learn things, constantly, from this**.  
It’s a bit of an odd trait, I guess, and maybe could even be considered nosy, to look at strangers like this, to chat up the gal on the train to Ely***and find out that she was a translator, she’d worked translating a sailing manual, and isn’t that such an interesting thing for people to do? She offered the opening door, and I walked right through it. I will all the time. Every person I meet gets added to a bank in my mind to draw from, for writing, for experiences, for simply lying awake at 3 am and mulling over in my mind****. 
In an actually fairly rare bit of lacking self-reflection, I had no idea that I constantly did this--it is not a calculated act--until Dani pointed it out to me on this trip, that I often make these little connections with strangers for no reason, and that it possibly makes me a good traveler. I had never thought of this. I suppose it’s true, though, that even when I’m somewhere my grasp of the language is, shall we say, tenuous, I have a very open sort of nature that allows me to find those little points of meeting. A conversation with an employee in Cologne, trying to buy tights, and we both ended up laughing, between my bad German and her slightly better English, and many hand motions, we got it handled! It was a very positive and lovely interaction, and though I knew my German wasn’t up to it, *I* was. That’s a mindset thing. 
I like being this way, I think. Not only do I have these small moments, but I also, to creep out anyone who’s ever hung out with me, sort of memorize my friends. When I’m with them, I catch myself looking so carefully at the way their hair moves, the way they phrase things, how they walk and the exact curve of their jaw. How will I call this person up in my mind, later? I have trouble paying attention to things sometimes because I can’t stop paying attention to things. I am a good mental mapper for this reason, and I mentally map people, as well. I keep them, in a way I’m not sure other people do.*****
I do catch myself wondering if they know they have lives, still, in my head? Does Sylvie from British Airways know I think about her smile from the jumpseat? Does Ian the cabdriver know I still turn over his voice in my head? Will the girl across from me on the train know how she lifted my spirits along with hers as she loved someone? Does anyone ever know the thosuand tiny gifts I receive every day of my life, simply by the decoration they bring to my world? In the novel of my life, the background has so much texture, because of all the wonder of each and every person, even the ones I don’t like, bring to it. I am so grateful for all of them. 
I like people. I hope they continue bringing their gifts to me and little weirdos like me. 
*I think we can all agree that sometimes I am very Not That, and that ‘smoothing things over’ is not necessarily a gift I am given (nor do I cultivate it, let’s assign blame where blame is due here) and I can be brusque and impolitic and annoyingly self-assured in any given situation where I have no fucking clue what I’m doing. 
**Just today I learned that sledding is called sledging in the UK, or at the very least in the North, if this gal’s accent is anything to go by and I’m not sucking at broad identification. I know this because she was talking about having enough snow to do it with someone she clearly loves and misses very much, from the way her face lit up as she was talking to them on the phone, and the way she leaned in toward the table as she made plans to meet up for dinner. I teared up a little bit. I love the moments we see people in connection and joy, some of my favorite little experiences in the world. I still think about the day one of my friends got married and she was walking around like a little piece of popcorn in hot oil, and there was nothing ODD or MAGICAL or WHATEVER about that, except that it was the exact kind of human magic I love, where something or someone gives you such joy that you can’t help but show it. ANYWAY. 
***See: Transit for a full explanation of how we all on the train ended up being, if not friends, foxhole comrades. 
****Upon reading this back, it sounds very negative or like I’m suffering, but I have slept in ‘shifts’ since I was a small child, and lying awake thinking for an hour or two around 3 am doesn’t bother me at all. It gives me a lot of time to imagine Haruka in situations and whatnot. 
*****Poetic as this sounds when I make it sound poetic using the power of making myself sound good writing, it might be fairly argued that my brain would be better served to spend a little less storage space on how often my friend wears a particular sweater and a little more on, oh, remembering a box I’ve been meaning to ship for MOTHERFUCKER I JUST REMEMBERED I HAVE A PRESENT I FORGOT TO GIVE DANI AND BEL IT’S IN MY FUCKING BACKPACK RIGHT NOW (see??? What I mean???) 
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buttercups-song · 7 months
Alright, so I’ve seen a couple of hot takes that there is no queerbaiting in the Loki show (and what’s even funnier that mcu has never queerbaited) because Loki is canonically queer… and like… alright so there’s no queerbaiting in spn because technically speaking cas is queer? Queerbaiting is a marketing strategy so even if we ignore what’s in the show, the chemistry between actors and some truly insane acting choices, the Loki show is queerbaiting because of how it was marketed, and especially how the first season was marketed. Before the show aired we were told that Loki was going to have multiple love interests, we were told that sophia di martino was playing loki (and told so in a way that suggested that she was playing ‘our’ loki). There is a part of the soundtrack that is literally named ‘lokius’. Even before this season started airing the marketing heavily focused on the relationship between Loki and mobius, reassuring us that Our Loki would be with Our mobius.
And alright I’ll give them that they confirmed that loki is bi/pan in episode three and let’s ignore that the confirmation was two seconds long, pretty vague, had no impact on the plot nor characters and wasn’t mentioned ever again. Ok. Fine. Honestly my much bigger gripe is with how they handled Loki’s gender.
Which is to say that they fucked up. Despite Loki being gender-fluid in the comics and despite how the show was marketed, the text of the show heavily suggests that both our Loki and Sylvie are cis. Ok so the arrest report in the credit says: “sex: fluid”. Which is completely different from saying (and showing) that Loki is gender-fluid. What is shown in the show (or rather in the credits, which let’s be real almost no one bothers to read) is that Loki’s sex is fluid… which yes he’s a shapeshifter. That’s not representation, they don’t say that Loki is trans, the fans can read it that way, but disney doesn’t have to fear backlash from conservatives because Loki in the show is not gender-fluid, he’s a shapeshifter (who doesn’t shapeshift for some reason). Sylvie literally says that she was born a “goddess of mischief”, every single other Loki is shocked by the idea of a ‘female version’ of them. It’s supposed to be a #girlboss moment but it’s not! It reads like every Loki is a (cis) man! And sure you can have a head canon that they’re shocked that Sylvie is exclusively presenting as a woman, or that Sylvie is not cis but obviously was born a goddess. But that’s not what’s in the text. From episode one when talking about the variant they’re hunting everyone in the tva uses ‘he’ pronoun when referring to them. Why? All they know is that they’re hunting a loki, so if Loki is gender-fluid (or even if their ‘sex is fluid’ as referred to in the show) why assume that the variant they’re looking for is a he? (Probably for the extremely obvious plot twist when Sylvie shows up). I’m actually so mad about this, gender-fluid representation is so rare and they took a canonically gender-fluid character and did what?
There’s so much queerbaiting in the show! And they know what they’re doing! It’s not a coincidence that they’re leaning so much into loki and mobius’ banter! It’s not a coincidence that in the First episode (!) of season two we get a scene in which Loki before pruning himself goes “if I don’t make it back, I…” which is meant to sound like a beginning of a confession! Which was a beginning of a confession last season when it was directed towards sylvie! It’s almost exactly the same scene! But let’s be real, he probably was going to say something like: “if I don’t make it back, find sylvie”.
Why are we still getting this treatment in 2023? (because it clearly pays well) If they didn’t want to give us good queer rep, why market it as such? Loki is queer in the comics, he wasn’t canonically queer in the movies (despite the immaculate vibes). They could have left it alone. I’m sure that many people still would have shipped Loki and mobius because of the incredible chemistry between actors and (let’s be real) that just how fandoms work, but that wouldn’t count as queerbaiting, because again that’s a marketing strategy.
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fleabagreact · 6 months
So, I was reflecting on some things in this ep and now there are things that make more sense to me, like Sylvie not killing Victor.
She sees a little bit of herself in him, he's just a variant who hasn't done anything wrong in his life yet and she was going to kill him without him having committed any crime, exactly what the TVA did to her, she is confronted with The question: do people have free will or is everyone's destiny already sealed? She is a Loki but she never played her role as Loki, she was supposed to be a villain but decided to go another way when the TVA captured her, she could have planned to take power for herself but decided to give people free will, so if Can she change and get out of the label they expect from Loki because Victor can't either? It's a risky choice but it's a very strong moral dilemma for her, at that moment she almost becomes the thing she hates most, she almost does what she most resents in TVA, she was about to take away his free will, what if For her to say that he was hopeless and had to be killed would be pure hypocrisy on her part because she also went through it and proved that she could change and become something different from what she was "destined" to be.
And about Loki being obsessed with the mission: He has to be, right? OB says that the ramifications that the Dox pruned gave them more time to fix the loom but the problem is still imminent and Loki understands that, we see that without the loom there is no TVA, there is no sacred timeline and there are no ramifications, the entire reality will be destroyed and that's why he's so obsessed with this mission, this is his way of taking care of the people he loves, he doesn't try to communicate with her because she's already made it clear that she's not interested in what he has to say and the first thing she said when she saw him was that he showed up at McDonalds to destroy her life, how does he not feel after hearing that? He's the one who won't insist on a person who seems to harbor so much hatred for him, he cares a lot about her and when he "attacks" her with magic it's never with the intention of hurting her, he just tries to keep her away from Victor so he doesn't leave her. killing him, it's very complicated but he doesn't have time to resolve it now and he also won't insist on something that clearly makes her uncomfortable.
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magiclovingdragon · 2 years
So, anyone want to read my theory about how and why syIvie cant really continue as a character past Ioki s2?
Warning this is not exactly sylvie/sylki friendly. I’m not attacking anyone but please dont read if you’re going to look for a fight, I dont want one and its literally just a theory.
I don’t think Sylvie can continue as a character past s2.
The only character she really interacted with in s1 was Loki, her storyline with Kang and the tva is pretty much all wrapped up (one could argue her childhood nexus event but it was already l, very subtly revealed. When they arrested her as a little girl, she was playing with her Valkyrie dolls and she was roleplaying the Valkyrie that defeated the dragon and saved the day… she was playing the hero. Loki’s are not supposed to want to become or become heroes at all, they are supposed to be the villian who always loses. so because young Sylvie wanted to be a Valkyrie and protect Asgard, she violated the sacred timeline. She was not meant to be a hero, none of her actions so far in s1 make her a hero, to me she can not and will not be a hero going forward and the Lamentis nexus event was designed by He Who Remains to get her and Loki off Lamentis, back to the tva and then to the citadel). Her individual plot in s1 is only ‘kill HWR’, not even properly stop the tva because she could have been recruiting the tva workers instead of killing them, she knew they were victims like her that had been kidnapped and brainwashed. But she didn’t, she went straight to the top, killed HWR and has seemingly left to live her own life. Her story arc is essentially done. I don’t think she will have a redemption because she doesn’t think she did anything wrong and even if she did think it she wouldn’t admit it (like killing the minutemen she knew were victims - she just said “I did what I had to do”, no accountability or remorse).
She has no meaningful or lasting interaction with anyone else but loki and HWR. The former she betrays and rejects, not just romantically but in every way between “you cant trust and I cant be trusted” and her repeated denials of being like loki/“a loki” and the latter she kills so where else can her character development go? They had some really interesting potential between her and B-15, Ravonna, Mobius, etc. but they barely did anything with that and only really cared about her in regards to TVA Loki. She has no real interaction with the other Loki variants in the void either, and they barely let her remember her own parents or her Thor. She is completely isolated in her story and I cant see her crossing over into the main mcu because even with as much as we’re told she’s amazing, frankly she is very bland and unlikeable, her only characterisation is ‘angry and can fight’. If she interacted with other mcu characters they definitely wouldn’t like her after finding out she was willing to put the whole multiverse at risk for her own selfish desires.
I know from what’s already been said by people working on the show about s2 essentially being “the search for Sylvie and to right the multiverse” but I can’t imagine her going “Oh I was wrong I’m so sorry, let me team up with you guys even though I insult and assault you all the time and betrayed you Loki. We’d make a great team even though we’ve already established we cant trust each other!” It would be out of character. She’s such a lone wolf and clearly hates working with others so I can’t imagine a redemption involving her joining other mcu heroes. Sylvies arc is so self-centered and selfish, her attitude so abrasive and condescending, that without Loki pining after her or the tva hunting her she cant believably interact with anyone else. Ravonna is Kangs love interest in the comics so I can see that happening and her expanding out. B-15 could become a shield agent if she wants or could just go back to her old life and never be heard from again. Mobius is a popular character and has other potential with him being MR Tesseract in the comics. Sylvie, there is next to no potential for her because she’s already achieved her selfish revenge, screw everyone else in the multiverse. There is no redeeming that in my eyes other than a last minute ‘I’m forced to help the mission/fight kang as defence and then be killed’ style “redemption” (and I personally hate those because its not actually redemption because there is no work being put in to be a better person, its just dying) but again I dont see it happening because she doesnt hold herself accountable. I think either she will refuse and live on a timeline, maybe with the postman mentioned in ep3 if they ever actually existed, never to be heard from again or she will in some way be forced to fight a Kang and he will kill her to A) establish him as the big bad both in the show and in the mcu proper going forward, B) as a mirror of her killing HWR (who was keeping his other variants in check) and starting all this multiverse mess and C) as a mirror to Ioki “helping” Thanos and then being killed by him. She could potentially be a villain, it would definitely be interesting and her actions in s1 pointed that way to me but again I cant see anything that could involve her crossing into the main mcu as a villain because right now it would be too similar in the broad strokes to what has been done with Wanda so I cant see them going that route again, especially so quickly.
From what we know sylvie’s only appearance is in 2 locations, the mcdonalds and a record store which I’m assuming will happen in the same episode so I really don’t think she’ll play a big part at all in s2. I dont think they’ll continue with sylki after she betrayed him and all the offscreen controversy surrounding it (incest, transphobia ect). Marvel cancelled brucenat and stevesharon over less harmful criticism. The ship is also just pure toxic, its not a progressive relationship at all, if their presenting genders were swapped it would be abusive but because its a female presenting person doing it to a male presenting person its brushed aside, he’s a simp and she’s a girlboss. There is also no growth for her in the relationship because she has already established that whatever she may feel for him is not as important as her own desires and again she then rejects and betrays him.
As a character most people just dont really care about her much. Critics didnt really like her other than “girlboss we should hype up”. We know that critics were only previewed the first two episodes, the first two episodes were the most watched and highest rated. I fully believe, what with everything Tom has said, that he was proposed the show based off the first two episodes. Everything from episode 3 onwards felt like a completely different show. Sophia herself isnt that skilled an actor or personally likeable, especially after her comments on Loki’s genderfluidity. She doesnt have that much onscreen or offscreen chemistry with any of her costars and she actively shits on Loki’s character to hype Sylvie up and she admits she did not research into Loki at all, not even collaborating with Tom and said Sylvie was basically being made up as they went along and Herron added extra Sylvie scenes in while they were filming which makes sense when Season 1 had a different original storyline (and I’m sensing that season 2 sort of is the OG storyline that they had in mind what with marvel reusing the s1 synopsis for s2). I remember Michael Waldron saying in an interview that they were mid way through writing the show when a female writer came to them and pitched the Loki and Sylvie romance love story, and he said he and the rest of the crew just went with it and Herron has previously said she thought the end of s1 would be the last we see of Sylvie.
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Can we agree that even Steve x Peggy definitely problematic but at least Peggy look interest and like with Steve and they both look like each other while loki x sylvie, yeah they keep saying they in love but look likely only loki and sylvie look disgust with loki
If you put polling which ship that more good and more have chemistry between Steve x Peggy and loki x sylvie, I believe that Steve x Peggy will become winner
I understand where you're coming from but in a way, I think that's all due to framing.
Both are similar characters in that they were framed as always right and any wrongdoing on their part was either swept under the rug or directly framed-to-deceive in order to paint it as right even when it was wrong. And of course in both cases the men were shown drooling over them (and they were the only women around and/or the women surrounding them were written as enemies or villains. It's funny to point out though that even in TFA when Steve disagrees or downright ignores Saint Maggy, the MCU still tries to act like he followed her like a lost puppy? It's so freaking weird? Watch your own movies?)
The main difference is Sylvie was introduced as an enemy or a foil. Loki and her were supposed to go from enemies to friends (or lovers), whereas Saint Maggy was introduced as perfect and she has always been the only woman Steve was allowed to get close to or show any interest in. Sharon only made it so far before they turned her into a villain.
I never saw any love in either of those two relationships, if I'm being honest. In both cases we were told that, as long as the women in those two are happy and the men follow them, it is a perfect relationship... and then we're shown two occasions in which the men don't agree with the woman (Loki in the S1 finale) or they do something they don't like (Steve being kissed by Lorraine), and all hell breaks loose. And not only that, but we're told to agree with the women in those situations because apparently, it's feminist to do so? "Look how badass they are insulting the men or shooting at them! Girl power!" 🤦‍♀️
I just don't see any love there. I see possession and self-righteousness and a desperate need for control... but no love. We only think there's love in TFA thanks to the framing, they did a terrible job of writing that romance. And in the Loki series, Sylvie is absolutely awful to him (In S1, can't speak for S2) but we're told he deserves it anyway.
All in all, what I want is something like what Christine and Stephen had. Even though they didn't end up together, they have (and yes, I say have and not had because screw Waldron and his MoM) so much love between them. Or Wanda and Vision. Or Thor and Jane. Or Quill and Gamora. In fact, in that last one they're also introduced as enemies at first but their relationship evolves brilliantly because BOTH characters grow and change and improve. The problem with Saint Maggy and Sylvie is that we were told they were perfect from the get-go despite that not being true at all... so it is pretty tough to buy their romance with Loki/Steve since their core characterization is so defective to begin with.
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therese-lokidottir · 4 months
You know mcu really success make me hate female characters , i meant i am fine if they shine in they own film or series but i hate that Sylvie , Wanda and Peggy that taking over inside other male main characters films.
Well what if suppose to about everyone and aatu that as a lead but they make what if 2 be Peggy show.wjat with mcu that make womens taking thunder from men
Just record i like women characters and exited but they make me dissapoint
There are plenty of male characters. I don't think I have ever hated a character like I have hated Mobius. He is so representative of a mediocre white man, and how he idolized for his "folksy down to earthness" despite the fact he lived the most privilege disconnected for real people life. I hate how much sympathy and in-universe idolization Thanos is given and basically no points out his plan was stupid and classist. Also Tony Stark a character who started off interesting and flawed until creators decided he was too cool to wrong and just had him keep making mistakes without ever learning form then.
You'll notice how all these men conform to a form of transitional masculinity while characters like Loki and to some extent Bucky don't and it's the men who don't who tend to be villainized. The traditional men get a pass for their mistakes because of their intentions. The quite sensitive men are blamed for all the bad things even the things that happen beyond their control.
I'm not going to discount Shuri's story or how perfect they Kamala because Sylvie is an annoyance. I will grant that all the woman who are being written badly are basically being written badly in the same way. I'll give you that much. But I am mad on behalf of Wanda's character not at Wanda's character. They had something great and then the guy who thinks Mobius is great guy and Sylvie is a hero on a crusade decided to skip over any and all development and make Wanda a villain.
Layla El-Faouly was great, glad she was incorporated in the comics. Personally, I loved Xialing, I'm down for a bad girl. I will call out bad writing when I see it but I am not going to put all women into one group because there are nuances the problems
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Okay, my streaming site worked and I finally watched the episode! So thoughts absolutely nobody asked for.
I really, really liked having Casey back (obviously 😅) and the writing on this one was so much better than his first appearance last season. I loved how he got to interact with the whole firehouse - talking with Cruz and Chief Boden, dancing with Cindy (!!!!), being a candidate on 81 and helping Gallo on that rescue. It was so great to have him back.
Speaking of Gallo, we finally get a back story! He’s not my favorite character but he does have a very interesting background that I’m glad the writers are finally deciding to focus on.
Are Violet and Carver supposed to be a thing now?
The comedic storyline was great. Tony getting food poisoning from eating too many mini corn dogs 😂😂 but rallying to get to the next shift but also, Mouch and his continued feud with Rutledge lol.
Finally, we have Brettsey 🤡🤡🤡 I felt for Sylvie and how she felt so blindsided and for Matt too, who was so eager to see her. There’s still some bit of awkward Casey there but he seemed more confident, asking if he’d see her at Molly’s (9x02 flashback without the dad clap) and she did want to go except that damn play was 3 hours long (!!!) and he was waiting for her and telling Stella pretty much that he still loved her. And that last scene 🥲 it was done so well because you could feel them both still so in love with each other but there’s just that pesky timing (and ok, maybe Dylan, who we need to get rid off please. Watching paint dry is more exciting than the dude and Sylvie deserves someone who will make her swoon). I really wish their time would come because like what Jesse said in an interview, they didn’t break up because they fell out of love (also, bless him for spoiling the whole episode basically)
Who really knows what will happen. I continue to keep my expectations low but guess my other foot’s still stuck behind that door for now 🤷🏻‍♀️
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one-shot-plus-size · 2 years
You are not alone, you have a family
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Imagine : Liv is an immigrant from Poland who manages to get a well-deserved place in Firehouse 51. She lands under the command of Kelly Severide with whom she befriends. However, what happens when tragedy strikes in her life.
Paring : Kelly Severide & Olivia Mazru
Words : 1472
Part 1/2
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Liv sat at the Squad 3 table and stared at the newspaper. She had been trying to read a single sentence for twenty minutes but kept getting distracted by something. Eventually she put down the newspaper and looked at the people hanging around the garage. Matt was openly flirting with Sylvie. Liv smiled softly, the two really looked adorable together, they fit right in. Moving with her parents to the US, she hoped that much in her life would change for the better. And so in most things she was right, she graduated from the fire academy with honors, passed the relevant training, and only because of this managed to get a place in Squad 3 at Firehouse 51. In the three years she worked with Kelly Severide, she learned a great deal from him. As soon as she found herself in a new environment it was he who helped her overcome her shyness and after that everything went well. Everyone welcomed her with open hearts and accepted her as their own. However, regardless of where she lived, her heart situation never changed. She was too shy to openly flirt with anyone even when there was interest from the other side as well. She couldn't break through and most often nothing came of it. So she let it go and completely devoted herself to her work at Firehouse 51 and her passion for photography. On several occasions Boden allowed her to take photos at work but never at the accoutrements. 
She was snapped out of her reverie by a waving in front of her face. She furrowed her brow and slapped her hand in front of her face and then looked at the owner. Kelly was grinning from ear to ear at her.
- You drifted off somewhere again, - he leaned toward her.
- Someday I'll break this hand to you,- she snorted under her breath - I was thinking about a college credit paper.
- When do you graduate?
- This is my last paper to hand in and it all depends on the result. 
- I still don't understand how you embrace work, passion and still study,- Severide shook his head - How about your parents ?
- This morning they left for a vacation in the mountains, they are supposed to let me know when they are there,- Liv smiled. 
- So you currently have peace at home ? - Kelly smiled. 
- Yes, for the whole two weeks - Liv smiled. 
She loved her parents more than anything, but everyone needs some peace and quiet sometimes, and her parents could finally use a vacation. They are working hard to establish themselves in their new surroundings. Although can being in this country for 7 years be called a new environment ?
- That is, tonight I will come with beer, pizza and we are doing a night of horror movies,- Kelly smiled.
- If you let me sleep, otherwise I don't agree - Liv looked at him.
- Okay, let me know when you get up when you get home.
- Sure - Liv nodded and went back to staring into nothingness. She turned her head at the sound of the door opening and smiled at the sight of Jay Halstead. However, his expression suggested that something unpleasant had happened. He smiled weakly at Liv and headed straight for Boden's office.
- I think something is wrong,- Kelly furrowed his brow. 
- Jay is like a harbinger of bad news,- Liv smiled slightly.
Boden's assistant came out from inside the building. 
- Matt and Kelly, Chief asks you to come in,- she smiled with her lips tightened. 
- I told you,- Liv snorted. 
- You and your bad attitude - he rose up - change that attitude - he threatened her with his finger.
- Yes sir Lieutenant - she smiled saluting him.
Liv rapped the crossword puzzle that was reserved for her lieutenant, she knew he wouldn't be angry with her although he pretended to be annoyed and she pretended to be sorry, they had been playing this game for over a year. Many times Kelly left the crossword puzzle on the pretext of going to the bathroom. Liv knew that he only did this when a few of the entries in the crossword caused him difficulty. As she sat over one of the difficult crossword entries Kelly came out of the building and stood at the table.
- Liv - his voice barely above a whisper.
The woman raised her head and looked at him. When she registered the expression on his face, she herself furrowed her brow.
- Something happened ? - she put down her pen.
- Boden asks you to come to the office,- he grunted.
- What is going on ? - she rose.
- Chief will explain everything to you - he breathed.
Kelly tried to hold back the tears that were appearing in his eyes. He really had to be strong for her now, he could not break down. Liv although she didn't know it yet would need a lot of support and he was going to give it to her in whatever form she needed. Liv moved behind her lieutenant, not quite sure what had happened. When she entered the office Boden looked at her softly. His eyes shining with unshed tears, Liv furrowed her brow and looked around the office. Matt sat on the couch hiding his face in his hands. Jay stood against the wall staring at his feet.
- Will someone tell me what is going on ?
- Liv you'll want to sit down,- Boden pointed to a chair.
- I'll stand - Liv looked at the policeman - Jay what bad news did you bring today ?
The man raised his head and looked into her eyes.
- He doesn't want you to always associate me with coming with bad news, it just happens.
Liv turned to her friend, almost with pleading in her eyes.
- Kelly what is going on ?  - her voice was pleading.
- Liv - Boden breathed - Jay got a report that there was a car accident just outside Chicago. A truck driver lost control of his truck and collided head-on with a passenger car.
Liv furrowed her eyebrows, she didn't like the flow of this conversation, she didn't want to hear the end of the story. A shiver ran through her body that she did not like at all. She felt a hand on her shoulder, and after a moment she saw her friend in front of her.
- Liv you need to breathe - Kelly stared into her eyes.
Severide grabbed her hand and placed it over his heart.
- Wdychaj i wydychaj Liv, musisz oddychać.
Liv spojrzała mu w oczy. Dochodził do niej tylko hałas, nie mogła skupić się na jego głosie. Czuła, jak jej świat się rozpada, to nie mogło być prawdą, chociaż Boden nie dokończył tego, co miał do powiedzenia, ale Liv już widziała. Zacisnęła dłonie na koszuli porucznika, a potem zacisnęła oczy. Musiała się na czymś skupić i ugruntować się.
- Czy żyją? - wyszeptała.
- Przepraszam Liv, - Kelly potrząsnął głową.
Kobieta wpatrywała się przez chwilę w jego oczy, próbując zrozumieć, co do niej powiedział.
- Żartujesz, prawda? - wyszeptała.
- Nigdy bym ci tego nie zrobiła – Kelly przyciągnął ją blisko i mocno objął ją ramionami.
Liv stała, jakby została uderzona młotkiem, nie zdając sobie sprawy z tego, co się stało. Wreszcie potrząsając głową, odsunęła się od koleżanki i wyjęła telefon komórkowy z kieszeni. Próbowała odblokować urządzenie, ale jej drżące ręce nie ułatwiały tego. W końcu udało jej się wstukać kod odblokowujący i wybrać numer. Przyłożyła urządzenie do ucha, patrząc w oczy Severide'a. Połączenie zostało natychmiast przeniesione na pocztę głosową. 
„Hej, tu Maria Mazru, nie mogę odebrać telefonu, zostaw wiadomość po sygnale”.
- Mamo, - Liv zakryła usta dłonią - mama mówi, że jesteś, że wrócisz do domu i możemy być razem, mamo, proszę.
Kiedy połączenie zostało przerwane, Liv upuściła telefon na ziemię, a jej ciałem wstrząsnął szloch.
- Liv – Kelly podeszła do niej ostrożnie.
Olivia delikatnie pokręciła głową i rozejrzała się po pokoju. Każdy z mężczyzn unikał jej spojrzenia. Nikt nie chciał na nią patrzeć, nie po tym, co się stało.
-Ja...muszę...-otarła policzki-Muszę być przez chwilę sam, ja....
- Masz tyle wolnego, ile potrzebujesz - Boden spojrzał na nią.
Liv słabo skinęła głową, spojrzała na Severide'a i wyszła z biura. Skierowała się prosto do wyjścia, nawet nie zareagowała na wołanie jednego z chłopaków. Po prostu musiała się stamtąd wydostać tak szybko, jak to możliwe. Kelly chciał iść za nią, ale wezwanie do ognia pokrzyżowało jego plany. Zamierzał do niej dotrzeć jak najszybciej.
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benevolentgodloki · 2 years
Woke up this morning and all I wanted to do was Loki meta. Just getting out some opinion waffle so no need for anyone to don their own personal Loki helmet and gore me if you disagree.
So, I get why the difference in Loki from the series can feel jarring, but to me it completely makes sense. Yes, he seems astonishingly soft and it’s at times discomfiting coming into a show only to watch your favourite character toddling off after someone else like a puppy and not really spending much time exploring themselves. But – *Ragnarok Loki voice* here’s the thing – it’s exactly what he’s doing.
Loki is undergoing several identity crises in the show. We know he’s had everything stripped away and rendered meaningless. On top of reeling from that, he’s faced with someone who not only lost everything she had, she didn’t even have what he had, and she was supposed to be him. Essentially he must feel displaced, like he shouldn’t even have been born, let alone given anything he’d had. Everything about himself is brought into question so he projects his wants and hopes onto the version of himself he sees as worthy of it. If Sylvie can be ok, if she can survive and get what she wants and be happy, maybe he can find a purpose and fight for himself, too. He is exploring himself through Sylvie as a coping mechanism. Regardless of who loves who. In a similar way, although Mobius is crucial in building his esteem and separating his identity from Sylvie, Loki must be aware of how much of his life Mobius knows. To be so thoroughly known must be as distressing as it is comforting and could have even contributed to this effective subduing of Loki’s usual fire.
I could go on a whole ramble about how much easier it is to accept the plotline when we consider that the title LOKI does not refer to one person but the idea and that, therefore, the series is as equally about Sylvie. I feel there can be an instinctive bias against a female character among the majority of het/bi female viewers particularly when framed as a love interest (I have to fight that social prejudice myself), but the more we take note that she is literally Loki the more it all makes sense. She is Thor 1/Avengers Loki alone and presenting female and with no one to hate but the TVA.
That aside, my main point is this: Loki feels out of character. Because he’s supposed to be. It’s not necessarily what everyone wanted. I certainly want to see more and to see him being ‘even more Loki’, but it was something different, a fast way to break him down and start again. I’m also going to argue against myself, too, in that, really, he’s not out of character at all. Anyone who’s read Agent of Asgard will see how gentle and even corny Loki can be. The point is he can be anything. Mercurial. I can’t wait for more.
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If you could rewrite sylvie to make her a character you liked and a character worthy of Loki's love, what would you do differently?
Good question! Ugh, I supposed starting entirely fresh and from scratch or just swapping her out for Sigyn is off the table? Let's see...
1- Make her anything but another Loki. The selfcest thing is the only thing worse than Sylvie's actual characterization. Starting off by giving her an entirely different identity. I mean, while I find Thorki and all incest ships to be 'ewww-y', I guess I'd have less of an issue if she was a Thor Variant. Maybe ditching the romance angle and making her an Odin Variant that Loki has to develop his redemption arc through by means of confronting the relationship he had with his adopted father. But no, that'd be deep and interesting.
2- Get rid of her pissy attitude! God, can she be any less approachable? Honestly, I think if I had the choice of being pruned or going on an adventure with her, I'd chose the former. She's not pleasant or fun, she's too driven by her trauma and selfishness that she doesn't care for her teammates, and she prefers to put down instead of motivate, so there's no reason whatsoever to thrown in your lot with her. Someone like her would be an absolute detriment to The Avengers, so why should she be considered an asset or ally to Loki and Mobius? And why should audiences be expected to sympathize with her?
Also, why do the writers of this show think fans of Loki, who CLEARLY are the target audience of this show (or else it wouldn't literally be called "Loki") would be game for just watching him get his ass kicked and/or demeaned every five minutes? That's like advertising the world's most satisfying James Bond movie, only to kill Bond in the first act and have the rest of the film be about Pussy Galore.
3- Revamp herbackstory to make it less of an eyeroller. Sylvie had the single most cardboard cut out backstory known to storytelling. Take out her name and actor and you'd have every Meg Ryan and Sandra Bullock character from 1990-2005. In this massive MCU, the writers couldn't come up with ANYTHING better than a girl/woman who has to fend for herself in a cruel, mean world that just doesn't understand her?
Even half-assing it could develop something better. How about making her a trained assassin that Loki has to de-program? Yeah, it's far from a unique premise, and I'm sure Waldron couldn't do it any better than Winter Soldier did, but it's still better than what we are expected to support here.
4- Recasting the role. Nothing against Sophie DiMartino, but she and Tom have no romantic chemistry. Even without the bickering and terrible writing, their dynamic would be more suited to an estranged brother and sister at best.
I haven't decided if I'm in the camp of fancasting Zawe alongside Tom in the MCU, especially now that she's been placed elsewhere and her character in The Marvels probably won't ever encounter Loki, but at least we know there'd be legit chemistry between them, and it would be easier to digest the pairing (probably just cute seeing them play off each other on screen too).
If not Zawe, maybe a big character actor that we know can swashbuckle but also be soft and sympathetic, like Keira Knightly or Zhang Ziyi.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
Loki Episode 6 Thoughts
I guess they still don't have free will. Isn't it interesting how another Marvel villain is at it with "for peace we have to sacrifice free will". Yeah, well, in a multiverse of infinite alternate versions of yourself, of course, some of them will be evil. But not all of them. I'm starting to get what What If...? was about. For every evil alternate self out there, there are many more good alternate selves (even if they're not of the same person) and there will always be someone to stop the evil. You have to have hope and faith in that and cling to that hope and faith so that you don't go around destroying all other branches of existence just because you're scared of yourself. Who guarantees that this you won't turn evil? Consolidating control of all of existence in one's hands is not the greatest idea.
I get it why Loki and Sylvie are the ones who get to "fight" (I still hope the resolution won't be a fight) this guy. Because they believe that they deserve to be alone since they are always surrounded by pain. Loki brought on a lot of pain because he was scared of his weakness and helplessness. And Sylvie grew up in apocalypses because that was the only place where she was safe. She was surrounded by pain because that was the only way to avoid her vulnerability. And this guy is also alone at the end of time because his multiple selves nearly destroyed the multiverse. But Loki and Sylvie are his narrative foils because they believe in people's right to free will.
Wow, okay. I did not see this coming. But this makes everything a lot better. Running the show is what Loki wanted and killing the guy that caused everything is what Sylvie wanted. That's exactly why they didn't like each other at first. And now they have to make one choice. Although, their circumstances were different. Sylvie was taken from the timeline where she was supposed to grow up and be. Loki was taken from the timeline where he wasn't supposed to be. They could always make both choices. Although, I don't think Sylvie will be okay with anyone being in charge (nor should she) and Loki said he doesn't want control and power anymore. Well, just the power to control his own life.
Was kinda expecting the Loki and Sylvie fight. I'm thinking about their metaphors about love again. A dagger that's not there - Loki this time chose to throw his blade aside because he cares about Sylvie, and about himself. They said it in the previous episode - a dagger pointed at Thanos gets your neck snapped. But not just at Thanos. Killing your way out isn't the way. But for Sylvie love is hate. She can't let go of her revenge and she can't stop hating the life she's been forced to live. Even the one good moment couldn't change that. I could get behind her actions if she did it all for a different reason.
I figured we were getting season two but it was good to have that confirmed by the credits scene.
Well, this was better than what I feared we might get but I really don't know how to feel about it. I'm sad that Mobius doesn't remember Loki. Hopefully, he might - in some other timeline. Maybe Sylvie accidentally sent Loki into a different timeline.
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ilikethequiet · 2 years
Hot & Spicy Takes: Multiverse of Madness
I saw it when it premiered on Thursday and I feel kind of mixed about it really? Was it the best movie? No, but it was fine; I feel like it could have used maybe a half an hour more to fit some extra story stuff in. Below are my thoughts, It’ll get pretty spoiler heavy so maybe avoid if you haven’t seen it yet.
TikTok theorists have been debating this movie for months, who is going to be in it, how this movie will be the most awesome ever because of it’s cameos and while some were right, some were very wrong, which I’m actually glad about because I did not want Tom Cruise as Superior Iron Man.
America Chavez: I loved her, it’s kind of funny to see how much Doctor Strange warmed up to her as opposed to his relationship with Peter. I had positive thoughts about her; I wanted her to find her mums, hopefully she will in the future.
Wanda: While I understood her motivations, I feel like more time could have been given to her corruption; how she got to that point, how she found out about America, why none of the other dimensions she looked in had a Vision (That is a bit sus, huh? I suppose his death was a fixed point too) 
I saw people saying this movie made them not like Wanda but I felt sorry for her, she deserved some happiness and the end of WandaVision implied that she was going to save the kids (Which would have been better) Instead of trying to take them away from another version of herself. Although it would be interesting if the screams she heard were them actually yelling at her, hmm.
Doctor Strange: There sure was a lot of him in this movie, him playing all the parts super well and yet in that flashback scene with Christine he was clean shaven and me and my sister just started giggling cuz it looked so wrooong, sorry Bendy but you’re not hot unless you have a beard. 
He had some nice character development; We saw that he’s not happy, a lot of people still question his decisions about the snap, that he still loves and misses Christine a lot, that he’s a big old hypocrite by telling Wanda not to use the Darkhold then goes ahead and uses the Darkhold.
Wong: Wong was great, he was out there being all supreme and pulling rock monster down the cliff, good for him. Too bad a lot of his apprentices got offed though.
Christine: In a shocking turn of events, I actually didn’t hate Rachel McAdams in this movie, that was rather an odd experience.
The Illuminati: What a bunch of wieners! Strange be like listen, Wanda she’s dangerous and they were all like ‘nah, but you’re still more dangerous though’ they all got bodied though, like damn. It was nice to see Professor X, Reed Richards and Captain Carter (I know TikTok has a hate boner for her, but I like her) interesting they called in Black Bolt considering that everyone likes to pretend the Inhumans series didn’t exist, gives me hope that one day they can bring Daisy back into the fold.
Now for the quick fire, a lot of other things they could of expanded upon:
So who carved that big picture of the Scarlett Witch on the wall? Was it them funky monsters? If yes then they have some skills. Also I know no one ever goes there but surely someone must have known about it beforehand?
What I am getting from the multiverse is that in every dimension Doctor Strange is an asshole psychopath and ours is the only that that is sort of normal, weird😲 
Wong said the Darkhold that Wanda had was a copy, so like how many copies were out there and how did Agatha get one? Also she was already pretty evil, how was she corrupted by it? 
People be like ‘Oooh, Loki and Sylvie broke the multiverse’ Odd they didn’t make an appearance in this then.
it was a very pretty movie but some story beats felt off, I think because Sam Raimi said he hadn’t seen how WandaVision ended before they started filming, that makes a lot of sense.
Everyone out here gushing over Reed and I’m like ‘Sir! Sir where is my badass Phil Coulson? They can pretend all they want that AoS isn’t canon but the multiverse has been split open baby, he’s out there somewhere.
When Strange goes to find her, she’s just projecting an apple field somewhere, uh sir? Did you not realise that wasn’t real?
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The New Sibling
Chapter 7. Bathtime
Synopsis: Sylvie gives Mobius his first bath, and later, Mobius has his first fit and only Loki can solve it.
Word count: 1,276
Stand Alone?: no. 7/9
Warnings: scars, anxiety meltdowns, and diapers
Notes: **SPOILERS** This chapter began a big regret for me. Mobius' sensitivity was an odd aesthetic choice that I made mostly because a Tumblr account I like mentioned that they headcanon him having scarred up legs from being a TVA agent. unfortunately, that concept falls a little flat when working with an AU. Also, since then, I've decided that Mobius in a onesie or shorts or even just his nappy isn't that odd of an image. It's kind of cute!
I've debated deleting it retroactively, but I think it's too late now. Maybe around chapter 20 or so I'll stop using it and it'll just fall into obscurity. I'll say something like "oh he just trusts Thor and Sylvie enough. It was only an issue early on."
Read it on AO3!
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“Aw, sweet little one, it’s okay. Scary this first time, isn’t it?”  Sylvie hummed.
Mobius’ face was red and tears were starting to prick at the corners of his eyes, yet he was still quiet, aside from a few helpless whimpers and whines which were still well below Loki’s normal volume as Sylvie patiently changed him out of the messy diaper. 
“Be still so mummy can get you all cleaned up now.” 
He was an incredibly easy little to bathe, and seemed to love the water, having a preference for the warmth. He was the type of baby to slap the water, but not really splash, and to try and hold the liquid in his hands, shocked as it would run between his fingers and back down into the bath. He peeped and fidgetted and still seemed rather responsive to any form of touch, yet he seemed happy, well at least until Sylvie took the pacifier out of his mouth. 
He asked for it back with a silent look, and then with a point and a few vowels. 
“You’ll get it back in a second,” Sylvie replied. 
His eyebrows knitted together as he tried to think of his own solution to the problem. At first, he moved his thumb up to his mouth, but of course Sylvie shut that down quickly. 
He started to bite down on the inside of his cheek and quicken his breathing just slightly. 
“No, no. Look, I know we’re a bit scared having our first bath, but mummy’s not going to let you have that pacifier in. Sorry, sweet one, but it’ll just be for a few minutes until you’re all clean. Then we’ll be done.”
Restlessly, the little started to fuss a bit. 
“How about we use mr. alligator?” she asked as a last resort as he began to put those tears from earlier to use and his whining became slightly louder and more continuous. 
Mr. Alligator was a beat-up, homemade washcloth puppet that she had sewn for Loki after Thor had expressed difficulty with getting the little into the bath, which had been a bathtime staple now for a good three years. The wear was starting to show. 
The baby watched it for a moment as she moved it from side to side, checking if he was interested by watching how his eyes tracked it. 
“He’s going to help me get you all clean.” She moved the alligator’s mouth and put some soap into it which made the baby still for a second, his face unreadable. 
She made the alligator rub up against his side at first, in a friendly manner, the same way a cat might, with its head tilted towards him, which he seemed to find slightly amusing. But as it started to clean with an open mouth, appearing to “bite” him, he tried to move away and the tears came right back. 
Sylvie took a deep breath and sighed, knowing the worst part which she’d have to do next. “I’m sorry, Mobius,” she said in a silly voice to appear as if it were the puppet talking. “I really am a friendly alligator. I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
She let the baby grab its snout and poke at its eyes, and gently “bit” his hand to allow him time to understand what it was supposed to feel like. 
He smiled, a full grin, forgetting all about his pacifier for a moment as Sylvie continued to make comments through the gator’s mouth as she cleaned him. 
All of Sylvie’s efforts however, soon paid off. She set Mr. Alligator down on the side of the tub as the water drained, allowing Mobius the opportunity to touch the toy more and play with it as she began to dry him off with a hooded puppy bath towel. 
“Can we say bye-bye to mr. Alligator?” she wondered aloud. 
He made a little wave towards the puppet as she stood him up, drying him a bit more before sitting down on the toilet seat and letting him sit in her lap with the towel as a comfortable barrier between the little’s damp skin and her still fairly dry clothes. 
She hugged him close and rocked him back and forth. “First bathtime at home. That’s very exciting, isn’t it?” 
He curled up into her lap and tried once more to set his thumb in his mouth.
“Aw, I know, baby boy needs his soother,” she hummed as she bounced her knee and grabbed the pacifier off the counter, popping it into his mouth. 
He visibly relaxed as she rocked him back and forth. 
Sylvie felt a little bit of warmth trickle onto the towel, not much, but enough to realize that it was probably time to get a diaper on the little guy. They’d have plenty of time to cuddle later. 
So she did, laying him down on the changing mat and taping a thick diaper over his lower half.
She slipped a onesie on him and buttoned it up.  
“There we go,” she narrated. “There’s mummy’s snuggly boy!” she cooed, ready to pick him up and return him to play. 
But the sad, anxious look returned to the baby’s face.
“Uh-oh, what is it now?” she asked. 
He kicked his legs and his face twisted to tear up. But he didn’t make the silent whimpery cry he had exhibited earlier, instead it was a full-on, pacifier-drop-from-mouth, cry with thrashing and yelping. 
In all the three months Sylvie had known him, usually spending an hour or two with him a day, she had never seen him cry like this before. 
“No, no, no crying,” she shushed him, picking him up again. “Why are we so sad?” she asked. “This is a happy day. We’re happy.”  
Mobius kept bawling. He was trying to tell her there was something wrong, but she wasn’t quite sure what, and he didn’t know how to communicate. 
“Thor- psst. Hey! Thor!” Sylvie opened the bathroom door and called him over, disrupting him from chopping vegetables for dinner. 
“What? What’s wrong?” he asked. 
“I- I don’t know…”
Loki peeked around the corner, pausing his play to see what could’ve made the silent little cry so hard. 
“Did you get water in his face?” 
“No, I don’t think so…” 
Loki investigated closer as Thor took the baby out of her arms. “Um!” He got the adults’ attention. “Baby cold!” He traced his fingers over one of the lightly-colored, healed scar-marks and dents on Mobius’ legs. “...Baby scared!” he realized, making sure Sylvie and Thor understood. 
Thor already knew. He recognized that discomfort, the aftermath of so much excitement built up over the day, just to come crashing down from one negative sensory experience. A classic Loki conundrum, but apparently not a Mobius one, as Sylvie’s panic was apparent. 
“And what do you suggest we do, Loki?” Sylvie asked, half just trying to help his imaginative play, and half actually curious to try the solution he proposed. 
“Uh…” Loki ran off back to the nursery and Thor curiously followed as the baby buried his face into his shoulder. 
Loki tossed the orange blanket from Mobius’ crib to Thor. 
Mobius responded by taking a corner into his mouth and trying to cover himself with the rest of it. 
That simple gesture made him quiet almost immediately. 
“Here!” Loki handed them another item: pants. A pair of regular-ol’ pajama pants which Sylvie helped slip onto the baby. 
Instant quiet. 
“Wow, look at you. First day and you’re already a better big brother than me,” Thor commented.
Loki grinned uncertainly as he looked between the members of his family. “Yeah,” he softly agreed. 
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hansoeii · 3 years
m*chael w*ladron and his heteronormative agenda😀🤨😶😖😡😵‍💫🤯🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪💀👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
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Ok with one episode to go I think i have very mixed feelings about loki s2 like on one hand i really wanted a show where loki got to have some friends and starts to actually accept himself for who he is away from Odin's influence , s2 is sort of giving him that, loki is talking about his brother he is talking about wanting friends and not wanting to be alone
But it's that the season 1 characterization was so bad it's ruining all these little moments for me
This season loki is more of a protagonist even ,yes the series is not focused on him still but there are moments we get sprinkled in
It's being treated like this huge arc from season 1 "villian" to season 2 "hero" when in reality loki in the movies also didn't want to rule didn't want to be alone and wanted to be accepted by his family, it's the way the show feels like they gave him these big character moments when they were already all there before it doesn't feel like he grew as a person because he learned anything new with the tva , the majority of season 1 it's been loki that's inspiring mobius and sylvie to change so neither of them showed him anything new really
S2 i think is way better in treating him though he still makes me cringe sometimes
Also as a sci-fi lover the plot really has me hooked i just wish they didn't have to absolutely ruin loki as a character the way they did to tell this story ,him being the god of mischief doesn't affect anything much and please god i hope they don't bring this loki anywhere near the god of stories storyline
I hope but i know marvel will disappoint
So, what I get from what you're saying is that they're repeating the same character beats we have already seen, telling us things about him we already know, and they want those moments to be enough characterization for him?
"He doesn't want to be alone" is good. Okay. Why does he feel alone though? Why does he think he will be alone? Why is he afraid of it? Are they ever going to address that? Nope.
"He speaks of Thor" is great, but is he expressing his point of view regarding the family, his relationship with him, etc or is he just saying he misses him and he loves him but it doesn't go any further than that?
That's something that Marvel does a lot, they did with Stephen in MoM too. "Are you happy, Stephen?" is a wonderful start but they treated it like the conclusion. They want the audience to see he's not happy, but they don't put in the effort to explain why he feels that way, what caused it, how it affects him... It's all entirely superficial and we're supposed to be satisfied with one line in a 2-hour long film.
I'm glad to hear they're treating him better this season but I think you bring up a very interesting point. If he doesn't learn anything from the TVA or Sylvie or Mobius then... what's the point, really? At least in the movies he always learnt something new or the events changed him somehow.
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