#love one another
reality-detective · 3 months
This 👆 pulled at my heartstrings 🤔
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aktrish801 · 7 months
We've all seen the commercial about the misused and abused dogs. Pictures of poor emaciated and clearly mistreated dogs coupled with the music has moved many to donate or adopt.
Now think for a minute that if pictures of mistreated dogs can evoke such emotion, imagine what pictures of victims of gun violence could evoke. Not the happy before pics but the ones of their bullet ridden bodies shredded by an assault rifle. Surely there is someone willing to bravely share pictures of their family member in an attempt to enact reasonable gun control. My family knows to release pics of me in the event I'm shot.
If we can elicit such emotional responses for dogs, and I'm a dog owner and lover, then imagine what we can accomplish for humans.
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saydesole · 6 days
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fresh acrylic toe set
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fightinglikeaman · 7 months
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dramoor · 7 months
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"It is a fearful thing to hate whom God has loved. To look upon another—his weaknesses, his sins, his faults, his defects—is to look upon one who is suffering. He is suffering from negative passions, from the same sinful human corruption from which you yourself suffer. This is very important: do not look upon him with the judgmental eyes of comparison, noting the sins you assume you’d never commit. Rather, see him as a fellow sufferer, a fellow human being who is in need of the very healing of which you are in need. Help him, love him, pray for him, do unto him as you would have him do unto you."
~St. Tikhon of Zadonsk
(Image via orthochristian.com)
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orthodoxsoul · 10 months
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thesillyexpresser · 1 month
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Some of people in the world clearly did not to keep his words to heart. Smh.
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melusine0811 · 3 months
When you do a suicide prevention seminar for teacher inservice, you're shown a chart with 12 signs of suicidality in students...and realize that YOU showed 9 out of 12 of these signs in the several weeks or so leading up to hospital admission just two months ago, and you can't stop feeling nauseous and crying through the whole thing because you realize how close you came.
How you were walking around fluctuating between passively and actively suicidal for at least a month. And you remember that night when it happened you felt completely alone.
I am so fucking scared, because I realize, now. I ignored myself. I betrayed myself by not paying attention to what was happening to me.
People need to be aware of this. They have to KNOW and to recognize the signs. It's not a joke. It's not something you dismiss. It's not something you give someone the cold shoulder for because they're annoying you with their emotional weight. It's not something you think they are lying about. It's not something to take lightly. If they are aggressive or rude or mean with you, and is acting very much out of character, forgive them. Because your friend? They're not in there in that moment.
If someone you know:
-Has a very negative view of themselves
-Self harms or has in the past
-Is experiencing aggression or drastic mood changes
-Is making threats of suicide
-Is giving things away
-Engaging in risky behaviors
-Is engaging in substance abuse
-Frequently talks about death
-Apologizes constantly
-Feels like a burden to everyone they know, feels worthless
-Has no hope
-Possesses lethal means or acquires it
If they're not acting like themselves, be there for them. Don't leave them and assume they are attention-seeking because they definitely are not. Tell them they are loved. You could be the difference, you could be suicide prevention. Help them find help, or do something very, very simple: HOLD SPACE FOR THEM. Please reblog this, I don't care. The world needs more awareness. Because this is so real.
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nerdygaymormon · 11 months
You act all loving and inclusive, but when someone like me tries to save your soul by pointing out that being LGBT is sinful, suddenly all that tolerance talk goes out the window. Repent and get good with God. Pride goeth before the fall!
Of course LGBTQ people are not going to be tolerant of people saying hateful things about them.
If we were to say a place is loving and inclusive of Jews, but then we let people in who wear swastikas and say anti-Jewish things, it is the opposite of being a welcoming place for Jews. It's like that for any group, we can't be loving & inclusive of them while also being welcoming of those who hate them.
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As for you saying that LGBT people need to repent and get good with God, this quote from David Huskins comes to mind:
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When LGBTQ people celebrate Pride, it is about human dignity and pushing back against shame.
I think you misconstrued what the scriptures and prophets mean when they warn of pride. It refers to being arrogant, haughty, having an inflated view of yourself. Being self-righteous & self-elevating are the opposite of humble
I suggest you ponder whether you look down on others (especially LGBTQ people) with contempt and derision. If so, you need to repent of pride and get good with God.
This is different from "taking pride" in a job well done such as at a graduation ceremony when a parent says they are proud of their child. LGBTQ people can be proud of the achievements of our community, for our solidarity, and for our resistance to discrimination and violence.
As a gay man, I agree that Pride goeth before the Fall because June (Pride month) is in the summer, which is prior to Autumn.
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Good advice spotted west of Avon, Montana
* * * *
PS: “You owe it to all of us to get on with what you’re good at.”
 (W. H. Auden)
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Henri-Camille Danger - 'Love one another', or 'Transgressing the commandment', 1889.
Versions >> 1 | 2
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justheretolook214 · 2 years
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tigresslanzhu · 7 months
Okay, this is gonna be a dumb post, but here we go.
A lot of people have been assuming that Ryan was everywhere during the New Moon Redshore City adventure. I could obviously buy it here…
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But I wasn’t sure about here!
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After all, the same models for background characters can be used again and again. Obviously there are a lot more tigers than just Ryan, right?
Sort of…
If you go back and watch the first Sing, you might notice that Calatonia really doesn’t have any wild cat background characters.
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As a matter of fact, there are almost no predatory mammals present at all, aside from bears and alligators. What up with that?
Okay, perhaps the explanation was that they either didn’t want to seem too much like Zootopia or they just didn’t have the budget to animate too many species and they just happened to eliminate any predatory cats or dogs. But that would be the out-of-universe explanation…
My theory is that Redshore City is more accepting of these animals, while strangely enough, Calatonia is segregated when it comes to predator and prey!
Don’t give me that look! I know we all place the Sing-iverse into the World of Zootopia! I even do it on occasion. I’m just saying that perhaps speciesism is more commonplace in Calatonia and their current mayor just doesn’t want to risk it. Maybe he had new residents sign some sort of treaty promising not to attack prey residents, but still made all the RHINO police officers keep an eye on them!
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I’m serious! Redshore has the most diverse squads while it was only rhinos that were on patrol in the first film! Tell me how that’s fair!
Honestly, I have this headcanon that after the Majestic theater run in Sing 2, a new mayor was elected and won by a landslide and was more relaxed with letting predatory animals in Calatonia! It’s my only explanation for Artica being accepted holeheartedly.
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momentsbeforemass · 3 months
Love one another
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“This I command you: love one another.”
That’s how today’s Gospel ends, with this commandment from Jesus.
Think of all of the things that God has commanded throughout history. Things like building an ark, leaving everything and going somewhere you’ve never been, offering sacrifices, etc.
Next to them, “love one another” sounds pretty easy. Until you actually try to do it.
Because there are two people who are going to make this difficult, who are going to make it hard for us to love one another. The people we’re trying to love. And us.
The people we’re trying to love won’t make this easy. Because they’re people. And people do stupid, horrible, unloveable things. All. The Time.
And yet, we’re called to love them. Without exception. Not just when they make it easy, but without exception. Even when they’re at their most unloveable.
Which is something that you and I can never do (not for long) without God’s help. If we’re smart, we won’t even try to do it on our own.
But when it comes to loving one another, you and I are an even bigger problem. Mainly for two reasons.
First, because we don’t know where to start. It would be nice if Jesus gave us some details. Maybe even a plan. But no. We just get told to do it.  
That’s actually enough. Because we don’t need an elaborate program (“5 easy steps to loving one another”).
As St. Frances de Sales (today’s saint) tells us, “you learn to speak by speaking, to study by studying, to run by running, to work by working; and just so, you learn to love by loving. All those who think to learn in any other way deceive themselves.”
And there’s the other reason. Knowing that it’s going to be trial and error, knowing that we’re going to make mistakes learning how to love? That sets us up to “what-if” ourselves, to second guess ourselves, to endlessly critique our first faltering steps. To the point that we just stop even trying.
The reason this happens? It happens when I trust the least reliable person in the world to give me advice on how I’m doing. It happens when I listen to me, the one person who can never give me an objective perspective on me.
This is absolutely the wrong perspective for me. Why?
Because I didn’t command me to do this. God did.
Which means that I have no business judging the quality of my performance. God alone determines whether it’s good enough. God sets the standard.
Which sounds even worse, until you find out what God’s standard really is.
“God takes pleasure in your smallest steps. And like a good Father who holds His child by the hand, He will accommodate His steps to yours and will be content to go no faster than you. Why do you worry?” – St. Francis de Sales
Today’s Readings
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dramoor · 5 months
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