#low of attraction
elenawritesxx · 1 month
avatar the last air-bender dr but make it modern day, something like percy jackson, where the benders are hiding from normal people? i think it would be cool lol gonna start working on that:)))
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abruxadeportabello · 1 year
Don't be a sad bitch, be a bad bitch
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vaexz · 2 years
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People don’t believe I am real because of how pretty I am
My beauty could literally end lives
I am literally the most sexiest person ever
People can’t help to stop and stare when they look at me
My beauty is out of this world
I am so mesmerising
I am the embodiment of perfection
My talent is being the most prettiest person on earth
I have been pretty since outta the womb
subliminal :
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anonlinediary · 3 months
Me because no matter what i always obtain everything I desire.
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mscvro · 2 years
Sp rampage
oh my god my sp finally followed me back on ig and send me a dm. we‘ve been texting so much, it’s honestly a little exhausting but i absolutely love it. he is such a good texter and listener and we get along so well. we have been talking about all kinds of stuff for hours. he is so sweet and cares a lot. i can tell he has a massive crush on me but why wouldn’t he?
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chocolacookies · 10 months
Law of Attraction
"Law of Attraction", kata yg mungkin sering ditemukan di buku buku psikologis atau self improvement, juga di beranda sosmed saya. Sebelumnya, saya ga begitu paham maksud dari LoA itu sendiri gimana, yang saya tahu sekedar berpikirlah positif, nanti hasilnya jg bakal positif. Hingga saya benar² dapat memahami secara langsung lewat kejadian yg saya alami sendiri.
Beberapa hari lalu, sepulang dari ngelab perskripsian, saya dan 2 teman saya memutuskan untuk makan bersama di geprek kuml*t (tau lah ya psti)
sebelum ke sana, teman saya menanyakan kepada teman saya yg satunya tentang apakah disana ada geprek bakar atau ngga, lalu dijawablah oleh teman saya "nggak ada, adanya di kuml*t univ sebelah"
respon sedikit sedih pun muncul wkw lalu kami berkata
"kenapa ga ada ya? harusnya diadain dong wkw"
" ya gatauuu"
lalu, sampailah kami ke tempat makan ayam familiar itu, dan saat akan mengambil menunya, kami membaca
"Sedia geprek bakar"
lalu kami bertiga pun tertawa karena kenapa yg kami bicarakan tadi seolah langsung terjawab begitu saja hanya selang beberapa menit.
Kemudian LOA yg kedua yg saya alami adalah ketika yaaa saat kami ngelab juga.
Saya ngelab bersama 2 teman saya, karena 1 project dan kebetulan topik kami saling berkaitan dan hampir mirip. Kami ngelab di Lab pusat, bukan di prodi atau fakultas.
Kami ngelab menggunakan alat yang hanya dapat dioperasikan oleh operator sana, dan biasanya kami ngelab disitu tidak pernah memakai jas lab (ini karena memang ngelabnya ga berhubungan banyak dgn bahan kimia wkw meskipun kami berada di ruang yg penuh bahan² kimia hehe, salah sihhh jgn ditiru)
Lalu, pada hari itu dosbing kami ikut ke sana untuk pertama kali karena ada keperluan dengan kami terkait keberjalanan project. Sampai disana, beliau bertanya pada kami
"ga pakai jas lab mbak?"
lalu kami menjawab "lhaa orang mas X aja ga pake jas lab wkw" dengan tertawa kecil, dan dosbing kami jg seperti menerima saja jawaban kami, tidak ada feedback (yaa, iya iya aja)
● Note: Mas X adalah operator alat yg kami gunakan untuk mengerjakan project ini.
lalu, setelah urusan selesai, dosbing kami pun kembali ke fakultas
Siangnya, saat saya dan ke 2 teman saya asik mengobrol, tiba tiba ada seorang ibu² memakai seragam univ (yaa fix ini dosen sih menurut kami) yang berkata dari balik pintu ruang riset kami "Maaf mbak, boleh jas labnya dipakai??" sambil tersenyum.
Ya otomatis kami mengiyakan saja, dan ibunya pun berlalu.
Asli, sebelum²nya kami tidak pernah melihat ibu tersebut selama kami ngelab di ruang sana, dan jg tidak pernah ada yg mengingatkan kami untuk pakai jas lab saat di sana wkw
Namanya manusia, musti diingatkan lgsg dulu baru mau berubah hehe
Tapi yg di pikiran saya saat itu, kenapa seolah semua lgsg terjawab secara cepat yaa? baru pagi hari kami membahas soal memakai jas lab, siangnya lgsg diingatkan.
Kemudian saya teringat kembali terkait Law of Attraction, lalu berpikir "apakah ini yg dinamakan LoA?"
Vex King menyampaikan dalam bukunya "Good Vibes, Good Life", bahwa "The premise of the Law of Attraction is that what you think about, you bring about" yaa LOA atau mungkin kalo diartikan secara bahasa adalah hukum ketertarikan, beneran ada di hidup kita.
Apapun yang kita pikirkan, maka akan kita dapatkan. Sederhananya, apapun yg kita fokuskan, maka akan dikembalikan ke kita, baik itu untuk hal² yg baik maupun hal² yg tidak baik, tergantung fokus kita saat itu.
Mungkin, tanpa disadari atau tidak kita semua pernah mengalami LOA ini.
Nahh, saya jadi berfikir mungkin LOA ini sendiri hampir mirip dengan kalimat "Allah sesuai prasangka hambaNya", atau bahkan nama lain dari itu sendiri.
Yaaa intinya bener kalo kita berpikir yang positif, maka kita jg dapat hasil yg positif. Kalo kita berprasangka yang baik, maka kita jg akan dapat kebaikan. Begitu sebaliknya, kalo kita berprasangka buruk, maka yg kita dapatkan adalah hal yang sama dgn prasangka kita.
So guys, hikmah yg bisa aku petik dari situ adalah ayoo kita biasakan berpikir yang baik², mencoba slalu berprasangka yang baik², karena Allah sesuai prasangka hambaNya 🪷
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Bugün manifest nasıl yapılır onu anlatacağım daha önce anlatmıştım ama okuyunca karışık geldi.Bugün daha sade ve anlaşılır anlatmaya çalışacağım.
Manifest nedir?
Manifest: arzularınızı 3D ye geçirmek için kullanılan yöntem
3D ( sizin şuanki gerçekliğiniz)
Aslında gün içinde farkında olmadan düşüncelerinizle,kelimelerinizle manifest yapıyorsunuz ama bunu farkında olarak yapmak daha iyi olur Arzularınızı kendinize çekersiniz.
Manifest nasıl yapılır?
Genellikle olumlamalar ile yapılır. Ama başka yöntemler de kullanılıyor ama en kolay ve en tercih edilen yöntem olumlama yapmaktır
Nasıl yani?
Mesela sen X kişisi ile küssün ve şu şekilde olumlamalar yapabilirsin
X ile barıştık
X ile çok iyi anlaşıyoruz
X beni seviyor
Ama şu şekilde olumlama yapmanızı önermiyorum örnek=
X artık bana küs değil
X Benden nefret etmiyor
Bu kelimeler (nefret)(küs) olumsuzluk taşıdığı için olumsuzu çekersiniz o yüzden olumlamaları böyle yapmayın ilk başta verdiğim örnek gibi yapın<3
Bunu her şey için kullanabilirsiniz dersler,para,dış görünüş,kendini sevme her şey için kullanabilirsiniz.
Başka yöntemler de var mesela
Manifest defteri ayarlıyorsun ve o deftere yazdığın her şeyin gerçekleştiğini varsayarak arzularını yazıyorsun. Buna benzer şeyler işte
Amas şimdi asıl önemli kısıma geçelim
Nasıl daha iyi manifest yapılır?
🍭Self concept çalışarak
Self concept =Kişinin benlik kavramı, kendisiyle ilgili inançların bir toplamıdır. Genel olarak benlik kavramı, "Ben kimim?" sorusunun cevabıdır.(az sonra detaylı anlatıcam)
🍭3D ye tepki verme
Yani her hangi seni üzen bir durum olduğu zaman görmezden gel zaten 3D yi kolaylıkla değiştirebileceğini unutma.
🍭Israrcı kal
Self concept için olumlamalar yapmanızı öneririm gerçekten manifest için çok çok önerilen bir şey ve kanalımda self concept için yazdığım olumlamalar bulunuyor oraya bakabilirsiniz <3
Mesela buraya da biraz yazayım
Kendimi seviyorum
Ben mükemmelim
3D bana anında uyum sağlar
Arzularıma anında sahip olurum
Zaten bütün arzularıma sahibim
bu kadardı kafanıza takılan bir şey varsa sorun 💋
Kendimi seviyorum mükemmelim 💋
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rokka-subs · 1 year
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supersellproducts · 2 years
Low of attraction
Does the law of attraction really work when it comes to attracting more money? That’s the question on the minds of lots of people. Sure it does work but there are rules and secrets to attracting money that will change the flow of money in your direction once you know how it all works.Right now you may be feeling scared, frustrated, or just stuck. There is a whole wide world of possibilities to be lived and experienced but it’s all out of your reach because you are short on money. Well so you think anyway. None of what you believe about money is really true even the belief that you need money to live the life that you want.To Begin with Forget all the Money AffirmationsI know all the gurus tell you that money affirmations will change you mind. Money affirmation will help you to attract more money. Many of those gurus made money telling you this nonsense. You know its nonsense also because you are still reading this article instead of spending the money you should have had from using those money affirmations.Putting all jokes aside there is a powerful way of attracting and it requires that you first become aware of yourself; your very own nature as a magnet. When you become aware of your own inner void and how to use your divine center you can suck money or anything you desire to you. The law of attraction will become a game to you. Your ability to manifest will increase.You can get the law of attraction to bring you what you desire when you learn how to draw intense magnetic power towards you first. That is the true secret. First you become magnetic then you draw what you want.Think of a magnet and how it draws metals from all various angles. It does not draw from one side alone, it magnetically attracts from several sides and it does so very fast. It is irresistible to all other forms of metal.That is the true secret to applying the law of attraction. Most people have the law of attraction in reverse. You must first become the portal for raw power. It’s a cosmic power so great that you can manifest anything.Imagine being able to charge yourself that you become irresistible to all the things that you want. Applying the law of attraction will then become easier. There will be no struggle when you create a desire because that desire will desire you.Money will Desire to Move Towards YouIf you understand the nature of energy you will understand that all things are alive in the universe, including the things we consider dead. Energy can never be destroyed; it is always moving and changing form. Money is also energy. As you become more magnetic money will follow you. You will not chase money, rather it will find its way to you easily. The law of attraction will become a game to you.
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manifestationlife · 2 years
Manifestation mindset
You can also make manifestation quotes a part of your rituals, using them in a similar way to affirmations and mantras to get in the right mindset to manifest.
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elenawritesxx · 1 month
alright i caved in. i am making a 1d DR
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abruxadeportabello · 2 years
It's like a full time job
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dobrysennikk · 11 days
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renifestation · 1 month
The “virtual reality” method!!
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This is a method i’ve essentially “created” called the “virtual reality” method, now i’m sure there’s another actually name for this but this is basically how I explain it.
So basically!! Everyone knows about these virtual reality headsets any everything that were really big back in like 2020-
The whole idea of this method is to basically put on your headset.
Live your life as if you already have your desires inside your desired reality.
Act as if you’re in a virtual reality game where you have everything you desire.
Stay Consistent, luv ren <3
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needfulstuff · 2 months
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Click Here to Download FREE 'Wealth DNA Ebook' to Attract As much Money You Want in your Life 🤑💰💸
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archivivs · 3 months
You are everything!
White, black, blonde and dark-skinned, tall and short, rich and poor, he has brothers but also none, he is Italian, German, French and Russian, he knows everything and is EVERYTHING.
There is no reason to desire something when you are that something/have that something.
You and I are the same person, we are everything and everyone, why feel jealous of someone if you are that person too? And why feel angry at someone if you are that someone? Do you happen to hate yourself? How is it possible to feel jealous of yourself?
Remember, everything is you, and just as that someone has something, so do you!
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