#luísa madrigal
riteaidofpassage · 2 years
So what happens when Donkey from Shrek gets herded by Luísa from Encanto?
Asking for an ogre.
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maidenxpersephone · 7 months
Todas as bios estão fixadas nos respectivos blogs.
Post/Pesquisas: Naughty or Nice?
Perséfone (@maidenxpersephone)
Nome. Perséfone. Kore. Idade. Aparenta 26. FC. Laura Harrier Espécie. Divindade. Sexualidade. Bissexual Heteromântica. Ocupação. Deusa da Primavera e Rainha do Submundo. Proprietária da floricultura Elísios. Lealdade. Neutra-vilã (influência do marido). Petweapon. Coroa. Objeto. Alianças. Família. Deméter e todo panteão grego. AU!HS. The Overachiever.
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Drácula (@vampirelord-dracula)
Nome. Conde Vlad Tepes. Vlad, o Empalador. Vlad III. Idade. 626. FC. Ben Barnes. Espécie. Vampiro. Sexualidade. Pansexual Polirromântico. Ocupação. Rei dos Vampiros e proprietário do Fangtasia. Lealdade. Vilão. Petweapon. God's Mask. Objeto. Joias de colarinho. Família. Alucard (filho). AU!HS. The Charming Bully The New Kid.
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Fiona (@enfionecida)
Nome. Princesa Fiona. Idade. 35. FC. Tessa Thompson. Espécie. Ogro. Sexualidade. Bissexual Heterorromântica. Ocupação. Policial e futura Prefeita de Tão Tão Distante. Lealdade. Mocinha. Petweapon. Machado. Objeto. Anel de noivado. Família. Rei Harold (assassinado no casamento de Marta Caloteira) e Rainha Lillian (desaparecida e viva). AU!HS. The diurnal Miss Congeniality.
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Belle (@belledoslivros)
Nome. Belle French. Idade. 27. FC. Lily James. Espécie. Humana dotada de magia (não desperta). Sexualidade. Heterossexual Heterorromântica. Ocupação. Domadora de Feras e Bestas. Bibliotecária e coproprietária da livraria Tales As Old As Time. Lealdade. Mocinha. Petweapon. Desiluminador. Objeto. Livro. Família. Maurice (pai) e Agatha (mãe e feiticeira). AU!HS. The Wallflower.
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Espelho Mágico (@emvocenaobrilha)
Nome. Goldyn. Idade. Indefinida. FC. Camila Mendes & Freddy Carter. Espécie. Espelho Mágico. Sexualidade. Demissexual Arromântico. Ocupação. Braço direito da Rainha Má. Lealdade. Vilões. Petweapon. Relógio. Objeto. Colar. Família. Não se aplica. AU!HS. The High School Sweathearts.
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Mirabel (@talentosamirabel)
Nome. Mirabel Madrigal. Idade. 20. FC. Isabela Merced. Espécie. Humana superdotada. Sexualidade. Heterossexual Birromântica. Ocupação. Estudante de Psicologia e Garçonete da Friar's. Lealdade. Mocinha. Petweapon. Frigideira. Objeto. Bolsa. Família. Julieta (mãe) e Agustín (pai). Isabela e Luísa (irmãs mais velhas). Bruno, Pepa e Félix(tios). Dolores, Camilo e Antônio (primos). Abuela Alma (avó). Casita (soulmate). AU!HS. The almost teacher's pet.
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Gretel (@ingretel)
Nome. Annegreta. Idade. 29. FC. Conor Leslie. Espécie. Bruxa. Sexualidade. Bissuxual Demiromântica. Ocupação. Diretora do hospital Saint Muriel, médica emergencista e caçadora. Lealdade. Neutra-vilã. Petweapon. Escudo Mágico. Objeto. Fio. Família. Hansel (irmão gêmeo). Guadalupe (filha 3 anos). AU!HS. The Forced Loner.
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Anastasia (@lasttremaine)
Nome. Anastasia Tremaine. Idade. 24. FC. Adelaide Kane. Espécie. Humana. Sexualidade. Pansexual Panromântica. Ocupação. Proprietária da loja de joias finas Anastasia's. Lealdade. Vilã-neutra. Petweapon. Gargantilha Banshee. Objeto. Rosa. Família. Lady Tremaine (mãe), Drizella Tremaine (irmã mais velha), Cinderella Tremaine (meia-irmã mais nova). AU!HS. The False Preppy.
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Primavera (@godfather-autumn)
Nome. Autumn. Outono. Idade. Aparenta 29. FC. Kofi Siriboe Espécie. Fada/Feérico. Sexualidade. Pansexual Birromântico. Ocupação. Padrinho de Aurora e estilista/costureiro da Vil's. Lealdade. Mocinho. Petweapon. Cetro. Objeto. Varinha. Família. Fauna e Flora. Fausto. AU!HS. The Dreamer.
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Capitão Gancho (@youshalldie)
Nome. Killian Jones. Idade. 47 anos. FC. Karl Urban. Espécie. Eterno adulto rabugento. Sexualidade. Machista. Ocupação. Capitão do Jolly Rogers. Proprietário do Puddin 'n' Pie. Lealdade. Vilão. Petweapon. Em construção. Objeto. Em construção. Família. Smee.
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Tropeço (@you--rang)
Nome. Tristan Tropeço. Idade. Indefinida. FC. Casey Deidrick. Espécie. Indefinido. Sexualidade. Indefinida. Ocupação. Mordomo e integrante da família Addams. Lealdade. Neutro. Petweapon. Em construção. Objeto. Em construção. Família. Mortícia, Gomez, Wandinha, Mãozinha...
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Jane (@mimjaneporter)
Nome. Jane Fernanda Porter. Idade. 26. FC. Deniz Işın. Espécie. Humana. Sexualidade. Bissexual. Ocupação. Funcionária do Santuário de Tarzan. Professora de desenho e pintura da Universidade. Lealdade. Mocinha. Petweapon. Em construção. Objeto. Em construção. Família. Arquimedes Q. Porter (pai).
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Mor'du (@morduforte)
Nome. ???. Adotou Kendrew para sua forma humana. Idade. Aparenta 30. Aproximadamente 60 de existência. FC. Calahan Skogman. Espécie. Humano amaldiçoado, transforma-se em urso negro. Sexualidade. Furry. Ocupação. Segurança da Drink in Hell. Lealdade. Vilão. Petweapon. Em construção. Objeto. Em construção. Família. Pai e três irmãos mais novos, assassinados por ele.
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Pocahontas (@ppocahontas)
Nome. Matoaka. Amonute. Idade. 28 anos. FC. Devery Jacobs. Espécie. Indígena shamã. Sexualidade. Indefinida. Ocupação. Livre. Lealdade. Mocinha. Petweapon. Lasso. Objeto. Colar da Mãe. Família. Powhatan (pai), Callun. AU!HS. The Activist.
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sosoawayrpg · 3 months
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até 13/01:
Luísa Madrigal
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luvlyencanto · 2 years
Pepa and Juliet's pregnancy - headcanons.
request status: OPEN
a/n: my first request! I loved righting this.
warnings: none (again, English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes). (gif is not mine. all rights reserved to the creators. found it on google)
word count: 2677 words
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Request: Hello how are you?. I was looking for tumblrs that write about Encanto and I found yours, I liked your corner and wanted to ask you a question. Could you make headcanons for Pepa and Juliet's pregnancy? I'm making a fanfic based on this, I'll use your information as a base and inspiration for me, I hope it doesn't have any problems.
Hey, how are you? Very nice to see you here 😉. Well, if you like my headcanons, you can use them as reference material to create a plot (feel free for that). Here we go...
Pepa when she was pregnant:
Dolores – She could only eat soft foods. Pepa loved sweets during Dolores' pregnancy, chocolates were her all-time favorite. She had a certain sensitivity to sound in her first pregnancy and had several migraine attacks. During this period, Casita Madrigal adapted to its shape, produced less noise and helped others in this as well. It was a smooth pregnancy, Dolores was a quiet baby, but very exploring.
Camilo – She had the craziest cravings of all, like eating raw corn, eating snow (and she simply made it snow for that) or drinking sea water. One day she wants avocado and the next she gets sick. Flu and morning sickness.
Antonio – Completely accidental, but welcome. Pepa knew she was pregnant, but decided not to tell anyone, however, sixteen-year-old Dolores cornered her trying to find out why her mother suddenly had two heartbeats. When the pregnancy was revealed, Julieta claimed that she already knew, she only noticed Pepa getting (somehow) even more emotional and refusing her food. Her belly didn't grow much, and that worried him. She was sick of the smell of meat and other things that were of animal origin, anyway, during almost all of Antônio's pregnancy the Madrigal Family became vegetarian.
Juliet when she was pregnant:
Isabela – Julieta may have been sick of everything in her pregnancy, except the flowers, her sense of smell was even more acute in her first pregnancy, smells of varied spices while cooking and perfumes were her favorites. She just woke up with different cravings every day and had strong mood swings. A LOT OF AGUAPANELA, MY GOD.
Luisa – Luísa was not an easy child, she moved a lot and kept Julieta from sleeping. For much of her second pregnancy she walked around with deep circles under her eyes, her feet were very swollen as well and her appetite literally tripled after a while. Enchantment almost ran out of supplies trying to satisfy the desires of his dear Juliet 😅. But it was all worth it, Julieta forgot everything when she had her little baby in her arms.
Mirabel – Mirabel was the easiest pregnancy because, apart from her growing belly, Julieta had no side effects. No morning sickness, no trouble sleeping, nothing. Julieta was a little worried about it, but she didn't tell anyone about her worries, only to Agustín.
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fadinhapistola · 3 months
Local: The Snuggle Ducking
— Nananinanão — falou rapidamente ao escutar o desabafo de Luísa Madrigal. Tecnicamente Tinker deveria estar ajudando Pan e Sombra atendendo a clientela do The Snuggle Ducking, mas no momento tinha algo mais importante para fazer. — Primeiro, respira fundo. Segundo, toma um drink, prometo que isso vai fazer com que você se sinta melhor. E, por último e nem por isso menos importante, nada de ficar no escuro. Voce não é o Sombra pra gostar da escuridão, ele que é o trevoso aqui, okay? — E antes de dar tempo para que a outra pudesse responder ou argumentar a linha de raciocínio de Tinker, a fada logo tratou de oferecer um copo de bebida para Luísa. — Sei que você não pediu minha opinião, mas isso não importa, pois nós duas sabem que vou falar de qualquer jeito. Voce não precisa ficar no escuro, você precisa é encontrar um jeito de sair da casita e se livrar dessa pressão toda.
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closed starter for @irmafortona
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talentosamirabel · 6 months
send 🌼 for a happiness headcanon
Domingo. Almoço. Casa dos Madrigal. Não importa se seu dia, semana, mês, ano, década foi ruim. Um almoço com a família Madrigal e você sai dali novinho em folha. Dolorido de tanto rir, vermelho de tanto revidar e empanturrado com todo o tipo de criação de Julieta. Seus problemas são expostos e uma porção de soluções aparecem, boas e ruins. Isabela faz crescer flores na cabeça dos primos, Luísa trás o piano para o namorado de Dolores tocar e tio Feliz puxa tia Pepa para dançar. Casita rearranja os móveis e coloca todo mundo para fora da cozinha, migrando o almoço-festa para o pátio interno, onde a luz nunca acaba. E Mirabel? Ela puxa Antônio para o colo e palpita quem ganha a discussão com Tio Bruno.
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waitingona-mirabel · 1 year
The Box | Oneshot
For the February Task: Love Languages (words of affirmation)
Warnings: References to the Avalor coup
Mirabel kept every report card she ever received in a box under her bed.
She wasn’t a star student by any means, her marks falling in that middle-to-high range that makes parents smile with pride without alerting any teachers that perhaps you should skip a grade or qualify for a special program. But she loved to read the comments. Mirabel is a wonderful helper. Mirabel sets a positive example for younger students. Mirabel is a joy to have in class. 
She reread them sometimes, when she got a bad grade or found herself picked last for teams in gym class. Maybe she was painfully average, maybe she couldn’t make flowers grow or carry the football goals, one-handed, out to the field, but the teachers liked her. They even remembered her name— after only a few weeks of accidentally calling her Isabela or Luísa, there was no mistaking Mirabel.
Maybe that was what she liked about the report cards most of all. They had her name on it. Nobody else’s. And when she read them, picturing the practiced hand of her teacher scratching out her name alongside all these words that said she was special, she felt like maybe she was special after all.
Mirabel kept every note Felicia passed her, because this was before the age of the iPhone hidden under the desk, when only the luckiest tweens had flip phones that had to stay switched off in their lockers. Though Mirabel was a very lucky tween, she was lucky in other ways. 
She was lucky in that she sat in front of Felicia in math class and in science class and that, during fire drills, she lined up in front of her because Madrigal came right before Madroñero in the alphabet. Mostly, she was lucky that Felicia was her best friend, and they spoke to one another in that language that only twelve-year-old girls who spend seven hours (and sometimes more) out of each day together can understand. 
She had evidence of this, on scraps of paper passed between their candy-sticky fingers with gossip and sometimes cartoons (Felicia was a brilliant artist) and sometimes just smiley faces, if one of them noticed the other was having a bad day. It was all quite meaningless, but it meant everything to Mirabel.
It was strangely sentimental for a girl her age, but Mirabel slipped those notes into the box that had once held her Adidas Sambas, that now held her report cards and, newly, her notes from Felicia. And sometimes when Isabela and Luísa came home from their older-girl hangouts at the ice cream shop that she was too little for, when she worried that she was just dead weight on the powerful steamship that was the Amazing Madrigals, when she felt all alone, she reread the notes, and they lit something in her heart, something warm and soft like a candle.
Mirabel couldn’t find the box. She’d barely had enough time to throw all of her sweaters and socks into a suitcase that would soon become her only window into the home she left behind, and now they were supposed to go, but Mirabel couldn’t find the box.
She was holding everyone up. And it was silly, really, and sentimental, and people kept telling her that she couldn’t bring much with her and she was just going to have to carry those memories in her heart. Which was a very wise sentiment, probably, but Mirabel needed her box. She couldn’t leave without it. She just couldn’t.
Except she did, and she had to. 
When Mirabel cried on the plane, she cried for her box, mostly. She cried for many other reasons, probably, but it was easier to wrap her head around her box. She tried to make a new box when she got to England, but her new report card was in English, and it didn’t say Mirabel is a joy to have in class, it said Mirabel seems to struggle to express herself and We’re exploring options for additional assistance. Eventually, they recommended repeating the year.
It was a stupid idea, anyway. Mirabel tossed out the cardboard box that her new snow boots had come in and pushed the idea out of her mind.
Mirabel was stressed, busy, run-ragged— but in only the way that a stage manager can enjoy. She darted all over the lobby as actors and crew members and musicians embraced their families, received flowers, gave one more rendition of Chandelier, waving to those who waved to her and shouting “good job�� over the noise. Mirabel was in her element. She loved this more than anything else.
And when the last audience member had departed, when the front of house was empty save for a few people waiting for rides or maybe breathing in one last breath of what had once been Moulin Rouge, Mirabel finally made her way back to the stage to her own personal workstation. The cast would be back tomorrow for strike, but for now, Swynlake Community Theatre was hers. And maybe Mirabel needed just a moment.
It’s a funny thing, when a play ends. Triumphant and heartbreaking all at once, and at the same time that you’re sad you’re also just relieved that you never have to hunt Phineas Flynn down for his cue again (well, until next summer). Mirabel was exhausted in a good way. Exhausted in the way that meant she’d done something with herself for three whole months.
And when she returned to her workstation, she found a poster left behind. For a moment, she was going to text Mr. Simba that someone had forgotten one, but then she saw his name scrawled on it, along with a “Good job! You were a joy!” And more names. Dozens of them. The whole cast and crew, all their squiggly little autographs, maybe destined for a professional playbill or a signed photo or maybe not, and in the bottom corner,  where someone had perhaps forgotten to write their name or maybe simply didn’t know what to say, in place of words, there was a single smiley face.
Mirabel blinked back tears. This wasn’t going in a box. It was going right on her wall.
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thelostmadrigals · 2 years
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lol i’ve just been mulling on a borderline crack scenario lol
outsides come for Madrigals, but with Bruno’s warnings, they set up the entire town in advance;
People playing dead, set up stakes with fake bodies burning, a few burned houses, satanic rituals, runes, worshipers, the whole town is made to look like it’s been raided and converted, fake blood everywhere.
Casita is staged to look like the focal point of the satanic rituals, so drawings all over the walls of pentagrams, ‘crucified’ priest on the front door lol.
All the glowing doors are covered with cloth with different designs to hide the magic and to add flair, Bruno is the centre stage, acting like Camilo’s creepy version of his to add atmosphere with a ton of sand, a few of the madrigal woman are dressed up to look like sacrifices. 
Antonio has the animals part of the act; he too will play a sacrifice.
Pepa is laid across the alter, covered in fake blood, trying not to giggle at how cold the fake blood is while trying to be terrified as Felix fakes being scared as he’s held back by Luísa (being a worshiper to the devil). Alma is playing a worshiper as well, with Julieta, Mirabel and Dolores with loud prayers and a few other townspeople all around a large pentagon.
Agustin is made to look like he’s been impaled by an escape attempt fake blood everywhere too. 
and with careful planning they time it just right
The invaders are like...6 people with guns and horses so they think it’ll be quick to establish dominance and loot and plunder; it’s a small peaceful town.
Only they enter and see a very different expectation on the town itself; no resistance, everyone is laughing at death and burnings and they like ‘.... okay’ but they’re not being stopped so they press on.
Then they get to Casita; the doors open by their own and their greeted with the timely view of a sand dome collapse with a creepy, glowing-eye man with a ‘human’ heart in his hand from a newly scarified woman on an alter; chanting and laughing before they see this too-happy 5 year old being offered to this huge jaguar before the kid is promptly ‘mauled’ to death. There are other ‘bodies’ around and they reposed how f-ed up this town is and they don’t want to have any part when they’re ‘noticed’ and offered to join in to bring a new era of blood and death for the good of the devil.
They came to plunder, not sell their souls to the devil.
They don’t plan to come back. Ever. 
Turns out, drama, flair and fake blood is very good for deterring unwanted visitors, especially when devil-worship is the least expected situation to walk-in on.
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galaxiamara · 2 years
Just for reference
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opesodanuvem · 2 years
What if the Casita gave Maribel a door, but it was different from all the others:
1. The door that appears to Maribel on her 5th birthday is different from all the others in her family, for the simple fact that it is a normal door. No drawings or her name inscribed on it, if it hadn't been created from the Casita's magic anyone would have said it was a normal door to any other home.
2. Inside it was also a common room only more spacious, an ordinary single bed with a common table beside it, nothing magical or implying that Maribel was gifted. The family was surprised and Maribel was sad and confused, if she didn't have a gift, how did the Casita give her a room?
3. Alma still asks Bruno to look into the future, worried because Maribel's ceremony was so different from the others. Bruno tried to see the future but couldn't see anything, nothing to do with Maribel or the magic, it was all a big blank canvas, cracks in the canvas still showed, but he couldn't see anything else. In the end the canvas he had was just a empty space with cracks, no matter how many times he saw it that was always the end result.
4. Bruno ended up not running away and showing the family the result, a blank and undecipherable future was what Mirabel expected, even confused they had nothing to explain what was happening and only in the next few weeks things became clearer.
5. In the week following the ceremony, Mirabel was still confused and sad about what was happening, her cousin Camilo in an attempt to cheer her up ran around transforming into several people and making funny faces, in one of these times he tried to transform into her and he couldn't, he tried a few more times and even then he always ended up looking like other people even though they looked like his cousin weren't her.
6. Casita also didn't seem to respond to Maribel anymore as she did to the others, one afternoon when Camilo asked her to play the slide on the stairs as they normally did in Maribel's turn she ended up falling straight to the ground, the stairs turning into nothing and causing her to sprain the ankle in the fall. Her mother ran with an arepa prepared for her carrying her daughter in her lap and stuffing the food in her mouth, but the bruise didn't seem to improve at all, even after three arepas Maribel was still crying in pain and her ankle only seemed to get worse, her father then he had to take her to the village doctor, who despite being infrequently requested, still kept his doors open for emergencies.
7. Maribel had to spend the next two months with her foot injected, which caused a great panic in the family, as this had never happened before. Alma was especially concerned about both the magic and how the village would view it, an injured Madrigal has never been seen in the village before.
8. Another strange fact was that Luísa, until then 9 years old, did not have the strength to carry Maribel for a long time, unlike the other adults she could easily carry around the house throughout the day, or the animals she normally carried around the village. Luiza felt bad for not having the strength to carry her younger sister for long periods of time.
9. Dolores couldn't hear her cousin either, which left her both distressed and relaxed. It was nice not to have to listen to one person all the time, but it was also scary how often Mirabel could sneak into a room and scare her or how she could just disappear into the background noise.
10. Then it all clicked into place in the Madrigals' minds. The door unwritten, the Casita not responding, the powers of others being useless when used directly on Mirabel, the child was not giftless, she was the opposite of magic to be exact she was the anti-magic of the family. The only one who couldn't be affected by either of them' powers.
11. Mirabel was still treated a bit like the outcast of the family, but she had the support of her parents and Uncle Bruno who felt safe not foreseeing a bad future for at least one person he loved, Dolores also felt much more comfortable around her. cousin, as if she could take a break from her powers around her. Overall her life wasn't much different from the original, she ends up having to learn a lot more about first aid as her mother's food magic doesn't help her and also being much more independent of her family's powers helping the village to find their own solutions alone.
12. Her aunt Peppa, her sister Isabela and her cousin Antonio weren't affected by Mirabel as their powers didn't really work directly on people. Yet since Peppa made it rain all over town Mirabel still got wet, Isabela's flowers still fell on Mirabel when her sister was being especially irritating, and Antonio's animals could still talk to him or talk about Mirabel when they felt like it.
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ellemany · 2 years
Thinking that in a Madrigal scale, Sova would be between Luísa and Isabela
Working too much for keeping the old person of the family satisfied and still managed to mantain the mask of a perfect beautiful example to others
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sosoawayrpg · 8 months
Quais chars vcs mais querem por aqui?
TODOS T-O-D-O-S é seriao
mas vou usar meu local de fala pra IMPLORAR POR O PRÍNCIPE ENCANTADO E O CAÇADOR, RAINHA BRANCA, Pugsley Addams, Ericka Van Helsing, Príncipe Aladdin, Rei Jafar, Gênio, Jack Skellington, Chapeleiro Maluco, Facilier, Luísa e Dolores Madrigal, Helga Sinclair, Rei Fergus, Hector, Mushu, Burro, Michael Darling, TRAZ A GALERA TODA DE UMA VEZ
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swynlake-rp · 2 years
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“Sometimes family weirdos just get a bad rap.”
FULL NAME: Mirabel Fernanda Valera Madrigal BASED ON: Mirabel Madrigal (Encanto) FACE CLAIM: Alejandra Cardona/Alejandra du Sol PRONOUNS: She/her BIRTHDAY: October 6, 2000 CURRENT STATUS: Taken
Character Information
The first time Mirabel asked her abuela what Colombia was like, she told her about the butterflies.
Beautiful and abundant, every color of the rainbow, and standing in the middle of them was like a kaleidoscope in motion. And they weren’t just beautiful, Abuela would add. They were a crucial piece of the puzzle, keeping flowers blooming as they carried pollen from one to the next. Just like butterflies, Abuela said, everyone in the family was given a beautiful gift that would help the community that had grown up around them here in Avalor. Tía Pepa’s storms kept the fields watered, her mother Julieta’s magical meals could heal illness and injury, and… well, she never was sure what Bruno’s gift was for.
One by one, Mirabel watched her sisters get their gifts. Isabela could cheer anybody up with her flowers, and Luísa’s superhuman strength made chores that should take hours and dozens of men simple and fast. On her fifth birthday, as Mirabel approached the door of her family’s magical home  that would reveal her gift, she vowed that she would never, ever let her gift go to waste. If only… 
Later, when Mirabel asked her father, tearfully, what the point of a Madrigal without a gift was, he told her about the butterflies, pointing to the one she had clumsily tried to stitch onto her dress.
They didn’t bloom like the flowers, but, rather, hopped from one to the next, supporting. As a Mundus marrying into an old sorcery family, he had found that was just as important as being able to do magic, and the same was true of Tío Félix. And so Mirabel tried her best to be like a butterfly, lucky to be a part of such a bright and brilliant garden. She brought Luísa water while she helped the town with projects. She bit back every single snarky comment that came to mind about oh-so-perfect Isabela. She kept an eye on Cousin Antonio and turned off the TV when it looked like one of Tía Pepa’s novelas was going to cause a serious storm.
When Mirabel had to flee Avalor with the rest of her family, she thought about the butterflies, and how they left their homes when the frost set in, unsure of whether they would ever see it again. 
Swynlake was too cold, too strange, too full of strange dreams and unfamiliar magic, but Mirabel did her best to put on a brave face. For Abuela, and for everyone. Even if she felt like the only one falling apart, barely keeping up in school and struggling to make friends and wishing desperately she had some kind of magical solution to all of this. But there wasn’t, and the best Mirabel could do was pretend she was fine, so fine that she would be completely fine traveling an hour away for university.
But she wasn’t fine, and now she’s back in town, and for the first time, her flight path feels aimless. More than ever, she wants to prove herself worthy of the name Madrigal– but what is a Madrigal without a gift? 
✓ Optimistic, supportive, friendly
✖ Insecure, petty, in denial
Character Suggestions
Latina (preferably Colombian)
Current Relationships
Julieta Madrigal (mother) Pepa Madrigal (aunt) Bruno Madrigal (uncle) Agustin Madrigal (father) Felix Madrigal (uncle) Isabela Madrigal (oldest sister) Dolores Madrigal (cousin) Luisa Madrigal (older sister) Camilo Madrigal (cousin) Antonio Madrigal (cousin)
Possible Relationships
click here!
Magical Abilities
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Todo mundo que tem ansiedade é tipo a Luísa Madrigal, somos fortes, todo mundo vê o quanto somos fortes, ficam pedindo favores, e nós não conseguimos dizer não, mas estamos lá, sempre com tic nervoso, a cada coisa que acontece, por medo de decepcionarmos as pessoas...
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talentosamirabel · 8 months
“ how many mugs of coffee have you had today?! that’s enough, now, you go take a nap before you buzz through the ceiling! “
Embaixo dos adoráveis olhos de Mirabel morava uma sombra escura como um buraco negro. Duas, gêmeas, tão desesperadoras quanto o negrume da décima xícara de café forte que tomava. E, em frente, piscava decrépito o computador que conseguiu pagar com o dinheiro acumulado de suas aventuras na Floresta Encantada. As letras se misturavam, embaçadas, toda vez que o sono parecia ganhar... E lá ia Mirabel tomar mais um gole de café. Sua mão buscou o copo, alisando a madeira da mesa da cozinha, quando entendeu o que a irmã falava. "LUÍSA, NÃO!" Um pequeno surto de energia a colocou de pé, esticando-se toda para pegar o elixir da vida centímetros altos demais para si. "Por favor, Lu. Eu tenho até semana que vem para terminar isso e não queria passar o fim de semana atrapalhando todo mundo com a incom- Com a péssima escolha de grupo que eu tive." Nunca culpando os outros, sempre carregando o peso nos ombros. Porém... Quanto mais se esticava, mais fofinha Luísa ficava. E quando ela segurou, sabendo que ia cair, foi como o último golpe para o cansaço cobrar seu preço. A cabeça caiu no ombro da Madrigal do meio, seus próprios braços envolvendo-a. "Cinco minutinhos não matam ninguém, né?"
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weirdo-has-a-blog · 2 years
does Luísa Madrigal know I would die for her
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