#luc dardenne
cinematicmasterpiece · 10 months
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deux jours, une nuit (2014)
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davidhudson · 1 month
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Happy 70th, Luc Dardenne.
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ROSETTA (dir. Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne, 1999)
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rwpohl · 6 months
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l'enfant, luc dardenne, jean-pierre dardenne 2005 (trailer)
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beingharsh · 10 months
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"Dans l'obscurité", Dir. Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne, Chacun son cinéma (2007)
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Best Marion Cotillard movies and performances:
1. Inception - Christopher Nolan (2010)
2. Le Petit Prince - Mark Osborne (2015)
3. Un long dimanche de fiançailles - Jean-Pierre Jeunet (2004)
4. La Môme - Olivier Dahan (2007)
5. Midnight in Paris - Woody Allen (2011)
6. Jeux d'enfants - Yann Samuell (2003)
7. De rouille et d'os - Jacques Audiard (2012)
8. Deux jours, une nuit - Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne (2014)
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rheo-tu · 10 months
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Tori et Lokita (2022), dir. Jean-Pierre Dardenne & Luc Dardenne
Тори и Локита - беженцы в чужой стране, брат и сестра не по крови, но по жизни. Тори вынужден подрабатывать продажей наркотиков на улице, а Локита, которой повезло меньше (в иммиграционной службе ей раз за разом отказывают в выдаче документов), пускается в еще более опасную авантюру, фактически соглашаясь на рабство. Только осознав, что это ставит крест на их встречах с братом, девушка впадает в ужас.
Расхваленный зря фильм с хорошей темой: чужих людей в чужой стране. Он манипулятивен: авторы как будто специально раз за разом ставят героев в заведомо проигрышные ситуации, так что уже через полчаса ясно, что ничем это хорошим не кончится, вопрос только, как именно: их посадят, убьют, собьют на дороге, сожгут заживо и т.д. - окружающий мир представлен сплошным злом, от которого не скрыться. Конечно, это мир глазами беженцев - от того и такая картина. Но еще к ней в конце жирно приклеена мораль: ничего плохого бы не случилось, если бы девушке оформили все документы. Вопрос, почему власти обязаны распахивать ворота перед каждым, почему-то не задается. У Тори была на это уважительная причина, у Локиты ее не было. Другой вопрос более интересен. Во Франции герои поставлены в, по сути, то же положение, что и у себя на родине: бесправны и вынуждены выживать по законам джунглей. Вот и вопрос: стоит ли овчинка выделки с плаванием за семь морей? На него тоже ответа нет. Зато, возможно, ответ дает реальность: посмотрите на хаос, который творится сейчас во Франции. Поджигатели - как раз те, кому были выданы "все документы" на пребывание в стране; наверняка у кого-то из них даже есть гражданство...
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bisonteinvencible · 2 years
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Rosetta, Jean-Pierre Dardenne & Luc Dardenne,1999
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Jérémie Renier in La Promesse (Luc Dardenne and Jean-Pierre Dardenne, 1996) Cast: Jérémie Renier, Olivier Gourmet, Assita Ouedraogo, Rasmane Ouedraogo, Frédéric Bodson. Screenplay: Luc Dardenne, Jean-Pierre Dardenne. Cinematography: Alain Marcoen.  La Promesse is one of those films in which you can see from the very beginning that things are not going to turn out well for any of its characters. But what keeps you going is the complete commitment and skill of its performers, especially 15-year-old Jérémie Renier, and the careful articulation of its moral conundrums by the Dardenne brothers. Renier plays Igor, who has left school to work as an apprentice garage mechanic, but is often in conflict with his boss (Frédéric Bodson) because he keeps getting called away to assist his father, Roger (Olivier Gourmet), who is involved in the underground traffic in undocumented immigrants. Roger exploits the immigrants, many of whom come from Eastern Europe or from Africa, seeking work in the industrial towns of Belgium like Seraing, the Dardennes' home town. Roger provides slum housing and forged documents for the immigrants, and employs them illegally as construction workers on a house he's renovating. In addition to charging them exorbitantly for substandard lodging, he sometimes makes a little money by turning them in to corrupt immigration officials out to fill their quota. Igor doesn't have second thoughts about what his father does, and even seems to be something of a chip off the old block: He filches a wallet off the seat of a car he has just serviced and assures its owner that she must have lost it somewhere, then buries it in a vacant lot after cleaning out the cash. But one day he is called away from the garage -- the boss tells him not to come back after so many absences -- because Roger has just been warned that inspectors are coming to his illegal construction site. He speeds there on his motorbike to warn the workers, who include Hamidu (Rasmane Ouedraogo), a man from Burkina Faso who has just been joined in Seraing by his wife (Assita Ouedraogo) and infant son. During the attempt to flee the site, Hamidu falls from the scaffold on which he has been working -- we don't see the fall but instead we see Igor discover the unconscious Hamidu lying beneath the scaffolding. When he sees that Hamidu is bleeding from his leg, Igor tries to make a tourniquet from his belt, but Roger arrives on the scene and snatches the belt away: Hamidu is too far gone, and taking him to the hospital would only expose Roger's illegal practices to the authorities. When Roger goes to find a place to hide the dying man, Hamidu wakes long enough to elicit from Igor a promise to look after his wife, Assita, and their child. With Igor's reluctant help, Roger buries Hamidu in cement on the construction site. But the promise he has made awakens Igor's conscience, and the film takes its course from there, as Igor tries to help Assita escape from the situation into which Hamidu's death, and Roger's attempts to cover it up, place her. The Dardennes build real suspense as the story progresses, but there is no deus ex machina to provide an unlikely happy ending. Only a kind of moment of clarity for Igor gives his and Assita's dilemma, with its disturbingly contemporary resonances, a faint glimmer of hope.
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pacingmusings · 9 months
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Seen in 2023:
Tori and Lokita (Jean-Pierre Dardenne & Luc Dardenne), 2022
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davidhudson · 1 year
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Happy 72nd, Jean-Pierre Dardenne.
With Luc Dardenne.
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gregor-samsung · 9 months
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Le Silence de Lorna [Lorna's Silence] (Luc Dardenne, Jean-Pierre Dardenne - 2008)
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cinemaquiles · 1 year
TOP 5: A face perversa do trabalho em cinco filmes disponíveis no streaming!
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moviemosaics · 1 year
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Tori and Lokita
directed by Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne, 2022
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yoymialterego · 1 year
Cine al menguar la pandemia: Tori et Lokita
Es cierto que "Tori et Lokita" contiene el estilo afilado y las maneras tajantes habituales en las parábolas de resonancias sociales que suelen confeccionar los hermanos Dardenne, pero esta vez los directores belgas han dado un paso más allá asomándose sin mucho disimulo a la denuncia directa -digámoslo así- con una historia que, dados sus cánones y sus antecedentes, podría causar cierta perplejidad. El hecho es que los Dardenne no se limitan esta vez a simplemente ilustrar una crónica de implicaciones éticas que deje en nuestras conciencias el veredicto final, sino que toman partido y nos lo plantan en la cara. Aparte de eso, la película sigue teniendo su reconocida sobriedad, su fineza y sensibilidad, dentro de una solidez de acero.
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Arman con libertad, eso sí, una cinta con más "argumento" que sus antecesoras. Hay misterio, thriller, el consabido drama, pero como siempre sucede, los hermanos no pierden el enfoque en lo humano, o más bien en lo terriblemente inhumana que puede llegar a ser la existencia para algunos. Sobre todo los inmigrantes. Sobre todo los indocumentados. Así es la vida para Tori (Pablo Schils) y Lokita (Joely Mbundu), un par de niños africanos (ella adolescente) llegados a Bélgica, que, como vemos en el principio, son utilizados como mulas. La fachada del narco-negocio para el que trabajan es un restaurante donde ellos mismos ayudan a animar el ambiente cantando con el karaoke. Lokita es asediada y extorsionada por prácticamente todo el mundo, desde su "pollero" o "coyote" hasta su propia madre, vía teléfono celular. Además de manera eventual es explotada sexualmente por el "cocinero" del restaurante a cambio de unos cuantos euros. La situación migrante de Lokita es diferente a la de Tori, así que las circunstancias cada vez más apremiantes le obligan a tomar un trabajo prácticamente de esclava... como sucede comúnmente con los inmigrantes ilegales.
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El cariño y el mutuo apoyo entre Lokita y Tori es tan evidente que realmente parecen hermanos (en un sosegado duermevela, Lokita le canta una canción de cuna a Tori... ecos dulces pero ya muy lejanos de sus orígenes). Sin embargo en términos de política de inmigración el que parezcan hermanos no significa nada en absoluto si eso no queda legalmente comprobado. El drama toma fuerza a partir de ese precepto, y eleva su intensidad conforme crece y avanza en el tiempo. Los Dardenne han manufacturado en "Tori et Lokita" un filme poderoso en su sencillez, que por fortuna no se regodea en la infamia del desprotegido, sino que toma sentido a partir del desarrollo de una historia. Una historia que por cierto hace un reto abierto a la apatía general, pero que logra ser ilustrativa tanto como cuestionante, que ilumina lo mismo que es contundente dentro de su obscuro, deplorable, trágico proceso. Una película que duele, sí, pero que se torna absolutamente necesaria.
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warningsine · 1 year
Tori et Lokita (2022), dir. Dardenne brothers
Tori and Lokita live in Belgium after surviving a dangerous journey from West Africa. They have a close relationship and pretend to be siblings to secure Lokita’s papers. Desperately in need of more money, they supplement their wages by selling drugs, but soon events spin out of their control.
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