#lucky bag
blushbabydigital · 2 months
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Lovely Hearts ||
Sweet Days Game
Plushie Sticker Pack
Easy download, save right to your phone right from my posts, will save as a {transparent} image {png} . Can use as a sticker or clip art!
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buffetlicious · 2 months
A Hong Bao (红包) or Ang Pow in Hokkien is a gift of money packed into a red packet. Red is considered a symbol of luck, life and happiness. Hong baos are given as tokens of good wishes during auspicious occasions such as Chinese New Year and weddings.
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There are no clear literary sources to trace the origin of the red envelope tradition. In China, during the Qin Dynasty, the elderly would thread coins with a red string. As the society progresses, yā suì qián (压岁钱) was evolved to be wrapped by red papers, since the red color symbolizes good fortune in Chinese tradition. Hong Bao (红包) previously called 压岁钱, which initially expresses the meaning of "money suppressing evil spirits". It's a tradition that during Chinese New Year, red envelopes are typically given by the married to the unmarried, most of whom are children. Because it's traditionally believed that children are easy to get hurt by evils, so people will give them 压岁钱 to protect them and that allow the younger generation to spend their year peacefully and safely.
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Giving Ang Pow image from here.
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trigunfanart · 4 months
Trigun Stampede 3D Foam Bag Clips mystery packs.
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You can preorder these foam bag clip figures, they should be out in February.
Small Vash Funko Pop keychains are available for preorder now too, they are out in March.
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FUKUBUKURO LUCKY BACK 2024 TRIGUN STAMPEDE available for preorder $27.27 USD
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myfriendpokey · 1 year
personal aesthetics
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i'm often afraid to look directly at what i want, in case it scatters and disappears, maybe that's cowardly, i don't know. but i've always felt like, to get what you want through intelligence or hard work or talent is to diminish that thing somehow, to turn it into another empty token of the will. and that the only way things come with their original charge of desire intact is as a miracle, as specifically the one thing that we didn't dare to think about, didn't dare wish for.
so you can spend your time vamping, drawing circles around the magic incantation. and these circles can be interesting enough in themselves. you try something or find something once, and it works so you do it again, again and again, until it becomes a stock phrase, a familiar presence in the bag of tricks. and maybe over time it changes, maybe it becomes one of those things that passes far enough through familiarity that it becomes strange to us again, we pause and feel confused at how well our own hands seem to know these contours, maybe they start to wear away, or maybe we start to wear away ourselves, we have to do things differently, not being able to rely upon the old sharpness. so they develop their own histories. but it's a false history unless we somehow view it in tandem with that of their counterparts, the non-tools - whatever it was that couldn't be added to the bag, whatever we couldn't bring ourselves to try to fake.
i feel averse to art that has no dead parts, no listlessnesses, no flubs - "nothing but the best". as if meaning and value were so rare that they could never be left to chance. a paranoia that diminishes the thing it's trying to celebrate, converting it to yet another luxury good to be stockpiled by those of means or exquisite sensitivity. i think the only thing you can do when you run across the good is to let it go again. i think whatever you risk losing in doing so is balanced out by the beauty of the notion that there's always more to find.
i like lucidity in art because it's an acknowledgement of its own limits - a lucidity that means marking the points where lucidity itself can only stop talking and start to gesture.
art as a lucky dip bag that holds equal chance of turning out to contain a plastic whistle, two lollipops, a magic ring or somebody's hand.
i like irony because it's a way of holding two ideas at once. imagine i'm sad, so sad, so forlorn, so overcome with weighty despair that all i can do is throw up into a trash can. now imagine a member of janitorial staff finding it the next day and going what the fuck? by putting these things together with different levels of emphasis you can have as comic or as tragicomic an effect as you could like - or if you like you can hold them both at a remove, emphasising the broad scope of your own vision. but the kind of irony i am interested in is whatever could hold both these things in suspense - each one chafing against the other, holding off on final meaning as if waiting for the scales to tip, like a make-your-own-allegory kit where the final part rolled under the couch.
sometimes i think about the old idea that wanting anything is folly, is childish, that as soon as you get it you'll just want something else. and there's something to this, but i hate that smug moralism, that defensive incuriosity, and i feel drawn to people brave enough to continue wanting even knowing how futile it might be. so maybe the value in chasing something is in getting to want something else, layer after layer of discarded promise building up, becoming stranger, less straightforward, the path of your desire getting cluttered with your own debris, having to wind, become sidetracked - like the snake from "snake", growing longer as it eats apples(?) in the void, forever surprising its own body at odd angles, circling its own old movements. is this what william blake meant by "if a fool would persist in his knowledge he would become wise"?? see how long you can avoid self knowledge while eating fruit. eve simulator 2000.
in magic wand there's a part where you find the magic wand, this thinly sketched signpost for alterity, desire, and it makes a weird noise and then the world is changed, in a way it's hard to read as good or bad. certainly more cluttered - the plains outside are now covered in debris, gigantic heads and hands, pictures of the demiurge. there doesn't seem like much to choose from between these places, so maybe the only thing you've gained is to have seen them both, the old and new, and have the old slide a little further into memory, the secret alchemical medium that can absorb all contradictions.
i always feel like to represent something is to travesty it, to turn it into an icon of the unliving - that to put whatever you most cherish, love or friendship or whatever, into a work of art is like putting it inside the mouth of a corpse. if these have value it's as human things while art draws its lustre from being inhuman. that being said… there's something moving about the frozen and unproblematized emblems of pleasure that bob around the screen in a videogame, the hearts and blue skies, candy worlds and golden bells. they become moving because nobody believes in them anymore, because there's no insistence that these things might actually represent the good - they're harmless tokens, light as air. in the very indifference with which they seem to regard how near or far they might be from actual happiness there's something tensionless and dreamy, forgetful and beautiful. we might suspect that a secret substitution's taken place.
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fubinicrafts · 4 months
New Year’s Mystery Bags!
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【 Miracle Nikki CN 】
🐰🧧🏮 Happy Chinese New Year 2023 🏮🧧🐰
🐰🏮Spring Festival 2023 • Lucky Bag 2023🏮🐰
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​​【 Miracle Nikki CN 】
🐰🧧🏮 Happy Chinese New Year 2023 🏮🧧🐰
🐰🏮Spring Festival 2023 • Lucky Bag 2023🏮🐰
🦊🦊 Lucky Bag • Tiānxiāng hú yán 🦊🦊
The budding flowers bloomed with fragrance in the hands of the fox fairy, and her strength recovered again.
It turned out that what she was looking for was never a treasure,
It deserves her sincere love.
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epiklab · 4 months
Sanrio Lucky Bag 2024 Hello Kitty [ 福袋2024 ] サンリオ ハローキティ ハッピバッグ #sanrio ...
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mollydastoertchen · 11 months
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The result of my latest lucky bag for @boafb ♥
I had so much fun with all of these! Ladivia and Solodorensis are just so pure together <3
(Application form is still open if someone is interested in getting their own PWYW lucky bag!)
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uni-vee · 1 year
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[CN] CNY 2023 Lucky Bags
Lucky bags to pair alongside the hell event. The 6300 VIP suit is usually announced separately and not part of the lineup.
Format: Recharge certain amounts of diamonds to receive lucky tokens. Use them to unlock lucky bags. Drop rates are “loosely fixed”. After completing the lineup, you get the chance to revisit an old lucky bag to spend for older suits as you wish.
Suits: Luoluo East Wind, Misty Sound, Feathers in Star Lake, Divine Fox Talk, Abyssal Dragon*
*translations may not be accurate and will change when it comes to our server!
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warehouse-staff-blog · 4 months
LUCKY BAG DAY 3 in 2024
こんにちは 名古屋店 コジャです。
本日が福袋最終日。 残り少ないですがラストチャンス掴みにいらして下さい!!
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LUCKY BAG以外でのお買い物をしたいけど混雑を予想して御来店を避けていた方は、 初売りからの1・2日目よりも店内が見やすいかと思います���。
ウエアハウス各直営店では2024年1月2日(火)から2024年1月4日(木)まで福袋を販売致します。 福袋の内容は例年と異なりパンツの販売は無くTOPSのみとなります。
※福袋は店舗によっては並ばない価格やサイズがございます。また在庫も僅かとなります。 ※福袋は無くなり次第終了とさせていただきます。 ※福袋の返品・交換はお断り致します。
2024年1月2日(火)から2024年1月8日(月)まで各直営店で 『ニューイヤーフェア』を開催致します。
期間中各直営店にてお会計の際にウエアハウスのライン公式アカウント内の 『ニューイヤーフェア』 が記載されている画面を御提示頂くとビンテージ商品と福袋以外については恒例の特典が付きます。
☞ [営業時間のお知らせ]
【東京店、名古屋店、福岡店、札幌店、大阪店の5店舗共通】  ・2024年1月2~4日 : 12:00~18:00  ・2024年1月5日以降 : 12:00~19:00
※定休日を設けているWAREHOUSE名古屋店ですが2024年1月3日(水)は通常営業します。  以降は水曜日が定休日となりますのでお気を付け下さい。
【阪急店のみ】  ・2024年1月2日 : 10:00~19:00  ・2024年1月3~8日 : 11:00~20:00
今後の営業時間等の変更につきましては、 改めて当ブログにてお知らせ致します。 お客様におかれましてはご不便をお掛けいたしますが、 ご理解の程、宜しくお願い申し上げます。
☞ 『WAREHOUSE直営店の LINE公式アカウント開設』
LINE公式アカウント開設にあたり、 2019年3月26日(火)以降、提供しておりましたスマートフォンアプリはご利用できなくなっております。 お手数をおかけしますが、今後はLINEアカウントのご利用をお願いします。
ご利用されるエリアのアカウントを「友だち登録」して下さい。 ※WAREHOUSE名古屋店をご利用頂いているお客様は【WAREHOUSE EAST】をご登録下さい。
弊社直営店で行っておりますジーンズ等のリペアの受付を休止させて頂いております。 ※ご郵送に関しても同様に休止させて頂いております。再開の日程は未定です。
ご迷惑お掛け致しますが、ご理解下さいます様お願い致します。 ※弊社製品であればボトムスの裾上げは無料にてお受けしております。お預かり期間は各店舗により異なりますのでお問合せ下さい。
〒460-0011 愛知県名古屋市中区大須3-13-18
【名古屋店】  ・2024年1月2~4日 : 12:00~18:00  ・2024年1月5日以降 : 12:00~19:00
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auntie-vava-sopor · 1 year
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Die saturnische Wundertüte
Treasure to some, garbage to others.

I had a few things left from recent releases, little things, here and there, which I had kept in boxes and didn’t know what to do with.
I really didn’t want to throw any of it away, obviously (because I hate waste) … but I also couldn’t just hand it out for free, because that would be unfair to those, who had paid for them initially.
So, here is the fabulous solution:
(„The Saturnian Miracle-Bag“).
A „Wundertüte“ (Engl.: grab-bag or lucky bag) is usually some kind of trash, concealed in a paper bag, sold for waaaay more than it is actually worth. Seriously, that’s what it is, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
I bought a „Wundertüte“ once, when I was little. I must have either been in the last throes of Kindergarten or the first grade of elementary school. I am not entirely sure.
Anyway, they sold these bags at our local stationary-/magazine-/odds-and-ends-store, where they were stacked next to the registry. They came in red or blue and cost one Deutsche Mark. I believe there was a drawing of a laughing clown printed on the front and the promise of great things like „science“, „adventure“ and „endless fun, fun, fun“ inside.
Needless to say, none of this was actually true. I think there was a piece of bubblegum in mine, a balloon or pencil, and, I believe, an ugly sticker. Something like that. Total bullshit.
Also, I only made a hundred of these boxes. So…
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mxmc13 · 6 months
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Clover x Suitcase inanimate insanity as humans because we need more Clovercase content
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parasolpaper · 1 year
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[WATERPROOF] Animal Crossing Vinyl Sticker Decal Bundle
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rosejapanfan · 1 year
Spy x Family Lucky Bag Review
💙SpyxFamily Lucky Bag Review💙 Please give this post a read and like, share, subscribe, or leave a comment! corereviewsblog.com #SugoiMart #LuckyBag #SpyxFamily #SxF #blackgirlblogger #anime #productreview
**This post is NOT sponsored by Sugoi Mart and I’m not being paid to post this! (UNFORTUNATELY)** Sugoi Mart has released a new lucky bag with the hit anime and manga, Spy x Family, as the theme. In the past I’ve loved getting anime lucky bags because it’s an opportunity to get some merchandise, snacks, and manga for your favorite series! There were a lot of goodies in this one so I want to…
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alittlebitbethany · 2 years
https://youtu.be/ETvVQpIVvnM Hello everybody I’ve posted a new. #youtube video on my channel sharing the fantastic #luckybag I got from @poor.little.nell at #dollycon2022. Please check it out it would mean a lot to me.Image Description: a screenshot of a YouTube video featuring a #sindydoll looking into a #luckybag . The text reads BC’s Doll Place: Sindy Lucky Bag. #sindy #sindydolls #pedigreesindy #dolls #doll #dollfashion #sindyclothes #dollphotography
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【 Miracle Nikki CN 】
🐰🧧🏮 Happy Chinese New Year 2023 🏮🧧🐰
🐰🏮Spring Festival 2023 • Lucky Bag 2023🏮🐰
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​​【 Miracle Nikki CN 】
🐰🧧🏮 Happy Chinese New Year 2023 🏮🧧🐰
🐰🏮Spring Festival 2023 • Lucky Bag 2023🏮🐰
🦢🦢 Lucky Bag • Canyu Star Lake 🦢🦢
The sound of wind and water intertwined into a natural melody,
Following the leisurely beat, she expresses her inner emotions,
Gradually become one with nature.
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