#ludes studio
strangestcase · 30 days
House of Leaves muppet musical adaptation
Kermit the Frog as Will “Navy” Navidson
Fozzie Bear as Tom Navidson
Miss Piggy as Karen Green
Sam the Eagle as Holloway
Wax and Jed are fused into a single character played by Rizzo the Rat
Chad and Daisy are fused into a single character played by Robin
Bunsen and Beaker as Billy Reston
Gonzo the Great as Johnny Truant
Pepe the King Prawn as Lude
Waldorf and Statler as Zampanò (providing a sarcastic narration to Will’s misadventures)
The Swedish Chef as that one guy that beats the shit out of Lude.
Johnny’s many love interests are played by chickens.
Thumper is played by Animal in drag. Everyone just rolls with it.
Dr Teeth as Johnny’s boss, with the other members of the Electric Mayhem being the different customers of the tattoo studio.
Sweetums as that one big custodian at the beginning.
Scooter is there. I don’t know what he does but he’s there. Crazy Harry blows something up also.
The one human actor is Willem Dafoe, who plays the Minotaur. He wears a black bodysuit that only leaves his face visible and all he does is perform a horrible little dance every time a character alludes to the Minotaur. He never interacts with anyone or says anything at all.
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turisiancom · 1 year
TURISIAN.com – Memasuki liburan sekolah di akhir tahun, sebagian masyarakat Indonesia mulai merencanakan liburan ke sejumlah tempat wisata. Bandung Raya, Jawa Barat adalah salah satu daerah di Indonesia yang selalu menjadi salah satu tujuan berwisata. Kota ini memang menawarkan banyak tempat wisata yang cocok dikunjungi oleh keluarga bersama dengan anak-anak. Buat kalian yang pada akhir tahun ini berencana liburan di Bandung dan sekitarnya, berikut 7 objek wisata yang bisa dikunjungi: 1. Kebun Binatang Bandung Pengunjung tampak ramai di Kebun Binatang Bandung, meski status lahan objek wisata itu berpolemik. (Foto: Billy Maulana Finkran) Kebun Binatang Bandung atau yang dikenal Bandung Zoological Garden memiliki beragam koleksi fauna lebih dari 18 individu dari berbagai kelas. BACA JUGA: Bus Listrik E-Inobus, Bikin Nyaman Wisatawan ke Bandung Raya Selain menjadi tempat wisata, Bandung Zoological Garden juga menjadi tempat pendidikan dan penelitian. Lokasi Bandung Zoological Garden terletak di Jl. Tamansari No.17, Lb. Siliwangi, Kecamatan Coblong, Bandung. Ada Magic Corner 2. Trans Studio Bandung Trans Studio Bandung merupakan tempat hiburan indoor yang paling terkenal di Bandung. Tempat wisata ini menawarkan berbagai wahana permainan seru yang bisa dinikmati bersama keluarga dan anak selama libur sekolah akhir tahun. Trans Studio Bandung terdapat 20 wahana permainan yang dibagi dalam tiga tema, seperti Magic Corner, Lost City, dan Studio Central. Trans Studio Bandung terletak di Jl. Gatot Subroto No.289, Cibangkong, Kec. Batununggal, Kota Bandung. BACA JUGA: Okupansi Hotel di Lampung Meningkat Dibandung 2021 Lalu, Ini Datanya 3. Bandung Science Center Kamu bisa mengajak si kecil mengisi waktu liburan sekolah dengan bermain sambil belajar di Bandung Science Center. Bandung Science Center menawarkan berbagai permainan interaktif dengan teknologi canggih. Anak anda akan dimanjakan dengan pengalaman seru belajar sains. Bandung Science Center terdapat 16 ruangan dengan berbagai tema dan ala. Tiket masuk tempat wisata ini seharga Rp45.000 dan beralamat di Jl. Sirnagalih No.15 Gegerkalong, Bandung. BACA JUGA: Sudah 15.000 Tiket Bus Damri Ludes Terjual, Mereka Ingin Liburan Akhir Tahun Suasana seperti di negeri dongeng 4. Lembang Wonderland Tempat wisata Lembang Wonderland menyuguhkan wahana dunia fantasi dalam tiga area berbeda. Seperti Area Rumah Pohon dengan berbagai tema berbeda. Kemudian juga ada area Sweet Field dengan suasana seperti di negeri dongeng, dan Area Ice Cream yang bisa turun salju setiap beberapa jam sekali. Lembang Wonderland beralamat di Jl. Raya Lembang No.177, Jayagiri, Lembang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat. 5.The Great Asia Afrika The Great Asia Afrika bisa menjadi tempat wisata edukasi untuk anak. Tempat wisata ini menawarkan keberagaman dari tujuh negara di benua Asia dan Afrika. The Great Asia Afrika beralamat di Jl. Raya Lembang - Bandung, No.71, Gudangkahuripan, Lembang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat. BACA JUGA: 5 Rekomendasi Museum di Kota Bandung yang Menarik Kalian Kunjungi! 6. Jendela Alam Tempat wisata anak berikutnya adalah Jendela Alam, tempat wisata ini mengusung tema alam yang sesuai dengan namanya. Jendela Alam memiliki berbagai koleksi binatang, khususnya binatang ternak. Selama berlibur di Jendela Alam, kamu dan si kecil bisa memberi makan hewan dan bermain di playground outdoor yang lumayan luas. Jendela Alam terletak di Komplek Graha Puspa, Jl. Sersan Bajuri, Cihideung, Lembang. 7. De Ranch Lembang De Ranch Lembang bisa menjadi pilihan bagi orang tua dan anak ketika sedang liburan akhir sekolah di Bandung. Berlibur di tempat wisata ini, wisatawan bisa menghirup udara segar di lapang luas sambi menaiki kuda. De Ranch Lembang berlokasi di Jl. Maribaya No.17, Kayuambon, Lembang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat. ***
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wanitapejuang · 2 years
My Story Part 02 (Perjuangan Mendapatkan Tanda Tangan Dosen)
Siang itu setelah selesai melaksanakan tugas selayaknya seorang guru aku pun segera berpamitan dengan kepala sekolah beserta para staf guru lainnya. Setelah berpamitan, Si bang hero mulai berderu melaju kencang menelusuri jalanan.
Tak beberapa lama si bang hero akhirnya bisa terparkir manis didepan gedung Fakultas dan Ilmu Keguruan. Kampus IAIN Ternate.
Ya, Ini adalah kali kedua aku ke kampus, bersyukur Allah masih memberi kesempatan itu padaku dan tidak akan ku sia-siakan.
"Oke, Mari Berjuang Lagi!" Ujarku dalam hati, yang lagi semangat-semangatnya.
Setelah berjumpa dengan sahabat-sahabatku, kami akhirnya melangkah menuju lantai 2 Fakultas dalam rangka ingin meminta tanda tangan dari Pak Ramli, Beliau adalah Sekretaris Sidang Skripsiku waktu itu.
Sesampainya di lantai 2..
Sejauh mata memandang terlihat begitu banyak orang yang juga sedang mengantre menunggu beliau. Aku yang baru saja menginjakkan kaki di lantai gedung tersebut tidak langsung ikut nimbrung mengantre, napasku masih tersengal dan aku memilih untuk duduk dan beristirahat sejenak bersama mereka, bestie-bestieku.
Sembari istirahat dan mengobrol bersama, tak lupa ku tunjukkan makanan yang sengaja ku bawa dari sekolah, yakni snack singkong dan 2 lapis kue ulang tahun dari salah satu siswa ku di sekolah tadi. Dengan sekejap makanan itu ludes tak tersisa.
Sudah jam 3 sore dan kami masih terus saja menunggu. Tak lama kemudian, saat waktu sudah menunjukkan tepat jam 4 sore atau kurang lebih sudah lewat beberapa menit, Beliau yang sedari tadi mondar-mandir akhirnya kembali ke ruangan dan mulai untuk melayani Mahasiswa.
Mahasiswa yang sedari tadi menunggu di depan ruangan itu pun kembali mengantre, dan kali ini aku juga ikut nimbrung.
Tak berselang lama akhirnya aku mendapatkan tanda tangan beliau. Lega rasanya.
"Alhamdulillah.. Tinggal 1 tanda tangan lagi, Rektor!" ucapku antusias.
Kami pun bersama-sama turun ke lantai 1 dan mulai melanjutkan tujuan kami yakni membantu mendaftarkan ujian skripsi untuk bunda dan ririn. Setelah berhasil mendaftarkan, kami kembali melanjutkan perjalanan yakni menemani ririn untuk foto studio. Setelah itu kami pulang ke rumah masing-masing.
Sesampai dirumah, tak lupa ku sampaikan kabar baik itu lagi ke mama.
Alhamdulillah bersyukur tiada henti, Allah memudahkan satu per satu urusanku.
Ternate, 14 Juni 2022
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moneyisnobject · 3 years
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‘Ocean One’ Penned By Wolfgang Ludes
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fursasaida · 4 years
“Oh, it’s beautiful. But wait a minute, isn’t this—?”
“Yeah, yes it is.”
“But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the end?”
“Well, baby, I went down and got it for you.”
“Aww, you shouldn’t have.”
And yet he did. In the Nigel Dick–directed video, the cloned Rivers Cuomo who mans the space station somehow triggers Britney to frontflip through outer space. She changes clothes in midair into something a little more conservative, a little less aerodynamic. When the American Eaglenaut removes his space explorer’s helmet, his head expands and then shrinks to a Beetlejuice size (the astral climate and such). Still, he gives her the coveted jewel, she still graciously accepts it, and rips his beating heart out like Scorpion. It’s unclear how and why the astronaut spelunked to the bottom of the North Atlantic back to Mars, all just to bestow a fictional stone from a three-year-old blockbuster to a girl who isn’t even that into him (even if the girl was Martian Britney circa the fin de siècle). These are logical frameworks that can’t be answered. Just know it was shot on the Universal Studios backlot. In real life, the astronaut is now a Phoenix trauma surgeon.
Somehow, this perfectly explains the late ’90s. If the ’ludes and stagflation anomie of the ’70s caused a Happy Days revival for ’50s homespun corniness, the first years of the Britney Spears era applied a glossy sheen to black and white repressiveness. The boomers in charge simultaneously fetishized the rebellion of the Aquarian years and the pre–Kennedy assassination stability of their childhood. This is how you get Britney, who contained both polarities, even if the Janis Joplin dissipation was still a few years away. Of course, she wanted astronauts in the video. What else but that ultimate symbol of mid-20th-century crew-cut heroics?
I’m enjoying the hell out of this “Oops! ... I Did It Again” 20th anniversary retrospective thanks
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I Need Fire (Part 21)
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Authors Note:  Alright I’m back!  I feel like it’s been an age since I talked to any of you!  I hope you’re all doing well and that you like this chapter.  We’ve got some BIG events coming up in the next few chapters so I’m excited to hear your feedback<3
Word Count: 3,486
Warnings:  In this chapter none really, talk about drugs
Taglist:   @freddiessmallnipples @triplehaitches @samanthadegaro @lauravic @oh-well1 @la-sorciere-fleur @anxious-diabetic @xdeath-soulx @fanofnightz @songbirdkisses​ If you’d like to be added please let me know!
 Previous Chapter  //  Master List  //  Next Chapter
Chapter 21
Rayne took her keys to the office out of her purse and inserted them into the lock of Poison Ivy.  It was just before 8AM so needless to say she was shocked to hear opera music coming from Stanley’s work office.  Rayne dropped her bags on her desk and made her way back to where the music came from.  She leaned against the door frame watching as he stood in front of a mannequin with a beautiful suede and leather suit.  She gently knocked on the wooden frame, “Knock knock boss man.”
Turning toward her voice Stanley turned and gasped, “The bronzed goddess returns.  Bella, you look stunning.”
“Thank you.  That Italian blood in me makes it easy to tan.”  Rayne chuckled holding her arms out at her side.  “Why are you here so early?”
“The show is coming up, this is the last piece.  I wanted to get this finished so we can have fittings with our girls.  This is the most time I’ve ever had to make final adjustments leading up to a show.  Granted the last shows I did I was hopped up on coke and ludes and all sorts of non-sense. But that was in my youth.”
“Is it wrong that I think it would be fun to meet that Stanley?” Rayne smiled crossing her arms over her chest, causing her engagement ring to catch in the morning sun.
“I mean you are used to rock stars and I could have put them to shame.”  Stanley winked before his eyes to shot down to the sparkling ring on her slim fingers.  “Oh my god, is this what I think it is Bella?”
Rayne nodded her head, “It is, Tommy proposed to me over the holiday break, and I said yes.”
“Congratulations my darling.”  Stanley hugged Rayne rocking her back and forth.  “You do realize what this means right?”
“What does it mean?”
“I have a wedding dress to design.”  Stanley smiled wide.
“What?  No!  Stanley I can’t ask that of you.”
“You’re not asking me.  I’m offering.  And you will be the most radiant bride there ever was.  I’ll make sure of that.”  Stanley said with such love.  He felt like a father figure to Rayne and she couldn’t quite put into words how much she valued that aspect of her and Stanley’s relationship.
“I don’t know what to say Stanley.”  Rayne shrugged her shoulders.  “Thank you so much.  Now let’s stop being sappy, we have a busy day ahead of us.”
“You know bella, you are going to have to get used to being the center of attention.  Every bride deserves all eyes on her, and so does the lead model in my show.” Stanley called Rayne on her insecurities immediately and she knew he was right.  But she’d cross that bridge when the time came, right now she had work to do.
After an eventful day at work filled with fittings and meetings Rayne headed home, but there was one place she had to stop off at before she got there.  Rayne walked up the stone stairs and gently knocked on the door. A very disheveled looking Vince answered the door.
"Hey Vinny."  Rayne smiled going in for a hug.  Reluctantly Vince hugged her back.
"What are you doing here?"  Vince asked softly.
"I haven't been over since everything happened, and the holidays were so crazy I didn't want more time to go by."  Rayne said still embracing him.  "Is this a bad time?"
"No not at all.  We just haven't had many visitors lately.  Come in."
"I'm sorry, I should've come by sooner." She said somberly entering Vince and Jo’s home.  She did truly feel bad that with the chaos of the holiday season that she hadn't been over to see Vince or Jo.  She hoped they knew that she was not avoiding them.
"You don't have to apologize Legs."  Vince patted her on the shoulder as they walked into the living room where Jo laid curled up on a plush white couch watching tv.
"Ray??"  She shot up from the cushions rushing over to her best friend hugging her tightly.  "Oh I missed you!"
"I'm sorry I haven't come by and I'm sorry to just drop in.  But I wanted to see you guys." The three sat down in the living room.  Rayne slipped her heels off and pulled her legs up underneath her. "This might be a stupid question but how are you guys doing?"
Vince looked like an absolute wreck, so if she was judging the book by its cover she would say he was doing the worst.  But she also knew that Jo was good at hiding her struggles. Rayne watched as Jo placed a hand on Vince's thigh. "I think we're hanging in there right?"
"All things considered yeah we're hanging in."  Vince nodded his head.  "I'm glad I have you here with me babe, otherwise I don't know that I would be."
Rayne smiled at the tender moment between the couple.  She usually did not see that side of Vince and Jo's relationship.  "Nowhere else I'd rather be baby."
"So, you're obviously without a certain drummer."  Vince said not to subtly.
"Yeah.  I tried to get him to come with me.  I just, I don't think he knows what to say.  He thinks Vince doesn't need to be babied and that's what he thinks he'll be doing if he came to check on you.  We actually got into a bit of an argument about it."  Rayne shrugged her shoulders. She watched as Vince hung his head nodding slightly. "Have you heard from any of the guys?"
"Not a word.  The only reason I know I still have a band is through phone calls with Doc."  Vince spat out. She could feel how much that stung him.  Motley Crue had always been a gang of brothers until things got tough for Vince and now that mentality seemed to be gone.
Rayne was about to respond but the phone rang stopping her from speaking.  Vince stood up, "Speak of the devil, that should be Doc."
Vince left the room and Rayne turned to Jo.  "Are you sure you're okay?"
Jo nodded, "it's tough. But it's tougher on Vinny than it is on me. I hurt for him because I know he's hurting."
Rayne immediately understood what Jo meant, she had been there herself many times, damn empathy!
"I think what bothers him most isn't the stuff the media says, or what MTV says, or the court ordered things he has to do.  It's that no one in the band have said a word to him. He's completely alone apart from me."  Jo continued.
"I'm sorry Jo.  I really tried to get Tommy here but he's being stubborn."  Rayne sighed.
"Do you think he's pissed about the miscarriage?"  Jo questioned.
"I don't think so, I mean he's not pissed at me for it. Why would he be pissed at Vince?"  Rayne ran her fingers through her curls.
Jo sighed, shaking her hair.  "I don't know. At least tomorrow he goes back into the studio. Maybe that'll help mend things."
"I'm here for anything you guys ever need.  You know that right Jo?"  Rayne watched as her best friend silently shook her head before taking a deep breath composing herself.
"I know Ray.  And I appreciate that more than you know."  Jo smiled hugging her friend.  "How are things with you and Tommy?  You said you got into an argument?  Didn't you just get back from Cabo?"
"Yeah we did.  I don't wanna get into it, you've got enough going on without having to listen to my bullshit."  Rayne brushed Jo's questions off.
"I wouldn't be asking if I didn't want to hear."  Jo smiled.
"Well it kinda all started the night we got there.  I found some stuff in Tommy's bag…"
"Tommy I found some stuff in your bag that I want to talk to you about."  Rayne pulled her legs up toward her chest, wrapping her arms around her knees.
"What's up babe?" Tommy asked sitting down on the lounge chair next to Rayne.
"Tommy last night after you fell asleep I wanted to clean myself up and wash my face.  I was looking around what I thought was my bag for my skin care. I didn't want to wake you up so I didn't turn any lights on.  When I got to the bathroom and turned the lights on I noticed I didn't grab stuff from my bag it was your bag."  Rayne knew she was rambling but she didn't care, there was no easy way to bring up what she had to talk to him about.  "Tommy it was a bottle of white powder and two bottles of nondescript pills. Now apparently I'm naive but not so naive that I don't know what that powder is."  
Tommy stayed silent.
"So after beating myself up for my stupidity since then I figured I'm done beating myself up but I will talk to you about it.  Do you know how much trouble you could've gotten us in if you had been caught with that shit at the airport?"
"Well we didn't get caught did we?"  Tommy said a bit annoyed.
"That's not even the point Tommy. How dependent are you on this shit that you're bringing it on vacation with us?  We were supposed to use this time to relax before things start ramping up again."
"I am relaxing."  Tommy deflected the question.
"How can you relax when you're hopped up on coke Tommy?"  Rayne was starting to get upset.  "I knew you did it when you were with the band, I didn't think you had to do it when you were home with me."
"You knew that I did coke when you met me.  I don't know why you're flipping out."
"Tommy I knew you did coke, but if you're bringing drugs on vacation with us that tells me it's more than recreational use.  Then when I see two bottles of unlabeled pills excuse me if I don't have questions."  Rayne took her sunglasses off to look at him.  "Tommy why are you doing these things when you're with me? Why do you need to self medicate yourself when you're with me?"
"You told me when we first met that you weren't my mother and wouldn't ask me to change."  Tommy defended himself.
Rayne sighed exasperated before replying.  "Tommy I am not your mother. But I think as someone who is planning on being your wife I have the right to be concerned about what you're putting in your body.  Do you know how fucking dangerous it is to do a drug like coke and I assume the pills are downers to bring you down after your high?  You could kill yourself doing that Tommy do you get that?"
"I'm not going to kill myself."  Tommy shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Tommy you're putting drugs into your body, you never know how you're going to react to them!"  Rayne said frantically.  "I don't want to get a phone call one night when you're on the road saying you're coming home in a body bag."
"That's not going to happen."  Was his simple response.  He was driving Rayne crazy, he wasn't listening at all.
"Look Tommy.  I'm doing the one thing that has been the hardest for me to do since you've known me which is communicate.  I'd appreciate it if you would at least listen to my concerns. I could've just sat on this and blown up on you."
"Oh so you're not blowing up on me now?"
"Tommy I am an Italian woman from New Jersey, I may have lived in California for years but that is something you never lose.  If I was blowing up on you, it would be much worse than this."  Rayne threatened only to hear Tommy mumble something under his breath.  "Excuse me? Did you have something to say?"
"Well I can't win so it's pointless."
"Did I say you couldn't win?  I'm having this conversation because I want to hear what you have to say."  Rayne leaned toward him in her lounge chair.
"There's no point in talking about it. I can't stop so there's no point."
"What do you mean you can't stop?"  Rayne asked him.
"I can't stop. I've tried and when I do I get sick."  Tommy sighed pushing his dark locks off of his face.  Rayne thought to the few times she had been with Tommy where he was indeed under the weather, he claimed it was a stomach bug.  "I try to not do it when I'm with you but when we're together for long periods of time I can't not do it. It has nothing to do with you, it has everything to do with me."
Rayne gently placed her hand on Tommy's knee giving him a light squeeze.  She knew she had to tread lightly. "Tommy you know you can get help if you want it."
"There's no point."  Tommy shook his head.  "The record company practically forces krell up our noses.  I do not have the capability to say no."
"I think you can do anything you set your mind to.  And I think you can say no… even if you never say it to me."  Rayne cracked a little joke which resulted in a smile from Tommy.  "Babe I'm just looking out for you, I want to spend my life with you and I think that shit will drastically decrease that time."
"Well I'll definitely go before you anyway."
"Why do you say that?"  Rayne asked tilting her head slightly.
"Because I don't want to be on this planet without you by my side, so I have to go first."  Tommy flashed a lopsided grin.  "So where do we go from here?"
"I think I've made it clear I think you should really ease off using.  But I also think I can't make you do anything you have to do it for yourself."  Rayne comfortingly replied.
Tommy sat with his head hanging low before he looked up and met Rayne's eyes.  "I'll get help. I don't want to be like this. I see what drugs are doing to Nikki."
"If that's truly what you want to do I'll be with you every step of the way."  Rayne leaned forward kissing his cheek.
"You want to start by flushing everything I brought with me?"  Tommy asked almost shyly.  Rayne nodded her head and the two walked hand in hand back to their suite.
"Wow, so he's clean?"  Jo asked Rayne.
"He's working on it.  He can't go into a rehab because the band is just about to start recording so he's in this outpatient type thing.  He's been pretty sick so home is my next stop. I made him some chicken noodle broth last night."  Rayne gave a brief flash of a smile.
"You think it'll stay that way?"
"I know coming off drugs isn't easy. I don't expect him to be perfect but we agreed he wouldn't hide anything from me if he did slip up. That’s what I would have a problem with above all."  Rayne shrugged.  "But I think temptation is going to be all around him all the fucking time. I don't think it'll be easy."
"And we thought dating rockstars would be glamorous."  Jo smiled giving Rayne a gentle shove.
"Correction, you may have thought that.  I never wanted to date a rock star."  Rayne laughed at how Tommy just sort of fell into her lap.  
"Well it's a two way street Ray, I'm here for anything if you need me."
"Thanks babe. I appreciate that. I should probably get going and head home.”  Rayne leaned forward to wrap her best friend up in a hug.  She looked at the video that was playing on the TV and was shocked to see the guy she had met in the bar with Doc the night she went to see Journey.  He was singing in a video and he wore lavender leather pants.  Rayne wanted to say she had met him to Jo, but figured that would result in her telling the whole story and right now she wanted to go home to her man.
"Alright I'll see you later.  When is your show by the way?"  Jo stood up walking Rayne to the door.
"A few weeks, why?"
"Well because I want to be there to support you, silly." Jo rolled her eyes playfully.  "You're looking great by the way but stop losing weight!"
"I'm not losing weight I've just been taking my classes more seriously. I'm losing fat and putting on muscle apparently.  Whatever the hell that means."  Rayne shook her head. "Trust me I'm still eating plenty, I had so many tacos while we were in Mexico."
"I'll see you later babe."
"Tell Vince I said bye."  Rayne called out over her shoulder to Jo before hopping in her car and heading home.
Not too long after Rayne opened the front door to her home placing her keys on the ring by the front of the door.  She took a deep breath and could smell some delicious cooking emanating from the kitchen. "Tommy?"
"In here babe."  She heard his voice and made her way toward the kitchen.  When she walked in she leaned against the island in the middle of the room.  "I was hoping everything would be done by the time you get home but it's almost there."
"What are you making?"  Rayne asked walking toward him giving him a light kiss on the cheek.  He definitely seemed a lot better today, not too sick.
"My world famous gyros."  Tommy smiled wide gesturing toward a bunch of various toppings that were lined up on the counter.  “What do you know about Greek food.”
"World famous huh?  How come I've never had them before?"  Rayne teased looking out at all the delicious food.
"Cooking has been taking my mind off other things."  Tommy spoke honestly.  "And I wanted to treat my girl to a good dinner."
"First Jo tells me to plump up and now you are trying too."  She winked.  "But I can't wait it looks delicious."
A timer dinged and Tommy moved to the oven and pulled out some delicious looking meat.  "You're going to have to show me how to put one of these together. I've never had one before."
"You've never had a gyro before?  Oh baby wait to have your mind blown."  Tommy smiled as he began cutting the meat.
He wasn't lying either, Rayne couldn't believe she had never eaten a gyro before it was absolutely delicious.  Who would've thought the crazy rock n roll drummer was also a stellar cook.  
The two of them cleaned up and ended their night curled up under the covers of their bed with the fireplace roaring in their room.  Rayne traced mindless patterns across Tommy's chest.  "Are you excited to get back into the studio tomorrow?"
"I'm nervous as fuck."  Tommy honestly responded.
"Just take everything as it comes, don't get in your head and start beating yourself up."  Rayne said softly.
"I haven't even talked to any of the guys since we got off tour."  Tommy sighed.
"Well I told you to come see Vince with me but no, you didn't want to."  She playfully mocked.
"I know, I'm an ass.  How was Vinny?"
"He's been better Tommy."  Rayne replied honestly.  "So cut him some slack tomorrow okay?  I think he would have really liked to see you today."
She felt Tommy nod his head and it made Rayne smile.  She knew it wouldn't be easy but maybe Tommy and Vince could lean on each other.  But Rayne also knew that was easier said than done. Stretching her body and letting out a yawn she let her eyes flutter closed and drifted off to sleep.
Tommy however remained awake, his arm wrapped around Rayne gently caressing her back.  Since they had flushed everything in Mexico things had been fairly easy. But he knew the studio would be an entirely different animal.  He was one half of the terror twins and he knew Nikki wasn't slowing down on anything anytime soon. It was fucked up, Tommy used drugs to keep him going to be able to experience life to the fullest.  Nikki used to get him out of some dark fucking place, but Tommy wasn't so sure he didn't like it there.
Tommy silently vowed to himself that he would be strong and he wouldn't let Rayne down.  The woman in his arms was like a saving grace and the only thing that mattered to him. And he would not do anything to screw that up… but the little devil on his shoulder kept telling him he was going to do just that.
There you have it, can you believe we’re at Chapter 21 already???  I really enjoyed bringing Vince and Jo back in and giving a peak into what they’ve been going through.  The Motley guys will be back in the next chapter and so will some drama.  Please let me know what you all think, your comments and feedback really fuel my writing and keep me inspired!  Have a great week everyone!
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fmdjoosungarchive · 5 years
location: sun’s goodnight studio
date: a week later from the other para from nov
word count: 560
tldr; this is a continuation i meant to finish last year. it’s a bridge between sung gay panicking and daydreaming of kissing daisuke in the moonlight to coming to terms with his feelings. unsurprisingly, music and god were big parts of what helped him
“ah, i’ve heard more listeners have been tuning in recently.” the tick of his computer mouse is the soundtrack to the room, while his own voice muffles in his ears. “if this is your first time listening, welcome. please let me know what you think so far.” he paused, long enough for a breath, a natural change in topic. “recently, we’ve been on the subject of love. tonight, let’s talk more in depth. i want to know where you’ve seen the beauty of love in your life. it doesn’t have to be your story; i’d like them all.”
he stopped scrolling at a particular message. it had probably been asked hundreds of times in the last week, but questions like this were usually vetted before coming to his computer. are you in love, oppa? dead air rang, for a second, two seconds, and it was too long by then. he read the message aloud, and breathed out a slow sigh. “you all must be very interested.” yes. he wanted to be able to admit it, to work his tongue around the syllable and feel it seep into his bones. “perhaps. that depends on how you see love, listeners. i think, for me, i’m the type of person who falls in love with everything. i fell in love with this studio the second i stepped into it. i fell in love with this microphone the first time it sounded back to me. i fell in love with speaking to you every night, in learning about you and myself. this world is so filled with love and things and people to love,” a ghost of a hand fell on the small of his back, and the tickle of hair against his collarbone sent shivers down his spine, “but we have so many restrictions on it. we put them on the people around us, and on ourselves, when maybe we should love. love more thoroughly.”
a haunting, rolling sound came to a close, pounding out the last note through the walls of the studio. joosung leaned forward, opening his eyes, and spoke to the mic, “that was prayer-lude by naomi scott.” the words came slowly, so as to not trip over the pronunciation, though the calm that the song overtook him with certainly had its due part. “when i first heard this song about a year ago, i’d only understood a few words. but something about it had truly captured me. i’ve always believed that music transcends language. it’s a feeling, and feelings are universal.” prayer was a word he knew, something originally interested him in listening, and he was met with something that captivated his heart beyond the medium of language. feeling, repeated again, and again, within the song, was all he needed to take it in himself.
“i’d finally found a translation recently, and it showed me how powerful music really can be.” the moment came to mind again, that click. not as if it was a push, but a seamless placement of puzzle pieces. “the first time i listened felt the exact same way as when i read the lyrics.” signs from the universe came whenever they were most needed, in small and big moments. he looked for them everywhere, and for once, he found a sign in this song. he would have to fight for this feeling.
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lilacskyent-blog · 5 years
Breakfast with The Wicked Lady
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Every day we see social media influencers, as well as anyone with a social media account, talk about how fake everything is. They rant about how everything is curated, modified with photoshop or facetune, and how no one is showing who they really are. This stance has always frustrated me because the way we present ourselves on social media is often times the same way we present ourselves in the real world when we want to make a good impression. This idea of trying to be our best selves, or even something as ill-conceived as “fake it ‘till you make it” was not born on social media, it’s something nearly everyone on the world does, while simultaneously craving something real. Michelle, a.k.a thewickedlady is one of the most real influencers I’ve ever encountered. Sitting with her via video chat, I feel immediately at ease because she’s normal. There’s no performance, no hyped up mess, just a really cool girl.
 Where did Wicked Lady come from?
Growing up watching Anime and Sailor Moon, I felt like I related very closely to the character Chibiusa, who is Usagi’s daughter who comes to visit Usagi from the Future. There’s a part in Sailor Moon R, where Chibiusa is convinced she is unloved by her friends and family, and she’s told that she is alone. This puts her in a really dark place and Wise Man turns her into the Wicked Lady. Growing up, I had a hard time finding myself and feeling very alone. I felt really unloved and I was in a dark place. But light was shed on me eventually and I realized that all these negative thoughts were not necessary and I should live my life to the fullest and be happy, and that’s also what helped Chibiusa return to her small lady self.
What got you into modeling?
It really wasn’t my initial plan to get into modeling, but I started when I was 18 and got serious when I was 20. I just started taking pictures when I had my pink hair, and my favorite hair dying brands started working with me. I started taking more pictures with my friends who were photographers and I grew from there. I did not do this on my own, I had a lot of help from my friends who helped me grow as an influencer and as a model and a person. I wouldn’t be anywhere without them.
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Despite her modesty, Michelle is an amazing model. From the outfits she puts together to the poses the photographers capture there is pure magic in every image, even the silly ones that may or may not have been accidents. In my own personal modeling career, I pull inspiration from her work, because it’s not only beautiful but also carry an oddly perfect balance of elegance along with badass. Though from what I’ve gathered I’d say greatness with modesty is a fairly accurate way to describe Michelle. She’s absolutely incredible but doesn’t use her energy demanding you to tell her, or even acknowledge it. She’s just herself, just a girl with dreams, goals, and gifts like every other human being.
So along with everything else you have going on, you’re also a college student, what are you studying?
Currently studying Psychology, on route to receiving my bachelors, and eventually my PH.D. PSY.D in Industrial-Organizational Psychology.  Psychology has always been my favorite subject, especially growing up in an unstable home environment, I felt it would be best to learn more about mental health to help myself and my loved ones. People tend to forget that mental health is extremely important in living a healthy, and happy life. But because we can’t physically “cure” mental illness as we do with the common flu, I feel like it’s left unattended, or not taken seriously. We’ve all heard the term, “It’s a phase”, and in some cases, it really isn’t and leaves us more bruised and broken.
Mental health is one of the number one things we’re dealing with in today’s world. From loud, known cases like Kanye West, to the closed-off kids in the back of hundreds of classrooms who are feeling overwhelmed with anxiety, depression, or anything else. However despite overwhelming evidence of this challenge people still act like it doesn’t exist. People poke fun, or minimize the importance of mental health, but scream about mental health every time someone is taken from the world. It needs to be taken seriously, and taken care of.
What is the goal for you?
My main goal is to figure out myself, and create a path for myself in a way that is healthy and happy for my family and I. I don’t want to live a life dependent on money but I do want to live comfortably. In general, I would love to be able to make a difference and help people when they are feeling alone or in the dark. I know at times people feel really hopeless and let down and I want to set a reminder that people feel the same way and we should all be there for each other as a support system. (Enough serious time I also want to be the greatest pokemon master ever YAAAGGAA)
 The minute she makes this joke I break and can’t stop laughing. The fact that she can go from completely serious to completely ridiculous is so comforting. I find myself laughing not only at the joke, but at how nervous I felt when I was preparing for this interview. I’m laughing at myself for being nervous, for worrying that the real person would be different from the person on instagram, or from the Twitch streamer who will randomly stop playing a game and instead let her audience watch her bake cookies at 2am. We’ve become so used to the endless performance of content creators, that seeing someone who, it seems, is completely herself, is honestly disarming at first.
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3 Breakfast must haves?
PANCAKES WITH CHOCOLATE CHIPS. (All time favorite food), Roasted Potatoes or anything with potatoes, and blueberry muffins!
Describe your perfect day
Honestly, waking up on a rainy day with my significant other and Goku(my cat) . A full 8 hours of sleep.  Not having to worry about drama or struggles. Staying in binge-watching the LOTR/ Hobbit Trilogy, drinking Hot Cocoa, eating everything and anything that I can that has potatoes and corn. (I’m a mess but I'm a SLOOT for Elote). and not having to worry about work/homework assignments in college. I’m a simple lass.
Rave or mosh pit?
Considering I used to go to a lot of concerts and got used to being swiftly kicked in the head in mosh pits, now I would prefer raves mainly because it’s a more loving and sweet environment and it’s a lot more affectionate.
Top 10 songs on your playlist right now?
Sunflower- Post Malone
IDWK - Dvbbs
Girls - The 1975
Kamikaze - MO
Take me As You Please - Story So Far
In Bloom - Neck Deep
From the Outside - Real Friends
Disrespectin’ - 88Rising
Bright Pink Tims - BlackBear
Ocean - Martin Garrix / Khalid
This playlist is available through Google Play on our blog!
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 What advice would you give up and coming models to help avoid scam businesses/shady photographers? - Be cautious for red flags, pay attention to their “creative” ideas such as import/lude/ implied. If they don’t allow you to bring a friend during shoots. Check in with others who may have shot with them to get their input with their experience. Also - always meet in a public area and do not shoot with them in a private area. Try to shoot outdoors first, to see how they vibe during the shoot, and FOLLOW YOUR GUT FEELING. If something is off about them, cut the shoot short.
What got you into Twitch streaming and what do you enjoy most about it?
I used to work for a shady ass stream house with 10 other girls, and those girls turned to be the sweetest and most loving girls I’ve met. Although the work itself was garbage, it was the people who worked with me who motivated and inspired me to continue twitch streaming. I met such amazing and wonderful people within that house. <3 I love being able to get personal and talk to my viewers one on one, and I love making them laugh. If you’ve watched my twitch streams, I do dance parties in onesies because I know as much as it makes me look like a fool, it makes my viewers laugh and happy, and that’s all I want for them <3
If you could live in any Studio Ghibli movie which one would you pick?
Kiki’s Delivery Service or Mary and the Witch’s Flower <3
You're very open about mental health and your struggles with it. Was that always something you were open to sharing or was there a moment where you decided to do that?
I used to shut everyone out. I bottled up all of my emotions because I grew up being afraid of them. I was told to keep my head held high and never let my guard down. Showing sadness meant a sign of weakness to me growing up, but it just felt so inhuman to me knowing people feel the same way too and I couldn’t express it. I had a really bad experience back in middle school that completely destroyed me and my mindset. It was all because of social media. It tore me down and turned me into this monster who couldn’t learn to love herself. It stressed me out and brought so much anxiety. I figured, if ever I came back to social media, it would be to help others who felt the way I did. I don’t want anyone to feel like they were alone in life. I get it, suicide hotlines and phone numbers and therapists are provided for those who feel like they want to talk to someone. But in all honesty, it’s hard to find it within myself/yourself to talk to a complete stranger about your problems. It’s better to even talk to someone who you feel like you can trust. As a young adult, I feel like it would be better if I had open arms to those who need it.
 So I have to include at least one question about FBE and I have just one, important question: when they finish filming Try Not to Eat do they give you free rein? NOPE, WE CAN’T EAT JACK SHIT AND IT MAKES ME UPSET BECAUSE IT’S THE ULTIMATE TEASE. ( I love me some honey glazed HAM)
 If you haven’t watched the Try Not To Eat Challenge videos from FBE I highly recommend them. They’re hilarious, and Michelle is in most of them.
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 Do you know how dope you are?
God No. I honestly think I’m way too dorky sometimes. I like having this persona on Instagram but being able to be myself and be goofy and fun as well. I don’t like to be serious, I really don’t. But I do have a feisty side when I see something I’m not okay with. I’m not really afraid to snap back if something doesn’t feel right.
Whether she becomes a therapist, psychologist, model, or anything else Michelle is destined for even greater and more amazing heights than she’s already reached. The world could benefit from someone not only as amazing as she is, but as honest and she is. I’m excited to see what’s next for her!
-Strawberry Smirk
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kuroul · 2 years
Album NCT DREAM 'Glitch Mode' Ludes Terjual Sebanyak 1 Juta Keping hanya Dalam 4 Hari!
Album NCT DREAM ‘Glitch Mode’ Ludes Terjual Sebanyak 1 Juta Keping hanya Dalam 4 Hari!
NCT DREAM hadir sebagai salah satu grup idol muda yang telah sukses mengembangkan karirnya melalui karya-karya spektakuler yang diciptakannya untuk semua penikmat musik, dan khususnya NCTzen sebagai pengemar setia yang selalu mendukung segala aktivitasnya sampai hari ini. Dilansir dari Hanteo per 31 Maret 2022, tercatat sebanyak 1 juta keping album Glitch Mode sebagai album studio kedua NCT DREAM…
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shitkpopmemes-blog · 6 years
Jealous - Request
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Oooo my second request. I hope you like this sorry it took a while.
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“Okay I’m going.” He said while picking up his bag from the counter. You ran into the hallway to say goodbye to him, “Bye baby,” You said placing a quick kiss on his cheek, “I love you.” He didn’t even say anything back before walking out of the door and heading off for the rest of the day. This is how it has been for the past two weeks and you were starting to think you were doing something wrong. You and Taehyung had been dating for just under a year and everything was a dream when you were with him, but with his comeback so close he has been extremely distant. Of course you understood how busy they all were, what with photoshoots, rehearsals, promotions, and recording sessions, but you just wish Tae would talk to you about it. He would leave earlier every morning, returning home at ungodly hours of the night or early morning, leaving you alone with these negative thoughts. Were you being too clingy? Did he not love you anymore? Thousands of thoughts ran through your mind. You shook them off and deciding to watch another episode of your favourite drama, just trying to forget about what was going on around you. You were fully immersed into the season finale when you phone started to ring. “WHY? It was just getting good.” You were ready to curse whoever was calling you but you softened when you saw the contact name Taehyungieeee <3
“Hi baby, how’s practice?” You said pausing the tv but you were disappointed when the voice you got back wasn’t your loving boyfriend. “Y/N, It’s Jungkook. Can you come down to the studio?” He asked sounding out of breath, you guessed he was practicing. “Yeah sure, has something happened? Why are you using Tae’s phone?” You asked while putting on your shoes, “Wow so many questions.” He joked, “Tae sort of had an argument with Hoseok hyung and well…” He explained and paused for a moment. “WHAT? Sort of? Argument? Jungkook explain.” You said grabbing your car key and locking your door up. You put Jungkook on loud speaker while you drove, “Well we are all stressed, and Hoseok was asking why you haven’t been with him to the studio in a while and he just snapped. I don’t know why, you haven’t had a fight have you?” He asked but before you could even answer he continued to explain the situation, “Anyway, after he stormed out I tried to follow him but he has now locked himself into his studio.” You rolled your eyes at Taehyung’s childish actions as you pulled into the parking lot of BigHit. “Alright so what do you want me to do about it. It’s not like he will talk to me either.” You said bluntly as you walked into the building, greeting various staff as you passed by. “Oh I see you.” Jungkook said before hanging up and walking over to you.
“Okay what actually happened?” You asked as you walked towards the practice room where the rest of BTS was. “I think you should ask Hoseok that question.” Jungkook said before opening the door to where everyone else was stood all looking very tense, as if they would all burst out in shouting at any second. “Hoseok go talk to Y/N.” Jungkook said before fulling walking into the room. “I told you it wasn’t my fault.” Hobi shouted which then led to everyone into a rage. You couldn’t catch on to any of what was said since they were all talking at once so you eventually just grabbed Hobi’s arm in anger. “All of you shut up! I don’t care who’s fault it was, I just want to know what happened and how I can get my boyfriend out of his studio!” You shouted causing everyone to fall silent instantly. You dragged Hoseok outside and stare at him waiting for an answer but he just sighs and runs his hand over his face. “We know he’s been distant. We were just trying to ask him why but he kicked off and refused to talk about it.” At that very moment the distinct sound of the door unlocking rang through the empty corridor and Tae walked out. “Tae baby.” You said, almost sounding like a question but he only looked from you to Hobi and walked the other way.
You tried to go after him but Hoseok grabbed your arm, “Don’t, just let him calm down.” You just nodded in silence and headed back to the practice room. “Jungkook can I talk to you now.” You said before heading back out of the practice room once again. “How do I fix this?” you asked but it seemed Jungkook was just as clueless as you. But in a split second you could practically see a light bulb form above his head and he stood closer to you. “Tae’s coming, flirt with me.” He whispered into your ear, “What, how will that help?!” You asked, “Just trust me, laugh like I said something funny.” You thought for a moment before letting out a fake laugh and patting Jungkook’s bicep lightly. You heard Tae getting closer due to his heavy footsteps and Jungkook winked at you pushing a strand of hair out of your face. You suddenly felt his a grip on your wrist roughly pulling you away from Jungkook and back into the studio and you knew it was Tae. “Tae ple-”, “So you decide to flirt with Jungkook when I’m not around Y/N?” He says with a low voice, spitting venom with every word. “No Tae, he was just trying to help me get you to talk.” You tried to explain as Taehyung seemed to get more and more angry. “Yeah I’m sure he was great help with his hand on your ass!” He was shouting this time and you were sure everyone in building could probably hear him.
“Tae that’s not what was-”, “Did you like it?” He cut you off which surprised you slightly. “What?” You asked. You had heard him but you just couldn’t believe he would ask you such a question, “Did. You. Like. It?” He said stressing every word through gritted teeth as he walked closer to you. You slowly backed up hoping to escape his predatory gaze, “N-no.” you cursed yourself for stuttering, “I can’t believe you would have rather have that idiot touch you. Do you think he could make you feel the way I do?” You hadn’t realised but Tae had effectively trapped you between him and the door which he leaned in and locked it before slamming his hands against the door on either side of your head which made you jump. “Answer me, kitten.” He whispered deeply into your ear, “No.” you said simply. You would be lying if you said Tae’s agression wasn’t turning you on slightly, especially how close he was stood. He practically had you flat against him, unable to move as his hot breath tickled your neck as he left light kisses along the expanse of skin.
“Can Jungkook do this?” Tae said while sliding his hands down your back, harshly grabbing your ass causing you to gasp, “No.”, “Can he do this?” He began to suck just below your collarbone, leaving a hickey in its place. “No.” You said, almost moaning just at the way Tae was looking at you. “Who owns you? Or do I need to remind you?” He asked, his eyes burning a hole into yours, “You do?.” you whisper but he just shook his head, “Hmm I don’t think everybody heard that. Looks like I’ll have to go with plan B to show everyone you’re mine.” He said. His casual tone made you useasy, not knowing what he would do to you, but it also aroused you to no end. As he reached his hands into your shorts he let out a soft but sexual laugh, “Aw I know, Kitten just wanted some attention didn’t she, so she went made daddy mad.” You bit your lip in an attempt to keep in the noises threatening to escape your mouth but Tae wasn’t having it and landed a hard slap to your ass cheek, “Nuh-uh Daddy wants you to let everyone hear those pretty moans of yours. Let them know who you belong to, kitten.”
His long fingers eventually found your clit, rubbing slow circles on it drawing out long whines and breathy moans to escape your parted lips as he worked off you shirt with his free hand. Once your shirt and bra were successfully deposited on the floor Tae brought his lips down to your now exposed breasts, massaging them lightly contrasting the harsh kisses he set along the skin. He kissed down your stomach and made quick work of whatever clothing you had left on before stepping back and admiring you. “You make me so insane, Y/N.” He growled out before roughly kissing you, your hands pinned on either side of your head. You had missed this closeness and you just wanted to touch him, run your hands through his hair, moan into those defined collarbones. You were sure Tae could feel you trying to wiggle your hands out of his grip because he began to tighten them, “This is still a punishment kitten, no touching.” He explained while bringing his lips to your ear, biting the lobe slightly, sending shivers down your spine. Taehyung finally stepped back and began to relieve himself of the now tight constraints of his jeans and boxers letting his thick cock spring free, lightly hitting his stomach. You almost drooled as he lifted his shirt exposing his perfectly sculpted abs, “Like what you see?” Tae said rather sarcastically and you just nodded, “I’m going to fuck you now kitten,” he murmurs as he positions the head of his erection at your entrance, “Hard.”
“I want you sore, baby,” he murmurs slowly pushing into you. Once he was fully seated in you he pulled out till only his tip was still in you before slamming back into you. “Every time you move tomorrow, I want you to be reminded that I’ve been here. Only me. You are mine.” A string of moans, broke screams of his name and curse words fill the studio as he pounds into you at a sinful pace, “Fuck, Tae- ah.” You couldn’t control the lude sounds escaping your lips with Tae growling almost animalistically into your ear making the muscles deep inside you clench. He wrapped your legs around his waist before walking you over to one of the desks giving him a better angle to fuck you, harder, faster than before. You could barely pay attention to the dirty praises Tae was whispering into your ear as you were too distracted by the feeling of his hips moving against yours in a perfect rhythm. Both of you didn’t hold back, the table rocking slightly with how hard he was fucking you, and you felt that familiar feeling grow in your abdomen, “Tae, I-I’m close.” You mumbled. He picked up his pace, if that was even possible to bring you too your high, his name the only thing leaving your lips as your legs shook with the power of your orgasm. Not long after you knew Tae was close by the way his thrust grew sloppy and eventually he came as well.
“Shit.” He whispered as he filled you up with his cum, it running down your legs and onto the table as he pulled out. “Can Jungkook fuck you like that?” Taehyung finally mumbled, very out of breath. You fell back, laying flat onto the desk as you breathed heavily as well, “No.” He was quick to help you retrieve your clothes before helping you stand on to shaky legs and walking you out of the studio. When he opened the door everyone was stood outside, especially Jungkook. “I think we will be taking the afternoon off. And maybe tomorrow.” Tae simply said before turning away and walking you out of the building. “You’re cleaning that up Jungkook. How many times I gotta tell people, the only person who can fuck in my studio is me.” Yoongi said, throwing a wink in Hoseok’s direction as everyone scattered avoiding the awkward situation.
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ayojalanterus · 3 years
Bukti Kegagalan Misi Buzzer Pemecah Belah Bangsa: Nussa Diserang, Nussa Makin Disayang!
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 KONTENISLAM.COM - Oleh: Agi Betha* Masih ingat betapa ganasnya gerombolan buzzer kalap menyerang Nussa? Tanpa malu-malu, berbagai fitnah, tudingan keji, dan ejekan yang bertubi-tubi, diproduksi untuk menghantam bocah cilik usia 9 tahun itu. Tapi ternyata kerja keroyokan kawanan hitam itu tidak ampuh memadamkan semangat Nussa untuk terus maju. Bocah yang salah satu kakinya disambung besi itu, malah kian kuat berlari kencang. Nussa pun terbang tinggi meninggalkan remeh-temeh makian komplotan manusia tua yang menjadi buzzer demi memakani keluarga. Mereka bermaksiat dengan cara menghujat, sebaliknya Sang Maha Pemilik Kebenaran melindungi korban dengan mengangkat derajat. Kerja hitam para pendengung, justru makin membuat Nussa melambung. Nussa, Si Bocah Animasi Yang Dipersekusi Sosok Nussa lahir ke dunia digital pada November 2018. Jadi meski digambarkan berumur 9 tahun, namun sesungguhnya umur serial animasi Nussa di platform media digital YouTube masih balita. Pembawaannya yang santun dan tutur katanya yang halus, membuat para orang tua jatuh cinta kepadanya. Nussa yang soleh dan sayang kepada Ummi, Abba, dan adiknya Rarra, adalah model yang diidamkan para ayah dan ibu muda untuk menemani masa tumbuh kembang anak mereka. Tapi sayang, cara berpakaian dua kakak beradik yang seperti santri, ternyata dipermasalahkan oleh Buzzer NKRI harga mati. Sebuah karakter khas para pendengung yang selalu kampanyekan keberagaman, tapi kenyataannya mereka benci perbedaan. Sebetulnya ada apa dengan pakaian Nussa dan Rarra di mata mereka? Apakah menghabiskan Dana Bansos? Pada Senin, 21 Juni 2021, tukang dengung Eko Kunthadi mencuit: “Apakah ini foto anak Indonesia? Bukan. Pakaian lelaki sangat khas Taliban. Anak Afganistan. Tapi film Nusa Rara mau dipromosikan ke seluruh dunia. Agar dunia mengira, Indonesia adalah cabang khilafah. Atau bagian dari kekuasaan Taliban. Promosi yg merusak!” Menyaksikan tuduhan sadis yang memicu suara pro dan kontra netizen itu, kontan Ernest Prakasa meretweet cuitan Eko dan menyindir telak. Komika, aktor, penulis skenario, sekaligus sutradara film-film laris itu menulis, “Belum kebagian jatah komisaris ya Mas? Semoga segera, amin!” Sementara Angga Sasongko, sang produser dan sutradara Nussa The Movie yaitu film Nussa versi layar lebar, membalas tegas stigma atas pakaian Nussa – Rarra yang dituliskan Eko itu dengan menulis, “Ah bac*t. Bukti enggak ada, diajak nonton enggak berani datang. Tapi ya sudah, saya enggak mau menghambat penghasilan Anda dengan menggoreng-goreng isu identitas dan polarisasi. Monggo dilanjut sampai kapalan.” Tak berhenti di situ, Angga pun masih melanjutkan twit-war itu dengan menuliskan kalimat yang lebih menohok, “Saya sabar kok. Enggak overestimate orang macam Eko. Lah wong film terakhir saya yang nonton di bioskop 2,3 juta orang. Bayar lho. Yang ngeRT Tweet Eko Kuntadhi paling mentok ribuan, setengahnya bot.” Sebelumnya pada Sabtu 19 Juni, Eko juga telah mencuitkan kalimat untuk menggiring opini followernya. Ia mengunggah gambar poster Nussa dan Rara yang memakai gamis dan berhijab, lalu disandingkan dengan foto seorang anak berbaju gamis sedang ikut demonstrasi. “Representasi pakaian pria Nussa – Rara. Akan seperti ini gambaran anak Indonesia di mata dunia?” cuitnya. Angga Sasongko pun membalas cuitan itu. “Ah elo ayam sayur, Eko. Diajak nonton dan diskusi langsung sama gue, enggak nongol hidung lo. Mengkonfirmasi untuk tidak datang. Ayam sayur kayak lo cuma berani sembunyi di balik jempol. Enggak cukup punya nyali dan intelektualitas buat berdebat,” tulisnya. Perseteruan juga terjadi antara Angga dengan pendengung lainnya, Denny Siregar. Pada narasi di akun Youtubenya, Denny menuduh Nussa sebagai film propaganda Felix Siauw dan mempromosikan HTI atau radikalisme. Tapi perang di jagad twitter baru dimulai ketika Denny menuding mahasiswa yang mengkritik Presiden Joko Widodo tidak bersikap jantan. “Untuk adek mahasiswa, usahakan kalau mau mengkritik atau menghina Presiden sekalipun, pake nama sendiri bukan bersembunyi di balik nama institusi. Jantan dong. Masih remaja kok udah bencong,” tulis Denny di Twitter pribadinya @Dennysiregar7. Kontan Angga terusik oleh diksi ‘jantan’ dan ‘bencong’ yang digunakan Denny. Menurutnya bencong dan mahasiswa lebih jantan dari Denny yang menolak undangannya untuk menonton dan berdiskusi tentang konten film Nussa. “Gak usah bahas soal jantan. Lu ngebac*tin dan fitnah film gue tanpa bukti dan belum nonton, eh diundang dateng buat nonton dan diskusi, kagak berani juga. Bersembunyi di balik jempol. Bencong dan mahasiswa itu jauh lebih berani dari ayam sayur kayak kamu,” ujar Angga. Denny pun menjawab Angga dengan meledek, “Itu film Nussanya si Felix Siauw kapan tayangnya? Atau gak jadi?” Sambil menebar emoticon tertawa girang, Angga menjawab bahwa Nussa akan segera tayang di Bucheon, Korea Selatan. “Nussa bentar lagi udah World Premiere di Bucheon dong. Ngerti kan apa itu ‘World Premiere‘? (emoticon tertawa) Ini film kamu yang cerita dan judulnya plagiat, kapan tayang, Den? Udah ga sakit hati kan gue tolak idenya waktu itu?” balas Angga sambil memperlihatkan 2 poster film. Satu poster berjudul Marley dan bergambar seorang lelaki dengan anjingnya, dan satunya lagi adalah poster asli film Marley & Me yang dibintangi Owen Wilson, Jennifer Aniston, dan anjing di keluarga mereka yang bernama Marley. Nussa, Si Anak Ajaib yang Tumbuh Pesat Serial animasi Nussa memang patut diacungi jempol. Baru 2 tahun tayang lewat platform Youtube, jumlah subscribernya pada Januari 2021 sudah mencapai 7 juta lebih. Di awal tahun 2021 itulah serial Nussa diumumkan stop produksi karena terimbas pandemi. Puluhan kreator dan animator yang menjadi pekerja seninya terpaksa dirumahkan. Pihak Visinema dan studio animasi The Little Giantz yang tadinya akan menayangkan film Nussa versi layar lebar pada tahun 2020, juga menunda jadwal mereka akibat adanya PSBB. Meski demikian, dalam keadaan vakum itu, jumlah subscribers serial Nussa pada akun Nussa Official di Youtube malah melonjak 1 juta lebih, menjadi 8,3 juta. Yang menakjubkan, pada beberapa episode serial animasi anak itu mampu meraup penonton atau viewers berkali-kali lipat dari jumlah subscribersnya. Pada episode ‘Makan Jangan Asal Makan’ misalnya, mendapat 108 juta views, episode ‘Rarra Sakit’ ditonton 60 juta kali, ‘Episode Compilation Vol.6’ dilihat sebanyak 97 juta kali, ‘Song Compilation Vol.1’ meraih 92 juta pemirsa, dan ‘Jadi Suka Sayur’ memperoleh 49 juta views. Jelas ini sebuah prestasi luar biasa hasil karya anak bangsa. Kesuksesan Nussa adalah keberhasilan Indonesia. Nussa yang baru lahir pada bulan November 2018 telah mampu bersaing dengan tayangan kartun anak internasional yg sudah belasan tahun bahkan puluhan tahun merajai film animasi anak dunia, seperti Sponge Bob atau Doraemon yang juga tayang di kanal resmi Youtube mereka. Selain di media sosial, serial Nussa juga pernah tayang di Net, Indosiar, Trans TV, MNCTV, dan televisi berbayar Astro Ceria di Malaysia. Film Anak Yang Islami Hadir Kembali, Jutaan Penonton Menanti Nussa memang fenomenal. Lelaki cilik disable yang jiwanya selalu dipenuhi semangat itu, mampu membuat penggemarnya sabar menahan rindu. Sedianya Nussa The Movie baru akan tayang perdana di bioskop pada tanggal 14 Oktober 2021 nanti. Tapi sebelum itu Nussa akan diputar eksklusif lewat early special screening, atau dalam dunia perfilman layar lebar dikenal sebagai acara penayangan khusus, selama 2 hari. Tiket bioskop pada tanggal 25 dan 26 September 2021 itu kontan ludes diborong penonton. Akun IG Nussa mengumumkan tiket sudah habis. Tak lagi bersisa, jauh sebelum tanggal tayangnya. Padahal jelas-jelas pada poster bertajuk ‘Nonton Duluan’ yang diunggah oleh Instagram @nussaofficial itu dituliskan sejumlah syarat prokes yang ketat. Di situ tercantum semua film Nussa diputar di lokasi bioskop yang menyatu dengan mal. Artinya hanya warga yang telah divaksin saja yang dapat masuk. Anak usia di bawah 12 tahun tidak dapat masuk mal karena belum divaksin. Tapi ternyata hal itu tak menyurutkan animo penggemar yang merindukan aksi Nussa. Jadi siapakah penonton film Nussa, jika film itu bergenre anak-anak tapi hanya boleh ditonton oleh mereka yang berusia 12 tahun ke atas? Ternyata mereka yang antusias adalah para remaja dan orang dewasa. Unik memang, dan baru kali ini hal semacam itu terjadi pada sejarah film nasional. Film anak tapi tidak ditonton oleh anak. Ya, meski berkisah tentang Nussa kecil dan adiknya Rarra, tapi film animasi anak bertema islami itu pada kenyataannya juga digandrungi oleh segala usia. Tak ayal, pada tanggal 21 September atau 2 hari setelah pengumuman adanya jadwal penayangan khusus, tiket bioskop di Jakarta dan Surabaya sudah raib. Tak berselang lama, akun official Nussa berturut-turut mengumumkan bahwa tiket menonton di kota-kota lain juga sold out. Bioskop di 8 kota yang dipilih, yaitu Jakarta, Bekasi, Tangerang, Bogor, Depok, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, dan Makassar diserbu penonton. Kejadian di kolom komentar IG Nussa pun tak kalah serunya. Ribuan fans Nussa yang terpencar di hampir semua kota seperti Cilegon, Purwoker, Solo, Medan, Bengkulu, Padang, Lampung, Palembang, Palangkaraya, dan Samarinda saling bersahutan berkomentar dan menanyakan kapan Nussa hadir di bioskop kota mereka. Kenapa Nussa Dicintai? Kisah kakak beradik Nussa dan Rarra memang dahsyat pengaruhnya kepada anak-anak dan orang tua. Sekali saja orang dewasa menonton salah satu serial Nussa di Youtube, maka akan terbersit pikiran bahwa itulah tontonan yang layak buat anak atau cucu mereka. Cara penyampaiannya yang sederhana, kalimat-kalimat percakapan antar tokohnya yang lucu dan menggemaskan, menjadikan film Nussa terlihat simpel tapi nendang. Ide cerita yang disampaikan langsung melekat di dalam ingatan penontonnya. Penulis baru pertama kali tahu tentang serial kartun Nussa tersebut sekitar 2 tahun lalu. Gegara mendengar anak yang mahasiswa dan adiknya yang pelajar SMA sering berceloteh tentang episode baru Nussa – Rarra. Mereka berdua lantas membahas tiap scenenya. Suara para dubber yang khas, karakter para tokoh yang sengaja dibuat tidak sempurna sehingga terkesan manusiawi, gambar animasi yang simpel tapi ciamik, dan pesan moral yang kuat, menjadikan Nussa sebagai animasi anak yang membumi. Meski tidak pernah diceritakan secara gamblang, di media sosial beberapa netizen mengatakan bahwa salah satu penggagas awal kartun tersebut adalah Ustadz Felix Siauw, meski kemudian UFS tidak terlibat dalam penggarapannya. Ide itu didasari oleh keprihatinan sang ustadz atas minimnya tontonan anak yang bermutu. Jika betul Felix Siauw menjadi salah satu pencetus ide, maka hal itu masuk akal karena ia piawai dalam menulis buku-buku bertema adab pergaulan remaja dan buku sejarah Islam. Di toko buku besar, buku-buku Felix Siauw terpajang di rak best seller. Karena penasaran kepada karakter Nussa – Rarra, saya pun jadi mengulik akun official serial Nussa – Rarra. Ingin mengetahui kekuatan kartun islami sederhana ini terletak di bagian apa. Saya amati, tiap episode animasi Nussa, selalu mengupas hanya satu angle. Menyampaikan perintah Allah pada satu ayat Al Qur’an saja atau sepenggal Sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW saja. Satu ayat terpilih yang menjadi tema pokok itu disampaikan oleh penulis skenario dan sutradaranya dengan bahasa anak-anak. Konflik dua kakak beradik Nussa dan Rarra digarap secara lucu dan spontan. Pelajaran budi pekerti terkemas dalam bahasa sehari-hari. Akibatnya pesan yang disampaikan menempel di dalam benak siapa pun yang menonton. Jika orang tua tadinya tidak tahu tentang adanya sunnah atau ayat tersebut, maka kemudian mereka pun jadi ikut paham. Anak Indonesia Perlu Nussa dan Film Anak Bermutu Lainnya Para orang tua terutama ibu-ibu muda, umumnya menganggap serial Nussa di Youtube dapat meringankan pekerjaan mendidik anak-anak mereka. Ini dapat terlihat dari komentar-komentar yang tertulis di akun Instagram resmi Nussa. Mereka tidak perlu lagi membeli buku tentang tuntunan adab islami untuk anak-anaknya, karena contoh-contoh penting adab yang baik sudah ada di kartun Nussa – Rarra. Menurut para orang tua, film Nussa adalah anti klimaks dari tema-tema sinetron di televisi yang mempertontonkan kekerasan, caci maki, fitnah, bullying, kemewahan dan menjual seks verbal. Jika ada yg membenci dan memfitnah kartun ini, boleh jadi mereka adalah para kaki tangan cukong kapitalis. Mereka pantas merasa ngeri karena bisnis yang berbasis hedonisme, materialisme, dan seks bebas di masa depan akan terancam. Karena Nussa – Rarra menanamkan soal hidup sederhana sejak dini kepada anak-anak yang menjadi target segmentasinya. Mengajarkan tentang bagaimana cara bekerja keras, berdoa dengan hikmat, makan makanan halal, cara berinteraksi santun dengan sesama, menghormati pendapat yang berbeda, tidak boleh berlebihan dalam melakukan segala sesuatu, dan bersyukur atas nikmat Allah kepada umat-Nya. Sebetulnya para orangtua muslim, dan rakyat Indonesia umumnya, akan kehilangan besar dengan berhenti produksinya serial Nussa. Adab Islam yg menentang korupsi, melarang hidup foya-foya, harus selalu sayang kepada orangtua dan hormat terhadap yang lebih tua, sikap mengasihi binatang, cara berpakaian sopan, tidak boleh berkata kasar kepada sesama dan sebagainya, semua diajarkan dengan bahasa anak-anak dan disampaikan oleh anak-anak di dalam kartun tersebut. Indonesia dengan jumlah muslim sedikitnya 220 juta, mestinya bisa bergotong-royong mengongkosi produksi kartun Nussa – Rarra atau animasi lain sejenisnya, agar tidak kalah oleh pandemi atau keadaan lemah ekonomi lainnya. Kartun Nussa adalah salah satu cara menyelamatkan adab anak-anak Indonesia, di tengah gerusan dahsyat tontonan sekuler yang merebak di mana-mana. (Selesai) *Penulis adalah Wartawan Senior FNN.co.id (Sumber: FNN)
from Konten Islam https://ift.tt/3DlrqHT via IFTTT source https://www.ayojalanterus.com/2021/10/bukti-kegagalan-misi-buzzer-pemecah.html
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italiani-in-olanda · 3 years
Il Sempliciotto e la ricerca Covid in Olanda
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Non solo manager, non solo ricercatori e scienziati. Ma anche il sempliciotto, in Olanda, gioca e ha giocato un ruolo nodale nello scenario sociale cagionato dalla pandemia del 2020. Grazie a uno studio su larga scala effettuato dell'Università di Groninga (Centro medico universitario di Groninga e di Lifelines), decine di migliaia di adulti hanno risposto a un elenco di domande atte a valutare il loro pensiero riguardo la situazione pandemica attuale. Questo test è stato eseguito per quindici volte, da Marzo; vale a dire: da quando l'epidemia ha raggiunto i Paesi Bassi.((Hoog- en laagopgeleiden beleven de coronacrisis geheel anders - NOS.nl)) I risultati conseguiti dai questionari sono stati ribattezzati con il nome di «corona-barometro», ossia un quadro che, nel corso dei mesi, indica come «diversi gruppi» di popolazione (persone istruite, mediocri, manager, sempliciotti e così via discorrendo) vivono questa crisi pandemica da un punto di vista fisico e mentale. Il Mediocre e il Sempliciotto: Come reagiscono alle regole sul coronavirus Lude Franke, professore di genetica all'UMCG, dichiara che ora, è possibile specificare in modo molto preciso, come, specifici «gruppi di persone» percepiscono questa crisi; quale atteggiamento costoro hanno nei confronti delle istituzioni, e sopratutto come questi gruppi distinti di persone reagiscono alle «misure corona». Il professor Franke, spiega che questo test è stato congegnato in modo da poter diversificare i vari gruppi. Questa Read the full article
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koakpersonalzine · 4 years
Menziarahi Yang Meredup Setelah Membara Namun Dijaga Tetap Menyala
Beberapa hari yang lalu saya iseng menengok segelintir koleksi CD dalam lemari. Tak banyak, hanya beberapa rilisan dari band lokal yang dulu benar-benar menarik minat saya. Sialnya saya menemukan beberapa keping CD mulai tumbuh jamur. Setelah PC saya mampus beberapa bulan lalu praktis keping-keping CD ini tak pernah tersentuh. Saya memang tak bisa merawat benda seperti ini, bahkan sempat terlintas untuk menjual semua benda-benda ini. Hanya saja ke depan romantisme seperti ini mungkin akan lebih saya butuhkan ketimbang sedikit uang yang mungkin akan ludes dalam beberapa hari.
Saya dibesarkan di keluarga yang tak sedikit pun beririsan dengan seni,  khususnya musik. Ayah yang seorang pegawai cukup  menggemari kesenian tradisonal berupa wayang ataupun musik semacam karawitan itupun tak lebih dari selayaknya orang tua yang mencoba menghibur diri dari penat rutinitas kerja. Sedari kecil tidak ada yang mengarahkan ataupun mematik minat saya terhadap dunia seni. Terlebih hidup cukup jauh dari kota dengan segala keterbatasan akses informasi membuat pengetahuan musik saya begitu dangkal.  Ketika banyak kawan sebaya begitu fasih menjelaskan influence mereka mulai dari Led Zeppelin, Metallica, The Beatles, Guns N' Roses, Nirvana, begitu meng-idola-kannya mereka pada Kurt Cobain. Saya tidak tumbuh bersama dengan semua itu, bahkan sampai sekarang tak satupun lagu Guns N' Roses yang familiar di telinga saya, pun begitu dengan The Beatles bahkan Nirvana. Metallica saya dengarkan belakangan ketika saya mulai menikmati musik heavy metal itupun bertahun setelah melewati akhil balig.
Sekolah dasar seperti anak kecil pada umumnya saya lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu dengan keluyuran nyari ikan di sungai atau main bola sampai sore, tapi saya masih ingat saat itu saya tumbuh bersama lagu-lagu Padi yang memang sedang hits di eranya dengan album Sesuatu Yang tertunda (2001). Juga beberapa kaset tape milik kakak perempuan saya yang jelas jauh dari musik keras. Pernah sekali saya membeli sebuah kaset tape bajakan Tipe-Ex album SKA Phobia (1999). Dan hanya itu rilisan fisik yang dulu pernah saya beli, itupun barang bajakan beli seharga lima ribu rupiah di penjual kaset yang biasa mangkal di pasar dekat rumah.
Sekolah menengah untuk pertama kalinya saya mendengar musik punk rock, pop punk tepatnya, itu juga nebeng dengar dari kaset seorang teman yang kebetulan memang anak orang berada. Dari dia saya bisa tahu Superman Is Dead album Kuta Rock City (2003) saat dimana kakanda jerinx belum semenyebalkan sekarang, Rocket Rockers album Ras Bebas (2004) yang salah satu lagunya sempat saya jadikan lagu iringan untuk tugas gerak dan lagu di sekolah. Segelintir lagu luar yang pernah mampir di telinga saya adalah The Reason dari Hoobastank dan Welcome To My Life-nya Simple Plan sampai saya begitu terobsesi dengan gaya David Desrosiers bassistnya, juga beberapa lagu Green Day album American Idiot (2004) itu juga kalo beruntung pas diputar di channel MTV indonesia. Ketika teman-teman mulai latihan band sekolah yang saya bisa lakukan hanya kagum sambil langa-longo. Sebuah gitar yang pernah dibelikan ayah saya tak membantu untuk lebih dekat dengan dunia musik, sampai sekarang saya sama sekali tak bisa bermain gitar dengan benar. Satu-satunya prestasi saya di bidang musik kala itu adalah terpilih menjadi anggota paduan suara sekolah yang mengiringi upacara bendera hari senin, itupun jelas bukan karena kualitas suara mengingat saya sedari kecil buta nada, tapi saya pikir karena dulu saya nyanyi keras-keras waktu ikut ujian kesenian dan mungkin itu alasan paling tepat. Yang jelas era itu adalah saat dimana musik arus utama masih banyak dihuni oleh musik sehat dan belum banyak Cheerleader yang ingin jadi punk rock star. Dalam pergaulan saya saat itu, kita bisa terlihat sangat nge-rock ketika sudah berhasil meng-cover lagu jengah milik pas band.
Perkenalan dengan musik keras dimulai ketika saya beranjak SMA. Bersekolah di sebuah sekolah kejuruan di Solo tak juga membuat pengetahuan musik saya tiba-tiba membaik, saat itu lagi-lagi saya diselamatkan oleh sekeping CD mp3 bajakan yang dibawa seorang kawan yang pulang merantau. CD itu berisi ratusan lagu, seingat saya ada beberapa album System of a Down dan juga kompilasi Metalik klinik di dalamnya. Itu adalah momen pertama kali saya mendengar musik yang vokalisnya bernyanyi dengan teriak-teriak dari situ saya sedikit tahu bahwa ada arus musik alternatif di luar semua hingar-bingar musik arus utama. Di rentang waktu ini saya mulai iseng belajar ngeband cover-cover lagu yang populer era itu, yang jelas saya ingat sekali saya pernah hafal chord dan lirik lagu Kangen band. Pernah suatu kali latihan ngeband dengan begitu semangatnya untuk persiapan ikut pensi sekolah, karena dari dulu sebagai sebuah sekolah kejuruan sekolah saya ini sangat jarang mengadakan acara semacam ini walaupun akhirnya ga jadi manggung karena patah tangan waktu main motor trail. Ada kejadian ketika itu pensi sudah dimulai, beberapa band dari kakak kelas sudah tampil tapi di tengah acara harus berhenti karena rumah duka di sebelah sekolah sedang melaksanakan prosesi upacara kremasi jenazah. Karena sekolah saya tepat bersebelahan dengan rumah duka sekaligus krematorium jenazah. Yang jelas saat itu sebagian diri saya mulai menerima musik metal dalam keseharian tapi jangankan mengenal nama personil dan nama band, saat itu saya masih belum bisa membedakan apa itu metal, hardcore, punk karena bagi saya waktu itu semua adalah musik metal.
Era 2007-an akses internet merupakan hal mewah yang bagi saya susah didapat mengingat saya tinggal di desa, saat itu radio menjadi media yang sangat mencerahkan bagi saya. Dulu kalau beruntung saya bisa menemukan siaran Riot On Air milik radio Prambors, Indialism milik Solo Radio mengenalkan pada saya musik-musik cutting edge, dari situ saya mengenal Sajama Cut, Efek Rumah Kaca, Polyester Embasy dan beberapa band indie lokal yang dulu memang diberi kesempatan untuk diputar di acara ini. Ada satu siaran radio yang sangat menjadi andalan anak metal saat itu dan mungkin sampai sekarang Smash Your Ass yang saat itu masih dipegang oleh Adjie dari Down For Life. Saya ingat jelas jadwal acara itu adalah setiap hari kamis, jam sepuluh malam. Dari acara itu juga kemudian saya mulai tahu sedikit demi sedikit skena musik bawah tanah, mulai bisa sedikit membedakan genre musik, mendengarkan banyak lagu dari band yang belum pernah saya dengar dan update info acara tentunya. Dari acara ini juga saya merasakan pengalaman melihat gigs pertama. Mendatangi gigs hardcore garapan dari kawan-kawan Solo City Hardcore di TBS. Kena razia pas liat gigs di ISI surakarta yang waktu itu saya masih ingat saya terpaksa pulang tepat saat MC menyebut nama Forgotten untuk tampil gara-gara teman saya mendadak masuk angin. Dan itu satu-satunya kesempatan saya untuk melihat mereka main, alhasil sampai sekarang saya belum pernah sekalipun melihat mereka main live. Beberapa kali ikut rombongan tur Down For Life ke Jogja Brebeg, Lauching dvd East Side kompilasi di Semarang. Wara-wiri ke Solo untuk melihat studio gigs Burn Studio Burn di Biru musik studio. Di era ini saya masih ingat sebuah rilisan fisik pertama yang saya beli adalah sebuah CD dari Down For Life yang bertajuk Simponi Kebisingan Babi Neraka (2008). Sempat juga menjadi snob metal yang kemudian dikata-katain orang. Beruntung saat itu saya cepat sadar sehingga tak berlarut-larut menjadi borok.
Masa kuliah saya seperti anak aneh di kostan yang selalu penuh dengan suara musik yang bikin pekak telinga. Kost sudah menjadi semacam rumah singgah buat kawan-kawan yang setelah pulang nge-gigs pasti mampir untuk sekadar beristirahat sampai menginap. Pernah satu ketika saya melakukan tindakan bodoh yang kalau mengingatnya membikin saya cengar-cengir sendiri. Awal kuliah dengan semangat ngeband yang menggebu tapi kemampuan dan pengetahuan yang cetek saya nekat memasang pamflet di kampus cari personil band yang jelas saja dulu ga ada yang menggubris hahaha. Akhirnya membentuk band dari kawan-kawan sepermainan dengan kemampuan pas-pasan tentunya, berkali-kali harus merasakan ditolak berlatih di studio sekitar rumah karena dianggap biang kerusakan dari alat musik. Lalu menemukan salah satu studio musik di pinggiran kota sukoharjo yang artinya kami harus menempuh sekitar 20 km setiap kali latihan. Walaupun di pintu studio tetap saja terpampang tulisan “No Punk No Underground” tapi ownernya yang seorang Slankers masih berbaik hati menerima kami untuk latihan. Nama studio itu adalah Green studio. Saya merasa berhutang terima kasih karena dari sanalah mungkin semua hal yang saya ceritakan di tulisan ini berawal.
Mondar-mandir dari panggung tujuh belasan sampai manggung di acara lomba mewarnai anak TK di Pelataran Waduk Mulur Sukoharjo membawakan lagu metal. Sampai kemudian masuk era irisan gigs metal pertama di gigs Eastern For Unity pada April 2010 milik kawan-kawan Eastern Gate, lalu ikut meng-inisiasi gigs Replika Kebisingan (2010), bersama kawan-kawan kolektif Komunitas Hitam yang di kemudian hari menjadi cikal-bakal Surakarta Death Metal, di gigs ini saya diingatkan kembali bahwa memang skill bermusik saya masih di level jelek aja belum kemudian sempat malas ngeband. Kemudian karena alasan apa saya sendiri lupa kembali bersemangat lalu bergabung dengan kawan-kawan dari Karanganyar dalam sebuah kolektif yang saya lebih menganggapnya sebagai rumah kedua yaitu Eastern gate.
Lini masa tergabung dalam kolektif ini bagi saya adalah rentang waktu dimana saya belajar begitu banyak hal dari apa yang disebut skena bawah tanah atau underground. Saya yang sedari awal memang kurang bisa bersosialisasi tidak pernah tergabung dalam organisasi apapun belajar meng-organisir diri dalam sebuah kolektif dan kemudian belajar bagaimana menginisiasi gigs sendiri. Membuka mata tentang bagaimana ribetnya berurusan dengan yang namanya birokrasi perijinan sebuah acara. Patungan kolektif untuk modal membuat sebuah gigs, berkeliling dari rockshop dan distro untuk mencari sponsor, tengah malam berkeliling kota untuk memasang flyer acara sudah menjadi semacam rutinitas yang hampir setiap bulan pasti dilakukan. Pagi buta baru balik kerumah yang jaraknya nyaris 20 km. Melelahkan namun entah kenapa dulu saya begitu menikmatinya.
Awal 2010-an saya berkesempatan merasakan atmosfir rekaman untuk pertama kali dimana saya yang kemampuan main drumnya masih jelek aja belum harus berhadapan dengan momok yang bernama metronome kala merekam dua demo lagu sederhana. Saya sekali lagi merasa harus berucap terimakasih pada Bung Ari owner studio musik Green karena jasa beliau juga yang mendorong dan mengarahkan saya untuk rekaman, Tabik! Sampai kemudian hari kami nekat menggarap full album yang pada akhirnya penggarapannya terhenti  ketika akhir 2011 banyak rentetan hal yang kurang mengenakkan terjadi dalam hidup saya, yang menyebabkan rencana ini terbengkalai dan tidak pernah selesai sampai sekarang.
Sepanjang pengetahuan saya ada dua rentang waktu pergerakan Skena Bawahtanah di Karanganyar. Generasi skena bawah tanah pertama dimulai di era 90-an oleh para pendahulu yang tergabung dalam kolektif bernama Lawu God sedang membangun fondasi yang entah karena satu atau banyak hal mereka kemudian mati suri, saya yang bertumbuh di rentang waktu 2009-an, bisa dibilang lebih beruntung karena berbarengan dengan lompatan teknologi internet yang membentuk jejaring media yang begitu luas sehingga arus informasi mengenai musik bawah tanah semakin mudah diakses. Saya yang tumbuh dewasa bersama musik metal merasa memiliki ikatan dengan segala macam hinggar-bingar musik ini. Mengenal apa itu kolektifitas, berjejaring dengan band lain daerah. Mendapat pengalaman manggung luar kota. Sedikit belajar tentang dunia literasi dalam ranah skena berupa penulisan lirik dan menyentuh ranah jurnalisme independen yang banyak didominasi oleh Web Zine dan juga zine fotokopian. Perkenalan dengan wilayah sosial politik juga terjadi karena musik ini juga walaupun hanya sebatas menambah pengetahuan. Yang jelas selama rentang waktu itu telah membentuk pola pikir saya menjadi seperti sekarang, jika saja kalau dulu saya tidak mengenal musik ini mungkin sekarang saya sudah mati konyol di jalan karena kebut-kebutan atau malah sibuk mondar mandir bawa kurungan isi burung untuk ikut lomba gantangan.
Kalaupun hingar bingar musik seperti ini tak lebih hanya sebuah fase pendewasaan setidaknya saya telah menyelesaikan fase hidup itu tanpa penyesalan, kalau pun itu ada adalah album band yang gagal ditengah jalan dan saya pernah melewatkan beberapa festival musik besar di luar kota karena ketika kawan-kawan banyak berombongan nonton saya lebih memilih menghabiskan uang untuk berpacaran.
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blythecreamer · 5 years
disco v. techno
I always wanted to go to Studio 54. Instead I went to raves. Basic mission accomplished-I’m talking about the drugs...minus the ludes.
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johnpornjones · 7 years
I was tagged by @oldschoolimagineblog and @scorpionfromtheearth to shuffle my music and write down the first 10 songs.
1. Interlude with Ludes by Them Crooked Vultures (Live At Canal + Studios) 2. Single Handed Sailor by Dire Straits 3. Drain You by Nirvana 4. In My Time Of Dying by Led Zeppelin (Live At Earls Court, 1975) 5. A Hard Day’s Night by The Beatles 6. Everlong by Foo Fighters 7.Tin Pan Valley by Robert Plant 8. Astronomy Domine by Pink Floyd 9. Layla by Eric Clapton 10. Every Breath You Take by The Police
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senangmembahas-blog · 6 years
Fazerdaze pulang ke kampung halaman
Teks : Adetri
Jika sebelumnya kalian menganggap bahwa fazerdaze adalah sebuah band, maka hal itu salah karena Fazerdaze sejatinya adalah proyek musik milik amelia murray wanita berumur 24 tahun asal auckland, new zealand, amelia murray merupakan wanita keturunan Indonesia, ibu murray adalah orang indonesia sedangkan ayahnya dari eropa.
Saat merilis album pertamanya, murray mengerjakan semuanya sendiri. Dari rekaman hingga membungkus cd EP-nya, ia mengaku bahwa lebih cocok rekaman dengan seadanya dibandingkan rekaman di studio yang proper, ia pernah melakukan sesi rekaman di studio tetapi hasil yang didapat tidak sesuai.
Wanita berdarah indonesia ini pertama kali mempelajari musik piano namun tidak sesuai dengan yang di harapkan, dan ia mulai mempelajari gitar elektrik yang dibeli ayahnya untuk sang kakak, ia bertekat untuk bisa memainkannya.
Setelah merilis album fazerdaze-ep pada 2014, fazerdaze mebuat kembali album kedua bertajuk morningside. Album kedua ini merupakan masa-masa karrir yang cemerlang bagi fazerdaze, murray mengaku bahwa album ini dikerjakan ketika ia sedang di tempat tidur, dari 10 lagu dalam album morningside 2 diantaranya menjadi lagu andalan single album ini, secara pribadi menurut saya lucky girl dan misread.
Pada lucky girl kita akan menemukan kata kata yang mudah diingat dan diksi yang sama di ulang berkali - kali dalam kalimat “i know im lucky girl im lucky girl girl girl” serta suara gitar yang cukup datar, dalam lagu lucky girl ini membuat kami wanita percaya bahwa “yes we are lucky girl”, lagu lucky girl hanya berdurasi 2 menit 51 detik.
Yang kedua adalah misread, lagu ini menceritakan tentang seseorang yang mempunyai double-side personality. Ini jelas tergambar pada liriknya
“I hate the way you talk about yourself as if you’re someone else.”
“I hate the way you try to hide the things you want to say.”
Album morningside dengan mudah menjadi album yang menyenangkan, sederhana dan mudah diingat bahkan saat pertama kali mendengarnya.
Pada 21 oktober 2017 kemarin, fazerdaze berhasil menyelesaikan tour asianya yang berakhir di jakarta, tepatnya di rossi musik fatmawati, jakarta selatan. Terdapat 3 kolektif musik di balik kedatangan fazerdaze ke jakarta, mereka ialah studi0rama, noisewhore, dan six thirty records. Dalam waktu 4 hari penjualan tiket yang dilakukan melalui aplikasi Goers ludes dibeli penggemar fazerdaze di indonesia.
Penampilannya di jakarta di awali oleh band pembuka yang tak kalah keren yaitu sharesprings salah satu indie pop jakarta terbaik dan grrrl gang band muda potensial asal yogjakarta. Penampilan fazerdaze dimulai dengan membawakan lagu “half figured”, sesekali murray menyapa penonton dan mengutarakan perasaanya bahwa ia senang sekali bermain di jakarta, di sela lagu amelia murray sempat meminum anggur merah di atas panggung dan dilanjutkan dengan lagu “take it slow”, diakhir performan fazerdaze mambawakan lagu “lucky girl” yang dikumandangkan dan disambut oleh riuhnya suara penonton, sempat terjadi beberapa crowdsurfing. Teriakan - teriakan “we want more we want more” membawa fazerdaze kembali naik ke panggung dan memainkan satu lagu lagi yaitu “little uneasy” yang menjadi salam perpisahan di malam itu.
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