winterprincess-sky · 1 year
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The Croatian song is just that powerful.
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taiwantalk · 10 months
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This on the other hand could be wonderful if Lukashenko is already on the run. I’d rather see belarus liberated first than russian have a civil war.
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mockva · 5 months
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sidebee-hive · 5 months
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For perspective, Ukrainian estimates for the total number of abducted children is 19,000.
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Lukashenko, top negotiator is quite the plot twist tbh 😛
(Or was it secretly Umka the dog?)
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imperialbrazilianguy · 9 months
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Último dia na escola
Último dia na escola pra sempre
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otthonzulles · 1 year
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Annyit mondanak biztosra, hogy Lukasenka nincs túl jó bőrben, a győzelmi napi parádéról is egyből hazaindult, a díszvacsorán már nem vett részt
According to the media, doctors from Moscow flew to Lukashenka to Minsk. Judging by the "set of doctors", the dictator had some failure.
"It caused very serious diseases of the endocrine system and cardiac diseases. It is not known what caused the failure," the source said.
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kneedeepincynade · 5 months
It is good to see that in today's world,leaders like lukashenko exist
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🇨🇳 il 4 dicembre il Presidente Xi Jinping ha accolto, nella Grande Sala del Popolo di Pechino, Aljaksandr Lukašėnka - Presidente della Repubblica di Bielorussia 🇧🇾
💕 Si tratta della seconda Visita di Stato del Presidente Bielorusso in Cina nel 2023:
一 Il Presidente della Bielorussia propone l'unione delle politiche industriali di Cina, Russia e Bielorussia 🤝
二 Il Presidente della Bielorussia incontra Li Zhanshu e Li Keqiang 💬
三 Incontro tra Xi Jinping e Lukashenko del 2023年3月1日 ⭐️
💬 Durante la scorsa visita, i due Capi di Stato hanno raggiunto un Consenso sulla Promozione dello Sviluppo ad Alto Livello delle Relazioni tra Cina e Bielorussia, consolidando la Fiducia Reciproca e la 合作共赢 - Cooperazione a Mutuo Vantaggio 🤝
🇨🇳 La Cina considera le Relazioni Sino-Bielorusse da una Prospettiva Strategica a Lungo Termine, sostiene la Bielorussia nella ricerca di un proprio percorso di sviluppo, che sia adatto alle condizioni nazionali e materiali della Nazione, e si oppone all'interferenza di forze esterne negli Affari Interni della Bielorussia ⭐️
🐲 Dieci anni fa, il 领袖 propose la Costruzione della 一带一路 - Nuova Via della Seta. Dieci anni dopo, 150 Paesi partecipano al più grande progetto di Cooperazione a Mutuo Vantaggio nella Storia dell'Umanità: 3000 progetti di cooperazione 🥳
❤️ A ottobre, si è tenuto, a Pechino, il Terzo "Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit Forum", dal Tema 高质量共建‘一带一路’,携手实现共同发展繁荣 - ovvero: Costruire congiuntamente una Nuova Via della Seta di Alta Qualità (高质量), per raggiungere uno Sviluppo Comune (共同发展) e la Prosperità (繁荣) 💕
🐲 Qui, il Presidente Xi Jinping ha elaborato otto proposte per la Costruzione Congiunta di Alta Qualità, che potete trovare qui:
一 I fiori sbocciano in primavera, e i frutti si raccolgono in autunno 🍁
二 Quando regali rose agli altri, la loro fragranza rimane sulle tue mani 🌹
🇨🇳 La Cina sosterrà il rafforzamento della Cooperazione Sino-Bielorussa in diversi settori: industriale, commerciale, trasporti e culturale 🤝
⭐️ Cina e Bielorussia sono forze importanti coinvolte nel Progetto di Riforma del Sistema di Governance a livello internazionale. Entrambe perseguono il Nobile Ideale del 真正的多边主义 - Vero Multilateralismo, e si sostengono a vicenda nei meccanismi multilaterali, dalle Nazioni Unite all'Organizzazione per la Cooperazione di Shanghai 🤝
💬 «È un grande piacere parlare con voi in un'atmosfera così amichevole, [...], sono stato testimone dello sviluppo e dei cambiamenti della Cina negli ultimi trent'anni e più. Il Mondo intero dovrebbe essere grato alla grande Cina. Ci auguriamo che la Cina rimanga forte, [...], lo sviluppo della Cina non è solo la nostra aspirazione, bensì un'aspettativa condivisa da tutto il Mondo» - Lukašėnka 🇧🇾
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
🇨🇳 On the 4th of December, President Xi Jinping welcomed Aljaksandr Lukašėnka - President of the Republic of Belarus, in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing 🇧🇾
💕 This is the second state visit of the Belarusian President to China in 2023:
一 The President of Belarus proposes the union of industrial policies of China, Russia and Belarus 🤝
二 President of Belarus meets Li Zhanshu and Li Keqiang 💬
三 Meeting between Xi Jinping and Lukashenko in 2023年3月1日 ⭐️
💬 During the last visit, the two Heads of State reached a Consensus on Promoting the High-Level Development of China-Belarus Relations, Consolidating Mutual Trust and 合作共赢 - Mutual Benefit Cooperation 🤝
🇨🇳 China views Sino-Belarusian Relations from a Long-Term Strategic Perspective, supports Belarus in seeking its own development path, which is suitable for the nation's national and material conditions, and opposes the interference of external forces in Internal Affairs of Belarus ⭐️
🐲 Ten years ago, the 领袖 proposed the Construction of the 一带一路 - New Silk Road. Ten years later, 150 countries participate in the largest mutually beneficial cooperation project in the history of humanity: 3000 cooperation projects 🥳
❤️ In October, the Third "Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit Forum" was held in Beijing, with the theme 高质量共建'一带一路',携手实现共同发展繁荣 - that is: Jointly building a New Silk Road of High Quality (高质量), to achieve Common Development (共同发展) and Prosperity (繁荣) 💕
🐲 Here, President Xi Jinping has developed eight proposals for High-Quality Joint Construction, which you can find here:
一 The flowers bloom in spring, and the fruits are harvested in autumn 🍁
二 When you give roses to others, their fragrance remains on your hands 🌹
🇨🇳 China will support the strengthening of Sino-Belarusian Cooperation in various sectors: industrial, commercial, transport and cultural 🤝
⭐️ China and Belarus are important forces involved in the Governance System Reform Project at the international level. Both pursue the Noble Ideal of 真正的多边主义 - True Multilateralism, and support each other in multilateral mechanisms, from the United Nations to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization 🤝
💬 «It is a great pleasure to talk to you in such a friendly atmosphere, [...], I have witnessed China's development and changes over the past thirty-plus years. The whole world should be grateful to great China. We hope that China remains strong, [...], China's development is not just our aspiration, but an expectation shared by the whole world" - Lukašėnka 🇧🇾
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan 😘
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ramesseum · 10 months
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gotosleepasba · 1 year
i need to collect all the gradients
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pasparal · 1 year
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Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko poses with Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa at the State House in Harare on January 31, 2023 Photographer: Tsvangiray Mukwazhi
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taiwantalk · 10 months
It’s time to reflect on how much info can we substantiate on what transpired from 6/23 by prigozhin.
1) we cannot substantiate prigozhin’s claim of 25k wagners
2) not sure how wagners transported to lipetsk faster than Tesla ludicrous mode
3) where the hell is prigozhin
4) when & what did lukashenko officially broker the deal
5) how will wagners really obey stand down order
6) when & what source can confirm prigozhin really gave the order after he really accepted the deal
Your contribution would be appreciated. I don’t see any real direct source other than news saying so but no real source to cite
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mockva · 3 months
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sniper-volkov · 10 months
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Batya Lukashenko is Gaming
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silverfox66 · 10 months
Clown 1 and clown 2 are going to give some statements. (Probably some incoherent rants)
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