#lulu kirsten
libraryleopard · 1 year
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Adult historical fiction novel set in 17th-century Norway inspired by the real history of the Vardø witch hunts
After a sudden storm claims the lives of most of the men in the remote fishing village of Vardø, the surviving women take it into their own hands to survive
nfortunately, the storm is far from the final tragedy to strike Vardø, as a new preacher is sent to the village to put the fear of god in its inhabitants, stirring religious fervor to a boiling point
Explores religious persecution, anti-indigenous prejudice, and the brutality of the natural world
Sapphic main characters, F/F romance, Sámi side character
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syderary-theory · 1 year
My three favorite books of 2022
2022 has actually turned out to be a pretty big year for me in terms of reading. For anyone who doesn’t know, I have been struggling with an intense reading burn-out since my junior year of undergrad (English majors go off) that I have slowly recovering from over the last few years, and this last year especially has done a lot in terms of reigniting my love for reading.
Now, overall, I read a total of 23 books over the course of 2022, which might not be much for some folks, but it’s a lot for me and I am very pleased both with the number of books I read and with the books themselves.
Generally, I have enjoyed a lot of creative nonfiction as well as literary fiction, but I also ended up giving myself more room to explore different genres like horror/thriller as well as sci-fi and graphic novels. Some examples include: The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir, Tender is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica, and Seek You: A Journey Through American Loneliness by Kirsten Radtke.
The list below are not exactly what I would consider the best of everything I’ve read (but don’t get me wrong, they’re all fantastic) but rather more so the books that have changed my approaches to life, reading, or otherwise have lingered with me since reading them. So without further ado, let’s get into it.
3. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
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This is not my first Toni Morrison novel, but I wish that it had been. My initial introduction to Morrison had been Song of Solomon, a novel that I don’t remember enjoying but plan to revisit soon.
The Bluest Eye clicked for me in so many ways, from Morrison’s artistic description of 1940’s Lorain, Ohio to her masterful execution of theme as a linking mechanism throughout each chapter. I love the way Morrison refuses to shy away from the more grotesque parts of her characters without completely stripping them of their humanity.
I recommend looking up the trigger warnings before diving into it, but The Bluest Eye is a wonderful novel that I’m glad to have picked up the past year.
2. On Immunity: an Inoculation by Eula Biss
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I think I picked this up after hearing about it from some bookclub servers I was in, but this book ended up being the harrowing examination of our mass response to disease and vaccination that I needed after these past few years neck deep in the COVID-19 pandemic.
On Immunity does not respond to our most recent global panic, but instead responds to our history of illness and treatment, and how much of that history gets shaped by human fear. The similarities between the epidemics and vaccine treatments Biss faced at the birth of her son and what we’ve encountered over the last few years is hauntingly similar.
But what I ended up loving the most about this book was Biss’s honesty about her own fears and apprehensions towards vaccine treatment. It ended up making the book more about self-examination instead of mass cultural critique, which helped me to breakdown my own anxieties over scheduling an appointment for that first COVID booster.
After everything we’ve all been through over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, this book couldn’t be relevant and worth reading.
1. Why Fish Don’t Exist by Lulu Miller
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This has probably become one of my favorite books ever. Similar to On Immunity, I initially encountered this book via one of my bookclub servers (it was a really great bookclub y’all), and have not stopped thinking about.
Why Fish Don’t Exist is half biography of the late taxonomist, David Starr Jordan, and half memoir of Lulu Miller’s pursuit for meaning amongst personal devastation.
It’s hard for me to describe what exactly I love about this book beyond the standard execution of lyrical prose and investigative reflection. This is a book I would recommend to anyone new to nonfiction, because it’s artful blend of form makes for a really captivating read complete with twists and unexpected beauty.
I think for me, what this book really ended up providing was a reflection of my own questions about life and meaning in the wake of my own spiritual deconstructions. Growing up in an intensely religious home, I’d been conditioned to rely on notions of a god for almost all my personal deliberations. So, by taking a step away from all those preconceived notions of the universe and my place in it, I, like Miller, found myself faced with the task of finding new ways to connect to life in order to find purpose again. It’s a book I find myself returning too quite frequently.
So, that is the short list of my favorite books this year. If you’ve read any of these, I’d love to hear your thoughts or if you want to tell me about your favorite books from this past year, please feel free to share.
Until then, ✌️
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m00sebaby · 2 years
fun lil tag game - tagged by @zsjaywhite
relationship status? 1/2 of one
favorite color? deeeeeep emerald green or goldenrod
favorite food? i don't know if this counts but i've been obsessed with this smoothie that has cold brew coffee, mct oil, banana, vegan protein powder
song stuck in your head? "i know the end" by phoebe bridgers. i've been playing it nonstop all week
dream trip? liverpool to see a game at anfield
last book you read? seek you by kirsten radtke
last book you finished? let me be very honest - i have not finished a book in a millennia.
last book you hated reading? why fish don't exist by lulu miller. it was just not as advertised.
favorite thing to cook/bake? i love cooking and baking anything, everything, all the things. i do love baking apple pies or any pies in general. just not cherry pie. i will never bake another cherry pie for as long as i live unless someone else pits them.
i also love cooking mac and cheese. i wish i could make a roux every day tbh i need more excuses to do that.
favorite free-time craft? embroidery, writing
most niche dislike? i feel like this isn't the most niche dislike i have but the fact that google doesn't have hot keys. just let me click like cmd + s or something to download the damn thing.
opinions on circuses? hate hate hate. the animals are usually horribly treated. i would prefer state fairs much more.
do you have a sense of direction? i think so. i'm good at finding my way most places after my first trip.
anyone can do this if they want but if you do please tag me i love to see answers!
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Lulu Kirsten Foul wind.
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liarbirdx · 1 year
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maya - lulu - luka - kirsten - jamshid / oct 22
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vincekris · 2 years
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lulu kirsten
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samotkab · 7 years
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vintage-writer · 2 years
Review Film Yuni (2021): Gambaran Absurd Sempit Mengenai Kebebasan Feminisme di Indonesia yang Justru Menggugurkan Emansipasi Wanita
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Sejak tahun 2021 berakhir, film Yuni digadang-gadang menjadi film terbaik di tahun 2021. Yuni menjadi puncak perjuangan kaum wanita melawan patriarki dan belenggunya yang menimbulkan berbagai prahara kekerasan seksual di masyarakat.
Ide film Yuni begitu kuat dan berhasil menyihir para penonton. Namun ulasan dari saya mungkin kurang sesuai dengan apa yang dilihat masyarakat diperjuangkan dalam film ini.
Judul Film: Yuni
Sutradara: Kamila Andini
Penulis naskah: Kamila Andini, Prima Rusdi
Tahun: 2021
Genre: Drama
Cast: Arawinda Kirana, Asmara Abigail, Sekar Sari, Marissa Anita, Dimas Aditya, Kevin Ardillova, Neneng Wulandari, Nazla Thoyib
Yuni bercerita mengenai seorang remaja perempuan bernama Yuni (Arawinda Kirana) yang hidup dan besar di kota Serang menjelang masa kelulusannya dari SMA. Yuni digambarkan perempuan yang cerdas dan ia tahu ia memiliki kebebasan. Namun nasibnya terancam berubah ketika seorang pria meminangnya, yang dengan segera ia tolak. Sementara itu ia memimpikan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa agar bisa melanjutkan sekolahnya tetapi terhalang nilai pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Di kala kegalauan mengenai masa depannya yang ternyata tidak begitu jelas juga, pinangan para pria terus-terusan datang. Yuni semakin bimbang menentukan masa depannya.
Ide mengenai remaja perempuan melawan kungkungan patriarki selalu menjadi bumbu sedap film feminisme. Di Indonesia film yang serupa adalah Perempuan Berkalung Sorban (2009) karya Hanung Bramantyo dan Ginatri S, sedangkan di luar negeri mungkin film feminisme yang menggambarkan perlawanan terhadap patriarki adalah Mona Lisa Smile (2003) oleh Mike Newell, atau mengenai perjuangan Ruth Bader Ginsburg dalam On the Basis of Sex (2018) karya Mimi Leder. Contoh lainnya adalah Hidden Figures (2016) mengenai Katherine Johnson dan dua rekan kulit hitam wanitanya bekerja di NASA. Namun menurut saya pribadi, membandingkan Yuni dengan tiga film terakhir terbilang terlalu nekat karena capaian yang ingin disampaikan oleh pembuat film tidak secemerlang Mona Lisa Smile maupun On the Basis of Sex, lebih-lebih dengan Hidden Figures.
Film On the Basis of Sex yang diperankan oleh Felicity Jones (Ruth Bader Ginsburg) menceritakan mengenai kisah Ruth Bader Ginsburg memperjuangkan pendidikannya di bidang hukum yang ia cintai. Di kelasnya diisi oleh para lelaki dan ia satu-satunya wanita yang mengambil kuliah hukum, setelah ia lulus pun ia tidak segera mendapatkan klien ketika ia ingin menjadi pengacara. Satu klien yang hadir adalah seorang pria yang ingin memperjuangkan kesetaraan gender untuk bisa mengambil kursus perawat guna merawat ibunya yang sakit. Film ini mendobrak semua stigma tentang gender bahwa wanita harus menjadi ibu rumah tangga atau diam di rumah sedangkan pria harus menjadi sosok yang bekerja dan menghasilkan uang.
Mona Lisa Smile mungkin memiliki latar belakang lebih mirip dengan Yuni. Bercerita mengenai Katherine Ann Watson (Julia Roberts), guru seni di sebuah sekolah tinggi perempuan di tahun 1950-an yang mengajarkan kepada para perempuan di kelasnya bahwa dunia lebih luas daripada kehidupan rumah tangga yang mungkin sudah dijalani oleh sebagian besar isi kelas maupun akan dijalani oleh anggota kelas yang lainnya. Ia mendukung muridnya yang cerdas, Joan Brandwyn (Julia Stiles) dan mendorong muridnya yang menentang pendidikannya yang bebas, Betty Warren (Kirsten Dunst) untuk keluar dari belenggu pernikahan patriarki yang sudah mendarah daging di keluarga Warren. Mengejutkannya, Warren menjadi wanita yang memilih untuk meninggalkan pernikahannya dan berkarir seperti gurunya, Watson, sedangkan Brandwyn justru mengatakan wanita bebas memilih, termasuk memilih berumah tangga.
Namun, Yuni sama sekali jauh dari film-film hebat ini.
Penggugur ide suci feminisme
Yuni (Arawinda Kirana) digambarkan sosok yang cerdas, hanya saja ia tidak paham mengenai pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Namun ia menyukai guru Bahasa Indonesianya, Pak Damar (Dimas Aditya), tidak hanya karena Pak Damar sosok yang tampak cerdas dan puitis tapi juga menurut Yuni sosok Pak Damar terbilang memikat secara fisik. Di saat tawaran beasiswa datang, guru Yuni, Bu Lilis, mengatakan ia harus fokus. Namun Yuni malah terlalu tenggelam dalam perasaannya terhadap Pak Damar dan sibuk kasak-kusuk dengan kawan-kawannya mengenai teman perempuan mereka, Ade, yang konon diperkosa sampai hamil. Ironis, tanggapan tokoh Yuni mengenai fakta jika salah satu temannya dipaksa berhubungan intim malah justru menggugurkan semua klausa feminisme yang diusung dalam film.
Yuni malah justru penasaran mengenai hubungan senggama yang dilakukan antara pria dan wanita, dan kemudian malam hari setelah ia membicarakan tentang kasus Ade yang malang, ia mencari tahu cara bermasturbasi untuk perempuan. Nahas, hal ini seperti mengatakan jika Yuni tidak berempati atas apa yang menimpa temannya sesama perempuan dan malah justru terangsang mendengar cerita pemerkosaan. Tentu saja poin ini poin feminisme yang sangat salah kaprah.
Penggugur feminisme yang kedua adalah cara Yuni menjawab perasaan adik kelas yang menyukainya, Yoga (Kevin Ardillova). Yoga adalah adik kelas yang pintar dan ia menawarkan diri mengerjakan tugas puisi Yuni yang harus dikumpulkan kepada Pak Damar. Di sini, Yuni memanipulasi Yoga untuk menjadi joki tugasnya agar nilainya bagus dan ia bisa mendaftar beasiswa. Pertanyaannya, sejak kapan manipulasi halal dalam feminisme atau dalam hal apapun? Jika para pelaku feminisme sering menolak manipulasi pria yang membuat wanita berpikir mau diajak berhubungan seksual dan terjebak dalam pelecehan seksual, apa bedanya dengan manipulasi yang dilakukan Yuni kepada Yoga untuk mengerjakan tugas yang sebenarnya tidak ia kuasai? Padahal tugas Bahasa Indonesia dari Pak Damar konon jadi kunci penting lolosnya Yuni masuk ke dalam penjaringan beasiswa, sehingga seharusnya Yuni harus berjuang sekuat tenaga dan kemampuannya mengerjakan tugas tersebut guna membuktikan kepada orang-orang di sekitarnya jika ia memiliki impian yang besar dan menikah belum menjadi pilihan baginya. Tentu dengan caranya meremehkan tugas Pak Damar lewat menggunakan garapan Yoga, dunia juga tidak heran ikut meremehkan Yuni.
Manipulasi ini justru bercampur aduk dengan rasa kepo Yuni akan hubungan senggama, yang ditampilkan lewat Yuni mengajak Yoga untuk melakukan hubungan seksual di sebuah rumah kosong (tapi gagal). Tentu saja hal ini menjadi penggugur feminisme ketiga, kecuali jika feminisme hanya dipandang sebagai sebuah ide untuk para wanita bisa dengan bebas melakukan hal yang mereka inginkan tanpa konsekuensi dan tanpa tanggung jawab seperti para pria. Sayangnya tidak. Raden Ajeng Kartini (RA Kartini) tidak susah payah memperjuangkan kesetaraan pendidikan untuk wanita hanya agar para wanita bisa mengeksplorasi mengenai tubuh mereka dengan cara yang bahkan dibenci wanita untuk dilakukan para pria terhadap tubuh wanita. Yuni menurut saya malah menodai ide suci feminisme dan emansipasi yang berasaskan pendidikan dan nilai-nilai luhur wanita dan menjual feminisme layaknya kisah-kisah murahan mengenai remaja yang ingin bebas tanpa tahu apa yang sebenarnya ia impikan.
Perempuan Berkalung Sorban memang bukan contoh sempurna mengenai film yang mengangkat isu feminisme dikarenakan banyak isu agama yang masih salah di film tersebut. Namun dibandingkan dengan film itu, Yuni pun masih kurang. Lebih-lebih jika dibandingkan dengan film feminisme lainnya yang lebih kuat yaitu 7 Hati 7 Cinta 7 Wanita, yang bercerita mengenai ketegaran tujuh wanita dengan tujuh hati dan tujuh cinta yang tidak sempurna dalam bayang-bayang keperkasaan para pria yang membuat wanita lemah dan tidak berdaya.
Ulasan ini mungkin akan dicekal karena sebagai seorang wanita saya justru tidak menikmati semarak isu feminisme yang diangkat di Yuni. Hanya saja bagi saya, feminisme tidak sesempit kebebasan wanita mengeksplorasi tubuh dan kegemaran seksualnya. Feminisme justru menjadi alat agar ruang bergerak wanita itu bebas dan tidak terbatas dalam bidang yang sebelumnya dikuasai para pria. Sudah terbukti jika wanita memiliki kecerdasan lebih unggul dari para pria, sehingga mengapa justru feminisme dipakai sebagai alat menunjukkan hasrat dan birahi wanita?
Intelektualitas di film ini juga sangat terasa cetek karena saya kira sastra yang dipakai adalah sastra garapan wanita, tapi justru yang dipakai adalah sastra Sapardi Djoko Damono yang berlatarkan kisah cinta seorang pria kepada wanita. Penggunaannya pun juga kurang cerdas karena Yuni tidak bisa mengetahui puisi yang diberikan oleh Yoga kepadanya hanyalah puisi-puisi Sapardi. Seharusnya ia menolak bentuk ungkapan cinta yang meminjam pernyataan cinta penyair lain. Namun tidak heran, Yuni sendiri kebingungan dengan hasrat yang membuncah dalam tubuhnya sehingga wajar jika ia tidak bisa berpikir kritis.
Kekecewaan selanjutnya adalah melihat respon Yuni mengetahui Pak Damar adalah seorang crossgender. Saya kira Yuni akan terbuka dengan apa yang ia lihat dan terjadi di sekitarnya. Namun tidak, kungkungan mengenai patriarki dan pola pikirnya dalam film Yuni justru lebih tercermin dari tokoh Yuni sendiri dibandingkan dengan lika-liku masyarakat Serang di sekitarnya.
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in-the-dollpalace · 3 years
American girl pets in real life
here is another random thing I wanted to do, I wanted to see what each character’s pets and the truly me pet line’s breeds actaully look like. Warning, this is a very long post. I mostly make these kinds of posts first and formost for myself, and myself only so if you actually read the random crap I spit out everyday thanks so much lmfao
Kaya’s pets 
Tatalo, brown huskey (I think?)
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Steps high, Appaloosa horse
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Felicity’s pets
Posie, a lamb (Idk if there are specific breeds of sheep lmao)
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Penny, Thorughbred horse
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Caroline’s pets
Inkpot, tuxedo cat
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Garnet, calf of a an auburn highland cow
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Josefina’s pet
Sombrita, baby goat (not sure of it breed, even after alot of google-ing around)
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Marie-Grace and Cecile’s pets
Cochon, red crowned parrot
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Argos, Bouvier des Flanders dog
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Kirsten’s pet
Mama cat and kitten, grey tabby cats
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Addy’s Pet
sunny, yellow canary
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Samantha’s pet
Cocker spaniel? (honestly idk what the hell the first version of jip is and beforever version of jip is a whole different dog lmao)
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Rebecca’s pets
Kittens, orange and white, and just white (I’m not sure of the breeds)
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Kit’s Pet
Grace, Basset hound dog
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Molly and Emily’s pets
Bennet and Yank, jack russel terrier dogs
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Nanea’s pet
Mele, Scruffy poi dog
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Maryellen’s Pet
Scooter, dachshund aka weiner dog
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Melody’s pet
Bo, mixed terrier dog
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Julie’s Pet
Nutmeg, french lop bunny
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Courtney’s pet
Parsley, guinea pig (idk if there are breeds of them)
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Marisol’s pet
Rascal, himalayan cat
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Nikki’s Pets
Sprocket, Bordie collie? (i wasnt sure with this one, and google didnt know either so this is just a guess)
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Jackson, Buckskin horse
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Chrissa’s pet
Starburst, Mini Llama (LMAO??? I Never read chrissa’s books why tf does she have a llama? where did she get it? did she just casually have one?)
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Lanie’s pets
Lulu, flop eared rabbit
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Kanani’s pets
Barksee, cocker spaniel white terrier mix 
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Monk seal
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Mckenna’s pets
Cooper, Golden doodle (golden retriever and poodle mix)
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Polka dot, hamster
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Saiges pets
Sam, Border collie 
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Picasso, Spanish Barb horse
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Isabelle’s pet
Tutu, persian cat
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Grace’s pet
Bonbon, french bulldog
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Lea’s pets
Sea turtle
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Margay cat
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Gabreila’s pet
Maya, grey tuxedo cat
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Luciana’s pet
Orion is an interesting pet! It is one of those robot toy dogs.
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Blaire’s pets
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Joss’s pet
Murph, english bulldog
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Kira’s pet
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Tenny’s Pet
Waylon, Golden retreiver
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Z Yang’s pet
Popcorn, dalmation
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And finally, the truly me pets (but only the named characters, not the modern unnamed ones)
Our trans queen, coconut, white westie dog
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Licorice, Tuxedo cat
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Ginger, calico cat
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Sugar, Yorkshire terrier
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Honey, Golden retriever
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Pepper, grey huskey
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Chocolate chip, brown labradoodle (EDIT: I meant labrador not labradoodle lmao oops)
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Meatloaf (english bulldog)
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And thats all! Like I said, this is a long post because i did every charactar pet. Like i also said, I really made this more for me. I had fun reaserching all these animals! If you’ve read all the way to the end without skipping, thank you for reading!
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My 52 Favourite Films of the Decade 2010-2019: The Complete List
Random stats:
52 movies chosen directed by a total of 57 directors. 5 directing duos, 4 of which consisted of a woman-man directing duo. Only 1 directing duo was made up of 2 women.
American cinema dominated with 28 films. I went with the country listings as provided by IMDB which leads to some strange results like how 2 Days in New York, filmed and set entirely in NYC is not a U.S. production but Wadjda, filmed entirely in Saudi Arabia is (it’s something to do with who gives money, don’t ask me how it’s calculated). This was followed by French cinema with 10 films and Israeli cinema (4 films) and then a smattering of other countries. 
15 directorial debuts. The high number didn’t surprise me so much. Studies have been done and it’s often much harder for women directors to make a second film than make their debut. Actually when it comes to the debut directors on my list about half have had runaway success and put out at least one or more films already, a handful have moved into TV work and a handful seem to have disappeared which is depressing.  What did please me is how many films were 3rd, 4th, 10th or more films proving that there are women directors with long careers who just keep getting better. 
5 documentaries. I always think of myself as someone who doesn’t like documentaries so this seemed surprisingly high for me.
2 sequels both of which I liked better than their predecessors and both of which I think stand completely on their own.
2 films by directors who are no longer with us. Thank you Agnès Varda and Ronit Elkabetz.
0 repeat directors. This mostly worked out that way naturally. The directors who came the closest to having 2 films on the list were Debra Granik (Winter’s Bone missed out) and Céline Sciamma (for Girlhood), both of which were ultimately fairly easy to cut.
The List:
2 Days in New York dir. Julie Delpy (2012)
Amour Fou dir. Jessica Hausner (2014)
The Babadook dir. Jennifer Kent (2014)
Beach Rats dir. Eliza Hittman (2017)
Cameraperson dir. Kirsten Johnson (2016)
Clip dir. Maja Milos (2012)
Declaration of War dir. Valérie Donzelli (2011)
Divines dir. Houda Benyamina (2016)
The Edge of Democracy dir. Petra Costa (2019)
The Edge of Seventeen dir. Kelly Fremon Craig (2016)
Enough Said dir. Nicole Holofcener (2013)
Faces, Places dir. Agnès Varda & JR (2017)
The Farewell dir. Lulu Wang (2019)
A Film Unfinished dir. Yael Hersonski (2010)`
Fill the Void dir. Rama Burshtein (2012)
The Fits dir. Anna Rose Holmer (2015)
Fort Tilden dir. Sarah Violet Bliss & Charles Rogers (2014)
Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem dir. Shlomi Elkabetz & Ronit Elkabetz (2014)
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night dir. Ana Lily Amirpour (2014)
Hustlers dir. Lorene Scafaria (2019)
I Think We’re Alone Now dir. Reed Morano (2018)
The Kindergarten Teacher dir. Sara Colangelo (2018)
Last Night dir. Massy Tadjedin (2010)
Leave No Trace dir. Debra Granik (2018)
Little Forest dir. Yim Soon-rye (2018)
The Loneliest Planet dir. Julia Loktev (2011)
Lore dir. Cate Shortland (2012)
Lost in Paris dir. Dominique Abel & Fiona Gordon (2016)
The Love Witch dir. Anna Biller (2016)
Meek’s Cutoff dir. Kelly Reichardt (2010)
Middle of Nowhere dir. Ava DuVernay (2012)
Mudbound dir. Dee Rees (2017)
Obvious Child dir. Gillian Robespierre (2014)
On Body and Soul dir. Ildikó Enyedi (2017)
Palo Alto dir. Gia Coppola (2013)
Portrait of a Lady on Fire dir. Céline Sciamma (2019)
Private Life dir. Tamara Jenkins (2018)
Raw dir. Julia Ducournau (2016)
Songs My Brothers Taught Me dir. Chloé Zhao (2015)
Stories We Tell dir. Sarah Polley (2012)
Their Finest dir. Lone Scherfig (2016)
Things to Come dir. Mia Hansen-Løve (2016)
Toni Erdmann dir. Maren Ade (2016)
Vamps dir. Amy Heckerling (2012)
Vazante dir. Daniela Thomas (2017)
Wadjda dir. Haifaa al-Mansour (2012)
Wonder Woman dir. Patty Jenkins (2017)
The Wonders dir. Alice Rohrwacher (2014)
Woodshock dir. Laura & Kate Mulleavy (2017)
You Were Never Really Here dir. Lynne Ramsay (2017)
Zero Dark Thirty dir. Kathryn Bigelow (2012)
Zero Motivation dir. Talya Lavie (2014)
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bcdaily · 3 years
omg general hospital! what were your favourite characters and relationships in it?? and do you still currently watch? 🙂
Yes, I still watch!! I have my DVR record them every day and then I usually binge through on weekends (though right now I am nine episodes behind. OOOOpppSSS)
My favorite character is Maxie just because, as mentioned, Kirsten Storms is why I still watch GH regularly. When she was on Days, that was my jam. I follow where she goes. But I also love Liz and Lulu and Tracy and Michael and Anna and…all the people. 😂
I’ve been through stages with my ships, which happens when you’ve been watching for decades lol. Like, watching Liz/Lucky in those earrrrrrly days, with baby Jonathan Jackson? Omg my heart. But then I switched my loyalties to Liz/Jason, who I still absently root for, even though I don’t think they’ll ever bring them back together again. (And actually, I kind of liked him with Britt. This Carly marriage thing is so annoying.) Obvs Maxie/Spinelli was a high point, but I actually think I like them better as friends now? Annnnd…that’s all I can think of off the top of my head?
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escapetoportcharles · 3 years
Who do we think might end up with Maxie next?  I really thought they’d go the Dante route for potential future drama with Lulu waking up but that doesn’t seem to be the plan, unfortunately.  Maybe Michael?  I’ve enjoyed their interactions in the past but he’s in a whole mess of his own and I’m not so sure they’d complicate it further with him having another love interest.  I’ve seen it suggested that Austin get with Maxie but I couldn’t see that being a thing.  I would love love love for Lucky to return.  I honestly don’t know why they haven’t brought him back yet especially with Nik being alive.  Lucky and Maxie were such a disaster in the beginning but I was into it and I loved her with Jonathan’s version when he came back too.  Kirsten has chemistry with everyone, let’s be honest.
If they could somehow resurrect Jesse from the dead, that would be ideal.  They were my OTP back in the day.  Like hardcore.  BRB gonna go watch some fanvids.  I’d also accept Coop.
Thoughts?  She needs a good guy after all the bullshit she’s been through.  It’s pretty ridiculous that her only surviving love interest is Spinelli... and Lucky if you count him. 
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Lulu Kirsten
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greatell · 3 years
I think Lulu must really be leaving because on twitter, I saw tweets about an insta post that Emme posted.
Yeah she posted that⬇️. Kirsten Storms, James Patrick Stuart, Briana Lane, and Michelle Stafford all commented on it. I don’t think anyone saw this coming. William? Yes. But not Emme. Especially since unlike with Julian, it seemed like Lulu has a wide range of storylines coming her way. From a love triangle with Dante and Dustin, Peter’s take down, Dante’s PTSD, her look into Cyrus etc. The timing is strange. I just hope they don’t kill Lulu. I didn’t have much use for her but still killing off Luke and Laura’s daughter would be a dumb move. Especially when the show has 5-7 other characters they could’ve gotten rid of before her
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vincekris · 3 years
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lulu kirsten
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thirdrowcentre · 3 years
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My New Year’s Resolution for 2020 (I never make resolutions) was to watch at least two films a week that I’d never seen before. This year ended up giving ample opportunity to watch films I’d never seen before - not because I had bags of free time, in fact I was busier than ever, but because I needed something I could discover, needed variety, needed movies.
So this year I’ve watched 277 films that were new to me - some new releases, while I could get to the cinema, some huge blindspots and some just because they were there. And nobody asked for it, but these are the ones that stood out to me, in no particular order other than the order in which I watched them:
All About My Mother (dir. Pedro Almodovar, 1999. Watched 02.01.2020)
Married to the Mob (dir. Jonathan Demme, 1988. Watched 13.01.2020)
Mikey and Nicky (dir. Elaine May, 1976. Watched 21.01.2020)
Parasite (dir. Bong Joon Ho, 2019. Watched at the Barbican cinema, 08.02.2020 and 11.02.2020)
Fellini’s Roma (dir. Federico Fellini, 1972. Watched at the BFI, 16.02.2020)
Mean Streets (dir. Martin Scorsese, 1973. Watched 19.02.2020)
Portrait of a Lady on Fire (dir. Céline Sciamma, 2019. Watched at the Prince Charles Cinema, 24.02.2020)
The Farewell (dir. Lulu Wang, 2019. Watched at the Prince Charles Cinema, 25.02.2020)
Something Wild (dir. Jonathan Demme, 1986. Watched 07.03.2020)
Shock Corridor (dir. Samuel Fuller, 1963. Watched 23.03.2020)
Mustang (dir. Deniz Gamze Ergüven, 2015. Watched 28.03.2020)
Léon Morin, Priest (dir. Jean-Pierre Melville, 1961. Watched 29.03.2020)
Pain and Glory (dir. Pedro Almodovar, 2019. Watched 04.04.2020)
Le sang d’un poète (dir. Jean Cocteau, 1930. Watched 16.04.2020)
A Star is Born (dir. William Wellman 1937. Watched 03.05.2020)
Carve Her Name With Pride (dir. Lewis Gilbert, 1958. Watched 09.05.2020)
Battle of the River Plate (dirs. Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, 1956. Watched 10.05.2020)
Starstruck (dir. Gillian Armstrong, 1982. Watched 22.05.2020)
Ran (dir. Akira Kurosawa, 1985. Watched 25.05.2020)
I Walked with a Zombie (dir. Jacques Tourneur, 1943. Watched 05.06.2020)
The Queen (dir. Frank Simon, 1968. Watched 08.06.2020)
New York, New York (dir. Martin Scorsese, 1977. Watched 20.06.2020)
Woman of the Year (dir. George Stevens, 1942. Watched 09.07.2020)
Pather Panchali (dir. Satyajit Ray, 1955. Watched 12.07.2020)
Babette’s Feast (dir. Gabriel Axel, 1987. Watched 19.07.2020)
Big Trouble in Little China (dir. John Carpenter, 1986. Watched 28.07.2020)
Visages, Villages (dir. Agnes Varda, 2017. Watched 27.08.2020)
Kundun (dir. Martin Scorsese, 1997. Watched 28.08.2020)
Mickey Blue Eyes (dir. Kelly Makin, 1999. Watched 06.09.2020)
Brassed Off (dir. Mark Herman, 1996. Watched 17.09.2020)
White Riot (dir. Rubika Shah, 2019. Watched at the BFI 23.09.2020)
My Own Private Idaho (dir. Gus van Sant, 1991. Watched at the BFI, 02.10.2020)
Philadelphia (dir. Jonathan Demme, 1993. Watched 08.10.2020)
Mission Impossible: Fallout (dir. Christopher McQuarrie, 2018. Watched 18.10.2020)
Laputa Castle in the Sky (dir. Hayao Miyazaki, 1986. Watched 25.10.2020)
Dick Johnson is Dead (dir. Kirsten Johnson, 2020. Watched 26.10.2020)
The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness (dir. Mami Sunada, 2013. Watched 01.11.2020)
Shoplifters (dir. Hirokazu Kore-eda, 2018. Watched 18.11.2020)
Prisoners (dir. Denis Villeneuve, 2013. Watched 25.11.2020)
Throne of Blood (dir. Akira Kurosawa, 1957. Watched 30.11.2020)
A Holiday Affair (dir. Don Hartman, 1949. Watched 09.12.2020)
Mildred Pierce (dir. Michael Curtiz, 1945. Watched 16.12.2020)
Annihilation (dir. Alex Garland, 2018. Watched 26.12.2020)
Design For Living (dir. Ernst Lubitsch, 1933. Watched 29.12.2020)
The Commitments (dir. Alan Parker, 1991. Watched 29.12.2020)
And so many more to watch. Roll on 2021.
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