#lung transplant
bpod-bpod · 5 months
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Organising Lungs
Advances made towards achieving the cellular diversity necessary for creating whole lung and thymus tissue for transplantation
Read the published research paper here
Image from work by Akihiro Miura and colleagues
Columbia Center for Human Development and Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care, Department of Medicine, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in eLife, October 2023
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drpriya · 2 years
Pneumonectomy is a lung surgery where lung is removed due to lung disease like lung cancer, lung injury, lung failure, birth lung defects, lung infections like TB causing lung failure. If patient has symptoms like chest pain, coughing constantly, blood in cough, weightloss, breathing problems, then patient is asked to get tests like chest xrays, blood tests, MRI scans, lung biopsy, lung function tests. If lung has failed, lung is removed by pneumonectomy and later replaced by lung transplant. There are best hospitals and best cardiac surgeons in India, where pneumonectomy is done with success. To know more, click below-
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lovelivejustbreathe · 6 months
Thoughts on Thirty-Five
So. I’m 35. This is another day, since I have been so very lucky to have had many, that I could have never imagined. My 35th birthday. 35 years of fighting the symptoms of the same disease and it’s many, many side effects. 35 years of living like tomorrow may never come. 35 times I thought it would be my last birthday because I was so extremely sick or my prognosis was not so good. 35…
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naobhe · 11 months
We’re supporting human organ transplant survivors, organ surgery recipients, organ donors. Safe Life!
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captainenjolras · 1 year
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Urgent mutual aid request!!!!
Aaron Arce is in need of funding for a double lung transplant and the expenses that will come with this life saving surgery. Blessings from Asklepios Soter, Apollon Acesius, and Hygeia the healing to his family!
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y0rkminster · 1 year
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4bworld · 2 years
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Should organ donation be mandatory?
In the United States, 169 million people are registered donors.
While only fifty-eight percent are registered, the majority of Americans are in favor of organ donation.
Read the debate at @4bnewsworld and share YOUR opinions!
#organdonation #donatelife #health #organdonationawareness #kidneytransplant #kidneydisease #organdonationsaveslives #transplant #organdonor #giftoflife #dialysis #kidney #kidneyfailure #kidneydonor #lungtransplant #organtransplant #hearttransplant #kidneyhealth #savelives #kidneystones #livertransplant #organdonors #savealife #chronicillness #donation #love #kidneys #diabetes #debate
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vintagesewingmachine · 3 months
lung transplant
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lovejandbcus · 4 months
Thank you in advance for giving and sharing..
Here’s to a Healthy 2024…
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“Oh thank Heaven for 7!”
As I begin my 8th year of post-op bilateral lung transplant life gifted by an organ donor I pledge to do more in 2024.
I pray to do all that I can, and more, one day at a time, to achieve the best health possible. Our God is an awesome God!
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qupritsuvwix · 5 months
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usavinyls · 5 months
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medicalroute · 6 months
يأتي سرطان الرئتين في المرتبة الأولى بين السرطانات التي تنشأ عند الرجال وهي في التصنيف الثاني عند النساء. هناك عوامل مختلفة يجعل الشخص مصاب بسرطان الرئة، لكن الأهم منها هو التدخين. التعرض للأسبستوس والمواد الكيميائية الجسيمات وغاز الرادون هي من بين العوامل البيئية التي تسبب الاصابة بسرطان الرئة. الى جانب هذه، التاريخ المرضي للرئتين مثل مرض الدرن (السُّل) والربو القصبي والأمراض المزمنة في الرئتين يجعل خطر الاصابة بسرطان الرئة أعلى. يمكنكم التواصل معنا لتلقي الاستشارة الطبية وبدء رحلة العلاج معنا.
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lovelivejustbreathe · 2 years
4,380 Days
This is pretty crazy, to even be typing this right now. Today marks my 12 year anniversary, my lungaversary, of my not so new anymore lungs that extended my life 4,380 days. So far. TWELVE [EXTRA] YEARS. I am honestly at a loss for the right words. This year I truly found myself and regained my sense of self, confidence, and purpose. Pushed my body to new limits, ones I had only dreamed of prior.…
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drforambhuta · 7 months
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The pre-transplant assessment before a lung transplant employs a collaborative approach involving a range of healthcare professionals. It consists of the following key elements:
1. Medical Evaluation:
• Pulmonary Function Analysis: Spirometry and diffusion capacity tests provide critical insights into lung disease severity, assisting clinicians in determining transplant eligibility.
• Radiological Examination: Chest X-rays and CT scans generate detailed lung images, aiding surgical planning and patient suitability assessment.
• Cardiac Assessment: Given the heart-lung connection, cardiac function evaluation is essential, often involving stress tests or echocardiograms.
• Laboratory Assessments: Comprehensive blood tests detect infections, assess liver and kidney function, and provide a holistic health overview, identifying underlying issues needing management pre-transplant.
2. Psychological Appraisal:
• Mental Health Evaluation: Psychologists conduct a thorough analysis of mental and emotional well-being, seeking signs of anxiety, depression, or other concerns, and providing coping strategies.
• Social Support Review: The patient's support system is examined to ensure a robust network of family and friends for emotional and practical support during lung transplantation.
3. Screening for Infectious Diseases:
• Rigorous Infectious Disease Tests: Patients undergo screening for infections such as HIV, hepatitis, and tuberculosis. Active infections are treated pre-transplant to reduce surgical complications.
4. Nutritional Assessment:
• Evaluation of Nutritional Status: A comprehensive assessment determines the patient's nutritional status, addressing malnutrition through dietary recommendations.
5. Assessment of Substance Use:
• Screening for Substance Abuse: Patients are evaluated for alcohol or drug abuse, which could interfere with post-transplant recovery and medication adherence.
6. Financial and Insurance Review:
• Financial Evaluation: Given the financial demands of a lung transplant procedure, patients must have a clear plan, including an assessment of insurance coverage and available resources to cover procedure and post-transplant care costs.
7. Education and Counseling:
• Patient Education: Patients and families receive thorough education about the lung transplant surgery, potential risks, and post-transplant care, enabling informed decisions.
• Counseling Support: Counseling services help patients address emotional challenges associated with transplantation, offering a safe space for fears and anxieties.
Some of the best hospitals in Delhi, such as Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, offers pre-transplant testing followed by a successful lung transplant procedure, and post-transplant care to the patient. The cost of lung transplant in Delhi will include the cost of the diagnostic tests performed before the procedure.
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drpriya · 8 months
The cost of lung transplant surgery in India can vary widely depending on several factors, including the type of lung transplant (single or double), the hospital or medical facility where the procedure is performed, the surgeon's fees, the patient's overall health, and any additional medical expenses.
Hospital Fees: The hospital charges can be a significant portion of the overall cost. These fees include the cost of the operation theatre, ICU stay, nursing care, and other hospital services. Hospital fees can vary greatly depending on the hospital's location and reputation.
Surgeon Fees: The surgeon's fees can also vary based on the surgeon's experience and the complexity of the surgery. Surgeon fees are typically a significant part of the overall cost.
Medications: After the transplant surgery, patients require immunosuppressive medications to prevent rejection of the transplanted lung(s). The cost of these medications can be substantial and is an ongoing expense for the rest of the patient's life.
Pre-transplant Evaluation: Before the transplant, patients undergo a series of medical tests and evaluations to determine their eligibility for the surgery. These tests and consultations also contribute to the overall cost.
Post-transplant Care: Post-transplant care includes regular check-ups, monitoring, and potential treatments for complications. The cost of follow-up care and medications can add up over time.
Travel and Accommodation: If the patient is traveling from another city or country to undergo the surgery, travel and accommodation expenses for the patient and their family should be considered.
Miscellaneous Expenses: Other expenses, such as diagnostic tests, blood transfusions, and any unforeseen medical expenses, can contribute to the overall cost.
Health insurance coverage may also play a significant role in mitigating some of these costs. Patients should explore their insurance options and discuss coverage with their doctors.
For accurate and current cost estimates, it's recommended that patients consult with doctors and hospitals that offer lung transplant services in India. They can provide detailed information about the expenses involved and help patients navigate the financial aspects of the procedure.
There are best hospitals in India like Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals where liver transplant surgery is done with great success. These hospitals have the best surgeons, you may consult here to know more about lung cancer, lung transplant, lung surgery, procedure and cost of lung transplant in Delhi.
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