mogai-place · 1 year
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Tommy is a fictive who is cemetarian, astralgender, evendimic, cozycatgender, crowgender, angelkitic, cosmollaby, cuddlegender, spacegender, fallenangelic, gendercute, mollisdeathgender, luxcaligic, plushsomnigender, curlycatgender, libramasculine, librafeminine, demifingender, demimingender, xenofluid, genderfaunet, femascgender, girlboyflux, staticbungender, quoisexual, greysexual, sapphic, achillean, nebularomantic and uses hy/hym, la/lava, axo/axolotl pronouns
requested by @candlelit-mogai
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duckduckgoose-exe · 5 months
Axenlector - Genderhoarder, but for xenogenders in particular.
Transxenine - A term used to describe a transgender individual who identifies fully or partially as xenine/xenic.
Egogender - A xenogender where the only way to describe one’s gender is simply as oneself. One's gender can only be described as themselves and is therefore unique to them.
Autogender - A gender experience that is deeply connected and personal to oneself. It cannot be described with existing terms due to how deeply personal the experience is.
Noungender - A type of xenogender that can be best described as being, or being like, a thing, concept, animal, imaginary being, part of nature, or a symbol.
Kingender - A gender identity under the alterhumangender umbrella to describe someone with a gender related to their kintype. A kintype (or otherkin) relates to a non-human identification.
Glitchgender - A gender that is described as ill-defined, glitchy, crowded, or staticky.
Wuywigender - A gender identity where one feels as if their gender can’t be explained using human terms/language, usually due to lack of terms to describe it. This is exclusive to otherkin and other nonhuman identities.
Abimegender - A xenogender which is profound, deep, and infinite. It is best described as when one mirror is reflecting into another mirror, creating an infinite reflection.
Confusigender - A term where one's gender, or part of their gender, seems confusing, meddled, or strange.
Staticgender - A xenogender which is best described as TV static; fuzzy and incomprehensible.
Luxcaligic - A gender that is cute and delicate, but at the same time it is creepy, weird, and/or melancholic.
Percemulkeyic - A gender that is multifaceted and unique to the user, it’s hard to describe in a single term. It may be contradictory to others but feels perfect for the user themself. It feels like a gender only the user has the metaphorical ‘key’ to.
Galeavenial - A gender related to galaxies, angels, holiness, the vastness of space, and the word “celestial” in both meanings.
Verinix - A gender that's a paradox; A gender that is genderless but also full of gender, a gender that's un-aligned & aligned, a gender that’s one gender but also many at the same time, a gender that’s fluid but also static, a gender that’s everything at once but nothing at all.
Queerfreak - A gender related to being queer and a freak.
Gendershattering - A gender that periodically breaks to reveal another gender identity underneath.
Kenochoric - An umbrella term that is centered around the idea of kenopsia. (Kenochoric is an umbrella term for gender identity that's centered around, among other things, the unknown, eerieness, the uncanny valley, obscurity, nostalgia, emptiness or vastness, liminal spaces, nonhumanity, and things that can evoke any or all of those things. It's an identity of its own, but it can also describe any identity with characteristics that fit its "vibe."
Kenochoric is an intentionally broad and vague term, as gender identity is nebulous and hard to exactly pin down. It may encompass a very wide range of identification, and what does and does not "count" has no strict rules. The term was created to describe gender identity, however some have taken to using it for other kinds of identification.
Kenochoric is not a xenogender, nor is it in any other category or umbrella term. It is fully autonomous in itself and should not be mislabelled.)
Daroric - A gender alignment that is completely separate from male, female, or neutral, and is instead connected to darkness or shadows.
Errorgender - A gender relating to errors. Errorgender people experience gender as if it is a glitch and not meant to exist but does.
Dymalic - A gender and umbrella term related to fog, mist, or haze. It may feel lost, hard to make out, eerie, or hollow.
Cryptix - A gender and umbrella term related to cryptic media and/or distorted videos.
Genderdark - A kenochoric gender that feels dark or distorted. Their gender does not necessarily feel bad or evil, their gender just has a dark aura or distorted atmosphere.
Kenoflorestial - A kenochoric gender that’s like a dreamy scene where there’s a starry sky, but all the stars have been replaced by flowers, so it’s a night sky that’s like a starry sky, but with flowers, it’s serene, ethereal, celestial, and floral, like a sky of shining, starry/starlight flowers, with additional feelings of mystery, kenopsia, and darkness.
Aesthetigender - A series of xenogenders that are either derived from, are the embodiment of, are similar to, related to, or share the qualities with an aesthetic or a sensory experience. Aesthetigenders can be based on symbols, ideas, or things. And are typically described using things like texture, size, shape, light, sound, or other sensory characteristics.
Multicoric - A term for identifying as 2 or more coric genders.
Oddcoric - A coric keingender centered around the aesthetics of oddcore/weirdcore, which is based around bizarre imagery and objects, generally with an unnerving atmosphere.
Hoardingcomfic - Hoarding genders/labels/terms/pronouns for comfort.
Dreamcoric - A coric xenogender that is based off of dreamcore, which is based around bizarre imagery and objects. It is closely related to oddcoric, but has more of a dream-like and/or nostalgic quality to it.
Softcoric - An aesthetigender either centered around or related to softcore, an aesthetic based on soft things like blankets, slippers, pastels, plushies, etc. Softcoric people may feel that their gender is soft and comforting and cute like those things, or may feel connected to those things and try to incorporate them into their gender however possible.
Trendercoric - A coric xenogender related to trendercore. It is based on the reclamation of the term "transtrender" which has been used to demean non-binary, xenic, and gender non-conforming individuals, neopronoun users, non-dysphoric trans individuals, and many others. Trendercore as an aesthetic revolves around bright colors, self-love, inclusivity, and the use of things such as pride flags, pronoun pins, dyed hair, and other alternative aesthetics.
Scenecoric - A coric xenogender related to scenecore. It is based on the aesthetic of the scene subculture. It involves the imagery of neon colors, black stripes or checkered patterns, fingerless gloves, rainbows, colorful and chunky beads, as well as scene music and other media associated with the subculture.
Pastelcoric - A gender based on pastelcore.
Traumacoric - A coric xenogender relating to traumacore. It is centered around childhood trauma and nostalgia. It may often be described as painful, dissociated, or lost.
Cutecoric - An aesthetigender related to cutecore (an aesthetic based on cuteness/cute things, soft and pink pastels, fluffy things and plushies).
Emocoric - A coric xenogender related to emocore. It is based on the aesthetic of traditionally emo things, including dark clothing, skinny jeans, band tees, and hoodies, as well as emo music.
Demoncoric - A coric xenogender related to demoncore.
Plushycomfic - A comfic xenogender related to plushies being one's comfort item.
Cybercoric - A coric xenogender connected to the aesthetics of cyberpunk, such as futuristic technology, cityscapes, dystopia, and neons against dark colors.
Cringecoric - A xenogender that also falls under the Aesthetigender umbrella term. It is a gender that is linked strongly to rejecting gender stereotypes and societal constructs. Someone who identifies as cringegender may feel that their gender is linked to bright colors, loud music, and typically "cringe" words, phrases, and terms. Cringecoric is also linked to the scene kid / scenecore aesthetic. Cringecoric is intended for neurodivergent individuals, but this is not exclusive to these groups.
Glitchcoric - A coric xenogender connected to the aesthetics of glitchcore, including errors, technology malfunctions, early internet, and static.
Deviloveic - A gender related to demons and lovecore.
Serenic - A gender that relates to comfort or a nostalgic feeling from plushies, blankets, cartoons, coloring books, pastels, rainy days, clouds, and comfy socks.
Plushiecoric - A xenogender where your gender relates to the aesthetic of soft plushies, well loved plushies, and just general plushies.
Blankecomfic - A comfic xenogender related to one's comfort item being blankets.
Fogcomfic - A gender connected to fog, but in a peaceful/comforting way.
Librarycomfic - A gender related to a library being one’s comfort place.
Oversizecomfic - A gender connected to the comfort of wearing oversized clothes, maybe even flapping your arms around as the sleeves swing up and down or side to side.
Drestalitraurre - A xenogender that is related to dreamcore, nostalgiacore, liminalcore, traumacore, oddcore, and weirdcore (or a combination thereof); being dreamcoric, nostalgiacoric, liminalcoric, traumacoric, oddcoric, and weirdcoric, with those identities being inherently linked with one another.
Thifoginix - A gender that feels like very thick fog.
Octobrisine - A slightly neutral gender that is comfortable and warm. It relates to autumn, candles, snow, leaves, bare trees, pumpkins, allspice and plants, pie, blankets, and clear air. It is slightly fluid, but not flux. It may take up a good chunk of the identity, but overall is very pristine and held closely to the user and may flow away on occasion.
Galesensic - A gender related to the sensory aspects of rain and/or thunderstorms. Examples of such are the feeling of being rained on, the smell of rain, the feeling of having water soak through your clothes, the pitter patter sound of rain drops, the booming sound of thunder, watching rain hit your window, the feeling of wet hair sticking to your face, etc.
Galesensic - A gender related to smooth river stones and/or stone balancing, rivers themselves, palm stones, collecting rocks, meditation.
Nightoceanic - A xenogender in which one may feel like their gender is like the ocean, the sea animals, the waves, the sand and the water but at nighttime.
Neurogender - When one's gender is in some way linked to one's neurodivergence, mental illness, or neurological conditions. It is an umbrella term for any gender related to being neurodivergent, but it can also be used as an identity on its own. Neurogender is not neurodivergence as a gender, but rather is a gender or experience of gender that is so heavily influenced by one's neurodivergence that one's gender and neurodivergence cannot be unlinked.
Cloudgender - A gender which can't be fully realized or seen clearly due to depersonalization/ derealization disorder.
Autigender - A neurogender which can only be understood in the context of being autistic, or when one's autism greatly affects one's gender and/or how one experiences gender.
404gender - A neurogender that feels like it cannot be located due to one's neurodivergence.
Affectugender - A neurogender in which one's gender is fluid or fluctuating and is effected by one's neurodivergency, particularly, fluctuating emotions, mood, and state of mind.
Afisgender - A xenogender and neurogender that feels hazy, dreamlike, or is hard to conceptualize, due to neurodivergence.
Bitgender - A neurogender for people who feel robotic, feel comfort in being a robot, or want to be a robot.
Walkstimmic - Gender related to walking as a stim.
Improcolion - A gender that, as one's mental health improves, becomes less liminal and grey and more brightly colored and present.
Pilwegender - A xenogender described as soft, fluffy, relaxing, and comforting. It can also be related to nighttime in some way.
Coigender - An audiogender that feels as though it is on mute, repressed, and unable to be fully expressed.
Plushyic - An aesthetigender defined as a xenogender related to plushies/stuffed toys.
Dorlunaesic - A gender related to sleepy aesthetics, dreams, clouds, desaturated pastels, comfort, lullabies, moons and stars, safety and being tired.
Mellic - An umbrella term for genders centered around the themes of sleepiness, stars, blankets, pyjamas, plushies, nighttime, moons, stars and other similar concepts.
Gendersploof - An aesthetigender that describes an experience of gender is related to puffy or poofy things and soft blankets and feels soft and poofy.
Cindersploof - An aesthetigender that describes an experience of gender is related to fire, poofy things, warm blankets, and soft things.
Nachtine - A xenogender that is related to the abyss, ice, the night, soft cloth, and the unknown. It is fluid and cold.
Väpplinine - A gender that feels soft and comforting, large and omnipresent, but ethereal, like a patch of clover.
Cuddlegender - A xenogender that is childlike and soft, and focused on the love and security one feels around their stuffed toys. Like a child’s nightlight, it keeps the owner of the gender safe from monsters under the bed, and like a teddy bear, it protects and loves the owner.
Gendercute - An aestheticgender where one's gender feels connected to anything that is cute.
Nascigender - A gender related to soft sprinkles of rain, morning fog, naturistic scent, and a soft, fresh breeze.
Gendermoth - A soft and unique gender. It can feel dainty, mighty, majestic or a mix of positive feelings unique to the person identifying as such.
Heartgender - A xenogender related to lovecore, valentines, and love in general.
Gremlingender - A soft, chaotic feeling gender associated with the forest and abandoned places overrun with plants and garbage. Defies 'normal' standards of respectability.
Edgecute - A gender identity that feels both edgy and cute. May involve having a gender that is both edgy and cute, experiencing both edgy and cute genders simultaneously, or being fluid/fluctuating between edgy and cute genders/gendered feelings.
Adorlosus - A gender which is related to being cute but scary, similar to pastel goth.
Deathcute - A xenogender that feels like death, darkness, horror, and monsters, but in a wholesome way that is also endearing, comforting, beautiful, and whimsical.
Dulcreepic - A gender relating to being cute, creepiness, gore, sweets. it can be described as having a sweet and charming outside with bits that show a hidden, creepier inside.
Kenocutie - A for when you're kenochoric and you're a cutie.
Coloransian - A fluid gender that is powerful, colorful, fluid between bright, airy, and calming genders exclusively, and can be connected to rainbows, bright colors, the sun, and summer.
Huegender - A xenogender that is a mix of all colorgenders and fluidflux meaning that the color of one’s gender could change to any color and any shade such as dark purple, cyan, scarlet, etc.
Glitchofluid - A gender that's fluid between genders related to glitch and eyestrain colors.
Zloveschian - A xenogender described as being dark and mysterious. It is at times very intimidating, and other times oddly serene and comforting. The gender feels off, as if it is being experienced in a dream you are having while on your deathbed. It is associated with cold and misty conifer forests at night, candles, lanterns, bones, rotting wood, moss, decrepit cabins in the middle of the forest, and the looming feeling of a demonic presence.
Gendersolus - A gender that’s at peace and alone, like a cool spring night sitting on a roof, gazing at the nearby view.
Fatum - A xenogender connected to death, Halloween, and decoration. Fatum people have an experience with gender that can best be described as empty and gone.
Goreaeic - A gender connected to gore, blood, and death.
Rotaeus - A gender related to rot and decay.
Pastelgoregender - A gender relating to pastel gore.
Unholylexic - A gender relating to the word "Unholy" and/or being unholy.
Pincusmic - A gender relating to being androgynous, mischievous, the color neon pink, and demons/incubi.
Lovegoreic - A gender related to lovecore, anatomy, reddish pinks, blood, and gore. may or may not be related to reclaiming the yandere trope.
Externusgender - An AGIN (agender in nature) gender that feels distanced from earth and its gender binary and alienated from other gender identities. It is based on and/or related to aliens and other extraterrestrial life forms.
Aliengender - When one's interpretation of gender / their gender(s) feels as though it's from a nonhuman perspective. One may or may not adopt a gender or attempt to fit into a gender but it feels like it's in an "alien trying out foreign species’ gender" sort of way.
Etheric - A gender that feels ethereal and otherworldly, with xenic energy.
Celestae - A xenogender that can be defined as “celestial”. It feels ethereal and angelic as well as extraterrestrial and as though it relates to outer space.
Contigender - A gender which flows through space and time and constantly changes, always moving, and/or is of space and time or is related to space and time.
Cosmobangic - A gender related to or similar to the Big Bang. It is explosive, starting from a small pinpoint until it expands into a larger gender.
Espamoric - A gender related to love, love letters, UFOs, stargazing and pink planets.
Moonshadowic - A xenogender that is related/connected to, feels like, or is described as the shadows caused by the light reflected from the moon.
Technosic - A xenic alignment to robots, artificial intelligence, or other technology.
Botic - A technogender defined as "gender alignment with botgender/robots/bots/etc.
Cybergender - A fluid technogender where one has one or more primary identities, but sometimes "glitches" to an identity they don't usually identify with.
Vurilic - A gender connected to computer viruses and can be used as a modifier.
Pixaesic - A gender related to or resembling pixel art/graphics/aesthetics.
Glopixic - A pixaesic gender related to neon (+ glow in the dark, blacklight, arcade colors, etc.) and pixel art/graphics/aesthetics.
Horrorpixic - A pixaesic gender related to pixel art/graphics and horror. May bear relation to horror indie games, itch.io, and pixelated gore.
Gloompixic - A pixaesic gender related to pixel art/graphics with little to no color. May also bear relation to indie games with gloomy or spooky atmosphere/themes.
Faunagender - A xenogender that is, in some way, influenced by or related to animals. Faunagender can be used as a specific term if referring to a gender is related to many animals, or is related to animals in general.
Catgender - A xenogender in which one feels an extremely strong connection to cats or other felines, either strongly identifying with them or simply wanting to incorporate them into their gender to better understand their identity.
Aliencatgender - A xenogender/ kingender/neurogender in which someone is partially or wholly disconnected from human ideas of gender, and instead describe their experience as that of an alien cat from outer space. It encompasses a lack of attraction or understanding of humanity, as well as a complete disregard for societal norms and the status quo, and a fondness of cats.
Catcute - A combonation of catgender and gendercute.
Catnipgender - A catgender, but also another gender that is silly/wacky/crazy/fun in nature.
Eldritchcatgender - A subset of catgender related to being an eldritch being and a cat. This gender may be otherworldly, horrifying, mysterious while also being catlike at the same time.
Devilcatgender - A subset of Catgender that is "devilish" or mischievous.
Evilcatgender - A xenogender relating to cats "in an evil way." It may be considered a combination of catgender and evilgender.
Hallowdecorcatic - A gender that is connected to Halloween decorations, cats, and candy.
Lumicattic - A xenogender and subset of catgender intended for those who have a deep connection to stars, cloudy night skies, space, celestial bodies, cats, galaxies, and the universe as a whole. It can also be for those who feel a connection to outer space and cats, or those whose gender can be described as a celestial cat.
Misfortunix - A gender related to black cats, broken mirrors, walking under ladders, and other traditionally unlucky things. This gender also has ties to Halloween and scary things.
Medicattic - A xenogender and subset of catgender intended for those who have a connection to medical and nursecore aesthetics, pastel pills, cats, needles, blood, and other cutesy medical items. It can also be used by those who feel a connection to medical aesthetics and cats, those whose gender can be described as a medic cat.
Psyhorcatgender - A catgender related to psychological horror and the psychological horror genre. It is tied to themes of cats, terror and psychological horror in general.
Robocatgender - A xenogender and subset of catgender connected to AI cats , robot cats , cyborg cats and all other types of “machine” cats.
Sillycatgender - A catgender connected to playfulness, hyperactivity, and the warmth of both cats/kittens and clowns/circuses. It has also been defined as a gender connected to silly little cats and/or silliness and cats.
Warmkittygender - A gender that feels like a small fluffy white cat sleeping next to a fireplace in a cabin in the middle of winter. This gender maybe related to cats, warmth, coziness, winter, or anything else similar.
Weirdcattic - A xenogender/faunagender/catgender that is related to weirdcore, surrealism, disorientation, nostalgia, and a lingering sense of dread. For when you feel a connection to weirdcore aesthetics and cats, or a gender that can be described as a weirdcore cat.
Glitchcatic - A gender connected to both glitches and cats/kittens, this gender feels like a glitch that happens to take a form of a cat/kitten. Could be a hybrid of glitchgender and catgender, but doesn’t have to be.
Gothcattic - A gender connecting to black cats , gothic styles , & old victorian objects.
Chattedollic - A gender related to cats and dolls
Lunosol - A gender related to the moon (me) being in love with the sun (my boyfie)
Rebelcoric - a gender that goes against what people think gender should be, a gender that breaks rules and sort of walks to the beat of it's own drum
Livweaponic - a gender related to being a living weapon
Frauroraesin - A gender connected to the Frutiger Aurora aesthetic
Vimorengel - a gender connected to being a guardian angel so devoted to the one you are guarding that you are willing to die for them
Nocstuffic - a gender connected to walking around at night carrying a plushie
Staricangel - a gender that relates to an angel sitting in the clouds on a starry night
Constellangelic - a gender connected to the stars, constellations, being a prince, being an angel, lovecore, and the color blue
Angelovious : a gender connected to being an angel who takes care of others and protects them under their wings
Scarredangel - A gender related to being an angel with scars / covered in scars
That's all of them so far :3
mine now
this is the best gender tho uwu
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starswirl-07 · 2 years
Mood Boards Part 1
TW: Snakes, Happy Tree Friends, Succubi, Body Horror, Blood, Knives, Gore
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Mooncoric, Valentinegender, Snekgender, Happytreegender, Pincusmic, Cafféan, Chymarsen, Twinplushgender, and Luxcaligic!
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mogaispace · 2 years
Planet Introduction: Tup D
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Designation: The Luxcaligic Planet
Tup D is exactly 5589km in size, made up of several massive swamps and glaciers. The planet experiences frequent rainfall, creating a cold, wet environment that presents difficult living conditions. Small amounts of fluid water and mountainous terrain are also present on the planet, though it is mainly defined by massive swamps.
Read more on our wiki!
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
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Arle Nadja from Puyo Puyo is an autistic trenderpunk rabiespunk butch transfeminine autigender fascigender puyospinnic genderstalgia currygender polyamorous lesbian with ADHD and PTSD who uses she/her, ae/aer, and 🟢/🟢s pronouns; Carbuncle is a genderless libramasculine creature with an unlabeled orientation who uses any pronouns, but mostly it/its and he/him; Rulue is a bisexual demigirl queengender boudican genderqueer girl who uses she/her pronouns; Schezo Wegey is a neurogender gay acevague leonic genderdark demiagender demiman demimasculine kenochoric shadowgender genderpuppet man who uses he/him, dark/darks, ⚔️/⚔️s, and 💙/💙s pronouns; and Satan is a pansexual nonbinary genderstalgia genderfloren villainic person who uses any pronouns except for she/her, they/them, and sie/hir!
Draco Centaurous is an autistic GNPNC flamboric gendercute polygender bigenderflux flamboricgender stereofeminine fluidstimmian ADnurix girlflux polyamorous lesbian with ADHD, ODD, NPD, hypersexuality, and BFRBs who uses she/her, he/him, hey/hem, star/stars, and i/me pronouns; Witch is an autistic polyamorous bisexual magicgender spellgender solaturewizardic malificae person who uses she/her and spell/spells pronouns; Serilly is an autistic demiromantic omnisexual transfeminine mermaidaesic genderfin aqualux depriflux girl with anxiety, social anxiety, PPD, ASPD, and depression who uses she/her and sea/sear pronouns; and Harpy is an autistic sapphic polygender fixamusica musicagender panmusica girl with ADHD and chronic vocal tic disorder who uses she/her, song/songs, voc/vocal, 🎶/🎶s, and 🎼/🎼s pronouns!
Lagnus the Brave is a neurodivergent polysexual transmasculine heroian man who uses he/him and hero/heros pronouns; Amitie is an autistic pansexual pupgender ecstimmian wynfaesei aisiodei laughgender gigglegender erregei genderplot happigender puyospinnic excemasle joygirl with ADHD, DID, and BFRBs who uses she/her, pup/pups, hap/happy, joy/joys, 💛/💛s, and 🟢/🟢s pronouns; Raffina is a bi-oriented aroace narcix upstimmian pasigrei transfeminine aesthetigender aestheticesse azurgirl with NPD, BPD, ADHD, and BFRBs who uses she/her pronouns; Klug is an autistic aroflux gayflux transmasculine cybademic fictivelic librainfort person with ADHD, dream anxiety, and PTSD who uses he/him and they/them pronouns; and Sig is an autistic biplatonic aromantic alloarospec buggender silencegender wildmasculine cenrell demiboy with DID and chronic pain who uses he/him, they/them, bug/bugs, 🐛/🐛s, and 🪲/🪲s pronouns!
Lidelle is an autistic nebularomantic demiromantic bisexual pastelle petalfluid genderdoux sucrofloric kindgender nonbinary girl with anxiety and PTSD who uses she/her, fae/faer, spring/springs, and 🦋/🦋s pronouns; Lemres is an autistic polyamorous T4T bisexual transmasculine sweetgender candyic iucundagender caedogender genderfaunet man with ADHD and PTSD who uses he/him, 🍭/🍭s, and other sweet-related neopronouns; Feli is an autistic bisexual mallgothix emox gothcoric genderlolita luxcaligic person who uses she/her and 🔮/🔮s pronouns; Baldanders is an aroace doggender hisulitheinan dog who uses any pronouns; and Ocean Prince/Prince Salde Canarl Shellbrick III is an autistic aromantic prifish genderfin gillgender princegender nonbinary boy with DID who uses he/him, pri/prin, sea/shell, and occasionally we/us pronouns!
Otomo is a neurodivergent polyamorous T4T gay transmasculine man who uses he/him pronouns; Ringo Ando is an autistic pansexual puyospinnic scifascic puzzlegender girl with ADHD who uses puyo/puyos, she/her, 🧩/🧩s, and 🟢/🟢s pronouns; Maguro Sasaki is a neurodivergent polysexual genderfin catgender gamergender bxy who uses he/him, hx/hxm, fi/fin, and nya/nyan pronouns; Risukuma is an autistic amatopunk pansexual sciencegender scifascic ursagender guy with chronic tic disorder and BFRBs who uses he/him and 🧪/🧪s pronouns; and Tee is an autistic alloaro bisexual pritetri kenochoric boy with ADHD and social anxiety who uses he/him pronouns!
Ess is an autistic GNPNC femme transmasculine tetricesse gendercute douxihoarder lesbian with ADHD, PTSD, separation anxiety, BPD, and OSDD-1b who uses she/her, star/stars, sie/hir, and sparkle/sparkles pronouns; O is a nonbinary creature who uses he/him, they/them, and pii/piis pronouns; Zed is an aromantic digigenderless botic robot who uses any pronouns, but mostly he/him; Ai is an autistic disabled pansexual pupgender anxiegender neurovir man with anxiety, PTSD, a panic disorder, chronic pain, and chronic motor tic disorder who uses he/him, woof/woofs, ⚙️/⚙️s, and 🔧/🔧s pronouns; Jay is an autistic GNC vincian transmasculine kidcoric joyboy with ADHD and separation anxiety who uses he/him pronouns; and his twin sister Elle is a sapphic transfeminine kidcoric joygirl with ADHD and separation anxiety who uses she/her pronouns!
Ex is a bisexual protadouxic spacealfosic kenovir pritetri depriflux demivoid cometqueer cenrell man with ADHD and depression who nuses he/him pronouns; Ally is an autistic amatopunk hyperpolyamorous pan4pan pansexual lovecoric crushgender romancecoric genderplot aimantei alstrolia girlovtix girl with ADHD, OSDD-1b, and hypersexuality who uses she/her, love/loves, heart/hearts, 💗/💗s, and 💕/💕s pronouns; Rafisol is an autistic oddcoric kenoaesic kenoera ghostgender agender girl aspec lesbian with ADHD, OSDD-1b, and DPDR who uses it/its, sie/hir, they/them, she/her, or no pronouns; Marle is an autistic ambiamorous pan4pan pansexual nonbinary genderfae librafeminine pupgender catgender happigender neuroera pangender genderhoarder with ADHD, anxiety, and PTSD who uses any pronouns; and Squares is an autistic gay asexual transmasculine genderfaun boy with ADHD, anxiety, and OCD who uses he/him and they/them pronouns!
dni transcript here
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queerness-lover · 2 years
Nepeta Leijon is a catgender, luxcaligic, equiuscharic, mollisdeathgender, grungecatian, littleguyic, weirdcattic, demigirl pansexual who uses she/it/cat/kit/:33/rawrself
and is moirails/palemates with
Equius Zahhak who is a madscientistgender, horsetix, bitgender, rurandro, rurmasc, milkgender boy who uses he/it/horse/🏇/arrow/roboself
Please and thank you!! -@sloth-gender
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floppy-mogai · 2 years
Introduction Post!!!
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Hello!! My name is Flopsy!! I am 18 years old and very new to the mogai community! Also I do kin and am currently working on my carrd for here!
I use he/him pronouns! But I prefer my neopronouns! (Must be 18+ to use lu/lusts)
Some xenogenders I identify with are as follows:
Buncakesofaesic , cuteangelboygender , cuteboygender , roseprincegender , incubian , princian , plushsomigender , and luxcaligic !!
I am mainly here to look for more mutuals (17+ preferred) and to find new cute genders/pronouns for me to hoard! ^_^
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roxys-pizzaplex · 3 years
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I forgot to show these! Icons I made for some headmates!
[Left to right; Intastellaric, Neonwebic, Princessgender, Genderlamp, Luxcaligic, Horrorcosmium and Corvidgender]
[Don't tag as Kin!!! Tag as Fictives or Headmates!!! F2U for headmates only!]
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mogai-place · 1 year
Hello! Tommy is a fictive who is cemetarian, astralgender, evendimic, cozycatgender, crowgender, angelkitic, cosmollaby, cuddlegender, spacegender, fallenangelic, gendercute, mollisdeathgender, luxcaligic, plushsomnigender, curlycatgender, libramasculine, librafeminine, demifingender, demimingender, xenofluid, genderfaunet, femascgender, girlboyflux, staticbungender, quoisexual, greysexual, sapphic, achillean, nebularomantic and uses hy/hym, la/lava, axo/axolotl pronouns
Here is a picture of Tommy
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posted! -Max
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
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Dedf1sh from Splatoon is a nonverbal touch-averse autistic polyaffectionate cupio- helix- nebula- anxi- alt- echo- dread- causti- valae velaurian voidromantic voidsexual girlfag fagdyke violae veldian lesboy lunian queer dissociative pansexual schizosexual schrodisexual schizic autflux ludereive dependalterous asocial aplatonic ceduran glitchsexual oriented aroace alderitch aldernull aldervexic turiagirl gendersylph genderselkie disconnectix kenochoric speedcoric breakcoric webcoric dreamcoric fleshcoric traumacoric erokoric uncangirl luxcaligic amalectian genderdox psywardium gendersick anomalyic medicalgender zerogender genderlight/panzerogender malfunctiongender toxinull paradelusogender girlbeast fractic bungorecoric obscurian caedesongic deathcute eldritchine elingender parix curatioflux metanic octopilimialic lobotogender simugender simulaeus gendertech alexigender divigender polygender glitchofluid tenebrian ambigue girlmelt scarycutemonstergirlic slimegirlic meatgirlic horrorgender crescairis kalfeitic plurisgenus genderfragmented condisstrange nucleargender acidgender systemgender digigender cybergender digigirlsongic xenic nonix genmotere genmotigi aibeonic molebug girlboy cleancoric syringecoric sanitizedgender squid-aliengender speedcoregender liminalgender traumacoric vaporwavic anemoiran aegoflux amplusian alosolus medianic blurgender liminalmushrooms horrorcosmium squidgender purplegender greengender bluegender dokiflux cleancoric glitchcoric oddcoric dreamcoric kelvariac medicalcoric corugender errofluid magentagender liminalgender negagender genderfake gendernoia genderrot gender-vulneratis sillygender ticgender virusgender genderpatched DID mixed-type adaptive schizobased system age regressor with PTSD, anxiety, OCD, DPD, PPD, schizoaffective disorder depressive type, Tourette’s syndrome, a learning disability, body horror dysphoria, chronic pain, reactive attachment disorder, processing issues, comprehension issues, and a special interest in breakcore, is in recovery/therapy, and uses oct/octo, squid/squids, it/its, it/that thing, .exe/.txts, med/medical, psy/psys, sani/sanis, 💊/💊s,🩸/🩸s, 💉/💉s, 🦑/🦑s, 🦷🦷s, 🥩/🥩s, 🧪/🧪s, ☢/☢s, 💚/💙s, and other neopronouns!
It’s in a wavership with Agent 8, an autistic violae veldian loveflux yingender lumigender bluegender agendoc gendernull calmgender entropien medicalcoric medicalgender genderpatched plushgender plushlichten saudadeic comfycoric warmcoric nostalgiacoric cis man with a special interest in psychiatry who loves and supports Dedf1sh with its mental health issues and is its caregiver when it age regresses or needs help taking care of itself!
dni transcript here
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mogai-place · 2 years
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I made my gender hoard into an edit like i do for headcanons 
I am  Sugarypupgender,  Faygender,  Sodagender,  Wondergender,  Lovergender,  Softbunaestic,  Artice,  Sweatergender,  Fablegender,  Velvetgender,  Kiddiepuppic,  Glitterflux,  Nopupsleepyic,  Softneonic,  Clowncaric,  Puparciel,  Fizzgender,  Rainbowsodaic,  Sugarpopic,  Smilegender,  Fempupnightic,  Gofenian,  Luxcaligic,  Funnypupgender,  Clownillix,  Femcryptigender 
I didnt add my pronoun flags but i use she/her, they/them, pup/pups, neon/neons, star/stars, fizz/fizzs, glitter/glitters, art/arts, fae/faer, hug/hugs, bun/buns (listed in no particular order) 
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years
dedf1sh from splatoon is gendersylph genderselkie disconnectix kenochoric speedcoric breakcoric webcoric dreamcoric fleshcoric traumacoric erokoric uncannigirl luxcaligic amalectian genderdox psywardium gendersick anomalyic medicalgender zerogender genderlight panzerogender malfunctiongender toxinull gender paradelusogender girlbeast fractic bungorecoric obscurian caedesongic deathcute eldritchine elingender paratix curatioflux metanic octopilimialic lobotogender simugender simulaeus gendertech alexigender divigender polygender glitchofluid tenebrian ambigue girlmelt scarycutemonstergirlic slimegirlic meatgirlic horrorgender crescairis kalfeitic plurisgenus genderfragmented disstrange nucleargender acidgender systemgender digigender cybergender digigirlsongic xenic-aligned nonix genmotere genmotigi aibeonic molebug girlboy thing, alderitch and is polyaffectionate and oriented aroace, cupio-, helix-/nebula-, anxi-, alt-, echo-, dread-, causti-, valae velaurian (pls use valae velaurian + alt velaurian flag), voidromantic/voidsexual, girlfag, fagdyke, turiagirl, violae veldian, lesboy lunian, queer, dissociative pansexual, schizosexual, schrodisexual, schizic, autflux, ludereive, dependalterous, asocial, aplatonic and ceduran! it uses oct/octo, squid/squids, it/its, it/that thing, .exe/.txts, med/medical, psy/psys, sani/sanis, 💊/💊s,🩸/🩸s, 💉/💉s, 🦑/🦑s, 🦷🦷s, 🥩/🥩s, 🧪/🧪s, ☢/☢s, 💚/💙s, and other neopronouns! it is a nonverbal touch-averse autistic DID mixed-type adaptive system with ptsd, anxiety, ocd, dpd, ppd, schizoaffective disorder depressive type, reactive attachment disorder, tourettes disorder, processing issues, and a learning disability and has a special interest in breakcore! it is in recovery/therapy!
(dedf1sh anon) omg also the "can u add" part is for dedf1sh i just tealized i forgot to mention it 😭
dedf1sh anon: can u add squidgender purplegender greengender bluegender dokiflux cleancoric glitchcoric oddcoric dreamcoric kelvariac medicalcoric corugender errofluid magentagender liminalgender negagender genderfake gendernoia genderrot gender-vulneratis sillygender ticgender virusgender genderpatched (@pinkfruitgender), glitchsexual, and aldernull/aldervexic. its system is schizobased (@sayagender). it has compehension issues, chronic pain and is an age regressor. dedf1sh has a wavership with agent 8 (pls use their masc form), an autistic loveflux yingender lumigender bluegender agendoc gendernull calmgender entropien medicalcoric medicalgender genderpatched plushgender plushlichten saudadeic comfycoric warmcoric nostalgiacoric violae veldian cis man. he has a special interest in psychiatry and loves and supports dedf1sh with its mental health issues and is its caregiver when it regresses or needs help with taking care of itself ^^ (feel free 2 remove any duplicates , if any) <-- also, correction 2 the dedf1sh ask! i meant slimemonstergirlic and meatmonstergirlic (@pinkfruitgender), not slimegirlic and meatgirlic
upd8 to agent 8 part of the dedf1sh rq: can u actually change the pic to his fem form? still keep the cis male he/him part tho pls! <3
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
(👑) Additions cuz my hc pool for Puyo characters keep growing. Can you add genderstalgia and currygender to Arle, shadowgender and genderpuppet to Schezo, girlflux to Draco, panmusica to Harpy, puyospinnic to Amitie, T4T to Lemres, genderlolita and luxcaligic to Feli, amatopunk, genderplot, pan4pan and aimantei to Ally, and pansexual and pan4pan to Marle? Thanks!
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