cannibalcaprine · 1 year
superposition is the state that a quantum object is in before it is observed by interacting with other particles
upon observation, the object collapses into a single measurable state, though they are fundamentally changed by the interaction
entangled particles with collapse simultaneously, allowing the group to be measured collectively, though not individually
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dear-future-ai · 4 years
One thing physicists never discuss when talking about gravitational waves and higher dimensional space is the giant elephant holding onto a dandelion who can hear our panicked screaming when he shakes us.
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Water itself has so many semimetallic properties. I know it's not entirely accurate to classify molecular substances the way we try to with the base elements, but even those don't exist in isolation most of the time. It fascinates me to no end how the sum of electrons' physical movement around nuclei can produce such distinct, yet consistent and predictable resulting macrophysical phenomena. I wish I actually knew what was going on because right now it straight up reads magical to me.
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musicvideo76-blog · 5 years
Precisely what is Acoustics?
song The term 'acoustics' is definitely familiar to several people throughout describing typically the sound transmission features regarding buildings, but in research terms there's a little more with it than that will. So what can it actually mean and how usually are acoustics used?
Acoustics identified
Broadly speaking, 'acoustics' is actually defined as technology involving sound. When found in it is familiar form to spell out often the qualities of a developing, the term refers to help the way in which usually appears reverberate, or rebound back, or maybe the degree in order to which they can end up being muffled to prevent reverberation when necessary. It will be a well used name between musicians and their particular audiences to spell it out the sum of reverberation and as a result high quality in a functionality venue, saving studio or maybe practice area.
However, although at its main the actual scientific definition of 'acoustics' retains this meaning relating to the tranny of looks, its makes use of are significantly broader than this specific, along with varied. Acoustics are specially related to noise control, for instance , as well as possessing uses with fields seeing that diverse because oceanography, audiology, engineering, aspects and the particular study of seismic surf.
Acoustics in practice
With music, acoustics apply within the manufacturing and use of tools as well as the sound qualities connected with effectiveness rooms, and within this impression the phrase is relevant both inside words of architecture in addition to in terminology of imaginative capabilities and performances tend to be delivered as well as received.
Within engineering, macrophysics are obtained into account in typically the review of shock and also sound and in sonic and ultrasonic engineering, impacting the construction associated with physical and building assignments the two large and tiny.
Inside earth sciences, philosophy are usually used to measure seismic task and in under the sea SONAR throughout measuring seafloor geological pastime and with navigating submarines.
Inside the lifestyle and health savoir, crystallography are especially relevant to be able to presentation and communication savoir, audiology and the improvement of medical products these kinds of as ultrasound scanners.
Additional an echo
Acoustic proportions inform scientists about geological activity on the greatest level as well since about the tiny interior workings of the hearing. Natural philosophy have applications coming from the grittiest mechanical along with building improvements to often the broad quality of lifetime regarding residents of developed up locations.
Acoustics can easily be manipulated to boost any performance space as well as class room and have an aesthetic and educational aspect, in addition to are completely vital in each of our ability to make good sense in the sounds of all of our surroundings, which includes our interactions with one another. Macrophysics is an everyday expression together with wide ranging methodical uses that may be perhaps usually taken for granted.
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torley · 4 years
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Our everyday perceptual experience suggest that we are surrounded by macrophysical objects that have other, smaller objects as their proper parts. For example, there seem to be such objects as tables, which appear to be composed of various other objects, such as the table-legs, a flat surface, and perhaps the nails or bolts holding those pieces together. Those latter objects, in turn, appear to be composed of still smaller objects. And so on. Indeed, every putative material object our perceptual
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queernuck · 7 years
A germinal or “implicit” form cannot be understood as a shape or structure. lt is more a bundle of potential functions localized, as a differentiated region, within a larger field of potential. In each region a shape or structure begins to form, but no sooner dissolves as its region shifts in relation to the others with which it is in tension. There is a kind of bubbling of structuration in a turbulent soup of regions of swirling potential. The regions are separated from each other by dynamic thresholds rather than by boundaries. Simondon calls these regions of potential “quanta,” even as they appear on the macrophysical level and on thc human level-hence the atomic allusion. The “regions” are as abstract as they are actual, in the sense that they do not define boundaried spaces but are rather mobile differentiations within an open field characterized by action at a distance between elements (attractors, gradients, resonation). The limits of the region and of the entire field (the universe) are defined by thc reach of its elements’ collective actions at a distance. The limit will not be a sharp demarcation but more like a multidimensional fading to infinity. The field is open in the sense it has no interiority or exteriority: it is limited and infinite.
Brian Massumi, Parables for the Virtual: Movement Affect Sensation
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kirkqcastudytrip · 7 years
The Microphysics of Participation in Refugee Research DONA, Giorgia
people researching forced migration inherently accept that their research will (through the generation of knowledge) help those like their research participants
‘research into the suffering of others can only be justified if alleviation of that suffering is an explicit objective’ - Turton 1996
is the tracability and credibility that Y/T/T promises as an alleviation sufficient?  Does Y/T/T even succeed in its goal - the Instagram only has like 250 followers, is it being promoted (i guess it’s well hash tagged?) - sure it’s being maintained - for how long?
FB page has 613 likes
Some of these works are signed for goddamn sake - and the artist isn’t named - that feels wrong
resarch into forced migration is ‘partisan’ through its objective for change in the plight of the subjects of investigation - influence the policies on part of goverment, NGO, refugee community organisation & inter-government agencies
‘participation refers to citizenship rights and democracy in political sciences (Habermas 1989), is articulated as the inclusion of ‘subjugated knowledges’ in philosophy and sociology (Foucalt 1980), and is concerned with issues of representation: of the ethnographer as the narrator of another culture in anthropology (Abu-Loghod 2006; Clifford and Marcus 1986), of gender in mainstream research (Wolf 1992; Indra 1999), and of the ‘Other’ in critical literary theory and post-colonial studies (Said 2000)
Refugees viewed as ‘objects’ when ‘their lives and experiences are investigated from the perspective of others such as government officials, aid workers, lawyers or receiving societies’ members, or when they are symbolically present as “objects” of study in disciplines such as legal theory or international relations that deal with institutional and legal frameworks’ - don’t have power over the knowledge that is produced about them.
‘subjects’ when they are limited in their involvement in the research process  - have little power over the information is retained in the process
‘social actors’ when in dialogue with researcher, ‘inform the consent of the research process’ - don't just respond to pre-formulated questions but are treated as ‘informants’
‘participants and co-researchers’ when they are ‘involved, informed, consulted, and heard’ in a methodology that views the ‘co-production of knowledge’ as research
ideally (i guess): objects of government policy, subjects to welfare provisions, social actors and/or co-researchers in social movements, advocacy groups, non-governmental and refugee community organisations.
Miller (2004) uses analogy of ‘frontstage’ and ‘backstage’ and stresses importance of research participants being involved in relationships of trust that allow ‘backstage access’
Kothari (2001) criticises the participatory discourses as reinforcing binaries, such as those between powerless and powerful, north and south, local knowledge and professional knowledge, lowers and uppers - wherein aim is to reverse them
Foucalt’s idea of ‘microphysics’ (rather than ‘macrophysics’) of power is examination of everyday aspects (many sites of power & diverse manifestations) of power relations (rather than centralised forms such as ‘concentration in the hands of a coercive elite or a ruling class’)
‘with no agency, host country, nor the migrant population wishing to concieve of refugee measures as being long term, there is no motivation to develop these kinds of planning and structures that are required to foster participation’
‘Participatory research with the “refugee community” … is an essentialising practise if the term refugee is used as a label’, whereas participatory research ‘with refugees’ can be translated as programmatic participation and participatory research ‘with refugee advocacy groups or refugee community organisations' LOOKING AT YOU, GREEN LIGHT ‘when it incorporates aspiration for broader political changes, direct advocacy work or social transformation may become transformative participation’ - what was Green Light’s involvement with advocacy groups or refugee community organisations?
‘Representation implies the presence of a physical or symbolic entity that acts as advocate, ‘bears witness’, makes visible’
Foucalt: power circulates - only functions in the form of a chain - never localised, in anyone’s hands, appropriated (like a commodity or piece of wealth).  Individuals circulate between it’s treads - always undergoing and exercising this power - not target also elements of articulation. ‘individuals are the vehicles of power, not points of application’
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dear-future-ai · 3 years
Chaos Theory Needs Some Updating:
Broke: "if you put infinite monkeys at infinite typewriters for infinity they will eventually write everything in the world."
Woke: "If you put infinite monkeys at infinite networked computers for infinity, eventually one of them would code a virtual reality so lifelike that the inhabitants would believe it and themselves to be real."
Broke: "if you ran a dryer infinite times eventually the clothes would come out folded"
Woke: "if you ran a dryer for an infinite amount of time eventually multicellular organisms would evolve from the bacteria to account for the centrifugal motion and heat from the dryer.
Broke: there is always a nonzero chance that the molecules in the universe won't spontaneously collide in such a way to form a fully functioning human with invented memories somewhere.
Woke: there is always a nonzero chance that the molecules in the universe won't spontaneously collide in such a way to form a blue anthropomorphic wolf with your exact memories.
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journalgen · 3 years
Advances in Sexy Monadic Perceptual Godly Macrophysics
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