multipolar-online · 6 months
Encontro dos 6 Líderes Históricos: Unificando as Fileiras para Desencadear a Maior Revolução Contemporânea
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Argel - Há 69 anos, realizou-se em Argel o Encontro dos Seis Líderes Históricos, o último de uma série de encontros organizados por um grupo de jovens do Movimento Nacional que decidiram unificar as fileiras, pondo de lado as suas divergências, para desencadear a maior Revolução da história contemporânea.
A decisão de recorrer à luta armada para libertar o país do jugo colonial não foi fácil de tomar porque a sua implementação no terreno foi complicada, mas a coragem e a genialidade de um grupo de jovens argelinos nacionalistas, dedicados e determinados tornaram possível a eclosão de uma gloriosa Revolução contra uma das maiores potências coloniais.
Os seis líderes queriam que esta Revolução fosse popular, sem comando individual ou liderança partidária, com o lema "Pelo povo e para o povo". Uma revolução liderada politicamente pela Frente de Libertação Nacional (FLN) e militarmente pelo Exército de Libertação Nacional (ALN).
O trabalho iniciado há muito tempo pelos jovens do Movimento Nacional foi coroado em 23 de outubro de 1954, pelo encontro decisivo das seis lideranças históricas. Com efeito, nessa data, Mohamed Boudiaf, Larbi Ben M'hidi, Mostefa Ben Boulaïd, Krim Belkacem, Didouche Mourad e Rabah Bitat reuniram-se discretamente na casa de Mujahid Mourad Boukechoura, em Rais Hamidou (Argel), para traçar os contornos da Guerra de Libertação Nacional, que ancorou os princípios da luta do povo argelino e fez da sua unidade um imperativo para alcançar o objectivo supremo: a emancipação do jugo colonial e a recuperação da liberdade e da independência.
Vários pontos importantes estiveram na agenda desta reunião dos seis líderes históricos, incluindo a escolha da data, hora e slogan para a eclosão da guerra de libertação em todo o território, a elaboração da Declaração de 1º de novembro, o mapa militar localizando os locais de destacamento das forças francesas e a adoção da descentralização na gestão dos assuntos da Revolução. priorizando o interior em detrimento do exterior.
Uma das decisões tomadas nesta reunião foi a divisão da Argélia em cinco zonas: Aurès (Mostefa Ben Boulaïd), o Norte Constantino (Didouche Mourad), a Cabília (Krim Belkacem), o Centro (Rabah Bitat) e o Oeste (Larbi Ben M'hidi).
Após a reunião, Mohamed Boudiaf foi ao Cairo para informar os membros da delegação externa dos resultados da reunião e transmitir a Declaração de 1º de novembro nas ondas de rádio do "Sawt El Arab".
Entre as decisões tomadas na reunião estava também a nomeação da nova organização que substituiria o Comitê Revolucionário de Unidade e Ação (CRUA), ou seja, a Frente de Libertação Nacional (FLN), e seu braço armado, o Exército de Libertação Nacional (ALN).
Antes do Encontro dos Seis Líderes Históricos, o Grupo Histórico dos 22 realizou uma reunião em 24 de junho de 1954 na casa do militante Lyès Derriche em El Madania (Argel), sob a liderança de Mostefa Ben Boulaïd, que marcou um ponto de virada decisivo na preparação da Revolução Nacional.
original em francês:
Réunion des 6 chefs historiques: l'unification des rangs pour déclencher la plus grande Révolution contemporaine (aps.dz)
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bimbeleduthama · 10 months
Bimbel Les Privat Olimpiade SD-SMP-SMA Fisika Terbaik #1
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Bimbel Les Privat Persiapan OSN Fisika Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang Selatan, Bekasi, BSD, Bintaro, Bandung & sekitarnya Terbaik
KENAPA BIMBEL PERSIAPAN OLIMPIADE OSN, ISO & IMO EDUTHAMA ? * Biaya terjangkau. * Mentoring Setiap Hari. * Ribuan+ Latihan Soal Try TER-AKURAT. * SECRET FORMULA dalam memecahkan soal berbasis trik cepat & pendalaman Materi & Soal *Pengajar berpengalaman dari PTN Terbaik UI, UNPAD, ITB, UGM, UNJ, IPB, (S1,S2 & S3) dan praktisi dari instansi terkait. * Materi sangat akurat untuk kebutuhan olimpiade. * GRATIS Konsultasi dengan Para Praktisi Handal (teknis-teknis mengenai persiapan & pelaksanaan olimpiade) * GRATIS APLIKASI PERSIAPAN OLIMPIADE TER-UPDATE. * GRATIS SOAL - SOAL TER-UPDATE OLIMPIADE. TARGET KAMI * Penguasaan materi dan strategi belajar siswa. * Mengarahkan siswa untuk tidak gugup saat olimpiade. * Mempersiapkan siswa dengan matang untuk mengikuti olimpiade. * Mempersiapkan siswa memenangkan olimpiade dengan peringkat terbaik. EDUTHAMA MELAYANI MATERI OLIMPIADE * Les Privat OSN IPA. * Les Privat OSN IPS. * Les Privat OSN Matematika. * Les Privat OSN Fisika. * Les Privat OSN Kimia. * Les Privat OSN Biologi. * Les Privat OSN Ekonomi. * Les privat OSN Geografi. * Les Privat OSN Astronomi. * Les Privat OSN Komputer. PAKET INVESTASI GOLD - 10 X SESI PERTEMUAN PLATINUM - 20 X SESI PERTEMUAN DIAMOND - 30 X SESI PERTEMUAN DAPATKAN POTONGAN HARGA ISTIMEWA, UNTUK SETIAP PENGAMBILAN PAKET DIATAS 10 SESI Our Clients - SD Permata Harapan - SD Springfield International School - Jakarta Islamic School - SD Bina Nusa Bangsa - SD Penabur - SD Madania - SDN Menteng 01 - SD Lentera Kasih Sunter - Sekolah Bina Tunas Cemerlang - SD Nabawi Islamic School - SDK Penabur Gading Serpong - SD Bhakti Mulya 400 - SD Bunda Hati Kudus - Gandhi School Ancol - Universal School - SD St Angelina - SD IPEKA - SD Yasporbi - SD Putik Cipayung - Sekolah Bina Gita Gemilang - SD Kristen Anglo - SD Cikal Cilandak - SD Mentari - SDIT Al Haraki - SD Al – Jannah - SD Cikal - SD Al Iklhas - SD Al Zahra - SDN 5 Jati - SDN Rancabungur 1 - SD Jati Ranggon Bekasi - Sekolah Perkumpulan Mandiri - SD Tarakanita 1 Barito Jaksel - SD Advent XV - SD Al Azhar 20 Cibubur - SD Global - SD St Theresia - SDIT Raudhatul Muttaqien - Global Sevilla - SD Strada TKM 2 - Morning Star Academy - SD HighScope - SD Madina Tebet - SD Tarakanita 5 - SD Permata Bunda Cisalak - SD Kemala Bhayangkari 3 - SD Pangudi Luhur - SDK Penabur - SD Al Azhar Syifa Budi Kemang - SD Dharmais Karta UT - SD St Ursula - SDI Al ‘Ashar - SDN 06 Petukangan - SD Abdi Siswa Aries - SDN 01 - SD Binus Simprug - Al-Bayan Islamic School - SD Wijaya Kusuma - SD St Vincentius - SDS Hang Tuah - SD IT Fajar Hidayah - SD BPK Penabur Bintaro - MI Daarul Maarif - SD Al-Azhar - SDIT As Saadah - SD Putra 1 - Tambun Islamic School - SD Perguruan Rakyat IV Pondok Bambu - SD Cibubur - Sekolah Hillasris - SD Al-Azhar 01 - SD Pelita II - SD Al-Chasanah - SD Ricci II - SDIT Nurhikmah - SD Tarakanita 2 - SD Strada Bhakti Utama - SDIT Amani Ar Rasyid - SMPK 5 Penabur Cipinang - SMP Al Azhar Kemandoran - SMP Strada - SMP Al Azhar 10 - SMPN 73 - SMPN 15 - SMPN 15 Bekasi Selatan - SMP Al-Azhar - SMPN 255 - SMP 109 - SMP BHK Kota Wisata - SMPK Abdi Siswa Arie Jakarta Barat - Jubilee School Kemayoran - SMP Islam Al Fikri - SMPN 1 Cikini - SMPN 157 - SMP Santa Ursula - Global Jaya School - SMP Isalam Al Azzahra 22 Sentra Primer - SMP Tarakanita 4 - SMP Mater Dei Pamulang - SMP Pangudi Luhur Jaksel - ACS Jakarta - SMP Al-Ikhlas - SMP Abdi Siswa - SMP Mardi Waluya Cibinong - SMP HighScope - SMP Pamardiyuana Bakti - SMPN 109 - SMP Darussalam - SMP Santa Ursula Jakarta - SMP Paramarta - SMPIT Nururrahman - SMP Sang Timur - SMP N 41 - Springfield International School - SMP Al Izhar 25 Tangsel - SMPN 91 - IPEKA Sunter - SMP Bakti Mulya 400 - SMPN 7 Depok - SMP Andreas - SMPN 75 - SMP Strada - SMPN 21 Tangsel - SMP KK Marsudirini - SMPN 2 - SMPN 8 Tangsel - SMP 205 - SMP Labschool - SMP 47 - SMP Al Azhar BSD - SMPIT Raudhatul Muttaqin - SMPN 5 Tangsel - SMP Abdi Siswa - SMPN 177 - SIS Kelapa Gading - SMP Sophos - SMAN 71 Jaktim - SMAN 8 Jakarta - SMAN 91 Jaktim - SMAN 81 Jaktim - SMA Global Islamic School - SMKN 1 Cibinong - PSKD Mandiri - SMA Islam Al-Azhar 3 - SMA N 103 Jaktim - SMA 101 Jakbar - SMAN 39 Jakarta - SMA Kolese Gonzaga - SMA 5 Bekasi - SMA Tirtamarta Penabur - SMA Plus Dharma Karya - SMA Tarsisius - SMAN 28 Jaksel - SMA St Theresia - SMA Gonzaga - SMAN 17 Bekasi - SMAK 7 Penabur - SMA N 12 Jaktim - SMA Raffless - SMAN 3 Depok - SMA 50 Jaktim - SMA Al-Azhar BSD - SMA Penabur - SMAN 29 Jakarta - SMAN 39 Jakarta - SMA BPK Penabur Gading Serpong - SMKN 40 Jakarta - SMAN 70 Jaksel - SMA Penabur Bintaro - SMA 45 Jakarta - SMAN 35 Jakarta - SMA Darma Putra - SMA Islam Darussalam - SMA Santa Ursula - SMAN 4 Cibinong - SMA Bunda Mulya - SMA Muhammadiyah 12 - SMAN 4 Depok - SMA Permata Indah - SMAN 3 Jakarta - SMA Tarakanita 1 - SMAN 10 Bogor - SMA PKP JIS - SMAN 1 Depok - SMAN 21 Jakarta - SMA Al-Azhar - Jubilee School Kemayoran (SMA) - SMA IT Al Madinah - SMAN 82 Jaksel - SMA Kolese Kanisius - SMA Al Mubarak - SMAN 39 - SMA Dian Didaktika - SMAN 1 Jakarta - SMA Avicenna - SMAN 7 Jakarta - SMAN 112 - SMAK 1 Penabur - SMAN 2 Depok - SMA Al-Falah - SMA N 62 Jakarta - SMA N 97 Jakarta - SMA N 99 Jakarta - SMA Regina Pacis - SMA K 7 Penabur - British School Jakarta - SMAN 2 Tangsel - Madrasah Pembangunan UIN Jakarta - SMAN 65 - SMAN 9 Jakarta - SMA Marie Joseph - SMA Amaliah - SMAN 34 Jaksel - SMAN 35 Jakpus - SMAN 36 Jaktim - SMA Penabur Secondary Tanjung Duren - SMAN 2 Kota Bekasi - SMAN 8 Tangerang - SMA Al-Azhar Kemang - SMK Analis Kesehatan Ditkesad - SMA Avicenna Jagakarsa - SMA 25 Jakarta - SMAN 3 Depok - SMA Al Azhar 8 - SMAIT Nurrahma - SMAN 60 Jakarta - SMAT Krida Nusantara Bandung - SMAN 73 Jakarta - SMAN 42 Jakarta - SMA Mardi Yuana - SMA IHS - SMK Harapan Bangsa - Pesantren Darunnajah - SMA 99 Jakarta - SMAN 66 Jakarta - SMAN 46 JAKARTA - International Islamic Boarding School - SMA 44 Jaktim - SMA Yadika 6 - SMU 34 jaksel - SMA Bunda Hati Kudus Cibubur - SMAN 72 - Sekolah Harapan Bangsa - SMAN 68 Jakarta - SMAN 2 Tambun - SMAN 48 Jakarta - SMA Assidiqiyyah Batu Ceper - SMF Puskesad - SMAN 7 Depok - SMA Santo Mikael - SMAN 6 Jakarta - SMA Mahanaim - SMAN 11 Jakarta - SMA Cita Buana - SMA Garuda Cendekia - SMAN 2 Tangsel - SMA Don Bosco - SMA N 1 Depok - SMA Plus Pembangunan Jaya - SMAN 39 Cijantung - SMA Pusaka 1 - SMA 6 Tangsel - Man 12 Jakarta - SMAN 29 Jakarta - SMAN 84 Jakarta - SMU 7 BPK Penabur - SMA Quran Al Ihsan - SMA Kharisma Bangsa - SMA Fons Vitae 1 - MAN 13 Jakarta - SMAK 3 penabur - SMAN 38 - SMA Al Azhar 19 - SMA Ananda Bekasi - SMAN 1 Cibinong - SMA Al Izhar Pondok Labu - SMA N 11 Depok - SMAN 5 Bekasi - SMAN 7 Bekasi - SMAN 26 Jaksel - MAN 1 Jakarta - SMA N 3 Tangerang - SMAN 49 Jakarta - SMA 13 Bekasi - SMAN 42 Jaktim
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PERSIAPAN (Olimpiade Sains Nasional), (International Science Olimpiade) dan (International Mathematical Olympiad) BAIK SKALA NASIONAL MAUPUN INTERNASIONAL Bimbel Les Privat Persiapan OSN Fisika Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, LES PRIVAT OSN, IMO & ISO SD-SMP-SMA Read the full article
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e-onec · 11 months
موضوع التربية المدنية شهادة التعليم المتوسط 2023 sujet madania ،
كما جرت عليه العادة فإننا نقدم لكم موضوع التربية المدنية شهادة التعليم المتوسط 2023 sujet madania ، وهو امتحان يجتازه التلاميذ المترشحون ضمن برنامج اليوم الأول من شهادة التعليم المتوسط دورة جوان 2023. نقدم لكم موضوع التربية المدنية شهادة التعليم المتوسط 2023 بعد مرور الآجال القانونية وهي نصف الوقت  أسئلة موضوع التربية المدنية شهادة التعليم المتوسط 2023 ستكون من الدروس التي تم تناولها في القسم ،…
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rifandironal · 1 year
Menguatkan diri dengan penuh semangat ke madania. Pagi-pagi lari ngejar tram. Akhirnya ketinggalan 4 menit. Alhamdulillah ada bg ustadz yg mau jemput dan bareng ke lokasi. Barakallah
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pashterlengkap · 1 year
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru di Madania Daya Sentosa Pekanbaru Desember 2022
SMITH JANKERMAN Lowongan Kerja Terbaru di Madania Daya Sentosa Pekanbaru Desember 2022 – Kami Madania Daya Sentosa yang beralamat di Jl. Ronggo Warsito Ujung No. 67 Gobah Pekanbaru adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa penyedia tenaga kerja (outsourcing) untuk penempatan di Rumah Sakit yang ada di Pekanbaru.Saat ini kami Madania Daya Sentosa Pekanbaru sedang membuka kesempatan bagi para http://dlvr.it/SfyxLt
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viwebeximug · 2 years
English grammar sentence formation pdf editor
        Contrastive study of English and Arabic PDFContrastive analysis of English and Arabic morphology
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bogorone · 2 years
Kembangkan Ekonomi Petani Hydroponik, FEB UIKA Berikan Pelatihan
Kembangkan Ekonomi Petani Hydroponik, FEB UIKA Berikan Pelatihan
BogorOne.co.id | Kota Bogor – Dosen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) Universitas Ibn Khaldun (UIKA) Bogor melakukan kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, di Kampung Bojong Neros, Kelurahan Curug, Kecamatan Bogor Barat, Kota Bogor, Rabu (14/09/22). Kegiatan ini melibatkan Disnaker Kota Bogor dan PT. Lumina Agro Madania dengan mengangkat tema “Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kejuruan…
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themadmamluks · 2 years
EP 281: Why a Sharia marriage will save you from HEADACHES, Muslim CIVIL RIGHTS POST 9-11 | HASSAN SHIBLY
Hassan Shibly joins us in studio to talk about his new practice and life after CAIR-FL.
Hassan Shibly graduated Magna Cum Laude from the State University of New York at Buffalo with a degree in Political Science concentrating on International Relations. He subsequently graduated amongst the top of his class from the University at Buffalo Law School. He has taught courses at the Kuftaro Institution in Damascus, Syria and regularly lectures and makes media appearances on issues related to Islam, Civil Rights, Islamophobia, and Spirituality. He is the founder of Madania Publications, the publishing house for the largest traditional Islamic seminary in North America. He is also the founder of Help Yateem USA an international NGO focused on helping orphans in Africa and the Middle East. Hassan has practiced law since 2011 helping grow CAIR-Florida into one of the largest American Muslim civil rights organizations committed to fighting Islamophobia. He is currently the founder of Muslim Legal, a law firm focused on ethical legal solutions for American Muslims. He is also an experienced non-profit consultant and fundraiser, helping Muslim charities grow and raise millions of dollars annually.
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bimbeleduthama · 10 months
Bimbel Les Privat Olimpiade Terbaik
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Bimbel Les Privat Persiapan Olimpiade, OSN, ISO & IMO Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang Selatan, Bekasi, BSD, Bintaro, Bandung & sekitarnya Terbaik
KENAPA BIMBEL PERSIAPAN OLIMPIADE OSN, ISO & IMO EDUTHAMA ? * Biaya terjangkau. * Mentoring Setiap Hari. * Ribuan+ Latihan Soal Try TER-AKURAT. * SECRET FORMULA dalam memecahkan soal berbasis trik cepat & pendalaman Materi & Soal *Pengajar berpengalaman dari PTN Terbaik UI, UNPAD, ITB, UGM, UNJ, IPB, (S1,S2 & S3) dan praktisi dari instansi terkait. * Materi sangat akurat untuk kebutuhan olimpiade. * GRATIS Konsultasi dengan Para Praktisi Handal (teknis-teknis mengenai persiapan & pelaksanaan olimpiade) * GRATIS APLIKASI PERSIAPAN OLIMPIADE TER-UPDATE. * GRATIS SOAL - SOAL TER-UPDATE OLIMPIADE. TARGET KAMI * Penguasaan materi dan strategi belajar siswa. * Mengarahkan siswa untuk tidak gugup saat olimpiade. * Mempersiapkan siswa dengan matang untuk mengikuti olimpiade. * Mempersiapkan siswa memenangkan olimpiade dengan peringkat terbaik. EDUTHAMA MELAYANI MATERI OLIMPIADE * Les Privat OSN IPA. * Les Privat OSN IPS. * Les Privat OSN Matematika. * Les Privat OSN Fisika. * Les Privat OSN Kimia. * Les Privat OSN Biologi. * Les Privat OSN Ekonomi. * Les privat OSN Geografi. * Les Privat OSN Astronomi. * Les Privat OSN Komputer. PAKET INVESTASI GOLD - 10 X SESI PERTEMUAN PLATINUM - 20 X SESI PERTEMUAN DIAMOND - 30 X SESI PERTEMUAN DAPATKAN POTONGAN HARGA ISTIMEWA, UNTUK SETIAP PENGAMBILAN PAKET DIATAS 10 SESI Our Clients - SD Permata Harapan - SD Springfield International School - Jakarta Islamic School - SD Bina Nusa Bangsa - SD Penabur - SD Madania - SDN Menteng 01 - SD Lentera Kasih Sunter - Sekolah Bina Tunas Cemerlang - SD Nabawi Islamic School - SDK Penabur Gading Serpong - SD Bhakti Mulya 400 - SD Bunda Hati Kudus - Gandhi School Ancol - Universal School - SD St Angelina - SD IPEKA - SD Yasporbi - SD Putik Cipayung - Sekolah Bina Gita Gemilang - SD Kristen Anglo - SD Cikal Cilandak - SD Mentari - SDIT Al Haraki - SD Al – Jannah - SD Cikal - SD Al Iklhas - SD Al Zahra - SDN 5 Jati - SDN Rancabungur 1 - SD Jati Ranggon Bekasi - Sekolah Perkumpulan Mandiri - SD Tarakanita 1 Barito Jaksel - SD Advent XV - SD Al Azhar 20 Cibubur - SD Global - SD St Theresia - SDIT Raudhatul Muttaqien - Global Sevilla - SD Strada TKM 2 - Morning Star Academy - SD HighScope - SD Madina Tebet - SD Tarakanita 5 - SD Permata Bunda Cisalak - SD Kemala Bhayangkari 3 - SD Pangudi Luhur - SDK Penabur - SD Al Azhar Syifa Budi Kemang - SD Dharmais Karta UT - SD St Ursula - SDI Al ‘Ashar - SDN 06 Petukangan - SD Abdi Siswa Aries - SDN 01 - SD Binus Simprug - Al-Bayan Islamic School - SD Wijaya Kusuma - SD St Vincentius - SDS Hang Tuah - SD IT Fajar Hidayah - SD BPK Penabur Bintaro - MI Daarul Maarif - SD Al-Azhar - SDIT As Saadah - SD Putra 1 - Tambun Islamic School - SD Perguruan Rakyat IV Pondok Bambu - SD Cibubur - Sekolah Hillasris - SD Al-Azhar 01 - SD Pelita II - SD Al-Chasanah - SD Ricci II - SDIT Nurhikmah - SD Tarakanita 2 - SD Strada Bhakti Utama - SDIT Amani Ar Rasyid - SMPK 5 Penabur Cipinang - SMP Al Azhar Kemandoran - SMP Strada - SMP Al Azhar 10 - SMPN 73 - SMPN 15 - SMPN 15 Bekasi Selatan - SMP Al-Azhar - SMPN 255 - SMP 109 - SMP BHK Kota Wisata - SMPK Abdi Siswa Arie Jakarta Barat - Jubilee School Kemayoran - SMP Islam Al Fikri - SMPN 1 Cikini - SMPN 157 - SMP Santa Ursula - Global Jaya School - SMP Isalam Al Azzahra 22 Sentra Primer - SMP Tarakanita 4 - SMP Mater Dei Pamulang - SMP Pangudi Luhur Jaksel - ACS Jakarta - SMP Al-Ikhlas - SMP Abdi Siswa - SMP Mardi Waluya Cibinong - SMP HighScope - SMP Pamardiyuana Bakti - SMPN 109 - SMP Darussalam - SMP Santa Ursula Jakarta - SMP Paramarta - SMPIT Nururrahman - SMP Sang Timur - SMP N 41 - Springfield International School - SMP Al Izhar 25 Tangsel - SMPN 91 - IPEKA Sunter - SMP Bakti Mulya 400 - SMPN 7 Depok - SMP Andreas - SMPN 75 - SMP Strada - SMPN 21 Tangsel - SMP KK Marsudirini - SMPN 2 - SMPN 8 Tangsel - SMP 205 - SMP Labschool - SMP 47 - SMP Al Azhar BSD - SMPIT Raudhatul Muttaqin - SMPN 5 Tangsel - SMP Abdi Siswa - SMPN 177 - SIS Kelapa Gading - SMP Sophos - SMAN 71 Jaktim - SMAN 8 Jakarta - SMAN 91 Jaktim - SMAN 81 Jaktim - SMA Global Islamic School - SMKN 1 Cibinong - PSKD Mandiri - SMA Islam Al-Azhar 3 - SMA N 103 Jaktim - SMA 101 Jakbar - SMAN 39 Jakarta - SMA Kolese Gonzaga - SMA 5 Bekasi - SMA Tirtamarta Penabur - SMA Plus Dharma Karya - SMA Tarsisius - SMAN 28 Jaksel - SMA St Theresia - SMA Gonzaga - SMAN 17 Bekasi - SMAK 7 Penabur - SMA N 12 Jaktim - SMA Raffless - SMAN 3 Depok - SMA 50 Jaktim - SMA Al-Azhar BSD - SMA Penabur - SMAN 29 Jakarta - SMAN 39 Jakarta - SMA BPK Penabur Gading Serpong - SMKN 40 Jakarta - SMAN 70 Jaksel - SMA Penabur Bintaro - SMA 45 Jakarta - SMAN 35 Jakarta - SMA Darma Putra - SMA Islam Darussalam - SMA Santa Ursula - SMAN 4 Cibinong - SMA Bunda Mulya - SMA Muhammadiyah 12 - SMAN 4 Depok - SMA Permata Indah - SMAN 3 Jakarta - SMA Tarakanita 1 - SMAN 10 Bogor - SMA PKP JIS - SMAN 1 Depok - SMAN 21 Jakarta - SMA Al-Azhar - Jubilee School Kemayoran (SMA) - SMA IT Al Madinah - SMAN 82 Jaksel - SMA Kolese Kanisius - SMA Al Mubarak - SMAN 39 - SMA Dian Didaktika - SMAN 1 Jakarta - SMA Avicenna - SMAN 7 Jakarta - SMAN 112 - SMAK 1 Penabur - SMAN 2 Depok - SMA Al-Falah - SMA N 62 Jakarta - SMA N 97 Jakarta - SMA N 99 Jakarta - SMA Regina Pacis - SMA K 7 Penabur - British School Jakarta - SMAN 2 Tangsel - Madrasah Pembangunan UIN Jakarta - SMAN 65 - SMAN 9 Jakarta - SMA Marie Joseph - SMA Amaliah - SMAN 34 Jaksel - SMAN 35 Jakpus - SMAN 36 Jaktim - SMA Penabur Secondary Tanjung Duren - SMAN 2 Kota Bekasi - SMAN 8 Tangerang - SMA Al-Azhar Kemang - SMK Analis Kesehatan Ditkesad - SMA Avicenna Jagakarsa - SMA 25 Jakarta - SMAN 3 Depok - SMA Al Azhar 8 - SMAIT Nurrahma - SMAN 60 Jakarta - SMAT Krida Nusantara Bandung - SMAN 73 Jakarta - SMAN 42 Jakarta - SMA Mardi Yuana - SMA IHS - SMK Harapan Bangsa - Pesantren Darunnajah - SMA 99 Jakarta - SMAN 66 Jakarta - SMAN 46 JAKARTA - International Islamic Boarding School - SMA 44 Jaktim - SMA Yadika 6 - SMU 34 jaksel - SMA Bunda Hati Kudus Cibubur - SMAN 72 - Sekolah Harapan Bangsa - SMAN 68 Jakarta - SMAN 2 Tambun - SMAN 48 Jakarta - SMA Assidiqiyyah Batu Ceper - SMF Puskesad - SMAN 7 Depok - SMA Santo Mikael - SMAN 6 Jakarta - SMA Mahanaim - SMAN 11 Jakarta - SMA Cita Buana - SMA Garuda Cendekia - SMAN 2 Tangsel - SMA Don Bosco - SMA N 1 Depok - SMA Plus Pembangunan Jaya - SMAN 39 Cijantung - SMA Pusaka 1 - SMA 6 Tangsel - Man 12 Jakarta - SMAN 29 Jakarta - SMAN 84 Jakarta - SMU 7 BPK Penabur - SMA Quran Al Ihsan - SMA Kharisma Bangsa - SMA Fons Vitae 1 - MAN 13 Jakarta - SMAK 3 penabur - SMAN 38 - SMA Al Azhar 19 - SMA Ananda Bekasi - SMAN 1 Cibinong - SMA Al Izhar Pondok Labu - SMA N 11 Depok - SMAN 5 Bekasi - SMAN 7 Bekasi - SMAN 26 Jaksel - MAN 1 Jakarta - SMA N 3 Tangerang - SMAN 49 Jakarta - SMA 13 Bekasi - SMAN 42 Jaktim
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PERSIAPAN (Olimpiade Sains Nasional), (International Science Olimpiade) dan (International Mathematical Olympiad) BAIK SKALA NASIONAL MAUPUN INTERNASIONAL LES PRIVAT OSN, IMO & ISO SD-SMP-SMA, BIMBEL LES PRIVAT OLIMPIADE OSN, IMO & ISO SD-SMP-SMA Read the full article
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nightstorm02 · 4 years
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Quarantined Doodles for the day. (Its actually midnight help)
Been stuck inside to be safe y’all. You do the same and doodle on.
...ye i have been ded
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santastix-blog · 6 years
" Madania " in islamic faith means city or civilian. That could be the interpretation of Moderate Islam or Modern Islam. The ways how to be a " madanian " have been stated in Qur'an in the best way like kindness, peace, respect and tolerance. But fanatism has prohibited and twisted this into a radical problem.
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gardenofkore · 2 years
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“Si  vous  dirons  d'une damoisiele  qui  en Puille  estoit,  qui  fille  avoit  esté  le roi  Tangré.  Elle par  le  consel  l'apostoile  et  le  consel d'aucun  preudome, ala  en  Campaigne,  al  conte  Gautier  de Braine  et  fist tant  qu'il  l'espousa.  Et  quant  il  l’ot espousée,  elle  l'enmena  en  Puille,  et  alerent  par  Rome.”
Chronique d'Ernoul et de Bernard le Trésorier, etc, p. 329
Elvira (also known as Albinia, Alberia, Maria, Albidina and Bianca) was born around 1180 most certainly in Lecce (Apulia), at that time part of the Kingdom of Sicily, ruled by the Norman House of Hauteville as the daughter of Tancredi of Lecce and his wife Sibilla of Acerra. Elvira was the eldest of four daughters, the others being Medania (or Madania), Costanza and Valdrada, the latter two would both marry two Venetian Doges. Sibilla had also given birth to two sons, Ruggero and Guglielmo.
Tancredi was the bastard son of Ruggero Duke of Apulia, eldest son of King Ruggero II of Sicily and Elvira of Castile. Given his status as an illegitimate child, when Duke Ruggero died in 1148, Tancredi couldn’t inherit the duchy (though he succeeded his father as Count of Lecce) nor was deemed fit to take his father’s place as future King, and the throne would eventually pass in 1154 to his uncle, Guglielmo I, the only surviving son of Ruggero II (nobody between the King’s elder sons, Ruggero of Apulia, Tancredi of Bari or Alfonso of Capua had, in fact, produced legitimate heirs).
Relationship between Tancredi and Guglielmo I had been turbulent, to say the least. In 1155, the Count of Lecce rebelled against his uncle and master, and because of this was imprisoned (alongside his brother, another Guglielmo). Again in 1161, Tancredi rose against Guglielmo I. The plot led to a bloody tumult that broke out in Palermo, with the Royal Palace raided by the rioters, the King and the Royal family imprisoned, important documents destroyed and the massacre of many Palace eunuchs, considered power usurpers. At some point, though, the revolt started to lose its strike, the King had to be released and, in order to be pardoned, Tancredi agreed to self-exile in Constantinople. In 1166, following Guglielmo I’s death and the  accession to the throne of his son, Guglielmo II, Tancredi returned in Sicily. During the reign of his cousin Guglielmo, he proved to be a faithful subject and was awarded with the leadership of the Sicilian fleet. It is at this particular moment that Elvira was born. We do not know anything about her early years, and we can only imagine she spent her time with her mother and siblings, living in Apulia and later moving to Sicily.
The death of Guglielmo II in 1189 threw the Kingdom into a succession crisis. The King left, in fact, no direct living heir as his marriage to Joan of England hadn’t been blessed with children. Perhaps, at some point, Tancredi might have thought his childless cousin would designate him as his heir. Unfortunately for him, Guglielmo had already appointed their common aunt Costanza as his successor. In addition to being a woman, Costanza was married to Heinrich VI of Germany, son of Friedrich Barbarossa. Taking advantage of the malcontent of the Sicilians (who feared they would eventually see their country absorbed into the Hohenstaufen’s estates), and the fact that both Costanza and her husband couldn’t leave Germany at that moment (Heinrich was acting as regent since his father was at that moment busy crusading in the Holy Land) Tancredi rushed to Palermo, where he was crowned in January 18th 1190.
Roughly two months later, Richard I of England arrived in the Sicilian city of Messina. Although the official reason was to sail from there to the Holy Land, he had more pressing familiar issues to take care of. Joan, widowed Queen of Sicily as well as sister to King Richard, had been taken prisoner by Tancredi in the harem of the Castello della Zisa (Palermo) after being denied the return of her dowry. After having obtained the release of his sister, the payment of the dowry and of a compensation for himself, Richard accepted to join an alliance with Tancredi and support his rulership against Costanza’s (rightful) claim. To seal the partnership, the two Kings planned the betrothal between Arthur of Brittany (Richard’s nephew and heir) and one of Tancredi’s daughters (we do not know which one, although it could have been Elvira since she was the eldest). After the deal, and after a brief occupation of Messina, Richard of England finally sailed towards the Holy Land. Tancredi’s reign would be cut short. He died of a non specified illness on February 20th 1194. His eldest son, Ruggero, had died the year prior, while his younger son, Guglielmo, was 9-years old. Guglielmo III was King for less than a year, despite his mother’s desperate attempts to salvage her son’s throne in the capacity of Regent. Their subjects turned their back on them and welcomed the German rivals. Taking into account the hopelessness of their situation and the favourable terms of surrender that were offered them, Sibilla surrendered Palermo to Heinrich on December 4th. On Christmas Eve, Heinrich got crowned King of Sicily in Palermo’s Cathedral. The following day, Costanza gave birth to Federico, future Stupor Mundi, in the distant Jesi (in the Marche region).
If losing their Kingdom must have seemed to them a nasty blow, it was only the beginning. Right after the new King’s coronation, Guglielmo, Sibilla and the rest of the family were accused of having conspired against Heinrich. If it was true or it was just a pretext of getting rid of the last Hauteville’s direct male heir, the family was nonetheless deported to Germany. Guglielmo was incarcerated in the castle of Hohenems (currently in Austria), where he must have been mutilated (probably blinded) in order to make him unfit to pose as a threat and where he died at some point after 1198. Sibilla and her daughters were put under arrest in Hohenburg Abbey, in Alsace (France), being able to leave their gilded prison only in 1198, following the death of Heinrich Hohenstaufen (1197) and the election of Innocent III as Pope, who successfully petitioned for their release.
The former queen and her daughters then sought refuge in France, at the court of Philippe Auguste. Now, finally safe, Sibilla started looking for an eligible husband for her eldest daughter as well as Tancredi’s heir, Elvira. Since the current King of Sicily was just a child (Federico was just 4-years old and already orphan of both parents), Sibilla intended to propose Elvira (now around 18 years old) as an alternative to the little sovereign and for that the young princess needed the backup of a man (as Costanza did too).
After a meeting in Melun with the French King, a fit spouse was found for Elvira: Gautier III Earl of Brienne. Between 1199 and 1200 Elvira and Gautier married. Of course the marriage to the pretender to the Sicilian throne meant a qualitative leap for both her husband and the House of Brienne (Gautier’s younger brother, Jean, would later become King of Jerusalem and Emperor of the Latin Empire), and it shouldn’t surprise Philippe of France encouraged the married couple to leave France in order to pursue their destiny.
In 1200 Elvira, Gautier and Sibilla arrived in Rome to peruse their cause before the Pope. Unfortunately for them and despite his antipathy towards the older Hohenstaufen (who, unlike the Hauteville, had a penchant for opposing the Papacy’s power), Innocent III was Federico’s guardian. The Pope refused to support Elvira’s claims and simply recognized her rights to be styled as Princess of Taranto and Countess of Lecce. These titles had, of course, once belonged to her father and Heinrich had promised to give them back to Sibilla and her family as compensation for giving up her son’s rights and surrender peacefully. The Hohenstaufen hadn’t really kept his promise since, as we have seen, he would swiftly incarcerate his rivals and take back those lands once again. Now, Elvira was able to get back part of her father’s inheritance, but in exchange she (and her husband) had to recognize Federico as her King, thus giving up her claims to the throne once and for all.  
The problem was that those promised lands had already a lord (although not the legitimate one), Roberto di Biccari, who had received the fiefs from Heinrich VI. Elvira and Gautier had to practically take them back and, for that, they needed an army. This is where we can spot Innocent’s ambivalence. He was still protecting his pupil and his rightful claims, but at the same time he planned to undermine Markward von Annweiler’s (who had reclaimed the title of Regent, with the support of Philipp of Swabia, Federico’s uncle, and represented and obstacle for the Papacy’s plans to actively rule the Kingdom during Federico’s minority) powers and for that he had planned to use the Earl of Brienne and his warfare ability. In spring 1201 Gautier and Elvira, supported by an army, entered the continental part of the Kingdom of Sicily. The skilled Frenchman defeated the Sicilian army in many occasions, occupying Teano, Presenzano, Aquino, Melfi, Montepeloso, Matera, Otranto, Brindisi, Barletta and Lecce. By the second part of 1201 Elvira is referred to as Countess of Lecce, while her rival Roberto di Biccari retained only Ostuni and the nominal title of Prince of Taranto.
Gautier kept achieving many important victories, while in Sicily Markward had managed to get his hands on the young King. Innocent then urged the Earl of Brienne and Giacomo di Andria (Innocent’s kinsman) to invade Sicily, after rewarding them with the title of Chief Justiciar of Apulia and Terra di Lavoro. Despite Markward’s death in 1202, the invasion would never take place since Gautier must have realised Innocent’s ambiguity. The Pope was, in fact, negotiating for the betrothal of Federico and the princess Costanza of Aragon and an alliance with Aragon would eventually limit the Frenchman’s influence.
Innocent III died in Anagni in 1203 and Gautier was at his deathbed when Brindisi, Otranto, Gallipoli, Matera, Barletta and many other cities revolted against him and his oppressive rulership. The Earl of Brienne died two years later, in 1205, while besieging Sarno. On June 11th he was captured in his own tent and died three days later of the wounds he had sustained during his seizing.
At that time Elvira was already pregnant and would soon give birth to posthumous son, called Gautier after his late father. According to some historians, Elvira had previously given birth to a daughter, Marguerite, who would later marry Balian Granier, Lord of Sidon. But Balian appears to have married Ide de Reyne, Gautier’s niece.
Elvira married for a second time, perhaps just a couple of months after Gautier’s death. Her second husband was Giacomo I (also known as Giovanni) Sanseverino, earl of Tricarico (according to an unknown source, this Giacomo is to be identified with Giacomo of Tricarico, married to one Mabilia, daughter of Landulfo Earl of Ceccano). Since her first husband had died in captivity, the County of Lecce and the Principate of Taranto (although hers by right) reverted back to the Hohenstaufen. Her marriage to a member of the powerful House of Sanseverino had been then a matter of necessity, a way to keep her anchored to her native land and a protection for her child and herself. Nonetheless, by marrying an Italian nobleman she stated then her intention to not return in France thus preventing her infant son, the new Earl of Brienne, to grow up in his inherited dominions, plus losing her rights to act as Regent during her son’s minority (as well as all of her ties with the House of Brienne), that role played by his uncle Jean.
The Thomas Tusci Gesta Imperatorum et Pontificum records that Giacomo and Elvira had two children, Simone and Adalita (“comitem Symonem et dominam Adalitam”), although it doesn’t specify their date of birth, nor we possess further details about their lives, except Simone might be identified with the “filium comitis Tricaricensis ” cited in the Ryccardus de Sancti Germano Chronica, who (together with other Southern Italian aristocrats like Ruggero de Aquila and Tommaso the Elder Sanseverino Earl of Caserta) rebelled against Federico II in 1223 and got incarcerated. Giacomo II of Tricarico, Lord of Serino, Solofra and Abriola, sometimes counted among Giacomo I’s children, might actually be Simone’s son and thus Giacomo I and Elvira’s grandson.
Around 1220, once again widowed, Elvira would marry for a third and last time. Her third husband (chosen by Federico II) was another Italian nobleman, Tegrimo (also known as Teugrimo or Teudegrimo) Guidi, younger son of Guido Guerra III Guidi and his second wife, Gualdrada Berti, and founder of the line of Modigliana and Porciano.
It was a lavish ceremony, with Tegrimo spending 10 thousand lire on it (a subtsantial amount which in the future, when the family would find itself in a precarious economical situation, his brothers would blame him). Federico granted Elvira the County of Lecce and Principality of Taranto as part of her dowry, although she got them back in name only. Actually, 30 years later (in 1252), Pope Innocent IV would take these lands from the Guidi (pro-imperial) to ostentatiously give them to Doge Marco Ziani, pro-papal as well as Elvira’s brother-in-law.
Elvira moved to Modigliana, where her presence is documented through the bill of sale of the villages of Larciano, Cecina, Casi and Collecchio, sold to the town of Pistoia for 6000 lire in 1226. Two years later, together with her husband, she donated two plots of land to the Church of Santa Maria di Pietrafitta. On 1231 she gifted the Abbot of San Gaudenzio of her feudal rights over a baron and his children and, on 1254, she gave her consent for the sale of Montemurlo to Firenze for 5000 lire.
Elvira and Tegrimo’s son and only child, Guido, was born shortly after 1220. A skilled man of war, he would follow his father and fight in Federico II’s Italian military campaigns. As podestà of Arezzo, he would manage to conciliate the pro imperial and pro papal factions. Following the Hohenstaufen king’s death and the resulting political change, Guido’s (as well as his family) fortunes declined and he would be forced to sell many of his castles. He would die in 1293.
As for Elvira’s firstborn, Gautier IV, as a teen, he would be sent to Outremer, at the court of his uncle Jean, King of Jerusalem since 1210. In 1221 Gautier received the title of Earl of Jaffa and Ascalon and around 1233 he married Marie of Lusignan, eldest daughter of Hugues I King of Cyprus and Alix of Champagne.
He retained his status of one of the Kingdom of Jerusalem’s most important vassals even when Federico II snatched the kingdom from Jean of Brienne. He was taken prisoner by the Muslim forces after the disastrous battle of La Forbie in 1244. Ceded to the Sultan of Egypt and taken to Cairo, he would die the same year, strangled by the guards after he had killed an emir guilty of having hit him on the face during a chess match. He would be succeeded by his firstborn Jean, and after he died childless, by his second son Hugues who, loyal partisan of Charles I of Anjou, received for his services the County of Lecce in 1266 (which, of course, was his by right). From later on until 1356, the County would be owned by the House of Brienne.
Finally, we don’t know in which exact year Elvira died, although we can suppose it happened after 1261. We only know the day, May 23th, a date recorded in the obituaries of the Monastery of Camaldoli, one of her beneficiaries, whose clergy commemorated her through annual masses in remembrance. Her husband would outlive her and die before 1270.
Bicchierai Marco, GUIDI, Guido, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, vol. 61
Chronique d'Ernoul et de Bernard le Trésorier, publiée, pour la première fois, d'après les manuscrits de Bruxelles, de Paris et de Berne, avec un essai de classification des continuateurs de Guillaume de Tyr, pour la Société de l'histoire de France , p. 329
Ildefonso il San Luigi, Delizie degli eruditi toscani, vol. 8
Libro d’oro della Nobiltà Napoletana: Sanseverino
Litta Pompeo, Famiglie celebri d'Italia. Guidi di Romagna, tav. IX
Maison de Brienne
McDougall Sara, Royal Bastards: The Birth of Illegitimacy, 800–1230, p. 213-215Neapolitan Nobility
Panarelli Francesco, GUGLIELMO III d'Altavilla, re di Sicilia in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, vol. 60
Perry Guy, John of Brienne King of Jerusalem, Emperor of Constantinople, c. 1175-1237, p. 31-37
Pio Berardo, SIBILLA d’Aquino in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, vol. 92
Repetti Emanuele, Dizionario Geografico Fisico e Storico della Toscana
Sicily/Naples: Counts & Kings
Ryccardus de Sancti Germano Chronica, p. 343
de Sassenay Fernand, Les Brienne de Lecce et d’Athènes: histoire d'une des grandes familles de la féodalité française (1200-1356), p. 30
Thomas Tusci Gesta Imperatorum et Pontificum, p. 499
Wandruszka Nikolai, Un viaggio nel passato europeo – gli antenati del Marchese Antonio Amorini Bolognini (1767-1845) e sua moglie, la Contessa Marianna Ranuzzi (1771-1848)
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radarsukabumi-blog · 5 years
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SMA Pelita Madania Juara III Cipta Puisi SUKABUMI - Kabar membanggakan datang dari Kota Sukabumi. Salah satu pelajar SMA Pelita Madania, Anita Novita Sani menjadi juara ke-3 lomba cipta puisi dalam Festival Lomba Seni Siswa Nasional (FLS2N) tingkat nasional di Kota Bandar Lampung pada 15-21 September 2019 untuk jenjang SMA.
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I decided to start a thread about medieval Arab political thought because I just finished a course on this and it is super interesting.
Firstly, I need to make a distinction between Arab philosophy and Islamic philosophy: while those are often used interchangeably, Arab philosophy is a more accurate term because the thoughts and ideas presented were not all by muslims, and not all Islamic philosophies were written in Arabic, or by Muslims. Another reason is that while, yes these thoughts were often written in relation to Islam, they weren’t all focused about Islam, or any other religion.
Let’s start with the term “philosophy” in terms of society and politics: what does it mean?
Well, first of all, Ancient Greek philosophy was all about the truth and achieving the truth. It revolved around civil life - the common idea was that only a philosopher - a good philosopher - is able to govern a society because they know more about the truth that the masses. This notion was passed down through Hellenistic studies into neo-Platonism, the hub of which being Alexandria. Neo-Platonism was preserved and passed down through the ages until it reached Arabic. Philosophy then was translated into فلسفة سياسية (falsafa siasia), which translates to “political philosophy.” However, the word “siasia” - loosely means “political” - is much more complicated to translate into english or any other modern langauge. “Siasia” comes from a different word which means “to manage” (meaning to manage something in order to fix it). While Arab philosophy is Hellenistic in nature, it also differs due to the societal structure during medieval times. Politics was all encompassing and philosophers often discussed matters that have to do with education, unification, obedience, etc. in relation to cosmological beliefs.
Now, this is where we get two branches of “falsafa” (philosophy): سياسة مدنية siasa madania (political philosophy), and سياسة شرعية siasa shar’ia (politics that follow the religious law).
[In the next post, I will explain each branch]
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