#magic categories
timeclonemike · 3 months
Spell Categories
War Wizard Categories: War Wizards are thematically and mechanically oriented around combat magic, but the mechanics side and the lore side are different. In the setting history, War Wizards tend to focus on the four elements of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. In practice, the damage categories are Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Poison respectively. There are multiple instances of this dichotomy being rationalized, justified, discussed, and even ridiculed in-setting.
Occultist Categories: Occultist are thematically described as magic researchers and theoreticians, in contrast to the practical and pragmatic combat magic of War Wizards. In practice they do have some damage dealing spells, but the damage is considered incidental or even accidental compared to the primary focus of their magic. Occultists tend to specialize in either Gravity, Time, or Mesmerism / mind manipulation.
Occultech Categories: The basic premise of Occultech is a unified theory of magic that describes all spell effects as energy in different media. Ironically while the process has streamlined magic in the setting, it does not actually match how damage and elemental vulnerability / resistance is calculated mechanically, so many Occultech devices and skills are categorized (sometimes arbitrarily) into different groups behind the scenes.
Earth Wizard: Earth themed War Wizards cover both the unliving stone and sand that makes up the earth, the living soil and plants that grow in it, and the decay of mortal remains that are buried beneath it. This explains their connection to necromancy and their Poison-based combat magic, and also gives them limited healing abilities. They are primarily associated with the Heart of Earth Temple, a religion that holds life, death, and undeath as equally vital parts of the natural world.
Fire Wizard: Fire themed War Wizards are straightforward in comparison to other types of wizard; they set things on fire. They also, less spectacularly, protect against fire, and use the symbolic and metaphorical properties of a burning flame to transform and change things on and off the battlefield. They are primarily associated with the Order of the Sacred Flame, a religious order of smiths and craftspeople.
Air Wizard: Air themed War Wizards utilize Lightning damage in combat, through the thematic association with the sky and stormy weather. ironically, spells directly manipulating the wind are uncommon, as the air-themed magical organization - the Confraternity of Eternity - emphasizes internal focus and transformation via breathing exercises. This means that Air Wizards gain various powers over their own bodies that can culminate in shapeshifting or physical improvements like increased strength or speed.
Water Wizard: Water themed War Wizards weaponize Ice magic in battle, and are otherwise affiliated with the transformative practice of Alchemy, which relies a great deal on physical water as a medium for astrological influence. Accordingly they are found in great abundance in the Alchemical Society alongside practicing Alchemists; in the parlance of the society, Water Wizards pursue internal transmutation - the body is mostly water after all - rather than external transformation through laboratory work. (A few purists insist that Water elemental magic is not true alchemy because a Water Wizard cannot undergo the Alchemical Great Work, but only a handful of Alchemists ever pull that off anyway.) The upside of being able to balance alchemical energy in a living body is that Water Wizards can provide even faster magical healing than Earth Wizards, and while their selection of buffs and enhancements are less flexible than what an Air Wizard can do, Water Wizards can apply those changes to other people. This has lead to Water Wizards accumulating a reputation as the "jack of all trades" of magicians and spellcasters.
Gravity Occultist: The most notable and desired ability of the Gravity Occultist, and the main attraction for aspiring magicians, can be summed up in one word, and that word is flying. Other abilities include increasing the mass of something or someone, which can slow down a pursuer without using time magic, or cause a ship to sink in the sea or a vehicle to get stuck in mud, and of course the same effects can be reversed to make a voyage faster (but not always safer) while truly refined skill can manipulate fine objects at a distance. Occultists who specialized in Gravity magic currently gather under the banner of the Rationalists, whereas previously they had no overarching faction affiliation and were thematically connected to the Heart of Earth Temple regardless of their actual religion.
Time Occultist: Time magic is poorly understood by outsiders, who think it can be used to predict or even travel to the future, as well as go back in time to change history. While time travel is not yet feasible (despite a small close knit community of historians and theorists working on it) and predicting the future is a crap shoot because of that whole "free will" thing, manipulation of time energy in discrete systems has become well established practice. Time Occultists can slow down their foes much like Gravity Occultists can, but they can also speed themselves and their allies up, which Gravity magic can't do. (Then again time magic doesn't let people fly, so it all balances out.) High level Slowdown effects can approximate stopping something in time, and subjectively anyone caught in a Slowdown effect experiences the world around them moving impossibly fast. Less flashy but arguably more important, anything that isn't alive (because of how living processes work) can be "rewound" back in time to an earlier state, making it possible to recover and restore previously lost works of art and culture and history. Time Occultists, like Gravity Occultists, have staked their claim under the Rationalist Movement, where previously they could be found in any organization with a vested interest in preserving and restoring lost history.
Mesmerism Occultist: The magic of the mind and the senses is often maligned, far more than necromancy ever was, for its potential for exploitation and abuse. Memories twist, illusions proliferate, and even questions of identity become difficult to answer. (More than one Mesmerist has tried to start a literal cult of personality in the Archipelago.) Strangely enough, the College of Bards has relied on specifically those attributes to revitalize and reform the image of Mesmerism, by offering illusion as entertainment on a large scale. Recent developments in Occultech, connecting Sound wave patterns in music and speech to Electrical activity in the thinking brain, now offer the potential for mass produced entertainment of astounding vividness and clarity, with no risk of mind control without a mesmerist on the other end. (There are some conspiracy theories that Occultech could allow mass mind control, and they have a basis in fact in the form of Silas Van Der Horne's research, but most of the people trying to produce mass entertainment have no idea about that - and neither do the fearmongers, funnily enough.) Mesmeric spells can stun an enemy, trick them into harming allies, disrupt morale and esprit de corps, scramble communications, and redirect aggression towards harmless decoys. Strangely enough, the leadership themed skills of the Hero don't register as Mesmeric magic when quantified by either traditional magical scrying or newer Occultech scans... despite the fact that there is clearly something going on there.
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On magical casters.
Classification of casters always have been troubling me so I will try to convey my idea here:
Wizards are the type of MCs (Magical Casters) who are specializing on the usage of spells. See, the franchise of Haroldinho Le'Potterman (you know who I mean) is about wizards and this is a good example. Wizards have spells for cleaning the floor, for opening doors; Shortly saying, for every task. Usually they cast their spells verbally, making them very vulnerable to one very specific transmutation-modification encantation:
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Erase Mouth.
Mages are the guys who can be called the magical artists. Sure, there are many Academical Mages, but usually it's the other way around. Mages don't use spells as their main weapon - their magic is in the freestyle, in using energies, summoning and transmutation in many creative ways with only their mind rather than spells which are somewhat like tools/lines of code. With this analogy, Mages are the programmers who write the code themselves while Wizards take from the code libraries.
Mages are not restricted regarded the usage of spells - they usually do, the only thing is that they might modify those spells easier. Instead of copy-pasting spells, they weave them themselves, adding modifications on the go.
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This is interesting. Druids as I believe don't directly use magic, at least not when it's causing disbalance. Druids are masters of natural magic, they sense it everywhere, in every living and unliving natural thing. Animals, plants, stones, water; Everything what is opposed to the Nurture is under Druids control.
They don't cast spells nor weave them. They just know "tricks". "Tricks" that will allow them to turn into animals, to command tree roots, to heal wounds. They unlock the nature part of their magical potential and just use those abilities as if they always could do that, as if they unlocked innate powers.
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Monks are close to Druids in concept, but instead of unification with nature, they seek peace inside their souls.
A great monk unlocks their innate powers through discipline, high morals and inner peace. Think anyone from Kung-Fu Panda: they all have some sort of inner peace with themselves, and many are capable of inhumane feats, such as incredible fighting skills, chi stealing, paralysing or healing.
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Warlocks are sort of tricky. In my native language, they are called "dark(magic)book-ers", something like "users of dark magic who learn from dark magic books".
Their entire thing is they got their magic from a patron, a being of powerful nature that gifted them abilities of different kinds. They can learn to use the magical powers they were given as spells or incantations, but generally, these will just remain abilities. Think "opening unholy portals to hell so you can summon foul little demon minions" or "turn into a six-limbed monster cat with laser eyes" and such. Warlocks can lose their powers if they don't follow what their patron tells them to do, or can be punished by the patron severely, so much that their powers won't matter anymore afterwards.
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Priests are too, like Warlocks, getting power from a patron in a religious fashion. It is tricky to differentiate of course, and even as I am writing this I am unsure how to tell the difference.
There is one, though. While Warlocks had their abilities are given by the patron and it is not necessary for them to have innate magical talents, Priests have their abilities unlocked by their patron. Meaning they cannot be taken away if the Priest loses faith or betrays their patron, instead gaining negative effects for using them since they use their religion as a channel, and boy oh boy if their deity doesn't have it turned on at all times.
Priests are somewhat religious Mages, not bound by specific spells.
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Clerics are the religious Wizards type. They are reading their holy books and repeat prayers, wield powerful encantations and follow the guiding hand of their patron while doing so.
Their gifts aren't gifts exactly. They can be magically talented, but the only way they will use this talent is to cast standard and limited spells provided by their god. And, importantly, these words will not lose their power if they ever were to betray their patron. They will know the key to the patron's locker of magical powers, and the only thing the patron can do is either smile from the irony or try to weaken/block such spells.
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This... Is difficult. Yes, they are pretty much like Priests and Clerics, yet they are way more gifted than them. They are something like the middle ground between the religious duo and Warlocks: they are something like pawns evolved into chess queens, upgraded by their patron, given, not unlocked, strenght and powers.
They follow the orders of their god, and will be punished if they decide to turn away from them. They made their choice, and their patron would be qutie dissapointed once betrayed. The results may vary, but I think at least part of the powers will stay with the Paladin - at least the spells.
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Shamans are too, quite quirky. But as I classificate them, I think they are somewhere in the middle between Druids and Warlocks.
Shamans are powerful masters of nature magic, but they are not bound to just that. They have a hint of Monks in them (spirituality), and usually have some sort of a patron (may it be a Spirit Animal or just any sort of spirit honestly). They can heal, they can harm; They can create, they can destroy - Shamans are not the keepers of balance, they are the keepers of the law of the jungle, of traditions, of history and myth.
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Sage isn't really a caster type of a magic user. A sage is just a person of experience and wisdom, who knows the secrets of life and destiny.
Sages don't make guilds. Many don't even think themselves as sages even. They are just people whose words have a weight to them. Ones who see and understand. They can learn magic, sure, of any kind at that, but they will always be something like a lowkey Monk: in peace with themselves, and wishing to help others.
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Sorcerers are the talent type casters. They have so much magic in them they can't control it.
This magical potential can be tamed yes, but with very hard training and maybe some limitations (think Shadow the Hedgehog's rings). Sorcerers don't know how to cast spells, but they have some skills and encantations that are weirdly specific or powerful. Some sorcerers are planetouched, and are gifted with powers over the elements (think benders from ATLA). Or they have wild magic in their veins, causing strange and random stuff to happen at times. Maybe they are capable of using just this one specific spell of gargantuan power which even the greatest magic casters can't replicate, or maybe they have some sort of superpower due to their gift (think Encanto or X-men).
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This is the trickiest one. Basically, think self-corruption for a greater good. It's like a Warlock, but usually without a patron. It is somewhat Sorcerer, but their innate potential is mixed with training and education of a Mage or Wizard.
In my opinion, Geralt of Rivia is one very clean example of a bloodhunter. Has innate potential (seventh son of a seventh son), has training (in Kaer Morhen), was "corrupted" (witcher elixir) and fights for a greater good. He is somewhat "evil", "dark" or "grim", but more in an antihero sort of way.
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Artificers are not exactly magic users. Their powers are granted not through patrons, not through training but through artifacts. It might be a badass sword (King Arthur?) enchanted armour (Ironman?) or pretty much everything.
Sad thing about Artificers is that without their artifacts, they are pretty much nothing. I say "pretty much" because to me, they are still a threat. Artificers are not just users of artifacts - they can be their creators. For this they will need some magic components, sure, but as such, they are to be feared in any situation.
Basically they are not-quite magically gifted people who study magic and it's physical implementations, such as runecircles and sigils, enchantments, alchemy and many more.
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(Pictured: an artificer when threatened in their natural habitat)
Even though Houdini wasn't a magic user, he was considered unnatural and mystical. A stage performer, an illusionist; Those people's magic is in the secret, in the way they trick people into thinkin they actually have magical powers while using nothing but tech.
I mentioned them just for a good measure, to illustrate what they basically are. They are sort of Artificiers, sort of Thiefs (regarding their sleight of hand) but almost never true mages. There could be a trope where a stagemaster is actually a magical caster of sorts, but it only adds an additional level of mystery. How do you make magic look like mundanity looking like magic?
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Of course I will stay silent about the "battle-" modification for classes; A battlemage is a mage specifying in fighting, Battlewizard might know a couple of harmful spells to aid in battle (making them slightly similar to Bloodhunters but without the corruption bit). Generally any sort of battlecaster is just capable of using their magic quicker and on the go while in battle. Hop - and the enemy is petrified, turned to pebbles by a smash of a hammer seconds later; Shazam - and a trench instantly forms before your feet, swallowing a line of the incoming enemies and giving you the high ground advantage (*cue to Obi-Wan heavy breathing*).
Now we are done! I think I touched every matter, so please let me know if I forgot something; It might be that some classes are just variations of the already listed ones of course.
And so, I can show you the several criteria of classes classification:
-> Source of power.
-> Way of using said power.
And that's basically it. You can get your power from innate talents, unlocked sources of energy inside of you, from a patron, artifacts or some sort of mutation (Witcher elixirs).
The way you use it of course is different too. You can read spells out loud or can weave your own incantations, aka Bookworm versus Freestyler.
Sorry for a long post and here's a sweet potato:
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Do you ever think about the absolute euphoria Duck would feel at getting to be human again? I do. I do a lot.
[ID: a stylized digital painting of Fakir and Duck embracing each other as he lifts her in the air. Fakir stands ankle deep in a pond and water splashes around them. A few white feathers float through the air around Duck. She is nude and her hair is down. Fakir wears a simple white shirt with his pants rolled up above the water level. In the foreground, an open book rests upon the dock. Behind them, the clouds are lit with the pinks and blues of a sunrise. End ID]
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witchothewest · 7 months
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If you even care
(Portraits by @ madschofield on instagram)
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mumpsetc · 12 days
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Hey Cheerilee Hey Cheerilee!
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alexanderpearce · 8 months
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belle-keys · 8 months
It’s autumn. It’s spooky time.
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gaywizardemporium · 4 months
In the Wishverse, the Wishborn setting, wizard magic is categorized by function. There are eight major magical taxa represented by eight major Guilds:
Elementalism: the art of controlling nature itself - air, fire, water, wood, earth, and metal. The Association of Elementalists is really a dozen smaller Guilds in a united front.
Summoning: the art of beckoning spirits to your aid. The Coalition for the Summoning of Otherworldly Entities is similar several schools of magic working together.
Bardic casting: Expressive folk magic unified under the umbrella of Bardic working. The Society for Creative Spellcasting and Magical Self-Expression welcomes anyone whose magical expression is through a creative art.
Artificing: the art of physical spellcraft. The Guild of Artificers and Mystic Weavers makes magical items or embeds magic in physical things.
Necromancy: the art of speaking with the dead and mastery over memory. The Somber Order of Speakers with the Dead are all priests of Finality, the God of Death, and serve them personally.
Illusionism: crafters of beguilement and other spells that baffle the senses. One of the youngest major taxa, has a sudden swell of membership in The Sworn Kinship of the Beguiling Arts when there was a boom of children with an illusory affinity fifty years ago.
Potioning: the smallest of the major Guilds, but a major Guild no less. Potioning is a complex and difficult art, mastered only by the dedicated - but there are quite a few dedicated, as the membership of the Union of Arcane Chemists and Apothecaries attests.
Foresight: Future sight, clairvoyancy, prophesy and other oracular powers , the Seers membership only outranks the Potioners by the slimmest of margins. The Oracular Union of Foreseers and Clairvoyants supports anyone whose vision looks forward in time as well as ahead.
There are forty-eight recognized minor taxa, and countless others unrecognized by the Taxonomic Order. Wizards with uncategorized magic join the Freelancers Guild, if Guild life is for them, or must demonstrate a skill in one of the other taxa, so the wizard may serve them instead.
The Freelancers Guild has the membership to be counted as a major Guild, but has been barred from official entry on account of a philosophical disagreement among the highest wizard council: If the Taxonomic Order permits uncategorized magic, it would then no longer be taxonomic. But, is not the act of categorizing the uncategorized in and of itself taxonomic?
The subject is reopened for debate on the New Year and has since become a part of the festivities for the last fifteen years.
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zippityzap · 1 year
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I bestow upon ye half-changeling Shadow and bat pony Rouge
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allthegothihopgirls · 27 days
in the trenches rn
i'm 2 days into reading a 160k word fic and i'm nearing the end but tbh the good part is over and now i'm just waging through.
not in a bad way though the fic is like REALLY good. it's just, the part of the plot i really liked is over.
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xenocorner · 3 months
Sitting here waiting for my students to show up to class and I'm just like
I know this is a Dr. Strange blog that focuses on art and not necessarily an art blog, BUT-
Would y'all, like, want me to put together like a master post thing with art resources for reference/learning/JustStuffTM and all that? Because I have like, a ton of those. And I love sharing tips and resources and stuff.
Or do I like, leave that to people with actual art blogs lmao
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jacarandaaaas · 8 months
sooo theres new pin designs and theyre using a different mirabel door design to the first one?
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and on top of all this in the book epilogues it says her door was decorated by her family and isn’t magic!??
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DISNEY HOW ARE YOU FORGETTING YOUR OWN LORE😭 mind you the books came out 2021- early 2022 same as the movie so why is there now two separate mirabel door designs that completely divert from the epilogue 🤨
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5-pp-man · 2 months
another tierlist because ppl actually liked that first one;
the crème de la crop;
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the first 2 eps i thought it was fine, but it didnt really captivate me as much as id hoped. but then ep 3 changed everything for me. i started to think "how could living armour work logically? everything so far has been edible, so this must be too, right?" i actually managed to think of the exact thing that this series did. that really made me realise the worldbuilding in this was something unique, and it only got better and better with each episode. its really managed to captivate me and i look forward to "delicious donderdag" every week :)
ANIME ORIGINAL LETS GOOOO absolutely bonkers show that almost slipped by me because it initially tried to fool its audience into thinking it was a regular dramatic military show. it still is but theres also a giant robot who plays by saturday morning cartoon giant robot rules. if that sounds like tonal whiplash to you, trust me, it is. and its amazing. have i mentioned how homoerotic this one is as well? yeah. originally a tier below this one, but immediately after finishing this post i watched the newest ep. i had to make an exception and edit the list because ep 9 changes everything. i havent been gobsmacked by a show this hard in a while.
(return of the) show(s) that execute their own premise very well;
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i havent read the manga for yubisaki to renren so i cant compare, but the quality of this adaptation has been very consistent. you need a little sweet romance every once in a while :) this is one of those series where the characters really grew on me the longer it went on. im always a fan of mixing realistic struggles with romance and this one has been doing it well so far
adaptations that are ok (i read the manga for both of these);
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i've been a mashle fan since before s1 aired. and the anime has some good changes and additions here and there! but its not very consistent in terms of quality, it does that shonen thing where the animation quality suddenly spikes for certain action sequences, but it also frequently had a lot of scenes where they recycle shots a lot and nothing interesting happens on the screen for a considerable amount of time. still! its a fine adaptation. and yeah the op for this. blew tf up lmao? very strange to see happen in real time
i actually rlly like the manga for this one. i read the whole thing up until vol.6 before the season started (all that was available back then) and it made me cry multiple times throughout. i was sort of missing that connection with the show, though some of the later episodes still hit. its mostly to do with the animation quality, which isnt that great unfortunately. the voice actors are knocking it out of the park though
wghere am i;
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is this show good? i. uh. will you hate me if i say yes...? objectively, i know its not that good. especially in the animation department. but if you like other Umatani shows, you'll like this one. it's got the same brand of goofy reactionary humour mixed with gimmicky tacky characters and crazy stupid plot twists. ive been faithfully watching this one each week and I'm afraid i've become very invested. overscientific indeed
bro you fell off...;
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i was so beyond excited for this one. i replayed the op a million times, watched each preview, rewatched multiple episodes. and then. ep 5 happened. and i started to realise. oh this show kind of sucks doesnt it? the pacing of the first ep was great, but the rest? way too fast. it became clear with ep 6 that theyre trying to do a double cour show with half the length, which is why they started hauling ass plot-wise. now. i was an arajin apologist for the longest time. but at that point i honestly started to loathe him. even when he stepped up, his praise still felt sort of unearned. and to top it all off, shindou's motivation sucked so he felt like a lousy antagonist. ep6 was better than 5, but it really made me lose my enthusiasm and hope for the series. and right as we were talking about them probably not having time for a filler ep, ep7 happened. feels like a waste of time to do an ep like that when you've still got a whole 2nd arc to go through. but who am i
it started off pretty good honestly. but then chris went to the hospital and it kind of just dwindled from there. this season does so much with characters that have not even been properly introduced like how am i supposed to care about these people if i barely know who they are. the stuff with finn and leo respectively was good though. but the lore dump? lord help me. also vijay just kind of. exists to be there in the background huh? i would not call him a main character they never give him any attention. wendy had another ep again and he didnt get shit. again. also i think finn was stupid as fuck for not listening to lala but again. who am i. i know we cant destroy high card because we need a show but. cmon man.
i am severely behind on these;
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reason why im behind is because most of the eps are a bit heavy so i kept. not watching them. its starting to get rlly interesting though so i'm def gonna catch up this is one of those robo-racism shows so i have to really watch out to see where its going. dont want another marginal service situation...
sorry this is just. a little too boring for me. its charming, sure. but i think this wouldve worked better as something with an 11 min timeslot instead of 23 min. theres just a bit too mu- or well, too little for me to rlly get into this. i think reading it would be more fun for me personally
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berisims · 1 year
Gosh your Morgyn is stunning! Is it possible to link all (or any) of the CC used? I'd love to have your Morgyn in my game. Thanks!
Thank you so much! Y'all are gonna make my heart explode, I stg 😭💞
I'd be quite happy to! I'll be including a couple of pictures and tagging this as WCIF so people can find it better while navigating through my blog.
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K, buckle up, the list is WAY bigger than I thought, here it goes:
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Skin details:
Skinblend (face) - Poppyseed by @sammi-xox
Skin overlay (face + body) - Male skin 12 by @remussirion
Eyelids - @faaeish (this particular piece of cc is retired, but the creator has shared all folders containing old cc of hers. You can find the eyelids in this one.)
Face structure (contour) - @faaeish (also found in the link above)
Beauty marks - Moles N4 by @s-e-l-e-n-g
Hairline - Whispy Hairline by @rheallsim
Nosemask - Nosemask N2 by @obscurus-sims
Hand definition - Defined hand overlay by @sims4nexus
Body Preset N1 by @silumeo
N7 MM Velvet by @pralinesims
Queen of Pentacles by @sugarowl
Glowing Tattoo by @ms-marysims
Sage of Untamed forehead rune by @gerbithats
Nicolas by @simandy
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Outfit #1:
Dress - Herakles by @zeussim
Shoes - Celia by @madlensims
Outfit #1 Accessories:
Crown + Halo (separate) - Queeny by @erschsims
Earrings - Ember of Spell by @aithsims4
Lashes - 3D eyelashes MV1 by @sclub-privee
Rings - Metal Claw by @natalia-auditore & Obie Rings by @greenllamas
Outfit #1 Makeup:
Eyeshadow - EA (My Wedding Stories pack)
Eyeliner - Lynette by @pralinesims
Cheeks - Peony blush by @capitalco
Lips - Genesis by @remussirion (+ clear lip gloss by @pralinesims, found in tattoos)
Eye contacts - Eyes N7 by @obscurus-sims
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Outfit #2:
Top - Cygnus V2 by @zeussim
Bottoms - My Spells Are Hotter Than Yours by @adelarsims (Bless them for these, they have FIVE waist height versions! A total game changer.)
Boots - Holz by @madlensims
Outfit #2 Accessories:
Halo - Luxury by @sugarowl
Earrings - Ghoulish Gems (Moon) by @nolan-sims
Lashes - Same as outfit #1
Rings - Same as outfit #1 & Nico Rings by @greenllamas
Outfit #2 Makeup:
Eyeshadow - Pyrite by @twisted-cat
Eyeliner - Same as outfit #1
Cheeks - Same as outfit #1
Lips - Same as outfit #1
Eye contacts - Materia by Screaming Mustard at TSR
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homoeroticvillain · 2 months
you would not believe the world building i do in my head and hardly ever post
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