#maman brigit
sigyn-foxyposts · 3 months
"Brigitte's family tree!" (My headcannon)
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reasoningdaily · 9 months
Graveyard Magick: Baron Samedi 💀 💜⚰ ManMan(Mama) Brigitte
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conjuremanj · 1 year
Gede Family (Haitian Vodou)
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The Gede (French: Guede) are the family of lwa that represent the powers of death and fertility. All are known for the drum rhythm and dance called the "banda". They negotiate between the realms of death and life.
The Gedés are spirits and guardians of the dead. The dead reside in the cemetery, but so do liminal spirits who straddle the frontier between life and death.
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Papa Gede: is the corpse of the first man who ever died. He is recognized as a short, dark man with a high hat on his head who likes to smoke cigars. Papa Gede is a psychopomp who waits at the crossroads to guide souls into the afterlife. He is a great healer when it's a life and death situation. He is considered the good counterpart to Baron Samedi. He's also the patron of young children and If a child is dying, Papa Gede is prayed to. He will not take a life before its time, and he always protect the little ones.
However, he is also the patron of young children and a great healer, when there is a life or death situation.
If you have business in the cemetery, especially of a magical nature, it may be best to propitiate Papa Gedé. If you are planning any sort of expedition (digging for graveyard dirt; taking cemetery rocks, communing with the dead, raising the dead), it might be wise to give him a heads-up.
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Maman Brigitte ("Mother Bridget") is the wife of Baron Samedi. She is syncretized with St. Brigid, perhaps because she is the protector of crosses and gravestones.
Now some may say that Gran Brigit is not presented as white and she may not be, ai consider her to be a light skinned black woman. When you have a lwa spirit who embody death, such as her and her husband Bawon Samdi, sometimes they can often appear pale because they are deceased. They are other spirits that do portray themselves passing for white like Damballah Wedo, Agwe Tawoyo, Ezili Freda, Ogou Sen Jak, and others.
For practitioners of Haitian Vodoun and the New Orleans Voodoo religion, Maman Brigitte is one of the most important loa. Associated with death and cemeteries, she is also a spirit of fertility and motherhood.
She can be called on for a number of different matters. Like healing—particularly of sexually transmitted diseases—and fertility, as well as divine judgement. She's known to be a mighty force when the wicked need to be punished. If someone suffers from long term illness, Maman Brigitte can step in and heal them, or she can ease their suffering by claiming them with death.
"We here in New Orleans call upon Mama Brigitte to clear our path of negativity and evil, to help our memory and to bring us the protection and wisdom of our Ancestors and Spirit Guides."
Brav Gede: is the guardian and watchman of the graveyard. He keeps the dead souls in and the living souls out. He is sometimes considered an aspect of Nibo.
Gede Bábáco: is Papa Guede's lesser known brother and is also a psychopomp. His role is somewhat similar to that of Papa Guede, but he doesn't have the special abilities of his brother.
Gede Nibo (Haitian Creole) is a lwa who is leader of the spirits of the dead in Haitian Vodou. Formerly human, Gede Nibo was a young man who was violently killed.
After death, he was adopted by Baron Samedi and Maman Brigitte. Nibo wears a black riding coat or drag. He is a intermediary between the living and the dead. And is the patron of those who died by unnatural causes (disaster, accident, misadventure, or violence). He can help to give a voice to the dead spirits whose bodies have not been found or that have not been reclaimed from "below the waters".
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"Baron of Criminals" is the enforcer of the Gede. He was the first person to kill another (probably Nibo). As the first murderer, he is master of those who murder or use violence to harm others. He is called apon to help the families murder victims and the abused pray to him to get revenge on those who wronged them.
He is syncretized with St. Martin de Porres, perhaps because his feast day is November 3, the day after Fèt Gede.
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Baron LaCroix, Baron Samedi’s brother, is the cemetery groundskeeper: he maintains the graves. He is one of the Gede, a lwa of the dead and sexuality along with Baron Samedi and Baron Cimetière in Vodou. He is syncretized with Saint Expeditus. Baron La Croix is also known as Azagon Lacroix.
He is generally not invoked but avoided as he allegedly kills on contact. Should you find yourself in trouble with him, you should contact his brother Baron quickly for assistance.
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Baron Cimetière is one of the Gede, a spirit of the dead, along with Baron Samedi and Baron La Croix in Vodou. He is said to be the guardian of the cemetery, protecting its graves.
Ghede Masaka and Ghede Oussou Known as the twins, these two Loa are Haitian Voudou’s gravediggers gifted with divine insight. Masaka is depicted as an androgynous or transgender male who assists Ghede Nibo, while Oussou is his rum-loving brother dressed in opposite colors.
Baron Del Cementario: Although technically Baron Del Cementario’s name is the Spanish version of the French Baron Cimitière, (they are not the same spirit.) In the Vodou traditions of the Dominican Republic, the first man buried in a cemetery becomes that cemetery’s Baron Del Cementario. To identify or contact him, locate his grave. In Dominican tradition, Baron Del Cementario is the Baron with the closest relations with the living, perhaps because he, unlike most Barons, has had a relatively recent human incarnation.
JustBaron Del Cementario is contacted or invoked in the cemetery at midnight. Enter by one gate; make your offerings and petition, then leave by another gate, not the one by which you entered. Throw nine coins over your left shoulder (have them ready in your pocket) and then go home via a circuitous route without looking back.
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Hi, it’s me, Fanfic Anon #2. Have a great week everyone!
“Hello?” Brigitte picked up the phone without checking her caller ID.
“Hi, maman,” Laurence greeted her mother.
“Darling! To what do I owe the pleasure?” Brigitte asked with a beaming smile, always happy to hear from her children.
“I need a favor from you and Manu,” Laurence sighed, clearly frustrated.
“Anything, you know that,” Brigitte reassured.
“So, Emma got in trouble for lying today at school -“
“That doesn’t sound like her,” Brigitte interrupted with a frown.
“That’s what I said!” Laurence agreed with her mother. “So I asked Emma for clarification and she informed me that they were going over Presidents of the Republic today and got overheard by the teacher telling her best friend that her Daddy was the the President right now.”
“And the teacher didn’t believe her?”
“Gave her a detention when Emma refused to back down or apologize!”
“Phone number or email?” Brigitte asked, cutting to the chase.
“I’m sorry?” Laurence was confused by the sudden turn.
“Do you have her phone number or her email? We’ll take care of this.”
“Maman, don’t scare her too badly,” Laurence warned.
“I am a teacher too, have a little confidence in me,” Brigitte said a little offended.
“You’re not the one I’m worried about,” Laurence.
“Don’t worry about him, I can handle him,” Brigitte told her with an audible smirk.
“You’re not the one I’m worried about,” Laurence repeated with a laugh.
“Tell Emma we’ll take care of this, and that we love her very, very much.”
“Thanks, maman. Thank Manu for me too. Love you both,” she said before providing the teacher’s email address.
“We love you too, my darling. Talk soon,” Brigitte dismissed as she hung up.
He looked up the second he heard her knock (to anyone else it would have just been a knock, but he knew her signature anywhere). “Come in, chérie!” He called out to her with a smile on his face.
“Hi, chéri, have a moment?” She asked, popping her head in the door.
“For you, I have all the moments,” he smirked back.
“Hold that thought,” she warned as she approached.
“Why? What’s up?” He asked, pouting that his wife didn’t want to play.
“It’s about Emma-“
“What happened?” He cut her off, immediately getting into protective Daddy mode.
“So apparently they’re learning about Presidents of the Republic at school right now, and Emma mentioned to her best friend that her Daddy is the president -“
“Aww,” he smiled, proud that his granddaughter loved him so much she was talking about him, about them like that.
“Yeah,” she smiled too, “but unfortunately her teacher became convinced that Emma was lying because ‘Mr. Macron doesn’t have children.’”
“The hell I don’t!”
“I know, mon cœur,” she reassured. “But when Emma refused to back down or apologize -“
“As she should!”
“She got in trouble. Laurence wants us to email the teacher to rectify the situation.”
“Give me her email -“
“Oh, no, chéri. You’re not going rogue on this.”
“I’ll be nice!” He protested.
“You’ll be Emma’s over protective grandfather. Which I love, and she loves, and Laurence loves, but this teacher won’t love.”
“Fine. What do you want to do?”
“Send her an email from your official address explaining we heard about the situation and wanted to clear it up?” She suggested gently.
“Fine,” he huffed a little disappointed, pulling out the phone connected to the inbox.
“Dear Emma’s Teacher,” he read aloud as he drafted, aware his wife was probably able to read the screen with her face pressed close to his over his shoulder.
“We were informed that during your lesson on Presidents of the Republic earlier today, Emma was caught discussing her grandparents in class. It’s our understanding that you were skeptical of Emma’s claim, which has upset our granddaughter to the point she has asked us to clarify this with you.
“Please accept this email as confirmation that we are, in fact, Emma’s grandparents. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any further questions.
Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron
AKA Emma’s Mamie and Daddy”
“Perfect,” Brigitte confirmed with a kiss to his cheek. “Send.”
He did so and dropped the phone to the table, turning around to better look at his wife. “How upset is she?”
“Upset enough to have Laurence call us for a favor.”
“Let’s call her before dinner.”
“That’s well after her bedtime, chéri.”
“I’ll come home early then. I don’t ever want her to feel ashamed because of us.”
“Oh, mon cœur, I think it was the exact opposite that got us in this situation,” she reassured, slipping a hand to his cheek reassuringly.
“I love you so much. Thank you for giving me this family.”
“Our family,” she corrected gently, “and it wouldn’t be the same without you.”
Hellooo fanfic Anon #2! ❤️
Oh my heart, the sweetness of this 🥺 I love when Emmanuel activates “daddy protective mode” 😍🫠
“You are not going rogue on this” hahaha I just imagine the type of email angry daddy would send to the teacher 😅😂
Thank you so much, fanfic Anon #2! ❤️❤️❤️
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whalden · 1 year
Whalden School of Magical Propriety/ The Origins of Alva/ Prologue
According to Shaya Abernathy, she lived a quiet peaceful life on Maple Street inside of Abernathy Manor along with her books, tea cups, and an extensive collection of oil paintings decorating the Abernathy family history. No one ever seemed to come or go from the dark blue, Victorian modern styled home with the exception of crows circling the tall tower in the west wing. A lot of local lore began around the tragic history of the home, but no one ever dared get close for fear of the long line of witches that lived inside its walls.
Shaya Abernathy had no children, nor did she ever plan on having any. The little menaces that would run up on her porch was enough for her. Little did she know that was about to change. The sun had yet to rise that still dark Tuesday morning in the small Appalachian town of Mt. Crest. In the shadows, a cloaked figure floated through the gates of Abernathy Manor, a small bundle of blankets held close to their chest. Without hesitating, the cloaked figure gently sat the swaddled child on the door mat as another figure in a top hat and long tailed black coat appeared to stand at the open gates.
"I'm not going to tell on you, Maman Brigitte" called out a casually nasally masculine voice that was walking up the cobbled path towards the dimly lit porch. His face was painted in elaborate patterns that resembled a skeleton with sunken eyes. Long heavy locks framed his face under his feather decorated top hat. He held a cigar between his long boney fingers, his other hand tucked into the front pocket of his pinstripe long tailed coat. The buttons had been carved out of bones and into different shapes of bird skulls. He had taken Maman Brigitte by surprise as he came to rest at the bottom of the stairs, leaning against the iron wrought stair railing of the dark blue home. He gave a deep chuckle from the look on Maman Brigitte's face. The fury behind the thought of betrayal screaming through the look in her eyes, but he liked to act aloof until the situation presented itself. His straight face turned into a smile full of crooked teeth. "I could never tell on you, Maman."
"Baron, tonight has turned into a night for Lady Brigit," the cloaked woman said with a hint of bitterness in her Celtic accent. Her green eyes looked swallowed by the thick black line of ash that ran across her upper face, but the ash seemed to make her green eyes more piercing, almost as if she could see through you and everything in you simultaneously. Her dark red curls were falling out of the hood of her cloak, surrounding her freckled face in a golden hue reflected in the upcoming sun. "I couldn't let this child die. It is too soon for them. I know of where they come and of where they will go."
"You will always be Maman to me," he chuckled as he took a drag from his cigar. The laugh disappeared quickly from his face and turned into a playful sense of curiosity. The Baron was used to seeing many things between the mortal realm and the magical realm. He and Maman Brigitte existed most often between the two realms, creating crossroads at places of collision and guiding souls through the veil.
"And from where did the child come and where will they go?" The Baron continued, moving the cigar back to his lips as he studied the woman for a moment, his eyes setting on the child. A rooster cawed in the distance causing his eyes to narrow as they flicked back toward the woman. This only caused him to raise an eyebrow in suspicion as Lady Brigit closed her eyes for only a moment.
"They have Áine's mark, the mark of my Celtic sister, goddess of the fae. Each holds a prophecy of a fairy or fae's future and the effects they will have as a champion of both worlds, the prophecy of the druids." Lady Brigit held up what appeared to be a small pearl like stone hanging from a silver chain, but instead of the milky reflective coating of a pearl, a pale blue glow was emitting at a small radius. Beneath the light blue skin of the stone was a swirl of dark teal and gold moving beneath the surface in slow motion, almost appearing like shooting stars on a clear night held back by a single glass orb.
Lady Brigit looked past the stone hanging from her fist and stared into the Baron's face, looking over all of the artful details in his skeletal paint, waiting for a response. Surely he would understand that this child had immediately become a family incident amongst the Celtic gods. The child's safety was important to the long awaited prophecy of the druids. The Baron's top hat sat atop his dark locks, hiding his eyes beneath its shadow as the curiosity in his face fell. His eyes locked to the stone as all emotion seemed to drain from his face behind the paint. Even his dark amber eyes that were usually lively with expression seemed to dim as he glanced back up at Lady Brigit. His eyes became unfocused before settling to look at the still sleeping child.
"I found them near the bayou outside of Bastrop, Louisiana at nightfall. I followed a trail of smoke to the closest home. I could only watch as their mortal caretaker died in the fire. They come from the Abernathy line. There is no doubt that with the mark of Áine at hand. Shaya was the last of this line until this moment. Only Shaya had never fully grown into her powers. Perhaps this child will, should they be given the chance. I only took the child, knowing that I could get them to a place of safety and with a family that knew of our dark world so as to prepare them. We can only hope Shaya can teach the child our ways before they must return to our world."
Lady Brigid set the translucent stone on the child's chest, gently sliding the stone into the folds of the blanket. She couldn't look away from the child as she pulled out a small letter she had scribbled to Shaya Abernathy about the situation, expressing that she would be back to explain in further detail at a later date.
"I trust you," the Baron whispered. "They will return to our world when it is time. Until then we have to trust Shaya Abernathy to provide for and protect them." The woman only gave silence as a response. She didn't look up at the man as she stood quietly from her place hovering over the child. The sun was beginning to rise to meet the tree line as the sky grew lighter by the moment.
"Maman," the man whispered in return, causing the woman to look at him. Her eyes held the sight of a warpath her body had not yet seen. "Have faith. We have to be patient and trust that the divine will guide them back to us. We mustn't halt their path by adjusting the timeline any further. They must stay here. When the time comes, they will be ready, and you will be ready to receive them. Until then, I can watch over them from the shadows. They have my blessing. I will not take my hat off for them yet."
Silence sat between them at that moment, as thick and heavy as the weight of the stone tucked in the swaddling with the soundly sleeping child. Something rustled in the woods beside the house, causing both figures to snap their heads in that direction. They needed to avoid human contact, and both knew so. For a mortal to face the Baron meant near or immediate death. It was best to keep death from happening around an innocent child's name.
"We need to leave," the Baron said, holding his hand out for Lady Brigid. She took it, and the moment she touched his hand, they disappeared into nothing, leaving the door frame of the house on Maple Street empty with the exception of the sleeping child, a letter, and a stone of prophecy.
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haitianartlover · 4 years
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Andre Pierre, Maman Brigitte and Baron Samedi
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skyofpadilha · 3 years
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Goddesses and Gods associated with Festivals of the Dead / Samhain - Halloween - etc
Ancient Egyptian Pagan GOD ANUBIS a.k.a Anpu is indeed a good Friend and also a Mighty Protector, Guide & Helper to His followers, to his high-priestesses and high-priests. Anubis is the Ancient Pagan Egyptian God of the Dead, of Death & Rebirth, of Cemeteries, of Graves, of all kinds of Protection. His Mother Pagan GODDESS NEPHTHYS ( the One who reveals ) and his Father Pagan GOD OSIRIS (Individuation).
His Symbol: The Jackal, The Hunting Dog, The Ancient Domesticated Nubian Golden Wolf. His Hieroglyph: The Shadow
He is the Guardian and Protector God, the divine Jester/Joker God, the “Opener of the Ways” God. He rules over Death, Rebirth, Passage, Rites of Initiation, Navigation, Diplomacy, Burial, Underworld, Finder of Lost People and Lost Things, Patron God of all Travelers.
God Anubis has other Expressions, Aspects and Manifestations such as the Ancient Jackal / Dog Headed GOD WEPWAWET
Anubis has a Female Aspect / Manifestation of Himself ( known as His Ancient Goddess Wife ) GODDESS ANPUT a.k.a. Input - Inpewt & Yineput – Inpwt.
Goddess Anput is also depicted as a Woman wearing a standard topped by a black large Jackal / Dog, or as a Woman with the Head of a Black Jackal / Dog.
Her name is the Female Version of Anubis with the "T" is the feminine ending and Anubis a.k.a. Anpu a.k.a. Inpu.
Goddess Anput rules over Funerals, Mummification, she is the Mother Goddess of the Goddess Kebechet who is yet another Feminine Aspect / Manifestation of Anubis…
Pagan GODDESS KEBECHET a.k.a. Qeb-Hwt a.k.a. Khebhut, Kebehut, Qébéhout, Kabehchet and/or Kebehwet – “The Cooling Waters” Goddess, She manifests as a SNAKE GODDESS.
She is the Ancient Egyptian Goddess of the Funeral Matters, Burials, Death, Rebirth, The Otherworld, Her Symbols are the Ostrich and/or the Benign Snake, and/or the Serpent who offers Divine Water that Refreshes and Purifies the Dead while they await in the In-Between Worlds/Realms. She is the Goddess of Preservation, of the Embalming Liquid for the Dead Body.
For those people who are accustomed to do magickal works / rituals, sacred rites & real magick with the Pagan God Anubis, they will find out that ANUBIS’ Energies, Expressions, Aspects and Manifestations, they all fuse together with those of the ancient Pagan Egyptian GOD THOTH of Wisdom, of Healing, of Magick, of Communications and equally fuse together with God Thoth’s Female Manifestation, Aspect and Expression as the Pagan GODDESS MAAT of the Feather, of Justice, of the Scales, of Balance.
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PAGAN GODDESS MAMAN BRIGITTE Pagan Haitian Voodoo Goddess / Female counterpart of the Pagan Ghede / Wife of the Pagan God Baron Samedi, God of Death, Life and Rebirth, of the Dead, of Eroticism, of Sexual Magick, of Magick.
She is the Loa/Goddess ( Spirit, Essence and the Elemental Level a.k.a. the Fae – Exu / Pomba Gira Level & Group ) whose offices rule over Death / Rebirth / Change ) of Death – Changes – Transformation & Endings.
Maman Brigitte owns all the Cemeteries, chiefly those whose very first burial of the body of a Woman. Her Phalange of Spirits watch over, outline, dig and mark the graves.
Maman Brigitte, it is French for “Mother Brigitte” or Mum Brigitte… She is also called as “Grann Brigitte”, Manman, and/or Maman Brigit, also as Maman Brijit. As a Death Goddess, a Death Loa and the Wife of Baron Samedi. She is worshipped as Queen Goddess of all Cemeteries and of all Festivals of the Dead. She drinks Rum infused with hot Peppers and is symbolized by a Black Rooster / Chicken / Bird…
Like the dear God Baron Samedi and the Loa/Ghede Goddesses & Gods Family, she may use obscenities, but she is frank and to the point. And She does not suffer any fools to waste Her time.
PAGAN GOD BARON SAMEDI He is a Pagan Guédé Goddesses and Gods Family Baron a.k.a. the Pagan Loa/God Baron, whose Three Sacred Aspects/Manifestations are:
God Baron Samedi ( Saturdays are sacred to Him ) - Ruler of the Death, of Transformation, of Graveyards, Sexual Magick, of Magick…
BARON LA CROIX ( The Elemental / Fae / Exu & Pomba Gira “Cross” as Symbol of Death, of Transformation, of the Four Elemental Kingdoms, is sacred to Him ) – He is also Guardian of the Gravestones and of the true Identity of anybody!
BARON CEMITERY a.k.a. Baron Cimetière - All Cemeteries are sacred to Him  – He is a Guardian of the Grave.
The dear God Baron Samedi and His Three Sacred Aspects & Manifestations fuse together as one Baron and a Member of the Guédé Gods and Goddesses Family.
God Baron Samedi, Goddess Maman Brigitte, and the Guédé Family Goddesses and Gods, they all rule over Death, Transformation, Change and the Dead, the Cemetery and the Graves.
In other words, they rule over the Entry, the Arrivals and Departures and the Exit into and out the Elemental Realms, into and out of the Elemental Flesh, the group Journeys of the different Species such as Light / Soul and Fae / Elementals / Exus & Pomba Giras and the Elemental Family of Earth, Air, Water and Fire whose essence and spirit are expressed via the Fae, Elementals, Exus & Pomba Giras
* * *.
The GHEDE a.k.a. Guédé a.k.a. Gede… They are the Family of Pagan Goddesses and Gods (Loas) that rules over Death and Life / Fertility / Prosperity and Happiness.
PAGAN GHEDE GODS: Their Minor Aspects/Manifestations:
Pagan God Ghede DOUBYE - He can bestow the Gift of Clairvoyance.
Pagan God Ghede LINTO - He can make Magick, Miracles and His work is very direct, and accurate; he can foresee trouble 6 months away and He either helps you to prepare for it or teaches you how to prevent it.
Pagan God Ghede LORAJ – He rules Weather, Storms.
Pagan God Guédé NIBO - Healer, Patron God of those who die young, He rules over GLBTq+ oriented people and causes, He is the Messenger God between the living and the dead. He offers a voice to the dead spirits that have not been reclaimed from "below the waters". He is the guardian of the graves of those who died prematurely, chiefly those whose final resting place is unknown. His chevals / horses a.k.a. his possessed ( in trance ) Mediums, Priestesses, high-Priestesses and High-priests, they all can give voice to the dead spirits whose bodies have not been found, or that have not been reclaimed from "below the waters".
Pagan God Guédé TI MALIS - a.k.a. Pagan God Ti Malice is a Trickster Aspect / Manifestation and opposite/nemesis of Pagan God Uncle Bouki a.k.a. Pagan God Tonton Bouqui.
Pagan God Ti Malice is clever & guileful, but Pagan God Uncle BOUKI is hardworking instead and is also exaggeratedly greedy, ergo it is the control & manipulation of this greed that allows God Ti Malice often to best, to win over Pagan God Uncle Bouki.
These Aspects/Manifestations are but Expressions of the Pagan African God ANANSI of Wisdom (His Symbol: the Spider), also known as Ananse, Kwaku Ananse, Anancy, southern United States this God has changed himself into “Aunt Nancy”. He is a Spider, but often acts and appears as a Man.
Pagan Fête Ghede:
Pagan Festival of the Pagan Ghede is celebrated on 2nd November, it is the Festival of the Dead. *
PAGAN GHEDE GODS: Major Aspects/Manifestations
Pagan God Papa Ghede ( corpse of the 1st Man who died on Earth ) Manifests as a short, Dark Man with a High Hat, smoking cheap Cigars and eating Apples.
Papa Ghede is the messenger / intermediary who waits at the crossroads to take souls into the afterlife.
He is considered the benign / good counterpart / aspect to/of Pagan God Baron Samedi. He will not take a life before its time, and that he will protect the Children. Papa Ghede has a rough sense of humour, he can read others' minds, and knows everything that happens in the worlds of the living and the dead.
Pagan God Brave Ghede – Guardian/Watchtower of the Graveyards. He keeps the Dead in their Realms and the Living in theirs.
He can be seen as an Aspect / Manifestation of Pagan God Nibo.
Pagan God Ghede Bábáco is God Papa Ghede's less known Brother Aspect/Manifestation, and is also an Intermediary between Realms.
He has Roles similar to those of Pagan God Papa Ghede, but he doesn't have his Powers.
Pagan God Baron Kriminel (God Baron of Criminals) is the God Enforcer of the Pagan Guede Family. He was the first to kill another, the first murderer, he is God Master of those who murder or use violence in order to harm others. Families of Murder Victims and the Abused do rites, offerings and requests to him to get Justice / Revenge on those who wronged them. His horses/chevals a.k.a. possessed / in-trance Mediums have insatiable appetites and will attack people unless/until they are offered food.
His Feast Day is 3rd November – Offerings are Sacrificed wild black Roosters.
GLBTQ+ & Hetero - Transgender Pagan God/Goddess Ghede MASAKA is an Expression, Manifestation & Aspect of Pagan God Ghede NIBO. He/She is an Androgynous a.k.a. GLBT/Transgender God/Goddess both separately and at once, also, Gravedigger and Spirit of the Dead, wears a black, white clothes & white headscarf.
Pagan God Ghede OUSSOU wears a black or mauve clothes that are marked on the back with an Elemental White Cross and also wears a black or mauve headscarf. Fond of white rum.
Pagan Ghede Oussou’s Female Aspect/Manifestation is Pagan Goddess Ghede L'Oraille.
A visit to the Elemental Realms of the FAE / ELEMENTALS a.k.a. EXUS & EXU-FEMMES a.k.a. POMBA GIRAS whose kind offices rule the Dead, the Cemeteries, Funerals, the Mortality / Death, Changes and the Transformation of the Elemental Vehicle, of the Temporary Elemental Body.
It is ruled by the Queen PombaGira of the Seven Kalungas (Exu-Femme) and the King Exu of the 7 Kalungas/Cemeteries.
They are the Queen and King of the Cemeteries.
All Exus who work in this line of the Calunga, they live in the Calunga.
People of the Doors/Gates of the Kalunga – Chief Exu Porteira (Gate Exu) People of the Tombs – Chief Exu of the 7 Tombs People of the Catacombs – Chief Exu of the 7 Catacombs People of the Furnaces / Oven - Chief Exu Brasa a.k.a. Exu Flame People of the Skulls - Chief Exu Caveira a.k.a. Exu Skull People of the Woods of the Kalunga - Chief Exu Calunga (The Exu of the Cemeteries) People of the Lomba of the Kalunga - Chief Exu Corcunda People of the Open Graves – Chief Exu of the 7 Open Graves People of the Mirongas / Darkness - Chief Exu of the Black Cape a.k.a. Exu Mironga
Line of the Cemeteries or of the Skulls
Chief Exu is the Exu Skull a.k.a. Exu Caveira, who together and/or along with the Queen of the Cemeteries - Exu-Femme / Pombagira rule over their Group/Phalange and their Actions.
The Group includes:
MARIA PADILLA OF THE SOULS a.k.a. MARIA PADILLA DAS ALMAS, my dearest QUEEN, the QUEEN OF my dearest Pagan QUIMBANDA a.k.a. minha querida e muito amada RAINHA DA QUIMBANDA
Exu Tatá Skull a.k.a. Tata Caveira – ruled by Queen Pomba-Gira and King Exu of the Souls.
People of the Souls of the Lomba – Chief Exu of the Lombas People of the Souls of the Cativeiro - Chief Exu Pemba People of the Souls of the Funeral Parlour - Chief Exu Marabá People of the Souls of the Hospitals - Chief Exu Healer a.k.a. Exu Curadô People of the Souls of the Beach/Shores - Chief Exu Giramundo a.k.a. World-trotter People of the Souls of the Temples / Churches - Chief Exu Nine Lights People of the Souls of the Woods – Chief Exu of the 7 Mountains People of the Souls of the Calunga - Chief Exu Tatá Caveira People of the Souls of the Orient - Chief Exu 7 Dust
Exu Brasa a.k.a. Exu Flame ruled by Chief Exu Skull
Exu Pemba ruled by Queen Pomba Gira and King Exu of the Souls
Exu Of the Mud a.k.a. Exu Lodo ruled by the Queen Pomba Gira & King Exu of the Beach
People of the Rivers – Ruled by the Exu of the Rivers People of the Waterfalls – Ruled by Exu of the Waterfalls People of the Foundry – Ruled by Exu of the Black Stone People of the Sailors – Ruled by Exu Sailor People of the Sea – Ruled by Exu Maré People of the Mud – Ruled by Exu of the Mud a.k.a. Exu Lodo People of the Bahianos (From Bahia, Brazil) – Ruled by Exu Bahiano / Exu from Bahia, Brazil People of the Winds – Ruled by the Exu of the Winds People of the Isle / Island – Ruled by Exu of the Coconut a.k.a. Exu Côco
Exu Carangola ruled by Exu Skull
Exu Arranca Toco ruled by the Queen Pomba Gira and King Exu of the Woods
People of the Trees – Chief Exu Quebra Galho People of the Parks - Chief Exu of the Shadows People of the Woods & of the Shore/Beach- Chief Exu of the Woods People of the Campinas - Chefe Exu of the Campinas People of the Hills - Chief Exu of the Black Hill People of the Mines - Chief Exu 7 Stones People of the Snakes - Chief Exu 7 Snakes People of the Flowers - Chief Exu of the Smell People of the Seeds/Seed-Spreader - Chief Exu Arranca Tôco
Exu Pagão a.k.a. simply Pagan Exu / Exu Pagan ruled by Pagan Queen PombaGira / Exu-Femme Maria Padilha and Pagan Exu King Lucifer a.k.a. King of Light
Note: Lucifer is a title and its significance is attached to the Planet Venus as known by the ancient people as Star a.k.a. Venus, the morning star, the star of dawn, the bringer of LIGHT... And never to be confused with the Abrahamic (Jewish/Christian/Islamic) Mythological (Spirtitual-Dualistic) character of the same title/label/name.
Exu Pagan is ruled by King Exu of the 7 Lires and by Queen Pomba-Gira Maria Padilha of the Lires Herself the Queen of the  Pagan Quimbanda a.k.a. Queen the Candomblé a.k.a. Queen Exu-Femme of All the other Pomba-Giras/Exu-Femmes: Maries/Marys a.k.a. Rainha de todas As Marias!!!
People of the Underworlds / Lower Realms / Lower Astral – Ruled by Exu of the Underworlds a.k.a. Lower Realms People of the Bars, Clubs / Cabarets – Ruled by Exu of the Cabaré People of the Lire – Ruled by Exu of the 7 Lires People of the Gypsies / Ciganos – Ruled by Exu Gypsy a.k.a. Exu Cigano People of the Orient – Ruled by Exu Pagan a.k.a. Exu Pagão People of the Malandros – Ruled by Pagan King Exu Zé Pelintra (Seu Ze') People of the Garbage/Rubbish/Lixo – Ruled by Exu Ganga People of the Moon-Light/Moon-lit-Sky a.k.a. Luar – Ruled by Exu Malé People of the Commerce/Business-World – Ruled by Exu Chama-Dinheiro a.k.a. Exu Money-Caller
Pagan Loa / Goddess Maman Brigitte & Pagan Loa God Baron Samedi, They do fuse together at a certain point with Pagan Goddess Anput, Pagan God Anubis, Pagan God Thoth & Pagan Goddess Maat.
At Samhain, during Halloween, it is the sacred time for the Pagan Festival of the Dead and a fine time to learn, to study, to celebrate and to honour the ancient Pagan Goddesses and Gods whose kind offices rule over Death, Rebirth, Transformation and the Dead.
There are many other Pagan Goddesses and Gods of the Dead, however I’ve covered herein only the ones most dear to me and equally mostly not quite as popular nor quite well-covered by most other writers!
Salve Todos os Deuses & Deusas e Todas as Pomba Giras e Exus - Cheers -
Vive - Viva - Laroye
Blessed Goddess Be!
Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon a.k.a. PADILLA a.k.a. Padilla of Astaroth, of Ashtoreth, of Astarte, of Baal a.k.a. Mayoral Baphomet a.k.a. Mayoral Belzebu, of the ancient Pagan Goddess...
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GLBTQ+ Pagan Trans-Priestess / Hps / Trans-Yaya' / Trans-Ialorixa' / Olorisha - Witch Hexe Sorciere Feiticeira Macumbeira Bruxa Shaman - Astrologer - GLBTQ+ Pagan Holistic Occultist / GLBTQ+ Pagan Occult Generalist & Consultant - 100% Pagan / Wiccan - A 100% Pagan Quimbandeira
Freedom with Wisdom is the Law. — By Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon (c) 1983 US UK France Brazil
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alicianyblade · 2 years
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The present my dad got me for Christmas, a statue of Brigid. Brigid is a goddess associated with keeping the hearth and home cozy and welcoming as well as making everyday magic through culinary and medicinal cooking. She is also associated with poetry and smith craft, and therefore, fire and the new beginning represented by spring are common symbols of hers. Brigid is Celtic in origin, but has come to light the hearths and homes of many cultures and faiths: She is a historic and modern Pagan goddess, a Christian saint, and one of the loa in voodoo. She is known as Brigid, Brigit, Brigantia; Bride, Maman Brigitte in her loa form, and by many other names. I’m so excited to have this representation of her in my kitchen! Welcome, bright lady. #Yule2021 #Christmas2021 #BrigidCelticGoddess #Wicca #KitchenWitch #CelticDeities https://www.instagram.com/alicianyblade/p/CX7VJXIJ3mG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ninlilu · 7 years
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Inktober#2: Maman Brigitte.
She’s the wife of the Baron Samedi, and like him, find a great pleasure in obscenities , swearing and cursing (she’s especially good at very sensual dances) . She likes rum infused with hot pepper, fire and black rooster. She guards the gates of the cemeteries and the graves marked with a cross . She can heal any wounds, only if she wants to.
(oh, and funny fact: she could actually be come from the Irish goddess Brigit, mistress of craft, fire, and snakes)
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darkwisdomwoman2 · 7 years
Maman Brigettes’ African origins. Brigit was a Moor, not a European.
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sigyn-foxyposts · 3 months
Brigit/Brigitte goddess of healing & smithing!
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So im not only obssesed with Norse mythology but Celtic and Haitian Vodou as well! And i have a headcannon regarding those two.
Since its said Maman Brigitte was adopted into the loa famliy and depending on who you ask she is a white/mixed/black woman. Well what if she used to be the same as Brigit, the celtic goddess?
I recall there being one myth where Brigit had turned into a fish and she was later captured, drained of her magic and killed.
What if, in the after life she got lost and couldnt remember who she was and then the Loa found her and takes her in! Later she gets married to Baron Samdhi and they adopt a son together, who Brigitte is very attatched to without realizing its because she used to have a son! (spoiler: he got killed in one myth when his father sent him to spy and kill a very powerful smith..OOF)
I also would like to headcannon that since Artio's parentage wasnt written down, that was because she was secretly Brigit and Cernunnos's daugther! But after Brigit went missing Cernunnos let Dagda adopt her, since our guy Cernunnos is a busy man and Dagda so would!!
I mean to disrespect to anyone who worships Maman Brigitte and Brigit sepretly! This is all just for fun!!
Have Brigit with her two children when she was alive! <3
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conjuremanj · 1 year
Fet Gede/Day Of The Dead Celebration.
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La Source Ancienne Ounfo – is one of the New Orleans based Vodou society – that celebrats the Day of the Dead/Fet Gede with an annual Vodou ceremony to invoke the Gede so we can come together in community to honor the dead (family) or not.
In Mexico's Days of the Dead are the days when the veil separating the Living and the Dead is most diffuse and the Dead come back to visit the living – children visit on Oct 31st, the familial adults on November 1st, and the unremembered Dead on November 3rd. The Haitian Day of the Dead, Fet Gede – the festival of the Sacred Dead, coincides with the Mexican Days of the Dead. The entire month of November.
November 1st. & 2nd. In Haiti & New Orleans this holiday can be a vibrant as Mardi Gras and as sacred as St John’s Eve.
During Fete Gede we “feed” the ancestors with offerings of food or foods that their dearly departed by laying it at their gravesite and wear black white and purple clothing throughout the event.
On this day we actually dance with the spirits. The particular death Lwa that we pay our respects to on this day is (Papa Gede) Baron Samedi, Maman Brigette and the family of Gede.
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Even if you are not able to make it to Haiti or New Orleans for Fet Gede festivities here is an outline on how you can still pay tribute to the dead in the New Orleans tradition on a smaller scale.
If you have your own spiritual practice review your practice’s guidelines, incorporate aspects that pay respect Below is a suggestion for honoring the core Gede of the Cemetery on this special occasion.
Preparation: Before you even walk into the cemetery you should be prepared with the following:
Offerings: Pennies and/or rice: I use pennies) To pay the dead before entering the cemetery and at gravesites.
Food: Homestyle food that your loved ones would enjoyed.
Flowers: White, purple or red & flowers that your ancestors liked.
Rum. (you can purchase the shot bottle size) or Coffee (strong/dark) A small pack of cigars or cigarettes (unfiltered)
Wear: black, purple or white.
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Visit: On the day of your visit take a shower or bath before getting dressed. As you dress align your thoughts and intentions. Collect your offerings. When you arrive at the cemetery gate: You should ask permission from spirit to enter. Leave a few pennies or rice at the gate. if you get a yes or no answer. If your intuition tells you that you should not enter thank the spirits go away and come back another day, try another cemetery. It's not a bad thing try another cemetery and ask again. Once inside visit the Gede family. The first plot to visit is Papa Gede /Baron Samedi: Aka the Baron (Lord). In catholic and Haitian graveyards, this marker is usually very prominent as the Cross of Baron.
Offering Day: Rum & Cigars. Also acceptable: Coffee, roasted peanuts, sunglasses with one lens, small raunchy toys or souvenirs.
Greeting: (Taken from Voodu Visions: By Sally Ann Glassman)“For the Bawon, in her society– they say these words.
Say: Come to the crossroads, dance, joke, you who are the sentence of death. Accept our offerings. Enter into our hearts, our arms, our legs. Enter and dance with us.”or“Father of all the dead help is us in our (our named persons) grief, let us welcome the dead to the Mysterious Abyss. Make us ever potent and my our offspring be safe in your care”(Place your offering)
Place your offering by pouring some of the rum and puffing a cigar or placing some tobacco. Do not inhale the smoke.
Once you have greeted Papa Gede next visit Maman Brigit Maman Brigit (Gran/Brijit/Brigette) is honored. She is the wife of Baron Samedi and the Goddess of Death. In Celtic traditions she is Brigit. In Yoruba she is Oya. Maman Brijit is a very powerful Lwa and the queen of banda dancing and the market place.
Offerings to her: Coffee or Pepper rum, Purple flowers (violets, lavender, iris, or fuchsia). Puff smoke from the tobacco.
Greeting Maman Brijit: A song that Haitians sing to Maman Brijit goes as follows as translated from Haitian Creole.
“Gentlemen of the cross (ancestors) advance for her to see them! Maman Brigitte is sick, she lies down on her back, A lot of “talk” won’t raise the dead, Tie up your head, tie up your belly, tie up your kidneys, (imitate tying a belt around your waist) They will see how they will get down on their knees.” (get down on your knees) “Maman Brijit, awake it is Fet Gede today”!or“I am calling you Maman Brijit, can you see? I bring food/ smoke and drink to honor you. Please accept this offering. This food and drink and smoke are for you Maman, please bless me with (Healing/ Prosperity/ Favor with … through your grace Maman Brijit.” (Give your offering) Place your offering by pouring some of the rum and puffing a cigar or placing some tobacco. Do not inhale the smoke.
If you are visiting relatives: Pay your respects at their grave, leaving flowers, food or wine. Talk to them.
Make sure to clean up any trash and consider cleaning off their grave. If you don’t have any relatives see if you can find a gravestone with your family’s last name, a noteworthy ancestor of a similar background as you who lived in the town or someone who resonates with you.
Leaving the Cemetery. Before you leave the cemetery Give thanks, collect your personal belongings, clean up if needed and leave immediately. Do NOT look back (Even if you hear someone call out to you…). There is a belief that looking back will invite ghosts to follow you home… When you arrive at your next location wash your hands with the bottle of water before you enter your home over some earth. Then shake the remaining water out on the earth. This helps to prevent any negative energy from ‘sticking’ to you, wipes away mourning and loss, and returns it to the earth.
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sleepmurder-defunct · 13 years
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Veve of Maman Brigitte
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sigyn-foxyposts · 2 months
"Brigitte throughout the years"
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Yes that last one is basically smite's take on Brigitte and I love it so much I can't see her any other way!!
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