#mango teru
quiverymango · 1 year
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Late Night Karting
Fanart for these absolutely amazing fics that changed my life that you NEED to go read this instant
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bean-in-dice · 7 months
Pingxie/Xieping Chinese Fic Recs
Part 4
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
1. I like this fic for the sole reason that Wu Xie is a Teru Teru Bozu in it, like what an adorable and silly headcanon hehe. The ending dredges are E rated, I rec you read it upto that point even if you don't want to read smut because! Cute!
瓶邪 《你买到过龙吗》
2. Pingxie being big dumbos about their unvoiced love (again)
3. Another
4. A wild and impressive piece on life and desire and...mangoes.
5. CW: Mpreg
From the same author as above (seriously read everything by them!), a beautiful metaphorical contemplative piece. I really like how lots of miniscule details were given hyperfocus, satisfying on so many levels.
6. A brief bittersweet musing on what will happen in the future
7. Thunderstorm, powercut night, Pingxie in love
8. Thousands of miscellaneous flavors in their life
9. A snake venom dream
10. ShahaiXie waking up to a dream illusion
11. Racing AU
12. A WX pov contemplative piece about their relationship with a bit of Alice in the Wonderland allegory
13. A long collection of short stories telling the development of their relationship in Yucun.
14. Celebrating Mid-autumn festival
15. In which Wu Xie is no longer capable of separating pain from pleasure after the 10 years. M rated and melancholic.
16. Xiaoge coming back to Yucun....years later
17. Supplementary fic to the one above
18. Another
19. Yucun era, Wu Xie suddenly becomes blind (temporarily) and shenanigans arise
20. A sweet and short fic about New Year
See here for Non-Pingxie fic recs
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princessvivs · 1 year
Cerita Kereta :)
Seminggu kemarin, aku dan suamiku nyobain rute baru untuk berangkat dan pulang kantor. Kami berangkat dari rumah di Dramaga Bogor jam 05.00, dianter Obama (mobil suamiku) ke Stasiun Bogor, terus naik kereta dan turun di Stasiun Sawah Besar. Empat hari kemarin kami selalu naik kereta jurusan Jakarta Kota dengan jadwal keberangkatan jam 05.35 dan sampai di Stasiun Sawah Besar sekitar jam 07.00. Sampai Stasiun Sawah Besar, sesuai planning sebelumnya, kami naik Gocar, karena dari survey sebelumnya harganya murbing alias murah bingit. Hari Selasa, tarif dari stasiun ke kantor kami hanya Rp 16.000, terus dapat cashback 6000 gopay coins lagi. Hahahaha. Seneng banget aku. Sampe kantor kami di Kemayoran itu sekitar jam 07.11. Pulangnya, kami mencoba teng-go pulang jam 16.00, tapi apalah daya budak korporat, akhirnya jam 16 lebih sekian lah kami baru bisa meluncur menuju ke Big Mango Station. Hehe. Singkat cerita, kami naik KRL jam 16.35 dan sampai di Stasiun Bogor kalau ngga salah sekitar jam 17.50an, pokoknya sebelum jam 18.00 seingetku, karena aku dan suami masih santai pilih-pilih jajanan di stasiun. Hehehehe.
Hari kedua, perjalanan berangkat kurang lebih sama dengan hari pertama. Nah, hari ketiga, cuaca waktu berangkat dari Stasiun Bogor cukup syahdu, teduh, dan sejuk. Tapi ternyata memasuki daerah khusus Ibukota, hujan turun. Ketika kereta melewati Stasiun Gambir, aku mulai mempersiapkan order Gocar, dan seperti dugaanku, karena hujan, tarif Gocar naik jadi sekitar Rp 37.000. Terus jiwa bolangwatiku muncul,
“Yah, kalau naik bajaj, mau ngga?” Tanyaku ke pak suami, ternyata dia setuju. YAY! Hahahaha. Seneng sekali bisa mengukir memori baru sama suami. Pertama naik KRL ke kantor, dan tambah lagi naik bajaj ke kantor. Simple thing yang menurutku seru dan buatku seperti nourishment for our marriage life :) Karena belum pernah naik bajaj dari Stasiun Sawah Besar sebelumnya, aku tanya dulu estimasi ongkosnya ke Yang Mulia Google. Hehe, ternyata katanya ongkos Bajaj di Jakarta itu, untuk jarak dekat sekitar 2 kilometer biayanya sekitar Rp 15.000 - Rp 25.000. Katanya lagi, biasanya sopir bajaj buka harga pertama Rp 25.000 terus penumpangnya menawar hingga Rp 15.000. Akhirnya aku dan suami deal dengan abang bajaj Rp 20.000 dengan jarak tempuh sekitar 2,6km, Big Ricefield Station to Kemajoran. Fair enough laaa, and of course so exciting :)) Also best choice karena sesampainya di kantor ternyata banyak teman-teman yang kebasahan karena naik ojek online.
Another good experience is that knowing that ternyata suamiku cukup enjoy being a commuter. Hehe. Suamiku yang terbiasa naik kendaraan pribadi, awalnya malas banget naik public trasnportation. Tanpa diduga, dari rencana awal yang hanya mau coba KRL hari Selasa, Rabu, dan Kamis, ternyata hari Jumat pun dirinya mengajak naik KRL lagi. Hahaha. Aku pribadi, sebaliknya, terbiasa naik public transportation dari jaman sekolah dan kuliah dulu, jadi urusan “standing party” di gerbong KRL sudah biasa, jadi keputusan untuk migrasi dari tim berkepribadian menjadi anker (anak kereta) menurutku seru aja. Hehe.
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what’s your phone wallpaper  :  lockscreen is me with my parents  ,    little brother  ,    grandparents   &.    partner  .    the homescreen is teru   &.   kou  .
last song you listened to :  light it up
currently reading  :  re - reading tbhk  (manga)  ,    shatter me  (book)  ,    when the body says no (for work)  .
last movie :  the old guard  .
last show :  scandal  .
what are you wearing right now :  grey jeans  ,   a white blouse    &.   white nike air force  .   i always wear golden jewelry  .
piercings / tattoos? :  i have three earlobe piercing in each ear  ,    two helix piercings in one  ear  .    one tattoo  ,    located on my right ribcage  .
glasses ? contacts? :  nope  .
last thing you ate? :  greek yoghurt with mango    &.   pecan nuts  .
favorite color(s) :  blue  .
current obsession :  tbhk and specifically teru  ,   because i love morally grey characters who hide their true thoughts   &.    feeling but secretly care and have a sad story  .   also i am obsessed with carrot cake  .    and cycling  .    red wine  ,    every once in a while  .
do you have a crush right now? :  yes  <3
favorite fictional character(s) :    minamoto teru  ,   gojo satoru  ,    shinya hiragi  ,   zoya  ,    hamel  ,   chuuya nakahara  ,    alicein mikuni  ,   aaron warner  ,    richard cypher  .    probably more but i have  .  .  .    phases  .
tagged by  :    @ofsavior   &.    @furiaei
tagging  :    anyone who hasn’t done it yet  .
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lamyaasfaraini · 1 year
Si paling gabisa dirumah terus, ibarat ke alpamaret aja dah girang neng mah~
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Lagi-lagi cerita tentang weekend, si anak yang gabisa liat ayahnya libur selalu ngajak kemana aja weh yu yang penting keluar rumah haha. Terlebih lagi nagihnya ke playground. Emak bapaknya males ngemall, trus kalo playground dalem mall kitanya gabisa sambil ngaso n nyantei, pure ngasuh weeehh.. Jadi kitamah sukanya nyari tempat/cafe yang kids friendly. Biasanya kita ke the parlor atau pillowcake, kadang ke baker street. Nah tadi tuh pengen nyari2 lagi yg lain gt, nemu lah di tiktok (duh lagi2 dari tiktok wkwk). Namanya My Bookit, di dago pakar atas sana dingin dingin semriwing~
Pas nyampe emang suasananya kebetulan lagi "dago atas" bgt, dingin, mendung, hujan rintik2 ringan. Tempatnya enakeun menurut kami berdua yg sukanya tempat ngga begitu ramai, tp maksudnya ngga sepi jg, cuma ngga padet ay laayykk dan bagi kami ngga perlu tempat instagramable, yg penting kids friendly aja lah plus makanannya enak ihhhh anakku makannya lahap hap hap, kalo harga ya masih standar cafe lah yaa. Beberapa foto ku abadikan:
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Rumahan bgt kan, begitu damai nan asri.. Bisa sambil memantau anak yang lagi main, sambil nyuapin makan haha. Ayah ibu nya bisa kentjan dengan tenang juga haha
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Kita order makanan platter biar rupa2 bgt, sama kids meal buat nemo (ngga ke foto ini makanan), karena cuacanya dingin jadi kami beli minuman hangat.. Suami order kopi magic katanya lebih strong dari cappuccino dan cafe latte, aku disuruh order teh sama beliau nama teh nya Scarlett. Tampilannya sbb:
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Lucuuuk teapot sama cangkirnya uwuwww. Suamiku tiba2 kepengen punya, nyari deh tuh ngga ada yg mirip katanya, "yang kita mesti punya nih!". Mana rasa teh nya pun enak walaupun tanpa gula, enak loh.. Ini aku coba googling ingredients nya Scarlett Tea: "Organic currants, organic hibiscus flowers, organic rosehips, organic rooibos, organic blueberries, organic orange peel, natural blueberry flavor, organic passionfruit flavor, natural mango flavor". Yang dominan di lidahku kemarin ya blueberry nya aja dari sekian banyak ini hahaha. Teh nya malah di minumin terus sama beliau lagi mumpung bisa refill, walaupun isian kedua warnanya jadi samar wkwkwk.
Next boleh coba kesana lagi deh kalo anak ngerengek pgn main di playground, emak bapaknya santuy sambil memantau dgn pewe n with a view ofc.. Semoga kita sehat selalu dan banyak rejekinya untuk ngasuh anak dan hiling hiling setitiq..
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terunosukenyamoto · 2 years
♧ :)
You’re my epice bestie mutual :D
i met you in a comment section lol
i follow you because you have great taste in everything ever and forever.
Your blog is very cool and you never have posted anything fail EVER!
your url is a reference to FMA, right?
your icon is a mega cool robot whos tempting me to watch star trek
a random fact about you is that ur allergic to mangos
general opinion: you have good opinions on everything and are maybe the greatest moot ever to walk the earth.
random thought: we are brothers in teru nation. We must stay strong forever.
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blqs · 2 years
Tulisan di Penghujung April.
Aku malu.
Aku malu jika ada yang bertanya atau membicarakan tentang tujuan masa depanku.
Mereka membicarakan sesuatu yang bahkan tak terpikirkan lagi olehku – setidaknya untuk saat ini.
Aku belum sampai kesana.
Sesungguhnya yang kuinginkan saat ini untuk masa depanku adalah rahasiaku dengan Tuhan.
Aku sudah memberi tahu semuanya kepada Tuhan.
Janji-janji yang ku negosiasi untuk hidup satu kali lagi; Tuhan meng-iya-kannya.
Jadi, aku malu jika tidak ada satupun hal duniawi yang menjadi tujuan masa depanku seperti yang dibicarakan orang-orang kepadaku.
Sesekali merasa kasihan pada diri sendiri, berpikir haruskah aku memiliki tujuan duniawi juga?
Aku pernah ada disana. Sayangnya, semua tujuan duniaku tidak lagi memberi banyak harapan di hidupku yang sekarang. Jalannya juga semakin terasa jauh dan bersimpangan.
Saat ini kuserahkan semua jalannya pada Tuhan, asal aku masih berjalan beriringan dengan-Nya.
Saat ini, yang ku tanyakan perihal hidupku tidak sebanyak dahulu. Rasanya pertanyaan tentang kehidupan memang sudah ada waktunya sendiri untuk terjawab tanpa menuntut Semesta menjawab dengan buru-buru.
Yang lebih banyak ku tanyakan di dua tahun terakhir ini adalah tentang kehadiranku di dunia, kehidupan masa laluku, ataupun kehidupan pasca kematianku.
Kadang aku menebak-nebak siapa yang akan mati duluan. Siapa yang akan meninggalkan siapa, apa yang akan ditinggalkan di dunia, atau apa yang cukup dibawa ke liang lahat saja.
Pikiran-pikiran tentang mati lebih banyak mengambil alih isi pikiranku. Menurutku, semua ini punya sisi baik dan sisi buruknya. Aku bisa menganggap kematian adalah bagian dari muhasabah dan selain dari itu adalah ujian yang dilarang oleh Tuhanku.
Sampai kapan menunggu?
Bagaimana, ya, matiku nanti?
Siapa yang menangis di pemakamanku dan satu tahun mengenangku pasca kepergianku?
Ah, apakah mengenangku satu tahun terlalu lama? Mungkin 30 hari setelah aku pergi sudah cukup?
Apakah sisa-sisaku di dunia bisa dikenang dengan baik?
Apakah mereka akan mengingat tawaku? Aku sudah lama sekali tidak pernah mengabadikan fotoku tertawa atau tersenyum.
Jauh dalam dasar hatiku, aku ingin Sea betul-betul ada. Menjalani hidup masa kecil hingga remaja dengan Ibu sepertiku. Mengantarnya ke sekolah dan mengajarinya cara menyeberang jalan.
Apakah jika hidupku terus berlanjut, aku menjadi Ibu yang cukup sehat jiwa dan raganya untuk hidup dengan anak-anakku nanti?
Jauh di lubuk hatiku, aku ingin sosok Alva betul-betul ada; sosok laki-laki yang yang mungkin hanya ada dalam benak pikiranku selama ini.
Jauh dalam dasar hatiku,
Aku ingin selesai.
Tapi, Mango Chicken Pocket A&W dan Cheeseburger McDonald’s sepertinya enak.
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arestyuday · 2 years
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Hari 14 dari 30 hari berbagi foto.
Foto ini sudah lama sekali umurnya. Aku bagikan di sini karena selain belajar buat edit warna di lightroom, aku mau nostalgia sedikit.
Kucing oren ini namanya Ceplis. Nama dari Manggo yang pernah aku ceritakan di blogku jurnal coretanku. Cerita lebih lanjut bisa dibaca di:
Cerita dan Alasanku Kenapa Adopsi Kucing Jalanan
Ceplis ini satu-satunya kucing jantan dari anak Mango. Badannya kecil dan penakut. Beda dengan kedua saudaranya yang lain. Apa mungkin ini karena Ceplis lahir sebagai bungsu ya? Entahlah aku gak tahu.
Ceplis sudah lama gak ada, entah hilang kemana sampai tak pulang. Namun, ya masih banyak kenangan seperti foto yang buat aku gak bakal melupakan Ceplis sih. Jujur aku bersyukur sering foto beberapa hal yang berkesan bagiku, jadi aku gak bakal lupa dan bakal terkenang terus tak hanya di ingatan dan hati, tapi ada juga buktinya.
—restyu, 140922.
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fitatamind · 2 years
Yey besok sampe tanggal 10 bebas! Dih pengangguran kok bangaa nop 🤣
Oke, karna dua hari ini aku menggila sendiri dengan masalah abcd .. jadi kuputuskan kamis besok setelah kontrol ke dokter tht -yang ganteng dan mulai seru diajak komunikasi- aku mau nonton di bioskop dekat rumah sakit, terus jajan sundae strawberry dan mango floatnya kfc, kalo masih laper ada mie ayam depannya .. sendiri. Aku lupa sebentar, kalo aku biasa apa-apa sendiri, khilaf ketergantungan sama orang .. manja lu nop, ngerepotin orang. And you know, tadi dapet paggilan kerja di Surabaya (lagi) .. huft, untung bukan perusaahan yang aku idamin .. kalo iyaa, mau sakit gimana juga sore ini berangkat deh x)
Oiya, jangan lupa mampir ke gedung rawat inap bawain makanan buat nyonyah. Tentu saja dengan niat terselubung mau minta barter dibeliin minum yang di kantin. Jarang ketemu, tapi ngobrol sama dia bikin aku happy.
Breathe. You’re going to be okay. Breathe and remember that you’ve been in this place before. You’ve been this uncomfortable and anxious and scared, and you’ve survived. Breathe and know that you can survive this too. These feelings can’t break you. They’re painful and debilitating, but you can sit with them and eventually, they will pass. Maybe not immediately, but sometime soon, they are going to fade and when they do, you’ll look back at this moment and laugh for having doubted your resilience. I know it feels unbearable right now, but keep breathing, again and again. This will pass. I promise it will pass.
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earvest8 · 2 years
6 Aplikasi Live Parah Anti Banned
Menonton konten 18 tahun ke atas dulu memang tdk mudah tetapi sekarang tutup sangat mulus dikarenakan apk live akut sudah mudah didapatkan. Mulai sekian melacak aplikasi live streaming semuanya ada beberapa yang dianggap bagus dan disukai pengguna internet dan berikut ialah daftar aplikasi tersebut. Perdana adalah BuzzCast, ada padat konten merompak disediakan penggunaan BuzzCast. Segala kegiatan tersohor dapat dinikmati oleh pengguna secara bebas, meskipun tanpa ada filter tetapi praktik ini tetap sangat tenang untuk digunakan. Konten yang tersedia tidak saja konten lucu tapi banyak juga konten dewasa tanpa sensor yang juga bisa ditonton pengguna. Streamer di operasi ini juga ada tidak sedikit jadi pengguna cukup memilih2x saja streamer yang sekiranya menarik serta bisa menumbuk. Untuk mengecilkan pengguna, aplikasi ini pula sudah menyediakan fitur memukau. Kedua diartikan sebagai MGlobal Live, aplikasi itu juga elok untuk dicoba karena konten yang tersedia di penggunaan juga termasuk konten-konten mendalam yang merampok. Fitur yang disediakan aplikasi juga sedang lengkap diantaranya fitur live streaming, pirsa konten serta juga sifat hadiah. Pada adanya fitur hadiah tersebut maka pengguna bisa memberikan hadiah untuk streamer tali jiwa dan hadiah tersebut racun ditukar menggunakan uang asli atau getaran. Selain fitur tersebut ada juga sifat chatting yang bisa membuat pengguna mampu berinteraksi / mengobrol secara pengguna yg lain. Ketiga ialah Gogo Live, apk live parah mod ini adalah aplikasi yang sangat ternama di Nusantara maupun tatkala negara lainnya. Dulunya praktik ini bisa didapatkan yang platform sahih tetapi masa ini sudah tdk bisa juga dikarenakan praktik ini sudah ditarik hewan hanya sanggup di unduh di situs-situs online pula. Dengan mempergunakan Gogo live maka pengguna bisa menghasilkan live streaming atau sanggup juga memirsa streamer pas live streaming dan menyampaikan hadiah ataupun bisa sajaserta, terus, mendapatkan sedekah dari pengguna lainnya. Rekayasa ini sajaserta, terus, menyediakan fitur Beauty Atensi yang bisa membuat penampilan pengguna atau streamer sebagai lebih mempesona. apk live parah indonesia didefinisikan sebagai Moon Live, aplikasi ni tidak sama sekali menghibur pengguna lewat fasilitas live streaming dari streamer-streamer cantik sekadar tetapi pula bisa menciptakan pengguna pulih senang secara fitur main yang disediakan. Game yang ada ketika aplikasi yang ada memang lain game yang besar namun demikian sangat hebat untuk dimainkan bersama pengguna lainnya, seandainya sudah sedari bosan sanggup menonton live streaming mulai pemain-pemain game terkenal. Dalam yang menggemari pertandingan sepak bola juga racun menonton warta live globe secara bebas di operasi ini. Kelima adalah Mango Live, penggunaan ini sertaterus, wajib utk dicoba karena aplikasi tersebut terbilang operasi yang amat menarik. Salah satu daya tarik yang dimiliki praktik ini diartikan sebagai memiliki penuh channel serta juga medium yang bisa dipilih cocok dengan persetujuan atau kesukaan pengguna operasi. Tetapi untuk bisa swatantra memakai praktik Mango live maka pengguna harus mengacungkan uang utk dapat melanggani. Pengguna tidak mungkin sadar mengeluarkan uang tersebut olehkarena itu setelah berabonemen bisa pirsa konten masa pun & di mana pun. Keenam adalah MLiveU, untuk pengguna internet yang sangat sukaria dengan tayangan-tayangan hot oleh sebab itu wajib utk menginstall aplikasi ini pada smartphone. Pokok semua tayangan live mulai streamer indah yang mengarungi tubuh daerah dapat ditonton lewat aplikasi ini. Namun tetapi untuk mendownload aplikasi itu tidak mampu secara tepat karena rekayasa hanya tersedia dalam kerangka apk aja. Jadi semampang ingin memakai aplikasi ini harus unduh apk live parah Indonesia di web - web terlebih lepas.
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mangateru · 6 years
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niichantime · 3 years
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Terukou with Monster Energy: Mango Loco vibes for anonymous!
💙 Requests are Open! 💙
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strawberrygiorno · 6 years
atla au,,, good
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faun-buns · 2 years
Someone else said that Teru would adopt a cat for mob despite being allergic and I can't stop thinking about it. So the question I come to you with today is, can animals be espers too? Or is it only humans?
Basically what I'm saying is: esper cat.
Teru goes into a animal shelter (after popping a couple bynadril for his allergies) and finds one of the employees trying to catch a cat that has somehow floated all the way to the ceiling. Once the cat is retrieved and placed back in her cage, he immediately asks the employee if he can adopt it. The employee tells him that the cat is available for adoption, but warns him of the cats "eccentricities", most prominently the fact that the cat tends to howl non-stop at empty air. To this Teru responds simply, "ah, that'll be the spirits" and doesn't elaborate further.
So Teru adopts the cat, who is a fluffy orange tabby with a faint Auburn arua, and names her Mango Sherbet (becuase orange sherbert is too basic). Teru thanks the employee, before handing him a business card quote, "for the spirits" and leaving with his new pet. (He makes a mental note that Reigen owes him for the free advertising)
I can just imagine Teru taking Mango on "walks" but it's just him walking around with her floating behind him on her leash. Or him coming home from school and her dropping from the ceiling directly on his head.
This is getting to be a bit long so I'm gonna end it here, but I could literally talk about this fictional cat I just made up for hours.
god imagine having a cat w telekinesis. you think your normal cat is annoying in the morning when it wants food? okay well terus physically lifts him out of his bed and levitates him 7 feet off the ground every morning. putting breakable objects were a normal cat cant reach them? teru is fucked, that cat can float. this cat is like a human toddler w super powers but teru loves it all the same
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httpswwwtbhkcom · 3 years
“We’ll save them together.”
Pairing: Nene Yashiro x Reader
[@httpswwwtbhkcom’s masterlist]
Summary: You tried on comforting your friend, Yashiro after she saw Hanako fade away from her. She was depressed. You saw the whole thing from outside the classroom. After Hanako was nowhere to be seen, you immediately went to Yashiro and hugged her. You both hang out in her apartment. The next few days, Teru and Akane invited you and Yashiro to go to the arcade. 
Warning: Chapter 72 spoilers, swearing, mentions of crying, slight changes,
Genre: Angst,
Y/n- your name, f/s- favorite show, L/n- last name, f/d- favorite drink, 
A/n: I might add a part 2 if I read the new future chapter(s).
Edit: I will not make a part 2. I’m lazy okay?
Reader: Neutral
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☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Yashiro fell to her knees, tears falling. “Why...?” You immediately opened the door, not caring about the loud noise it made. Yashiro slightly jumped but continued crying. You ran beside her, hugging her. “It’s fine, Nene-san....”
“B-but... He’s... Gone..” She whimpered. You circled your thumb on her back over and over while she is crying. You both stayed like that for a few hours. Finally, her crying had stopped. “Thank you, Y/n..” You smiled and nodded. 
You stood up and extended your hand for her to grab. “Come on, it’s getting late. I’ll walk you home.” You softly said. She nodded after a few seconds and held your hand and stood up. 
You walked out of the school with Yashiro holding your hand. You slightly blushed at this but you need to cheer her up! You were also saddened that there were no supernaturals and Hanako left in the school, meaning there is no more adventures. 
Once both of you were in front of Yashiro’s apartment, she gave you her keys. You opened the door and turned on the lights. You gestured for her to enter first. She gave you a small sad smile then went inside. It was empty. So her mother must be somewhere busy with her work.
“Stay here, I’ll go change..” She was going to walk into her room but stopped. “Are you staying for the night?” She asked, her voice was desperate for you to stay for the night. You played at the hem of your uniform. “Can I?” You looked at the tv screen, not wanting to have eye contact. 
“It’s fine, I’ll go grab the clothes you could borrow for the night.” She walked in the room and closed the door. You thought she might be finding some comfortable clothes for you. You sat on the couch and stared at the black screen of the television with dull eyes. You never saw Yashiro that sad before. You were slightly jealous and that you thought Yashiro had a crush with Hanako. They were surprisingly close. Of course they are.
Your thoughts were interrupted by Yashiro calling your name. 
“-/n? Y/n? You there? I got the clothes.” You nodded then took the clothes. She left to the bathroom, leaving you all to yourself temporarily. 
Your clothes were surprisingly comfy and it fits you perfectly! (Don’t ask) 
The clothes had long pants and a plain shirt with long sleeves. Despite the color difference, it still matches you.
You sat on the couch once again. Wanting to watch f/s, you asked Yashiro for permission. You heard a muffled ‘Sure!’ so you turned the tv on to the show.
A few minutes had passed and Yashiro was finally finished with her pajamas on. You glanced at her then smiled to yourself. She sat next to you and watched the television with you. 
“This is my favorite too.” She smiled. “Glad to know.” 
“Oh yeah, I heard there's a new comedy show live right now! Want to watch it with me?” She nodded at your offer. You switched the channel to the comedy show. 
Both of you laughed. Their jokes were funny, if not, just think it is.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You woke up with Yashiro’s arms wrapped around your waist while her head is laying on your chest. Your face began to dust red when you finally fully noticed that she was cuddling you. You immediately froze, panicking inside.
“Hmmm.....” She shifted a bit. Her arms still in place. “N-nene.. Please.. wake up...!” To your luck, she finally did. Once she noticed the position she was in, she moved away. “Gyah! I’m so sorry Y/n!” 
“I-it’s fine.” Both of you blushed. “I’m going to change- bye!” Then she dashed to the bedroom.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You kept comforting Yashiro about what had happened, coming to the school hit her with the memories she made with Aoi and Hanako. 
Yashiro tried her best on summoning Hanako but failed. Again and again. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
One day, you were with Akane and Teru going to Yashiro’s house. Teru rang the doorbell as the three of you waited. The door opened revealing Yashiro still messy. ‘She haven’t changed yet..’ You thought.
“Hey. Good morning, Yashiro-san.” Teru greeted. “Good morning Nene!” You exclaimed.
“Sorry for coming uninvited so suddenly- Are you free today?” Teru asked. “I.. I didn’t have any plans in particular...” Yashiro answered. “I see! That’s good~”
“Then, Would you like to go on a date with me today?” You pouted directly at Teru, you wanted to say that! Akane just wore a boring expression, rolling his eyes.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
“Yashiro-san! L/n-san! Aoi! Get over here~” Teru looked excited over a... Arcade? Teru ran towards a candy machine(? what was those called?) “Look at this, It’s a tower of candy!” He exclaimed. Teru went to another machine. “It’s the thing with the salmon!” He looked to his side then saw the claw machine. His eyes lid up. “This is my first time seeing a crane game in real life!”
‘Why an arcade?’ You and Yashiro asked to yourselves. As you, Akane and Yashiro watched him.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Teru played for a while in the crane machine. While, Yashiro and Akane talked about Aoi and Hanako. You listened and watched them. You frowned until Teru came with a big plushie.
He thrown you three the extra plushies he got. “Crane games are surprisingly fun! Look, what a big catch!” He exclaimed. “No wait-” 
“But I don’t want this many.” Teru smiled. “Then don’t dump it on other people!” Akane scolded.
“Let’s go karaoke next~” Teru said in a sing-song voice, Already walking. “Will you listen?!” Akane followed him as he scolded him. “Hold your own things yourself!”
Yashiro looked at the plushie she was holding. “Come on, we don’t want to be left behind right?” You nudged her. She nodded then smiled. “Sorry.”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
“Oh~ So this is what karaoke is like!” Teru said while sitting and looking around the room. “How do i sing with this?” He asked.
“You enter the songs you want to sing on this machine...” Akane explained. “Wow~ Ah, there’s a food menu too.”
“What do you want, L/n-san, Yashiro-san?” Teru asked, his eyes not leaving the menu.
“I’ll have some tea...” 
“I’ll have f/d please.” You answered.
“So Jasmine Tea for Yashiro-san, F/d for L/n-san, A Mango float for me, And a vegetable boba crush for you, Aoi!” 
“Huh?” Akane looked at him, slightly confused.
“Ah! Look, there’s sugar toast, sugar toast~. Wow... Looks like it’d rot you brain~” Teru smiled. “Sugar toast fans would get you for that.” Akane muttered. “It says it’s a super-mega-sized version~ Sounds interesting~ We’ll be having this, Aoi. It’s settled.” Akane looked at him surprised. “Oi.”
‘Nene hasn’t been saying anything... I wonder if she’s ok..’ You glanced at the said girl beside you.
Before you could ask something to Yashiro, Teru had cut you off. “Do you want something too, Yashiro-san, L/n-san? Are you both hungry?” 
“No, I’m good.” Yashiro answered. “I’m good.” You answered after her. “Is that so?” He looked at both of you.
As Akane took the menu pad from Teru, you noticed Yashiro lost in thought. You unaudibly sighed. She misses them. You do too. But the goal you want to achieve first is to make her happy. 
Yashiro looked down to the floor. Apparently, Teru noticed it, so he stopped for a second. “Well, since we’ve mostly finished ordering, I’m going to wash my hands.” He then softly hit Akane with the pad. He then left the room, but before he did, he told Akane: “Look after Yashiro-san while I’m out okay?”
“Wait- Come back here!” Akane chased Teru. “Wait! What do you mean “Look after”..-” You jumped as tears fell down her cheeks. 
“What... What’s wrong, Nene-san?” You patted her back, attempting to comfort her. “I’m- I’m sorry. But I... Just don’t know what to do... About Aoi and Hanako-kun too...” You looked at her surprised then softly frowned. “I... I’m sorry for crying like that all of a sudden...”
“There’s no need to apologize.” You cupped her cheeks and made her look at you. “Right now, for you who’s lost your connection to supernaturals, the one holding the key for you to go to the other side is Minamoto-senpai.” Yashiro looked at you quite surprised. What do you mean? You looked at the floor.
You were tired on seeing Yashiro sad and gloomy everyday. So today, your going to help her (and Akane, if you have a chance) to get Hanako and Aoi back.
“I’m sure he knows something, we just have to get it out of him somehow.” You paused. “Nene-san, Will you cooperate with me?” You looked at her for her answer.
The tears finally slowed down. “... Cooperate...?” She asked. “That’s right. Our goals are slightly similar overall. Aren’t they?”
“To get Aoi-san and Hanako back, and Make you happy..” You murmured the last words.
“To be honest, you’ve been too soft on Hanako until now.. So I couldn’t properly get along with you.” The statement was right, ever since Hanako and Yashiro was close, you barely hung out with Yashiro. But if you join them in their adventures, Hanako and Yashiro would be close to each other. 
“But now, Nene-san... I think we could do this together.” Then a pause. “Also with Akane’s help.”  You added. 
“Is there... Anything I can do?” She asked. “Who knows.... But Nene-san, Even you would be angry if things just ended like this, right?”
“Sorry for the wait!” You both jumped as the waiter went inside the karaoke room. “As you ordered, Jasmine Tea, F/d, Mango float, and Vegetable boba~” As the waiter said the names of the drinks, he placed it down on the empty space on the table. “And a Sugar Toast Fire Mountain Special Flash!! Enjoy~!” Then the waiter left. 
You and Yashiro looked at the ordered food. “This is what Minamoto-senpai ordered... What’re we gonna do with something this big...? I’m bad at handling this much sweet.”
Yashiro took a fork and began chomping the food Teru ordered. You were surprised as she took a bite on the food. “Woah!” The word slipped past your tongue. 
She didn’t stop eating, which made you concerned. “Hey... Aren’t you wolfing that a bit too eagerly? Binge eating? You might choke.” 
“I’ll do it.” “Huh?”
“I’ll... Cooperate with you! Because I... Even I...!” She sniffed, she continued crying. 
“You eat some too Y/n-san!” You took a fork and took a bite. “Then, here’s to working together Nene-san.”
Then the door opened revealing Teru and Akane. “Woah- I come back and now Yashiro-san’s become a hamster.” 
You looked at the Yashiro, who had her cheeks puffed out because of the food. 
“Isn’t that on you for making an outrageous order?” Akane asked boredly. 
“Are you okay, Yashiro-san? Feeling better?” Teru leaned in on the table. “Yes...” Yashiro nodded. “I see. I’m glad you seem to be in better spirits.” 
You listened as you took a sip at your drink. But you slightly giggled at how Akane looked like as he took a sip of his drink.
“Then, here.” Teru gave Yashiro a Tambourine. “Are you free for the Evening too, L/n, Yashiro-san? Tonight? More or less... There’s something you both wanna talk to me about, right? Let’s go to my place.” Teru offered. 
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