#mark lee x female reader
yangtaros · 1 year
husband to be… he just doesn’t know it yet
very sweet fluff between mark lee and a female reader
warning: kissing and very bold flirting
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glances were stolen from across the classroom when mark saw you walk in.
“you’re one minute from being late” he tells you.
“are you counting down the minutes until you see me?” you ask him, you grow nervous as you sit down in the chair next to him. he doesn’t respond. “did you understand the homework?”
you nodded, “yes i finally got it”
“great. i’m glad my tips worked. and your natural talent of course” you giggled and glanced at him for a second.
you guys have been doing this for months. talking only during class. you like mark. he’s so cute and kind and nice and you can barely look at him when he’s next to you because you’re so in love. yes in love. he’s your future husband you’re sure of it. if only you could look at him.
mark is biting his pen, he does that when he is nervous. he’s around you so his pen has bite marks. he likes this class.
you like this class.
“i like your shirt” mark whisperes lightly pulling the sleeve.
“thanks” you pull his sleeve. why did you pull his sleeve?
“i like yours too”
“yes my basic shirt is amazing right” he was so nervous but responded as if he wasn’t. this entire class is an hour of puppy love between you two. and you enjoy it.
“you make it not basic”
“you just wanted to pull my sleeve” he pulls your sleeve again, accidentally hitting your knee when he pulls back.
“and you just wanted to touch my knee”
you both sit in the back, not that interested in science. more interested in each other. you still can barely look at him.
“if i wanted to i would’ve just touched your knee” he touches your knee. then he pokes your side.
“stop i’m ticklish”
“i’m just saying i can touch you whenever”
you laughed
“wait that sounded” he was cut off by you poking him in the side.
he catches your wrist gently in attempt to tickle him
“no fair” you say.
mark adjusts his hand to keep your arm in his hold, “don’t trick me and try it again”
you gave him a ‘maybe’ face
“that’s why i’m keeping your arm”
he was telling the truth. he kept your arm in his lap for the rest of class. even drawing on it with his fingers lightly
“thanks for the massage” you said while packing up your belongings
“it wasn’t for you it was for me”
“i don’t know what you mean by that but if that means you’ll do it again next class then okay”
“you know it doesn’t just have to be in class”
you searched for a response, “mhm great yeah”
on the way out you both stayed together instead of parting.
“it could be in my dorm as you explain to me the lesson because i was focusing more on my arm” you worked up the courage to say all that but could barely look at him.
“i’m not doing anything, lead the way”
once you got to your dorm you thanked God you cleaned up the day before
“mi casa su casa”
mark laughed
“do you want anything to drink?”
“water is fine”
“okay you can set your stuff on the couch”
your maybe future husband was in your dorm on your couch. now you have to look at him.
“here’s your water”
“thanks. now do you even know the name of todays lesson”
“ just remember you tickling me”
mark fought the urge to poke your sides again, “okay let’s start from the beginning”
“wait aren’t i supposed to be getting another arm massage”
mark laughed and reached for your arm. now you both were closer on the couch. he started drawing on your arm again, “this is so calming” you say.
mark boldly traced up your arm all the way up to your shoulder and down to your fingers. “i gotta let you try”, you say to mark while gently grabbing his arms and tracing them lightly
“yeah it does feel good”
you brought your fingers up to his neck, your nervousness gone
“y/n, the neck is sensitive”
“is it?” you giggled.
you didn’t grab mark to come closer to you, he came closer on his own.
“yeah it is”, his breath wavered.
you wrap both hands around the back of his neck and meet him at eye level
mark chuckles, “what are we doing”
“i don’t know” you draw circles around his jawline, then leaned over to leave a soft kiss in the same spot
“oh so this is why you invited me over” he moved his head back to give you more space
your kisses trailed down to his neck
“we can go over the lesson later” mark said while melting into the neck kisses you were giving him.
the neck kisses didn’t last long as mark now realized he could take the lead. he slightly pushed you back against the couch before gripping your waist. he captured your lips in his and didn’t hold back. it’s like he’d been waiting for the moment to kiss you. his teeth grazed your bottom lip as he pulled you even closer.
you pull back to look at him. you can look at him now
“i knew you wanted to touch my knee”
mark chuckes, “maybe i did”
soon your getting pulled back into his lips. his hands roam everywhere, he decides to roam under your shirt, pulling you as close to him as he can. while taking a breath to switch angles he mumbles, “you’re so pretty”
“thank you-” he kissed you again
your husband to be.
request here
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nonuwhore · 9 months
Oii, bao diaa.
Gostei do prompt "não faz isso, quero ouvir você gemer" e acho que poderia ser interessante ele com o mark, talvez na primeira vez dele com você e que você esteja com vergonha?? ou algo que você imaginar com esse prompt + mark!
enfim, eu adoraria ver isso na sua escrita, obrigada💖💖
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 19. “Não faz isso, quero ouvir você gemer.” contém: boyfriend!mark; fluff; cocky!mark porque a gente não pode esquecer nunca que ele é leonino (e esses são os melhores); apelidos (princesa, amor); linguagem vulgar; smut: morning sex; dirty talk, thigh fuck; mordidas; menção a ejaculação; praise;  contagem de palavras: 1,5k nota da autora: então, a história acabou saindo um pouquinho diferente kkkkk mas acho que mantive a ideia central. espero que você goste, de verdade!!!! muito obrigada por participar do evento <3
“Princesa”, a voz meio quebrada de um Mark que acabara de acordar te chamou. Ainda levemente adormecida, você a ouviu longe, mas reconheceu quem te chamava e o tom de culpa que ela carregava.
“Hum?”, você respondeu, sonolenta, e sabendo o que viria a seguir.
“Eu não consigo dormir mais… Já são oito horas…”, ele fez a afirmação parecer um absurdo, como se só pessoas malucas dormissem depois disso. Sentiu sua cintura sendo enlaçada pelo braço dele, junto do quadril encontrando o seu e a barba nascendo no queixo alcançar sua nuca. Um beijo, delicado e quase imperceptível. Outro, mais demorado e pesado. Mais outro, molhado e seguido de uma mordiscada tímida.
“Mark!”, você instintivamente o empurrou usando ancas e ele riu.
“É assim que você pretende me afastar? Acho que não vai dar certo”, ele riu sacana e te puxou para perto mais uma vez, se encaixando com cuidado na curva do seu corpo.
“Pelo amor de Deus, é domingo, me deixa dormir!”, você implorou.
“Você já dormiu muito! Olha que lindo o dia lá fora, a gente podia estar fazendo tanta coisa!”, e apontou para a cortina meio aberta que mostrava o azul límpido do céu. 
“Foda-se a beleza do dia, eu ‘tô de folga, quero dormir!”, você se debateu, fazendo birra, e ele se calou, mas você sabia que isso não tinha acabado.
Vocês tinham o mesmo problema todos os finais de semana há seis meses, que foi quando ele te pediu em namoro. Ele estava tão nervoso, as palavras saiam da boca sem nenhuma relação sintática, apenas uma grande sopa de “cara”, “tipo”, “é que”, e se você se perguntou se aquele era o mesmo Mark Lee que você conhecia das histórias que corriam pelo campus. O mesmo Mark Lee que não perdia nenhuma festa do curso de vocês - e de outros -  e nunca teve problema para falar com nenhuma caloura, nenhuma mesmo, até você chegar. Não que ele não tivesse tentado, você só era completamente inacessível, sempre fazendo a cara mais assustadora quando alguém do centro acadêmico chegava perto nos corredores e evitando todos os trabalhos em grupos possíveis. Só que o professor de Introdução ao Desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Software de vocês não curtia muito essa ideia e resolveu fazer um sorteio de duplas para apresentação de um trabalho, e adivinha quem caiu com você. Evitar que Mark se aproximasse durante todo um semestre foi exaustivo e improdutivo, mesmo ambos não tendo nada em comum além dessa disciplina específica, depois de duas semanas ele já aparecia no seu dormitório toda noite com os lanches mais famosos do campus para você provar e dizer não para ele, a partir dali, se tornou impossível. Esse momento, que vocês vivam agora, nunca seria uma exceção. 
“Mark”, você o chamou e ele te apertou mais um pouco, o sorriso dele pressionado contra o seu ombro.
“Dormiu bem?”, perguntou, com a mesma voz manhosa que quase fez vocês ficarem de recuperação, porque, depois de um tempo, vocês passam mais tempo jogando qualquer coisa que ele achava na internet ou assistindo séries longuíssimas que você não lembrava nada da história, já que metade do tempo os dedos dele estavam dentro da sua calcinha. 
“Sempre tem como melhorar, né?” ele soltou um risinho apertado com seu tom de sarcasmo. 
“Sabe com o que eu sonhei?”, você balançou a cabeça e segurou a mão dele que apertava a sua barriga. “Sonhei que a gente ‘tava brincando de esconde-esconde. E eu era muito ruim, porque não te achei nenhuma vez”, você não precisava se virar para saber que nesse momento seu namorado tinha um bico feito com os lábios.
“Ou… Eu era muito boa, já pensou nessa possibilidade?”, você provocou sabendo como Mark era competitivo. 
Ele riu, cheio de si, “Claro, sempre há a possibilidade.”
“Você precisa parar de achar que é bom em tudo, Mark.”
“Mas eu sou. Uma máquina de última geração.”
Você empurrou sua bunda contra o colo dele. “Você é bem ruim em resistir a isso aqui”, e repetiu o movimento, se esfregando um pouco mais no membro adormecido.
Mark gemeu, sacando sua jogada. “Entendi, você quer provar um ponto…”
“Quero”, e parou, esperando o que ele faria a seguir, mas morrendo de vergonha de ter tomado a iniciativa. Você conseguia ouvir ele pensando e sentia o volume dentro da calça crescer.
“Que isso, amor… O que te deu hoje?”
“Talvez alguém tenha me acordado antes da hora… E fazer isso enquanto eu não te encaro é mais fácil”, você foi sincera e automaticamente perdeu a coragem que você tinha acumulado desde o dia anterior, quando você queria deixar claro que adoraria passar a noite com Mark dentro de você, mas não conseguiu, perdendo seu namorado para o video game.
“Você vai mesmo me fazer morder a língua”, ele se grudou a você de novo, deslizando a extensão rígida bastante óbvia por conta do short fino no meio da sua bunda e enfiando a mão dentro do seu pijama, segurando um dos seus seios como se eles fossem a última esperança da terra. Os dentes seguram a pele da sua nuca e do seu pescoço enquanto ele beliscava seu mamilo, ativando os todos os sentidos de ambos.
Você suspirava pesado, contendo a vontade de gemer e pedir que ele te fodesse logo, porque sua calcinha já tinha virado sopa. Se limitou a segurar a mão dele por cima do seu peito, apertando com mais vontade, e ajudando a fricção que ele fazia em você, aflita por mais. 
“Droga, você ‘tava tão certa”, você o sentiu se afastar de você, descendo a roupa de baixo dele e sua, e o membro quente pressionado mais uma vez contra o vão da sua bunda. Ele deslizou com cuidado, assistindo seu quadril fazendo o movimento contrário, em um sincronia ensaiada, e apertou sua cintura com força. “Eu nunca vou me acostumar com como você é gostosa, principalmente com essa atitude”, sussurrou mordendo sua orelha e soltando o hálito quente que arrepiou até pelos que você não sabia que tinha.
“Mark…”, você sabia que hoje não ia conseguir se conter, principalmente se ele fosse usar esse tom com você.
“Você vai gemer meu nome hoje? Diz que vai…”, te provocou, direcionando o membro com as mãos para o centro das suas pernas, mas sem te penetrar, o deslizava entre os lábios ensopados com mais facilidade que o normal e suas coxas automaticamente o apertaram, dando uma sensação parecida com a que ele tinha quando estava dentro de você.
O ritmo vagaroso provavelmente ia te matar. Ele não tinha pressa pra se movimentar e nem pra beijar seu pescoço e morde-lo, soltando a pele lentamente. A ponta gordinha resvalou no clitoris implorando por atenção e foi o bastante para te fazer abafar o chiado com as costas da mão. 
 “Não faz isso, quero ouvir você gemer”, ele pediu, segurando a mesma mão e aumentando um pouco a cadência em que fodia sua coxa. “Se eu não te torturar, você promete que geme pra mim? Promete?”, e sua cabeça confirmou com tanta força e rapidez que fez ele sorrir, boquiaberto com o quão molhada você estava e o quanto isso o deixava mais maluco pra te fazer gozar.
Como prometido, ele passou a estocar com mais vontade o espaço apertadinho que você criou para ele, escorregando por toda a sua intimidade, e te fazendo gemer alto, sem 
calcular nenhuma das suas ações. “Eu vou ficar viciado nessa porra, vou te querer assim toda vez”, disse se referindo ao jeito que sua garganta liberava os sons mais dolorosamente estimulantes. Pensar em fazer de novo fez seu corpo erupcionar em um longo e paralisante orgasmo, te deixando completamente travada e sentido todo o tipo de prazer enquanto Mark era o único a balançar a cama em um frenesi que o levou ao limite logo em seguida. Seus líquidos e os deles se misturavam no tecido da roupa de cama que colava na sua pele do mesmo jeito que Mark se agarrava a você. 
“Você consegue me olhar agora?”, perguntou, retomando o que você disse anteriormente. Seu olhar encontrou o dele, rapidamente, e voltou a encarar o canto da parede. Ele riu, perdido pela expressão cansada e envergonhada no seu rosto. “Você tem vergonha de dizer que tá com vontade, amor?”
“Ainda não, Mark Lee. Ainda não.”
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markleesch1ld · 1 year
hit the road; m.l
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summary: bestfriend!mark takes you to hang out with him at a diner with his friends, where you begin to realise that being around him makes you happier than you originally thought.
'im outside'
the text message lit up your phone screen with its notification, and in turn, your eyes. you looked back up at your vanity mirror, swiping a final brush of strawberry lipgloss onto your lips. a last ruffle of your hair made you feel confident enough to leave, and you grabbed your phone and purse.
you shouldn't be doing this, especially since you hadn't alerted your father on the matter, but you couldn't care. you couldn't remember when last you said 'yes' to mark asking you to hang out, and you couldn't let him down again.
sticking your head out of the window revealed mark's car: not too flashy, but cute enough to be on one of those polaroids. in it sat a grinning mark, dark hair sweeped above his ears and sitting pretty.
he made a hand gesture for you to come down, and so you did. you had planned it perfectly: your house had a tree, which you had a small treehouse in as a child. adding an extra ladder to the side was one of the best things you could have done.
mark stepped out of the car, minding the fact your father could see him if he looked too carefully outside his bedroom window. he stood at the bottom of the ladder, just in case you had managed to fall like the many times before.
"be careful, dude." he teasingly commented, making you look down as you moved.
"what are you doing? we promised you wouldn't leave the car."
mark scoffed.
"and you promised that i wouldn't have to carry you around for two hours because you sprained your-"
you hopped down from the ladder, mark loosely holding you to ensure your stability.
"come on, klutz. before your dad sees." he took you by the hand to his red 1970 dodge challenger, with a thick black stripe down the middle of the bonnet.
he pulled the handle, opening the passenger door for you.
"thank you," you smiled in thanks, sitting inside.
he then closed the door behind you, jogging around to get into his side. upon closing the door, he rolled up the sleeves to his beige sweatshirt, a habit of his he did when wanting concentration.
"got your seatbelt on?" mark queried, looking over at you.
after hearing several loud clicks (and an agitated noise from your mouth), he let out an amused chuckle seeing you struggle with the seatbelt, which caught your attention as soon as he began.
"shut up. your stupid, flashy car has crappy seatbelts, mark." you complained.
he didn't respond; mark simply reached over you, pulling the seatbelt with ease and pushing the metal into the buckle.
the close proximity in the small act made your stomach feel funny. he smelt really good up close: too good. the scent comforted you, seeing as it was the one you said you enjoyed the best when he asked last week.
"you got it now?" he asked.
"yeah. just... just drive."
the drive with mark was peaceful; going through the small patch of countryside with the radio gently playing the classics. hearing him gently sing some of the lyrics. watching as his fingers tapped the steering wheel with the rhythm, and how it was exactly on every beat. noticing the pretty veins press against his skin. eyes falling on the pretty mole beneath his jawline, on his neck. the one underneath his eyes, lingering amongst his cheekbone.
such strange thoughts and feelings were apparent.
and in the moments you weren't looking at him, you could feel his brief bursts of looking at your side profile, eyes tracing every shape.
mark pulled up to the diner, smoothly parking in an open spot. it was a new place, one he mentioned before when he talked about going there with his newest group of friends. you hadn't inquired whether they were showing up, now that you had thought about it.
"are your friends here too?" you asked, pulling down the mirror to examine your makeup.
"yeah. why?"
you shrugged, looking at him, "no reason."
you closed the mirror, unbuckling your seatbelt and stepping out.
the diner wasn't awfully busy, much to your relief. you didn't deal with crowds very well, and mark knew that. walking in, it had a cosy atmosphere, and was warmer than what it was outside.
your eyes fell on the table, noticing the bright looks when they saw mark, and the equally happy looks when seeing you.
"mark! what took you so long?" one asked.
"yeah, we've been waiting for like, hours."
"haechan, jungwoo, stop being dramatic, it's been ten minutes."
"guys, this is y/n. my best friend."
your heart panged at your description, which was out of character. however, your expression wouldn't falter from the bright smile you were to give.
"hi." you greeted shyly, and one of them jumped up.
"hi, y/n, i'm jaehyun. i'll introduce you to everybody, don't worry. so, we got..."
jaehyun went through the whole table, then beginning to ramble about how they all became acquainted, causing mark to cut him off before he revealed everybody's origin story and ushered you to sit down.
you didn't sit next to mark; you sat inbetween johnny and jungwoo. they were great guys, so you didn't have a problem with them at all. johnny was a real gentleman, asking if you needed anything whenever he could in a way that wasn't overbearing. jungwoo kept you entertained, you two both discussing subjects you were both surprisingly passionate about.
mark wasn't too far away, which was relieving. he was just on johnny's left.
"so, y/n," one of them piped up, who you knew as haechan. "how long you been friends with mark?"
"uhm, since we were little." you responded.
"we're only friends because she literally saved me this one time when we were kids."
mark then went on to enthusiastically telling the story of how you defended him when this kid was picking on him, and ended up hitting him in the face. you both had been friends ever since. you hid your face in embarrassment when he went into unnecessary detail about how happy he was somebody was that nice to him.
"that's so cute!"
food eventually came around, as well as drinks. it was mostly beer; nothing you couldn't handle. food was just burgers and fries, which was something you found simple yet effective. however your appetite was a little suppressed, which wasn't usually like you.
everybody else was eating and drinking as usual, and you made it a promise you would try to have at least a few bites and a drink at some point. you were unsure if it was your social battery reflecting on the rest of your body or your subconscious poking at you.
mark picked up on it sooner or later, after noticing that your meal was untouched, but you had been through at least one beer. your head was rested on the table, fingers fidgeting with the hem of your dress.
"hey, johnny. swap with me real quick?" he asked.
johnny didn't make any comments, swapping seats. mark soon came into view, and you felt slightly better other than your head spinning. he copied your position.
"everything okay?" he queried.
"mhm. just not hungry."
"that's unlike you."
"i know."
you sighed.
"...you're lying to me."
damn it.
"tell me what's wrong with you. are you bored? do you wanna go home?"
"...why do you always treat me so nicely?" you asked.
unsure of whether if it was your tipsiness or if you were genuinely asking, he froze up a little.
"uhm... because we're best friends, y/n. i care about you." mark responded.
"but i don't wanna be best friends, mark."
mark soon became curious, "why not?"
"because your best friend shouldn't feel weird about you."
"you feel weird about me?"
"...i feel sick." you frowned, arms wrapped around your stomach.
"do you need to go to the bathroom?"
"uh-huh." you nodded.
"alright, uh..."
mark made a way for you to get past and go to the bathroom in about five seconds. he had mentioned something about texting him if you were sick so he could take you home, but you were already speedwalking to the nearest cubicle.
you locked it behind you, the feeling subsiding slightly.
"why do you have to be so awkward?"you groaned to yourself.
you hated it. you hated feeling so weird about him. it wasn't just a now thing. it had been going on for months, and you didn't know what to do, or how to get rid of it.
"hey mark, where did your girlfriend go?" jaehyun teasingly queried, seeing him return.
"shut up, she's not my girlfriend. she just said she felt sick."
"you gonna ask her out?" he asked, resulting in mark almost turning bright red and hushing him adamantly.
"what if she hears you, genius?" mark frowned, sitting back down.
"no but seriously, mark," johnny chimed in. "all you ever do is talk about her. just ask her out."
"it's not that easy, johnny. plus, you're literally a stud. girls fall over eachother to get to you."
after grumbling angrily to yourself for ten minutes, you finally exited the bathroom, hoping you didn't look like you had been reprimanding yourself.
mark somewhat perked up upon seeing you, to whcih you understood as relief. he stood up, approaching you so the others could hear what he was saying.
"you feeling any better?" he asked.
"yeah, just... nerves." you shrugged, playing with your fingers.
your eyes met your cuticles, subtly picking at them as you glanced back over to the table.
mark sighed gently, taking your hands into his own. they were awfully warm against your semi-cold ones, embracing the cooled skin.
"don't do that."
you looked up, heart fluttering in your chest. those same butterflies flooded your stomach, similar to earlier, and you awkwardly retracted your hands with an obvious blush. mark choked back a chuckle as he watched you sit back down, flustered.
"finally, the lovebirds are done." jaehyun commented, making mark look at him so sharply that the eye contact could cut souls.
"anyway, who's down for icecream?" johnny proposed.
everybody cheered like kindergarteners at the request, and fifteen minutes later it had arrived.
mark reclaimed his seat next to you, making sure you got icecream before everybody else did.
"i don't like chocolate," you frowned at him, staring down his vanilla sundae.
"you want some of mine?" he requested.
"please." you begged childishly.
he laughed, spooning a small amount of the flavour into your mouth. you savoured the taste, not even recognising that mark used the same spoon for his own.
"did you eat from the same spoon as me?" you asked.
"yeah. problem?" he queried.
"uh, yeah. dude, we basically just kissed if you think about it."
"you have a problem with that?"
the way he responded was in both a teasing and vulnerable tone, one you hadn't heard from him.
you really didn't mind.
mark's facial expression hadn't faltered, but the redness in his face was a dead giveaway. if you weren't so deadset on keeping the friendship, you would have called it cute.
but it was cute.
mark was really cute.
you couldn't deny it.
"hello? earth to y/n?" mark waved his hand in front of your face, having another spoonful of icecream. "you keep staring at me."
"it's been two minutes. you're melting more than the icecream, dummy."
you fixed your posture.
"no, i'm not."
the hangout finished, meaning mark had to drive the fifteen minutes back to your place, and then the ten back to his. everybody else had left, leaving you and mark at the diner by yourselves. johnny was the last to leave, paying for the food everybody got.
you sat quietly, watching mark say goodbye to everybody.
he was so amiable. so endearing. you wondered how he made it look so easy.
"you okay there?" he asked.
"...i don't know."
"...is it happening again? you remember the techniques, right?"
"mark, i'm not having one."
he looked visibly relieved, "okay. good. so... what's wrong then?"
he seated himself next to you.
"okay, so... you promise you won't be weird with me?"
"be weird with you?" he asked. "y/n, i've never been weird with you."
"i know, i just... i really admire you."
"why thank you."
"but it isn't in a friend way."
"everytime i'm around you, i feel like i'm gonna be sick. but not because i think you're gross. because you do all these nice things for me and..."
"i think that you're... really..."
"really what?"
the nausea in your stomach built up again, your fingers resorting to their habitual picking of their cuticles. you took a shaky deep breath, mark slightly on edge.
"oh, i can't do this."
"can't do what, y/n?" he asked. "did i do something?"
"...i think that i like you."
a silence filled the room.
"i know. i shouldn't have said anything. you probably don't see me as anything past a friend, and that's fine. just... please don't leave it like that. just shut me up and say something."
mark took your left hand in his right, interlocking your fingers. he took you out of the diner, and into his car, driving you home without a word.
it was quiet, deadly quiet. he hadn't turned the radio on as he usually did, and the rhythmic tapping couldn't comfort you like it once did. you felt nauseous again. why wouldn't he talk to you?
mark walked you to the ladder of your old treehouse, and you couldn't take the silent treatment anymore.
"why won't you say any-"
you felt nothing but lips on yours, still as though to ask if it was okay. inexperienced, you experimentally moved your lips against his in the same manner, mark smirking underneath. his hands came up to cup your cheeks, and you melted into the affection.
he was kissing you. and it was warm, and real, and bright. and the world had somehow shifted into technicolour.
well, that was a dramatic way of explaining it, but the euphoria was amazing.
he pulled away, pressing a gentle peck onto your lips when he was done.
"...can i be your boyfriend?" he asked.
your head was buzzing after the kiss, mark stroking your cheek only increasing the fuzziness.
"yes. a million times yes."
he smiled brightly, and it was the purest smile you had ever seen from him.
suddenly, you heard his phone vibrate, and the sudden look of 'oh shit' on his face.
"that's my mom. she's gonna kill me."
"oh. well, go then."
"right, i should- go."
a comforting silence wedged itself between the both of you.
"so... bye, mark." you grinned.
"bye, baby." he kissed you one last time before jogging over to his car with a speed you only ever saw when he was in trouble.
he comically blew a kiss from his window before driving off, the red body vanishing up the street and into the patch of countryside.
"baby. such a sap." you shook your head, biting back a grin as you climbed the ladder back up into your room.
your father must have not caught on, which you were thankful for as your feet hit your carpet. you kicked off your shoes, changing into a sweatshirt and some shorts.
as your body hit your bedsheets, a warm feeling surged through your body.
a name buzzed through your mind at night, omnipresent in your rest.
mark lee.
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Snowed In With You: Chapter One
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Mark Lee x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: You and the boys set off on your road trip to Chenle's cabin, and when you finally arrive, rooms are assigned. Chenle, realizing that there are lot's of things he needs to make this trip perfect, takes some of the boys on a grocery run, leaving you and Mark alone.
Word Count: 1.1K
"Where's my coffee!?" Jaemin whines towards the front of the car, he and I being seated in the last row of the van.
"Here take it! Shut up now." Renjun yells back as he passes the drink to Jisung, who's sitting in between Chenle and Jeno. Jisung then hands it to Jaemin.
Jaemin relaxes in his seat as he begins sipping on his deadly eight-shot americano. He holds the cup with two hands like a baby would a bottle, "Do you want some?" he asks me with wide eyes, angling the cup towards me.
"I'll pass, Jaem. Thanks though." I give him a smile that he returns, happily going back to his drink. Mark chuckles from where he sits on the other side of me.
I sit scrolling through my phone as some Michael Jackson song plays in the background, "The driver gets full aux privileges" Haechan had said when we first got into the car. We've been driving for about two hours now. What Chenle had failed to mention when he was promoting this lovely holiday trip was that his cabin was four hours away from Seoul. Four. Hours. Four hours of listening to Renjun and Haechan's endless bickering from the front seat; four hours of listening to Chenle and Jisung's bickering from the second row; and four hours of Jaemin resting his head on my shoulder, babbling on about anything and everything as he experiences his caffeine high. Occasionally reaching in front of him to bother Jeno, who's sitting quietly, playing a mobile game.
Suddenly curious, I peek next to me at Mark's phone, wanting to see what his car ride pastime is. He's typing something, it appears to be a poem of some sort, but before I can read it, he's closing the tab and going to scroll though his Instagram. My eyes quickly move back to my own phone screen, worried that he might've caught me snooping. The way that he leans closer to me and cocks his head as he looks at my phone screen lets me know that he did, "Sorry," I say softly, my embarrassment clear.
"Don't be, you're totally fine. Some people just can't control their nosiness, you know my friend Johnny is like that." Mark gives me a teasing smile, his playfulness clear on his face. I scrunch my nose as I look away from him, busying myself with something else.
"I love the smell of money!" Renjun says as we enter the Zhong cabin. High ceilings, with windows that reach them all the way from the floor; huge leather couches; a perisan silk rug that certainly cost more than my rent. The thought of spilling something on any of the furniture here terrifies me. I halfway expect a maid to come out of the shadows, accompanied by bellhops offering to take our luggage to our rooms.
"Me too!" Haechan chimes in as he drops his bags and launches himself onto the couch.
"I'm glad you guys like it," Chenle says as if there was any doubt in his mind. How could anyone dislike this? "There's four rooms down here and three upstairs. Y/N will have her own room of course, so one of you guys will have to share." Chenle explains.
"How about you and Jisung share?" Jeno offers. Renjun and Haechan nod their heads at that.
"You know I like the way you think." Renjun says, squeezing Jeno's shoulders.
"If you think his brain's so sexy then you guys can share a room." Jisung replies.
"I second that notion. I'm obviously getting my own room, seeing that it's my cabin and all."
"And so it was written," Mark says, "I call upstairs."
A view hours have passed since we've gotten here, and we have all been unpacked. Haechan and Renjun & Jeno taking the other rooms upstairs, while Chenle, Jisung, Jaemin, and I take the ones downstairs.
My room is massive, far too big to be occupied by just one person. The thought of this house being empty for most of the year is insane, if I was Chenle, I'd convince my family to rent it out during the year.
"Are there any streamers here?" Chenle yells from down the hall, I peek out of my room to see him rummaging through the shelves of the hall closet.
"I love how you're asking us when this is your house," Renjun yells from the living room.
"Shouldn't you know what's in your own house, Chenle?" Jisung adds.
"You should really know what's in the house and what's not before just you go around inviting people," Haechan scuffs loudly as if Chenle has just asked the most ridiculous question in the world.
"Why are you guys attacking him like that, stop it" Mark laughs as he comes down the stairs.
"They're so mean to me Mark, do you see how they treat me?" Chenle puts on a huge pout, sniffling dramatically.
"Aww, poor baby," Jeno says as he comes over to Chenle and rests his head on his chest, "It's gonna be okay, we'll get you some streamers. Anything else you need?"
Chenle wanted to have two parties over the course of this trip: one for Christmas, and one for New Years. And yet he made no arrangements to get any decorations beforehand.
"Cookie mix, snacks, confetti canons, and all the things for Christmas dinner," Chenle lists off his holiday necessities.
"I need markers, " Renjun yells.
"I want ice cream" says Jaemin as if it isn't 30°F outside.
Everyone's head snaps to Jisung. "You came on a ski trip without having skis?" I ask him.
"I didn't know what kind to get," He defends.
"Well I'm only getting the things that I need, so anything extra you'll have to get yourselves. I'm leaving in five." Chenle goes to living room to retrieve his coat and hat before making his way towards the door.
"Wait for me!" Jisung says.
"Me too." Renjun adds.
Jaemin grabs Jeno's hand and leads him out the door with him, despite Jeno not expressing need for anything. Haechan gets up from where he sits on the couch as well.
"Haechan, where are you going?" Mark asks.
"I want an adventure," Haechan spreads his arms out as he walks out the door, closing it behind him.
"Guess it's just us, then," Mark sits down where Haechan was previously sat and looks over at me.
"Yep, just us..." I cross my hands behind my back as I look back at him, rocking back and forth on the balls of my feet. We stare at each other for a moment, neither of us quite knowing what to do next. We both seem so cautious for some reason.
All of a sudden, Mark breaks the eye contact, and I can't tell if that makes things more or less awkward. He turns on the TV and flips through the stations a bit before deciding that nothing better was on than the evening news, "I'm sure they won't be gone long."
Prologue ⇐ ➠ Chapter 2
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Taglist: @brownsugarbaybee @chardonnayyyy @spaghetti-oh-nos @postapocalypsebabe @sfsrm-blog @bundleleeknow @inkathie @shiningdery @jaeveil @sky-nnyyy @stanner-of-many
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luvyeni · 4 months
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— cw. sexting, meantions of cheating ( jokes ), kms joke
authors note. it's been a while since i did a texting reaction , so here i am,, enjoy 💕!
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©️LUVYENI. 2023
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23lvrs · 3 months
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nct dream nsfw twt links
dream x reader 18+
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mark sees you as his little puppy because you always listen to what he tells you to do so when he told you to take everything off and go on his lap you obviously obeyed
renjun and you were pretty close so you guys always made jokes with each other but one day you told him he was small and he could think of one way to prove you wrong and shut you up
jeno is known as one of the best tutors in your area so when you asked him to help you with anatomy you didn’t know he would be so detailed
haechan knows how obsessed you are with his fingers especially when they’re in you so when you’re having a pretty difficult day he knows how to cheer up his baby
jaemin is known by everyone for being a silly but super sweet person but when he’s in bed he’s completely different and you love it
chenle was trying so hard to focus on his studies but you made it so difficult walking around the house looking like that he had to give you what you wanted so you could stop
jisung and you have been fwb for 2 years he’s honestly the best guy you’ve slept with so you’re constantly going to him although he wishes you guys could become more than just fwb he still satisfies you
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a/n: first post after months i missed you guys😭 happy new year everyone!!
masterlist for more of my work twitter for extra & early content
likes, cmts & shares appreciated :)
venmo me here or cash app me here if you’d like to support me or my work
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hcsarchive · 4 months
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nct dream (hint of the boyz)
details ␥ fem!reader x boxer!jaemin (ft. haechan)
genre ␥ smut with a plot, fluff?, lil angst +
━ after getting cheated on, you get invited to an underground boxing match but you stumble into some dangerous territory and that’s where things take a turn.
warnings ➠ explicit language, drugs, alcohol, overstimulation, flirty banter, praise kink, threesomes, corruption kink, fingering, dry humping, knives, rope bunny, blood, cheating, violence, and if there is more please let me know. *some may not be included in all parts*
!!these characters are completely fiction and do no represent the idol!!
Hope you enjoy my first piece of writing! This has been sitting in my drafts for over a year and i finally decided to post it.
part two
You and your boyfriend Sunwoo are on the couch watching a movie until his phone goes off. “babe I have to get going, chanhee will be here soon” he kisses your cheek and he leaves since he was already dressed before you even arrived.
Recently every night before your Friday night shift, you seem to notice he leaves at the same time and uses the same excuses to leave. Of course, you want to hang out with your best friend but you also want to be with him. You hardly get the chance to spend time together and the only time you see one another is after classes and twice a week which is not enough.
You watch him from the corner of your eyes as he gets ready to leave. Where is he going and why isn’t he telling you? Tears start forming around your eyes but holding them until he leaves is the best option. Speaking up about what is hurting you isn’t the easiest to do.
You are tired of Sunwoo throwing you around. He was the perfect boyfriend up until recently he started to be weird and his anger was getting unmanageable. One wrong thing you’ll say and he will start blaming you for everything which made you mad because you tried your best to be good to him.
Sunwoo hated seeing you cry, it angered him….
The door opens and Chanhee spots you crying once again. “Sunwoo again,” he says while rolling his eyes and dropping his bag on the floor. “Come here y/n” he pets your head as you’re crying.
“He left again and I didn’t even get the chance to say anything. Do you know where he goes” you look up at him and he nods no.
“Next Friday is our 6 month anniversary and if he leaves again we are over. I can’t hold on any longer I’m sorry” Both of you stay there in silence while tears fall down your eyes.
“I’m tired of seeing you hurt, do what is best for you and the rest I can take care of” Chanhee wipes your tears and stands up to get you a glass of water.
Two figures come in and Chanhee shoos them away. “Whyyyy we want to spend time with y/n too” Hyunjae screams “y/n tell your bff to stop hogging you” Jacob joins in. You laugh at the tiny blue-haired boy trying to push two buff men out of the living room.
“Chanhee it’s ok I’m fine now,” you say standing up and walking towards them.
“Did Sunwoo leave already? He was supposed to carpool with us” Hyunjae furrows his eyebrows. Chanhee looks at you and with that look, you already know what to do.
“He didn’t mention he was going with you guys” chanhee starts.
“Did he say anything to you?” Jacob points at you.
“Nope he just received a text and told me he has to go” you respond. 
“Weird…do any of you want to come instead?” Hyunjae whips out 3 tickets.
Chanhee takes them and smirks because he did overhear his roommate say something about this  the other day “I’ll pass- take y/n instead, I can cover your shift”
You grab the tickets and it’s a ticket with an unrecognizable location on it. The back has a bunch of little letters that state some sort of agreement.
“Where is this?” You ask.
“It’s an underground boxing show. They have these huge matches and two of the famous boxers are fighting tonight which would be a huge cash price” Jacob nudges you “wanna come”
“Yeah, I’m down. Can I get ready? I have a couple things here already”
“Sure we still have time” Hyunjae looks at Jacob then you.
“awesome” you grab your bag and hug Chanhee goodbye because he is already heading to his room.
“call me if anything happens ok” you both do thumbs up and then you go to sunwoo room to get ready.
*on the way to the match*
You play with your nails nervously because you are still a bit sad about earlier. The boys drive off the road and drive through a concrete tunnel with graffiti all over with glowing red tape which you assume is a symbol. For about 10 minutes of driving through a dirt road, you see loads of trees.
Jacob hands the keys to the valet parking worker and parks his car somewhere. You follow them through another dirt pathway which is lined up with a few securities.
"How did you even find this place," you ask.
"Our trainer transferred here, so he can start working here full time. Supposedly Sunwoo was offered a spot here which I am not surprised because he is a great fighter" Jacob said.
"Oh" is all you can say. The weight off of your shoulder left after hearing that. Of course, you don't like the idea of him getting hurt while boxing but you also were relieved that you finally know what he has been doing.
For now, you just want to have fun since you hardly have time to do anything different around here. You see a gray building and small windows at the top with loads of lights.
The men at the entrance take tickets and they make everyone sign papers while being metal detected. The building is filled with thousands of people and the building was definitely soundproof because you could not hear the amount of talking outside.
You sit in between both of them and look around at everything. The whole place looks like a concert arena, just this one smells like a mix of all sorts of drugs, alcohol, and sweaty men. Your eyes land on the line of girls dressed in provocative costumes and beautiful hair, topped with glittery makeup. You were amazed at how confident they all looked.
The first pair of fighters start and Jacob gasps "It's Lee Jeno he is the second-best boxer in the history of dungeon boxing."
"Who is the first?" You wonder while looking at how fast he is throwing and dodging punches.
"Na Jaemin, this new generation is beating all of the past generation records. Those two together will whip out everyone in here" blood streams down the other opponent's mouth while Jeno’s hand is raised up.
 Lee Jeno wins which makes everyone chant his name while he puffs his chest and throws his fists up for everyone to chant even louder.
More people fight and you have the urge to go to the bathroom. Both of them look very concentrated “I’m going to the bathroom real quick” you say to Jacob.
“I can take you, the best match is at the end,” he says standing up right away but someone behind us yells at us to sit down.
“It’s fine I’ll go on my own I see the bathroom sign” you lie and leave towards a random door before he gets the chance to react.
There were so many people in the pathway that you had to push through as politely as possible but someone bumps into you which makes you bump into this couple towards the back wall. You apologize regardless of them paying attention to you since they were making out.
You felt the back of the jacket being pulled back aggressively once you turned around. “Why the fuck did you bump into us you dirty bitch” you were met with some angry girl’s eyes but then your boyfriend’s?
Her body is still pressed against his. “Pathetic” you grab the girl's arm off and throw it down with all your force.
You pass through two security guards and through the gray doors. It's another door but it’s locked. You were already hysterically crying and trying to twist the door with blurry teary eyes. The security guards just stare.
A couple seconds later the door opens and it’s two other males with clipboards and suits on. “Why were you trying to open the door,” the short one says.
“I was trying to go to the bathroom and this was the nearest door I saw,” You say.
“Where’s your ticket,” the other says.
“I don’t have it with me it’s-“ they cut you off again.
“Ok so not only don’t you have a ticket but you went through the VIP area and passed security to a door you aren’t even supposed to see”
The back doors that you just went into, opened. It was Sunwoo and the girl. “Oh look it’s the little lost girl who harassed us,” she says.
“Do you guys know her?” the short one asked them. Your teary eyes meet Sunwoo’s but he is avoiding your eyes. “Obviously not! why is she even here” she smacks her gum even more.
“Look I wasn’t looking for trouble I just want to know where the restroom is and move on with my day” tears stream down your cheeks on how frustrated you feel.
“Fine I’ll take you to our bathrooms but this is a one-time thing because-'' the short one was about to talk but the girl cut him off.
“Don’t let her in, she is probably undercover investigating us. Treat her like the rest of them” she says.
You were tired of standing there, you were trying to leave without saying anything or else you would start uncomfortably sobbing. “Jisung grab her” before you can even think, you feel a pair of arms lift you up.
“Put me down. Why am i- Can I at least let my friends know where I’m going”
They didn’t respond and all you saw was sunwoo at the end of the hallway walking into another room. You are too stunned to even be hurt about it. As you pass the many gray doors with numbers on them you start to feel sick.
He stops in front of room 07 and it’s the biggest door in the hallway. They both scan their faces then the door opens. After those doors, there are glass sliding doors. Again they scan their face and get a finger scan “Put your belongings in this bin and take off any layers” you take off your bag, shoes, and jacket.
You are left in your dress. The sliding doors open to reveal an elevator. You never expect such a trashy building on the outside to have these things like this on the inside. As you guys are going up, you notice how good-looking they are. “Do not look at us, look at the wall” Renjun says getting out his taser.
“Renjun relax” Jisung says, you laugh then Renjun puts away his taser and says sorry.
“He has trust issues, don't take it personally. We are just dragging you here or else Jia will complain to Haechan and we all hate her” Jisung explains.
“Why do you guys keep her then?” you ask.
“The crowd loves her and we don’t want to look for another person to replace since it’s a whole process. Plus she’s crazy” Jisung says.
“Stop talking to her until we investigate. You’re saying too many names and too much information” Renjun eyes you every three seconds while typing away on his phone. You had no idea who they were, what they did, but you know this is getting serious.
“We will have to keep her here for a month just to make sure she doesn’t say anything” another guy appears with a black silky button-up and dress pants as soon as the elevator doors open.
Your mouth dries up not only because of what he said but how he looks. His eyes are staring at you intensely up and down. 
“We haven’t investigated her yet” Jisung says since Renjun also seems to be confused. 
“No need. I found her right away and although she is not connected to anyone, she is dating the dude that has been seeing one of our show girls so that is a little suspicious. Explain why you are trying to get in and how you even got here.” Haechan questions you.
“I was trying to get out. There is no way I am staying here! i have a job and i’m a student” you try to turn around to leave but he pulls you back. 
"Do not make another move until I say so. I know your weaknesses sweetheart or should i say [your username] " meaning he probably looked through everything you have done online and you catch on to what he means. You don't move but he leans into you "go it" he whispers into your ear and you nod yes.
"Words sweetheart".
"got it" you respond.
"So now you are mocking me" he smirks and towers over you. His tie dangles over your face as you look up at him.
"Renjun, Jisung you guys are good to go now. Make sure Jaemin is prepared. Do not let anyone enter until I say so, including you guys. We will have a meeting about this one later”
"I have a name" he shoves two fingers into your mouth. "You are not aware of what I am capable of doing and who I am so do not even think about talking back to me"
You start to heat up by the way he is speaking to you because he basically knows more than anyone if he got your laptop information. You want him to get even angry at you, so you suck on his finger that is pointing at you and swirl your tongue around. He hovers over you and shoves his fingers deeper into your throat. "Stand up" he lifts his fingers with you attached to them and releases his fingers out of your mouth. You just got cheated on so the most you can do is live up to your fantasies.
Haechan smirks at you then looks where you were seated. You left a small puddle of your wetness. "Now that you have done your little show...it is time for your punishment" he sits down and pulls you to sit on his lap.
He takes off his tie and puts it over your eyes, you hear his belt come off and he buckles it onto your mouth. "Since you don't listen when I tell you not to speak or move" he spanks your ass "once you step into my office you have to obey me pretty girl" his hands grip your hips.
You start to move your hips against his thigh. You cannot stand the heat pulsing through your soaking core. He grips you harder and speeds your movements, moans start pouring through the belt.
"Who knew a person like you would be this desperate that fast. Exactly who I have been looking for but you bark back and I do not like that. You know what bad girls like you get" you nod your head no furiously so he can do something other than guiding you through his clothed thigh.
He demands you to get on all fours on top of the couch. Haechan unzips your dress and unclasps your bra. The belt from your mouth is removed and it is covered in saliva. The belt comes in contact with your ass which releases a couple fluids that are now dripping down your thighs so you cross your legs for some sort of friction. "What part of do not move do you not understand" he grabs both of your hands and belts your wrist. Your face is now smashed into the couch. 
"What do you fucking earn from edging me this long. Look at your fucking pants just whip it out for fucks sake, you are-"
"Shut the fuck up" he puts his knee between your legs and starts rubbing it around. "You need to learn how to keep that mouth shut" he shoved his knee further and pressured more. Your plan trying to hold back the screams fails.
He has a rope in his hands and you smirk "fuck" he rolls his eyes and starts to tie your hands then wraps it around your chest and stomach. Haechan tightens it even more in your thighs and brings the ends of ropes to your ankles.
He was about to put the rest around your mouth but you looked at haechan with lust. His face is spotted with moles and his eyes are framed with beautiful lashes. "You are pretty you know that" he looks at you in the eyes with anger but lust. "Do not sweet talk me"
"Are you going to kill me? you can at least make me cu-" he shoves a gag in your mouth and ties it. Your hair was pulled back by his hands and you looked up at him. He kneels down to be eye level with you "why aren't you scared of me?” 
authors note :)
I hope you enjoyed the first part! this is my first time writing these types of things or in general so hopefully, I improve further on. If you have the time please leave some feedback it would mean a lot.
Thank you for reading <3
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boiohboii · 9 months
2 tropes in 1 story
(Lance Stroll x Mark Lee's sister!reader)
Kpop and formula one, not something many people would guess would be related, but when a girl related to two of the most known names of each brings the world together fans are introduced to 2 troupes of love
in which Mark Lee and Lance Stroll are connected to same girl: one is her brother while the other is her boyfriend
N.B: for anyone that doesn't know who mark lee is, he is a kpop idol born in Canada, he is in the group NCT. This is just a small smau for fun as I fell down the Lance rabbit hole lately, hope you like it! WARNINGS: not proof read, a bit of a mess... I think that's it? If I missed anything please let me know!
Faceclaim: Haewon from Nmixx
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onyourm__ark has added a new story
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caption: make way for 18!!💥💥
tagged: @.readysety__n
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Liked by doO_nct, realstraykids, lance_stroll and 2,716,523 others
onyourm__ark: such a great weekend with the most amazing people. Thanks man @.lance_stroll
tagged: lance_stroll, mickschumacher, readysety__n
lance_stroll: it had been a while, missed you tons man
username: this is so wild
username: what is going on in the house of commons
mickschumacher: so glad you could make it man! It was great seeing you again, also very happy to have met you @.readysety__n, you're so lovely!!
lance_stroll: 🤺🤺
lance_stroll: no!
readysety_n: it was great meeting you @.mickschumacher, we definitely need to meet up more!
lance_stroll: yn no! You're mine!
username: Ayooo lance!
username: wtf!
username: is that the confirmation?!?!!!
username: Holy shit!!
onyourm__ark: dude!!! @.lance_stroll
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Liked by lancefan, ynmyqueen, leesiblings and 45,618 others
YNLEEUPDATES: rumored boyfriend and f1 driver, Lance Stroll, was seen today in a cafe yn was working in in SK (it was for helping NCT Dream shoot something, she often joins her brother and his bandmates in filming vlogs and stuff but her face is mostly blurred out)
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Liked by onyourm__ark, lance_stroll, p1baby and 819,072 others
readysety_n: listen, I am all for my boyfriend and my brother being friends, but how do I get to third wheel ON THE BEACH!
onyourm__ark: just say you're jealous of our bond and go 💀
lance_stroll: no baby, you'll always be my number 1
onyourm__ark: dude! I thought we had a deal!
lance_stroll: I take it back
readysety__n: haha!! Eat it markyy!
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Liked by F1wags&faves, markleeupdates, ynislanadelraycoded and 51,738 others
LanceStroll_updates: Lance seen this week out and about with yn after finishing this season. Would Lance come in the 2024 season with a girlfriend?
username: yeah, no shit sherlock
username: man literally said you're mine in a public insta post 8 months ago 💀
username: I am speechless, how can someone be so dumb
username: they are obviously dating
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unique-high · 7 months
Hi love 💕 I would like to request a fic where y/n gets pregnant and Mark from NCT is just so soft and loving and just completely takes care of her. Btw thank you for writing all genres for us black girls and making us feel loved and seen 🥺🤍
My baby is having a baby | Mark Lee x blk fem reader
word count: 847
sorry for any mistakes.
Note: Omg I love this! Thank you so much for requesting. And awe you're welcome. 😭 I just want black girls to have nice things too. 🥹
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Mark: He loves your little round belly. He couldn’t keep his hands off you, always touching your belly and caressing it. One of the things Mark loves to do is lay his head on your belly and talk to the baby. He was amazed at how you and he created another human being and how it was growing inside you each day. “I want another baby,” Mark says one night in bed as he’s rubbing cocoa butter onto your stretch marks. You laughed at him saying, “We haven’t had the first baby yet, Mark.”   Your boyfriend smiles a little saying, “I mean after this little one.”
Mark: Ever since becoming pregnant, you hadn’t felt your prettiest with the stretch marks and the gained weight and how your body was changing. But Mark loves your body even more now that you're carrying his child. One morning you cried because you couldn’t fit into your favorite pair of jeans anymore saying how fat you had gotten. Mark pulls you into a hug, kissing the top of your head, his hands gently running up and down your sides as he speaks to you in the softest voice ever. “Hey.” Mark says, “When can get you another pair of jeans.”   You shake your head pouting into his chest. “I want these jeans!”      Mark's hands were still moving up and down your sides. “Okay, love we can get another pair of jeans like those.” 
Mark: Before your stomach got bigger and rounder. You would wear Mark's hoodies all the time because they smelt like him. But now the hoodies wouldn’t go past your belly. You cried to Mark about it. So one day he went to the store and bought some larger hoodies. He wore them first leaving his scent and favourite cologne behind. He gives them to you. “You do too much for me.”  You say as you put on one of the hoodies.   Mark cups your face, he's smiling. “You deserve it, baby.” 
Mark: Being pregnant, you ate a lot and craved the strangest of things in the middle of the night. Like tonight, you craved pickles and chocolate sauce again. You wake up Mark, feeling a little bad about it. But he doesn't mind at all. “What is it, Y/n?” he asks you, voice groggy, as he rubs sleep from his eyes.     “I'm hungry.”   You pout. Mark nods, gets out of bed, slips on his slippers, and grabs his car keys and wallet. “Prickles and Chocolate sauce, right?” He asks with a yawn.
Mark: Today you and Mark were going to the autumn festival. It's been hard for you to put on your own shoes and tie them since your belly was in the way. You sat on the little stool near the front door. Mark was kneeling down at your feet, slipping your socks on you, and then putting your shoes on you and tying them nicely. “Mark~ I don't deserve you.”  You say.     “But you do deserve me,” Mark says as he reaches up, bopping your cute nose, making you giggle.
Mark: He's in love with every version of you. But his two favorite versions of you are when you're sleeping and when you're smiling and dancing around. Now you're pregnant. This version of you was going to be just as special. On the days when you worry about being a bad mommy.  Mark gently scolds you saying, “Ah, don't say something that's not true. You're going to be an amazing mother. Don't think that way.” He then wraps you in a comforting hug, pecking your face with sweet little kisses and telling you how much he loves you with each kiss. 
Mark: Sometimes you're exhausted because of your pregnancy so you can’t do things you wanted to like during your hair. And Mark knew how you liked keeping your hair done. He’d watch a bunch of YouTube videos and even took classes on how to do black hair so he could help make things easy for you. It’s raining outside. The soft flow of Neo Soul plays from a Bluetooth speaker, you sat between Mark’s legs as he did your hair into two strand twist. “You really didn’t have to do this for me.” You say.   Mark puts some product on your hair. “But I wanted to, Y/n.”    You couldn’t help but smile and feel warm all over. Mark was the best guy you ever had been with and you were so grateful to be having a child with him.
Mark: He couldn't wait to see who the baby would resemble. “I really hope the baby has your nose and eyes. I really love your nose and eyes.” Mark says as he's helping you with nesting.   “I hope our little one has your smile! Like that would be the cutest thing ever.” You said gushing. You loved Mark's smile a lot. You will never forget that big excited smile on his face when you told him you were pregnant.  He picked you up and twirled you around the bedroom, saying, “My baby is having a baby!” 
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majestichyuk · 7 months
Just the norm
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Pairing :- Mark Lee x Fem!reader
Summary :- Just some college kids being college kids.
Genre :- College students, comedy (because I’m nice like that), text messages, fluff (you tell me), acquaintances to friends, flirty-ish, ass whooping, cringe alert (sry)
Wc :- 1.3k 
WARNING :- cursing. It’s never a peaceful day with the haechan & renjun, reader wanted the smoke, and jeno just being the peacemaker because he can. 
Notes :- THANK YOU FOR 100 NOTES ON MY LATEST BOOK kutabare starring Jeno T-T. I WROTE THIS, sry i wrote this in the spawn of the moment because why not, you either enjoy it or you don’t, but once again thank you for the love, don't be afraid to talk with me and send in some ask, I’m open. But anyways enjoy my crack cringe short story, LIKE, FOLLOW & REBLOG. 
“HAECHAN, GIVE IT BACK!,” you yelled as you leap forward to grab the nuisance by his light brown hair.
“Bring back what?!” Haechan asked as he stood on the other side of the table. “I have nothing that belongs to you,” 
“Haecha- ugh, RENJUN!” you called out to Renjun who’s busied himself with his phone on the other side of the classroom, with his legs crossed elegantly. “Haechan give her back whatever you stole from her,” Renjun ordered as he kept his attention on his phone.
Haechan snarled at you as he handed you back your phone, and pouted as he plopped himself at his desk.
“I always knew you were a lil bitch,” you stick your tongue out playfully at Haechan as you took your phone from his hands. 
“What'd you say you strumpet-” he was interrupted as Jeno entered the classroom.
“What’s with all the noise I was hearing outside?” Jeno questioned as he placed his barrel bag on your desk. “You two fighting again?” Jeno looked at both you and Haechan unimpressed.
“They’ve been at each other throats since this mornin-” Renjun was the second victim of being interrupted by someone.  
“There wouldn’t have been an issue today if he wouldn’t stick his nose out in other people's busine-” Haechan interrupted you as he jumped out of his seat, slamming both of his palms on your desk startling Jeno.
“Well, I’m sorry for wanting to know who has my dearest friend all smiley and shit!” He nearly gagged at the scene he witnessed this morning. “Who possessed you, babe?” Haechan looked at you worriedly as he reached out to check your temperature.
“Renjun whatcha doing after school?,” Jeno peered over you and Haechan getting into a brawl, completely ignoring you two as if it was a normal day.
“Mark asked me to help him with something so I’m probably going to his house,” Renjun told Jeno as he went into his bag searching for a snack. You halted yourself as you let go of Haechan’s neck, dusting your pants as you got up from the floor, kicking him in his ass before you walk over to Renjun.
“Want me to tag along, Junnie?” You sat on Renjun’s table and tried to muster your most irresistible puppy eyes.
“Look who’s the little bitc-” Haechan got slapped at the back of the head by Jeno as he struggled to get up from the floor. 
Renjun put his attention back on you. “Why you wanna tag along, don’t you have somewhere to be after school,” Renjun asks pushing more of a reaction out of you, even though he has an idea of your motives to join him and Mark.
“Well.. not anymore, I don’t really have to be there, the team will do fine without me for one day,” you reassure him, even though you’re kind of rethinking if your basketball team has that level of independence.
“They’ll be fine,” You brushed him off as you took a bite of the snack he handed to you.
“So who were you messaging this morning to have Haechan nearly puke everywhere?” Renjun questioned you as if he didn’t know.
“No one really,” You stuffed a handful of the chips in your mouth. “Jst marlk,” you were able to get out, thinking no one would be able to understand. Until.
“MARK? MARK FUCKING LEE,” Haechan pushed Renjun out of his seat as he planted himself in front of you in Renjun's abandoned chair. “Lee Minhyung has you smiling like that?!,” Haechan looks at you in concern and disgust.
“What’s so wrong with Mark?” Jeno joined in as he held Renjun back from pouncing on Haechan. “Calm down Renjun, calm down,” He gently stroked Renjun's hair and went over to flick Haechan’s forehead.
“Well for starters,” Haechan rubbed his red forehead. “He’s a total wimp that just smells bad and too uptight, AND HE CHEATS!” 
“You’re just mad because he beat you in badminton,” Renjun rolled his eyes whilst taking a seat next to you on his desk. 
“And because he beat you in Mario cart,” Jeno added as he propped by the window.
“And because he-” you stopped speaking when Haechan started to dramatically flop in his chair.
“Okay! Okay, I get it, I’m a jealous trainwreck, I can't help my competitiveness” he pulled out his white handkerchief and surrendered. Everyone chuckled at him until their attention was taken by the devil himself.
“Hey Mark,” Jeno got up and bro hugged Mark who reluctantly accepted the gesture.
“Hey,” Mark muttered looking quite tired as he went to take his seat at the back of the class. 
“You see what I mean? A total wimp, didn’t even greet us” Haechan loudly whispered as he watched Mark place his headphones on his head. Jeno went over the speak with Mark, leaving Haechan to ramble.
“I don’t think you should be talking considering your mom has to wash your underwear at your big age, and he looks tired” You retorted, gazing at Jeno and Mark wondering what Jeno was talking about.
“Well since you’re obviously so smitten by him why don’t you go over and talk with him?” Haechan challenges you as he looks at you expectedly. 
Renjun brushed him off “You didn’t have the balls to talk to youR crush face to face, all I saw was shriveled nuts,”. You burst out in laughter gaining the attention of the two boys at the back.
“You know what I’m not even going to waste my time with you,” Haechan glared at Renjun. 
“The only action you’re getting is from that hole in your pillow, you prude,” Haechan spat out as Renjun gasped at his words.
 “It wouldn’t be that way if you’d let your mom visit me mor- AH!” Renjun got up from his desk and ran towards the classroom door with Haechan trailing behind him screaming how he’d skin him alive. 
You sat there with your arms crossed, knowing after they’d had their little fight they’d probably leave the compound goofing around to only return until their next class. You watch as Jeno and Mark are still in deep conversation about god knows what, so you get up go back to your table, and take out your phone preparing to play a mobile game until lunch is finished. 
After five minutes of playing Roblox, you see you got a text from someone.
Marknificent 🦹: So no greetings when I arrived?
You quickly open the message, instantly thinking back and realizing you indeed didn't greet him, not that it was unpurpose.
You: I should be asking you the same thing 🤨
Marknificent 🦹: Touche
Marknificent 🦹: What ya doing?
You looked behind you to see him still engaging in conversation with Jeno, well he’s mostly listening but anyway.
You: I’m actually on the toilet 💀
You: Taking a fat shit
Marknificent 🦹: ew wft dude 😭 😂
Marknificent 🦹: Well I’m popping a huge pimple on my ass rn 
You let out a snorted laugh to look back and see Mark looking away from Jeno, smiling trying to hold his laughter.
You: Are you having a serious conversation rn?
Marknificent 🦹: Yes 🧍🏻
You: So why are you texting me?
Marknificent 🦹: Well I’ve noticed we don’t really talk much in person because we’re always interrupted, so why not cheat the system?
 You: That’s not nice bro ☠️
Marknificent 🦹: He’s too deep in his story to even notice
Marknificent 🦹: Plus ima pro at multitaskin, no lies detected.
You: Im intrigued 
Marknificent 🦹: Well I asked renjun to help me with something at my place
Marknificent 🦹: You could tag along and 
Marknificent 🦹: MAYBE, i’ll show you first hand (pun intended)
You: what was the joke? 💀
You: Boy-
You: what ya mean by that? 😏
Marknificent 🦹: I shall not tell ☝️
Marknificent 🦹: You have to be there to find out 🧍🏻
You: Aaaaand what if I’m not there Mark lee
Marknificent 🦹: Well Albert, Ig you’ll never know
You: Albert 🧍‍♀️, really? 👩‍🦯
You logged out
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whiteteadreams · 2 years
can i request a mark jeno jaemin haechan x innocent y/n fivesome 🙏🏻
If 3's a Crowd, Then Add 2
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Paring: Bsf!Mark x Bsf!Reader, Mark, Jaemin, Jeno, Haechan x Innocent!Reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Genre: Smut, barely any plot, some fluff between Mark and reader
Warnings: Smut, Mature language/cursing, Haechan is meanest one, mark feels bad but doesn't, pet names, fluff, not 100% proofread, mentions of past jaehyun x reader
Smut Warnings: Fivesome, reader gets used for the guys' pleasure, degradation, uh... misuse of a shoe..., reader gets called stupid and dumb, unprotected sex, oral (m receiving), handjobs, some manhandling, dry humping, let me know if I missed anything.
an- hi!! i made a fic sorta similar to this but it didn't have haechan and mark involved, i hope it's different enough and you enjoy the drabble! thank you sm for requesting!
“I want to fuck her, so bad.” Haechan spoke up, it had been quiet in the room since you went back to your own apartment. Hums of agreement were heard from Jeno and Jaemin who he was between on the couch. The person on the loveseat however made a sound of disgust. He was missing the warmth of your body that was next to him.
The other boys all complained, “So you’re saying you’ve never thought about hitting that?” “Have you seen that ass? Or her tits? Fuck man, even her mouth. I wanna see her cry so bad.” “I’d do anything to fuck her.” The three on the couch were all making provocative gestures and comments about you, and it made Mark feel sick. He refused to say that he wholeheartedly agreed with every single one of them though. Well, maybe not wholeheartedly, these thoughts and feelings weren’t coming from his heart.
“You guys are so gross; she’s been my best friend since elementary school. I don’t even know if she’s had sex before, let alone what you guys are wanting to do to her.” The room fell silent again, but it didn’t last long.
Haechan, Jeno, and Jaemin all shot up, Haechan being first, of course he wouldn’t miss a beat. “You’re saying she’s a virgin?!” Mark started rubbing his temples as question after question was thrown at him. “I don’t know if she’s a virgin, we’ve just told each other everything and sex never came up on her side of the conversation. She’s shy when it comes to that thing, so it is a possibility she just didn’t tell me, she dated this upperclassmen guy named Jaehyun for a while.” The younger boys sat back down and leaned their elbows on their knees, interested in anything about your personal life.
“Continue please.” Jeno motioned with his hand. Mark felt the guilt bubble in his chest and stomach as he opened his mouth to continue sharing your life with his eager friends. “Well, Jaehyun was a bit of a player, she was a sophomore at the time, and he was a senior, they had one class together and it was some cooking class, and they were station partners. He asked her out and all of Y/n and I’s mutual friends told her not to say yes, but the popular dude showed interest in her, and her being her, she said yes.” Not wanting to go on, he stopped talking and looked at the couch, hoping its occupants would be satisfied, but of course, they weren’t anywhere near that.
Taking a deep breath in, Mark starting again, “Jaehyun was known for sleeping around a bit, and no one thought him and Y/n would last, but they did, for two years too. That’s why I’m not sure if she’s a virgin of not, with how long her and Jaehyun were dating, I’d be surprised if she was. She doesn’t seem like the type to be adventurous though, so if her and Jaehyun did have sex, it was probably very vanilla.”
Jaemin, hasn’t said much but it was obvious he was just as excited as the everyone else in the room. “Why don���t you call her back here Mark? Tell her she forgot something.” Heads turned towards the boy on the loveseat, and it was like three devils cornering an angel. Haechan smiled, “Yean Mark, c’mon give Y/n a call.”
Mark wanted to, he really, really wanted to and one of the nagging voices in his head was telling him to take his phone out and at the same time, the other voice was reminding him that you’re his best friend, his innocent best friend. The voice he imagined with little horns overpowered the one with the halo. Reaching behind him, he grabbed his phone from his pocket and went to your contact.
There were only a few seconds of hesitation before he clicked the call button, of course there were only a couple rings until he heard your somehow confused yet cheery voice. “Hello Mark? Is everything okay?” Haechan held his hand flat with the palm side up and used his other hand to point at it while mouthing, “Speaker, put it on speaker!”
Although he rolled his eyes, Mark obliged. “Yeah, uh, everything is fine. You just, you just forgot something.” His cheeks were as red as can be, he felt warm too.
The way you immediately took his word for it instead of asking him what you had forgotten made the guilt within him bubble up in his chest. He felt worse knowing how much you trusted him, and he was leading you into this. But there it was again, the little devil that sat upon one of his shoulders, reminding him about every wet dream he’s ever had about you and every time you were the one that was in his mind while he rubbed one out.
“I’ll be there soon, thanks for letting me know Mark.” As soon was the three boys on the couch heard the call disconnect, their faces morphed into smirks, and they leaned back, thinking of what each of them were going to do first.
“If she says no, then nothing is going to happen, I know you all have these fucking sick fantasies about her but if she doesn’t want any of it, you will not touch her or make her feel bad about it. Do you understand?” Mark’s embarrassment faded and the possessiveness he kept deep down him started to rise up to the surface. It showed when Jaehyun broke up with you and it’s showing now.
While you were driving back to their apartment, you wondered what you had forgotten. You were sure you double checked to make sure you had everything, but it seemed like you did forget something after all. Even though you were positive you had remembered everything, you couldn’t help the feeling of nervousness and hesitation.
The four guys were all as anxious as you but for different reasons, Haechan was ready to play out some of his sick fantasies that starred you, Jeno and Jaemin were excited to get their dicks wet by you, and then there was Mark. He was trying to play out the conversation he would have with you after the night ended, would you still want to be his friend? Something more? Or would you never want anything to do with him again? He prayed that wasn’t going to be the case, he needed you in his life.
All of the thinking distracted him from how much time had passed and when he heard a knock on the door, Mark shot up from his seat. If this was going to happen, he was going to be the first one to touch you. He was going to mark you as his before any of the others got the chance. Mark’s head was so clouded by lust that he couldn’t even register who the others were at the moment, all he could think about, was you.
“Hey Mark, what did I for-” the rest of the question came out into his mouth, but as soon was you realized what was happening, you pulled away slightly. “What’s going on?” You didn’t even care enough for the answer before you kissed Mark again, just Mark, but when he did answer, it felt like freezing cold water was poured over you. “We wanna fuck you.”
“Huh? We? Mar-Mark” you whimpered as Mark grabbed your ass and used the leverage to grind your crotch into his. “Yeah, we. Do you wanna?” His speech was slurred, getting so worked up in a short amount of time was taking a toll on his mental state. Mark couldn’t think, except about you.
The heat coming from Mark’s crotch disappeared as he was pulled from your body, you subconsciously followed him, but you felt a hand circle your wrist. Your back was met with a firm chest, and you weren’t sure if it was Jeno or Jaemin, but the voice gave it away.
“Yeah, Y/n, what do you say. Are you gonna let us use you?” Jeno. Jaemin walked over to Haechan and Mark, leaving Jeno the only one out of your sight.
The room felt as if it was on fire, your cheeks and chest were warm, and you could’ve sworn you immediately started sweating when Jeno drug his lips along the back of your neck. “How? What is going to happen?” Then, the one who had been dreaming of this day the most, stepped up and spoke out.
Haechan walked up to you and leaned forward. “We’re gonna have some fun with you baby, use that pretty body of yours.” You felt his lips brush against yours every time he spoke, as if your lips were flirting.
Scanning the eyes of the men behind Haechan, Jaemin and Mark looked like they wanted this just as much, but they still wanted to make sure you were okay. Mark was slightly embarrassed about literally jumping your bones when you got there, but he couldn’t help it. Even though he was going read at the thought, he wanted nothing more than to do it again.
Mark felt a nudge in his side when you slightly nodded, wide eyes doing nothing to hide the fear in you. He looked over at Jaemin and saw the smirk on his face, he wasn’t sure what to do first, it started so fast. Jeno used his hold on you to drag you into the middle of the room, only tripping once, you stood in the center of the circle the four boys had created.
“Always such a tease, I doubt you even knew what you were doing. Stupid girl.” Haechan paced in front of you, like a warden who was about to punish a delinquent. “M’not stupid.” That was the only thing your brain could process to say. “Yes, you are, you’re our dumb slut, just for us.” Jaemin came up from behind you and placed his head on your shoulder, patronizing you.
You hated to admit it, but you were wet, so very wet. These four jaw-droppingly gorgeous men wanted you. They wanted to do sick things to you, things you hadn’t even thought of ever doing, but who were you to say no to them.
No one moved for a few seconds, they four looked at one another, almost as if decided who was going to go first without telling you. Haechan pointed at your shirt and then pointed up, making an upward sweeping motion with his finger. “What?” With your head tilted and brows furrowed in confusion he was sure he could cum on the spot, but Haechan wanted to cum in you, he didn’t care in which hole, you just wanted his release to be inside of you.
“Fuck, you really are stupid huh?” Shaking your head, you felt shaking hands find the hem of your shirt and then tugging it up. “You’re so pretty baby, you’re not stupid, my smart girl.” Mark whispered in your ear while stripping you.
He moved to removing your pants and he tapped your ankle when it was time to step out of them, and then he repeated the action when it was time. On his way back up, he kissed the small of your back. Mark barely pulled back, the tips of his lips followed your spine up, ending at the junction where your neck meets your shoulder.
The familiar feeling of him grinding returned, although it wasn’t along your crotch, the thought of Mark using your ass to get off was just as pleasurable as him actually touching you. His hands traced your sides up and met where your bra hook was. “Mark” after he unclasped your bra, you would be left completely bare in front of the everyone in the room.
Mark didn’t stop though, he undid your bra hook and slightly pulled your bra up before removing it, when he did, your breasts bounced and no one was looking at your face, they were all looking at how your tits dropped.
“Get on your knees.” Haechan stepped forward and shooed Mark away. He hesitated before he finally let you go. Although you missed Mark’s touch, you wanted to please Haechan. The boy’s eyes held a glint in them, his babyface showed an innocent façade, but there were deep desires that his composure hid.
Dropping to your knees, Haechan’s pointer finger found its way under your chin and used it to tilt your head up. He looked down at your kneeling position from his standing one, you felt the need to cower, the height difference mixed with the look in his eye scared you. He just smirked at you before saying, “Hump my shoe.” He kicked your thighs apart and stepped his right foot forward.
“Wha-huh?” You looked from his face to his shoe, and back to his face. You felt hot and exposed, which you were, every man in the room was fully clothed, while you didn’t have a single thing covering you. Turning your head when you heard a scoff behind you, you saw Jeno rolling his eyes, Jaemin motioning you to do it, and Mark was still blushing, his fingers itching to reach out and caress you. He couldn’t though, Haechan had taken the role of leader in this, and he was determined to make both you and Mark suffer.
“Oh, for Christ’s sake, Jeno, fucking help her.” You swallowed, only to realize how dry your mouth had gotten. Jeno followed Haechan’s orders, and you felt him kneel behind you. “C’mon beautiful, hump his shoe, you should be thanking him for even letting you touch that shoe.” As Jeno was talking, he started moving you along the shoe that was placed between your thighs. The laces rubbed against your clit, and you couldn’t help but whine and moan. “Jeno, hurts. It hurts.” You were throbbing, wanting something in you, but you were too shy to ask.
“If you want something, you’re going to have to ask for it. You’re a big girl, use your words.” Jaemin appeared at your side, kneeling beside you. Jaemin gave you the kindest touch you had felt yet that night, he brushed the hair our of your eyes and ran his fingers through the rest of your hair. After his fingers had run their course, you dropped your head onto Jeno’s shoulder, lost in the pleasure of the feeling of him forcing you to move along Haechan’s shoe.
Your head didn’t stay on Jeno’s shoulder for long before it shot up, with you letting out a short scream with the motion, Haechan had moved his foot, tapping your swollen clit and wet folds.
“You’re being so good for us so far, are you going to keep being a good girl?” Mark stayed standing as he came to your other side, looking down at you with a small smirk on his face. “Yeah, wanna be your good girl. I can be your good girl.” Frantically nodding in fear of them seizing their touch, but unfortunately, no matter how eager you seemed, all feeling of them was removed.
Haechan was whispering to Mark while Jeno and Jaemin listened in, agreeing to what he was saying. You thought about how this obviously wasn’t planned whatsoever and that they were just like, “hey, let’s fuck Y/n.” Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt a pair of hands grab your wrists and bring them up and above your head. Then, each leg was grabbed by a separate pair of hands, and they were pulled apart, leaving you open. You saw Haechan above your head, he was the one holding your hands, “Open your mouth.”
You wanted to be their good girl, so you did. Haechan then opened his and you felt a glob of spit hit your tongue. “Swallow it.” You did without a second thought. “Maybe you aren’t as stupid as I thought, your brain isn’t empty, it’s full of ways how to please us.” The praise, that wasn’t exactly praise, caused you to want to clench your thighs together, but you couldn’t.
The hands that were keeping you spread open kept pulling your legs further and further apart until you whined from a cramp. They didn’t move them slightly back, but they held it in the spot that made you whimper.
Jeno was holding your left ankle while Jaemin was holding the right, which left Mark. “Look at how hard you make me. This is all because of you. Ever since we were kids, you made me feel this way.” You didn’t get to say anything in response because Mark was already prodding at your entrance that was soaking to a humiliating degree.
“Mark” your back arched as he slid into you, each inch was being shoved inside of you, not to mention the girth. Whines and curses were coming out of your mouth as well as Mark’s, you felt a slap on your cheek which caused you to you to quickly look at Haechan. “I thought you were our good girl. Good girls don’t curse. Don’t you want this? Don’t you want us?” Your thighs tensed as the tip of Mark’s cock kissed your g-spot. “No no no, Haechan. I do want this!” Your teary eyes met his and he couldn’t take it anymore.
“God, fuck, look what you do to me. Can’t even fucking wait for your pussy to free up.” Haechan freed your hands so he could focus on removing the clothes that covered his bottom half. “Open your mouth, now.” The large size of Haechan’s dick made its way into your mouth and landed on your tongue.
You shouldn’t have been surprised but Haechan didn’t give you any time for your throat to adjust to the size of his cock before he started pulling out to just slam back in. The tears streaming down your face made all the boys chuckle, watching your every move and reaction, you weren’t able to leave their sight in anyway. All eyes were on you.
Your legs found a new home before you knew it, from being pinned to the ground, they were now around Mark’s naked hips. You never noticed how pretty he was until now, you always knew he was pretty but now, you saw his most vulnerable form, and he was breath-taking. The hands that were busy with your legs now grabbed your free arms from when Haechan let go.
“You’re gonna jerk us off.” Jaemin smirked when you shot him a confused look. Not knowing when the best friends had removed their pants and underwear, you couldn’t find yourself to care either as both of the heavy weights of their cocks sat in the palms of your hands.
At first you struggled with moving your hands to pleasure them, but they both spat into your hand, causing you to slide up and down their lengths.
It was hard to truly concentrate on everything as Mark was still sliding against your walls. “Fuck, you’re so wet.” The squelches that were being immitted from your cunt mixed with the sounds of your gagging, you’d never felt so powerful yet so helpless at the same time before. Here you were being used by four guys on the living room floor of a dirty apartment, but then again, four hot guys wanted you.
“Mark, I’m gonna-I’m gonna cum.” Those whimpered words caused him to move even faster, wanting to feel your walls clench around him was what caused him to keep snapping his hips against yours. It didn’t take long for you to reach the edge, and before you knew it, Mark hit your g-spot once again and you were pushed off said edge and into the ocean of euphoria.
Your once slightly blurry vision was all white and your legs tightened around Mark’s narrow hips, you felt his pace stutter and then he stilled. Seeing his head thrown back as his chest rose and fell with each breath was such a sight.
Of course the sight wasn’t super visible since Haechan’s cock was still drilling in and out of your mouth. His thrusts turned frantic as he sprinted to reach his release. “Almost there, gonna fuck- cum. Gonna cum in your mouth and you’re- you’re gonna be good and swallow every last drop, aren’t you?” The hum you let out in affirmation was what helped Haechan find his finish. With Mark’s cum starting to spill out of you since he pulled out, Haechan’s was pouring into your mouth.
Swallowing it like he had asked, you opened your mouth once more to show him that you had followed his orders. The smile on his face, told you that you did good for him since he was too out of breath to verbally answer.
The two using your hands were almost there as well. They both had wrapped one of their hands around yours so they could set their own place without the problem of slipping out. Jaemin came first, white spirts hitting your chest, which he was aiming for. He was dying to see your tits covered in his cum. Jeno, wasn’t too far behind and he aimed to cum on your stomach. He removed your hand and continued to jerk himself off over your middle until every last bit of cum was out of him and onto you.
The air in the room was hot and heavy, the panting coming from everyone just added onto it. You closed your eyes for a bit, now worn out, and felt three kisses on your forehead. When opened your eyes to see who it was, all you saw was Mark in the room with you.
“They all gave you a kiss when they left. I’m going to go get a washcloth to clean you up. I’ll be right back.” You were left alone for a couple seconds but the sound of the faucet in the bathroom, comforted you, it told you that Mark would be back soon, and then he was. Right back at your side, wiping up the remains of his and his friends’ cum off of you. “What do we do now? As in us?” Not wanting to receive the answer you were dreading, you whispered, thinking that that would somehow help. “I’m not sure, I wish I was, but I just don’t want to lose you.”
Mark must’ve felt the same because his volume was just as quiet if not more than yours. “You were the only one that kissed me.” “Hm?” Slightly scoffing, you added to your statement. “When I got here, you kissed me, you were the only one that kissed me on the lips tonight. That has to mean something, doesn’t it?”
Mark didn’t answer at all, he dressed you in some of his clothes and picked you up to place you in his bed. “I guess it does. I’m glad that none of them kissed you.” He admitted as he laid down next to you.
“I wanted to be the only one to do that.” Mark spoke into your hair. Looking up at him, the darkness of the room hit his face from you, but you could still feel his breath brush against your face. Your eyelashes flutter from exhaustion, “We can talk about this in the morning. I just want to hold you, without anything to worry about.” You allowed yourself to melt into the embrace of Mark and drifted off to sleep, you had a slight smile on your face as you heard an almost silent. “You’re so pretty.”
Responding with an even quieter, “You can’t even see me, but thank you. You’re even prettier.”
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yangtaros · 1 year
hi! could i request mark fluff? like, maybe you're in the US together and you show him your favorite restaurant? (I don't know any restaurants that aren't in the us 😭) but you're both friends, and maybe johnny teases you thinking you should date?
sure! thanks for asking!
“I’m so excited to show you all this place! The food is so good”
“If you like it I’ll probably like it” Mark said to you.
“You all agree on almost everything” Johnny says.
You and Mark look at each other and smile. Once you all are lead to your table it’s a booth. Mark and you sit on one side while Johnny sits on the other.
You show Mark and Johnny the menu.
“Order for me!”
When the waitress comes you order for you and Mark while Johnny gets his own.
“I love it when the girlfriend orders for the guy” the waitress giggled.
Johnny agrees and laughs.
“Johnny why did you act like what she said was true” You asked him once the waitres left.
“What? Y’all are one of my favorite couples”
“Okaaayy” Mark says trying to change the subject.
“Okay first try this!” You guide the fork to Marks mouth to feed him.
“This is so good”
“Told you” You sip the straw in your drink.
“Try this too” You hand him your cup and Mark sips the straw.
He made a happy expression “We’re coming here again”
“ooH like a date” Johnny stated.
You chuckled while Mark lightly glared at him.
“You guys basically just kissed right now by the way”
“Oh that is so middle school Johnny” You said.
“Johnny i’ve drank after you before and what does that mean”
“Dude that’s like brotherly love this is different. I don’t drink after y/n”
“dude” Mark signaled for him to stop
Johnny laughed and continued to eat.
As you guys talked you felt Mark inch closer to you. You thought he was going to whisper something in your ear but he didn’t. He just wanted to be closer. You inch closer to him as well and soon you are almost shoulder to shoulder with him.
“You guys are actually so funny”
“What now”
“You’re almost on top of each other”
“No we’re not” Mark says while scooting away before you gently tug the bottom of his shirt telling him to stay. So he tries to be so not obvious but of course Johnny noticed him sliding back right away.
Johnny just looks at you both and laughs, “Haechan owes me five bucks”
He might observe well but he doesn’t see that Mark is lightly dragging his fingers along your arm. No you two aren’t secretly dating, you haven’t talked about feelings yet, but the both of you secretly know.
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nonuwhore · 10 months
i got a really big problem.
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boyfriend!mark x leitora gordinha contém: fluff; menção bem rápida a inseguranças que a leitora tem sobre o próprio corpo; apelidos (bebê, minha garota); smut: dirty talk; menção a uso de preservativo; puxão de cabelo; bastante praise; finger sucking; menção a ejaculação; softdom!mark (?); mirror sex; contagem de palavras: 2-3k nota da autora: apesar de eu sempre piranhar pelo mark aqui eu nunca tinha escrito nenhum smut com ele, olha que doideira. pedido feito pela ask, espero que você goste! <3
Você passou pela sala, vestindo apenas suas peças íntimas, pela terceira vez naquela meia hora. Mark assistia ao jogo de basquete na TV, mas não conseguia se concentrar por conta das ondas de fofura que os passinhos curtos e arrastando da pantufa de coelho que ele te deu no último natal emitiam.
“Precisa de ajuda?”, ele perguntou e, do outro lado da casa, e quase não foi escutado por você. Cercada de possíveis looks e peças que você nem lembrava ter comprado, levou um tempo para respondê-lo.
“Não”, ele escutou sua voz também distante, mas conseguiu identificar que aquele não tinha mais cara de sim.
“Tem certeza?” 
Você ficou em silêncio e ele confirmou a própria hipótese. Andou vagarosamente em direção ao quarto e encostou no batente da porta, olhando a zona que você tinha feito. “Que foi?”
  “Não tenho roupa pra usar no casamento da sua irmã.”, sua expressão de nítido sofrimento desnecessário o fez sorrir, resignado. 
“Achei que já tivéssemos vencido esse obstáculo."
“Acho que não.”
“Mas a gente ficou o dia inteiro fora ontem. E encontramos várias opções.” 
“Eu sei.”
“Você quer tentar de novo? Podemos ir assim que o jogo terminar.”
“Não dá mais tempo, o casamento é amanhã, Mark!”, você se virou de novo para ele que te encarava também meio perdido, com a expressão de alguém que tentava pensar em algo. “Desculpa, você não fez nada de errado. Pelo contrário, eu não te faria passar por esse martírio de novo.” você riu, sem graça e ele te abraçou. Colocou seu rosto na curva do pescoço dele e segurou sua nuca.
“Você não gosta de nada que compramos? Nadinha?”, a voz dele saiu um tom mais baixo, como se perguntasse por um segredo, e do jeito mais doce possível. Do jeitinho dele. 
“São todas lindas”, você respirou fundo, se preparando para dizer algo que provavelmente iria irritá-lo, “só não gosto em mim.”
Ele desvencilhou alguns centímetros do abraço, te encarando com as sobrancelhas juntas e a testa franzida. “Como assim?”
“Mark… “, seu tom de voz já dizia por você o que era óbvio e difícil de dizer em alto e bom som.
“Não…”, ele se sentou na cama, as pernas abertas e o tronco para frente, balançando a cabeça negativamente.
“Mark” você se aproximou, medindo a temperatura da água e percebendo a irritação na expressão dele crescer. Ele puxou pelo pulso, te colocando de frente para o espelho do outro lado do quarto e entre as próprias pernas. 
“Olha lá.” o dedo apontava para a imagem dos dois refletida, a sua em uma quantidade maior do que a dele, que era parcialmente ocultado.
“‘Tô olhando” você riu mais relaxada, sabendo o que viria a seguir.
“Não parece, porque ‘tô tendo que fazer isso de novo.”
“Nada disso. Você ‘tá vendo?”
“‘Tô…”, você respondeu, entediada, seguindo o protocolo. Ele segurou seu rosto na direção do espelho, te obrigando a focar na imagem. “Já disse que tô vendo!”
“O que você ‘tá vendo?”
“Como eu sou bonita…”
“Como você é o quê?”
“Como eu sou bonita. Linda.” você analisou sua forma sendo segurada por Mark, o braço ao redor da sua cintura larga e sentia, principalmente, ele te segurando como se você fosse a coisa mais preciosa do mundo.
“Linda”, ele repetiu, agora com o tom afetuoso de antes, beijando a ponta da sua orelha. “Minha garota linda”, uma das mãos puxou o cabelo molhado, expondo a pele do seu pescoço e da nuca. “Com um cabelo lindo, um sorriso lindo, um corpo lindo…”, ele continuou sussurrando enquanto te assistia pelo reflexo, seus olhos se fechando lentamente ao sentir todos os pelos do seu corpo se eriçarem em reação ao toque firme e gentil dele.
“Obrigada”, você disse em resposta, um tom mais baixo e mais taciturno do que o normal.
“Obrigada por fazer o meu trabalho?”, perguntou traçando um linha imaginária na sua nuca com o nariz e deslizando a mão pelo seu estômago arredondado, em uma apreciação demorada e preguiçosa que rumou até as suas coxas. “Você sabe que não é nenhuma mentira. Nada disso. E que eu vou estar aqui pra te ajudar a lembrar sempre que for necessário, porque, afinal, é o meu trabalho”, vocês se olharam pelo espelho, compartilhando intimidade e conforto que vocês demoraram tanto para encontrar, mas que finalmente acharam um no outro. 
Você se levantou, sentando agora sob as coxas dele, seus braços circulando o pescoço e os dele sua cintura. “Espero que isso nunca seja um problema pra você. Nem pra gente.”
“O que seria um problema?”, ele te olhou, forçando aquela carinha séria de quando você sabe que ele não está prestando atenção, dessa vez porque seus seios estavam na altura dos olhos dele e mesmo que quisesse muito te escutar, era difícil quando uma das três coisas favoritas dele estavam tão perto assim.
“Você sabe… Meu corpo e todos esses detalhes que envolvem ele.” Mark te deu um sorriso aberto, completamente estarrecido e como se você acabasse de falar uma língua alienígena. 
“Bebê…. Você fala umas coisas estranhas às vezes…", disse puxando sua nuca para um beijo lento e molhado, a língua entrando rapidamente para dentro da sua boca e em seguida sugando a sua com gosto e com tamanha sexualidade e afeto que o ar te faltou. Os beijos dele nunca falhavam em fazer isso. “Se eu tenho algum problema com seu corpo é não conseguir ficar longe dele por muito tempo”, apesar do momento pedir exatamente esse tipo de papo, você não encontrou nenhuma resposta melhor do que emitir um som profundo de nojo seguido de uma risada nervosa, fingindo que nada daquilo te afetava. “O quê?”
“Cringe”, os olhos dele se esbugalharam em resposta junto com um sorriso irritado.
“Vou te mostrar quem é cringe”, rosnou, te jogando na cama ao lado dele e subindo em cima de você, tirou sua calçinha de uma vez com uma das mãos. “Eu me declarando todo pra ela e ela zombando com a minha cara, vê se pode”, seu riso frouxo preenchia o quarto enquanto você o assistia tirar a regata do time favorito, os fios de cabelo negros tremulando enquanto ele puxava o tecido acima da cabeça e a respiração ofegante pela excitação compunham um quadro tão lindo e te mantinham concentrada no espetaculo que era Mark Lee. 
“Que foi?”, ele perguntou abrindo a gaveta da cômoda e tirando uma camisinha. Você sorriu, oferecendo sua mão esticada que ele aceitou no mesmo instante. Deitado ao seu lado, você balbuciou alguma coisa em um quase silêncio e o sorriso bobo que brincava nos seus lábios agora também tomava os dele.
“É só que… Eu te amo muito, você sabe”, a boca dele encontrou a sua, sem nenhuma palavra em resposta, porque ele sabia o quanto era custoso para você dizer aquilo em alto e bom som e ele não tinha outra maneira de demonstrar a felicidade imensa que o preenchia toda vez que você dizia. Ele sempre te beijava como se a queda da civilização fosse acontecer nos próximos minutos e fazia cada carinho valer o dobro. As mãos dedilhavam seu corpo em uma poesia silenciosa e encontrava seus pontos mais sensíveis, mais receptivos ao toque, tudo orgânico, genuíno, espontâneo. Trazendo suas coxas para a cintura, as arredondado nele, as peles se encaixando como chave e fechadura, como se elas tivessem sido feitas para isso.
Mark geme abafado pelo seu beijo com sua intimidade pressionada contra a dele. Seu calor e viscosidade que vinha junto dele enviavam ondas de prazer para o corpo todo e abrir os olhos para encontrar os seus marejados de luxúria e uma entrega plena quase foi o suficiente para fazê-lo gemer de novo. “Não sei se ficou claro o suficiente, mas eu sou completamente maluco por você.” Você riu e tentou puxá-lo para outro beijo, que ele negou, porque queria agora beijar outras partes do seu corpo, todo ele, pra dizer a verdade. Ele acompanhava seu sorriso crescer um pouco mais a cada selo que ele aplicava em sua pele, partindo do seu pescoço, sua clavícula, seus seios, um beijinho em cada um deles, resistindo a vontade de oferecer uma mordida no biquinho saliente apontando na direção dele. “Tenho autorização para perder o controle com você hoje?”
Você levantou a cabeça para procurá-lo e olhar dele carregado de ansiedade e o sorriso devasso te fizeram ceder com muita rapidez. “Deita de barriga pra baixo. Na direção do espelho.”
“Confia em mim.”
E você confiou, fazendo exatamente o que ele mandou e encarou seu reflexo no espelho.
“Você vai prestar bastante atenção em como você é perfeita, tá bom? No ápice da sua beleza”, murmurou, colocando um travesseiro embaixo da sua cintura, fazendo com que seu quadril ficasse empinado. Se sentou entre suas pernas, massageando e apreciando cada lado da sua bunda e se perdendo ao encontrar os lábios que protegiam sua entrada comprimidos e salivantes. Ele te encarou pelo espelho e você o vigiava, atenta como ele orientou, os olhos cheio de expectativa e inquietação. Ele riu, sádico, e se deitou sobre você, o membro deslizando para cima e para baixo na sua vulva descoberta enquanto ele respirava pesado perto da sua orelha, te fazendo fechar os olhos e sentir todos os arrepios.
“Abre” ele mandou, e na imagem a sua frente você o viu com a expressão mais dura em todos esses anos de relacionamento. Seu corpo se retraiu com força e você ainda mais umidade na região onde Mark se esfregava.
“Olha o que você fez com a minha cueca”, em menos de dois segundos ela já estava longe e ele sentado nas suas coxas, espalhando seus líquidos com a cabecinha do pau, sentindo o calor da sua entrada e os espasmos que seu corpo dava de antecipação. Sem aviso te penetrou, fundo e com força. Todos os seus músculos sentiram o impacto da primeira e da segunda vez, e na terceira, quando ele se retirou totalmente de você (observando o quando você tinha o lambuzado) e se colocou, com mais força e mais profundidade, você gemeu prolongado, manhosa. “Porra”, ele murmurou, vendo sua expressão se contorcer de prazer e dor, os olhos quase girando em direções opostas e fazendo o pau dele vibrar dentro de você. “Lindo. Até os sons que você faz... Porra, eu podeira gozar.”
Você sorriu anestesiada se segurando na borda da cama. “Não sem me foder antes.”
Ele riu de novo, surpreso e a ponto de se tornar um maníaco, por você. Um punho segurou a raiz dos cabelos da sua nuca, te arrancando um engasgo de susto e uma contração no próprio pau. “Chupa”, mandou, colocando três dedos inteiros na sua boca. Você obedeceu e cada vez que ele te estocava sem dó um gemido vibrava nas digitais dele. Ele nunca tinha sido tão bruto com você e a cada segundo que Mark te alargava com mais e mais rigidez você se perguntava porque nenhum dos dois tinha tido essa ideia antes, já que, olhando para ele com a respiração descompassada e a tez retorcida em uma satisfação exaustiva, parecia que ele estava pensando a mesma coisa.
Mark retirou a mão da sua boca para apertar sua cintura, assistindo sua pele volumosa se dobrar sob o toque dele, imaginando as digitais dele marcadas no dia seguinte e como isso te faria ficar ainda mais atraente. A imagem o fez aumentar o ritmo e segurar seu cabelo com mais pressão, amplificando também seus gemidos e palavras desconexas enquanto sua cabeça ia para frente e para trás e seu corpo se movia um centímetro a mais para fora da cama com cada estocada grosseira.
Você sorriu enquanto segurava o lábio entre os dentes. “Desse jeito eu vou cair.”
“Como eu vou me controlar? Olha como você é gostosa…”, e você olhava, mas visão do Mark pingando de suor, fitando cada pedacinho do seu corpo, e como ele reagia ao impacto que ele aplicava, como uma homem à beira da loucura, era tão mais estimulante. Tanto que despertou sensação crescente de gozo no seu baixo ventre.
“Não para, Mark”, ele te olhou, abraçando a insanidade quando seu canal começou a oferecer ondas de contrações, esmagando o pau dele um pouquinho mais a cada vez. “Nem pense em parar, Mark Lee!” você gritou com ele, desesperada pela sensação. 
Ele te assistiu se apoia na cama, empinando a bunda na direção dele, se movimentando na mesma cadência que ele te fodia, ou seja, também como uma mulher maluca. Seu chiado longo e fino enquanto gozava, mais a expressão de prazer que foi mudando gradativamente de olhos apertados para esbulhados em um quase pânico, o fez pensar se talvez fosse o orgasmo mais profundo que ele tinha te dando. O pensamento quase o fez atingir o próprio ápice, mas antes que isso acontecesse ele se retirou de você, virando sua barriga para cima e dando a si mesmo um motivo ainda melhor para gozar. Você assistiu, ainda com a visão esbranquiçada de tanto prazer, Mark arrancar a camisinha de uma vez e puxar seu sutiã com força suficiente para libertar seus peito, massageando seu membro com pressa, se despejando na sua pele por longos segundos. O líquido claro e quente respigava em gotas pesadas sob você e o lamento tímido que ele exprimiu no final, enquanto segurava sua coxa com força, te fez extraordinária.
Mark se curvou na sua direção, buscando sua boca e a beijando meio desajeitado, ofegante, mas desejoso de sentir seu calor nem que fosse por mais alguns segundos. “Você tem noção de quanto tesão eu sinto por você?” a voz rouca e cortada pelo cansaço insistia em te informar. “Cada dobrinha, cada parte macia e boa de apertar… Droga, eu vou ficar duro de novo”, vocês riram e ele passeou pelo seu corpo de novo,  com a mão delicada, encontrando a sua e entrelaçando os dedos no seu. 
Você o olhou se levantar com preguiça para sentar ao seu lado na cama e não quis perder a oportunidade. “Mark, você ‘tá sendo cringe de novo”, você o provocou novamente, com um olhar de desprezo fingido.
Ele segurou suas bochechas em um movimento rápido que te arrancou um riso nervoso. “O que eu faço com você, ein? Vou ter que te foder até você perder essa atitude?”
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wonysugar · 10 months
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these pictures will ALWAYS get me gasping cause what is she doing out here casually looking this good? the crop top? the hair, the ABSS?? and the fingers too omg
anyways, all i’m saying is, if she needs a fucktoy i’m always avail- *gunshots*
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Snowed In With You: Prologue
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Mark Lee x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Not wanting you to spend the holidays alone, your friend, Chenle, convinces you to go on a ski trip with him and his bestfriends.
Word Count: 336
"How would you feel," Chenle starts as soon as he opens the door, wrapping his arms around my shoulder as he walks me into his house, "about going on a ski trip?" He smiles big at me as he leads me to sit on the couch. As I look around I notice Haechan, Renjun, Mark, and Jeno sitting opposite to us, the four of them look at me and smile.
"I don't ski, Chenle."
"You don't have to. I just think it'd be fun to get away, you can sit in the cabin and read a book or whatever. I don't want you to be alone for Christmas."
"Who said I was gonna be alone?" I say slightly offended.
"I know you will. All of us will. None of us can go see our families, so why don't we all just spend the holidays together?"
"Come on, Y/N, it's Christmas!" Says a voice coming from down the hall. I turn around and am met with the sight of Jaemin, dragging Jisung in the living room with him.
"Yeah, it's Christmas," Haechan adds in, getting up from his spot on the couch and dramatically dropping to his knees in front of me, grabbing my hands and bringing them up to his forehead. He fake sobs as he begs for my presence on the trip.
"Get up, you're embarrassing yourself," Renjun says, barley looking up from his phone.
"Please, Y/N!" Jaemin chimes in, coming and sitting next to me, laying his head on my shoulder.
"Just say yes so they can shut up." Jisung says as he plops down on the couch.
"It's the only way," Chenle adds as if he wasn't the one that had opened Pandora's box.
"Fine. I'll go," I say with a roll of my eyes, "Now get off of me!" I push Haechan off my lap and scoot away from Jaemin, "I hate you guys."
"Love you too!" Jeno speaks for the first time since I've been here. Mark just listens and laughs.
➠ Chapter 1
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Taglist: @brownsugarbaybee @chardonnayyyy @spaghetti-oh-nos @postapocalypsebabe @sfsrm-blog @bundleleeknow @inkathie @shiningdery @jaeveil @sky-nnyyy @stanner-of-many
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luvyeni · 2 months
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content warning. hyuck and jisung being dramatic, suggestions comments
authors note. you know i had to a nct dream version 💌 !!
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