#martin basri
fooltofancy · 1 year
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i do not actively engage in fhr anymore but i do still think about him A Lot so now we've all gotta live with that.
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horchatahz · 3 years
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tired of this body, fall apart without me
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ravensgard · 2 years
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FELICITY ‘ELSIE’ WISEMAN, mind blind.  /  ANNABEL ‘ELLE’  WISEMAN, mind blind.  /  VIRTUE HUGHES, cyberpunk 2077. NOOR BASRI, dc comics.   /   INES MARTIN, keeper of the sun and moon.  /  CHARLOTTE ‘CHARLIE’ XIAO, wayhaven chronicles.
i was tagged by @druidgroves, @scungilliwoman, @indorilnerevarine, & @leviiackrman to make some girls in this dollmaker. thank you all sm! <3 <3 it’s such a cute dollmaker, i loved messing with it. i’m tagging @frankensteined, @andromedeas, @mendev, @leondaltons, and @arklay.
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mustafa1senyurt · 2 years
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Tavsiye Ettiğim 100 Kitap
Kur'an-ı Kerim ve Türkçe Meali Hasan Karakaya
Kütüb-i Sitte Muhtasarı İbnu’d-Deyba
Mişkatül Masabîh (4 Cilt) Hatib Et-Tebrîzî
Muhtasar Süneni İbni Mace Tercümesi  İbn Mace
Riyaz'üs Salihin İmam Nevevi
Muhtasar Terğib ve Terhib İbn Hacer el-Askalani
Ahmed Ziyaüddin Gümüşhanevi Ramuz El-Ehadis
Hadislerle İlimler Hikmetler (2 Cilt) İmam İbni Recep el-Hanbeli
Esmaül-Hüsna Şerhi Ayet ve Hadislerle Mustafa Necati Bursalı
Allah'ın Elçisi Hz. Muhammed'in Hayatı Salih Suruç
Sevgili Peygamberim Rahim Er
Hazret-i Muhammed Mustafa (s.a.v.)  Osman Nuri Topbaş
Şemail-Şerif Hadislerle Peygamberimiz  İmam Tirmizi
Muhtasar İbn-i Kesir Tefsiri Arif Erkan
Peygamberler Tarihi M. Asım Köksal
Hz. Yusuf ve Züleyha Mustafa Necati Bursalı
Hazreti Ebubekir Mustafa Necati Bursalı
Hazreti Ömer Mustafa Necati Bursalı
Hazreti Osman  Mustafa Necati Bursalı
Hazreti Ali Mustafa Necati Bursalı
Ömer b. Abdulaziz İbn Abdulhakem
Sa'd b. Ebi Vakkas Muhammed Emin Yıldırım
Böyle Seslendiler Ebubekir Sifil
el-Edebü'l-Müfred İmam-ı Buhari
İslamda Helaller ve Haramlar 2 Cilt İbn Hacer El Heytemi
El Hadaik Hadis İlmi Ve Zühd Bahçeleri Ebul Ferec İbnul Cevzi
Müminin Silahı Dua İmam Zehebi
Minhacü'l - Kasıdin ve Müfidü's-Sadıkin İbnü'l-Cevzi
Sünneti Delil Kabul Etmek; Cennetin Anahtarı İmam Suyuti
Hadis Karşıtları Ne Yapmak İstiyor? Mehmet Yaşar Kandemir
Sünnet Olmadan Ümmet Olmaz Mahmud Esad Coşan
El-Adab Hadislerle İslam Ahlakı İmam Beyhaki
Kitabuz Zühd ver Rekaik Abdullah B. Mübarek
Kitabü'z-Zühd  İmam Beyhaki
Kitabü'z-Zühd Ahmed İbn Hanbel
Sıfatü's-Safve İbnu'l-Cevzi
Ahvali Ahirete Işık Tutan Kandiller İmam Suyuti
Kalplerin Keşfi  İmam Gazali
Hasan Basri Abdurrahman İbnü'l Cevzi
Haklar ve Vazifeler Mehmed Zahid Kotku
Medeniyetimizin Sosyal Dinamikleri  İskilipli Mehmed Atıf 
Kuran Mucizeleri M. Sinan Adalı
Namazda Huşuya Götüren 33 Etken Muhammed Salih el-Müneccid
Dualar ve Zikirler  El-Ezkar İmam Nevevi 
Mus'ab b. Umeyr Ömer Döngeloğlu
İşi Vaktinden Çok Olanlar Nureddin Yıldız
Onlar Böyleydi İmam Nevevi
Sünneti Reddeden Kur'an Müslümanlığı İhsan Şenocak
21. Yüzyılda Asıl Mesele Mahmud Esad Coşan
Muhtasar Tahavi Akidesi Şerhi Ebubekir Sifil
Kur'an-ı Kerim Müdafaası İhsan Şenocak
El-Menhiyyat  İmam Suyuti
İslam'ın Kızına İhsan Şenocak
Müslüman Gence İhsan Şenocak
Kutadgu Bilig Yusuf Has Hacip
Kemalist Yalanlar Yavuz Bahadıroğlu
Bir Değirmendir Bu Dünya Cahit Zarifoğlu
Bu Ülke Cemil Meriç
Diriliş Muştusu Sezai Karakoç
Kayı 4 Ufukların Padişahı Kanuni Ahmet Şimşirgil
Sultan II. Abdülhamid Han Kadir Mısıroğlu
Sultan Vahideddin Kadir Mısıroğlu
Metal Fırtına Burak Turna - Orkun Uçar
Satılık İmparatorluk Mustafa Armağan
Biz Osmanlıyız Yavuz Bahadıroğlu
Direniş Karatay Selman Kayabaşı
İmparatorluğun Dönüşü Erkut Perek
Davut Harekatı Sedat Pekdemir
Yakın Tarihimizin Sır Perdesi Yavuz Bahadıroğlu
Yunus Ahmet Efe
Kelile ve Dimne Beydeba
Bostan ve Gülistan Şeyh Sadi Şirazi
Hamza Ömer Faruk Dönmez 
Aynadaki Yalan Necip Fazıl Kısakürek
Çile Necip Fazıl Kısakürek
Düzceli Mehmet Halit Ertuğrul
Romanlar Cahit Zarifoğlu
Dahiler Ve Deliler Mehmed Niyazi
İbrahim Ethem Necip Fazıl Kısakürek
Kuşların Dili Cahit Zarifoğlu
Geçmişe Bakış 2000'den 1887'ye Edward Bellamy
De Profundis Oscar Wilde
Dönüşüm Franz Kafka
Küçük Ağaç'ın Eğitimi Forrest Carter
Karamazov Kardeşler Dostoyevski
Siddhartha Hermann Hesse
Bunları Düşün Jiddu Krishnamurti
Konfüsyus Yu DAN
Martin Eden Jack London
Işığın Savaşçısının El Kitabı Paulo Coelho
Ana Maksim Gorki
Böyle Buyurdu Zerdüşt Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Satranç Stefan Zweig
Bulantı Jean Paul Sartre
Kar Kurdu Glenn Meade
Gazap Üzümleri John Steinbeck
İnsan Ne ile Yaşar Lev Nikolayeviç Tolstoy
Ölümsüzlük Peşinde Gılgameş Thomas R. P. Mielke
Hayvan Çiftliği George Orwell
Bir İdam Mahkumunun Son Günü Victor Hugo
Güncelleme 6 Ocak 2022
okuduğum tüm kitaplar
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collectorscorner · 3 years
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ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Best Of Archie Comics Eighty Years Eighty Stories TP, $14.99 World Of Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #112, $7.99
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COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1775, AR
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Gomez), AR Amazing Spider-Man #72 (Cover C InHyuk Lee Asian American And Pacific Islander Heritage Variant), AR Amazing Spider-Man #72 (Cover D David Baldeon Handbook Variant), AR Amazing Spider-Man #72 (Cover E InHyuk Lee Asian American And Pacific Islander Heritage Virgin Variant), AR Avengers Annual #1 (Cover A Federico Vicentini), $4.99 Avengers Annual #1 (Cover B Ron Lim Connecting Variant), AR Avengers Annual #1 (Cover C Travis Charest), AR Black Widow #10 (Cover A Adam Hughes), $3.99 Black Widow #10 (Cover B Mark Brooks), AR Black Widow #10 (Cover C NetEase Marvel Games Variant), AR Cable Reloaded #1 (Cover A Stefano Caselli), $4.99 Cable Reloaded #1 (Cover B Rob Liefeld Deadpool 30th Anniversary Variant), AR Conan The Barbarian #24 (Cover A Geoff Shaw), $3.99 Conan The Barbarian #24 (Cover B Roberto de La Torre), AR Darkhawk #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Iban Coello), $4.99 Darkhawk #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Pepe Larraz Design Variant), AR Darkhawk #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Leinil Francis Yu), AR Darkhawk #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Ron Lim), AR Darkhawk #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Mico Suayan), AR Darkhawk #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Mike Deodato Jr. Hidden Gem Variant), AR Extreme Carnage Riot #1 (Cover A Skan), $3.99 Extreme Carnage Riot #1 (Cover B David Nakayama Design Variant), AR Extreme Carnage Riot #1 (Cover C Jeff Johnson Connecting Variant), AR Extreme Carnage Riot #1 (Cover D Skottie Young), AR Extreme Carnage Riot #1 (Cover E Symbiote Variant), AR Fantastic Four Epic Collection Volume 1 Word’s Greatest Magazine TP (New Printing), $39.99 Fantastic Four Epic Collection Volume 7 Battle Of The Behemoths TP, $39.99 Marvel Masterworks The Avengers Volume 21 HC (Book Market Edition), $75.00 Marvel Masterworks The Avengers Volume 21 HC (Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 310), $75.00 Marvel Previews Volume 5 #15 (September 2021), $1.25 Marvel’s Voices Identity #1 (Cover A Jim Cheung), $5.99 Marvel’s Voices Identity #1 (Cover B InHyuk Lee Asian American And Pacific Islander Heritage Variant), AR Marvel’s Voices Identity #1 (Cover C Peach Momoko), AR Marvel’s Voices Identity #1 (Cover D Philip Tan), AR Marvel’s Voices Identity #1 (Cover E Mashal Ahmed), AR Marvel’s Voices Identity #1 (Cover F Rian Gonzales), AR Marvel’s Voices Identity #1 (Cover G Peach Momoko Virgin Variant), AR Marvel’s Voices Identity #1 (Cover H InHyuk Lee Asian American And Pacific Islander Heritage Virgin Variant), AR Non-Stop Spider-Man #4 (Cover A David Finch), $3.99 Non-Stop Spider-Man #4 (Cover B Peach Momoko), AR Spider-Man Life Story Annual #1 (Cover A Chip Zdarsky), $4.99 Spider-Man Life Story Annual #1 (Cover B Mark Bagley), AR Spider-Man Life Story Annual #1 (Cover C John Romita Jr.), AR Star Wars Darth Vader #15 (Cover A Aaron Kuder), $3.99 Star Wars Darth Vader #15 (Cover B David Nakayama Wanted Poster Variant), AR Star Wars Darth Vader #15 (Cover C Chris Sprouse Lucasfilm 50th Anniversary Variant), AR Star Wars Doctor Aphra #13 (Cover A Sara Pichelli), $3.99 Star Wars Doctor Aphra #13 (Cover B David Nakayama Wanted Poster Variant), AR Star Wars Doctor Aphra #13 (Cover C Chris Sprouse Lucasfilm 50th Anniversary Variant), AR Star Wars The High Republic Volume 1 There Is No Fear TP, $15.99 Strange Academy #12 (Cover A Humberto Ramos), $3.99 Strange Academy #12 (Cover B Arthur Adams Character Spotlight Variant), AR Symbiote Spider-Man Crossroads #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Greg Land), $3.99 Symbiote Spider-Man Crossroads #2 (Of 5)(Cover B David Baldeon), AR Thor #16 (Cover A Olivier Coipel), $3.99 Thor #16 (Cover B Nic Klein), AR Thor #16 (Cover C Peach Momoko Marvel Anime Variant), AR Thor #16 (Cover D NetEase Marvel Games Variant), AR Thor #16 (Cover D Rob Liefeld Deadpool 30th Anniversary Variant, AR Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Squirrels Just Wanna Have Fun TP, $12.99 United States Of Captain America #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Gerald Parel), $4.99 United States Of Captain America #3 (Of 5)(Cover B David Cutler Design Variant), AR United States Of Captain America #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Jeffrey Veregge), AR Venom By Donny Cates Volume 6 King In Black TP, $19.99 Winter Guard #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Toni Infante), $4.99 Winter Guard #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Kim Jacinto), AR Winter Guard #1 (Of 4)(Cover C Ken Lashley), AR Winter Guard #1 (Of 4)(Cover D Todd Nauck Headshot Variant), AR Wolverine #15 (Cover A Adam Kubert), $3.99 Wolverine #15 (Cover B Gerardo Zaffino), AR Wolverine #15 (Cover C InHyuk Lee Asian American And Pacific Islander Heritage Variant), AR Wolverine #15 (Cover D InHyuk Lee Asian American And Pacific Islander Heritage Virgin Variant), AR
ONI PRESS Choose Your Own Adventure Eighth Grade Witch TP, $12.99 Rick And Morty Vs Dungeons And Dragons Deluxe Edition HC, $49.99
SCOUT COMICS Broken Souls Ballad #2, $3.99 Lifeformed #1, $3.99 Midnight Western Theatre #4 (Of 5), $3.99 Rabid World #3 (Of 4), $3.99
SCOUT COMICS – SCOOT Action Tank #1, $1.99
SOURCE POINT PRESS Boston Metaphysical Society The Spirit Of Rebellion #1 (One Shot), $4.99 Broken Gargoyes Sin And Virtue #3, $3.99 Cult Of Dracula #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Gyula Nemeth), $3.99 Cult Of Dracula #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Shannon Maer), $3.99 Darling #3 (Cover A Dave Mims), $3.99 Darling #3 (Cover B Alex Riegel), $3.99 Runes #2, $3.99 Suicide Jockeys #1 (Cover A Davi Leon Dias), $3.99 Suicide Jockeys #1 (Cover B Fabio Alves), $3.99 Touching Evil #16, $3.99
TITAN COMICS Blade Runner 2029 #7 (Cover A Harvey Tolibao), $3.99 Blade Runner 2029 #7 (Cover B Syd Mead), $3.99 Blade Runner 2029 #7 (Cover C Hendry Prasetya), $3.99 Blade Runner 2029 #7 (Cover D Skylar Patridge Pride Variant), $3.99 Gamma Draconis HC, $14.99 Horizon Zero Dawn Liberation #2 (Cover A Justine Frany), $3.99 Horizon Zero Dawn Liberation #2 (Cover B Aloy Concept Progression Variant), $3.99 Horizon Zero Dawn Liberation #2 (Cover C Harvey Tolibao), $3.99 Horizon Zero Dawn Liberation #2 (Cover D Baldemar Rivas), $3.99 Horizon Zero Dawn Liberation #2 (Cover E Justine Frany Sketch Variant), $3.99
UDON ENTERTAINMENT Art Of Shantae HC, $49.99 Art Of Street Fighter HC, $59.99 Mega Man X Maverick Hunter’s Field Guide HC, $29.99
VALIANT ENTERTAINMENT Ninjak #2 (Cover A David Nakayama), $3.99 Ninjak #2 (Cover B Michael Walsh), $3.99 Ninjak #2 (Cover C David Lopez Pre-Order Edition Variant), AR
VAULT COMICS Barbaric #3 (Cover A Nathan Gooden), $3.99 Barbaric #3 (Cover B Josh Hixson), $3.99 Barbaric #3 (Cover C Tim Seeley Black Bag Variant), $5.99 Blue Flame #4 (Cover A Adam Gorham), $3.99 Blue Flame #4 (Cover B Yoshi Yoshitani), $3.99
WARRANT PUBLISHING COMPANY Creeps Annual #4 (2022 Spooktacular), $9.95
YEN ON 86 Eighty Six Light Novel Volume 8 SC, $15.00 Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten Light Novel Volume 2 SC, $15.00 Durarara SH Light Novel Volume 2 SC, $15.00 Konosuba Explosion On This Wonderful World Bonus Story Light Novel Volume 2 SC, $15.00 Spy Classroom Light Novel Volume 1 Lily Of The Garden SC, $15.00
ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Red Agent The Beast Of Belgium #1 (Cover A Igor Vitorino), $5.99 Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Red Agent The Beast Of Belgium #1 (Cover B Canaan White), $5.99 Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Red Agent The Beast Of Belgium #1 (Cover C Ale Garza), $5.99
NECA/WIZKIDS Dungeons And Dragons Icons Of The Realms Minis Snowbound Brick, AR Dungeons And Dragons Icons Of The Realms Minis Snowbound Frost Giant And Mammoth Set, AR Marvel HeroClix X-Men Rise And Fall Of The Shi’ar Empire Booster Brick, AR Marvel HeroClix X-Men Rise And Fall Of The Shi’ar Empire Fast Forces, AR Marvel HeroClix X-Men Rise And Fall Of The Shi’ar Empire Of The Shi’ar Empire Fall Dice And Token Pack, AR
TOYS - T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBLES DC Collector Build-A 7 Inch Scale Action Figure Wave 5 Suicide Squad Assortment, AR DC Justice League 7 Inch Scale Action Figure Assortment, AR DC Justice League Aquaman 7 Inch Scale Action Figure, AR DC Justice League Batman 7 Inch Scale Action Figure, AR DC Justice League Cyborg 7 Inch Scale Action Figure, AR DC Justice League Flash 7 Inch Scale Action Figure, AR Dragon Ball Super Adverge Figure Box Set 1, AR Dragon Ball Super Adverge Figure Box Set 2, AR Dragon Ball Super Dragon Stars Future Trunks Vs Fusion Zamasu Action Figure 2 Pack, AR Marvel Select Marvel Now Silver Centurion Iron Man Action Figure, AR Mobile Suit Gundam Char’s Counterattack RX-93 Nu Gundam Universe Action Figure, AR Mobile Suit Gundam FW Gundam Converge 21 Trading Figure 6 Piece Set, AR Mobile Suit Gundam MS-06S Char’s Zaku II Gundam Universe Action Figure, AR Motorhead Lemmy Modern Cowboy ReAction Figure, AR New Gundam Wing XXXG-01SR Gundam Sandrock Gundam Universe Action Figure, AR
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theatredirectors · 4 years
268 Directors and the end of the blog
This post marks the end of the Ask a Director experiment. I’m so grateful to all who have contributed, supported and engaged with it over the past six and a half years. 
This blog was started at a time when I felt incredibly alone in the directing field. I had always been taught that a director operates solo, that it was a lonely career and above all, it was based on scarcity. This was a style of working and living that didn't fit for me. I wanted to talk to other directors about their practice and thoughts about the field, both national and international. This blog was started as a way to connect, to uplift other directors and to create a conversation about the changing field and practices. 
It's surpassed all of these goals and brought me more joy than I can name. 
I'm now at a moment where my practice and advocacy are taking different and exciting paths and it's time for me to put this site to bed. I remain committed to uplifting other directors, to talking about the practice, to flattening hierarchies, to opening doors for new ways of working, and leading rehearsal rooms, companies, and classrooms away from silos and vacuums. Featuring these 268 different directors was just the beginning. 
I encourage you all to hire them (and others), advocate for them (and others) and choose to work in a system that values connection and generosity. 
Abhishek Majumdar
Adam Fitzgerald
Alice Stanley
Aliza Shane
Amanda McRaven
Amy Corcoran
Amy Jephta
Anisa George
Ana Margineau
Andrew Scoville
Anna Stromberg
Anne Cecelia Haney
Ariel Francoeur
Arpita Mukherjee
Ashley Hollingshead
Ashley Marinaccio
Andrew Neisler
Beng Oh
Ben Randle
Ben Stockman
Benjamin Kamine
Beth Lopes
Bo Powell
Bogdan Georgescu
Bonnie Gabel
Brandon Ivie
Brandon Woolf
Brian Hashimoto
Cait Robinson
Caitlin Ryan O’Connell
Caitlin Sullivan
Catie Davis
Cara Phipps
Carol Ann Tan
Carsen Joenk
Chari Arespacochaga
Cheryl Faraone
Chloe Treat
Christin Eve Cato
Christine Zagrobelny
Christopher Diercksen
Colette Robert
Colleen Hughes
Cyndy Marion
Dado Gyure
Dan Rothenberg
Daniel Irizarry
Danielle Ozymandias
Danny Sharon
Dara Malina
David Charles
Dennis Yueh-Yeh Li
Derek Spencer 
Donald Brenner
Doug Oliphant
Eamon Boylan
Elena Araoz
Emily Lyons
Emma Miller
Eric Kildow
Eric Wallach
Eric Powell Holm
Estefania Fadul
Evelina Stampa
Evren Odcikin
Evi Stamatiou
Francesca Montanile Lyons
Gabriel Vega Weissman
Gian Marco Riccardo Lo Forte 
Graham Schmidt
Gregg Wiggans
Hannah Ryan
Hannah Wolf
Heather Bagnall
Horia Suru
Ilana Becker
Ilana Ransom Toeplitz
Illana Stein
Ioanna Katsarou
Ioli Andreadi
Irina Abraham Chigiryov
Iris Sowlat
Isaac Klein
J Paul Nicholas
Jack Tamburri
Jaclyn Biskup
Jacob Basri
Jake Beckhard
Jaki Bradley
Jamie Watkins
Javier Molina
Jay Stern
Jay Stull
Jenna Rossman
Jenna Worsham
Jennifer Chambers
Jenny Bennett
Jenny Reed
Jeremy Bloom
Jeremy Pickard
Jerrell Henderson
Jess Hutchinson
Jess Shoemaker
Jesse Jou
Jessi D Hill
Jessica Burr
Jessica Holt
Jillian Carucci
Joanne Zipay
Jo Cattell
John Michael Diresta
John Kurzynowski
Joe Hedel
Jonathan Munoz-Proulx
Jose Zayas
Josh Kelley
Josh Sobel
Joshua Kahan Brody
Joshua William Gelb
Julia Sears
Justin Schlabach
Kareem Fahmy
Karen Christina Jones
Kate Bergstrom
Kate Hopkins
Kate Jopson
Kate Moore Heaney
Katherine M. Carter
Katherine Wilkinson
Kathy Gail MacGowan
Katie Chidester
Kendall Cornell 
Kendra Augustin
Kholoud Sawaf
Kimberly Faith Hickmann
Kim Weild
KJ Sanchez
Knud Adams
Kristin Marting
Kristin McCarthy Parker
Kristin Skye Hoffman
Kristy Chambrelli
Kristy Dodson
KT Shorb
Kyle Metzger
Kylie M. Brown
Larissa Fasthorse
Larissa Lury
Laura Brandel
Laura Steinroeder
Lauren Hlubny
Lauren Keating
Lavina Jadhwani
Jenn Haltman
Leta Tremblay
Lila Rachel Becker
Lillian Meredith
Lily Riopelle
Lindsey Hope Pearlman
Lisa Rothe
Lisa Sanaye Dring
Liz Thaler
Lori Wolter Hudson
Lucie Tiberghien
Luke Comer
Luke Tudball
Lyndsay Burch
Lynn Lammers
Mallory Catlett
Manon Manavit
Margarett Perry
Maridee Slater
Marina Bergenstock
Marti Lyons
Martin Jago
Matt Cosper
Matt Ritchey
Max Hunter
Megan Sandberg-Zakian
Megan Weaver
Meghan Finn
Melissa Crespo
Melody Erfani
Michael Alvarez
Michael T. Williams
Michaela Escarcega
Michelle Tattenbaum
Mimi Barcomi
Miranda Haymon
Molly Beach Murphy
Molly Clifford
Molly Noble
Morgan Gould
Morgan Green
Murielle Borst-Tarrant
Nana Dakin
Natalie Novacek
Neal Kowalsky
Nell Bang-Jensen
Nick Benacerraf
Noa Egozi
Norah Elges
Normandy Sherwood
Olivia Lilley
Orly Noa Rabinyan
Oscar Mendoza
Pablo Paz
Padraic Lillis 
Patrick Walsh
Pete Danelski
Pirronne Yousefzadeh
Portia Krieger
Rachel Karp
Rachel Wohlander
Randolph Curtis Rand
Raz Golden
Rebecca Cunningham
Rebecca Martinez
Rebecca Wear
Renee Phillippi
Renee Yeong
Rich Brown
Rick St. Peter
Robert Schneider
Ryan Anthony Nicotra
Sammi Cannold
Sammy Zeisel
Sanaz Ghajar
Sara Holdren
Sara Lyons
Sara Rademacher
Sarah Elizabeth Wansley
Sarah Hughes
Sarah M. Chichester
Sarah Rose Leonard
Sash Bischoff
Scarlett Kim
Seonjae Kim
Seth Pyatt
Sharifa Elkady
Shaun Patrick Tubbs
Sherri Eden Barber
Simon Hanukai
Sophia Watt
Suchan Vodoor
Stephen Cedars
Steven Kopp
Steven Wilson
Talya Klein
Tana Siros
Tara Ahmadinejad
Tara Cioletti
Tara Elliott
Tatiana Pandiani
Taylor Reynolds
Tommy Schoffler
Tracy Bersley
Trevor Biship
Tyler Mercer
Wednesday Sue Derrico
Will Dagger
Will Davis
Will Detlefsen
Will Steinberger
Yojiro Ichikawa
Yoni Oppenheim
Zi Alikhan
Zoya Kachardurian
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 2 September 2019
Quick Bits:
Agents of Atlas #2 again seems to focus more on Amadeus Cho and his perspective than the rest of the team, but it’s still very entertaining. Greg Pak, Nico Leon, Pop Mhan, Federico Blee, and Joe Sabino continue to weave together intrigue, superhero action, and romance with a very interesting mystery evolving. 
| Published by Marvel
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Animosity #23 is part one of “Rites of Passage” from Marguerite Bennett, Elton Thomasi, Roberto De Latorre, Rob Schwager, and Taylor Esposito. While Jesse and her caravan continue to try to make it out west, her animal friends attempt to plan for her upcoming 13th birthday. Wonderful character moments here and further insight into the horrors that the animals have seen.
| Published by AfterShock
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Battlepug #1 brings the web comic to regular monthly print comics from Mike Norton, Allen Passalaqua, and Crank! While it does help to have read the previous adventures, you can pick up and enjoy this humorous take on sword and sorcery fairly easily. Some very nice humour in the “Covfefe” puppet.
| Published by Image
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Berserker Unbound #2 is another wonderful issue from Jeff Lemire, Mike Deodato Jr., Frank Martin, and Steve Wands. The art alone from Deodato and Martin is wonderful, deftly mixing the modern and the archaic. It’s also very interesting to see the barbarian trying to navigate our strange modern world and the fact that he can’t understand anything that anyone is saying.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Birthright #39 gives us the confrontation with Mastema. Learning that she’s pretty much thoroughly insane and that the entire two worlds are screwed. At least, from her perspective. The colour work here from Adriano Lucas is positively brilliant.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Breaklands #1 is a Comixology digital original from Justin Jordan, Tyasseta, Sarah Stern, and Rachel Deering. It’s different, bloody, and intriguing as to what’s going on. The opening suggests a kind of weird cult, the past gives the impression of post-apocalyptic tribes or gangs. 
| Published by Justin Jordan
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer #8 is a prelude to the “Hellmouth” crossover event with Angel, but I’ll say that it is essential to the overall storyline. This issue basically sets up the entire thing, even while still doing prologuey things. Great art from David López and Raúl Angulo. And, despite what Angel (at least that’s who I assume is in that devil mask) and Xander say, the “bat” costume is great, even if it doesn’t make sense.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Conan the Barbarian #9 takes us on a trip through Conan’s hallucinations of monsters he felled in battle as he tries to lead a group of people caught underground in the lair of the Undergod. Incredibly impressive artwork from Mahmud Asrar and Matthew Wilson. As we get a bit of reminiscence here, it feels as though we’re approaching the end of this arc.
| Published by Marvel
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Crowded #9 is pretty intense as Vita and Charlie breach a hotel and try to get the information on who set up the Reapr campaign from one of Charlie’s old “friends”. It goes about as well as you’d expect. Christopher Sebela, Ro Stein, Ted Brandt, Tríona Farrell, and Cardinal Rae continue to keep this story on its toes, speeding along as fast as it can.
| Published by Image
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Dark Red #6 begins the next arc from Tim Seeley, Corin Howell, Mark Englert, and Carlos Mangual. It tosses more complications into Chip’s life in the form of a “cleaner” enthralled to another vampire and a family of were-jaguars fleeing from an El Salvadoran gang.
| Published by AfterShock
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DCeased: A Good Day to Die #1 expands the story a bit further with this one shot featuring a reunion of some of the Bwa-Ha-Ha era of the Justice League and a few other guests. Great art from Laura Braga, Darick Robertson, Richard Friend, Trevor Scott, and Rain Beredo.
| Published by DC Comics
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Deathstroke #47 continues “Deathstroke RIP” and it’s going to do your head in a bit. A banged, bruised, beaten-up, and confused Slade shows up with a bad attitude and we’re unsure how he’s back from the dead and acting fairly un-Slade-like. Also, Jericho gets his Doctor Manhattan moment. Priest, Fernando Pasarin, Carlo Pagulayan, Jason Paz, Cam Smith, Wade von Grawbadger, Jeromy Cox, and Willie Schubert are definitely continuing to keep this interesting.
| Published by DC Comics
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Die #7 catches up with the other half of the party in Isabelle and Chuck and, well, Chuck is an asshole. Kieron Gillen, Stephanie Hans, and Clayton Cowles manage to out-bleak the previous issue, but in a way that doesn’t elicit sympathy this time. It’s interesting as to how they build up Chuck, elaborate on his backstory, and make him even more thoroughly unlikeable.
| Published by Image
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Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds #3 is fairly impressive, with Gerard Way, Jeremy Lambert, Steve Orlando, Doc Shaner, Tamra Bonvillain, and Simon Bowland managing to become even more inventive with the narrative for an already incredibly inventive series. This one takes the convention of a flashforward and presents it as an issue of Doom Patrol in the future, weaving in some hard-boiled narration through a series of novels. Great work here all around.
| Published by DC Comics / Young Animal
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Everything #1 is weird. Very weird. This first issue from Christopher Cantwell, INJ Culbard, and Steve Wands feels like it’s mostly about setting up the atmosphere and briefly introducing many of the characters as the new Everything Store opens up in Michigan. Love the art from Culbard.
| Published by Dark Horse / Berger Books
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Fallen World #5 concludes what has been an excellent series setting up the next stage of the 4002 AD time period of the Valiant universe from Dan Abnett, Adam Pollina, Ulises Arreola, and Jeff Powell. The art from Pollina and Arreola is gorgeous, really leaning hard into the weird and wonderful of the future.
| Published by Valiant
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Fantastic Four #14 kicks off “Point of Origin” celebrating the initial launch of the Fantastic Four’s expedition that turned them into the Fantastic Four. The shifting timeline makes this feel weird, but it’s still an interesting premise. Great art from Paco Medina and Jesus Aburtov.
| Published by Marvel
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Future Foundation #2 is more fun from Jeremy Whitley, Will Robson, Paco Diaz, Daniele Orlandini, Greg Menzie, Chris O’Halloran, and Joe Caramagna. Why exactly the kids would mistake a younger looking Maker as their own Reed Richards is anyone’s guess, but this is still an entertaining prison break story building upon loose threads from Secret Wars.
| Published by Marvel
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Ghost Spider Annual #1 continues the “Acts of Evil” theme running through this year’s annuals as Gwen takes on Arcade and a host of Spider-Man’s villains and allies. It’s a good story from Vita Ayala, Pere Pérez, Rachelle Rosenberg, and Clayton Cowles that helps Gwen get a sense of place when it comes to some of the differences between Earths-65 and -616/
| Published by Marvel
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Giant Days #54 is the end to the series, but there’s one more issue in the story in the Giant Days: As Time Goes By special. Still, John Allison, Max Sarin, Whitney Cogar, and Jim Campbell gives us one last hurrah as Daisy, Esther, and Susan spend the summer together before graduation, tying up some loose ends, before saying goodbye to one another. It’s an emotional end, full of the eccentricities and humour that have been a hallmark of the series.
| Published by Boom Entertainment / BOOM! Box
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The Green Lantern #11 continues the multiversal adventure. This is really some of the fun, eccentric science fiction-y superheroics that Grant Morrison really excels at along with gorgeous artwork from Liam Sharp and Steve Oliff. I quite like Sharp’s Neal Adams-esque Batman GL and it’s neat to see the Green Lantern oath’s differences across multiple universes.
| Published by DC Comics
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Harley Quinn #65 kind of does an end run around the “Year of the Villain” content, incorporating it as a couple pages of the comic within the comic, while the rest of the issue is devoted to Harley dealing with the grief of the loss of her mother. By kind of ignoring it. Escaping to the Coney Island Volcano Island and getting a bit...rustic. Sam Humphries, Sami Basri, Hi-Fi, and Dave Sharpe also keep Harley’s trials going along nicely.
| Published by DC Comics
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Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #1 follows up on Poison Ivy’s new status after regrowing herself from the death sustained in Heroes in Crisis. Now, I can’t say I exactly liked that series or what happened, but I do think that Jody Houser, Adriano Melo, Mark Morales, Hi-Fi, and Gabriela Downie make the most of it and turn it around into an entertaining start to this new story. Also, a nice pick up on both the broader “Year of the Villain” event (even though there’s no event banner) and on the new developments in Justice League Dark about the Parliament of Flowers and the Floronic Man.
| Published by DC Comics
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Immortal Hulk #23 brings the fight to Fortean. It’s absolutely brutal on both sides. Joe Bennett, Ruy José, Belardino Brabo, Paul Mounts, and Matt Milla really do an incredible job with the action here. And the end is stuff of nightmares.
| Published by Marvel
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Justice League #31 continues the “Justice/Doom War”. It’s very, very nice to see the Justice Society back in the mainline DC universe. Combined with the Legion of Super-Heroes back, it’s a wonderful time to see these two teams back. Feels good. It also helps that Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Jorge Jimenez, Alejandro Sanchez, and Tom Napolitano have JSA nestled within a great story, flinging the Justice League through the past and future.
| Published by DC Comics
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Lois Lane #3 is worth it for the art from Mike Perkins and Paul Mounts by itself. The fight between the two Questions is incredible, beautiful flow of action and energy all through the exchange. Also, we get some follow up on Superman protecting Lois adding complications. There could be an argument made that this story is unfolding at roughly a snail’s pace, but that would overlook the wonderful character moments occurring, the atmosphere, and epic action sequences. 
| Published by DC Comics
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Midnight Vista #1 is a wonderful start to this story from Eliot Rahal, Clara Meath, Mark Englert, and Taylor Esposito. It’s an alien abduction story told pretty much straight and its intriguing as to how the disbelievers in this tale are going to deal with, even amid the very real kidnapping and lost time that occurs. I love Meath’s line art here.
| Published by AfterShock
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No One Left to Fight #3 hits hard a couple times, first in Winda’s decidedly horrible way of handling rejection and jealousy and then in the Hierophant’s temptation of rebuilding Valé, fixing what ails him. More great work from Aubrey Sitterson, Fico Ossio, Raciel Avila, and Taylor Esposito. This book is a feast.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Pretty Deadly: The Rat #1 is a very welcome return of this series, shifting time frame again to ‘30s Los Angeles and adopting a noir style. The artwork from Emma Rios and Jordie Bellaire is drop dead gorgeous, seemingly coming up with new styles and approaches to storytelling. The film stills in particular are very impressive.
| Published by Image
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Savage Avengers #5 brings a bloody and brutal “end” to the first arc from Gerry Duggan, Mike Deodato Jr., Frank Martin, and Travis Lanham. It’s not so much a conclusion as a chapter break, ending the bit with the Marrow God, but transitioning into whatever will come next in the war against Kulan Gath.
| Published by Marvel
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Sea of Stars #3 is another showcase for Stephen Green and Rico Renzi to just illustrate the hell out of some really cool stuff. This one shifts primary focus back to Kadyn and his interstellar entourage and it’s hilarious. The kid does kid things that drive his space monkey and space whale friends insane. Especially taunting a quarkshark.
| Published by Image
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Something is Killing the Children #1 begins a rather disquieting horror series from James Tynion IV, Werther Dell’Edera, Miquel Muerto, and AndWorld Design. It’s brutal, bloody, and filled with all of the terror that you get from a frightened kid who just watched his friends get butchered. This is a visceral horror that punches you right in the gut. Very well done.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Spawn #300 is not a bad anniversary issue, a fairly hefty book featuring a lead “chapter” with gorgeous artwork from returning long term Spawn line artist Greg Capullo, kicking off with something disturbing, then leading into a combination of the story threads that Todd McFarlane has been weaving for some time now. While there is a foundation on the old, this one also sets up a fair amount of what’s coming. Great art throughout from Todd McFarlane, Greg Capullo, J. Scott Campbell, Jason Shawn Alexander, Jerome Opeña, Jonathan Glapion, FCO Plascencia, Brian Haberlin, Peter Steigerwald, and Matt Hollingsworth.
| Published by Image
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Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order - Dark Temple #1 is a tie in to the forthcoming video game from Electronic Arts by Matthew Rosenberg, Paolo Villanelli, Arif Prianto, and Joe Sabino. It centres around a padawan who somehow managed to escape Order 66 on a recently-joined Republic world of Ontotho and the mystery of a temple that she was sent to investigate.
| Published by Marvel
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Supergirl #33 concludes Kara’s quest and “The House of El: United”, giving her perspective on the founding of the United Planets in Superman #14. It’s a decent end here, opening up new possibilities for what we’ll see next.
| Published by DC Comics
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Triage #1 is a very impressive debut from Phillip Sevy and Frank Cvetkovic. Interesting set up of variations on the same woman, Evie, across multiple worlds, and a mystery as to what’s going on. Sevy’s art here is gorgeous.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Usagi Yojimbo #4 begins a new two-part arc in “The Hero” as Usagi agrees to escort an author caught in a controlling, loveless marriage to her father. There’s a really nice opening sequence in this one with zombies.
| Published by IDW
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Vampirella/Red Sonja #1 is a pretty good start to this series from Jordie Bellaire, Drew Moss, Rebecca Nalty, and Becca Carey. It’s set in 1969 and built around the Dyatlov Pass Incident, which sends Vampirella out there to investigate to potentially find a “friend”. Beautiful art from Moss and Nalty. 
| Published by Dynamite
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Web of Black Widow #1 is wonderful. Stephen Mooney was born to draw espionage thrillers, having done so incredibly on his own Half Past Danger as well as The Dead Hand and James Bond 007. He has a style that reminds me of Dave Stevens and it just works perfectly for this kind of story. Add to that Jody Houser, Tríona Farrell, and Cory Petit, throw in a mystery born out of Natasha’s past and continued questioning her own status as her since she was brought back from death, and you’ve got a recipe for a near perfect storm of a debut.
| Published by Marvel
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Wyrd #4 concludes what has been an intriguing series from Curt Pires, Antonio Fuso, Stefano Simeone, and Micah Myers.  This has been a rather interesting story of superpowers seemingly gone wrong and it ties up with a Superman analogue as a child going homicidal. It’s dark, but it feels real.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Other Highlights: Absolute Carnage: Scream #2, Absolute Carnage: Symbiote Spider-Man #1, Alpha Flight: True North #1, Amazing Spider-Man: Going Big #1, Archie #707, Batman/TMNT III #5, Champions #9, Charlie’s Angels vs. Bionic Woman #3, Curse Words #24, The Death-Defying Devil #2, Descendent #5, The Dreaming #13, The Goon #6, House of X #4, Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium #1, Marvel Action: Spider-Man #8, Nuclear Winter - Volume 3, Old Man Quill #9, The Punisher #15, Redneck #23, Rick and Morty Present Flesh Curtains #1, Section Zero #6, Space Bandits #3, Star Trek: Discovery - Aftermath #1, Star Wars #71, Superman: Up in the Sky #3, Transformers/Ghostbusters #4, Turok #5, The Wicked + The Divine #45
Recommended Collections: Age of X-Man: Prisoner X, Black Badge - Volume 2, Catwoman - Volume 2: Far From Gotham, Hellboy and the BPRD: 1956, Immortal Hulk - Volume 4: Abomination, Infinite Dark - Volume 2, Outcast - Volume 7, Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider - Volume 2: Impossible Year, Superb - Volume 4: The Kids aren’t Alright, War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas, X-Force - Volume 2: Counterfeit King
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d. emerson eddy is currently suffering the effects of a very gassy pug.
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rabbittstewcomics · 5 years
Episode 215
Flash Giant, Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium 2, Absolute Carnage: Immortal Hulk, Bizarre Adventures, Contagion, Ghost Rider, Marvel Comics 1001, Spider-Verse, Ruby Falls, Avatar OGNs, Black Terror, Return to Vader's Castle, Copra, Dead Eyes, Nomen Omen, Catalyst Prime: 7 Days, D-Ward, Gutter Magic, Strange Skies Over East Berlin, Vampire State Building, Over the Garden Wall
Additional Reviews: Thanos by Cates, The Outsider, The Joker
News: NYCC, new Archie line of GNs, Bitter Root TV series, return of The End line, Star mini from Kelly Thompson, Ravencroft things, Todd Philips, Black Label Harley, James Wan and Gideon Falls, Bizarro TV anthology, Stranger Things, new Hill House book by Immonen, new Marvel creative teams, return of Nailbiter and other Image series, DC timeline, new Star Wars title, new Layman book from IDW, Amy Reeder on Amethyst, Hidden Society from Dark Horse, Earth X prequel, Arno Stark, Alienated by Spurrier/Wildgoose, Zatanna OGN, 5G rumors, Luthor movie?
Comics Review Details:
Absolute Carnage: Immortal Hulk by Al Ewing, Filipe Andrade, Chris O'Halloran
Bizarre Adventures by Jim Mackey, Chris Mooneyham, Lauren Affe, Sebastian Girner, Francesco Manna, Andy Troy, Becky Cloonan, Michael Conrad, Lee Loughridge, Jon Adams, Aaron Conley, John Rauch
Contagion 1 by Ed Brisson, Roge Antonio, Vero Gandini
Ghost Rider 1 by Ed Brisson, Jason Keith, Aaron Kuder, Juan Frigeri
Spider-Verse 1 by Jed MacKay, Art Adams, Juan Frigeri, Stacey Lee, James Harren, Dike Ruan, Sheldon Vella, Federico Blee, Carlos Lopez, Dave Stewart
Ruby Falls 1 by Ann Nocenti, Lee Loughridge, Flavia Biondi
Avatar the Last Airbender: Team Avatar Tales by Gene Luen Yang, Dave Scheidt, Sara Goetter, Ron Koertge, Kiku Hughes, Faith Erin Hicks, Ryan Hill, Carla Speed McNeil, Johane Matte, Sara Duvall, Cris Peter, Jenn Manley Lee, Lark Pien, Natalie Riess, et al
Black Terror 1 by Max Bemis, Matt Gaudio, Brittany Pezzillo
Nomen Omen 1 by Marco Bucci, Jacopo Camagni, Claudio Lucania, Fabio Mancini
Catalyst Prime: 7 Days 1 by Gail Simone, Jose Luis
D-Ward 1 by Billy Parker, Alex Smith
Gutter Magic 1 by Rich Douek, Brett Barkley, Jules Rivera
Strange Skies Over East Berlin 1 by Jeff Loveness, Lisandro Estherren, Patricio Delpeche
Vampire State Building 1 by Anne and Gerard Guero, Patrick Renault, Charlie Adlard, Sebastien Gerard
Comics Countdown, 02 Oct 2019:
Immortal Hulk 24 by Al Ewing, Joe Bennett, Belardino brabo, Ruy Jose, Paul Mounts
House of X 6 by Jonathon Hickman, Pepe Larraz, David Curiel, Marte Gracia
Harley Quinn 66 by Sam Humphries, Sami Basri, Hi-Fi Colour Design
Die 8 by Kieron Gillen, Stephanie Hans
Lois Lane 4 by Greg Rucka, Mike Perkins, Paul Mounts
Daredevil 12 by Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto, Nolan Woodard
Runaways 25 by Rainbow Rowell, Andres Genolet, Federico Blee, Matt Wilson
Berserker Unbound 3 by Jeff Lemire, Mike Deodato Jr., Frank Martin Jr.
Birthright 40 by Joshua Williamson, Andrei Bressan
DCeased 5 by Tom Taylor, Trevor Hairsine, Stefano Gaudiano, Rain Beredo
Check out this episode!
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fooltofancy · 2 years
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they have nothing whatsoever to do with one another apart from lurking in my head constantly, so whatever.
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fooltofancy · 3 years
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i have nothing to say for myself.
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fooltofancy · 4 years
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some kinda mood
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fooltofancy · 3 years
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should i hoard all of my bullshit sketches to post at once? yeah. am i gonna do that? clearly not.
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fooltofancy · 3 years
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fooltofancy · 3 years
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quick lil studies, and a martin cause i have no self-control.
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fooltofancy · 3 years
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thinkin about the boy again, might actually buckle down and sort his armor. sketchin through THAT process.
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fooltofancy · 3 years
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no brain, only whatever the fuck this is.
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