saint-nevermore · 3 years
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the news of the Direwolf not being a wolf and being it's own weird canid came as GREAT news for me, someone with a silly fantasy project I want Direwolves in. similar to the Warg, which is essentially a bigger cave hyena, it has evolved to prey on the beasts which dominate it's ecosystems, and is thus larger and more robust than real-world Direwolves. their range frequently overlap with Wargs as well as Hatchetcats, each having slightly different preferences for prey, Direwolves being the most likely to target mammalian beasts and the young of medium-bodied drakoniforms like griffons. They are more commonly known as Maskhunds or Masked Wolves, with those closer to the north being the ones more commonly called Direwolves, as their longer fur and duller colours make them more closely resemble the smaller Common Wolf it shares some northern territory with. Much farther north, Common Wolf are more and more common, their smaller bodies and more social behaviour being better suited to harsher winters.
(this is a fantasy design and is not 100% accurate to the real animal!)
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